using System;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;

namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
    interface ISequenceState : IDisposable
        TimelineAsset asset { get; }
        PlayableDirector director { get; }
        TimelineClip hostClip { get; }
        double start { get; }
        double timeScale { get; }
        double duration { get; }
        bool isReadOnly { get; }
        TimelineAssetViewModel viewModel { get; }
        double time { get; set; }
        int frame { get; set; }
        float frameRate { get; set; }

        Range GetEvaluableRange();
        string TimeAsString(double timeValue, string format = "F2");
        double ToGlobalTime(double t);
        double ToLocalTime(double t);
        void ResetIsReadOnly();

     * This class is used to hold default values for an implementation of ISequenceState.
     * It could be removed in a phase 2, but it is currently used to limit the scope of
     * this refactoring: it allows client code to access sequence info without having to
     * worry about `currentSequence` being null.
     * In the future this should be removed and we should pass around the correct data
     * structure (i.e. SequenceState OR WindowState) based on the situation.
    class NullSequenceState : ISequenceState
        public TimelineAsset asset { get { return null; } }
        public PlayableDirector director { get { return null; } }
        public TimelineClip hostClip { get { return null; } }
        public double start { get { return 0.0; } }
        public double timeScale { get { return 1.0; } }
        public double duration { get { return 0.0; } }
        public bool isReadOnly { get { return false; } }

        TimelineAssetViewModel m_ViewModel;

        public TimelineAssetViewModel viewModel
                if (m_ViewModel == null)
                    m_ViewModel = TimelineWindowViewPrefs.CreateUnassociatedViewModel();
                return m_ViewModel;

        public double time
            get { return 0.0; }
            set { /* NO-OP*/ }

        public int frame
            get { return 0; }
            set { /* NO-OP*/ }

        public float frameRate
            get { return TimelineAsset.EditorSettings.kDefaultFps; }
            set { /* NO-OP*/ }

        public Range GetEvaluableRange()
            return new Range();

        public string TimeAsString(double timeValue, string format = "F2")
            return TimeUtility.TimeAsTimeCode(timeValue, frameRate, format);

        public double ToGlobalTime(double t)
            return t;

        public double ToLocalTime(double t)
            return t;

        public void ResetIsReadOnly()
            // NO-OP

        public void Dispose()
            // NO-OP