using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Timeline; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { partial class TimelineWindow { [SerializeField] SequencePath m_SequencePath; private Object lastSelectedGO { get; set; } void OnSelectionChange() { //Sanitize the inline curve selection SelectionManager.GetCurrentInlineEditorCurve()?.ValidateCurvesSelection(); RefreshSelection(false); } void RefreshSelection(bool forceRebuild) { // if we're in Locked mode, keep current selection - don't use locked property because the // sequence hierarchy may need to be rebuilt and it assumes no asset == unlocked if (m_LockTracker.isLocked || (state != null && state.recording)) { RestoreLastSelection(forceRebuild); return; } // selection is a TimelineAsset Object selectedObject = Selection.activeObject as TimelineAsset; if (selectedObject != null) { SetCurrentSelection(Selection.activeObject); return; } // selection is a GameObject, or a prefab with a director var selectedGO = Selection.activeGameObject; if (selectedGO != null) { bool isSceneObject = !PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(selectedGO); bool hasDirector = selectedGO.GetComponent<PlayableDirector>() != null; if (isSceneObject || hasDirector) { SetCurrentSelection(selectedGO); return; } } // otherwise, keep the same selection. RestoreLastSelection(forceRebuild); } void RestoreLastSelection(bool forceRebuild) { state.SetCurrentSequencePath(m_SequencePath, forceRebuild); //case 1201405 and 1278598: unlock the window if there is no valid asset, since the lock button is disabled if (m_LockTracker.isLocked && state.editSequence.asset == null) m_LockTracker.isLocked = false; } void SetCurrentSelection(Object obj) { var selectedGameObject = obj as GameObject; if (selectedGameObject != null) { PlayableDirector director = TimelineUtility.GetDirectorComponentForGameObject(selectedGameObject); SetCurrentTimeline(director); lastSelectedGO = selectedGameObject; } else { var selectedSequenceAsset = obj as TimelineAsset; if (selectedSequenceAsset != null) { SetCurrentTimeline(selectedSequenceAsset); lastSelectedGO = selectedGameObject; } } Repaint(); } } }