using FluentAssertions; using OpenCvSharp; using Squirrowse.Core.Services; using Xunit; namespace Squirrowse.Core.Tests { public class ImgExtensionTests { private readonly Mat sampleMat = new Mat(500, 600, MatType.CV_8UC3); [SkippableFact] public void ByteShouldBeConvertedToMat() { // Skip.If(true, "Cannot use fluent assertion in this kind of test (compare pointer to obj)"); // var bytes = sampleMat.ConvertToJpgByte(); var reMet = bytes.ConvertByteToMat(); reMet.Should().BeEquivalentTo(sampleMat); } [Fact] public void MatShouldBeConvertedToByteArr() { var newByteArr = sampleMat.ConvertToJpgByte(); newByteArr.Should().BeOfType(typeof(byte[])); newByteArr.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); } } }