78 lines
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78 lines
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using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
class SmartTractor
private AI ai = new AI();
private Farm farm = new Farm();
private Astar astar = new Astar();
private Vector2 housePos, tractorPos, Size, Target;
private int Score, Rotation, tileSize = 56, Spacing = 1;
//What to do next
public Path returnChoice()
ai.update(farm, Size, tractorPos / (tileSize + Spacing), housePos / (tileSize + Spacing), Target / (tileSize + Spacing), Rotation);
farm = ai.changeCropStatus();
astar.update(farm.getCrops(), Size, tractorPos / (tileSize + Spacing), housePos / (tileSize + Spacing), Target/(tileSize+Spacing), Rotation);
return astar.FindPath();
//Updates the variables every frame
public void updateMap(Vector2 newTractorPos, Vector2 newHousePos, Vector2 newSize, int newTileSize, int newSpacing, int rotation)
housePos = newHousePos;
tractorPos = newTractorPos;
Size = newSize;
tileSize = newTileSize;
Spacing = newSpacing;
Rotation = rotation;
public void init()
farm.init(new Vector2(100, (GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height / tileSize) - 125 / tileSize), housePos / (tileSize + Spacing));
public void drawInventory(Input input, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont Bold, Cargo itemStorageDefined)
ai.drawInventory(input, spriteBatch, Bold, itemStorageDefined);
private void getTargetPosition(Vector2 newTarget)
Target = newTarget * (tileSize + Spacing);
public Farm getFarm()
return farm;
public void setNewHousePos(Vector2 pos, bool newState)
farm.setNewHousePos(pos, newState);
public void UpdateCrops(int Speed)
for (int i = 0; i < Speed; i++)