95 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
95 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
from collections import defaultdict
import math
import pickle
import re
import sys
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
def calc_class_logprob(expected_path):
paranormal_classcount = 0
sceptic_classcount = 0
with open(expected_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip('\n').replace(' ','')
if 'P' in line:
paranormal_classcount +=1
elif 'S' in line:
sceptic_classcount +=1
paranol_prob = paranormal_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
sceptic_prob = sceptic_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
return math.log(paranol_prob), math.log(sceptic_prob)
def clear_post(post):
post = post.replace('\\n', ' ')
post = post.lower()
# delete links
post = re.sub(r'(\(|)(http|https|www)[a-zA-Z0-9\.\:\/\_\=\&\;\?\+\-\%]+(\)|)', ' internetlink ', post)
post = re.sub(r'[\.\,\/\~]+', ' ', post)
post = re.sub(r'(<|>|\@[a-zA-Z0-9]+)','',post)
post = re.sub(r'[\'\(\)\?\*\"\`\;0-9\[\]\:\%\|\–\”\!\=\^]+', '', post)
post = re.sub(r'( \- |\-\-+)', ' ', post)
post = re.sub(r' +', ' ', post)
post = post.rstrip(' ')
post = post.split(' ')
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
post_no_stop = [w for w in post if not w in stop_words]
return post_no_stop
def calc_bigram_count(in_path, expected_path):
bigram_counts = {'paranormal' : defaultdict(int), 'sceptic' : defaultdict(int)}
with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expected_file:
num_of_bigams = 0
for line, exp in zip(infile, expected_file):
class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '')
text, timestap = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
tokens = clear_post(text)
#tokens = text.lower().split(' ')
for index in range(len(tokens)-1):
# if there is next token we append current and next
bigram = tokens[index] + " " + tokens[index + 1]
#print (f"bigram constructed from ;;;;{tokens[index]}:{tokens[index+1]};;;;;;;")
if class_ == 'P':
bigram_counts['paranormal'][bigram] +=1
elif class_ == 'S':
bigram_counts['sceptic'][bigram] +=1
num_of_bigams +=1
#print(f"num of every added bigams with repetitions {num_of_bigams})")
#print(f"num of bigams in paranormal {len(bigram_counts['paranormal'])} and sceptic {len(bigram_counts['sceptic'])}")
return bigram_counts
def calc_bigram_logprobs(bigram_counts):
total_sceptic = sum(bigram_counts['sceptic'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal = sum(bigram_counts['paranormal'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['paranormal'].keys())
bigram_logprobs = {'paranormal' : {}, 'sceptic' : {}}
for class_ in bigram_counts.keys():
for bigram, value in bigram_counts[class_].items():
if class_ == "sceptic":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_sceptic
elif class_ == "paranormal":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_paranormal
bigram_logprobs[class_][bigram] = math.log(bigram_prob)
return bigram_logprobs
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("syntax is ./train.py expected.tsv in.tsv model.pkl")
expected_file = str(sys.argv[1])
in_file = str(sys.argv[2])
model = str(sys.argv[3])
paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob = calc_class_logprob(expected_file)
bigrams_count = calc_bigram_count(in_file, expected_file)
bigram_logprobs = calc_bigram_logprobs(bigrams_count)
with open(model, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob, bigram_logprobs],f)