2020-03-29 13:39:47 +02:00

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In which case, tell them I'm in work, or dead, or down the shops. They can come back in when they've got Professor Brian Cox with them. If only cause I want to meet him and steal his hair. 1328302967
Put me down as another for Mysterious Universe. Those dudes are brilliant. 1347836881
The military of any country would never admit that UFO's have taken down our most powerful weapons. 1331905826
An example would have been more productive than a downvote, I think. 1315584834
sorry, but the authors of this article admit that the study is limited and flawed. Also, upon peer review, the study is found to be fallacious. It says this towards the end of the article, a point to which the majority of people usually fail to read. \n\nalso, 463 people is NOT, in any way, compelling evidence for a causal relationship. 1347389166
"Are you afraid of science in general, or just the kind you read about on the internet?" 1303864529
Well, I know it can decrease intraocular pressure, but as for *cancer...*\n\nThe only data I'm aware of relating marijuana to cancer is that it's an antiemetic and an appetite increasing drug. Which, while very good for patient health, are not directly related to the cancer itself, as much as a treatment of the adverse reactions of chemotherapy/radiation treatment (unless if the cancer is in the GI system, or is making weird hormones...).\n\nIf you have any information indicating that marijuana helps in cancer/HIV treatment *other* than as an antiemetic/appetite increasing medication, could you please provide it? I mean, I'm all for it's responsible use, but I don't want to go around spreading misinformation, especially if I'm going to one day be in the medical field. 1318558797
That could be anything. Why even bother... 1285029343
what was the joke? he deleted it 1337651956
Its the landing and taking off that/'s hard, and those things will do do that for you as well. The pilots, for the most part, are there in case shit happens.\n\nBTW stalling a Cessna is fun as hell. 1336941346