SES-144 Add seed methods for monster seeding

This commit is contained in:
Karol Górzyński 2021-01-13 21:14:13 +01:00
parent 100d8a6806
commit 151d63fc24
2 changed files with 323 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -35,9 +35,20 @@ namespace SessionCompanion.Database
public virtual DbSet<CharacterWeapon> CharacterWeapons { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<OtherEquipment> OtherEquipment { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<CharacterOtherEquipment> CharacterOtherEquipment { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Monster> Monsters { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<MonsterAction> MonsterActions { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<MonsterLegendaryAction> MonsterLegendaryActions { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<MonsterSpecialAbility> MonsterSpecialAbilities { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<GameAction> GameActions { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<LegendaryAction> LegendaryActions { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<SpecialAbility> SpecialAbilities { get; set; }
public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options) : base(options) { }
public List<SpecialAbility> SpecialAbilitiesList { get; set; }
public List<LegendaryAction> LegendaryActionsList { get; set; }
public List<GameAction> GameActionsList { get; set; }
protected IEnumerable<Weapon> SeedWeapon()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/weapons.json";
@ -98,6 +109,178 @@ namespace SessionCompanion.Database
return spells;
protected IEnumerable<SpecialAbility> SeedSpecialAbilities()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<SpecialAbility> specAbilities = new List<SpecialAbility>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jabilites = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jabilites)
if (item.special_abilities != null)
foreach (dynamic sp in item.special_abilities)
if (specAbilities.Find(x => x.Name == (string) is null)
specAbilities.Add(SeedFromJsons.SingleSpecialAbilitySeeder(sp, id));
SpecialAbilitiesList = specAbilities;
return specAbilities;
protected IEnumerable<GameAction> SeedActions()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<GameAction> gameActions = new List<GameAction>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jactions = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jactions)
if (item.actions != null)
foreach (dynamic a in item.actions)
if (gameActions.Find(x => x.Name == (string) is null)
gameActions.Add(SeedFromJsons.SingleActionSeeder(a, id));
GameActionsList = gameActions;
return gameActions;
protected IEnumerable<LegendaryAction> SeedLegendaryActions()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<LegendaryAction> legendaryActions = new List<LegendaryAction>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jlegendaryactions = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jlegendaryactions)
if (item.legendary_actions != null)
foreach (dynamic la in item.legendary_actions)
if (legendaryActions.Find(x => x.Name == (string) is null)
legendaryActions.Add(SeedFromJsons.SingleLegendaryActionSeeder(la, id));
LegendaryActionsList = legendaryActions;
return legendaryActions;
protected IEnumerable<Monster> SeedMonster()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<Monster> monsters = new List<Monster>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jmonsters = JArray.Parse(json);
foreach (dynamic item in jmonsters)
return monsters;
protected IEnumerable<MonsterSpecialAbility> SeedMonsterSpecialAbilities()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<MonsterSpecialAbility> monsterSpecialAbilities = new List<MonsterSpecialAbility>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jabilities = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jabilities)
if (item.special_abilities != null)
foreach (dynamic a in item.special_abilities)
var abilityId = SpecialAbilitiesList.Find(x => x.Name == (string);
monsterSpecialAbilities.Add(new MonsterSpecialAbility { Id = id, MonsterId = (int)item.index, SpecialAbilityId = abilityId });
return monsterSpecialAbilities;
protected IEnumerable<MonsterAction> SeedMonsterActions()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<MonsterAction> monsterActions = new List<MonsterAction>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jactions = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jactions)
if (item.actions != null)
foreach (dynamic a in item.actions)
var abilityId = GameActionsList.Find(x => x.Name == (string);
monsterActions.Add(new MonsterAction { Id = id, MonsterId = (int)item.index, GameActionId = abilityId });
return monsterActions;
protected IEnumerable<MonsterLegendaryAction> SeedMonsterLegendaryActions()
const string file = "../SessionCompanion.Database/JsonData/monsters.json";
List<MonsterLegendaryAction> monsterLegendaryActions = new List<MonsterLegendaryAction>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic jactions = JArray.Parse(json);
int id = 1;
foreach (dynamic item in jactions)
if (item.legendary_actions != null)
foreach (dynamic a in item.legendary_actions)
var actionId = LegendaryActionsList.Find(x => x.Name == (string);
monsterLegendaryActions.Add(new MonsterLegendaryAction { Id = id, MonsterId = (int)item.index, LegendaryActionId = actionId });
return monsterLegendaryActions;
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
@ -124,6 +307,13 @@ namespace SessionCompanion.Database

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@ -320,5 +320,138 @@ namespace SessionCompanion.Database
return spell;
static public SpecialAbility SingleSpecialAbilitySeeder(dynamic item, int id)
SpecialAbility monsterSpecialAbility = new SpecialAbility();
monsterSpecialAbility.Id = id;
monsterSpecialAbility.Name =;
if (item.damage_dice != null)
var dice = SplitDice((string)item.damage_dice);
monsterSpecialAbility.DamageDiceAmount = dice.Item1;
monsterSpecialAbility.DamageDice = dice.Item2;
monsterSpecialAbility.Description = item.desc;
return monsterSpecialAbility;
static public GameAction SingleActionSeeder(dynamic item, int id)
GameAction monsterAction = new GameAction();
monsterAction.Id = id;
monsterAction.Name =;
monsterAction.AttackBonus = item.attack_bonus;
monsterAction.DamageBonus = item.damage_bonus;
if (item.damage_dice != null)
var dice = SplitDice((string)item.damage_dice);
monsterAction.DamageDiceAmount = dice.Item1;
monsterAction.DamageDice = dice.Item2;
monsterAction.Description = item.desc;
return monsterAction;
static public LegendaryAction SingleLegendaryActionSeeder(dynamic item, int id)
LegendaryAction monsterLegendaryAction = new LegendaryAction();
monsterLegendaryAction.Id = id;
monsterLegendaryAction.Name =;
monsterLegendaryAction.Description = item.desc;
return monsterLegendaryAction;
static public Monster SingleMonsterSeeder(dynamic item)
Monster monster = new Monster();
monster.Id = item.index;
monster.Name =;
monster.Size = item.size;
monster.Type = item.type;
monster.Subtype = item.subtype;
monster.Alignment = item.alignment;
monster.ArmorClass = item.armor_class;
monster.HitPoints = item.hit_points;
var dice = SplitDice((string)item.hit_dice);
monster.HitDiceAmount = dice.Item1;
monster.HitDiceType = dice.Item2;
monster.WalkSpeed = item.speed.walk;
monster.FlySpeed =;
monster.SwimSpeed = item.speed.swim;
monster.Strength = item.strength;
monster.StrengthSave = item.strength_save;
monster.Dexterity = item.dexterity;
monster.DexteritySave = item.dexterity_save;
monster.Constitution = item.constitution;
monster.ConstitutionSave = item.constitution_save;
monster.Wisdom = item.wisdom;
monster.WisdomSave = item.wisdom_save;
monster.Charisma = item.charisma;
monster.CharismaSave = item.charsisma_save;
monster.Intelligence = item.intelligence;
monster.IntelligenceSave = item.intelligence_save;
foreach (dynamic dv in item.damage_vulnerabilities)
monster.MonsterDamageVulnerabilities += dv + ";";
if (monster.MonsterDamageVulnerabilities != null)
monster.MonsterDamageVulnerabilities = monster.MonsterDamageVulnerabilities.Remove(monster.MonsterDamageVulnerabilities.Length - 1);
foreach (dynamic dr in item.damage_resistances)
monster.MonsterDamageResistances += dr + ";";
if (monster.MonsterDamageResistances != null)
monster.MonsterDamageResistances = monster.MonsterDamageResistances.Remove(monster.MonsterDamageResistances.Length - 1);
foreach (dynamic di in item.damage_immunities)
monster.MonsterDamageImmunities += di + ";";
if (monster.MonsterDamageImmunities != null)
monster.MonsterDamageImmunities = monster.MonsterDamageImmunities.Remove(monster.MonsterDamageImmunities.Length - 1);
foreach (dynamic ci in item.condition_immunities)
monster.MonsterConditionImmunities += ci + ";";
if (monster.MonsterConditionImmunities != null)
monster.MonsterConditionImmunities = monster.MonsterConditionImmunities.Remove(monster.MonsterConditionImmunities.Length - 1);
monster.MonsterSenses = item.senses;
monster.MonsterLanguages = item.languages;
monster.ChallengeRating = item.challenge_rating;
return monster;
static public Tuple<int, int> SplitDice(string dice)
int stop = dice.IndexOf('d');
var amount = int.Parse(dice.Substring(0, stop));
var value = int.Parse(dice.Substring(stop, dice.Length - stop));
return new Tuple<int, int>(amount, value);