using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using SessionCompanion.Database.Tables; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SessionCompanion.Database { public class SeedData { static public List SeedUsers() { List users = new List { new User { Id = 1, Username = "Morwiec", Password = "123" }, new User { Id = 2, Username = "Cichoklepiec", Password = "123" }, new User { Id = 3, Username = "Ruletka", Password = "123" } }; return users; } static public List SeedCharacter() { List characters = new List { new Character { Id = 1, UserId = 1, }, new Character { Id = 2, UserId = 2, }, new Character { Id = 3, UserId = 3, } }; return characters; } static public List SeedClass() { List classes = new List { new Class { Id = 1, Name = "Fighter" }, new Class { Id = 2, Name = "Paladin" }, new Class { Id = 3, Name = "Cleric" } }; return classes; } static public List SeedRace() { List races = new List { new Race { Id = 1, Name = "Human" }, new Race { Id = 2, Name = "Dwarf" }, new Race { Id = 3, Name = "Elf" } }; return races; } static public List SeedAlignment() { List alignments = new List { new Alignment { Id = 1, }, new Alignment { Id = 2, }, new Alignment { Id = 3, } }; return alignments; } static public List SeedBackground() { List backgrounds = new List { new Background { Id = 1, }, new Background { Id = 2, }, new Background { Id = 3, } }; return backgrounds; } static public List SeedBiography() { List bios = new List { new Biography { Id = 1, Sex = "Male", CharacterId = 1, ClassId = 1, AlignmentId = 1, BackgroundId = 1, RaceId = 1, Name = "Bob" }, new Biography { Id = 2, Sex = "Female", CharacterId = 2, ClassId = 2, AlignmentId = 2, BackgroundId = 2, RaceId = 2, Name = "Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." }, new Biography { Id = 3, Sex = "Both", CharacterId = 3, ClassId = 3, AlignmentId = 3, BackgroundId = 3, RaceId = 3, Name = "Gandalf the White" } }; return bios; } static public List SeedStatistics() { List characters = new List { new Statistics { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, ArmorClass = 9, ExperiencePoints = 2, Level = 1, Speed = 5, Initiative = 12, HealthPoints = 20, CurrentHealthPoints = 18, Proficiency = 1 }, new Statistics { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, ArmorClass = 12, ExperiencePoints = 0, Level = 1, Speed = 10, Initiative = 7, HealthPoints = 26, CurrentHealthPoints = 26, Proficiency = 1 }, new Statistics { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, ArmorClass = 2, ExperiencePoints = 24, Level = 1, Speed = 15, Initiative = 18, HealthPoints = 7, CurrentHealthPoints = 7, Proficiency = 2 } }; return characters; } static public List SeedCharacterWeapon() { List characterWeapons = new List { new CharacterWeapon { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, WeaponId = 1, InUse = false, HoldInLeftHand = false, HoldInRightHand = false }, new CharacterWeapon { Id = 2, CharacterId = 1, WeaponId = 4, InUse = true, HoldInLeftHand = true, HoldInRightHand = false }, new CharacterWeapon { Id = 3, CharacterId = 2, WeaponId = 2, InUse = true, HoldInLeftHand = false, HoldInRightHand = true }, new CharacterWeapon { Id = 4, CharacterId = 2, WeaponId = 8, InUse = false, HoldInLeftHand = false, HoldInRightHand = false }, new CharacterWeapon { Id = 5, CharacterId = 3, WeaponId = 9, InUse = false, HoldInLeftHand = false, HoldInRightHand = false }, new CharacterWeapon { Id = 7, CharacterId = 3, WeaponId = 7, InUse = true, HoldInLeftHand = false, HoldInRightHand = true } }; return characterWeapons; } static public List SeedCharacterArmor() { List characterArmors = new List { new CharacterArmor { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, ArmorId = 1, InUse = true, }, new CharacterArmor { Id = 2, CharacterId = 1, ArmorId = 3, InUse = false, }, new CharacterArmor { Id = 3, CharacterId = 2, ArmorId = 2, InUse = true, }, new CharacterArmor { Id = 4, CharacterId = 2, ArmorId = 5, InUse = false, }, new CharacterArmor { Id = 5, CharacterId = 3, ArmorId = 6, InUse = true, }, new CharacterArmor { Id = 6, CharacterId = 3, ArmorId = 2, InUse = false, } }; return characterArmors; } static public List SeedCharacterOtherEquipment() { List characterOtherEquipment = new List { new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, OtherEquipmentId = 1 }, new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 2, CharacterId = 1, OtherEquipmentId = 3 }, new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 3, CharacterId = 2, OtherEquipmentId = 2 }, new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 4, CharacterId = 2, OtherEquipmentId = 5 }, new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 5, CharacterId = 3, OtherEquipmentId = 6 }, new CharacterOtherEquipment { Id = 6, CharacterId = 3, OtherEquipmentId = 2 } }; return characterOtherEquipment; } static public List SeedStrength() { List strengths = new List { new Strength { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 10, Modification = 1, SavingThrows = 0, CanSaveThrows = false, Athletics = 2, CanAthletics = true }, new Strength { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 11, Modification = 3, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true, Athletics = 2, CanAthletics = true }, new Strength { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 5, Modification = 0, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true, Athletics = 1, CanAthletics = true } }; return strengths; } static public List SeedCharisma() { List charismas = new List { new Charisma { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 10, Modification = 3, SavingThrows = 0, CanSaveThrows = false, Deception = 0, CanDeception = false, Intimidation = 1, CanIntimidation = true, Performance = 2, CanPerformance = true, Persuasion = 0, CanPersuasion = false }, new Charisma { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 11, Modification = 5, SavingThrows = 3, CanSaveThrows = true, Deception = 1, CanDeception = true, Intimidation = 1, CanIntimidation = true, Performance = 2, CanPerformance = true, Persuasion = 0, CanPersuasion = false }, new Charisma { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 5, Modification = -2, SavingThrows = 0, CanSaveThrows = false, Deception = 0, CanDeception = false, Intimidation = 4, CanIntimidation = false, Performance = 2, CanPerformance = true, Persuasion = 1, CanPersuasion = true } }; return charismas; } static public List SeedConstitution() { List constitutions = new List { new Constitution { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 11, Modification = 4, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true }, new Constitution { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 9, Modification = 4, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true }, new Constitution { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 12, Modification = 1, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true } }; return constitutions; } static public List SeedDexterity() { List dexterities = new List { new Dexterity { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 10, Modification = 1, SavingThrows = 4, CanSaveThrows = true, Acrobatics = 3, CanAcrobatics = true, SleightOfHand = 1, CanSleightOfHand = true, Stealth = 2, CanStealth = true }, new Dexterity { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 11, Modification = 2, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true, Acrobatics = 1, CanAcrobatics = true, SleightOfHand = 2, CanSleightOfHand = true, Stealth = 2, CanStealth = true }, new Dexterity { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 5, Modification = 0, SavingThrows = 2, CanSaveThrows = true, Acrobatics = 0, CanAcrobatics = false, SleightOfHand = 1, CanSleightOfHand = true, Stealth = 2, CanStealth = true } }; return dexterities; } static public List SeedIntelligence() { List intelligences = new List { new Intelligence { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 6, Modification = -2, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, Arcana = 1, CanArcana = true, History = 4, CanHistory = true, Investigation = 0, CanInvestigation = false, Nature = 1, CanNature = true, Religion = 3, CanReligion = true }, new Intelligence { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 10, Modification = 0, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, Arcana = 1, CanArcana = true, History = 1, CanHistory = true, Investigation = 0, CanInvestigation = false, Nature = 0, CanNature = false, Religion = 3, CanReligion = true }, new Intelligence { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 10, Modification = 2, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, Arcana = 2, CanArcana = true, History = 0, CanHistory = false, Investigation = 0, CanInvestigation = false, Nature = 2, CanNature = true, Religion = 2, CanReligion = true } }; return intelligences; } static public List SeedWisdom() { List wisdoms = new List { new Wisdom { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, Value = 11, Modification = 3, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, AnimalHandling = 2, CanAnimalHandling = true, Insight = 1, CanInsight = true, Medicine = 0, CanMedicine = false, Perception = 5, CanPerception = true, Survival = 2, CanSurvival = true }, new Wisdom { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, Value = 9, Modification = 2, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, AnimalHandling = 2, CanAnimalHandling = true, Insight = 2, CanInsight = true, Medicine = 0, CanMedicine = false, Perception = 2, CanPerception = true, Survival = 6, CanSurvival = true }, new Wisdom { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, Value = 6, Modification = -3, SavingThrows = 1, CanSaveThrows = true, AnimalHandling = 0, CanAnimalHandling = false, Insight = 1, CanInsight = true, Medicine = 2, CanMedicine = true, Perception = 5, CanPerception = true, Survival = 2, CanSurvival = true } }; return wisdoms; } static public List SeedCharacterSpell() { List characterSpells = new List { new CharacterSpell { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, SpellId = 2 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 2, CharacterId = 1, SpellId = 55 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 3, CharacterId = 1, SpellId = 17 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 4, CharacterId = 1, SpellId = 78 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 5, CharacterId = 2, SpellId = 43 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 6, CharacterId = 2, SpellId = 154 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 7, CharacterId = 2, SpellId = 123 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 8, CharacterId = 2, SpellId = 67 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 9, CharacterId = 3, SpellId = 90 }, new CharacterSpell { Id = 10, CharacterId = 2, SpellId = 44 }, }; return characterSpells; } static public List SeedCharacterSpellSlot() { List characterSpellSlots = new List { new CharacterSpellSlots { Id = 1, CharacterId = 1, FirstLevelSlots = 4, FirstLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SecondLevelSlots = 5, SecondLevelSlotsUsed = 4, ThirdLevelSlots = 2, ThirdLevelSlotsUsed = 1, FourthLevelSlots = 3, FourthLevelSlotsUsed = 1, FifthLevelSlots = 1, FifthLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SixthLevelSlots = 0, SixthLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SeventhLevelSlots = 0, SeventhLevelSlotsUsed = 0, EightLevelSlots = 0, EightLevelSlotsUsed = 0, NinthLevelSlots = 0, NinthLevelSlotsUsed = 0 }, new CharacterSpellSlots { Id = 2, CharacterId = 2, FirstLevelSlots = 6, FirstLevelSlotsUsed = 2, SecondLevelSlots = 3, SecondLevelSlotsUsed = 2, ThirdLevelSlots = 3, ThirdLevelSlotsUsed = 1, FourthLevelSlots = 2, FourthLevelSlotsUsed = 2, FifthLevelSlots = 1, FifthLevelSlotsUsed = 1, SixthLevelSlots = 0, SixthLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SeventhLevelSlots = 0, SeventhLevelSlotsUsed = 0, EightLevelSlots = 0, EightLevelSlotsUsed = 0, NinthLevelSlots = 0, NinthLevelSlotsUsed = 0 }, new CharacterSpellSlots { Id = 3, CharacterId = 3, FirstLevelSlots = 2, FirstLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SecondLevelSlots = 3, SecondLevelSlotsUsed = 2, ThirdLevelSlots = 2, ThirdLevelSlotsUsed = 0, FourthLevelSlots = 1, FourthLevelSlotsUsed = 1, FifthLevelSlots = 1, FifthLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SixthLevelSlots = 0, SixthLevelSlotsUsed = 0, SeventhLevelSlots = 0, SeventhLevelSlotsUsed = 0, EightLevelSlots = 0, EightLevelSlotsUsed = 0, NinthLevelSlots = 0, NinthLevelSlotsUsed = 0 } }; return characterSpellSlots; } } }