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bos@@ ni@@ ans prote@@ st croati@@ an plans for nuclear waste fac@@ ility
hundreds of people r@@ all@@ ied f@@ ri@@ day in nor@@ th@@ west bos@@ nia against plans by neigh@@ bor@@ ing croatia to stor@@ e part of the waste from the region 's only nuclear plant ne@@ ar its border with bos@@ nia and a main ri@@ ver known for its natural be@@ au@@ ty .
the prote@@ sters in the bos@@ nian tow@@ n of no@@ v@@ i gra@@ d ur@@ ged croatia to aband@@ on plans for a storage site at a former ar@@ my bar@@ rac@@ ks in tr@@ go@@ v@@ ska gor@@ a and ple@@ d@@ ged to fight the project .
the fac@@ ility would hold waste from the kr@@ sko nuclear plant .
hol@@ ding ban@@ ners reading " i want a healthy future " and " stop - the u@@ na ( ri@@ ver ) needs us , " bos@@ ni@@ ans they said a nuclear waste fac@@ ility could end@@ an@@ ger the u@@ na ri@@ ver and the lives of around 2@@ 5@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 area resid@@ ents .
we have to say no !
mi@@ ros@@ la@@ v dr@@ l@@ j@@ ac@@ a , the head of no@@ v@@ i gra@@ d muni@@ cip@@ ality told the c@@ row@@ d .
we must fight to pre@@ serve our way of life and our u@@ na .
lo@@ cated in slove@@ nia , the 198@@ 0@@ s " kr@@ sko plant is ow@@ ned jo@@ in@@ tly by croatia .
officials from the two countries are set to meet next week to discuss additional waste storage facilities .
croatia 's state h@@ r@@ t tele@@ vision re@@ ported f@@ ri@@ day that croatia was yet to decide whether it would build storage of its own or pay to stor@@ e its share of waste at a new fac@@ ility slove@@ nia is building .
croati@@ an minister of environment protection and energy to@@ mis@@ la@@ v cor@@ i@@ c told the broad@@ ca@@ ster that croatia also has a problem dispos@@ ing of institutional waste from schools , ho@@ sp@@ it@@ als and pris@@ ons , and was h@@ op@@ ing to find an overall solution .
in bos@@ nia , acti@@ vi@@ sts , officials and resid@@ ents from all sides of the country 's ethnic divi@@ de insi@@ sted that croatia find another lo@@ cation in a part of the country ne@@ are@@ r to the nuclear .
" how come that out of entire croatia , the best is the tr@@ go@@ v@@ ska gor@@ a po@@ c@@ ke@@ t that is in bos@@ nia 's pan@@ ts ? " asked dr@@ l@@ j@@ ac@@ a .
we must not let them hu@@ mili@@ ate us !
the act on the state committee on pa@@ e@@ dop@@ hi@@ li@@ a came in force
the act provisions are in force since th@@ ur@@ s@@ day .
according to it , the committee tasks shall include e@@ .@@ g@@ . issu@@ ing decisions to enter in the se@@ x off@@ en@@ der regi@@ str@@ y , noti@@ fying relevant bodies of su@@ spe@@ cted child se@@ x criminal off@@ ence , but also of any cases when the competent body was not noti@@ fied of the su@@ spe@@ cted child se@@ x criminal off@@ ence .
the committee will also identi@@ fy neg@@ li@@ gence and o@@ mis@@ sions when expla@@ ining sexual abuse cases .
this re@@ fers to the neg@@ li@@ gence and o@@ mis@@ sions of the government authorities , ngos , enti@@ ties and institutions run@@ ning edu@@ cational , pe@@ d@@ ag@@ o@@ gi@@ cal , care , cultural activity as well as the one related to the physi@@ cal education , re@@ creation and treatment , as well as of the professional self-@@ gover@@ ning bodies , ch@@ ur@@ ches and religious associ@@ ations , including ch@@ ur@@ ch legal persons and individuals .
the committee tasks will also include prev@@ enti@@ ve and edu@@ cational activities .
the committee is to be a body independent from other government authority bodies .
it is to have seven members , including three ap@@ pointed by the se@@ j@@ m by the majority of three fi@@ f@@ ths in the presence of at least one half of the statu@@ tory number of m@@ ps , one ap@@ pointed by the sen@@ at by the majority of three fi@@ f@@ ths of votes in the presence of at least one half of the statu@@ tory number of sen@@ ators , and also one member ap@@ pointed by the president , one by the prime minister and one by the the ombudsman for children .
the committee members will have to have e@@ .@@ g@@ . uni@@ versity legal , medical or psy@@ cho@@ logical back@@ ground and " enjo@@ y good re@@ pu@@ te " .
the committee members cannot be e@@ .@@ g@@ . m@@ ps , sen@@ ators , members of the european parliament and people on manag@@ eri@@ al government positions .
the enti@@ ties which will be able to propose their candi@@ d@@ ates for committee members include : the su@@ pre@@ me b@@ ar council , national council of legal ad@@ vis@@ ers , national council of the judi@@ ci@@ ary , national council of pro@@ secu@@ tors , su@@ pre@@ me medical council , national council of psy@@ cho@@ logi@@ sts as well as ngos whose char@@ tered tasks com@@ pri@@ sed activities conne@@ cted with children 's rights , including the ones related to the protection and counter@@ acting abuse , including sexual one , for at least two years
the candidate members of the committees ap@@ pointed by the se@@ j@@ m can be proposed also by the se@@ j@@ m mar@@ shall or at least 35 m@@ ps .
the candidate members of the committees ap@@ pointed by the sen@@ ate can be proposed also by the sen@@ ate mar@@ shall or at least 7 sen@@ ators .
the committee chair@@ person shall be elected from among the committee members by the se@@ j@@ m by the ordinary majority of votes .
the committee term shall be seven years .
the representative of the polish ombudsman will be able to participate in the committee works , having an ad@@ visory capacity and wh@@ en@@ ever in@@ vi@@ ted by the chair@@ person .
according to the act , " anyone can report su@@ spe@@ cted sexual abuse or su@@ spe@@ cted failure to noti@@ fy the competent body of the committed sexual abuse to the committee " .
the reports can be made in writing , or@@ ally for the recor@@ d or using means of electronic communication .
if the court proceedings are initi@@ ated , the committee shall be entitled to review court fi@@ les and obtain information on the pen@@ ding proceedings .
the committee shall be also able to participate in the pen@@ ding proceedings as an au@@ xi@@ li@@ ary pro@@ secu@@ tor ( with the con@@ sent of the w@@ ron@@ ged person or her / his legal guar@@ di@@ an ) .
the committee is to develop and dis@@ close the first report within one year after the act has come in force .
american con@@ gre@@ ss agreed to se@@ ll 3@@ 2 f-@@ 35 je@@ ts to poland
within 15 days from the de@@ part@@ ment of state appro@@ ving the possible purcha@@ se of 3@@ 2 multi@@ -@@ task f-@@ 35 je@@ ts by poland , the u@@ .@@ s@@ . con@@ gre@@ ss did not raise any obje@@ ction to the trans@@ action , which means that the last condition was met before comm@@ en@@ cing sal@@ es negotiations .
the con@@ gre@@ ss ' decision , although not une@@ x@@ pe@@ cted , carr@@ ies large political signific@@ ance .
" once the de@@ part@@ ment of state and now the con@@ gre@@ ss approved the sal@@ es , i see no serious obstacles , " said jo@@ hn v@@ . ven@@ able , se@@ ni@@ or research fellow for the defence policy at the wa@@ sh@@ ing@@ t@@ on-@@ based conserv@@ ative her@@ it@@ age found@@ ation think tan@@ k .
the exper@@ t expla@@ ined that , pursu@@ ant to the arms export control act of 19@@ 7@@ 6 , the feder@@ al government , repres@@ ented by the de@@ part@@ ment of state , is obli@@ ged to inform the con@@ gre@@ ss of each planned sal@@ es of arms ab@@ road 15 days before conclu@@ ding a sal@@ es contr@@ act , if the value of such trans@@ action , in case of sel@@ ling arms to a nato member , exce@@ e@@ ds $ 50 million .
the value of the proposed purcha@@ se of 3@@ 2 f-@@ 35 je@@ ts by poland is estim@@ ated at $ 6@@ .@@ 5 billion . this amount will include costs of technical and logi@@ stic aid , au@@ xi@@ li@@ ary equipment and pi@@ lot training .
should the trans@@ action be fin@@ ali@@ zed , the main suppl@@ ier of the f-@@ 35 je@@ ts will be the american arms company lo@@ ck@@ he@@ ed mar@@ tin , with pr@@ at@@ t and wh@@ it@@ ne@@ y , manufacture@@ r of f-@@ 3@@ 5@@ a je@@ t eng@@ ines , as its sub@@ contrac@@ tor .
the offer to purcha@@ se 5@@ th generation american f-@@ 35 je@@ ts on behalf of poland was submitted by minister of defence mari@@ u@@ sz b@@ ła@@ sz@@ ak .
the polish offer was discussed in june of this year , during a meeting held at the wh@@ ite house between president and@@ rze@@ j du@@ da and president don@@ al@@ d tr@@ um@@ p .
if fin@@ ali@@ zed , the execu@@ tion of the contr@@ act will be super@@ vi@@ sed by representatives of the p@@ ent@@ ag@@ on as part of the foreign military sal@@ es ( f@@ ms ) program .
under the f@@ ms program , poland has already purcha@@ sed the pat@@ ri@@ o@@ t anti-@@ bal@@ li@@ stic mis@@ si@@ le system , among others .
the price of one f-@@ 35 je@@ t at the moment when poland submitted its purcha@@ se offer equ@@ al@@ led , without ar@@ ming and technical help , ca . $ 8@@ 9@@ .@@ 2 million .
as per the information conve@@ yed to the polish press agency by military experts who wanted to remain an@@ on@@ y@@ mous , such price given during the initial negotiations was " a maximum price , much higher than the one that will be negotiated " .
" the prices are decre@@ as@@ ing rapi@@ dly ; the current price of one f-@@ 35 is be@@ low $ 80 million much less than the cost of a euro@@ figh@@ ter , which does not share the same qu@@ alities as f-@@ 35 " , ven@@ able indi@@ cated .
polish press agency inter@@ lo@@ cu@@ tors expressed their ho@@ pes that the negotiations regarding the purcha@@ se of american figh@@ ter air@@ cra@@ ft by poland will be comple@@ ted this year .
possible participation of polish sub@@ contrac@@ tors in this deal , i@@ .@@ e@@ . off@@ set , will be discussed directly with american manufacturers of f-@@ 35 je@@ ts .
the condition means care@@ rs or parents pre@@ ten@@ d their child is i@@ ll when they are healthy .
the show te@@ lls the st@@ ory of pay@@ ton h@@ ob@@ ar@@ t who wants to be president of the united states of america - but first , he has to be stu@@ dent body president at his high school .
made by american hor@@ ro@@ r st@@ ory and gle@@ e cre@@ ator ry@@ an mur@@ ph@@ y , it feat@@ u@@ res g@@ wy@@ ne@@ th pal@@ tro@@ w , be@@ n plat@@ t and lu@@ cy bo@@ y@@ n@@ ton .
without re@@ ve@@ al@@ ing too much for those who ha@@ ven '@@ t had a chance to wat@@ ch it yet , the show includes a stor@@ y@@ line about mu@@ n@@ ch@@ ha@@ u@@ sen 's by pro@@ x@@ y - a mental il@@ l@@ ness where a care@@ r acts as if the person they are looking after has a physi@@ cal or mental il@@ l@@ ness when they are not really si@@ ck .
there are different types of the condition , including mu@@ n@@ ch@@ ha@@ u@@ sen 's where a person pre@@ ten@@ ds that they themselves are i@@ ll .
mu@@ n@@ ch@@ ha@@ u@@ sen 's by pro@@ x@@ y , however , is specifically about making up that some@@ one that you care for is i@@ ll .
it is also known as f@@ ab@@ ri@@ cated or indu@@ ced il@@ l@@ ness ( fi@@ i ) and is categor@@ i@@ sed as child abuse .
it is a r@@ are condition and usu@@ ally involves a paren@@ t ex@@ ag@@ ger@@ ating sym@@ p@@ tom@@ s or ca@@ using sym@@ p@@ tom@@ s to make it seem like their child is i@@ ll .
what are the sig@@ ns of mu@@ n@@ ch@@ ha@@ u@@ sen 's by pro@@ x@@ y ?
the sig@@ ns of the condition can v@@ ary from case to case but the n@@ h@@ s says that things to be aware of include :
per@@ su@@ ad@@ ing medical professi@@ on@@ als that their child is un@@ well but they seem healthy .
ex@@ ag@@ ger@@ ating or l@@ ying about sym@@ p@@ tom@@ s .
mani@@ pul@@ ating results to sugge@@ st the child is i@@ ll , for example putting g@@ lu@@ co@@ se in ur@@ ine sam@@ ples to make it look like they have di@@ a@@ be@@ tes .
indu@@ cing sym@@ p@@ tom@@ s of il@@ l@@ ness , for example giving them unnecessary medi@@ cation or other substances .
how common is mu@@ n@@ ch@@ ha@@ u@@ sen 's by pro@@ x@@ y ?
as many cases are@@ n '@@ t re@@ ported , it 's difficult to know how wi@@ des@@ pread the condition is .
one study published in 2000 estim@@ ated 8@@ 9 cases in a population of 10@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 over a two year period .
what should you do if you think a child is at risk
you can contact your local social services de@@ part@@ ment or te@@ lep@@ h@@ one the n@@ sp@@ c@@ c 's child protection hel@@ pl@@ ine on 0@@ 8@@ 0@@ 8 8@@ 00 5@@ 000 .
nig@@ eria : police ra@@ id kad@@ u@@ na school , ev@@ ac@@ u@@ ate 3@@ 00 children
kad@@ u@@ na - the kad@@ u@@ na state police comm@@ and yesterday rai@@ ded a school , im@@ am@@ u a@@ h@@ ma@@ d b@@ n ham@@ b@@ al , lo@@ cated at la@@ y@@ in ma@@ i@@ du@@ bu@@ n t@@ sum@@ ma at ri@@ g@@ as@@ a in ig@@ ab@@ i local government area of the state , ar@@ re@@ sted seven te@@ ach@@ ers and ev@@ ac@@ u@@ ated about 3@@ 00 children .
the police al@@ leg@@ ed that the children were ke@@ pt in a very de@@ hu@@ ma@@ nising condition ; an al@@ leg@@ ation the school authority de@@ nie@@ d .
a resid@@ ent who identified h@@ im@@ self as sh@@ e@@ hu , a pre@@ ac@@ her in the school , said : " what they '@@ re saying is not true because all the children are there with the con@@ sent of their parents .
the parents used to bring food to their children da@@ ily and they also know the condition they are in .
we were very surpri@@ sed when the police came and ev@@ ac@@ u@@ ated the children as well as remo@@ ved all the stu@@ dents ' food brought by their parents before they sh@@ u@@ t down the school .
this is unfair because we have parents to te@@ sti@@ fy if their children are ke@@ pt in bad condu@@ ction as cla@@ i@@ med by the police .
he added that the immediate past police commissioner ab@@ dur@@ ra@@ h@@ man , who once visi@@ ted the school to see how the children were taken care , never compla@@ ined .
he said the children only stu@@ d@@ ied qu@@ ra@@ n and nothing else .
but the police comm@@ and public relations offi@@ cer , y@@ ak@@ u@@ b@@ u s@@ ab@@ o , said the children would be re@@ united with their parents after han@@ ding them over to the state government .
" they were ke@@ pt in de@@ hu@@ ma@@ nising condition in the name of under@@ going or acqu@@ ir@@ ing qu@@ ra@@ nic knowledge .
with many of them with sc@@ ars on their back which show they were be@@ ate@@ n .
so , we '@@ re investig@@ ating the school to know the ow@@ ner of the fac@@ ility , " he said .
foreign tal@@ ent important to china 's development
gu@@ an@@ g@@ d@@ ong has been leading the country in terms of at@@ trac@@ ting foreign tal@@ ent , due in a large part to the bel@@ t and road initiative ( br@@ i ) , the gu@@ an@@ g@@ don@@ g-@@ h@@ ong kon@@ g-@@ mac@@ a@@ o greater ba@@ y area ( g@@ ba ) , and sh@@ en@@ z@@ h@@ en 's new role as a pi@@ lot demonstr@@ ation area .
n@@ an@@ f@@ an@@ g media group has inter@@ vie@@ wed seven ex@@ pat@@ ri@@ ates aged from 10@@ -@@ 70 in gu@@ an@@ g@@ d@@ ong .
bor@@ n in 2010 during the a@@ sian gam@@ es in gu@@ an@@ g@@ z@@ h@@ ou , y@@ as@@ h from sin@@ ga@@ por@@ e said he would like to reali@@ ze his dre@@ am of becoming a scientific do@@ ct@@ or in gu@@ an@@ g@@ z@@ h@@ ou .
ni@@ k@@ it@@ a ni@@ kan@@ dro@@ v , a russian stu@@ dent of sh@@ en@@ z@@ h@@ en m@@ su@@ -@@ bit uni@@ versity said , " with the br@@ i , russian stu@@ dents can study together with chinese stu@@ dents .
we can make new ideas and businesses together .
rac@@ he@@ l rom@@ me@@ sw@@ in@@ ke@@ l from the us started her care@@ er as a be@@ au@@ ty blo@@ g@@ ger in d@@ ong@@ gu@@ an and has over one million f@@ ans on bi@@ libi@@ li and we@@ i@@ bo .
she said she will keep sh@@ aring chinese tradi@@ tions , culture and technology through her vi@@ de@@ os .
le@@ ti@@ cia de las@@ sus from france , the head of j@@ j@@ b international mon@@ te@@ ss@@ or@@ i ami cent@@ ers in gu@@ an@@ g@@ z@@ h@@ ou , agre@@ es that " children 's education is like bu@@ t@@ to@@ ning up one 's j@@ ac@@ ke@@ t .
if the first bu@@ t@@ ton is fa@@ st@@ ened in@@ corre@@ ctly , the rest will never find their righ@@ t@@ ful place .
ch@@ ine@@ se@@ -@@ american hen@@ ry xi@@ a@@ o belie@@ ves that at the heart of g@@ ba , his company can enjo@@ y multi@@ ple benefits in terms of new policies , government policies and capit@@ als , especially the tal@@ ent .
n@@ an@@ ta show produ@@ cer se@@ an cho@@ i from south kore@@ a said gu@@ an@@ g@@ d@@ ong cu@@ is@@ ine is f@@ am@@ ous all over the world , and it has been good to introduce the n@@ an@@ ta show to gu@@ an@@ g@@ d@@ ong .
ste@@ ph@@ an mo@@ h@@ ler from swi@@ t@@ zer@@ land , the technical quality direct@@ or at the pe@@ ar@@ l ri@@ ver pi@@ an@@ os , thin@@ ks the secre@@ t of high quality lies in simple work done well .
to his surpri@@ se , many tal@@ ented young people in china enjo@@ y working , learn to make good products and per@@ si@@ st in their dri@@ ve to be better .
po@@ ll : po@@ les want ban@@ a@@ ś to re@@ sign
the majority of po@@ les want mari@@ an ban@@ a@@ ś , head of the su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office , to re@@ sign , according to the kan@@ ta@@ r po@@ ll taken for t@@ v@@ n .
when asked " do you think the head of nik mari@@ an ban@@ a@@ ś should re@@ sign ? " , 5@@ 5 per@@ cent of respon@@ dents ans@@ wered " yes " of which 3@@ 4 per@@ cent mar@@ ked " definitely yes " and 21 per@@ cent mar@@ ked " rather yes " .
26 per@@ cent people respon@@ ded " i don '@@ t know / difficult to say " , while 19 per@@ cent were against the re@@ sign@@ ation . 8 per@@ cent respon@@ ded " definitely not " and 11 per@@ cent " definitely not " .
the demands for mari@@ an ban@@ a@@ ś ' re@@ sign@@ ation appe@@ are@@ d after the " bul@@ let@@ pro@@ of mari@@ an and the ho@@ te@@ l by the h@@ our " report broad@@ ca@@ st in the " super@@ wiz@@ je@@ r " program .
the materi@@ al indic@@ ates that the head of su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office ow@@ ned a ten@@ ement house in kra@@ ków in which a ho@@ te@@ l by the h@@ our was run by gan@@ g@@ sters who ren@@ ted it for their business at a bel@@ ow@@ -@@ market price .
after the materi@@ al was broad@@ ca@@ st , ban@@ a@@ ś announced that on september 27 he would go on un@@ paid leave until the time his as@@ set declaration was inspe@@ cted by the central anti-@@ corruption bure@@ a@@ u .
the kan@@ ta@@ r te@@ lep@@ h@@ one po@@ ll was condu@@ cted on september 25 26 , 201@@ 9 on a nation@@ wide representative sam@@ ple of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 0@@ 5 people over 18 years of age .
the possible stati@@ sti@@ cal erro@@ r is 3 per@@ cent@@ age points .
how to become an influ@@ en@@ cer ?
ali@@ sh@@ a mar@@ ie has re@@ ve@@ al@@ ed a few tri@@ cks .
ali@@ sh@@ a created her you@@ tu@@ be channe@@ l in 2008 .
her actions are followed by more than 8 million sub@@ s@@ cri@@ bers .
the influ@@ en@@ cer i@@ .@@ a@@ . po@@ sts ti@@ ps on fa@@ shi@@ on and be@@ au@@ ty , and promo@@ tes the di@@ y idea .
so far the companies she has co@@ oper@@ ated with include b@@ m@@ w and star@@ bu@@ cks .
ali@@ sh@@ a mar@@ ie gave an inter@@ view to business insi@@ der port@@ al .
she gave a few ti@@ ps to the persons who wanted to cooperate with bran@@ ds e@@ .@@ g@@ . on inst@@ ag@@ ram .
she emphasi@@ sed that you should not wa@@ it until the companies noti@@ ce the potential of a person , but you should take the initiative instead .
ali@@ sh@@ a mar@@ ie claims that simple mess@@ ages are worth using while making an attempt to start a contact with a br@@ and .
one should show interest in the company and the wi@@ ll@@ ing@@ ness to be its am@@ bas@@ sad@@ or .
what did ali@@ sh@@ a writ@@ e when she tr@@ ied to start first cooperation with bran@@ ds ?
" i like your stu@@ ff .
let me know if you are ever interested in cooperation " this message she used to send as a begin@@ ner influ@@ en@@ cer . " that was un@@ professional , but min@@ e " , she said .
ali@@ sh@@ a stre@@ ssed that the first step of the br@@ and representative was to visit the profi@@ le of the person attemp@@ ting to start the cooperation , " the climate the br@@ and representative experien@@ ces at the beginning will be probably crucial " .
that s why ali@@ sh@@ a convin@@ ces to tre@@ at our profi@@ le e@@ .@@ g@@ . on inst@@ ag@@ ram as a port@@ fo@@ li@@ o .
po@@ st the content that can be of potential interest to various companies .
uni@@ bet takes on its second u@@ .@@ s@@ . market
kin@@ d@@ red group 's flag@@ ship br@@ and uni@@ bet takes on its second u@@ .@@ s@@ . market in pen@@ n@@ sy@@ l@@ v@@ ania and announ@@ ces today its official laun@@ ch into pen@@ n@@ sy@@ l@@ v@@ ania with the opening of its s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok in partnership with mo@@ he@@ g@@ an su@@ n po@@ con@@ o - mar@@ king the company 's second u@@ .@@ s@@ . market entry in just one month .
mo@@ he@@ g@@ an su@@ n po@@ con@@ o 's full de@@ st@@ ination of@@ fering , comb@@ ined with uni@@ bet 's digital custom@@ er experience and data analysis capacity , will create a uni@@ que and strong of@@ fering in s@@ ports bet@@ ting in the state .
earlier this month , uni@@ bet launched its new j@@ er@@ se@@ y s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok and multi@@ -@@ year partnership with the new j@@ er@@ se@@ y devi@@ ls .
we are ex@@ ci@@ ted and proud to partner with mo@@ he@@ g@@ an su@@ n po@@ con@@ o to welcome pat@@ ron@@ s to our new s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok and offer a great exten@@ tion to our online product in one of the largest states to regulate both online s@@ ports bet@@ ting and c@@ as@@ in@@ o .
we wanted a strong partner who sha@@ res our de@@ di@@ cation to custom@@ er experience and values , and we know that together we will offer pen@@ n@@ sy@@ l@@ va@@ ni@@ ans a truly un@@ mat@@ ched in-@@ house and so@@ on-@@ to@@ -@@ come online s@@ ports bet@@ ting and c@@ as@@ in@@ o experience , " says manu@@ el stan , s@@ v@@ p kin@@ d@@ red us .
we '@@ ve ali@@ g@@ ned with one of the world 's best online c@@ as@@ in@@ o and s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok operators in online regul@@ ated markets , which will allow us to offer a best in clas@@ s experience to our current cl@@ ien@@ ts and at@@ tr@@ act new f@@ ans .
introduction of the uni@@ bet of@@ fering to the market is a great positive for mo@@ he@@ g@@ an su@@ n , as well as the state of pen@@ n@@ sy@@ l@@ v@@ ania , " says avi@@ ram al@@ ro@@ y , vi@@ ce president of inter@@ active gam@@ ing at mo@@ he@@ g@@ an gam@@ ing enter@@ ta@@ in@@ ment .
bet@@ ting of@@ fer@@ ings to start will include n@@ f@@ l , n@@ ca@@ a , n@@ h@@ l , n@@ ba , p@@ ga , professional ten@@ ni@@ s , bo@@ x@@ ing , uf@@ c , ru@@ g@@ by , na@@ s@@ car , m@@ ls , premier le@@ ag@@ ue so@@ c@@ cer , la li@@ ga and b@@ un@@ des@@ li@@ ga .
po@@ wered by kam@@ b@@ i , a wor@@ l@@ d-@@ leading b@@ 2@@ b provi@@ der of pre@@ mi@@ um s@@ ports bet@@ ting services , the uni@@ bet s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok offers the best s@@ ports bet@@ ting and enter@@ ta@@ in@@ ment experience around .
later this year , together with mo@@ he@@ g@@ an su@@ n po@@ con@@ o , uni@@ bet will also laun@@ ch its s@@ port@@ s@@ bo@@ ok and sig@@ nature c@@ as@@ in@@ o online as part of the partnership agreement , which will be available via ap@@ ple and an@@ dro@@ id mobi@@ le devi@@ ces .
sie@@ moni@@ ak : tu@@ sk or ki@@ da@@ wa@@ -@@ b@@ lon@@ ska will be next president
i think that don@@ al@@ d tu@@ sk and mal@@ gor@@ z@@ ata ki@@ da@@ wa@@ -@@ b@@ lon@@ ska stand a chance to wi@@ n the presid@@ ential election against president and@@ rze@@ j du@@ da , says tom@@ as@@ z sie@@ mio@@ ni@@ ak .
de@@ pu@@ ty lea@@ der of civi@@ c plat@@ form was inter@@ vie@@ wed by pol@@ s@@ at news about the af@@ fair including the head of the su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office .
this matter makes mari@@ an ban@@ as stand on the lo@@ sing side .
he may become culture minister to deal with some kind of enter@@ ta@@ in@@ ment , but not the head of the su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office or finance minister .
he sh@@ ou@@ ld@@ n '@@ t be the one in charge of bi@@ llions and taxes , he said .
this is a very severe state crisis , he added .
sie@@ mio@@ ni@@ ak also el@@ abor@@ ated about klau@@ dia j@@ ach@@ ira 's run for election .
law and justice has ant@@ oni mac@@ ie@@ re@@ wi@@ cz on its election li@@ sts .
this is a person who not only said some things , but also did them .
he accu@@ sed former military counter@@ -@@ intelli@@ gence service bos@@ ses of e@@ spi@@ on@@ age on behalf of russia , he destro@@ yed their life and their families .
why no@@ body insi@@ sts that ant@@ oni mac@@ ie@@ re@@ wi@@ cz is out of election , he asked .
those y@@ oun@@ ger than us have a different sense of ta@@ ste .
i think that j@@ ach@@ ira who already apo@@ logi@@ zed for one of the things fe@@ els that she may ex@@ ag@@ ger@@ ate sometimes .
for me , it is not an election campaign problem , he added .
tou@@ ri@@ sts return to poland as sch@@ edu@@ led following the ban@@ kru@@ p@@ t@@ cy of ne@@ ck@@ er@@ man@@ n poland travel agency
according to the office , it has not been necessary to bring the tou@@ ri@@ sts to poland pre@@ mat@@ u@@ rely so far .
it was de@@ cla@@ red that " the office has been paying any un@@ paid ho@@ te@@ l ni@@ gh@@ ts using the in@@ surance guarantee gradu@@ ally " .
on 25 september ne@@ ck@@ er@@ man@@ n poland travel agency fi@@ led a statement of in@@ sol@@ ven@@ cy in the mar@@ shall office .
at the time when the agency submitted the statement of in@@ sol@@ ven@@ cy , there were 3@@ ,@@ 6@@ 00 tou@@ ri@@ sts ab@@ road .
on we@@ d@@ nes@@ day , the group of ca . 500 people came back to poland , and on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day a group of 2@@ 30 .
on f@@ ri@@ day , subsequ@@ ent 3@@ 50 people are to come back from mo@@ ro@@ cco , spain and greece .
the tou@@ ri@@ sts will land in kat@@ owi@@ ce and war@@ saw ( there will be five char@@ tered fli@@ gh@@ ts al@@ together ) .
some of them will come by commercial fli@@ gh@@ ts .
it is planned ca . 1@@ ,@@ 000 tou@@ ri@@ sts sta@@ ying on ho@@ li@@ day e@@ .@@ g@@ . in turkey , egypt , spain , greece and italy should come back home on the we@@ ek@@ end .
according to the mar@@ shall office of the vo@@ i@@ vo@@ de@@ ship of ma@@ zo@@ via , the travel agency so@@ ld ca . 20 thous@@ and tri@@ ps for au@@ tu@@ m@@ n and w@@ inte@@ r .
" those travel agency custom@@ ers should contact the in@@ su@@ re@@ r directly , mea@@ ning alli@@ an@@ z partners " , the office re@@ min@@ ded .
it added also that " the situation of tou@@ ri@@ sts who sign@@ al@@ led any problems in the ho@@ te@@ ls seems stabili@@ sed for the time being and any emerging inci@@ dents of tou@@ ri@@ sts expe@@ lled from ho@@ te@@ ls were pat@@ ched up together with the consu@@ lar services . "
last f@@ ri@@ day the authorities of the largest and also the ol@@ de@@ st travel agency th@@ om@@ as co@@ ok informed it was on the ver@@ ge of ban@@ kru@@ p@@ t@@ cy .
th@@ om@@ as co@@ ok g@@ mb@@ h was the ow@@ ner of 100 per@@ cent of sha@@ res in ne@@ ck@@ er@@ man@@ n poland .
'@@ hi@@ de@@ ous ' central co@@ ast cam@@ ou@@ fl@@ age child rapi@@ st or@@ dered to look at victi@@ m in court
dre@@ ssed in a le@@ af@@ y gh@@ il@@ li@@ e cam@@ ou@@ fl@@ age su@@ it , the man gra@@ b@@ bed the then 1@@ 2@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old from behind and dra@@ g@@ ged her into bu@@ sh@@ land as she made her way to school on the state 's central co@@ ast in may 201@@ 7 .
he then t@@ ied her to a tre@@ e and sexu@@ ally as@@ sa@@ ul@@ ted her .
shor@@ tly after the ar@@ rest , a search war@@ r@@ ant was execu@@ ted at a home where of@@ fic@@ ers se@@ i@@ zed a number of i@@ te@@ ms relevant to the investigation .
the man plea@@ ded gu@@ il@@ ty to seven char@@ ges involving the attack and a further three char@@ ges over the gro@@ om@@ ing and sexual abuse of another gi@@ r@@ l , aged 11 , between au@@ gu@@ st 201@@ 6 and april 201@@ 7 .
the 1@@ 2@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old victi@@ m had been wal@@ king along a tr@@ ack when she loo@@ ked back and saw him sud@@ den@@ ly emer@@ ge from the bu@@ shes ar@@ med with a large tre@@ e bran@@ ch and a k@@ ni@@ fe .
when she plea@@ ded " stop , stop , stop , " he put her in a head@@ lo@@ ck and forced her into the scru@@ b .
the man told the gi@@ r@@ l : " sh@@ h@@ h , don '@@ t s@@ cre@@ am .
don '@@ t s@@ cre@@ am or i '@@ ll have to h@@ ur@@ t you . "
hol@@ ding the k@@ ni@@ fe in his right hand , he t@@ ied her hands and fe@@ et with cable ties before la@@ shing her to the tre@@ e and ab@@ using her for almost an h@@ our .
after he cut her lo@@ ose , the gi@@ r@@ l ra@@ n c@@ rying h@@ yst@@ eri@@ cally to school .
the man arri@@ ved at work about 9@@ .@@ 3@@ 0@@ am after fail@@ ing to re@@ ply to several text mess@@ ages and ph@@ one calls from colleagues .
with di@@ r@@ t , gra@@ ss and tre@@ e matter on his clo@@ the@@ s , he cla@@ i@@ med to have been involved in a road ra@@ ge inci@@ dent where he had cha@@ sed another dri@@ ver into the bu@@ sh and fal@@ le@@ n down an em@@ ban@@ k@@ ment .
the man 's sent@@ en@@ cing he@@ aring continues on tu@@ es@@ day .
po@@ pe war@@ ns te@@ ch ex@@ e@@ cs to use a@@ i for the common good
po@@ pe fran@@ ci@@ s on f@@ ri@@ day war@@ ned te@@ ch company execu@@ tives , diplom@@ ats and finan@@ cie@@ rs that the r@@ ace to create arti@@ fi@@ cial intelli@@ gence and other forms of digital development pose the risk of increasing social in@@ equality unless the work is ac@@ companie@@ d by an eth@@ i@@ cal evaluation of the common good .
fran@@ ci@@ s addressed a v@@ ati@@ can conference that brought government en@@ vo@@ ys and fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok and go@@ o@@ gle representatives together with phi@@ lo@@ s@@ op@@ h@@ ers , physi@@ ci@@ sts and eth@@ i@@ ci@@ sts .
a s@@ mat@@ ter@@ ing of ac@@ ade@@ mi@@ cs and ca@@ th@@ oli@@ c bi@@ sh@@ op@@ s ro@@ un@@ ded out parti@@ ci@@ pan@@ ts at " the common good in the digital age " conference .
the thre@@ e-@@ day ga@@ ther@@ ing is the latest evidence of the v@@ ati@@ can wan@@ ting a place in the debate over the prospe@@ cts and per@@ ils of arti@@ fi@@ cial intelli@@ gence .
the debates included technology advan@@ ce@@ ments in war@@ fare and the future of work with increasing reli@@ ance on mach@@ ines , as well as a case study ex@@ ami@@ ning the chri@@ st@@ ch@@ ur@@ ch , new ze@@ al@@ and , ma@@ ss@@ ac@@ re and decisions taken by social media companies after vi@@ de@@ o s@@ pread of the car@@ na@@ ge .
in his speech to the conference , fran@@ ci@@ s pra@@ i@@ sed the potential of technological progress , no@@ ting that mach@@ ines at the daw@@ n of the industrial revo@@ lution spa@@ red workers dangerous and mon@@ ot@@ on@@ ous lab@@ or .
but he war@@ ned that increased reli@@ ance on robo@@ tic@@ s for the s@@ ake of profits ri@@ sk@@ ed de@@ pri@@ ving people of the dignity of lab@@ or .
" if technological advan@@ cement be@@ came the cause of increasingly evi@@ dent in@@ equ@@ alities , it would not be true and real progress , " he war@@ ned .
if man@@ kind 's so-called technological progress were to become an en@@ e@@ my of the common good , this would lead to an unfortun@@ ate regre@@ ssion to a form of bar@@ bar@@ is@@ m dict@@ ated by the law of the stron@@ ge@@ st .
organiz@@ ers of the conference said they ho@@ ped to ta@@ p into parti@@ ci@@ pan@@ ts ' exper@@ ti@@ se identi@@ fy possible future ad@@ vis@@ ers for the ca@@ th@@ oli@@ c ch@@ ur@@ ch on high te@@ ch issues .
mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard , real mad@@ ri@@ d lo@@ an@@ e@@ e , sen@@ ds f@@ ans wi@@ ld with min@@ d-@@ bog@@ gl@@ ing assi@@ st .
mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard provided a jaw@@ -@@ dro@@ pping assi@@ st for mi@@ ke@@ l o@@ y@@ ar@@ zab@@ al 's open@@ er .
real mad@@ ri@@ d went top of the la li@@ ga table following their 2@@ -@@ 0 wi@@ n over os@@ a@@ su@@ na as they continu@@ ed their un@@ be@@ ate@@ n run in this year 's domestic se@@ as@@ on .
however , despite not lo@@ sing a single gam@@ e in la li@@ ga this se@@ as@@ on , manag@@ er z@@ ine@@ d@@ ine zi@@ dane is under tre@@ m@@ end@@ ous pressure following a tu@@ mul@@ tu@@ ous pre@@ -@@ se@@ as@@ on and a public ri@@ ft with wel@@ sh sta@@ r ga@@ re@@ th b@@ ale .
the pressure see@@ med to reach the bo@@ il@@ ing point when real mad@@ ri@@ d were hu@@ mili@@ ated by par@@ is@@ -@@ sa@@ int ger@@ main ( p@@ s@@ g ) in the cham@@ pi@@ ons le@@ ag@@ ue .
but z@@ ine@@ d@@ ine zi@@ dane and real mad@@ ri@@ d have some real tal@@ ent on their boo@@ ks , some who are currently in the fren@@ ch@@ man 's plans and those that are@@ n '@@ t .
vin@@ í@@ ci@@ us j@@ uni@@ or is one such sta@@ r for the future for real mad@@ ri@@ d and is currently with the te@@ am .
however , another nor@@ we@@ gi@@ an y@@ oun@@ g@@ ster mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard , who has been lo@@ an@@ ed out to real socie@@ da@@ d , is creating a f@@ lu@@ t@@ ter after providing a min@@ d-@@ bog@@ gl@@ ing assi@@ st during a la li@@ ga mat@@ ch .
pla@@ ying for real socie@@ da@@ d v@@ s al@@ a@@ ves , mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard provided a jaw@@ -@@ dro@@ pping assi@@ st for mi@@ ke@@ l o@@ y@@ ar@@ zab@@ al 's open@@ er as real socie@@ da@@ d ra@@ n out 3@@ -@@ 0 win@@ ners at home .
after pi@@ c@@ king the b@@ all up on the right , mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard dri@@ f@@ ted away from one op@@ pon@@ ent by nu@@ t@@ me@@ g@@ ging him and then thre@@ a@@ ded a st@@ un@@ ning pa@@ ss in@@ side two more for his te@@ am@@ mate to get at the of the in@@ ch@@ -@@ perfe@@ ct through@@ -@@ b@@ all and po@@ ke home .
wi@@ lli@@ an j@@ ose 's second and a third from the im@@ pres@@ sive o@@ y@@ ar@@ zab@@ al , this time from the penalty spo@@ t , secu@@ red a convin@@ cing wi@@ n for im@@ an@@ ol 's side , before al@@ a@@ ves mid@@ fie@@ l@@ der man@@ u gar@@ cia was sent off with five minutes to play .
mar@@ tin o@@ de@@ ga@@ ard jo@@ ined real mad@@ ri@@ d aged just 16 in 2015 but has strug@@ g@@ led to live up to the hy@@ pe .
now 20 , the nor@@ we@@ gi@@ an y@@ oun@@ g@@ ster finally appe@@ ars to be finding his fe@@ et .
an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are surpri@@ sed sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war 's name figures in ma@@ har@@ ash@@ tr@@ a state co@@ -@@ oper@@ ative bank s@@ ca@@ m case
an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are said " sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war 's name was not on the list when this case came to me "
social acti@@ vi@@ st an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are has expressed surpri@@ se over nation@@ alist con@@ gre@@ ss party or n@@ c@@ p ch@@ ief sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war 's name cro@@ pping up in the multi@@ -@@ cro@@ re ma@@ har@@ ash@@ tr@@ a state co@@ -@@ oper@@ ative bank s@@ ca@@ m .
pro@@ be agency enforcement direct@@ or@@ ate or ed has fi@@ led a money la@@ under@@ ing case against sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war , his ne@@ p@@ he@@ w a@@ j@@ it pa@@ war - a former de@@ pu@@ ty ch@@ ief minister of ma@@ har@@ ash@@ tr@@ a - and others in connection with the s@@ ca@@ m .
an enforcement case information report , equi@@ val@@ ent to a police fi@@ r , has been regi@@ ste@@ red by the central agency under the prevention of money la@@ under@@ ing act .
the case is based on a mu@@ m@@ ba@@ i police fi@@ r which had na@@ med former chair@@ men of the bank , a@@ j@@ it pa@@ war , and 70 er@@ st@@ while functi@@ on@@ aries of the co@@ oper@@ ative len@@ der .
when this case came to me , sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war 's name was not there any@@ where .
how did his name cro@@ p up , who mentioned his name , all these things only they know , " an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are said on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day when asked about the ed case and sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war 's al@@ leg@@ ed lin@@ ks to the s@@ ca@@ m .
an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are , a sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war cri@@ tic , expressed the hope that the truth will come out after the ed carr@@ ies out a detailed investigation in the s@@ ca@@ m .
" the ed will come to know how his name figu@@ red in the case , " said an@@ na ha@@ z@@ are , a ve@@ ter@@ an of many anti-@@ corruption ag@@ it@@ ations .
sh@@ ar@@ ad pa@@ war has de@@ nie@@ d any w@@ ron@@ g@@ doing and cla@@ i@@ med he was not associated with the bank in any capacity and questi@@ oned the tim@@ ing of the regi@@ str@@ ation of the case which comes just weeks ahead of the october 21 assembly po@@ lls in ma@@ har@@ ash@@ tr@@ a .
the former union minister has as@@ ser@@ ted he would not bo@@ w before the " th@@ ro@@ ne " of de@@ l@@ h@@ i , ap@@ paren@@ tly refer@@ ring to the b@@ j@@ p@@ -@@ led government at the centre .
the n@@ c@@ p has ter@@ med the enforcement direct@@ or@@ ate case as politically mo@@ ti@@ v@@ ated .
yesterday , several s@@ mu@@ g@@ gl@@ ers failed to take sto@@ le@@ n goods , whose value exce@@ eded pl@@ n 1@@ 30 thous@@ and , to ukraine .
all events were re@@ ported yesterday ( 26 september ) on rou@@ te from poland .
in kor@@ cz@@ owa , a ro@@ mani@@ an citizen was car@@ rying a speci@@ ali@@ zed e-@@ bi@@ ke .
the polish border guar@@ ds of@@ fic@@ ers , de@@ termi@@ ning the item 's leg@@ ality of origin , cont@@ ac@@ ted representatives of german police and quickly established that this modern sing@@ le@@ -@@ tr@@ ack vehi@@ cle , worth about pl@@ n 10 thous@@ and , was sto@@ le@@ n from their territory .
a few hours later , also in kor@@ cz@@ owa , the border guar@@ ds , while che@@ c@@ king a se@@ mi@@ -@@ tra@@ i@@ ler regi@@ ste@@ red in france , found that the v@@ in number was al@@ tered .
the se@@ mi@@ -@@ tra@@ i@@ ler , worth about pl@@ n 30 thous@@ and , was confi@@ sc@@ ated and will be submitted to detailed exper@@ ti@@ se in order to establish its original data .
at the cro@@ ssing point in medy@@ ka , border guard of@@ fic@@ ers th@@ war@@ ted an attempt to take another sto@@ le@@ n can@@ -@@ am qu@@ ad bi@@ ke ( year of manufac@@ ture : 201@@ 9 ) .
the border guar@@ ds confir@@ med that just two weeks ago a qu@@ ad bi@@ ke was re@@ ported mis@@ sing in poland and was sou@@ gh@@ t-@@ after all over europe .
a 4@@ 1@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old ukra@@ ini@@ an bu@@ s trave@@ l@@ ler was trans@@ porting car body elements coming from an exclu@@ sive mer@@ ce@@ des .
all car identi@@ fication numbers had been mecha@@ ni@@ cally remo@@ ved .
the car body elements , worth about pl@@ n 15 thous@@ and , were confi@@ sc@@ ated .
south africa : man , 20 , char@@ ged with mur@@ der of u@@ k@@ z@@ n stu@@ dent sin@@ e@@ the@@ mb@@ a n@@ d@@ lo@@ v@@ u
a man who was ar@@ re@@ sted in connection with the mur@@ der of uni@@ versity of k@@ wa@@ zu@@ lu@@ -@@ nat@@ al ( u@@ k@@ z@@ n ) stu@@ dent sin@@ e@@ the@@ mb@@ a n@@ d@@ lo@@ v@@ u is expected to apply for ba@@ il next week , according to the national pro@@ secu@@ ting authority ( n@@ pa ) .
the accu@@ sed appe@@ are@@ d in the m@@ sing@@ a mag@@ i@@ str@@ ate 's court on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day on a charge of mur@@ der .
k@@ z@@ n n@@ pa spo@@ ke@@ sper@@ son nat@@ ash@@ a kar@@ a told ne@@ ws@@ 24 that the case was postpo@@ ned to october 2 for the ba@@ il application .
she added that the state would op@@ pose the accu@@ sed 's relea@@ se on ba@@ il .
according to k@@ z@@ n police spo@@ ke@@ sper@@ son col@@ one@@ l them@@ be@@ ka m@@ be@@ le , the 20@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old accu@@ sed was ar@@ re@@ sted on mon@@ day .
n@@ d@@ lo@@ v@@ u was stab@@ bed be@@ low her left ar@@ m@@ p@@ it and st@@ om@@ ach , police said earlier this week .
it 's belie@@ ved that she worked as a ho@@ ste@@ ss at the m@@ sing@@ a dri@@ ft@@ k@@ han@@ a motor@@ sport event on s@@ at@@ ur@@ day e@@ vening .
in a statement issued that day , organis@@ ers of the motor@@ sport event said pre@@ li@@ min@@ ary reports sugge@@ sted that a few ho@@ ste@@ sses remain@@ ed behind after the event to wat@@ ch some of the musi@@ cal perform@@ an@@ ces after their shi@@ ft en@@ ded .
on their way , sad@@ ly , one of them was att@@ ack@@ ed by un@@ known men and later passed &#9@@ 1@@ ; a &#9@@ 3@@ ; way in ho@@ sp@@ ital , " their statement read .
u@@ k@@ z@@ n suspen@@ ded ac@@ ade@@ mic activities on f@@ ri@@ day , saying " the circumstances of n@@ d@@ lo@@ v@@ u 's death requires us as a community to pa@@ use and reflect on the fra@@ gi@@ lity of life , and the brut@@ ality that often exists in our society . "
my@@ l@@ an agre@@ es to pay $ 3@@ 0@@ m in e@@ pipe@@ n sett@@ lement
my@@ l@@ an has agreed to pay $ 30 million in a sett@@ lement t@@ ied to its failure to tell invest@@ ors about a justice de@@ part@@ ment investigation into whether the company over@@ char@@ ged medi@@ ca@@ id for the e@@ pipe@@ n .
the secur@@ ities and exchange commission said f@@ ri@@ day that my@@ l@@ an n@@ v cl@@ assi@@ fied the e@@ pipe@@ n as a " gener@@ i@@ c " dru@@ g under the medi@@ ca@@ id dru@@ g re@@ b@@ ate program .
this led to the p@@ har@@ maceu@@ tical company paying much lower re@@ b@@ ates to the government than if the e@@ pipe@@ n had been cl@@ assi@@ fied as a " bran@@ ded " dru@@ g .
my@@ l@@ an had dis@@ closed in july that it had reached an agree@@ ment@@ -@@ in-@@ principle with the se@@ c on the matter .
the company said in a statement f@@ ri@@ day that it neither ad@@ mits nor de@@ nie@@ s the se@@ c 's al@@ leg@@ ations .
is it di@@ v@@ ine re@@ tribu@@ tion ?
what does the ch@@ ur@@ ch say about suffering ?
cat@@ ac@@ l@@ y@@ s@@ ms , serious il@@ l@@ ness , death of a child .
these are trage@@ dies that cause a great deal of suffering and are hard to understand .
we ask : " why ? " .
we sometimes hear " that was go@@ d 's will " .
is it the cre@@ ator who sen@@ ds us all wo@@ es and diseases ?
jo@@ hn pa@@ ul ii suf@@ fered gre@@ at@@ ly at the end of his life .
when ni@@ ck v@@ u@@ j@@ i@@ ci@@ c was coming into the world 3@@ 6 years ago , his da@@ d ra@@ n out of the labour ro@@ om in fear .
" my son do@@ es@@ n '@@ t have arms or leg@@ s , " he s@@ cre@@ am@@ ed to the do@@ ct@@ or .
the parents di@@ d@@ n '@@ t know that their child suf@@ fered from an in@@ cu@@ rable il@@ l@@ ness that made him li@@ mb@@ less .
initi@@ ally , they cou@@ ld@@ n '@@ t accept the bo@@ y .
but they pra@@ yed and after four months , ni@@ ck 's mom felt that go@@ d had a plan for their child .
now , v@@ u@@ j@@ i@@ ci@@ c is a wor@@ l@@ d-@@ ren@@ ow@@ ned ev@@ an@@ ge@@ list and mo@@ ti@@ v@@ ational speaker , thanks to whom many people have conver@@ ted .
" i am pro@@ of that go@@ d never makes mistak@@ es , " ni@@ ck emphasi@@ ses .
" when we are g@@ ri@@ p@@ ped by suffering , it is hard to understand it .
we ask : « why has it happened to us ? »
if we believe that go@@ d re@@ ig@@ ns over the whole world and is in control of our lives , it is natural that we ask whether he sent us il@@ l@@ ness , mis@@ fortun@@ e ... "
mo@@ ther ple@@ ad@@ s gu@@ il@@ ty to mur@@ der@@ ing two te@@ en@@ age s@@ ons
a wom@@ an bro@@ ke down in te@@ ars as she was told she could spend the rest of her life in prison after ad@@ mit@@ ting mur@@ der@@ ing her two te@@ en@@ age s@@ ons while con@@ spir@@ ing to ki@@ ll four more of her children .
sar@@ a@@ h bar@@ ra@@ ss , 35 , plea@@ ded gu@@ il@@ ty to the mur@@ der of tr@@ istan bar@@ ra@@ ss , 13 , and bl@@ ake bar@@ ra@@ ss , 14 .
the bro@@ thers d@@ ied in ho@@ sp@@ ital 12 minutes apart after police were called to the shi@@ regre@@ en area of sh@@ ef@@ field , south y@@ or@@ k@@ sh@@ ire , at about 7@@ .@@ 3@@ 0@@ am on 24 may .
post@@ mor@@ te@@ ms have been carried out but the results were not given during a he@@ aring on f@@ ri@@ day at sh@@ ef@@ field c@@ row@@ n court .
the ex@@ act circumstances sur@@ ro@@ un@@ ding the bo@@ ys ' dea@@ ths are not yet known .
bar@@ ra@@ ss appe@@ are@@ d in the do@@ ck al@@ ong@@ side her co@@ -@@ def@@ end@@ ant , br@@ and@@ on mach@@ in , 3@@ 9 , a family member .
f@@ lan@@ ked by three security of@@ fic@@ ers , they plea@@ ded gu@@ il@@ ty to two coun@@ ts of mur@@ der and one coun@@ t of con@@ spir@@ acy to mur@@ der six children .
the pa@@ ir also plea@@ ded gu@@ il@@ ty to five coun@@ ts of attemp@@ ted mur@@ der during the 20@@ -@@ minu@@ te he@@ aring .
the con@@ spir@@ acy to mur@@ der char@@ ges rel@@ ate to a period between 14 and 20 may .
four of the attemp@@ ted mur@@ der char@@ ges rel@@ ate to four children , including bl@@ ake and tr@@ istan on 23 may .
the fi@@ f@@ th coun@@ t of attemp@@ ted mur@@ der took place on 24 may .
the survi@@ ving children are all under the age of 13 .
the jud@@ ge , je@@ re@@ my ri@@ char@@ ds@@ on q@@ c , told the pa@@ ir : " no words of min@@ e can ever fully reflect the enor@@ mi@@ ty of what you have both done .
the crimes you have committed quite fran@@ k@@ ly speak for themselves .
the mur@@ der of two children .
the attemp@@ ted mur@@ der of four children and the over@@ ar@@ ching con@@ spir@@ acy to mur@@ der those children .
i have little doubt that each of you will in due course be sent@@ en@@ ced to several terms of life im@@ pris@@ on@@ ment . "
it 's a matter for the jud@@ ge where a whole life order is imposed .
the reason for the claim is ce@@ z@@ ary g@@ my@@ z 's statement made on the " min@@ ę@@ ła 20 " programme on channe@@ l t@@ v@@ p .
one of the main people manag@@ ing the so@@ k@@ z@@ bu@@ ra@@ ka we@@ b@@ site is kr@@ zy@@ szt@@ of bre@@ j@@ za , who has a lot of experience in organis@@ ing the en@@ v@@ y de@@ part@@ ment .
" kie@@ r@@ wi@@ ński , bud@@ ka and g@@ ier@@ tych are people who know mari@@ u@@ sz ko@@ za@@ k@@ -@@ za@@ go@@ z@@ da very well , and he is the person who he set up that h@@ ate profi@@ le " , g@@ my@@ z said .
so@@ k@@ z@@ bu@@ ra@@ ka is a we@@ b@@ site and social network profi@@ le with me@@ mes and jo@@ k@@ es about politics .
according to sieci maga@@ z@@ ine , mari@@ u@@ sz ko@@ za@@ k@@ -@@ za@@ go@@ z@@ da , a public relations person , is responsible for that profi@@ le .
" we managed to find out that since this april mari@@ u@@ sz ko@@ za@@ k@@ -@@ za@@ go@@ z@@ da has been employed in war@@ saw 's city h@@ all in the marke@@ ting office , " we can read in the maga@@ z@@ ine .
" con@@ feder@@ ation " in o@@ ła@@ wa
there was a meeting held by the " con@@ feder@@ ation " elect@@ oral committee at the market s@@ qu@@ are in o@@ ła@@ wa .
the programme was presented by kr@@ zy@@ szt@@ of sz@@ o@@ k@@ al@@ ski , no . 5 on the list , and hal@@ sz@@ ka bie@@ le@@ c@@ ka , no . 9 .
the announced list lea@@ der , kr@@ zy@@ szt@@ of tu@@ du@@ j , did not arri@@ ve at the campaign r@@ ally .
the candi@@ d@@ ates mentioned many problems , from the excessive fi@@ sc@@ alism of the state to the healthcare problems .
another issue discussed was the economic zone which should operate for the benefit of all entrepreneu@@ rs and not favour the foreign capital .
climate stri@@ ke in bu@@ da@@ pe@@ st world
a few thous@@ and of people , mo@@ stly young ones , took part in a climate stri@@ ke in the capital of hungary , bu@@ da@@ pe@@ st , on f@@ ri@@ day .
they called on the government to reach climate ne@@ utr@@ ality , de@@ cl@@ are a state of climate threat and to run a more environmental agenda .
prote@@ sters mar@@ ched from c@@ lar@@ k 's s@@ qu@@ are at the bud@@ a side to the kos@@ su@@ th s@@ qu@@ are outside the parliament on the pe@@ st side .
climate protection !
now ! " .
bor@@ is jo@@ h@@ n@@ son referred to police wat@@ ch@@ do@@ g over frien@@ d@@ ship with busin@@ ess@@ wom@@ an j@@ en@@ ni@@ fer ar@@ cur@@ i
the independent office for police condu@@ ct will now assess whether the prime minister should be investig@@ ated for the criminal off@@ ence of mis@@ condu@@ ct in public office while he was ma@@ y@@ or of lon@@ don .
the greater lon@@ don authority ( gl@@ a ) said in a statement that the authority 's monitoring offi@@ cer had recor@@ ded a " condu@@ ct matter " against the prime minister over al@@ leg@@ ations ms ar@@ cur@@ i received fav@@ ourable treatment because of her frien@@ d@@ ship with him .
" a " condu@@ ct matter " exists where there is information that indic@@ ates that a criminal off@@ ence may have been committed , " it said .
it does not mean that this is pro@@ ved in any way .
the i@@ op@@ c will now consider if it is necessary for the matter to be investig@@ ated .
the issue has been referred to the i@@ op@@ c , which de@@ als with compla@@ ints against police forces in en@@ gl@@ and and wal@@ es .
it was referred to the wat@@ ch@@ do@@ g because mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son at the time held the po@@ st equi@@ val@@ ent to a police and crime commissioner .
mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son has de@@ nie@@ d any w@@ ron@@ g@@ doing in relation to his frien@@ d@@ ship with ms ar@@ cur@@ i .
earlier he said that he would comply with an order by the lon@@ don assembly to provide deta@@ ils of his lin@@ ks with ms ar@@ cur@@ i , although he insi@@ sted they were " bar@@ king up the wrong tre@@ e . "
it follow@@ s a report by the su@@ n@@ day times that ms ar@@ cur@@ i , an american who mo@@ ved to lon@@ don seven years ago , was given £ 1@@ 2@@ 6@@ ,@@ 000 in public money and was treated to pri@@ vi@@ leg@@ ed access to three foreign trade mis@@ sions led by mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son while he was ma@@ y@@ or .
the government has since fro@@ zen a £ 10@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 gr@@ ant to ms ar@@ cur@@ i 's company , h@@ ac@@ ker house , pen@@ ding a review .
it is facing embar@@ ra@@ ssing questions about the ver@@ i@@ fication process carried out before awar@@ ding the money .
digital minister mat@@ t war@@ man told the comm@@ ons that his de@@ part@@ ment had done the " usu@@ al due di@@ li@@ gence " and that the company had a british ph@@ one number .
however , numerous reports said calls to the number were dire@@ cted to an office in c@@ ali@@ for@@ nia , where ms ar@@ cur@@ i , 3@@ 4 , is said to now be based .
p@@ m 's frien@@ d@@ ship with busin@@ ess@@ wom@@ an ' was open secre@@ t among sta@@ ff@@ '
the move by the gl@@ a to refer the prime minister to the independent office for police condu@@ ct has met with an@@ ger from no 10 .
a se@@ ni@@ or government source said it was " a politically mo@@ ti@@ v@@ ated attack " and that the tim@@ ing - on the e@@ ve of the conserv@@ ative party conference - was " over@@ tly political . "
" no evidence of any al@@ leg@@ ations has been provided by the monitoring offi@@ cer nor was the p@@ m given any opportunity to respond to the monitoring offi@@ cer pri@@ or to the publi@@ shing of a press relea@@ se late on a f@@ ri@@ day night , " the source said .
the public and media will rightly see through such a na@@ ke@@ dly political pu@@ t-@@ up job .
earlier today , the standard was told mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son 's close frien@@ d@@ ship with the c@@ ali@@ for@@ nian entrepren@@ eur hel@@ ped by lon@@ don 's tourism and promo@@ tions agency was an " open secre@@ t " among its staff .
former officials at the agency , lon@@ don partners ( l@@ p ) , re@@ called how ms ar@@ cur@@ i was given places on foreign trade tri@@ ps led by mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son in his time as ma@@ y@@ or despite her companies being regar@@ ded as " not credi@@ ble " by some at the time .
third man char@@ ged with dru@@ g coun@@ ts in ma@@ c mil@@ ler 's death
lo@@ s an@@ ge@@ les ( a@@ p ) - a third man has been ar@@ re@@ sted and char@@ ged with dru@@ g off@@ en@@ ses in connection with rap@@ per ma@@ c mil@@ ler 's over@@ do@@ se death last year .
court documents show ste@@ ph@@ en wal@@ ter is su@@ spe@@ cted of sel@@ ling counterfe@@ it o@@ x@@ y@@ c@@ od@@ one pi@@ lls lac@@ ed with f@@ ent@@ any@@ l that mil@@ ler pos@@ se@@ ssed before he d@@ ied last september of an acci@@ dent@@ al over@@ do@@ se of co@@ ca@@ ine , alco@@ hol and f@@ ent@@ any@@ l , a power@@ ful opi@@ o@@ id contribu@@ ting to an e@@ pi@@ de@@ mic that 's cla@@ i@@ med thousands of lives in the u@@ .@@ s .
wal@@ ter is accu@@ sed of being the source of the pi@@ lls that another man , cam@@ e@@ ro@@ n pe@@ t@@ ti@@ t , so@@ ld to mil@@ ler .
court documents un@@ se@@ al@@ ed tu@@ es@@ day say pe@@ t@@ ti@@ t ke@@ pt getting drug@@ s from wal@@ ter through au@@ gu@@ st .
ry@@ an re@@ a@@ v@@ is , who was ar@@ re@@ sted earlier this week in l@@ ake ha@@ v@@ as@@ u city , ari@@ z@@ ona , is accu@@ sed of ser@@ ving as wal@@ ter 's " run@@ ner " who deli@@ vered the pi@@ lls to pe@@ t@@ ti@@ t .
n@@ one of the men have been directly char@@ ged with mil@@ ler 's death or have en@@ tered ple@@ as in their cases .
wal@@ ter , who is on super@@ vi@@ sed relea@@ se in a 2005 dru@@ g case , is in cust@@ ody and has already been or@@ dered to serve five months in prison for viol@@ ating the terms of his relea@@ se .
pro@@ secu@@ tors handl@@ ing the case , which was first re@@ ported th@@ ur@@ s@@ day by ce@@ le@@ br@@ ity we@@ b@@ site t@@ m@@ z , are asking that wal@@ ter remain in cust@@ ody while he awa@@ its tri@@ al , calling him a serious fli@@ ght risk .
a ph@@ one message left with his la@@ wy@@ er wa@@ s@@ n '@@ t immediately re@@ tur@@ ned .
pe@@ t@@ ti@@ t was char@@ ged in feder@@ al court on se@@ pt . 4 , and his at@@ tor@@ ne@@ y has dec@@ lined to comment .
mil@@ ler 's r@@ hy@@ mes included fran@@ k discussion of his de@@ pression and dru@@ g use , ear@@ ning him f@@ ans among some of the biggest na@@ mes in hi@@ p@@ -@@ ho@@ p .
the pit@@ t@@ sb@@ ur@@ gh nati@@ ve whose real name was mal@@ col@@ m j@@ am@@ es my@@ ers mc@@ cor@@ mi@@ ck was also in a two@@ -@@ year relationship with sin@@ ger ari@@ ana gran@@ de that en@@ ded earlier in 201@@ 8 .
after his death , she post@@ ed an affe@@ cti@@ on@@ ate vi@@ de@@ o of him on her inst@@ ag@@ ram pa@@ ge and relea@@ sed a s@@ ong , " thank u next , " that lo@@ v@@ ingly mentioned him .
mil@@ ler is among the musi@@ ci@@ ans whose dea@@ ths have been linked in recent years to opi@@ o@@ id abuse .
mat@@ the@@ w ro@@ ber@@ ts , gu@@ it@@ ari@@ st for the b@@ and 3 do@@ ors down , also d@@ ied of an over@@ do@@ se in 201@@ 6 and had f@@ ent@@ any@@ l and hy@@ dro@@ c@@ od@@ one in his system .
this st@@ ory has been corre@@ cted to show that wal@@ ter 's first name is spe@@ lled ste@@ ph@@ en , not ste@@ ven .
9 year old nig@@ eri@@ an buil@@ ds more than 30 mobi@@ le gam@@ es
the 9@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old is building a hi@@ de and seek gam@@ e , using a free program@@ ming application called s@@ cr@@ at@@ ch 2 .
s@@ cr@@ at@@ ch 2 allows users to create gam@@ es , ani@@ m@@ ations , and stor@@ ies online or off@@ line .
so far , basi@@ l has used it to gener@@ ate more than 30 mobi@@ le gam@@ es .
today 's gam@@ e involves a b@@ at he has program@@ med to hi@@ de .
the pla@@ yer ge@@ ts a point every time he cat@@ ches the b@@ at when it emer@@ ges from its hi@@ ding place .
i lear@@ ned how to build gam@@ es at a boo@@ t cam@@ p .
" now , i build to keep me bu@@ sy when i am bo@@ red , " basi@@ l told c@@ n@@ n .
in march , his fa@@ ther signed him up for a fi@@ ve@@ -@@ day boo@@ t cam@@ p for children aged 5 to 15 .
the cam@@ p , organi@@ zed by co@@ de@@ fe@@ st international , was put in place to give children like basi@@ l access to emerging technologies like robo@@ tic@@ s and vir@@ tual reality .
growing up , basi@@ l used to play a lot of mobi@@ le gam@@ es says his fa@@ ther , basi@@ l o@@ k@@ par@@ a s@@ r .
" i b@@ ought him a tab@@ let when he was 4 years old because i saw that he was always gra@@ b@@ b@@ ing ph@@ ones to play gam@@ es with .
he played can@@ dy cru@@ sh and tem@@ ple run a lot , " the fa@@ ther told c@@ n@@ n .
but basi@@ l 's interest in creating his gam@@ es gre@@ w at age 7 after he got s@@ col@@ ded for spending all of his time pla@@ ying .
out of an@@ no@@ y@@ ance , i said to him , ' you are always pla@@ ying gam@@ es , can '@@ t you think about building your own gam@@ es so others can play y@@ ours too ? ' .
i was an@@ gr@@ y when i said it , and i did not know he took it seriously , " he added .
since then , basi@@ l acti@@ vely show@@ ed interest in learning how to make his own gam@@ es , prom@@ p@@ ting his parents to bu@@ y him a la@@ p@@ top and register him to learn the first steps of building gam@@ es .
basi@@ l , who wants to be a scienti@@ st in the future , ti@@ t@@ les his gam@@ es based on what they are about .
one of his gam@@ es , ' mo@@ s@@ qui@@ to ma@@ sh ' is available on go@@ o@@ gle play stor@@ e .
africa has the largest youth population in the world , and like basi@@ l , this population is taking the lead when it comes to innovation on the continent .
two nig@@ eri@@ an 1@@ 2@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ ol@@ ds were recently ce@@ le@@ br@@ ated for using co@@ des to build robo@@ ts to sort out their house cho@@ res .
in may , te@@ am ac@@ robo@@ t , a gh@@ an@@ ai@@ an all@@ -@@ gi@@ r@@ ls high school te@@ am w@@ on the 201@@ 9 robo@@ fe@@ st competition by program@@ ming robo@@ ts to st@@ ack bo@@ x@@ es .
and with africa experien@@ cing increased investment from te@@ ch gi@@ ants like go@@ o@@ gle and micro@@ so@@ ft , basi@@ l and his pe@@ ers are on their way to becoming future c@@ od@@ ing star@@ s .
former north ca@@ rol@@ ina go@@ p chair to ple@@ ad gu@@ il@@ ty for l@@ ying in bri@@ ber@@ y pro@@ be
a former north ca@@ rol@@ ina go@@ p chair@@ man will ad@@ mit in court that he l@@ ied to feder@@ al ag@@ ents condu@@ cting a bri@@ ber@@ y investigation of a major political don@@ or , according to court documents fi@@ led f@@ ri@@ day .
the feder@@ al court do@@ c@@ ke@@ t shows that rob@@ in ha@@ yes is sch@@ edu@@ led to enter a gu@@ il@@ ty ple@@ a next we@@ d@@ nes@@ day .
a fac@@ tual basis document prepared as part of the ple@@ a agreement and signed by ha@@ yes ' at@@ tor@@ ne@@ y said that ha@@ yes k@@ new he was making fal@@ se statements to f@@ b@@ i ag@@ ents condu@@ cting the bri@@ ber@@ y pro@@ be in 201@@ 8 .
the actual ple@@ a agreement is se@@ al@@ ed , and the fac@@ tual basis do@@ es@@ n '@@ t speci@@ fy which char@@ ges he '@@ ll ple@@ ad gu@@ il@@ ty to .
he was initi@@ ally char@@ ged with con@@ spir@@ acy , bri@@ ber@@ y and making fal@@ se statements .
pro@@ secu@@ tors have accu@@ sed ha@@ yes , a former con@@ gre@@ ss@@ man , of involvement in an in@@ surance execu@@ tive 's plan to fun@@ ne@@ l campaign contributions to the state 's top in@@ surance regul@@ ator in exchange for special treatment .
the execu@@ tive , gre@@ g lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g , and two of his associ@@ ates have been char@@ ged with attemp@@ ting to bri@@ be state in@@ surance commissioner mi@@ ke cau@@ se@@ y .
lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g is an in@@ surance and investment firm foun@@ der who has been among the state 's top political don@@ ors in recent years , giving more than $ 5 million to state and feder@@ al candi@@ d@@ ates and committees since 201@@ 6 .
he fa@@ vo@@ red republi@@ can causes and politicians , but also gave to democrats .
his at@@ tor@@ ne@@ y did not respond to an e@@ ma@@ il seeking comment f@@ ri@@ day .
a defen@@ se at@@ tor@@ ne@@ y for ha@@ yes , ke@@ ar@@ ns da@@ v@@ is , di@@ d@@ n '@@ t respond to an e@@ ma@@ il f@@ ri@@ day seeking further comment .
the court documents fi@@ led f@@ ri@@ day state that ha@@ yes l@@ ied to f@@ b@@ i ag@@ ents in au@@ gu@@ st 201@@ 8 when he said he had never had con@@ vers@@ ations with cau@@ se@@ y about staff at the state de@@ part@@ ment of in@@ surance .
but ha@@ yes had in fact spoken to the in@@ surance commissioner about lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g 's request to make person@@ ne@@ l changes within the regul@@ ator 's agency , according to the fac@@ tual basis document .
pro@@ secu@@ tors have said that ha@@ yes also hel@@ ped lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g request a meeting with cau@@ se@@ y and that ha@@ yes discussed the bri@@ be directly with the regul@@ ator .
an indi@@ ct@@ ment un@@ se@@ al@@ ed in april al@@ leg@@ es that lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g wanted special treatment for his in@@ surance businesses and planned to fun@@ ne@@ l up to $ 2 million for cau@@ se@@ y 's 2020 re@@ election campaign .
the scheme involved a request to re@@ place a de@@ part@@ ment official who had been ex@@ ami@@ ning a lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g company , according to the indi@@ ct@@ ment .
cau@@ se@@ y , a republi@@ can , re@@ ported the al@@ leg@@ ed attemp@@ ted bri@@ be to feder@@ al investig@@ ators and hel@@ ped them build their case .
he fac@@ es no char@@ ges .
the indi@@ ct@@ ment states that an associ@@ ate of lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g 's dire@@ cted ha@@ yes to transfer $ 2@@ 5@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 to cau@@ se@@ y 's re@@ election campaign during a conver@@ sation that also included lin@@ d@@ ber@@ g and cau@@ se@@ y .
ha@@ yes initi@@ ally prote@@ sted , saying that moving so much money would draw attention , but ev@@ ent@@ u@@ ally rel@@ ented during the conver@@ sation , according to the indi@@ ct@@ ment .
" wh@@ ate@@ ver you all want to do , we '@@ ll do , " ha@@ yes said , according to the indi@@ ct@@ ment .
" al@@ right , i '@@ ll get " er done . "
a spo@@ ke@@ s@@ wom@@ an for the feder@@ al pro@@ secu@@ tor 's office di@@ d@@ n '@@ t respond to an e@@ ma@@ il seeking further information about the ple@@ a agreement .
from s@@ at@@ ur@@ day , the dri@@ vers will be able to use the first out of three constru@@ cted m@@ oun@@ tain se@@ ctions of the s@@ 7 express road , mea@@ ning the new za@@ ko@@ pi@@ an@@ ka , from skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała to ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j , and next the main fa@@ st traffic du@@ al-@@ car@@ ri@@ ag@@ e@@ way road to ch@@ ab@@ ów@@ ka .
as re@@ ported by the spo@@ ke@@ s@@ wom@@ an of the kra@@ ko@@ w bran@@ ch of the general direct@@ or@@ ate for national road@@ s and motor@@ ways ( g@@ d@@ d@@ ki@@ a ) , i@@ w@@ ona mi@@ kru@@ t , on f@@ ri@@ day , it is the first out of three se@@ ctions of the constru@@ cted s@@ 7 rou@@ te south of kra@@ ko@@ w , from lu@@ bie@@ ń to ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j , which will be put into use .
in the se@@ ction more than 6 k@@ m long from skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała to ch@@ ab@@ ów@@ ka , more than one third , i@@ .@@ e .
ca . 2.@@ 3 k@@ m , was led on bri@@ d@@ ges .
there are se@@ ven@@ te@@ en of them , including the lon@@ ge@@ st and highest one , one kil@@ om@@ etr@@ e long and 50 m high , as well as four small structures over the wat@@ er@@ cour@@ ses at skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na inter@@ change .
from this inter@@ change , there are ex@@ its to wa@@ d@@ owi@@ ce and nowy są@@ cz , road no . 28 and to the former course of d@@ k@@ 7 , provided .
from the following inter@@ change , za@@ bor@@ nia , you can change to d@@ k@@ 4@@ 7 towards nowy tar@@ g and za@@ ko@@ pan@@ e and to d@@ k@@ 7 to chy@@ ż@@ ne and the po@@ lan@@ d-@@ slovakia border .
there was a pass@@ enger service area created on z@@ bó@@ je@@ c@@ ka gó@@ ra .
the express road en@@ ds with za@@ bor@@ nia inter@@ change in ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j , with an about one@@ -@@ kil@@ om@@ etr@@ e du@@ al-@@ car@@ ri@@ ag@@ e@@ way se@@ ction of d@@ k@@ 4@@ 7 to ch@@ ab@@ ów@@ ka added , where it is conne@@ cted to the existing du@@ al-@@ car@@ ri@@ ag@@ e@@ way road conne@@ cting ch@@ ab@@ ów@@ ka and r@@ dz@@ aw@@ ka .
the s@@ 7 se@@ ction skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j and the new se@@ ction of the national fa@@ st traffic ( g@@ p ) road no . 4@@ 7 from ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j to ch@@ ab@@ ów@@ ka was constru@@ cted by italian company sal@@ ini im@@ pre@@ gi@@ l@@ o from mil@@ an .
the project cost was ca . pl@@ n 6@@ 15 million .
the de@@ fe@@ cts li@@ ability for the works per@@ for@@ med will be v@@ ali@@ d for 10 years .
the se@@ ction of the new za@@ ko@@ pi@@ an@@ ka of ca . 1@@ 6@@ .@@ 7 k@@ m , including 15@@ .@@ 8 k@@ m with the express road par@@ am@@ e@@ ters , was divi@@ ded into three implementation parts , each with its separ@@ ate contrac@@ tor : lu@@ bie@@ ń na@@ prawa , na@@ prawa skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała and skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała ra@@ b@@ ka z@@ d@@ ró@@ j .
the first se@@ ction from the en@@ tr@@ ance to the tun@@ ne@@ l is made by the poli@@ sh@@ -@@ ukra@@ ini@@ an con@@ sor@@ ti@@ um of id@@ s@@ -@@ bu@@ d s@@ .@@ a@@ . from war@@ saw and al@@ ti@@ s@@ -@@ hol@@ ding from kie@@ v , the tun@@ ne@@ l se@@ ction by italian ast@@ al@@ d@@ i , and the third by the italian company sal@@ ini .
the total cost of those tasks is close to pl@@ n 2.@@ 5 billion .
the project is co@@ -@@ fun@@ ded from the european union funds within the operational programme infrastructure and environment 2014 2020 .
the funding amounts to more than pl@@ n 1.@@ 3 billion .
along the entire se@@ ction , there are 3@@ 8 road structures created ( bri@@ d@@ ges , over@@ bri@@ d@@ ges , long bri@@ d@@ ges ) and a two@@ -@@ chamber tun@@ ne@@ l 2.@@ 0@@ 6 k@@ m long .
the last se@@ ction na@@ prawa skom@@ ie@@ l@@ na bi@@ ała 3 k@@ m long will be used by dri@@ vers in 20@@ 21 , after the two@@ -@@ chamber tun@@ ne@@ l construction is comple@@ ted , with every car@@ ri@@ ag@@ e@@ way ca . 2.@@ 0@@ 6 k@@ m long .
our goal is a welfare state
" we are building a welfare state in poland " , announced the minister of justice , z@@ bi@@ g@@ nie@@ w zi@@ ob@@ ro .
he came to szcze@@ ci@@ n to per@@ su@@ ade constitu@@ ents to vote for a counci@@ ll@@ or , dar@@ i@@ u@@ sz m@@ ate@@ cki , a candidate for the se@@ j@@ m from the law and justice 's list .
" the programme of good change is the implementation of the polish ver@@ sion of a prosper@@ ity state strategy , " the minister said .
" we want po@@ les to ear@@ n much more money so that their lives will be on a much higher level .
this is a must , because otherwise young , high-@@ achieving , well-@@ edu@@ cated people will leave poland , and we cannot allow that .
our administration , for four years , has consist@@ ently implemented the programme we obli@@ ged to carry out four years ago .
we said we would laun@@ ch the 500 plus programme .
the civi@@ c plat@@ form party , don@@ al@@ d tu@@ sk and e@@ wa ko@@ pac@@ z said it would not be possible , that this money does not exist .
we pro@@ ved that we have and had the money , only the civi@@ c plat@@ form did not take care of those to whom the money was sup@@ posed to go .
zi@@ ob@@ ro also re@@ min@@ ded vo@@ ters about school star@@ ter k@@ its and the thir@@ te@@ ent@@ h pension and that there are plans for a four@@ te@@ ent@@ h pension .
in addition to " pr@@ u@@ dent di@@ vision of national income " , the law and justice priorities are : just state and economic development .
" the money should not go in big stre@@ am@@ s only into the po@@ c@@ ke@@ ts of the cho@@ sen ones , who have good relations with the establishment and authorities , but should be e@@ ven@@ ly distribu@@ ted among the whole of society " , the politici@@ an said .
em@@ manu@@ el mac@@ ro@@ n pa@@ ys hom@@ age to j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c
the president of france , em@@ manu@@ el mac@@ ro@@ n , bi@@ d his pre@@ de@@ cess@@ or j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c fa@@ re@@ well in a t@@ v broad@@ ca@@ st on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day ; he referred to him as a great fren@@ ch@@ man and state@@ sman .
at 9 p@@ m the ligh@@ ts of the ei@@ f@@ fe@@ l t@@ owe@@ r went out in tribu@@ te to the former president .
the former french president and prime minister , j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c , d@@ ied on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day mor@@ ning at the age of 8@@ 6 .
mac@@ ro@@ n 's fa@@ re@@ well speech was broad@@ ca@@ st by all major t@@ v channe@@ ls in france .
" he was a state@@ sman we all lo@@ ved , just as he lo@@ ved us , " said the president .
" thanks to more than 40 years in politics , ch@@ ira@@ c be@@ came a fa@@ mili@@ ar fi@@ g@@ ure to all of us .
and regar@@ dless of whether we shared his ide@@ als and b@@ att@@ les , we all saw our refle@@ ction in him .
this is an e@@ vening of appreci@@ ation for j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c .
he did so much for our n@@ ation , our values , bro@@ ther@@ hood and toler@@ ance , " continu@@ ed mac@@ ro@@ n .
he re@@ called that ch@@ ira@@ c opposed the war in iraq in 2003 which was without un mandate , he advo@@ cated peace in the balkans , as well as stability and peace in le@@ ban@@ on .
before his t@@ v appe@@ ar@@ ance , mac@@ ro@@ n visi@@ ted ch@@ ira@@ c 's par@@ i@@ sian house at de t@@ our@@ n@@ on stre@@ et .
the el@@ y@@ s@@ é@@ e pal@@ ace will be open from 9 p@@ m on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day to su@@ n@@ day e@@ vening for all those who want to leave a message in the bo@@ ok of con@@ dol@@ ences .
" the president of the republic wishes to give all french citizens the opportunity to pay hom@@ age to j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c , whose passed away today , " informed the press service of the el@@ y@@ s@@ é@@ e pal@@ ace .
the pal@@ ace ser@@ ved as ch@@ ira@@ c 's home for two presid@@ ential terms between 199@@ 5 and 2007 .
president mac@@ ro@@ n de@@ cla@@ red mon@@ day a national day of m@@ our@@ ning .
a sole@@ m@@ n mass will be held at the ch@@ ur@@ ch of sa@@ in@@ t-@@ sul@@ pi@@ ce at no@@ on , while the official service , as per tradi@@ tion , will take place at the no@@ tr@@ e dam@@ e ca@@ the@@ d@@ ral , which has been closed to the public since the fir@@ e in april .
j@@ acqu@@ es ch@@ ira@@ c 's official fun@@ er@@ al will take place next week ; the ex@@ act date and deta@@ ils are yet un@@ known .
se@@ ction of so@@ po@@ c@@ ka stre@@ et in ni@@ sko already re@@ buil@@ t
on tu@@ es@@ day , 2@@ 4@@ th september , the so@@ po@@ c@@ ka stre@@ et in ni@@ sko was offici@@ ally opened for traffic .
the total costs of the works amoun@@ ted to pl@@ n 1 million 8@@ 0@@ 3 thousands , among which pl@@ n 1 million 26 thousands were finan@@ ced from f@@ ds and the re@@ ma@@ ining amount is the financial contribution of the ni@@ sko distri@@ ct as well as the ni@@ sko com@@ mu@@ ne and the city of ni@@ sko .
thanks to the financial resources , the road sur@@ face of 1@@ 2@@ 8@@ 4 met@@ res l@@ eng@@ th was laid and extended . the works included also the pa@@ vement of 9@@ 50 met@@ res l@@ eng@@ th , de@@ wat@@ ering as well as fi@@ ni@@ shing works .
the investment was reali@@ zed by the following companies : p@@ b@@ i infrastruktur@@ a s@@ .@@ a@@ . from kra@@ s@@ nik and p@@ b@@ i w@@ m@@ b sp@@ . z o@@ .@@ o@@ . from san@@ dom@@ ier@@ z .
at the bre@@ ak of 201@@ 9 / 2020 the ni@@ sko distri@@ ct is planning to extend another se@@ ction of the so@@ po@@ c@@ ka stre@@ et . the works are to include new sur@@ face , pa@@ vements , the bri@@ dge on the ri@@ ver bar@@ c@@ ów@@ ka will be re@@ buil@@ t as well .
the distri@@ ct authorities were able to gr@@ ant a financial support from f@@ ds for those works as well , it will cover 80 % of the entire investment amount .
the official opening of the re@@ buil@@ t road was atten@@ ded by the distri@@ ct head ro@@ ber@@ t be@@ d@@ nar@@ z , de@@ pu@@ ty distri@@ ct head ad@@ am mach , ni@@ sko distri@@ ct council chair@@ man sy@@ l@@ we@@ ster da@@ sko , the chair@@ man of the mal@@ ce community council jan bie@@ la@@ k , the cl@@ er@@ ks from the distri@@ ct authority office and the council for distri@@ ct road@@ s in ni@@ sko , the project contrac@@ tor and the construction site inspe@@ ct@@ or .
fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok to hi@@ de number of lik@@ es in tri@@ al aimed at improving users ' well@@ being
some fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok users will soon no longer see the number of lik@@ es , re@@ actions and vi@@ de@@ o views on other 's po@@ sts in a wor@@ l@@ d-@@ first tri@@ al aimed at boo@@ sting users ' well@@ being .
instead , lik@@ es will be private and only vi@@ sible to the po@@ st 's auth@@ or in a change that follow@@ s a similar test on inst@@ ag@@ ram which started in july in au@@ str@@ ali@@ a .
the new fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok tri@@ al , which beg@@ ins on f@@ ri@@ day , will also ki@@ ck off in au@@ str@@ ali@@ a .
fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok au@@ str@@ ali@@ a 's direct@@ or of policy mi@@ a gar@@ li@@ ck said the change was based on well@@ being research and fee@@ d@@ back from mental health professi@@ on@@ als that the number of lik@@ es can cause social compar@@ is@@ on .
" we '@@ ve had really positive fee@@ d@@ back from a lot of the anti-@@ bu@@ ll@@ ying groups and mental health organisations that we work with , " gar@@ li@@ ck said .
it really is just taking that number out of the equ@@ ation , so that people can focus on the quality of their inter@@ actions and the quality of the content rather than on the number of lik@@ es or re@@ actions .
it 's ho@@ ped that people will be more com@@ for@@ table with sh@@ aring on the plat@@ form rather than fee@@ ling like it 's a competition , she said .
gar@@ li@@ ck assu@@ red businesses who rely on fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok they will still receive all the same me@@ tri@@ cs and insi@@ gh@@ ts they previ@@ ously acce@@ ssed .
she said it was too early to say if the test would ro@@ ll out to other countries like inst@@ ag@@ ram 's tri@@ al has in au@@ str@@ ali@@ a , canada , brazi@@ l , new ze@@ al@@ and , japan , italy and ireland .
as with inst@@ ag@@ ram , which is ow@@ ned by fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok , there is no indi@@ cation of when the tri@@ al will end or if the change will be made permanent .
" we have had some initial positive fee@@ d@@ back from the public about the experience &#9@@ 1@@ ; on inst@@ ag@@ ram &#9@@ 3@@ ; , but we '@@ re still just learning and li@@ ste@@ ning to fee@@ d@@ back at this stage , " she said .
on being the world 's training ground gar@@ li@@ ck said au@@ str@@ ali@@ a has very active " tech@@ -@@ sav@@ v@@ y " users of fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok and inst@@ ag@@ ram .
we think this is a great country where we can get some really good fee@@ d@@ back about whether this is a valu@@ able experience for people on our services or not .
czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa : counci@@ ll@@ ors want com@@ pen@@ sation for pil@@ gr@@ ims from the cur@@ ia
the cur@@ ia of czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa has not yet comm@@ ented on the counci@@ ll@@ ors ' appeal to the local me@@ tro@@ poli@@ t@@ an ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p w@@ ac@@ ła@@ w de@@ po on providing financial com@@ pen@@ sation for the management of the waste dispos@@ al during pil@@ gr@@ im@@ age se@@ as@@ on .
the city requests pl@@ n 1 from every pil@@ g@@ ri@@ m .
the vice-@@ chair@@ person of the czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa city council and candidate for the se@@ j@@ m , łu@@ k@@ as@@ z ko@@ t , spo@@ ke about the speech addressed to the me@@ tro@@ poli@@ t@@ an ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p during a press conference , in which a lea@@ der of the spr@@ ing party , ro@@ ber@@ t bie@@ dro@@ ń , took part , held on f@@ ri@@ day on ho@@ ly vir@@ g@@ in mar@@ y a@@ ven@@ ue leading up to the jasna gó@@ ra mon@@ a@@ ster@@ y .
ko@@ t announced that the day before that local counci@@ ll@@ ors from the democratic left alliance party passed the appeal to ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p w@@ ac@@ ła@@ w de@@ po on pa@@ ssing on to the city one pl@@ n from each pil@@ g@@ ri@@ m visi@@ ting czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa to support the work of muni@@ cip@@ al services .
we adopted the appeal to the ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p de@@ po so he would help the city , help us clean up after the pil@@ gr@@ ims , and prepare for pil@@ gr@@ ims .
" we ask that a symbo@@ li@@ c one z@@ lo@@ ty from every pil@@ g@@ ri@@ m be trans@@ fer@@ red to the city budget .
thanks to that , the city can provide them with better conditions of stay in czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa " , said the vice-@@ chair@@ person of the city council .
when asked for comment , the me@@ tro@@ poli@@ t@@ an cur@@ ia of czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa 's spo@@ ke@@ sman , pr@@ ie@@ st mari@@ u@@ sz b@@ ak@@ alar@@ z , at first provided a longer response , then , however , he asked as he indi@@ cated , on behalf of ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p de@@ po to re@@ place it with the following information : " we will not refer to that matter until the city council takes an official position on this issue . "
according to the project published on the we@@ b@@ sites of the czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa city council , the appeal to the ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p de@@ po re@@ fers to " trans@@ fer@@ ring financial com@@ pen@@ sation to the city of czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa for maintaining the muni@@ cip@@ al waste management system during the pil@@ gr@@ im@@ age se@@ as@@ on .
" with regard to the growing number of pil@@ gr@@ ims coming to czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa and increasing cost of maintaining the muni@@ cip@@ al waste management system in pil@@ gr@@ im@@ age se@@ as@@ on , taking into consideration the im@@ age of the city among its in@@ habit@@ ants and pil@@ gr@@ ims , as a part of generally accepted can@@ ons of car@@ ing for our common good , our little hom@@ el@@ and czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa , we would like to propose the cur@@ ia 's participation in the costs of maintaining the abo@@ ve@@ -@@ mentioned waste management system , " states a fra@@ g@@ ment of the appeal .
" stri@@ ving to maintain the cle@@ an@@ lin@@ ess of areas for pe@@ de@@ stri@@ an and mo@@ tor traffic used by pil@@ gr@@ ims , who , at the same time , make use of small infrastructure , i@@ .@@ e@@ . out@@ do@@ or waste b@@ ins , we will introduce symbo@@ li@@ c participation in the muni@@ cip@@ al waste management system amoun@@ ting to pl@@ n 1 from each pil@@ g@@ ri@@ m " , the appeal continues .
" what is more , in relation to the participation in annual costs , which will be covered by the city 's own resources , taking care of cle@@ an@@ lin@@ ess and a@@ es@@ the@@ tic@@ s of the urban space , but also with emphasis that this cooperation will bring benefits to all the involved parties , we de@@ cl@@ are that 20 % from the abo@@ ve@@ -@@ mentioned amount will be allocated to the tou@@ ri@@ st infrastructure improvement , for instance for building more to@@ i@@ le@@ ts available to the public , " the counci@@ ll@@ ors stated .
they also highligh@@ ted that be@@ sides financial matters , their proposal results from the numerous re@@ serv@@ ations from in@@ habit@@ ants about the cle@@ an@@ lin@@ ess of rou@@ tes used by pil@@ gr@@ ims .
" taking into account the cle@@ an@@ lin@@ ess of our city and the potential positive effects of cooperation , the czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa city council calls on w@@ ac@@ ła@@ w de@@ po , the me@@ tro@@ poli@@ t@@ an ar@@ ch@@ bi@@ sho@@ p of czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa , to transfer financial com@@ pen@@ sation to czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa for the ma@@ inten@@ ance of muni@@ cip@@ al waste management system during the pil@@ gr@@ im@@ age se@@ as@@ on , " they repe@@ ated in the appeal .
according to the information from the jasna gó@@ ra press office , over the course of the last year , 8@@ 3@@ 4 thous@@ and people jo@@ ined 200 nation@@ wide pil@@ gr@@ im@@ ages in poland to the sh@@ r@@ ine .
about 1@@ 24 thous@@ and belie@@ vers took part in 2@@ 5@@ 5 wal@@ king pil@@ gr@@ im@@ ages .
more than 8@@ ,@@ 8 thous@@ and people came to czę@@ sto@@ ch@@ owa in cy@@ c@@ ling pil@@ gr@@ im@@ ages ( 13@@ 3 groups ) and 4@@ 40 people ( 16 groups ) in run@@ ning pil@@ gr@@ im@@ ages .
ne@@ arly 20 people reached the sh@@ r@@ ine on hor@@ se@@ back , and more than 1@@ 70 pil@@ gr@@ im@@ ages in two groups on rol@@ ler@@ b@@ la@@ des .
t@@ v@@ p " wiadomości " igno@@ red con@@ feder@@ ation while descri@@ b@@ ing the opinion po@@ ll
according to a surve@@ y per@@ for@@ med by po@@ ll@@ ster , in elections to the se@@ j@@ m , law and justice would obtain 4@@ 5 % votes , civi@@ c co@@ ali@@ tion 26 % , the left 14 % , p@@ sl 7 % and con@@ feder@@ ation 5 % votes .
even the " su@@ per express " , we@@ b port@@ al the surve@@ y was per@@ for@@ med for , re@@ ported exce@@ e@@ ding the elect@@ oral thre@@ sho@@ ld .
in the prime time " wiadomości " e@@ di@@ tion descri@@ b@@ ing the surve@@ y , the results for only four parties were presented , completely ignor@@ ing con@@ feder@@ ation .
the pres@@ enter e@@ dy@@ ta le@@ wan@@ dow@@ ska clearly emphasi@@ sed that only four committees exce@@ eded the elect@@ oral thre@@ sho@@ ld and would enter the se@@ j@@ m .
t@@ v@@ p vie@@ wers were also presented a di@@ vision of se@@ ats in the se@@ j@@ m without the votes given to con@@ feder@@ ation ..
kr@@ zy@@ szt@@ of bos@@ ak in his comment to the whole situation descri@@ bed it as " public dis@@ gr@@ ace in terms of hone@@ sty towards society " .
" they started from slo@@ g@@ ans about « mor@@ al revo@@ lution » , he re@@ called and said that the case was the sign of weak@@ ness .
by con@@ tra@@ st , ro@@ ber@@ t win@@ ni@@ cki on t@@ wit@@ ter wro@@ te that " t@@ v@@ p wiadomości " in subsequ@@ ent steps against con@@ feder@@ ation put urban and mi@@ ch@@ nik to sh@@ am@@ e .
he also emphasi@@ sed the lack of response of righ@@ t-@@ wing journ@@ alists .
" we let s also look at those who are per@@ mis@@ si@@ vely sil@@ ent .
those « honest » , « independent » , « di@@ so@@ be@@ d@@ ien@@ t » ones .
within a few years they be@@ came a pri@@ mi@@ tive ver@@ sion of the whole thing they had been seem@@ ingly fighting against .
on th@@ ur@@ s@@ day , 26 september the se@@ j@@ m mar@@ shall , el@@ ż@@ bie@@ ta wi@@ tek , gave a de@@ ed of ap@@ poin@@ t@@ ment to the position of the de@@ pu@@ ty president of the su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office starting from 27 september 201@@ 9 to mał@@ gor@@ z@@ ata mo@@ ty@@ low .
the request in this case was received by the se@@ j@@ m mar@@ shall on 24 september 201@@ 9 .
" according to the se@@ j@@ m rules of procedure , it was sent to the se@@ j@@ m committee for state audi@@ t matters which granted its positive opinion on it on 26 september " , the announ@@ cement re@@ min@@ ds .
" also on 26 september 201@@ 9 the following people were dis@@ mis@@ sed from their positions of the de@@ pu@@ ty presid@@ ents of the su@@ pre@@ me audi@@ t office : e@@ wa pol@@ kow@@ ska , woj@@ cie@@ ch ku@@ ty@@ ła and mie@@ czy@@ sła@@ w łu@@ cza@@ k " , the announ@@ cement ad@@ ds .
earlier on the same day , the requests for all those personal decisions were granted positive opinions of the se@@ j@@ m committee for state audi@@ t , with the voting for the opinion concerning dis@@ mis@@ s@@ al of e@@ wa pol@@ kow@@ ska carried out t@@ wi@@ ce , as during the first committee voting there was the same number of votes for and against .
bro@@ ther ja@@ iled for life for pakistan social media sta@@ r q@@ an@@ de@@ el b@@ alo@@ ch 's hon@@ our kil@@ ling
q@@ an@@ de@@ el b@@ alo@@ ch , who sho@@ t to f@@ am@@ e for her social media ph@@ ot@@ os , was str@@ an@@ g@@ led in july 201@@ 6 .
the bro@@ ther of paki@@ stan@@ i social media sta@@ r q@@ an@@ de@@ el b@@ alo@@ ch was on f@@ ri@@ day con@@ vi@@ cted of her mur@@ der and sent@@ en@@ ced to life in prison in the pat@@ ri@@ ar@@ ch@@ al country 's high@@ e@@ st-@@ profi@@ le " hon@@ our kil@@ ling . "
b@@ alo@@ ch , who sho@@ t to f@@ am@@ e for her ri@@ s@@ que sel@@ f@@ ies -@@ - tam@@ e by western standards , but considered pro@@ vo@@ c@@ ative in dee@@ ply mis@@ o@@ g@@ y@@ ni@@ stic pakistan -@@ - was str@@ an@@ g@@ led in july 201@@ 6 .
her bro@@ ther mu@@ ham@@ ma@@ d wa@@ seem was ar@@ re@@ sted .
days later he told a press conference that he had no re@@ mor@@ se over what he did , saying that " of course " he had mur@@ dered his si@@ ster and that her behaviour had been " in@@ toler@@ able . "
his la@@ wy@@ er , sar@@ da@@ r me@@ h@@ mo@@ od , told af@@ p the court in the eastern city of mul@@ t@@ an had found his cl@@ ien@@ t gu@@ il@@ ty and sent@@ en@@ ced him to life im@@ pris@@ on@@ ment , in a long-@@ awa@@ i@@ ted ver@@ di@@ ct .
" in@@ sh@@ al@@ la@@ h ( go@@ d willing ) , he will be acqu@@ it@@ ted by a high court , " he said .
earlier , b@@ alo@@ ch 's mo@@ ther an@@ war ma@@ i told af@@ p she had ho@@ ped her son would be acqu@@ it@@ ted .
" he is inno@@ cent .
she was my da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter and he is my son , " she said .
b@@ alo@@ ch 's mur@@ der made international head@@ lines and re@@ ig@@ ni@@ ted calls for action against an e@@ pi@@ de@@ mic of so-called " hon@@ our kil@@ l@@ ings , " in which a victi@@ m -@@ - usu@@ ally a wom@@ an -@@ - is mur@@ dered for fl@@ ou@@ ting pat@@ ri@@ ar@@ ch@@ al social co@@ des .
women have been bur@@ ned , sho@@ t , stab@@ bed and str@@ an@@ g@@ led for off@@ ences such as cho@@ os@@ ing their own hu@@ sb@@ and or -@@ - in b@@ alo@@ ch 's case -@@ - bringing " sh@@ am@@ e " on their family by ce@@ le@@ br@@ ating their sexu@@ ality .
the kil@@ l@@ ings are usu@@ ally carried out by a close rel@@ ative .
under pakistan 's q@@ is@@ as ( blo@@ od money ) and di@@ y@@ at ( re@@ tribu@@ tion ) law , they can then seek for@@ gi@@ veness from a victi@@ m 's rel@@ atives .
three months after b@@ alo@@ ch 's mur@@ der , parliament passed new legislation mand@@ ating life im@@ pris@@ on@@ ment for hon@@ our kil@@ l@@ ings .
however , whether a mur@@ der is defined as a crime of hon@@ our is left to the jud@@ ge 's dis@@ cre@@ tion , mea@@ ning that kil@@ l@@ ers can the@@ o@@ re@@ tically claim a different mo@@ tive and still be par@@ d@@ oned .
in b@@ alo@@ ch 's case , her parents initi@@ ally insi@@ sted their son would be given no ab@@ solution .
but , he@@ art@@ bro@@ ken at the thought of lo@@ sing him also , they changed their min@@ ds and said they wanted him to be for@@ given .
international re@@ vul@@ sion at the kil@@ ling had seen the paki@@ stan@@ i state take the un@@ preceden@@ ted step of declar@@ ing itself an he@@ ir al@@ ong@@ side the parents , however , for@@ cing the case to move ahead .
some of b@@ alo@@ ch 's bet@@ ter@@ -@@ known actions included of@@ fering to per@@ form a stri@@ p@@ te@@ a@@ se for the paki@@ stan@@ i cri@@ c@@ ke@@ t te@@ am , and don@@ ning a pl@@ un@@ ging s@@ car@@ let dre@@ ss on val@@ ent@@ ine 's day .
she at@@ trac@@ ted criticism and thre@@ ats but was per@@ ce@@ i@@ ved by many , including young people , as b@@ reak@@ ing new ground in a country where pres@@ enting y@@ our@@ self as a kim kar@@ da@@ shi@@ an@@ -@@ like fi@@ g@@ ure can be seen as a bo@@ ld , political act of women 's em@@ power@@ ment .
the roo@@ ts of " hon@@ our " kil@@ l@@ ings li@@ e in tri@@ b@@ al social nor@@ ms , which remain pre@@ val@@ ent across south asia and dict@@ ate the behaviour of women in particular , though men can be victims too .
sa@@ il@@ ing reg@@ att@@ as in ni@@ sko
as soon as tomorrow , on s@@ at@@ ur@@ day , 2@@ 8@@ th september , 2@@ n@@ d independence reg@@ at@@ ta will be held on the water re@@ ser@@ vo@@ ir in pod@@ wo@@ li@@ n , in ni@@ sko .
r@@ ace start : 10@@ .@@ 30
the reg@@ at@@ ta will be held according to the om@@ e@@ ga and op@@ ty@@ mi@@ st clas@@ s rules in the mat@@ ch rac@@ ing formu@@ la .
they are organi@@ zed by sa@@ il@@ ing school j@@ ach@@ t clu@@ b ni@@ sko .
the reg@@ at@@ ta will take place as a part of the project sub@@ car@@ pa@@ th@@ i@@ an local initiatives 201@@ 8@@ -@@ 201@@ 9 , co@@ finan@@ ced from the national institu@@ te of freedom centre for development of civi@@ c society within the scope of civil initiative fund program for 201@@ 4@@ -@@ 2020 .
rac@@ ha@@ nie : " nadzie@@ ja " has been sing@@ ing for 10 years
the sin@@ ger en@@ sem@@ ble " nadzie@@ ja " operating at the country hou@@ se@@ wi@@ ves association in rac@@ ha@@ nie ce@@ le@@ br@@ ated its 10@@ th anni@@ vers@@ ary on 2@@ 1@@ st september .
the manag@@ er and ac@@ compa@@ ni@@ st of the en@@ sem@@ ble is sta@@ nis@@ ła@@ w se@@ ń@@ ko , direct@@ or of community cultural centre in rac@@ ha@@ nie .
the group takes parts in con@@ tests , pre@@ views , pat@@ ri@@ o@@ tic@@ -@@ religious ce@@ le@@ br@@ ations , fe@@ sti@@ v@@ als and har@@ ve@@ st fe@@ sti@@ v@@ als .
the en@@ sem@@ ble members sing in thre@@ e-@@ part harm@@ ony .
the ce@@ le@@ br@@ ation of en@@ sem@@ ble 10@@ th anni@@ vers@@ ary organised by the country hou@@ se@@ wi@@ ves association at the community cultural centre in rac@@ ha@@ nie was visi@@ ted by i@@ .@@ a@@ . kat@@ arzy@@ na gu@@ cz current member of the tom@@ a@@ sz@@ ów po@@ vi@@ at authority , tere@@ sa sem@@ czy@@ szy@@ n vi@@ ce@@ chair@@ wom@@ an of the po@@ vi@@ at council who is also a sin@@ ger in the en@@ sem@@ ble and an@@ na ro@@ man@@ owi@@ cz@@ -@@ ł@@ ag@@ ow@@ ska , head of the parliamentary office of tom@@ as@@ z zie@@ li@@ ński , m@@ p .
la@@ w@@ less@@ ness dou@@ ble disp@@ lac@@ ed from n@@ w nig@@ eria to 4@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 : un@@ h@@ c@@ r
wor@@ se@@ ning violence has doub@@ led the number of people disp@@ lac@@ ed from nor@@ th@@ west nig@@ eria to some 4@@ 0@@ ,@@ 000 over the past four months , the united nations said on f@@ ri@@ day .
the un 's refuge@@ e agency said the tur@@ mo@@ il had created a " new humanitarian emergency " that would require a fre@@ sh inter@@ -@@ agency fun@@ dra@@ ising effort of $ 3@@ 5@@ .@@ 5 million by the end of the year .
un@@ h@@ c@@ r spo@@ ke@@ sman bab@@ ar b@@ alo@@ ch said bo@@ ko har@@ am , the is@@ la@@ mi@@ st group that has wag@@ ed a de@@ ca@@ de@@ -@@ long in@@ sur@@ g@@ ency in the north of the country , was not responsible for the latest attacks .
rather , the up@@ sur@@ ge of violence in the past 10 months in so@@ ko@@ to , zam@@ far@@ a and kat@@ sin@@ a states in nig@@ eria was the work of organi@@ zed ar@@ med groups .
" it pa@@ ints a hor@@ ri@@ ble pi@@ c@@ ture of la@@ w@@ less@@ ness and in@@ security , " he told journ@@ alists on f@@ ri@@ day .
he said there were frequ@@ ent reports of ki@@ d@@ nap@@ ping , tor@@ ture , ex@@ tor@@ tion , mur@@ der and sexual violence by att@@ ack@@ ers who also destro@@ y hom@@ es and ste@@ al property .
military and police have been de@@ ployed to tackle criminal gan@@ g@@ s in the region .
but the military is stre@@ t@@ ched from figh@@ ts against bo@@ ko har@@ am and is@@ la@@ mic state 's west africa bran@@ ch , which sp@@ li@@ t from the former group in 201@@ 6 .
" the refugees are not coming with na@@ mes of groups , " he said .
what they are coming with are hor@@ ri@@ fic accounts .
those fle@@ eing are mo@@ stly cro@@ ssing into neigh@@ bor@@ ing ni@@ ger .
in a statement , the un@@ h@@ c@@ r said it expected more to fle@@ e to ni@@ ger in the coming months as the security situation , particularly in so@@ ko@@ to state , de@@ teri@@ or@@ ates .
new tri@@ al date set for man accu@@ sed of kil@@ ling wom@@ an , 2 ki@@ ds
a new tri@@ al date has been sch@@ edu@@ led for a gu@@ ate@@ mal@@ a man accu@@ sed of kil@@ ling an i@@ owa wom@@ an and her two children .
pol@@ k coun@@ ty distri@@ ct court recor@@ ds say 3@@ 1@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old mar@@ v@@ in e@@ sc@@ ob@@ ar@@ -@@ o@@ rel@@ lana is char@@ ged with three coun@@ ts of fir@@ st-@@ degree mur@@ der under what authorities say was a fal@@ se name he initi@@ ally gave to police : mar@@ v@@ in es@@ qui@@ ve@@ l@@ -@@ lo@@ pe@@ z .
he 's plea@@ ded not gu@@ il@@ ty .
police say he f@@ at@@ ally sho@@ t 2@@ 9@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old ro@@ ssi@@ be@@ th flo@@ re@@ s@@ -@@ rod@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z , her 1@@ 1@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter and 5@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old son on july 16 in a des mo@@ ines home .
court recor@@ ds show the new tri@@ al date of jan@@ . 27 will give at@@ tor@@ ne@@ ys for both sides more time to prepare .
u@@ .@@ s@@ . immigration and customs enforcement officials have said e@@ sc@@ ob@@ ar@@ -@@ o@@ rel@@ lana is in the united states il@@ legally and had t@@ wi@@ ce been de@@ ported before the sho@@ ot@@ ing .
he was con@@ vi@@ cted in 2010 of illegal entry into the u@@ .@@ s .
bor@@ is jo@@ h@@ n@@ son fac@@ es c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t re@@ vol@@ t to lower bre@@ x@@ it demands and cut a compromise deal with brussels - the su@@ n
with just three weeks to go until a show@@ down eu leaders ' summit , fe@@ ars are growing around the p@@ m 's top table that he is run@@ ning out of time to wi@@ n major conce@@ ssions .
bor@@ is jo@@ h@@ n@@ son is facing a c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t re@@ vol@@ t to lower his bre@@ x@@ it demands and cut a compromise deal with the eu .
negoti@@ ators are dead@@ lo@@ cked over a new customs system to re@@ place the irish back@@ stop , with brussels bran@@ ding mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son 's alternative arrangements proposals as " un@@ work@@ able . "
se@@ ni@@ or ministers expect eu power bro@@ k@@ ers - led by germany 's an@@ ge@@ la mer@@ ke@@ l - to offer the em@@ b@@ att@@ led tory lea@@ der a last minu@@ te compromise , such as a three year time limit on the back@@ stop .
the su@@ n has spoken to three different c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t ministers , who are all prepar@@ ing to con@@ front him after the tor@@ ies " annual conference in man@@ che@@ ster next week .
they will demand he aband@@ ons the " ag@@ gre@@ ssive " strategy devi@@ sed by se@@ ni@@ or ai@@ de do@@ mini@@ c cum@@ min@@ g@@ s to try to blu@@ ff the eu with the threat of no deal , and insi@@ st he accep@@ ts the eu 's last minu@@ te offer .
one c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t minister du@@ b@@ bed the cru@@ shing su@@ pre@@ me court ver@@ di@@ ct to end parliament 's suspen@@ sion on tu@@ es@@ day as " a wa@@ ke@@ -up call , " ad@@ ding : " a deal is the only way we can leave on october 31 now .
we '@@ re never going to be@@ at the numbers in the comm@@ ons , and they are against us .
the p@@ m has to le@@ an in now and take what he can get .
being ag@@ gre@@ ssive do@@ es@@ n '@@ t work , the cum@@ min@@ g@@ s plan has clearly failed .
we just can '@@ t fight b@@ att@@ les on so many fron@@ ts .
a second c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t minister has v@@ ow@@ ed to tell mr jo@@ h@@ n@@ son to try to pu@@ sh through ex@@ -@@ p@@ m the@@ re@@ sa may 's deal if all else fail@@ s .
that se@@ ni@@ or minister added : " i will tell bor@@ is to put the@@ re@@ sa 's deal back to the comm@@ ons if i have to . "
the numbers are there for it now , everyone is de@@ sper@@ ate to end this .
it 's all over for bor@@ is and it 's all over for all of us if we '@@ re forced to extend .
si@@ r jo@@ hn major accu@@ sed bor@@ is of not taking the negotiation seriously .
in a with@@ ering speech , the former tory premier said : " the prime minister te@@ lls us he wishes to have a deal with europe .
but we don '@@ t see him sitting down in brussels , ham@@ mer@@ ing out an agreement .
instead , we do see him w@@ re@@ st@@ ling with bu@@ lls in sco@@ t@@ land ; inspe@@ cting eg@@ g@@ s in wal@@ es ; and argu@@ ing with the public in high stre@@ ets - for all the world as if an election campaign was already in full sw@@ ing . "
the p@@ m 's spo@@ ke@@ sman yesterday ad@@ mitted a deal was still far off , saying : " no one should be under any il@@ lu@@ sion - there is a very long way to go if we are to secure a deal . "
but the spo@@ ke@@ sman also said the ben@@ n act to en@@ force a three months delay if there is no deal was " acti@@ vely under@@ mi@@ ning our negotiating position " in brussels .
he said : " there is no doubt that it has h@@ inde@@ red our negotiating position but the prime minister and colleagues through hard work have continu@@ ed to try and make progress in the face of that pie@@ ce of legislation . "
bre@@ x@@ it secre@@ tary ste@@ ph@@ en bar@@ cla@@ y goes back to brussels today for more talks with the eu 's mi@@ ch@@ el bar@@ nie@@ r .
they will discuss a paper on how an all@@ -@@ ireland zone on food and live@@ stock would work .
no@@ se@@ less and leg@@ less do@@ g con@@ qu@@ ers inst@@ ag@@ ram .
perfe@@ ctly im@@ perfe@@ ct
however , it has been success@@ fully pre@@ ven@@ ted .
the little bit@@ ch was trans@@ fer@@ red from romania to the uk by be@@ ac@@ on animal re@@ sc@@ ue centre .
the pi@@ c@@ ture of the do@@ g was post@@ ed on fac@@ e@@ bo@@ ok .
k@@ ate com@@ for@@ t fe@@ ll in lo@@ ve at first si@@ ght with the animal .
" in the beginning i found it difficult to convin@@ ce my hu@@ sb@@ and to adopt her , because we already had three do@@ g@@ s " , she said .
the wom@@ an made a decision to take care of the bit@@ ch until some@@ body adop@@ ts her .
" the fact that no@@ body wanted to take care of her made me more and more e@@ ag@@ er to look after her .
she was sensitive and needed lo@@ ve " , communi@@ cated k@@ ate .
finally , the mar@@ r@@ ied cou@@ ple decided to adopt bon@@ nie .
" our bon@@ nie is perfe@@ ctly im@@ perfe@@ ct .
we lo@@ ve her as she is , and if some@@ body does not like the way she loo@@ ks , that s their problem , not ours " , said the wom@@ an .
as time went by bon@@ nie be@@ came a social media sta@@ r .
she has more than 14 thous@@ and follow@@ ers on inst@@ ag@@ ram .
l@@ or@@ ra@@ ine ke@@ l@@ ly : i was told i '@@ d never make it in t@@ v with a gl@@ as@@ go@@ w ac@@ cent
l@@ or@@ ra@@ ine ke@@ l@@ ly re@@ ve@@ al@@ ed that t@@ v bos@@ ses told her she would " never make it " as a pres@@ enter because of her gl@@ as@@ we@@ gi@@ an ac@@ cent .
looking back on 35 years in broad@@ ca@@ sting , ke@@ l@@ ly , 5@@ 9 , re@@ called how she felt " very ner@@ v@@ ous " ahead of her first appe@@ ar@@ ance on s@@ cre@@ en .
" i was only 25 and very ner@@ v@@ ous , " she said .
i had been working as a re@@ sear@@ che@@ r at b@@ b@@ c sco@@ t@@ land and been told by the big bos@@ s that i would never make it in t@@ v because of my gl@@ as@@ go@@ w ac@@ cent .
i went down to lon@@ don to meet all of the t@@ v@@ -@@ am te@@ am and see the show being broad@@ ca@@ st , before taking over at the gl@@ as@@ go@@ w office .
i will never forget , an@@ ne di@@ am@@ ond and mi@@ ke mor@@ r@@ is were inter@@ vie@@ wing the i@@ c@@ on that is bet@@ te da@@ v@@ is that mor@@ ning .
i cou@@ ld@@ n '@@ t believe that i was in the same ro@@ om as a living leg@@ end .
i k@@ new this was where i wanted to be .
ke@@ l@@ ly started her care@@ er as a local ne@@ ws@@ paper re@@ por@@ ter in east kil@@ bri@@ de , sco@@ t@@ land before becoming a sco@@ t@@ tish cor@@ respon@@ dent for t@@ v@@ -@@ am in 198@@ 4 .
she will mark her 3@@ 5@@ th anni@@ vers@@ ary with a special show looking back at her most memor@@ able mom@@ ents and inter@@ views .
the pres@@ enter said that " pa@@ ssion and en@@ thu@@ si@@ as@@ m " and " cur@@ i@@ osi@@ ty " were the secre@@ t to lon@@ ge@@ vity in t@@ v , ad@@ ding : " you have to put in the work .
do your hom@@ e@@ work and be both interested and interesting .
looking back at the news stor@@ ies that im@@ pac@@ ted her emo@@ tion@@ ally , ke@@ l@@ ly re@@ ve@@ al@@ ed that re@@ porting on the d@@ un@@ bl@@ ane ma@@ ss@@ ac@@ re was " very t@@ ough . "
i had no idea that many of the families whose children had been kil@@ led or w@@ oun@@ ded were wat@@ ching our live show from d@@ un@@ bl@@ ane the day after the hor@@ ri@@ fic kil@@ ling of si@@ x@@ te@@ en children and their te@@ ac@@ her .
one of the mu@@ ms , pa@@ m ross , whose fi@@ ve@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter jo@@ an@@ na was mur@@ dered , asked to see me priv@@ ately and we en@@ ded up talking for hours at her house .
it was all under the ra@@ da@@ r , i went to jo@@ an@@ na 's fun@@ er@@ al and pa@@ m and i have been frien@@ ds ever since .
she added that inter@@ vie@@ wing k@@ ate and ger@@ ry mc@@ can@@ n shor@@ tly after their da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter ma@@ de@@ le@@ ine went mis@@ sing in 2007 was " extremely hard " and said that she " really ad@@ mi@@ red their streng@@ th and coura@@ ge . "
they have had to put up with the pa@@ in of not know@@ ing what has happened to their be@@ lo@@ ved da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter , as well as the most ap@@ p@@ all@@ ing tro@@ lling online .
my heart goes out to them .
zimbabwe : chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a fe@@ are@@ d tra@@ pping
vice-president constan@@ tin@@ o chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a tur@@ ned down an offer by the late president ro@@ ber@@ t mu@@ gab@@ e to take over the presidency at the he@@ ight of the cou@@ p as he fe@@ are@@ d it might be a tra@@ p to ru@@ b@@ ber@@ st@@ am@@ p the military tak@@ e-@@ over in november 201@@ 7 , a se@@ ni@@ or government official has cla@@ i@@ med .
as re@@ ported by the zimbabwe independent last week , mu@@ gab@@ e offered chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a to take over the presidency as negotiations between him and the ar@@ my en@@ su@@ ed during the cou@@ p .
however , a se@@ ni@@ or government official said on social media chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a did not turn down the offer out of fear , but he was able to see through mu@@ gab@@ e 's plan to use him to prove to world leaders and the african union ( a@@ u ) that indeed he had been t@@ op@@ ple@@ d in a cou@@ p .
in a t@@ wit@@ ter thre@@ ad which confir@@ med zimbabwe 's 3@@ 7-@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ ru@@ ler was willing to hand over power to chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a and not president em@@ mer@@ son m@@ n@@ an@@ g@@ ag@@ wa , j@@ am@@ wan@@ da 2 , whom government officials confir@@ med was a se@@ ni@@ or government official in the office of the president and c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t , said inten@@ se negotiations were held at the time over the issue .
government officials said mu@@ gab@@ e approach@@ ed chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a through one of his emis@@ sar@@ ies when he reali@@ sed power was s@@ lip@@ ping though his hands .
inter@@ ce@@ ssion between the military comm@@ and element and late former president had three str@@ ands , according to the se@@ ni@@ or government official .
the official said charac@@ ters involved in the negotiations included presid@@ ential spo@@ ke@@ sper@@ son geor@@ ge char@@ am@@ ba , central intelli@@ gence organisation then acting bos@@ s a@@ aro@@ n n@@ he@@ per@@ a and ro@@ man ca@@ th@@ oli@@ c bi@@ sho@@ p cl@@ eri@@ c fi@@ deli@@ s mu@@ kon@@ or@@ i .
former re@@ serve bank of zimbabwe gover@@ nor gi@@ de@@ on g@@ ono was another str@@ and after he was sent by mu@@ gab@@ e on a one@@ -@@ man mission with the offer of the presidency to chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a who was the zimbabwe defence forces ( z@@ d@@ f ) com@@ man@@ der .
the man , who in death more than in life has been descri@@ bed as an african i@@ c@@ on , tr@@ ied in va@@ in to get the a@@ u to den@@ oun@@ ce the military operation , while seeking intervention by other african leaders .
offer of presidency to then c@@ d@@ f ( com@@ man@@ der defence forces chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a ) by the late ( mu@@ gab@@ e ) was not by choice .
" it was a de@@ sper@@ ate act to save the situation which had grow@@ n dange@@ rou@@ s@@ ly fa@@ st-@@ pac@@ ed ; we@@ aring down a part of the late 's family , " the official ( j@@ am@@ wan@@ da ) wro@@ te .
but there was also a bit of political ba@@ iting which the late ho@@ ped would turn the tab@@ les , at the very least diplom@@ atically .
re@@ call that com@@ man@@ ders had de@@ cla@@ red they had not , and would not , over@@ th@@ row the constitutional order , a development which would have set them on a co@@ lli@@ sion with the a@@ u position on cou@@ ps .
the late ( mu@@ gab@@ e ) ho@@ ped the then c@@ d@@ f ( chi@@ w@@ eng@@ a ) would s@@ wal@@ low the ba@@ it , thereby putting paid to claims by com@@ man@@ ders they had not over@@ th@@ row@@ n the constitutional order .
the hope for ( the ) late ( mu@@ gab@@ e ) was that the a@@ u , which by the way was still very con@@ fu@@ sed by the whole situation and how to f@@ it it within its the@@ o@@ re@@ tical tax@@ on@@ om@@ y on cou@@ ps , would then have no op@@ tion , but to descri@@ be it as a cou@@ p , in which case calls for military intervention would then have cre@@ dence .
that was the spirit and cal@@ cul@@ ation within which the offer was made .
officials said mu@@ gab@@ e made the move when he reali@@ sed that the defence forces were no longer ready to protect him .
they said mu@@ gab@@ e was forced to writ@@ e a re@@ sign@@ ation let@@ ter after the military had war@@ ned the stron@@ g@@ man that he ri@@ sk@@ ed a g@@ ad@@ af@@ fi@@ -@@ sty@@ le l@@ y@@ n@@ ching .
military bos@@ ses told him they would not turn their g@@ un@@ s on citizens if they mar@@ ched to his blu@@ e ro@@ of resid@@ ence .
and at that in@@ stan@@ t mu@@ gab@@ e had two desi@@ res , to save his family and also to prove that the military had taken over power , " the official said .
the then c@@ d@@ f and com@@ man@@ ders corre@@ ctly read ( the ) cal@@ cul@@ ation .
the emis@@ s@@ ary ( g@@ ono ) of that de@@ sper@@ ate message was told -@@ - through a power@@ ful me@@ ta@@ ph@@ or -@@ - that is@@ u ti@@ r@@ i ve@@ mak@@ wa@@ pa@@ -@@ mak@@ wa@@ pa ( we bel@@ ong to the se@@ ct of cam@@ ou@@ fl@@ ages , that is , the military ) ; we are not politicians or ( in ) political competition , the se@@ ni@@ or government official said .
government officials say the ar@@ my had communi@@ cated to other military bos@@ ses in the region through att@@ ach@@ é@@ s who were in zimbabwe that their intentions were not to t@@ op@@ ple mu@@ gab@@ e , but to deal with " crim@@ in@@ als " around him .
mu@@ gab@@ e also tr@@ ied to use the same strategy to l@@ ure m@@ n@@ an@@ g@@ ag@@ wa back from short ex@@ ile in south africa so that they could have a discussion on the cou@@ p and succe@@ ssion .
apart from negotiating with the ar@@ my , mu@@ gab@@ e also sou@@ ght help from the region .
the south afri@@ c@@ ans , who were key to the process -@@ - not least because of their economic and regional power , but also because the then president j@@ ac@@ o@@ b z@@ um@@ a was the sad@@ c chair@@ person -@@ - refu@@ sed to inter@@ ven@@ e , but made it clear that if the ar@@ my had in@@ va@@ ded mu@@ gab@@ e 's house , as they were thre@@ ate@@ ning repe@@ ate@@ dly in the back@@ ground , south african tro@@ op@@ s would have arri@@ ved in har@@ are in no time .
" that did not work because pu@@ tin and african leaders did not pre@@ fer that rou@@ te , " a source told the independent .
china needs strong leadership or will ' cru@@ m@@ ble , ' policy paper says
china needs the strong , uni@@ fied leadership of the communist party or the country will " cru@@ m@@ ble , " the government said in a policy paper relea@@ sed on f@@ ri@@ day ahead of the 7@@ 0@@ th anni@@ vers@@ ary of the foun@@ ding of the people 's republic .
china 's c@@ ab@@ ine@@ t news office said in a wh@@ ite paper that the country 's success since the communi@@ sts took power 70 years ago was down to the party 's leadership .
china is huge in si@@ ze , has complex national conditions , and its governance difficulties are ra@@ rely seen .
without a uni@@ fied and strong leadership force , china will move tow@@ ard di@@ vision and cru@@ m@@ ble , bringing disaster to the world , " it said .
chinese authorities have long justified a firm fi@@ st in dealing with problems , like the cr@@ ack@@ down on pro@@ -@@ democracy prote@@ sts in be@@ ij@@ ing in 198@@ 9 , as being necessary for national stability .
stron@@ g-@@ ar@@ m president x@@ i j@@ in@@ ping , who will head@@ line the anni@@ vers@@ ary ce@@ le@@ br@@ ations of the world 's secon@@ d-@@ biggest economy on tu@@ es@@ day , has further ti@@ gh@@ ten@@ ed party rule and cr@@ ack@@ ed down on those who may challenge authority since taking office in late 2012 .
x@@ i has also over@@ seen a military moderniz@@ ation program that has un@@ ner@@ ved the region .
china does not seek to export its development model nor want to im@@ port any foreign mode@@ ls , seeking only peace and not " he@@ ge@@ m@@ ony , " the policy paper said .
the chinese people do not have it in their gen@@ es to inv@@ ade others or domin@@ ate the world .
in modern times , china has been bu@@ ll@@ ied by the great powers , war and tur@@ mo@@ il have left a dee@@ p im@@ pression with the suffering caused ; china will never impose the suf@@ fer@@ ings it has been through on other peoples .
china is mar@@ king the anni@@ vers@@ ary at a time of un@@ certainty for the country , which is lo@@ cked in a bit@@ ter trade war with the united states and fac@@ es challenges from a sl@@ ow@@ ing economy as well as anti-@@ government prote@@ sts in the chinese territory of h@@ ong kon@@ g .
china will never " trade away " its core interests and not allow its security and sovereignty to be compromi@@ sed , the paper said .
" the threat of trade war@@ s and the continu@@ ed increase in tari@@ ff@@ s are not condu@@ ci@@ ve to sol@@ ving problems , " it said , in reference to its trade dispu@@ tes with wa@@ sh@@ ing@@ ton .
china is a mat@@ ure economy with a complete industrial system , complete industrial chain , broad market space and strong economic development mom@@ ent@@ um .
" it will never be weak@@ ened by trade war@@ s , " the paper added .
china is confi@@ dent that it has the ability to face difficulties , turn crises into opportunities , and open up a new world .
the united states should look rati@@ on@@ ally at china 's development , as china has no intention of challeng@@ ing the united states and does not want to re@@ place the united states , it added .
the united states cannot control china , and it is even more un@@ likely to stop china 's development .
cur@@ b@@ ing and sup@@ pressing other countries and trans@@ fer@@ ring domestic contradi@@ ctions ab@@ road will not keep the united states strong .
the world of j@@ ac@@ ek pal@@ kie@@ wi@@ cz the real face of du@@ ba@@ i
this tren@@ d-@@ setting lea@@ der of modern tourism sti@@ mul@@ ates im@@ ag@@ ination and desi@@ res , s@@ par@@ ks va@@ ni@@ ty of the r@@ ich ones with s@@ no@@ b@@ bi@@ sh ho@@ te@@ ls and as a tax par@@ adi@@ se , dra@@ ws in invest@@ ors and s@@ ale@@ spe@@ op@@ le .
we@@ b@@ sites s@@ par@@ k intensi@@ vely promote this city of dre@@ am@@ s that comb@@ ines in itself an ex@@ ci@@ ting tem@@ ple of lu@@ x@@ ury and an ess@@ ence of the 2@@ 1@@ st century archi@@ te@@ c@@ ture .
the e@@ mi@@ rate foun@@ ded on pe@@ tro@@ le@@ um@@ -@@ r@@ ich san@@ ds soon be@@ came a par@@ adi@@ se for those who lo@@ ve la@@ ps of lu@@ x@@ ury , five sta@@ r ho@@ te@@ ls , be@@ au@@ ti@@ ful we@@ a@@ ther and swi@@ m@@ ming po@@ ols l@@ ying hundreds me@@ ters above the ground .
many people are ad@@ mi@@ ring the om@@ ni@@ present lu@@ x@@ ury , appreci@@ ate the cre@@ ative hy@@ pr@@ er@@ acti@@ vi@@ sm and pro@@ active strug@@ gle for creating an a@@ v@@ ant@@ -@@ gar@@ de atmo@@ sphere .
this is a city whose mo@@ t@@ to te@@ lls us everything : it surpri@@ ses , it sh@@ oc@@ ks and it en@@ chan@@ ts .
almost at every turn .
there are , however , still a few people able to turn a critical e@@ y@@ e on du@@ ba@@ i , calling it a city without a sou@@ l .
as argu@@ ed by the british w@@ ri@@ ter , la@@ w@@ ren@@ ce os@@ bor@@ ne this me@@ tro@@ poli@@ s , full and con@@ tra@@ sts and contradi@@ ctions , is nothing more than chea@@ p , gro@@ te@@ s@@ que city .
it tur@@ ned into a fu@@ tur@@ i@@ stic ni@@ gh@@ t@@ m@@ are , fully domin@@ ated by the gu@@ in@@ ness world recor@@ ds , e@@ mi@@ rate 's u@@ no@@ f@@ fi@@ cial constitution .
everything here must be bi@@ g@@ ger and pre@@ t@@ t@@ ier than any@@ where else in the world .
among the jun@@ gle of ex@@ tra@@ v@@ ag@@ an@@ ces and la@@ vi@@ sh lu@@ x@@ ury , it l@@ acks something that may be not too transparent in the old europe , but has a great influence on life quality .
in wro@@ c@@ law , ber@@ li@@ n or mad@@ ri@@ d everyone fe@@ els like home .
un@@ like in du@@ ba@@ i for sure .
es@@ ca@@ ping the world of mag@@ i@@ c , i took off its go@@ l@@ den ma@@ sk and re@@ ve@@ al@@ ed the second face of this arti@@ fi@@ cial par@@ adi@@ se .
the face that you can har@@ dly ever read or hear about .
i am dis@@ co@@ vering the jun@@ gle of extre@@ me f@@ am@@ ine , for instance into the gh@@ et@@ to at the out@@ sk@@ ir@@ ts where lo@@ ts of a@@ sian work@@ men live in very har@@ sh conditions .
tou@@ ri@@ sts will never see it , as that would destro@@ y the my@@ th build over the years .
since international communities are increasingly ex@@ pressing their criticism , the issue of chea@@ p work@@ force is a major nu@@ is@@ ance for the e@@ mi@@ r .
sp@@ ice gi@@ r@@ ls ' me@@ l c b@@ ans d@@ ie@@ t talk at home after e@@ ating dis@@ order bat@@ tle
sp@@ ice gi@@ r@@ l me@@ la@@ nie chi@@ sh@@ ol@@ m has ad@@ mitted d@@ ie@@ ts are ban@@ ned in her home after her own personal b@@ att@@ les with e@@ ating dis@@ ord@@ ers which saw her e@@ at nothing but fruit and ve@@ ge@@ tab@@ les for years .
spor@@ ty sp@@ ice spent years under@@ -@@ e@@ ating and " ob@@ se@@ ssi@@ vely exerci@@ sing " while dealing with the pres@@ sures of being in the glob@@ ally f@@ am@@ ous po@@ p group and she was later diagno@@ sed with de@@ pression as well as an e@@ ating dis@@ order .
now she has re@@ ve@@ al@@ ed that her own experien@@ ces affect the way she rai@@ ses her own da@@ u@@ gh@@ ter , s@@ car@@ let and that she do@@ es@@ n '@@ t " ever allow people to speak about d@@ ie@@ ts in our house . "
" s@@ car@@ let 's 10 years old now and i '@@ m starting to noti@@ ce that she 's more con@@ s@@ ci@@ ous of the way she loo@@ ks , " said me@@ l .
but i think one of the posi@@ tives of having gone through having an e@@ ating dis@@ order is that i '@@ m very con@@ s@@ ci@@ ous of how i speak around her .
that positive language - it 's ha@@ bit now .
speaking to women 's health maga@@ z@@ ine , me@@ l , who sho@@ t to f@@ am@@ e as part of the sp@@ ice gi@@ r@@ ls in the 199@@ 0@@ s , before the rise of social media said that " dis@@ gu@@ sting " comments about her in the press led to her body issues .
" i started not looking after myself properly , cu@@ tting out food groups , and my exerci@@ sing be@@ came more and more ob@@ se@@ ssive , to the point that i was under@@ we@@ ight , " she said .
i was un@@ well and that probably continu@@ ed for a cou@@ ple of years . "
the p@@ ho@@ to that sho@@ cked the world
a polish gi@@ r@@ l and an american docu@@ ment@@ alist gave the world pro@@ of of war cru@@ el@@ ty .
" listen to my st@@ ory .
i speak from the be@@ sie@@ ged city of war@@ saw .
i can and i must speak on behalf of the polish n@@ ation about what has happened here .
america must act and must help ! " is how j@@ ul@@ ie@@ n bry@@ an , a docu@@ ment@@ alist and ph@@ ot@@ ogra@@ p@@ her , started his radi@@ o speech .
in the tragi@@ c days of september 19@@ 3@@ 9 , he was in the capital city of poland and wit@@ ne@@ ssed the dra@@ ma of bom@@ bar@@ ded city and its resid@@ ents .
his account has received wide attention in the west .
initi@@ ally , the ma@@ y@@ or of war@@ saw , st@@ ef@@ an star@@ zy@@ ński , hel@@ ped him and l@@ ent his car , but later on he asked him to leave the city immediately for his own safety .
bry@@ an wro@@ te a fa@@ re@@ well let@@ ter to his family in the usa , de@@ posi@@ ted it in an em@@ bas@@ sy safe and ... sta@@ yed .
over the next four weeks , he tr@@ ied to be where@@ ver the var@@ so@@ vi@@ ans were .
bry@@ an 's ph@@ ot@@ ogra@@ ph@@ s de@@ pi@@ cted death , di@@ stress and fight for survi@@ val in the city ru@@ ins .
just before the sur@@ ren@@ der , together with em@@ bas@@ sy employees , he s@@ mu@@ g@@ g@@ led neg@@ atives over@@ se@@ as .
he would not stop talking about h@@ it@@ ler 's crimes .
he appe@@ al@@ ed to the world : " what has happened to war@@ saw will happen to par@@ is , lon@@ don and even new y@@ or@@ k . "
first l@@ ady ele@@ an@@ or roo@@ se@@ ve@@ lt wat@@ ched his sh@@ oc@@ king fo@@ ot@@ age .
shor@@ tly after , the usa started war prepar@@ ations .
" my da@@ d show@@ ed the truth and that is how he f@@ ought against german propag@@ an@@ da .
they made fil@@ ms gl@@ ori@@ fying their chi@@ val@@ ry .
they said they did not attack women and children , and people belie@@ ved them , " says sam bry@@ an , j@@ ul@@ ie@@ n 's son .
tri@@ al of ex@@ -@@ a@@ th@@ le@@ te accu@@ sed of multi@@ ple ra@@ pes goes to j@@ ury
j@@ ury de@@ liber@@ ations are under way in the rap@@ e tri@@ al of an ex@@ -@@ uni@@ versity of dela@@ w@@ are ba@@ se@@ b@@ all pla@@ yer accu@@ sed of multi@@ ple sexual as@@ sa@@ ul@@ ts .
ju@@ ro@@ rs beg@@ an de@@ liber@@ ating the f@@ ate of 2@@ 3@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old cla@@ y con@@ away on f@@ ri@@ day after 10 days of te@@ stim@@ ony and argu@@ ments .
a 2@@ 1@@ -@@ ye@@ ar@@ -@@ old wom@@ an says con@@ away ra@@ ped her after she dro@@ ve to his house in june 201@@ 8 .
the en@@ coun@@ ter happened three weeks after the two conne@@ cted on the online meeting site bu@@ m@@ ble , and he sent her a nu@@ de pi@@ c@@ ture of h@@ im@@ self .
she is among six women whom con@@ away is accu@@ sed of sexu@@ ally as@@ sa@@ ul@@ ting between 2013 and 201@@ 8 .
pro@@ secu@@ tors say the wom@@ an obje@@ cted when con@@ sen@@ su@@ al cu@@ d@@ dl@@ ing e@@ sc@@ al@@ ated to con@@ way for@@ cing h@@ im@@ self on her .
defen@@ se at@@ tor@@ ne@@ ys have targeted the wom@@ an 's confli@@ cting accounts and memor@@ y la@@ p@@ ses and say she may have regret@@ ted being physi@@ cally in@@ timate .
go@@ ld on two whe@@ els : polish bi@@ ke worth one million pl@@ n
the go@@ l@@ d-@@ pl@@ ated bi@@ cy@@ cle worth one million pl@@ n was on disp@@ la@@ y at the 10@@ th ju@@ bi@@ le@@ e e@@ di@@ tion of the bi@@ ke@@ -@@ ex@@ po kie@@ l@@ ce international bi@@ cy@@ cle trade show .
it is a uni@@ que vehi@@ cle pr@@ in@@ ted in a 3@@ d pr@@ inte@@ r .
its de@@ sig@@ ner , 3@@ 0-@@ year old ad@@ am z@@ dan@@ owi@@ cz has just received the bi@@ cy@@ cle os@@ car for it at the world ex@@ hi@@ bi@@ tion of cu@@ sto@@ m bi@@ cy@@ cles in l@@ as ve@@ gas .
the uni@@ que model was a big h@@ it at the show . " the bi@@ ke is covered with go@@ ld chro@@ me spra@@ y , under@@ laid with sil@@ ver of the highest quality .
this uni@@ que la@@ yer has been created by my frien@@ d from ż@@ ory .
" it has a sad@@ dle , pe@@ d@@ als , han@@ dle bar@@ s you could ri@@ de it as any other bi@@ ke .
it can reach up to 50 kil@@ om@@ e@@ ters per h@@ our .
it 's an electri@@ c bi@@ ke , " expla@@ ins its de@@ sig@@ ner .
" the bi@@ ke 's bod@@ y@@ work was pr@@ in@@ ted in 3@@ d .
these are cu@@ be@@ s creating a type of v@@ or@@ tex .
i came up with the idea of this model when i was ri@@ ding my first bi@@ cy@@ cle home , a few years ago .
the drawing wai@@ ted five years for execu@@ tion .
the bi@@ ke itself took three years to create , " ad@@ ds ad@@ am z@@ dan@@ owi@@ cz .
" it was ex@@ cru@@ ci@@ at@@ ingly difficult to hi@@ de all the elements under the bod@@ y@@ work .
it has bat@@ ter@@ ies , c@@ ab@@ les and elements which create the structure .
all this is hi@@ d@@ den under 11 elements of bod@@ y@@ work applied on the ste@@ el fra@@ me of the bi@@ ke .
the bi@@ ke 's han@@ dle bar@@ s were manufac@@ tu@@ red a week before my fli@@ ght to the united states for the world bi@@ ke ex@@ hi@@ bi@@ tion .
i cou@@ ld@@ n '@@ t decide what the han@@ dle bar@@ s should look like until the very end .
it can be dis@@ man@@ tled for transport@@ ation .
the bi@@ ke we@@ i@@ gh@@ s 90 ki@@ lo@@ gra@@ ms , " he su@@ ms up .
the go@@ l@@ d-@@ pl@@ ated bi@@ ke was recogni@@ zed in l@@ as ve@@ gas in the most important categor@@ y of " the best am@@ az@@ ing individual custom@@ -@@ made model " .
vi@@ de@@ o re@@ ve@@ als tou@@ ri@@ st h@@ ot@@ spo@@ t as hea@@ vi@@ ly pol@@ lu@@ ted
sur@@ ro@@ un@@ ded by the oper@@ a house , cir@@ cul@@ ar qu@@ ay , lu@@ na par@@ k and of course the i@@ co@@ nic har@@ b@@ our bri@@ dge , sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y har@@ b@@ our is the major contribu@@ tor to the $ 2@@ 1.@@ 9 billion sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y tourism pu@@ m@@ ps into au@@ str@@ ali@@ a 's economy each year .
but bene@@ ath the bri@@ dge lies an u@@ gly truth .
sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y 's f@@ am@@ ous har@@ b@@ our is one of the most pol@@ lu@@ ted wat@@ er@@ ways in the country , recei@@ ving around 15 ol@@ y@@ mpi@@ c@@ -si@@ ze swi@@ m@@ ming po@@ ols of pol@@ lu@@ t@@ ants each year .
this hor@@ ri@@ fic stati@@ stic makes one of our greatest tourism draw@@ car@@ ds also one of our di@@ r@@ t@@ ie@@ st .
according to a new vi@@ de@@ o , ti@@ tled sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y har@@ b@@ our above and be@@ low , the wat@@ ers around au@@ str@@ ali@@ a 's most popul@@ ar city is fi@@ lled with ci@@ ga@@ re@@ t@@ te bu@@ t@@ ts , pla@@ stic b@@ ag@@ s and b@@ ot@@ t@@ les , lost sho@@ es and clo@@ thing and even de@@ ad animals - all coming into the har@@ b@@ our from stor@@ m@@ water run@@ -@@ off .
but the biggest com@@ pon@@ ent cho@@ king our wat@@ er@@ ways is pla@@ stic .
" i would call it a par@@ ado@@ x , " d@@ r ka@@ ther@@ ine da@@ f@@ for@@ n , de@@ pu@@ ty direct@@ or of the sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y har@@ b@@ our research program said in the vi@@ de@@ o , which was relea@@ sed to co@@ inci@@ de with world tourism day on september 27 .
it does look be@@ au@@ ti@@ ful , but it is one of the more modif@@ ied and pol@@ lu@@ ted e@@ stu@@ aries along our co@@ ast@@ line .
the c@@ si@@ ro estim@@ ates around 15@@ 6@@ 0@@ k@@ g of pla@@ stic ent@@ ers our wat@@ er@@ ways each h@@ our , most of it coming into the har@@ b@@ our through stor@@ m@@ water dra@@ ins .
" after we have some of these really big ra@@ inf@@ all events , the har@@ b@@ our ... it 's quite tragi@@ c , " d@@ r da@@ f@@ for@@ n said .
two thir@@ ds of our pollution comes from stor@@ m@@ water run@@ -@@ off .
but like an i@@ ce@@ ber@@ g , the problem on sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y 's har@@ b@@ our is far bi@@ g@@ ger be@@ low the sur@@ face , with the sea@@ bed recei@@ ving 70 per cent of pla@@ stics that enter the oce@@ an .
" unless you spend time under the water , i don '@@ t think you get a true appreci@@ ation of what is be@@ low there , " ri@@ ch@@ ard ni@@ cho@@ lls , ow@@ ner of di@@ ve centre man@@ ly said , no@@ ting he and his te@@ am pul@@ l out around 5@@ 0@@ 0@@ k@@ g of pla@@ stic on their own each year .
i think if more people k@@ new ( what was under the water ) they would just be hor@@ ri@@ fied .
over@@ whe@@ l@@ min@@ gly ... over half of everything we find is pla@@ stic b@@ ag@@ s .
the other 50 per cent is at least made out of pla@@ stic .
when you look at the har@@ b@@ our it loo@@ ks be@@ au@@ ti@@ ful , and people can '@@ t believe that we get all of this pla@@ stic and all of this ru@@ b@@ bi@@ sh just under the sur@@ face .
je@@ re@@ my b@@ row@@ n , co@@ -@@ foun@@ der and manag@@ ing direct@@ or of the oce@@ an protect , said there were ways people - both lo@@ c@@ als and visi@@ tors ali@@ ke - could help to ea@@ se the amount of pla@@ stic and deb@@ r@@ is enter@@ ing our wat@@ er@@ ways .
" it has to start at the source , " he said .
we have to reduce the amount of pla@@ stic that we are using , re@@ cy@@ cle better and be more con@@ s@@ ci@@ ous about what is going down our dra@@ ins which ultimately en@@ ds up in our oce@@ ans .
if we ru@@ in the oce@@ an , we are going to ki@@ ll ourselves because 50 per cent of the o@@ x@@ y@@ gen we bre@@ a@@ the in comes from the oce@@ an .
it ab@@ sor@@ b@@ s 30 per cent of carbon dio@@ xi@@ de and our food source .
but we can fi@@ x this har@@ b@@ our and bring it back to where it was , but it 's pre@@ t@@ ty simple .
if we ki@@ ll our oce@@ ans , we ki@@ ll ourselves .
the vi@@ de@@ o , which was fun@@ ded by re@@ cy@@ c@@ ling company tom@@ ra as part of their bro@@ a@@ der efforts to edu@@ cate au@@ str@@ ali@@ ans on protecting the environment and reducing the impact of dr@@ in@@ k con@@ ta@@ in@@ ers that can often end up in nature , co@@ inci@@ des with a study about pla@@ stic and mental health that was also relea@@ sed this month .