Bosnians protest against Croatia's plans to landfill radioactive waste On Friday, hundreds of people gathered in north-western Bosnia in protest against the plans of neighbouring Croatia for the storage of part of the waste from the only nuclear power plant in the region near the border with Bosnia and the main river known for its natural beauty. Demonstrators in the Bosnian town of Novi Grad demanded Croatia to abandon its plans to build a landfill in the former military barracks in Trgovska Gora and declared their fight against the project. Wastes from the Krško nuclear power plant would be stored in the facility. The Bosnians, holding banners with the inscriptions "I want a healthy future" and "Stop - (Ray) Una needs us," said that the landfill of radioactive waste could threaten the river Una and the lives of about 250,000 inhabitants. We have to say no, told the crowd Miroslav Drijaca, Mayor of the Municipality of Novi Grad. We must fight to protect our way of life and our Una. The Krško plant located in Slovenia, built in the 1980s, also belongs to Croatia. The representatives of both countries are due to meet next week to discuss the issue of additional landfills. Croatian public television HRT stated on Friday that in Croatia it was not yet decided whether to build a landfill alone or pay for storing part of the waste in a new facility constructed by Slovenia. Croatian Minister for Environment and Energy Tomislav Coric told journalists that Croatia also has a problem with the disposal of institutional waste from schools, hospitals and prisons and hopes to find a comprehensive solution. In Bosnia, activists, officials and residents from each side of the country of ethnic division insisted that Croatia find another location in the part of the country closer to the power plant. "Why does Croatia in its entire area claim that Trgovska Gora is the best place in Bosnia?" asked Drljac. We can't let them humiliate us! The Act on the State Pedophilia Commission entered into force The provisions of the Act have been in force since Thursday. According to them, it will be the task of the committee to issue provisions on the inclusion in the Register of Criminals on the Sexual Background, to notify the relevant authorities of the suspicion of a pedophilia crime, but also to notify the competent authority of the suspicion of a pedophilia crime. The Commission will also identify negligence and omission in explaining cases of sexual abuse. It concerns the negligence and omissions of national authorities, non-governmental organisations, entities and institutions engaged in educational, educational, caring, cultural and cultural activities, leisure and treatment, as well as professional authorities, churches and religious associations, including ecclesiastical legal persons and private individuals. The task of the committee will also be to carry out preventive and educational activities. The Commission is to be a body independent of other national authorities. It shall consist of seven members: three, appointed by the Sejm by a majority of three fifths in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Members; one, appointed by the Senate by a majority of three fifths in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of senators, and one member appointed by the President, Prime Minister and Ombudsman. The members of the committee will have to have a higher education in law, medical or psychological matters and "be happy with good repute." Members, senators, Members of the European Parliament and those in charge of the state office may not sit on the committee. Among the actors who will be able to submit candidates for committee members were: the Chief Bar Council, the National Council of Legal Counsels, the National Council of Prosecutors, the National Council of Prosecutors, the General Chamber of Physicians, the National Chamber of Psychologists and NGOs whose statutory tasks for at least two years included activities related to children's rights, in particular related to the protection and prevention of violence, including sexual violence. Candidates for members of the committees appointed by the Sejm may also report to the Marshal of the Sejm or at least 35 Members. On the other hand, candidates for a Member of the Commission appointed by the Senate may also report to the Senate Marshal or at least 7 senators. The chairman of the committee shall elect, from among the members of the committee, the Sejm by a simple majority. The term of office of the committee will be seven years. A representative of the Ombudsman may take part in the work of the committee, with an advisory voice and at the invitation of the President. According to the Act, "anyone may report to the Commission a suspicion of sexual abuse or a suspicion that the competent authority is not aware of the suspicion of sexual abuse'. The notification may be submitted in writing, orally to the minutes or by electronic communication. Such a notification shall immediately be sent to the prosecutor responsible for the place of residence of the injured person. Where judicial proceedings are initiated, the committee shall have the right to review the judicial files and to obtain information on the proceedings conducted. The Commission may also participate in proceedings under the rights of the supplicator (with the consent of the injured person or his legal guardian). The first report is to be drawn up and made available by the committee within one year of the entry into force of the law. American Congress agreed to sell Poland 32 F-35 aircraft The US Congress by law 15 days after the State Department approved the possible purchase by Poland of 32 F-35 multi-tasking fighters did not object to this transaction, which means that the last condition had been fulfilled before the start of the purchase negotiations. Congress's decision, although not unexpected, is of great political importance. "After approval of the sale by the State Department, and now by Congress, I don't see any major obstacles," said John V. Venable, senior counsel on Washington's defence policy, the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. The expert explained that under the Arms Export Control Act 1976, the federal government, represented by the State Department, must notify Congress of any planned sale of arms abroad 15 days before the contract was signed, if the value of such a transaction, in the case of the sale of weapons to a NATO Member State, exceeds $50 million. The value of the proposed purchase transaction of 32 F-35 fighters by Poland is estimated at 6.5 billion dollars. This amount includes the cost of technical and logistical assistance, auxiliary equipment and pilot training. The main supplier of F-35 aircraft - if finally completed - will be the US arms company Lockheed Martin, and its subcontractor is the manufacturer of F-35A fighter engines of Pratt and Whitney. In May, Minister of Defence Mariusz Błaszczak submitted proposals for the purchase of American fighters of the fifth generation F-35 on behalf of the Polish authorities. Polish offer was discussed in June this year during the meeting of President Andrzej Duda with President Donald Trump in the White House. The implementation of this agreement, if finalised, will be supervised by representatives of the Pentagon within the framework of the Foreign Military Sales Programme (FMS). As part of the FMC program, Poland has already acquired the Patriot anti-missile system. The price of one F-35 fighter at the time of Poland's offer of purchase was - without weapons and technical assistance - about 89,2 million dollars. As the US military experts who wanted to remain anonymous informed by the PAP, the price given in the initial negotiations was "a maximum price much higher than the price to be negotiated." "Prices are dropping rapidly, currently the price of one F-35 is below 80 million bucks, much less than Eurofighter costs, which does not have the advantages that F-35 has," said Venable. PAP speakers expressed their hope that Poland's final negotiations on the purchase of American fighter aircraft will end this year. The possible participation of Polish subcontractors in this transaction - i.e. offset - will be discussed directly with American manufacturers of F-35 fighters. What is the replacement team Münchhausen, mentioned in the series "Payton Hobart's Choices" on Netflix platform? Caretakers and parents with this disorder pretend that their healthy child eats sick. The "Payton Hobart Elections" series will be on the Netflix platform today. It tells the story of Payton Hobart, who wants to become President of the United States of America, but first he has to become President of the student council in his high school. In Ryan Murphy's show, the creator of American Horror Story and Glee, we'll see Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Platt and Lucy Boynton. Without revealing too many details for those who have not yet had the chance to see the show, it raises the subject of Münchhausen's replacement syndrome - mental illness occurring in carers who act as if the healthy person they are dealing with was affected by physical or mental illness. There are different types of this condition, e.g. Münchhausen syndrome, which involves causing symptoms of a particular disease. Münchhausen's replacement syndrome is to simulate that a person who is under our care has certain ailments. It is also called invented and caused by disease, and is treated as violence against the child. This is a rare condition that usually involves a parent exaggerating symptoms or triggering symptoms, so as to make it look like his child is ill. What are the symptoms of Münchhausen's replacement syndrome? Symptoms of this disease may vary, but the NHS draws attention to the following examples of behaviour: Convincing medical personnel that a child who looks healthy doesn't feel well. Exploding or inventing symptoms. Fake the results so that the child is considered sick, e.g. passing glucose into urine samples to make it look like the child has diabetes. Cause symptoms of the disease, e.g. giving children unnecessary medicines and other substances. How often does Münchhausen's replacement syndrome occur? It is difficult to estimate how often this disorder occurs because many cases of disease are not reported. A study published in 2000 shows that over two years 89 cases of this disorder occurred per 100,000 people. What if there are suspicions that a child may be in danger? Contact the local task force or call the NSPCC Children's Protection Helpline by dialing 0808 800 5000. Nigeria: Police raid on a school in Kaduna, evacuation of 300 children Kaduna - Kaduna State Police Station raided Imamu Ahmad Bn Hambal school yesterday, located in Layin Maidubun Tsumma in Riga, Igabi Local Government Area, arrested seven teachers and evacuated about 300 children. The police said that the children were in highly dehumanizing conditions, and the school authorities are denying that claim. A man claiming to be Shehu, a school preacher, said: "They are not telling the truth because all the children were there with the consent of their parents. Before the kids were admitted to school, my parents signed the form. Parents daily brought their children food and knew the conditions. We were extremely surprised by the arrival of the police and the evacuation of children, as well as the removal of all the eating of the pupils provided by the parents before the school was closed. That's not fair, because parents can testify to their children being in bad conditions, as the police say. He added that the former Police Commissioner Abdurrahman, who once visited the school to check the level of childcare, had never had reservations. He said that the children were studying the Koran and nothing else. However, a police officer at the Public Relations Police Station, Yakubu Sabo, decided that after handing over the state to the government, the children would join their parents. "They were kept in dehumanizing conditions on behalf of subjecting or acquiring coranic knowledge. Many of them had scars on their backs, which proves they were beaten. That's why we study the school to get to know its owner," he added. Foreign talents important for China's development Guangdong is the country's leader in attracting foreign talents to a large extent due to the Belt and Trail Initiative (BRI), the Great Gulf Area (GBA) Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao and the new role of Shenzhen as a pilot demonstration area. The Nanfang Media Group interviewed seven expats aged 10 to 70 in Guangdong. From Singapore Yash, born in 2010 during the Asian Games in Guangzhou, said that he wanted to realize his dream of becoming a scientist and doing a PhD in Guangzhou. Nikita Nikandrow, a Russian-Chinese university student at Shenzhen MSU-BIT, said: "Thanks to the BRI initiative, Russian students can study together with Chinese students. We can create new ideas and new projects together. Rachel Rommeswinkel from the U.S. started her career as a beauty blogger in Dongguan and has over a million fans in Bilibili and Weibo. She said that in her videos she would continue to share information about Chinese traditions, culture and technology. Leticia de Lassus from France, head of the JJB International Montessori AMI center in Guangzhou agrees that "Children's education is like jacketing. If you properly fasten the first button, the rest will never go to their proper place. An American of Chinese origin, Henry Xiao, believes that at the heart of the GBA area, his company can enjoy many privileges with regard to new rules, government policies and capital resources, and in particular talents. The manufacturer of the "Nanta Show" program Sean Choi from South Korea said that Guangdong cuisine is known worldwide and the introduction of the "Nanta Show" in Guangdong was a good decision. Stephan Mohler from Switzerland, working as Technical Director of Quality at Pearl River Pianos, believes that the secret of high quality is based on the correct performance of simple work. To his surprise, many talented young people in China like to work, learn to make good products and strive for better results. Poll: Poles want to resign Banasia Most Poles want to resign the head of the Supreme Chamber of Control Marian Banasia - according to the Kantar survey for TVN. On the question "Do you think that NIK Marian Banas should resign" 55 percent answered "yes" - including 34 percent indicated the option "decidively yes" and 21 percent said "probably so." The answer "I don't know/it's hard to say" was chosen by 26 percent of respondents, while 19 percent voted against the resignation - 8 percent indicated "definitely not" and 11 percent said "probably not". The demands for the resignation of Marian Banasia appeared after the release of the report "Armoured Marian and Hotel for Hours" in the program "Supervisioner." According to the material, the head of NIK was the owner of a tenement in Krakow, where the hotel operated for hours, and the gangsters who led it were to rent a tenement for their business at a price below the market price. After the disclosure of the material, Banas announced that on September 27, he would go on free leave until the CBA's control of his property claims had been completed. Kantar's telephone survey was carried out on 25-26 September 2019 on a nationwide representative sample of 1005 people over the age of 18. Possible measurement error is 3 percentage points. How to become an influencer? Alisha Marie revealed a few tricks. Alisha created her channel on YouTube in 2008. Its activities are observed by more than 8 million subscribers. The influencer, among others, places fashion and beauty advice, and promotes the idea of DIY, meaning "do it yourself." So far she has collaborated with companies such as BMW or Starbucks. Alisha Marie gave an interview to the Business Insider portal. She gave some tips to people who want to start working with brands, e.g. on Instagram. She stressed that we should not wait for companies to see the potential of a particular person, and we should take the initiative. Alisha Marie claims that when you try to make contact with a brand, there are simple messages. It is necessary to show interest in the company and desire to be its ambassador. What did Alisha write when she applied for her first partnership with brands? "I like your stuff. Let me know if you are ever interested in cooperation" - the message about this content was sent as a beginner influencer. "It wasn't professional, but it was mine," she said. Alisha pointed out that the first step to be taken by brand representatives would be to enter into the profile of the person who is applying for cooperation. "The climate that will feel at first will probably be groundbreaking," she said. So Alisha convinces us to think of its profile on Instagram, for example, as a portfolio. To include content that could potentially be of interest to various companies. Unibet takes on her second American market The flagship brand of the Kindred Group - Unibet - takes up its second American market in Pennsylvania and today announces its official entry to the Pennsylvania market with the opening of its sports betting centre in cooperation with Mohegan Sun Pocono, which means the company entering the second market in the USA in just one month. A comprehensive offer of Mohegan Sun Pocono target point combined with customer digital experience and data analysis capabilities provided by Unibet will create a unique and serious offer of sports betting throughout the state. Earlier this month, Unibet launched its sports betting centre in New Jersey and started a long-standing partnership with the New Jersey Devils hockey club. We are excited to be able to work with Mohegan Sun Pocono and proud to welcome the patrons of our new sports betting centre and offer a wonderful expansion of our online product in one of the major states that regulates both sports betting and casinos. We wanted to have a strong partner who shares our commitment to providing the right customer experience and shares our values. We know that together we will offer the residents of Pennsylvania a truly unparalleled experience of participating in gambling and sports betting on site, and soon also over the Internet - says Manuel Stan, Senior Vice President of Kindred US. We have established cooperation with one of the world's best casino gaming operators and bookmakers on regulated markets on the Internet, so that we will be able to offer the best experience in our class to our current customers and attract new fans. "Placing Unibet's offer on the market is a big benefit for Mohegan Sun as well as for the state of Pennsylvania," says Aviram Alroy, Vice President of Interactive Games at Mohegan Gaming Entertainment. The upcoming offer of sports betting will include NFL, NCAA, NHL, NBA, PGA, professional tennis tournaments, boxing, UFC, rugby, NASCAR, MLS, Premier League, La Liga and Bundesliga. The Unibet sports betting centre, supported by Kambi, the world's leading B2B sports betting operator, offers the best experience with betting and entertainment in the area. In the second half of the year, Unibet's partnership agreement with Mohegan Sun Pocono will also launch a sports betting centre and show online casino available via Apple and Android mobile devices. Semoniak: Tusk or Kidawa-Błońska will be president "I think Donald Tusk and Margaret Kidawa-Błońska have a chance to win the election with President Andrzej Duda," says Tomasz Semoniak. Vice President of the Civic Platform Tomasz Siemoniak talked to Polsat News about an affair involving the head of NIK. "This case is disqualifying for Marian Banasia. He can become a minister of culture from some entertainment business, not the head of NIK or the finance minister. Not someone who's responsible for billions, for taxes," he said. "This case is a very serious crisis of the state," he added. Semoniak also spoke about the candidacy of Claudia Jachira. "PiS lists Antoni Macierewicz. A man who didn't just say things, he did them. He accused former SKW bosses of espionage for Russia, ruined their lives, destroyed their families. Why doesn't anyone appeal to Antoni Macierewicz not to be on the letters?" he asked. "People younger than us have different aesthetics. I think Jachira, who's already apologized for one of her things, feels like she's overreacting sometimes. Let's not make this a campaign problem," he added. Tourists after the fall of the travel agency Neckermann Poland is scheduled to return to Poland As the office stated, there was no need for tourists to be brought in early. "The office is gradually paying out of the insurance guarantee unpaid hotel spaces", stated. On 25 September, the travel agency Neckermann Polska submitted a declaration of insolvency to the Marshal's office. At the time the office made a declaration of insolvency, there were 3,600 tourists outside the country. On Wednesday, a group of about 500 people returned to Poland and on Thursday 230. The next 350 people from Morocco, Spain and Greece will return on Friday. Tourists will arrive in Katowice and Warsaw (in total it will be five charter flights). Some of them will return on cruises. During the weekend - as planned - about 1000 tourists staying on holiday should return to the country, including Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and Italy. According to information provided by the Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, the travel agency sold about 20,000 trips for the autumn-winter season. "These customers of travel agencies should contact the insurance company Allianz Partners directly," reminded the office. He also added that "the situation of tourists who signalled problems in hotels at this moment seems to be stabilized, and the emerging incidents of tourist ironing from hotels have been smoothed together with consular services." Last Friday, the authorities of Thomas Cook's largest and oldest travel agency reported that it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Thomas Cook GmbH owned 100 percent of the shares in Neckermann Polska. "Dirty" masked child rapist from Central Coast forced to look at his victim in court Dressed in a masking suit, a man grabbed a 12-year-old from behind and dragged her into a thick bush in Central Coast in May 2017. Then he tied her to a tree and raped her. Soon after the arrest, a search warrant was made at his house, where officers kept a number of relevant items for the investigation. The man pleaded guilty in respect of seven charges related to the attack and three further charges concerning the seduction and sexual exploitation of another girl, aged 11 years, between August 2016 and August 2017. A 12-year-old victim walked the path, and when she looked back, she saw him suddenly come out of the bushes armed with a big branch and a knife. When she begged "stop, stop, stop," he grabbed her by the neck and forced her into the bush. The man said, "Quiet, don't shout. Don't scream or I'll have to hurt you." With a knife in his right hand, he tied her arms and legs with cable bands and then tied her to a tree and raped her for almost an hour. When he cut her off, the girl ran to school with a hysterical scream. The man arrived at work around 9:30 without answering a few texts and calls from his colleagues. His clothes were dirty, and he was wearing traces of grass and trees, and he claimed to have been involved in an accident involving an attack of rage on the road where he chased another driver in the bushes and fell off the embankment. The man's trial will continue on Tuesday. The Pope calls on executive directors of technology companies to use artificial intelligence for the common good On Friday, Pope Francis warned executive directors of technology companies, diplomats and financiers that the race to create artificial intelligence and other forms of achievements in the digital field would be at risk of increasing social inequalities if, from the point of view of ethics, the common good was not taken into account. Pope Francis delivered these words during a conference in the Vatican, attended by emissaries of governments and representatives of Facebook and Google companies, as well as philosophers, physicists and ethicists. A small group of dorms and bishops of the Catholic Church gathered participants at the conference entitled "The Common Good in the Digital Age." This three-day event is the latest evidence that the Vatican is interested in participating in the debate on the prospects and risks of artificial intelligence. Technological achievements in the field of war art and the future of work were discussed, with machines playing an increasing role, and a case study investigating the assassination of Christchurch in New Zealand and decisions taken by companies owned by social media in connection with the spread of the film recording the massacre. During the speech at the conference, Pope Francis praised the potential of technological progress, noting that machines at the beginning of the industrial revolution saved workers from dangerous and monotonous work. However, he warned that increasing dependence on robotic devices to make profits was a risk of depriving people of the dignity of work. "If technological progress were to cause ever more visible inequalities, it would not be real and real progress," he warned. If the so-called technological progress of humanity were to become an enemy of the common good, it would lead to unwanted retroversion to some kind of barbarism dictated by the law of the strongest. The organizers of the conference expressed their hope of drawing on the expertise of the participants and identifying possible future Catholic Church advisors in high-tech matters. Martin Odegaard, a player rented from Real Madrid, puts fans into euphoria with his impressive assistant. Martin Odegaard noted an impressive assist at the opening goal of Mikel Oyrzabal. Winning 2:0 against Osasuna, Real Madrid climbed the top of the La Liga table and continues the streak of being invincible on its own field this year's season. However, despite the failure of not a single failure this season in La Liga Zinedine Zidane is under enormous pressure due to a turbulent preseasonal and public quarrel with a Welsh star, Gareth Bale. The situation reached its peak when Real Madrid was humiliated in the Champions League by Paris-Saint Germain (PSG). Zinedine Zidane and Real Madrid, however, have real talents at their disposal - for some of them, the Frenchman now has plans, not for others. Vinicius Júnior is an example of such a star of the future of Real Madrid and currently plays in a band. However, it was the Norwegian young player Martin Odegaard, who was loaned to Real Sociedad, who caused a great stir, including an incredible assist in the La League game. During the meeting, Real Sociedad with Alaves Martin Odegaard performed an impressive assist at the opening goal of Mikel Oyrzabal and Real Sociedad finally won 3:0 in front of his own audience. After picking up the ball on the right hand side, Martin Odegaard maneuvered the player from the opposite team, putting a net on him, and then sent an amazing pass on the centimeters between two other players and his teammate, all he had to do was add a leg. The second goal of Williana Jose and the third goal performed by the amazing Oyrzabala, this time with the penalty throw, secured a decisive victory for the ward of Imanola before Manu Garcia was sent off the field five minutes before the end of the game. Martin Odegaard joined Real Madrid only as a 16-year-old in 2015, but had difficulty trying to meet the expectations of fans. Now, at the age of 20, a Norwegian footballer finally seems to feel on the field. Anna Hazare surprised by the appearance of Sharad Pawar's name on the fraud concerning the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Anna Hazare said: "The name of Sharada Pavar was not on the list when the case was handed to me." The social activist, Anna Hazare, was not surprised by the fact that the name Sharad Pawar - President of the Nationalist Congress Party, NCP - appeared in connection with the multimillion-dollar fraud in the State Cooperative Bank of Maharashtra. The investigative agency of the Executive Director, in short the ED, brought a case against Sharad Pawar, his nephew Ajit Pawar - former Deputy Chief Minister of State Maharashtra - and others in connection with the fraud. The Executive Director's information report on the case, equivalent to the FIR police report, was submitted by the central agency under the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The case is based on the report of the FIR of the Mumbai police, which lists the names of the former bank president, Ajit Pawara, and 70 former employees of the financial institution. When the case came to me, Sharad Pawar's name was nowhere to be seen. "How did his name come up, who gave it, only they know these things," said Anna Hazare on Thursday when he was asked about the ED case and the alleged connection between Sharad Pavar and fraud. Anna Hazare, critical of Sharad Pavar, expressed his hope that the truth would come out as a result of a detailed investigation by the ED into fraud. "ED will find out where his name came from," said Anna Hazare, a multiple participant in the protest against corruption. Sharad Pawar denies the criminal act and claims that he was in no way connected with the bank, as well as puts into question the fact that the case was reported several weeks before the elections of the Maharashta Assembly scheduled for October 21. The former Minister of the Union has assured that he will not fall to Delhi's majesty, clearly referring to the central government led by the BJP party. The NCP assessed the matter of the Executive Director as politically motivated. Busy day SG. Yesterday, several smugglers failed to transport stolen items worth more than 130 thousand zlotys to Ukraine. All events were recorded yesterday (26 September) on the exit route from Poland. In Korczowa, a Romanian citizen carried a specialized electric bicycle. SG officers established the legality of the object's origin and contacted the representatives of the German Police and quickly established that a modern unit worth about 10 thousand zlotys was stolen in the territory of this country. A few hours later also in Korczowa, border guards controlling the trailer registered in France found interference in the VIN number field. The driver of the truck set was a Ukrainian citizen. The semitrailer worth about PLN 30 thousand has been stopped and will be subjected to detailed expertise to determine the original data. At the border crossing point in Medicine, SG officers thwarted an attempt to export another stolen Quad of Can-am brand (prod. 2019). The value of the vehicle transported on the lava was estimated at PLN 75 thousand. The driver of the set was a 32-year-old Ukrainian citizen. The Border Guard confirmed that only two weeks ago the quad was lost in Poland and is wanted throughout Europe. Medyce also thwarted a "part" attempt to export a stolen vehicle. 41-year-old Ukrainian bus traveler carried body parts from an exclusive Mercedes. All the identification marks on the parts were mechanically removed. Body parts worth about 15 thousand zlotys have been stopped. South Africa: 20-year-old accused of murdering a student Ukzn Sinethemba Ndlovu As expected, a man arrested in connection with the murder of a student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Sinethemba Ndlovu, according to the National Prosecution Bodies (SOMEONE) will apply for bail next week. The defendant showed up on Thursday at the Grodz court in Msinga on suspicion of murder. A spokesman for KZN, Natasha Kara, said News24 that the case had been postponed until 2 October in connection with an application for bail. She added that Stan would object to bailing the defendant out. According to police spokesman KZN, Inspector Thembeka Mbele, 20-year-old defendant arrested on Monday. At the beginning of this week, the police revealed that Ndlovu suffered stab wounds under her left armpit and in her stomach. It is believed that on Saturday evening she worked as a hostess during the automotive event of Msing Diftkhan. In today's statement, the organisers of the car event stated that, as preliminary reports suggest, after the end of the event and the end of the change, several hostess stayed on site to watch musical performances. On the way, one of them unfortunately attacked unknown men and later died in the hospital" according to the statement. On Friday, UKZN suspended classes, claiming "the circumstances of Ndlov's death require us, as a community, to stop and think about the fragileness of life and the brutality that so often occurs in our society." Mylan agrees to pay $30 million as part of the EpiPen settlement Mylan agreed to pay $30 million as part of a settlement related to the failure to notify investors of the investigation of the Department of Justice on a possible request for an excessive amount in the Medicaid programme for EpiPen. The Securities and Exchange Commission stated on Friday that Mylan NV qualified EpiPen for "generic" drugs in the Medicaid reimbursement program. Therefore, the pharmaceutical company provided the government with a much lower refund of part of the price of the product than when EpiPen was classified as a "branding' medicine. In July, Mylan revealed that it had reached an agreement on the principles of KPWiG. In its Friday statement, the company stated that it did not confirm or deny the allegations of KPWiG. Is this God's punishment? What does the Church say about suffering? Cataclysms, severe illness, death of a child. They're dramas that cause a lot of suffering and they're hard to understand. We're asking, "Why"? Sometimes we also hear that "God intended so." Does the Creator send us calamity and sickness? John Paul II suffered greatly at the end of his life When Nick Vujic was born 36 years ago, his dad ran scared out of the room. "My son has no arms or legs!" he screamed to the doctor. The parents did not know that their child was suffering from an incurable disease that deprived them of limbs. At first, they couldn't accept the boy. But they prayed, and after four months, Nick's mother felt that God had a plan for their child. She decided to love her son with all her heart. Today, Vujic is a world famous evangelizer and motivational speaker who converts many people. "I am proof that God is never wrong," Nick emphasizes. "When suffering affects us, it's hard to understand. We're looking for causes. We ask, "Why did this happen to us?" If we believe that God controls the whole world and directs our lives, then naturally the question arises as to whether He has sent sickness, misfortune upon us..." Mother confesses to murdering two teenage sons A woman burst into tears when she was told she could spend the rest of her life in prison after confessing to murdering her two teenage sons and planning to kill the other four of her children. Sarah Barrass, 35, confessed to the murder of Tristan Barrassa (13 years old) and Blake Barrassa (14 years old). Brothers died 12 minutes apart in the hospital after police were called to Shiregreen, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, on 24 May around 7:30. The autopsy was performed, but the results of the autopsy were not reported at Sheffield Coroner's Court hearing on Friday. The exact circumstances of the boys' deaths are not yet known. Barrass appeared on the bench of the defendants along with his co-defendant Brandon Machin, 39 years old, a member of the family. Surrounded by three guards, they confessed to two counts of murder and one charge of planning the murder of six children. During the 20-minute hearing, the couple also admitted five counts of attempted murder. The charge of homicide planning refers to the period between 14 and 20 May. Four of the counts of attempted murder on 23 May concern four children, including Blake and Tristan. The fifth murder attempt took place on May 24th. All of the survivors are under 13. The Queen's Counselor, Judge Jeremy Richardson, said to the couple: "I will never be fully able to express in words how shameful you have done. Your crimes speak for themselves. The murder of two children. Attempted murder of four children and all conspiracy to kill them. I am practically convinced that each of you in due time will be sentenced to several times the sentence of life imprisonment." The judge will determine whether it will be a sentence of absolute imprisonment without the possibility of parole. The sentence is due on November 12th. Member of the PO Krzysztof Brejza sues Cesare Gmyz "In connection with the campaign of lies of writing TV I am suing Cezary Gmyz," said P.O. Krzysztof Brejza on Twitter. The reason for the lawsuit is the statement by Cesare Gmyz's publicist in the program "It's Past 20" on TVP. Krzysztof Brejza, who has a lot of experience in organizing the hate department, is one of the leading leaders of SokezBurak. "The people who know Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda - the founder of the "heyter" profile - are Kierwiński, Budek and Giertych," said Gmyz. SokzBuraka are social sites and profiles with memes and political jokes. According to "Network," behind the profile of this title is the PR-ship Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda. "We were able to find out that since April this year Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda has been employed at the Warsaw city office, in the marketing office," wrote the weekly. "Confederation" in Oława At the fair square in Oława his meeting was organized by the electoral committee "Confederation." The program was presented by Krzysztof Szokalski number 5 on the list, and Halszka Bielecka number 9. The announced leader of the list of Krzysztof Tuduj did not reach the electoral rally. The candidates raised many problems - from excessive fiscalism of the state to health care problems. The issue of the economic zone has also been raised, which should work for all entrepreneurs rather than favour foreign capital. Climate strike in Budapest - World Several thousand people, mostly young, took part in a climate strike in Budapest's capital on Friday. The government was called upon to pursue climate neutrality, to declare a climate threat and to pursue a greener policy. The participants of the strike went from Clark Square on Buda's side to Kossuth Square before the Parliament on the Pest side. It was chanted, "What do we want? Climate protection! When do we want it? Now!" Boris Johnson addressed to the police supervisory authority in connection with a close relationship with businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri The IOPC's independent police department will examine the possibility of initiating an investigation against the prime minister, whether he committed criminal offences in the course of his public office as mayor of London. The Council of Great London (GLA) stated in a statement that its supervisory inspector had registered the Prime Minister's "obligation issue' in connection with the allegations of preferential treatment of Arcuri resulting from their close acquaintance. "It is possible to talk about "the issue of proceedings" when there is information indicating the possibility of a crime," he said. That doesn't mean it's somehow proven. The IOPC will now consider whether it is necessary to investigate this matter. The issue was addressed to the IOPC, which deals with complaints against police officers in England and Wales. It was transferred to the police supervisor because Johnson was the equivalent of the police commissioner and the criminal commissioner at the time. Johnson denied that his close relationship with Arcuri had been affected by any irregularities. He said earlier that he would follow the London City Council's order and give details about his relationship with Arcuri, but insisted that the Council "focused on the wrong problem." The warrant follows the report "The Sunday Times" that Arcuri, an American who moved to London seven years ago, received 126,000 pounds of budget money and privileged access to three foreign trade missions headed by the then mayor of Johnson. As a result, the government had frozen a £100,000 grant to Arcuri's Hacker House until the case was processed. The government awaits cumbersome questions about the verification procedure carried out prior to the granting of the funds. Minister for Digitization Matt Warman said in the House of Commons that the staff of his department "usually maintained due diligence" and that the company has a British telephone number. However, according to numerous reports, calls to the number were redirected to the California office where the 34-year-old Arcuri is currently to live. The prime minister's close relationship with the businesswoman "was a secret to the staff." The GLA's decision to refer the Prime Minister's case to the IOPC's independent police department was dissatisfied at 10 Downing Street. According to the source of the higher rank, the government's representative is "politically motivated attack" and its term - on the eve of the conservation party conference - is "proudly political." "The Superintendent did not provide any evidence to support the allegations and the Prime Minister was not given a chance to reply before publishing a press release late on Friday evening," says the source. Neither citizens nor the media will fall for such a public political set-up. Today, in earlier hours, journalists of "The Standard" were told that Johnson's close relationship with a businesswoman from California, who was assisted by a tourism and promotion agency in London, was a "mystery" for employees. The above employees of the London Partners agency (LP) recalled that Arcuri received seats during Johnson's foreign trade trips as mayor despite the fact that at the time her companies were not considered "reliability". Third accused of drug crimes in connection with Mac Miller's death Los Angeles (AP) - In connection with last year's death of Mac Miller's rapper, a third man was arrested as a result of a drug overdose and charged with drug crimes. According to court records, Stephen Walter is suspected of selling counterfeit oxycodone pills with fentanyl, which Miller had in his possession prior to his death in September last year as a result of an accidental overdose of cocaine, alcohol and fentanyl, a strong opioid responsible for the "epidemia," which consumed several thousand lives in the United States. Walter is accused of delivering pills that another man, Cameron Pettit, sold to Miller. The court documents sealed on Tuesday reveal that Pettit received drugs from Walter throughout August. Ryan Reavis, arrested earlier this week in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, is suspected to be Walter's "courier" who delivered the pills to Pettit. None of these men were directly accused of the manslaughter of Miller's death, nor did any of them present a line of defense in their case. Walter is in custody under parole in the 2005 drug case and has already been sentenced to five months' imprisonment for violation of the terms of his release. Prosecutors dealing with the case first reported on Thursday's TMZ celebrity website demand that Walter remain in custody pending trial, claiming that there is a serious risk of escaping the defendant. The answer to the message left on his lawyer's answering machine didn't come straightaway. Pettit was charged in federal court on September 4, and his defense attorney refused to comment. Miller's rhymes are an honest conversation about his depression and drug use, and he gained fans from the biggest hip-hop stars. From Pittsburgh Miller, who was really named Malcolm James Myers McCormick, for two years was associated with singer Ariana Grande earlier in 2018. After his death in Instagram, she published a touching film with the participation of Miller and the song "Thank U Next," in which she mentions him with love. Miller is one of the musicians whose death has been linked to the abuse of opioids in recent years. Matthew Roberts, guitarist of 3 Doors Down, also died from an overdose in 2016 and found the presence of fentanyl and hydrocodone in his body. This article introduces a change: Walter's spelling is "Stephen" and not "Steven." 9-year-old Nigerian creates over 30 games for mobile devices A 9-year-old creates a game of hide-and-seek fun using a free Scratch 2 programming application. Scratch 2 allows users to create games, animations and stories in online or offline mode. So far, Basil has generated over 30 games for mobile devices using it. In today's game there is a bat that hides according to the program. The player scores every time he catches a bat that comes out of the safe house. I learned how to create games on an accelerated course. "Now I create them when I'm bored," said Basil CNN. In March, Dad signed him up for a five-day accelerated course for children aged 5 to 15. The course, organized by Codefest International, was intended to provide children like Basil with access to new technologies such as robotics and virtual reality. The boy's father, Basil Okpara senior, claims that Basil played a lot of games on mobile devices. "When he was four, I bought him a tablet because he always grabbed his phone and played it. He played a lot at Candy Crush and Temple Run," said CNN's father. But Basil's interest in creating games grew when he was 7 years old and got hit for spending all his time playing games. "One day he played the tablet, as usual, and he was so preoccupied with it that I was upset," said the father. Out of anger I said, "You're just playing, can't you think about creating your own games so that others can play them?" When I said those words, I was upset and I didn't think he would take them seriously," he added. Since then, Basil has shown an active interest in learning how to create his own games, has persuaded his parents to buy a laptop and save it for a course where he learned the basics of creating games. Basil, who wants to be a scientist in the future, gives his thunder titles based on their content. One of his games, "Mosquito mash," is available in the Google play store. Africa has the largest population of young people in the world and, like Basil, this population includes leadership in innovation on the continent. Two Nigerian 12-year-olds were recently praised for using codes to create robots separating their work at home. In May, the Acrobot team from the female high school in Ghana won the Robofest 2019 competition for programming robots for stacking boxes. And thanks to the growing investment of giants in technology, such as Google and Microsoft, in Africa, Basil and his peers are on their way to a career of coding stars. Former President of the Republican Party in North Carolina will confess to a lie about corruption According to the court documents submitted on Friday, the former President of the Republican Party in North Carolina will admit in court that he lied to federal agents investigating corruption of the main political donor. Robin Hayes says he's gonna plead guilty next Wednesday. According to a document containing the factual basis, prepared as part of the defense settlement and signed by Hayes' lawyer, Hayes knew that he was making a false statement to FBI agents investigating corruption in 2018. The defense settlement has been sealed, and there's no real basis to which Hayes will plead. At first, he was accused of colluding, corruption, and false testimony. The prosecutors accused former Congressman Hayes of participating in an insurance company's plan to direct campaign donations to the country's main regulator of the insurance market in exchange for special treatment. Director Greg Lindberg and his two associates have been charged with trying to bribe the state's insurance commissioner Mike Causey. Lindberg is the founder of an insurance and investment company, being one of the main state political donors in recent years, which since 2016 has passed over $5 million to national and federal candidates and committees. He supported mainly the goals and politicians of the Republican Party, but he also contributed to the Democrats. His lawyer didn't respond to a Friday's e-mail asking for a comment. Hayes Kearns Davis' defense attorney did not respond to Friday's e-mail request for comment. According to the court records filed on Friday, Hayes lied to the FBI agents in August 2018, when he said he hadn't talked to Causey about the employees of the State Department of Insurance. According to a document containing the actual basis, Hayes actually talked to the Insurance Commissioner about Lindberg's request for changes in the staff employed by the market regulator. The prosecutors say that Hayes also helped Lindberg arrange a meeting with Causey and that he was talking about a bribe directly with the regulator. According to April's indictment, Lindberg required special treatment of his insurance business and planned to transfer up to $2 million to Causey's second campaign in 2020. It follows from the indictment that the conspiracy also includes a request to change the department official who controlled Lindberg's company. The Republican Causey reported a alleged attempt at corruption to federal agents and helped them gather evidence on the case. He wasn't charged with anything. According to the indictment, Lindberg's accomplice ordered Hayes to hand over $250,000 to Causey's campaign during a conversation where Lindberg and Causey were also present. During the conversation Hayes initially protested that the transfer of this amount of money would attract attention, but, according to the prosecution, eventually gave way. "Whatever you all want to do, we'll do it," said Hayes. "Okay, I'll take care of it." The federal prosecutor's spokesperson did not respond to an e-mail requesting further information about the settlement. Drivers will take the first section of the new burial. Drivers from Saturday will be able to use the first of three built mountain sections of the S7 expressway - the new Zakopane - from Skomielna Biała to Rabka Zdroj and then the two-way main road accelerated to Chabówka. As the spokesperson of the Kraków branch of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) Iwona Mikrut informed on Friday, it is the first of three sections built S7 south of Krakow, from Lubń to Rabka Zdroj, which will be put into service. From over 6 km from Komielna Biała to Chabówka more than one third, i.e. approx. 2.3 km, led on viaducts. Seventeen of them were created, including the longest and highest, with a kilometer long and 50 meters high, and four small objects on the courses at the Skomielna junction. From this junction the exits were conducted in Wadowice and Nowy Sącz, to the national road no. 28 and to the old DK7 course. From the next junction, Zabornia, you can go to DK47 in the direction of Nowy Targ and Zakopane and to DK7 in Chyzhny and the border of the country with Slovakia. On Zbątka Góra there was a place of service for ILO travelers. The expressway ends in the junction of Zabornia in Rabka Zdrój, which was built about a kilometer two-way fragment DK47 to Chabówka and was included in the already existing two-day Chabówka - Rzkowka. Episode S7 Skomielna Biała - Radka Zdrój and a new section of the national road no. 47 of the main accelerated class (GP) from Rabka Zdrój to Chabiwka was built by Italian company Salini Impregilo from Milan. The investment cost amounted to about PLN 615 million. The quality assurance of the works carried out will apply for 10 years. Counting approx. 16.7 km a fragment of the new Zakopane, including 15.8 km with expressway parameters, was divided into three stages of implementation, each with a separate contractor: Lubień - Repair, Repair - Komielna White and Komielna White - Rabka Zdrój. The first section to enter the tunnel is performed by the Polish-Ukrainian consortium of enterprises: IDS-BUD S.A. from Warsaw and the ALTIS-HOLDING Corporation from Kiev, the tunnel section - the Italian company Astaldi and the third - the Italian company Salini. The total cost of these tasks is almost PLN 2.5 billion. The investment is co-financed from the European Union's Centres under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020. The amount of funding is over 1.3 billion PLN. A total of 38 engineering structures (bridges, overpasses, ridges) and a two-chamber tunnel with a length of 2,06 km are created throughout this section. According to the announcement of the road manager, a 7.6-kilometre section of Lubień - Repair with temporary inclusion in the old DK7 will be made available this year, which drivers will avoid the construction of the tunnel. Last section, Repair - Komielna Biała with a length of approx. 3 km, drivers will drive in 2021, after completion of the construction of a two-chamber tunnel with a length of each thread approx. 2,06 km. Our goal is a state of prosperity "We are building a state of prosperity in Poland," announced Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. He came to Szczecin to encourage him to vote for Councilman Dariusz Matecki, candidate for the Sejm on the list of Law and Justice. "The programme of good change is the implementation of the strategy of the Polish version of the state of prosperity," said the minister. "We want Poles to make much better money to make their lives on a higher level. This is necessary because otherwise young, dynamic, well-educated people will leave Poland, and we cannot afford it. For four years, our government has implemented a program that has committed itself four years ago. We said we'd run a 500-plus program. The platform, Donald Tusk and Eve Kopcz said it's impossible that this money just doesn't exist. We proved that the money was and was, only the PO didn't care about the ones they were supposed to find." Ziobro also reminded us of the children's expedition and the 13th pension - and that the 14th pension was also planned. Apart from the "reasonable distribution of national income," the PiS priorities are a fair state and economic development. Money should not go into the pockets of the chosen, who have good relations with establishment and power, but should go to society evenly," said the politician. Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Jacques Chirac The French President Emmanuel Macron said goodbye on Thursday to his predecessor Jacques Chirac, who called him a great Frenchman and a great statesman. At 9:00 p.m., the lights of the Eiffel Tower went out in homage to the former president. Former French President and Prime Minister Jacques Chirac died Thursday morning at the age of 86. Macron's farewell speech broadcasted all of France's most important television channels. "He was a man of the state we loved, just like he loved us," said the president. "More than 40 years in politics made Chirac's face close to us. And whether we shared his ideals, his battalions or not, we all recognized each other in this man. This evening is thanks to Jacques Chirac. He did so much for the nation, for our values, brotherhood and tolerance," continued Macron. He recalled that Chirac opposed the war with Iraq in 2003, which had no UN mandate, sought peace in the Balkans, stability and peace in Lebanon. Prior to his television performance, Macron went to Chirac's Parisian apartment on de Tournon Street. At noon, the National Assembly celebrated the ex-President's departure with a minute of silence. The Elysée Palace will be open from 21 p.m. on Thursday to Sunday evening for all those who wish to enter into the condolence book. "The President of the Republic wants the French to pay tribute to Jacques Chirac, who left today," informed the press services of the Elysian Palace. This palace was Chirac's home for two presidential terms from 1995 to 2007. President Macron has declared Monday a day of national mourning. At noon there will be a solemn Mass at St. Sulpicius Church, and the official service according to tradition will be held in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, which since April, when the fire broke out there, is closed to the public. Jacques Chirac's solemn funeral will take place next week; the exact dates and details are not yet known. Part of Sopocka Street in Nisko after expansion On Tuesday, 24 September, Sopocka Street in Nisko was officially commissioned. The total value of this task amounted to PLN 803 thousand, of which PLN 26 thousand was funding from the FDS, while the remaining amount was the own contribution from the Niżański County and the Municipality and the City of Nisko. Thanks to the resources obtained, it was possible to make, among others, a surface of 1284 meters long with its extension, a sidewalk on a section of 950 meters, dehydration and finishing work. The contractor of the investment was a consortium of companies: PBI Infrastructure S.A. from Kraśnik and PBI WMB Sp. z o.o. from Sandomierz. At the turn of 2019/2020, the district of Niejańska will carry out a further stage of expansion of Sopotka Street, where a new pavement, pavement and a bridge on the Barcówka River will be constructed. For the implementation of these works, the county authorities also managed to obtain funding from the FDS, at the level of 80% of the value of the entire investment. The official transfer of the rebuilt road was attended by: Starostasta Niejańskie Robert Bednarz, Vicestarosta Adam Mach, Chairman of the Niżańskie District Council Sylvester Daśko, Chairman of the Board of the Malce Estate Jan Bielak, employees of the District Old Town and the District Road Management Board in Nisko, investment contractor and supervisory inspector. Facebook for caring about users' well-being will hide the likes counter to the test As part of a first-time experiment in the world aimed at improving the well-being of users, some of the people using Facebook will soon not see the likes, reactions and videos counter under the posts of others. Likes will be hidden and visible only to the author of the post, and this change will be introduced in Australia following a similar test implemented on Instagram in July. The new Facebook version launched next Friday will also be launched in Australia. Mia Garlick, director of Facebook privacy in Australia, said that the change was the result of a study on well-being and the opinion of mental health professionals indicating that a like-up counter might make you compare with others. "The response from many anti-harassment groups working with us as well as mental health organisations was really positive," said Garlick. Eliminating this counter will make people focus on the quality of their interactions and the quality of content, not the number of likes or reactions. It is expected that sharing with others through the platform will be more enjoyable and will not be perceived as a competition," she said. Garlick assured us that companies that base their business on Facebook will continue to receive the same indicators and observations that they had access to so far. She stated that it was too early to determine whether the test would be extended to other countries, as was the case with Instagram, when Australia, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Japan, Italy and Ireland were included in the test. As with Instagram, which belongs to Facebook, there is no indication of when the experiment will end and whether the change will be introduced permanently. "The user's initial comments on the new Instagram rules were positive, but at this stage we are still learning and listening to opinions," she said. Speaking about the place of the world experiment, Garlick said that Australia has very active, technically well-known Facebook and Instagram users. We believe that this is an amazing country that will provide us with valid opinions indicating whether the new experience is valuable to those who use our services or not. Częstochowa: Councillors want from the curia compensation for pilgrims The Częstochowa curia has not yet commented on the call of the councillors to the local metropolitan archbishop Wacław Depo for financial compensation for handling waste management during the pilgrimage season. The city requests 1 PLN from the pilgrim. He spoke about the speech addressed to the metropolitan area on Friday at a press conference with the participation of, among others, the Spring leader Robert Biedron, organized on Jasna Góra Częstochowa Avenue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, vice-president of the town council and candidate for the Sejm Łukasz Kot. The cat informed that the local Councillors of the SLD had voted the day before to appeal to Archbishop Wacław Depo to hand over one golden city from every visitor to Częstochowa pilgrim - to support the work of city services, municipal services, etc. We accepted an appeal to Archbishop Depo to help the city, help us clean up after the pilgrims, prepare the city for the pilgrims. "Please transfer to the city budget a symbolic zloty from each pilgrim. This will enable the city to provide better conditions for its stay in Częstochowa," said the Vice-President of the City Council. The spokesman of the Częstochowa Metropolitan Curia, Fr Mariusz Bakalarz, initially prepared a few questions, then asked, as he indicated, to replace it with information on the content: "Until we receive the official position of the City Council we do not refer to the case." According to the project on the pages of the Częstochowa magistrate, the appeal to Archbishop Depo concerns "the transfer of financial compensation to the city of Częstochowa for the operation of municipal waste management system during the pilgrimage season." "In view of the growing number of pilgrims arriving in Częstochowa and the increasing costs of handling municipal waste management during the period of the pilgrimage season, bearing in mind the image of the city among inhabitants and residents, pilgrims and pilgrims, we want, as part of the generally accepted canons, to take care of our common good, the small homeland of Częstochowa, to offer participation in the costs of handling the above-mentioned rubbish system" is part of the appeal. "In order to maintain the cleanliness of the pedestrian-mobile lines that pilgrims are moving, which at the same time benefit from small infrastructure, i.e. external waste baskets, we present a proposal for symbolic participation in the municipal waste management system in the amount of PLN 1 from the pilgrim" was written. "In addition to participating in the annual costs which the city will cover from its own resources, ensuring the cleanliness and aesthetics of urban space, and wishing to emphasise that such cooperation will benefit all parties, we declare that 20% of the above-mentioned amount will be allocated to improving tourist infrastructure, e.g. by increasing the number of public toilets available," the councillors declared. They pointed out that, in addition to financial matters, their proposal was due to numerous reservations raised by the residents about the cleanliness of the routes that pilgrims are travelling with. "With a view to the cleanliness of our city and the possible positive effects of cooperation, the City Council of Częstochowa calls on the Archbishop of Częstochowa's Metropolitan metropolitan Wacław Depo to provide financial compensation for the city of Częstochowa for the service of municipal waste management during the pilgrimage season" was repeated in the appeal. According to the press office of Jasna Góra, 834 thousand people participated in 200 nationwide pilgrimages to this sanctuary in the last year. About 124,000 believers arrived on 255 pilgrimages. More than 8.8 thousand people came to Czestochowa in bike pilgrimages (133 groups), and 440 people (16 groups) in cross-country pilgrimages. Less than 20 people reached the horse sanctuary and more than 170 pilgrims from two groups - on roller skates. "News" TVP skipped the Confederation on the survey According to a pollster study, in the PiS Sejm elections, 45 percent of the votes, KO 26 percent, Left 14 percent, PSL 7 percent, and Confederation 5 percent would be voted. Even on the "Super Express" portal, for which the probe was conducted, it was written about exceeding the electoral threshold. In the main edition of "The News," describing the same survey, the results of only the first four parties were presented, leaving out the Confederation. Edyta Lewandowska, the leader, made it clear that only four committees had crossed the electoral threshold and entered the Sejm. TVP viewers were also shown the division of parliamentary mandates without taking into account the votes cast for the Confederation. This would give the PiS its own government. Krzysztof Bosak spoke in a commentary on the whole situation about "public compromise on fairness towards society." "They began with the slogans about "moral revolution," reminded and stated that this matter is a sign of a sense of weakness. In turn Robert Winnicki tweeted that "TVP News" in subsequent actions against the Confederation embarrass Urban and Michnik." He also drew attention to the lack of reaction of right-wing journalists. "But let us also look at those who are liberatingly silent. Those "righteous," "independent," "insubordinate." In a few years they became a more primitive version of all that they supposedly fought against," he added. Małgorzata Motylow Vice President NIK On Thursday 26 September, Sejm Marshal Elizabeth Witek handed over Margaret Motylow's appointment as Vice-President of the Supreme Audit Chamber on 27 September 2019. "In accordance with Article 21 (1) of the Act on the Supreme Chamber of Control of Vice-Presidents, NIK appoints and revokes the Marshal of the Sejm, after consulting the competent Sejm committee, at the request of the President of the NIK," it shall deliver a communication. The request in this case was received by the Marshal of the Sejm on 24 September 2019. "In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Sejm, it was addressed to the Sejm Committee on State Control, which gave a positive opinion on 26 September," recalls the Communication. "On 26 September 2019, NIK's Vice-Presidents were dismissed: Ewa Polkowska, Wojciech Kutyła and Mieczysław Łuczak," she announces. Earlier that day, requests for all of these personal decisions were welcomed by the Sejm Committee on State Control, except that the vote on the opinion until the appeal of Ewa Polkowska was held twice - in the first vote on the committee, the same number of Members were in favour and against. The new Vice President of NIK Małgorzata Motylow comes from Chełm Lubelski. Brother sentenced to life sentence for killing honorary social media stars Qandeel Baloch Qandeel Baloch, who became a star thanks to photos published on social networks, was strangled in July 2016. The brother of Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch was found guilty of her murder on Friday and sentenced to life imprisonment as the most notorious in this patriarchal country "honor killing." Baloch, who gained fame by publishing bold selfies - polite according to Western standards, but in heavily misogynistic Pakistan considered provocative - was strangled in July 2016. Her brother Muhammad Waseem was arrested. A few days later he said during the press conference that he had no remorse for his actions and declared that "of course" he murdered his sister and that her behaviour was "unacceptable." His lawyer, Sardar Mehmood, told AFP that a court in the west city of Multan found his client guilty and sentenced him to life in a long-awaited sentence. "Inshallah (if God permits), will be acquitted by a higher court," he said. Before that, Baloch's mother, Anwar Mai, told the AFP that she was hoping that her son would be acquitted. "He's innocent. That was my daughter, and that's my son," she said. Baloch's murder hit the headlines of world news services and resumed calls for action against an epidemic of so-called honor killings in which victims - usually women - are killed for violating patriarchal social principles. Women were set on fire, strangled, shot or stabbed for such transgressions as choosing their own husband or, as in Baloch's case, for bringing shame to their family by manifesting their sexuality. Homicide is usually carried out by a close relative. According to Pakistani law, Qisas (blood money) and Diyat (retribution) may ask their nearest victims for forgiveness. Three months after Baloch's murder, Parliament adopted new legislation introducing a life sentence for honor killings. However, whether a murder is considered an honorable offence remains the responsibility of the judge, which means that murderers can theoretically rely on another motive and be acquitted. In Baloch's case, her parents at first pressured that their son should in no way be shown favor. However, those who are devastated think that they can lose him, change their mind, and declare that they want his acquittal. The international outrage caused by the murder led the Pakistani State to take an unprecedented step and declare itself an heir with its parents, forcing the case to move forward. One of Baloch's more famous achievements is to offer a striptease in front of the Pakistani cricket team and put on a decollared purple dress on Valentine's Day. She was criticized and threatened, but many people, including young people, saw her as breaking restrictions in a country where posing as Kim Kardashian model can be regarded as a bold and political move to strengthen women's position. The roots of "honorable" homicide lie in tribal social standards, which continue to dominate South Asia, and in particular normalize women's behavior, although men may also be victims. Enjoy the regatta to Niska Tomorrow, on Saturday, September 28th, on the water reservoir in Podwolina in Nisko will be held the 2nd Independence Regatta. The competition starts at 10.30 a.m. The regatta will be held in the Omega and Optimist classes in the formula match racing. The organizer of the regatta is the Yacht Club Low Sailing School. The regatta are organised as part of the "Local Initiatives Subcarpathia 2018-2019" project co-financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for Civil Society Development under the Civil Initiative Fund Programme 2014-2020. The Count: "Hope" has been singing for 10 years On September 21, 10th, the band of singers "Hope" celebrated the celebration of the existence of the Rural Housewives in Rachania. The leader and accompanier of the team is Stanisław Senko, director of the GOK in Rachania. The group participates in competitions, reviews, patriotic-religious celebrations, festivals and harvests. Team members sing for three votes. Katarzyna Gucz - President-in-Office of the Tomaszowski District, Teresa Semczyszyn - Vice-President of the District Council, who is also a singer of the band and Anna Romanowicz-Łagowska, director of the Polish Parliamentary Office Tomasz Zieliński, came to a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the band, organized by the KGW in the Municipality of the Centre for Culture in Rachania. Anarchy doubles the number of displaced persons from northwest Nigeria to 40 000: UNHCR On Friday, the United Nations reported that increasing violence has doubled the number of displaced persons from northwest Nigeria to around 40,000 people in the last four months. The UN Refugee Agency has stated that unrest has created a "new unique humanitarian situation" that requires an interagency effort to collect new funds of $35,5 million by the end of the year. Babar Baloch, spokesperson of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said that the Islamist group Boko Haram, which has been leading the uprising in the north of the country for a decade, has not been responsible for recent attacks. The increase in violence in the Nigerian states of Sokoto, Zamfar and Katsina observed in the last 10 months is rather the result of organized armed groups. "It paints a frightening picture of anarchy and uncertainty," he said to the journalists on Friday. He reported frequent reports of kidnappings, tortures, extortion, murders and sexual assaults by attackers who also destroy homes and steal property. The military and police were sent to fight the gangs of criminals in the region. However, the military is pulled away from the Boko Haram fights and the branch of the Islamic State in West Africa, which emerged from its former group in 2016. "The refugees do not come with the names of the groups," he said. They come with monstrous stories for that. Refugees mostly enter the neighboring Niger. In his statement, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said that he expected more people to flee to Niger in the coming months with a deteriorating security situation, in particular in the state of Sokoto. A new date has been set for the trial of a man accused of killing a woman and two children. A new trial date has been scheduled for a Guatemalan male accused of killing a resident of the state of Iowa and her two children. According to the District Court file in Polk County, 31-year-old Marvin Escobar-Orellana is accused of three first-degree murders under the false name he originally gave the police: Marvin Esquivel-Lopez. He didn't plead guilty. According to the police, he shot 29-year-old Flores-Rodriguez, her 11-year-old daughter and five-year-old son on July 16th at their home in Des Moines. It appears from the court records that the new date of the hearing, i.e. 27 January, will give the representatives of both parties more time to prepare. The U.S. Immigration and Customs officials claim that Escobar-Orellana is in the United States illegally and was deported twice before the shooting. In 2010, he was convicted of illegal entry into the United States. "The Sun": Boris Johnson in the face of the rebellion of the cabinet wanting to lower the demands of Brexitu and reach a compromise agreement with Brussels Just three weeks before the final summit of EU leaders among the most important people in the country surrounded by the Prime Minister, there is growing concern that he will not have enough time to make major concessions. Boris Johnson is facing the risk of a mutiny on the part of a cabinet wishing to lower its demands for brexit and reach a compromise agreement with the EU. In the negotiations there was an impasse on the new customs system, which would replace the backstop mechanism for Ireland, as Brussels identified proposals for other arrangements offered by Johnson as "unenforceable'. The ministers of the Crown expect the EU decision-makers headed by the head of the German Angela Merkel to offer at the last minute a compromise to the criticized leader of the tories in the form of a three-year time limit for the implementation of the backstop mechanism. Journalists "The Sun" spoke to three different cabinet ministers, all of whom are preparing to confront the Prime Minister after the annual tory conference next week in Manchester. They will call on the Prime Minister to reject the "aggressive" strategy developed by his close advisor, Dominic Cummings, to attempt to bluff the EU and threaten to leave the Union without agreement and then accept the offer he made at the last minute by the Union. One cabinet minister defined the devastating verdict of the Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday on the end of the parliamentary suspension as "a warning signal" and added: "The only way for us to leave the European Union on 31 October is to do so on the basis of an agreement. We will never overcome arithmetic in the House of Commons, which works against us. The Prime Minister must now bow and accept what he is able to receive. Aggressiveness doesn't pay: it's obvious that Cummings' plan burned down. We can't fight battles on so many fronts. The second cabinet minister has undertaken to tell Johnson to try to push past the agreement of former Prime Minister Theresa May if everything else fails. The minister said, "If I must, I will tell the Prime Minister to re-establish the agreement proposed by Theresa May in the House of Commons." There are plenty of chances of voting it out, and everyone's anxious to put an end to it. If we're forced to extend the deadline, Boris Johnson is over and we're all done. John Major accused Boris Johnson of not taking negotiations seriously. In a succinct speech, the former Tory Minister said: "The Prime Minister tells us that he wants an agreement with the European Union. However, we do not see him sitting in Brussels working on it. Instead, he wrestles with the bulls in Scotland, checks his eggs in Wales and fights with the citizens on the main streets of the cities - everything in front of the world, as if the election campaign was already in place for good." The Ombudsman of the current Prime Minister admitted yesterday that the agreement is still remote and added: "No one should have any illusions: to secure an agreement a very long way." However, the Ombudsman also said that the Benn Act implementing the three-month suspension of brexite in the absence of an agreement "actively weakens our negotiating position" in Brussels. He said: "There is no doubt that this law makes negotiations difficult, but despite it the Prime Minister and his colleagues are still trying to make progress through hard work." Secretary for Brexit Stephen Barclay is returning to Brussels today, where he will hold more talks with Michel Barnier on the EU side. They will discuss the book on how the area works for the whole of Ireland for food and live. A dog with no nose and no legs conquers Instagram. Perfectly unperfect The mutt was supposed to be dormant. However, this has been prevented. The bitch was transported from Romania to the UK by the Beacon Animal Rescue Centre. The dog's photo was posted on Facebook. Kate Comfort fell in love with an animal at first sight. "In the beginning I had difficulty convincing my husband to adopt because we already had three dogs," she said. The woman decided to take care of the bitch until someone didn't adopt her. Still no one volunteered. "The fact that no one wanted her made me want to take care of her more and more. She was sensitive and needed love," she told Kate. Finally, the marriage decided to adopt Bonnie. "Our Bonnie is perfectly unperfect. We love her as she is, and if anyone doesn't like the way she looks, that's his problem, not ours," said the woman. Bonnie became a social media star over time. More than 14,000 Internet users are watching her on Instagram. Lorraine Kelly: It was said that with a Glasgow accent I would never make a career on TV According to Lorraine Kelly, the TV bosses said that because of the accent from Glasgow, she'll never make a career as an anchor. Recalling her 35-year career in the television industry, Kelly, aged 59, admitted that before her first performance on the screen she felt "big upset." "I was only 25 years old and I was very nervous," she said. When I was working at the BBC Scotland as a search and information specialist, the boss said that my accent from Glasgow would never make me successful on TV. I went to London to meet the whole TV-am team and watch the broadcast before I took over the office in Glasgow. I'll never forget an interview with a Bette Davis star conducted by Anne Diamond and Mike Morris that morning. I didn't believe I was in the same room with a living legend. I knew this was where I wanted to stay. Before Kelly became a Scottish TV-am correspondent in 1984, she began her career as a reporter of a local newspaper in East Kibride, Scotland. Then she started running programs such as "GMTV," "ITV Breakfast" and "Daybreak" to later launch with her morning program "Lorraine," which she named after. The 35th anniversary of her career will celebrate a special program during which she will remember her best memorable moments and interviews. The presenter said that the secret of her long internship on TV is "passion and enthusiasm" and "curiosity," adding: "You have to work hard. To be honest and authentic. Prepare for the programs and be both interested and interesting. When she mentions media reports that touched her emotions, Kelly reveals that "very difficult" for her was reporting the assassination in Dunblane. I had no idea that many families of killed or injured children were watching our live show from Dunblane the day after the horrible murder of 16 children and their teachers. One of the mothers, Pam Ross, whose 5-year-old daughter Joanna was murdered, asked me for a private meeting, during which we talked for hours at her house. The whole meeting took place quietly, and Pam Ross and I have been friends since Joanna's funeral, where I attended. She added that "extremely difficult" was an interview with Kate and Gerry McCann shortly after their daughter Madeleine disappeared in 2007 and that "he really admires their strength and courage." They have to deal with the pain because they don't know what happened to their beloved daughter, and they also have to endure the most horrible comments from online trolls. I'm with them with all my heart. The 35th anniversary of Lorraine Kelly's work on TV will start at 8:30 on Monday, 30 September at ITV. Zimbabwe: Chiwenga was afraid of being imprisoned A senior state official claimed that Vice President Constantino Chiwenga rejected the offer to take over the President's office made by late President Robert Mugabe at the top point of the coup because he was afraid of being imprisoned in order to confirm the takeover of power by the military in November 2017. As "The Zimbabwe Independent" reported last week, Mugabe offered Vice President Chiwanga to take over the presidency during his negotiations with the military as part of a coup. However, a senior state official stated on social media that Chiwenga had not rejected the offer out of fear, but because he had reviewed the Mugabe plan, assuming that it was used to prove to the world leaders and the African Union (AU) that he had actually lost during the coup. In the context of the Twitter portal, which confirmed that the 37-year-old ruler of Zimbabwe wanted to transfer power to Vice President Chiwanga, and not to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Jamwand 2, where state officials confirmed that he was a senior state official at the President's Office and the Council of Ministers, it was claimed that intensive negotiations were in progress at that time. State officials claimed that Mugabe had contacted Chiwenga through one of his envoys when he realized that power was slipping out of his hands. The mediation between the military authorities and the deceased former president, according to a senior state official, had three stages. The official claimed that among the participants in the negotiations was President George Charamba's spokesperson, the former head of the Central Intelligence Organisation Aaron Nheper and the clergyman representing the Roman Catholic bishop Fidelis Mukonori. The former head of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Gideon Gono, has been another element since Mugabe sent him with a one-man mission to hand over the offer to the President of Chiwanga, who was the head of Zimbabwe's Defence Forces (SEZ). A man who was considered to be an icon of Africa even more than he did in life tried in vain to get the AU to condemn military activities by trying to get other African leaders to intervene. The presidential offer made by the deceased (Mugabe) to the then Chief of Defence Forces (SSO) of Chiwenge was not a choice. "It was a desperate act to save a situation that took a dangerously fast pace, removing part of the deceased's family," wrote the official (Jamwanda). But there was also some political temptation, through which the deceased wanted to reverse the situation in a completely non-diplomatic way. Just remember that the commanders declared that they did not overthrow and overthrow the constitutional order, which would cause them to conflict with the AU's position on coups. The deceased (Mugaba) hoped that the SSO (Chivenga) would then take the bait, abruptly interrupting the claims of the leaders that they had not overthrown the constitutional order. The hope for the deceased (Mugabe) was that the AU, which, by the way, was still highly confused by the situation and how to fit it into its theoretical taxonomy of coups, would then have no choice but to describe it as a coup, and therefore the call for military intervention would be credible. It was in such a spirit and with such calculation that this offer was made. The officials claimed that Mugabe had made this move when he realized that the defense forces were no longer ready to protect him. They said that Mugabe was forced to sign a letter of resignation after warning the mighty that he risked lynching in Gaddafi's style. The military chiefs told him they wouldn't turn their shotguns against the citizens if they went to his Blue Roof residence. And at the same time Mugabe had two desires, i.e. to save his family and prove that the army had taken power," added the official. At the time, the SSO and the commanders correctly read the assumptions. The emissary (Gono) carrying this desperate message was understood - through a powerful metaphor - that isu tiri vemakwapa-makwapa (we belong to the cult of camouflage, i.e. the army), we are not politicians or competing with each other at political level, said a senior state official. State officials say that the military has notified military commanders in the area through attaché, who were in Zimbabwe, that they are not going to overthrow Mugabe, but to deal with the "criminals" surrounding it. Mugabe tried to use the same strategy to try again to tempt Mnangagwa to return from a short exile in South Africa so that they could talk about the upturn and succession. In addition to negotiations with the army, Mugabe also sought assistance in the region. The people of South Africa, which is a key element of the process - not only because of their economic and regional power, but also because of the fact that then president Jacob Zuma was the President of Sadc - refused to intervene, but clearly indicated that if the army invaded Mugabe's house, as many times threatened in the background, South Africa's troops would immediately arrive at Harare. "It didn't work because Putin and the African leaders didn't choose this route," said the Independent. China needs strong leadership or will "disintegrate" as stated in the policy paper China needs strong, unified leadership of the Communist Party, otherwise the country will "disintegrate" - said the government in a policy document issued on Friday on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the People's Republic. The press office of the Chinese government reported in the White Paper that the country's successes since the Communists took power 70 years ago were reduced to party leadership. China occupies a large area, it has complex national conditions, but there are rare administrative difficulties here. The document mentions that without uniform and strong leadership, China will move towards division and disintegration, which will be disastrous for the world. The Chinese authorities have long used a firm-handed policy to solve problems, as in the case of the suppression of pro-democratic protests in Beijing in 1989, justifying the need to maintain the stability of the country. The strong-armed President Xi Jinping, who will be at the head of the anniversary of the second largest global economy on Tuesday, has further tightened the party's governments since he took office at the end of 2012 and sanctioned those who might question power. Xi also oversees the military modernisation programme, which has thrown this region off balance. The document states that China is not trying to export its development model or want to import any foreign models, seeking only peace rather than "hegemony." The Chinese don't have any other nation in their genes or world domination. In modern times, China has been oppressed by great powers, and wars and unrest have marked them deeply as a result of suffering; China will never cause others the suffering they have suffered. China celebrates this anniversary in uncertain times for a country involved in a bitter trade war with the United States and facing challenges due to a slowing economy, as well as anti-government protests in Hong Kong's subordinate China. The document says that China will never "trade" its most important interests or allow anything to harm their sovereignty. With regard to the country's trade dispute with Washington, the document states that "the danger of trade wars and the further increase in tariffs do not lead to a solution to problems." China is a mature economy with a full industrial system, a complete industrial chain, a wide market place and a strong economic development rate. The document adds that "trade wars will never weaken it." China is certain that they are able to face difficulties, to turn the crisis into new opportunities and to open a new world. It has also been added that the United States should take a reasonable look at China's development because China does not intend to question the position of the United States nor want to replace the United States. The United States cannot control China and it is even less likely that they will stop China's development. Reducing and weakening other countries and passing on national misunderstandings abroad will not give the United States a strong position. The world of Jack Pałkiewicz: Dubai, the true face The Dubai emirate is still looking for its own identity, torn between the Bedouin tradition, religious Islamic radicalism and progressive extremism. This trend-setting leader in world tourism stimulates imagination and desires, seeking vanity of wealthy snobby hotels and attracting fortune-seeking investors and merchants with the status of a tax paradise. Websites infect with enthusiasm for this city of dreams, which is an exciting temple of luxury and concentrated architecture of the 21st century in one. They were built on oil-rich sands, the emirate became Eden for those who love luxury, five-star hotels, beautiful weather and swimming pools located hundreds of metres above the ground. Many delight in the splendor that is present, appreciate creative hyperactivity and hysterical pursuit of avant-gardeness. This is the city whose motto says everything: "Surprise, stun and charm." And almost every step of the way. But there are also those who can look at Dubai critically, calling it a characterless city. According to British writer Lawrence Osborne, "the extremes and contradictions of the metropolis have become tacky grotesque." It turned into a futuristic nightmare, completely dominated by the Guinness Book of Records, an unofficial emirate constitution. Because here everything has to be bigger and prettier than anywhere else in the world. Among the thickets of excesses and ostentatious excesses, however, there is a lack of something that is perhaps not transparent in old Europe, but important for quality of life. In Wrocław, Berlin or Madrid everyone feels at home. And in Dubai, it certainly isn't. Running away from the world of magic, I ripped off his golden mask, revealing the second face of an artificial paradise. A face you don't talk about and write about. I show the misery of the Asians contrasting with the fairytale conditions of the divine caste of ethnic Dubais, grandkids of illiterate Bedouins. I go to places of extreme poverty, such as the ghetto on the outskirts of the city, where an army of Asian workers lives under cruel conditions. They were the ones who built the Manhattan desert sky under slave conditions in one generation. They came here seduced by good wages and the opportunity to ensure a decent life for their families, and they found a nightmare. This tourist will never see it, because it could blow up a Dubai myth created over the years. The increasing criticism of the international community makes the topic of cheap labour extremely difficult for the emir. Mel C of the Spice Girls team banned conversations in her home about diet after her struggle with eating disorders Melanie Chisholm of the Spice Girls team admitted that there was a ban on diet in her home after she struggled with eating disorders, eating only fruit and vegetables for years. Spice has not been eating and "obsessively practicing" for years as a result of the pressure of being a member of the world-famous pop group, which later caused depression and eating disorders. She now reveals that her experiences affect how she raises her daughter Scarlet, and therefore "does not allow her home to talk about diets." "Scarlet is now 10 years old and I am beginning to see that she is more aware of her appearance," said Mel. "I think that one of the positive experiences of eating disorders is that I am very aware of how I speak in front of it. The use of a positive language has now become my habit. In an interview with the Women's Health Mel magazine, which gained fame in the 1990s as a member of the Spice Girls team, she said that in the days before social media was created in the press "incriminating" comments about it caused complexes. "I started looking at myself in the wrong way, giving up certain groups of food products, practicing more and more obsessively until I became underweight," he says. "I was sick and it probably took a few years." A picture that shocked the world The Polish girl and American documentaries gave a testimony to the world about the cruelty of war. The legendary picture of Julien Bryan can be seen at the World War II Museum in Gdansk "Listen to my story. I speak from the besieged city of Warsaw. I can and must speak on behalf of the Polish people about what happened here. America must work, it must help!", he started his radio speech documentary, photographer, Julien Bryan. On the tragic September of 1939 he was in the capital of Poland, he saw the drama of the bombarded city and its inhabitants. His relationship echoed in the West. The President of Warsaw Stefan Starzyński helped him first, borrowed his car, but then asked him to leave immediately for his own safety. Bryan wrote a suicide note to his family in the United States, deposited it in the embassy safe, and... stayed. For the next four weeks he tried to be wherever the Warsawers were. 400 planes and artillery were almost non-stop attacking the city. Bryan photographed death, suffering, the struggle to survive in the ruins of the city. Just before the surrender, he and the embassy staff took the negatives out of the ocean. He didn't stop talking about Hitler's crimes. He appealed to the world: "What happened to Warsaw will happen to Paris, London and even New York." His shocking chronicles were watched by President Eleanor Roosevelt. Soon the United States began preparing for war. "Dad showed the truth and thus fought German propaganda. They made films glorifying their chivalry. They said they didn't attack women and children, and people believed them," says Sam Bryan, Julien's son. Trial before a jury against a former athlete accused of multiple rapes There's a lawsuit going on in front of a jury in a rape case involving a former baseball team from the University of Delaware, charged with multiple sexual assaults. On Friday, after 10 days of testifying and hearing arguments, members of the jury began to settle the fate of 23-year-old Clay Conaway. A woman who turned 21 claims that Conaway raped her when she went to his house in June 2018. The incident took place three weeks after the two of them made friends on Bumble's meeting site and sent a man a picture of him naked. The woman is one of six accusing Conaway of sexual assault in the years 2013-2018. According to the accusers, the hug that the woman gave her consent turned into rape, which met with opposition. Defenders refer to conflicting relationships between women and memory gaps and claim that a woman probably regretted having been intimately intimated. Gold on two wheels: Polish bike for a million zlotys The gold-plated bike worth a million zlotys could be seen at the 10th anniversary edition of the International Bike Fair Kielce BIKE-EXPO. It's an unusual vehicle printed on a 3D printer. His designer, 30-year-old Adam Zdanowicz just received an Oscar bike for him at the World Custom Cycling Exhibition in Las Vegas. The bike is covered with gold spray chrome, underneath it is the highest sample silver. It's an unusual shell made by a friend of mine in Żor. "There's a seat, there's pedals, there's a steering wheel, you could drive it normally. It can increase its speed of 50 kilometers per hour. It's an electric bike," says his designer. "The bicycle was printed on a 3D printer. These are cubes that form a kind of vortex. I came up with the idea of this model riding my first bike home a few years ago. I drew it on the card and hid it deep in the drawer. The sketch waited five years for implementation. The bike itself was created for three years," adds Adam Zdanowicz. "It was cruelly difficult to hide all the elements under the body. Inside are batteries, wires, building elements. It is hidden under the body slid in 11 elements on the steel frame of the bike. There's an engine hidden there, too. The steering wheel for this bike was created a week before I left for the United States for the World Cycling Exhibition. I couldn't really decide what this steering wheel was supposed to be. She's making up for transportation. The bike weighs 90 kilos," she sums it up. The gold-plated bike was appreciated in Las Vegas by the most important competition category "The Best Amazing Single Custom". Movie footage shows a strong pollution of popular tourist destinations Sydney Bay surrounded by the opera building, Circular Quay Port, Luna Park amusement park and of course the famous Harbour Bridge makes a significant contribution to the amount of $21.9 billion, annually pumped into the Australian economy by tourists visiting Sydney. But there's an ugly truth hidden under the bridge. Sydney's famous bay is one of the most contaminated waterways in the country, to which every year the volume of pollution equals the capacity of about 15 Olympic swimming pools. These frightening statistics make one of our biggest tourist assets one of our dirtiest waters at the same time. According to a new film titled "Sydney Bay - Up and Down," the waters around Australia's most popular city are full of butts, plastic grids and bottles, lost shoes and parts of clothing, and even dead animals, all of which flow into the bay with rainwaters. However, the biggest component that chokes our shipping channels is plastic. "I would call it a paradox," says Dr. Katherine Dafforn, Deputy Director of Sydney Harbour Research Program, in a video published on September 27th, with the publication of this film deliberately coincides with World Tourism Day. This lake looks beautiful, but it is one of the most changed and contaminated estuaries along our coast. The CSIRO agency estimates that every hour about 1560 kg of plastic enters our waterways, and most of it flows into the bay through storm sewers. "After so much rain, the bay... looks pretty tragic," said Dr. Dafforn. Two thirds of the pollution comes from rainwater. However, as in the case of the iceberg, the problem with Sydney Bay is much more serious under the surface of the water, as 70% of the plastic entering the ocean goes to the bottom of the sea. "In my opinion, unless you spend time underwater, you can't really realize what's deep down there," said Richard Nicholls, owner of the Dive Centre Manly, pointing out that he and his team are pulling about 500 kg of plastic out of the water each year. I think that if more people knew (what is underwater), they would be just terrified. It's overwhelming... more than half of what we find at the bottom is plastic nets. The remaining 50% are items which are at least made of plastic. When you look at the bay, it looks beautiful, and people can't believe that all the plastic and all the other garbage we're taking out just below the surface. Jeremy Brown, co-founder and managing director of Ocean Protect, said that there are ways in which people - both locals and tourists - could help reduce the amount of plastic and leftovers entering our waterways. "This must start at the source," he said. We need to reduce the amount of plastic we use, we need to be better able to recover materials, and we need to be more aware of what we're draining in the sewers that eventually go into the oceans. If we destroy the ocean, we will be destroyed because 50% of the oxygen we breathe in comes from the ocean. It absorbs 30% carbon dioxide and our source of food. But we can sort out this bay and bring it back to its former glory, and it's very simple. If we kill our oceans, we kill ourselves. The film material, financed by TOMRA recycling company as part of its wider efforts to educate Australians in the field of environmental protection and reduce the negative impact of containers on beverages, which often come into the environment, coincides with a study on the relationship between plastics and mental health, the results of which were published this month.