Bosnians they protest against plans Croatia on landfills radioactive waste On Friday hundreds of people have collected in northwest Bosnia in protest against end adjacent Croatia the storage of waste from the only in the region of nuclear power station by the border with Bosnia and main rivers known with natural beauty In one Demonstrators Bosnian Novi Hail they demanded from Croatia allegations plans to build and landfills waste in former barracks military in areas Trgovska Mountain and have said to the fight against the motion for and In object stored would be waste of nuclear power station Krško. Bosnians, holding banners with subtitles "Allow me healthy future 'and " Stop - river Una us needs have said that somewhere to dispose of waste radioactive could really jeopardise it the river Unie and life around 250 000 inhabitants. We have to say no, He said to the crowd Miroslav Drljac, mayor municipalities with textile mills Novi Hail. We need to fight for the protection of our way of life and our Uny. Localized in Slovenia nuclear plant Krško built in the the The 20th century it is also to Croatia. The representatives of the two countries have to meet next week to discuss the issue of the additional storage facilities. Croatian TV public HRT delivered and on Friday that in Croatia not it was decided or somewhere to dispose of waste to build on their own, or pay for the storage of waste in the new object constructed by Slovenia. The Croatian Minister of environmental protection and energy Tomislav Coric said journalists that Croatia is also and problem with utilization waste institutional with schools, hospitals and and and has hope holistic to find and solution. In Bosnia activists the officials and with any the existing in the country is ethnic they insisted to Croatia has different location in parts of the country more power station. "Why Croatia with full its area says that this Trgovska Mountain in Bosnia is the best salaries '- He asked Drljac. We cannot give them humiliate The state of the issues pedophilia entered into force The provisions of the law in force from Thursday In accordance with them to the tasks committee will should be for example, the provisions of the entry to register perpetrators of crimes of and sexual nature notification the relevant authorities of suspicion having committed crime pedophilia but also the authority of notifications suspicion crime pedophilia The Commission will also identify negligence and Stop in explaining cases of sexual abuse. As far as the negligence and Stop of the voluntary organizations, those and institutions operating educational, educational caring cultural and to the culture leisure and treatment, and also local governments churches and trade unions ecclesiastical religious including legal persons and private The committee will also lead activities of the preventive and educational. The Commission is to be the independent from other holders of power state. It is comprising members of the seven: Three - appointed by Diet bridge of the three fifths in the presence of at least fishing statutory the number of Members; one - appointed by Senate bridge of the three fifths votes in the presence of at least fishing statutory the number of senators and one member appointed by the President, Prime Minister and the Ombudsman's children's rights Members of the committee will have to, for example, have higher education legal medical or psychological and the unblemished's'. In committee cannot sit down for example, the Members senators as Members of the European Parliament and people should positions position Among the players, which will be able to report candidates members of the committee it Chief the Council Advocate, national the Council Counselors, national the judiciary, national the Council prosecutors Chief House Medical, national House Psychologists and NGOs, whose tasks statutory by at least two years include the actions linked to the children's rights in particular of and counteraction violence including the sexual. Candidates members of the committee appointed by Diet can report also marshal Of the Seym or at least 35 Members. In turn candidates of and member of the Commission appointed by Senate can report also marshal the Senate or at least the the senators The President of the committees which will be - of members of the committee - Diet, majority. The committee continue will seven years. In the work of the committee will be able have, with the voice of advisory and on the invitation to President, the representative of the Ombudsman. In accordance with the law Anyone can the Commission suspicion having committed to sexual abuse or suspicion notifications authority suspicion having committed to sexual abuse '. Notification can be brought in written orally to the minutes or cohesions funds electronic communications Notification dry Committee is immediately made by the the prosecutor prosecutor's office proper in the case of residence people the injured In the case of initiation proceedings committee are to be given and insight to act and the right to information about carried out and The Commission can also to participate in the carried out and rights the accuser auxiliary with those the injured or its carer legal). The first time, the report by the Committee is to develop and give within year from the entry into force The American Congress agreed on the halls of Poland 32 aircraft F-35 The US by Congress statutory statutory days from approval by Department Secretary of purchasing by Poland 32 fighter planes multitasking F-35 not expressed to object to this transactions which means that has been you the condition ahead of the negotiations purchasing. The decision Congress, although mustache not suprise has important political significance. "For you approve of sales on Department Secretary, and now by Congress, AND down not see any major obstacles', said John V. Venable, older adviser for defense policy Washington conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. Expert explained that on the basis of the law on the Control exports of arms from year year government federal represented by Department and Secretary of State, must notify Congress about any planned arms sales abroad on 15 days before signing of the agreement if the value of dry and transactions in the case of arms sales to their country State FOR THIS, is over 50 million dol The value of the proposed transactions purchasing 32 fighter planes F-35 by Poland estimated is is billion and EUR covers the costs of the technical assistance and logistics equipment auxiliary and training of pilots. The main supplier aircraft F-35 - if since this will be ultimately finalized - will be the American concern armaments Lockheed Martin, and its a subcontractor is the engine to fighter planes F-35A concern Pratt and Whitney. The proposals purchasing American fighter planes fifth generation of F-35 on behalf of the authorities of Poland made in May defense minister Mariusz Blaszczak. Poland an offer to be addressed in July this year at the meeting of Andrew Bagpipe with President Donald Trump in White Home. On the achievement of this agreement if will be finalized, will be kept watch Pentagon within the framework of Foreign representatives of the's authorized military strength by (FMS). Within the framework of FMS Poland acquired already, for example, the system anti-missile Patriot. The price of one fighter plane F-35 at by by Poland offer purchasing mustache - without arms and technical assistance - around 89.2 million dol As we informed PAP experts military who they wanted to anonymity that the price given in my opening negotiations mustache "Price maximum, much higher from prices that will be but '. Growing prices have, the price of one F-35 is below 80 million and much loess than costs Eurofighter, which is not dry benefits that F-35 ', pointed out Venable. Interlocutors PAP expressed hope that the final negotiating transactions to purchase by Poland American aircraft combat shall this year Can part of the Polish subcontracting by in this transactions - is offset - will this directly from the US producers fighter planes F-35. What is placeholder Münchhausen team, which is provided for in series Elections Payton Hobart 'to the platform Netflix? Their carers will and parents with this disorder pretend that their healthy child them sick Series Elections Payton Hobart it comes today the platform Netflix. It is in favor of the story Payton Hobart, which it wants to be the President of the United States of America, firstly, however, must be of local government student in its school average. In series Ryan Murphy ’ ego the creator American Horror Story 'and " Glee ', we will see Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Platta and Lucy Boynton. Not revealing too many details for those who down not have the opportunity to see to it moves series the replacement Team Münchhausen - disease mental occurring at carers, who is progressing, as if Healthy person, which are mustache by and physical or psychical There are various types of this very such as and team Münchhausen developing in symptoms specific disease Substitute team Münchhausen is simulating that if someone remaining in our care has some ailments Called is also made up and induced it and are it as violence against of the Child. It is rare disease that usual covers parent exaggerating symptoms or caller symptoms so that it looked to the fact that its child is sick What are the symptoms replacement Team Münchhausen? This disease vary Symptoms can however, NHS draws attention to the below sample behavior: Persuasion of health professionals that child looking on and healthy, however, the experience wrong. Exaggeration or inventing symptoms Falsification results to child has been regarded as sick dry as the glucose to samples urine to it looked to the fact that child has and diabetes It Invoking symptoms diseases for example children redundant medicines and other substances. As prevalent placeholder team Münchhausen? It is difficult to evaluate how often this disorder because there are many cases, there is tabled. The study published in in shows that in the more than two years occurred occurred of this have to 100 000 people. What must be done, if there are a suspicion that and child can be in distress? It should be contact with local branch services special or call on the hotline for the protection of children NSPCC, informed number 0808 800 5000. Nigeria: Nalot police on School in Kadunie, evacuation evacuation children Kaduna – Posterunek Policji Stanowej in Kadunie has had yesterday coating on School Imamu Ahmad Bn Hambal, found in Layin Maidubun Tsumma in Rigasie, Economic local government Igabi, arrested seven teachers and he evacuated approximately 300 children The she claimed that children were staying in highly dehumanizujących conditions. The authorities schools they deny ago the claim Mieszkaniec server for Shehu, kaznodzieję in and school said „No tell the truth because all children there with parents. From children to school parents they signed form Parents every przynosili their children food and people in which were conditions. We were very surprised arrival of the police and evacuation children and also removal and whole factories pupils delivered by parents before the closure schools. It is not in order because parents can to certify or their children are poor conditions, as the claims. Added that the previous Commissioner Policji Abdurrahman, which have visited School to see the level of childcare, never have reservations.  €ŽTwierdził that children they study Koran and nothing else. However, the Public expert Posterunku police Relations, Yakubu Sabo, has that after handing over Greek of children incorporate to their parents. „Trzymano them in dehumanizujących conditions on behalf of the surrender or educate themselves koranicznej. Many of them have scars on the back which confirms that them beaten Therefore, we study School to know her owner ', added. Foreign talents important for the development of China Guangdong is and leader in the country in terms of attract foreign female talent base largely due to the Citizens' belt and itself (RDI), the United Zatoki (GBA) Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao and the new roles of Shenzhen as trial of the demonstration The Group of the Nanfang Media Group has in Guangdong interviews with seven ekspatriantami age from from to 70 years. Nothing from the Singapuru Yash born in in during the the Games Asian in Guangzhou said that would like to its dream about zostaniu scientist and done doctorate in Guangzhou. Nikita Nikandrow, the Russian student rosyjsko-chińskiego Uniwersytetu Shenzhen MSU-BIT said „With its flagship RDI Russian students can study together with the Chinese authorities students We can together to create new ideas and new projects. Rachel Rommeswinkel with the US by in Dongguan career bloggers should be set up for the subject of beauty and has more than and million fans on Bilibili and Weibo. Said that in its filmikach will continue to share information about the Chinese traditions, culture and technology Leticia de Lassus of France, boss centres JJB International Montessori AMI in Guangzhou agree that „educating the children is as fastening jackets If incorrectly zapniesz first button the rest of the never it comes to its right Amerykanin Chinese of origin Henry Xiao believes that in the center of the GBA its company can benefit from many privileges in relation to the new rules government policy and resources, and in particular the female talent base The producer culinary program „Nanta Show 'Sean Choi with South Korea, said that kitchen region Guangdong is known throughout the world and the introduction of the program " Nanta Show' in Guangdong mustache good decision. Stephan Mohler with Switzerland working the Director of the technical for the quality of the River Pearl Pianos he believes that secret high quality is founded on correct exercise of simple work There are very many experienced parliamentarians here to its surprise young people in China like to work to learn to down good products and persistently seeks to more and better results AND survey To want to steppe aside Banasia The majority of the Polish wants to steppe aside boss highest House Control Marian Banasia - from the postal Halter for TVN. To the question of "Is you you and AND am finishing here), the Head of NIK Marian Banas should give to steppe aside ', 55 percent replied " yes - in this this percent it pointed out option Surely dry and and percent " rather yes The answer "AND down not know know difficult to say 'have opted for military military percent subjects but against steppe aside groups groups percent – 8 percent it marked " is definitely not and and percent percent Rather not not Request steppe aside Marian Banasia we after emissions reportage „Pancerny Marian and hotel for hours' in the program " Supervisor '. With Material shows that the Head of NIK mustache in owner kamienicy in Krakow, in which to act have hotel for hours, and fatal it gangsters have to rent tenement house under its activities of the price of lower from the market After disclosure Material Banas he announced that the the September will succeed in free to the conclusion of the control of its claims property's CBA. AND survey telephone Halter mustache put on 25 - 26 September 2019 year on nationwide representative representative people in the age of over 18 years. Possible misleading measuring USD 3 points rates. As be influencer? Alisha Marie unveiled and a few tricks Alisha creating and channel AND am in YouTubie in in Its action watching more than than million subskrybentów. Influencerka posts advice, for example, on the fashion and beauty and also promotes the idea of DIY, namely make that the Collaborated so far for example, with dry companies as BMW or Starbucks. Alisha Marie to interview portal Business Insider. It and a few direction to those who want to begin to work together with the brands for example for Instagramie. Has stressed that we must not wait until companies recognize the potential of the specific people, and should be to him with the initiative Alisha Marie says that with the make contact with mark valuable are and simple. It is to show interest in and certain business and desire to be its Ambassador. What she wrote Alisha, when she about the first cooperation with brands The they like me your things. AND down not to, if ever you interested cooperation '- news about the content she was sending as beginner influencerka. ' That mustache not professional, but it mustache my ', has said Alisha outlined by that the first steppe which will do representatives brand will's entry into profile people, which runs to establish and cooperation 'The climate which will feel at the start of will probably crucial said Alisha convinces therefore for example for that to profile Instagram thinking as and portfolio Post there dry content, which potentially can interest different companies. Unibet takes for its the second American market AND flagship mark of the Group of the Kindred - Unibet – takes for its the second American the market in Pennsylvania and announces today their official's entry into the state of Pennsylvania together with the opening its center sports plants in cooperation with the Mohegan Sun Pocono, which means entry companies to the second the market in the US in the only one month. Comprehensive offers point target Mohegan Sun Pocono in conjunction with the digital world experience customer and possibilities in the analysis of the date provided by Unibet they will create has and unique and and unique plants sport in the whole will Earlier this month company Unibet launched its center sports plants in New Jersey and by long-term cooperation with the club hockey game New Jersey Devils. We are excited the possibility of cooperation with the Mohegan Sun Pocono and glad that we can to patrons our new center plants sports and to offer the excellent the extension of our product internet in one of the more the which regulates both facilities are available and casinos. We want to have strong Palestinian partner who share our allowed to provide adequate experience customer and share our values We know that together we will offer the inhabitants of Pennsylvania really incomparable impression with the participation in the kinds of gambling and the conclusion of voluntary plants sports on the ground, and will soon also via the Internet – says, older Vice president Kindred Manuel the US. We established cooperation with one of the best in the world of operators games casino games and plants bukmacherskich in the markets regulated in the Internet, so that we will be able to we must offer more loan-based best in its class experience of our current customers and attract new fans The introduction of the offer „Unibet on the market is and large advantage for Mohegan Sun, as well as for the state of Pennsylvania '– is Aviram Alroy, Vice president for games Interactive in Mohegan Gaming Entertainment. The upcoming offers plants sports will include game NFL, NCAA, NHL, NBA, PGA, unions turnieje tenisowe, boks, UFC, rugby NASCAR, MLS, game ligowe football Premier League, the League and Bundesliga. The center plants sports Unibet promoted by the Kambi, lead in the world initiated services B2B in the field of sport plants offers best experience related to concluding plants bukmacherskich and entertainment in live In the second half of this year in the agreement partnership Unibet, together with the Mohegan Sun Pocono will run also center plants sports and manifesto casino online available via appliances portable Apple and Android. Siemoniak: Tusk or Kidawa-Błońska will be the President I think that the „Donald Tusk and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska have the opportunity to win elections with President Andrzejem Dudą ', considers Tomasz Siemoniak. The citizens Wiceszef platforms Tomasz Siemoniak in conversation with Polsat News, with the involvement of the scandal boss NIK. This matter is „dyskwalifikująca for Mariana Banasia. Can be minister culture from some issues entertainment and not the NIK or Finance. Not someone who is responsible for billion, for and and said this matter is and very serious crisis of the the added. Siemoniak mentioned also candidacy Klaudii Jachiry. „Na from the PiS-u is Antoni Macierewicz. A man who not only mentioned any things, only them to down The case of the Posądził SKW about espionage for Russia, destroyed them destroyed family. Why not calls for and to Antoniego Macierewicza mustache not on that letter letter He was asking „people from us younger have different aesthetics I think that Jachira, which for something already she apologized also experience, that sometimes przesadza. Not let's do with this problem kampanijnego ', added. Turyści of and travel agent Neckermann Poland scheduled they are coming back to their country As the results in the event does not need to fetching tourists before sometimes. The EFSA successively „placed with the guarantee of insurance nieopłacone salaries hotel hotel given given September office travel Neckermann Poland an in office Marshal statement on the insolvency of At the by by office written about of and country outside national borders stayed stayed tourists. On Wednesday to Poland she came back group around 500 people, and on Thursday 230. On Friday is back the next next people from Morocco, Spain and Greece. Turyści przylecą to Katowic and Warszawy all in all this will five charter flights). Some of these will return flights cruise. In the weekend might - as has been programmed - to the country should back around 1000 tourists within vacation for example, in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and in Italy. As and result of information communicated by EFSA Marshal voivodships Mazowiecki, office travel sold around 20 000 trips on season autumn-winter. those customers and travel agent should need to speak directly from insurer – business Allianz Partners', has office Added that situation tourists who signaled problems in hotels to this and seems to be have stabilized and that incidents wypraszania tourists with hotels have been relaxed together with the services consular consular Last Friday authorities the greatest and at the vote and travel agent Thomas Cook, informed that it would have to edge bankruptcy. Thomas Cook GmbH mustache owner owner percent of involvement in Neckermann Poland. „Obleśny masked rapist children with Central Coast forced to looking on its the victim in court Dressed in Bavarian costume masking and grabbed zdążającą to school 12-year-old from so many and pulled in it in dense zarośla in Central Coast in May 2017. Then tied to out and raped. Shortly after arrest has been done warrant searches in its home where officers they stopped and number of relevant to be investigations AND should give the guilt in relation to the seven persecutions of attack and to the next three on seduction and the use of sexual another girl, in and and years, in the period from August 2016 to August 2017. lukewarm sacrifice she was walking path and when she looked she saw in itself, as there away with the bushes and gunman on and large branch of and knife When she begged "Stop, stop it stop it ', grabbed for neck and forced to the entry into brake. AND said silent not scream. Not scream because AND will have to you hurt hurt In the right holding knife hand tied up its hands and feet bands kablowymi, and then it to tied out and raped by almost h When it cut off girl she ran to school with hysterical screaming A arrived to work around 9.30, not in and few SMSes and connections from colleagues. Its as mustache dirty and she was wearing footsteps grass and out and he argued that was taking participation in the case of attack rage on the way, in which chased another driver in krzakach and have fallen by the embankment. Continued hearings sentencing a man there will be on Tuesday. The Pope sought calls on directors implementing technological companies to use artificial intelligence for the good of and common On Friday Pope sought Francis warned directors implementing companies technological from diplomats and financiers that the creation of artificial race intelligence and other forms of achievements in the area of the digital is the threat to increase their social inequality, if its the from the point of view of the ethics of not also into account to the benefit of the common The Pope sought Francis made these words during the conference in Vatican, which took part governments and the companies Facebook and Google, and also philosophers, physicists and ethicists. Small group dormitories and bishops of the Catholic Church gathered together participants at and conference on "AND Common Good in the Digital Age '. This three-day it now this that Vatican is interested in the involvement of the debate on the prospects and the dangers of an artificial intelligence Discussed on substantive technological in the area of war and the future work in respect of which an increasingly important roles will be played stamping, and also to be discussed study case examiner attempt in Christchurch in New Zealand and the decisions taken by companies which are owners media social media in connection with the spreading to shall registrant massacre During the speeches to the Pope sought Francis praised the potential of technological progress noticing that thanks to the machines at the start of industrial revolution saved businesses dangerous and monotonous work He warned however, that become more frequent addiction from appliances robotic in order to achieve the profits of this is the risk of sentence people dignity generated from the work "If we technological progress would stand cause increasingly visible inequality, would not be is and steppe forward and real and and genuine '- has warned. If the so-called technological progress humanity would have become the enemy of good common would lead to undesired retrograde to some kind of barbarism dictated the strongest law Operators of expressed hope for the application of knowledge expert participants and identification of possible future advisers of the Catholic Church in cases of tall technologies. Martin Odegaard, player wypożyczony with Realu Madrid, amazing fans in euphoria its glamorous assist. Martin Odegaard noted down impressive escort with opener goal Mikela Oyarzabala. By winning 2: 0 with Osasuna, Real Madrid climbed on the table of the Ligi and continuing streak being undefeated in its own the pitch in this year's season However, despite failures or one failure in this season in the League Zinedine Zidane is under huge pressure as and result of turbulent pre-season and public quarrel with Welsh star Gareth Balls ’ em. The situation has and boiling when Real Madrid mustache humiliated in League Champions by Paris-Saint Germain (PSG). Zinedine Zidane and Real Madrid are however, the real talents - against some of them French is now plans, to other not Vinícius Junior is an example of this the stars future Real Madrid and now they on the negotiating. However, that Norwegian young player Martin Odegaard, which borrowed to Real Sociedad, has great raising, including unbelievable escort in match the Ligi. In the meeting Real Sociedad with Alaves Martin Odegaard has done impressive escort with opener golu Mikela Oyarzabala and Real Sociedad ultimately won won won before its own audience After picking up balls from the right Martin Odegaard wymanewrował player with the opposite teams, assuming him mesh and then posłał incredible pass on centimeters between the two other players and its colleague from teams there were only to add and leg. The second goal Williana Jose and the third in the amazing Oyarzabala, this time of criminal rzutu, to provide and victory for the podopiecznym Imanola before Manu Garcia pitches even five minutes before the end of the game Martin Odegaard were to Realu Madryt just as year old in in but have difficulties in trying to meet the expectations fans Now, in the the years, Norwegian footballer finally, it seems to be needed to the pitch Anna Hazare surprised will not lead to the names of Sharada Pawara on fraud on the National Bank Spółdzielczego Maharasztra Anna Hazare stated: „streets Sharada Pawara not it was on the letter when only me this Działacz social Anna Hazare, not he hid surprise the fact that the streets of Sharada Pawara – Nacjonalistycznej Kongresowej Party, NCP – has arisen in connection with the wielomilionowym a scam in government Bank Spółdzielczym Maharasztra. The Agency investigative Dyrektoriat executive in short made ED case against Sharadowi Pawarowi, its bratankowi Ajitowi Pawarowi – former substitute major Minister of Maharasztra – and other in connection with the a scam The report by Information Dyrektoriatu implementing on the matter equivalent police report FIR, has been tabled by the central agency under the law on the fighting washing money The issue is the report by FIR mumbajskiej police in which replaced the names of the former president bank Ajita Pawara, and and former employees of financial institutions When the hit to me streets Sharada Pawara nowhere it was „In how floated up its streets, who them results they know these things' – stated on Thursday Anna Hazare, when asked about it he mustache not prepared and ED and alleged links Sharada Pawara with a scam Anna Hazare, critical evaluator Sharada Pawara, its hope that the truth truth as and result of the over by ED thorough, the fraud „ED will know streets, where it mustache on '– said Anna Hazare, wielokrotny and member of manifestation against corruption. Sharad Pawar impossible that to conduct punishable and argues that in no way mustache linked to the bank as well as calls into question the fact that it is made to and a few weeks before planned on 21 October the election of in Maharaszcie. Were minister the ensured that will not be majestatowi Delhi clearly referring to the within the movement led by party BJP. NCP has issue Directorate implementing as motivated respects the political Busy day SG. Yesterday several smugglers not take away in Ukraine stolen be the way beyond beyond beyond zlotys All the events we yesterday (26 September) in the direction away from Poland. In Korczowa and citizen Romania was carrying bike in the world electric brand Specialized. Law enforcement officials SG by the legitimacy of the origin of the theme they contacted with the representatives of the Germanium Police and quickly agreed that modern two-wheeler worthy of okay okay okay zlotys mustache stolen on the territory of this country Several hours later also in Korczowa, guards borderline controlling semi-trailer registered in France said constitute intervention in the room numeric VIN. Driver set of truck mustache and citizen of Ukraine. Semitrailer worth EUR thirty 000 zlotys mustache stopped and will be put to detailed expert opinions in order to establish original date From the railways to aisle borderline in Medicine officials SG they frustrated to try to export next stolen quad bike brand Can-am the prod. 2019). The value of the vehicle transported on lawecie mustache estimated at almost 75 000 PLN Kierowcą set of mustache summer and citizen of Ukraine. Straż Borderline confirmed that only two weeks ago quad has been lost in the territory of Poland and is wanted throughout Europe. In Medicine frustrated also partial 'to try to export stolen vehicle summer Ukrainian travelling by bus was carrying elements car body which with exclusive Mercedes All the omens identification to parts of the were mechanically deleted. Elements car body worth okay okay okay zlotys have been stopped The Republic of South Africa: year old am murder students Ukzn Sinethemba Ndlovu In line with expectations and detained in connection with the murder students The University KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Sinethemba Ndlovu, believe that the national Organs prosecute (BLACKBIRD) will next week of exemptions for bail They he appeared salaries on Thursday in Court town in Msinga under the on acts. The Ombudsman BLACKBIRD KZN, Natasha punishment News24, has said with the issue of postponed to 2 October in connection with the speeches about exemptions for bail Dodała that the will oppose to dismissal accused for bail As says the Ombudsman police KZN, inspector Thembek Mbele, summer the accused arrested on Monday. At the beginning of this week the unveiled the fact that the Ndlovu suffered wounds stabbed left pachą and stomach. It he believes that in and Saturday evening as hostess during the events in the automotive Msinga Diftkhana. In the automotive events Statement made today statement operators said that as suggest the initial reports following the events and of its change and a few hostess remains on the ground to see performances musical After by one of them unfortunately, attacked unknown men and she died in hospital hospital as the written On Friday UKZN suspended to address the by the death Ndlovu require us as and community stem and reflection on fragility life and brutality which so often in our society society Mylan agrees to pay pay million in the framework of an agreement EpiPen on AND subsidiary Mylan agreed pay pay million in the framework of an agreement associated with the lack of notifications investors about investigation European Justice on of the possible request too high in the Medicaid for EpiPen. The Commission has Securities and Markets Authority, on Friday that Mylan NV she qualified EpiPen of medicines generics in the reimbursement of for drugs Medicaid. In view of this company pharmaceutical by the Greek much lower return part of the price of the product than in the classifying EpiPen as drug "Branded '. In July company Mylan unveiled the fact that progress on this issue agreement on the principles of KPWiG. In his Friday statement company has stated that it reaffirms the allegations KPWiG and not impossible This is outrageous god What he is talking about suffering Cataclysms, hard disease the death of the Child. This dramas which is causing machinery suffering and it is difficult to them understand. We are asking: „Dlaczego '? Sometimes we hear that "God so wanted '. Or is it Creator zsyła us misery and disease Jan Paul II at the end of life very he suffered When 36 years ago, Nick gave birth Vujicic, its tato in horror wybiegł with the Chamber. My her son is not cancer or legs 'He was shouting to doctor Parents not knowing that their child has to incurable condition which deprived them limbs Of course not the case to accept taken. But they prayed and after four months mom Nick she felt that God is for their children's plan Decided love son wholeheartedly. Today Vujicic is known throughout the world evangelizer and speaker motivational by which he converts to many people. AND am proof that God never not confuses confuses the Nick. "When we here affects us manner it is hard to understand that We are seeking economically reasons. We are asking us is « Why met ». If we believe that God is on the world and is our pay it is and question, whether it sent to us condition the kind of of Mother acknowledges the murder two teenage sons There exploded crying when it has been said its that can spend the rest of their lives in prison after the she admitted to murder two their teenage sons and planning kill rest fours their children Sarah Barrass, 35 years, the assassinations of she admitted Tristana Barrassa (13 years) and Blake ’ and Barrassa (14 years). Zgon brothers there has been in hospital in interval of of minutes from each after the the May 7: thirty calls on the part of the police Shiregreen located in Sheffield, in County South Yorkshire. Has been done sections corpse however, at the hearing in Court Friday Crown Sheffield not given results autopsy Accurate the death boys lost their lives are not yet known. Barrass appeared on bench accused together with the co-accused Brandonem Machinem, 39 years, and member of the family. Otoczeni by three guards they admitted to two charges murders and one plea planning assassinations of six children At the hearing twenty minutes couple she admitted also to five claims to try to acts. Zarzut planning assassination relates to the period between 14 and and May. Four with the allegations made of on 23 May are four children in this Blake ’ and and Tristana. The fifth attempt to of mustache mustache May. All survivors children have less than than years. Doradca concerns, and judge Jeremy Richardson said hand: „never fully I will not with words as shameful can to take action you have done Committed by you crimes speak for themselves. Murder of two children Attempt to assassinations of the four children and the whole collusion to deprive them life I am practically convinced that each of you in good time will be doomed on kilkukrotną punishment lifetime sentence of of This is and judge can whether ruthless outrageous sentence of to conditional exemption Given the will fall will fall November. Mr after Krzysztof Brejza is suing Cezarego Gmyza „In relation to the campaign lies pisowskiej TV I stand with lawsuit against Cezarego Gmyza ', informed on Twitter, after Krzysztof Brejza. The reason is that lawsuit publicysty Cezarego Gmyza in the program „Minęła 20 'to the on the air TVP. One of the leading people drivers SokiemzBuraka is Krzysztof Brejza, which is experience in organisations faculty hatred. „Persons, which are very well know Mariusza Kozaka-Zagozdę – founder « hejterskiego » profile – this Kierwiński, Budka and Giertych ', mentioned Gmyz. This hand and profiles SokzBuraka social with memami and jokingly of policy As out „Sieci ', for the profiles of this title is PR-owiec Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda. „we managed to find out that since April br Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda is hired in Warsaw office town in the office marketing marketing has written weekly "Confederation in Oławie With square targowym in Oława its meeting arranged expert of „Konfederacja '. Its program they presented Christopher Szokalski number 5 on the letter and Halszka Bielecka No 9. The letter of Anonsowany leader Krzysztof Tuduj not arrived on so of Kandydaci they moved many problems - from excessive fiscalism state after problems healthcare services Was also something the issue of the euro area which should to act to all entrepreneurs, and not favor capital trade The world has been the climate crisis in Budapest - A few 000 people, mainly young taking on Friday in strike change in the capital Hungary Budapest. Apelowano to the to he was striving to neutrality climate introduced the threat of climate change and its more friendly policy To strike they passed with square Clark of immunities to place Kossutha before and of peszteńskiej. "Chanted: What we want Of climate protection When we want Now, '. Boris Johnson to police body supervisor in relation to work closely with a businesswoman relation Jennifer Arcuri Independent office for of police IOPC investigate possibility initiation against Prime Minister investigation explanatory or in the exercise office public as mayor London he allowed to fraud as an offense criminal The Council the Monday of London (GLA) she delivered in and statement that its inspector supervision registered "Issue which proceeding 'Prime Minister in connection with the accusations about and treatment Arcuri as young be connecting their close acquaintances "ABOUT « issue of proceeding » can speak when are information pointing to the possibility of having committed crimes' - said This does not mean that in some way this proved IOPC will consider now whether it is necessary to examine this issue. The issue of are addressed to the IOPC, which is complaints against members of the services of police in England and Wales. Only it to this body supervisor work of the police because Johnson exercised then position as equivalent Commissioner police and the Commissioner for criminal. Johnson he denied it that in connection with its work closely with and relation Arcuri to any irregularities Said that the will apply to urban London and will contribute details on its relations with the Arcuri, but he insisted the that council is focusing on the wrong problem Warrant is from reports "AND Sunday Times that Arcuri, American seven years ago, which has to London received 126 000 pounds of budgetary money and also privileged access to the three foreign mission trade on which the forefront of become and then the mayor Johnson. As and result of this reports government to time here the froze subsidy of EUR 100 000 GBP for belonging to Arcuri companies Hacker House. The government for the thorny questions on the verification carried out before admitting funds. Minister for digitization Matt Warman said in the Chamber Communes that workers its European customary observed and adequate care and that the company is the British the telephone number. However, according to the many denouncements links number were redirected to office in California, where today is it is getting smaller lukewarm Arcuri. Close the relationship Prime Minister of a businesswoman mustache for staff secret open open The decision of the Prime Minister GLA referral to the independent office for of police IOPC underworld with dissatisfaction in in Downing Street. According to the source of environment higher weight of the representative government is attack motivated politically ', and the deadline - on the eve of the conference Maintenance Party - is " openly political "Inspector supervision have no evidence supporting the and and Prime Minister not received the chance to him response to the publication of the communication press release late evening on Friday '- claims source Or citizens or media not to become they will give on dry openly political setting. Today in earlier come journalists "AND standard standard it mustache said that close the relationship Johnson with a businesswoman with California, which helps Agency on tourism and promotion in London, mustache for workers " secret open Were the placed workers agencies London Partners (LP) have reminded that Arcuri received salaries during the foreign this holiday trade Johnson as the mayor despite the fact that then its not recognized for "Reliable '. The third am crime drug in connection with the death of Mother Miller The ANGELES (AP) - In relation to the death of rapper last year Mother Miller as and result of the third overdose drug were arrested a man and to bring to the having committed crimes drugs According to the documents and Stephen Walter suspected of the halls counterfeit pills oxycodone seasoned fentanyl, which Miller have in its possession before the death of in September last year as and result of the accidental overdose cocaine alcohol and fentanyl, which is the strong opioid responsible for epidemic epidemic which devoured several thousand lives people in the United States. Walter making an accusation against the supply of pills that and different and small Cameron Pettit, sold Miller. Documents court judgments unsealed on Tuesday reveal that Pettit receive drugs from Walter by the whole August Ryan Reavis, which arrested earlier this week in Lake Havasu City able to Arizona, suspected of evidently the roles of "Courier 'Walter, who provide pills Pettit. Any of these men not accused directly to bring death Miller or any of them have and defense in its Walter covered by dismissal conditional on the drugs with the the is under and in addition, the already sentenced to and sentence of five months in favor of exemption Accusers who produce issue, which as the first she reported on Thursday the internet the celebrities TMZ, they are to Walter remain under in waiting for the process, by that there is and serious risk flee, is alarming the accused The answer to news left behind on automatic secretary its lawyer not the have intervened immediately. Pettit has plea in court country on 4 September, and and force for refused comment Words rhymed tracks Miller this honest conversation demonstrated on its depression and use of which is fans of the greatest stars hip-hop. Nothing from the Pittsburgh Miller that really he called to Harbor James Myers McCormick, by two years remained in connection with the a singer Ariana Grande finished earlier 2018. After his death in and portal Instagram it moving movie involving Miller and track "Thank at Next ', in which the it with love Miller is one of the easier, which the death of connected in recent years, with the abuse opioids. Matthew Roberts, guitarist Team 3 Doors Down, also died as and result of the overdose in in and in its determine the presence and stipulated fentanyl hydrokodonu. In this Article mustache change Correct spelling name Walter this Stephen and not " Steven '. summer Nigerian creates more than than games on body mobile year old creates talking type of fun of hide-and-seek with the programming for free applications Scratch 2. Scratch 2 allows users create the game animations and stories in extraordinary online or offline As yet, Basil for her through generated more than than games on body mobile In today's play politics with matters are he hides bat, which, in accordance with the agenda Gracz growing point when will catch bat, which - with the hiding places The creation of games I have learned on accelerated trajectory. "Now I create them when to I'm bored ', said Basil CNN. In March dad wrote down it in pięciodniowy accelerated course for children aged from from to 15 years. Course, organized by the Codefest International, have to ensure that children as Basil, access to new technology as robotyka and the reality virtual Ojciec taken, Basil Okpara senior says that Basil much was playing in the game on devices mobile "When we here have four years, i bought him tablet, as always chwytał telefon and the was playing Much was playing in Candy Crush and Temple Run ', said father CNN. But interest in Basila creating games has when have 7 years and sacrifice I scold for the time to play „one day was playing on tablecie, as usual and has this so absorbed that zdenerwowałem ', he said father With the anger I said „still only you play whether or not you can need to set their own games so that they can in no play others? '. To those words, I mustache angry and I did not think that it will take them seriously ', added. Since then, Basil with active promotion interest in lesson of their own games urged parents to buying laptop and save it in course, in which that the basis of games Basil which, in the future wants to be scientist is its thunder titles based on their content. One of its games „Mosquito mash ', is available in the Google Play store. Africa is of the greatest the population young people in the world and as Basil, this population includes leadership for innovation on the continent. Recently sławiono two Nigerian year olds for the use of codes to the creation of and robots separators their work at home In May team Acrobot with the average schools of in Ghana won 'Robofest 2019 for the programming robots to sztaplowania boxes And, thanks to the increasing investment giants in the field of technology as the Google and Microsoft, in Africa, Basil and its peers are on the right path to career stars coding Former President Party Republikańskiej in Northern Karolinie will admit to lies on corruption With and complex on Friday documents that are President Party Republikańskiej in Northern Karolinie will admit in court that okłamał agents for federal an investigation on corruption major donors policy According to the wokandy Robin Hayes is to say to the guilt in the future Wednesday. The document requesting the basis of the real according within the framework of an agreement obrończej and signed by lawyer Hayesa that Hayes had known that includes false statement agents FBI przeprowadzającym an investigation on corruption in in Ugoda obrończa mustache opieczętowana and on the basis of amending their actual is not the allegations Hayes to will admit Initially mustache am collusion corruption and tabling counterfeited testimony The former kongresmena Prokuratorzy accused Hayesa on the part in the plan authorities companies insurance relying on on steering donations on campaign to the main action in the country regulator market insurance in exchange for treatment. The Greg Lindberg and its two partners were were accused of an bribery state Commissioner for insurance Mike ’ and Causeya. Lindberg is founder ubezpieczeniowo-inwestycyjnej companies, and in recent years, one of the main State donors of political which since 2016 year handed over more than than million national and the country candidates and committees Popierał mainly objectives and politicians Republican Party, however, passed on donations also Democrats. Its lawyer not been answered piątkową news e-mail address you to make comments. A force for Hayes Kearns Davis not been answered Friday news e-mail address you to make comments. With and complex on Friday documents that Hayes he lied agents for FBI in April 2018, when he said that not he was talking with Causeyem workers state European for insurance In accordance with the document up with and basis for the real Hayes in fact he was talking with the Commissioner for the security of your request Lindberg about to make changes in the staff working by regulator market Accusers claim that Hayes it helped pull also Lindberg to organise and meeting with the Causey and that he was talking about łapówce directly from regulator In accordance with the April legislation accusations Lindberg required special treatment its insurance and he planned pour into the the million right to reexamine campaign Causeya by by With the legislation that in dry and collusion been also the demand for change official of and European, which controlled company Lindberg. AND Republican Causey reported alleged age to try to corruption agents country and it helped pull them gather evidence on. Not puts him any blame. According to the law accusations partner Lindberg proceedings Hayesowi that this handed over handed over handed over USD on campaign Causeya during the discussions in which the present were also Lindberg and Causey. During the konwersacji Hayes initially protested by that takes dry and amount of money by attention, but, in keeping with dry, he had she stood down. „anything like all to down so we will down '- according to the law accusations said Hayes. „Dobrze, I will this The spokeswoman Prosecutor federal not she replied on the news e-mail address you to further information on an agreement The driving they will go first episode new zakopianki The driving from Saturdays will be able to benefit from the first of three built mountain episodes the ekspresowej S7, namely the new Zakopianki - from Skomielnej White to Rabki Spa and further dual carriageway the main fast-track to Chabówki. As has informed on Friday spokeswoman Krakow branch General Directorate roads national and highways (GDDKiA) Iwona Mikrut, this is the first three episodes built S7 south Krakowa, from Lubnia to Rabki Zdroju, which will be devoted to use With more than kilometer episode from Skomielna White to Chabówki more than one third, around 2.3 km carried out mustache on viaducts. Are their seventeen including the longest and it is high counting kilometre length and and the use of and four small facilities for watercourses with node Skomielna. For this knot led descents on Wadowice and and new Sącz, to the national No 28 and to the old information regarding the DK7. The next knot Zabornia, go down for DK47 towards Nowego the market and Zakopane and DK7 to Chyżny and the border between states with Slovakia. On top of and mountain created and Zbójeckiej handling passengers agenda The express Stop knot Zabornia in Rabka Zdroj, to which dobudowany mustache around kilometer dual carriageway part of the DK47 to Chabówki and there has been included to the existing already dual carriageway Chabówka - Rusty. Section S7 Skomielna the White - Radek Spa, the new section the national No 47 class main fast-track (GP) from Rabki Zdroju to Chabówki she was building long company Salini Impregilo with Milan. The cost of investment has reached approximately 615 million PLN Guarantee the quality of the numbers of work applies for for years. Liczący around 16.7 km part of the new Zakopianki, including the the km of parameters express, divided mustache to three episodes implementation each of the separate co-contractor: Lubień - repair, repair - Skomielna the White and Skomielna the White - Rabka Spa. Section the first to enter Brenner Base is doing Polish - should consortium enterprises: IDS-BUD ARE. with Warszawy and Corporation ALTIS-HOLDING from Kiev, section tunelowy - long company Astaldi, and the third - long company Salini. Total the cost of these tasks is close to 2.5 billion PLN Investment is co-financed from the European Union in the framework of the Terrorist operational infrastructure and the environment environment - 2020 strategy The value of the subsidy that is more than EUR 1.3 billion PLN In the this episode comes along all in all all sites engineering bridges viaducts estakady) and dwukomorowy tunnel about the length 2.06 km According to the announcements of manager of this year shared will kilometer section Lubień - repair with and integrating to the old DK7 driving, which will be avoid the construction of Brenner Base. Last episode repair - Skomielna the White about the length around 3 km driving they will go in in following the construction of two-chamber Brenner Base about the length any threads around 2.06 km Our goal is and prosperity We are building in Poland you prosperity prosperity he announced minister justice Zbigniew Ziobro. He came to Szczecin to persuade to vote on the councilman Dariusz Matecki, candidate to Sejmu with the letter of Prawa and Justice. "Program good change is implementation of the Polish version of the prosperity prosperity mentioned minister We want to „to better they earned to their lives mustache on System level It is necessary, because otherwise young dynamic well educated people will leave Poland, and we cannot allow ourselves to this Our government for four years consistently realized program which you promised down four years ago. We said that we will program program plus Platform, Donald Tusk and Ewa Kopcz have said that it is impossible that the money is simply not Udowodniliśmy, that money are and were, only not she cared for those which have enter '. Ziobro has also wyprawce for children and thirteenth retired – and that the planned is also 'fourteenth. In addition to the prudent distribution of income of national 'priorities PiS is fair you and economic development The money should not hit great stream only to be elected, who have good relations with the establishment and the executive, but should evenly hit to the entire society – said policies. Emmanuel Macron, text Jacques' those Chiracowi President of France Emmanuel Macron pożegnał on Thursday in television speech and predecessor Jacques' and Chiraca; call it great Francuzem and and great mężem'état. At 21 in memory of the for the former President went out ray of bonds Eiffela. Former President and the French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac died on Thursday morning century 86 years. Pożegnalne speech Macrona were transmitting all major channels television productions incorporating France. „Był mężem'état which kochaliśmy, as it loved us Mr President. „More than one 40 years in politics mustache that face Chiraca mustache us close And regardless of whether the we shared its ideals its battles or not we all rozpoznawaliśmy in this him. This evening is evening gratitude for Jacques' and Chiraca. So many has for people, for our values brotherhood and tolerance ', has Macron. Reminded that Chirac przeciwstawił in in war with Iraq, which mustache not the mandate of the UN, reducing the peace in the Balkans, for stability and peace in Lebanon. Before the speeches television Macron success to Parisian flats Chiraca in the streets de Tournon. In the south Assembly Narodowe uczciło and move away the former President's silence. s Elizejski will from at at on Thursday to Sunday as far as evening open to all those who want to enter to Paper of condolence at the President of the Republic of wishes to the French be able to text Jacques' those Chiracowi who today gone gone informed services press releases the palace Elizejskiego. s mustache home Chiraca by terms of office presidential since 1995 to 2007. The President of the Macron introduced Monday day mourning national In the south cleared will ceremonial mass in church st Sulpicjusza, and the official devotion in accordance with the direct tradition will also salaries on cathedral Notre-Dame, which since April, when the flames broke there closed for the audience Uroczysty funeral Jacques' and Chiraca will take salaries in the next week; give the deadline and details are not yet known. Part of the street Sopockiej in Nisku already after expansion On Tuesday, 24 September, only solemnly to exploitation extensive street Sopocką in Nisku. The total value this task totaled million 803 000 zlotys as and million 26 000 zlotys mustache subsidy with FDS, and the rest of the this is the contribution of their own nothing from County Niżańskiego and municipalities with textile mills and Miasta the Thanks to the acquired measure, we have done, among other things the surface at length 1284 metres, along with its extension pavement on episode episode meters dehydration and work finishing The co-contractor investment mustache consortium companies: PBI infrastructure ARE. AND Kraśnik and PBI WMB Sp. with o. o with Sandomierz. On the breakthrough year year year year district lowland realized will be further stage extending the street Sopot, carried out will be and new surface, pavement and rebuilt will be bridge on the river Barcówka. For these work the authorities county also has managed to secure the subsidy with FDS, at the level of of of the values of the whole of the investments. In and solemn handing over rebuilt the participation take: Staroste nianski's Cooper, deputy starosta Adam Mach, President of the Council Powiatu Niżański New Years Eve Daśko, President of the board of the settlements Malce Jan Bielak, workers County offices County and of the board of the roads County in Low, The Contractor investment and inspector supervision. Facebook of concern about well-being users will hide to the test counter likes In the carried out the first time in the world experiment which is intended to improve the well-being users, some of people using Facebooka soon in posts other not interested counter likes, and views video Likes will hidden visible only for the author post and this change will be made on the territory of Australia following similar test implemented on Instagram in July. The new version Facebook Press initiated this Friday, too, will be launched in Australia. Mia Garlick, the Director of the for privacy Facebook in Australia, said that the change is the result of and study on well-being specialists and the opinion of the area of health mental on that counter likes can induce to comparison with the other that from cooperating with us many groups for combating harassment as well as organizations in the health mental mustache really positive '- Garlick has said Eliminate this counter that our people in the quality of its interactions and on the quality of its content, and not the bridge likes or responses. Expected division with other through the platforms more enjoyable will and will not be received as rivalry - said Garlick has ensured that companies, which base activity in Facebook, continue to receive the themselves levels and observations which have way access Has stated that it is too early to be able to say, or test will be extended to other countries, as is the Instagram, when the test of staff Australia, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Japan, Italy and Ireland. As in the case of Instagram, which is Facebook, there is no direction to when it is experiment and whether change will be made on and permanent basis the initial comments users on the new rules of the Instagram were positive, but at this stage, still to we teach and we listen opinion '- has said The salaries of the global By saying experiment Garlick said that Australia is very active technically familiar users Facebook and Instagram. We believe that it is and amazing country which will provide an us decisive opinion on, whether the new experience is useful for people using our services whether or not Częstochowa: Councilors want to from curia compensation for pilgrims Częstochowa curia in the case, not comments because councilors to its metropolitan Archbishop Wenceslas Depo the forwarding of financial compensation for service economy waste in season pilgrimage The city they want to 1 PLN from pilgrim. The question to metropolitan speech in Friday in the conference press release for example, with the involvement of the leader of the Prague regarding Robert Ladybug, organized on and leading towards and clear in Częstochowa alley Most holy Mary Virgins, Vice-President of nationals of councils towns and candidate to Of the Seym Luke Cat. Cat announced that the day before locals councilors SLD they voted appeal to Archbishop Wenceslas Depo of giving the city one gold from every the visitor Częstochowa pilgrim - to support municipal services and so on. We appeal to archbishop Depo to it helped pull the city it helped pull us clean up after pielgrzymach, prepare city for pilgrims "in ask to forward to the budget of the city of symbolic buck from every pilgrim. Thanks to the city of it will be able to make them better in Częstochowa ', mentioned Vice-President of councils cities The point the Ombudsman Invited Częstochowa curia metropolitan ks. Mariusz Bachelor initially he prepared a few sentences answer, then, however, he has asked - as signalled, from the Archbishop Depo - to replace it information about the content of the Right up until receive official position advice town not we down have reference to the the According to the draft posted on sides Częstochowa magistrate appeal to Archbishop Depo concerns of financial compensation for the cities Częstochowa for service waste system communal in and period of season pilgrimage '. "In relation to an increasing numbers to Częstochowy pilgrims and rising for this reason, the costs handling waste system communal in and period of season pilgrimage, bearing in mind the image of the city of among residents and of pilgrims and pilgrim, we want within the framework of the adopted canons taking care for our common good and few homeland Częstochowę, to propose participation in costs handling above system junk junk is part of the call made "Desire retain the right to cleanliness strings walking and driving, moving as it pilgrims enjoying at the themselves time, the EU infrastructure, namely baskets external on waste, we are making it proposal symbolic participation in the waste management communal in of EUR 1 PLN from pilgrim ', written in addition, in connection with the participation in yearly costs, which the city of own resources, the will cover taking care about cleanliness and aesthetics of the urban and also desire to emphasize that cooperation of this will benefit for all parties involved, we declare that that percent with above will be used for improving the infrastructure of tourism, for example, by increasing the number of generally available toilets councilors public public have said Zaznaczyli that except the issue of the financial their proposal arises from the many raised by the people of the objections to state of cleanliness routes which they move to pilgrims. „bearing in mind the respect for cleanliness our towns and as the positive results cooperation the Council Cities Częstochowy calls on archbishop metropolitan częstochowskiego Wenceslas Depo the forwarding of financial compensation for the cities Częstochowy for service waste system communal in and period of season pilgrimage ', repeated in the call made According to information office press release and clear in in the whole last year in in ogólnopolskich pilgrimages to this sanctuary attended attended attended people. We have in around 124 000 faithful faithful pielgrzymkach pedestrians More than than than people has arrived to Częstochowy in pielgrzymkach cycling cycling of the and the the of of groups in pielgrzymkach biegowych. At 20 people of worrying reports reached sanctuary konno, and more than than pilgrims from two groups – on rolkach. news TVP missed Konfederację with description survey According to the research done by Pollster, in the elections to Sejmu PiS would 45 percent KO 26 percent Left 14 percent PSL 7 percent and Konfederacja 5 percent The exceeded of electoral threshold it was written on Internet cool Expressu ', for which have been carried out sondę. In the main Guardian news describing the themselves and survey Leinen reports as they have come before the results of the only four the party apart from Konfederację. Prowadząca Edyta Lewandowska clearly has stressed that only four committees combined the of and would come in to Sejmu. Widzom TVP shown also division sejmowych credentials without taking into consideration of the votes are committed to Konfederację. This would do PiS independent governments. Krzysztof Bosak in comment to the whole of this situation the public disgrace in terms of fairness for society society „Zaczynali from passwords about « revolution's moral » ', has and has stated that this matter is an indication of the sense of weakness. In turn, Robert Winnicki Cossacks on Twitter that „« news TVP » in the following shares against Konfederacji zawstydzają Urbana and Michnika '. Please also attention to the lack of response Right journalists. But let us keep „to those who przyzwalająco they are silent These « the righteous », « independent », « niepokornych ». In and few years steel more primitive texts of all this and as there may have fought ', dodawał. Małgorzata Motylow vice president NIK On Thursday 26 September marshal Sejmu Elżbieta Witek wręczyła Margaret Motylow vice president and creation of the highest House Control on 27 September 2019. „In line with Article 21 of the paragraph 1 of the law on the highest House Control vice presidents NIK cited and cancels Marszałek inquired The Seym, after the competent committee sejmowej, the proposal president NIK ', it proclaims communication. The proposal in this case the to Marshal Of the Seym 24 September 2019. "According to the Regulations Of the Seym it to parliamentary of the Commission to the Committee on Control state, which 26 September br she gave an opinion it positive '– reminds communication. „also 26 September 2019, with the positions of vice presidents NIK were canceled: Eve Polkowska, Wojciech Kutyła and Mieczysław Łuczak ', it proclaims communication. Earlier this day requests for all of these decisions personal positive she gave an opinion sejmowa, the Commission for the control of the opinion that the vote on the cancellation Eve Polkowska carried out double the - in the first vote in committee the number of my fellow Members here mustache for and against The new vice president NIK Małgorzata Motylow comes from Chełma Lubelskiego. Brother sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder honorable the stars media social media Qandeel Baloch Qandeel Baloch, which has become and star by photos published in websites social media has been strangled in July 2016. Brother Pakistani the stars media social media Qandeel Baloch mustache on Friday is guilty its murders and sentenced to lifetime in prison for the loudest in this patriarchal country Murder honorable honorable Baloch, which achieved fame by publishing bold selfie - polite according to the standards in the western but in firmly misogynistic Pakistan deemed to be provocative - mustache strangled in July 2016. They were arrested its brother, Muhammad Waseema. AND a few days later said it during the conference press release that there is no reproaches conscience, for their actions and he has stated that the ", of course murdered its sister and that it mustache the " unacceptable Its lawyer Sardar Mehmood handed over AFP, that the court in the western town Multan has its customer for guilty and sentenced it in life imprisonment in the long expected ruling. "Inshallah if God will allow), will be acquitted by the court higher instance '- said Earlier mother Baloch, Anwar Mai, she announced AFP that mustache hope that it will be acquitted her son It is innocent That mustache my daughter and that is my her son '- said The Baloch murder hit headlamps world websites information and restarted the call for action against the epidemic so-called killings honorary in which the victims - usually women - are killed for violations patriarchal rules Women set on fire stewed, they have been shot or dagger for minor offences as and own husband's or - as in the Baloch - for bringing their family “Shameful by manifestation their sexual. Assassination are usually the close relative In accordance with the Pakistani law Qisas bloody money and Diyat retaliation they may ask for the victims of forgiveness. Three months after murder Baloch parliament adopted and new legislation introducing punishment lifetime in prison for honor crimes. However, or the murder of will be described as an offense honorable remains in the hands of and which means that murderers can nominally invoke on the other theme and be not guilty. In the case of Baloch its parents at the start of they pressed to their son in no case it was shown grace However, devastated thought that it also can lose, changed their opinion and they stated that they want its acquittal. International indignation triggered by the murder of prompted you Pakistani to also an unprecedented steppe and of national themselves heir together with the parents imposing the themselves has the matter. One of the more known accomplishments Baloch is offering down striptease before Pakistani team cricket and setting low-cut purple dress in Valentine's Day. It has been criticized and threatened them but many people, including the young down not see it as and breaking reduction in the country in which pose in the forms patterned to appear Kardashian can be deemed to be and bold and political for strengthening the position of women Roots honorary 'assassination lie in the tribal standards social that still dominate in South Asia, and in particular they normalize of women although men may be the victims of They invite you on regatta to short Already tomorrow, on Saturday 28 September on tank water in Podvolinie in Low are II Regatta Independence. Start professions at at Regatta are in classes Omega and Optimist in formula match racing. The organizer regatta is the school Sailing Yacht club the Regatta are organized in the motion for and "Podkarpacie local initiatives 2018-2019 co-financed from the National Institute Civil - Center for Development civil Society within the framework of the Terrorist Fund initiatives Liberties for for - 2020 strategy RACHANA: Hope 'particular folk from from years Working with Circle housewives EAFRD in Rachaniem team singers Hope celebrated celebrated September summer exist. The manager and accompanist Team is Stanisław Seńko, the Director of the GOK in Rachaniem. The Group of the is taking part in competitions for managerial, reviews celebrations patriotic religious festivities and harvest festival. The members of the Team sing to three vote AND meeting with the opportunity to ceremonial this anniversary of the Team, organized by KGW in Communal The resort on Culture in Rachaniem, they came for example, Katarzyna Gucz - the and member of the board of the County Tomaszowski, Teresa Semczyszyn - Vice-President of the Council County, which is the themselves time, singer Team and Anna Romanowicz-Łagowska, the Director of the office of Tomé Zieliński. The number of displaced Anarchy doubles northwest Nigeria to 40 000 UNHCR: On Friday, the UN delivered and that increasing violence caused over the last four months double the number of displaced people with northwest Nigeria to roughly EUR 40 000 people. Agency for the refugees UN has stated that concerns "Create and new has and unique humanitarian situation of of which requires and interagency effort together by the end of the year new means of USD 35.5 million. Babar Baloch, the Ombudsman, the UN for the refugees said that the Islamist group Boko Haram which, since decades it will in the north country is not the responsibility for the recent attacks. The increase in the violence in the Nigerian States Sokoto, Zamfara and Katsina followed up in the past past months is and result of the action organized armed groups "Painting this rates of anarchy and uncertainty '- said journalists on Friday. Informed about the Globalization reports about kidnappings torture extortion, as and assaults of and sexual nature of the perpetrators of who destroy also homes and they steal livestock To fight gangs criminals in the region sent military and police protection However, the military pulled away is from the combat zone with Boko Haram and branch your Islamic in West Africa, which extracted with their former groupings of in in refugees not they come from the names groupings' - said They come for this monstrous stories Refugees in bridge get through to adjacent in Niger are In its statement Tall Commissioner UN for the refugees said that expects that more people will run away to in Niger are in the coming months, together with the deteriorating to the situation of security in particular, in and Sokoto. Appointed and new that hearings a man the accused about killing women and children children The new hearings that has been programmed for of the Guatemala a man the accused about killing residents of Iowa and its two children With and Court District in County Polk that summer Marvin Escobar-Orellana making an accusation against the three of the first degree, they authorities, false surname which the initial results of the police Marvin Esquivel-Lopez. Not should give the guilt. View of the police deadly shot summer Flores-Rodriguez, its summer daughter and summer son on 16 July at home in their home in Des Moines. With and judicial shows that the new date hearings namely the the January, that it will give the representatives of the both sides more time to prepare for 'Of customs officials, and the US are saying that Escobar-Orellana are living in the United States illegally, and before shooting mustache double the deported In 2010, mustache sentenced for illegal logging entering the US. "AND Sun ': Boris Johnson in the face of rebellion Cabinet wanting are demands on brexitu and achieve compromise agreement in Brussels The only three weeks before the the leaders of the EU among the major people in and Member of the environment Prime Minister build up fears that the key to make concessions is not enough to him. Boris Johnson is against the risks rebellion from Cabinet wanting are demands in connection with the brexitem and achieve compromise agreement with the EU. In the negotiations has the on the new system customs which would be replacement for the mechanism backstopu for Ireland, as Brussels identified proposals other arrangements zaoferowanych by Johnsona as not actually an impossible impossible The Ministers Korony expect EU decision makers on which the forefront of is boss Germany Angela Merkel, that those in the last moment they offered criticized to the leader Tories compromise in the forms of three-year-old and limit on the time for the mechanism backstopu. We ensure that journalists „A Sun they were talking with three different ministers Cabinet with which we all are preparing to confronting the Prime Minister after the annual conference Tories next week Manchesterze. They will be they demanded from the Prime Minister allegations „aggressive strategy developed by his close advisor Dominika Cummingsa which is totally based on the attempts the application of blefu against the EU and threats leave the Union without the agreement and then be it to offer placed before the last minute by the One of the ministers Cabinet stated druzgoczący verdict Court Najwyższego orzekający on Tuesday of the Parliament will be as „signal bell and added:„ the only way to to leave by us of the European Union 31 October is to down this on the basis of the agreement Never we will overcome arithmetic in the Chamber Gmin, which is working on our worse. Prime Minister must now bend and take this which is able to receive. Agresywność not pays off It is clear that the plan Cummingsa burned on the cup We cannot been battles on so many fronts. The second minister Cabinet committed itself to Johnsonowi to he tried Lisbon agreement the former Prime Minister Theresy May, if not the alternative to everything else. This Minister said „If we will have to say Prime Minister, to once again he in the Chamber Gmin agreement proposed by Theresę May. ' Liczebnie are opportunities to its voting and all is very at the end of this issue. If we are have to extend the term, at the end of Borisa Johnsona and end all of us John Major he accused Borisowi Johnsonowi that does not negotiations seriously. In kąśliwej the speech were the first Minister for Tories said „Premier is telling us that the wants to the agreement with the European Union. However, we down not see to stays in Brussels and work on it Instead of siłuje bykami Scotland, work eggs in Wales and argues with the citizens on the streets cities – everything in the eyes of the world as if the at the good have already the election campaign campaign The Ombudsman the Prime Minister conceded yesterday, that the agreement is still distant and has added: „no one should be of illusions: To ensure an agreement very and long way to him him However, the Ombudsman said that the law is Benna introductory in force postponement Brexit of three months in the absence of reaching an agreement „actively undermine our position negotiating in Brussels. Said: „No is no doubt that this law us the negotiations however, despite the Prime Minister, together with within their own organizations through difficult work still is trying to achieve progress The Secretary-General of the Brexit Stephen Barclay return today to Brussels, where will be more talking Michelem Barnierem of the EU. They will be discussed Paper on how the functioning of the euro area for the whole of Ireland for food and livestock. Dog without nose and their feet conquers Instagram. Perfect imperfect Mongrel mustache to be asleep. However, we have to this prevented. Bitch mustache transported with Romania to the United Kingdom by Beacon Animal Rescue Center. Picture doggy style mustache published on Facebook. Kate Comfort she fell in love in pet from the first sight. AND had the difficulties from the husband's to adoptions, because we have already three dogs dogs has said There decided that it will be she looked after to bitch until, in which you down not adopts However, it is still no one not reported "The fact that no one down not want to, he did that ever more AND wanted this must pursue. Mustache sensitive matters and needs to have love love provided Kate. After all it have decided adopt Bonnie. "Our Bonnie is perfect imperfect. We love it that what is the and if AND down not like anyone how is that is its problem not our our has said there Bonnie with running time has become and star media social media On the Instagram watching it over 14 000 users. Lorraine Kelly: Said that the very Glasgovian never AND will down career on television According to the Lorraine Kelly the heads of television have said that the Glasgow accent "Never will career as presenter. Reminiscent its summer career in the industry television Kelly, years 59, she admitted that before the first performance on screen she felt "Large nervousness nervousness AND just "25 years and very m '-. When AND mustache in the BBC Scotland in the roles specialists for searches and of information the Head of State, said that by my accent with Glasgow never packages success in television m to London to know the whole team TV-am and see emissions program before I took over responsibilities in the office in Glasgow. Never I will forget interview with star Bette Davis carried out by Anne Diamond and Mike ’ and Morris since that morning. Not I believed that AND am in the themselves room with lively legend. m that this here AND would like to remain. Before Kelly mustache Scotch correspondent TV-am in in she started its career as reporter local which in East Kibride in Scotland. Then started to dry programs as "GMTV ', " ITV Breakfast ' and Daybreak 'to later start with its agenda in the morning " Lorraine ', which AND will name from its name name anniversary of his career will honor required program in which will be mentioned their best remembered moments and interviews Presenter said that secret its long service on television is passion and enthusiasm 'and " curiosity adding: "It is important to work hard To be fair and authentic Are preparing to programs and be both interested and interesting. When mentioned media reports which they moved its feeling Kelly reveals that very difficult ', for it mustache reporting coup d in Dunblane. AND down not know about that many families or the dead or wounded children polish our program on live with Dunblane day after terrible homicide sixteen children and their teachers One of the mothers Pam Ross, which mustache and national lukewarm daughter murdered she me of private in which many hours we talked in its at home The meeting mustache held basically, and Pam Ross and AND we are friends from moment funeral Joanna, in which I took part She added that “Extremely difficult mustache interview with Kate and Gerry McCanns brief after disappearing their daughters Madeleine in in and that " really he admires their power and the courage Have to deal with and difficult birth, because they down not know what happened with their sweetheart daughter and moreover, to the most horrible comments Internet trolls. AND am with them wholeheartedly. The opportunity of of anniversary of the work of the Lorraine Kelly on television will begin at at at on Monday, thirty September in stations ITV. Zimbabwe Chiwenga he was afraid to imprisonment AND higher rank and single official state argued that vice president Constantino Chiwenga rejected unique acquisitions office of by dead President regarding Robert Mugabe in peak recital coup because he was afraid to imprisonment in order to had acquisitions power by these military in November reached by by As the last week reported "AND Zimbabwe Independent ', Mugabe offered to the vice president Chiwenga to also over the dispute during the carried out by and negotiations with the military in the coup However, and higher rank and single official state he announced in the media social media that Chiwenga not rejected the offer of fear but as he saw through plan Mugabe founder use it in order to prove global leaders and the African Union (UA), that we have in he lost during the coup In thread on Twitter portal which confirmed that summer Lord Zimbabwe he wanted to power to the vice president Chiwenga, and not convey Emmerson Mnangagwa, Jamwand 2, to which they state confirmed that it is System rank some government in office The president and the Council of Ministers, it was claimed that in that very moment were rolling to intensive negotiations on this They state claimed that Mugabe contacted with Chiwenga through one of its envoys when he passed aware that they slips away to from the Mediation between the remits and dead former President have, in the senior rank official of and sovereign, three stages AND single official argued that among the players negotiations mustache the Ombudsman President George Charamba, and person acting then roles boss Central the interview Aaron Nhepera and spiritual representing the bishop Roman Catholic Fidelis Mukonori. Were the Head of bank Reserve the Bank of Zimbabwe Gideon Gono, mustache another element of from when Mugabe doctors send it with single mission of the offer dispute Chiwenga, which mustache the Strength should be taken Zimbabwe (SOZ). The man after the death of the even more than for life recognized for icon Africa, we will look to obtain from the UA condemnation of action military improving urge other African states leaders to intervene. An President submitted by deceased (Mugabe) then Szefowi Strength should be taken (SSO) Chiwendze, not it followed with choice. This He was desperate and criminal act in order to retain the situation which took on dangerously rapid pace removing part of the family deceased deceased the Cossacks and single official (Jamwanda). But mustache also and political kuszenia, for which through the late he wanted turn over situation in and completely not diplomatic It is that commanders they stated that not overthrew and not they will overthrow constitutional order which would be the cause of conflict position UA on coups The late (Mugaba) have hope that then SSO (Chiwenga) will swallow bait growing interrupting theorems leaders, that we down not overthrew constitutional order Hope for deceased (Mugabe) mustache the fact that UA, which, in addition, mustache highly confused all the situation and the way fits in its theoretical taxonomy coups not also, then another choice, as only describe it as revolution and the call for the military intervention would be reliable. It is in this spirit and with the calculation have this unique They claimed that Mugabe has done this motion when he passed aware that the defensive not showed already willingness to preserve it Have said that Mugabe forced to sign the letter of resignation after how strong man that risks lynching in and Gaddafi. The heads of troops they announced him that not they will return shotguns against the people, if will start on its residence Blue Roof. And on the themselves moment Mugabe have two which is the wishes of many its family and to prove that the military took over power power added and single official. Ówczesny SSO and commanders properly they read principles. To the Messenger (Gono) przenoszącemu this headline news given the – through the powerful metaphors – that isu tiri vemakwapa-makwapa we belong to the sect camouflage namely troops), we are not politicians or not we compete of the political argued higher rank and single official state They state say that the military notified ancien military in the through the attache who they were in Zimbabwe that they have no intention of overthrow Mugabe, but argue with surrounding it criminals criminals Mugabe attempted to use the strategy to once again tempt Mnangagwę to return from exile brief in the Republic of South Africa, to discuss the coup and secession. In addition to the negotiations with the army Mugabe seek also help in the region People in South Africa, as and key element of the process of – not only because of its power economic and regional, but also the fact that the President of the Jacob then Zuma mustache president Sadc – they refused intervention, but it they pointed that if the military will invade house Mugabe, as many times straszyło in within the troops South African immediately will come in Harare. „It is not it worked because Putin and African the leaders of not the rest of this route route said„ the Independent' some informant China need strong leadership either will fall apart as states for and policy document China need strong, zunifikowanego leadership Communist Party, because otherwise country to will fall apart '– stated that the government in the policy document Statement made on Friday in the run-up to the s anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of Office press releases the Chinese Government handed over in the White Paper that successes of the country from acquisitions power by communists communists years ago come down the leaders parties. China are of great area are complex conditions national but rarely sees here the difficulties administration. It mentioned that without and uniform and and strong forces leadership China przesuną in towards divisions and decay which will be disastrous for the world Chinese authorities in addressing the apply policies firmly hand as in the case of suppression pro-democracy protest in Beijing in in justifying is maintaining the stability of the country The President of the underlying the strong hand XI Jinping, which on Tuesday, will be at the forefront of jubilation anniversary of the other as to the size of the global economy since acquisitions office at the end of of even more zacieśnił the governments of the parties and issued sanctions against those who can question power XI supervises also the military modernisation, which precipitated with the balance of this region In this document stated that China are to export their development model or down not want to zaimportować any models foreign, in the desire only to peace and not to „hegemonies'. The Chinese are not in genes conquest other nation or domination of the world In times of contemporary China are oppressed by many of the Western and war and the concerns imprinted on deep stigma as and result of the experienced the suffering of China never they will bother another the suffering of that themselves have experienced China they handle this anniversary of the under precarious times for the country entangled in sour war trade deal with the United States and standing in the face of the challenges of releasing device economy and also protest anti-government in subordinate China Hong Kong. It says that China has never „przehandlują 'their bridge important interests or will not to something hurt their sovereignty. With regard to the dispute commercial country with Waszyngtonem in this document stated that „danger trade wars and further the growth of tariffs not lead to the problems'. China is mature economy with the full system of industrial and very comprehensive chain industry, and salaries in the market and and strong speed of the economic development In this document war of words that trade never down not will weaken will weaken China are confident that are able to face difficulties to replace the crisis in the new opportunities and to open up and new world The words too, that the United States should rationally look to the development of China, because China has not intend to question position of the United States, nor down not want to replace the United States. The United States cannot control China, and even loess likely that will stop the development of China. Limiting and watering down the other countries and the transfer of national and abroad not the United States of and strong. The world Jack Dubai, the real face Pałkiewicz: Dubai emirate is still seeking their identity, torn between Bedouin tradition, religious radicalism Islamic and of progressivity This because it sets out the new trends leader world tourism awakens imagination and the wishes of tickling vanity wealthy snobbish hotels and attracting seeking fortunes investors and merchants status paradise taxation. The internet they infect enthusiasm to of the city dreams, as exciting Temple luxury and concentrated concentrate architecture of the st century in one. Have been created in the rich in oil sands emirate become Eden for those who they love luxury five-star hotels beauty the weather and swimming pools around hundreds of meters on Earth Many delights ubiquitous here to splendor much appreciates creative hyperactivism and hysterical chase for avant-garde. This is the city which is all motto surprise stun and charm charm And it is almost every steppe But they are also those who manage to look to Dubai critical, calling them city without nature As to recognize the British writer Lawrence Osborne, "Full extremes and contradictions metropolis took on dimension tacky grotesque '. She transformed in futuristic nightmare completely dominated by "Book Records Guinness ', unofficial constitution the emirate. Because here all must be more and Prettier than elsewhere in the world Among the thicket excesses and ostentatious luxury, however, there is something which in the old Europe is perhaps and little banner but it is important for the quality of life In Wroclaw, Berlin or Madrid every experience as in its at home And in Dubai certainly not Taking refuge from the world spell, I broke up its gold mask revealing second face artificial paradise Face, which loud it says and not he writes I show misery Asians contrasting with fairy-tale conditions living divine caste ethnic Dubai people, grandchildren illiterate Bedouin. I let it go in salaries extreme poverty, for example, to the the ghetto on rim town where in cruel conditions he lives the Israeli Asian workers. It is in the last one generation have built in slave conditions reaching sky desert Manhattan. They came here deceived good earnings and the possibility to and dignified life of their families and found nightmare This tourist never will see because it could blow up in the air created for years, the myth Dubai. Increasingly more frequent criticism of the international community, it is that cheap labor is highly troublesome for the emir. Mel C. with Team Spice Girls she forbade in their home with diets after its meeting distortions nutrition Melanie Chisholm with Team Spice Girls she admitted that in its house there is and ban on the application of diets after the she struggled with distortions of food years consuming only fruit and vegetables. Sports Spice for years, not she ate and obsessively she practiced as and result of the pressure of being member famous on the whole world of the pop which has later depression and the consequent crisis in nutrition Now reveals that its suffer affect as brings up its daughter Scarlet, and that is why not possible to in its home there has been talc about the diets diets "Scarlet is now now years and on the to that is more aware of their appearance '- said Mel. "AND think that one of the positives experience macroeconomic nutrition is that AND am very aware of this the way in which with this AND say. The application of the positive language has now my habit In the interview with for warehouse Women Ashton Health Mel, which achieved fame in the the as and member Team Spice Girls, has said that in times of prior to the media social media involved in the press "Outrageous" comments on its the produced at this complexes m to look at the in and way as to certain groups of food products exercising increasingly obsessively up I started have underweight '- is AND mustache sick and that it will probably and a few years'. Picture, which shocked world Poland girl and American documentary filmmaker sent any world cruelty me about the war Legendary picture Julien Bryan can be again see in and museum II war World in Danzig “Hear my history AND say with besieged town Warsaw. AND can and AND must speak on behalf of the Polish about what happened here. There must act must help help where their radio speech documentary filmmaker, photographer, Julien Bryan. In the tragic, September days 1939 year it mustache in the capital of Poland, he saw the drama bombarded towns and its inhabitants. Its the relationship bounced to and echo in the West. The President of the Warsaw Stefan Starzyński first him helped he borrowed tsar but then invited to for its own security immediately he left Bryan has written the letter farewell to families in the US, he deposited it in safe an embassy and mustache By the four weeks look to be everywhere, where Varsovians. 400 aircraft and artillery almost nonstop attacked town Bryan photos perpetuated to death, manner the fight for the survival of in the ruins of the city of Just before the kapitulacją, together with the officials an embassy took away negatives for ocean Not ceased in say about the crimes Ermächtigungsgesetz. He appealed to the world what met Warsaw, they will meet here, London and even and new York '. Its shocking chronicles she looked president Eleanor Roosevelt heavily. Soon the US have are preparing to the war "Dad was showing truth and in this way fought for the Germanium propaganda They they did movies glorifying its chivalry. Have said that not attack women and children and the people them they believed they believed it is in favor of the Bryan, her son Julien. Hearing before bench jurors against the former athlete accused of numerous rape Before the bench jurors is taking salaries in the process of rape rolled out former baseball player teams The University in Delaware, which is the accuses assaults of and sexual nature On Friday, 10 days submit testimony and listening arguments members of the bench jurors proceed to the for settling fate summer Clay Conaway. There, which she finished she finished years, says that Conaway raped it when she went to its house in June 2018. The incident mustache three weeks after the conclusion of by this two acquaintances on page meetings Bumble and message woman by a man away, in which presented to naked There is one of the six the accusers Conaway for instance, of and sexual nature in the the – 2018. Opinion the accusers przytulanie that there has its assent has changed in rape which has underworld with its combined The deaths they invoke on the contrary to relations women and the gaps in Memory and say that there will probably she regretted it that intimate to come closer together Gold on two kółkach Poland bike for and million zlotys Pokryty with gold bike worthy of and million zlotys could have been again see on jubileuszowej, 10. editing on Międzynarodowych fairs Rowerowych Kielce BIKE-EXPO. This is the extraordinary plea and vehicle printed on drukarce 3D. Its konstruktor, summer Adam Zdanowicz just received for it to the World cycling Oskara Wystawie Rowerów Customowych in Las Vegas. Niecodzienny a copy has furorę on fair fair Rower covered is golden chrome natryskowym, it is the highest attempts to silver. This unusual shell done by my fellow Member from Żor. „This siodełko are pedały, is kierownica, it would be it normally travel Can develop speed speed kilometres h This bike recycle electrical ', it specifies its konstruktor. „Karoseria bicycle mustache printed on drukarce 3D. This sześciany forming type of wiru. The idea of this Wpadłem eat model in his first anymore home and few years ago. Narysowałem it in the sheet and I hid deeply to drawers Szkic waited till five years to pursue. The bike arose three years', is now Adam Zdanowicz. „Okrutnie difficult mustache hiding all of the karoserią. In the middle of the are batteries przewody, elements forming constructions This is the implicit in karoserią nasuniętą in in items on stalową frame bicycle There is also hidden engine Kierownica to this bicycle aesthetic on and week before my out to the United States in the World exhibition Rowerów. By the end of I mustache not able to decide, what is to be this kierownica. It is to transport Rower weighs weighs kilograms kilograms will describe. Pokryty with gold bike mustache appreciated in Las Vegas the most important konkursowej category the best amazing of and a copy customowy '. That and production film shows the strong pollution popular sites tourism Zatoka Sydney surrounded by building opera the Harbor Circular Quay, Park entertainment Luna Park and of course, famous bridge about Bridge makes and significant contribution to the amount of USD 21,9 billion, European wpompowywaną in australijską the economy by tourists visitors Sydney. However, the over the bridge hides to brzydka the truth Known Bay Sydney is one of the bridge contaminated waterways in the country which has and every year volume pollution capacity about about pools Olympic These horrific statistics mean that one of our biggest assets tourism is at the themselves time, one of our the dirtiest reservoirs According to the new material filmmaking titled „Zatoka Sydney – at the top and bottom bottom water in live the most popular town Australia are full niedopałków, plastic grids and bottles lost shoes and part of the clothing and even dead animals and all of this runs down to sinus together with the sewage rainy ones However, the biggest building suffocating our channels shipping this plastic This m a paradox '- say in published 27 September material video Dr. Katherine Dafforn, deputy the Director of the program research Sydney Harbor Research Program, while the publication of this shall deliberately runs down during the with the global as Tourism. This is The reservoir behind but it is one of the bridge modified and contaminated escape rivers along the our shores of The Agency CSIRO further estimates that hour around 1560 kg plastic seeps through to our waterways and greater part of the affects to sinus by sewerage stormy. "For so powerful rainfall Bay is quite lost '- said by Dr. Dafforn. Two thirds of pollution comes from sewage rainy weather However, like this in advance iceberg problem with the Zatoką Sydney is much more serious under the surface water as as of plastic getting through to Oceanu bottom is back in the sea "According to me if not will spend to time in water cannot be really to realize what is there in heart '- said Richard Nicholls, owner Dive Center Manly, address, that he and his team on their own they pull out with water around 500 kg plastic per year AND think that if more people knew (which is the water they simply horrified. This is the overwhelming... more than half of what we are in this day plastic mesh The other other are things that are at least done with materials artificial When you look on the bay behind and people cannot believe that the whole of the plastic and these other up we bring out immediately from the of Jeremy Brown, co-founder and Director of the Ocean Protect, he said that there are ways in which people – both locals and tourists – can help to reduce the number of plastic and leftovers penetrating to our waterways. "It is must begin at source '– said We need to reduce the number of used plastic better accomplished recovery Material and have more aware of what we drop in sewage that ultimately there are some oceans If we will destroy ocean we now have before us destruction because 50% inhaled by us oxygen comes from The ocean. It Wchłania thirty% of carbon emissions and our source of food However, we can order this the bay and get it to the former splendor, and this is and very simple. If uśmiercimy our oceans we will kill also ourselves. That and production film all by the company recycling TOMRA within the framework of its new efforts to education Australians in terms of environmental protection and reduce the negative impact of containers on drinks which often goes to the environment runs down during the with research on and between plastics artificial and health mental which the results of the published in this month.