Bosnians are protesting Croatia's plans for a radioactive waste repository Hundreds of people gathered in northwestern Bosnia on Friday to protest against neighboring Croatia's plans to deposit some of the waste from the region's only nuclear power plant close to the Bosnian border and a major river known for its natural beauty. Demonstrators in the Bosnian town of Novi Grad demanded that Croatia abandon plans to build a landfill in the former military barracks in Trgovska Gora and pledged to fight the project. Waste from the Krško nuclear power plant would be stored in the facility. Bosnians, holding banners with the words "I want a healthy future" and "Stop - Una needs us," said the radioactive waste repository could threaten the Una River and the lives of some 250,000 inhabitants. We have to say NO Miroslav Drljaca, mayor of Novi Grad, told the crowd. We must fight to protect our way of life and our Una. Located in Slovenia, the Krško power plant, built in the 1980s, also belongs to Croatia. Representatives from both countries are expected to meet next week to discuss the issue of additional landfills. Croatian public television HRT said on Friday that Croatia has not yet decided whether to build a landfill on its own or pay for the storage of some waste in a new facility constructed by Slovenia. Croatian Environment and Energy Minister Tomislav Coric told reporters that Croatia also has a problem with the disposal of institutional waste from schools, hospitals and prisons, and hopes to find a comprehensive solution. In Bosnia, activists, officials and residents on all sides of the country's ethnic divide urged Croatia to find another location in a part of the country closer to the plant. “Why does Croatia claim, with all its territory, that Trgovska Gora in Bosnia is the best place?” Asked Drljaca. We must not be humiliated by them! The law on the state commission for pedophilia entered into force The provisions of the act have been in force since Thursday. According to them, the tasks of the commission will include: issuing decisions on entry in the Register of Sexual Offenders, notifying relevant authorities about suspected pedophilia, but also about failing to notify the competent authority of suspecting pedophilia. The commission will also identify omissions and omissions in investigating cases of sexual abuse. It concerns negligence and omissions of state bodies, non-governmental organizations, entities and institutions engaged in educational, educational, care, cultural and physical education, leisure and treatment activities, as well as professional self-governments, churches and religious associations, including church legal persons and persons private. The task of the commission will also be to conduct preventive and educational activities. The Commission is to be a body independent of other organs of state authority. It is to be composed of seven members: three - appointed by the Sejm by a majority of three-fifths in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of deputies; one - appointed by the Senate by a three-fifths majority in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of senators, and one member each appointed by the president, prime minister and ombudsman for children's rights. Committee members will have to, inter alia, have a university degree in law, medicine or psychology and "enjoy a flawless reputation". The committee may not include, inter alia, deputies, senators, members of the European Parliament and persons holding leading state positions. The entities that will be able to propose candidates for committee members include: the Supreme Bar Council, the National Council of Legal Advisers, the National Council of the Judiciary, the National Council of Public Prosecutors, the Supreme Medical Chamber, the National Chamber of Psychologists and non-governmental organizations whose statutory tasks for at least two years included activities related to children's rights, in particular related to the protection and prevention of violence, including sexual violence. Candidates for members of the committees appointed by the Sejm may also be proposed by the Marshal of the Sejm or at least 35 deputies. In turn, candidates for a member of the Committee appointed by the Senate may also be put forward by the Marshal of the Senate or at least 7 senators. The chairman of the committee will be elected - from among the committee members - by the Sejm by a simple majority of votes. The term of office of the commission will last seven years. A representative of the human rights ombudsman will be able to participate in the work of the commission in an advisory capacity and at the invitation of the chairman. Pursuant to the Act, "anyone may report to the Commission a suspicion of committing sexual abuse or a suspicion of failure to notify a competent authority of the suspicion of committing sexual abuse". The application may be submitted in writing, orally for the record or by means of electronic communication. Such a report is to be immediately forwarded by the commission to the prosecutor of the public prosecutor's office competent for the victim's place of residence. In the event that court proceedings are instituted, the commission has the right to inspect court files and obtain information about the pending proceedings. The committee may also participate in the proceedings as an auxiliary prosecutor (with the consent of the injured person or their legal guardian). The first report is to be prepared and made available by the commission within one year from the effective date of the act. The US Congress has agreed to sell 32 F-35 aircraft to Poland The US Congress, for the statutory 15 days from the approval by the State Department of the possible purchase by Poland of 32 F-35 multi-role fighters, did not object to this transaction, which means that the last condition was met before starting the purchase negotiations. The Congressional decision, while not unexpected, is of great political importance. "With the approval of the sale by the State Department, and now by Congress, I don't see any major obstacles," said John V. Venable, senior defense policy adviser at the Heritage Foundation Conservative think tank in Washington. The expert explained that under the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, the federal government, represented by the State Department, must notify Congress of any planned sale of arms overseas 15 days prior to signing the contract, if the value of such a transaction, in the case of sale of arms to the country NATO member state exceeds $ 50 million. The value of the proposed purchase of 32 F-35 fighters by Poland is estimated at USD 6.5 billion. This amount includes the costs of technical and logistic assistance, auxiliary equipment and pilot training. The main supplier of the F-35 aircraft - if this transaction is finally finalized - will be the American defense concern Lockheed Martin, and its subcontractor is the manufacturer of engines for F-35A fighter jets, Pratt and Whitney. Proposals to purchase American fifth generation F-35 fighters on behalf of the Polish authorities were submitted in May by Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak. The Polish offer was discussed in June this year during the meeting between President Andrzej Duda and President Donald Trump at the White House. The implementation of this agreement, if finalized, will be supervised by representatives of the Pentagon as part of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. Under the FMS program, Poland has already acquired, among others Patriot anti-missile system. The price of one F-35 fighter at the time of the bid by Poland was - without armaments and technical assistance - about $ 89.2 million. American military experts, who wanted to remain anonymous, told PAP that such a price given in the preliminary negotiations was "the maximum price, much higher than the price that will be negotiated". "Prices are plummeting, now the price of one F-35 is below $ 80 million, much less than the Eurofighter, which does not have the same advantages as the F-35," Venable pointed out. PAP interlocutors expressed their hope that the final negotiations on the purchase of American combat aircraft by Poland will be completed this year. The possible participation of Polish subcontractors in this transaction - i.e. the offset - will be discussed directly with the American manufacturers of F-35 fighters. What is Münchhausen's Surrogate Syndrome featured on Netflix's "The Election of Payton Hobart"? Caregivers and parents with the above disorder pretend that their healthy child is eating sick. The series "The Election of Payton Hobart" will hit the Netflix platform today. It tells the story of Payton Hobart, who wants to become president of the United States of America, but first has to become president of the student council at his high school. Ryan Murphy, the creator of American Horror Story and Glee, will feature Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Platt and Lucy Boynton. Without revealing too many details to those who haven't seen the show yet, it addresses the topic of Münchhausen's Substitute Syndrome, a mental illness that occurs in caregivers who act as if the healthy person they care for is physically or mentally ill. There are different types of this condition, such as Münchhausen's syndrome, which is a symptom of the disease in you. Münchhausen's surrogate syndrome is based on simulating that the person under our care has certain ailments. It is also called imaginary and induced disease, and it is viewed as child abuse. It is a rare condition that usually involves the parent exaggerating or causing symptoms to make it appear that their child is sick. What are the symptoms of surrogate Münchhausen syndrome? Symptoms of this condition may vary, but the NHS highlights the following behavioral examples: Convincing medical staff that a child who looks healthy feels bad. Exaggerating or making up symptoms. Falsifying the results to make the child ill, such as administering glucose to urine samples to make it appear that the child has diabetes. Causing disease symptoms, e.g. by giving children unnecessary drugs and other substances. How common is surrogate Münchhausen syndrome? It is difficult to estimate how common this disorder occurs because many cases of the disease go unreported. A study published in 2000 found 89 out of 100,000 people with this disorder in more than two years. What should I do if I suspect my child may be in danger? Contact your local Secret Service branch or call the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808 800 5000. Nigeria: Police raid on Kaduna school, evacuation of 300 children Kaduna - Kaduna State Police Station yesterday raided Imam Ahmad Bn Hambal School, located in Layin Maidubun Tsumma in Rigasa, Igabi Local Government Area, arrested seven teachers and evacuated approximately 300 children. Police said the children were in highly dehumanizing conditions. School officials deny this claim. A resident claiming to be Shehu, a preacher at the school, said, “They are not telling the truth because all the children were there with their parents' consent. Parents signed the form before admitting their children to school. Parents brought their children food every day and knew what the conditions were in. We were extremely surprised by the arrival of the police and the evacuation of the children, as well as the removal of all pupils' food provided by their parents prior to school closure. This is not fair as parents can testify whether their children are in poor conditions, according to the police. The former Police Commissioner Abdurrahman, who once visited the school to check the level of childcare, never objected, he added. “He claimed that the children study the Koran and nothing else. However, Police Officer Public Relations Officer Yakubu Sabo felt that after handing over the state to the state government, the children would join their parents. “They were kept under dehumanizing conditions on behalf of subjecting or acquiring knowledge of the Koran. Many of them had scars on their backs, which proves that they had been beaten. That's why we research the school to get to know its owner, ”he added. Foreign talents important for the development of China Guangdong leads the country in attracting foreign talent in large part due to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area (GBA) and Shenzhen's new role as a pilot demonstration area. The Nanfang Media Group interviewed seven expatriates between the ages of 10 and 70 in Guangdong. Singaporean Yash, born in 2010 at the Asian Games in Guangzhou, said he would like to pursue his dream of becoming a scientist and doing a PhD in Guangzhou. Nikita Nikandrow, a Russian student at the Russian-Chinese MSU-BIT University of Shenzhen, said: “Thanks to the BRI initiative, Russian students can study together with Chinese students. We can create new concepts and new ventures together. Rachel Rommeswinkel from the USA started her career as a beauty blogger in Dongguan and has over a million fans on Bilibili and Weibo. She said she would continue to share information about Chinese traditions, culture and technology in her videos. Leticia de Lassus of France, head of JJB International Montessori AMI centers in Guangzhou, agrees that “educating children is like buttoning up a jacket. If you button the first button incorrectly, the rest will never go to their right place. Chinese-American Henry Xiao believes that in the heart of the GBA area, his company can enjoy many advantages in terms of new rules, government policies and capital resources, especially talent. South Korean culinary producer Sean Choi said that Guangdong cuisine is known all over the world and introducing the "Nanta Show" in Guangdong was a good decision. Stephan Mohler from Switzerland, who works as Technical Director of Quality at Pearl River Pianos, believes that the secret to high quality lies in doing simple jobs correctly. To his surprise, many talented young people in China like to work, learn to make good products, and persistently strive for better results. Poll: Poles want Banas to resign Most Poles want the resignation of the head of the Supreme Audit Office, Marian Banas, according to a Kantar poll for TVN To the question "Do you think NIK head Marian Banaś should resign", 55 percent. answered "yes" - including 34 percent. marked the option "definitely yes", and 21 percent. "Rather yes." The answer "I don't know / hard to say" was chosen by 26 percent. respondents, while 19 percent were against the dismissal. - 8 percent marked "definitely not", and 11 percent. - "probably not". The demands for the resignation of Marian Banas came after the broadcast of the report "Panzer Marian and the hotel for hours" in the program "Superwizjer". The material shows that the head of the Supreme Audit Office was the owner of a tenement house in Krakow, where the hotel was to operate for hours, and the gangsters running it were to rent the tenement house for their activities at a price lower than the market price. After the disclosure of the material, Banaś announced that on September 27 he would go on unpaid leave until the end of the CBA control of his property declarations. The Kantar telephone survey was carried out on September 25-26, 2019 on a nationwide representative sample of 1,005 people over 18 years of age. The possible measurement error is 3 percentage points. How to become an influencer? Alisha Marie revealed some tricks. Alisha created her YouTube channel in 2008. Its activities are watched by over 8 million subscribers. Influencer, incl. publishes advice on fashion and beauty, and promotes the idea of ​​DIY, or "do it yourself". So far she has cooperated with with companies such as BMW or Starbucks. Alisha Marie was interviewed by Business Insider. She gave some tips to people who want to start working with brands, e.g. on Instagram. She emphasized that companies should not wait for the potential of a specific person to be recognized, and that the initiative should be taken. Alisha Marie says simple messages are valuable when trying to engage with a brand. You should show interest in a given company and willingness to be its ambassador. What did Alisha write when she applied for her first collaboration with brands? "I like your stuff. Let me know if you are ever interested in collaborating, "she sent this message as a novice influencer." It wasn't professional, but it was mine, "she said. Alisha noted that the first step that the brand representatives will take will be to enter the profile of the person who is applying for cooperation. "The climate she feels at the start is likely to be groundbreaking," she said. So Alisha argues to think of your profile, e.g. on Instagram, as a portfolio. Post there content that could potentially be of interest to various companies. Unibet is taking on its second American market The flagship brand of the Kindred Group - Unibet - is taking over its second US market in Pennsylvania and announces today its official entry into the Pennsylvania state market with the opening of its sports betting center in partnership with Mohegan Sun Pocono, marking the company's second market entry in the US in in just one month. The comprehensive Mohegan Sun Pocono destination offering combined with Unibet's digital customer experience and data analytics capabilities will create a unique and serious statewide sports betting offering. Earlier this month, Unibet launched its sports betting center in New Jersey and began a long-standing partnership with the New Jersey Devils hockey club. We are excited to partner with Mohegan Sun Pocono and proud to welcome the patrons of our new sports betting center and offer a great extension to our online product in one of the major states that regulates both sports betting and casinos. We wanted a strong partner who shares our dedication to providing the right customer experience and shares our values. We know that together we will offer Pennsylvania residents a truly unparalleled gambling and sports betting experience on the spot, and soon online, says Manuel Stan, Senior Vice President of Kindred US. We've partnered with one of the world's best online casino and sportsbook operators to offer a best-in-class experience to our existing customers and attract new fans. "The introduction of Unibet to the market is of great benefit to Mohegan Sun as well as to the state of Pennsylvania," said Aviram Alroy, vice president of Interactive Games at Mohegan Gaming Entertainment. The upcoming sports betting offer will include NFL, NCAA, NHL, NBA, PGA competitions, professional tennis tournaments, boxing, UFC, rugby, NASCAR, MLS, Premier League, La Liga and Bundesliga football leagues. Unibet sports betting center, powered by Kambi, the world's leading provider of B2B sports betting services, offers the best betting and entertainment experience in the area. In the second half of the year, as part of a partnership agreement, Unibet and Mohegan Sun Pocono will also launch a sports betting center and an online casino demonstration accessible via Apple and Android mobile devices. Siemoniak: Tusk or Kidawa-Błońska will be the president "I believe that Donald Tusk and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska have a chance to win the elections with President Andrzej Duda," says Tomasz Siemoniak. The deputy head of the Civic Platform, Tomasz Siemoniak, spoke about the scandal involving the head of the Supreme Audit Office in an interview with Polsat News. “This case is disqualifying for Marian Banas. He may become the minister of culture for some entertainment matters, and not the head of the Supreme Audit Office or the minister of finance. Not someone responsible for billions, taxes, ”he said. "This case is a very serious crisis for the state," he added. Siemoniak also spoke about the candidacy of Klaudia Jachira. “Antoni Macierewicz is on the PiS lists. A man who didn't just say things, but did them. He accused the former heads of the SKW of espionage for Russia, destroyed their lives, and destroyed their families. Why is no one asking for Antoni Macierewicz not to be on the lists? ”He asked. “People younger than us have different aesthetics. I think Jachira, who has already apologized for one of the things, also feels that she is exaggerating sometimes. Let's not make it a campaign problem, ”he added. After the collapse of the Neckermann Polska travel agency, tourists are returning to the country as planned According to the office, it was not necessary to bring tourists ahead of time. "The office is gradually paying for unpaid hotel rooms from the insurance guarantee," it said. On September 25, the travel agency Neckermann Polska submitted a declaration of insolvency to the Marshal's Office. At the time the office submitted the declaration of insolvency, 3,600 tourists were staying abroad. On Wednesday, a group of around 500 people returned to Poland, and on Thursday 230. Another 350 people from Morocco, Spain and Greece are expected to return on Friday. Tourists will fly to Katowice and Warsaw (five charter flights in total). Some of them will return on scheduled flights. During the weekend - as planned - about 1000 tourists staying on vacation should return to the country, incl. in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and Italy. According to the information provided by the Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, the travel agency sold approx. trips for the fall and winter season. "These travel agency clients should contact the insurer Allianz Partners directly," the office reminded. He also added that "the situation of tourists who signaled problems in hotels at the moment seems to be stabilized, and the incidents of asking tourists to leave the hotel were mitigated together with the consular services." Last Friday, the authorities of Thomas Cook, the largest and oldest travel agency, announced that it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Thomas Cook GmbH was the owner of 100 percent. shares in Neckermann Polska. 'Crooked' masked Central Coast child rapist forced to look at his victim in court A cloaked man grabbed a 12-year-old on his way to school from behind and dragged her into the thick bushes of the Central Coast in May 2017. He then tied her to a tree and raped her. Shortly after his arrest, a search warrant was executed on his home, where officers detained a number of items relevant to the investigation. The man pleaded guilty to seven allegations related to the attack, and to another three of the seduction and sexual abuse of another girl, aged 11, between August 2016 and August 2017. The 12-year-old victim was walking down the path, and when she looked back, she saw him unexpectedly come out of the bushes armed with a large branch and a knife. As she pleaded "stop, stop, stop," he grabbed her by the neck and forced her into the brush. The man said, "Hush, don't shout. Don't scream or I'll have to hurt you. Holding the knife in his right hand, he tied her arms and legs with cable ties, then tied her to a tree and raped her for almost an hour. When he cut her off, the girl ran to school screaming hysterically. The man arrived at work around 9.30 am, not responding to a few texts and calls from colleagues. His clothes were dirty and showed traces of grass and trees, and he claimed to have been involved in a road rage accident where he chased another driver in bushes and fell off an embankment. The trial of the man's conviction will continue on Tuesday. The Pope calls on the executive directors of technology companies to use artificial intelligence for the common good On Friday, Pope Francis warned tech executives, diplomats and financiers that the race to create artificial intelligence and other forms of digital achievement risks increasing social inequality if it does not take account of the common good from an ethical point of view. Pope Francis delivered these words at a conference in the Vatican attended by government envoys and representatives of Facebook and Google, as well as philosophers, physicists and ethicists. A small group of academics and bishops of the Catholic Church gathered participants at the conference entitled The Common Good in the Digital Age. This three-day event is the latest evidence that the Vatican is interested in participating in the debate on the prospects and threats of artificial intelligence. Technological advances in the art of warfare and the future of work were discussed, in which machines will play an increasingly important role, as well as a case study investigating the Christchurch attack in New Zealand and decisions made by social media-owning companies regarding the spread of the film recording the massacre. In his speech at the conference, Pope Francis praised the potential of technological progress, noting that the machines at the beginning of the industrial revolution saved workers a dangerous and monotonous job. He warned, however, that the increasing dependence on robotic devices for profit risks robbing people of the dignity of work. "If technological advances became the cause of increasingly visible inequalities, it would not be real and real progress," he warned. If the so-called technological advancement of mankind were to become the enemy of the common good, it would lead to undesirable backwardness to a kind of barbarism dictated by the law of the strongest. The organizers of the conference expressed their hope to benefit from the expert knowledge of the participants and to identify possible future advisers of the Catholic Church in matters related to high technologies. Martin Odegaard, a player on loan from Real Madrid, makes fans euphoric with his impressive assist. Martin Odegaard recorded an impressive assist to Mikel Oyarzabal's opening goal. With a 2-0 win against Osasuna, Real Madrid climbed to the top of the La Liga table and continued their unbeaten streak at home this season. However, despite failing a single La Liga defeat this season, Zinedine Zidane is under tremendous pressure as a result of the turbulent pre-season and public quarrel with Welsh star Gareth Bale. The situation reached a boiling point when Real Madrid were humiliated in the Champions League by Paris-Saint Germain (PSG). But Zinedine Zidane and Real Madrid have real talents at their disposal - for some the Frenchman has plans for some, and not for others. Vinícius Júnior is an example of such a star of the future of Real Madrid and currently plays for the team. However, it was Norwegian young player Martin Odegaard, who was on loan to Real Sociedad, who caused a great stir by including an incredible assist in a La Liga match. During Real Sociedad's game against Alaves, Martin Odegaard made an impressive assist to Mikel Oyarzabal's opening goal and Real Sociedad finally won 3-0 in front of their own audience. After picking up the ball from the right, Martin Odegaard outmaneuvered the opposing player into a net, then sent an amazing centimeter pass between the two other players and his teammate had only to add a leg. Willian Jose's second and third by the amazing Oyarzabal, this time from the penalty spot, ensured a decisive victory for Imanol's side before Manu Garcia was sent off the field five minutes before the game ended. Martin Odegaard only joined Real Madrid as a 16-year-old in 2015, but had a hard time trying to live up to fan expectations. Now, at the age of 20, the Norwegian footballer finally seems to feel confident on the pitch. Anna Hazare astonished by Sharad Pawar's name on Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank fraud Anna Hazare stated: "The name of Sharad Pawara was not on the list when the case was referred to me." Civic activist Anna Hazare was surprised to learn that the name of Sharad Pawar - chairman of the Nationalist Congressional Party, the NCP - appeared in connection with a multi-million dollar fraud at the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank. The Investigative Agency The Executive Directorate, ED for short, has brought a case against Sharad Pawar, his nephew Ajit Pavar - the former Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra - and others over the fraud. The Executive Directorate's briefing report on the case, equivalent to a police FIR report, was filed by a central agency under the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The basis of the case is a Mumbai Police FIR report which lists the names of former bank president Ajit Pawar and 70 former employees of the financial institution. When the case came to me, Sharad Pawar's name was nowhere to be seen. "How did his name come out, who gave it, only they know these things," said Anna Hazare on Thursday when asked about the ED case and Sharad Pawar's alleged links to the scam. Anna Hazare, who was critical of Sharad Pawar, expressed the hope that the truth would emerge as a result of ED's thorough investigation into the fraud. "ED will find out where his name came from," said Anna Hazare, a multiple participant in an anti-corruption demonstration. Sharad Pawar denies the commission of the criminal offense and claims that he was in no way affiliated with the bank, and also questions the fact that the matter was reported weeks before the Assembly elections scheduled for October 21 in Maharashta. The former union minister assured that he would not succumb to the majesty of Delhi, clearly referring to the central government led by the BJP party. The NCP assessed the case of the Executive Directorate as being politically motivated. A busy day SG. Yesterday, several smugglers failed to take stolen items worth more than PLN 130,000 to Ukraine. All events were recorded yesterday (September 26) in the direction of departure from Poland. In Korczowa, a Romanian citizen transported a Specialized electric bicycle. The Border Guard officers, determining the legality of the item's origin, contacted representatives of the German Police and quickly determined that a modern two-wheeler worth approx. zlotys was stolen on the territory of this country. A few hours later, also in Korczowa, border guards controlling a trailer registered in France found an interference in the VIN number field. The truck driver was a citizen of Ukraine. A trailer worth around 30,000 PLN was detained and will be subjected to detailed expert opinions in order to establish the original data. On the other hand, at the border crossing in Medyka, Border Guard officers prevented an attempt to export another stolen Can-am quad (prod. 2019). The value of the vehicle transported on a tow truck was estimated at PLN 75,000. PLN. The driver of the set was a 32-year-old citizen of Ukraine. The Border Guard confirmed that just two weeks ago, the quad was lost on Polish territory and is wanted all over Europe. Medyka also prevented a "partial" attempt to remove the stolen vehicle. A 41-year-old Ukrainian traveling by bus transported body parts from an exclusive Mercedes. All identification marks on parts were mechanically removed. Body parts worth about 15 thousand. zlotys were detained. South Africa: 20-year-old accused of murdering student Ukzn Sinethemba Ndlovu As expected, the man arrested in connection with the murder of KwaZulu-Natal University (UKZN) student Sinethemba Ndlovu, according to the National Law Enforcement Authorities (KOŚ), will apply for bail next week. The defendant appeared on Thursday at the Municipal Court in Msinga on a charge of murder. A spokesman for KOŚ KZN, Natasha Kara, told News24 that the case had been postponed until October 2 in connection with a bail request. She added that Stan would oppose the defendant's release on bail. According to KZN police spokesman, inspector Thembek Mbele, a 20-year-old accused arrested on Monday Earlier this week, police revealed that Ndlovu had sustained stab wounds to his left armpit and stomach. It is believed that on Saturday night she worked as a hostess at the Msing Diftkhan automotive event. In a statement released today, the organizers of the motoring event said preliminary reports suggest that after the event ended and their shift was completed, several hostesses remained on site to watch the music performances. On the way, one of them was unfortunately attacked by unknown men and later died in the hospital, ”the statement said. On Friday, the UKZN suspended classes, claiming "the circumstances of Ndlovu's death require us as a community to stop and reflect on the fragility of life and brutality that so often occurs in our society." Mylan agrees to pay $ 30 million in the EpiPen settlement Mylan has agreed to pay $ 30 million as part of a settlement for failure to notify investors of the Justice Department's investigation of a possible Medicaid overpayment request for EpiPen. The Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday that Mylan NV qualified EpiPen as a "generic" drug under the Medicaid drug reimbursement program. Consequently, the pharmaceutical company remitted to the government a significantly lower return on part of the product price than for the classification of EpiPen as a "brand" drug. In July, Mylan revealed that it had reached an agreement on the rules with the Polish SEC. In its statement on Friday, the company stated that it did not confirm or contradict the allegations of the Polish SEC. Is it God's punishment? What does the Church say about suffering? Cataclysms, serious illness, death of a child. These are dramas that cause great suffering and are difficult to understand. We ask, "Why"? Sometimes we also hear that "God wanted it". Is it the Creator who sends us misfortunes and diseases? John Paul II suffered a lot towards the end of his life When Nick Vujicic was born 36 years ago, his dad ran out of the room in horror. "My son has no arms or legs!" He shouted to the doctor. The parents did not know that their child suffered from an incurable disease that had deprived him of his limbs. At first they could not accept the boy. But they prayed, and after four months, Nick's mother felt that God had a plan for their baby. She decided to love her son with all her heart. Today, Vujicic is a world-renowned evangelizer and motivational speaker who converts many people. "I am proof that God is never wrong," emphasizes Nick. “When suffering affects us, it is difficult to understand. We are looking for reasons. We ask: "Why has this happened to us?". If we believe that God reigns over the whole world and guides our lives, the question naturally arises as to whether it was He who brought us sickness, misfortune ... ”. The mother admits to murdering two teenage sons The woman burst into tears when told she could spend the rest of her life in prison after confessing to murdering her two teenage sons and planning to kill her other four children. Sarah Barrass, 35, confessed to the murders of Tristan Barrass, 13, and Blake Barrass, 14. The brothers died in hospital 12 minutes apart after police were called to Shiregreen in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, at around 7:30 am on May 24th. Autopsies were performed, but no autopsy results were reported at Friday's hearing at Sheffield Crown Court. The exact circumstances of the boys' deaths are not yet known. Barrass appeared in the dock with co-accused Brandon Machin, 39, a family member. Surrounded by three guards, they pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and one count of planning to kill six children. During the twenty-minute questioning, the couple also pleaded guilty to five counts of attempted murder. The homicide planning allegation relates to the period between May 14 and 20. Four of the counts of the attempted murder on May 23 relate to four children, including Blake and Tristan. The fifth murder attempt was on May 24. All of the survivors are under the age of 13. The queen's counselor, Judge Jeremy Richardson, told the couple: “I will never fully express in words how shameful you have done. The crimes you have committed speak for themselves. Murder of two children. The attempted murder of four children and all the conspiracy to kill them. I am practically convinced that each of you will be sentenced to several life sentences in due course. " It will be up to the judge to determine whether it will be a term of absolute imprisonment without the possibility of parole. The verdict will be issued on November 12. Krzysztof Brejza, PO MP, sues Cezary Gmyz "I am filing a lawsuit against Cezary Gmyz in connection with the campaign of lies by PiS TV," said PO MP Krzysztof Brejza on Twitter. The reason for the lawsuit is the statement by the journalist Cezary Gmyz in the program "Minęła 20" on TVP. One of the leading people in charge of Sokiemz Burak is Krzysztof Brejza, who has extensive experience in organizing the hate department. "People who know Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda - the founder of the" hate "profile - are Kierwiński, Budka and Giertych," said Gmyz. SokzBuraka are social pages and profiles with memes and jokes related to politics. According to "Sieci", the PR officer Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda is behind the profile with this title. "We were able to find out that from April this year. Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda is employed in the Warsaw City Hall, in the marketing office, ”the weekly wrote. "Confederation" in Oława The "Confederation" election committee organized its meeting at the market square in Oława. Krzysztof Szokalski, number 5 on the list, and Halszka Bielecka, number 9 presented their program. The announced leader of the list, Krzysztof Tuduj, did not make it to the election rally. Candidates raised many problems - from excessive state fiscalism to health care problems. The issue of the economic zone was also raised, as it should act for the benefit of all entrepreneurs and not favor foreign capital. Climate strike in Budapest - World Several thousand people, mostly young people, took part in the climate strike in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on Friday. The government was urged to strive for climate neutrality, declare a climate emergency and pursue a greener policy. The strike participants went from Clark Square on the Buda side to Kossuth Square in front of the parliament on the Pest side. They chanted: "What do we want? Climate protection! When we want? Now!". Boris Johnson referred to the police regulatory body due to a close relationship with businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri The independent police investigation office IOPC will investigate the possibility of initiating an investigation against the Prime Minister to find out whether he has committed a criminal offense while in his public office as Mayor of London. The Greater London Council (GLA) said in a statement that its oversight inspector had registered an "issue related to the conduct" of the Prime Minister in connection with accusations of preferential treatment of Arcuri based on a close relationship between them. "A" procedural issue "occurs when there is information that indicates a possible crime, he said. This does not mean that it has somehow been proven. The IOPC will now consider whether it is necessary to investigate this matter. The matter has been referred to the IOPC, which deals with complaints against members of the police force in England and Wales. She was transferred to the police oversight body because Johnson was then in the capacity of the equivalent of the Police Commissioner and Criminal Investigation Commissioner. Johnson has denied that there have been any irregularities in his close relationship with Arcuri. Earlier, he had said that he would follow a London council order and would provide details of his relationship with Arcuri, but insisted that the council was "focusing on the wrong issue." The order follows a report from The Sunday Times that Arcuri, an American who moved to London seven years ago, received £ 126,000 in budgetary money, as well as privileged access to three foreign trade missions headed by Mayor Johnson . As a result of this report, the government has frozen a grant of £ 100,000 to Arcuri-owned Hacker House pending investigation. The government faces embarrassing questions about the pre-funding screening procedure. Digitization Minister Matt Warman told the House of Commons that his department's employees had "traditionally exercised due diligence" and that the company had a UK telephone number. However, according to numerous reports, calls to the number were redirected to the California office, where Arcuri, 34, is now expected to live. The prime minister's close relationship with the businesswoman "was an open secret for the staff." The GLA's decision to refer the prime minister's case to the IOPC's independent police investigation authority was met with discontent at 10 Downing Street. According to a source around a senior government official, it constitutes a "politically motivated attack" and its timing - on the eve of the Conservation Party conference - is "overtly political". "The supervisory inspector did not provide any evidence to support the allegations, and the prime minister did not get a chance to respond to him before the press release was published late Friday evening," the source said. Neither the citizens nor the media will fall for such an openly political act. Earlier today, journalists were told The Standard that Johnson's close relationship with a California businesswoman who was assisted by the London Tourism and Promotion Agency was an "open secret" to employees. Former senior staff from London Partners (LP) recalled that Arcuri received seats during Johnson's overseas trade trips as mayor despite the fact that her businesses were not considered "credible" at the time. Third charged with drug offenses in connection with Mac Miller's death LOS ANGELES (AP) - In connection with last year's death of rapper Mac Miller as a result of a drug overdose, a third man was arrested and charged with drug offenses. According to court documents, Stephen Walter is suspected of selling counterfeit fentanyl-treated oxycodone pills that Miller had in his possession before his death last September following an accidental overdose of cocaine, alcohol, and fentanyl, a strong opioid responsible for an "epidemic" that has swallowed several thousands of lives in the United States. Walter is accused of delivering pills that another man, Cameron Pettit, sold to Miller. Court papers unsealed Tuesday reveal that Pettit had been receiving drugs from Walter throughout August. Ryan Reavis, who was arrested earlier this week in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, is suspected of acting as Walter's "courier" delivering the pills to Pettit. Neither of these men were directly charged with the manslaughter of Miller, nor have any of them made a line of defense in their case. Walter, who has been paroled in a 2005 drug case, is in custody and has already been sentenced to five months' imprisonment for violating the conditions of his release. Prosecutors dealing with the case, first reported on Thursday by the TMZ celebrity website, demanded that Walter remain in custody awaiting trial, saying there is a serious risk of the defendant absconding. The reply to the message left on his lawyer's answering machine didn't come right away. Pettit was charged in federal court on September 4, and his attorney declined to comment. The words of Miller's rhyming songs are an honest conversation about his depression and drug use, and he gained fans from among the greatest hip-hop stars. Hailing from Pittsburgh, Miller, real name Malcolm James Myers McCormick, spent two years in a relationship with singer Ariana Grande that ended earlier in 2018. After his death, she published a touching film with Miller on Instagram and the song "Thank U Next", in which she mentions him with love. Miller is one of the musicians whose deaths in recent years have been linked to opioid abuse. Matthew Roberts, guitarist of the band 3 Doors Down, also died from an overdose in 2016 and found both fentanyl and hydrocodone in his system. This article is a change: the correct spelling of Walter's name is "Stephen", not "Steven". The 9-year-old Nigerian creates over 30 games for mobile devices The 9-year-old creates a hide-and-seek game with the free Scratch 2 programming app. Scratch 2 allows users to create games, animations, and stories online or offline. So far, Basil has generated over 30 games for mobile devices with its help. In today's game, there is a bat that hides according to the program. The player scores a point each time he catches a bat that comes out of the hideout. I learned how to create games in an accelerated course. "Now I create them when I'm bored," said Basil CNN. In March, his dad enrolled him in a five-day accelerated course for children aged 5 to 15. The course, organized by Codefest International, aimed to provide children like Basil with access to new technologies such as robotics and virtual reality. The boy's father, Basil Okpara Sr., claims that Basil played a lot of games on mobile devices. “When he was 4 I bought him a tablet because he was always grabbing the phone and playing on it. He has played a lot of Candy Crush and Temple Run, ”said CNN's father. But Basil's interest in making games grew when he was 7, and he was scolded for spending all his time playing games. "One day he was playing on a tablet as usual and he was so engrossed in it that I got upset," said my father. Out of anger, I said, "You're just playing games all the time, can't you think about making your own games for others to play?" Saying these words, I was nervous and I didn't think he would take them seriously, ”he added. From then on, Basil showed an active interest in learning to create his own games, persuading his parents to buy a laptop and enroll it in a course where he learned the basics of game development. Basil, who wants to be a scientist in the future, gives his games titles based on their content. One of his games, "Mosquito mash", is available on the Google play store. Africa has the largest population of young people in the world and, like Basil, this population holds the leadership of innovation on the continent. Two Nigerian 12-year-olds were recently hailed for using codes to create robots to separate their work from home. In May, the Acrobot team from a girls' high school in Ghana won the Robofest 2019 competition for programming robots for stacking crates. And thanks to the growing investments of tech giants like Google and Microsoft in Africa, Basil and his contemporaries are well on their way to a career as coding stars. The former chairman of the Republican Party of North Carolina will plead guilty to lying on corruption Court papers filed Friday show that the former president of the Republican Party in North Carolina will admit in court that he lied to federal agents investigating the corruption of a major political donor. Robin Hayes is due to plead guilty next Wednesday. According to a factual document prepared as part of a defensive settlement and signed by Hayes's attorney, Hayes knew that he was making a false statement to FBI agents investigating the corruption in 2018. The defense settlement was sealed, and it is not clear from the factual basis to which allegations Hayes will plead. At first, he was accused of collusion, corruption and giving false testimony. Prosecutors accused former Congressman Hayes of being involved in an insurance company's government plan to direct campaign contributions to the country's leading insurance regulator in exchange for special treatment. Principal Greg Lindberg and two of his associates were accused of trying to bribe state insurance commissioner Mike Causey. Lindberg is the founder of an insurance and investment firm, being one of the state's top political donors in recent years, having donated more than $ 5 million to national and federal candidates and committees since 2016. He mainly supported the goals and politicians of the Republican Party, but made donations to Democrats as well. His lawyer did not reply to Friday's e-mail requesting a comment. Hayes attorney Kearns Davis did not respond to Friday's email requesting comment. Court documents on Friday show that Hayes lied to FBI agents in August 2018 when he said he had not spoken to Causey about employees of the state's Department of Insurance. According to the factual basis document, Hayes actually spoke to the insurance commissioner about Lindberg's request to make changes to the staff employed by the market regulator. Prosecutors say Hayes also helped Lindberg arrange a meeting with Causey and that he discussed the bribe directly with the regulator. According to an April indictment, Lindberg required special treatment for his insurance business and planned to donate up to $ 2 million to Causey's re-campaign in 2020. It appears from the indictment that the collusion also included a request to replace the official in the department that controlled Lindberg's company. Republican Causey reported the alleged corruption attempt to federal agents and helped them gather evidence on the case. No charges were brought against him. According to the indictment, Lindberg's accomplice ordered Hayes to donate $ 250,000 to the Causey campaign during an interview that also included Lindberg and Causey. During the conversation, Hayes initially protested that the transfer of this amount of money would attract attention, but the accusation shows that he eventually relented. "Whatever you all want to do, we'll do," said Hayes, according to the indictment. "Okay, I'll take care of it." A spokeswoman for the federal attorney did not reply to the e-mail asking for more information about the settlement. The drivers will go on the first section of the new Zakopane From Saturday, drivers will be able to use the first of the three built mountain sections of the S7 expressway, i.e. the new Zakopianka - from Skomielna Biała to Rabka Zdrój and further the dual carriageway accelerated road to Chabówka. As Iwona Mikrut, the spokeswoman for the Krakow branch of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA), Iwona Mikrut, informed on Friday, this is the first of the three sections of the S7 under construction south of Krakow, from Lubnia to Rabka Zdrój, to be put into operation. More than one third of the 6-kilometer section from Skomielna Biała to Chabówka, i.e. 2.3 km, it runs on the viaducts. Seventeen of them were built, including the longest and the highest, one kilometer long and 50 m high, and four small objects on watercourses at the Skomielna junction. From this junction there are exits to Wadowice and Nowy Sącz, to the national road No. 28 and to the old DK7 route. From the next junction, Zabornia, you can take the exit on DK47 towards Nowy Targ and Zakopane and on DK7 to Chyżne and the state border with Slovakia. On Zbójecka Góra, a passenger service point, MOP, was established. The expressway ends at the Zabornia junction in Rabka Zdrój, to which an approximately kilometer long section of DK47 was added to Chabówka and there it was incorporated into the already existing two-lane Chabówka - Rdzawka. The section S7 Skomielna Biała - Radka Zdrój and the new section of the national road No. 47 of the main accelerated class (GP) from Rabka Zdrój to Chabówka was built by the Italian company Salini Impregilo from Milan. The cost of the investment was approximately PLN 615 million. The quality guarantee of the works performed will be valid for 10 years. The 16.7 km section of the new Zakopianka, including 15.8 km with the parameters of an expressway, has been divided into three implementation sections, each with a separate contractor: Lubień - Repair, Repair - Skomielna Biała and Skomielna Biała - Rabka Zdrój. The first section to enter the tunnel is carried out by the Polish-Ukrainian consortium of companies: IDS-BUD S.A. from Warsaw and the ALTIS-HOLDING Corporation from Kiev, the tunnel section - the Italian company Astaldi, and the third - the Italian company Salini. The total cost of these tasks is nearly PLN 2.5 billion. The investment is co-financed from the European Union funds under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program 2014–2020. The amount of co-financing is over PLN 1.3 billion. A total of 38 engineering structures (bridges, viaducts, flyovers) and a two-chamber tunnel with a length of 2.06 km are being built along this section. According to the announcement of the road administrator, the 7.6-kilometer section Lubień - Repair will be made available this year, with a temporary connection to the old DK7, which drivers will avoid the construction of the tunnel. The last section, Naprawa - Skomielna Biała, approx. 3 km long, will be used by drivers in 2021, after the completion of the construction of a two-chamber tunnel with a length of approx. 2.06 km each. Our goal is a welfare state “We are building a welfare state in Poland,” announced Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. He came to Szczecin to persuade to vote for councilor Dariusz Matecki, a candidate for the Sejm from the Law and Justice list. "The program of good change is the implementation of the strategy of the Polish version of the welfare state," said the minister. “We want Poles to earn much better, to make their lives on a higher level. It is necessary, because otherwise young, dynamic, well-educated people will leave Poland, and we cannot afford it. Our government has been consistently implementing the program it pledged four years ago for four years. We said we would introduce the 500 plus program. The Civic Platform, Donald Tusk and Ewa Kopcz said it was impossible that the money was simply not there. We proved that the money was there and it was, only the PO did not care about those to whom it was supposed to go ”. Ziobro also reminded about the layette for children and the thirteenth retirement - and that the fourteenth retirement is also planned. Apart from the "prudent distribution of the national income," PiS's priorities are a fair state and economic development. The money should not go into a huge stream only into the pockets of the chosen ones who have good relations with the establishment and the authorities, but should evenly go to the whole society - said the politician. Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Jacques Chirac French President Emmanuel Macron said goodbye on Thursday in a televised speech by his predecessor Jacques Chirac; called him a great French and a great statesman. At. On 21st, the lights of the Eiffel Tower went out in tribute to the former president. Former French president and prime minister Jacques Chirac died Thursday morning at the age of 86. Macron's farewell speech was broadcast by all major French TV channels. "He was the statesman we loved as he loved us," said the president. “Over 40 years in politics have made Chirac's face close to us. And regardless of whether we shared his ideals, his battles or not, we all recognized ourselves in this man. This evening is an evening of gratitude to Jacques Chirac. He has done so much for the nation, for our values, brotherhood and tolerance, ”continued Macron. He recalled that Chirac opposed the 2003 war with Iraq, which had no UN mandate, and sought peace in the Balkans, stabilization and peace in Lebanon. Before the TV appearance, Macron went to Chirac's Paris apartment on de Tournon Street. At noon, the National Assembly celebrated the departure of the former president with a minute of silence. The Elysée Palace will be available from 21 Thursday to Sunday evening open to all people who would like to sign up for the book of condolences. "The President of the Republic wants the French to pay tribute to Jacques Chirac, who passed away today," the press service of the Elysée Palace reported. This palace was the home of Chirac for two presidential terms from 1995 to 2007. President Macron declared Monday the day of national mourning. At noon, a solemn mass will be celebrated in the church of St. Sulpicius, and the official service, according to tradition, will be held at the Notre-Dame Cathedral, which has been closed to the public since April, when the fire broke out there. Jacques Chirac's ceremonial funeral will take place next week; the exact date and details are not yet known. Part of Sopocka Street in Nisko has already been expanded On Tuesday, September 24, the extended Sopocka Street in Nisko was officially commissioned. The total value of this task was PLN 1 million 803 thousand, of which PLN 26 thousand was co-financed from the Social Fund, while the remaining amount was own contribution from the Niżański Poviat and the Nisko Commune and Town. Thanks to the obtained funds, it was possible to complete the surface at a length of 1,284 meters with its widening, a pavement at a distance of 950 meters, drainage and finishing works. The contractor for the investment was the Consortium of companies: PBI Infrastruktura S.A. From Kraśnik and PBI WMB Sp. z o.o. from Sandomierz. At the turn of 2019/2020, the Niski poviat will carry out a further stage of the extension of Sopocka Street, which will include the construction of a new pavement, a pavement and the reconstruction of the bridge over the Barcówka river. For the implementation of these works, the poviat authorities also managed to obtain funding from the FDS, at the level of 80% of the value of the entire investment. The ceremonial handing over of the rebuilt road was attended by: the Niżański starost Robert Bednarz, deputy starost Adam Mach, chairman of the Niżański Poviat Council Sylwester Daśko, chairman of the Malce Estate Management Jan Bielak, employees of the Poviat Starosty and Poviat Roads Authority in Nisko, the investment contractor and the supervision inspector. Facebook will hide the likes counter for the sake of the well-being of its users As part of the world's first experiment to improve user well-being, some Facebook users will soon miss the likes, reactions, and video views counter under others' posts. The likes will be hidden and visible only to the author of the post, and this change will be implemented in Australia following a similar test implemented on Instagram in July. The new version of Facebook, launched this Friday, will also be launched in Australia. Mia Garlick, Facebook's director of privacy in Australia, said the change was the result of a survey of well-being and mental health professionals' opinion indicating that the like counter may lead to comparison with others. "The response from the many anti-bullying groups working with us as well as from mental health organizations has been really positive," Garlick said. Eliminating this counter will make people focus on the quality of their interactions and the quality of the content, not the number of likes or reactions. Sharing with others through the platform is expected to be more enjoyable and not perceived as competition, she said. Garlick said companies that base their activities on Facebook will continue to receive the same metrics and observations that they had access to so far. She stated that it was too early to say if the test would be extended to other countries, as was the case with Instagram when Australia, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Japan, Italy and Ireland were included in the test. As with Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, there is no indication of when the experiment will end and whether the change will be made permanent. „Wstępne komentarze użytkowników na temat nowych zasad obowiązujących na Instagramie były pozytywne, ale na tym etapie wciąż się uczymy i wysłuchujemy opinii” – oświadczyła. Commenting on the site of the world experiment, Garlick said Australia has very active, technically savvy Facebook and Instagram users. Uważamy, że jest to niesamowity kraj, który dostarczy nam miarodajnych opinii wskazujących, czy nowe doświadczenie jest wartościowe dla osób korzystających z naszych usług, czy nie. Częstochowa: Radni chcą od kurii rekompensaty za pielgrzymów Częstochowska kuria na razie nie komentuje apelu radnych do tamtejszego metropolity abpa Wacława Depo o przekazywanie rekompensaty finansowej za obsługę gospodarki odpadowej w sezonie pielgrzymkowym. The city asks for PLN 1 per pilgrim. He spoke about the speech addressed to the metropolitan on Friday at a press conference with the participation of, among others Spring leader Robert Biedroń, organized on Częstochowa Aleja Najświętszej Maryi Panny, the vice-chairman of the local city council and candidate for the Seym Łukasz Kot. Kot informed that the day before, the local SLD councilors had passed an appeal to Archbishop Wacław Depo to give the city one zloty from each pilgrim visiting Częstochowa - to support the work of municipal and municipal services, etc. We accepted an appeal to Archbishop Depo to help the city, help us clean up after pilgrims, prepare the city for pilgrims. „Prosimy o przekazanie do budżetu miasta symbolicznej złotówki od każdego pielgrzyma. Thanks to this, the city will be able to provide them with better conditions for their stay in Częstochowa, ”said the deputy chairman of the city council. Proszony o komentarz rzecznik częstochowskiej kurii metropolitalnej ks. Mariusz Bakalarz początkowo przygotował kilkuzdaniową odpowiedź, następnie jednak poprosił – jak zasygnalizował, na polecenie abp. Depo – aby zastąpić ją informacją o treści: „Do czasu otrzymania oficjalnego stanowiska rady miasta nie odnosimy się do sprawy”. According to the project posted on the pages of the Częstochowa municipal office, the appeal to Archbishop Depo concerns "the transfer of financial compensation to the city of Częstochowa for the operation of the municipal waste management system during the pilgrimage season". "Due to the growing number of pilgrims coming to Częstochowa and the increasing costs of servicing the municipal waste management system during the pilgrimage season, taking into account the image of the city among residents, pilgrims and pilgrims, we want to care for our common good, a small homeland of Częstochowa, propose participation in the costs of servicing the above-mentioned junk system ”, reads an excerpt from the appeal. „Pragnąc utrzymać w odpowiednim stanie czystość ciągów pieszo-jezdnych, którymi poruszają się pielgrzymi, korzystający jednocześnie z małej infrastruktury, tj. koszy zewnętrznych na odpady, przedstawiamy propozycję symbolicznej partycypacji w systemie gospodarowania odpadami komunalnymi w kwocie 1 zł od pielgrzyma”, napisano. „Dodatkowo w związku z partycypacją w corocznych kosztach, które miasto pokryje ze środków własnych, dbając o czystość i estetykę przestrzeni miejskiej, a także pragnąc podkreślić, że taka współpraca przyniesie korzyści dla wszystkich stron, deklarujemy, że 20 proc. z ww. kwoty zostanie przeznaczone na poprawę infrastruktury turystycznej, np. poprzez zwiększenie liczby ogólnodostępnych toalet publicznych”, zadeklarowali radni. They emphasized that, apart from financial issues, their proposal stems from numerous objections raised by residents as to the cleanliness of the routes along which pilgrims travel. "Bearing in mind the cleanliness of our city and the possible positive effects of cooperation, the Częstochowa City Council appeals to the Metropolitan Archbishop of Częstochowa, Wacław Depo, to provide financial compensation for the city of Częstochowa for servicing the municipal waste management system during the pilgrim season," was repeated in the appeal. Według informacji biura prasowego Jasnej Góry w całym ub. roku w 200 ogólnopolskich pielgrzymkach do tego sanktuarium uczestniczyło 834 tys. osób. Około 124 tys. wiernych przybyło w 255 pielgrzymkach pieszych. Ponad 8,8 tys. osób przyjechało do Częstochowy w pielgrzymkach rowerowych (133 grupy), a 440 osób (16 grup) w pielgrzymkach biegowych. Less than 20 people reached the sanctuary on horseback, and over 170 pilgrims from two groups - on roller skates. „Wiadomości” TVP pominęły Konfederację przy opisie sondażu According to a study by Pollster, PiS would win 45 percent in the Sejm elections. votes, KO 26 percent, Left 14 percent, PSL 7 percent, and the Confederation 5 percent. There was even information about crossing the election threshold on the "Super Express" portal for which the poll was conducted. W głównym wydaniu „Wiadomości”, opisując ten sam sondaż, zaprezentowano wyniki tylko czterech pierwszych partii, zupełnie pomijając Konfederację. Prowadząca Edyta Lewandowska wyraźnie podkreśliła, że tylko cztery komitety przekroczyły próg wyborczy i weszłyby do Sejmu. Widzom TVP pokazano też podział sejmowych mandatów bez uwzględnienia głosów oddanych na Konfederację. Dawałoby to PiS samodzielne rządy. Krzysztof Bosak w komentarzu do całej tej sytuacji mówił o „publicznej kompromitacji w kwestii uczciwości wobec społeczeństwa”. „Zaczynali od haseł o «rewolucji moralnej»”, przypomniał i stwierdził, że ta sprawa jest oznaką poczucia słabości. Z kolei Robert Winnicki pisał na Twitterze, że „«Wiadomości TVP» w kolejnych akcjach przeciw Konfederacji zawstydzają Urbana i Michnika”. Zwrócił też uwagę na brak reakcji prawicowych dziennikarzy. „Ale patrzmy też na tych, którzy przyzwalająco milczą. Tych «prawych», «niezależnych», «niepokornych». W kilka lat stali się bardziej prymitywną wersją tego wszystkiego, z czym ponoć walczyli”, dodawał. Małgorzata Motylow wiceprezesem NIK W czwartek 26 września marszałek Sejmu Elżbieta Witek wręczyła Małgorzacie Motylow akt powołania na stanowisko wiceprezesa Najwyższej Izby Kontroli z dniem 27 września 2019 r. „Zgodnie z art. 21 ust. 1 ustawy o Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli wiceprezesów NIK powołuje i odwołuje Marszałek Sejmu, po zasięgnięciu opinii właściwej komisji sejmowej, na wniosek prezesa NIK”, głosi komunikat. Wniosek w przedmiotowej sprawie wpłynął do Marszałka Sejmu 24 września 2019 r. „Zgodnie z Regulaminem Sejmu został on skierowany do sejmowej Komisji do Spraw Kontroli Państwowej, która 26 września br. zaopiniowała go pozytywnie” – przypomina komunikat. „Także 26 września 2019 r. ze stanowisk wiceprezesów NIK zostali odwołani: Ewa Polkowska, Wojciech Kutyła i Mieczysław Łuczak”, głosi komunikat. Wcześniej tego dnia wnioski o wszystkie te decyzje personalne pozytywnie zaopiniowała sejmowa Komisja ds. kontroli państwowej, z tym że głosowanie w sprawie opinii do odwołania Ewy Polkowskiej przeprowadzano dwukrotnie – w pierwszym głosowaniu na komisji taka sama liczba posłów była za i przeciw. Nowa wiceprezes NIK Małgorzata Motylow pochodzi z Chełma Lubelskiego. Brat skazany na karę dożywocia za zabójstwo honorowe gwiazdy mediów społecznościowych Qandeel Baloch Qandeel Baloch, która stała się gwiazdą dzięki zdjęciom publikowanym w serwisach społecznościowych, została uduszona w lipcu 2016 r. Brat pakistańskiej gwiazdy mediów społecznościowych Qandeel Baloch został w piątek uznany winnym jej morderstwa i skazany na karę dożywotniego więzienia za najgłośniejsze w tym patriarchalnym kraju „zabójstwo honorowe”. Baloch, która zdobyła sławę, publikując śmiałe selfie – grzeczne według standardów zachodnich, ale w mocno mizoginicznym Pakistanie uważane za prowokujące – została uduszona w lipcu 2016 r. Aresztowano jej brata Muhammada Waseema. Kilka dni później powiedział on w trakcie konferencji prasowej, że nie ma wyrzutów sumienia za swoje czyny i oświadczył, że „oczywiście” zamordował swoją siostrę i że jej zachowanie było „nieakceptowalne”. Jego prawnik Sardar Mehmood przekazał AFP, że sąd w zachodnim mieście Multan uznał jego klienta za winnego i skazał go na dożywocie w długo oczekiwanym wyroku. „Inshallah (jeśli Bóg pozwoli), zostanie uniewinniony przez sąd wyższej instancji” – powiedział. Wcześniej matka Balocha, Anwar Mai, oznajmiła AFP, że miała nadzieję, że jej syn zostanie uniewinniony. „On jest niewinny. To była moja córka, a to mój syn” – stwierdziła. Morderstwo Baloch trafiło na czołówki światowych serwisów informacyjnych i wznowiło wezwania do działań przeciwko epidemii tzw. zabójstw honorowych, w których ofiary – zazwyczaj kobiety – są zabijane za łamanie patriarchalnych zasad społecznych. Kobiety podpalano, duszono, były one rozstrzeliwane lub sztyletowane za takie przewinienia jak wybranie własnego męża lub – jak w przypadku Baloch – za przyniesienie swojej rodzinie „wstydu” poprzez manifestację własnej seksualności. Zabójstwa są zazwyczaj dokonywane przez bliskiego krewnego. Zgodnie z pakistańskim prawem Qisas (krwawe pieniądze) i Diyat (odwet) mogą oni prosić najbliższych ofiary o wybaczenie. Trzy miesiące po morderstwie Baloch parlament przyjął nowe prawodawstwo wprowadzające karę dożywotniego więzienia za zabójstwa honorowe. Jednak czy morderstwo zostanie uznane za przestępstwo honorowe pozostaje w gestii sędziego, co oznacza, że mordercy mogą teoretycznie powoływać się na inny motyw i zostać uniewinnieni. W przypadku Baloch jej rodzice na początku naciskali, aby ich synowi w żadnym wypadku nie okazywano łaski. Jednakże zdruzgotani myślą, że jego również mogą stracić, zmienili zdanie i oświadczyli, że pragną jego uniewinnienia. Międzynarodowe oburzenie wywołane przez morderstwo skłoniło państwo pakistańskie do podjęcia bezprecedensowego kroku i ogłoszenia siebie spadkobiercą wraz z rodzicami, wymuszając tym samym posunięcie sprawy do przodu. Jednym z bardziej znanych dokonań Baloch jest oferowanie zrobienia striptizu przed pakistańską drużyną krykietu i założenie wydekoltowanej purpurowej sukni w Walentynki. Była krytykowana i grożono je, ale wiele osób, w tym młodzi, postrzegali ją jako przełamującą ograniczenia w kraju, w którym pozowanie na postać wzorowaną na Kim Kardashian może być uważane za śmiały i polityczny ruch na rzecz wzmocnienia pozycji kobiet. Korzenie „honorowego” zabójstwa leżą w plemiennych normach społecznych, które nadal dominują w Azji Południowej, i w szczególności normują zachowania kobiet, choć mężczyźni też mogą być ofiarami. Zapraszają na regaty do Niska Już jutro, w sobotę 28 września na zbiorniku wodnym w Podwolinie w Nisku odbędą się II Regaty Niepodległościowe. Start zawodów o godz. 10.30. Regaty odbędą się w klasach Omega i Optymist w formule match racing. Organizatorem regat jest Szkoła Żeglarstwa Jacht Klub Nisko. Regaty są organizowane w ramach projektu „Podkarpacie Inicjatywy Lokalne 2018-2019” współfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Instytutu Wolności – Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego w ramach Programu Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich na lata 2014–2020. RACHANIE: „Nadzieja” śpiewa od 10 lat Działający przy Kole Gospodyń Wiejskich w Rachaniach zespół śpiewaczy „Nadzieja” obchodził 21 września 10-lecie istnienia. Kierownikiem i akompaniatorem zespołu jest Stanisław Seńko, dyrektor GOK w Rachaniach. Grupa bierze udział w konkursach, przeglądach, uroczystościach patriotyczno -religijnych, festynach oraz dożynkach. Członkowie zespołu śpiewają na trzy głosy. Na uroczyste spotkanie z okazji 10-tej rocznicy założenia zespołu, zorganizowane przez KGW w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury w Rachaniach, przyjechali Katarzyna Gucz – urzędujący członek Zarządu Powiatu Tomaszowskiego, Teresa Semczyszyn – wiceprzewodnicząca Rady Powiatu, która jest jednocześnie wokalistką zespołu oraz Anna Romanowicz-Łagowska, dyrektor biura poselskiego Tomasza Zielińskiego. Anarchia podwaja liczbę przesiedlonych z północno-zachodniej Nigerii do 40 tysięcy: UNHCR W piątek organizacja ONZ podała, że narastająca przemoc spowodowała w ciągu ostatnich czterech miesięcy podwojenie liczby osób przesiedlonych z północno-zachodniej Nigerii do około 40 tys. ludzi. Agencja ds. uchodźców ONZ stwierdziła, że niepokoje stworzyły „nową wyjątkową sytuację humanitarną”, która wymaga podjęcia międzyagencyjnego wysiłku zebrania do końca roku nowych środków w wysokości 35,5 mln dolarów. Babar Baloch, rzecznik Wysokiego Komisarza ONZ ds. uchodźców, powiedział, że islamistyczne ugrupowanie Boko Haram, które od dekady prowadzi powstanie na północy kraju, nie odpowiada za ostatnie ataki. Wzrost przemocy w nigeryjskich stanach Sokoto, Zamfara i Katsina obserwowany w ciągu ostatnich 10 miesięcy jest raczej wynikiem działań zorganizowanych grup zbrojnych. „Maluje to przerażający obraz anarchii i niepewności” – powiedział dziennikarzom w piątek. Poinformował o częstych doniesieniach o porwaniach, torturach, wymuszeniach, morderstwach i napaściach na tle seksualnym ze strony napastników, którzy niszczą także domy i kradną dobytek. Do walki z gangami przestępców w regionie wysłano wojsko i policję. Jednak wojsko odciągane jest od walk z Boko Haram oraz odgałęzieniem Państwa Islamskiego w Afryce Zachodniej, które wyodrębniło się ze swojego dawnego ugrupowania w 2016 r. „Uchodźcy nie przybywają z nazwami ugrupowań” – powiedział. Przybywają za to z potwornymi opowieściami. Uchodźcy w większości przedostają się do sąsiedniego Nigru. W swoim oświadczeniu Wysoki Komisarz ONZ ds. uchodźców powiedział, że spodziewa się, iż więcej osób zbiegnie do Nigru w nadchodzących miesiącach wraz z pogarszającą się sytuacją bezpieczeństwa, w szczególności w stanie Sokoto. Wyznaczono nową datę rozprawy mężczyzny oskarżonego o zabicie kobiety i 2 dzieci Zaplanowano nową datę rozprawy dla pochodzącego z Gwatemali mężczyzny oskarżonego o zabicie mieszkanki stanu Iowa i jej dwójki dzieci. Z akt Sądu Rejonowego w hrabstwie Polk wynika, że 31-letniego Marvina Escobar-Orellanę oskarża się o trzy morderstwa pierwszego stopnia pod, jak twierdzą władze, fałszywym nazwiskiem, które pierwotnie podał policji: Marvin Esquivel-Lopez. Nie przyznał się do winy. Zdaniem policji śmiertelnie postrzelił 29-letnią Flores-Rodriguez, jej 11-letnią córkę i 5-letniego syna w dniu 16 lipca w domu w ich domu w Des Moines. Z akt sądowych wynika, że nowa data rozprawy, tj. 27 stycznia, da przedstawicielom obu stron więcej czasu na przygotowania. Urzędnicy Służb Imigracyjnych i Celnych USA twierdzą, że Escobar-Orellana przebywa w Stanach Zjednoczonych nielegalnie, a przed strzelaniną był dwukrotnie deportowany. W roku 2010 był skazany za nielegalny wjazd do USA. „The Sun”: Boris Johnson w obliczu buntu gabinetu chcącego obniżenia żądań ws. brexitu i osiągnięcia kompromisowego porozumienia z Brukselą Na zaledwie trzy tygodnie przed ostatecznym szczytem liderów UE wśród najważniejszych osób w państwie w otoczeniu premiera narastają obawy, że na zdobycie ważniejszych ustępstw nie wystarczy mu czasu. Boris Johnson staje przed ryzykiem buntu ze strony gabinetu chcącego obniżenia żądań w związku z brexitem i osiągnięcia kompromisowego porozumienia z UE. W negocjacjach nastąpił impas w sprawie nowego systemu celnego, który miałby stanowić zastępstwo dla mechanizmu backstopu dla Irlandii, ponieważ Bruksela określiła propozycje innych ustaleń zaoferowanych przez Johnsona jako „niewykonalne”. Ministrowie Korony oczekują od unijnych decydentów, na których czele stoi szefowa Niemiec Angela Merkel, aby ci w ostatniej chwili zaoferowali krytykowanemu liderowi torysów kompromis w postaci trzyletniego limitu czasu na realizację mechanizmu backstopu. Dziennikarze „The Sun” rozmawiali z trzema różnymi ministrami gabinetu, z których wszyscy przygotowują się do konfrontacji z premierem po dorocznej konferencji torysów w przyszłym tygodniu w Manchesterze. Będą domagali się od premiera zarzucenia „agresywnej” strategii opracowanej przez jego bliskiego doradcę Dominika Cummingsa polegającej na próbach stosowania blefu wobec UE i grożenia opuszczenia Unii bez umowy, a następnie zaakceptowania przez niego oferty złożonej w ostatniej chwili przez Unię. Jeden z ministrów gabinetu określił druzgoczący werdykt Sądu Najwyższego orzekający we wtorek o zakończeniu zawieszenia parlamentu jako „sygnał ostrzegawczy” i dodał: „Jedynym sposobem na opuszczenie przez nas Unii Europejskiej 31 października jest zrobienie tego na podstawie umowy. Nigdy nie pokonamy arytmetyki w Izbie Gmin, która działa na naszą niekorzyść. Premier musi się teraz ugiąć i przyjąć to, co jest w stanie otrzymać. Agresywność nie popłaca: jest oczywiste, że plan Cummingsa spalił na panewce. Nie możemy toczyć bitew na tak wielu frontach. Drugi minister gabinetu zobowiązał się przekazać Johnsonowi, aby spróbował przepchnąć porozumienie byłej premier Theresy May, jeśli nie powiedzie się wszystko inne. Minister ten powiedział: „Jeśli będę musiał, powiem premierowi, aby ponownie przedstawił w Izbie Gmin umowę proponowaną przez Theresę May.” Liczebnie są szanse na jej przegłosowanie, a wszystkim bardzo zależy na zakończenie tego tematu. Jeśli zostaniemy zmuszeni do przedłużenia terminu, to koniec Borisa Johnsona i koniec nas wszystkich. John Major zarzucił Borisowi Johnsonowi, że nie traktuje negocjacji poważnie. W kąśliwej przemowie były pierwszy minister z ramienia torysów powiedział: „Premier mówi nam, że chce umowy z Unią Europejską. Jednak nie widzimy, aby siedział w Brukseli i nad nią pracował. Zamiast tego siłuje się z bykami w Szkocji, sprawdza jaja w Walii i kłóci się z obywatelami na głównych ulicach miast – wszystko na oczach świata, jak gdyby na dobre trwała już kampania wyborcza.” Rzecznik obecnego premiera przyznał wczoraj, że umowa jest wciąż odległa, i dodał: „Nikt nie powinien mieć złudzeń: do zapewnienia porozumienia bardzo długa droga.” Jednak rzecznik powiedział także, że ustawa Benna wprowadzająca w życie odłożenie brexitu o trzy miesiące w przypadku braku osiągnięcia porozumienia „aktywnie osłabia naszą pozycję negocjacyjną” w Brukseli. Powiedział: „Nie ma wątpliwości, że ustawa ta utrudnia nam negocjacje, jednak pomimo niej premier wraz ze współpracownikami dzięki ciężkiej pracy nadal próbuje osiągać postęp.” Sekretarz ds. brexitu Stephen Barclay wraca dziś do Brukseli, gdzie odbędzie więcej rozmów z Michelem Barnierem po stronie UE. Będą omawiali księgę dotyczącą sposobu funkcjonowania strefy dla całej Irlandii dla żywności i żywca. Pies bez nosa i nogi podbija Instagrama. Perfekcyjnie nieperfekcyjna Kundelek miał zostać uśpiony. Jednak udało się temu zapobiec. Suczka została przewieziona z Rumunii do Wielkiej Brytanii przez Beacon Animal Rescue Centre. Zdjęcie pieska zostało opublikowane na Facebooku. Kate Comfort zakochała się w zwierzaku od pierwszego wejrzenia. „Początkowo miałam trudności z przekonaniem męża do adopcji, ponieważ mieliśmy już trzy psy”, powiedziała. Kobieta podjęła decyzję, że będzie opiekowała się suczką do momentu, w którym ktoś jej nie adoptuje. Jednak wciąż nikt się nie zgłaszał. „Fakt, że nikt jej nie chciał, sprawił, że coraz bardziej chciałam się nią zajmować. Była wrażliwa i potrzebowała miłości”, przekazała Kate. W końcu małżeństwo zdecydowało się adoptować Bonnie. „Nasza Bonnie jest perfekcyjnie nieperfekcyjna. Kochamy ją taką jaka jest, a jeżeli komukolwiek nie podoba się, w jaki sposób wygląda, to jest jego problem, nie nasz”, powiedziała kobieta. Bonnie z biegiem czasu stała się gwiazdą mediów społecznościowych. Na Instagramie obserwuje ją ponad 14 tys. internautów. Lorraine Kelly: Mówiono, że z akcentem glasgowskim nigdy nie zrobię kariery w telewizji Według Lorraine Kelly szefowie telewizji powiedzieli, że ze względu na akcent z Glasgow „nigdy nie zrobi kariery” jako prezenterka. Wspominająca swoją 35-letnią karierę w branży telewizyjnej Kelly, lat 59, przyznała, że przed pierwszym występem na ekranie odczuwała „duże zdenerwowanie”. „Miałam zaledwie 25 lat i bardzo się denerwowałam” – powiedziała. Kiedy pracowałam w BBC Scotland w roli specjalistki ds. wyszukiwania i sprawdzania informacji, szef szefów powiedział, że przez mój akcent z Glasgow nigdy nie odniosę sukcesu w telewizji. Pojechałam do Londynu, by poznać cały zespół TV-am i obejrzeć emisję programu, zanim przejęłam obowiązki w biurze w Glasgow. Nigdy nie zapomnę wywiadu z gwiazdą Bette Davis przeprowadzanego przez Anne Diamond i Mike’a Morrisa tamtego ranka. Nie wierzyłam, że jestem w tym samym pomieszczeniu z żywą legendą. Wiedziałam, że to tu chcę pozostać. Zanim Kelly została szkocką korespondentką TV-am w 1984 r., rozpoczynała swoją karierę jako reporterka lokalnej gazety w East Kibride w Szkocji. Następnie zaczęła prowadzić takie programy jak „GMTV”, „ITV Breakfast” i „Daybreak”, by później wystartować ze swoim programem porannym „Lorraine”, który nazwę wziął od jej imienia. 35. rocznicę swojej kariery uczci specjalnym programem, podczas którego będzie wspominała swoje najlepiej zapamiętane momenty i wywiady. Prezenterka powiedziała, że sekretem jej długiego stażu w telewizji jest „pasja i entuzjazm” i „ciekawość”, dodając: „Trzeba ciężko pracować. Być uczciwą i autentyczną. Przygotowywać się do programów oraz być zarówno zainteresowaną, jak i interesującą. Kiedy wspomina doniesienia medialne, które poruszyły jej emocje, Kelly wyjawia, że „bardzo trudne” dla niej było relacjonowanie zamachu w Dunblane. Nie miałam pojęcia, że wiele rodzin zabitych lub rannych dzieci ogląda nasz program na żywo z Dunblane dzień po strasznym zabójstwie szesnaściorga dzieci i ich nauczycielki. Jedna z matek, Pam Ross, której 5-letnia córka Joanna została zamordowana, poprosiła mnie o prywatne spotkanie, podczas którego przez wiele godzin rozmawiałyśmy w jej domu. Całe spotkanie odbyło się po cichu, a Pam Ross i ja przyjaźnimy się od chwili pogrzebu Joanny, w którym brałam udział. Dodała, że „niezwykle trudny” był wywiad z Kate i Gerrym McCannami krótko po zniknięciu ich córki Madeleine w 2007 r. i że „naprawdę podziwia ich siłę i odwagę”. Muszą radzić sobie z bólem, ponieważ nie wiedzą, co stało się z ich ukochaną córką, a na dodatek znosić najokropniejsze komentarze internetowych trolli. Jestem przy nich całym sercem. Program z okazji 35. rocznicy pracy Lorraine Kelly w telewizji rozpocznie się o godz. 8:30 w poniedziałek, 30 września w stacji ITV. Zimbabwe: Chiwenga obawiał się uwięzienia A senior government official argued that Vice President Constantino Chiwenga had rejected an offer by late President Robert Mugabe to take over at the height of the coup, because he feared imprisonment to confirm a military seizure of power in November 2017. As reported last week by The Zimbabwe Independent, Mugabe offered Vice President Chiwenga to assume the presidency during his coup negotiations with the military. However, a senior government official said on social media that Chiwenga did not decline the offer out of fear, but because he reviewed Mugabe's plan to use it to prove to world leaders and the African Union (AU) that he had in fact lost in the coup. In a Twitter thread that confirmed that the 37-year-old ruler of Zimbabwe wanted to hand over power to Vice President Chiwenga rather than President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Jamwanda 2, which government officials confirmed to be a senior government official in the Office of the President and Council of Ministers, it was argued that at that point there were intense negotiations on this matter. Government officials claimed that Mugabe had contacted Chiwenga through one of his envoys when he realized that power was slipping out of his hands. Mediation between the military authorities and the deceased former president had three stages, according to a senior government official. The official claimed that among the participants of the negotiations was President's spokesman George Charamba, the then head of the Central Intelligence Organization Aaron Nhepera and the clergyman representing the Roman Catholic bishop Fidelis Mukonori. The former head of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Gideon Gono, was another element since Mugabe sent him on a one-man mission to pass the presidency offer to Chiwenga, who was head of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces (SOZ). The man, who was considered an icon of Africa even more than in his lifetime, tried in vain to obtain AU's condemnation of military action by trying to get other African leaders to intervene. The president's offer, made by the late (Mugabe) to the then Chief of Defense Forces (SSO) Chiwenga, was not a choice. "It was a desperate act to save a situation that had accelerated dangerously fast by removing part of the deceased's family," wrote an official (Jamwanda). But there was also some political temptation by which the deceased sought to turn things around in a completely non-diplomatic way. Suffice it to recall that the commanders stated that they had not overthrown and will not overthrow the constitutional order, which would have caused their conflict with the AU's position on the coups. The deceased (Mugaba) hoped the SSO (Chiwenga) would then take the bait, violently breaking the leadership's claims that they had not overthrown the constitutional order. The hope for the deceased (Mugabe) was that the AU, which, incidentally, was still highly confused about the whole situation and how it fitted into its theoretical taxonomy of upheavals, would then have no choice but to describe it as an upheaval in hence the call for military intervention would be credible. It was in this spirit and with such calculation that this offer was made. Officials claimed that Mugabe made the move when he realized that the defense forces were no longer ready to protect him. They said Mugabe was forced to sign a letter of resignation after warning the strongman that he was risking a Gaddafi-style lynching. The military chiefs told him that they would not turn their rifles against the citizens if they went to his Blue Roof residence. And at the same time, Mugabe had two desires, which is to save his family and prove that the military took over, ”the official added. The then SSO and commanders read the assumptions correctly. The Messenger (Gono) carrying this desperate message was made to understand - through a powerful metaphor - that isu tiri vemakwapa-makwapa (we belong to the camouflage sect, i.e., the military), we are not politicians, and we do not compete with each other on the political level, argued a senior official state. Government officials say the military has alerted military commanders in the area via attachés who are in Zimbabwe that they are not going to overthrow Mugabe, but to crack down on the "criminals" surrounding him. Mugabe attempted to use the same strategy to tempt Mnangagwa again from his brief exile in South Africa so that they could talk about the coup and succession. In addition to negotiating with the army, Mugabe also sought help in the region. South Africans, a key part of the process - not only because of their economic and regional power, but also because then-president Jacob Zuma was president of the Sadc - refused to intervene but made it clear that if the military invaded the House of Mugabe As it has repeatedly threatened in the background, South African troops will arrive at Harare without delay. "It didn't work because Putin and African leaders didn't take this route," an informant told the Independent. China needs strong leadership or it will "collapse," according to the policy document China needs strong, unified leadership from the Communist Party or the country will “fall apart,” the government said in a policy paper released on Friday on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese government's press office said in a white paper that the country's successes since the Communists took power 70 years ago boil down to party leadership. Chiny zajmują wielki obszar, mają złożone warunki krajowe, natomiast rzadko widuje się tu trudności administracji. The document mentions that without a unified and strong leadership force, China will move towards division and disintegration, which will be catastrophic for the world. When solving problems, the Chinese authorities have long used a hard-handed policy, as in the case of suppressing the pro-democratic protests in Beijing in 1989, justifying it with the need to maintain the stability of the country. Strongly ruling President Xi Jinping, who will lead the anniversary celebrations of the world's second-largest economy on Tuesday, has tightened party rule even further since taking office in late 2012 and has imposed sanctions against those who may challenge power. Xi also oversees a military modernization program that has upset the region. W dokumencie stwierdzono, że Chiny nie starają się wyeksportować swojego modelu rozwoju ani nie chcą zaimportować żadnych modeli zagranicznych, dążąc jedynie do pokoju, a nie do „hegemonii”. The Chinese do not have the conquest of other nations or world domination in their genes. In modern times, China has been oppressed by great powers and has been deeply affected by wars and unrest through the suffering it has suffered; China will never cause others the suffering it has suffered. China is celebrating this anniversary in uncertain times for a country caught up in a bitter trade war with the United States and facing challenges due to a slowing economy as well as anti-government protests in Chinese-controlled Hong Kong. The document says that China will never "trade" its most important interests or allow anything to harm its sovereignty. Regarding the country's trade dispute with Washington, the document stated that "the danger of trade wars and a further increase in tariffs do not solve the problems." China is a mature economy with a full industrial system, a complete industry chain, a broad market place and a strong pace of economic development. The document added that "trade wars will never weaken it." China is sure that it is able to face difficulties, turn crisis into new opportunities and open a new world. It also added that the United States should take a rational view of China's development as China does not intend to challenge the United States' position, nor does it want to replace the United States. The United States cannot control China, and it is even less likely to stop China's development. Restricting and weakening other countries, and passing domestic misunderstandings across borders will not give the United States a strong position. Jacek Pałkiewicz's world: Dubai, true face The Dubai emirate is a place that is constantly looking for its own identity, torn between Bedouin tradition, religious Islamic radicalism and progressive extremism. This trend-setting leader in global tourism awakens the imagination and desires, tickling the vanity of the wealthy with snobbish hotels and attracting investors and traders seeking fortune with the status of a tax haven. Websites infect with enthusiasm for this dream city, an exciting temple of luxury and a concentrated concentration of 21st century architecture in one. Established on oil-rich sands, the emirate has become Eden for those who love luxury, five-star hotels, beautiful weather and swimming pools located hundreds of meters above the ground. Many are delighted with the omnipresent splendor here, appreciate creative hyperactivity and hysterical pursuit of avant-garde. Here is a city whose motto says it all: "surprise, dazzle and charm". And at almost every step. But there are also those who can look at Dubai critically, calling it a city without character. As the British writer Lawrence Osborne notes, "the metropolis full of extremes and contradictions has taken the dimension of tacky grotesque". It has turned into a futuristic nightmare, totally dominated by the "Guinness Book of Records," the emirate's unofficial constitution. Because here everything has to be bigger and prettier than anywhere else in the world. Among the thicket of excesses and ostentatious luxury, however, something is missing, which in old Europe is perhaps not very transparent, but essential for the quality of life. In Wrocław, Berlin or Madrid, everyone feels at home. And in Dubai, certainly not. Fleeing from the world of magic, I ripped off its golden mask, revealing the other face of artificial paradise. A face that is not spoken about and written about. I show the poverty of Asians contrasting with the fairy-tale living conditions of the divine caste of ethnic Dubaiians, grandsons of illiterate Bedouins. I venture into places of extreme poverty, for example, to a ghetto on the outskirts of a city where an army of Asian workers lives in cruel conditions. They were the ones who built the sky-high desert Manhattan in one generation in slave conditions. They came here, deluded by good wages and the possibility of ensuring a decent life for their families, and found a nightmare. The tourist will never see it, because it could blow up the myth of Dubai created over the years. Increasingly frequent criticism of the international community makes the topic of cheap labor highly embarrassing for the Emir. Spice Girls' Mel C has banned talking about diets in her home after her struggle with an eating disorder Melanie Chisholm of the Spice Girls team admitted that diets are banned in her home after she struggled with an eating disorder herself, eating nothing but fruit and vegetables for years. Sporty Spice had not eaten for years and was "obsessed with exercising" due to the pressures of being a member of an internationally famous pop group, which later caused depression and eating disorders. She now reveals that her experiences influence the way she raises her daughter Scarlet, so she "does not allow diets to be talked about in her home." "Scarlet is 10 now and I am beginning to see that she is more aware of her appearance," Mel said. “I believe that one of the positives of experiencing an eating disorder is that I am very aware of the way I speak in front of her. The use of positive language has now become my habit. In an interview with Women's Health magazine, Mel, who rose to fame in the 1990s as a member of the Spice Girls band, said that in the pre-social media days, "outrageous" comments about her in the press caused her complexes. “I started to view myself inadequately, giving up certain food groups, exercising more and more obsessively until I became underweight,” she says. "I was sick and it probably lasted for several years." A photo that shook the world The Polish girl and the American documentary filmmaker gave the world a testimony of the cruelty of war. The legendary photo of Julien Bryan can be seen at the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk “Hear my story. I speak from the besieged city of Warsaw. I can and must speak on behalf of the Polish nation about what happened here. America must act, must help! ”, Documentary photographer Julien Bryan began his radio speech. On the tragic days of September 1939, he was in the capital of Poland, he saw the drama of the bombed city and its inhabitants. His account echoed widely in the West. The Mayor of Warsaw, Stefan Starzyński, first helped him, borrowed a car, but then asked him to leave immediately for his own safety. Bryan wrote a farewell letter to his family in the US, deposited it in an embassy safe, and ... stayed. Przez kolejne cztery tygodnie starał się być wszędzie tam, gdzie warszawiacy. 400 planes and artillery attacked the city almost non-stop. Bryan photographed death, suffering, and the struggle to survive in the ruins of the city. Just before the capitulation, he and the embassy employees took the negatives across the ocean. He did not stop talking about Hitler's crimes. He appealed to the world: "What happened to Warsaw will meet Paris, London and even New York." His shocking chronicles were viewed by President Eleanor Roosevelt. Soon the US began to prepare for war. “Dad showed the truth and thus fought against German propaganda. They made films that glorified their chivalry. They said they didn't attack women and children and people believed them, ”says Sam Bryan, Julien's son. A jury trial against a former athlete accused of multiple rapes A jury trial is pending against a former University of Delaware baseball player who has been charged with multiple sexual assaults. On Friday, after 10 days of giving evidence and listening to arguments, members of the jury began to decide the fate of 23-year-old Clay Conaway. A woman who turns 21 claims that Conaway raped her when she went to his home in June 2018. The incident took place three weeks after the two made an acquaintance on the Bumble meetings page and the man sent the woman a photo of himself showing himself naked. The woman is one of six accusing Conaway of sexual assault in 2013-2018. According to the prosecutors, a hug that the woman agreed to turned into rape, which was met with opposition. Defenders cite the woman's conflicting accounts and gaps in memory, and claim that the woman probably regretted having an intimate relationship. Gold on two wheels: Polish bike for a million zlotys A gold-plated bicycle worth one million zlotys was on display at the 10th jubilee edition of the Kielce BIKE-EXPO International Bicycle Fair. This is an unusual vehicle printed on a 3D printer. Its constructor, 30-year-old Adam Zdanowicz has just received a bicycle Oscar for him at the World Custom Bicycle Exhibition in Las Vegas. The unusual copy made a sensation at the fair. - The bike is covered with gold spray chrome, underneath it is the highest quality silver. This is an unusual coating made by my friend from Żory. “There is a saddle, there are pedals, there is a steering wheel, you could ride it normally. It can develop speeds of 50 kilometers per hour. It's an electric bike, ”explains its designer. "The body of the bicycle was printed on a 3D printer. They are cubes that form a kind of vortex. I came up with the idea for this model while riding my first bike home a few years ago. I drew it on a piece of paper and put it deep in a drawer. The sketch waited five years for implementation. Sam rower powstawał trzy lata”, dodaje Adam Zdanowicz. „Okrutnie trudne było ukrycie wszystkich elementów pod karoserią. Inside there are batteries, wires and elements that make up the structure. It is hidden under the body, slipped in 11 elements on the steel frame of the bicycle. The engine is also hidden there. The handlebar for this bike was made a week before my departure to the United States for the World Bicycle Exhibition. Until the end I could not decide what this steering wheel should be. She folds up for transport. The bike weighs 90 kilograms, ”he concludes. The gold-plated bike was recognized in Las Vegas, the most important competition category "Best Amazing Custom Single". The footage shows heavy pollution of popular tourist spots Sydney Bay surrounded by the opera house, Circular Quay harbor, Luna Park amusement park and of course the famous Harbor Bridge makes a significant contribution to the amount of $ 21.9 billion annually pumped into the Australian economy by tourists visiting Sydney. However, there is an ugly truth under the bridge. Znana zatoka Sydney jest jedną z najbardziej skażonych dróg wodnych w kraju, do której co roku wpływa objętość zanieczyszczeń równa pojemności około 15 basenów olimpijskich. Te przerażające statystyki sprawiają, że jeden z naszych największych turystycznych atutów jest jednocześnie jednym z naszych najbrudniejszych akwenów. The waters around Australia's most popular city are full of cigarette butts, plastic nets and bottles, lost shoes and clothes, and even dead animals, all of which flows into the bay along with the new footage, according to new footage titled "Sydney Bay - Up and Down". rainwater. However, the biggest component choking our shipping channels is plastic. "I would call it a paradox," said Dr. Katherine Dafforn, associate director of the Sydney Harbor Research Program, in a video released on September 27, with the release of the video intentionally coinciding with World Tourism Day. The reservoir looks beautiful, but it is one of the most altered and contaminated estuaries along our coast. The CSIRO agency estimates that every hour about 1,560 kg of plastic gets into our waterways, and most of it flows into the bay via storm sewers. "After such heavy rainfall, the bay ... it looks pretty dire," said Dr. Dafforn. Two-thirds of the pollution comes from rainwater. However, like the iceberg, the problem with Sydney Bay is much more serious below the water surface, as 70% of the plastic that gets into the ocean ends up on the seabed. "In my opinion, unless you spend time underwater, you cannot really become aware of what is deep there," said Richard Nicholls, owner of Dive Center Manly, noting that he and his team independently pull about 500 kg of plastic per year. I think if more people knew (what is under the water) they would be just terrified. It's overwhelming ... more than half of what we find at the bottom is plastic nets. The remaining 50% are things that are at least made of plastic. When you look out over the bay, it looks beautiful, and people can't believe that all that plastic and all that rubbish we're digging out right under the surface. Jeremy Brown, co-founder and managing director of Ocean Protect, stated that there are ways in which people - locals and tourists alike - could help reduce the amount of plastic and debris entering our waterways. "It has to start at the source," he said. We need to reduce the amount of plastic we use, better recycle materials, and be more aware of what we discharge in the wastewater that ends up in the oceans. Jeżeli zniszczymy ocean, czeka nas zagłada, ponieważ 50% wdychanego przez nas tlenu pochodzi z oceanu. It absorbs 30% of carbon dioxide and is our food source. However, we can tidy up this bay and restore it to its former glory, and it's very simple. If we kill our oceans, we will kill ourselves. The footage, funded by the recycling company TOMRA as part of its wider efforts to educate Australians about protecting the environment and reducing the negative impact of beverage containers that frequently end up in the environment, coincides with a study of the relationship between plastics and health psychology, the results of which were published this month.