import numpy as np from numpy.core.fromnumeric import squeeze def gauss_const(h): """ Returns the normalization constant for a gaussian """ return 1/(h*np.sqrt(np.pi*2)) def gauss_exp(ker_x, xi, h): """ Returns the gaussian function exponent term """ num = - 0.5*np.square((xi- ker_x)) den = h*h return num/den def gauss_exp(ker_x, xi, h): """ Returns the gaussian function exponent term """ num = - 0.5*np.square((xi- ker_x)) den = h*h return num/den def kernel_function(h, ker_x, xi): """ Returns the gaussian function value. Combines the gauss_const and gauss_exp to get this result """ const = gauss_const(h) gauss_val = const*np.exp(gauss_exp(ker_x,xi,h)) return gauss_val def weights(bw_manual, input_x, all_input_values ): w_row = [] for x_i in all_input_values: ki = kernel_function(bw_manual, x_i, input_x) ki_sum = np.sum(kernel_function(bw_manual, all_input_values, input_x)) w_row.append(ki/ki_sum) return w_row def single_y_pred_gauss(bw_manual, input_x, iks, igrek): w = weights(bw_manual, input_x, iks) y_single = np.sum(,w)) return y_single def epanechnikov_one(h, ker_x, xi): """ Returns the epanechnikov function value. """ value = 0.75*(1-np.square((xi-ker_x)/h)) if (value < 0): value = 0 return value def epanechnikov_list(h, ker_x, xi): """ Returns the epanechnikov function value. """ value = 0.75*(1-np.square((xi-ker_x)/h)) value = [0 if i < 0 else i for i in value] return value def weights_epanechnikov(bw_manual, input_x, all_input_values ): w_row = [] for x_i in all_input_values: ki = epanechnikov_one(bw_manual, x_i, input_x) ki_sum = np.sum(epanechnikov_list(bw_manual, all_input_values, input_x)) w_row.append(ki/ki_sum) return w_row def single_y_pred_epanechnikov(bw_manual, input_x, x_values, y_values): w = weights_epanechnikov(bw_manual, input_x, x_values) y_single = np.sum(,w)) return y_single def ker_reg(x_values, y_values, bw = 1, ker_fun = 'gauss'): ker_x = np.arange(0,40,0.1) if (ker_fun == 'gauss'): Y_pred = [] for input_x in x_values: w = [] Y_single = single_y_pred_epanechnikov(bw, input_x, x_values, y_values) Y_pred.append(Y_single) elif (ker_fun == 'epanechnikov'): Y_pred = [] for input_x in x_values: w = [] Y_single = single_y_pred_gauss(bw, input_x, x_values, y_values) Y_pred.append(Y_single) else: return 0 return Y_pred