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# Load libraries ---------------------------------------------
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as scisp
from recommenders.recommender import Recommender
# ------------------------------------------------------------
class AmazonRecommender(Recommender):
Basic item-to-item collaborative filtering algorithm used in Amazon.com as described in:
- Linden G., Smith B., York Y., Amazon.com Recommendations. Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering,
IEEE Internet Computing, 2003,
- Smith B., Linden G., Two Decades of Recommender Systems at Amazon.com, IEEE Internet Computing, 2017.
def __init__(self):
self.recommender_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['user_id', 'item_id', 'score'])
self.interactions_df = None
self.item_id_mapping = None
self.user_id_mapping = None
self.item_id_reverse_mapping = None
self.user_id_reverse_mapping = None
self.e_xy = None
self.n_xy = None
self.scores = None
self.most_popular_items = None
self.should_recommend_already_bought = False
def initialize(self, **params):
if 'should_recommend_already_bought' in params:
self.should_recommend_already_bought = params['should_recommend_already_bought']
def fit(self, interactions_df, users_df, items_df):
Training of the recommender.
:param pd.DataFrame interactions_df: DataFrame with recorded interactions between users and items
defined by user_id, item_id and features of the interaction.
:param pd.DataFrame users_df: DataFrame with users and their features defined by
user_id and the user feature columns.
:param pd.DataFrame items_df: DataFrame with items and their features defined
by item_id and the item feature columns.
# Shift item ids and user ids so that they are consecutive
unique_item_ids = interactions_df['item_id'].unique()
self.item_id_mapping = dict(zip(unique_item_ids, list(range(len(unique_item_ids)))))
self.item_id_reverse_mapping = dict(zip(list(range(len(unique_item_ids))), unique_item_ids))
unique_user_ids = interactions_df['user_id'].unique()
self.user_id_mapping = dict(zip(unique_user_ids, list(range(len(unique_user_ids)))))
self.user_id_reverse_mapping = dict(zip(list(range(len(unique_user_ids))), unique_user_ids))
interactions_df = interactions_df.copy()
interactions_df.replace({'item_id': self.item_id_mapping, 'user_id': self.user_id_mapping}, inplace=True)
# Get the number of items and users
self.interactions_df = interactions_df
n_items = np.max(interactions_df['item_id']) + 1
n_users = np.max(interactions_df['user_id']) + 1
# Get maximal number of interactions
n_user_interactions = interactions_df[['user_id', 'item_id']].groupby("user_id").count()
# Unnecessary, but added for readability
n_user_interactions = n_user_interactions.rename(columns={'item_id': 'n_items'})
max_interactions = n_user_interactions['n_items'].max()
# Calculate P_Y's
n_interactions = len(interactions_df)
p_y = interactions_df[['item_id', 'user_id']].groupby("item_id").count().reset_index()
p_y = p_y.rename(columns={'user_id': 'P_Y'})
p_y.loc[:, 'P_Y'] = p_y['P_Y'] / n_interactions
p_y = dict(zip(p_y['item_id'], p_y['P_Y']))
# Get the series of all items
# items = list(range(n_items))
items = interactions_df['item_id'].unique()
# For every X calculate the E[Y|X]
e_xy = np.zeros(shape=(n_items, n_items))
e_xy[:][:] = -1e100
p_y_powers = {}
for y in items:
p_y_powers[y] = np.array([p_y[y]**k for k in range(1, max_interactions + 1)])
# In the next version calculate all alpha_k first (this works well with parallelization)
for x in items:
# Get users who bought X
c_x = interactions_df.loc[interactions_df['item_id'] == x]['user_id'].unique()
# Get users who bought only X
c_only_x = interactions_df.loc[interactions_df['item_id'] != x]['user_id'].unique()
c_only_x = list(set(c_x.tolist()) - set(c_only_x.tolist()))
# Calculate the number of non-X interactions for each user who bought X
# Include users with zero non-X interactions
n_non_x_interactions = interactions_df.loc[interactions_df['item_id'] != x, ['user_id', 'item_id']]
n_non_x_interactions = n_non_x_interactions.groupby("user_id").count()
# Unnecessary, but added for readability
n_non_x_interactions = n_non_x_interactions.rename(columns={'item_id': 'n_items'})
zero_non_x_interactions = pd.DataFrame([[0]]*len(c_only_x), columns=["n_items"], index=c_only_x) # Remove
n_non_x_interactions = pd.concat([n_non_x_interactions, zero_non_x_interactions])
n_non_x_interactions = n_non_x_interactions.loc[c_x.tolist()]
# Calculate the expected numbers of Y products bought by clients who bought X
alpha_k = np.array([np.sum([(-1)**(k + 1) * scisp.binom(abs_c, k)
for abs_c in n_non_x_interactions["n_items"]])
for k in range(1, max_interactions + 1)])
for y in items: # Optimize to use only those Y's which have at least one client who bought both X and Y
if y != x:
e_xy[x][y] = np.sum(alpha_k * p_y_powers[y])
e_xy[x][y] = n_users * p_y[x]
self.e_xy = e_xy
# Calculate the number of users who bought both X and Y
# Simple and slow method (commented out)
# n_xy = np.zeros(shape=(n_items, n_items))
# for x in items:
# for y in items:
# users_x = set(interactions_df.loc[interactions_df['item_id'] == x]['user_id'].tolist())
# users_y = set(interactions_df.loc[interactions_df['item_id'] == y]['user_id'].tolist())
# users_x_and_y = users_x & users_y
# n_xy[x][y] = len(users_x_and_y)
# Optimized method (can be further optimized by using sparse matrices)
# Get the user-item interaction matrix (mapping to int is necessary because of how iterrows works)
r = np.zeros(shape=(n_users, n_items))
for idx, interaction in interactions_df.iterrows():
r[int(interaction['user_id'])][int(interaction['item_id'])] = 1
# Get the number of users who bought both X and Y
n_xy = np.matmul(r.T, r)
self.n_xy = n_xy
self.scores = np.divide(n_xy - e_xy, np.sqrt(e_xy), out=np.zeros_like(n_xy), where=e_xy != 0)
# Find the most popular items for the cold start problem
offers_count = interactions_df.loc[:, ['item_id', 'user_id']].groupby(by='item_id').count()
offers_count = offers_count.sort_values('user_id', ascending=False)
self.most_popular_items = offers_count.index
def recommend(self, users_df, items_df, n_recommendations=1):
Serving of recommendations. Scores items in items_df for each user in users_df and returns
top n_recommendations for each user.
:param pd.DataFrame users_df: DataFrame with users and their features for which
recommendations should be generated.
:param pd.DataFrame items_df: DataFrame with items and their features which should be scored.
:param int n_recommendations: Number of recommendations to be returned for each user.
:return: DataFrame with user_id, item_id and score as columns returning n_recommendations top recommendations
for each user.
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
# Clean previous recommendations (iloc could be used alternatively)
self.recommender_df = self.recommender_df[:0]
# Handle users not in the training data
# Map item ids
items_df = items_df.copy()
items_df.replace({'item_id': self.item_id_mapping}, inplace=True)
# Generate recommendations
for idx, user in users_df.iterrows():
recommendations = []
user_id = user['user_id']
if user_id in self.user_id_mapping:
mapped_user_id = self.user_id_mapping[user_id]
x_list = self.interactions_df.loc[self.interactions_df['user_id'] == mapped_user_id]['item_id'].tolist()
final_scores = np.sum(self.scores[x_list], axis=0)
# Choose n recommendations based on highest scores
if not self.should_recommend_already_bought:
final_scores[x_list] = -1e100
chosen_ids = np.argsort(-final_scores)[:n_recommendations]
for item_id in chosen_ids:
'user_id': self.user_id_reverse_mapping[mapped_user_id],
'item_id': self.item_id_reverse_mapping[item_id],
'score': final_scores[item_id]
else: # For new users recommend most popular items
for i in range(n_recommendations):
'user_id': user['user_id'],
'item_id': self.item_id_reverse_mapping[self.most_popular_items[i]],
'score': 1.0
user_recommendations = pd.DataFrame(recommendations)
self.recommender_df = pd.concat([self.recommender_df, user_recommendations])
return self.recommender_df