Load original data

Preprocess the data

In the file data_preprocessing/data_preprocessing_toolkit write code for the add_length_of_stay and add_night_price methods:

Bucket important features to reduce the offer space size

Without this step every pair (user_id, item_id) would have at most a single interaction. The base item space has around $2^{25} \sim 3.3 \text{mln}$ elements. Therefore, values for selected features are aggregated into buckets:

column_values_dict = {
    'term': ['WinterVacation', 'Easter', 'OffSeason', 'HighSeason', 'LowSeason', 'MayLongWeekend', 'NewYear', 'Christmas'],
    'length_of_stay_bucket': ['[0-1]', '[2-3]', '[4-7]', '[8-inf]'],
    'rate_plan': ['Standard', 'Nonref'],
    'room_segment': ['[0-160]', '[160-260]', '[260-360]', '[360-500]', '[500-900]'],
    'n_people_bucket': ['[1-1]', '[2-2]', '[3-4]', '[5-inf]'],
    'weekend_stay': ['True', 'False']


The buckets are chosen based on expert knowledge of people working in the hotel industry for many years. Alternatively, clustering techniques could be used, but on a relatively small dataset expert methods are significantly better.

The above aggregations reduce the number of possible items to $8 * 4 * 2 * 5 * 4 * 2 = 2560$.

The recommenders will be trained and evaluated on such aggregated data. To get a proper offer for a user one would have to decode those buckets into specific values, but this is a much easier task and can be achieved based on simple rules.

In the file data_preprocessing/data_preprocessing_toolkit write code for the map_night_price_to_room_segment_buckets method. You must calculate average of night prices for every room_group_id and map those prices to buckets (you can apply the map_value_to_bucket method which is available in the data_preprocessing_toolkit, the buckets are available under self.room_segment_buckets). The new column should be named 'room_segment'. You have to pass all assertions.

Base statistics

Prepare the dataset for recommenders

One could consider many features describing each interaction but from the business perspective term, length_of_stay_bucket, room_segment, weekend_stay are the most important.