it is really important that growth should not automatically generate a proportionate rise in energy consumption . ( BG ) Madam President , Prime Minister , 2011 will be the first year in which the European Union will be headed by two countries from Central and Eastern Europe , Hungary and Poland . in addition , the proportion of people aged over 80 will rise from 4.1 % in 2005 to 11.4 % in 2050 . in writing . - ( SV ) This report observes that in most Member States the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain . written statements ( Rule 142 ) we are in favour of common research into nuclear safety , for example , but we feel that , in several cases , the report is far too pro-nuclear energy . another point that was mentioned during the debate was the issue of resistance to protectionism . the external service must be wholly in step with the Commission . we welcome the proposal put forward to ensure improvements in national fiscal frameworks and to encourage Member States to make better fiscal decisions in the future . first of all , I do not believe that belittling the Greeks in the manner that Mr Soini did is very useful , or even professionally appropriate . we have , for example , allowed our spare capacity to fall by around 1 % every year , and that is creating insecurity . in writing . - I would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work . I would like to speak with particular reference to observation missions in Africa because there is a special partnership between the EU and African , Caribbean and Pacific countries . I voted in favour of this resolution . the committee ' s proposal , which , in a big brother-like manner , states that seasonal fruit should be distributed , giving preference to a varied range of fruits so as to enable ' children to discover different tastes ' , is completely ridiculous . we have in any case taken note of them and shall take them into consideration . I would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues . I also wish to thank the Commissioner for her involvement and support throughout this period , and I thank her services as well . Doha would boost the world economy and prevent protectionism from picking up . the Stockholm programme adopted by the European Council of 10 and 11 December 2009 calls on Member States to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the Union . let us make it clear : we are not making an exception for any sector of our industry . the European Commission is ready for discussions with Parliament and the Council of Ministers , as well as the two consultative committees , in working towards the development of a shared system . my committee was not involved in the resolution at all . in clearly defined circumstances , certain products used for equidae will not have to have MRLs but will have to respect a six-month withdrawal period . professional secrecy clauses have been extended beyond Commission staff to include members of expert groups so that , instead of moving towards more transparency , we are moving towards more secrecy . communism is a crime against humanity . employees will not be required to work in excess of 60 hours a week averaged over three months , or 65 hours a week averaged over three months , when the inactive part of on-call time is regarded as working time . it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy , and that we have more difficult times ahead . it sees in this the fruits of some highly constructive cooperation , initiated between the two institutions from the very beginning of the examination of this text . how is this reflected in the budget reform ? overall , it has been a good test , which has brought excellent results for Parliament . it is time to do a deal . a balance has been struck for 2008 between financing , on the one hand , for external policies such as support for Kosovo and Palestine and , on the other , for Galileo , a project that binds the Member States closer together . I should also like to respond to what Mr Matsakis said : I share his view about alcohol . I think you have already noticed that there is always a strong voice from the Commission side highlighting the need to keep an adequate level of financing for research and innovation in the educational sectors , because we believe this is how we will preserve and improve our competitive edge and prepare our future researchers , our future workers in highly competitive areas for better performance in the future . with regard to urgent matters , we have a whole host of issues here , including , in Brazil , solidarity with the victims of the storms , which have left more than 700 people dead . tomorrow , we will publish in the Commission the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste . it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned , more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed . we need to carry on as we have been for a number of years in encouraging this mobility in the European Union , and we need to ensure that there is fair competition between the various modes of transport . firstly , we oppose any legislation that assumes that women ' s health , education and reproductive rights are the responsibility not of Member States but of the EU . Mr President , this whole matter has caused a lot of problems , particularly in the agricultural sector in Ireland . we need to have a wider answer to the question of ' how ? ' . I would like to compliment the Swedish Presidency and , above all , Commissioner Rehn on their work . if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the EU , what is the next step ? we need a new constitution , not just a new name . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . -Madam President , on behalf of my group , I would also like to welcome this agreement . Maroni exposed this . this area had already received attention in Flanders and is now set to receive attention from all the governments of Europe . every effort must be made to detain and punish the murderers . this provision takes up the Italian request to introduce a genuine ' regional safeguard clause ' , applicable only in certain regions of the European Union . in this respect , the EU must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities . we are going to continue to support energy saving , energy efficiency and renewable energies , and we are also spearheading the development of a methodology - an inevitably complex one , given the technical difficulties - to evaluate more precisely the carbon footprint of all the projects that we finance . right at the start , I would like to make it clear that the EU is giving its full support to the stabilisation and normalisation of Georgia and to democratic reforms in the country . the Commission has made a firm commitment to promote the appropriate bilateral regional cooperation frameworks . it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and , as such , it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals . one important policy objective must be to create framework conditions to protect jobs in Germany even in times of crisis . this may seem costly to some , but receiving equal treatment is an absolute must , as it is for those suffering from other disabilities , so that we can respect ourselves and the values of European society . more generally , let me recall that the stimulus packages that the Union and the Member States have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment . almost 10 % of Europe ' s children suffer from ' dys ' problems : children who are usually invisible to our education systems , which all too frequently blame their academic failure on unrelated causes . however , the actual budget used has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 . Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the EU . SMEs account for more than 90 % of the EU economy and two-thirds of its jobs . however , I regret that the report was not drafted jointly by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Development , in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the European Parliament ' s election observation group . for this reason , I think we should actually be pressing ahead with an EU-Japan free trade agreement . for all these reasons , we must foster mechanisms to promote an international adoption instrument inspired by protecting children , harmonising the different requirements and procedures laid down in the legislation of the Member States , in particular , applying Article 21 of the European Charter of Children ' s Rights and taking into consideration Article 24 of our Charter of Fundamental Rights . I would suggest that , in working to attract young people to this profession , you will only frustrate them until we provide them with the opportunity to gain these skills . I am also inviting the Council to consider targeted sanctions , which is what the Socialist Group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it : travel bans perhaps , the freezing of assets . I am interceding in order to ensure that it is not forgotten . the European Council also supports full implementation of the Commission action plan on the Small Business Act initiative that was adopted by the Council on 1 December 2008 . however , I want to see this compromise used as the basis , so that in future , the European Union can do it better . they conveyed the Romanian Government ' s concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because , as you are very well aware , some Member States have a very small national income . and as you said , Minister , 2008 was supposed to be a come-back year , the year in which social Europe was re-energised . ( EL ) Madam President , I take the problem of combating neurodegenerative diseases - and especially Alzheimer ' s - extremely seriously . we should not fear major debates , and I wish to thank you , Mr President-in-Office of the Council , for having made your contribution , because economic and social policy is the major debate , the one that is of most concern to our citizens , the one that demands our response in the short , medium and long term . therefore , we should use most of the EUR 5 billion as guarantee funds to leverage EUR 20 , 25 or 30 billion of public and private investment . the report addresses creditably the concerns of Union ' s citizens - especially citizens of the states surrounding the Baltic - about the environmental impact of the planned gas pipeline . at present , the EU is working with the African Union and other regional organisations to strengthen their capacity to address environment and climate change issues . Mr President , renewed combat in the eastern part of the Congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy . I was not in favour of expanding the scope , but then I saw that a majority was moving in that direction . 50 % for area and 50 % for production for that part of the envelope which is specifically related to promotion in third countries , which I consider to be a new and very important forward-looking policy for the wine sector . - Before the vote on Amendment 4 : she has proposed to this Parliament sensible solutions to the problems of carbon leakage in industry , she has introduced quality criteria and a 50 % limit on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms , and she has tried to keep to around 50 % the freedom of Member States to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances . each of these applies within the EU . it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee , but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law . let us be able to live up to it , because these are real problems and real people , and we have to deal with them now . to complete the dominance of the EU electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests , the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the Commission . ( DE ) Mr President , we shall make an exception and support that proposal . I think it was very important for us to make this a cross-group resolution . safeguarding human rights and individual dignity is completely at odds with weak policies that encourage the threat of terrorism and social malaise . finally , I should like to thank our rapporteur for his excellent work . it should be stressed that the work plan was elaborated in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions , including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the Council ' s informal meeting in Lisbon . I do not accept that . ( applause ) the EU ' s accession to the European Convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened , that citizens in our Member States will have better protection in relation to the EU ' s activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two European courts , in The Hague and Strasbourg . this is the principle of 11 March 2011 . I augur that whenever an agreement is concluded , insistence be made upon the principle of reciprocity , and I believe that it is these type of agreements that can serve as the foundation for this to happen elsewhere . the Commission says that the ideal situation would be if EU consumers could have the same basic rights wherever they were in the Union and wherever they did their shopping . solidarity has been pledged by many Member States , the Commission and other countries , and Greece is grateful to those who have taken swift action against a natural disaster arising from conditions beyond anything we could have imagined . unfortunately , there is not much we can do at this stage of the issue in the final vote . a resolution would only make sense after the forthcoming elections in Ukraine . the collapse and violence in Haiti in recent years are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years . I am well aware that some people will tell me that never has so much been invested , produced , exchanged and earned by industry . in writing . - This report on the White Paper on Sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the EU . the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU Member States by a total of 30 % by 2020 was not brought to the table early enough . concerning culture and education , our objective is to agree on the launch of a policy dialogue . the European Union will be represented by the Presidents of the European Council and the Commission . Mr President , why is the Swedish Presidency refusing to lead Europe into forcing reform of the UN Security Council , by demanding a seat at the table for the European Union with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon ? in writing . - ( RO ) First of all , I would like to congratulate the Rapporteur for the objectivity with which he expressed the position of the European Parliament regarding the Commission ' s 2007 enlargement strategy paper . in particular to activities carried out by the so-called CEPROM . it can be abused , as some credit rating agencies are doing , for example , by giving advice that drives countries to ruin . it does not work in practice and circular migration often turns into permanent migration . firstly , minimum rules on the right to interpretation and translation , which were adopted already in 2010 . secondly the right to information about rights - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon . - Before the vote : we believe that the report and the extension of the scope of housing interventions to the entire European Union strengthens cohesion between all the regions , with no discrimination between old and new Member States . I fear that these unfavourable results are , in large measure , the result of an ideology of learning that seems to be completely absent from the Commission ' s communication and Parliament ' s resolution : in these , not once can the words ' merit ' , ' rigour ' , ' effort ' , ' concentration ' and ' discipline ' be seen , and ' knowledge transfer ' and ' memorisation ' are seen as less important than the issue of ' aptitudes ' and ' attitudes ' based on ' essential competences ' . the fact is that , in this connection , we have nonetheless taken a step in a direction in which we will be able to move further at a later date . we need to know whether the European Union will have the powers and the competency to play a role . this should be facilitated by establishing some common rules for all funds to make coordination between them easier . Article 174 of the Treaty of Lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy , alongside island and cross-border regions . President-in-Office of the Council . - Mr President , concerning the sum total of the ODA , I would like to underline that , since 2002 when establishing its commitment for the Monterey conference , the Council has reiterated the need to mobilise all other available sources of financing for development - primarily domestic resources complemented by viable innovative financing mechanisms - and support from developed countries , the private sector and emerging economies . what surprises me about the debate in this House at times - even though I suppose I should not be surprised - is that those who shout longest and loudest about the sovereignty of Member States are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring Member States about the need to hold a referendum , when national legislation and , therefore , sovereignty and subsidiarity , dictate otherwise . Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world . this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all : 60 % of migrants arriving in Europe come by sea , and ' Fortress Europe ' has issued an approximate estimate , by default , that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years . giving these studies a stronger practical purpose and including interactive teaching would result in a deeper understanding of national and European cultural values . one of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues . we must also not forget that the countries of the Western Balkans are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons . this is very useful as this Council Decision makes for extremely effective sharing of DNA and fingerprints . criticisms have been levelled here at the pace of financial market regulation . your own-initiative report of 2006 and your swift handling of the Commission ' s proposal are important contributions to the success of the new European Company Statute . where you do have my full support is where you commented on EDF funding for the African Peace Facility ; no one can deny the evident links between development and security . we have common challenges concerning cross-border crime , so it would also be good for us if we could engage further in this . this means that ethnic differences can lead to ethnic confrontations . secondly , because the motion for a resolution is dealing with this issue , and I am pleased that the Commissioner touched on this subject , I wish to draw attention to the danger posed by the objective of food self-sufficiency , which is very much in vogue . nevertheless - and now of course I also have to say a few negative things - the Commission remains concerned by the situation of human rights in China in general and more specifically in the field of civil and political rights . the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the European territory must be a priority , as Europe is highly dependent on energy imports . the declaration by the Government of Belarus of its intention to improve relations with the European Union is the like totally scorning the democratic world . we need a common history textbook of those times , which would show how Europe united , so that the children in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge . his report and his green light for this country represent a bold step forward which has generated momentum . open scope we must not wait for a working group of the Council to tell us what must be done ; it is up to the Commission to take this initiative . we need solidarity when we have to give support to our Baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine , but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our Mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone . first of all , I am pleased that the report supports the thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides . behind the walls that already exist there and those that are currently being built along the Egyptian border live people - men , women and children who have the right to decent living conditions - and people do not tolerate walls and divisions for ever . ( DE ) Mr President , I believe that this debate is taking place at exactly the right time . the Council ' s report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues . it has been unfairly expropriated , and like so many other businesses , after many years of hard work , it is failing , following capricious decisions by those who think that anything goes . the Committee on Agriculture has not commented on my report , so I take their silence to mean agreement . can the Commissioner assure me that , in the future , we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ? Madam President , earlier this evening , we debated the social provisions and the Lisbon Treaty , which obliges the Union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies . these amendments include : prohibition of electoral blocs , increase of electoral threshold from 4 % to 6 % , unrealistic and undemocratic electoral threshold in relation to the real political situation in the Republic of Moldova , prohibition for people with dual citizenship to hold public positions , including to become Members of the Parliament etc . if the European Union is to act as an honest broker , even-handedness is imperative . irrespective of the fact that in many legal systems the burden of proof is already transferred for far less important reasons or for reasons of comparable importance . she urged that studies on antiviral medications should be independent of pharmaceutical companies . I appeal to the Commission and Member States for decisive steps to be made in this direction in 2011 . after that , everyone went home . I believe the EU has an important role to play in supporting a peaceful , stable and democratic future for the Sudanese people , whether in one country or two . in order to do this , the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped . however , neither the European Commission , nor Mariann Fischer Boel personally , is inclined to acknowledge that wrong decisions have been made . the report also urges the Turkish Government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the European Court of Justice . I would also like to ask the Commission to sit down with the Member States and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers . however , it is interesting that we have succeeded in forging a treaty on the Antarctic , in which we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes . I would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the PPE Group , which is the Portuguese Social Democratic Party ( PSD ) - is supporting the government ' s austerity measures , because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in Portugal , which are now unfortunately visible for all to see , must be remedied ; the PSD will support measures to remedy them . on the one hand , in the name of security and justice , they are demanding a minimum of European rules to curb illegal immigration and , on the other , in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the Union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants . I can assure you , Mrs Frassoni , that the Commission takes your points very seriously . the proposal to introduce a Eurovignette to stop emissions from heavy goods vehicles has stalled , as has climate policy . written statements ( Rule 149 ) clearly , however , the production of goods for the market will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind . by Mrs Hedh , on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , on consumer protection , and and for us , the situation of the Roma of Europe is a question of destiny . naturally , we welcome the increasingly active role of the Republic of Korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the G20 this year . on the other hand , however , they carried out expansionist lending based on external resources assigned in the short term and providing funding in the long term . they are not measurable , but they are equally important . you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection , by saying : ' is it not the case , really , that in choosing a decentralised system , we lose the power of oversight ? ' action must not be delayed because , if there is any delay , we will end up with disappointment in Moldova instead of confidence . the detail of the regulation that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation . in fact , in the short term the new regulation provides a comprehensive review clause which invites the Commission to set out , where necessary , further labelling requirements in this area . Mr President , the final declaration of the Durban II Review Conference , which Afghanistan is taking part in , concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination , including religious discrimination . President Calderón faces enormous challenges but he is determined to meet them head-on , and the EU should support him robustly . one can well understand the concern relating to the EU integration capacity . try hard to achieve a fresh Security Council resolution . we in the European Union are proud to have this kind of democratic system . just as in 1968 , it has not hesitated to send in tanks to achieve its political goals . in light of the different situations regarding rabies in Member States , the Commission chose a safe , precautionary approach . as is the case for any prisoner , the State was responsible for his safety and for his life . the attacks , especially on the civilian population in Tskhinvali , are to be roundly condemned , along with the military response , especially the military response by Russia and the attacks on the civilian population , particularly in the town of Gori . I think that in many ways this review does that in an excellent way and it advances the tool in the right direction , but it does not really go the whole distance . ( DA ) Mr President , it is always an emotional debate when we discuss the Roma here in Parliament . 3 . the European Commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio , and the European Parliament has decided to extend this to the written press . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I would first of all like to thank Mrs Lulling for the endless hours she has spent achieving a good compromise and agreement with the Council . this was apparent during the reform of the sugar market , for example . after 2014 , there will be no funds available to them and I appeal to this House to begin now to look at how we can actually help the victims of the violence of terrorism . indeed , I wish this report had been available before we voted on the postal services . the Hungarian Government first ran to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) out of fear , this we know , but they say that they did of course try to approach the EU as well , and that the latter tried systematically to find a legal basis . Member of the Commission . - Certainly not . in this context , however , I have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of Regulation ( EC ) No 1049 / 2001 which the Commission did not propose to amend . debates on cases of breaches of human rights , democracy and the rule of law ( announcement of motions for resolutions tabled ) : see Minutes Poland announced that it is going to ratify the Treaty immediately . the brutal clash with the participants of a peaceful demonstration and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of Europe . this is a crucially important timetabling issue , and we cannot but regret that the Ministers for Economic and Monetary Affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures , when the Ministers for Social Affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our European Union . the institutional one is that Article 3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states that monetary policy for the countries whose currency is the euro is the exclusive competence of the Union , but Article 2 provides that exclusive competence may be exercised by the Member States if authorised by the Union . I agree that the CFSP must become more democratically legitimate by allowing Parliament to exercise real control over this policy and speak with a single voice as well and by emphasising various priorities : the causes of the current insecurity in Europe ( terrorism , organised crime ) , energy security , fight against climate change and sustainable development , improvement in the stability of neighbouring regions , crisis management and conflict prevention / resolution , non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction , migration management , and promotion of human rights and civil freedoms throughout the world . in writing . - ( FR ) How can a report be submitted to the representatives of Member States using legal and institutional notions that are simultaneously hazy , new , dangerous and utopian ? the interim report of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change does not contain any new ideas , thoughts or recommendations useful to the peoples of Europe regarding environmental protection . we are increasing the perks and the budgets available to Members and to staff . ( NL ) Ladies and gentlemen , in past decades this Chamber has been the scene of many ringing declarations on human rights . however , I refuse to pillory China every two months , quite simply because that will not make it give in . the Iraqi political process has shown itself to be important - even if , as you were saying , interesting - but still very fragile . I hope it will keep all its promises . I think that is nice . thanks to our joint efforts , we have achieved a positive outcome in the provision on the issue related to practices such as illegal adoption . for example , a great many people have asked what business this is of Europe ' s . in fact , in the compromise , the status quo is being resettled for mergers , divisions of companies and transfers of seats . the debate is closed . nor do I want it to deliver it . Shannon Airport - a hub in its own right - and regional airports like Cork are being starved of routes , while Dublin Airport is chronically overcrowded . this is the purpose of the integrated guidelines proposed by the Commission . this means that the integration of residents , the connection between immigration and development and illegal immigration are of vital importance . I have already indicated to Mr Posselt that I will take his question and to Mrs Ţicău that I would take her question , and indeed the question from the three of you would have been the last one if we had been going quicker , but we are not . Madam President , this has been a complicated issue to deal with . Clogging up the first six months of the year is not its only use . currently , we have negotiated 45 such horizontal agreements with partner countries worldwide . establishing a modernised education system throughout the whole of Europe , placing strong emphasis on substantive research results and , of course , simplifying access to cross-border research programmes in Europe can raise the level of innovation in the EU . the second is to observe the rules of budgetary discipline and sound financial management laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement . the point is that it is also important to protect third parties , and special protection measures are required for any third parties involved . it makes it possible to grant voting rights to Hungarians permanently living in neighbouring countries . my country has enacted one of the most generous naturalisation laws in Europe , precisely in order to meet those people halfway . in writing . - ( FR ) We voted in favour of the resolution on the automotive industry , but we have not forgotten that those who are today pretending to want to save it are really the ones responsible for this disaster . nine countries in the Baltic Region are EU Member States and there is only one third country - Russia . I am somewhat sceptical about the merits of an EU strategy on wilderness , given that the EU ' s management of agriculture and fisheries has proved to be so disastrous . ( the President cut off the speaker ) we must expand these opportunities . what I very much look forward to , however , is receiving information from the Commission about the political misuse of psychiatry by Beijing . Mr President , Mrs Vassiliou , ladies and gentlemen , we are going to give our verdict on a text for which I have been hoping and praying for a long time , especially in the framework of my report on the impact of the exclusion of health services from the Services Directive . the shaping of civic attitudes through voluntary work is not always given due attention . in any case , we will have to continue debating this topic in the light of the changes to the legal status of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . these two regulations are harmonised to secure support for specific areas . regarding funding , there is no fund or mechanism for the time being . the report which is to be put to the vote today takes stock of the difficulties which we encountered in implementing this Services Directive . the collection and ordering of information relating to the costs of examining asylum applications is not a task the Treaties confer upon the Council . however , I have the impression that very little has happened since then . in response to President Barroso ' s declaration today that he will bring forward proposals for such a tax before June of next year , I would call on Prime Minister Cameron to clearly state that any move in this direction would trigger a referendum in the United Kingdom . the National League for Democracy was disbanded by law this month and Aung San Suu Kyi , a political prisoner and recipient of the European Parliament ' s Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought , cannot run in the elections . according to the Commission , the application meets the eligibility criteria for EGF assistance , and that institution recommends that the budgetary authority approve its mobilisation . it is then safety and competitiveness which suffer because of this . this cannot possibly be done , though , Commissioner , if the Commission and Europe are only prepared to spend 5.5 % of the European Development Fund ( EDF ) on this . this is the solution which is best suited to the very specific situation of the fishing industry in the outermost regions . the European Union has set itself the objective of becoming the world leader in Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) with the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service ( EGNOS ) and Galileo programmes , thus ensuring its technological independence from American GPS . with regard to the Structural Funds , the Court of Auditors concluded very clearly that 12 % of the funds that had been paid out should never have been paid : 12 % , or almost EUR 4 billion . we are in a completely different situation , which is not an ordinary drop in economic activity ; we are , I repeat , experiencing exceptional circumstances and that now is the time to act . I would therefore like to join in the thanks expressed to Karl-Heinz Florenz who , as a member of a different parliamentary group but in his capacity as rapporteur , has presented a report whose contents we , as the Socialist Group , can certainly endorse . nevertheless , women are not involved in decision making in the communities to which they belong . ( applause ) however , the European Aviation Safety Agency continues to display many failings , especially with regard to its ability to run in an efficient and cost-effective manner . furthermore , there should be support for academic entrepreneurship , making it a component of study programmes . where are the concrete proposals ? these have , in recent years , resulted in a very significant reduction in what was a plague of deaths on Portuguese roads , particularly in road accidents . this is a proposal submitted by the Commission in April this year . as regards on-call time , I would say to the Council that this must be recognised as working time as a general rule . we certainly need action , because the disease travels extremely fast and we have to be able to vaccinate outside affected areas . however , the fact that the CAP is considered only from the perspective of competitiveness and neoliberalism , in the direct tradition of the policies implemented by the European Union in the last few years , prevents me from voting in favour . your vote this week is excellent news ahead of the Prague Employment Summit . where consumers feel uncertain about the safety and quality of services , they tend to build up psychological barriers towards foreign suppliers , which dissuade them from using cross-border services . the first point concerns Europol , as our committee has restored its budget , given the cuts proposed by the Council , and we have also proposed an increase of EUR 500 000 so that it can tackle the responsibilities that have arisen as a result of the entry into force of the second version of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme . concrete actions would have to follow ; for example , the consistent inclusion of clauses prohibiting the persecution of Christians in international trade agreements with the EU . the next decade will decide where Europe is going to be . but we are looking to the European Commission to propose an ambitious social agenda , not just communications on demography , training and migration , as announced , but also initiatives for legislation to improve the quality of employment and strengthen the battle against poverty and social exclusion . in the event of hundreds of thousands of toys being withdrawn from the market , as happened last year , can you tell me please , Commissioner , what becomes of those toys ? I should like to emphasise one of the aspects that I consider to be of the utmost importance at the moment , as we witness the negotiations for the new agreement that will replace the Kyoto Protocol in January 2013 . so I fear that there are lots of problems to be resolved . I also believe that if our budgetary and control rights and our codecision on this issue are not respected , it will be very difficult for us to work together with the Council and the Commission over the next few years . it is not an ideal budget , but I do think that outlays have been apportioned in a sensible way and cover all the priorities of the European Union . the credibility of Parliament is at stake . the consumers ? we shall be coming back to this once again next time . I always say - and it is at the core of the cohesion report and its conclusions - that there is no contradiction between focusing on a few priorities as laid down in the EU 2020 strategy and flexibility in implementing these in the very varied regions of Europe . cooperation in the field of border control and strengthening it is one of Parliament ' s key priorities . I voted in favour of granting 2009 discharge to the European Environment Agency because I think the work it does is essential in this day and age . I wish the Czech presidency every success . but the Commission has already made proposals . this support is essential for helping the unemployed and victims of the company relocations that occur in a globalised world . now they are ready , and we congratulate the authorities of Bosnia and Albania for their achievements in pursing the reforms . it is wrong to want to change the Atalanta mandate now , either with regard to enlarging the area of operations or with regard to the attempt by Members of this House to extend the mandate to include fishing . Mr President , I would just ask the honourable gentlemen , would he not think his tirade against the European Union would be stronger if the British Government had not introduced similar legislation before the European Union did ? ( applause ) without that clear European position , the subsequent actions would not have been possible . Mr President , each year the Conference of Presidents tables different amendments to try to ensure that we spend more time in Strasbourg than we should . ( RO ) The European Union must make it a priority to draw up a common energy strategy and an action plan aimed at improving the Union ' s energy security . I congratulate the Commission for the Green Paper on a new urban mobility policy . our group has voted in favour . some of these people feel a very strong bond with Serbia , others with Croatia and a third group would like to underline its own independent Bosnian identity . this is due to a set of measures contained in an all-embracing family policy . more than 10 years have already passed since work on the creation of a common European asylum system ( CEAS ) started immediately after the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam in May 1999 , on the basis of the principles approved by the Tampere European Council . allow me to formulate some brief comments on certain amendments . Brussels must initiate dialogue on the basis of a previously agreed benchmark system , otherwise the EU can only lose in this dialogue . I therefore fully support Mr Lagendijk ' s position . this step , albeit painful , seems to be another inevitable rung on the ladder towards settlement in the Balkans . I would like to give my backing to my colleagues in the Group of the European People ' s Party which , together with the other groups - socialists , liberals and conservatives - have tabled compromise amendments in order to set up this microfinance instrument as quickly as possible , starting in 2010 . we had a feeling that the completion of the essential foundation of the EU 2020 strategy for smart growth and jobs and innovation - the Single Market - was not really reflected as a political priority . where this was not done , energy prices rose by 28 % . while the security situation has remained relatively calm with no major incidents , public tension and anxiety have increased . ladies and gentlemen , there was a date that surprised me when these amendments to the law on the protection of minors in Lithuania were passed : it was 14 July 2009 . 4 ) The level of public initiative is too low , and there is a general lack of information on development cooperation available to the public throughout the EU . rapporteur . - Madam President , I am presenting to you an own-initiative report recommended by an overwhelming majority in the Committee on Foreign Affairs . that will remove the tension and minimise the amount of financial aid from EU to developing countries . the agreement is based on the principles of mutual benefit , reciprocal opportunities to access the programmes and activities relevant to the purposes of the agreement , non-discrimination , effective protection of intellectual property , and equitable sharing of intellectual property rights . ( EL ) As shadow draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on International Trade and as a member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs , I should like to say by way of introduction that the Lisbon Treaty signals the transition from a constitutional ' elitism ' to the reform of the European unification project . if you look at global demand for food it is set to increase by 50 % in 20 years , but agriculture can , through carbon sequestration , anaerobic digestion , forestry planting - and I think that is the key - and wind energy , contribute to this debate . I think that everything is known about desertification , but very little action is being taken . a review of existing measures will allow us to plan objectives for the coming years more effectively . there is no problem about that . so the ALDE Group supports the provisions requiring importers to be more attentive to product marketing , by giving them a share of responsibility for it with all that that entails . the theatre had to stop performing its programme in September because of financial difficulties . however , we would like to state that in recital G ' sexual and reproductive health ' should not be seen as a step backwards in relation to decisions that have already been made . we have therefore reached a situation in which this directive undermines the territoriality of the right to work . it is not about that . I believe the report by Mr Goepel is in line with the role I have just outlined . I believe that the efforts we now have to make should all be focused in one direction . if we are to take this cause seriously , the Commission must find ways of funding it . relinquishing sovereignty over the currency means relinquishing part of national sovereignty . in every country in Europe , unemployment has grown by leaps and bounds . I agree completely with Mr Solana ' s assessment . what universities think of this seems to be immaterial . ladies and gentlemen , our great Palestinian poet , Mahmoud Darwish , said time and again , ' This land is worth living for ' . the idea of a uniform and united policy takes on special significance in the context of the security of European energy policy . however , as this would affect our tax measures , it is Member States who should be taking such initiatives , not Europe dictating them top-down . Klass report then public support for the EU as a safe haven , which has recently seen a short-term rise , will quickly evaporate , and we shall be in much worse economic trouble than we are at present . if we now concentrate attention on technical details , the improvement of regulation , which clearly is necessary , then we will lose the initiative and room for movement . agreement between the EC and Bosnia and Herzegovina on short-stay visas ( vote ) education does not have to be multicultural as stated in this report ; it only has to be of good quality . the debate is closed . in any case , we still face a food crisis , we still face an external crisis . at that very moment , were they sincere , those men running a country deemed by Transparency International to be one of the most corrupt in the world and relying on a rule of law and a democracy that have never actually existed ? of course , this issue should be put in the context of the comprehensive response . they are unacceptable , anti-democratic . a large portion of the funds was allocated to energy projects , but considerable financing is still required for decommissioning and national funds are not sufficient to cover this : the State Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Fund has failed to accumulate sufficient funds . the work to be done on logistics does not involve regulating this rapidly growing sector , but ensuring that it has a sustainable future by allowing it to mobilise the efficiency potential that still exists in the transport business . of course , the action , the initiative and the work of the European Parliament on this issue are important . another issue : in a situation where aid to various industries under the pact is being sanctioned , how should we view the European Union ' s severity towards the problem of the Polish shipyards ? it is here now . this is an important issue , and it is rather odd that in 2009 , we should be having to speak about the existence of a trade in humans in the Baltic Sea region . however , despite Mr Skinner ' s efforts - and , on this point , our criticism is exactly the same as Mr Mitchell ' s - we regret that the governments have not understood . it goes without saying that every Member of Parliament elected by the people has full voting rights , including the President . I view export credits as an important instrument for supporting EU enterprises . it is a fine example and a benchmark and it is a lesson being given to us by the second-poorest country on the planet : as we entered the court , we saw the slogan ' no peace without justice ' . sexual abuse and the various types of exploitation , especially child pornography , are despicable crimes with deep-seated , long-lasting effects on its young victims . motion for a resolution I would like to focus on the strong points . as we see from the proposal for a Council decision , New Zealand is the only non-European industrialised country with which the Community has not yet drawn up a formal agreement on science and technology . such negligence by the authorities makes them an accomplice to the killing . I think this is an important concept to keep in mind . this is an important task , because better industry terms would allow the EU to become a global market leader in this area . the rationality of this is often dubious . the money which we could be investing in renewable energy sources is literally being thrown into a bottomless pit . it is truly praiseworthy . conditions for an effective EU-US partnership on the Middle East have rarely been as good . the debate is closed . I voted against the line our group adopted on this that is what Mr Schultz and I are now doing . written declarations ( Rule 142 ) they send just one message to the major investors : you have the right to expect fat profits and in doing so you bear no risk and , in particular , no responsibilities . similarly , China is initiating specific training measures targeted at these groups of public order personnel . the global economic environment is being tested at the moment . moreover , the thematic working group on maths , science and technology has already been established . it means capability , through the European institutions enabling all Member States to respond immediately and effectively to a shared crisis . I am therefore going to try to answer the various questions that have been put to me and try hard to group together the speeches , since several of them related to the same subjects . there is a time for setting targets and there is a time for giving oneself the means to achieve them . ( FR ) Madam President , though presented on the legitimate grounds of protecting artistic creation , the so-called ' Hadopi ' law , which is being drafted in Paris , is in fact a freedom-destroying law . transparency is very important for us to monitor what is happening there . the economic crisis and the climate crisis can be combined to offer major economic opportunities to develop new technologies and create jobs . many important measures must be taken to limit and reduce this dependence . this is the case firstly with the system of direct aid that needs to be modified , bearing in mind that the Member States must have greater flexibility to implement this change . the formal proposal itself is already in this Parliament and I hope that the legislative procedure will soon lead to its adoption and to preparations for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation . as a result , we cannot but condemn the acts of repression against peaceful protesters , leaders of the democratic opposition , as well as numerous civil society activists , journalists , teachers and students . an agreement which , alongside the trade dimension , the strictly trade dimension , also has a political and institutional chapter , as well as a chapter aimed at promoting sustainable economic and social development . why has the Council not agreed on an increase in the cohesion and structural funds or an immediate prohibition on trading credit derivatives ? it has already been said several times that 10 years is a long time . the information is intended to provide a basis for analysing the demand for drugs , ways of reducing it , and the drug market in general . the Member States on the external borders of the EU are all under pressure from immigration and have turned into ' immigration camps ' for Europe . it has been difficult to address this subject in such a short time , especially as it has such broad , cross-cutting aims . over the past 15 years , the value of trade between China and Africa has increased 20 times over . will the five-year budgetary term coincide with or be accentuated by the five-year parliamentary term ? in cooperation with the Commission and each within our own sphere of responsibility we shall , of course , be presenting measures that may be more favourable and may in fact reflect our concerns on social matters . each individual Member State ' s ongoing commitment to stick to the 2014 targets will be crucial . the representatives of human rights and humanitarian aid organisations , such as Polska Akcja Humanitarna or Médecins Sans Frontières , have been expelled from Darfur . I do not see why there is such a drama about this . the end of the year may prove difficult and the decline in the automotive market could be around 5 % for the whole of 2008 , which , for this market , would be the worst result recorded since 1993 . composition of committees and delegations : see Minutes there are Member States - as you know better than we do - that promise cheap loans for car manufacturers , provided that these car manufacturers buy parts from local suppliers in that country . it is also important that we prevent the application of law from somewhere or other that is unacceptable in accordance with the principles of the European Union - for example Sharia law , Chinese law or whatever . on human rights we do not always see eye to eye . would the Commission consider a proposal that there should only be one child per seat and that all children under 15 should wear seat belts on school buses ? however , the second proposal , in particular , is the essential one . this delay undermines the credibility of our commitments and affects the conclusion of the economic partnership agreements . in any case , believe me that I will do everything in my power to ensure this . the majority of them referred to the limitations of the budget and its structure . I see it as a policy that we create for the good of European citizens , which , of course , we can accomplish by creating favourable development conditions for undertakings , for investment , innovation , and for the creation of more new jobs . in writing . - It is known that the report stresses the fact that forests should be seen as a major contributor to climate change mitigation and adaptation , rendering necessary the reinforcement of the EU strategy for combating the factors causing their deterioration , e.g. pests , forest fires , etc . this morning , I took the healthy option and walked into Parliament and I was dismayed to see in cars young parents , with children strapped into the back , smoking cigarettes . in writing . - ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , as the rapporteur quite rightly points out , for there to be a market , there must be supply and demand . a joint and unambiguous declaration by the three largest institutions of the European Union is an exceptional opportunity to achieve a political consensus on the way in which the European Union should react to the increasingly complex crisis situations emerging around the world . ' in order to ensure better monitoring of the transposition and application of Union law , the Commission and Parliament shall endeavour to include compulsory correlation tables and a binding time limit for transposition , which , in directives , should not normally exceed a period of 2 years . I support this resolution and endorse the observations set out in it wholeheartedly . the European Union spends a little over 200 billion on the same . there are long-standing problems . however , despite successive failures , the EU and the ' social democrats ' Mandelson and Lamy are again trying to prevent the negotiations from ' coming off the rails ' , in order to safeguard and not lose the ground already gained in the negotiations . the various national governments ' reactions were highly varied , ranging from large-scale vaccination to no vaccination at all , as in Poland . a new era which aims to be ambitious in its capacity for initiative and in its foresight with respect to the great challenges of our time . what is your view ? on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , for some hours the official Chinese propaganda has been saying that the situation in Tibet is under control again . on climate change and energy , the alternative is clear : either our Member States are convinced that they must progress and set an example ahead of the Copenhagen Summit , and if so , we must make clear decisions before December to ensure reciprocity from our international partners , or they have decided that , despite worsening climatic conditions and our energy dependence , there is no need to take urgent action . secondly , because I consider that the Ukrainian people will only suffer from participation in the European Union . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( SV ) Madam President , poverty , misery and starvation are the daily lot for the more than two billion members of the earth ' s population who live on less than two dollars a day . it is contrary to the Lisbon Strategy and undermines the fundamental rights and values of the Union . if I had time , I would also make reference to Croatia and other countries in south-eastern Europe which urgently need to address corruption , organised crime and abuse of certain private property rights before accession , in the case of Croatia , or candidacy can be taken forward with confidence . however , the reality is different . the fastest way to make them whole , much more effectively and practically than all of the top-down measures , is to support civic initiatives and the activities of cultural organisations and regional institutions . never let us say , though , that such documents should remain secret in case they cause problems . it will be important to assess the results of cohesion policy for the period 2000 to 2006 . the specific case to which Mrs Harkin refers is still under examination by the Turkish courts , and it is not for me to comment at this stage , but we are monitoring this case very closely . the Commission has in fact initiated infringement procedures in the past year against 22 Member States that have not implemented the European regulations properly , including Italy , Mr Agnoletto . unfortunately , big airports are crowded , there are very many flight delays , there is waiting time either on ground or in the air , which , on the one hand , contributes to pollution and , on the other hand , has certain social effects . I would therefore suggest to you that the second part of the text should read : ' and therefore welcomes the decision of the European Council to deploy ' . ( FR ) Mr President , I would like to ask the Commissioner , Mrs Ferrero-Waldner , not to look on this Barcelona Process as a mere economic process . it emphasises the role that the EGF can play in the reintegration of workers made redundant into the labour market . I should like to see the EU push further ahead with this in the context of climate protection , and I hope that we can convince all the other major competing airlines to join this agreement . freedom of religion : at my niece ' s school , for the first time this year , there was no nativity play . it is true that we need energy , but we need clean energy and safe energy . that must also be prepared for the climate change negotiations . I have one thing to say about official development assistance : the Commission ' s position on the matter is very clear . we must not forget that this is our third attempt , I repeat , our third attempt to obtain a resolution on the death penalty at the United Nations General Assembly following our two failures in 1994 and 1999 . once again , this must encourage us to reflect in order to prepare more effective strategies in the future . we know of your struggle , Commissioner , even within the Commission , against lobbies and interests that undermine the EU ' s efforts to be a world leader in the fight against climate change . I have voted in favour of this report . on other issues - diversification of energy sources at European level and creation of a single energy market - we are right at the beginning of our journey . I firmly believe that it has a decent chance . in the new EU Member States , including Lithuania , in many apartment blocks , around 60 % of thermal energy is wasted . finally , Commissioner , we are against the full liberalisation of planting rights from 2014 onwards for wines with designations of origin and geographical indications , and we can endorse the rapporteur ' s proposal that the new reform should enter into force on 1 August 2009 . 9 . for them , profits must be had at any price . 10 . the sanctions to be applied if manufacturers fail to comply with this regulation must be scrupulously fulfilled . do we wish to ensure that all of our companies and our fellow citizens contribute within their means to the financing of civic life ? instead , they should focus on establishing platforms that involve both employers and workers , universities , businesses and local and regional organisations , in order to offer opportunities in the educational and professional training sector , and to ensure that there is good mobility and that qualifications are recognised . let us be honest about this . on 11 June 2007 the Council adopted Regulation ( EC ) No 643 / 2007amending Regulation ( EC ) No 41 / 2006 as concerns the recovery plan for bluefin tuna recommended by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas . I also welcome the adoption in May 2008 by the Turkish parliament of the package of employment measures intended to promote employment opportunities for women , young people and the disabled . I can tell you that the entire Commission - the full College of Commissioners , including President Barroso - is in favour of a strong second pillar in the future common agricultural policy . the European Parliament has adopted a resolution in favour of a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies by the end of 2011 . therefore , I would like to ask when the Commission will present the appropriate report , and what action will it take on the basis of the analysis made ? that is where the European Union can fail badly . membership of committees and delegations : see Minutes the free movement of people provides EU citizens with the potential to take up employment in another Member State . on the contrary , I would like to say that Belgium made an excellent job of handling the trialogue between the Commission , the Council and Parliament . democracy and development will not be crushed by the brutal repression of widespread protests in September of this year , or by mass imprisonments . all this will be considered in the evaluation and it will be under the umbrella of the internal security strategy that we will put forward to you within a short time . during the Fourth Republic , a practice known as ' unseating ' was used . however , I am more confident than my fellow Liberal Members from Germany that we will probably succeed in amending this provision during the negotiations with the Council . so that is also part of the problem , and that procedure needs to be quicker . we are meeting the wishes of the many citizens who have asked us in countless letters and e-mails to take action in this area . the Commission has brought a case against the Irish authorities and yet , by the time anything happens , there will be a motorway , probably there for already three or four years , and all the destruction will have happened . they look over the water to Ireland and see that the people of Ireland have been asked to vote twice on the document when we have been denied the possibility to even vote once . we continue to be faced with one of the world ' s most repressive and closed regimes , even if there has been some progress and even if we do need to find the right strategy to support this . it is an economic recovery plan that will have to be paid for by tomorrow ' s taxpayers . as you all know , the issues of nuclear power and human rights greatly limit the scope of our activities in Iran . this service can survive by public funding that may be collected via a separate radio and television tax and that may be topped up with membership contributions to broadcasting organisations , as has been the case in the Netherlands for a long time . the UK , like many other countries - not all - is recovering from that recession , and that is due to the government intervening when the market failed and not standing on the sidelines as some would have us do . migration management policy should indeed be effectively combined with European development cooperation policy , and should take into account aspects concerning security , regional cooperation in the Southern countries and cooperation agreements with countries of origin and of transit . voting time ( continued ) we put in the oral question and we have also drafted a joint resolution about the Lithuanian law , which is allegedly about the protection of minors . this just goes to show that the controls currently in place need to be updated and a new approach adopted as far as the duties of customs officials are concerned . you want to bring the parliaments closer together in order to bring citizens closer together . the report is as vague about how to achieve that as the EU Commission was in its Green Paper on urban mobility . this is the Europe 2020 Strategy . the Member States fail to control practices in respect of human rights , thereby undermining the credibility of EU foreign policy in the world . it is customary in parliamentary assemblies to vote first , as Mr Capoulas Santos requested , on the amendments furthest removed from the initial text . the debate is closed . to this end , there must be a European proposal to simplify the work of young researchers via organic links with business in order to meet their development needs . in writing . - ( RO ) Mr . President , dear colleagues , first of all , I would like to congratulate the Rapporteur for his work . the next item is Question Time ( B6-0457 / 2008 ) . they were rejected . after years of institutional wrangling , Europe needs to refocus its efforts on delivering results in areas where it can add value to the work of the Member States , and where our fellow citizens expect the nations of Europe to cooperate . there are 11 Member States , all old Member States , paying for the entire net difference . national authorities will have an opportunity to comment on the ruling and describe how they assess the behaviour of airlines to passengers in the event of cancellation in the light of this precedent and also the practical consequences of the ruling . elections have winners and losers . these are some of the fundamental rules which you , as you have said , do not want to call into question . equally , I could join the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats , but I can guarantee that it would not increase that group ' s political coherence - by no means . this is pure hypocrisy and is aimed at ushering in a new ' superstate ' over the heads of the peoples . I note especially the proposal for , and I quote , ' an EU-wide uniform size labelling system for clothing and footwear ' . in the draft resolution you raise a number of issues of relevance for the ECB . this school and its facilities , together with the nearby University of Life Sciences in Lublin and also the agricultural research institutes in Puławy , could be used as the basis for the establishment of a European School of Beekeeping . this may influence Europe ' s whole economic situation and competitiveness . ( PL ) Mr President , some words of acknowledgement for the rapporteur , Mr Blokland ; as always , once again he has done some excellent work . we have a distribution network for electricity which was designed to be one-way and now requires technical adjustments in order to become two-way and be able to handle decentralised electricity generation . however , in general terms , the text was good enough to be supported by us at the end ( with no enthusiasm , that is true ) . I voted in favour of the report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers , since I believe that fund managers must be registered and must respect certain basic rules of conduct . I would like to pay tribute to the work of Commissioner Kroes , and I support the composition of her group of monitoring experts . the second area I want to mention is the Western Balkans , especially Kosovo . as stated by Parliament ' s motion for a resolution , without a genuine political reconciliation process in the region , the European Union operation , planned to last only 12 months , cannot sustainably contribute to peace in the region . the EU ' s commitment to human rights is conveyed during our regular political contacts and , in particular , during our human rights dialogue with the Chinese authorities . some speakers have already pointed out in this debate that , it is all too often forgotten that the purchasing power problem also constitutes a problem for Europe . the European Institute of Innovation and Technology will make an important contribution to the transfer of technology from science to industry and to enterprises . we agreed on the priorities very quickly and together managed to introduce rational elements and points of departure . relaxing the introduction procedure for alien species in aquaculture must be balanced by a strict definition of the rules with which closed aquaculture facilities will have to comply , in accordance with the outcome of the IMPASSE project , as well as being subject to supervision , the aim being to ensure that the technical requirements proposed by specialists will all be properly taken into account and observed . on the basis of these premises , I voted for the Irish nominee for Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority who , as is stipulated , is subject to strict rules regarding independence . determined in going out and making our case with key partners worldwide , explaining why we cannot let our ambition slip . I say ' no ' to these zealots . finally , the term ' tax haven ' must also , in view of the point at issue here , be regarded as important . according to media reports , this campaign was supported by the United Nations , even though psychologists confirm that growing up with a father AND a mother as role models is of key importance for a child ' s development . what is more , in July Vietnam took charge of the presidency of the UN Security Council . secondly , the commitments of individuals countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20 % by 2020 , along with the need to buy emission permits , will result in a significant increase in the price of electricity and heating for individuals and even higher costs for the industrial sector , especially in the new Member States , such as Poland , where the energy sector relies on coal . do not fight globalisation ; join it by encouraging competition within the EU and learn how to compete on world markets . this is particularly important in Belgium , a small country with a relatively large inflow of foreign patients . however , we need to table a proposed amendment to this directive in order to guarantee an overall unity of intent within Europe and also greater protection for laboratory guinea pigs used for scientific purposes connected with human and animal health . this supervisory role will guarantee a truly democratic control of the service , which is of paramount importance to me . although he does recognise the benefits of such agreements in principle , the rapporteur does not forego a differentiated approach and , on several occasions , calls for a constructive dialogue between the Commission and Parliament . ES un gran placer contar con su presencia . the European Commission did not want that , the Council of Ministers did not want that , the majority of the Conservatives and the Liberals did not want that . a number of decisions made by the Pakistani authorities on questions of religious liberties are worthy of respect , but it would seem that further measures are now needed . however , I object to the creation of European Union bodies that would exercise power over Member States in areas that are wider than necessary to deal with this problem . that is why the European Parliament , by a large majority , adopted the Estrela report . finally , I would emphasize two more ideas : the problems of vulnerable communities from any point of view , either ethnic and / or geographical , could be treated more efficiently if there were cooperation in this field between the local , regional , national and European authorities . worse , nearly 25 % of young people under 15 have reading difficulties . I will mention a few examples : the strengthening of judicial independence , a special commission of inquiry to investigate and analyse the processes that led to the collapse of the Icelandic banking system , the creation of a joint Parliamentary Committee between the European Union and Iceland , the situation regarding entry into the euro area , increased experience in the renewable energy sector . I would like to pick up on an issue raised by Mr Verhofstadt . to date , Europe has spent , and judging by the results , wasted , some of these priority funds established by Lisbon . I believe that the transport sector needs renewable energy sources , not only heating and cooling and electricity . the work of the Plenary and initiative reports ( amendment of the Rules of Procedure ) ( debate ) indeed , I would go further and say that large-scale producers today are usually vertically integrated under contractual terms with the processing sector , and that the prophylactic use of antibiotics is usually prohibited or restricted under quality assurance schemes . all the issues which have been raised today are of course the right ones . the Commission is well aware that Spanish tomato growers have to compete with Moroccan growers under unfair conditions , as they must bear much higher production costs stemming from the strict European standards on quality , food safety and workplace safety , as well as restrictions on pesticides which are not required of third countries . the Commission is working hard to create conditions for partner countries which will enable them to come together and to plot a course towards comprehensive regional agreements . number three : media registration . efforts still need to be made in this area . the CFP has become a bureaucratic nightmare with over regulation and micro-management plaguing the industry while achieving little in the way of positive outcomes . written explanations of vote let me remind you that , on 8 March 2006 , the Commission issued what we called a ' road map for equality between men and women ' , outlining the eradication of all forms of gender-based violence as a priority objective . James Tobin first proposed it following the USA ' s destruction of the Bretton Woods system . ( EL ) Commissioner , almost every civilisation in the history of Europe has been based on the sea . I am glad the Union supported Poland in its dispute with Russia over the export of our products . I am confident that Poland will in future years help to develop a positive relationship between Russia and the European Union . this in turn requires intervention in the market and improved marketing in the sector , improving the first-sale price , increasing pay for work by fishermen , reducing the margins of middlemen and promoting fair distribution of added value throughout the value chain of this sector . secondly , I regret that this report attempts , under the guide of agricultural diversification ( an objective that nonetheless receives little support from the EU in the Economic Partnership Agreements under negotiation with the ACP countries ) , to use a financing instrument to manage the rapid disappearance ( in the space of three years ) of the banana sector in the ACP countries , for the benefit of Latin American producers , who are already leaders in the global market with a share of more than 70 % of the export market . the market price is determined in the wholesale power exchanges . we therefore urge you to evaluate the social impact in terms of employment , in terms of the funding of retirement pension , in terms of social protection , in terms of the funding of public services , of the measures you are preparing to take . I consider that many irregularities from 2003-2006 would have the support of changing the rule of presentation of the Framework Programme 6 , for instance , as compared to Framework 5 . the free trade area between the EU and Mercosur , like the Doha Round at the WTO , has become caught up in issues of trade in agricultural goods . an increasing amount of national legislation , with the principle of public access we have in Sweden , for example , is now being made at EU level . I believe that the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund is justified in this case . the first is the exceptional mobilisation of the aid machinery and the world of solidarity that sent thousands of volunteers to support the people struck by the first stage of the emergency . the use of new technology must be constantly perfected , especially through the creation of wider Internet access to encourage recourse to such new learning methods . it should be noted that special attention should be paid and financing should be allocated to transport , which is a crucial factor in implementing territorial , economic and social cohesion . ( PL ) Mr President , Egypt is an important economic and commercial partner of the European Union . ( PL ) Madam President , it has to be said that the hypocrisy and double standards in this debate and in the criticism of the Hungarian constitution are striking . however , the majority of the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance remain of the opinion that penalising such people only serves to push the trafficked individual into deeper misery , because his or her activity then becomes totally illegal . I hope that the oldest nuclear plants in France will also be shut down and decommissioned in a similar way . we need to make this kind of speculation unattractive and bring long-term investment strategies to the fore once and for all . obviously , measures are needed quickly to dissuade youngsters and pregnant women from drinking . one of the most effective ways may be health warnings on bottles . Parliament and the Council exercise control , but only after the adoption of the delegated acts . human rights are not negotiable and I hope that a majority of this House will also vote in favour of these common European human rights in our amendment . nonetheless , to demonstrate our goodwill , we voted in November to grant discharge to the Council ' s accounts - on the clear condition that changes would be made this year . we want to be more part of Europe . these rules have been included in the Community Code as an integral part of this Code . - Before the vote on Amendment 30 : we should keep things in perspective when it comes to the question of what the EU should regulate and what it should not . we also need to promote the 25 % reduction of administrative burden indicated in the SBA , which would contribute to the effectiveness of the SBA , would counteract any protectionist economic policies of Member States and stimulate business across the EU . however , Mrs Miguelez Ramos emphasises the importance of political decisions being founded on science and long-term sustainability and not primarily on the fishing industry ' s short-term interests , and this is something that I see as a good thing . we should neither praise nor blame all Irish people when only half of them went to vote and the Government showed its indifference as well . particular attention should be paid to the most vulnerable groups of people , including children and adolescents . in this way we will , hopefully , avoid a delay like the one that occurred in the introduction of Euro 5 for passenger cars . we must not throw good money after bad . thirdly , I fully subscribe to the report which recommends participation by representatives of the Union in the bodies of the convention on an equal footing with those of the contracting parties . consequently , the whole package of the 26 priority alignment proposals could be ready for adoption before the end of this year . Mr President , the International Fund for Ireland has played a major role in peace and reconciliation in my country . it is important that the Member States and the EU work more effectively together with industry and the service enterprises in order to make better use of the freight logistics . Madam President , something absolutely unprecedented happened in this Chamber today . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , with this directive , we are taking a huge step towards combating human trafficking in an efficient manner . the simple fact of the matter is that we use too much on our planet . there have been recurring violations of human rights in China , and we cannot omit to condemn them . I would like to warn that we are extending the scope of this directive at a point in time where we have hardly any experience of how transposal of the current directive has gone . it thus contributes to the dissemination and enforcement of human rights in all societies . closure of the sitting I am not questioning the strategic importance of these projects , but I cannot fail to highlight that they have been falling short of expectations . we expect the new European Commission to be the engine of the European Union . I call on the European Union to invest as a matter of urgency in the implementation of the global partnership project , which will enable actions for combating famine to be better coordinated . finally , I am very interested in the proposal to introduce the voluntary collection of tourism statistics regarding the habits of people with disabilities or restricted mobility and the subsequent establishment of pilot projects in order to improve such persons ' participation in tourism . he already has a ' maxi-mandate ' and , therefore , he may accept a mini-Treaty . Mr President , in all fairness , I believe the Swedish Presidency can be satisfied with its achievements , and I think that Sweden can be proud of the performance of the Swedish Presidency . I congratulate Mrs Oomen-Ruijten for this excellently drafted report . it is equally essential that all remaining political prisoners be set free - more than 2 000 of them , according to Mr Posselt and Mr Preda . in writing . - An improved quality of life through the creation of secure and better quality jobs and ensuring access to infrastructure of all types - be this transport , social or educational , or relating to research , development and innovation - has been the main reason for the public supporting the process of European integration . it has its Parliament , its President and its Foreign Affairs Adviser , and now it wants the political parties to go with that . therefore , it is very important that you also use the new Euronest and all other means in order to really instil our ideas . the debate is closed . he hopes that once the results of his efforts are visible , the spreads will decrease . it is true that Europe and China may disagree and have different views on some issues , such as on human rights and democracy . but I can see that what you told us is a really important step and we actually expect more active measures from the Commission , obviously with the full backing of the European Parliament , as this matter is an extremely serious one for small and medium-sized businesses , especially in the context of the current financial crisis . since then , the National League for Democracy has been banned . lastly , I would like to highlight the work of the European Commission , and particularly Ignacio Bercero ' s contribution , for which I am most grateful . even though , at this point , we are only talking about a recasting of the guidelines , I would nevertheless like to take the opportunity to mention a project that is particularly problematic for Austria . it is on this latter point that Parliament must have a real discussion . in this age of digital information , info-exclusion may become a new form of discrimination and inequality . in this respect , health systems such as ours quite clearly demand recognition of the fact that a visiting patient should not have more rights than an indigenous patient from the Member State where treatment is taking place . we can usually judge Russia ' s sincerity by its degree of commitment to resolving conflicts like this one , but the fact is that in Transnistria , as well as in Georgia and Ukraine , Russia cannot resist interfering . I apologise for the interruption . they need international support to preserve their culture and identity . unfortunately , the proposal was defeated in the vote in committee , but now the Socialist Group in the European Parliament has resubmitted it so that we can vote on it here in plenary . on the other hand , the Hungarian minorities in the surrounding countries , Slovakia included , are growing . we will have modern and up-to-date regulations in an area where development is very rapid . at the moment , from the perspective of the Slovenian Presidency , it is difficult to speculate on the nature of those effects , but they are very likely and must be expected to arise . where , then , is the European Union ? I congratulate the rapporteur and John Bowis for a job well done . price rises are felt most by low-income families , who spend a significant proportion of their budget on food . it is nonetheless important to share information with Parliament and the public on the most important issues at stake , given the progress of the negotiations in this instance . no . unanimity in the Council is required for the proposal to be approved . the approval of this resolution is a first , indispensable step towards the greater participation of citizens in Europe . if this is true , the situation is serious , because an apolitical concept , such as the intercultural dialogue , is consciously politicized for obscure reasons , thus damaging the image of a European Union Member State . I have here the text of 11 March , which will be approved tomorrow and the day after . one thousand job losses in Paris is bad , but in a small town like Limavady it is catastrophic . please be courageous and make Europe strong , both inside and out . there is , however , an area of Council of Europe competence which would benefit from review , and I refer to the European Convention on Human Rights ( ECHR ) . the determination to promote relations with Latin American countries could pave the way to resolving the whole issue of European investors ' rights , in an appropriate manner . so I would argue , on that basis , that it is part of our responsibility , or our co-responsibility , not to reduce investment in Africa , and I would stress again , echoing one of the speakers , that investment can be sustained through exchanges of expertise . Article 10 under Title II covers anti-discrimination . on the eve of the coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty , the Council is acknowledging , as it were , that Parliament is the only body which is elected because Parliament works openly . these are : non-discrimination , consultation and remedy , transparency and cost-relatedness of security charges , and establishment of a supervisory authority . many airlines want to see as much cost transparency as possible from the other side , the airports , and a regulatory authority that would ultimately set the prices , along with the introduction of the ' single till ' system . Member States have shown different degrees of willingness to take former inmates . scientists estimate that replacing these natural services and dealing with consequences such as unemployment and migration would cost 7 % of gross income worldwide . for that reason , talking about a consolidated package simply is not something that is feasible and realisable . I urge the Commission to closely monitor the effects of increased biofuel production in the European Union and in third countries in terms of changes in land use , food product prices and access to food . the men and women who are today involved in establishing inter-generational solidarity networks deserve recognition . undoubtedly , one of the most important CFSP matters is the EU ' s increasing energy dependence on sources of supply and transit routes and the need to curb the EU ' s energy dependence on third countries . question No 3 : the Commission has also launched a study to evaluate Member States ' legislation and the situation concerning trafficking in human beings . these should not be based on transitional criteria or circumstantial or artificial wealth trends . I do not think we should revisit the rules adopted by European decision makers , including the European Parliament . the result has been to establish ESAs , which are fully scrutinised by this Parliament . 5 . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , I would like to thank Mrs Barsi-Pataky for having such an open attitude , including all those of us who have participated in the process . in other words , centralised control is crucial . in writing . - I supported the Vălean report on EU citizens ' rights . active support is required for job creation . in his view , when the Commission exercises its right of initiative , it is engaging in populism . there is just one point I would like to make , and that is the greater need for transparency in our financial institutions , be it at regional , national or EU level . he said , ' Plato is dear to me , but dearer still is the truth ' . Myanmar has a history of military dictatorship going back around 50 years , and we condemn the fact that its inhabitants have not been able to lead a normal life for half a century . Article 317 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that responsibility for implementation of the EU budget lies with the Commission , in cooperation with the Member States , and that the Court of Auditors sends Parliament and the Council a statement on the reliability of the accounts and the regularity and legality of the underlying transactions . according to the Treaty of Lisbon , restrictive measures will also continue to be used as a tool within the common foreign and security policy by means of Council Decisions in accordance with Article 29 of the treaty . to this end , it is important that the national authorities responsible for its application submit periodic reports on their activities . however , we must deplore the terms of this debate and its unacceptable position against Cuba , leaving aside the grave consequences of the economic , trade and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba and the detention in American prisons of five Cuban citizens who only wanted to defend their country . those in favour of taking such a line , rejected the amendment tabled by our Group denouncing the European Court of Justice rulings that legitimise wage dumping and restrict trade union rights . attitudes towards further enlargement are unenthusiastic , mostly influenced by non-enlargement-related issues and partly related to the lack of information about enlargement . we should ensure in particular that we do not suggest to people resident in the EU who have not attained citizenship that their views are not necessary or not welcome . lastly , we must ensure that freedom , democracy and rights are the fundamental elements that govern the application of this agreement . that concludes this item . for this very reason the Council recently adopted measures to promote the use and production of second-generation biofuels , in other words those biofuels whose production does not compete with food production . we have a crucial year in front of us ahead of Durban . today , the crisis has changed many of these perceptions . in writing . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted in favour of Mrs Starkevičiūtė ' s report . you talked about the excesses , Mr Schulz , that are the practice in one country - it is not my place to mention it - but if we all agree on a minimum corpus for the cost , those excesses that you pointed out will no longer take place , and , Mr Cohn-Bendit , I am sure that Mr Daul would agree , why would the European Parliament not be involved in this ? how , then , can we talk about making it easy for women to return to work ? the Council is sitting on a proposal in selected areas at the moment . every issue , even the tiniest one , to do with human rights or press freedom will be scrutinised here . finally , the Treaty of Lisbon will make Europe more democratic , by giving far greater weight to this Parliament and also by giving the national parliaments and the citizens a greater say in European affairs . based on its rich cultural , historical and religious traditions , Tibet certainly deserves autonomy . as I see it , the crucial issue in this country is that unfortunately - and here I would echo what Doris Pack has said - the nationalists often still seem to be setting the agenda . maintaining this symbol as the headquarters of the European Parliament costs hundreds of millions of euros each year , but we have respect for this symbol . of the 156 million people in Pakistan , 95 % are Muslims , around 3 % Christians and around 2 % Hindus . the exchange of good practice would be unimaginable without encouragement from Community institutions . I have one more point to make concerning Parliament ' s capacity to see the development of strategies . Campania could make a huge leap overnight towards becoming a recycling community . in the past , this was about the single market , single currency and enlargement . judging from the debates which have been held in this Chamber , we can put a label on it : gender inequality . I very much welcome the fact that only funds that have already been made available in the Structural Funds ( around EUR 1 billion for the period 2007-2013 ) can be used within the framework of the Strategy for the Danube Region - in other words , that no additional funding is being allocated and that neither new institutions nor new legislation are needed . these and many other things certainly merit our admiration . we are fighting for this moratorium to be supported by the European Union . the money will be used to re-train workers , help start businesses and provide people with job placements , which are very necessary . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , if what you are calling for is further development and harmonisation of the internal market , then we need to have a common set of rules . these direct impacts on supply and demand are significant contributors to agricultural commodity prices and to the increases that we have seen . the European Parliament has been asked to give its verdict within a particularly short timeframe on what are , nonetheless , very sensitive matters . it is therefore necessary to take concrete steps to protect and promote the fundamental freedoms of individuals when surfing the web . however , I find it hard to say anything positive about the end result of this report . with the adoption of this package , business and SMEs will find it easier , as Mr Stubb said , to sell their products - common household goods , bicycles , ladders , tanks , containers etc . - while consumers should reap the benefit of a wider choice of high-quality and safe products . we therefore engage on Iran , the Middle East , Afghanistan , the Balkans and elsewhere , as well as in multilateral fora . the Commission will decide on any necessary action once the responses are available and have been analysed . Mr Nattrass made some very personal remarks against me before sneaking out of the Chamber without listening to the debate . without doubt , the matter of immigration is once again becoming a serious domestic policy issue in some of the Member States , and is exacerbated by the economic crisis . this is designed to enrich capital ; it hides behind fanciful blandishments , admonitions , exhortations and homilies about the respect for diversity . my group would also agree that an interinstitutional agreement would be useful to avoid the sort of arbitrary use of codecision that we have seen on occasion , that sort of arbitrary use at the behest of the Council when many of us felt , because things could not be got through by unanimity , Parliament was being used as a sort of alibi . we are aware that other groups are making the same request , and rightly so . the debate is closed . ( applause ) there are also problems with Natura 2000 . Kosovo is a unique case . as I said , this has been approved by political groups in the past . Madam President , I voted for the report . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , it is a sign of the importance that this House attaches to our strategic relationship with China that this debate has been scheduled during your inaugural session . it would also have been a very questionable interpretation of the health and environment legislation if we had continued exporting when on the one hand we are laying down a new safety landmark by way of the latest pesticide certification , while on the other we are doing the very opposite with our exports . we called that the Community method . in writing . - Statistics show that unfortunately , Roma are the most hated and discriminated ethnic minority in Europe . there is not a single indication for this ban to prevail for non-ruminant ... if we do , we shall lose touch , as we are doing now , by abusing the word ' marriage ' in applying it to unions that are not marriage . the chaos of daily declarations on Greece by national politicians and stakeholders is only adding to the confusion and creating more speculation on the markets . Parliament has more than once called for regulation of the financing of security charges , but without success . does it know that farmers in New Zealand are not now subsidised but are doing very well and that only 3 % of them went under when subsidies were withdrawn ? intensive negotiations are being conducted on the Association Agreement , with excellent results . this will have undeniable consequences for the credibility of the large amounts of criticism that will still have to be made later on . that is a very good question . in writing . - ( PL ) I voted in favour of adoption of the report on the Council decision on the signature , on behalf of the European Community and its Member States , of a Protocol to the Agreement between the European Community and its Member States of the one part and the Swiss Confederation of the other , on the free movement of persons , regarding the participation , as contracting parties , of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania pursuant to their accession to the European Union ( 9116 / 2008 - C6-0209 / 2008 C6-0209 / 2008 - . if the poverty of aspiration implicit in a minimalist treaty is reflected in your poverty of enthusiasm ? until the responsibility for this crisis is made clear in resolutions of this Parliament , then the resolutions themselves cannot be effective . a number of landmark reforms have been carried out to date . like most of you , I am persuaded that our efforts to combat tax fraud and evasion and to increase tax cooperation are worthwhile . we have a budget that provides extra resources for Frontex , thereby permitting essential responses to pressing challenges , and we have a budget that funds the common foreign and security policy , albeit only for 2008 , and makes it possible to draw on the flexibility instrument for CFSP purposes . this hysteria is cleverly maintained through the speeches by the President of the Commission , and also by the former President of Parliament , presenting us with the unimaginable cataclysms which they claim will result from climate change . passengers will have 12 basic rights applying to any length of journey . once this is done , we will be able to make progress in negotiations . ( SL ) Commissioner , I congratulate you on your new post and I hope that you will be successful in this area . passengers must part with their cosmetics . the time has now come for Europeans to learn lessons from these events and to call for radical reforms of European governance . so perhaps we should ask ourselves whether we are sufficiently determined to do differently this time . I would ask you to accept our intention to vote in favour of the report in the final vote . if we want to bring this financial aspect under control , and this is vital for the economic stability of our countries , we need to be able - and it is your role , Mr Barroso , to provide this impetus - to set clear goals , clear measures and to show a clear determination in regard to good economic coordination . secondly , we need it to be a requirement to report all of the results of feed tests , and these must also be produced during the relevant checks . the Lithuanian authorities are in the process of considering these changes . let us be very honest . as a rule SMEs have a great capacity for initiative and adaptability since they are not stifled by bureaucracy and are normally run by entrepreneurs and managers who are highly committed to their work of wealth creation . could you give us an analysis of that , now , or in the near future , or in your action plan ? ( applause ) we have already taken measures to improve convergence and cooperation between supervisors . in this way , we have managed to produce a report with a broad consensus on an important subject . . - ( RO ) Communism is a deceitful philosophy . therefore , I believe that the system of yearly fines for non-compliance with these rules , as proposed in the report , should be supported and , above all , strictly applied . however , in order to realise them we also need a new , stronger legal basis , in other words we need a Reform Treaty . therefore , the decision to include certain countries in this liberalisation of visa requirements is based on the merits of each individual country . what price ? since most appliances sold in shops belong to category A , clear information about the energy savings generated from the use of the appliance is lost and the manufacturer loses the motivation to produce an energy-efficient appliance . and I can tell you , if we re-open the distribution of money between the envelopes and Member States , it will be like opening Pandora ' s box , and I have no more money available than the present budget of approximately EUR 1.3 billion every year for the wine sector . I voted in favour of the important resolution on the livestock sector in the hope of improving the lot of livestock farmers and the whole sector , which is in crisis due to strong speculation for a rise in animal feed prices . he will not be elected ! on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , the ALDE Group is of the opinion that Laos and Vietnam are no democracies . it will not : on the contrary , it will result in deflation . the aim of this policy is to do away with physical , administrative and regulatory obstacles to cohesion , and to reduce the ' border effect ' between territories and regions in order to enable them to address their shared challenges together , whether those challenges are territorial ( services , infrastructure , urban and regional planning ) , global ( globalisation , climate change ) , economic or societal . secondly , is the European public debt crisis deteriorating before our very eyes , as Mr Giegold describes ? what might work - and this is also mentioned in the Commission proposal - is if a coordinator was appointed for each cross-border project who could mediate in the area of interconnections and could get things moving . I support the final form of the report on governance and partnership in the Single Market , and especially its key priorities . in fact , I have brought some with me this evening just to remind us what some toys look like . this was an excellent result . the organisation of public debates and consultations with stakeholders , together with the submission of reports to national parliaments for opinions are further positive measures in this sense . the EU has required each Member State to implement a stimulus package corresponding to just over 1 % of its GNP . Israeli must fulfil its international obligations , such as the Geneva Convention , to guarantee the flow of humanitarian assistance , humanitarian aid and essential services , and to open up the borders . however , that is just one side of the coin . control of exports has a large impact on EU trade policy . improving access to the European market for goods originating from such countries must take this aspect into account , otherwise many spheres of manufacturing in Europe will be routinely eliminated . the European summit really cannot reach any other conclusion . ( applause ) President-in-Office . - ( SL ) The Presidency of the Council welcomes the report by the rapporteur , Mr Goepel , as a very measured and resounding contribution to the debate . we will condemn authoritarian regimes which use force and persecute democratic organisations just because those organisations do not share the regime ' s views . to attack these communities is to undermine our most fundamental values . explanations of vote it is better to have a dissatisfied passenger who is alive than a passenger who , unfortunately , dies on board . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - Mr President , I thank the Commissioner for coming and presenting the latest position of the Commission on visa issues for the Ukraine and Belarus . I have been very active in the discussions in Parliament because I truly believe that the Stockholm Programme is the best way forward to a citizen-centred Europe : a Europe for citizens , with the people . passengers living with disabilities , elderly people and families with small children are even more vulnerable in such exceptional situations , and this has been the case now as well . in Bosnia-Herzegovina it took at least 10 000 for peace negotiations to begin , for peacekeepers to arrive on site and for disarmament to begin . as a German I have to say that I find the conduct of the German Government cynical . oral questions and written declarations ( submission ) : see Minutes ( PL ) Mr President , I wholeheartedly support the report by Mr Peterle on behalf of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , entitled ' Together for Health : a Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013 ' . draft agreements with Jordan , Morocco and Egypt are already in place , which also cover trade in agricultural products . according to global trade rules , imports of food products from third countries might be suspended if they present a serious threat to animal or public health . this is my opinion on item 9 of this resolution . in the Subcommittee on Security and Defence , we spoke many times about how we must learn from mistakes or from certain shortcomings so that these missions function better in future . we had believed that our successes in past decades had eliminated the threats related to this serious public health concern . we all remember that , until the Hampton Court summit of October 2005 , there were even doubts that Europe could have a common strategy on immigration . yet , the European Central Bank has just threatened to raise interest rates if this demand , however legitimate , is met , despite the fact that profits have never been so high , as the experts acknowledge . we must change the old system of state-owned monopolies with great privileges and no interoperability . if we want to exercise influence in favour of democracy and the defence of human rights in Africa and Asia , we must first address those issues near at hand , on the Union ' s own doorstep . we therefore need a different method of working in Parliament , one where our work and our decisions are brought into the open in a genuine spirit of true democracy . the South Caucasus is a very interesting area which has been a constant topic of discussion in Europe for two hundred years now . in writing . - While every effort must be made to find a solution to the situation in Gaza , this resolution at best will contribute nothing and at worst will have a negative impact . one of the advantages of being late is that you can benefit from the latest technology . it can help achieve unity effectively in a world of diversity . on Monday , here in the European Parliament , a decision was taken to vote today on a document that some of us have no opportunity to read in consolidated form in our own language . these include the US and of course Japan , China and India as well as other big countries and large-scale polluters . the other condition mentioned in the question is an independent review of sectoral collective bargaining . ( FR ) Mr President , following the dismantling of the ' jungle ' camp in Calais at the end of September , I wish to denounce here the organisation , by France and the United Kingdom , of forced returns to Afghanistan , a country in total chaos . my proposal involves the use of commercial banks as simple intermediaries , agents for granting credit and micro-credits from public funds to economic agents and entrepreneurs who , without funding , are also vulnerable to the risk of bankruptcy . others have not , as was the case with the last referendum , since we were not invited . before I close , I would like to mention , and indeed to emphasise , the positive atmosphere that prevailed in our meetings with the European Parliament . although Małopolska is ranked fourth in the country in terms of GDP , unemployment is a problem there - and it mainly affects the rural populace . we are also anticipating with interest the legislative initiative on smart energy networks . European countries are becoming the willing victims of a relentless global competitor with the instrument to destruct our livelihoods . we call for the release of Mrs Saberi . a total of 22 EU Member States have recognised Kosovo and only five have not done so , but the discussion on visas with Kosovo has not even started . in addition , you are of course all aware of the Erasmus grants , which are still applicable . I would stress that this is an unfinished legislative process in the national parliament with which the European Parliament is trying to interfere . Madam President , this is an important matter . it is the essential issue for this region and it is essential for the European Union , since the European Union ' s very raison d ' être is peace . this is an excellent opportunity to find out where the role of the Commission is limited and where it is challenged , and what the clear purposes of the Commission ' s policy are . I am glad that by means of the Commission Communication and the report drafted by my colleague Goepel we have identified several solutions to enhance the common agricultural policy and to make the people in rural areas believe that this policy is for their own good and not only a set of bureaucratic provisions drafted by some offices in Brussels . we must identify mechanisms - even gradual mechanisms - to avoid sanctions - I have almost finished , Mr President - but we can only do this if we respect the legality of the clauses and written agreements that the EU has signed . if Amendment 1 is compatible with Amendment 51 , as I believe it is , the Italian delegation will vote in favour of Amendment 1 , but we do need this clarification . that will give us common ground in order , together , to negotiate with the Chinese . discriminatory tax systems applied by Member States in favour of players can result in distortions of competition . it offers a vital opportunity for the leaders of both the industrialised world and the emerging economies to work together on a common agenda for immediate economic stability and longer-term recovery . with that in mind , we have supported the creation of the European Air Capacity Observatory under the auspices of the Commission . I worked on the report concerning the draft decision on a joint framework for placing goods onto the market and I focused my amendment proposals on increasing the responsibility of importers , reducing the administrative burden on SMEs , retaining the new approach as the basic framework for placing products onto the market and creating and using European standards in a more flexible way . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( SL ) Mrs Goudin ' s question is not covered by the Council ' s competences . two or three experimental CCS facilities should be built on the territory of Poland immediately . however , the Innovation Union will only be a success if it is implemented jointly with the Member States and the regions . ( PT ) Mr President , Mr Wathelet , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the 2011 budget which Parliament is proposing is ambitious , intelligent and respects the commitments which it has taken on in a rigorous and realistic way . we would therefore be making a bad decision for the environment and a bad decision for future European jobs . during the course of last year a number of worrying reports reached me . the maintenance and practical application of this knowledge is essential both in connection with the operation of power plants and , for a long time afterwards , in connection with their closure . I would like to express the hope that , in order to achieve these ambitious objectives , the European Commission will propose introducing appropriate support instruments not just at EU level , but also in Member States . food needs to be healthy , last a long time , taste good and cost as little as possible . in writing . - ( RO ) The Commission ' s Report refers to the depopulation of rural areas , against the background of the absence of workplaces except for agriculture or due to poor living conditions . I fully endorse what Mr Doorn has said . my goal is to do this together with the Council and with the EU ' s other three institutions , so that the institutions can speak with one voice and be a clear partner in this . with this resolution , we are ready to take responsibility for European agriculture . 9 . the requests are again accompanied by a whole series of ambiguities . on the same day , the proceedings were suspended on the grounds that Ágnes Hankiss enjoys parliamentary immunity as a Member of the European Parliament . however , I do not see this as a conflict of interest . a requirement should be introduced to make investigations last less than 12 months and extend them by a maximum of 6 months . what we can see is that a great deal is being said about the Roma minority , various programmes and platforms are being created , but the results are limited . in addition to the current programmes and incentives , innovation will also be promoted through a series of initiatives which are currently being negotiated within the European Parliament and the Council . I have been tasked by the European Council with ensuring that our cooperation and our respect for the integrity of the European Parliament are united by clarity - whether under the Treaty of Nice or the Treaty of Lisbon - in our nomination of a candidate to the post of Commission President . those who are participating in this debate here today will share this view , and I think that we will also be able to achieve a very large consensus in the debate . only then will we be able to implement tourism policy effectively and protect the rights of consumers . the objective is to eliminate as much as possible existing incentives that run counter to the objectives of energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions , as well as to create incentives where appropriate to serve these objectives . well , the Commission ' s proposals did not address this issue , and the reason is that nearly all Member States insist that they are not in a position to take commitments in that regard , even though they acknowledge that public financing of aviation security should be permitted . I am grateful to Mr Saryusz-Wolski for having the courage to present this report , which contains a number of important and innovative ideas . on the other hand , tenderers are also protected by the introduction of the review procedure , which guarantees the awarding process is fair and no discrimination occurs . what is more , it is still not working . it has been evaded in many Member States , as has already been mentioned here , not just in Austria . the European Union needs to have a coherent long-term approach because national policies are inadequate when it comes to changing the Roma ' s situation . however , in the case of industrial waste which is potentially harmful to human life and the environment , we have rules in the European Union for this . I voted in favour of the report on European standardisation , because it increases the environmental safety valves of the current system . better passports alone are not enough . liberalisation is also the cause of the great environmental disaster that lies ahead unless we hasten to take decisive , enforceable measures to combat global warming . I will give you an example to illustrate the fact that social cohesion gets destroyed in society because there is not enough control or not enough courage to exert control . with regard to the position of the OSCE on the Hungarian media legislation , in relation to our own analysis , there is a difference of legal bases , but the OSCE was quite clear and quite right in its conclusions . the answer in many cases is unfortunately not . , on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , I will read verbatim the oral amendment proposed by my group , the PSE Group : the constitution , as it currently exists - the Dayton constitution - was a sign of stability in the 1990s , but it is no longer that today . it is clear that a free-trade agreement will potentially benefit both sides , increasing the flow of goods and services , and enhance innovation and boost economic growth . the reason why Mr Barroso must stay is because everything is changing , and he is the stability in a changing world . always communicating , never having open debates and therefore , with greater reason , not having referendums . in this respect , I think that it is appropriate to have measures in place in the areas affected by changes in delimitation , which are aimed at boosting the agricultural sector ' s competitiveness and promoting diversification . it is out of the question - yes , I have gone on for too long , but I am sure you will forgive your rapporteur , Mr President - for Europe to think about taking any urban transport-related decisions whatsoever on behalf of local authorities . the behaviour of the German police is nothing less than harassment and it is in direct conflict with the principle of free movement of persons within the EU . I agree with the paragraph in Britta ' s report which says that clear criteria must apply to this 10 % level of biofuels in the energy mix . national financial intermediaries were given a period of two years to provide loans , but as the report states , some financial intermediaries granted only a small portion of the loans or did not grant any at all , although the financial resources were in their accounts . we call on you to support Amendments 22 , 23 and 24 and to vote against those points which constitute intervention in the internal affairs of a sovereign state . that would be a project that everyone out there would understand . we have received many more excellent proposals for fundamental frontier research than we have money to fund . there are clearly two guilty parties when it comes to Gaza ' s massive humanitarian crisis . it is a positive step to make State aid for this sector conditional on having to meet quality social and environmental criteria , and on promoting jobs and training for seafarers from EU Member States , since the only true distortions of competition do not result from State aid , but instead from social , wage and environmental dumping . ( FR ) Mr President , Mrs Ashton , the death and disappearance of the body of Seyed Ali Mousavi , the nephew of the leader of the Iranian opposition , is one of many tragic examples that show the current malaise of the Islamic Republic of Iran . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Madam President , Commissioner , I am going to be frank as some Members have been , some more than others . the distinction between developed and developing countries strikes me as odd . it is this market that is capable of producing the hydrogen cars of the future and I believe this law today , when we vote for it , is crucial to achieving that goal . it is worth pointing out that this is possible , as has been demonstrated by the progress made in free trade agreements . as a main importer and consumer of wood and having committed itself to halving deforestation as part of its plans to fight climate change , the EU has a responsibility in combating illegal logging and trade in illegally harvested timber products . the Member States of the European Union borrow at a lower rate of interest and lend , give money to the mechanism and , via it to Greece , at a higher rate of interest . it is time to stop saying : ' let ' s put the problem off for a couple of years ' . amending budget no 1 / 2010 : section I - Parliament - Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year 2011 - Section I - Parliament ( debate ) I cannot see that making investments in poor countries more expensive is useful . the debate is closed . the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety voted in favour of the amendments that took greater account of the health and safety of children . we can find best practice models in Nordic countries , and not only there . the Romanian universal service provider is currently being restructured according to a schedule set by the Romanian Government for 2007-2010 , and preparations for liberalisation will begin only afterwards . the three aspects of sustainable development are well known : social , economic , environmental . the boom is over . when we talk about how much funding is actually committed to this , I think that we will have to look at various other areas as well . as we have significant offensive interests in agriculture , trade agreements provide new opportunities stemming from our partners ' concessions . they are so vulnerable , and it is so sad to see that they are exposed to this danger . the only option here is to make the effort to get to know these eastern neighbours and prepare the ground as regards legal , economic and social issues . on the other hand , we have a government that has tried to resolve some of the problems that take away human rights in Latin America , namely poverty , illiteracy , infant mortality , availability of drinking water , and lack of title to indigenous lands . I trust that , as the European Union , we shall maintain global leadership in this revolution . I wonder if you would care to take this opportunity to say that you , as the deputy speaker today , confirm that this House values all opinions , be they for or against the Lisbon Treaty , and that we respect the dignity of that office of the Czech Republic . I suspect that Mrs Georgieva ' s statement would have been the same two weeks ago , before these events . we want to get on with the vote , but as Mr Schulz was the subject of the remark , he has the floor . public and private financial institutions must do their best to ensure that the markets work to benefit the real economy and small and medium-sized enterprises , in order to put them in a position to contribute to the economic recovery and growth in Europe . it makes no sense to recognise global interdependence and to reject European interdependence . ( PL ) I am pleased that the question of organ donation and transplantation is a priority for the Spanish Presidency , because it can be said that this is a matter of life and death . ( NL ) Madam President , I should like to thank Mr Schwab for his commitment , as he was simply left with his back to the wall at the trialogue . do not be surprised if I cut you off . ensuring food quality : harmonisation or mutual recognition of standards ( we have no right to impose our view on the IASCF - this is up to the independent trustees - but we are making it our submission to improve the governance arrangements . the promotion of foods using claims may mislead consumers and contravene scientific advice . of course I agree with Mr Ouzký that we need a global agreement , meaning all the countries of the world participating in a comprehensive agreement and all sectors of the economy to participate in the reductions . since yesterday , the condition of a robust mandate has been in place . no one really does it properly . it is also obvious that the audiovisual field is primarily the domain of the younger generation , who use television and devices operating via Internet protocols and multichannel digital television as one of their basic sources of information , together with other Internet technologies . Mr President , my thanks to the Commissioner and to the rapporteur for the work done . I would especially like to encourage the European Union , Mrs Ashton and Mrs Malmström to make contact with Russia and Tajikistan , because these are countries which could be very helpful , especially concerning logistics and the transportation of supplies for the population . large economic groups and transnational companies are , as always , expected to see a profit worth millions of euros with this Free Trade Agreement . to streamline its operations , OLAF must be guaranteed immediate and automatic access to European Union fund management data bases , as well as all data bases and important information , by the relevant EU institutions , bodies , offices and agencies . we need a highly qualified diplomatic service which has people from every Member State so that they can enhance the representation of the EU in the world . ( SV ) I would like to begin by thanking Claudio and everyone else who made this report possible . we cannot allow the US authorities to have a decisive influence on the Basel proposals only to not then implement them . another request concerns a construction company in the Netherlands . I shall miss out everything to do with China . I have voted in favour of the Mann report because the recommendation to change the way in which pensions are financed in the original report was not adopted by the European Parliament . it would be crazy to raise our ambitions in the current state . will the results we achieve be positive ? the report by Mrs Muñiz De Urquiza , on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs , on the EU as a global actor : its role in multilateral organisations . I believe that this is a record which will not be matched in the near future . the second case is that of the European Food Safety Agency , where our initiative is the exact opposite , that is , we recommend putting 10 % in reserve until the agency can demonstrate that it is operating appropriately . one need only note that the rate of growth in global trade fell from 8.5 % in 2006 to 5.5 % in 2007 and was in the order of just 4 % in 2008 . the Member who was speaking a moment ago ran over by the longest , but I allowed this because she represents Greece , and it was also the opinion of someone who lives in Greece , and this matter seemed to me to be important . I have great sympathy for colleagues who are criticising the timetable , as distinct from the substance of what we do . in the light of this example , I believe that it is up to Parliament to risk more than the other players , to be a striker who continually reinvents the game , taking inspiration from the new rules so as to strengthen the team ' s attacking ability and to put our hypothetical centre forward - the Barroso Commission - in a position to score . Mr President , the prison at Guantánamo Bay was a necessary creation of the United States at the time . let me sound a warning , however , against further delays , including any that might be caused by the Council , because consumers have been waiting quite a long time now for lower repair bills and cheaper insurance premiums while these lengthy discussions have been taking place here in the House and among the Member States . I hope that we will be able to work on these issues successfully together . the conclusion of the Commission was that these two operations , which are so far apart in time , are not linked . thank you very much to everybody , especially to the colleagues who took part in this very difficult process . the proposal to set up a common register of lobbyists is a good idea , as is the threat of sanctions . I believe that we must focus attention on this , just as we must focus attention on the major human rights issues that have emerged lately . is a joint review of stress tests now required ? to achieve that objective , more effective cooperation is needed . we opened our markets to China but China does not adhere to the terms and conditions it signed up to , and we have basically taken this lying down for a number of years . however , the countries must at least have the opportunity to do as they wish . we have therefore made clear our support for the efforts by the United States to achieve peace . in writing . - ( PT ) I am voting overall in favour of the proposal presented in this report . Lisbon wanted majority decision-making to be the norm within the EU . we must also think of the increasing energy demands of the European Union , as well as the role of coal in energy security . the EGF should , therefore , be mobilised in order to provide a financial contribution for the application submitted by Spain , which is why I have voted in favour of Mrs Matera ' s report . if we consider forests solely as a source of renewable energy , we totally have missed the point of combining sustainable industry and environment protection . I found one passage in this interview puzzling , however . this mechanism , by contrast , subverts this principle , encouraging the movement of capital and putting economic power before political power and the interests of capital before the interests of countries and their peoples . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Mr President , just for the record , I am not an author of this resolution . it is time there was a clear definition for the production of traditional rosé wines . we do not know today which countries will be awarded the Nobel prizes in five years ' time . therefore , I will do everything to ensure that the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies continue the work began by the Spanish Presidency . without a major crisis you will never manage to create a real European democracy , a real political community . moreover , as Europeans ' elected representatives , you reflect the dominant feeling in Europe . the Council has also stated repeatedly that the existence of secret detention facilities , where detained persons are kept in a legal vacuum , is not in conformity with international humanitarian and human rights law . too much information kills off European citizens . there is also an annual reporting mechanism , and the annual report will be made public and will definitely be available to the European Parliament . sanctions should be directed against actual people , for example with a view to restricting their movements or confiscating their assets , and not against the victims of their malicious behaviour . we are in favour of the development and application of technologies that reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and , therefore , the levels of atmospheric gas emissions resulting from their combustion . - Report : Duff her speech in Toulouse on this subject was also brilliant . it is true that we have elements of such a policy , such as the Seventh Framework Programme , which provides the conditions to attract research and development investment . health-related activities will contribute to tackling poverty-related diseases and reducing alarmingly high mother and child mortality rates . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes the democratic principle that all votes should have equal weight is something that cannot be applied until such time as the European Union becomes a fully federal system . this money will hopefully go some way towards covering those costs . if you are part of a country , I think you have rights and duties . that said , the responsibility for our schoolchildren eating a sufficient quantity of apples and bananas must , nevertheless , rest with the children ' s parents and , possibly , the municipalities providing their education . rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs . - ( RO ) The financial crisis has imposed much more prudent credit policies , which are necessary for the banks , but harsh for the economy . both sides in the conflict draw attention to human rights violations committed by the other side , and both sides violate these rights . voting time ( continuation ) in all these areas , it is necessary to ensure appropriate social and legal protection . we want to continue taking the same care with our records of proceedings . we then made efforts to encourage these countries to contact the candidate countries as well . employment in the EU , in other words , does not automatically lead to the prevention of poverty , and I am sorry to say that awareness of this fact within the European Commission and among the Member States has not generated any specific packages of measures involving objectives such as the introduction of a minimum wage above the at-risk threshold or the solution of the problem of basic social security to which Mr Kusstatscher referred . the fact is that this Charter is not applicable to national legislation and national institutions at all . the EU ' s ongoing love affair with the Treaty is an act of political necrophilia . I think that with the addition made to the article concerned , this issue has been resolved and Greece ' s reservation has been lifted . in the light of the speed with which the speculators are acting , we are doing far too little . the issue we are facing today stems from the management of the Schengen area in 2011 . healthy eating is part of general education . likewise , the equally cynical reaction of Hamas by launching rockets into areas and by the brutal killing of eight people in a school . that is my vision of Europe . I therefore welcome the adoption of this resolution , and I hope that all SMEs will benefit from these measures and become prosperous , as all Europeans would benefit . this is quite simply the result of the development of US law , meaning that it is not a matter upon which the Council should express its opinion . consumer protection is , and has always been , one of the EU ' s priorities , and it was consolidated following the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon . all the signatures must be submitted by European Union citizens old enough to vote in the European parliamentary elections . both instruments are linked to the announced amendment - using the simplified procedure and without holding any referenda - to the Treaty of Lisbon , with the aim of introducing the so-called ' conditionality ' associated with the European Stability Mechanism . for example , we recall the research projects financed by the Seventh Framework Programme , especially those being engaged in with the participation of the Israeli aerospace industry , which manufactured unmanned aircraft used in the attack on the Gaza Strip in 2008 and 2009 , causing the deaths of dozens of people . every state should be in charge of regulating the working time in their respective country . it is therefore valid for a short period , which , in principal , expires on 31 October 2010 . the compromise between the European Parliament and the Council on the regulation on the so-called citizens ' initiative , which has been accompanied by ridiculous triumphant talk about the strengthening of the democratic institutions of the EU , is nothing more than an insulting attempt to manipulate and fool the people . they deserve the opportunity to show their merit during the accession process . it has , however , become clear over the last few years that for many Europeans it is a matter for debate whether the net effect of globalisation , liberalisation and greater competition does anything to improve their well-being . now we are members and many of the Roma population , as European citizens , have established themselves in other countries , like Italy , joining other Roma people living there , some in camps which are already 40 years old . unfortunately , the outbound illegal shipment of waste from the European Union is large-scale , and for this reason it is important that the new directive be able to prevent this . therefore , a balance must be found between competitive economic policies and social policies . rapporteur . - ( PT ) Madam President , after so many good contributions I am sorry to have to reply briefly just to some of the points that I consider essential , but I think they all , like the many points in the report not mentioned here , bring extraordinary enrichment to this debate . in essence , we need to know whether we are succeeding in defining the new Europe and whether we are succeeding in defining - through a new relationship between the European political forces within and outside this Parliament - the real distinction , the real boundary that exists within today ' s Europe between conservatives and progressives , between those who want a more politically integrated Europe and those who , instead , want only an enlarged single market . finally , the issue of timely and equal access to prevention , diagnosis and care should be closely looked at if we want to ensure that the fight against cancer also contributes to the objective that we should all keep in mind the reduction of health inequalities in Europe . given the substantial cost of decommissioning these structures , it is only natural for the EU to support these countries in their efforts toward this decommissioning , so that no nuclear accident will occur in European territory , with consequences that are , unfortunately , well known to all of us . in writing . - One of the most important weapons in the arsenal of the rights of European citizens is that of petition . first , the revised settlement has been significantly narrowed in scope . the situation is obviously difficult because of the price of oil , the price of commodities or the scarcity of raw materials , which are pushing up prices . Representative democracy can function only when citizens communicate with their elected representatives and ask them to promote their interests . the combination of partial decommissioning , total decommissioning , retaining vessels in operation with the possibility of engine substitutions , with the possibility of modernisation on board etc . , all measures which already exist , and the whole package within a fleet adaptation scheme , could lead to a situation where we effectively bring about the needed reduction in capacity , which would translate to a reduction of effort to meet with the present state of affairs we have concerning the health of fish stocks . Pakistan ' s minister for minority affairs announced yesterday that amendments are being prepared to stop the misuse of the blasphemy laws . in my opinion , the European Parliament ' s negotiators should not exacerbate the situation in the talks , but , on the contrary , should aim to reach an agreement . rights-based management tools in fisheries ( in simplistic terms , firstly we want priority to be given to a social Europe rather than to a radical market orientation . let us be clear , Europe has much more to gain from globalisation than it has to lose . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , in the realm of climate policy , the year 2007 - and some time has already elapsed since then - is regarded as the year when the reality of climate change was officially acknowledged . this report fails to mention the responsibility for and complicity in the dissemination of false information which served to justify the military intervention in Iraq , such as the existence and location of ' weapons of mass destruction ' and links between the former regime and international terrorism . I also agree that the text concerning GMOs and zero tolerance in this report is very unfortunate . we have made promises which we have no intention of fulfilling . this is something that the EU has to address . it creates a situation in which many of the European Union ' s institutions can work together , and perhaps most importantly of all , it creates a place for the citizen with his everyday concerns , his desire to take part in the European process . in writing . - Conservative MEPs voted against this report as it is a step in the wrong direction . economic welfare and greater upward social mobility are the key to a successful migration policy . that can only evoke our enthusiasm and our support . for years now , we have pointed to Zimbabwe as the great shame on the face of Africa , a testimony to the effects of tyranny , corruption and exploitation by one man ' s appalling regime . that session , which was held to prepare this resolution , was , from that point of view , a farce , and that is why I left it . however , despite what some of the protesters within this Chamber may think , this is a time for respect : not just respect for the Irish voters , who gave their democratic opinion with regard to this Treaty , but respect for the other countries and their individual rights on how they operate and how they ratify a treaty . Mr President , I would like to congratulate the Swedish Presidency for the vision of a citizen-centred Europe laid down in the Stockholm Programme . the fact that it will lead to an increase in the specific cost of a product and , therefore , probably also to an increase in the price of the product , has already been mentioned here by the Commissioner . in writing . - ( DE ) The recent storms across Madeira , parts of Spain and France took a heavy toll with over 40 deaths on Madeira , another 60 in France , countless missing persons and extensive property damage . the Treaty of Lisbon addresses the democratic deficit by strengthening the powers of both the European Parliament and the national parliaments . was there negligence on the part of the Irish authorities in enforcing with rigour the feed law and food safety requirements ? when considering the most recent escalations , this should not be forgotten . yes , we do want to make use of surplus foodstuffs . it would be helpful if the Commission could indicate how the fund is going to improve developing country access to the CDM . Mr President , in relation to the next two amendments , I am withdrawing our Amendment No 8 . furthermore , they were never called to account or punished . they are necessary , but they must also be worthwhile . the Spanish Presidency really ought to be here today in order to confirm that . it is a paradox that we enter working life later and leave it sooner . similar projects with no social control are also promoted in third countries to secure greater profits for businesses in the name of growth - the growth of capital , naturally . we would like the protection of biodiversity to be a priority for the European Union through its various fields of competence . with respect , that is sleight of hand and is targeted at people ' s ignorance ; it ignores the fact , for example , that if we did not have EU law , we would still have national law , even in the United Kingdom , and indeed in particularly large quantities , as we know . the vote will take place on Wednesday , 21 May 2008 . more importantly , the EQF would help to reduce discrimination against both immigrants and EU citizens in the workplace . you can keep me here for another two weeks , day and night , and I will not accept this criticism . we clearly need more Europe . now , in the third period starting in 2013 , at least 50 % of allowances will be traded and this will gradually increase year on year . the EU needs to work constructively with Turkey and the US to stop impunity in Iran , which is one of the most urgent cases of aggressors and where execution , rape and torture are brought upon citizens by their own government on a daily and systematic basis . Europe must combat this as a whole because four out of every five European citizens consider that corruption is a fundamental problem in their country . this is why the motion for revising this directive is more than timely . I would also like to ask the Commissioner - taking into account what former Commissioner Michel previously said about the need to step up the involvement of the World Bank and the IMF - whether he intends to come up with a proposal for this Istanbul Summit . they will overburden businesses and will obviously result in job losses and in cost increases for consumers . I find that situation quite simply unacceptable . this should ring alarm bells ahead of the vote . we want the Strasbourg week to be week 11 , but this does not mean that our amendment is inadmissible . throughout history the arts have used the most progressive technologies of the day , and scientific debates have influenced many aesthetic theories . ( it ) Mr President , that demonstrates that this resolution is political . I am very pleased about the plans in this area , particularly relating to the shipping industry . Madam President , I welcome the revision of the Novel Food Regulation , which must stimulate innovation in the food and drink industry . I voted in favour of adopting the joint motion for a resolution on the situation in Georgia . Aer Lingus ' s decision to discontinue flights to London has adversely affected the region , not least economically . ( DE ) Madam President , our fellow Members have negotiated very skilfully and have agreed on a very good resolution with the groups . this is our shared Europe . I would like to call to mind not only the Erika or the Prestige , as mentioned by Mr Sterckx , but - and this is the task that I have set myself for my report on the sector - I would also like to say that we must avoid tragedies such as that of the Princess of the Stars , with 800 deaths in the Philippines , as well as the ' mere ' 4 deaths recorded in the collision between a container ship and a hydrofoil on the Strait of Messina or again the ' mere ' 2 deaths a few days ago among those on La Besogne , which hit a bateau mouche in Paris . I abstained during the vote on the report on the new strategy for Afghanistan . it is in fact here that we have market-based instruments , because it is all about introducing taxes and charges on things which exacerbate environmental problems , internalising environmental problems in other words . I am pleased to have your suggestions and contributions , which we have been following closely . I had already been in Mexico and I will go there most probably next year . ( PL ) Mr President , Commissioner , the events in Japan have affected all of us very profoundly . people are scared . the report by Mr Lehne , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , on the proposal for a Council regulation on the Statute for a European private company - C6-0283 / 2008 - . when you realise that apparently the same happened in the Crimea , you can only feel very concerned . if we want genuine equality , then individual European States must not recognise Sharia law in any way , shape or form . firstly , the common market benefits all the Member States , both old and new , and everyone else associated with this common market . the European Parliament was then invited to give its view on the various parts of this paper . we have begun to move , we now have a new basis for the Treaty , but one which is not yet in force . it would have been much better to have an interinstitutional agreement , which would have provided greater security for the future . a common European solution is needed to a common European problem , taking an integrated and cross-sectoral approach that enables aid for and specific intervention in the most underdeveloped areas , and in those with severe structural disadvantages . I can tell you that obtaining a ' yes ' will depend on a range of conditions ; it is important to know that , and we must have an answer on this before 25 January . the argument put forward by Mr Tomczak , who was a member of the Polish Parliament in 1999 , that his national parliamentary immunity remained a formal obstacle to the criminal proceedings should be duly considered by the Polish judicial authorities . this functional or flexible geography does not stop at national borders , and cooperation across national borders is of clear European added value and importance for citizens . I think we need to do more in the short term to help the industry through this present crisis . the sole Romanian church in Mălăiniţa will soon be demolished . however , we will now prevent negative cases as a result of the fact that the substance of a company must be retained in the critical first years following the acquisition in particular . since our belief is that too much international trade leads to over-exploitation and depletion of fish stocks as countries seek to increase their exports , there was a good basis for common ground . the CAS will become operational during the first semester of 2011 . Mr President , let me change tack and bring to your attention some real-life facts . ( DE ) Mr President , Mr Mann , I hope you are in regular contact with your Chancellor , if you see things in the same way that I do . I would like to inform the Chamber that during the vote , at the express request of the association of parliamentary journalists , for each set of results we must also expressly indicate the number of votes for and against and the number of abstentions . you can boo , you can jeer , but remember this : Britain outside of the euro has been able to devalue , has been able to slash interest rates . their alleged crimes were committed when they were 13-17 years old . Mr President , as indicated in the Council ' s proposal for a directive , the minimum VAT rate has helped keep the system operating at an acceptable level . as parliamentarians , we should do our utmost to bring about the required change . Member of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , first I want to say thank you and to welcome the various statements made here , all of which are in support of Mr Lehideux ' s report . the opening up of markets to airlines will provide improved services for passengers and cargo operators , and will bring great benefits in terms of the economy and of job creation . the distressing events in Italy , and in Rome in particular , are only the latest in a series of incidents that have often gone unheeded or have been ignored . this will mean that we as individual parliamentarians have no opportunity to look at the text , to evaluate it , to discuss and reach a sound decision on it . however , particular attention needs to be given to the negative impact that a CCCTB could have on small countries such as Ireland , whose prosperity and employment levels depend , to a large extent , on its capacity to attract foreign investment . a large proportion of these erroneous payments could have been prevented by the Member States . moreover , the latest reports indicate that the only Slovenian museum in Hungary is to be closed down because of funding cuts . it is a serious violation of the human rights which we in the EU defend fiercely and fight every day to uphold . ( HU ) As a rapporteur , or in this case draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety for the report on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms , I wish to emphasise again that the European Parliament must be given a greater role in supervising procedures . we do need to look at that issue . Madam President , I am happy to be able to lend my support to a pan-European project that is very ambitious both for the European Union and for developing countries , and which is aimed at eliminating tuberculosis by means of a vaccination programme . ( FR ) Mr President , the food industry uses 300 food additives , 2 600 natural or artificial flavourings , plus traditional diastases or enzymes and also azo dyes . given that all countries have responsibilities for supporting the least developed countries ( LDCs ) , in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals , I agree with the proposals included in this joint motion for a resolution , and I would like to see the goal of halving the number of LDCs by 2020 achieved . the Committee is being very wary , and not without reason . subject : EU broadband strategy during the crisis the Moldovan authorities committed serious violations of human rights . finally , both the Council and the Commission talk endlessly about the importance of flexicurity , but how can the Council be taken seriously while the directive on temporary agency work remains blocked ? China has maintained her cultural traditions and her values . the same question can be asked of national parliaments . we will overcome them most effectively if we work together to find common solutions . today , seven years since the agreement was ratified , the European Parliament has managed to express its opinion on the negotiations led by the Commission on the basis of Council directives . the goal of creating a joint European identity and promoting the Union ' s interests is crucial to peace and social cohesion . the best way to be less dependent is to pursue the route of more energy efficiency and energy diversification as well as more energy produced inside the European Union . this unjust embargo on our people in Gaza and the war against it was but an episode in a continuous series of measures aiming at separating Gaza from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian lands , and also at marginalising Gaza and marginalising all of our people , and preventing our people from attaining their ultimate goal : an end to occupation , gaining freedom and the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the lands that were occupied in 1967 , with Eastern Jerusalem as its capital . the real causes of the problem are the unfair distribution of resources , for example owing to exploitation of fish stocks , including by fishing trawlers from the European Union . Mr President , a court with a mission is a menace . why is that ? I strongly encourage establishing as an objective the reduction of the gender pay gap by 1 % each year in order to achieve a target of a 10 % reduction by 2020 . however , this budget package leaves those subsidies virtually untouched . I also approved of this resolution because it calls on the EU to devote more attention to concrete projects that coincide with the interests of the partner countries . we must therefore act by creating the right environment conducive to confidence building between the two parties , and to have two distinct and viable states which can cohabit peacefully . in the light of this disaster , I think it essential that we immediately carry out a special assessment - a detailed and far-reaching technical inspection of drilling platforms operating in the territorial waters of the European Union . this European Commission does not stand for more democracy and an awakening ; it is a continuation along the path that led us into the current crisis . research should include technically and economically based pilot studies to ensure not only an attractive economic benefit-cost ratio but also one that yields net benefits toward the Community ' s goals of curtailing climate change and affordable food prices for all citizens of the world . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , the Commission is pleased that an agreement has been reached between the institutions on a joint text for a statute for parliamentary assistants . according to international observers in the country , the elections in 2006 and 2007 were conducted in accordance with the rules and there is no doubt as to the legitimacy of Mauritania ' s ousted government . to achieve this , they want ' to involve national judges more actively in , and accord them greater responsibility for , the implementation of Community law ' . if you want to be able to make valid comments on a subject of a technical nature , you normally seek information from those people who are most knowledgeable about these issues . it is not the whole story , though . this explains why there are differences ; but they are , I believe , transitional differences . the Commission proposal provides the necessary flexibility for derogations from BREFs , provided , of course , that they are warranted by local conditions at the time . this development , which has significant consequences , throws up a double challenge both for managing more than 1 200 bilateral investment treaties ( BIT ) already concluded by the Member States and to define a future European investment policy which meets the expectations of investors and beneficiary states while , at the same time , respecting the objectives of the EU ' s external action . obviously , there is no doubt that the objective of bringing SIS II into service in September 2009 will be subject to delay . capital punishment , therefore , causes the opposite effect to the one intended . even though taxation might seem a bit difficult , and we all know that it is still beyond unanimity , we must be very courageous in putting forward action in this area . I think this is an important matter . in addition to the measures that need to be taken by the European Commission , it is important to strengthen the European Union ' s partnerships with international financial institutions with a view to identifying innovative financial instruments.A suitable funding framework also needs to be created , particularly through improving the rules for allocating costs for cross-border projects or technologically advanced projects . young people , science and innovation are at the heart of the priorities of the next European Union budget . if the system is set up in such a way that a dependency on continuous subsidy develops without requiring effort among the regions to obtain the relevant resources , then I believe that such an intermediate category would be an unmitigated disaster because it will always be a bone of contention and offers no rationale . in the meantime , we ask this mission to ensure that the national Serbian minority is respected and valued on the land of their ancestors . it is also imperative that the Member States put those agreements into practice without delay . I demand that the appropriate measures be taken . the Spanish State is a paradigmatic example of that : it is attempting to meet requirements by passing its deficit on to the autonomous governments and local councils . let me start with national penalties introduced in respect of the reasoned offer procedure . flexible employment that does not recognise the importance of job security brings short-term benefits to employers at the expense of workers . these vehicles are , however , an important alternative that must be given due consideration , despite these problems . the EU has now taken on primary responsibility for assisting Kosovo internally . I am glad that Mr Balčytis raised the issue of tourism in the Baltic region : tourism is not an issue that exclusively concerns the economies of Mediterranean countries - Spain , France , Italy , Greece and Malta . looking forward to Pittsburgh , that would seem to me to be the big danger . are you prepared to discuss with the German Government or with other governments what seems to me to be a completely unacceptable mechanism ? this country , Mauritania , is today going through a very serious political crisis . the environmental impact analyses must be carried out by reliable and independent bodies before large projects are allowed to get underway . there is a President of Parliament , there is a President of the Commission , and there will be a President of the European Council . even though the report is about the application and implementation of the Residence Directive , it also refers to the Metock ruling , which permits foreigners who have no legal right to stay in the EU to obtain a residence permit through marriage and hence to travel around the European Union with their spouses . to ensure that these devices are really effective , it is crucial that all those involved in the distribution chain are subject to more stringent rules . should Parliament now go and say that it is all unnecessary ? without this , coordination would have been substantially more difficult and these advances more uncertain . please come and exercise the solidarity that has so often been mentioned today . it is more than that , however ; it is the use of rape as a genuine weapon of war , and this goes on amid a certain amount of indifference in public opinion and the international community , and more specifically European public opinion . on 31 May 2010 the Geneva Agreement on Trade in Bananas between the European Union and Brazil , Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama , Peru and Venezuela was signed , providing for a gradual reduction in tariff rates on banana imports from those countries . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( SK ) I would like to offer my frank congratulations to Mrs Bauer on the proposed text . this modernised and simplified directive will reduce the obligations on operators while enabling them to combat excise fraud more effectively . this is paragraph 7 , which concerns the condemnation of the way in which the Turkish authorities are behaving in Northern Cyprus , which , according to all international rules , is unlawfully occupied by Turkey - by Turkish troops - and therefore by a country that is both formally and , in reality , negotiating its accession to the EU . I do not believe these risks are subject to adequate common controls , nor do I believe that there is sufficient scope for joint decision-making on this issue . it is high time to abandon the fatal illusion of federalism and build a Europe of the nations , united by more tangible alliances that will undoubtedly be more modest , but more effective . we voted against it . ( SK ) Madam President , sexual violence does not constitute a violation of female human rights or male human rights . - Before the vote : I have abstained from voting because in my opinion , the measures proposed in the report relating to the extent to which the individual Member States will be held responsible and will be involved do not go far enough . if the right wing extremists now go on the offensive with such arguments , it is up to the electorate to judge . therefore , the European Union ' s attention is very important not only for the old European Union Member States , but also for those that have recently joined the European Union and that are benefiting from support from the Structural Funds and the European Social Fund . I consider the word ' verify ' would be more appropriate than ' ensure ' , and I would be interested in the Commissioner ' s view whether ' ensure ' , in this context , is consistent with WTO stipulations and , in general , with the EU ' s commitment to free trade . UKIP notes the attempts the EU has made to interfere with other countries ' policies in this area . Commissioner , I do not believe in the formulas of our socialist fellow Member who talks to us of ultra-capitalism and ultra-liberalism - which , moreover , as a semantic assimilation , is morally debatable . we in the international community must toughen our resolve against this tyrannical Mugabe regime . ( RO ) Madam President , food security is one of the challenges of the future . did the European Council devote even five minutes ' thought to what we failed to do previously in our policy on the Mediterranean ? fourthly , these workers must be covered by a statutory social security obligation , in particular , given that this is a minimum wage sector . what should we be expecting in this respect from the new US President and the package of measures he has just announced ? all the technical conditions have been met . then there are the problems that already exist today . I would like to urge the presidency , particularly the incoming French Minister , to make this dossier a priority to help to resolve the crisis in availability , especially for what we call minor uses and so-called minor species , which include sheep , horses , bees , fish and many other animals that are not so minor in many of our countries . the ceasefire , which was the first of the six points , was therefore immediate and effective . we also know that poverty has not fallen in the European Union over the past five years , but that in fact more people are excluded from the affluent society . my country ' s government has therefore refrained from signing the Charter of Fundamental Rights , particularly as there was a serious risk that the ratification process in Poland would effectively be blocked if a different decision were to be taken . investment in the quality of teacher training is one of the most efficient ways of achieving an overall improvement since teachers multiply such effects . the consequences will be all the more serious for residents of remote and inaccessible mountain or island regions , which companies will not be able to serve profitably . the Council wants to keep both the opt-out and the yearly calculation of working time . in writing . - ( LT ) I welcomed this document , because it sets out an EU legal framework for spent fuel and radioactive waste management . written statements ( Rule 149 ) I also wish to congratulate Sebastián Piñera ' s new Government which takes office today , and to encourage him in the reconstruction efforts for which I hope he will be able to count on the European Union ' s full support . I wanted the same to apply to the protection of European inventions , and I wanted enhanced cooperation to be used to create a European patent . this will be voted on at the end . I myself am determined to work hard at helping you to feel that our common Europe is also your Europe - and we will write the story of Europe ' s future together . that is appropriate if we have tight controls on it . I understand that yesterday was his birthday . these things are covered to a certain extent by corporate social responsibility , but they cannot be implemented without a national framework . this evening I should like once again to put it in graphic terms : I am anticipating that this dual nature of culture will really have an effect in all policy fields , particularly regarding internal-market logic . many women assist their husbands in business and current social security arrangements do not provide them with any protection . I was perhaps a bit of a cynic about whether these sorts of meetings could achieve anything but , whilst there have been many voices in the press complaining about a lack of detail , particularly - as Jo Leinen suggests - about lack of detail in the area of financing for the Green Fund and many other issues that have been left unspecified at this stage , I take the optimistic view that this gathering was not the time or the place for dealing with minute detail , but was the time to flesh out the global aspirations and talk a bit about strategy , and I think that has been achieved . we must be there for the people , feed them , bring them medical relief , and support their yearning desire for freedom . Sixthly , boosting the Community budget in order to promote economic and social cohesion is absolutely essential . ( FR ) Whether we like it or not , the Goldstone report has been endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations , and I do not see why there should be double standards in relation to international law . I agree with the strong views expressed in this House regarding the need for Turkey to respect human rights . such is the case with the EUR 350 million in funding proposed for the Institution of Nuclear Fusion , an investment which is seriously dubious in the current climate . I think that we might end up in a situation , because I think some of the difficulties the sector has been facing are actually rooted before the cotton reform was made in 2004 . given the courage with which President Tadić has fought for a European course and how embattled he is in Serbia , it is imperative that we support these political forces and encourage them so that they are able to show their population that the path to Europe , rather than a nationalistic path , is the right path for the people , too . the work is progressing quite well , also at working group level , and towards the end of the Hungarian Presidency we will be able to adopt the strategy at the General Affairs Council ; the European Council will be able to assure us of its support in this regard , and then it will be up to us to implement it as fully as possible , from sewage treatment to the preservation of our drinking water base . Mr President , knowledge creation within the European Union is always a priority , which we manage successfully . Mr President , it is indeed and I think you failed to catch my eye . in doing this work , the Commission has to respect the confidentiality to which the Court of Justice has confirmed that the Member States are entitled concerning the investigation of alleged application issues and potential infringement proceedings . we cannot separate EU solutions from this system , but instead must ensure that we get as many global solutions in place as possible . in conclusion , the Commission is , speaking quite unequivocally , in full agreement with Parliament , whatever the developments on the nuclear issue or on other issues of concern to the European Union . 52 . in writing . - ( RO ) The simplification of procedures is a major objective of the European institutions , which are aware that overregulation is a burden both for their operation and for the efficiency and competitiveness of economic operators . the EU has rightly set ambitious targets for renewable energy , but the idea that achieving these targets will be pain-free is a delusion . as this is the last meeting here in the plenary before the elections to this Parliament , I would like to express my sincere thanks for your very good cooperation and exchanges of views - sometimes with lots of patriotism and with lots of dynamism , but it has been a pleasure . indeed , you only support the results that suit you . naturally , the second thing that Europe must do , also in the short term , what we can do , is constantly to reinforce our measures in the area of energy saving , and to place ever greater stress on renewable energy resources , making more use of wind , solar , water and biomass sources . to emerge from this , we need to focus on the quality and safety of our produce . there is clearly a role to play for better employment contracts , which is why , in the flagship initiative Agenda for New Skills and Jobs and subsequent documents , we highlighted the problem of segmentation and advocated the use of open-ended contracts , which may have a wider relevance but which help the younger generation in particular . I myself have just had a meeting with Messrs Milinkevich , Kozulin and Protasiewicz and Parliament can pride itself on awarding the Sakharov Prize to Mr Milinkevich . in terms of further developing the EU ' s long-term approach to meeting the challenge , our existing energy policies are viewed by many as a ' world leader ' . exchanging information and skills between immigration liaison officers and Frontex using the Information and Coordination Network for Member States ' migration management services will enable better risk analysis by Frontex , as well as better control over legal and illegal immigration . in that respect , the path we need to take is to say ' yes ' to intelligent solutions . this agreement also affects other forests indirectly , although this is less evident and more marginal . in this regard , it is important that the Swedish Presidency is also prepared to change its view and to fight to prevent those hardest hit by climate change from also being affected even more by hunger . I hope that a nearly unanimous decision in tomorrow ' s vote will underline these principles which have been freely agreed upon by 27 Member States , which are the principles behind our European directives , and which have been reinforced by the Charter of Fundamental Rights . the only measure on which Parliament does not agree is the extension of Europol ' s powers in this field . I hope that the inspections of businesses will encourage Member States to refer to criminal law . I have to tell you , Mr García-Margallo , that the Spanish Presidency of the Council is working in a close and coordinated way - the Community method - with Mr Van Rompuy , President of the European Council , to push forward the essential goals . it is only right that we make this significant move , because there are so many problems and they are so extensive and affect so many countries , not least Afghanistan and Pakistan , but each country has its own specific problems . today ' s report will give rise to a debate that I hope will be fruitful . this proposal takes account of the fact that the new Europe 2020 integrated guidelines are to be fully transposed in the Member States ' policy measures and sequencing of reforms to be presented in the final NRPs due in April 2011 . in writing . - It is clear now that , despite the worst attempts of some to denigrate the European Union on the basis of measurements , the EU is able to deal with issues in a practical manner . as our fellow Member has just said , how will you get a guarantee that all the criteria that you have mentioned to the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy are taken into account by each Member State that uses nuclear power stations ? then the ' user pays ' principle is not very appropriate . the danger of the proposed system is that cross-border healthcare , which implies a form of preferential treatment , will mainly be used by financially better off citizens . the European Union , meanwhile , should concentrate on supporting and guiding innovation . the report ' s conclusions are worrying . the Commission was not able to justify implementation of the proposal , and neither could the Committee on International Trade during its meeting . as you know , during the previous parliamentary term , we discussed the issue of the adoption of Romanian children by parents in Israel , and this caused serious problems , including of a political nature . now we have another initiative . is that correct ? Member of the Commission . - ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , first of all I would like to thank Mrs Járóka , Mrs Angelilli , Mr Wiersma and Mrs Mohácsi for raising these issues , which I am dealing with on behalf of my colleague , Vladimír Špidla , because he is currently in China , and this gives us the opportunity to talk things through on this extremely important subject . the crisis must absolutely not be used to extend EU competences . in writing . - ( PT ) Taking into account the statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the Court of Auditors pursuant to Article 287 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , I voted for this decision , which grants the European Ombudsman discharge in respect of the implementation of its budget for the financial year 2009 . Ms Haug , thank you for that . rosé wines and permitted oenological practices ( debate ) Mr President , we can see the way in which the Irish Republic has been brought to its present predicament by the euro . but , after that , an analysis should take place , and measures should also be taken . at the start of its Presidency France did not know that a world financial crisis would erupt and that this crisis would become its greatest challenge . however , for one fallen wall , how many others have been erected on our continent ? at the same time , ' A to G ' is well known to consumers . I am also very grateful for the timely input Mr Reul and this House will provide in the area of energy innovation , clean fossil fuel and nuclear energy . let us be clear , it is still important that workers should be able , if they so wish , to prolong their working life within the existing legal framework of each Member State , but the right to a pension at the legal age must be safeguarded . I support it wholeheartedly . however , you must be aware that this will involve a struggle over responsibilities . I would especially like to thank the heads of the working groups in the Presidency , the majority of them young people , and their associates who have worked so well . just one paragraph about a confusion that remains : there was no increase in the budget for Members and there will be no increase for next year . no . it is therefore a matter of urgency that we come to an equitable common denominator in order to harmonise laws throughout Europe . you bomb Afghanistan and complain about refugees . to me , the Commission ' s silence seems highly eloquent . to achieve this , national enforcers need sufficient staff and resources . above all , we are willing to give the Chinese people the assistance they need . I would remind the House that Greece is particularly sensitive on this issue , having mourned victims of a similar attack against Greek tourists by fanatical Islamists in Cairo in Egypt on 18 April 1996 . not only will the new Treaty provide for more transparency in the activity of the Union , which has always been a matter of particular importance to Sweden ; it also makes combating climate change a new aim of the European Union , and that is an area in which Sweden can already boast major successes . it is a single economic , cultural and perhaps also political force . over 120 women have been murdered since 1996 , a significant number by a partner or ex-partner . and , if we have received nothing else , we have managed to secure the programmes of the deliveries of the World Food Programme to the starving and suffering people of Somalia . it is imperative that these funds are made available to those who really need them in an expedient and effective manner . the Commission could , however , improve transparency and , hence , democratic scrutiny in the field of the common foreign and security policy , by informing Parliament of internal transfers in good time . in writing . - Serious consideration has to be taken as regards existing Union-wide redress mechanisms such as SOLVIT . forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting : see Minutes a large proportion of Parliament , like the Spanish delegation of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament , has formally opposed paragraph 41 of this resolution , which asks for the principle of subsidiarity to be applied to land policy . since these products can be freely imported , proving their origin is apparently unnecessary , but there are still some doubts about this facilitating measure . on this note , I would like to point out two things . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted for the legislative resolution based on the report by my Greek fellow Member Katerina Batzeli approving , at first reading under the codecision procedure , the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision No 1720 / 2006 / EC establishing an action programme in the field of lifelong learning . the problem of climate change must , by now , be something that everyone knows about or is at least aware of . on the other hand there are remaining concerns about public health , biodiversity and local wildlife . hence , my ' no ' vote in the final vote . many times , consumers sign contracts for the supply of services without reading the contractual provisions carefully and if they do read them carefully they believe they cannot propose any amendments thereof . it must remain clear that to innovate does not mean to imitate the old practice of privatising profit and socialising losses or that to diversify means to transfer the costs of decisions made by a few people to society as a whole . if we want the European citizens of tomorrow to be motivated in their work and to be open to cross-border activities , it is important , even today , to offer them the prospect of adequate and sustainable retirement pension provision , harmonised at European level . so if there are particular problems with certain products that cannot be recognised in individual Member States for ethical reasons , those Member States must retain the right to ban such products . in France , she has proven that she understands the economy , that she also promotes small and medium-sized enterprises , in particular , and that she has regard for those who actually work and make a contribution . I do not think that renationalisation is a solution because , in my opinion , the Member States would not have the means to assure the adoption of specific measures in these outermost regions if we did not have the common agricultural policy and a Community approach . we got this past the Member States with very great difficulty . I think that the European Union must give its support to setting up a UN committee of inquiry which will substantiate human rights violations in North Korea . fortunately , the Council was of the same opinion and at the last minute we were able to put this right in the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety . Western Europe is rich in coal , which needs only travel a short distance to a power station . I would like to remind everyone that , in the Nordic countries , robust social rights have succeeded in combining high levels of competitiveness with productivity . even though the proposal mainly focuses on administrative matters , it gives an idea of the nature and characteristics envisaged for future investments . there is no evidence for this in any of the detailed and independent studies carried out . finding a real political solution to the Kurdish problem , recognising the Armenian genocide , normalising relations with neighbouring countries and ending the occupation of Cyprus are some of the issues which Turkey is required to address . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , if globalisation causes redundancies , there will be a shortfall in revenue so the Globalisation Fund will not have the money it wants to spend . we voted today in favour of peripheral regions being taken into account in this Directive and in favour of a deletion of a Commission proposal allowing an airline to demand conversion of its aviation allowances to Kyoto-backed allowances free of charge ! I am very grateful to Mr Tajani for pointing out that Parliament will also be involved in the follow-up work that remains to be done . at the present time , when we are coming out of the crisis and are standing before the new challenges which await the EU after 2013 , innovation is one of the most important ways - if not the most important way - to consolidate the EU ' s position in the world . in writing . - I voted for this resolution which recalls , in the light of current events in the Southern Mediterranean , particularly in Tunisia and Egypt , the ENP ' s failure to promote and safeguard human rights in third countries ; urges the EU to draw lessons from those events and to revise its democracy and human rights support policy so as to create an implementation mechanism for the human rights clause included in all agreements with third countries ; insists that the review of the ENP must prioritise criteria relating to the independence of the judiciary , respect for fundamental freedoms , pluralism and freedom of the press and the fight against corruption ; and calls for better coordination with the Union ' s other policies vis-à-vis those countries . thank you for your attention . the Member States should therefore retain the right to take measures aimed at protecting the right to information and ensuring viewers ' access to television broadcasts of major sport events . I have in mind the Olympic Games and the European Championship or World Cup . the second point is , of course , the issue of what are known as the ' sunset clauses ' or revision clauses . that would not have been possible without the constructive and responsible role of Parliament throughout the whole negotiation process . to ensure that allowances fetch an appropriate price so that the emissions trading scheme can be effective , the proportion of allowances to be auctioned off must be much higher than the Commission has proposed . to help us achieve that , as from 2009 the Commission will be drafting a three-yearly report on youth . written statements ( Rule 142 ) for her to say that an MEP ' s immunity should be waived because the comments for which he or she is being criticised did not come within the scope of his or her parliamentary activities is absolute nonsense from a legal point of view . the underlying reasoning is that anyone who can govern an artificial country such as Belgium can do likewise in Europe . he has presented a very balanced report and has worked very closely with the shadow rapporteurs . the pictures in children ' s books depicting women in aprons and men in spacecraft must disappear . anybody is welcome to look at these pictures that have been sent to me . this shows that the outcome of today ' s debate needs to be a balanced one , so that we can be sure that the interests of all citizens have been protected . that is the only way for this endeavour to succeed . we do , of course , hope - and this is something we can all agree on - that Mr Solana will come before us a few more times before the end of this parliamentary term . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we are here to talk about social Europe . Mr Papastamkos , you probably know my personal opinion , which is , in fact , even a little bit more radical than your own . ( SK ) I would like to congratulate the authors of this question , Mrs Hedh and Mrs Bauer . for these reasons I voted against this report . those duties will apply to so many people who are vulnerable and suffering today . however , success in tackling these problems will only be achieved when all 27 countries combine their efforts . it is true that the EU will not be complete until the Balkans form part of the Union , but this cannot be at any price , and certainly not at the price of undermining international law and ignoring fundamental European values . among those affected are defence minister Abdul-Qadir al-Obaidi and Saleh al-Mutlaq , the head of the Sunni-led Iraqi Front for National Dialogue . on the principle , there is no more to say ; the passport is its own defence . an extremely important step has been taken , which Moldova and the European Union cannot afford to mishandle . but citizens are even more interested to see European institutions tackle the practical question of European policy-making . any financial aid to the dairy sector is imperative to its survival , especially the survival of small family farms as we find in Northern Ireland . a rigorous assessment of all projects underway is therefore urgently needed , along with a strategic redirection of the funds that are still available , taking into account the achievement of the objectives set out by the Europe 2020 strategy in preparation for the next Multiannual Financial Framework ( MFF ) . ( ES ) Mr President , I would first of all like to express my condolences and solidarity for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti . so far , the status of the Nobel Prize-winner has , at times , secured her a limited degree of freedom . may I assure you that the European Commission and I are devoting a great deal of attention to effective financial management and strict financial discipline . we must also find possible resolutions and peace in the states in the area and in the Arab states . all the speakers talked of Lampedusa , but I would like to invite you to reflect on what the kind of migratory process we are experiencing at present really means for an island that lives on tourism and fishing . I will end on a positive note . through no fault of their own they often cannot go back . I have visited this country many times as a member of the South Asia delegation . this is a report that will help as much as possible to provide more stability and we must ensure as far as possible that all the countries are harmonised with regard to the applicable rates to reduce discrepancies as much as possible . there is now a new industry that has been built in Brussels . thus the new NATO strategy was adopted , which also officially overthrows the basic rules of international law . Adjournment of the session 2 . I would therefore be grateful , Commissioner , if you could answer my questions , and I call for support for the report by Mr Freitas . we would like to offer the family of the deceased and all his relatives our heartfelt sympathy and condolences . tourism encourages people to understand each other better , it promotes the formation of European identity and , through relationships among social , economic and cultural groups , it encourages dialogue between cultures . we and Her Majesty ' s Government agree that spending should be increased in those areas that add value . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , the White Paper on Sport , following on from the own-initiative report on the future of professional football , known as the Belet report , is a substantial and necessary document . we have discussed repeatedly in the European Parliament the insufficient accessibility of certain drugs , for example those for the treatment of cancer or so-called rare diseases . I believe that the results of the audit carried out by the European Court of Auditors will reveal the objectives of the use of the funds and their effectiveness . I would like to make a third and final comment . at the same time , taking into account the interests of others and in order to prevent distortion of competition in the market in countries where the postal sector is already fully liberalised , the postal services of countries that are not yet opening their market may not provide services until the derogation deadline at the end of December 2012 . it depends on two elements . what we can do - and this we are doing - is to strengthen and improve cooperation , but we cannot assume responsibility . transparency in the decision-making process is especially needed when European democracy is questioned . in writing . - My statement aims to justify my abstention on the resolution on Turkey . we have had very positive contributions from both the Council and the Commission . I am Spartacus ! these principles must not be called into question in any way . I voted for this resolution because it proposes a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union by the end of 2011 , and because I understand that a ban constitutes , at the moment , the only reliable way of protecting our water resources and ecosystems from the pollution caused by the use of cyanide in mines . the introduction of the Blue Card , which the EU needs because it is facing a shortage of highly qualified workers in certain sectors , is a step forward for the economic migration of highly qualified workers from third countries . with regard to the current investment at Roşia Montană , the plans involve an exponentially larger gold mine . documents received : see Minutes Mr President , following Mr Kelam ' s remarks about Parliament ' s warning seven years ago , we have to consider what , if anything , has changed in China as regards Tibet since that time , and whether Parliament ' s position has changed . we are now half-way through the six-month suspension of sanctions against Belarus that was the decided at the meeting of EU foreign ministers on 13 October 2008 . moreover , the actions to eradicate or destroy drugs , which are sponsored by the international community , are used by the tribal political and military leaders for their own benefit and for eliminating competition . it is not too late to avoid that . controlling our borders is not a technical problem and it is not a military problem : it is a political matter . for this reason , we have always emphasised the importance of a powerful supervisory committee and of a high level of independence . Dowries may be used to prop up the position of financial institutions in the private market . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) the EU must be sensitive to the need for austerity , particularly when it comes to the budget of the EEAS . I would like to offer you the opportunity on behalf of my group to work with us in partnership to develop a suitable regulation at a European level , in order to ensure that the interests of the car industry are addressed in this free trade agreement . we need these initiatives as a consequence of the rulings of the European Court of Justice in the Laval , Viking , Rüffert and Luxemburg cases . and we should not delude ourselves that this can be done with some Treaty which would have three articles that we would all know by heart and all understand . 8 . this also featured in the original plan , and then the Commission seemed to neglect this issue . we need higher minimum wages and better social services in Europe . how are you supporting the establishment of 23rd August as ' Victims of Totalitarianism ' day ? last week , our delegation was refused entry to Gaza by Israel . however , a wide variety of measurements and measuring systems prevail in many fields . ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , yes , a reform of the COM in wine is desirable , but are the means put forward by the Commission the most suitable ? the development of modern technologies and green job creation are closely linked to energy policy . for this reason , the EU should take a more balanced approach between the various sectors during trade negotiations , and should promote both its defensive and offensive agricultural interests . I have no problem with the contents , but I do not think there is any need to repeat some elements in different resolutions . secondly , however , what we are doing is restoring , confirming and creating the chance for 18 MEPs , who would have had the right to take their seats if the Treaty had been approved before the elections , to exercise that right . we are not going to catch true criminals , who come from every population group , by this method . it will be hugely damaging . my place was to bring together the coordination , to be talking to the Friends of Haiti Group , to be coordinating with the United States to make sure that we put in the maximum effort on the ground . this means we have a great opportunity to make direct contact and talk with the Libyan opposition . but your question is , ' how and when can you guarantee a positive DAS ? ' on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , your words today were typical of your time as President . more attention should be devoted to employment , and the Council ' s plans are good in that respect . eight of the countries that joined the EU in 2004 - together with Romania and Bulgaria - have transitory periods of at least two years , which can reach seven years . however , this should not be happening now . we are actually at the point where we should recognise the failure of at least some of our policies and of the one-size-fits-all solutions that are too often applied . throughout this House all of us will have constituents , whatever our nationality , who have been suffering from abuses under the urbanisation law in the Spanish Costas , as indeed thousands of Spanish citizens are . I do not believe that any of the parties involved would like to see the demise of this promising and developing sector , which has several dozen small and medium-sized enterprises operating within it . it seems to me that we should also add a separate target for social justice and combating inequalities . how can it highlight safety when it is self-declaration that prevails , and when some parties , attracted by the smell of profit , have no hesitation in transporting goods which could turn out to be particularly hazardous for people and the environment , without declaring them ? we must take this opportunity seriously and base our actions on these acquired institutional reforms . there is no doubt that increasing energy efficiency is the most cost-effective and the fastest way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions . we emphasise that we were against resources from the research budget being used for these projects . I would have liked more to have been said in the package of measures about the Member States which are not part of the euro zone and about how to access liquidity in an emergency . for these reasons I voted against this report . there were discussions about increased solidarity among the Member States and ensuring the sustainability of the social security and pension systems . yes ! the threat of imported cheap labour is a reality , brought in through the back door by unscrupulous employers under the guise of free movement . it is also strange to see this resolution adopted on the basis of Rule 106 ( 4 ) of the Rules of Procedure , which concerns the election of the entire Commission and not the replacement of a commissioner . thank you for your attention . as far as I can see , there are three reasons for this . the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures - Greening of transport and internalisation of external costs ( continuation of debate ) however , in taking that lead , we have to show moral leadership . I would stress that we are talking about international waters here and that Lene Espersen , the Danish Foreign Minister , has also emphatically said that this is unacceptable . the only sensible way to react to this is to do something , in the short term , about a common European asylum and migration policy . the second measure is to raise awareness of the benefits among users and public authorities through the establishment of a best practice Internet portal and European award schemes for smart homes - independent living applications for instance . it provides a model in crisis , a model which prevents public intervention in the economy . in view of these considerations , I voted for the joint motion for a resolution on the tuberculosis vaccine . the reality is , ladies and gentlemen , that this report invites us to think much more widely about the quality of our customs system , our financial circuits and , more generally , about the protection of the financial interests of the European Union . it is a topical subject which is hugely important for the future . we should pay particular attention to Alzheimer ' s disease , since it is becoming an increasingly serious problem , not only in the EU but also on a global scale , and , according to specialists , the number of sufferers is constantly on the rise . our society is ageing , and we must speak about this problem openly and look for solutions . I am of the opinion that the text represents a very well-balanced compromise . the voice of the citizens has enormous significance here . for euro coins , a total of 100 095 counterfeits were removed from circulation in 2008 , which represents a decrease of 7 % compared to 2007 , and the two-euro coin has always been by far the most counterfeited euro coin . we believe that , with the new regulation , this opportunity for choice will be extended ; it will not be reduced , rather it will be extended . an organisation which plays with the lives of innocent people by acting behind their backs . we need measures to prevent a counterproductive austerity policy , not punitive measures . it is the ritual sacrifice to the new religion of climate and its new gurus , these partially-minded scientists who pour anathema on all those whose work opposes their untouchable conclusions . in the current crisis situation , it is better to do more , rather than to wait . there were the calls for the gender thought police in paragraph 9 . ( DE ) Madam President , Doris Pack has , as always , submitted an excellent text , because she is not only an expert on Southern Europe , but also on education . how precisely do you propose to strengthen the social dimension of the Lisbon Strategy ? I particularly welcome cooperation on humanitarian crises and natural disasters . farmers will only increase production if they make a profit , and we have a real problem here . the interim agreement is not only a favour to the US ; it is in our common interest . first , it is certain that complete decoupling lowers production . the only hope for an effective solution to problems of this type lies in convincing the rulers and the opposition that the overriding aim of politics is not to acquire or hold onto power ; the aim of politics is the good of the people . I hope that we can reach those targets without the need for strong intervention at European level . I am disturbed , however , about the media reports today that Haitians are protesting because , despite all efforts , they still have no tents over their heads or enough food and water . given the fact that the economy of Moldova is being heavily hit by the negative effects of the global financial and economic crisis , and that its wine sector employs about 300 000 workers , this report , which I voted for , proposes the increase of the current tariff quota for wine in order to support Moldova ' s efforts and to provide an attractive and viable market for its wine exports , which , moreover , do not compete with Portuguese products . to that end we need a European agreement covering the southern shores of the Mediterranean , including Tunisia and also Egypt . therefore , with all due respect for the Commission ' s good intentions and the work carried out by Mr Lehne and the Committee on Legal Affairs , I cannot support this report . this legislation does what only the European Union can do in a strong internal market . together with the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance in the European Parliament , I support this agreement . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to thank you , Mr President , for your hard work . only three hours ago I spoke with a colleague here in the European Parliament who said : ' if they don ' t do as we want , we can block them , not just in NATO , but in the EU . we have to insist on the development of the civilian dimension of the peace enforcement and peace keeping missions , as well as of the crisis management and post-crisis rehabilitation operation . moreover , the planned measures , which are based on the massive collection of personal data , pose risks to the protection of privacy in my opinion . lobbies play a useful and essential role in legislative work , providing that there is transparency . yesterday , however , we had the debate on the strategy and future of Europe in view of the G20 with another president , who by contrast had to ask for and was given an invite , it is not clear on what grounds , aside from the obvious reason of the role being played by his national state . I hope it will be given specific political content , and also that the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly will play a role as an instrument of support for the ambitions of those states which are obviously European in outlook . this momentum is diminishing day by day . those sums of money were a good investment , as we can now see , as an enterprise economy emerges in Northern Ireland and the border counties . with the national action plans , I would like to hope that the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport has enough staff , or is able to recruit enough staff , to deal with , monitor and implement the issues . both reports - the Rasmussen report and the Lehne report - demonstrate the urgent need for action . this will translate directly into the kind of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which will bring us closer to one of the 3x20 objectives . creating an excellent framework for training and work is a task that can be carried out from within the European institutions . furthermore , the Committee on Petitions is of the view that the Commission ' s uncooperative attitude in this and other cases of access to documents risks undermining citizens ' trust in the Commission and eroding the ability of the European Ombudsman and the European Parliament to adequately and effectively supervise the Commission . clearly , there needs to be a substantial increase in numbers of effective UN and AU troops deployed in eastern Congo and a clear idea of where they come from - there are many countries that could contribute to this that are not doing so at the moment . I am afraid that such an assessment is no longer valid . the Council is , in turn , due to discuss this at the end of the month , on 27 and 28 October . good governance is a fundamental principle of the Cotonou Agreement . ( applause ) we are taking positive action and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the public authorities . ( SK ) Mr President , I would like to thank the group of Members for raising this urgent issue . what is very important in my opinion is the emphasis placed on renewable energy as regards the candidate countries . general arrangements for excise duty ( this means that prices rise and development becomes impossible . opening of the sitting this is one reason why the Commission should examine it for compliance with EU law and it could have a great effect on other Member States . we need to fight for full employment with comprehensive social security , in contrast with current practices , which , on the pretext of demographic decline , are leading towards the logic of uncertain employment and are undermining the importance of collective negotiations in various countries . 2 . the European Union adopted guidelines for the brokering of arms trading in 2001 , and the common position was adopted in 2003 . following the 2002 floods , which caused great human and material damage in Germany , Austria , the Czech Republic and France , the Council of the European Union created an instrument to allow funds to be released rapidly to assist regions affected by natural disasters . the region I come from adjoins the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine . this should always be pointed out . several international journalists ' organisations have also expressed their concern . the next item is the Council and Commission statements on the implementation of Goldstone recommendations on Israel / Palestine . energy is one of life ' s basic necessities . I voted in favour of this report because I feel it is necessary to provide European savers with clear and safe financial instruments . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , I would like to propose the following amendment to Paragraph 6 . it is vital that we act to ensure that the European Union implements a truly sustainable fishing policy in order to protect stocks , the environment , and European jobs in the long term . once again , I would like to express my thanks to Parliament ' s negotiating team and , in particular , to the Chair of the Budget Committee , Mr Lamassoure , and to the rapporteurs for the 2010 budget , Mr Surján and Mr Maňka . the European Parliament would be committing a grave error if it sent a delegation to observe the elections , since this would be interpreted as support for the coup d ' état ; the OAS has already ruled out sending an observation mission to the elections . I have never made negative comments about decisions of courts , be it the constitutional courts , the European Court of Justice or the Court of Auditors . finally , that is also the reason why we call on the Ukrainian authorities to avoid any perception of judicial measures being used selectively and insist that the maximum transparency of investigations , persecutions and trials be guaranteed ; we also call on the Commission to assist in the reform of the judiciary in Ukraine by making use of EU capacity-building programmes and to consider creating a high-level EU advisory group for Ukraine to assist the country in its efforts to align itself with EU legislation , including on the judiciary . it is obviously good to improve the operations of Frontex , but if we really want to help the countries of southern Europe , then we must move towards harmonising the right to asylum , review the Dublin Convention and , most of all , finally draw up a genuine immigration policy . by the same token , I hope that Slovenia also finds a sensible solution regarding the German-speaking Austrian residual minority in Slovenia and recognises these people as an indigenous minority , and that the cultural convention between Austria and Slovenia can be full of substance in this regard . solidarity goes hand in hand with solidity in the emotionally charged context of sovereign debt markets . we need new blood . it is precisely in order to prevent the Internet from becoming a lawless area that the Democratic Movement ' s delegation considers that terminating Internet access should not be an administrative decision but a judicial decision . fake medicines may have effects other than those of the tablets prescribed by the doctor . as we draft a new European Union strategy for its future commitment in Iraq , we must not overlook the need for dialogue with the United States , notably in the area of foreign and security policy . the Commissioner herself has put a lot of energy into the region , but I am also aware that the Presidency is of the opinion that the European Union must not leave this region to the Chinese or the Russians . it has both positive and negative sides and we have to find the right balance . CAP ' Health Check ' ( debate ) thus , I have to agree with the rapporteur , and hope that her recommendations , particularly with regard to certainty of information and the precautionary principle - which needs to benefit patients rather than companies - are taken into account by the Commission and by all Member States . it follows that Europe ' s weakness in its relations with Russia is caused by its own naivety and short-sightedness . in many ways what we see happening is a convergence of ideals and goals between the US and the European Union . for more than 18 months , cod stocks in the North Sea have been enjoying a remarkable recovery . we must introduce a rule for this , and the guidelines are a benchmark , a framework that we can work by . so , we should stand in solidarity with the right of all people in Lithuania , in Russia , throughout the European Union , and elsewhere , to live in peace and in accordance with their own identities . Mr President , it is a particular strength of the European Union that we are not egoistic , that we can see past the end of our own European nose and that we do look at what is happening outside Europe and in far-off exotic Asia . ( DA ) Madam President , Serbia is probably the European country that , over the last thousand years of history , has been besieged the most , first by the Turks , then by the Germans and then the Russians . finally , I am ashamed that in this debate the British National Party will speak for the first time , with an MEP who last Friday described Islam as ' a cancer that should be removed from Europe by chemotherapy ' . I shall hand it over to him , and I sincerely hope that this Envoy for Women ' s Rights will be introduced , as we really need this driving force to effect real change . I think that is very important . we should not lose sight of the great objective in its entirety because the target audience of this EIT is small and medium-sized enterprises specifically . the Commission will also invoke its existing competition law powers to deal with any anti-competitive practices that may emerge . the abandonment of agricultural land and reduced production are leading to the decline of the countryside and the devaluation of the role of the primary sector in the social and economic framework . Madam President , Commissioner , Mr Wieland has already outlined the facts of the case very clearly . this is why I think that mentioning the Italian Prime Minister in your text filing lawsuits against Italian and European newspapers and not mentioning this case - I think what happened in Hungary is more serious - applies a double standard . ( SV ) Mr President , I thank the rapporteur for a good piece of work on an important and sensitive matter . this will improve working conditions on board and enhance transport safety . indeed , the Commission held a preliminary discussion , an orientation debate , before its meeting today on this subject . for this reason , I support the introduction of the two annexes to the directive . in writing . - ( PL ) The strategy for the Danube Region which we have prepared , and which we have voted on today , makes it possible to promote regional and cross-border cooperation . having said that , they are taking the initiative within their own organisations to confront their own people , and saying that it should absolutely not be done any more in their companies . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to begin by congratulating Mr Belder on his excellent work . it is a temporary measure and there will not be a second one : if there is a second measure it must be within the framework of an analysis and a more thorough proposal on slots . we must get intervention - medical and educational - to all those thousands of people , especially children who , since the New Year , have become disabled for life . the abolition of visas will make an enormous contribution to the process of regional cooperation and the overcoming of ethnic divisions and will also help to build cultural , social , economic and political bridges . humanitarian aid is needed in abundance , and there must be international efforts made to get it there . the current change in the international order is pushing the European Union to make a more active effort in its dealings with world and emerging powers so that it can take a proactive role in building a United Nations that can make an effective contribution to global solutions : peace , security , democracy and an international order based on the rule of law . finally , I would emphasise the importance of the Commission confirming that the application of ACTA will not have any impact on fundamental rights and data protection , or on the efforts that the EU is currently making to harmonise implementation measures for intellectual property rights . we are also shocked by another tragic event in the state of Alabama in the United States , where a gunman on the rampage shot at least ten people before turning his gun on himself . that is why our group feels strongly that the EU budget does not need to grow . I shall speak in her language , French , using the papers she had prepared , because I am sure you will be very interested in hearing her own words : that is not a public democratic debate . we should develop programmes such as those which make milk and fruit available at schools . the problem is , therefore , that the only Members listening to you are those who can do so in the original language . we are opposed to the idea , which was considered , of the Commission ' s mandate finishing when work on the C-SIS central system is concluded . the intensity , in particular , is being neglected on cost grounds , and maintenance intervals are being lengthened . respect for these rules and a European approach to fisheries are the best way of protecting the interests of the fishing sector . this strategy must take into consideration the current economic and demographic situation , but also the completion of the internal market . at present , one in five species is at risk of extinction . in many Member States including my own , farmers and rural dwellers do not enjoy the same levels of broadband access , putting them at a distinct disadvantage in comparison with people who live in cities and towns . this is a burden on the taxpayer which , in the view of many others , will not actually contribute to human rights . in July , Natalia Estemirova , a well-known Russian human rights activist and journalist , was found dead in Ingushetia after being abducted by armed men in neighbouring Chechnya . that is why we decided to abstain . on behalf of every new Member State , I wish to register my protest . to achieve these objectives , the EU needs a specific financing instrument for development cooperation . you have introduced earlier sanctions in the excessive imbalances procedure . all this law would do would be to permit seizure . such an approach would , in fact , only hurt the people of Belarus . I voted in favour of this text . these two areas of investment are the key to the rapid growth of the European Union . we are not being political in this , Mr Cashman : our response has been less than adequate . when I think of my own country , if you want to get forward a legislative initiative in the UK , you have to find a Member of Parliament , they have to be lucky enough to win an annual ballot or lottery , and then it is likely to get talked out by the government of the day . we are supporting inland waterway transport with the NAIADES programme . the role of women in agriculture and the development of rural areas is extremely important , as they represent around 42 % of agricultural workers , are a cornerstone of keeping farms going , and ensure that desertification in rural areas is effectively combated . this must present opportunities for poor countries , where , in line with the WTO decision , compulsory licensing can offer a solution in respect of medicines still protected by patents . today , I have heard much said - and I have heard it on many previous occasions - about various worrying aspects of crime . the public commitment needs to be not merely verbal , but also financial ; and human resources are necessary too , to provide the skills required for the long term - for as long as Chernobyl remains unresolved . resumption of the session without respect for these principles , it is impossible to see how Azerbaijan can have a common future with its European partners . the deadline for tabling motions for resolutions falls on Tuesday , 15 February at 10 : 00 . the Presidency is therefore going to have an active presence in the work of the Council . it remains to be seen how far we can actually go towards achieving the present aim of reducing the application of plant protection agents . it is a real labelling con . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I am grateful to the honourable Members for being so open and straightforward and for making their remarks in such a way that , although certain groups have differing approaches , the emphasis is on how we can find a solution . first of all , he asked for a number of changes to a rescue mechanism . Mr President , I hope it does not have to do with counterfeiting medicines . ( DE ) Mr President , Mr Leinen has accused me of suggesting that we ignore the Rules of Procedure . the EU now speaks with a clear , coordinated voice on the international stage and I really would like to thank the Commission and , in particular , Joaquín Almunia , for the work that he has done to help bring about this consensus . as a citizen , I need to know whether it is tobacco industry lobbyists or health organisations that are advising the Commission when an initiative to improve public health is to be produced . we should cooperate with Turkey to the best of our ability , but the implications of the accession of a Muslim country to a European club are hard to quantify . I note in recital E of this resolution that we Europeans give ourselves a nice pat on the back for our humanitarian aid efforts . Mr Romagnoli , I have not forgotten about you . in line with your suggestion , the Commission will involve consumer organisations representing traffic accident victims in the process of assessing the effectiveness of the systems existing in the Member States . following the granting of candidate status in 2005 , there was a slowdown . we grant the working group the freedom to submit any necessary recommendations . he writes : ' the problem now is : nation-states have not just given up part of their sovereignty to the European Union but also part of their vision for their own future . I agree with the rapporteur that linguistic and cultural diversity influence the everyday lives of citizens in a significant way . it is not because history has condemned peoples of Europe to join Europe later that they have less rights . Member of the Commission . - Firstly , I would like to mention that it is important to clarify that the EFTA states that are parties to the EEA Agreement - that is , Norway , Iceland and Liechtenstein - are subject to strict state aid discipline based on the EU model . that is the price at which we will enhance the Union ' s cohesion and synchronisation , our dedicated budget will be deployed , comprehensively , in the desired directions , and the European Union will , at last , fully assume its role as a centre of stability . for this reason , we need to find alternative solutions which will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles . the report examines the effectiveness of the Development Cooperation Instrument ( DCI ) in relation to the debate on the Multiannual Financial Framework . the neutrality of the Internet is in danger , not only for this reason but also because of what is known as ' traffic management ' , and I am afraid that some aspects of the Harbour report regarding universal services do not clearly protect that neutrality . from the perspective of commercial channels , the much older public broadcasters may be seen as competitors that are given a serious advantage as they collect funds through taxpayers ' money . we will feel her absence until we perhaps negotiate this patent some time in the future . it is right and proper to respect the Irish vote . I will just repeat what he said so that the interpreter can say it : ' one people , one empire , one leader ' . but , after this vote , I also now count on the constructive help of the Socialists to win this battle . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , as usual , if I had just one wish in my political life , it would be to have more time in Parliament to answer the questions I am asked . it is most strange that at this juncture , on the eve of what I am now convinced will be the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty - and I did my bit in the UK House of Lords last year , by the way - the Commission should put forward this extremely muddled and senseless set of proposals . moreover , national authorities must assure consumers that they have the right to get their money back for the dangerous products they purchased . that is our clear objective and , as a result , I understand the apprehension and concern and also the unease of some Members from Member States which have been in the European Union for many years , such as Greece , or have been members for four years . a great deal has been achieved in recent years , for example in the area of drugs for paediatric use , a matter in which respect the public is not even aware that there is a problem , but where a European solution is very much on the agenda , because Member States cannot resolve this on their own . on the minus side , an indicator of the lack of knowledge of EU citizens is the fact that almost four out of five complaints do not fall within the scope of responsibilities of the European Ombudsman . the big thing that has happened is that Parliament ' s position has been weakened as a result of extensive lobbying by lobbyists in the pay of industry , which puts its interest in selling more pesticides ahead of protecting public health and consumers . I agree with him that it is highly appropriate for the provisions of the Athens Convention of 1974 relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea to be incorporated into European law , since the national differences that still exist do not make it possible to guarantee an adequate level of liability and mandatory insurance in the event of accidents involving passengers . from now on , we are sending out the clear message that illegal employment will no longer be tolerated and therefore it makes no sense to make the crossing over to Europe , while under the mistaken impression that there are jobs to be had here . from a financial perspective , we already play a major role and , in my opinion , we must make use of this pole position to develop the relationship between Europe and Latin America . freedom of movement is prevented by the fact that certain Member States are permitted to require additional documents . it is absolutely right that we recognise this , and when talking about women in small businesses I would just like to end with the words of that great philosopher , John Lennon . it is also important for its employees to have a solid knowledge of English , as well as their native language . these revenues must be allocated appropriately , otherwise they will be perceived as an additional tax . how can a European citizen feel safe ? the European Parliament has already committed itself to respecting these rights , and all Member States are bound by them . I would like to begin by saying that the Community civil protection mechanism can be activated only upon a request by an affected country . our initial proposal has evolved and we now have a compromise text agreed by the Commission that is the result of intense discussions . I only hope that this report really is adopted , and adopted by a large majority . for this purpose and to ensure that the strengthened ENP is effective , it must be followed by all the member countries as part of a privileged partnership with a view to achieving the necessary reforms . in writing . - ( PT ) It is worrying that the issue of United Nations reform crops up so regularly . they say that budgets reflect or mirror the intended economic policies . in this context , we need legal certainty and , therefore , an extension of the monopoly over a longer period . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , despite the significance of this report , only 19 Member States reported on core indicators . in addition , a concept of open innovation should be encouraged . what we need is a real social pact , with a coherent vision and a serious commitment to a social Europe , so that at least we show citizens that Europe is more than just a market . Mr President , I am speaking on the subject of the ICI + Instrument . for me , this is a move too far , and the one area I cannot support . Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , Commissioner , I think we should not beat about the bush . concerning the non-proliferation resolution , I would like to underline the importance of envisaging a world free from nuclear weapons , the clear judgment on the anachronism of tactical nuclear weapons and the value of the positions recently adopted by some European governments on this front . the recent developments have made this suggestion even more relevant . what is alarming is that trends are being observed indicating that these disparities are growing , which may increase inequality and lead to isolation . subject : emergency relief following natural disasters transparency and the physical exchange of information are the foundations of fair competition and of a fair distribution of the tax burden . by the time this massive evacuation was completed , there were only around 200 people left who wanted to be evacuated . we will have a General Affairs Council on Friday on this matter and will examine the relevant chapters . in writing . - The Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 allows for mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to allow the financing of clearly identified expenditure which could not be financed within the limits of the ceilings available for one or more headings of the multiannual financial framework . that would make a huge difference . it is my conviction that a key factor here is also the creation of a perspicuous mechanism of operation for the judicial system in the Balkans , which will assume the original functions of the Tribunal after its closure . first of all , her real aim is not ecological or even economic , it is dogmatic : as indicated in the explanatory statement , the aim is to introduce a common European energy policy , and this must take precedence over everything else . will it therefore take the lead in recognising that biofuels are not the answer ? sustainable growth is an extremely complex issue . important work is under way in that respect . we are making progress by taking the Irish requests seriously , and I address this remark to Mrs Doyle and Mrs McGuiness . in the Carpathians or , for example , in Sajólád , 30-40 % of the forests have already been stolen . but both the Prime Minister and I come from Stockholm , where infrastructure and investment must all have practically doubled in cost . work in the Service should be treated as an integral part of their career at home . over the year , we have been working alongside Parliament and the Council to , among other things , increase protection for bank depositors , dissuade banks and other financial institutions from taking excessive risks in the future and better regulate the credit rating agencies . the people are entitled to demonstrate within the limits of the law when they feel that the government is acting against their interests . firstly , we want to check the security precautions for future licences ; in other words , what higher or highest standards are possible for new authorisations . I sometimes wonder if we speak to the same people . Danish firms which have invested in agriculture in Romania have been informed that , in future , they may not charge VAT on goods sold to intermediaries . in addition , by abandoning the rules of fair economic competition we will be creating a jungle . EUR 14.8 million of this carryover was for activities as yet not implemented ( or , in some cases , for goods not received ) at the year-end , which is at odds with the budgetary principle of annuality . for this reason , it is very important that we address this issue . God has given us many languages and many cultures , but only one world in which to live together , and it is getting smaller every day . Mr President , Madam Vice-President , many thanks for having opened the debate here on this subject , which I think is an important one . so I look forward to working in partnership with Prime Minister Orbán and with the Hungarian Presidency to make sure that it is a successful one . frequently amended regulations need to be codified in order to render Community law clear and intelligible . there is as yet , however , no overview of those regulations that have been transposed so as to make it possible to determine the need for new regulations that has been claimed . ' throughout its history , Europe has seen terrible outbreaks of armed conflict often rooted in prejudice and hatred . this is an example of what cannot happen ! this is an area that I personally have had discussions with the car rental companies about . this is a highly relevant report given that the pay gap in the European Union is a reality that should be eliminated . this cannot be our only strategy , and we must certainly take up a demand being made by the EU Member States : to govern legal migration . is the Council in any way considering a further extension of the deadline for transposition of the accessibility requirement for existing and / or new infrastructure ? economics should serve all people , helping them to be at home in their communities , at home in themselves . greater economic flexibility should be allowed . I would be slow to denigrate that attitude in anybody . however , let me start with a point of criticism , addressed to the Council , in particular . ( applause ) the situation has obviously changed several times in the 20 years since they started . what is the Council ' s position with regard to Europe-wide cooperation concerning homelessness ? the Commission has therefore called for the immediate establishment of a thorough investigation and for the prosecution of persons who broke the law . the nationals of Montenegro also deserve greater democracy , greater respect , greater diversity and greater legal certainty . I explicitly regret that my amendment to that effect did not command a majority in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs . without that knowledge it is very difficult for farmers to plan for the future . the strategy for the capacity , efficiency and security of European airports prioritises the optimised use and development of current capacity , aid for combined transport and reducing the environmental burden . would Minister Malmström like to take the floor before signing the legislative acts ? this is something that we previously received Parliament ' s support for in principle . we often say that Europe ' s small businesses are the heart of the European economy . that is exactly what this should be about : we have to ensure that we can make energy savings in the built environment , for example , in a much faster timeframe , which is why we have submitted an amendment for a European Building Initiative . no concessions . any attempt to reduce , weaken or postpone the promises made must be fought . he served as President of the European Commission from 1981 until 1985 . second , the year 2009 will see new elections to Parliament , and especially the introduction of the new Members ' Statute , which will undoubtedly involve a considerable increase in Parliament ' s expenditure . there is an increased moral risk here . the European Microfinance Facility must provide useful assistance to the unemployed and vulnerable people who would like to set up or run micro-enterprises . I believe - and I have said it again and again - that the proposals made in the second package are crucial to making this change , and for this to be strengthened we will add a couple of elements in the second strategic energy review under the headings : infrastructure needs and diversification of energy supplies , external energy relations , oil and gas stocks and crisis mechanisms , energy efficiency and making the best use of the EU ' s indigenous energy sources . we have some funding , we can provide support for victims and we can encourage further cooperation . just two years ago , here in a plenary session of the European Parliament , I said that , in my opinion , one of the most significant challenges facing transport today is clearly that of making intelligent transport systems widely available in Europe . the debate is closed . however , I would still like to point out that the old Member States that are facing these asylum issues must also review whether their asylum policies are appropriate , as they are also granting asylum to applicants to whom it should not be granted . the payments are set at the level of EUR 126.5 billion , corresponding to 1.01 % of GNI . the economic crisis in the developed world has brought in its wake trade restrictions which , in turn , are putting an economic stranglehold on less developed countries . the Commission ' s initiative in conjunction with the recovery plan is therefore welcome , even if it has been put together very quickly . he said the UK would not hand him over . - Madam President , before I begin , may I just pay tribute to the previous speaker , Jim Allister . written statements ( Rule 149 ) this conflict is jeopardising the peace process that should have followed the referendum of January 2011 . attention must be drawn to the fact that this is a highly toxic product and that viable and safe alternative solutions do exist . it has constantly underlined the fact that the euro area needs a stability pact with authority . secondly , we have had very good cooperation between the Commission , the ECB and the IMF , which was not self-evident when we started about a year and a half ago in terms of fire-fighting the financial turmoil . on the one hand , we can see the Annual Growth Survey , and we can see the European Semester leading to fewer jobs and less growth in Europe . it is Europe ' s task to lead a global strategy that seeks to equip the international community with an effective legal architecture that guarantees the total exclusion of arms from space , through the revision and strengthening of the Outer Space Treaty . Europe ' s energy security is based on a variety of sources , routes and supply countries . it started as a ' chauvinistic ' fallacy in competition with Google , but has been reformulated , following various changes , in more sensible , realistic and productive terms . in order to promote a policy to address this issue , the European Commission issued a communication in October 2008 , which the Council accepted in full last December . I welcome the fact that the scheme must only involve fresh fruit and vegetables produced in the European Union . in writing . - ( SV ) This report on non-profit local community media in Europe deals with an area which is considered to need additional funding under EU support programmes . those who hold power are tempted to stack the cards in their favour , especially in the run-up to elections , whilst those who lose find the results difficult to accept . this should be an especially important subject in the ongoing review of the EU ' s human rights policy when it comes to the elaboration of a comprehensive human rights country strategy and to the evaluation of the EU guidelines on violence against women and girls and those EU guidelines concerning children and armed conflict , as well as combating all forms of discrimination against them . I will focus on four main issues . I understand that infringements of property rights on the Internet have to be dealt with , but that should not mean encroaching on the freedom of an individual Internet user . I come from an island and I understand very well the importance of maritime research and progress . the Commission will , for example , be obliged to submit reports to us on the concrete follow-up provisions adopted for any legislative initiative request . thus , the challenges are clear to Europe . I think we had a very welcome participation by the High Representative in the meeting some weeks ago . that said , in the light of the increased pressure on some external borders and the calls from Member States to strengthen the system of the Schengen rules , the Council needs to look into how we can further guarantee the principle of free movement and , at the same time , citizens ' need for maintenance of a high level of internal security . I would like to thank the Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control , Mr Bösch , for all the work and patience he has put in , as well as the rapporteurs , Mr Jørgensen , Mr Pomés Ruiz and Mr Stubb . this should be implemented through improving the existing E.U. legislation and directives involving consumer protection especially to ensure : forced labour camps , kidnappings , arbitrary arrests and torture appear to be the hallmarks of Kim Jong-il ' s tyrannical regime . ( HU ) I wish to congratulate Alexandra Dobolyi and her fellow authors . I am sure our excellent fellow Member , Mrs Lulling , will agree , since she has been working on this problem since 1994 . one merit of the La Russa report is this : if it is true , and it is true , that the purpose of the Community-wide internal gas market is to offer all EU consumers freedom to choose their supplier and at the same time to create new commercial opportunities , we must expect a more efficient service to be provided and then reflected in competitive pricing . my third point , Mr Van Rompuy , is that the Treaty of Lisbon is not enough , and that more intergovernmental collaboration is needed . in writing . - I voted in favour of Mr Guerreiro ' s report . in writing . - My British Conservative colleagues and I are very supportive of the contribution made to the European economy by those organisations and enterprises which operate in the ' not-for-profit ' sector . although we have held many debates on this issue , the measures taken in Europe have , unfortunately , been ineffectual , despite the threat posed to our continent and our economy . the Socialist Group in the European Parliament shares the Commissioner ' s analysis of the present situation and agrees that , within the health check , we shall have the opportunity to examine this issue in depth and take more fitting definitive decisions for the future . I believe that the masters ' liability in the case of passenger freight should apply to inland waterways as well . surely it is time to learn from the lessons of successful fish preservation and conservation . but what solution ? of similar importance is the adaptation of health systems and everyday practice , including monitoring the disease in high-risk groups and providing qualified health workers and adequate supplies of equipment . that is a rather strange set-up , a bit like having a butcher inspecting the quality of his own meat . it would send the wrong message - in the desperation that may be perceptible in a number of speeches here - to diminish this ambition . the next item is the report by Mrs Anna Hedh , on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , on the Consumer Markets Scoreboard . I have in mind the Directives on seasonal workers , workers who are long-term residents and ' EU Blue Cards ' which we are discussing today . I myself thought that the final result was watered down and lobbied to pieces by industry , but at least it is there , the world ' s most wide-ranging chemicals legislation . this is by far the best way to safeguard our welfare system . logistics involve no more nor less than avoiding too many transfers between the different modes of transport and making sure that optimum use is made of them where they are most efficient or profitable . measures to protect forests are vital . the citizens are wondering who is threatening the European Union to the extent that it needs to tie its security in with ΝΑΤΟ ? in the area of funding , the report encourages the use of Structural Funds in support of energy efficiency , and calls for this to be made a priority within the EU budget after 2013 . now is the time to work on creating jobs for the future . agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes the idea will be to allocate the money in national envelopes , according to production in the year 2008-9 and , of course , within the ceiling of the national quotas , distributed in a non-discriminatory manner to those dairy farmers most affected by the crisis . I also take the view that the election campaign for the European Parliament provides a great opportunity for responsible MEPs to explain what decisions we make in Strasbourg , how civil society participates in our work and how it will be able to participate following adoption of the Lisbon Treaty . what comprehensive lasting prospect is the European Union able to offer to the Kosovars and to the other peoples of the Balkans - a prospect that can stabilise the situation here without the risk of destabilising it elsewhere ? a rescue plan for the growing number of school leavers with no qualifications is at least just as hard as for the duped savers , because without a qualification , these young people have absolutely no standing in life . for the European Union the requirement for creativity is nothing new . the three reports took account of these shortcomings and also defined them excellently . President Pöttering has been hasty in asserting that there were no votes against . our role should be to stop creating the instability that fuels these vast population movements : there must be no more wars such as those against Iraq and Afghanistan ; we must pull out of Libya before we are drawn into a ground war ; we must cancel the planned conflict with Iran and we must avoid encouraging discontent in other Middle Eastern states . indeed , Mr Martin . we hope that the free movement of citizens , workers and service providers will break down borders in people ' s minds and thinking as well . it is certainly an attempt to perpetuate by means of a fait accompli policy , the political , economic and military domination of that most important region of Europe by the USA and the EU ' s major powers . I have said , and the Commission has said , time and time again , there is no room for complacency , especially when the economic situation seems to be deteriorating globally . ECB statistics ( what are you telling the board of the Jerusalem local authority , then ? we now need that large majority . ( FR ) Mr President , Mr Barroso , Mr Reinfeldt , I would like to know your view , Mr Reinfeldt , on the conclusions of the Troika , since the Heads of State or Government decided to create this troika concept in order to give a sense of continuity to the Presidency . the EU is a staunch supporter of the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) , which promotes universality and upholds the integrity of the Rome Statute with a view to protecting and consolidating the independence , legitimacy and effectiveness of the international judicial process . a large proportion of the results for 2007 are already guaranteed by the results produced in the first two quarters , by the information available on what is happening in our economies in this third quarter and by the positive inertia of economic recovery based on the good , solid foundations that we inherited from 2006 . the recent discovery of a secret nuclear facility in Iran could well confirm this judgment , but we must now all redouble our efforts to curb Iran ' s nuclear ambitions and , as allies of the US , we strongly support their military struggle against Jihadi terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan and their strong efforts to bring lasting peace to the Middle East . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , in reality , we are holding a debate this morning about the significance of culture in the various policy areas - in foreign policy , in economic policy , in education policy and in social policy - and we all know that all of us benefit from culture being taken more seriously . we expect the EUR 5 million pilot project currently implemented by the Commission to pave the way for efficient and effective solutions in the areas that matter most : early childhood education and economic inclusion , and provide progress on policy learning and evaluation . - ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , first a very big thank you to the rapporteur , Mr Lehne , who has done a magnificent job and has found appropriate solutions to a very difficult question in agreement with the Members from the other groups . the establishment of this new legal instrument , the EGTC , was born of difficulties which this type of action encountered as a result of the different systems and different procedures in place in order to ensure , as effectively as possible , the implementation of the social rules in road transport , the European Commission should come up with a uniform and binding interpretation of the Regulation on driving and resting hours , which the national inspection bodies should take into account . no element in the framework decision can be construed as a reduction of or constraint on fundamental rights and liberties , such as the freedom of expression , of association , or of assembly . in writing . - I voted in favour of the report on the new youth strategy , as I believe that the future of Europe is the young people today . it is essential that this target should be met as we need some of these funds for other purposes , as Mr Fernandes has pointed out . these vehicles can withstand almost any accident but , unfortunately , most of the vehicles on our roads are medium or low priced . these include the search for peace and security in the region , the social and geopolitical impact of the economic crisis , environmental concerns , the management of migratory flows , and the role of women in our respective societies . without the Balkan war , it would have joined in 2004 . a fundamental question , however , remains : what should be done about milk production and milk producers in the long term ? how can these developments be verified ? besides , it is in their interest . by the way , during the work of the Committee on Culture and Education , we were able to remove from the report the proposal to appoint a special EU ambassador solely for cultural affairs . the fact that we have nothing , not one single proposal , for how things should be in the future , disturbs us . the report by Mr Cortés Lastra , on behalf of the Committee on Regional Development , on the contribution of the Cohesion policy to the achievement of Lisbon and the EU 2020 objectives . we allow the construction of minarets in Europe , while they do not reciprocate at all . this is a lamentable failure where European solidarity is concerned ; we are allowing more and more national rescue plans for the industrial sector and we are reduced merely to calling for a rejection of protectionism . the Christian Democrats have been in power in Italy almost uninterruptedly since 1946 . the subject of budget aid once again involves particular problems because it is not possible to follow up or trace the money and what it is used for . in writing . - ( IT ) The Generalised System of Preferences ( GSP ) has been one of the key EU trade and development policy instruments to assist developing countries to reduce poverty . it was possible thanks to our role as European leader ; I am proud of this as President of a European institution . today we are facing new problems as a result of the globalisation of trade . in this sense , we see a balanced report containing commitments that can be realistically met , which is why I strongly support it . we have indicated our willingness to work with subregions , if that is what the ACP states wish . clearly , Israel ' s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza as a bona fide gesture of land for peace is of very little significance to Israel ' s critics . even though I agree with Ms Jäätteenmäki that , unfortunately , we have not seen a lot of progress . I would like to extend a warm welcome to the South African delegation which is here to take part in the 14th inter-parliamentary meeting between the European Parliament and the South African Parliament . yet Barrack Obama has not only ditched his promise to shut that horrific prison but has now approved the resumption of military trials for detainees . I believe everyone should join in this call for a purposeful Europe that combines the efforts of its three institutions to combat this horrible crime that violates human rights . sport excellence costs a lot , but it is equally necessary to increase the funding of mass sport from childhood to retirement age . a Commission President who is strong is all very well , but a College , a Commission that is strong and which demonstrates its cohesion , is essential and is far more important still . something I would like to do during the European Football Championships - which are not long away now and which will be hosted in Poland and Ukraine - is to watch one or two matches with you . differing ideas have been put forward about how job losses and notice will be distributed . for the first time in 16 years , the European Court of Auditors has issued a positive statement of assurance with regard to both the reliability of the annual accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions . it does not say anywhere that the forty Members have to be present in the Chamber in order to submit this request for the quorum to be established , but it is also not excluded . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I am dealing with this file on behalf of my colleague , Mrs Kroes , the Competition Commissioner . in the area of cohesion , which represents almost a third of the budget , the situation remains that this is the only budgetary area where the estimated error is over 5 % . the development of certain less polluting products entails the involvement of different parties , such as companies , the competent authorities and NGOs . indeed , in addition to the physical violence endured , the psychological violence that the victims have suffered is terrible beyond measure . nor do we believe that parents and older people in general have poor media literacy . therefore , ladies and gentlemen , I earnestly urge you to vote for it . these blind methods have just demonstrated their limitations in Tunisia . it would be interesting to hear what Mr Andersson thinks of this suggestion . in 2011 , the Commission will table the remaining pieces of regulation . in other words , the Commission has been handing countries a bag of money without applying sufficient controls . as my final and closing remark , Mr President , I would like to mention the topic of climate change - which was also recently addressed in the relevant committees , with the approval of important reports - to look again at a part of this resolution that has my full support . first of all , I think it is excellent that the Commission has stepped into the breach and that Mr Hahn is also considering how he might be able to alter his operational programmes . ( DE ) Unfortunately , this applies to the Commission , or at least to those members of the Commission who should be responsible for these issues . I believe that , thanks to a measure of this sort , professions which are rare or hardly employed at a particular workplace will be promoted through them being combined by those holding some of these skills and according to market demand . primarily , however , it is important for ensuring legal certainty among European citizens . I have therefore voted against it in the final vote . however , there is also a wish for the rules to be made clearer , as well as for increased transparency and for there to be more efficient application of the instruments . this was the result of compromises being made and which received willing support . in my opinion , Germany should lead now and move towards a common European treasury . the annual meetings of the Cooperation Committee and Cooperation Council , and of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee are thus particularly important . the next item is Question Time ( B6-0231 / 2009 ) . in the world of international finance , it is usual for voting rights to be allocated according to the obligations to make contributions . competence was originally devised because about 80 % of the population live in towns and , due to climate change , we now want to take this on . one way to help this process is to insist constantly on respect for human rights in third countries . it is increasingly evident that tax policies are not neutral . I am sorry that the symbols of the European Union ( the flag , anthem and motto ) have been abandoned . the Commission has translated these objectives into five major draft regulations : the ETS Directive or CO2 emissions trading scheme for industry and energy providers , which aims for a 21 % reduction in industrial emissions by 2020 ; the Effort Sharing Directive , which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 10 % in non-ETS sectors such as construction , transport and agriculture by 2020 ; the directive on renewable energy sources , whose aim is to increase the share of these energy sources from a little over 8 % in 2006 to 20 % , with a 10 % reduction in the transport sector ; the directive on carbon capture and storage , which aims to set out the conditions for storing carbon ; and , lastly , the legislation on CO2 emissions from motor vehicles , which seeks to bring CO2 emissions down from 160 to 120 grams , between 2006 and 2008 . I only have one more opportunity to be with you , so I must make the most of this experience . the new Erasmus Mundus programme will need to adapt to the increased demand for mobility , while at the same time maintaining its standards . Mr President , I should like to make two quick points . the exceptions are the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland , which are not bound by this agreement , and a territorial restriction with respect to France and the Netherlands , for which this agreement only relates to those countries ' European territories . this speed and effectiveness are evidence of strong action , based on competence and greater trust in your institution . the PSE Group gives broad support to the conclusions on climate change . EU governments did not have a clue what to do . in this respect I will be building on my cooperation with Mr Fjellner in the future . what has been striking in this debate is the very broad consensus extending beyond the differences between groups . thank you for your attention and please vote in favour of discharge . nonetheless , I do not feel that imposing parity should be the way to increase women ' s participation in the labour market . we have increasing numbers of poor workers . a fund that helps everyone achieve a certain level of energy efficiency and embrace renewables has my support and I voted in favour of it . in the case of Tibet unfortunately , there is only military occupation and political repression ; there is also immigration . without such a measure , rogue traders and other debtors can evade their responsibilities by simply moving their assets to another jurisdiction , thereby denying the creditor effective enforcement of the judgment in the Single Market . the Court ' s mandate comes to an end soon , in 2010 , and the Sierra Leone Government has been totally frank about not being able to ensure that the sentences passed will be enforced . written statements ( Rule 142 ) on that occasion , the Council endorsed the Presidency ' s conclusions on the progress made and the need to continue to work in close cooperation with all Member States towards a solution acceptable to all parties involved . however , now that I was given the floor , I would rather not criticise , but make a recommendation on behalf of 80 million people living with disabilities . looking back at our achievements , we must also be critical and own up to mistakes that have been committed . finally , cohesion policy must also be the subject of better communication so that European citizens can understand the important role played by the Structural Funds in major regional and social cohesion projects . whereas in our digital age , data protection , the right of informational self-determination , personal rights and the right to privacy have become values that play an ever increasing role and must therefore be protected with special care . nevertheless , this unfortunate affair testifies to the need for clarification and simplification of Community law so that citizens can understand and use it in their everyday lives . this report proposes the continuity of the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) , though with some contradictions . the first is that the words ' human rights and the rule of law ' be put in the first place in the points of concern and not the last . I would call for arrangements to be made in the very short term to ensure that political and other refugees can continue to count on humane treatment , as Frontex ' s success will , to some extent , be determined by it . 9 . of course , he went in the past too , but on the black market . we believe that Europe needs to focus on ensuring it has the right capabilities to deploy at the right time , and making sure existing institutions function effectively rather than building additional institutions as an expensive and unnecessary luxury . provincial elections last year went fairly smoothly all over Iraq . crucially , the next general elections , due on 7 March 2010 , can be another big step towards consolidating the Iraqi democracy . I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Thursday 9 June 2011 . today , we should also remember the names of other figures who were representative of many people . today of all days , he ought to remember that . they were the ones that set themselves this objective . Mrs Ferrero-Waldner , one of your former opposite numbers , Madeleine Albright , observed when she was US Secretary of State that it was naturally far more difficult to raise human rights issues in China than in Burma , because in China geopolitical factors were part of the equation . for the purpose of these checks a list of infringements has been proposed , in respect of which vehicles may be immobilised and required to be brought into conformity before continuing their journey . last year alone , western countries sold arms to developing countries for an estimated USD 42 billion ; half of which were European . I would like to stress that the behaviour of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament seems to me to be particularly hard to understand ; first they were opposed to the debate , then they were opposed to my tabling a resolution , and then they actually voted against it , with Mr Ford offering a political explanation that we are passing too many resolutions on Tibet . we are also heading for an employment crisis . steps must be taken to ensure access to free and anonymous testing in order to facilitate more people seeking testing . secondly , I do not think it professional either to compare the European Union with the Soviet Union , as Mr Soini did . a stronger naval presence in the region may have a positive influence on the security environment in Somalia and , consequently , in the region as a whole . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , firstly I would like to thank the European Commission and Mr Dimas for this Green Paper on ' Adapting to climate change in Europe - options for EU action ' . ( PL ) I agree with Mr Mauro that in the fight against the crises , there has not been enough action from the European Union . the free movement of citizens within the Community is one of their fundamental freedoms and encourages the development of the internal economy of the Member States . in spite of these shortcomings , we believe that the aim of the report is a good one and that it presents a good number of sound initiatives . the government of national unity , which was set up in 2009 to bring about democracy , is obviously not working , due to his efforts to ensure that it does not . this route is also noted in the report . for five years - actually , for four years : last year , after the crisis , you were more cautious - you explained to us that the basis for economic and environmental effectiveness was deregulation . the draft resolution in question concerns the important partnership agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Cameroon . if we think about the importance to Europe of a global strategy taking advantage of the sea ' s potential , and if we think about the economic strength that tourism can and does bring to European economies , and if we add to these thoughts the need to respond not only to the concerns raised by the relocation of various businesses , but also to the challenges posed by the current economic crisis , it is easy to understand the importance of a specific strategy for tourism in coastal zones , within the framework of global strategies for tourism and for the sea . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( ES ) Mr President , first of all , I would like to say that I have listened with great interest and appreciation to all of the speeches made by the honourable Members , speeches of both support and criticism , although admittedly , the latter were in the majority , but I welcome them all . thank you again and all the best ! to the communist Member from Greece I would like to say that I have just heard from Moscow that Stalin is dead . we must not forget that these sectors are the most vulnerable in times of crisis . despite the presence in the seas off the Horn of Africa of the US-led Combined Task Force 151 and a NATO Maritime Group , it was decided to concoct yet another fleet and a further command chain . some of you have asked , ' What is the point of all this ? ' ' a European perspective including Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union ' could constitute a driving force for reforms in these countries . for it is difficult to suppose that terrorists will agree to being scanned . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I have a question for Commissioner Verheugen : is the Commission ready to prepare a legal basis for a budget line for the 2009 or 2010 budget ? we condemn the restrictions on freedom of assembly and , in particular , the violent police crackdown on student demonstrations at Ankara University in December 2010 . the European Parliament is also concerned that human rights defenders are being persecuted in Turkey . again , I quote Jean-Claude Trichet : ' banking watchdogs should not have disproportionate requirements regarding credit agencies ' , and , on the other hand , according to Jean-Claude Juncker : ' everything must be done to prevent salaries from getting out of hand ' . delegated acts ( Rule 87a ) the procedure for drawing up the list of the three candidates is not a matter for the accession agreement : it is a matter for us . women are better educated , but they do not gain promotion . because the rest of the world would interpret the European Union ' s imposition of such a measure at this time as a protectionist step . we in the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) feel that the work standards devised by the International Labour Organisation help mitigate the harmful effects of competition on the international market , thereby increasing the chances of balanced economic growth being achieved . the benefits are wide-ranging : more jobs , income , tax revenue and , first and foremost , renewable sources of energy . it is indeed the Council ' s belief that SME policy is one of the key areas in our common fight against the economic crisis and for the speedy recovery of the European Union ' s economy . we should not make the same mistake again . where is the European Union ' s consistency and credibility when its own decisions contrast so sharply with its much-vaunted principles ? this proposal aims to extend the scope of Council Directive 2003 / 109 / EC concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents and beneficiaries of international protection who have been legally residing in a Member State for a period of more than five years . we are often too quick to criticise our institutions and processes . but they have generally worked well , even in the most difficult times . this should be seen not only as the cynical ploy it is , coming from forces not in the least bit interested in facing up to the realities of climate change , but also as short-sighted in the extreme . in addition to being a key catch , cod is also vital to the proper functioning of the ecosystem . we have been told that the fire service and the police are responsible for them . erroneous decisions by governments in economic and financial policy and inadequate financial supervision by governments and the manifest collapse of a number of banks are reason to call for a reformed financial system , not a new economic system . our analyses and the decisions which we are going to make must take into account the different levels of agricultural development across the European Union , this sector ' s weighting in Member States ' economies , as well as different situations in terms of regional cohesion and development . the events that took place in Spain show us that any time we lower our guard or choose the route of negotiation , terrorists return to the attack . I am therefore particularly keen to be able to address you about the regulation that implements the citizens ' initiative , this flagship innovation of the Treaty of Lisbon as regards improved citizen participation in decisions at European level . in this context , I would like to make another comment . developing a real European energy strategy has now become imperative . Activating the mandate of EUR 2 billion to fund measures to combat climate change offers significant potential support for countries in the Eastern Partnership , such as the Republic of Moldova . it is also important to consider internal imbalances , including private and public debt , its evolution and origin ( domestic or international ) and late payments of the country , especially from the public sector and big multinationals to small and medium-sized enterprises . that is why unequal pay hits women twice as hard . I agree with Mrs McGuinness regarding the operation of codes of conduct . Mr President , I wish to inform Parliament that last week , the UK Justice Minister gave Michael Shields , my constituent , a pardon , and he was freed from prison having served four and a half years for a crime he did not commit . I would like to give my word to Mr Surján on behalf of the Czech Republic that the Czech Social Democrats will do everything possible to ensure that the exception demanded by President Klaus is withdrawn on behalf of the Czech Republic , as we consider it outrageous . you do too , judging by the ' Political guidelines for the next Commission ' which you presented to Parliament . our advice would therefore have been to include this , too , in the Commission ' s annual programme . 4 . there are no immortal dictators , but the spirit of freedom is timeless . ( PT ) Mr President , the revision of the Eurovignette Directive should have been used to encourage more sustainable and environmentally-friendly road transport . however , the truth is that whether it is possible to regard next year ' s budget as a successful response by the European Union to the financial and economic crisis will depend precisely on these measures and on the question of how far they really will increase payment amounts . rather than trying to establish and keep up-to-date a comprehensive list of these representatives - a tedious and perhaps even impossible task - it proposes , in particular , establishing a global definition of the term ' lobby ' , which will ensure that any bodies that are not on the list cannot get around the rules we have laid down . now , during the good years , the European Union was able to disregard these verities and was able to construct behind its walls a highly regulated and centralised market . ( applause ) in addition , the Green Paper ' From Challenges to Opportunities : towards a common strategic framework for EU Research and Innovation funding ' , identified the key questions for future EU research and innovation support , including a number of specific questions on how to better meet the needs of SMEs . thank you and congratulations . ( applause ) she talks about only one nuclear plant in Japan having been hit . I would therefore like to address the demand that has been made many times for us to be more ambitious . I am not saying we agree with everything in it , but we endorse the core passage . when the right measures are not applied , problems arise regardless of the livestock production system operating in each Member State . for this reason it is important to have impartial environmental reports produced , so that the risks may be established and weighed up against the benefits . the new report extends this system to other procedural acts where the President represents Parliament and , in controversial situations , consults the plenary . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , the partnership between the United States and the European Union is fundamentally based on values and on enormous economic potential . President of the Commission . - There are two questions there . it is therefore important , in any case , that , in the name of short-term budgetary orthodoxy and of a legal approach to budget regulation , the many Member States no longer be able to stop this entire recovery plan . it is not true that the number of asylum seekers corresponded to the total number ; they made up about one tenth of the total . the goods market in question is worth approximately EUR 500 billion . I wish the European Commission and those who want the Lisbon Treaty to go through would learn from that statement themselves . at present , the EU therefore has a unique opportunity to establish a new mechanism that should lead to greater macroeconomic , fiscal and currency stability for the Member States in the long term , and help increase their competitiveness . I urge the Commission to come up with a new and better proposal as quickly as possible . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Thaler , for describing this route so accurately . I believe this shows disrespect for the MEPs . the Member States can no longer avoid an ambitious family policy to encourage the birth rate to rise , as a pledge to the equilibrium of their social security systems and , more importantly , to their dynamism , prosperity and , quite simply their survival . to this end , I sincerely hope that we will receive positive news very shortly from the Council , so that we have the right political conditions to ensure the success of the 2011 budget adoption procedure . this decision had been preceded by a discussion with Member States in the Council . 12 . I would like to address three key points which some of you have already mentioned . I will give you some figures to illustrate the workload in 2007 : 183 million customs declarations were processed , which means around 5.5 customs declarations every second ; 1 545 million tonnes of seaborne cargo and 3 million tonnes of airborne cargo were handled ; 43 cases of fake goods were found and seized , which amounted to 79 million counterfeited and pirated articles , and the trend is upwards . these set out the principle whereby , as far as enlargement was concerned , the European Union would require each candidate country to comply fully with all the Copenhagen criteria , but that any enlargement would still be subject to the Union ' s capacity for further integration . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I think that we are taking an extremely significant step forwards by adopting this report , and it will be very useful with a view to the Barcelona Summit of 7 June , a summit which , as we know , is set to be difficult given the deadlock in negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians , and also owing to various uncertainties and difficulties regarding the definition of the administrative set-up of the new secretariat structure . in recent years , there has been no reinvestment in capital movements from east to west within the EU , and consequently there is an enormous capital drain from eastern Member States to the western ones . thank you . Brevity is the source of wit , so I will detain the House no more , other than thanking - as every MEP should - the two wonderful assistants , Renaud and Maris , who work with me and who make my work not only enjoyable but also productive . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( HU ) Thank you , Mr President , for your kind words . Latvia will continue to be an active supporter of Europe ' s Neighbourhood Policy and play an active part in implementing it . the report by Salvatore Tatarella , on behalf of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Community Ecolabel scheme - C6-0279 / 2008 - , and the knowledge that in spite of various methods of diagnosis and treatment , very many people are going to die of cancer , is always bitter and sad . you can take on board the objections of this House . I voted in favour of this document because in 2005 , the European Council granted candidate status to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia but has failed ever since to set a date for the opening of negotiations , in spite of the substantial progress made by that country on its path towards the EU ; because bilateral issues should not represent and be used as an obstacle in the accession process , although they should be settled before membership ; and because the continuation of the accession process would contribute to the stability of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and would further strengthen inter-ethnic dialogue . a democratic legislative institution like the European Parliament obviously cannot question this benefit . give them the hope that will allow them to stand on their own two feet again . ( PL ) Mr President , the ceremonies which took place on 9 November this year in Berlin on the 20th anniversary of the demolition of the Berlin Wall commemorated the unification of Germany . moreover , they also showed the route taken by Central and Eastern Europe to freedom and democracy , and to the end of the division , not only of Germany , but of the whole of Europe . this free trade agreement ( FTA ) is the widest-ranging negotiated by the EU to date . in fact , over the whole of last year , their load factor was only 21 % . in industry , labour is responsible for 20 % of costs and resources for 40 % . independent reporters live in constant fear of interrogation and arrest . warns that the agreement may not comply with international data protection laws ; of course , we need to continue along these lines , and I would like very briefly to mention the three great challenges that we face in the coming months and years . in Europe , earthquakes might not always have catastrophic consequences ; however , we still need to be protected from them . I also support the call for the EU to respect and promote the guarantee of a sustainable future for farmers in the context of trade agreements , and not to put European agricultural production , rural agriculture and global access to food at risk . the next item is the vote . moreover , serious and repeated violations of public procurement rules were identified : five procurement procedures - worth a total of EUR 455 111 - failed to comply with the rules . the fact that , out of the total number of unemployed persons in the European Union , over 40 % are young people is just as serious . significantly , the treaty strengthens the powers and independence of both the Commission and the ECB , with their free-trade thinking . we are aware of the deep concern amongst our citizens about the impact of the global climate change . ( SL ) I , too , would like to express my sympathy for the events in Haiti , as well as congratulate the European Commission and European institutions for their relatively appropriate response . in other words , I propose that we set up a fund for this task which Bulgaria has not addressed at all to date . I will resume because there is no point in wasting time . ( ES ) Mr President , allow me to join in the words of support for the residents of Lorca , in Spain , that have been affected by this natural disaster . supporting early demonstration of sustainable power generation from fossil fuels ( there are important issues like transportation , tourism , culture , preserving our heritage , but all these rank behind protecting our water resources . I sincerely believe that piracy is a form of terrorism and it is taking on uncontrolled proportions . rights of passengers in bus and coach transport ( debate ) this is why we are fighting : it is not an ideological battle , it is a matter of the general interest . one could say that mobility , especially in the case of young researchers , can have a significant influence on their future achievements . however , as you have also said , Commissioner , we need to design these instruments in such a way as to prevent the extremes seen in the US , for example , from creeping in , and instead tailor them to our own legal system . if the world kept its promises , there would not be a food crisis . ( ES ) Hello , Mr Rodríguez Zapatero . I voted in favour of this document , which states that the agreement of 2004 concluded with the Swiss Confederation concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the state responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Switzerland ( the ' Dublin agreement with Switzerland ' ) provides for the possible association of Liechtenstein with the Dublin acquis by means of a protocol . thus it is now up to you - the Commission , the Commission services , the agency - to ensure that the Member States do indeed do what they have incorporated in the legislation in the fields of port state control , classification societies , SafeSeaNet and all the matters we are now finalising or improving . the obvious questions are : why is this the case and who is profiting from the situation ? we need strong measures , simple , transparent laws and , by extension , less bureaucracy . according to some estimates , tax fraud amounts to EUR 200 billion , or 2 % of GDP , and double the sums allotted by the European Union to the so-called European Economic Recovery Plan . I have had the opportunity to observe , in fact , the quality of the work carried out by Frontex with the Polish teams on the Ukrainian border . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the Commission intends to present a communication soon that will seek to clarify the issues in connection with bee health and the key actions that the Commission intends to take in order to address them . the review of this proposal began at the end of last year and the Council is still dealing with it . ( PL ) Mr President , we are currently facing rapid increases in the price of energy . both loan rates and demands for collateral should reduce the moral damage that such a belief could create . an embargo was imposed on the Bosnians and on the Serbs . in writing . - ( DE ) I would like to draw the attention of the Council to a problem which is threatening to paralyse the cooperation between the two institutions on the subject of fisheries policy . when inspection happens , there must be sufficient notice before inspection occurs . I think you are kidding . the hope that the death of Mobutu would finally herald the beginning of progress in Congo has been dashed . my group believes that this problem has a European dimension which justifies an initiative by the Commission . these are nice dreams , but now we need sensible action . apart from introducing the position of High Representative , also known as the EU Minister for Foreign Affairs , the Lisbon Treaty strengthens EU foreign policy by establishing common diplomacy . however , the EU has no right to create such rules on maternity and cannot be allowed the legitimacy to do so . ( SK ) Ukraine is a neighbour of strategic importance to the EU and a natural ' bridge ' connecting the EU with Russia and Central Asia . I believe that 0.9 % is one of the lowest percentages we have seen in recent years . the first of these is the level of errors which occur during budgeting and realisation . this is not what European integration is all about . the very existence of the fishing community depends upon these conditions . it is vital that we encourage Serbia on the road to Europe through an appropriate approach and in spite of the short-term turbulence and wavering . I will not be able to answer all the questions put today , but I will go through some of them . ( DE ) Madam President , in 2009 between them , the EU and Japan produced more than one quarter of the world ' s economic output and accounted for over 20 % of world trade , which is why a well-conceived free trade agreement with Japan is of central importance for the EU . the release of the soldier , Gilad Shalit , has been discussed in this House . both decision-makers and public and private agencies must take up their responsibilities and act to improve opportunities in employment , business enterprise and education and to prevent social exclusion and combat poverty . I would like to thank the President for what he did in order to restore normality in Slovakia . some European countries , in pursuing their own ambitions , are trying to compete politically and militarily with NATO , of which they are members . however , we need clarification regarding the division of funds , integrated regional programmes , between regions and between ACP countries . the principles of the Olympic Charter echo those of the EU to a considerable extent , I refer to citizens ' basic rights and human rights where no compromise is given . a balance therefore needs to be struck between the ambition , on the one hand , to develop the common transport policy as a right to mobility and as an important part of economic growth and , on the other hand , an integrated approach that will improve traffic congestion and make a drastic contribution towards combating climate change . support for rural development from the European Agriculture Fund allows Member States , within the framework of improvements to the environment and the countryside , to make payments for natural disadvantages in mountain areas as well as payments in other disadvantaged areas . why do we not have the courage to accept that one or other will fail ? I would mention here the provisions relating to the security of supply , namely information about tenderers and subcontractors provided to the contracting authorities and the commitments tenderers have to make to ensure security of supply . one-minute speeches ( Rule 150 ) within this context , and without underestimating the differences and the specific features of package holidays , the Commission will also take into account the impact assessment currently being carried out on the review of Directive 90 / 314 relating precisely to package holidays . this Presidency is no exception . the forthcoming Summit of 14 November will provide the opportunity to examine the various dimensions of the relationship which we must have with Russia , and we must pursue a constructive engagement to determine whether Russia hopes to take full advantage of this dialogue . I voted today in favour of the opinion of the European Parliament on the full application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania . no , because this is due to other causes that have nothing to do with ownership unbundling . I think it is a very important issue . as economic conditions deteriorate , the pressure on bank balance sheets is set to continue . it is quite often possible to find the authors of orphan works if you put your mind to it . - ( PL ) Madam President , I would like to draw attention to three issues in this debate . the UN crop programme has failed in practice . I believe that we have demonstrated solidarity in supporting Member States gripped by financial difficulties . he knew the risks of publicly defending gays . in future , this policy should not just be maintained ; it should be strengthened with the requisite resources . it has often been the avant-garde in European integration . in essence , it is a mere palliative , a sham intended to suggest a modicum of citizens ' involvement in the Treaty of Lisbon without really bringing that involvement into the decision-making process . in Belgium too , the opposition is to a large extent denied access to the media . nor shall we let anyone , whether inside or outside the European Union , set limits on our resolute defence of human rights . 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women and peace and security ( between 2005 and 2010 , Portugal was one of the countries that most increased its exports ; what we need is more unity , more responsibility and more solidarity so that the markets calm down . integration must include efficient access to quality training , parallel with language courses and access to university . the Bauer report is not one we can support , however , as the request for a new legislative proposal on equal pay is based on Article 141 ( 3 ) of the EC Treaty which is covered by the Conservative Party ' s pledge to opt out of the Social Chapter . we should not forget an important element , namely the introduction of a control procedure . young people do not get a single mention in the report either , which is incomprehensible . all that is left for the Hungarian opposition is the power of the public eye , and now they intend to deprive us even of that . to mention one more example , Member States cannot say , ' I will give you a premium if you scrap your old car , but only if your new car is a German one ' , if you live in Germany , or a French one or a Czech one . the European Commission must pay due attention to this issue and must actively work to ensure safety . secondly , we find it hard to imagine Parliament approving a trade deal with Canada while Canada pursues a challenge , through the WTO , on the EU ' s trade ban . when reading the content of the agreement , one cannot fail to be surprised at the voices being heard in some national parliaments questioning whether it poses a threat to the Council ' s powers . I would like the European Union to avoid such a situation , and I would like us to be at the forefront of progress where the transport sector is concerned . this report calls on the Commission to adopt definitive legislation on social responsibility in subcontracting throughout the whole production process . the Council and Commission must keep Europe ' s legislative body informed during every stage of the negotiation and signing of this agreement . under the Czech Presidency we took steps to boost energy security , focusing on activities that will increase diversification of energy sources and supply routes through the so-called southern corridor . these are the tables that the Member States are supposed to draw up in order to document how they have implemented the directive . we have withdrawn our amendments . it was really very helpful for the Commission . this goes beyond the commitment made by the Commission in the 2005 framework for expert groups , which applied only to members of formal groups . I must stress that the countries around the southern rim of the Mediterranean also have an important role to play in the supply of gas to Europe . they are not minorities , they are Egyptians and Palestinians , just like all the other residents of these countries . ( GA ) Mr President , I would like to welcome the efforts Commissioner Kallas and the transport ministers have made to resolve this problem . in their response , I note that the Commission has already launched a public consultation and has held hearings to exchange views with stakeholders . when you present the preliminary draft budget to us , do so in a simple and comprehensible way . I believe that the relevant rules should provide guidance to officials as to how they should ensure both sound financial management and good administration . I therefore propose that the national states , by nationalising their national banks , advocate printing money , or vouchers corresponding to money , to finance small businesses . the Kosovo Albanians were given the opportunity for a European-style solution . ( RO ) Mr President , at the moment , Iran is joining the Arab states which are seeking their path to democracy , and the situation in the country is described in detail in the report drafted by Mr Belder . Ukraine is a strategically and economically significant EU partner and an Eastern neighbour with an important role within and outside the region . thank you for your presence and thank you for your speech . this report reminds us that , if the EU wishes to become a leader in the world in terms of social policy , it needs to safeguard cohesion between the social policies applied in its Member States . the second was to reduce costs by cutting red tape . faced with challenges such as electricity security , energy dependency and the often discussed mitigation of climate change , the EU needs to boost the development and deployment of cleaner and more efficient energy technologies . the cultural life of the city has never stopped . there should be a more intensive focus on it , and it should never be undervalued or temporarily neglected in any way . the question is important for the Danish debate , which is why I ask that a clear answer be given . the aim of this report is to simplify and clarify the conclusion of air transport agreements and the adoption of decisions on such agreements , with the European Parliament informing the Commission in advance about the criteria upon which it will base its decision whether or not to consent to the conclusion of a particular agreement on behalf of the EU . so that this development process can continue as fruitfully as possible , stable funding must be provided for public broadcasting corporations , enabling them to promote public interests and social values , to preserve pluralism in the media and to give people access to high-quality content . President-in-Office of the Council . - Mr President , we have had a very long and useful debate , and the Presidency is grateful to all the Members of this House for their comments . one of the speakers here said there are clearly institutional shortages in this area . I think we should adopt broader measures for the European Union in this area . ( DE ) Mr President , the previous speaker has just demonstrated how difficult the advancement of democracy in Europe is when we see that , in Ireland , half the population failed to vote because of the complexity of the issues and the fact that not everyone wants to be a constitutionalist . in writing . - ( DE ) As long ago as 1964 , some developing countries were already calling loudly for trade preferences in order to improve their economic situation . disparities in health between countries , between regions , between rich and poor , between different ethnic minorities , affect each and every EU Member State and , in many places , they are getting wider . I would like to be sincere on this issue . of course , please encourage us to do more in this field . for this reason , the report should prioritise the rights of the weakest , especially women and their specific needs . I believe the EUR 1 billion that the European Union will provide for this purpose is a step in the right direction . my third point concerns the need for a new trade agreement and I believe that our objectives are very similar in this area as well . ( RO ) I would like to congratulate the rapporteur , Piia-Noora Kauppi , for her report concerning the directive on financial collateral arrangements , which contains three major amendments to the current directive . certainly , Parliament is often touchingly united in criticising other institutions , but there is actually good reason for Parliament also to be self-critical . of course , in this situation of crisis , the Member States are putting up some resistance to the increase in contributions , but they must acknowledge the intentions of the EU and the need not to jeopardise everything that has been achieved in terms of cohesion and integration . it is obvious that increased costs for enterprises would then cause higher product costs , to the detriment of consumers . such taxes and export bans are designed to protect the domestic markets from short-term supply shortfalls and price shocks . we are a nation that loves freedom and democracy . that is in addition to the agreement reached at the informal Ecofin Council held in Nice in September this year , for the EIB to intensify and , at the same time , bring forward its specific financing lines for SMEs . radical Islamic fundamentalism , though non-violent , is also on the increase in a number of countries . on the other hand , the first point condemns the violence that unfolded during the dismantling of the camp near Laâyoune ; and this condemnation of violence is clear even if we do not currently have all the facts to say who did what . we should not really expect anything else . access to education would provide them with a real opportunity . furthermore , the approval of Decision No 574 / 2007 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the External Borders Fund for the period 2007 to 2013 as part of the General programme ' Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows ' , is another important step for the promotion of solidarity and will establish a new means of extending financial aid to the Member States that apply the provisions of the Schengen Agreement at their external borders . you have really shown that you are ready to take up that responsibility . in every country , including France , studies show that this is not the case , not only when it comes to demographics , but also in terms of finance . ( PL ) Madam President , everyone in my country expects a positive decision from the Commission . I also agree with the rapporteur that it is necessary for the Agency to improve its financial management with regard to the reimbursement of costs incurred by Member States by identifying , with those Member States , deficiencies and difficulties so as to implement , together , the appropriate solutions . environmental , poverty-related and development aspects should always be taken into consideration in the European Investment Bank ' s decisions . like liberties , fundamental social rights are human rights , and must not be curtailed as a result of internal market freedoms of movement . Mrs Dodds is right : if we are going to be a part of the resolution , we have to be absolutely honest and bring the sides together . once again , thank you to you all for your cooperation . every time an ASEAN member country cannot deliver on a specific issue , we are faced with the lowest common denominator outcome . having made these additional comments , let me conclude by reiterating my confidence about tomorrow ' s vote and in the quality of the Dess report . have we managed to reconcile the interests of consumers with the interests of traders during our work on this directive ? affordable and universally accessible energy is in the interest of all EU Member States . we discuss both ; we amend nothing . instead , the committee process lasted only a few days and we are now holding a debate in Parliament two days after the adoption of the provision within the Committee on Constitutional Affairs . this Community already communicates across the world . today , it is clear that the rebels do not want to live under regimes that do not respect their rights and which do not ensure a modicum of respect for the rules of democracy and the rule of law . a thorough assessment has been carried out on a case-by-case basis to produce a set of criteria relating to illegal emigration , public order and safety , as well as the European Union ' s external relations with third countries . the Commission regularly receives complaints from citizens about how national law is implemented . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , exactly one year ago we took the decision to combine the reports on public finances for 2007 and 2008 . I believe the disputed points will be resolved swiftly and perhaps even easily , given the importance of this topic . the promotion of equality also involves combating violence against women . in particular , the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) estimates that five million Zimbabweans are at risk of suffering severe famine by the beginning of 2009 . while we at EU level are still talking about promotion , the Member States are already making cuts in the funding for universities . my country , Poland , is especially interested in good management of the new EU Eastern Partnership programme . under these circumstances it is most important to ensure that new hardware is not let in through the back door on Austrian and European transport routes . we should not violate our own Treaty on European Union . since we have respect for democracy , we should respect the vote of the Irish people . just as the market grows , so too do the general revenues from gambling in the world . however , the substance of the proposal lies in the new dispensation for private European companies , which will allow a ' private European undertaking ' to trade in all the Member States of the EU and circumvent the current obstacles of any social control . the economic crisis has exposed the irresponsible financial and economic decisions of several governments , but it is the conscientious Member States that are paying the price . 6 . the financial crisis , as you have said yourself , does not erase the environmental crisis . I would , however , reiterate that we should create a mechanism which will prevent a recurrence of the various misfortunes that occurred in relation to the Hungarian crisis , and which has done nothing to increase the prestige of the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe . I welcome the adoption of this report and the excellent work accomplished by the rapporteur , Mr Rangel . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , yesterday we enjoyed a wonderfully clever speech by the French President . the Czech Presidency , through the leadership of Prime Minister Topolánek , intends to ensure that the meeting next week demonstrates through practical action that the European Union remains committed to its ideals and that it faces these challenges together in a coordinated manner and in a spirit of responsibility and of solidarity . in writing . - The legislative resolution passed with a surprisingly wide majority of 525 in favour , 49 against , and 44 abstentions . this is the first report to consider a variety of innovative mechanisms designed to ensure that players in the financial markets also carry some of the costs . in reply to Ms Flasarová , we cannot prevent companies from delocalising , but we have instruments to tackle that issue . it is therefore imperative that Member States transpose internal market legislation into national law in a timely manner . introduction of such rigorous provisions on some of the substances used in cosmetics acts against the interests of many Polish businesses . it is right that the Stability and Growth Pact and the full framework of administration of economic affairs should support the EU strategy on growth and jobs and comply with them , and also that it should aim to boost the competitiveness of all Member States as well as social stability in all regions of the EU . 1 . I voted in favour of this recommendation as I believe that the scope of this regulation should be able to be extended to the territory of any Member State about to join the euro . we also want to build a just Europe , so any initiative that has a bearing on procedural rights is vital . the banks and , in the meantime , the Member States which , because of the loss of confidence among the players on the financial markets , came to rely on the intervention of the ECB as an intermediary in order to access funding , must regain their independence . the aim of the EGF is to help workers who are victims of the relocation of businesses , and it is crucial in facilitating access to new employment in the future . technical modernisation and the introduction of information technology into the workplace will ensure that work is more effective and productive . this will make a significant contribution to improving the situation . obviously , the FTA also opens the EU market to Korean products . this increase in competences is often at the expense of decision-making at a lower level , where those affected are guaranteed maximum influence . does the Commission believe that the registration process will now be adequate , and what steps will it take to make sure that the rest of this Agency ' s processes work smoothly and effectively ? we ask that people ' s fundamental rights be respected and that everyone be made aware of the situation , given that some countries have joined the European Union without fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria . I think that Mr Brok found the right words to express what we want . this unilateral secessionist act is an impermissible precedent in international relations . the Commission does not oblige it to do so . the number of people affected by depression and other civilisation-related diseases , caused by stress and the pace of life , is markedly increasing . I support the proposal that there should be an increase in active and tolerant , European-wide dialogue at all levels . due to the quick adoption of the proposal at first reading , the Commission can now implement its sustainable industrial policy and get straight to work on coming up with other specific steps to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions . maybe it is not exactly a billion and it will not be entirely additional , although a very large part of it will be . President-in-Office of the Council , Commissioner , it is in the mutual interests of the Union and Russia to set common political and economic targets for the sake of democratic principle , peace , stability and security . in Portugal , for example , we have unfortunately reached the record level of 11 % unemployment . according to the Commission in January , the prognosis is -2 % ; now the European Central Bank tells us it is -3 % . so today Parliament has achieved a balance . you have to listen to them and give them answers because , just as you have said , Mr President , sweeping the dust under the carpet leads to difficulties in the future . in the years before and after this date , the critical human rights situation in Burma was the subject of numerous parliamentary resolutions . the success of Ryanair means that they have 20 operational bases across the EU serving almost 130 destinations and , yes , increasing . impact assessments will be carried out within the framework of the reviews and these will include the costs and consequences of operating the agreements . they will be too interesting to be left in the cold and powerful hands of oblivion . President-in-Office , I imagine you would not have chosen the challenges which confronted your presidency , but you have tackled them with energy , with enthusiasm and with creativity , and you have shown the power of European solidarity . lastly , I would remind you , as the Commissioner did a moment ago , that the Council of Ministers issued reservations with regard to the third pillar and so on . the ICCAT groups decided on the plan based on scientific opinions which made certain distinctions between the Mediterranean and the East Atlantic . it is important that , in particular , those EU citizens who have lost their jobs during the current crisis are given new prospects for the future as quickly as possible . admittedly , the vote was held in a country outside the European Union , but it clearly concerns an issue that is not unfamiliar to us . both sides have committed to work and develop things in this area . it is essential to adapt the social security and pensions system to today ' s challenges . it is true that , in the action plan on asylum , the Commission proposed to study the options that could be offered by distributing asylum seekers around the Member States on a voluntary basis . in actual fact , the regulation that we are discussing and approving here today is hostile to innovation , for the money that the car manufacturers will have to pay out is needed for innovation and research . tobacco smoke : policy options at EU level ( vote ) Europe is made up of a rich and diverse mix of educational traditions . the second of the zones is one which will not , in principle , impede air traffic cooperation being carried out , even though ash is still present . I voted in favour because , under the agreement , cooperation is to be promoted at subregional level , thus meeting the European objective of strengthening regional fisheries management organisations and , in that way , fostering fisheries governance . we know that Russia , which is one of our partners , is now involved in the conflict . in writing . - ( PL ) I am supporting Mrs Jackson ' s report because the new directive on waste is intended to provide a basis for the creation of a ' recycling society ' . this report will allow us to close the legal loopholes which have existed to date with regard to legislative provisions on European Union fleets , which will improve the European Union ' s credibility in this field , and contribute to the fight against illegal fishing . the 300 or more contributions are worth following up . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I do not agree with what has been said about food prices rocketing . instead , we need to explain and justify the situation when citizens are not provided with information . secondly , I believe that the recognition of degrees in all European countries is a priority . the first sentence in the conclusions from the Court states that for 2007 the Court has identified further progress in the Commission ' s supervisory and control systems , so at least we are going in the right direction . it also falls within the spirit of the agreements made with the international institutions . workers ' terms have deteriorated following the Laval judgment and following the Viking , Rüffert and Luxembourg judgments . this is why it is so important that we once again explain our position , and we urge the Chinese Government to stop the cultural destruction threatening Kashgar ' s architectural survival immediately and to carry out a comprehensive expert inquiry into culture-sensitive methods of renovation . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to congratulate the rapporteur for having produced an excellent piece of work and for having collaborated so well on what is a particularly sensitive issue . the Lisbon ratification process is quite rightly your first priority . Member of the Commission . - I wish to thank all Members for their comments . ( PL ) Mr President , each Member State has a different legal system and different principles for the recognition of administrative documents . the problems deriving from divergences in Member States ' contract laws often discourage businesses , in particular , small and medium-sized enterprises , from engaging in cross-border trade and keep them from benefiting from opportunities and gains which the Internal Market offers . these transitional provisions must safeguard equal treatment of the institutions - especially Parliament - in accordance with the new competences which it will acquire under the new treaty . lessons need to be taken seriously , and the results of an analysis of this experience incorporated into future energy developments . the Court ' s decision is yet another European nail in the coffin of British liberties . how can the protection of data gathered by private companies be guaranteed , given that this diplomatic protection has not been assured ? at this stage we should not get too side-tracked by discussing the technicalities of what MSY actually is and how it should be applied . I will take it into account . we will do our utmost to help the Tunisian people to turn their aspirations into reality . however , that also means of course that our currency will come under pressure . indeed , we must receive assurances that two important reservations - the question of bulk data transfer and the opportunity for Europeans to have legal redress in the United States - are lifted . the first is Atlantic bluefin tuna . once again , we find ourselves in this Chamber to approve an exceptional allocation within our own borders . I really do think that we can have political differences and different ideologies , but that - particularly in a situation like the one we are now in - we need to unite , not move apart . Madam President , regions are an extremely important place for the development of culture . I agree that the position on delegated acts must be approved and reiterated at second reading . that was 23 years ago . I invite Parliament , which , with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , will be a colegislator in the field of visas , to support the structured method of dialogue on the liberalisation of visas , which is the method followed by the Commission , because a different approach would cause confusion without really changing the visa regime . the Ombudsman is an independent institution and a control mechanism for the administration of the EU . I think it was necessary to go further than the regulation of 2008 and to adopt legislation to ensure that passengers do not bear these additional costs , which may at times prove to be completely unrelated to security charges . that being said , the role of this Adjustment Fund must be assessed . finally , voluntary codes do have a role , and reach parts which we cannot regulate . the assessments of the independent experts and those of Parliament , which voted overwhelmingly in favour of Romania ' s integration into Schengen , should count as a crucial factor in the European Council and , consequently , the procedure should be unblocked . firstly , from a strictly commercial point of view , it should be pointed out that any trade agreement has to be reached within the framework of mutual respect for the rules of international trade , which means respect for the rules of competition law and respect for copyright law . we only need to think of the way Romania treats Transylvanian Hungarians or Csángó Hungarians , or of the exclusionary , discriminatory Slovak language law . tomorrow , we will do our bit in Parliament . Honduras ( debate ) it concerns Parliament ' s composition , which remains unclear as from 2014 . please take Parliament and the concerns of the car dealers seriously and incorporate their concerns and those of the small and medium-sized enterprises into the Regulation . European farmers expect immediate answers and too much time has already been wasted . Mr President , I trust , however , that Parliament will not succumb to the temptation to revive the already dead constitutional idea , because it would merely illustrate that it is an ivory tower . - Report : Aloyzas Sakalas one positive step would be to simplify the process for monitoring projects ' financial and administrative aspects , while also consolidating the scientific and technological assessment process . the twentieth century showed us that utopias are bound to fail without proper economic and social frameworks . in writing . - Although we have devised many strategies for lifelong learning their implementation leaves much to be desired . we still await the real evidence of that happening . it is an insult to the unions to think that their only use is to paralyse . by demagogically using the words ' democracy ' and ' communication ' , what the report is really trying to do is to call these into question . this Directive must be amended because this is also demanded by the Charter of Fundamental Rights , which clearly states in Article 27 : ' workers or their representatives must ( ... ) be guaranteed information and consultation ( ... ) . ' consumers have a right to know how their food has been produced and where it comes from . in this progressively unifying Europe , do the Germans wish to resurrect the phantoms and demons of 20th century politics , i.e. unions and pacts that led to wars , crimes , the Holocaust and the division of Europe ? as the Chairman of the Committee on Petitions , I notice how frequently the citizens of the European Union are not aware of their rights and , conversely , how they sometimes believe that they can intervene in matters when they have no right to do so . in reply to Mrs Doyle , concerning maternity leave , the Commission is to prepare an impact evaluation on possible legislative measures introducing new forms of leave - adoption leave , and leave to care for family members other than children . the vote will take place on Thursday . in conclusion , I would like to thank the rapporteur for his work and all those who contributed to the success of the negotiations ; thanks to you we will at last be able to vote on this issue tomorrow . however , the Council has just shown us that this solidarity is starting steadily to diminish . otherwise , if we wait until 2015 , when quotas are hopefully to be abolished , we shall miss a unique opportunity for the European dairy industry . ( DA ) Madam President , the point I want to make is , stop attacking the European Court of Justice and the Posting of Workers Directive . since this topic is the responsibility of the national authorities of the individual Member States , the EU hopes that greater incentives will be given to public service broadcasters with the aim of relaunching a service that , in many countries , suffers under the weight of politics and information control , and of preventing imbalance with private sector competition that is , at times , unfair . there would be many fewer fatalities if emergency assistance came earlier to those in need , so the introduction of an automatic accident notification system is a vital solution . this is a backward step , and a head-on attack on the system of international law that took so much to construct following the two world wars . we are talking about very sensitive situations that deal with the safety of people and their property , and that often touch us all because of the loss of lives , the destruction of families , and the devastation of whole livelihoods . the vote on Amendment 3 and the final vote were , in my view , extremely important . should I be doing this indefinitely ? where we are at , in fact , is 0.38 % of the budget instead of 0.42 % , after having planned for 0.7 % . however , a forward-looking budget also means shifts in priorities and still more European money . it will enable consumers to take earlier possession of the product purchased . unilateral actions , such as the quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve , are as worrying as the depreciation of the renminbi . this is not sustainable , as was made clear by the courage shown by Tunisian and Egyptian women during the recent events in their countries . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I believe that the solution that we are discussing is an erroneous solution , that it is highly unfair to many vulnerable people and that , in some ways , it is also self-destructive , because it will not have escaped anyone ' s attention - and this point has already been made - that there is a contradiction between discussing a single permit and beginning with waivers and exceptions . the euro ' s value against the US dollar has , throughout , to all practical purposes , remained higher than it was when the European currency was established . Mr President , just very briefly , this is all new to me and I found the discussion very stimulating and educational . does the Presidency have any intentions this autumn of promoting talks with Russia on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement ? moreover , the absence of a strict liability compensation convention for non-toxic substances leaves local government picking up the cost of the clean-up . packaging must include accurate information about thrombin and the labelling must be clear . however , while Airbus has received repayable financing , Boeing is collapsing under the weight of funding from different countries , and particularly under the enormous weight of military research . I firmly believe that Intelligent Transport Systems will increase traffic efficiency , thereby reducing traffic . it is not important who votes in the party and how . not just a traditional education but one that focuses on e-skills and entrepreneurship for example . we should not forget the refugees who have still not returned to their homes and the serious crimes that have as yet gone unpunished . the Commission and Member States should introduce transparent recruitment procedures as soon as possible to ensure a gender balance in recruitment bodies . you may rest assured that the French Presidency is determined to work very closely with the European Parliament ; it proposes that the Galileo Interinstitutional Panel , the GIP , which involves the three EU institutions - the Commission , Parliament and the Council - meet as soon as possible in order to discuss the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of this programme , which is very important for the European Union as a whole . the motion which we are being called on to adopt in a couple of days ' time and which relates to the strengthening of energy efficiency through ICT places particular emphasis on research and development of pioneering technologies , such as nano-technologies and photonic technology , which have high potential to improve energy efficiency , and on designing policies to strengthen the take-up of these technologies . in view of all the objections , I also call on the Commission to put forward proposals for a total ban on animal cloning without delay . the Liberal Group has requested an extension of the deadline for the tabling of joint motions for resolutions and amendments on the priorities of the European Parliament for the legislative and work programme of the Commission until 10 a.m. tomorrow - Tuesday , 23 September 2008 . we must , however , continue a debate which our Italian colleagues have started , namely the debate as to whether the concept of citizenship in the European Union is the same as the concept of citizenship at national level . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , I do recognise the problem described by the rapporteur . at the outset , President Barroso stressed on various occasions that the Commission does not make political judgments on the fundamental constitutional and institutional choices of a Member State . I therefore warmly welcome the possibility of citizens ' initiatives which the Treaty of Lisbon opens up for EU citizens , and in this context , also the public consultation with the Commission and the Green Paper on how to bring the citizens ' initiative to life in concrete terms . it is vital that they can use national parliamentary controls to handle incomings which , particularly in a budget-support policy , can often be an important lever in their national policies . however , faced with this bleak vista , we must seek to find creative solutions to give those unemployed the skills , the prospects and the hope for a better future . 10 . the ' single permit ' resolution , presented by Mrs Mathieu , specifically targets migrant workers ' rights . successes like the invention by the Romanian Raluca-Ioana van Stade , which is a sensor that can determine the presence of cancer in the human body at molecular level , directly from a person ' s blood , using a simple procedure lasting less than six minutes , must be supported and capitalised on to the full . I think that the question which you are raising is of course extremely serious and we have to take it with similar seriousness . once the legal immigration policy is enforced , there is a risk of disadvantaging European citizens as compared to third country citizens . as has been said , this is about combating a type of social terrorism , which is chauvinist violence . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Madam President , Mr Vice-President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , this has indeed been a long and full debate , and of all those I have taken part in here on behalf of the Presidency , this one had the longest list of participants and Members to have given their opinion . Mr President , it took Ireland 700 years to get the British out of the Republic of Ireland and I have to sit here time and again listening to people we threw out telling us what we should be doing in Ireland . I am therefore not in favour of waiving his immunity . we have been working for years on an early-warning system , and yet we still do not have anything substantial to show for it . at a time as delicate as the present , I would argue that we need enhanced cooperation in neighbourhood and partnership relations in order to establish a friendly environment in the closest environs of the European Union , as the ENP ' s main objective sets out . therefore , I am inclined to share Mr Hutchinson ' s view , although I do regret somewhat that this debate is taking place here and now . secondly , from my modest position , but expressing the political forces that Mr Schulz was quite willing to admit are a threat to the traditional organisations - and I thank him for it - I should like to call on our Parliament , and yourself , Mr President , to be more modest and to set certain voluntary limits to our powers . the next item is the joint debate on : as regards your request to examine a range of options for sanctions and incentives to promote good tax governance in tax matters , the Commission is already examining a range of incentives to promote good governance at EU level , for example , the enhanced use of development aid in order to encourage certain third countries to move away from unfair tax competition . why play into the hands of the opponents of the WTO and put the image of this institution at stake ? despite the fact that the health service is de facto managed by the Member States , the EU can , nevertheless , act to extend health care and be , for example , an excellent platform for the exchange of good practices . it is up to the European Union to lead the way . some proponents of the Treaty of Lisbon even claimed this demonstrated that we were attentive to popular reluctance . I hope that there will be agreement on a financing concept next week at the summit . we should maintain the quota system and introduce transparency into the milk marketing chain . explanations of vote I welcome the recent determination shown by the Congolese authorities to put a stop to this impunity , but this zero tolerance policy must be ambitious - all perpetrators of violence , without exception , will have to answer for their actions - and truly effective . the European Parliament and the Council are in the process of considering this proposal . in exchange for its financial contribution to programmes , Ukraine will have the right to participate as an observer in committees coordinating EU programmes . I would like to end by saying that this is not quite what we wanted , but it is the right move and surely a step in the right direction . the crucial point is that the sugar is added before fermentation and not afterwards , which means that it is not a matter of sweetening sour wine , and the addition of sugar is only permissible for table wines and vins de pays . we would like to see significant reprioritisation within the Multiannual Financial Framework to fully fund Europe 2020 priorities that have the greatest impact on raising employment and growth levels . in writing . - The EU as a bloc is the world ' s largest contributor of humanitarian aid . I am also concerned by its increasing hostility to Israel , our ally , as witnessed by the Gaza flotilla episode and Turkey ' s officially published findings . I believe that , especially at this time , we also have to draw the attention of young people to the need for mobility and to foreign opportunities . the intellectual rights of creators are deemed to be property to be taken away and bought like a commodity . this is important , not least in the context of the ongoing negotiations for the new agreement which are being held by the Commission and which must contain clear , legally binding provisions on trade and investment and also on energy . secondly , the current situation affects us all . however , this will pay off , because we know that after these tough days , Mr Barroso will probably once again be Commission President and that there will , once again , be uneasy compromises between the large and powerful groups in this House , but also between the governments in the Council , and that Mr Barroso , who has personified the failures of European integration during the last five years , is likely to continue to do so over the next five years . I would therefore like to say very clearly that we want some give and take from our Chinese partners on this issue - we want the protection of the cultural heritage of the Uyghurs . over and above emergency measures , when we report on the health of the CAP we must redefine the way we intervene on the world markets ( infrastructure , intervention stocks , risk management , prospects and economic modelling of price changes , etc . ) , reconsider the decoupling of aid and globally rethink our agricultural production models to ensure that they are productive and enduring . however , is it not sinister that recipients should be told which economic policies they should choose and which they should discard ? I feel solidarity with and concern for the fate and safety of the 1.5 million Palestinians held in Gaza , for whom it is impossible to leave the Gaza strip , and for the humanitarian situation of the Palestinians on the West Bank who , despite cooperation from the Palestinian National Authority , see no improvement in their living conditions . a language will not survive on a few seconds alone . the Commission ' s proposal and the report seek to achieve greater stability in the financial system and to increase the protection for investors . I am sure that European farmers will take great pride in sharing part of the agricultural budget with those who are most in need . I want to see Zagreb take action . all opportunities to reduce inappropriate paper and energy consumption at the European Parliament have not yet been exhausted . ( DE ) Mr President , in addition to what I have just said , I would like to ask for currency policy to be included in the recitals . banning cluster munitions ( if Mr Barnier does get the internal market , what is he going to give to the Poles , to whom he promised a great Commission ? the non-interest-bearing deposit should be released upon correction of the excessive deficit while the interest on such deposits and the fines collected should be assigned to stability mechanisms to provide financial assistance , created by Member States whose currency is the euro in order to safeguard the stability of the euro area as a whole . they would gain an understanding of distant countries and peoples . our knowledge of the latter tends to be fragmented and based on often negative stereotypes . voluntary return , the duration of temporary custody , with alternatives provided for certain cases , the organisation of custody facilities , the ban on collective returns , the particular treatment to be given to minors and vulnerable persons when adopting a return decision and the preservation of family unity : all of these are positive features of the proposal for a directive , as is the free legal aid , if requested , to pursue an appeal against the removal order . I should also like to thank Mr Deß very much for shadowing this report for the PPE-DE Group . I have a question for the Commissioner : will progress be made towards these Eurobonds in December ? Madam President , we are talking about this man-made famine now , 75 years after the events , because , if we do not talk about it now , then it could become like the dark midnight of justice . concerning the issue of red tape , this will not create a new burden for enterprises because we are using existing administrative and statistical data . ' balanced ' means asking for improvements and at the same time offering assistance . work is currently under way on Chapter 16 on taxation and Chapter 19 on social policy and employment . in writing . - ( HU ) First of all , permit me to express my profound condolences to the Japanese people and the relatives of the victims in connection with the exceptional natural and industrial disaster which happened barely 12 days ago . measures in this area fall primarily within national competence and the Community can only support and complement the work done by the Member States . today , the questions we have been asking from the start need to be addressed , though obviously in quite a different context now . since this type of crime can operate too freely , it has taken advantage of our freedoms , moving as it pleases between financial marketplaces , tax havens and markets dealing in property and other assets . the economic environment has changed dramatically since 2008 ; hence , a review really is needed . how the accountability of members of boards of directors is organised must be clearly defined , and must be put into practice in a reasonable way , so as not to jeopardise financial institutions ' willingness to seize business opportunities , which is a desirable aspect of their work , or the quality of the human resources at their disposal . my hope is that the step we take today , with the adoption of this proposal , is the first of many future ones . Mr President , President Barroso , I would like to put a question to you in this House about the European Emergency Fund . prison remains orientated towards the needs of male prisoners and I welcome the report ' s aim to highlight the differences experienced by women . if , today , regions are seeking to re-dedicate resources in addition to the resources already available , we are certainly very open , in this area , to the idea of opening up this opportunity or , in any case , to holding serious talks in this regard . many companies which are entitled to apply for European subsidies and whose ideas will bring added value on a European scale do not have the necessary language skills to go through the application process in English . the delegation from Georgia is led by the Speaker of Georgia ' s Parliament , Mrs Burjanadze . they specifically agreed to what is in the deal . apart from the environmental and public health issues , which are a concern in themselves , failure to re-use raw materials results in inefficiency and additional cost for the production system , which could be resolved by making better use of the materials that constitute the equipment concerned . we cannot and shall not forget Nasrin Sotoudeh , nor her fellow fighters for fundamental rights in Iran . there is a general feeling of aversion towards and mistrust of Russia that does not represent a sound basis for the cooperation that we are calling for . cooperation between Member States should be strengthened in terms of the exchange of information about criminal records related to convictions for sexual abuse , so that those convicted of such offences can be prevented from taking jobs involving direct contact with children . EU development aid so far has focused , first of all , on providing necessary functions for the government to help deliver the basic services of the state , such as the running of the education system , the healthcare system and the police , and the ability to provide staff in the public sector . these new technologies can significantly improve vehicle safety and it is clear that road safety will benefit when they are introduced as the standard system on new vehicles . Mr President , Mr Barroso observed that we are living in extraordinary times - true - but extraordinary times call for extraordinary leadership . I shall focus on two examples . apart from anything else , he is also systematically persecuting various minorities : racial minorities , sexual minorities , and all other minorities , in their own land . for my younger brother , the Internet is as natural as watching television or chatting in the school playground at break time . unfortunately , it is not as simple as it is sometimes made to appear in political debates . this crisis has been brought about , as we all know , by a kind of casino capitalism , crony capitalism , and a financial services sector that has been subject to no regulation - or to light-touch regulation , as it is sometimes politely referred to . the most shameful thing for us in the EU is that it is being carried out by one of our preferred trading partners . if it is really concerned about minors ' living conditions , the Italian Government should take action to ensure proper health conditions in the camps , to foster social inclusion and integration , and to promote schooling and entry into working life . I am proud to have participated in this work in Parliament , which will take a decision on the matter tomorrow . the Presidency is pleased that this issue has been addressed within Parliament , and thanks its rapporteur , Mr López-Istúriz White , for his proposals on the legal protection of adults . it will answer those questions which were raised by Mr Lungren , that is , it will help to bolster the whole euro area , because the procedures for euro transactions will be strengthened . it is much appreciated . ' the collation and categorisation of such data should be consistent with previous annual reports in order to assist Parliament in making meaningful assessments of the progress being made by the Commission . and , yes , where we can use them as a laboratory , for example , for the development of renewable energies , we should certainly try and promote and encourage that at the same time , seeing to it that their vulnerabilities are not prejudiced in any way . Commissioner , will you require anybody selling goods to have a direct contact number where people who have difficulties can make direct contact with those who have sold them defective goods or services ? on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , doesn ' t this all go to show that this vast exercise of EU financial regulation has singularly missed the mark ? unless we are honest in identifying the problem , there can be no solution . the joint debate is closed . ( applause ) Mr Reinfeldt , you do , of course , deserve our thanks . Romania , like other new Member States of the European Union , is in a much worse situation than the general one described in the report . it is the best in the world , after all , as it is the only ETS in the world to date . I think it is tremendous that European action forces should help where local fire fighters cannot manage alone . another lesson is that we must establish a European civil protection body . the main thing - as everybody , including the airlines , said - was that it was very important to resume flights . nevertheless , compliance with the obligations in Article 9 does not require a formal social impact assessment procedure . I have referred , for example , to the legislative proposals already prepared and to the intention to tighten the penalties for people trafficking . a recent report states that two thirds of young people have received unwanted requests while using the Internet and 25 % have viewed material with indecent content . congratulations are also due to the new Member States entering the Schengen area on the tremendous efforts they made to meet all the Schengen requirements in such a short period of time . we want to have an action plan that covers cooperation on key issues - science , technology and innovation , environment , climate change and so on . better law-making must also mean the involvement of the European Parliament both in interinstitutional debate and as a co-legislator . however , social rights , including the rights of workers , have not been regarded as a priority , even at a time when fundamental social rights are being called into question by the policies promoted by the EU . each of these countries is faced with a choice . they can follow either the Russian or the European model . the commitment that the EU made to realise the UN ' s Millennium Development Goals cannot be forgotten . if implemented correctly by national bodies , this international agreement will be an important tool for ensuring the long-term protection of marine life and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks . equally , we cannot force girls to take up technical studies . in order to maintain a fifty-fifty balance . the next item is Question Time ( B7-0019 / 2011 ) . human rights , which include women ' s rights , are and need to be universal and defended in any context . who is the Union for ? those who carry inside them the hurt of having been abandoned are entitled to grow up in a happy environment with people who can offer them a new life . this alone makes it paramount that we let this part of the EU budget through today . ( PL ) This is an important step for the European Parliament towards opening the door to nations which are obviously European , such as the Georgians and the Armenians . in short , it is true that mobility has to be changed rather than reduced . it is imperative that we do not mask realities . it is men who have been elected to the highest positions in the European Union ( President of the European Parliament and President of the European Commission ) . one of these is the activity of foreign investors , particularly those from Russia . I can understand people in Athens going out into the streets and protesting . I therefore agree with the rapporteur ' s recommendations on the improvements that need to be made to the governance system in the EU 2020 strategy compared to the Lisbon Strategy . Mr Barroso said it ' s becoming fashionable to be Populist and wave the flag of xenophobia . my experience is that if you communicate clearly on the substance issues then it is much easier , and this is exactly also what our representation office in Ireland is trying to do : to communicate on the different substance issues . Commissioner . - ( FI ) Madam President , I would still like to make a couple of comments in Finnish because of the speech by Mr Soini . for our part , we will bring you a proposal , a communication to strengthen the EU ' s disaster response capacity , and we will come back to you with the lessons learnt from this disaster . I also want to say that , despite the fact that we have a decision requiring gender mainstreaming in all our work here in Parliament , no gender analysis of this directive has been carried out , also despite the fact that we know that many women on the lowest wages are precisely those who often get caught in the debt trap . lastly , I should like to point out that I originally felt there should be no reference to specific countries . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the guidelines we are shortly to vote on are the first step towards the European budget for 2012 . if we really want to export our poultry and pig industry outside the EU and feed our citizens on Brazilian chicken and pork and even chicken from Thailand , all of which has been fed on GM , then the present policies of zero tolerance on non-GM feed and the appallingly slow licensing of GM feed within the EU are exactly the way to go about it . I would like to take this opportunity to thank the European Parliament for its support of the Commission demand for the knowledge triangle of research , education and innovation . although both the Lisbon strategy and the EU 2020 strategy attach greater emphasis than ever before to social policy , the issues of competitiveness and economic factors continue to take priority to the detriment of social issues . the first concerns the question whether all the European Union ' s policies can come under the general Europe 2020 umbrella . I hope so and we support you in it , Mr Barroso . that is what I wanted to say . the third is to protect the safety of our citizens against terrorists , drugs and counterfeited and pirated goods that can even endanger their health and life , by controlling the supply chains used for the international movement of goods . I would also like to thank Commissioner Füle for his remarks , especially for mentioning the maritime dimension , which the Commission is shaping right now and , of course , for making the necessary link between the Black Sea strategy and the Danube strategy . it is also about structural reform , fiscal consolidation and growth-enhancing measures . in writing . - We oppose the Union for the Mediterranean . - Madam President , I am sorry we are keeping you from your lunch with our explanations of votes . the Governing Council is the pertinent entity . CEPOL helps national bodies to work together to prevent and combat crime . written statements ( Rule 149 ) however , our assessment shows that further serious work needs to be done in the Member States to improve the effectiveness of their policies for Roma integration . I could never imagine in my youth that one day I would speak in it . in order to maintain this dynamic and ensure a quality process , we must point out that further efforts are needed to meet the requirements of the Negotiating Framework , including Croatia ' s obligations in respect of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement , and also the implementation of the Accession Partnership . as I indicated in my speech , the assessment conducted so far indicates that stringent measures are already in place - this point has been made . we all assessed that the meeting was positive . those are the core tasks to which I have devoted my time since I took on this role . the first matter is Yemen . we also need to clarify under what exceptional circumstances suspension can be carried out in order to avoid unilateral action that jeopardises the whole system . so you can rest assured that we will do our utmost to strengthen Schengen and that we need more European engagement there , not less . I have many other questions but I know we are tight on time so , if the Commissioner could answer that one , I would be happy . in line with the appeal the report makes to Member States , I would like to call for a strengthening of the decentralisation process for implementing regional policy in Bulgaria , in order to ensure that the system of multilevel governance functions in the most effective way on the basis of the principles of partnership and subsidiarity . under its provisions , traders will have to provide clear and accurate information in a timely manner and , failing that , a consumer cannot be bound by distance or off-premises contracts . it is a sorry state of affairs that no one benefits from this , the people least of all . let us take that as the benchmark . I highlight this last point because we cannot let the first European Maritime Day coincide in the minds of citizens with the death of an entire trade . yet the Heads of State or Government lacked the courage to opt for a purely European solution . situations of loss of income are on the increase and women are getting poorer . I welcome the fact that the European Union immediately activated its Civil Protection Mechanism to coordinate its emergency aid . this was after a massive consultation . the funeral was attended today by the High Representative , Mr Solana , and the Commander of the operation , General Nash , who expressed sympathy on behalf of the European Union . it demand selflessness , sharing and putting others first . I would like to share my reading of these with you , and to talk to you especially about the next stages . we often do this formally but , Mr Eppink , although our parties often disagree on many things , I must say that while drawing up this report , there were no taboo matters in our discussion . this wisdom cannot simply end at ensuring fair relations between competitors in the European area . some attempt has been made to strengthen the opportunities SMEs might have to participate . yes , the time has come to finally give priority to all these small businesses , and to their directors and employees , and to do so , first and foremost , in European regulations . if you cross check your papers , you will see , firstly , that you gave the floor today out of order and , secondly , that you gave the floor to persons who spoke at the previous plenary sitting of the European Parliament ; consequently , your arguments do not stand up . the vessel owners should be accountable for the costs arising under the agreements from which they themselves draw benefit , and we want to see continued change in that direction . we therefore voted for Amendment 8 , although that change should take place in a wider context . from my own experience of more than eight years as a member of the Commission , I can assure you that I have had to put the brakes on overzealous Commission departments far more often than I have needed to urge them to fire up the heavy artillery of the treaty infringement process . however , I have a problem , and I am asking the Council to solve it . I hope that the European judicial area will help sooner or later to rectify this great injustice . for more than 10 years now , Parliament has been calling for tighter controls , including legislation on European inspections : for minimum criteria for inspections in Mr Jackson ' s report in 1999 , for legislative reform for shipments of waste in Mr Blokland ' s report in 2003 , and for minimum criteria for inspections in the 2008 resolution . I would say yes , but what for ? one of the few regimes that genuinely enjoys popular support - that of Álvaru Uribe in Colombia , who has the support of more than three quarters of his population because he has restored order to that unhappy country and has cracked down on the paramilitaries of both Left and Right . I therefore consider that we should vote in favour of the Berlato report . security and stability are vital if the citizens are to put their trust in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina . appropriate checks should be introduced and the import into the EU of agricultural food products produced with the aid of chemicals should be banned . for older citizens , we are calling for a European fifty-plus employment pact initiative . it is clear to me that the Dublin system is not perfect yet . Mr President , the Union for the Mediterranean faces real obstacles and what I am asking of the European Union , of all the institutions and of Parliament , is determination , considerably more determination , when it comes to trying to overcoming these obstacles . it was Russia , nonetheless , that rescued the Kyoto Protocol , while the US refused to ratify it . why on earth are we putting in place legislation in the European Union when we are in effect wasting our time ? finally , with regard to the incident of racism against a non-white person , I would like to point to the huge numbers of equally serious anti-white racism incidents occurring in the enclaves of illegal immigration , not to mention the ' white-hunting ' taking place under President Mugabe ' s reign and also even in South Africa . ( applause from the left ) if I have understood you correctly , you wanted to ensure that a study was started into whether there are , in fact , too many toxic substances in children ' s toys in Germany , as the study indicates . this process , in particular the intervention of the army , has led to criticism . I would like to seize the initiative and turn once again to the Council . ( RO ) I wish to congratulate the authors of the resolution for harmonising the points of view of the various political groups . I am willing to start the discussion about the need for reform and then to think about how we can define a number of areas on which we would like to do more work . firstly , the Commission instructed an agency to take over the administration of the programme and to simplify the administration procedure even before this regulation was proposed . it is unacceptable that Musharraf should show such a cavalier disregard for democracy . 21 . in addition , as I have already said on repeated occasions , we should study the situation of the religious minorities in that part of the world and prepare a report on the subject . regarding the consumer forum , we will certainly invite the consumer organisations that are well represented in Member States and the umbrella organisation . in writing . - In favour . the Eastern Partnership has obvious budgetary consequences : EUR 350 million have been appropriated for the next few years - and even this will probably not be enough . for this reason , I would like to thank the rapporteur for calling on the Commission to take steps in the medium to long term to address this problem . I am in favour of devoting an appreciable level of attention to matters concerning EU citizens ' health , but not of adopting excessively alarmist attitudes , which then result in exorbitant public health spending . Members of the Commission and the Council , it is also bumping up inflation for the poor in the EU much more quickly than overall inflation . with the support of the EU-US Senate leaders , I will look to move forward on that at the forthcoming TEC meeting on 17 December . one important matter in the setting up of the European External Action Service is contact with the European Parliament . the European Union cannot continue deviating from the rule of law and therefore I call on my colleagues to join the newly-formed European committee for justice under the leadership of Vice-President Alejo Vidal-Quadras calling for the immediate removal of the PMOI from the blacklist . you have said , Commission President - and that is why I am appealing to you now - that our work is not yet over . the public needs to be 100 % sure that the products they consume are safe and fit for purpose . above all , in the countries with the greatest financial difficulties , it should commit to investment in public services , to supporting production , to creating jobs with rights , to eradicating poverty , and to combating social inequality and all types of discrimination , not least gender . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , two weeks ago I went to Lampedusa and Malta . the growing number of older people , plus the need for a wider range of services and products , increases demand in this area . the globalisation associated with the current crisis has changed many of the circumstances that served as a basis for decisions taken at European level in the past and which were , at the time , considered correct . naturally , I am pleased that a Portuguese , Gabriel Rodrigo Ribeiro Tavares Bernardino , has been nominated as first Chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority . to help Iraq reverse the dismal administrative situation she has inherited , we need also to make close partnerships with the public service ministries and to use all of our experience in the enlargement process to help capacity-building and institution-building . ( LV ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , from the procedural viewpoint the EU ' s budget for 2009 can be seen as preparation for two important issues . we will , of course , involve the Member States , and the experts from the Member States will be involved in planning the timetable of the visits , in performing the in situ visits , and in drafting the evaluation report . the fact that Bulgaria and Romania have external EU borders should not be regarded as a barrier preventing them from joining the Schengen area . these new technical possibilities such as automatic distance control and automatic obstacle recognition are already available in some top-of-the-range vehicles . unfortunately , the Gdańsk Shipyard also became a symbol of the decline of heavy industry and the defencelessness of workers and trade unions in the face of that process , a model example of everything that is defined as ' casino capitalism ' . of course , we cannot allow short-term support for the industry to undermine its long-term competitiveness . the Commission has recently presented a proposal for a joint EU resettlement programme . composition of political groups : see Minutes as you know , the European Parliament has always been particularly receptive to the suffering of the African peoples . ( HU ) The military junta has promised free , democratic elections for 2010 . flying in the face of common sense , nuclear energy is depicted as the technology of the future , with even more EU research funding and budgetary resources to flow into the development of this high-risk dinosaur technology . with Chinese arms exports - some of them in the attack that was described a minute ago - estimated to be in excess of USD 2 billion a year , the irresponsibility with which they act has to be called into question . the Commission ' s Communication on Roma identifies four areas that are of strategic importance to overcome Roma exclusion . written statements ( Rule 149 ) we are all very attached to it , and we expect the study initiated by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to clarify the sources of activity and of employment that we can expect . for that reason , it is important that the Commission should now investigate the matter and that the practical aspects of going ahead should be weighed carefully . even if some people do not agree , let us move towards greater convergence in the euro area and in the Union for those who want to move forward , because now it is not just the federalists or the integrationists who want more governance in the European Union . the alignment of study programmes and corresponding mutual recognition must be achieved in all areas of training and education , in particular , in manual trades , where there is a lot of ground to make up . ( PT ) One of the areas of education which is still lagging behind in certain European Union countries , in particular Portugal , is pre-school education . we know that another , far worse , alternative exists and that is another reason why we are prepared to do everything to ensure that the European Union is preserved , developed and strengthened . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs . - ( IT ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I am truly proud of the work carried out in this Parliament and of its ability to make use of the already recognised powers to propose legislation . I think that the process of moving towards the rapprochement of Turkey and the European Union is possible ; it is a feasible process . if Mr Gollnisch is charged over a press release written by the political office of the Front National , then of course this activity should be seen as falling within the scope of his EU mandate . as is often the way with solutions to environmental problems , however , another aspect to the problem emerged . the only Icelandic party in favour of membership has slumped from 30 % to 18 % in the polls . since then many other regions have initiated mutual cooperation . resettlement of detainees would concern those cleared for release in the light of this review . by looking for innovative solutions , we contribute to an increase in the well-being of society . for this reason , I believe it is a good thing that we are calling for subsidiarity in this area and that every country can go its own way . this new regulation will definitely mean that these SMEs increase their market share and it will , in this way , contribute to employment in Europe . therefore , we must set priorities . that is where the whole mission of pre-commercial procurement comes in . we are continuing to fund the banks . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes in the vote on the Lange report , I am abstaining on paragraph 31 because of the ambiguous wording , which refers to Eurobonds as well as project bonds . the majority of major countries in the UN and the EU and the majority of EU Member States refused to recognise Slovenia at that time . I therefore support the application for mobilisation of the fund as expressed in my fellow Member ' s report . one would imagine that part of those harsh conditions would be to ensure that there would not be maladministration and , if there was , that there would be a correction put in place . there is no faith that the new measures implemented recently are actually being taken stock of . Kosovo is part of a very sensitive geographical zone , on which the EU should maintain constant focus . State-aided railway companies should not be allowed to compete on a market with free competition . if we need to have a debate on Venezuela in the Committee on Foreign Affairs , let us have it , but we should not use this session to do things that have nothing to do with the fundamental , specific and timely reporting of human rights violations . I would therefore like to make a proposal to you , which I submit to the debate for further consideration . ( it ) Mr President , I believe that this Parliament ' s democratic vote has unquestionably demonstrated something that everyone knows to be true , namely that there is freedom of information in Italy . some Member States have been supplying Libya with weapons and even with torture equipment for years . I take this opportunity to urge the European Council meeting in June to make it its priority to preserve jobs and find solutions for reducing unemployment in the European Union . nor is there yet any clarity regarding the precise allocation of the tasks relating to Kosovo and the budgetary needs for 2008 . women would welcome child-care facilities at scientific institutions . that way , we ensure that as few people as possible are listening and that , with only a very few exceptions , there is nobody sitting in the visitors ' gallery , and we ensure that journalists , who should be reporting all this , are most likely already giving their attention to other things in the evening . these products will have to comply with the rules in force and , following a careful appraisal , will be able to bear the CE mark . finally , I believe that in order to successfully achieve the proposed objectives , it is necessary to strengthen coordination between the various agents involved in pursuing the strategy for youth . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , I thank Mr Albertini for his excellent report . in rural areas , as elsewhere , women expect to be able to realise their own plans for their lives , to be economically independent and to meet family challenges . in addition , we must make decisive progress towards achieving the Single European Sky , developing all the functional airspace blocks ( FABs ) more quickly to reduce fragmentation in the management of airspace and to ensure their more effective management . now there will be supplementary guarantees concerning the EU law . it will bring legal certainty to consumers , which is absolutely vital if people are to shop around and look for the best product which suits their needs . conforming to the recommendations of the United Nations General Assembly , the spearhead in this area , the Members are putting an end to the legal vacuum that allowed the irreparable destruction of our marine ecosystems to take place . it is important that we find a good basis through a transparent process . centralised intervention in the economy has always failed . the poverty rate amongst women has exceeded 18 % . all that is needed , in accordance with international law , is to conduct negotiations in good faith . the EU must bite the bullet . election observation missions are a very important element of European Union policy for fostering democracy . as I said , I am in constant contact with the most important players . I also wish to draw your attention to the study to be prepared on actors and the possible proposal for a directive which will be presented in 2010 . the underlying principles of this process come down to three priority fields of action . so yes to the defence of the liberty of the press in Europe , but no to this Parliament being used for purely partisan and national ends . in proposing postponement of entry into force of this directive , the Commission was reacting responsibly to new scientific evidence - I repeat , new scientific evidence - namely a study commissioned by the Government of the United Kingdom and published in June 2007 . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , the symbols of the European Union are a celebration of the unity that we have achieved and that we hope to strengthen . all the European institutions that depend on the European Union budget have to be thoroughly audited by the Court of Auditors and by all entities with that function . unfortunately , vocational education has been neglected in recent years and has reduced in significance . the disregard for women has reached peak levels when a German judge refers to the husband ' s right to use corporal punishment anchored in the Koran as a decisive factor in her judgment on a Muslim divorce case . this report is on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on Consumer Rights . financial independence is also important for this authority so that we can put the revenue into different categories depending on where it was taken from . as I was saying , we welcome the report by Mrs Gurmai who I also thank for her enthusiasm , because we have to show that we are enthusiastic about our commitment to defending the rights of citizens . the more recent EU Member States like Bulgaria find it important to have the opportunity to exchange good practices and to implement Community pilot programmes . the guarantee of free and fair political expression without intimidation or harassment is also a necessity . I voted in favour of Mrs Joly ' s excellent report on the work of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly , which is - I repeat - a unique institution in the world by virtue of its composition and its willingness to work together to promote North-South interdependence , not only by legislative means , but also through democratic dialogue and cooperation . an ex-post assessment of the agreement shows that it is relevant in that it helps to maintain the presence of EU fleets in the region while contributing to local job creation . the former authorities of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management say that the application by the Lux Veritatis Foundation was checked very carefully and not found wanting in any way . I would like to stress the major importance of a comprehensive approach to be adopted for the risk classification , which includes possible risks related not only to the nature of the incoming material , in this case breadcrumbs , but also to the process itself . the harmonisation of such statistics will hugely improve comparability and enhance policy development . these errors should and could have been identified and corrected much earlier by the personnel who approved the payments . the vote will take place on Tuesday , 11 March 2008 . the global economic crisis is just one of the factors contributing to a change in the behaviour and living conditions of young people in Europe . secondly , you say - and you are right - that public finances need to be controlled better , that a return to more stable debt levels is necessary . I visited the area during the conflict and saw the problems and fears facing both sides . the report tries hard to hide its approval of the liberalisation of trade , and its role in the offensive led by neoliberal capitalist globalisation , which it claims will ensure the economic development and progress of peoples . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to congratulate Mr Tabajdi on his balanced report . although I understand the historical and political circumstances of Belarus , I firmly believe that the time has also come for Belarus to join the ranks of those countries that have outlawed the death penalty . the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance has asked for the report by Mr Hökmark on a Community framework for nuclear safety to be taken off the agenda . we do , however , share the view that the European Parliament should participate more fully when the open method of coordination is used . I believe that we must be more active and have much more to offer these countries . Mr Schulz , I will simply say that my group and I concern ourselves with social issues just as much as you do , and we are all ... these are seen as acts of hostility that only result in people rallying round Mr Putin . when are we honest with European citizens ? so rest assured that action will be taken , if necessary . Lisbon upholds the sovereign right of Member States to make such decisions , and that is just one of the very many reasons why I support it . firstly by destroying or at least lowering the financial fences of visa requirements , which prevent people from communicating so much . I wanted to remind you that there were reservations raised concerning the actions of the European Union directly after the catastrophe . as Mr Wurtz and other speakers have stressed , finance must continue to serve the economy ; the economy must not be the victim of finance . in this context , if other Member States decide to exercise their sovereignty and ratify the Lisbon Treaty , or otherwise , no real democrat , no flag-flying democrat who today claims to be Irish , can legitimately object . in meetings with Lithuanians working abroad , I have heard on several occasions how they are paid less , are often not paid at all for work carried out , or have transport and living costs illegally deducted from their wages . any remaining funds had to be invested in this project . in this way special national registers , which will be introduced with this regulation , would ease the control of these transport operators and this would become more effective , something that would undoubtedly have a positive effect on road safety . the rebels ' calls for a no-fly zone pose us a dilemma . I shall miss this Parliament , this House , and all of you . nevertheless , we shall keep on waiting and we do in fact hope that the European Parliament ' s proposal may be taken into consideration following tomorrow ' s vote . these are relevant questions and require an urgent response because this accident not only concerns the Spanish and Gibraltar authorities . thank you to Commissioner Piebalgs for his response . it is my opinion that we need to support struggling companies as much as possible to provide them with the credit they need to keep their businesses afloat and to ensure that jobs are not lost . when the judges took down the data in the minors courts , it was considered standard practice . seen in this light , I view these concerns as understandable , but not entirely justified in principle , and I hope I have managed to dispel them . the agreement at first reading demonstrates how important the urgency of this dossier is to every person who took part . the Commission has announced that it will take the necessary action once its officials have analysed the Lithuanian legislation , and my question is : has the analysis been carried out yet and have your officials , as part of that analysis , considered what the consequences could be for the recognition of same-sex couples from other Member States ? many of them were injured . to date , the reactions by the authorities , especially at European level , have been good . I welcome the results of today ' s vote . clearly the European Central Bank and its President , Mr Trichet , take the Bank ' s mandate and the Maastricht criteria seriously . since there is no European demos , no European nation , this defect cannot be solved by strengthening the role of the European Parliament . I would also just like to point out today that the EFTA countries have had a free trade agreement since 2006 , and this has resulted , among other things , in Norway tripling its exports to South Korea since 2006 . the euro is therefore well worth strongly defending . at the same time , however , the adverse impact of plant production products on the environment , and on watercourses in particular , is a very real one . many of those who are injured , and their families , face an agonising wait to find out whether they have contracted a blood-borne infection such as HIV or hepatitis C . I voted in favour because the Schwab report has the merit of protecting consumers in their cross-border purchases . - ( CS ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , it is clearly a great pity that there has been a delay in the publication of this document and the action plan . the lack of generally approved nuclear safety requirements in the EU allowed , in the not too distant past , some of the countries joining the EU to have political solutions imposed on their nuclear energy , which are not in line nowadays with the EU ' s objectives for limiting climate change and for energy supply security . it will set about locating and confiscating the profits made from criminal activities . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , I believe Mr Swoboda ' s argument was admittedly brief , but it was concise . special attention should also be paid to improving the housing conditions and the health of elderly people , particularly in regions in which the population is falling by 20-30 % . this approach constitutes the difference that the EU can bring , particularly in comparison with other international actors . this does not mean that the national approach , which is likely to be the one chosen by Hungary , cannot harmonise or even contrast with the Community approach . ( PL ) Mr President , the European Union , in which one in seven citizens belongs to a national minority , can be proud of its extensive guarantee to respect their rights . I am also delighted that progress has been achieved in negotiations over Montenegro ' s application to join the EU , which the Council has just handed over to the Commission for drafting . - ( FI ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to thank Mr Florenz sincerely for the excellent work he has done as rapporteur . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) in our opinion this implies , among other aspects , appropriate vocational training , improvement of working conditions , promotion of stable contractual arrangements and fair and dignified levels of pay . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , as coordinator for the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , I had the opportunity to present the opinion of the Committee on International Trade on the need for a European strategy for the South Caucasus . the EGF is aimed at helping workers who are victims of the relocation of businesses , and it is crucial in facilitating their access to new employment in the future . however , I believe that the EU and Israel are natural partners because they share the same values : democracy , the rule of law and personal freedom , and in particular a free press and independent judiciary . now we have to move from words to deeds . Mrs Győri , you tell us that the Council has no say in the appointment of these officials , which is legally correct , but some Member States are lying in ambush . written statements ( Rule 142 ) ( SL ) You have raised many political problems during this debate , but I would like to draw your attention to another challenge which was not mentioned in our report . that is why , Commissioner , we are also asking you to use as much influence as you can at governmental , regional and local-authority level , since these bodies will put into practice our provisions , budgets and regulations , and we will not be effective unless they are . this kind of equipment is with us from dawn to dusk . against this background , the Commission welcomes the consistent support that Parliament has given to efforts to protect Europe ' s rich and varied natural heritage . now we have the presentation of the achievements of the Belgian Presidency : legislation , the European External Action Service , financial supervision , the Citizens ' Initiative , the budget - we will discuss all these points . however , that does not mean that we are back to business as usual . moreover , ever higher life expectancies mean the number of older people is increasing , along with the resulting consequences . we would like to see the Commission becoming more proactive in solving this unacceptable state of affairs . 15 . it will also contribute under the Consolidated Plan of Action for Africa in the sphere of science and technology . the subsidy appears to benefit all bio-diesel exported from and , by the way , sold in the United States , whatever its source . I like the expression ' there is a conflict of interests ' . modification of Regulation ( EC ) No 1234 / 2007 ( the ' Single CMO Regulation ' ) ( debate ) one of the journalist ' s daughters also suffered injuries , as did her mother . we need to manage crises on our own and not to transfer this ability to other bodies . Monday , Tuesday and Thursday : I voted for this framework programme because I believe that it encourages the research community , academia , civil society organisations , companies and the industrial sector to participate in research projects . to conclude , enlargement was always going to be a long-term effort and one which has to ride out political storms in Ankara , Belgrade , Brussels and many other capitals in Europe . regarding rest periods , this request came originally from the industry since they maintain that , after such rest periods , catches become more profitable . ( SV ) Mr President , as a eurosceptic , I often feel a certain Schadenfreude when various EU institutions come up with unreasonable and ridiculous proposals like Article 47 . nobody mentions that , for vast parts of the world , we are the terrorists . ' call that narrow , mercenary national interest if you will , but to me it is inescapable common and fiscal sense . if we allow these countries to gain increased market access , it could have detrimental effects not only on European farmers , but also on those developing countries most in need . I understand the Commission ' s demand for greater flexibility in the funding of politically sensitive projects aimed at supporting democracy and human rights . this is because weather is a local phenomenon and we are talking about climate , which is a long-term global phenomenon . the European Union has been taking on an important role in combating these scourges , and I hope that it will continue to do so and even that it will strengthen this role , in as far as is possible . on 10 March further sanctions were added , including an asset freeze , a further travel ban , an arms embargo and an embargo on equipment which might be used for internal repression - thus going beyond the measures imposed by the previously adopted UN Security Council resolution . now , unfortunately , six months after the deadline , local and regional bodies have not managed to set up a territorial cooperation grouping because Member States have unjustifiably neglected to take or have delayed taking appropriate measures to implement the regulation . they include democracy , human rights and freedom of opinion . they are now going to be discussed by the European Council and Parliament , and we hope this will be a very fruitful discussion . the growing importance of aquaculture justifies the introduction of provisions regarding the collection , management and use of environmental , socio-economic and health data , in order to contribute to its sustainability . weapon systems would fail , commerce would stop , aircraft would fall out of the sky . I also highlighted the need for more effective information campaigns in order to increase consumer awareness : this is the cornerstone of increasing consumer confidence in the EU ' s internal market . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Leinen , for the report he has submitted . we can all agree on that , but the one thing - the elephant in the room - that nobody has talked about this afternoon is the fact that the court cannot look at the prima facie evidence against the accused person and exercise any discretion about whether they should be extradited or not . the reason is that we can see the incredible potential that can be realised in growth , trade and development . if those people continue to exist in their present conditions , it will be the cause of the third conflagration on this planet , causing huge migration and huge problems . it is being violated , however , around the world almost daily . I think the cooperation you mentioned between civilians and the military is fundamental . just as you say , we need to take action on fuel tourism for the sake of the internal market . I do not think so , and I call for detailed work and reflection at second reading . it is in keeping with the authority of Parliament that we stick to the facts in the resolutions . we know what we have to do : it is a year since the Commission adopted the Climate and Energy Package , and much work has been done . this directive does not say that segregation and educational segregation are discrimination . the second large credibility gap is provided by the EU ' s short-sighted open border policy , which has encouraged mass immigration from Eastern Europe to my country . the Commission has some responsibility to present what it believes to be the right way forward for the euro area and for the Union and so , in a very comprehensive document regarding the annual growth survey , we expressed our opinion . what is happening to bees is very important to Europe - to the world , in fact . there is no safe alcohol level in drivers . it would be better to tell Turkey directly that , despite fulfilling all the criteria , it will not achieve full EU membership . the proposal facilitates the process of adapting legislation to technical progress by transforming the three existing directives into a single regulation , thereby avoiding the transposition of merely technical updates and shortening the time between the submission of an application and the adoption of a new fibre name . in my opinion , this is the angle to take in discussions on the EU budget . the Danish members of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament - Mr Rasmussen , Mrs Thomsen , Mrs Schaldemose , Mr Jørgensen and Mr Christensen - have voted against not only the Commission ' s proposals but also the amendments proposed by Parliament . we have just approved the energy and climate package , but now there is a crisis we should organise a meeting on a bigger scale to include our partners . who remembers the match between Argentina and England and what the result was at the end ? I would like some information because I believe that we are being kept in the dark about this . among the dead , there are medical doctors and children . it is these important social objectives that guide the European Union in preventing , discouraging and eliminating illegal fishing , which is the subject of this regulation , and which reinforce its commitment to ensure compliance with the provisions of the common fisheries policy in Community waters . I have abstained in the vote on Resolution concerning EU strategic objectives for the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) because I believe that northern bluefin tuna should not be included in CITES Appendix 1 . but in spite of this , the EU has the most ambitious and the most binding regulations in terms of environmental protection . Madam President , on behalf of my colleagues in the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , I would like to thank Mr Davies for the way he has approached this , particularly his willingness to listen , and for a number of innovative approaches that we see in his report . oral explanations of vote the resources needed for the EU institutions to be able to fulfil what is expected of them should , however , be made available , especially in view of the new institutional framework resulting from the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . to begin with , I would like to say a few words on the Grelier report , which is a compromise between the political groups and the European Commission . I endorse the version of this report which was agreed on and voted through in the Committee on Fisheries . in my opinion , we must also have the courage to allow the Western Balkan regions to join the visa-free regime at the earliest opportunity . in writing . - I voted for this report , which examines a Commission proposal to extend by 5 years to 31 December 2015 the requirement for EU countries to have a minimum standard VAT rate of 15 % . the recent financial and economic global crisis proved that Russia and the European Union are interdependent and need each other . I have therefore voted against this motion for a resolution . the cohesion policy is a fundamental pillar of the European integration process and one of the EU ' s most successful policies , encouraging convergence between increasingly diverse regions , and stimulating economic growth and the creation of jobs . I am also aware that this Parliament , through the various resolutions adopted since 2002 , has consistently expressed its opinion on that particular problem . was there any discussion on this important point ? the report proposes a common European asylum system and a common asylum support office with common standards for granting refugee and asylum status . the aim of the Doha Conference is to assess progress made , reaffirm commitments , identify obstacles , but also find ways to overcome these obstacles . I voted in favour of this report on the proposal for a directive recasting Directive 2002 / 96 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment ( WEEE ) . it will also send a positive signal to our electorate . such an absence of harmonised standards no longer seems acceptable in the new framework , which is governed by technical specifications for interoperability for wagons , and by the new private agreement , the General Contract of Use for Wagons , between technical wagon operators and railway undertakings . let me also commend you for setting up the EP Delegation for relations with Afghanistan . the Commission is trying to increase the competitiveness of rail freight transport through the proposal and I would like to take the opportunity to applaud this . in the end I feel I am being blackmailed by the Council in voting for this agreement so we can at least have enhanced security measures in place to protect the public . request for urgent procedure I will begin with a flashback to the year 1933 . on 20 December 2010 the enterprise General Motors Belgium , in the automotive sector , submitted an application for the EGF , having been forced to make 2 834 workers redundant from the main company and four of its suppliers . in view of the figures reported and the Treaty of Lisbon ' s introduction of a proper EU humanitarian aid policy , I totally agree that we need a mid-term review focused on strengthening the action plan regarding the promotion of humanitarian principles , on the delivery of humanitarian aid , on clarifying the use of military and civil protection resources , and on disaster risk reduction and reinforcement of the link between emergency aid and development . we have always attached the greatest importance to multilateral cooperation at the level of the promotion of the proper conservation and management of marine biological resources , which is the subject of this agreement . Mr President , I found it very difficult to support my friend Ms Joly ' s report , because she started talking about a European and global tax . with its very limited coastline , non-existing potential for storage reservoirs , little sun , few open spaces , and so on , it is a complete mystery how the share of renewable energy could be increased from barely 2 % to 13 % by 2020 . furthermore , it has stimulated intense debate worldwide . the resolution we are going to vote on this week will provide the guiding line for upcoming negotiations on the next-generation development instrument . we took a decision yesterday that we would have a resolution on the EU-Russia Summit this week , and my Group believes that we should stick to that . could you please let me speak without interrupting me ? ( the sitting was suspended at 19.25 until the start of Question Time and resumed at 19.30 ) I am particularly happy that within one week , it was possible to triple the nominations of women from three to nine . I agree , but we must consider that Turks are Turks . the Treaty of Lisbon retains many improvements from the former constitution . Europe must speak clearly with one voice , and loudly in favour of firm measures . there is also a significant disparity among these areas in individual Member States . I am in agreement with the rapporteur on such issues and have thus decided to vote in favour of this dossier . ( RO ) In line with expectations , the Copenhagen Summit did not end with any concrete results . you say it has worked well , but I am afraid the recast ignores vital jurisprudence on what actually needs to be done . there was therefore nothing very surprising in this . if there is free movement of labour , pensions must also always move from one country to another . we know that the technology we need over the decades to come exists , and that it is available at a fair price , but the most problematic issue is that climate protection is an incredible challenge to human cooperation . ( EL ) Madam President , the reason why we feel secure in Europe , the reason why Europe has been going for so long is , I think , because it has always respected national sensitivities . the final judgement has not been reached in the Laval case in Sweden , and there are many aspects to this judgement - both the obvious discrimination against foreign enterprises , which we cannot support , and also the unclear information given to the enterprise . Madam President , the troubles of Greece and the eurozone should not be seen as an exception . does that link really mean anything in practice ? at the moment , however , the statistics speak for themselves . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would still like to remind you that we have not managed to settle the frozen conflicts in these eastern regions , nor have we managed to avoid war between Russia and Georgia . it is something that should be looked at because those counties also suffered over a period of 30 to 35 years . human trafficking is one of the most serious crimes in the world and , unfortunately , it is growing in extent all the time . I do not need to tell this audience about Europe ' s proud tradition of protecting citizens from government invasion of their privacy - a commitment grounded in respect for the inherent dignity of all people . it is therefore essential to be rigorous and the basis for a rigorous analysis is not to allow any confusion or to accept mere supposition as fact . the truth is that , faced with a financial situation like the one we are in now , governments are - quite naturally , I would say - becoming more defensive , more prudent . I believe that the common principles behind the US , the UK and the European plans for cleaning up the banks ' balances sheets will help to rebuild confidence and help to restore lending to the wider economy . the truly important issue is the real impact on individuals , not just an abstract image of how things might work . this is decided every five years . what we cannot accept is the application of different rules and duties to a European producer and an agricultural producer outside the EU . it is because it is fully aware of the budgetary constraints affecting the European Union that Parliament is today calling for the adoption of a 2012 budget that can respond to the political , economic and social challenges we currently face . so , today , we have , first and foremost , a question of democracy to address and Europe , if it wants to respect its values and history , needs to take a leading role here . finally , can I just say that , if the EU will not appoint a special coordinator , I believe Parliament should appoint a rapporteur for Tibet . it is the Chinese regime that has shown itself incapable of turning its country into a respectable and influential power on the international stage . the Commission welcomes the call for more European research in the field and for more efficient use of the existing financial tools , such as the structural funds and the lifelong learning programmes . in addition , the fact that the wet grip values for tyres will , in future , be improved again is something that is to be viewed as a positive development , as is the fact that tyre pressure monitoring systems , lane departure warning systems and advanced emergency braking systems are to be considered for other categories of vehicle . legal migration must be supported , and at the same time effective action needs to be taken against illegal immigration and human trafficking . this issue takes on particular importance , seen in the context of the tragic fatal shootings at Jokela School in Finland a few weeks ago . this is the reason for the proposals that have been tabled . ( the sitting was suspended for a few moments ) the final resolution approved is clearly better than the report , and we voted for it for that reason alone , but it retains certain aspects that we disagree with . implementing measures ( Rule 88 ) : see Minutes I would also like to thank the Council and the French Presidency for the exceptional and fairly swift efforts made to pave the way for the rapid adoption of these two perfectly complementary texts . although I agree with the need to ensure that women participate in the EU and national programmes , I do not think it should be done through quotas . ( PL ) Mr President , for me the northern gas pipeline and the approach taken by the European Parliament towards the northern gas pipeline are a test of the real value of the European Union , a test of whether the EU really does act on the basis of solidarity . areas which are unnecessarily regulated should be urgently identified , and such regulations eliminated . there is , unfortunately , a real danger that even in Europe the fight against terrorism may result in failure to respect fundamental rights and freedoms . in fact , this is absolutely not what the services had understood , but we shall of course go along with our rapporteur . therefore , it is necessary to establish a common European Union system for the regulation of online gambling , taking into account the protection of risk groups , with particular attention to the protection of minors and control of transactions . I regret the fact that he will not be coming back again and I just wanted to say so on the record here . Stabilisation of the milk and dairy market will not be achieved just through one or two odd measures , such as not increasing quotas , designed to mitigate the immediate , temporary effects of the crisis . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , Commissioner , Mr Solana , the most important and urgent matter in relations with Iran is to obtain a guarantee that it will not acquire nuclear weapons . in order to leave your country and enter it again you had to fill in an embarkation form to advise authorities where you were going and how long you would be away . on the basis of its findings , serious consideration can be given to legislative measures at a later date if they are shown to be expedient and necessary . these risks include possible further rises in commodity prices and unanticipated increases in indirect taxes and administered prices . unfortunately , I was not supported by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in this matter , but I am using my position as rapporteur to urge the Commission to examine this mechanism which the Treaty offers us and which , to date , we have failed fully to exploit . we have experienced a crisis in the market in cereals , when it proved necessary to take 2 900 000 hectares out of set-aside . then there was a crisis in the milk market , caused by a restrictive policy and the imposition of penalties on farmers . the report does not say a word about all this . death penalty in Belarus , in particular , the case of Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev ( in its Common Position of 21 May 2007 , the Council endorsed all 22 Parliament amendments . nevertheless , being a part of the EU and participating in development cooperation helps to eliminate narrow-mindedness . the bilateral dimension continues under the European neighbourhood policy , and is complemented in some cases by the pre-accession framework - as well as , in the case of Mauritania , the ACP framework . bringing new products onto the market is a long and always expensive process . as far as Macedonia is concerned , I hope that the Swedish Presidency will succeed in enabling accession negotiations to begin next year , so that we can finally resolve the bilateral problem which also exists in this case . moreover , consumers purchasing long-term holiday products will be given additional protection . the protection provided by the Geneva Convention is undermined by the EU taking upon itself responsibility for interpreting who is to be granted protection and the form this will take . the key , apart from the formal alignment process , will be whether the Commission , the relevant Directorates-General , the officials working in this area , are willing to include Parliament in the work in good time . I agree almost 100 % with it . the aim of my comparison is to show the true path of the cohesion policy . an overall budget of about EUR 2.1 million has been allocated to the Court by means of three Victims ' Justice and Legacy projects . the Commission ' s swift reaction was gratifying , as was the fact that it was confirmed by the Commissioner that every assistance would be given to Japan and the almost half a million people staying in temporary shelters following the devastating earthquake and tsunami . instead , we must adopt a sustained , ongoing approach to putting these new concepts into effect . it is vital that the experience of the Holodomor is not forgotten . we cannot meet our targets without cooperation from other states . for several months , Russia has been conducting a very intensive campaign aimed at obtaining exemptions for its gas infrastructure from the rules set out in the third energy package , or , in other words , the rules of our anti-monopoly law , which prohibit the simultaneous and parallel control of energy resources and transmission networks . ( FR ) Mr President , 150 deaths and countless instances of sexual degradation have been recorded today . it was an unprecedented violation of the Guinean civilian population that was carried out on 28 September . the investment entailed could make control systems more efficient and cheaper to operate . in any event , the consequences of cloned meat , including interactions with genetically modified fodder or pesticides and atomic radiation , cannot be predicted . order of business delaying payments or failing to make them altogether endangers the interests of companies and consumers alike . signature of acts adopted under codecision : see Minutes quite apart from the mantra of the role of free trade as a kind of saviour of the global economy that is currently in a precarious state , which is also reflected in the Free Trade Agreement itself , it is not clear from this agreement whether it will , or will able to , help us deal with the global challenges arising as a result of climate change and the necessary fundamental economic restructuring . today we can say that we are back to a pre-14 March situation , because the talks between the Chinese Government and the representatives of the Dalai Lama resumed in early May and a new round of talks took place last week ; but I agree that we do not yet have a full assessment . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , let me first answer a number of specific questions which have been put , and start with climate change . if I may , I will repeat one point I made in my initial address . ( NL ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to begin by thanking Mr Stockmann for his excellent report and good cooperation . the spotlight must be on the amounts disbursed , the number of allocations made and the regions which have benefited from these funds . we are working with social partners , because we believe that is also part of our model in Europe -the idea to work together with our social partners - and we believe that in this way we can help our workers to prepare them for the jobs of the future sustainable and low carbon economy that we want European to lead . moreover , after first reading in Parliament , we had several meetings with representatives of the country holding the Presidency of the Council to ensure that the issues we were working on were reflected in the common position . it is precisely at a time of crisis that European society will see if the declarations and principles which lie at the foundation of the European Union are true , or if it is only a game being played by some States against others within an institution which was founded on noble principles . it has been in existence for seven years . fourthly , and no less importantly , we must never forget that when we talk about the economy we are talking above all about people . I suppose that , when our economies were powering ahead , we unfortunately left certain groupings behind . interim deals should be put in place to ensure that there will be no disruption to trade and that the livelihood of millions will not be put at risk . we will not receive any more money , so where do we want to reorganise ? Mrs Ţicău , rail priority axis No 22 must , in effect , link Germany with Greece via Prague , Vienna , Budapest and Sofia . Madam President , my group deeply regrets the death of the prisoner Orlando Zapata . this is a criminal offence if committed by public dissemination or distribution of tracts , pictures or other material , and here , Member States have the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Framework Decision by 28 November 2010 . it is important that this matter be addressed by the European Parliament forthwith if the European Parliament is to have any credibility at all in these matters . moreover , this delay has already had a negative impact : indeed , it has opened the door to speculation ; it has created , within the Union , doubts over certain countries ' intentions with regard to the future of Europe ( I do not want us to forget that this is the first major issue that we have had to deal with following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon ) ; it has accentuated the difficulties of the Greek Government , which has had to implement anti-popular measures - not trivial or minor decisions - affecting millions of people , and it has done so without being sure that help was on its way . as you know , those who farm in a manner that sustains protected flora and fauna receive aid from the Community and Member states , within the framework of Natura 2000 . I hope that the Commission will be extremely vigilant with regard to Member States stretching the limits on state aid to car manufacturers . that depresses timber prices , it strips natural resources and tax revenue , and it increases the poverty of forest-dependent peoples . nor does China shy away from doing business with governments that are pilloried internationally , such as Sudan , for instance . concerning WTO accession : we , the European Union , remain a strong supporter of WTO accession because we think this will create a level playing field , which is necessary for our Economic Community , and we believe it is in our interests as a major trading partner for Russia to join a rules-based system . this House has , in long debates , discussed the Israeli-Palestinian issue too many times . in the forthcoming period , we must therefore , along with efforts to consolidate the public finances of the euro area , also strive to restructure and greatly simplify the rules of the internal environment . there are a lot of unknowns , so the most important matter will be implementation of the guidelines . the Irish citizens will have to decide by a new referendum whether they leave the European Union or they stay in the EU based on the Lisbon Treaty . when I say fully , I mean not simply announcing that the ultimate aim is to freeze European expenditure to 2020 , nor dismissing out of hand the notion of European own resources . it does not seem as if Europe is ready for this scale of challenge , above all , nuclear Iran ' s hegemony in the Near East and Northern Africa . however , we only have GPS on loan . we are aware of the difficulties of this judicial process . the first message , Mr López Garrido , is addressed to the Council . given the importance of such agreements , especially in terms of guaranteeing better services for passengers and new opportunities for operators , it is a good idea for Parliament to inform the Commission of its concerns and its assessment criteria at the outset , without waiting until the negotiations have been concluded . we need to try to handle it in the short term , but also in the long term . in Slovakia , the government party , the Slovak National Party , is stirring up tensions with its hate speech against minorities , its outbursts that revile the nation and its anti-Hungarian slurs . ( SK ) I would like to congratulate the rapporteur on this excellent report . I have just received information that the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations , Mr Muhammad Shaaban , is in the official gallery . as far as the negotiating and negotiation methods are concerned , I fully agree with my colleagues that the European Union must speak with one voice . that is why this Euro VI standard is already being decided now , at a time when the Euro V standard has practically just entered into force . allow me to recall briefly the rationale behind this proposed directive , as well as its main objectives and principles . it is incumbent on the Member States , however , to devise and implement programmes to simplify administrative actions and provide more systematic assessment of the social and economic effects of implementing Community legislation . why ban single-engine piston aircraft from flying at an altitude of 500 metres when the ash was above 8 000 metres ? I think that this question should have been asked at a different time today , namely when we discuss Mr Barroso ' s statement , and not at this time . after all , there is such an urgent need to combat the effects of the economic crisis , unemployment and other difficult problems arising from the socio-economic situation in the Union . unfortunately , we have all seen that it was a failure . turning to Mrs Starkevičiūtė , what I wanted to say to her is that it is clear that the financial crisis has already had a major impact . I fully endorse the opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality , which points out the necessity of eliminating advertising content which is discriminatory . why is the Commission not coming up with a concrete proposal on this ? these improvements reflect a clear reality : the EU and its Member States are the biggest financial contributors to the UN system , with EU funds amounting to 38 % of the UN regular budget , more than two fifths of UN peacekeeping operations and close to half of the contributions to the UN funds and programmes . we are concerned about the US requirements that , by July 2012 , all US-bound maritime containers will have to be scanned before being placed on a vessel at a foreign port . certainly not individually ; probably not as Europe . we also need to offer the Member States more flexibility in the use of lower rates for goods of basic necessity for social , economic , cultural and environmental reasons . we know that there are longstanding reasons for the grave situation that is taking place there , particularly the poverty and social inequality which were the legacy of former colonialism or the structural adjustment plans imposed for years by the IMF . we are already seeing more and more large European companies achieve their growth and their profits outside Europe , and they are also creating their new jobs outside Europe . in the current economic environment , it is more important than ever to justify expenditure on our priorities by tackling all wasteful and excessive spending in other sectors . we must all be aware that being the point of reference for Haiti and its people in a way means making them understand that we want to see the value and the dignity of every single person restored and , for them , this means seeing their hopes of happiness restored amid the huge suffering caused by the earthquake . agenda for next sitting : see Minutes four things are needed in order to prevent the Greek crisis from having a much-feared domino effect across the entire euro area : firstly , a united Greece with an economic and budgetary recovery plan ; secondly , a European Union and a Euro Group which are united by the same objective ; thirdly , a little more time than initially planned , particularly for privatisations ; and fourthly , solidarity which is properly understood and which comprises not only new loans , but also , and above all , technical assistance from its partners , and in particular from the Commission . at the same time , the country with the authority to issue the implementation permit , the country of origin , the party of origin as it is referred to in the Espoo Convention , has the following two duties . the public in Europe must also speak more about terrorism . the only ' success ' is that the average consumption by cars was 12.4 % less in 2004 than in 1995 . I congratulate the Rapporteur on her work . therefore , I think it is utterly impossible for a request for a roll-call vote on the motion I have only just tabled to have been submitted in the meantime . it is no accident that , of the seven institutions which I have had occasion to assess , six of them are more or less in order , and one is the cause of continual problems . President-in-Office of the Council . - In answer to the question on neutrality , I can only say that the Council decided again on Monday , the day before yesterday , that the EU units in Chad will be impartial , neutral and independent . unfortunately , the situation that I have described does not apply only to Kyrgyzstan . this is about more than funding . moreover , this division is commonplace in many of our Member States in which there is a minister for justice and a minister for the interior . I think it is absolutely essential for European citizens to be able to get information in any crisis situation , whether it be a general crisis or a crisis for themselves , and there needs to be an awful lot more clarity in the situation . it happened and now we have to react to its consequences . Mr Sarkozy , is this the kind of Union that you want , or will you join me in condemning the absolutely appalling treatment of President Klaus in Prague last week ? in this process , the Commission will , indeed , continue to inform and involve the European Parliament in a transparent way . this , sadly , is the price we have to pay . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , I am happy to contribute by answering on the issue of the specificity of sport . ( PT ) I would also like to congratulate our rapporteur , Mrs Attwooll , and to say that , in my opinion , the natural marine heritage should be preserved and should be used in a sustainable manner by the fishing communities whose lives are traditionally bound up with that environment ; it cannot be regarded as just another business . ( SV ) Madam President , at its recent meeting , the Council also debated the issue of the safety of nuclear power plants and European reactors . it is very difficult to make money in the dairy sector at the moment . Commissioner , I would like to ask you - as we already know the position of the President-in-Office - if you think , from an ethical and democratic point of view , in response to the deplorable events such as the death of Mr Zapata , and if the Commission thinks , that relations between the European Union and Cuba need to be raised to a higher level and given priority ? these agreements have been negotiated by the EU exerting strong pressure on governments of developing countries and without taking due consideration of the views of the people in those countries who would most suffer from their implementation . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the aim of this report is to agree on Union guarantees for the external investments of the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) . everyone should have the right to stay and live in their country of birth : the way things are at present they do not have this choice . the next item is the joint debate on the Council and Commission statements on the Lisbon Strategy , followed by the report by Mrs Starkevičiūtė , on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , on the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs ( Part : broad guidelines for the economic policies of the Member States and the Community ) : launching the new cycle ( 2008-2010 ) it is also stated in the report that the same standards of health , food safety , animal welfare , sustainable development and minimum social standards ought to apply to the methods of production of goods being imported from third countries as apply to the EU ' s own producers . as you know , the Opposition organises a protest meeting every 31st of the month . if you are suggesting a network to enhance and spread ideas , do not bother . please treat this as a warning . it is the responsibility of the assemblies and the politicians of Madagascar to decide on the most effective form of consultation . I invite the US and Australia to do better and to embarrass us in the EU into upping our game in Copenhagen next year . I consider that 2009 , the date when this Regulation must be reviewed , would be the right time to propose any amendments , if they are justified . one last thought : I am certain that the new European Treaty will give us better instruments , that it will give us an instrument with which to work together with Parliament in order finally to create co-responsibility between the three institutions . these measures can be included in three-year apiculture programmes that are prepared by Member States and cofinanced by the European Union budget . however , that will not be of any help in countries where it is common to avoid paying VAT . - Before the vote regardless of future changes to how the Union is represented within the UN , and in the Security Council - a debate which is still open - in particular , there is increasingly a need to join up the efforts of European countries so as to , alongside the Union ' s representatives overseas , encourage a collective capacity for intervention and influence . the text sets out a number of priorities : combating the trafficking of human beings , respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms when applying measures to prevent illegal immigration , strengthening cooperation with third countries , taking the firm steps that are required to combat illegal employment and , finally , the need for a responsible return policy . aside from the fact that it seems inappropriate to allocate funds on the basis of fish catches made by European boats without taking into account either fishery resources or the effects on the local population , the recent events make us fear that these funds will be used for military purposes against the Guinean population . the unusual criteria established for acquiring Hungarian citizenship , in other words , without a natural link to Hungary , creates the possibility of political links coming into existence between a state and citizens who have no real link to that state . there is no doubt that Parliament must play a major role in this Community method , but we have made this proposal for communitisation purposes , it being understood that this subsequently leaves the way very clear for the European Parliament to become involved . I call on the Presidency of the Council to make an urgent decision on the regulation for the new Solidarity Fund , in order to increase transparency and make its mobilisation more flexible in an emergency . the draft report proposes various important areas of work are , two of which I should like to comment on . let me point out , however , that under no circumstances should these savings be made available for other policies ; they must stay within the CAP framework and be used to manage crises in the agricultural sector , for example . robust and transparent economic planning to control profligate government spending and unsustainable debt levels is a vital part of this for all 27 countries . as things are looking at the moment , the package is moving in the right direction , although we have to ensure it does not become an empty shell . I am not able to understand this fully . in the grip of a crisis that is wrecking people ' s basic security , livelihoods and welfare , it is also constructive to think about new ways of measuring wealth . this has brought ruin to a whole generation of teachers , who have been paying into the fund for 40 years . on the other hand , I do not think that Europe should promote the award of citizenship . that is not the approach to democracy and the present European Union that we should be teaching our young people . I am sorry for once to have to contradict Mr Juncker . ultimately , ladies and gentlemen , the key is to coordinate our employment and social policies . in this context , the current rules governing the closure of political parties in Turkey are not in line with the European Convention of Human Rights and with European practices , as was recently stated in an opinion of the Venice Commission . we cannot continue to wait for decisions that are dragging on whilst thousands of people are knocking at our gates daily , without raising the response to which they have a right . the current crisis which the car industry is facing also offers opportunities to completely change tack . Mr President , it was unexpected , but it is a joy - I believe - for everyone here no longer to have an Eastern or a Western Europe for the first time in this Parliament . we have men ' s quotas in all supervisory boards , in all statutory authorities , in politics and in business . a concluding remark on Croatia . it is good that Parliament introduced a moratorium on the death penalty in 2007 and we must do everything we can to keep this subject in the forefront of people ' s minds while the death penalty is still in place . the current ban on this fishing technique , which has been used for decades by a section of the Portuguese small-scale fleet for the sustained exploitation of species such as monkfish and hake , was a severe economic and social blow to the sector and to the fishing communities most dependent on the exploitation of these resources . rapporteur . - Madam President , I cannot say that I am altogether reassured by the Commissioner ' s response , because it seemed to me that , in what he was saying , he was actually giving pre-eminence to one particular form of rights-based management , whereas what the report is seeking is a review of all different types of forms to assess their merits and demerits . you must speak louder than them . we see that balloons are displayed in the Chamber . in writing . - I voted in favour of recital X and most parts of paragraph 38 , abstaining on one part of paragraph 38 , for the following reasons : we fear that this 2 % increase in quotas for Member States , albeit optional , will allow the large countries and their large producers to increase their production , leading to a fall in prices for producers and thus resulting in a dumping situation , which may serve as a pretext for easier justification of its subsequent dismantling . we are of course also pleased that the competent Commissioner , Benita Ferrero-Waldner , is present - as she almost always is . you can pay a one-hundred-metre runner EUR 1 million to run the one-hundred-metre race in 10 seconds . however , even if you pay him EUR 100 million , he will not manage to do it in five seconds . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , why does this report seek more international cooperation at university level ? it has reacted excessively harshly , both internally and externally . one of the areas that I think needs to be enhanced is the communication of how farmers and those who use the land can farm in a way that is more ' climatically friendly ' . that is not the approach that we need . the conclusions of this thoughtful report , on the other hand , offer cogent indications as to how that transformation can be made and how Serbia can once again take its place in Europe . Commissioner Hahn is not with you , and it would probably have been helpful if he had been . sport is very necessary and also popular and that is why any programme in connection with Article 149 should be closely linked to the space and agenda of education and young people , for sport has been added explicitly to Article 149 for the first time . this situation may result in a very serious economic and social crisis in Ukraine . in general , these aims are desirable and merit support . as regards the timing , we can say that most of the national systems were developed in the early 1980s but their deployment is a long and costly process . if FYROM refuses to accept the name chosen for it and persists in this refusal , it will find that there are obstacles to its accession , because it has undermined its own efforts . consequently , it is certainly worth calling for the sanctions to be tightened , but similar pressure should above all be used against states such as China , Russia and India , in order that , by virtue of their economic and political influence over the Burmese regime , they cooperate with the European Union in this area and stop supplying weapons and strategic resources . it is true that the Commission has a broad margin of discretion in the application of fines . I firmly believe that the time has come to learn a lesson from these events . in that respect , I expect the European Commission to come up with a proposal . in relation to this , I would like to ask you about the following matter - should a rapid reaction centre not be established faster in Europe ? meanwhile , the ordinary citizens of Burma continue to suffer oppression , persecution and poverty , all of which are the result of the brutal , anachronistic and shameful stance taken by the brainless military regime controlling that country . secondly , however , it is also a tragedy to see how too often they go unnoticed in our society . however , Gaddafi ' s manipulation of this situation failed in his own country , which is proven by the fact that Benghazi was actually now where the revolution started . this , in any event , is what the French Presidency hopes . it is also essential to step up controls and put an end to unfair competition . we must , however , get something straight here : this is the result of badly coordinated , local public transport that has been economised to death , the boom in shopping centres on the edges of towns whilst local shops are in decline , the falling quality of living conditions in the inner city , the rising crime rate , neighbourhoods that are home to large numbers of foreigners turning into ghettoes and , last but not least , longer journey times to work owing to urban sprawl and greater flexibility in working hours and employment relationships and the associated role of the car as a prerequisite for gainful employment . Ronald Schranz expressed regret at the inconvenience which had arisen for passengers . the distribution of these constraints must therefore be factored into our policies . we remember that she devoted her life to uncovering the truth about the situation in the North Caucasus . I therefore ask you to support our amendment in the vote . I recently received correspondence from a dairy farmer in County Westmeath , whose herd of prized dairy cows has been all but obliterated since he first discovered TB on his farm less than a year ago . it should be emphasised that the sector ' s problems stem , inter alia , from decoupling payments and production . it will , in fact , increase the influence of the EU in the international arena and make us stronger in meeting global challenges , and I know that you in this Parliament will also be given a more significant role in the overall decision-making process . we also know that climate change and good-quality soil go hand in hand , that soil is an important carbon dioxide pool and is continually losing this ability to bind CO2 . to ensure that this is not an idle notion , I think that we must put our trust in the local authorities and elected representatives of those cities . - ( ES ) Mr President , I would also like to join in the cries of ' good news ! ' voiced by Mr Yañez-Barnuevo García because I believe that this report marks a turning-point in relations with the United States . I believe that the agreement is generally favourable to the economic interests of the European Union , especially given the fact that we want our economy to be based on innovation , research and development , or ' smart growth ' . we need to be able , as the UNDP recommends , to ensure that the mobility of citizens from the South is equal to our own mobility to the South . I also welcome the fact that the Commission has identified an alternative source of payment appropriations to the unused allocations from the ESF . tobacco has a life of only six months , so when you stop vans packed to the ceiling with cigarettes , you have to ask the question : is that really for personal use or is it going elsewhere for resale , and often to children ? 10 . such outrageous actions violate the natural right to property and therefore should be condemned . ( PL ) Madam President , today we have two successive debates here in the European Parliament which will tell us what the order will be in the European Union and how power will be shared out . the media enjoy very special protection , particularly through the current legal framework of the European Union . the Flexibility Instrument provides for the possibility of funding specifically identified expenditure that cannot be funded within the maximum limits available under one or more headings of the multiannual financial framework . based on the outcome of the work carried out by this committee , summarised in the Stiglitz report , a proposal has been drafted for improving the national statistics system , defining the quality of life more accurately and including sustainable development in the calculation of the economic and social progress index . the vote will take place on Wednesday . I voted thinking about the people who lost their homes , belongings , animals and even family members in the floods . it stresses the importance of maintaining quality public services , a solid public and universal social security system and high levels of social protection and quality employment combined with rights and of ensuring effective gender mainstreaming in the formulation and implementation of such public policies ; finally , it urges the Commission and the Member States to give maximum priority to women ' s social integration and women ' s rights , by altering their respective policies accordingly , including income distribution policy . everything is possible , including financial support from the Union . the first is the question of implementing supervision structures at European level . the second point he makes is reforms in the infrastructure . we have the task of ensuring that transparency and democratic control apply to the Council ' s budget and also to the budget of our own Parliament . fundamentally , we are a sick country in Europe and , if I can put it this way , that is in no way a credit to one of the previous speakers , Mr Verhofstadt , former Prime Minister of Belgium . we call for the restoration of full freedom of speech . the voice of the people must be heeded . ( DE ) Mr President , first of all , let me say that I think it is very good that we can now sit together down here . no rounding up of this figure can add further to its horror , which is of colossal magnitude when you take in fully all the pernicious , despicable details of this brutal slaughter . our right to do so was set out unequivocally in the Rules of Procedure . there are many abandoned children , not only in the developing world , but also in Europe . Madam President , on a point of order , according to the parliamentary website Oral Questions , my question was No 3 on the list . we shall now proceed to the vote . the Council and the Commission have expressed their deep concern , and that is the correct line . however , I think that , at least today , nobody can say exactly what promises or preoccupations there will be in this particular area . this would lead to the decrease in illicit trade in organs and would offer people suffering from leukaemia a chance for life , no matter what their financial situation . I hope that this meeting will provide an opportunity for open and realistic exchanges , so that together we can find the most appropriate solutions for everyone concerned . it is very good that we do talk about them . if a society starts to get ill , it is visible first in the shape of restrictions on freedom of religion and in the status of religious minorities . in particular , some political prisoners have been released , and there has been increased cooperation with the UN . I would like to ask the Members to keep to a normal speaking speed . we have legislation on driving heavy goods vehicles , but not cars . the Svensson report has unfortunately not yet overcome this conflict . I shall conclude . I therefore voted resolutely in favour of this ambitious project . today the European Parliament has clearly reaffirmed its support for more market measures , national budgets and scope for regional initiative , for socially sensitive phasing-out of intervention measures and for the preservation of existing oenological practices , in other words the addition of sucrose and rectified concentrated must ( RCM ) , with these additives being placed on an equal footing by means of additional RCM subsidies . the report rightly raises the issue of such representatives in the Council . the EU gives a considerable amount of money - EUR 159 million - to 34 neurodegenerative disease research programmes , but since there will be a huge increase in these diseases , research projects under the Eighth Framework Programme must be broadened to include research on behavioural , cognitive and non-drug therapies . to avoid wasteful duplication , it would be better to make full use of the potential offered by these systems and reduce the cost of Earth surveillance . the Alliance enables the Member States to exchange information and experiences and in that way to help each other in the search for appropriate political responses . I would say two things here . I fully support the content and timescales of the Small Business Act . do we know how often adoptive parents encounter problems and what these problems are ? 2. enhancing the quality of its services by offering mobile workers and their families a more comprehensive service ; you should also be exerting pressure on the blatant nuclear lobbyists from the United Kingdom , which brings us to the main topic . I believe that we have coordinated well with the Parliament ' s delegations so that MEPs across this House have asked hard questions of governments in our representations worldwide , a process that I have been proud to take part in myself : from Columbia to Turkey , Georgia to Croatia . so we need this Small Business Act and it must be more than just a token . what measures besides voluntary activity could reduce that damage and protect young people from addiction ? it is not enough to just tap at the door ; a responsible parliament must stop this undesirable development . Mr President , we are in a tricky situation with one of our neighbours when a normally existing republic on the European continent is officially called non-existent - only ' the " former ” Republic of M. ' - by decision of the UN . this demands , once again , a reconsideration of the use of nuclear power as part of the EU energy mix . secondly , it requires swift and effective compensation for the damage suffered . it includes no specific proposals to improve the legal supply of cultural goods . therefore , increasing the Republic of Moldova ' s involvement in Community programmes and agencies is a natural step in the process of alignment with European standards . I greatly regret that my own country , the UK , is opting out because of those two particular proposals . I am also aware of how involvement and working for the benefit of others have a further effect in shaping positive attitudes to life . I am afraid we are headed that way fast at the moment . in Europe , close to two immigrant women out of three have low-skilled jobs , often in the sector of healthcare or domestic work . thirdly , dialogue could be assisted through a relaxation of the EU ' s visa policy . this gesture gives evidence of Israel ' s willingness to build mutual confidence in the peace process , despite a severely critical Israeli public . cargo for Finland is transferred to Russian ships , which then take the goods to Finland on trucks , because Russia is not going to ratify this decision by the IMO . and I believe , to return once more to my starting point , that as long as we can join forces with Commissioner Tajani in our common task , we will be able to cooperate . broadband technology is undoubtedly an important part of this . companies which are growing and expanding have a future . on top of that , the incentive to increase productivity is weakened . if the whole supply chain could agree on such a labelling system , it could add value to their products to provide consumers with extra information . the current French-drafted UN Security Council resolution proposes a temporary increase in MONUC ' s authorised military strength by up to 2 785 military personnel . in writing . - I agree with the Commissioner that if we agree to continue with the present status quo , protecting national interests more than standing up for common European interests and values , then the EU will be unable to address the dramatic challenges we face . a lot has been said today about the transitional regions , most of it proper and important . nature has its own laws , but we have to try to react to them in the interests of the citizens of Europe . the Member States are themselves responsible for deciding whether they want to perform a general and special common stress test in Europe . with a population ageing fast , now is the time for Europe to act . although , as I point out in my report , it would , technically speaking , be perfectly possible to continue to accept new Member States , even if the Treaty of Lisbon were not to enter into force , doing so requires political will , and it is this that it is my job and that of my fellow Members here in Parliament to create . Mr President , listening to the debate this morning I feel the need to make a couple of comments . in the short term it is crucial to see the Treaty ratified by all the 27 Member States . ( SV ) Mr President , in March 2007 the EU ' s Heads of Government promised that the EU would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 % by 2020 . however , the big challenge - which is addressed in this resolution - is how to convert warm words into useful deeds without just throwing money at SMEs - money that is not available in today ' s economy . this report seeks to involve small and medium-sized enterprises and society ' s various players in the standardisation process . so our report calls on the Commission to begin already to prepare for the next round of ITTA negotiations to secure a greatly improved successor agreement . in writing . - ( LT ) I endorsed this document , as the Committee responsible decided to approve the closure of the accounts of the European Chemicals Agency for the financial year 2009 . however , I cannot go along with the idea that aggressive protests such as those that took place in London and Paris addressed this issue in a proper manner . what have we to fear from the remaining 20 million people in the Western Balkans , being as we are a Community of 27 states and 500 million citizens ? during the debate on the Irish referendum , it was claimed time and time again that Parliament would not respect the result . second , in my opinion in the longer term further harmonisation is needed once we have gathered experience on the working of this directive so as to make it easier for consumers to shop across borders and to give full legal certainty to businesses on their obligations when offering these credits in other Member States . the current directive had obviously reached its limits since , 14 years after its adoption , councils had been set up in only one third of the businesses concerned , and legal uncertainty meant that the Court of Justice had to intervene on several occasions . in the face of these developments , the international community is mobilising . Croatia is still working on opening benchmarks for the chapter on the judiciary and fundamental rights , where there are many difficult challenges in areas such as judicial reform , the fight against corruption and refugee return . thus it would be immediately deleted and absolutely not recorded - recording would be made impossible . that will not only lead to discrimination within Europe but it is also extremely questionable with regard to the impact on the people . accelerated growth in Central Europe also makes a significant contribution to growth throughout Europe and improves investment conditions , yielding profits not only in Warsaw and Prague , but also in Amsterdam , London and Berlin . it is this that has become ineffective today , and it needs to be recognised . even the Vice-President of the European Parliament , Mr Mauro , has referred to the anti-Catholic and antisocial arm of the Radical Party Minister , Mrs Bonino . at global level , cod is the second most popular species . since 2005 , you have been giving us the same negative reports on human rights , respect for minorities and the commitments made to the Union , whilst keeping the objective of accession intact . this offer of a separate company form is particularly directed at Europe ' s small and medium-sized enterprises . I warn the Americans to adopt Mr Oberstar ' s motion , for if they want to undermine this agreement with all their unilateral amendments , we will react sharply . the Commission would support their preparations fully , including preparations for the actual cash changeover . we acknowledge the considerable importance of sport in health terms as a preventive measure for obesity and chronic conditions . I hope therefore that we will be able to present a number of possible scenarios to you next time . the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) receives annual funding of EUR 500 million with the aim of providing financial support to workers affected by major structural changes in world trade patterns . I do not think that this is the most important issue . I believe that you will all agree with me that any person who breaks the law must pay . pre-commercial procurement also represents an important opportunity for SMEs . this is taking far too long . not only will these choices be based on cost , but they will also be based on fuel efficiency . this is because we now need to put the substantial austerity package successfully in place in the next week . the high turnout on both election days was particularly encouraging . seven hundred thousand people were affected at that time . 1 . Versailles has become the prime location for abdicating French sovereignty , bearing in mind that the German Empire was proclaimed there . like all conflicts , this conflict ' s roots go deep and it did not start in recent times , and like all conflicts it is much more complicated than indicated by Mr Allister . in writing . - ( RO ) Today , I voted in favour of the Brejc report because , for the effciency of external border controls , the use of the VIS ( Visa Information System ) is of fundamental importance . it concentrates on tackling the short-term crisis ; its objectives are to boost agricultural production . in Libya , besides the office in Benghazi , the EU should have already employed EUFOR , not just to support humanitarian assistance to the people under attack as in Misrata , but to implement the arms embargo via sea or land borders as recommended by this Parliament . Mr President , I should like to take the opportunity provided by this debate to call for a moratorium on the death penalty for innocent unborn human beings . I will continue to oppose the upgrading of the EU-Israel association agreement until Israel comes into compliance with its human rights obligations . there are very few to come . therefore , it is important for Europe to subscribe to scientific research and support TBVI ( the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative ) so that large-scale vaccination can have a positive effect towards the elimination of tuberculosis by 2050 . as the whole world fights the vices of illegality , some national laws nevertheless insult the dignity of honest citizens . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Culture and Education . - ( NL ) Mr President , the importance of the renewed social agenda is clear , particularly in view of the current economic crisis . I welcome the fact that we are calling across the party divide for justice to be done and for their property to be restored to them . more and more voters have come to me and said : we do not know where we are with this EU . however , it is necessary to realise that , without rolling resistance , which occurs through the deformation of tyres and their elastic properties , safe and comfortable driving would be impossible . the situation for Germany is , of course , deteriorating . I would also like to welcome very warmly the President of the European Commission , José Manuel Durão Barroso , and the representatives of the Commission . we need to support these conversations , these negotiations , which are basically conducted by the Commission . I voted for this European Parliament initiative , which emphasises the crucial role that local authorities play in implementing regional policy while , at the same time , calling for multi-level governance to be improved . indeed , as things stand at the moment , we refuse to grant an extension . however , if you will allow me , my congratulations do come with a request , one that concerns the little details on which the citizens of Europe judge Europe and its value . it is something that we , the women in the Socialist Group , have , for some considerable time , been calling for . all that is needed is the political will , supported by a cold analysis of the last crisis , in order to describe future scenarios and to deliver the European Union from problems similar to those which were caused by the gas supply blockade via Ukraine . the conflicts in the South Caucasus have reached a very dangerous ceiling , where we have got used to the idea that they are intractable conflicts . however , the progress made in just a few weeks is considerable . the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2009 as the ' International Year of Human Rights Learning ' , and the EU has declared 2010 as the ' European Year for Combating Poverty ' . this would also have helped to create jobs with rights and to develop micro , small and medium-sized enterprises . but this is a separate subject . rapporteur . - ( DE ) Madam President , may I ask you to ensure that Members are seated for the vote , because we need the prescribed majorities . the European Commission deeply appreciates the rationale of this proposal in the motion for a resolution . we should all feel very pleased with ourselves because tomorrow , barring any surprises , the text arising from all these negotiations and debates will be unanimously adopted , perhaps even without a vote , the real test that such a text may be adopted almost by acclaim . the clauses in question have actually been used to restrict freedom of opinion and expression . today , when the President , the sovereign elected President of a country , is speaking and is interrupted and hassled to such an extent by the socialists , the President does nothing . this will not work . 2009 budget : Parliament ' s estimates ( debate ) in summary , we will indeed be able to come up with a legislative proposal on the applicable law on the subject . poultry and Manure and Slurry . in those days he had to work nine minutes for a litre of milk ; today only three . we knew that the action taken against Islamists and fundamentalists was not aimed solely at these groups , but also at any criticism of the relevant government policy . Mr President , for almost 30 years , the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a major menace to human rights and democracy . resumption of the session I would like to thank Parliament for its incredibly constructive approach during these rather lengthy negotiations , as evidenced by the debate that we have just had . however , as we now all know , that was not the case . the major part of the scrutiny process will disappear , and that must be the long-term aim . furthermore , the General Affairs and External Relations Council will be charged with conducting a preliminary examination of the proposals on a future Eastern Partnership , which the Commission intends to present in November . it is therefore disproportionate to collect and use data whose reliability cannot be guaranteed beyond all doubt . the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement provides us with a framework within which we can develop our bilateral relations further and thereby contribute to the overall goals of our strategy for the whole of Central Asia . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , I share the legitimate concerns of this House when it comes to the protection of the private data of European citizens . we also urge the Council to appoint an EU Special Envoy for Tibet at last . Europe ' s positions on Israel , Palestine and Iraq arouse great opposition in the Middle East , where Europe is suspected of focusing primarily on its own energy supplies , on safeguarding its own transport routes and on giving preferential treatment to those ethnic or religious minorities best disposed towards it . monitoring and enforcement are very difficult in this area , which is why we have made proposals in this regard . where certain individuals deployed in foreign and defence operations go beyond their duties , the disciplinary and legal consequences fall within the competence of the Member States . accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union ( vote ) the wage disparity between men and women often leads to differences in men ' s and women ' s pensions . ( SK ) Madam President , according to the minutes of the negotiations held between euro area finance ministers from the beginning of September this year , published by the Reuters press agency , you apparently stated , Mr Trichet , that if you had known that Slovakia would not agree to provide voluntary financial assistance to the Greek Government , you would never have agreed to Slovakia being accepted into the euro area . in these six years , I have also listened to several discussions about discrimination against ethnic Roma and the need for solutions to ethnic Roma problems . I gave my vote of confidence to this team of Commissioners , which will be led by José Manuel Barroso , as in general , they have shown good technical preparation , seriousness and ambition to be able to respond to the challenges of the EU without forgetting the values which underpin its creation , namely solidarity and territorial cohesion . these are the five points that the Committee on International Trade would like to address to the new Trade Commissioner Mr De Gucht , whom I welcome to the floor for the first public exchange of views with Parliament and the members of the INTA Committee , in particular . people in long-term possession of large funds to put on deposit can do this and make the deposit safe by splitting it between institutions , but it is unrealistic to ask that lump-sum payments be channelled that way . that is our important social-democratic goal . it is also there to do what the others are not doing , and to adopt rules that go beyond what the private sector can do . you are aiming to make progress here , and we will be watching to see how you match up . this is an area where the principle of subsidiarity should be applied . that is why he is leading the charge tonight in defiance of the committee ' s democratic decision . however , there are some distinctions to be drawn between the two cases : the Irish deficit exploded because the country had to stem the problems in the banking sector , which was in crisis due to the repercussions of the global financial crisis , exacerbated by the bursting of the property bubble . full ownership unbundling is a key condition for reform . therefore , I would ask the Council and the Commission to keep their fingers on the pulse with regard to the human rights situation in the Middle Kingdom . the basic reason for this attack by the European Union , the bourgeois governments and capital on the income and rights of the working classes , the main weapon in which is in the agreement on the euro and the European stability - for which read controlled bankruptcy - mechanism , goes beyond capitalist management of the crisis and the debt . the UK is losing its bee population at around 30 % a year , and this is clearly unsustainable and potentially devastating . his name is being dragged through the mud ; he is being called an anti-Semite , even though Israel is not the only one to have the finger pointed at it in the Goldstone report . so there is a lot of work to be done to get the balance right and I think that is the key here . nothing has been decided yet . the Situation Centre is now to move to the External Action Service . together these documents simplify citizens ' access to benefits and services , as many of my fellow Members as well as the Commissioner have pointed out . the report ' s main objective is to improve security and healthcare for pregnant workers , workers who have recently given birth and workers who are breastfeeding at work . I will just add a few points . despite all its problems , Europe is characterised by great creation . a united Europe has opportunities for such a firm and , at the same time , friendly policy based on support and pressure , but is far from making full use of them . our Heads of State or Government have since confirmed their deep attachment to the European currency and the fact that Estonia is joining the euro area at the beginning of this year is yet another signal in this direction , as well as setting a very good example of how to respect standards to the major countries that fail to respect them . I would remind you of the Water Framework Directive that clearly aims to prevent these hazards , but also commitments in the area of biodiversity . ( DE ) Mr President , the European Union ' s motto is ' unity in diversity ' but , as we know , in the natural world this diversity has decreased alarmingly over the last 150 years . Georgian power is being put to the test . it is up to the operators what kind of billing system they want to adopt . much is made of European bureaucracy - which certainly has its own burdens - but sometimes bureaucracy in the Member States runs it pretty close . the public consultation process started in June 2006 . now , suddenly , tomorrow - a few months later - there is a will to grant the Council discharge , all of a sudden . yet not one of these four grounds for refusing to grant discharge has really been cleared up or satisfied . for example , many of the people who are or were imprisoned in Guantánamo went to training camps for terrorists in Afghanistan after 11 September . instead of thinking in imperialist terms , perhaps Russia could begin to think cooperatively . ( BG ) Mme Chairperson , Colleagues , I would like to once again draw your attention to the proper and efficient use of the EU financial resources . those funds were mobilised immediately , and were actually the first significant contribution to arrive . if necessary , we should use our powers to veto the new Commission if they do not include the necessary legislative proposals in their first work programme . furthermore , the way in which we are going to work together , and whom we invite , is also our decision - in consultation with the European Council , of course . however , I do not agree that we should just suspend development aid to Kenya . the Commission needs to avoid making proposals which will be a burden on industry and we in this Parliament must show responsibility and exercise self-restraint . certainly now that the European Union has offered the Western Balkans the prospect of joining the Union , the horrors of Srebrenica remain a symbol and a duty , first of all in both word and deed . we must make an effort , within the budget of the European Union , to divert more resources to the poorest countries , bearing in mind that the problems with emerging countries are mostly to do with rules , rather than financing . in order for States in which workers have been made redundant as a result of the global financial and economic crisis to be able to provide these workers with practical assistance , the EU has set up the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund . I see great potential for trade in this . this means that , by the end of my speech , Mr President , two children will have died from malaria . secondly , in the regions where the Hungarian population forms a large majority , the measure has an anti-minority facet as well : ethnic Hungarian public servants are being replaced by ethnic Romanian persons . ( NL ) Mr President , while the Earl of Dartmore does not understand the difference between loans and subsidies , while Mrs Andreasen should give the EIB ' s annual report another read , what Mr Hartong has not understood is that Europe is not an island in the world and that , if we want peace and stability , on our continent too , we have to invest in other countries . we can break this vicious cycle by acknowledging that non-paid work is work indeed , by encouraging women to work and gain their economic independence , by attacking the structural causes of labour market segregation , and by paying attention to women ' s problems when reforming our pension schemes . in writing . - ( DE ) It is bizarre that the European Union is proposing to declare a ' European Year of Non-Violence ' while the EU itself is deploying missions in Chad , where French interests make it impossible to achieve the requisite impartiality . I have simply lost patience with this now . a carbon tax for shipping arriving in , and departing from , the EU would be a globally significant measure , as this would affect a third of all international shipping and would provide developing countries with a stable source of cash for their climate actions . again , I know I can rely on your support to fast-track work on it . it provides guidance for men and women to work together towards a better future for ourselves and our children , as only together can we ensure that women and men are equal not only before the law but also in their day-to-day lives and in economic and social life . this is the case in Pakistan , for example . I would therefore encourage Parliament , as suggested by the rapporteur , Daniel Caspary , to offer its full support for the conclusion of the Interim Agreement . I therefore believe that particular care should be taken to protect the debtor . this could involve , for instance , submission of security by the creditor , the right to object , limiting the amount liable or even a requirement for the creditor to submit an application for court proceedings to be brought regarding the main action . how can Frontex undertake to do this ? unfortunately , the Council has not been quite as cooperative as regards the financing of the numerous new posts which were discussed and included in the resolutions at the European Council in June , for example . it is easy to be affected by it . Mr President , I was in the United States during the mid-term elections and saw something of the political earthquake that took place there . we therefore need to strengthen intelligence , police and judicial cooperation between our states while simultaneously addressing the structural causes of terrorism , especially in the countries providing the most recruits for such acts . thus , we set out to achieve two objectives . I believe in equal treatment , and we can deal with an opinion . that is a reality too in these days in China . we affirm that this Service should be assigned to the Commission for administrative purposes . we are still facing situations in which Member States are trying to apply rules which , at times , do not appear to find justification in the provisions of the Services Directive . the US secret services will be able to monitor everyone ' s telephone calls , Internet activity and emails on all servers based in the United States without restriction . we are unanimous regarding the need on the part of women who are pregnant or who have just given birth for special protection in society and the labour market . the first concerns the 10 years of the European Security and Defence Policy , which we celebrated at the end of 2009 . these are often strong women who , with well-functioning social support , manage to build a good life for themselves and for their children . in writing . - I voted for the joint resolution on Belarus , being one of its initiators on behalf of the PPE Group . it is not obvious that we can achieve this alignment . to this end , within the framework of the 2009 call for proposals , EUR 250 million was allocated for the ERTMS , part of which will be used specifically to update the relevant computer programs . 11 . the moral of the story is that they had learnt nothing from history . nor can we , of course , condone the anti-Han and anti-Hui racist violence which erupted in Tibet and neighbouring Chinese provinces , as much as we do not condone the racist slurs against Tibetans echoed in China . the debate is closed . globally , however , this is a good result which is fully in line with the objectives of Parliament , of the Council and of the Commission , namely , to fight human trafficking , this horrible modern slavery , this horrible crime which is not worthy of Europe in 2010 and which is a grave violation of the fundamental rights of so many citizens . can you tell me that it will be made public in the next few weeks , to enable Parliament to finalise its recommendations , as contained in the Rack resolution ' Towards a new culture for urban mobility ' , passed by this House in July 2008 ? I mentioned the Culture Programme ( 2007 to 2013 ) earlier . those democratic forces can be assisted by various forms of support , say by funding media stations spreading democratic ideas and exposing the acts of terrorists . our consumers and our farmers deserve clarification . it is my belief that we have really tried to satisfy the requirements of the fight against terrorism and to reconcile this with protecting fundamental rights . it is not as if there are no anomalies at present . - ( PL ) It is important to keep working on building new relations between the European Union and Belarus . it is important to remember that many politicians , due to a lack of positive and professional assets , seek to promote their own political background and capital by provoking the least experienced and poorly informed sections of the public . this is an important point : pursuant to Rule 18 ( 1 ) , second subparagraph of the Rules of Procedure , Mr Chichester will take the place of the preceding Vice-President , Mrs Koch-Mehrin , in the order of precedence . President , you answered questions on the issuance of Eurobonds to provide current spending for governments . Mr President , I would like to reiterate , on the record , in relation to this most important maritime package , recital 3 of the review of the EU-ETS Directive , which was passed by an overwhelming majority . we may have particularly high hopes for the proposed main framework of the Partnership , especially the creation of four political platforms , democracy , good governance and stability , economic integration and convergence with EU policies , and energy security and interpersonal contact . as climate change does bite , we may all be in the situation of representing those who are victims of such natural disasters and may have , therefore , to lay claim to European solidarity . closure of the accounts of the European Police College for the financial year 2008 I am counting exclusively on this Europe 2020 strategy to find these answers . I have insisted on this matter due to the large number of children abandoned by parents who have gone off to work abroad , a situation encountered increasingly often in Central and Eastern Europe . Europe needs a strong common regulation of the financial sector , but a large degree of flexibility when it comes to what economic policy will best tackle the crisis in the individual countries . this report is one more step in affirming the rights of individuals and guaranteeing their security . you are fast-tracking marketing licences . implementing a clause to derogate from the weekly limit of 48 hours and not calculating on-call time as working time risks creating a two-speed social Europe , divided between workers who can benefit from social protection in their Member States and others who cannot refuse to accept diminished social rights . in the end , the overall inclusion of Roma is essentially a question of fundamental rights , even if we have to ask the Roma communities to try and integrate and not to close themselves in their own world where they do not respect European and national laws . in my opinion , that would have been feasible . if we do all those things , we will indeed bring about a small but not insignificant improvement . that is completely and utterly wrong , but that is what you said in the interview with Il Messaggero , so do not get into a huff when it is pointed out to you . finally , since I believe that to ensure the success or failure of a trial , it is essential to conduct studies on vaccines and antiviral drugs that are independent of pharmaceutical companies , I fully agree with the rapporteur ' s request to make public the names of all the experts who are consulted by the European public health authorities . it reached the following conclusion regarding the judiciary : ' investigations in some high-profile cases continued to raise concerns . I voted in favour of the creation of this microfinance facility for employment , since it aims at providing opportunities for the unemployed and encouraging entrepreneurship . I believe that Mr Catania has written about the wrong subject ; this report should not even have reached the Chamber , because the official services ought to check whether a report addresses the subject and title assigned , or whether it is something else entirely . I welcome the recommendations regarding the signing of definitive agreements , the origin of EU funds to finance these agreements , which should not come from the European Development Fund , the need for a parliamentary committee to monitor the implementation of the agreement , and a review clause envisaging a global impact assessment in three to five years . moreover , the Commission has carried out communication actions in the wake of the 10th International Day against the Death Penalty . this is a process that is gathering pace in terms of modernisation because the Commission is currently bringing forward proposals , in a White Paper , on introducing private damages . the Presidency has also launched an initiative to establish a Platform of European Memory and Conscience , with the aim of raising public awareness about European history and the crimes committed by totalitarian regimes . however , I have reservations about certain points in the report , in so far as they might be used as restrictions on the free and independent organisation and action of European parties . I think the taxpayer back in the UK will be absolutely appalled by this . we also agree with the demands in the report for work in the Council to be more open in order to enable civil society to participate in the dialogue in a meaningful way . in previous debates on the directive I have expressed fears that the needs of thinly populated areas might not be catered for . in writing . - ( NL ) The Davies report deserves support because of the political signal it sends . smoking is not just something that concerns smokers , because the hundreds of billions of euros in costs which are incurred by society as a result of tobacco consumption have to be paid by the majority who do not smoke . we understand , especially to the people of Sarajevo , your frustration . a more European Turkey is much better for discussing and solving problems with , and hence I fully support Turkey ' s accession to the EU . Lingering disputes have a negative effect on the business community and on end consumers on both shores of the Mediterranean . ( applause ) the countries of the European Union are already paying billions of euro in development aid . what particularly surprised me was that the Americans gave me this document describing origin labelling in the USA . ( RO ) As is also highlighted in the Oomen-Ruijten report , in 2009 , Turkey made a clear commitment to the path of reform and good relations with its neighbours . I also believe that taking greater responsibility may help the Member States reach common positions , thus consolidating relations among the 27 countries on these topics as well . unfortunately , this was not my week with the catch-the-eye procedure . in every single case , we can show that Lisbon brings improvement . these two groups differ significantly in weight , which means that electrical waste makes the collection rate higher , while electronic waste , which is rich in gold , silver and rare earth metals , often ends up on rubbish tips . we are awaiting your report , which will come shortly . under what conditions ? since the start of the year , and since the earthquake , we have been working hard , but the work has not advanced as quickly as we hoped . the increased expenditure on students from third countries has been taken into account and , thanks to our rapporteur ' s negotiating skills , key criteria that Parliament wanted introduced into Erasmus Mundus III have been improved . the Olympic Games should be a well-used opportunity for us to speak about peace , freedom and human dignity all over the world , in China first and foremost . the authorities , including the prison authorities , must be encouraged to provide quality vocational training for people in prison . in recital 22 , we should cut the second sentence and in article two , I also suggest that we cut the second sentence . it matters very much what kind of biofuel we use , how it is grown and how it is used . in this period of economic slowdown , it would be particularly unfortunate for project promoters , of which there are still many , to have difficulty accessing the European funding available to them . we are intensely aware of the necessity to ensure that cohesion policy and its cumulative effect over the whole territory of the Union is one of the key instruments which will enable the Union and its Member States to achieve the ambitions of EU 2020 . in the context of ' mixed ' migratory flows , it is indeed crucial to include in their activities an approach that is more mindful and respectful of human rights . however , this time the challenge is more difficult , because the plan has to be put into effect in a situation of economic crisis . so it adds the words to Recital D : ' and which was not formulated with specific regard to the current circumstances of climate change and the unique consequences of melting ice in the Arctic Seas ' . this will also avoid the potential conflicts which could otherwise arise there in the rush to secure the energy sources that are still available . also , on the initiative of the President , the Bureau is going to have a regular procedure of working with the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Budgetary Control , so I thank you . Madam President , it is great to listen to a debate and then be able to respond and to hear from those who were in Bali because we do not hear enough as to what happens out there . as you know , the European Commission is a firm supporter of the ILO ' s decent work agenda . Mr Brown - I can understand this - did not want to reopen the debate about ratification in the United Kingdom when everyone knows it had been extremely painful . ( HU ) Mr President , what I welcome in this directive is a clearer definition of patients ' rights , the end of endless waiting lists and the proposed solution to the issue of no professionals being available in one ' s own country . however , I ask you , Commissioner , to guarantee greater transparency too during the process of drawing up the delegated acts . the new parameters laid down in the adopted report include keeping contractual freedom in negotiations between private enterprises , but imposing time limits ( 30 + 30 days ) ; setting the term within which public authorities must pay private enterprises at 30 days ; and introducing a new rule for large corporations - such as those operating in the postal service , energy and transport sectors - which compete with private companies even though they are publicly funded , in that they are equated to private companies and are therefore subject to the rules of the private market . our priority must be to do everything we can to prevent a downward spiral into recession . however , fighting poverty and initiating efforts to tackle environmental problems at a global level should be carried out within the framework of the UN . it is the Commission that decides who answers which questions . the problems facing our towns may be similar , but they simply are not identical . we need petitions from citizens so that we can provide tangible proof of what Europe is for , to prove that Europe is not an opaque institution but something that affects everyone ' s daily lives and that we are able to hold a dialogue with thousands of citizens . Africa is exhausted by the consequences of the crisis , natural disasters , extreme poverty , wars and epidemics , and it is therefore urgent that we help to introduce a sustainable health policy . haste would be the worst possible policy and could take us back to institutional instability , even though the European Union is just about leaving it behind with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . Parliament underlines that the Court of Auditors has stated that it has obtained reasonable assurances that the annual accounts for the financial year 2009 are reliable and that the underlying transactions are legal and regular . that does not mean that the EU should hesitate in voicing its criticism and using its power to insist upon democratic reforms . there are two statements appended to the regulation which help to ensure its proper implementation . the geopolitical situation in the southern Mediterranean region is currently undergoing a sea change . modern communication has allowed us to stay in constant touch and to keep up to date at all times . I therefore welcome the priority given to the development of electric vehicles by the Spanish Presidency in the context of the fight against climate change , and the Commission ' s Communication on a European strategy on clean and energy-efficient vehicles of 27 April 2010 . it provides for only one thing : the possibility of asking the Commission to enact new European laws , but not to repeal or to change those that already exist ; not to change the policies . we are extremely concerned with the scale of the current problem , especially given what is happening in the serious armed conflicts , in Libya in particular . Mr Wessberg , from Sweden , has submitted his curriculum vitae , completed a written questionnaire and has been interviewed by the Committee on Budgetary Control . if we share our experience , choose the best solutions and combine them , we can be certain of great progress . I believe it will come as a surprise to most people that it is at all legal to buy illegal timber in the EU . ( DE ) Madam President , I was in Croatia a few days ago and never has so much been spoken about Serbia there as in recent days , and specifically in a very positive sense because of exactly what Mr Brok said - the brave moves that Mr Tadić has made together with President Josipović - and I am also aware that Deputy Prime Minister Đelić is heavily involved in this regard - are significant steps towards Europe . Cyprus and Greece are , and will remain , of the utmost importance to the European Union . will it be acceptable for politicians who used to be red in hue and are now tinted green to insult national leaders , claiming to act on behalf of this House , and for them to do so in the presence of its President ? that is what actually happened in the Czech Republic in relation to President Klaus . the European Parliament and the Commission will be able to develop a close dialogue on the Commission ' s Work Programme and international agreements . against this background , it is worrying that the Commission and the Council have found it so difficult to demonstrate any ability to act in respect of one of the greatest internal challenges that the EU is facing , namely the reform of the EU ' s long-term budget . I ask the Sittings Service to make the necessary corrections in the Minutes . I would expect a very broad consensus and a very strong vote in Parliament , on the basis of which we can enter into negotiations with the Council . we lack the courage to bring about more democracy and transparency and to conduct less political activity behind closed doors . nevertheless , I believe that the temporary agreement must be supported because it will contribute to the security of European citizens . it is therefore extremely important , particularly for the new Member States , to consolidate actions to assist the capacity for the real take-up of available funds , both in the way these funds are utilised , and by exchanging best practice , information campaigns , exchange of new technology and the development of various types of partnership , in such a way as to allow the programme requirements to be transformed into actual , quality programmes for the effective elimination of delays in development , which are a particular problem in the poorest regions of the EU . these decisions will help to improve their integration ; migrant workers do not represent a danger to our job markets . this was a good decision for Ireland ; it is a good decision for Europe . on the contrary . how can it be that we still have 250 members who refuse to cut their coats according to their cloth ? furthermore , in Strasbourg on 5 February Parliament adopted Written Declaration 0080 / 2008 - http : / / / sides / ? type = TA & reference = P6-TA-2009-0081 & language = SL " encouraging the recognition of Alzheimer ' s as a European public health priority . I believe that I was even one of the few ministers in 1993 and 1994 to have gone to Chernobyl and spent 17 seconds under the sarcophagus . the UK is renouncing access to funding on a principle of not applying for this fund in order to receive a rebate . that , concretely , is the prescription of the Commission . in the meantime , my group calls for maximum restraint by the security forces and for the arrest and trial of the ancien regime ' s presidential guard leadership responsible for the shooting , in the last few days , of innocent bystanders , in a futile attempt to destabilise the country . not a penny of EU taxpayers ' money should go on the Community Tobacco Fund . we will come forward with our evaluation and suggestions as soon as possible . I would also like to tell you that I will be Tehran . so now we are in the situation that we lost the cap and we have a 15 % subsidy under the ETS regime for new coal power stations , for example in Germany , between 2013 and 2016 . to create clarity once and for all , the Commission has asserted that it will bring forward a proposal to solve all these issues . Sarajevo deserves to be given the chance to demonstrate its huge potential . suddenly the markets have begun speculating on food products , because there are enormous profit margins . of course , we must protect human rights and of course the legal process should prevail , but sometimes in the world in which we live it is necessary to take extraordinary measures . they would , unfortunately , be second-class citizens in those countries . secondly , are you able to move towards innovations that will allow the European Investment Bank and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development alike to assume much greater responsibility and - why not ? - to enable Europe to borrow to finance this necessity , which is the growth of tomorrow ? we are dependent on unstable regions and countries with undemocratic regimes . since 2007 , 15 000 murders have been committed in the war against drugs , with the figure in 2009 alone reaching 7 724 . it is to be welcomed that , when procuring road transport vehicles , authorities and certain companies have to take account of not only the procurement price but also the lifetime energy and environmental impacts - that is , including energy consumption , CO2 emissions and further pollutant emissions . furthermore , the Council called upon the Cuban authorities to facilitate immediate access of international humanitarian organisations to Cuban prisons . lastly , greater synergy between civilian and military research would be a big advantage , since it would help prevent repetition , duplication and , hence , unnecessary costs . today world politics is first and foremost about gas and oil . I must say that it is wonderful to be back in the European Parliament . many thanks , President Ilves ! however , in addition to the issues of transparency and accountability , it is also important to point out some of the wider implications . in this regard , the report makes it clear that in the case of men in prison with young children or other family responsibilities , the measures should be the same as those applied to women . please could you pass on to Mrs Swinburne that there are no indications at all that what she is afraid of will happen , provided that the budget is sufficiently large . during the most recent elections in my country , citizens were notified by mail that their utility bills would be wavered provided if they voted for that party . I hope , too , that our athletes , who are responsible adults , will not shy away from speaking out at any time and will utilise the presence of some 20 000 journalists . we must avoid a system based on double standards , which is very strict towards candidate countries and very soft on countries that are already members of the Schengen area . in many EU countries citizens , in particular the weakest ones , children are affected by discrimination and poverty . therefore , a proposal that deals only with such activities cannot fall under development cooperation - under Article 179 , as you mentioned . as regards the concerns raised in the report about increasing migration pressure in the sensitive area of Bulgaria , Turkey and Greece , these are today ' s challenges for the European Union and the Member States , which need to find global , pan-European solutions to effectively strengthen their external borders , to strengthen Frontex , to demonstrate due Community solidarity and to support the Member States in the south of Europe where immigrants land . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - Mr President , Liz Lynnes ' s report highlights the need for a comprehensive , legislative framework which would prevent discrimination outside of the workplace and which would include a wide range of subjects . however , in order to secure the trust and commitment of Europe ' s agricultural community , the new CAP needs to offer stability to farmers and a fair price , as is currently provided , for the goods which they produce . both sides of the bargain need to understand their rights and obligations . as far as the economic crisis is concerned , the temptation of protectionism can be felt in every country . we are all responsible for working together with you to ensure that this Parliament is not subjected to pressure from Commission proposals which are half-baked or which represent the unilateral interests of specific lobbyists . however , since the required funds are not available in Heading 1a , and are not going to fall from the sky , we are prepared to take it from other budget categories , from Heading 2 2007 and 2008 , making EUR 2.2 billion , and EUR 220 million from Heading 5 . we will need to be clear about the criteria for the lighter touch which we know will be provided for a limited list of industries and sectors faced with real leakage challenges . the important contribution of the Fund in dealing with major disasters was demonstrated during the floods in central Europe , the earthquakes in Italy and the fires in Portugal and in my country , Greece , in 2007 , and it is telling that a large number of Member States have used appropriations from the Fund . the question is , is it the only way of solving a problem ? statistics in the field of tourism are not used only for monitoring of tourism policy but also play an important role in the broader context of regional policy and sustainable development . we have expressed many doubts about this new working method , which mostly consists of sending complaints directly back to the Member State against which the complaint is being made , in order to try to solve the problem . deepening social integration will help to influence social and political change , and is a vital investment in the future . I hope very much for the Belarusian people that they take control of their own destiny . however , as Vice-President Almunia announced to the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in November , the Commission will analyse the effects on competition of the temporary State aid measures taken in the context of the crisis . it is argued that this just restates rules already enshrined in the Members ' Statute , but to many people this will just look like another case of ' one rule for them and another for us ' , and I am glad that the Liberal Democrat group did not support the amendments tabled by Mr Nassauer . anyway , I shall continue to do what I can to reach a compromise with the new Presidency of the EU , by trying to ensure that Parliament ' s wishes are taken into consideration to a greater extent . I would describe such a recommendation as the maximum tolerable level of bureaucracy . after all , this is all about saving lives . in this respect , our group would like to see effective and binding measures that go further than what is being proposed . in the case of the rights of persons with disabilities in air transport , the costs are spread across everybody , which is only normal . ( SV ) Mr President , naturally I am very pleased and proud to see my government in the Swedish Presidency and I also think that the programme contains a lot that is good as regards solutions for the climate , jobs , the financial crisis , the Copenhagen Conference , the Baltic Sea Strategy , Community policy , enlargement , Iceland , Croatia , Turkey , etc . although President Bakiyev has officially resigned , the provisional government needs to commit to a clear plan for how to return to constitutional and democratic order and the rule of law . in 2007 , the amount committed to renewable energies , for example , far exceeds the amount committed to these more traditional forms of energy generation . I should like to begin by saying that I consider the sections of the report concerning better information on the beneficiaries of Union funds and more transparent information on the Commission ' s web pages to be particularly valuable . I guess that , when the number of the unemployed reaches 25 million in Europe , you will proudly stand here and say that our stimulus is now 5 % of GDP . I would like to join in Mr Verhofstadt ' s criticism . it is imperative that we have the most appropriate safeguards . this and only this can guarantee sufficient production of food products in Europe . we firmly believe that the European Union can obtain success in advancing the human rights record of third countries only through patient work of bridge-building and persuasion , and this not just in its bilateral relations but also in the framework of multilateral bodies , as developments in the Human Rights Council demonstrate . the second point which I would briefly like to mention is this : we hope that the Commission will implement the planned traffic management systems as envisaged . I consider it important that the Commission , together with the Member States , should run an information campaign in order to provide citizens crossing borders into other Member States with advance information about the legal consequences of breaking the law in terms of the levels and imposition of possible fines . at the same time , because of these multinationals , 99 % of the bananas we eat are one species , even though there are several thousand species of banana , and this species is at risk of a specific disease as a result of single crop farming . for more than fifty years there has been an article in the Treaty of Rome forbidding gender discrimination in levels of pay and since 1975 Directive 117 has been in force , which requires Member States to enforce the principle of equal pay for equal work . those were two good reasons . EU policy on the taxation of energy products was introduced in 1993 . as to the issue of the simplification of procedures in order to accelerate the implementation of expenses , while this avenue can be explored , I believe a careful balance needs to be struck between real simplification and the need to abide by the rules in order to safeguard the EU ' s financial interests . I understand the colleagues and we share the view that our strategic decision should not depend on Russia , but , on the other hand , Russia is an important partner . that is why , my group will tell you straight , it supports you and has every confidence in you , Baroness Ashton . the first priority during the European Council meeting must obviously be to find a solution so that the Czech Republic can finalise the procedures for ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon . in a developed Europe , it is important to achieve the target of collecting 85 % of electrical and electronic equipment by 2016 ( according to the draft amendment that I tabled in the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety and which was adopted ) and recycling between 50 % and 75 % of that . act on ACTA ! I add my voice to this expression of sympathy to the millions of Ukrainians that suffered this calamity and , in particular , to the relatives of those who died as a result of this artificial famine . I apologise to colleagues who have had the courtesy to attend but whose questions were not taken . above all , what we are concerned with is equality of opportunity , which is conditional on access to education and professional training in technical and economic subjects . the debate is closed . in writing . - ( SV ) I have previously expressed my disgust with regard to the information that has come to light in respect of the treatment of people who are suspected , but not convicted , of crimes and who have been extradited and in some cases kidnapped by the authorities of various states . the final adopted document , which is the result of a compromise , is not an ideal text , but this document contains no defamation of an anti-Semitic character , no defamation of any specific country or region in the world , or of any religion . however , we do still have , after all , the Stability and Growth Pact , which continues to be in force . an agreement was reached last weekend thanks to concessions both from Member States and MEPs . without a certain level of language acquisition , further learning is scarcely possible , as the language deficits can only be overcome with great difficulty with increasing age . Mr Szymański , you said that only three points have been implemented . I voted in favour of this report as I agree that the existence of complete , standardised statistics by type of goods is crucial for all modes of transport . however , we do not need your prior authorisation in order for people not to have to pay out money themselves . allow me to add one more thought . indeed Ireland has a very robust body of National anti-Discrimination law , e.g. Equal Status Act , and has an excellent record . the next item is the debate on the oral question to the Commission on anti-dumping cases - state of play and prospects by Daniel Caspary , Cristiana Muscardini , Tokia Saïfi , Georgios Papastamkos , Kader Arif , Bernd Lange , Gianluca Susta , Metin Kazak , Niccolò Rinaldi , Marielle De Sarnez , Yannick Jadot , Carl Schlyter , Helmut Scholz , Robert Sturdy , Syed Kamall , Jan Zahradil , on behalf of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) , the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament , the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance , the Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left and the European Conservatives and Reformists - B7-0562 / 2010 ) . we must not now allow national egoism , which may intensify at a time of crisis , to undermine the chance which the EU currently has . we should acknowledge the way in which the Japanese people have conducted themselves and the actions of the rescue and prevention services . that is why I voted for this report relating to the mobilisation of the EGF in favour of the Czech Republic , with the objective of supporting workers made redundant from Unilever ČR spol.s r.o . Mr Cortes Lastra ' s report rightly points out that the Lisbon Strategy only achieved concrete results when it was linked to the cohesion policy . for this reason it is exceptionally important to have clear agreement on changes to the relevant budgetary and legislative instruments by the end of this year in order to ensure a transparent framework for 2010 . a major gap in the Council and Commission ' s 2007 human rights report is any response to the revelations , not least by this Parliament , of EU governments ' collusion in extraordinary rendition . how can this be ? a return to normal for Kenya must therefore begin with a suspension of violence and destruction . however , we , the Commission , will make every effort to keep the process as short as possible . fortunately , with a concession to Poland ' s demands , the problem has finally been solved satisfactorily . the proposal only affects the Czech Republic with respect to the amount of maternity contribution , and not the length of maternity leave . it is clear that , given the currently reduced level of bank lending and given the difficulties that now exist in accessing credit , if the weakest sectors of our society , the unemployed and disadvantaged groups , want to undertake an action , an entrepreneurial activity , all this must be supported robustly , because it is one of the instruments that can help us combat what is the natural epilogue to the financial crisis , namely an endless employment crisis . we need to be clear , and quickly , on how we are going to handle the relevant issues in 2008 , during the transitional period . nevertheless , the potential shortage of raw materials in the future should not only make us focus on solving the issue of access to raw materials . for these reasons I will abstain from these sections but I wish to thank the Commissioner and the rapporteur again . producers in the African , Caribbean and Pacific countries , who were neither considered nor present during the debating of this agreement , will also be hit hard by its consequences and the palliative measures announced will not prevent these consequences . I want to thank the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality , and Parliament as a whole , for all the work that has been done to achieve this success . I have to say that not every euro in the vaults of the European Central Bank will serve to convince people of an intrinsically bad idea . this document is , admittedly , an absolute necessity , which is precisely why we must scrutinise its content closely . Mr President , the PPE-DE Group has decided to vote in favour of the Lipietz report on trade and climate change at this mini-plenary session . as our President has said , an agreement has not been reached because the Council ' s proposal has always been to move backwards , back beyond the 19th century , making employment law merely a bilateral relationship between the worker and the employer , without laws or regulations , without anything to respect beyond so-called ' free choice ' , forgetting that there is always an imbalance of power between the worker and the employer . I believe that , when the figures are placed alongside each other , the only conclusion is that debt restructuring in Greece , and probably in Ireland , is inevitable . I welcome the fact that the report emphasises the potential of the biomass resources of the EU Member States for producing significant quantities of second generation biofuels . that objective of the action plan is therefore clearly on the Spanish Presidency ' s agenda , and is shared , of course , by the Belgian and Hungarian Trio , because it is a strategic objective . in the light of the reform of economic governance , the following observation needs to be made . we must certainly implement rigorous budgetary policies to monitor and ensure that similar situations do not arise in the future . however , could you give us some more information about this too ? I did very much like your words Commissioner , because I also believe that it is very important that these agreements contain sufficient guarantees to avoid signing clauses which are unbalanced and unfair for European industry . this is because it will be possible for individuals to stand for election and vote when they are not nationals of a particular state . - ( LT ) I would also like to encourage the scrutiny of your proposals from the perspective of financial market participants . confidence can neither be decreed nor purchased . rapporteur . - Madam President , before we open the debate on the report on the implementation of the Structural Funds Regulation 2007-2013 , allow me to seize this opportunity to thank the Commission for the concrete communication paper and the country fiches as a solid base on which to work . I recommend postponing the draft resolution and returning to a discussion on this topic after the delegation returns from Kiev . the EU is the world ' s leading producer of cars and the second largest manufacturer of lorries , with 19 million vehicles , of which 20 % are exported . I would also ask him to pass on my thanks to the committee chairman , Mr Deprez . under the pretext of solidarity , surrogate motherhood exposes women to physical exploitation and even abuse , in direct conflict with the ban on trafficking in human bodies and body parts . ( PL ) Madam President , the two most recent accessions to the European Union have resulted in a significant exacerbation of regional disproportions within the Community . the report calls for measures that are essential to discourage transplant tourism and the more general problems we face on this issue , and I therefore voted in favour of the report . we should discuss how best to engage both the new Israeli Government - and hopefully also a Palestinian national unity government - in order to build a two-state solution . I should like to thank you , Mr Van Rompuy , for having corrected , together with the Heads of State or Government , an unfortunate omission in the European Commission document , since the latter did not mention agriculture , and you were right to add one of the European Union ' s main historic policies , namely agriculture , which is a factor in the well-being of the European people . there are no signs that there might be investment in the hydrogen economy within the context of the transport infrastructure , let alone the use of electric cars running on carbon dioxide-free electricity , as is called for in the report . will the European Council stop it by creating an effective European preventive mechanism which will safeguard the national economies and the stability of the euro area ? let us get down to business and stop making vacuous speeches as was the case in the first part of the debate . Europe 2020 must be an expression of the new , common political will and our response to the , sadly , increasing nationalism , egoism and protectionism . I have re-read the Euratom Treaty very carefully and have also looked closely at the Nuclear Safety Directive adopted by the Council and Parliament in June two years ago . unfortunately , 20 years later , none of the Member States of the European Union have signed or ratified that Convention . it is only by doing this that we will deserve the title of legitimate heirs of the fathers of Europe , through whose efforts we are all here today . the summit will give us the opportunity to exert pressure on Russia to fulfil its contractual obligations in these areas and in other areas , too . written statements ( Rule 142 ) we have to focus our efforts in helping countries and communities in the poorest parts of the world have access to this resource . although the partnership agreement with Cameroon in the forestry sector is commendable and , as it is being introduced during the International Year of Forests , is also a very convenient way for the EU to improve its image , it is doubtful whether the agreement is worth the paper it is written on . I support the introduction of a tri-annual review of the directive post its implementation to ensure that it remains responsive and adequate for its purpose . I do not see any fairness in the proposal to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide . one is the Official Development Assistance computer program , which has been trialled very successfully in Mozambique , and I hope that there will be investment in time and effort in this type of coordination in particular . ( HU ) Mr President , the achievements made by Macedonia in relation to European integration were already greatly appreciated by the country report of February last year . it is also very important to support the development of the euro area and to take appropriate measures to create suitable conditions for Member States aiming to become members of the euro area . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am astonished by the discussion on the part of fellow Members who , on the one hand , speak of simplifications for small and medium-sized enterprises , but who , when it comes to taking the very first step for micro-entities - and that is all we are talking about today , not about any other scale - are already inclined to say no again . although the regulation states that all national and international partners must provide all the cooperation necessary , there is no detailed legal basis for such cooperation . it is therefore particularly important for us to strengthen and continue to support the textile industry . we have seen in this debate that many colleagues - Mr Mantovani , Ms Guy-Quint and others - and myself always deplore the fact that we have too little money in category four , the external actions . the most important thing that needs to be discussed by the Commission and the parties concerned should therefore be the need to inject some confidence in the Greek people , without which no measures can be adopted at all . Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , it is obviously a bit surreal having a debate about the blacklist at a time when the whole of aviation in Europe is in chaos , but I understand that we will have the opportunity tomorrow for a topical and urgent debate and that is exactly what we will have . as all the EU Member States are involved as well as 16 partner countries , it is also understandable that people should have strong misgivings in the development of this policy as to how the different partner countries can be included in the collaboration . I am very glad that Parliament has played an important role in enhancing the role of the multiannual spectrum policy programmes , which will be proposed by the Commission , and for the first time Parliament will have a say in this . I have therefore supported this report on the proposal establishing a multiannual management plan for the western stock of Atlantic horse mackerel , and I welcome the fact that the amendment put forward by Mrs Patrão Neves has been adopted , as it is essential for ensuring that the artisanal fishery is protected , along with Portugal ' s interests in this matter . the rapporteur presents figures that are enlightening and worrying . within the exchange programme for European art collections , the public in Budapest can currently view an unparalleled Gustave Moreau and an Alfons Mucha exhibition in an important museum . this phenomenon has become a cause for concern at global level . I am grateful for all your speeches . it would be important , therefore , for the old Member States to take part in the allowance trading scheme . however , the measures have failed to address the problem of the loss of bees . this is the second time : we already increased it in December . I would like to highlight European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation ( EGTCs ) , which make a significant contribution to cohesion through cross-territorial cooperation programmes . you can rest assured that we will devote a good part of our resources to this , always depending , as I have said , on the security situation . I believe , ladies and gentlemen , that implementing this scheme , which everyone is in favour of , shows the important role that the common agricultural policy can play and does play in encouraging the consumption and , more simply , the production of healthy , quality produce . ( RO ) European policies concerning the reform of traditional schools and their evolution towards the status of European Schools , with the involvement of local and national administrative structures , require , in my opinion , three major types of reform : systemic reform , including reform of the curriculum , based on quality and effectiveness ; continual reform , involving evaluation of and capitalisation on previous results , adapting them to European Schools ; and a third reform , based on the responsibility and ownership of all social actors . Croatia is nearing the finishing line after four years of intense accession negotiations . the interests of big money , whether economic or financial , and the major powers always supersede the interests of solidarity . that is what should happen , but it does not . this could certainly be an important factor to really assess the significance of the measure . which company can pay ? one of the main conditions for a vote on the report is thereby met . when we look at the renewable energy scenario , we should also always consider what is happening in the Member States . for this reason , Mr President , and for other reasons which I shall mention in my second speech , it is worth us granting the visa exemption to Taiwan , as the United Kingdom and Ireland did last year . access of Roma communities to the conditions required to earn their livelihood should be an important target within the concept of agricultural subsidies . I would like , at this point , to thank Mrs Lulling very sincerely , because thanks to this report , many self-employed women will find life easier . this proposal is aimed at introducing a procedure to give a single residence and work permit to legal immigrants , and to grant them a common set of rights throughout the EU . we will fail to reform the international financial system unless there is progress in the Doha process and unless we are more successful in working towards peace and eliminating poverty . there are countless questions , because it is obvious that this reform is essential but will be to the detriment of the poorest wine-producing regions . in writing . - We have supported this resolution based on the fact that the Commission proposes to mobilise the European Solidarity Fund in favour of Ireland on the basis of point 26 of the interinstitutional agreement ( IIA ) of 17 May 2006 . manufacturers need to be aware of the fact that the pressure of costs , as great as it still is , does not absolve them of the responsibility for a full inspection of every individual part of their production process and their supply chain . this is why the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece must find a solution to the issue about what to call the state . for the above-mentioned reasons our group will not support the resolution . we have declared that , provided it complies with all the Copenhagen criteria and the obligations it has accepted according to the Negotiating Framework and additional protocol , Turkey should be able to join the EU . leadership is about taking chances , taking risks and taking the lead . I am glad to see that so much attention has been paid to the issue of cross-border healthcare , which is so important in this age of ever growing migration . I believe that the Copenhagen agreement to reduce global carbon emissions should be binding . in writing . - I rejected the proposal as a whole as I do not believe it solves the problems . if it is mundane , we need to have more debates on it , because the Irish Government has got itself into hot water by blaming Europe for forcing it to charge schools for water , when in fact the issue is how it is underfunding schools and how badly it is communicating and implementing this important piece of legislation . it also says that there would be a flight of capital from Europe . the President cut off the speaker it is very clear what is in this . the approval of proposals we tabled should , however , be noted , such as : in view of the pressure to conform to political correctness , people would soon have to be extremely careful as to the institutions they visited when wearing RFID clothing . hence , the key things are : faster procedures and better public relations . these are new times and a particular feature of new times is that crises mount up and proliferate and are not resolved . that is a major task for the European Commission . we strongly support the calls for a reduction in administrative burdens , the pursuit of the Lisbon Strategy on growth and jobs , support for SMEs , further progress on completing the Single Market , measures to boost consumer rights , further action on climate change , cross-border health care initiatives and boosting relations with the United States . in writing . - ( FR ) In the 1960s , having agreed the benefits of planning , the French Parliament voted a growth rate for the economy every year with a view to taking its decisions on that basis , since it turned out for several years in succession that actual growth was exactly as it had voted . regarding the right to information , the biggest share of expenditure will be in the initial one-off cost of drawing up a letter of rights . should these criteria be the subject of broader consultation during the G20 summit with a view to establishing fair competition for financial activities on the world market ? there is a lack of discussion and a lack of understanding . I have , to my consternation , discovered through being out in society that it is virtually only active citizens who are monitoring whether EU legislation is being respected in many places . thank you . these points are based on my own experience as a councillor in the town of Chmelnice and on suggestions from voluntary organisations , and I consider them key to the more effective and more transparent drawdown of resources from EU funds . ( SV ) Madam President , I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the negotiating team for their constructive cooperation . on the other hand , as you know , I have previously mentioned the existence of a high-level group for joint planning in connection with these conditions which , in this case , are chronic and not contagious . on the basis of the report by my Italian fellow Member Paolo De Castro , I voted for the proposal for a Council regulation derogating from the regulation on common market organisation ( CMO ) as regards the 2009 and 2010 intervention periods for butter and skimmed milk powder . these are , of course , difficult issues . it is ironic that the Red Baroness herself , Cathy Ashton , stood against this no-fly proposal , her aide reportedly calling it ' headline grabbing desperation ' . that is the EU of undemocratic red tape ; of political and ideological conservatism ; of the accentuation and institutionalisation of profound inequalities and relations of social , regional and national domination ; of militarism and external interventionism ; and of the institutionalisation of neoliberalism as the only acceptable economic system . the EU has some 68 000 km of coastline ; Scotland has some 11 000 km of that . but still there is no comprehensive EU policy on legal as well as illegal immigration , and on integration . it is also important that we bring the national parliaments on board by taking an inclusive approach , as Mrs Goulard has suggested . the Iraq war and the dual power situation in Pakistan are enough . the vote will take place tomorrow , Thursday , 23 October . however , you should not confuse the problems of other states with those of Ireland . therefore , the Member States determine the form and conditions of funding of their public service media so long as EU State aid rules are respected . these forces obstruct the Egyptian solution that will put an end to internal disputes and divisions . as if this were not complex enough , some states have subordinated the investigative bodies we are calling for to different state organisations . like mushrooms , the British people are left in the dark and fed manure . it is also very important to use the potential of older people in the labour market . if women are assisting in small and medium-sized enterprises , then they must at least have their own protection . you may ask what our final objectives are with this directive . written explanations of vote while the local people remain unaware of these issues , the whole thing will continue to be a sham . ( PL ) Mr President , Mrs Ashton , when I talked with politicians in the Middle East , I often heard them say that the European Union is a payer , not a player . 2009 discharge : European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights ( written statements ( Rule 142 ) Mr President , Commissioner , I should like to thank all those who have taken the floor for their comments and for welcoming this report . this causes us concern . in writing . - ( PT ) I voted in favour of paragraph 20 of the report on the role of women in industry because it is essential that the Commission carries out a study into the negative consequences of long working hours on private , family and social life , such as children spending a lot of time alone , left to their own devices , which often leads to failure at school and crime . while youth unemployment is currently 21 % in the European Union , and close to 25 % in my country , this has become a major challenge for Europe at a time when young Europeans deprived of employment are threatened with social exclusion and poverty . that proved to be a complete failure , of course . in conclusion , allow me to give you a wonderful quote from Alphonse Karr : ' a lover is almost always a man who , having found a glowing coal , puts it in his pocket believing it to be a diamond . ' we are only just beginning to glimpse the long-term consequences of this omnipresence of pesticide residues : they include various forms of cancer , endocrine disorders , reduced male fertility , damage to our immune systems , and degenerative diseases of the nervous system . I believe that the partnership between the US , Canada and Australia , on the one hand , and the European Union , on the other , can offer the ideal solution for combating terrorism and organised crime . at first , this country was always celebrated as the ' showcase ' country and the model for new members of the Union , although at that time , very wrong policies were permitted and encouraged and these resulted in enormous bubbles in the property sector having to be dealt with , the banking sector being allowed to become a law unto itself and no attention being paid to preventing competitive dumping in the area of taxation . in writing . - ( SV ) The amendments made by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development to the Commission ' s proposal are good in part and very bad in part . the Europe 2020 strategy , however , mainly concerns future trends . Europe is certainly not closed off to external trade . I call for the rapid establishment of a European civil protection force as devised by Mr Barnier in 2006 with the aim of arriving at a European response that is planned , genuinely coordinated and effective . an understanding between the social partners , and negotiations based on good faith and reliable information are highly desirable , especially at times of crisis . on 23 and 24 March 2000 , the European Council , meeting in Lisbon , set the European Union ( EU ) an ambitious strategic objective : to become , by 2010 , the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world . all Member State commitments to support trade are supplementary to assistance from the European Development Fund and all our commitments are firm . obviously there are no plans for any widespread measure : anyone whose papers are in order will not be checked . in fact , this may well be one of those reports to which the Chamber can lend its unanimous support , even if Switzerland ' s situation is a unique one , as the Commissioner said . together they produce performance . we can only hope that , as happened after the Exxon Valdez accident in 1989 and the Erika accident in 1999 , the EU and US regulatory framework for offshore oil exploration and exploitation activities will be strengthened this time too . in dealing with the new threats posed by terrorism , the most difficult problem we face will be to actually define what incitement is , and whether justified criticism of governments could ever be considered to be incitement to terrorism . only if the areas of agricultural policy , development policy , trade policy , financial policy and energy policy , as well as research , work together can improvements be achieved . to summarise : this is not just about supporting a key sector of our economy but is an approach from which we all stand to benefit in the long run . here , we clearly prefer a diplomatic solution , a negotiated solution , instead of a military solution . the Commission , however , takes the view that the VHI ' s capacity has indeed changed . it is those countries that have contributed least to climate change that will be affected most by it and if we do not resolve the issue of financing , we will not get a climate agreement either . ( DE ) Mr President , it has become clear that the focus of this whole issue is on the passengers . I support this report because it urges the commission to step up its monitoring of the implementation of EU law and improve existing EU law where it is established that it is not adequate in order to stop these scams once and for all . EU flags , national anthems and Europe Days may appear to be symbolic questions without any great importance . our proposal will take full account of the proposal made by Parliament to increase the commitments under the headings ' Competitiveness for growth and employment ' and ' External relations ' , through the use of the flexibility instrument . this is for the purpose of benefiting from adequate access to medical care , except for the cases in which it can be proved that the given persons can benefit from adequate treatment and medical care in their own country of origin . it comes as the last report from the European Parliament in the follow-up of the energy and climate change package from 10 January . if this law is not amended , I will feel deceived by the President-in-Office of the Council . that could have devastating consequences . I would be very pleased if everything that Mrs Kolarska-Bobińska has written and that has received the support of a large majority is actually retained . finally , the fact is that the data are difficult to compare and so more direction from the Commission is needed . the debate is closed . it is vital that a clear answer is given to these questions , just as it is also vital to clarify what the European Commission thinks about this situation and whether it intends to take any steps to unblock the legislative process . that is not how things are , however . firstly , it is crucial that freedom of services should be applied in all Member States . more importantly , improving the energy efficiency of buildings is the most effective way of reducing energy consumption and emissions within non-ETS sectors by 20 % . in accordance with the treaty , the Commission must nevertheless remain neutral with regard to the public or private ownership of companies . Mr President , the summit in Córdoba will be a test for all of us , European institutions and Member States . but I know you will still have your work cut out tomorrow . nevertheless , membership of the European Union has , according to the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament , not become the first priority . it is very important to make every effort to deliver visa-free travel for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania as soon as possible . that is why I want to focus on the most important issues raised by these two proposals . however , what we need is for the Dublin regulation to be amended without delay . these funds must be , in the medium and long term , the ' rod ' which the relevant peoples will use to learn to ' fish ' and successfully become self-sufficient . this , of course , is key to all our futures . ( RO ) I would like to ask the Commissioner a question , as well as thank her for appearing before the House . as Luxembourg nationals speak and write in French and German , before the vote on this very sensitive resolution , may I draw your attention to the fact that there is an enormous difference between the French and German texts of paragraph 17 . I believe that everyone should be able to express their views on the democratic future of their country without being detained , tortured or subjected to degrading and discriminatory treatment . we must therefore not permit the emergence of new political currents inspired by ideas as anti-human as those that lay behind Nazism and communism . ( applause ) we must move much more quickly , and I would also ask you , Commissioner , to please stress to Mr Van Rompuy that the 4 February meeting should also be a meeting about energy consumption . I would like to thank Mr Smith , who has noticed the problem with the budget . ( applause ) in this context I am delighted to tell you that based on the interest expressed in the report of Mrs Madeira , the Commission will be able to organise discussions on topics related to tourism in coastal areas within the framework of the conference to mark European Maritime Day , which will take place on 19 and 20 May 2009 . female genital mutilation and also honour killings are taking their toll in Europe . Madam President , if the cost of every roll-call vote is really EUR 400 , I suggest that this Chamber is running itself with all the efficiency that it also applies to the common agricultural policy , to structural aid , to international development and to the rest of the European Union budget . however , its population includes many non-Chinese ethnic groups , the largest of which is the Uighurs . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( PT ) Mr President , Commissioner , we have decried the disastrous consequence of the liberalisation of the global economy for many sectors of economic activity , particularly in some Member States and the regions that are most dependent on these sectors . we have never been naive about the difficulty of delivering an effective programme in Iraq . unfortunately , such negligence of crimes of Communist totalitarianism brings with it an appeasement of all neo-Nazis in Germany , Russia or anywhere : any of them could ask , if the Soviets are forgiven , then why should not our ancestors also be forgiven ? Member of the Commission . - Here , I will be brief . we have drawn up a parliamentary resolution which forms a good basis for the discussions between the European foreign ministers . I found Mr Lundgren ' s intervention absolutely flabbergasting . as I said , good partners do not haul each other before WTO courts on account of their convictions . only by fighting will the workers be able to secure a high standard of free services provided solely by the government , well away from any private business activity . 18 . a Commission document issued yesterday confirmed that youth unemployment in the EU stands at 20 % , which is twice that forecast for overall unemployment . I am mentioning this because my country , Bulgaria , has 35 times fewer donors than Spain . for this principle to be observable in practice , however , it is essential that we set up a system of strategic reserves , increase the number of links between transport networks , and , in short , construct a working response mechanism that would provide technical assistance to countries that have suffered the most as a result of crises . in my opinion it is important to start at an early age with getting acquainted with the approaches of your neighbours or of other religions . Thirty-five legislative initiatives are foreseen in the work programme . they will certainly not do this unless there is strong pressure from all the signatory countries of the United Nations and the countries which are responsible for crimes against civilian populations countries such as Israel , the United States , Russia , China , India and Pakistan , which did not go to Dublin and which have refused to ban cluster munitions . a clear united message from this House and the whole European Union with the readiness to engage would make all in Albania reflect upon the best course of action . yesterday evening we were discussing population . with the 27 Member States , the European Union has approximately 2 million soldiers , 10 000 tanks and 3 000 fighter planes . the Commission will support good cooperation between Member States and will constantly monitor any complaints received in connection with the exchange of information or assistance . I should like to conclude by saying that innovation is not only reflected in end products or new services . can we seriously argue , as the opponents of this package do , that we can build growth on top of a mountain of debt that is continuously put off further and further into the future ? what does the Commission think of a situation in which the price of a Chinese product is less than the raw materials used to manufacture it ? I voted in favour of David Martin ' s report on the reform of the European Parliament ' s Rules of Procedure insofar as it will allow our House to adhere to the new ground rules accompanying the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . I believe that when we are reforming , when we are making documents available , when we are ensuring that there is greater transparency , we should take steps to show which parliamentarians are participating in the work of Parliament and which are not . I refer in particular to SMEs , which must be able to play an active part in the creation of standards without incurring excessive costs or suffering a lack of representation . when pornographic material can be just disturbing then viewing very vivid images of violence against others or even self-harm is something that really might provoke youths for thoughtless acts . what measures does it intend to adopt with regard to Member States on the Mediterranean which are receiving refugees from North Africa ? a great many other matters are also covered . in any case , I do often like to distinguish between capitalism and liberalism . in regard to the general cost reduction in the health sector as a result of the use of these new technologies , I would also draw your attention to the research into ' mobile health monitoring ' systems , the use of which would reduce annual health costs by EUR 1500 million in Germany alone . I would say that this project has to be tackled along the same lines as we tackled the large internal market project of the European Union . the timidity of the ECB and the euro area states is preventing us from funding a more effective economic recovery policy through the issue of Eurobonds guaranteed by a European Union whose funding capacity remains intact . the debate is closed . ( ES ) Madam President , I voted in favour of this initiative because when we talk about precarious work , we are talking once again about the inequality and discrimination that women suffer in Europe . this is one area for which you have supreme responsibility . I presume that a general conclusion was that , despite the difficulties that might exist and the improvements that could be introduced , this European Neighbourhood Policy that forms part of our strategy has worked well and has ensured that many of our partners and neighbours can enjoy stability , economic progress and economic and social development . since the introduction of the women ' s quota between 2003 and 2009 the number of companies quoted on the stock market has decreased from 554 to 362 . this matter only seems trivial . we already have new pressures in category four , where we are allowing for a very tight margin that will be made tighter by the need to include the Baltic Sea Strategy . African countries , China and India want to keep their exemptions not to submit to the international system of monitoring emissions and , at the same time , receive billions of euros for clean technologies . democratisation must succeed here too . ( the oral amendment was accepted ) the contribution that the European Union is making to achieving this goal is to ask the Member States for military expenditure to be increased , and as a result this civilisation has reached the immoral situation of having the highest arms expenditure in the world in 2006 , more than in the Cold War : 17 times more than we spend on international cooperation . I respect public opinion of this kind . however , the report notes that ' the Gulf states ' sovereign wealth funds account for more than one third of the world total and those funds helped to rescue the global and European financial system ' . in this respect , after having consulted his colleagues and counterparts and received their consent , President Sarkozy , in his capacity as President of the European Union , assumes the responsibilities of engaging in a comprehensive dialogue between the European Union and China . you , my dear colleagues on the right , are perpetuating a traditional system with a male breadwinner and his little wife , with her little job on the side , kept neatly under his thumb . ( RO ) The Package Travel Directive encompasses transport and accommodation services , along with other related services provided through package holidays . so , with those very few words , I commend Mrs Gräßle for her efforts and I urge the Council and Commission to listen carefully . much of this is naturally related to climate change . we must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available . then we discussed the need for the establishment of joint forces to help Member States cope with natural disasters like those which struck us this year . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , it is the case that , in recent years , there has been rapid development of the European foreign and security policy . however , considering the potential negative impact that measures could have on the population , we still hope that an acceptable solution will be found without the necessity to isolate such a strategically important country , as many of you have said . as for the financial system , the European Council also made a forceful call for all players in the system to act responsibly , especially in the banking sector . the ' least bad ' solution - and I use that expression again - is for the EU to insist that non-compliant Member States spend their regional funds on stamping machines and also to pay for an inspectorate whose staff are nationals of compliant Member States . we must understand that . it is not easy here , but when you are in the Council , it is worse , because there you have to work with unanimity . I hope that this could have an impact on other , related sectors , such as plant protection product data requirements , which are right now moving through their own revision process . also , if transparency applies to agricultural credits , why not also , in a spirit of populism , have transparency over the pay of the EU ' s senior officials ? unfortunately , however , the report does not deal with the ethnic cleansing which the Russian Federation carried out in Abkhazia from 1991 when , because of Georgia ' s independence , almost a quarter of a million Georgians were forced to leave Abkhazia , their own country . it is certainly true that delays in terms of integration , wage gaps or a lack of career profiles are legion for women , particularly in the field of science and research . modern family policy is about the equal responsibility of men and women for children and work . I know that many parents and teachers are increasingly anxious about children accessing material which is inappropriate and potentially dangerous . President of the Commission , President-in-Office of the Council , I am afraid small and medium-sized enterprises will disappear with this crisis and nobody will care . review of the consumer acquis ( debate ) I trust every democratically elected government in Europe which is accountable to a parliament and to the public to do this . ( ES ) Madam President , Mr Barrot , it is no coincidence that a whole series of Spanish MEPs have spoken . I would like to call upon Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to seek to overcome their differences and show that they are faithful to the generous founding EU spirit , which we all need so very much today . this highly popular and profitable service was cancelled last October , forcing customers into unnecessary travel and inconvenience to go to other airports , the reason being that Air India did not want to lose its highly valuable Heathrow slots . it has caused numerous inequalities and pressures , especially among vulnerable groups . I personally believe it will be useful , but I think we need to discuss it here . while there is already some production in eastern Europe , there will be a significant volume of new imports . it is , however , regrettable that the proposal for a Tobin-style tax on financial transactions has not been adopted , as that would make it possible to limit excessive speculation , and promote financial stability and investment in the long term . the second problem is a recent decision by Azerbaijani authorities to cancel the FM radio licences of several international radio stations like Radio Free Europe , Voice of America , BBC World Service and others , depriving listeners in this country of valuable and independent sources of information . nevertheless , we believe that these documents can be improved in the future , and we would remind you that we are advocating a long-term buildings strategy . the solution to this problem can only lie in a combination of all these approaches and , actually , as part of a common political will . the role of Libya , as partner on many issues in the Mediterranean region and in Africa , has been found to have a major impact on the security and stability of the region , in particular , on migration , public health , development , trade and economic relations , climate change , energy and cultural heritage . the southern Member States are subjected to great pressure , particularly since the popular movements in Egypt and Tunisia , and the war in Libya , began . thus , there is a very real need for us to address the problem of Pakistan . European businesses manufacturing high-quality products of excellence will then benefit from an instrument to protect and promote them in order to support them in the face of tough competition from countries outside the European Union in certain sectors . in writing . - ( IT ) I voted in favour of Mr Kohlíček ' s report on the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector . it would do better to keep its own house in order . it is an essential and important step in enabling victims to reside or stay wherever they want in the EU and thereby be included in the freedom of movement . this is the main reason why these inequalities are playing an important role in finalising a free-trade agreement . in writing . - The common agricultural policy ( CAP ) has the potential to offer solutions to many of the problems currently affecting European farms , and this is obvious in no EU Member State more than in Ireland , where there is an equal commitment to both secure a fair and full CAP agreement and to move forward by implementing the changes necessary in 21st century farming . Mr Verhofstadt stressed the significance of the citizen ' s voice . we must give them perspectives . this would amount to 2.8 million tonnes . the less costly measures are specifically the regulation on origin marking , the protection of intellectual property , anti-dumping and the fight against counterfeiting . it acts as confirmation that Europe is in the process of construction , and that our priority is to improve and promote cooperation between the EU Member States in the field of health protection . whilst Mr Sterckx obliges ports not to turn ships away , Mr Savary says that they can deny entry if insurance certificates are not being provided . this resolution of Parliament follows previous commemorative resolutions from other international organisations such as UNESCO and OSCE . in my opinion it is important not only that the ASEAN members ratify the eight core ILO conventions , which only Cambodia , Indonesia and the Philippines have so far done , but also that we ensure that we put mechanisms in place to make sure they are properly enforced . it is for this reason , moreover , that I have two minutes instead of one . moderation in energy , whatever the word used , is finally on the agenda . ( PL ) Mr President , I would like once again to express my pleasure at the importance that the Community attaches to the need for innovation in Europe . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the European governments are being driven by the markets . specifically , the Member State must be given a national action programme . one of their main points of criticism is the Bologna Process . we are fully aware of the views of the European Parliament in this respect and will take those into account . secondly , the overall price of the product must be specified before a consumer agrees to purchase a product . I think it is getting better all the time , and I think the cap-and-trade system allows us really to tackle a huge proportion of the gases . we must ensure that Europe does not forfeit any of its economic capacities . the US still maintains the visa requirement for nationals of some Member States ( currently Bulgaria , Cyprus , the Czech Republic , Estonia , Greece , Hungary , Latvia , Lithuania , Malta , Poland , Romania and Slovakia ) . although , in 2009 , there was a small reduction in the number of complaints ( 9 % ) in comparison with 2008 , of the 335 cases opened , approximately 318 were concluded and closed . I am not convinced that a fence or a wall is a solution because there are other reforms that are much more important . it is important that we get it right . I voted in favour of this document , codifying Council Directive 80 / 720 / EEC of 24 June 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the operating space , access to the driving position and the doors and windows of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors . President-in-Office . - ( SL ) In June 2007 the Commission published a green paper on a future common European asylum system . the budget vote , which is upcoming , is also extremely important for ensuring appropriate future funding for agriculture . under Article 36 of our Accession Treaty we have the right to start reactivating this nuclear power station . the second point was the arrangement whereby Parliament was to be more closely involved in the continuing development of the security provisions . as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Fisheries , I decided to vote against this agreement because it ignores the opinion adopted by this committee , which proposed abolishing the derogation from the rules of origin for processed fishery products at the end of the negotiations on the Interim Partnership Agreement . finally , particular attention ought to be paid to isolated regions and islands , as in the case of Greece , where cohesion policies will significantly help the local population to stay put , find employment , have access to new technology and professional opportunities , and to comply to the Community norm . we are not here to decide whether these people are guilty or innocent . to improve the quality of these projects and the effective impact of their implementation , EU Member States must avail themselves of the maximum technical assistance which the European Commission can offer . I therefore support the call made by my fellow Members for the European Union solidarity mechanism to be activated immediately . both motions for resolutions recall such ENP values as democracy , the rule of law , and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms , including the freedom of the media , the independence of the judiciary and the fight against corruption . it makes sense to simplify but not to radically change at this stage . this text has the merit of recognising market failures and advocating the fight against climate change . I think that it is very important to distinguish between professional and political arguments that have their place in a democratic society and actual interference with the European Central Bank ' s fiscal policy . there were many points on which we were in total agreement , and others I hope we can work on in the future : specifically , the European consumer scoreboard promoted by the European Commission , a very important instrument that nonetheless , in my view , still does not provide standardised data to enable people to make clear decisions . the damage to infrastructure has been enormous and half a million homes have been seriously damaged . taking into account that in the area of satellite communication the European Union at present covers 40 % of the world market , we can clearly see that a common non-discriminatory policy can significantly strengthen the important role of the Union in this sector . the Commission therefore immediately responded to the ruling by commissioning several studies , launching a comprehensive consultation process and carrying out the impact assessments . extradition -procedures for which are defined in a bilateral agreement - should have been granted . greater attention should be paid to social and cultural aspects and to support for development in a framework of mutual respect for the different levels of development and different political choices of the people . I say to Alexander Lambsdorff that he has allowed himself to be hijacked by this , but all he has to do tomorrow for us to unanimously support Lasse Lehtinen ' s report , is to vote for our Amendments 5 and 6 , which keep the door firmly open . the cultural sector is a growth sector that is developing faster than many other areas in the economy . you know that this has been a very sensitive issue , and with these agreements with third countries we create better possibilities for European airlines as well . the small example of the urban mobility plan could be a real help in addressing this much larger problem . whilst it stresses the right to advertise , it ultimately asserts the patient ' s right to information . that being said , I would like to mention three of the proposals put forward in the excellent report by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis . this should also include a plan for the Baltic Sea energy connections network . non-governmental organisations have submitted complaints relating to the creation of illegal and secret databases for storing personal information in connection with racial and ethnic origins , and have stated that they are appealing to the relevant authorities . words are not enough . we therefore urge the Council and the Commission to provide aid immediately and to launch comprehensive medical assistance programmes for the civilian population in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo without delay . ' including the gender dimension in order to empower women and defend their rights ; ' secondly , it needs to adopt specific measures for breeders that use sustainable protection measures . in writing . - ( DE ) The Union for the Mediterranean is seen by some people in Europe as a prestige project initiated by a few political leaders . the murder of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink should have provided a period of national reflection but , sadly , this did not happen . it will be up to the people of Iceland to have the final say : they will have to vote in a referendum , and I hope that they will opt in favour of joining our great European family . item 11 of this document stated that the measures which had been unveiled by the Commission were not sufficient to provide the desired incentives for constructing at least 12 demonstration facilities by 2015 , while in item 18 it was considered imperative that at least the 12 demonstration facilities earmarked for assistance should cover all possible combinations of the three carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies . opening of the sitting part two this question is particularly important because the bigger the vehicles that manufacturers produce , the bigger their profit margins . the solution to the Greek crisis must entail tough reform measures in Greece . similarly , tree-planting programmes in Rwanda have resulted in such an increase in the flow of rivers towards the capital that it can now be powered solely by a hydroelectric plant . ensuring the peaceful unfolding of that process will be of great importance , not just to Egyptian civilian society itself , but also to the region as a whole . violence against women , in my opinion , also reflects and reinforces inequalities between men and women , and therefore often determines the position of women in society . I support the report because it includes the gender dimension of the CAP . freedom of religion is a fundamental human right , and religiously motivated discrimination and violence are inconsistent with our values . I am quite concerned by the magnitude assumed by these disasters in recent years , which not only have natural but human causes as well , with consequences for both the economic and social infrastructure . this is because of Israel ' s continual violation of international law , and because of our political commitments to Palestine . as for the population of working age , it would peak at 331 million around 2010 and would then decrease regularly to around 268 million in 2050 . therefore , this aid - which we should remember is granted at national , not European , level , and is therefore dependent on each individual Member State ' s economic resources - could be seen by many people as causing an imbalance in competition , but in reality , it would provide a little relief to a sector that is increasingly on its knees . it is an enormous challenge , but it is a strategic issue which we cannot ignore . some people claim that violence within intimate relationships is a private matter , a family matter . we have to look at the causes of ill health , and the debates this evening have centred round those . however , the report insists on advocating these policies . in this context , I demand the release of Judge Afiuni , and I appeal to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to send - I am just closing - a petition to the Venezuelan authorities expressing the fears of the European Union in connection with breaches of human rights , democratic principles and law and order in Venezuela . thank you for your attention . as I have just told you , these different language versions are still being finished , and as you know , the Council can only pass that document , that agreement , to Parliament , when the different language versions are available , which the Commission has in hand . in writing . - We have voted against Amendment 4 , because it states ' is of the opinion that any possible solution should not lead to distortion of competition ' . I would like to start by saying that I think it is extremely important for us to truly make an effort to reduce the extent of counterfeiting . in Gaza , Ottomans , the British , Egyptians , Israelis , Americans and Europeans are all part of the problem . every year , we pay EUR 4.5 billion net to the EU , most of which is channelled through to the weak Member States , the EU ' s spending is on the rise , while we are having to make cuts and while the value of the euro is continuing to slide , as a result of which the cost to Dutch citizens is rising , too . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , please allow me first of all to thank Mrs Lucas for her report , which draws attention to the overwhelming need to face up to the problem of the destruction of tropical forests . lobbying activities must be removed from the grey area , as it were , so that we have a clear and factual picture of where influence is genuinely being brought to bear . one of the Member States ' most important duties is to ensure the security of their citizens , but without jeopardising fundamental human rights . we can look for various options , yet there is simply no alternative to this strategic response . likewise , the chairman of the board of regulators can attend the relevant committee and give an account of their work . why not continue to strictly monitor the US producers ? yesterday , Spain and Europe lost a great statesman : one of the main architects of democracy in Spain and the founder of the People ' s Party , some of whose members are with us in the Chamber . firstly , the sudden and belated discovery , in respect of the signing of the 2010 budget in December 2009 , that the 20 % limit for expenditure under ' heading 5 ' had been exceeded . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , climate change really is one of the most serious problems facing mankind in this day and age . indeed , I would have preferred Amendment 1 - but of course that fell on the adoption of Amendment 4 - where it was recommended that the implementation of the electronic identification system be deferred until 2012 at the earliest . we need to take a tough line on illegal organ trafficking . as far as the FTT is concerned , it is clear that the options today differ from the initial discussions on the Tobin Tax , as it would cover a broader base of financial products . you have also mentioned the delegitimisation of dialogue , since we cannot tolerate a dialogue that could , one way or another , give the impression that killing innocent people , injuring innocent people , can be a way of serving mankind . it is not good or sound budgeting to fail to pay out on the outstanding commitments agreed on in previous years , so both must be taken into account when shaping the final draft proposal for 2012 . the Islamic Republic of Iran ( hereinafter referred to as Iran ) is facing an array of governance challenges , from power struggles between competing factions within the country ' s ruling elites to a crippling social and economic malaise , a problematic regional security environment and rising popular discontent at home . the end result we have before us is a compromise which we are happy to support . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I am not taking the floor simply to stand up for my region . while the European Union and many agencies in the Member States work very hard and with great commitment , supported by NGOs , to protect species , this conversation demonstrated once again that many people see the protection and maintenance of biodiversity as something of a luxury . this is not an emergency aid solidarity fund ; it is a fund which is based on reimbursement of specific costs for emergency operations after disasters , allowing for a return to normal living conditions . I would say , the history of the overall policy of Europe in relation to its neighbours . the Member States and the Commission thus wish to pursue the discussions in the various international bodies to establish the conditions for such a global agreement , or bilateral agreements , with a view to forging links between the European system and other national or regional systems in the future . the Bologna Process and student mobility ( short presentation ) it is now time that we took the important next step , because the European project cannot be limited to a pure , bald financial-monetary project . whatever could be the explanation ? we in the Committee on Regional Development have a different proposal from the one contained in the Garriga Polledo report . not all of us had a referendum and the opportunity to give our views on the future development of Europe , yet there are things happening across the EU that have a direct impact on our work in facing the challenges before us and all of those policy issues that have already been mentioned - employment , social rights , economic regulation , fighting terrorism , peace and justice - and I am proud to speak , incidentally , as chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Wales . finally , I should like to say that anyone who knows the animal feed industry cannot doubt the obvious impact that both these factors will have on food prices . the EU Commission notes that despite legislative advances , ' however , senior members of the armed forces have made a number of statements going beyond their remit , in particular , on judicial issues ' . ten years ago , in my report on the role of the European Union in the field of sport , we called for a White Paper , and I am pleased that we are able to vote on it today . the first to take the brunt have been taxpayers , also in terms of rising unemployment , dwindling incomes , reduced access to social services and increasing inequalities . in short , a framework dedicated to reforms which facilitate the completion of the internal market as the best way of stimulating economic growth as a job creator in the European Union . the promotion of the EU radio spectrum should not overshadow the needs of the poorest people in Europe . 18 . they are therefore vital to new clean energies as well . the European External Action Service should be a major player in devising a truly comprehensive European approach to civil and military crisis management at European level and to conflict prevention , providing the EU with sufficient structures , human and financial resources to fulfil its global responsibilities . in a nutshell , Bosnia and Herzegovina today needs urgently to overcome the current political stalemate , to move seriously towards the European Union . I would also like to thank all the shadow rapporteurs . when we are over this , will consumers really want to buy a big high-consumption car , or will they want a small , smart car ? I think that such exports should not be permitted . today is the first step on the way to conciliation to end the ' opt out ' . on balance , I think the possible benefits are larger than the possible negative effects . therefore , I hope that already in this trialogue this strong sense of responsibility that we all share , and it could not have been otherwise , will open the way to calm , responsible and constructive negotiations for the future of our Union . in other words , universities do not always take market needs into account and the ones worst affected by this are the young people who have just finished their studies . in relation to this , I would like someone to speak in favour of the motion . unless other oenological practices for making rosé wine can be discovered , we might for example be inspired by Pierre Dac , who said : ' Graft roses onto vines to get natural rosé wine ! ' I am pleased that the report defends and endorses the systematic integration of the protection of the rights of women and children in all dialogues and consultations on human rights between the European Union and third countries . what is more , the government also blocks websites . this is why I believe that we should actively involve national authorities , the European Commission , as well as members of this Parliament , in promoting SOLVIT . Madam President , my thanks to Mr Albertini for his report and I hope that everyone concerned will play their part in the efforts required . for all these reasons , I would like the agenda for the European Council to reflect the importance of strengthening the commitment to act and work in cooperation with the European Parliament , notably in relation to the preparation and follow up of the action plan to be adopted during the coming six months of the Spanish Presidency . secondly , this directive , despite its inadequacies , and I accept that it has some , is not a regulation . often described as a catalogue of the worst national practices , the current directive has two major disadvantages : it fails to sufficiently protect the rights of asylum seekers , and it creates major disparities in treatment within the Member States . Roma integration is therefore not merely a moral duty and a duty in terms of human rights protection but , above all , an economic necessity as well . the Council took the view that the use of these substances could potentially mask poor hygiene practices . would we invest in subsidies for tobacco production , for producing tobacco that cannot be sold in the normal way , at the same time as we are by and large banning smoking in the EU ? now for two points . given the huge EUR 1 000 billion turnover of these funds , any mistake in their application could have an extremely negative effect on European financial stability . more seriously though , firstly , the outermost regions , all those that we call overseas , form part of the European Union , an important part , wherever those territories my be located and whether they have ties with France , Spain , Portugal , the United Kingdom or wherever . what has happened since then ? at the same time , we cannot just stop at these decisions , as they will only provide short-term results . I have already written a letter bringing this matter to the attention of the Prime Minister of Poland , Donald Tusk , but I have not yet received a response . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , I think we should be clear what this motion for a resolution is not : it is not a re-run of the rather controversial and contentious report that we had last year ; it is not about how to get a political solution to the territorial dispute and conflict over Kashmir . it would take 10 lines ! Parliament accepts the figure imposed on the Council by the most thrifty or miserly Member State , but on condition that we agree on protecting the future . for that reason , this resolution must not be seen as a private project of mine , but as a common stance of the European Parliament as a whole . to reply to Mrs McGuinness , I think that the response from the G20 , the way it was prepared , the fact that there is an action plan agreed by the G20 , shows that the Council was united in its action . for this reason the Commission prefers that taxes and contributions should be imposed at Community level not at the present stage but until such a time as a study has been carried out into the issue . you know that no agreement was reached on this because some Member States put insurmountable problems in the way , but now the Slovenian Presidency has raised something that I think could be dealt with as a priority : the matter of judgments in absentia . alongside adequate healthcare and equal opportunities in employment , the Member States need to keep a closer eye on the extent to which EU funds for the Roma are actually used for the benefit of the recipients . however , it turns out that at the moment the compromise reached is the limit of what is acceptable . it is a positive sign that Parliament , despite massive pressure from lobby groups , has expressed its objections to such arbitrary exclusion from the Internet and has not accepted that any user can be denied access to the Internet . I gather very few . we need a stronger Europe and a genuine partnership with the US to achieve the Millennium Development Goals . there are many challenges in the area of the donation and transplantation of human organs . in any case , that is what I shall be proposing to my fellow Commissioners in the coming days . what conclusions does the Commission draw from this study ? therefore , we fully support the Commission in adopting tough measures against governments and businesses which neglect to take action in this area . there is no doubt that this new regulation will improve the timeliness , comparability and completeness of the statistics transmitted , as well as the efficiency of the data processing . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , first of all I would like to thank the rapporteur for the work he has accomplished . the Chinese only have to apply their own constitution , which states in three places that this cultural heritage must be preserved . what is important here is that we include , within this package , technologies for carbon capture and storage , the promotion of offshore wind energy and interconnection of gas and electricity transmission networks . they have gained from Greece ' s fragility , and now they are imposing their imperial position of absolute domination of the country ' s internal policies in exchange for a loan on which they will also gain from the interest . ( FR ) Mr President , for several weeks the world has been undergoing a serious financial crisis . that is the right approach to take . that is what honest Padania has to say ! the illegal logging regulation does not aim to punish or to hinder trade but rather to better control trade . ten years have passed , the G20 , like several Member States , is no longer ruling out the idea of such a tax , and above all , the financial crisis has served to remind us of the damage that volatile financial markets can cause . this scheme must not simply involve children eating apples ; rather , they must know what type of apple they are eating and what its nutritional properties are and they must understand the beneficial effects of that fruit on their health and development . the possibility and ability to learn and work in an international context is a prerequisite for a successful working life in a globalised economy . the situation in Palestine is , unfortunately , one of the best examples of this . this cannot go on any longer : the stakes are too high , and we have to know about projects that are harmful to the Baltic Sea before it is too late . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I personally am very pleased that we are having this debate on the human rights situation in Tunisia . finally , this report reminds us that the European Commission needs to ensure that promoting innovation does not endanger the progress made in basic research . although there are companies which pay union wages , there is evidence that women work in departments where they have fewer opportunities to progress and where they are paid smaller allowances . I am sorry to have been a little long , but I think this is such an important matter . an essential of our development and support policy must be to mutually uphold the requirements for environmental protection . a series of events - the economic crisis , the financial crisis , the new type A flu virus - is further aggravating the situation in the air transport industry , and this situation demonstrates just how urgent and indispensable support measures are , not only for the airlines , but also their employees . it is particularly significant that the debate and vote on this report seeking to draw attention to the inequalities and discrimination that persist have taken place on International Women ' s Day , whose centenary is being marked in 2011 . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes the coastline of the EU is 23 000 kilometres in length and one third of the population lives by the sea . COP 9 will help to ensure this . Madam President , today the Irish House of Representatives , the Dáil , will vote on the EU-IMF financial assistance package . I also attach key importance to the implementation of the same laws in all Member States , adequate social protection - I repeat , social protection - and the fight against social exclusion . I would first like to thank Mr Staes warmly for the fact that we have genuinely achieved a joint report in many , many respects that I can categorically support . opening of the sitting I am sick of hearing that we cannot do better , that we have done all we can . I want to highlight the quality of the debate and interventions at all stages , both in technical and academic terms and also in terms of the discussion on the political content and on the process . the application of this scheme will take into account the technological development time lag and the negative consequences of the economic crisis . Mr President , I am grateful for all the contributions that have been made to this debate , and I would like to express my very special thanks - because I did not do so just now - for the crucial role played in all this by Mrs Bowles , the Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs . what is really encouraging is that although I lead the negotiations , I do so with the E3 + 3 sitting with me ; and that shows very clearly to Iran that we are totally united in our approach , and I pay tribute to all those who work with me . that would have a very negative effect on the running of the EU . our public health problems are so serious that we are once again compelled to raise taxes . but apart from that , I fear the Robin Hood tax is facing the same problems as the Tobin tax , that you can only do it if it happens on a global scale . during the Committee stage , my amendment rejecting the idea that resolution of the Cyprus question is to be achieved through unilateral action by Turkey was not accepted . we are under an obligation to her to ensure that human rights and the rule of law are introduced into the North Caucasus . this system is justified in itself . the sectors most affected were construction , agriculture , industrial production , trade , transport and communications . in the case of congestion , however , if the aim is to fight and reduce this phenomenon , all road users causing it must be treated in the same way without any discrimination between the various elements responsible . this is a signal that Poland will discharge its obligations with regard to the Treaty . what has happened , then ? I was a member of the Folketing , the Danish Parliament , when Denmark was lured into saying ' yes ' to the Treaty of Lisbon on condition that it did not lead to the surrender of sovereignty . we Social Democrats welcome any initiative that improves the situation of asylum seekers and people with no documents . I hear that you want the second objective I mentioned . Prime Minister , you mentioned three fundamental principles which I would like to take up , because they are also fundamental principles of our movement . given the financial crisis and the significant drop in the number of loans being granted , I support the proposal by the European Commission to establish a microfinance instrument targeting the most vulnerable groups , and particularly women , young people and the unemployed . that is the best hope for the future of Pakistan , and it is the best hope for relations between Europe and Pakistan : that we get a democratically elected parliament in January , with the President out of uniform , in ' civvies ' . the Regulation will contribute significantly towards strengthening the EU ' s leadership role in the talks being held under the auspices of the UN Environment Programme , and also towards the adoption of an international treaty on mercury . ever since the late 80s and the early 90s , the supply of cod has been dropping steadily . even when confined to those 250 kilometre journeys , the directive barely received enough support from the Member States to pass . during recent years , they have also been faced with another huge problem - ever-rising oil prices . and as Mr Schulz has already said this is also a kind of positive signal of Europe ' s flexible policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean . however , I take this opportunity to recall that we still lack a common set of criteria , definitions and an in-depth analysis which would thoroughly explain the various pension systems and their capacity to meet the needs of citizens . this anniversary , then , gives us a particularly apt message of hope for today ' s times . it has threatened to impose sanctions if constitutional order is not restored within six months . I would like to mention a few of them here : a centre of excellence for environmental technologies in Slovenia , the Burgenland Mobility Centre in Austria , the ' brain hunt ' competition in Estonia , the new building for the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology in Germany , the science park in Granada in Spain and the development of the problem district of East Leipzig in Germany . the first European Community Directive in 1958 refers to multilingualism . there was also consensus that we do not want a litigation industry to develop in Europe as it has in America , with turnover of USD 240 billion , which is ultimately of no advantage to consumers and , as we all know from simply reading the relevant books , mainly profits American law firms . I come from Berlin , and there alone , we have had six arson attacks against mosques within the space of six months , fortunately not resulting in any deaths , following the uproar sparked by a social-democratic former central banker . I was , therefore , expecting the Party for Freedom to show greater support for the negotiation process . the straightjacket of the EU regulation is closing our industry , stopping innovation when it is ahead of the regulations and closing traditional industry , where the product is good but different from the approved continental version . 1 . this is the ideal system . firstly , the completely new system it provides should enable us to recognise macroeconomic imbalances at an early stage ; and secondly , we should then be able to act quickly . in writing . - I am very glad of the fact that today , the European Parliament adopted its position in second reading on the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of the principle of equal treatment between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed capacity and repealing Directive 86 / 613 / EEC . the not-for-profit sector was also involved . I believe that the new directive will provide a coherent and uniform set of rules for patients all over Europe . in writing . - ( PL ) Toxic substances contained in products used for cleaning , rinsing and disinfecting , as well as in paints and solvents , can pose a risk to human health by irritating respiratory pathways and eyes and by causing allergies . secondly , Mrs Reding , when we are negotiating with candidate states , we insist that they apply the highest standards of press freedom , otherwise they cannot join the European Union . in my opinion , in local public transport , this should be a principle that we all keep to , and I believe we want to do so . I have test-driven several of the environmentally friendly cars . many problems that today affect the majority of the Baltic States , for example - you mentioned Poland , but I could , of course , mention Bulgaria , Romania , Hungary - are due to the fact that they are not in the euro area . the compromise that is now before us , namely that we review the social situation in the European Union in a few years ' time and take further measures as necessary strikes me as a very reasonable proposal . that certainly was not the case : the conference was the first step on a journey and , as I said before , we are now taking further concrete steps , which will build on the Lisbon impetus . information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products ( vote ) Mr President , the Committee on Budgets was aware of the European Union ' s moral responsibility to countries that are in difficulty . what the Member States have agreed now was the creation of a European stability mechanism . I must say to you , however , that your speech seemed entirely improper to me . ( PL ) Mr President , as a Pole , I always feel my heart beat faster when there is talk of human rights in China . fourthly , in the light of the current crisis , the presidency also urges agreement on the review of the Directive concerning measures to safeguard the security of natural gas supplies by the end of 2009 . the current legislation in force allows for derogation . at the same time , we support these programmes being drawn up based on an assessment of the need for them and their timeliness , providing us with the assurance that the funds are being spent effectively in programmes which meet the objective of helping promote Community products . the right path , in this case , is to guarantee a multilateral agreement which safeguards all our legitimate interests . in this amendment we oppose creating legally binding instruments that would affect national legislation , policies and programmes and so affect the element of solidarity . the ENP applies to a huge area , from Morocco to Ukraine . is there no area of activity in which the EU will trust national governments to do what they think is best for their own peoples ? the pace of integration of the Western Balkan countries is individual and depends on the merits of each one of them with regard , in particular , to their determination to satisfy all the requirements , meet all the obligations , carry out all the reforms and adopt the necessary measures that EU membership implies . the right of veto and representative government have been cut in 62 areas as against 61 in the Constitution . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted for the Niebler report concerning the extension of the EC / US agreement for scientific and technological cooperation . we also want to see a more effective internal market . however , if the predictions of European Union geologists are confirmed , then gas reserves may be found not just in Poland and Germany , but possibly also in other countries . ( DE ) I will now continue in German . I feel there is a very high level of agreement in this House about what is important in the European position and which issues we must concentrate on ahead of the G20 . six months have elapsed and the situation is as follows . the government has been unable to privatise the shipyards , the Commission has taken no account whatsoever of Parliament ' s position , the yards are not producing , the future is uncertain , people have lost their jobs and have been left in limbo . this would require action not only from you , but also from the entire college and the President of the Commission . the obligation to protect the discriminated is embodied in our most important legal acts - in the treaty and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights , which is referred to in the treaty . the companies are nasty parasites on small- and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) in the Union . irrespective of the territorial issue with regard to Kosovo , Serbia is , of course , a key State in connection with the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU , and one which we should involve in all steps that we take . this means that it will not be easy to submit a new proposal that might miraculously solve the situation . if we vote through the Committee ' s proposal it will mean that the European Parliament will establish that tobacco and alcohol are not the same as any other goods , just as we have previously heard in this House , and must be treated differently . ( the President cut off the speaker . ) I have to oppose the Socialists ' amendment calling for equivalence between Member States ' systems of regulation and supervision in the context of applying the private placement regime , which would entail permitting reciprocal access to markets . we are not allowed to trade sufficiently with our traditional partners in the British Commonwealth . they have demonstrated that democracy and human rights can be universal values . we are running the risk of becoming a profoundly illiberal society , by passing on passenger data , by Internet surveillance . in short , we have to translate this momentum into a truly global result . the Commission supports this key element of the priority project that will make it possible to connect rail networks at both sides of the Alps by means of a highcapacity , high-speed line , mainly designed for goods transport . for decades , the United States has been pushing for the import of hormone-treated meat . in conclusion , I can tell you that in order to set practical work in motion , the so-called ' Article 29 Working Party ' , of which all those involved in this work are aware , and which is a Working Party responsible for coordinating data protection measures , is preparing a reasoned opinion on data protection in relation to search engines and service providers . they live in areas where incomes are much lower than the average for the EU , or even for the country they live in . it also shows , however , that in future a solution to every crisis can be found by means of international cooperation . after all , it is not complicated ! finally , I would also call for the EU strategy on Roma inclusion to be linked with the strategy for the Danube region . Mr Turmes , I really am trying hard to remain calm and objective here . green Paper on reform of the common fisheries policy ( it revisits it to make its demands broader and its penalties tougher . how will the Commission ensure that the core negotiations are focused on development ? we also need a policy with more solidarity that takes account of different levels of development and economic capability . I also welcome the fact that nuclear energy has found the place it deserves in such a report , and is presented as a necessary energy source . ( FI ) Mr President , it is quite true that health inequalities vary quite a lot within the European Union . I was delighted that at the end there was total , unanimous support for the opinion that we put down . arrangements for importing fishery and aquaculture products into the EU with a view to the future reform of the CFP ( the structural dialogue we introduced this year , the intense communication between the committees and the Commissioners really paid off . the first of these factors - that is , possession of knowledge - is not a problem today . the position taken by the authorities is also puzzling because it runs counter to that adopted during the election campaign , during which we witnessed the emergence of pluralistic forces , the formation of a real opposition and an active civil society . the answer to the question of ' Who decides what ? ' has not become clear to me in the course of the debate . a society based on creativity and knowledge is increasingly becoming a necessity for modern Europe . we recognise that tax fraud is a serious problem and that it needs to be tackled with great urgency , and in particular that a solution needs to be found to the so called " carousel " fraud in respect of VAT . the revision of the European Social Fund Regulation that we will adopt tomorrow will therefore enter into force immediately . this will make a significant contribution to reducing the bureaucracy associated with the European Social Fund . I therefore congratulate the rapporteur on the excellent job he has done in a context that is so important and crucial for our producers , including the very smallest , because emphasising quality and respect for dietary and ecological principles will help them to stand out and stay afloat in an increasingly global and competitive scenario . only by assessing the existing situation can we determine whether we need new security standards . I request the Italian government to take actions against any forms of discrimination on nationality or ethnicity criteria . it has come a long way , and it has taken a long time . Madam President , Commissioner , once again , I would like to thank the Members who have spoken . it is crucial that the Copenhagen conference results in a politically binding agreement . at any rate , I should like to assure the European Parliament that it is my intention - and not just my intention but also my desire - to move forwards with judicial cooperation on civil matters in Europe . our delegation has written a letter , which we have also sent to you , in which we ask that Mexico also sit at the G20 table and for this to be a permanent arrangement rather than merely a brief appearance . therefore , it should also be said loud and clear that there is something worse than no agreement and that is a poor agreement . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Mr President , I too am the shadow on this package and I would pick up on what Mr Díaz de Mera García Consuegra was saying about the moral duty here . much remains to be done and the EU will have to play its role , over and above observing the elections , by providing long-term support for a reform process . the implementation of the vital measures to combat climate change is hugely delayed . I would like to recall that in May this year , we adopted a resolution calling on Russia to respect the conditions of the ceasefire and to withdraw its forces from Georgian territory . ( ES ) Mr President , as has already been said , the Treaty of Lisbon is finally going to enter into force and some of the effects of this entry into force will be felt immediately after it is signed ; for example , some of the work of the Committee on Budgets must be governed by new rules starting from January . thus on this issue we may all insist together , the European Parliament and the Pan-African Parliament in unison , that any person who has ever violated international humanitarian law , especially during a power struggle , cannot be excused , and that we can then impose sanctions on those responsible . VAT reductions across the world are used to encourage people to buy energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly fridges , freezers and other goods that use up large amounts of energy , and cheaper prices for these products will help the less well-off . I was in Washington in July and met a number of Senators who believed that the bottom of the mortgage crisis had not yet been reached and this would not happen before 2010 . will things return to how they were before ? trade is an important instrument for transferring technology to developing countries . I agree with her assessment that women have been particularly affected by the economic and financial crisis that we are experiencing . what kind of statements are these ? any other consideration is secondary or unimportant . these things are crucial to the internal market . it also calls on the European Commission to assess the costs and benefits of creating a fully independent European Credit Rating Foundation . in writing . - ( NL ) The large majority of all nations in the former Yugoslavia wish to join the EU . in writing . - I voted in favour of the report on the 2009 Commission discharge because it gives an assurance of better management of payments in cases where funds are misused . there are lessons to be learnt from our totalitarian past . you made us elect Mr Barroso by saying that it was urgent and now you are going to have a ' lame duck ' Commission which will just keep going until a decision can be taken . how many times has Russia attracted attention in this regard ? the reason it gave for this was the relatively extensive construction activities on the Czech rail network , which cause trains to be delayed . together , we can put an end to the outrageous scandal that is long-term poverty . the launch of the new website at the start of 2009 is a welcome measure . Mr President , I would like to thank the rapporteur and the Chair for the work they have done on this report . although we do have a register of that kind for cows , it seems to be more difficult to achieve in relation to firearms . I guess that we will see Parliament voting in favour of approving the Council ' s accounts this week , and shortly afterwards the Council will be approving extra budget for the Parliament . financing instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide ( amendment of Regulation ( EC ) No 1889 / 2006 ) ( the response to the situation in Greece is an important matter , especially because what is happening there contradicts everything that was trumpeted about the virtues of the euro and the blessings of being in the euro area : being in the vanguard of the strong currency of rich countries . that is the bad news . the next item is the joint debate on the following reports : I support the idea of allowing derogations for Member States that wish to implement the farm structure survey in 2009 rather than 2010 due to the decennial population census in 2011 . the fact is that this policy has tangibly strengthened the power of internationally organised crime without putting adequate measures in place to combat it . the European Union is also going to financially support new projects in the field of alternative energy , and this includes the wind energy sector . what we have to do is use the money that is available to create the corresponding added value for the Danube and for the citizens , all 115 million of them , who live along it . this fact goes against the very title of the budget , which is to conserve natural resources . we should give some thought to the fact that while some of our fellow Members , chiefly from the EPP , worry about whether we will support a certain type of aircraft - I am no military expert and have no idea what this debate is about - then I believe we should pay far more attention to what Mr Arlacchi is talking about in this report , as it is very important . although legislation will only be harmonised to a limited extent , this harmonisation will , in reality , affect all EU entrepreneurs , since investors based in Member States which are not participating will also be able to take advantage of unitary patent protection . agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes to conclude , ladies and gentlemen , we ask that before Europe declares itself willing to open negotiations on the conclusion of a free trade agreement , it resolutely defines the Community interest that it intends to protect and specifies the areas in which it will request reciprocity from Japan . in December , though , we will need to look very carefully at the Commission ' s proposals to make sure that they meet the strict sustainability criteria Parliament is demanding . British farmers producing beef , sheep meat , pig meat and eggs have actually seen a drop in the value of their produce over the last year ; poultry meat is unchanged and milk only marginally higher ; sugar beet will fall next year . that instrument is fundamentally important now and should remain so , especially for fighting mafia groups and organised crime . in addition to this there are the hundreds , thousands even , of petitions that the Parliament receives each year and that often refer to specific infringements of Community law , against which citizens feel helpless and therefore turn to Parliament . I would like to thank the negotiators , particularly our rapporteur , Mr Gauzès , who , having been through such a difficult birthing process , surely ought to be entitled to some well-earned parental leave . the funding figures are currently EUR 3.6 per capita per annum to the east and EUR 3.4 per capita per annum to the south . the large-scale use of intelligent transportation systems and , first of all , of the electronic stability control is necessary . this incident was the cause of the events which have rocked Greece over recent days . that is the objective of the economic governance package , of which this report by my colleague Mrs Wortmann-Kool is a part . once again , I would like to thank my fellow Members from the European Parliament for their contribution and everyone from the European Commission and the Council for their constructive approach , and I will be grateful for an answer to these questions . there may be a fundamental change in the relations between the most important powers in the world and there is indeed a great risk in these times of anxiety of the emergence of national egoisms , of naked nationalism , of ugly nationalism and some forms of extremism . we are voting today on two reports that appear to be mutually complementary : Mrs Pack ' s report on the Bologna Process and Mrs Badia i Cutchet ' s report on improving the quality of teacher education . I voted in favour of the motions for a resolution on the outcome of the Copenhagen conference on climate change , albeit with some confusion . this is why the Presidency will do whatever it can to have this common position adopted at the Council meeting on 15 December , so that Parliament can adopt it in its part-session next January . with the settlement of the fisheries dispute , Croatia has once more affirmed its readiness for EU membership , and the Croatian Government is also strengthening its efforts to combat corruption . author . - Mr President , this afternoon I would firstly like to welcome the positive sign of relations between the EU and Belarus . ' the military and civilian crisis management units must be placed under the High Representative ' s authority , while the command and organisational structure may have to differ from that for civilian personnel ; the sharing of the intelligence analysis of players within the EEAS is of vital importance in order to assist the High Representative in fulfilling his / her mandate of conducting a coherent , consistent and efficient external Union policy . ' is it possible to shed light on the political will of Member States to fulfil their obligations ? there too , unfortunately , the ruling authorities have responded through the prism of repression and violence . today I ask for us to send that dove to the farthest corner of the world , so that it may return carrying the will to change of all the nations of the world . it is to be welcomed that President Rahmon has created the post of an ombudsman . however , we need to monitor the power of the supermarkets and to look at whether they are passing on the price increases they are charging to the producers of food . consideration has repeatedly been given to cutting this , but so far , we have always managed to ensure that it has not been cut in the budget . within the confines of Question Time , it is not possible to spell out their contents to you , but I do want to attempt to highlight the key points . the key to a successful revolution in Belarus is Russia , which has always been an ally of the regime . thirdly , when it comes to energy in Europe , the one and same message must be given . there are , however , other cost groups where it would seem to be difficult , or even impossible , to achieve a 2 % margin of error . I must point out that we had a Social Democratic Government in my own country , and five million people were unemployed when it left office . did I read ' partners ' ? I am , therefore , going to allow only six Members to speak . the whole world - Europe and the rest of the world - can follow their lead . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , this report is vital to the future of the European project , which should involve solidarity and ambitious aims , particularly in view of the budgetary crises that Member States are currently struggling with . at a time of financial crisis , simple financial instruments that are able to fund business , especially in underdeveloped regions or the above-mentioned social groups , are of particular value . let us wait and see tomorrow which way the majority in Parliament wishes to go . I am pleased , therefore , that amendments have now been tabled by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats and also by the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , which I expect to steer us onto a realistic course tomorrow . I agree with Mr Díaz de Mera García Consuegra in relation to the decisive contribution that immigration liaison officers posted to third countries could , by virtue of their remits , make to Frontex achieving its objectives , especially considering that the agency has no representation outside the European Union . entire sectors of industry are going under , such as the shipbuilding industry in Poland . the Afghan Government is not capable of acting as the sole manager of opium crops . supervision of the financial institutions within the EU is not a task for the EU at the present time . in the Fifth Framework Programme , the Commission gave financial support to studies and projects in the field of women and science . the worst of it is that the EU does not follow what is happening in climate research right now . appointing a European Union Special Representative for North Korea would allow us to monitor the human rights situation more closely in this country and ensure better coordination of the responses from Member States to this issue . the situation is the same in this case , if not even more clear , which is why I am obliged to vote against the motion . what is needed , then , is to ensure effective implementation both of the 27 conventions for countries to benefit from the generalised system of preferences ( GSP ) , and of the accompanying measures designed to improve implementation capacity . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , I should like to request that the voting sequence be changed and that Compromise Amendment 10 be put to the vote after we have voted on a number of other identical requests by various Groups that were due to be voted on after Amendment 10 . this means intervention , cultural events , and also speeches from diplomats . I read in the newspapers that the Council of Europe has made criticisms . despite opposition from the European Commission , the report defends the distribution , free of charge and on a daily basis , of fresh fruit in schools to improve the quality of health and life of children , particularly children from more disadvantaged backgrounds . I also call on the Commission to desist from referring Member States to the Court , as Mrs Gebhardt said , but rather to encourage dialogue on the best possible protection . there were also some contrary opinions among us - this is quite legitimate and these voices should be heard . I am sure that Mrs Malmström will be a wonderful representative . I believe there is a case for presenting it , because it seems to me that the rapporteur has recycled the argument cited last time by Mrs Wallis , who concluded that my parliamentary immunity should be lifted , something that the Court of Justice condemned in very clear terms . we are at a crossroads in the definition of what the future reform of the common agricultural policy must be . however this committee will be a normal comitology committee chaired by the Commission and subject to the same rules ; only qualified majority against the Commission ' s draft can then prevent the Commission from adopting it . at the moment , we need to ensure that the demonstrators ' calls for democratic reforms are heard as part of a genuine political dialogue . the African Union , the Southern African Development Community , the International Organisation of French-Speaking Countries , the Interparliamentary Union , the European Union , speaking via the Commission , the United States , and a large number of countries , including my own and Norway - to speak of countries from the European continent - have condemned the coup d ' état - for that is what it is - which has taken place in Madagascar . we wanted balance , not by having less budget discipline but by combining it with disciplined investment . I congratulate France which , during its Presidency , took the important initiatives we are discussing today . she did not use the word ' only ' but she might easily have done . the Commission has invested heavily in the development of common indicators for data collection . the country is headed by two lawyers , President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin , who have repeatedly expressed their intention of combating legal nihilism . the development of the EU ' s comprehensive approach and its combined military and civilian crisis management capabilities have been distinctive features of the common security and defence policy ( CSDP ) , and represent its core added value . that would be an irony that our children , our grandchildren and great-grandchildren would not forgive us , in my view , for allowing to come to pass . thus , I think the answer to this question is fairly clear . second , the effort needed to draw up financial statements for such an enterprise is out of all proportion to the resulting benefit for either the enterprise itself or the state . the defects of the Stability and Growth Pact , in both its substance and its enforcement , have been obvious for some time ; it is right that efforts are now underway to ensure a lasting settlement that works . that is the condition sine qua non for the political secularisation that is provided for in the Taif Agreements and that a growing majority of the Lebanese people want to happen . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( SL ) I must reiterate that I am here in this place as the representative of the Council and the Council has not addressed the question raised by Mr Leichtfried . ( DE ) Mr President , firstly I should like to offer my hearty thanks to Mrs Doris Pack for her report and , most of all , for her commitment . this has a cost , of course , but the cost of doing nothing would obviously be much higher . this will protect European manufacturing from counterfeit products imported from labour-intensive countries in the East . I conclude : the glib expression ' to cost the earth ' which we - English-language speakers anyway - use figuratively with gay abandon now needs to be taken literally . we have a shortage of employers - not a shortage of employees , but of employers , who can provide people with work . the creation of the EEAS will require a variety of decisions , probably including changes to the Financial Regulation and the Staff Regulations , both of which require a Commission proposal and adoption through codecision . in writing . - This report is part of a package of three reports with which the Parliament has answered to the broad Commission communication on the Single Market Act ( SMA ) containing 50 legislative and non-legislative proposals and divided in three different chapters , one focusing on Citizens , one on Business and one on Governance . the Europe 2020 strategy is not just inspirational , a list of objectives , it is not just a vision - it is a reform programme . there is an early warning system throughout the European Union for contaminated food . that concludes the explanations of vote . the European Union must confirm that it remains a stronghold of democracy and common values . the establishment of European standards in services is a way to dismantle barriers in services in the internal market and to do so sensitively . of course nobody does . ( applause ) ' - ensure respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms , with special regard to the freedom of speech and of assembly and the right to demonstrate peacefully , and to listen to and take into account the legitimate demands of protesters as well as to ensure their security ; ' updating this legislation enables us to guarantee equal treatment for men and women , with particular attention focused on the issue of social protection , especially protection for self-employed women . it is necessary to allocate funds to rural development under cohesion policy , because the second pillar of common agricultural policy is moving its activity to greening , ' ecologicalisation ' , environmental matters , agricultural development and processing . ( BG ) This topic is particularly important for me , as five of the six Bulgarian regions are in the top 10 poorest regions in the European Union . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner Frattini , Mr President-in-Office of the Council , ladies and gentlemen , the question of immigration is a political issue of special significance because it often involves human drama . in this context , the EU is too small to be an isolated island . what is important for the budget for ' other sections ' is to assess each institution individually . therefore , I believe the most important question now is : how and what could we further build on the achievements of the Swedish Presidency ? Mr President , in recognising Kosovo ' s independence , we have taken a huge responsibility upon ourselves ; a responsibility for maintaining peace and for the construction of sound state institutions in Kosovo . however , I have some comments to make . I would point out that the language arrangements of this enhanced cooperation will consist of just three languages : English , French and German . in this way , we will provide a bit more transparency for statistics at European level and therefore make the euro area that bit more competitive . I will say this again : the decision is very important , because we realise the resolution is needed quickly , but we need a resolution which has strong support , and these matters are of great importance . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , the Commission welcomes the agreement reached in first reading on the last of our four proposals on the alignment of existing legislative acts in the new comitology procedure with scrutiny . in writing . - ( FR ) In line with the vote in the Committee on Legal Affairs , I believe that the Commission has exceeded its brief here and that the European Union does not need to issue new instructions to the Member States . it would be like applying small sticking plasters to a gaping wound , which will just become larger and larger with the present transport policy . that will require flexibility and creative pragmatism from both this House and from the Council . the Council is not in agreement , and we shall have to come up with something . it is necessary to combat inflation , but on the other hand this is making the situation worse . every closed loophole in trade , every obstacle , certificates of origin and control will be another success . if we really do want to make progress towards this target of cutting red tape in Europe by 25 % by 2012 - and that , of course , is no longer very far away - we need to make major progress in this area . it is a result that my group can endorse , as we only ever wanted guidelines from the outset . another very important issue I wish to raise is that I think we should monitor the beneficiaries of this programme . no justification is required for air traffic security . - ( PL ) Mr President , the most important event of 2007 in the area of freedom , security and justice was clearly the enlargement of the Schengen area . there is a pressing need for industrial fishing in the Baltic Sea to be stopped . this industry represents a growing global market in which Europe should take the lead and achieve its independence . it is a prime example of the success of the Lisbon Strategy , which has strengthened Spain ' s economy and been the motor of unprecedented convergence to the extent that it stands at 105 % , ahead of the Community average . I have a feeling that the Empire is striking back . the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament is proposing a financial transaction tax ( FTT ) , the proceeds of which would go to the EU budget . this is a sorry state of affairs in a country whose development is so important to us , but relations between Europe and Russia should not , under any circumstances , stop at development in a strictly economic sense and economic modernisation . migration will not go away : it is driven by the heady cocktail of despair and hope , it follows the law of supply and demand , but it has the capacity , if properly managed , to enrich and energise Europe . the forthcoming conference can be assured that Parliament takes this issue very seriously . this will introduce substantial Europeanisation into the important field of measurement . these companies give their identities and they give their addresses . we want the truth , we want the whole truth , and if the Commission opened the debate - it was my colleague , Franco Frattini , who opened the debate at the hearing - it is precisely because we want to get to the bottom of the truth . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to thank you for the overwhelming support for this important proposal . if that is the case , my group requests that we delay the vote on the Krahmer report until tomorrow , so that we can investigate the implications of the application of the recast procedure to that vote . there are around seven Jewish festive days which cannot be observed because they are working days . the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund appropriations under heading 1b have been substantially strengthened , as the unpaid commitments under the funds - the RALs - are alarmingly high , at more than EUR 95 billion . 3 . the GUE / NGL Group will therefore vote for the proposed directive . in order to achieve tangible results it is important to step up European cooperation in combating unfair online advertising practices , and the most vulnerable groups of people such as children , adolescents , the elderly and so on need special protection . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of the legislative resolution approving , subject to amendments , the proposal for a Council regulation amending the regulation of 2003 as regards jurisdiction and introducing rules concerning applicable law in matrimonial matters , and this on the basis of the report by Mrs Gebhardt . I am not explaining myself properly . finally , I hope and expect Turkey to sign as soon as possible the anticipated readmission agreement with the European Union , without any delay and without imposing additional conditions . after all , only when it is time for the health check is it time to discuss a potential change to the existing regulations and structures . Prime Minister , to end , I must say that we here in the European Parliament very much appreciate and thank you for your words , but we need allies in the governments of the Member States . the crisis has highlighted , unfortunately , that many of the European Union ' s countries are vulnerable to energy blackmail and may end up suffering as a result of the misunderstandings , more of a political than an economic nature , between the countries from the former Soviet Union . it is henceforth the Commission that represents the Union in foreign affairs , not the European Council . we have fought for 10 years to have this treaty , and the Council did not want to wait 10 days to enforce the new provisions relating to the appointment of the two posts . there has been much talk about facilitating the lives of our citizens . Iran is a key country in the Middle East . is he absent ? the fact that the Hungarian Presidency is also setting its priorities in a similar spirit , and is placing emphasis on the strengthening of an EU that is close to its citizens , is welcome . some particularly tough challenges are therefore facing us as far as programming , the introduction of new solutions and implementation of the 10th EDF are concerned . concrete work must begin in order to establish partnerships with key actors with regard to regulatory approaches in all matters of common interest . ( SK ) Madam President , the transformation of Turkey into a genuine pluralistic democracy based on the protection of human rights and basic freedoms appears to be a continuing challenge . as proof , look at the number of mathematical formulas that exist for this purpose : the South Korean formula , the European formula , and of course the Swiss formula . I believe that when we take a good look at how successful the ERASMUS programme has been , whereby university students in Europe can study in different countries , make friends in other parts of Europe , and discuss it afterwards among their friends and contacts , it is clear that it makes an essential contribution to mutual understanding in Europe . at the same time , I am following with great attention the repeated efforts of the Commission and certain other parties , for whom the proposed target seems , on the contrary , rather unambitious , to reopen the debate on this topic and to try and change this regulation in order to set more stringent targets . ( RO ) Given that on 3 February Hungary and Romania were appointed Priority Area Coordinators for environmental protection in the Danube region , specifically for restoring and maintaining water quality , I would like to ask you when these coordinators are going to implement this priority action , because this will enable us to guarantee the quality of drinking water . now the time has come to remove the two greatest hindrances in Europe , which the Irish have in fact already discredited . I broadly agree with the measures proposed in this report , as I believe that this issue is one of the major challenges that Europe will have to overcome in the coming decades : the ageing population . in writing . - ( IT ) The Braghetto report contains much for us to think about as regards the implementation of the bluefin tuna recovery plan . ( DE ) Madam President , Mr Oettinger , in the bank stress tests , as we know , the leeway given was so generous that almost all the institutions investigated were able to come out of the tests relatively well . the proposals for economic governance represent an attempt to entrench cutbacks and wage cuts . this is truly alarming . for there is one thing that must be clear to us , which is that for the 16th time in succession the European Court of Auditors has not given a positive statement . there are several questions at least which should be put to the European Commission in the context of the communication on raw materials . although I essentially agree with the report , I reject its approach , which is why I am voting against it . the next forum will take place in February 2011 in Budapest , where the Commission intends to present its communication on a new EU sports agenda to sports stakeholders . nevertheless , I believe that the European Union cannot be indifferent to its development or ignore what is happening on its borders . the aim must be to protect the environment as much as possible from the unremitting expansion of aviation and to promote safety in the best possible way . this is not merely a matter of dealers ' responsibility ; no , it is primarily about the responsibility of producers . on the other hand , it is easy not to make any mistakes when one does little or nothing . I am very happy to see that while we did not manage to achieve progress in 2008 and 2009 , we now made a breakthrough during the Hungarian Presidency in that the Council is prepared to monitor processes , and inasmuch as it is able , will participate in this activity - we will see to what extent , negotiations are still to follow . the issue of Roma inclusion is a genuinely European problem , which is why the European Union must go to the very root of the discrimination suffered by the Roma community by combating stereotypes , in order to ensure equal access to employment , housing , healthcare and education . I hope that the victory of pro-European forces in Macedonia will help the Council towards a decision on the commencement of negotiations with that country , which is already a candidate and has spent a long time in the waiting room . I think that this is going to be a successful Presidency for three reasons : one , you have prepared extremely well ; two - and we heard it in your speech today - you are extremely humble ; and three , you are very businesslike . I do not agree with some amendments which , in my opinion , are not going in the opposite direction , even if , overall , they are consistent to a certain degree with the intended design of the agreed text . if we just look at the Congo , we can see what MONUC troops can get up to . I voted in favour of the Agreement on Air Transport between the European Union and the United States . hence , for this service to function properly and achieve the objectives for which it was created , it must be given a budget that is sufficient to provide the human and material resources necessary for it to perform its activities well . in the light of this situation , which is much worse than the situation in the Western Balkans , I want to know when the international community and the European Commission is going to demand an international tribunal to investigate and judge the killing of tens or hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq . analysis of this data will certainly help to ensure that best use is made of the investments . ladies and gentlemen , I voted for the Wojciechowski report on the protection of animals at the time of killing . Mr President-in-Office of the Council , you have said this is a contribution to peace . I believe the role of education is especially important ... we are convinced that Europe is faced not only with an economic crunch and recession but also with an environmental crisis . for 60 years parents , children and relatives lived completely separated from each other so that they could not meet for decades . the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) was set up to provide additional assistance to workers made redundant as a consequence of significant changes in the structure of international trade . ( NL ) Mr President , by introducing emissions trading into aviation , Europe shows ambition , the ambition to tackle CO2 emissions and combat climate change . Russia ' s political technology is one of the strongest in the world and that state has demonstrated that it is prepared to sacrifice enormous resources in order to achieve its political goals . however , without peace and security it is not possible to engage effectively in longer-term development . in the majority of cases , the purpose of the legislative proposals is to invite the Member States to ratify the conventions or to implement them within the Community . what can we do at EU level ? policy coherence for development is one of the priorities of this plan , which is currently being discussed in the Council . if you do not act on those - and I know that some in the Ecofin do not agree with this approach - then we will be setting fire to the economic basis of the eurozone and that is very dangerous . firstly , the very appropriate measures to improve the natural environment and combat climate change require additional financial resources . the Commission has already completed a good part of the job . naturally , however , they , too , still have much to do . clearly the attractiveness of the European Area of Higher Education will be greater , the better and more evenly spread the quality of education in the different Member States . in writing . - The ECR Group strongly believes that in the 21st century , it is simply abominable that slavery still exists on our Continent , and believes that people-trafficking will only be combated if all nations work together at the highest levels to prevent it . I read in the action plan that the Commission will create an instrument in 2011 to evaluate national asylum systems , so that it can provide better assistance to the Member States in terms of each one ' s capabilities and needs . an open debate on weblogs should be encouraged . I think that Solvency II , regulation and CRAs are all very relevant and very important , but we need to build a fire station as well as douse the flames . the cost of condoms is another issue that needs to be addressed . the EU has a duty to present an ambitious European budget which can assist economic recovery . we hope that in Bonn we will build on the solutions proposed in Portugal . however , my motion calling on the Commission to present proposals for combating the abuse of the asylum system throughout Europe was successful . Madam President , we have to look to the future . the dramatic situation in the Middle East , and the resolution of the problems there , is connected to this , directly or indirectly . finally , the Commission endorses the views expressed about the need for health and social policies to work closely together . so I will try and address the concerns . we on this side of the House want to await the report before we jump to conclusions , but it appears that our colleagues on the Socialist side think that this is already a great thing and that , because we do not support it , we are some anti-consumer . excessively long payment periods and , indeed , late payments , are a threat to healthy company management , they affect competitiveness and profitability and could ultimately jeopardise the company ' s continued existence . I for my part am going to remain committed to my values , and even to the values that you at times defend . this is a very serious charge , Minister , and comes from one of the banking world ' s own leading members . the cooperation agreement between OLAF , Eurojust and Europol is of huge importance . however , I fear it is more likely that there will be further problems within the Council , problems with the responsibility of the Council and of the individual Member States : that the quotas envisaged will not be accepted there . that is your right , but for my part , I will say again that I am sad to see our sovereignty being crushed . there is of course a third factor , which is the intelligent driver . the only way of actually implementing the EU ' s waste legislation is not to dump mercury for permanent disposal in liquid form . to put it simply , we want these networks everywhere , but we do not have the resources , whether we negotiate with the Council to get more funds for the Trans-European Networks or with the countries themselves . there is no doubt , then , about the importance of the objectives set out in the agreement . I agree with you , but I fear , like everybody else , that governments , when they start cutting budgets in times of austerity , start with the obvious : culture - as we have seen already in certain cases - education and health . ( the sitting was opened at 9 a.m. ) however , I think that , apart from denouncing the criminal act itself , we must also question why it happened . however , I do take your point that the IMO as an organisation is moving very slowly and that the Commission needs to get involved to push for quicker solutions . we equally want to pay tribute to the work of Naeem Sabir Jamaldini , the coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan , who was murdered on 1 March . it acknowledges that all countries in the Union are facing growing challenges in relation to policies covered by this heading , and urges the Member States to make use of the increase in funding for freedom , security and justice relative to the 2009 budget so that they can together face these and any new challenges that may arise by promoting a common immigration policy that is as inclusive as possible but grounded in absolute respect for human rights . one further point is also very important to me . the issue was raised of transparency of beneficiaries as well . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , clear legal regulations for political parties in Europe are an important factor in shaping European society , developing European political debate and helping make the European elections truly European , with European campaigns and arguments rather than the national campaigns and arguments mainly encountered at present . finally , I would like to stress the fact that the integration of refugees is one of the keys to the success of this enterprise . the citizens can now be sure that seal products will no longer be available on the market . we need a common external policy in the energy sector . the approved reduction in tariffs for Latin American banana exports is likely to have an adverse economic and social impact on the group of African , Caribbean and Pacific countries whose producers do not have the same technical facilities as their competitors . through today ' s resolution Parliament grants the Secretary-General of the European Economic and Social Committee discharge in respect of the implementation of the European Economic and Social Committee ( EESC ) budget for the financial year 2009 . I will give you an example of how wrong things can go when the various users of the sea are governed by different authorities and different laws . we will not give up on this piece of legislation , which we worked for for so long , both within and outside the Union . markets are nervous , reacting immediately , excessively and negatively to every signal . what is at stake here is the European Union ' s credibility in supporting citizens affected by economic instability . we cannot stop the technological development of what is now an alternative to liquid fuels , and perhaps the only one . ( NL ) Madam President , the Hungarian Presidency has got off to an unfavourable start . that is the case , amongst other places , in Egypt . this means that the ESMA will have real powers , and we owe this largely to Parliament ' s efforts . I very much welcome the fact that multilateral contacts with the Mediterranean region and , in particular , with the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries ( SEMC ) will be improved and strengthened . these figures highlight the need for support , especially when we are talking about young or elderly people . to the Commission and the Council I would say : move forward together in the direction of a more positive response to the need for harmonisation , a response which , as we have all been saying , will enable us to make optimal and more effective use of the digital dividend . at the end of the day , this will perhaps be the decisive argument that Mr Busuttil referred to , in other words , the key to unblocking the situation with regard to the fixed positions that we see the Council taking . I voted against making an exception for the Monday of Orthodox Easter when we make no provision for not meeting on 14 July . I should like to express my deep sympathy with European fishers , whose salaries have been directly affected by an increase in oil prices , which has seriously exacerbated the economic fragility linked to the irregular nature of activity in this sector . sustainability has become a vital part of our growth model . this situation is plunging them into further difficulties , and they are unable to meet their obligations . 9 . but racism cannot be tolerated no matter where it raises its ugly head , and I believe we all have to stand up and say that this is completely unacceptable and that it cannot happen no matter where it takes place . it is set at the same level for a large country as for a small region and a large region . the entire enlargement process is in keeping with the strengthening of NATO and the NATO occupation of the Western Balkans , with the secession of Kosovo and with the destabilisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , with the European Union ' s contesting the borders and stability in the area , with coercion against the people of Serbia , with new frictions and oppositions in the Balkans . finally , in association with all tourism players at all levels , we must promote sustainable and high-quality tourism which is competitive , environmentally-friendly , responsible , and above all accessible to everyone . while celebrating the 100th anniversary of International Women ' s Day , it is crucial that this House take stock of the long way we still have to go to ensure gender equality across the Union and to mainstream it into all sectors and areas . this is unacceptable , which is why I welcome the adoption of this text by the European Parliament , despite the incomprehensible vote against by the right . geographically , Ukraine is situated in a very important location , which is also important for gas supply to the EU . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mrs Batzeli , for the report she has submitted . this means that the economic crisis is inevitably turning into an employment and social crisis . all over the world , 31 reactors are under construction and others are in the planning phase . you no doubt know that as from 1 January 2009 the rules implementing the so-called single European airspace will introduce common requests to all Member States for flight plans , so in this context we shall harmonise the rules on the flight plans of all aircraft whether they pass through or enter European airspace . I hope this Parliament will be involved in that debate , not just watching on the sidelines , and we look forward to seeing how we can be involved . you mentioned Schengen and , yes , we want the Schengen border extended . nevertheless , the measures aimed at combating tax evasion need to start somewhere . the second area I would like to highlight is that of guaranteeing the rights of children who are not cared for by their parents . we are all familiar , of course , with ambitious aims that are not achieved in the end . however , implementing and adopting the many excellent proposals found in the various reports and in the Act itself is a difficult task . we must respect both . I therefore support Mr Borrell ' s statement that the funds and resources we have available should be directed to re-educating these young people , amongst other purposes . if these youngsters become set in their present ways , the only future they can look forward to is a life in gangs , committing rape and murder . however , of course , information sharing also raises concerns about the protection of personal data . Europe must show its support with appropriate compensatory measures . although I very much welcome the Commission ' s proposal and appreciate the demanding nature of this work , I am disappointed by the fact that this document has totally omitted the remaining countries , without even giving them a timetable of any kind . however , agriculture is also an important economic activity in rural areas , with great potential for growth , since European production is a long way from guaranteeing our needs . I therefore ask the Commission to take this resolution seriously and to act as quickly as possible . what divided us most was how to make sure that the banks do not charge horrendous penalties for early repayments . ( LT ) I would like to say a few words about the document , about China . the resolution adopted today highlights the fact that the establishment of a common register ensures the widest participation of the various categories of operators while respecting their differences and specific identities . it is important for us to emphasise that spreading the principles of democracy will also mean greater security of energy supply . we will succeed by means of the Stockholm Programme , which is a five year work programme . this House is frustrated about the issue of liquids , and this is being said by someone who advised the Spanish MEPs not to vote for the rejection , because making concessions , in the fight against terrorism , on the usefulness of a measure seemed to us to be taking things too far . the wording concerning the issue of the climate has also been made clearer , even if there still remains a great deal to do in this regard . I visited these refugee camps only a few days ago . this is because of the wildly ambiguous attitude and the double standards of the Heads of State or Government . it is a great moment which shows to citizens that MEPs are taking them seriously . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , you are going to be disappointed . as regards the long-standing problem of Siberian overflight fees , the EU will continue to press for signature of the existing agreement . thank you Mr President and thank you first and foremost members of the European Parliament for the constructive and interesting discussion . request for the waiver of parliamentary immunity : see Minutes yet a good society and a good economy need a strong sense of values . I can assure you that , under the Swedish Presidency and using the voice of the European Commission , the EU ' s voice is being heard . this is another argument in favour of the European Union having an efficient and uniform system for monitoring facilities for compliance with environmental requirements . in practice , things look rather different in this regard , too . I am thinking of the area of ' objectively justified ' differences in treatment . the directive also provides for European reference centres , which will facilitate the pooling of expertise and its dissemination across Europe . law and order must be restored so that those hundreds of thousands of people who have fled their homes and even left the country can now feel safe to go home again . the main outcome of the mid-term review is the legislative proposal which the Commission has just submitted to Parliament and the Council for amendment of the EIB mandate for the remainder of the current financial perspective . they represent a backdoor reinstatement of the first version of the Bolkenstein Directive , where the law of the country of origin ( social law , labour law , salaries and so on ) applied to workers going to provide a service in another Member State , regardless of the legislation or collective agreements in force in the latter . some Member States were sceptical , but they did agree on the conclusion that the Milestone 1 test was successful . a new report on the long-term stability of public finances in the European Union will be issued by the Commission in autumn 2009 . if there is one area in which our fellow citizens can see the practical and tangible effects of Europe ' s achievements and determination , it is the Cohesion Fund . I would not wish to end this speech without stressing the very good cooperation between Parliament and the Commission . as to the other topic to be discussed at the Summit , namely climate change , I am glad that the French Presidency understands , and I hope that it will take into account , the difficulties some states will have with quickly doing away with the use of coal for power generation . do we have an underlying plan ? these are grounds for sober pride and greater self-confidence , but not self-satisfaction . a recent survey shows how the Turks really see the EU . it has been clear for some time that tougher penalties are needed for both manufacturers and importers , to ensure that they take their responsibilities to consumers seriously ; in this case to defenceless children . payments to staff are obviously public documents . I will leave it at that one question . in view of the massive proportions these could lead to , the EU ' s Frontex programme cannot be the best tool to deal with such levels of migration . Europe has a unique experience of the mechanisms and process of post-conflict recovery and reconciliation . thank you . here , too , the tone of the debate is as if the money which goes to Brussels is disappearing into a black hole . Europe must be more competitive and able to face up to the challenges of globalisation without , however , refraining from being inclusive and aiming for development that is sustainable and which guarantees social integration . Parliament has done its duty . it is a different treaty from the Constitutional Treaty but offers some similar or even identical solutions . I doubt that the EU is motivated properly on this , so each of our own countries needs to put its house in order . this is why I want , if I may , to emphasise three points . as you know , our transatlantic relations are based on values that we have shared for a long time , such as universal human rights and the right to a fair trial . Mr President , the short-term measures I have just described will , of course , have to be considered by the Foreign Affairs Council on 31 January , but it is not too early to reflect on some longer-term aspects of our relations with Belarus . by making these changes , we hope that the projects of the second phase of FP7 will end in success . we must develop and promote preventive measures against Alzheimer ' s disease or , in other words , a healthy lifestyle , which means staying physically and mentally active , being involved in the community and eating a healthy diet . the interim agreement obliges the Treasury Department to delete data within five years of receipt - a period which is in keeping with the retention period in EU legislation on terrorist financing . this is the future of the European army : an army , therefore , certainly not at war with the United States , but keeping a respectful distance ; an army without Turkey , because until we have evidence to the contrary , Turkey is part of Asia , and in the Mediterranean is unfortunately in conflict with a European country ; and an army allied with and closely linked to Russia and Belarus . sadly I have the impression that all these proposals are considerably restricting sugar beet growing in order to carve out a place for cane sugar . I invite the European Commission to come up with solutions and even with examples of good practice in the Member States . they refer to the tools with which to create a new generation of working environment in customs and trade . I refer to the establishment of a paperless environment , which is so necessary mainly to relieve our officials , who are reeling from the demands of unnecessary administrative paper documentation . we do not yet have a European internal market ; we have national markets and we have monopolies or small groups exerting control over national markets . I hope that the president who has been thrown out of office will be sensible enough not to spread new discord and will make a genuine attempt to live a peaceful life in exile , which will give the Kyrgyz population the chance to build a democratic state . relations between the European Union and Latin America could be the key to cooperation between two major world regions . we are already deeply involved there and we cannot just go along with the decisions of our major allies , surprising us as they do with some of their strategic decisions . this Convention , adopted in June 2007 by the 96th session of the International Labour Conference , is aimed at establishing minimum international working standards for the fishing sector and promoting decent living and working conditions for fishers . it should be noted that the Court of Auditors identified a surplus of EUR 57 600 000 in the budget outturn account , which represents 38 % of the accrued revenue , and part of that surplus was carried over to the 2009 financial year . however , we are also aware , and this needs to be clearly stated here , that the social partners are conducting a dialogue . what are the real chances for people to enter the labour market ? then we would have a deletion , but it would continue as follows : ' calls in particular on the Russian authorities to adopt preventive protective measures as regards human rights defenders , such as starting an investigation as soon as threats faced by them are known by the prosecutor and the judicial system ; ' . I hope that these issues will be resolved in the near future so that they do not cause interruptions or delays in the negotiations . so this is not an easy problem to solve . I agree with what Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner said today : we need to build consistency between the European Union ' s internal and external policies . in addition , major doubts must once again be raised over the cultural background of the country itself , which is closely tied to Islamic traditions - a long way from Europe ' s Catholic Christian roots . should some of these people really be assigned to living in poverty ? so citizens should be bold and fully exploit this great new experiment in post-national democracy . please remove these placards now . in writing . - Unfortunately the rights of consumers purchasing industrial or food products are better protected than those of users of transport , medical care or education services . medicinal products purchased over the Internet from sites that conceal their actual physical address are estimated to be falsified in more than 50 % of cases . it is also important to emphasise that we need to remain realistic . we do not just have a currency crisis ; we have a banking crisis and we have a sovereign debt crisis . I plan to convene a meeting of Heads of States or Government on 19 November in order to nominate the President of the European Council , the High Representative and the Secretary-General of the Council . ( SV ) Madam President , I would like to thank Mr Dess for his excellent work . without any doubt , Slovakia today is a perfect example of how to treat national minorities . texts of agreements forwarded by the Council : see Minutes this report would send out an important political signal were it to be adopted as presented . we therefore need to make it clear that the interests of jobs in industry in Europe must take priority in the trade agreements . the Treaty of Lisbon is also a major step towards increasing the involvement of national representative democracies in the European process . achieving the goals set out in them will require money and political will . I am rather concerned that the climate negotiations could suffer the same fate as the Doha negotiations , which are constantly being postponed year after year . according to reports from Amnesty International and the UNHCR , people are sent back to their countries of origin without any form of investigation . joint - whom do I have in mind ? this is where citizens , through their activities , participate in the democratic process , and volunteering facilitates this important process . Madam President , I voted against this measure . the creation of a tighter monitoring system and more effective punishments for the owners of animals who do not respect the welfare requirements established by law is essential , but as such measures incur higher costs for farmers , we are in favour of the compensation grants that are included in this plan and are included in the grants scheme of the new common agricultural policy from 2013 . a proper diet is necessarily a key factor in our health , and there are still too many doubts being raised about genetically modified organisms by part of the scientific community . systematic cooperation leads to a better exchange of information and hence an improvement in the level of service offered to our citizens in all sectors . Macedonia can learn from more than a century of linguistic conflict in another bilingual state , Belgium , that delaying this inevitable outcome just leads to unnecessary tension . the Executive Board of the European Central Bank requires a new member . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Madam President-in-Office of the Council , Commissioner Verheugen , ladies and gentlemen , first of all I would like to say a huge and sincere thank you to our rapporteur from the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats , Mrs Thyssen . during his election campaign , Mr Obama had already underlined that closing this notorious prison would be a priority . there are , however , clear indications that overfishing does play a part . similarly , Canada wants the right to tax shipping through an ice-free Northwest Passage . the Court of Auditors acknowledged the progress we have made . this recommendation relates to a draft Council decision on the establishment of an agreement between the EU and the Republic of Iceland , the Kingdom of Norway , the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein on supplementary rules in relation to the External Borders Fund for the period 2007-2013 . that will help us make life easier both for ourselves and for the refugees . how can the Commissioner raise awareness - I am about to finish - among her fellow Commissioners and the entities which deal with European monetary policy in terms of rebalancing ... it will greatly enhance Europe ' s capability in this area . in cooperation with the Council - the fourth directive , about which we are talking , and which has been amended several times - Parliament has repeatedly tried to implement this . consequently , the right directives are needed because all European countries must have the same levels of protection against discrimination . Vice-President of the Commission . - President , honourable Members , let me first thank the Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Sharon Bowles , rapporteurs Corien Wortmann-Kool , Elisa Ferreira , Vicky Ford , Sylvie Goulard , Diogo Feio and Carl Haglund , as well as the shadow rapporteurs who all played a major part in the negotiations . however , we oppose the minor references to the Treaty of Lisbon . that is why the banks no longer trust each other , because no one has securities for which they take responsibility through risk . ( DE ) Mr President , my question relates to the compiled text , in other words , the consolidated version . employment is of course important , but so are education , social security systems and a regional policy which devotes attention to neglected areas . the Government did not respond adequately when this was uncovered . added to this , the sums in question are basically symbolic . the fact that Iran denies access to its nuclear facilities to the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency constitutes a real safety risk , not only for states in its immediate vicinity , but also for the EU . Madam President , in the case of Maria Lourdes Afiuni in Venezuela , is the issue one of combating corruption , which is the official version , or of persecuting a political opponent , which is the New York Times version reported by its correspondent , Simon Romero ? these subjects are , without doubt , very important , but I would like to remind you of another acute Chinese problem - Tibet . in the absence of Community legislation , in many cities achieving the goals set out in the thematic strategy on the urban environment seems a very long way off . Mrs Jensen ' s report adds a new dimension to that list : the organisation of aviation on the ground . indeed , it does not deal with the issue of rights or the issue of the posting of workers . moving onto the issues in this report , we know that human health is affected by animal health : 60 % of human infections originate from animals and a vast number of the emerging diseases originate in animals . I endorsed the report , because I think that today it is essential for there to be close cooperation between the United States and the European Union in practically all areas : politics , defence , the economy , energy , the environment , culture , science etc . competition policy is a key instrument enabling the EU to have a dynamic , efficient and innovative internal market , which is globally competitive . we must therefore get an answer from the Commission to our questions arising from the ' Red Card to Forced Prostitution ' campaign . I feel that in the future the European Union and its Member States will have to consistently support the principle of territorial integrity for all states and actively discourage separatist tendencies . this means that we , the 27 Member States , must act together . for this reason , it is no surprise that we are interested in such matters and devote so much attention to them . what is the Council ' s position on this new information and these trials , and what explanations can it furnish ? ( Parliament approved the motion ) the road to this point has also been bumpy and full of obstacles , but as we stand here today it is in recognition of the fact that we can no longer allow matters simply to take their course . we appealed to Kenyan leaders to try and answer the doubts about the regularity of the elections , but first of all to establish a dialogue and find a political solution . fortunately , we are not starting from scratch . this is something we can discuss , but I can tell you that from my point of view , from my consultations , they now believe that they should commit to reaching that goal first . introducing minimum wages will prevent the poorest countries from competing . discipline is vitally important and central bank independence is vitally important , I agree . they need to implement full disclosure of interest in planning decisions , which , at the moment , just provide income for officials . anyone who promotes human rights and democracy in China runs the risk of being declared a criminal and a separatist . we agree . an awareness of the massive potential for improvement that new technologies can offer us , both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness , necessarily involves abandoning the ways we worked in the past . this is the meaning of the joint declaration that Germany and France decided to make in Deauville before the meeting of the G20 and the European Council . in writing . - I have voted in favour of Amendments 30 , 34 , 65 , 103 , 109 and 114 because although I fully support the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families , I believe that regulation of access to labour markets , social security schemes and public housing are matters to be regulated by the Member States which should not be regulated at Community level . it would be very important to know which countries are blocking it , while allowing themselves to make huge profits from people ' s blood and tears . in fact , at the present time women outnumber men at university and also obtain better results . how do we get Europe out of the crisis in which it finds itself ? I believe it is there , in this dual balance , that we have to seek the right solutions . that is what happens when you treat with the forces of terrorism . I understand what you are saying . ( HU ) Mr President , the debate currently going on also reflects the fact that the major reform currently being implemented in the history of the European Union and European Parliament is of such significance that we will presumably not be able to complete the task based on a single report . all measures taken have to bear this in mind . following on from the agreement on financial supervision , the European Parliament and the Belgian Presidency have shown that they are serious about reforming the financial system . the ambitions of China and India will probably push this even further if we do not ultimately make a U-turn . the Commission welcomes the recent cessation of hostilities in Gaza . why not do so within the context of the Union for the Mediterranean ? however , without legislative initiative on the part of the Commission , which also acknowledges the role played by minimum income , we are afraid that Member States cannot deliver on our promise to reject poverty . Mr Pannella and I must leave our work tomorrow and hasten to Italy to try and create forms of non-violent resistance against this new form of denial of democracy . I am not sure whether Mrs Merkel spontaneously chose the socialists in her government . look in i2010 , look in the programmes for research , etc . the European Parliament should make a point of including this in the proposed reform of the common fisheries policy in 2011 , which I will be urgently promoting . against the backdrop of the current economic crisis , whose impact is especially being felt by citizens from those countries less developed economically , the recommendation made by the European Parliament for a minimum income scheme to be introduced in all Member States provides an obvious solution . in closing I would like to thank all the shadow rapporteurs from the other groups for their extremely pleasant and constructive cooperation on this report . I include the Chancellor of Germany among them . ( the President cut off the speaker ) if our discussions today are not followed up by concrete actions based on what we have heard here today , I fear that the declarations made by us will fall on deaf ears , mere good intentions with no real impact on misery and poverty throughout the world and in Europe . the EIT can play an enormous role in ensuring that European innovation is once again renowned throughout the world and that European industry and researchers are a force to be reckoned with . we will also table resolutions on Burma / Myanmar and the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea . there are something like 300 different types of soil . it is the only democracy in the Middle East , surrounded by a sea of dictatorial regimes . better education guarantees a decent standard of living for the younger generation , thus improving the social and economic cohesion of the European Union . furthermore , it is of paramount importance that the European executive tables before Parliament as soon as possible proposals for setting up a European civil protection force , based on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism . I personally hope nevertheless that Belarus , if it does not reunite with Russia as some within the Kremlin would like , will one day enter its rightful place amongst the European family of free nations . many miners work in the pits for their entire lives . moreover , 19 million children are affected by poverty . rapporteur . - ( ES ) Mr President , I wish to add the following to Article 2e . your letter needs to state : ' we agree with virtually everything the Commissioner said ' . in its statement of 4 March this year , the Presidency assessed Cuba ' s signing of the two pacts as positive . ( PL ) Madam President , it so happens that only Poles are speaking at the moment , but we do have experience of the involvement of Poland and Polish soldiers in restoring security in Iraq . as an evangelical Christian , it has become apparent to me , particularly over recent years , that the expression of Christian beliefs is largely deemed unacceptable in a society that wants us sanitised of any strongly held belief and where we must all believe the same or believe nothing . I therefore believe that we should vote through this postponement today . the debate on how to make this more evident by means of the labelling system is useful and welcome , and the report contributes certain elements and certain ideas along these lines . a new generation has brought novelty to Egypt , but social media skills are not enough . that is what I wished to say to you . I agree that we need to review what the EU does , what tools we have available to us , whether we have enough , whether we need to think again about what we are able to do . these concerns are partly environmental , but they are also at least as much political , and this pipeline can only be constructed if we find satisfactory solutions and satisfactory answers to all of these concerns . I think that it is even one of the victims of this phenomenon because drought and floods are affecting us all in Europe with ever-increasing regularity , but their impact is felt primarily by farmers . resolute action against the machinery of propaganda is therefore the first small step in a bid to curb the spread of terrorism among the autonomous Islamic subcultures that exist throughout Europe . EC-Bosnia Herzegovina Stabilisation and Association Agreement - EC-Bosnia Herzegovina Stabilisation and Association Agreement ( debate ) this is the message conveyed by the common statement made by the European Parliament and the Pan-African Parliament , and I hope this message will be heard . ( HU ) Madam President , I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak , both as the rapporteur for the 2010 Employment Guidelines and as the coordinator of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) . the European Parliament should vote in favour of this nomination in order for it to come into effect . in response to Mrs McGuinness , I think that this is an extremely important element , if we wish to develop a strategy for European security and presence on foreign soil . is that correct ? in writing . - ( DA ) Anne E. Jensen and Niels Busk have voted in favour of Mrs McGuinness ' s own-initiative report on the common agricultural policy and global food security , as the majority of the report is excellent and it is only possible to vote either in favour or against . unfortunately , a number of amendments requiring biometric data to be included in passports were adopted . during the communist dictatorship , the people of southeast Europe living on the borders of Yugoslavia were free to travel , despite the communist dictatorship . how can it be a problem to involve the European Parliament in a constructive dialogue on the future financial framework and the next long-term budget ? it is difficult to disagree , and of course I accept all legal restrictions as regards MEPs , but it is difficult for me to agree with a situation where , on being sentenced to a fine in a case brought by the public prosecution service for a deliberate crime , or for being charged with such a crime , a person automatically loses their mandate to the European Parliament . we improved the proposal in the Committee on Transport and Tourism . as a result , wherever they are in the EU , European citizens should benefit from more efficient and cheaper communication services , whether they are using mobile phones , broadband connections to the Internet or cable television . the Commission must haul the Serbian and Macedonian ambassadors over the carpet and demand that they take action . the potential for biogas recovered from natural materials such as annual manure has still not been fully exploited . the preconditions must be created for the country to be able to join the European Union , whereby it goes without saying that only the whole country can join the European Union . how do they intend to prevent the illegal proposals from Tanzania and Zambia from being placed on the agenda in the very first place ? I must admit that I find this quite difficult to accept . the Commission rejects the following : but I hope we are all clear what we are talking about when we talk about flexibility , because we must not confuse flexibility with actually doing something . however , I am afraid the recent vote has left a bitter taste in my mouth . part Two the second thing we have to realise , despite all the different political views in this Parliament , is that global cooperation - not just in banking institutions , but global cooperation in other areas , in fiscal and monetary policy and in trade - has to be a very important part of how we approach the future . I congratulate the rapporteur , Mr Moreira , for having highlighted the need to carry out periodic reviews of the list of pharmaceutical and chemical products that enter the European Union duty-free . it seems that there is full agreement as regards another great challenge and issue , namely the capture and storage of carbon dioxide . most stressed that they need a different kind of support from the European Union . the bulk of the estimated reserves of minerals , oil and gas are either on the sovereign territory of the Arctic states or in their exclusive economic zones , and some of them have far-reaching plans for further exploration activities . I would like to stress again : terrorist attacks are not directed against airlines , they are directed against states . they do not accept euro-scepticism , the fear of Europe . we all have a responsibility here , all three institutions , and we must act quickly . you know the key elements of what we have been doing . therefore , we Greens have already called for an extension of ten years to ensure the true sustainability of the investments and to create permanent jobs in the regions . we are strongly engaged in continuing and in providing economic alternatives to opium poppy production . in writing . - ( LT ) I abstained from the vote on this document , although the Committee responsible decided to approve the closure of the accounts of the European Railway Agency for the financial year 2009 . it is vital that the European Union stands united on this and that the Member States cease pursuing any bilateral initiatives with Lukashenko and his regime . I voted in favour of the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement . it is clear that the security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated in the last three years . let us continue to keep the pressure on the Burmese leadership and force them to allow the international aid agencies to carry out their work . in writing . - We have often asked ourselves whether it is worth dedicating a year to a particular topic . that Nobel Prize became a catalyst of change . why is this ? both the European Union and the Member States should provide a better model for society . as for Syria , I am not a party to the talks that the Commission has been holding with Syria , but I have often spoken with the Syrian authorities : the fact is that they already have perhaps 2 million more inhabitants . what will the modernisation of the Community Customs Code bring ? ( ET ) The objective of the Schengen area is freedom of movement . in the European Union climate change is a priority issue . but the printer companies found a way around that . the agreement allows me to benefit from the expertise of the EDPS by consulting him in cases where the text of the Data Protection Regulation and existing case-law leave room for divergent views . a new season of debate has begun , one that will see workers ' and employers ' representatives sitting together round a table in meetings organised by the European Commission , to promote economic growth and the greater good of all EU citizens . climate change is challenging our views on transport , land use , waste management , building work and energy use . given that the 27 Member States of the European Union are also members of the World Bank , we cannot claim to be without any influence on its policy . more effective respect for fundamental rights ; better access to the courts ; more determined action against organised crime , human trafficking and terrorism ; effective management of migration - these are all areas where the Stockholm Programme should set out a series of concrete steps forward . the reasons are obvious , and they must be spelled out . furthermore , closer relations will only really be achieved by reducing the restrictions on border traffic , with student and pupil exchange programmes , and by facilitating the movement of researchers , investigators , artists , entrepreneurs and journalists . after all , a coordinated policy is required in related areas , such as gender-specific prevention strategies , including in the countries these women and girls come from , and also awareness-raising measures and an evaluation of their effectiveness . oral questions and written declarations ( submission ) : see Minutes this would allow us to get a much clearer idea of our policy perspectives on top of the Commission ' s annual work programmes . I know that this is a project which is close to the Commissioner ' s heart . in 2008 , the Commission adopted two other initiatives . the arrangements for political dialogue and practical cooperation with Tajikistan must be improved so as to better reflect the shared challenges faced by the region . the Commission ' s proposal on the establishment of the MEDIA Mundus programme was an excellent one . this is the second layer of implementing the results of the consumer markets scoreboard and I believe that in the future , this one will remain as one of the strongest instruments to make our diagnosis on how the retail market is functioning , especially in this case , which is of such an important and basic interest and also very much related to services . Monday : Mrs Roure has withdrawn her request for a brief presentation of her report on minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in the Member States . for instance , we still need to move forward in eastern European countries to end state-owned domination of electricity production and to liberalise it , as we did in the distribution sector . to me , the answer is no , for what have we noticed ? the compromise that has finally been reached in the European Parliament represents a climbdown from the maximalist proposals that were made on the elimination of active substances , particularly from the negative implications that these proposals would have had with regard to insecticides and pesticides . however , it is clear that , as with all significant amendments to the Treaty , a few preparatory acts are necessary for the Lisbon Treaty to enter into force . while promoting economic competitiveness and creating jobs , the particularly important role played by SMEs must not be overlooked . we have been at this same level since the early 1980s , and in the meantime we have not only been left behind by Japan but we are being overtaken by the Chinese , whose R & D expenditure in the economic sector is now greater than that of companies in the European Union . a word also on the Treaty of Lisbon , which many of you mentioned : we need this Treaty more than ever , ratified by all Member States . SOLVIT can provide an important and key addition in this respect . 12.3 million people are still victims of slavery , and more than 200 million children are forced to work . in other words , we must restart the machine and ensure that that machine pollutes less . for the mechanisms proposed in this new regulation to function correctly and effectively it is vital to have close cooperation between customs authorities and selected national authorities . according to the view of the Council , this proposal is one of the most important measures in the area of transport . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , the emergency situation is teaching the European policy on asylum and immigration a serious lesson It is again evident that the EU does not have a legislative and operational framework that enables it to cope with extraordinary but not unforeseeable events , such as the events of recent months in North Africa . however , it will do so for the first time under new principles , and will , for the first time , carry out its work in connection with the new institutions provided for by the Treaty of Lisbon . some children are fortunate enough to receive this care from secondary care-givers like fathers , grandparents , other relatives , close neighbours - people who are committed to them and part of their life on an ongoing basis . consumers will be able to use labels to make informed choices about buying products , also based on ethical considerations , such as health , considerations of environmental impact , human rights , and the pay and conditions of workers employed in the manufacturing of textile products . in agriculture alone , we have 2 726 tariff lines . concerning the funds , I did not understand the question . extending the scope to cover holiday clubs and other similar products is a great step forward in protecting the consumer from what had previously been an easy target for the unscrupulous tout . the policies currently being implemented are aimed not only at cleaning up the regional capital but , above all , at organising an integrated waste system involving separate collection , a reduction in the waste produced , the construction of modern facilities and the restoration of former landfill sites . in writing . - ( FR ) I am pleased that the European Parliament approved the amendments to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Seychelles for the period 2005-2011 . last week , more than 800 people , mostly Somalis and Eritreans , arrived in Malta in just twenty-four hours . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to give you some short explanations concerning your remarks . this support was confirmed by the vote in the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs in November last year . Ukraine is not insignificant , it has 42 million inhabitants . I endorse them on behalf of the PPE-DE Group : we all support the compromises . later , I will explain the details in order to answer Mr Higgins ' s supplementary question , but I must make it clear that we have launched an information campaign designed not only to promote the CE mark , but also to ensure that the products are more guaranteed , by checking for counterfeit goods . it would be embarrassing if certain EU Member States were to lag behind Kosovo and Serbia in this respect . once the Treaty of Lisbon came into force in December 2009 , the European Investment Bank became an instrument for supporting the European Union ' s external policies , while also acting as an important partner for driving the Union ' s economy . the scientific world is divided on the subject . ( FR ) Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , this is such a serious matter that one must rise above the dreadful arguments that I have just heard in this House , because when we talk about the media we are talking about the health of a democracy . the next item is the one-minute speeches on matters of political importance . they may be a good starting point , but they need to be further developed . the points to be further developed are : a stronger focus on prevention of unsustainable fiscal and macroeconomic policies ; the need for national reform programmes and stability and convergence programmes to be duly dealt with at national level before submission to EU-level surveillance ; a stronger and more independent role for the Commission in the surveillance procedure ; more independence for the Commission in relation to the Council concerning compliance with EU rules ; the need for the decision-making procedure based on reversed qualified majority voting in the Council to be introduced in both the preventive and the corrective parts of the framework ; enhanced transparency and accountability , in order to strengthen peer support and peer pressure ; a more independent role for the Commission in the decision-making procedure but also greater accountability on the part of the Commission ; and lastly , the need for Parliament to have a stronger role in the surveillance process , but not an executive role . through lower energy consumption , we are less dependent on imports of oil and gas and their varying prices . there is no mention of protecting the Arctic using targets and standards . to prevent future crises , the EU now needs to promote real changes in regulation and supervision , giving shape to a more healthy and robust financial environment . the need for an EU strategy for the South Caucasus ( one final word , to avoid any misunderstandings . I mean everybody ' s opinions , including yours , of course . supporting the countries of this region in their journey should be at the heart of Europe ' s policy , alongside economic and trade assistance . we live in a country which , thanks to Saint-King Stephen , was created as a tolerant , welcoming , multi-ethnic Christian community , has more than a thousand years of statehood , and has testified to its profound sense of freedom through revolutions . we have all undertaken to apply the ' polluter pays ' principle , but this also means that those who bring the costs into being must also pay the price . just a word to conclude : it only remains for me to hope that the appointed President , whose human qualities and political skill are well known , manages as quickly as possible to give fresh impetus to a Europe that sorely needs it . the first condition that occurs to me is that we need to try to ensure that the mechanism is managed by the Commission as far as possible . these measures , together with the directive , will complete the legal basis which is indispensable in providing clarity , certainty and stability to the market . the latter is precisely what makes this country rich and what could be its contribution to the European Union . I would have expected our fellow Member to have been firmer in terms of both the value of words and the defence of democratic principles . Europe has over 50 million disabled citizens , and it is therefore imperative that we make every measure to improve their well-being . as a result , ongoing changes in many sectors are required , and we are today concerned with changes in the operation of railways , and in particular with the safety of their operation . consequently , I am asking the Commission to put forward a solution that gives the industry sufficient time to bring itself into conformity with the regulation ' s requirements , without having a disproportionate impact . but this is no time for complacency . we all agree they need all the help they can get : nicotine replacement therapies etc . such a blatant waste of EU money must stop . Mrs Ojuland is right that we are being listened to , and that it is not only we who are listening to each other , but that there is also someone else who is listening to us . ( PL ) Madam President , I would like to ask whether a small correction could be made to the Amendment I tabled . in our view , this is the wrong approach . Mr President , Mr Leinen has covered everything else I wanted to say , so I shall focus mainly on the question of tuna . if a vehicle transporting dangerous goods is involved in such an accident , the consequences are , of course , all the more serious . in my own home city of Cork , local authorities and businesses are striving towards the creation of sustainable energy policies . maybe we should think quite carefully about what happens in the Arctic . perhaps I can briefly explain why the socialist MEPs are very pleased today . that is why an US anti-missile system in Poland or the Czech Republic is a crucial matter of concern for the whole of Europe and all its Member States . the second element on which our Heads of State or Government will focus tomorrow and the day after , is the future permanent crisis management mechanism . this amendment to the Agreement on air transport between the European Union and the United States represents an excellent opportunity to develop the potential of a market that accounts for 60 % of world air traffic . I would like to highlight the fact that European States have taken the initiative in these operations and were the first to intervene within the framework of the UN mandate , which itself was the initiative of several European States . ( PL ) Mr President , Serbia is a European country that has made considerable progress towards integration into the European Union over the last few years . let me make two points . we should , however , remember that there are still places in Chile which have not been reached by aid , because of the damage sustained to roads and bridges . in the week preceding the climate change summit in Cancún , the European Parliament has adopted a resolution on the summit objectives . the real question must be : do we intend to adopt solidarity measures at European level by safeguarding the euro area and the euro and will we eventually decide to adopt policies that serve fundamental economic , rather than just monetary , cohesion . there are no specific recommendations and definite deadlines for implementation . he has a good relationship with David Cameron . since Mr Andersson and Parliament accepted my proposal not to tear up the Posting of Workers Directive until national investigations had clarified that this really was necessary , I considered that I could nonetheless vote in favour of the report . we call on the Member States to ratify this convention so that we can be more consistent and effective in dealing with this issue that affects us all . the exclusion of the greater part of society from the possibility of benefiting from European Schools is contrary to the objective of increasing the mobility of European citizens in our labour market . there are important lessons to be drawn , which I will be taking up with all concerned in the time ahead . because of the crimes against humanity , which slavery and colonialism represent , the European Union and France , in particular , now owe a moral , political and economic debt to Haiti . and , unfortunately , the final figure is considered to be larger still . we should seek to work with China and to tackle those issues , particularly when dealing with unsavoury governments . the more doubtful regulators , banks , Mrs Berès - and even the European Central Bank - will have become reconciled that this is a beneficial , user-friendly service which holds no risks to the European economy . ( the President cut off the speaker ) separate collections are made in Italy and the rest of Europe . at a time of demographic collapse , this is not only squandering the development opportunities of individual children , but also poses a social threat for the next generation . however , we must recognise that this matter leaves a slightly bitter taste in the mouth . the Agreement foresees joint inspections , investigations , exchange of safety data , increased cooperation and consultations at a technical level . the third thing is mobility of workers . these principles are also reflected in the European Union guidelines for EU policy towards third countries on torture and other forms of cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment . as the honourable Member points out , increasing transparency in the work of the European Union is an important priority for Sweden as a Member State and as the holder of the Presidency . culture is an important element in the sustainable development of European regions and therefore the development plans for all regions must include a cultural dimension . there have also been several hundreds of thousands of deaths . it is crucial to follow up on the recommendations on natural disaster prevention recently adopted here . this led to such desperate steps as the actions of Israeli operatives who simply kidnapped Eichmann from South America so that he could be brought to court . I address these words to the Nigerian authorities , but also to all those who consider themselves to be lords of another person ' s life and death . in writing . - ( RO ) I voted in favor of this resolution hoping that it will have a concrete impact on the situation in Georgia and on its decision to firmly continue the democratic reform , as well as on the process to consolidate EU actions in this country and , in general , in the Eastern neighbourhood . I also know that the education must be narrowly focused on the specific requirements of a range of different groups of citizens in order to be really effective . the animal feed chain is not somewhere to dispose of waste , and industrial waste products have no place in animal feed . since then , nothing has happened , apart from promises and high-sounding words . what I feel is very much lacking , however , and was not adopted from my amendments , is the financial recognition of apiculture ' s effect of creating common good . both under the standard and the reverse charge regimes , should the recipient be a final consumer , he will not be able to deduct VAT and will bear it entirely . I would like to thank Mr Feio for his excellent work in drafting this complex report . ( applause ) however , financing should be provided from the Community budget and should not penalise small and medium-scale producers by adopting , for example , minimum aid limits . the decline in the cultivation of protein rich crops and the replacement of domestic production by cheap imports on a massive scale may ultimately have a negative impact in the form of loss of know-how regarding actual cultivation techniques . Tying education , innovation and research into a coherent supportive policy is a vital part of a functioning knowledge economy . the first item is the report by Mrs Hieronymi , on behalf of the Committee on Culture and Education , on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an audiovisual cooperation programme with professionals from third countries MEDIA Mundus - C6-0011 / 2009 - . Parliament defended a strong position during the negotiations with the Council and obtained the best possible outcome for Europe ' s citizens . three years of debate have shown that there is no more room for manoeuvre and it is obvious that at second reading no further improvements will be made . the Titanic was built to be an unsinkable ship . this report is a little note of explanation , not an action plan . I welcome the adoption of this report on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine , ovine and caprine animals and swine and fresh meat or meat products from third countries . in this current crisis we all know that , if we had made progress in the Economic Union as quickly as we have in the Monetary Union , we would be even better off today . one of the objectives of the European Union is to expand the use of hydrogen in transportation in the near future and there should be dramatic growth by 2020 . in order to make our strategy successful , we need to see the extent to which the structural and cohesion funds have been utilised , and whether and in which circumstances they contributed to the social integration of the Roma . I emphasise that it is a reform . Madam President , I have no problem at all in seeking to answer that usual nonsense from the far right of this Parliament . this policy urgently needs serious change and correction , not only in order to make it fairer , but also if it is to be more effective , for the benefit of everyone . at the same time , we have to say that the time is ripe - after the Lisbon Treaty has been ratified - for an era in which we can put the new Europe , this new structure that the Lisbon Treaty creates , into action . the debate is closed . a majority rejected these solutions and wishes to stay in Bosnia . ( SK ) Commissioner , thank you for your competent reply and congratulations to the Italian authorities for their appropriate action . the adoption of a new ambitious and balanced common position by the Union is crucial if the latter is to defend its position . will these funds potentially be project bonds for purposes outside the Union , or will they simply be the project bonds for transport and other things that the Commissioner has mentioned ? a move away from nuclear energy or the imposition of unrealistic requirements for this section of our energy system will not eliminate a single problem . life expectancy in the ' old ' Member States is on average 10 years higher than in the new Member States . I have nevertheless seen fit to back some amendments modifying the initial draft , particularly those relating to 2011 as the date for the scheme ' s entry into force . however , there are motives which arouse a certain concern , linked to the danger of the Moldovans ' enthusiasm waning . in writing . - I voted for this report , which proposes a range of improvements to the transparency of the CAP . do you not think that it is time to pay attention to social sustainability ? I think we all have the same view on this . we are independent to deliver price stability to 330 million fellow citizens . also , on 11 March 1990 , the Congress of Estonia , a democratic , provisional parliament , adopted a declaration of reestablishment of the state after 50 years of Soviet occupation . the next item is the report by Mrs Kauppi , on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , on the tax treatment of losses in cross-border situations . the establishment of the International Climate Protection Fund for the poorer countries has gone extremely badly . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( DE ) Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , ladies and gentlemen , in December 2006 the Commission proposed fully integrating the partners in the European Neighbourhood Policy into the implementation of certain policies and into a series of Community programmes . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on 22 November last year , the rapporteur said that pensions were exclusively a competence of the Member State . one important change in relation to the present situation is the plan to finance Europol from the Community budget and give the staff the status of EU official . for us , it is important to draw the right line between what is right and what is abuse and to proceed in such a way as to show , and to prove , that for us the right ends where and when the abuse starts . the Member States are required to ban any obstacle to their incorporation and business and to safeguard their right to a fee for their ' services ' , in other words , the ransom for their slave trade . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( SV ) Madam President , there is general agreement in the EU that we need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in order to stem climate change , but this must not lead to a bureaucratic society without freedom and dynamism . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the financial crisis has made it clear that the financial market framework of the European Union must be revised . I suggest that we start with the Commission and then proceed to the debate , and that Mrs Yade be given the floor in due course . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mrs Thomsen for a very far-reaching report . the next step is to reduce by 70 % the disproportion in mortality from cancer among Europeans being treated for these conditions . 10 . this action is immoral , perverted and bizarre , because it essentially constitutes a pre-election campaign . written explanations of vote Lingering disputes have a negative effect on the business community and on end consumers on both shores of the Mediterranean . we need a clear European external agenda in order for the EU to be able purposefully to promote a global policy based on multilateralism . they help improve shared management , and that also means structural funds . I do believe that sport should and can become part and parcel of the strategies for sustainable development of our regions , municipalities , cities and villages with the EU assistance . well , that time has come , because the mass movement has now hit the European Union . as Mrs Ayala Sender has said , they help to minimise transport congestion . Mr President , once more we have preened ourselves in this Parliament on our green credentials , and speakers have competed to push higher and higher the unrealistic targets for energy from only renewable sources and the targets for reductions of CO2 emissions - all in the belief that by our puny but costly efforts , we will save the planet . the work of the relevant committees underlines the importance of taking account of these connections and , on that basis , analyses the possible actions . their disappointing response has been imbalanced and unjust . Mr President , many in the House have today congratulated the Irish people on their good sense in rejecting the appeals of Nigel Farage and the UK Independence Party and voting overwhelmingly in favour of the Lisbon Treaty . at present , thousands of Iraqis , Kurds , Afghans and Georgians are collecting in Turkey and trying to enter the European Union en masse . under the proposed mechanism , the EU would be able to issue debt to finance emergency loans to a euro area member in distress . 1 . a speedier introduction of the euro in these countries would reduce these costs and create stability . it has already been established that Cancún will not produce a legally binding post-2012 framework . with regard to the adoption of the employment guidelines , this year - dare I say it , as an exceptional measure - as part of a special partnership between the Commission and the European Parliament , and in a spirit of good cooperation with the Council , bearing in mind the somewhat revised timetable - the employment guidelines are normally published at the end of the previous year ; this year , they were published in April and , even though they commit us to a long cycle for the years to come , we will have to deliberate them before the spring European Council - you kindly supported , on behalf of us all , the request we sent to President Van Rompuy calling for the European Council to grant the European Parliament the right to exercise its powers under the Treaty of Lisbon itself . what matters now is implementation . ( NL ) Like other speakers , I am terribly shocked that it has been possible for hundreds of thousands of litres of crude oil to gush into the sea for weeks on end without us managing to stop it . is it not very strange that we are trying to combat smoking and at the same time are funding tobacco production with European tax revenue ? President Sarkozy has been a musketeer for Europe in the best French tradition , and he has brought the musketeer motto up to date by saying that the world needs a strong Europe and that Europe is not strong if it is disunited . Parliament is showing weakness rather than strength by resorting to such legal manoeuvres . as you have said , Minister , all this means the possibility , particularly for the young generation in these Balkan countries , of participating much more in European life , of integrating into it , and we think that all of this can be extremely beneficial , both for these countries and for our Europe . I am afraid that this will not be possible through this procedure . my third point concerns climate change and energy targets . as a result , around 230 000 people met a tragic death . I cannot support this approach and believe that the Member States must be allowed to retain a right to refuse different preparations even if countries nearby have given them the green light . in writing . - ( EL ) The report on the common immigration policy takes a positive view of the monopoly-friendly immigration policy of the EU and the European Parliament ' s contribution to it . communication with citizens during the ratification process - whatever method for ratification is chosen - as outlined by the European Council in June , is also vital . the Commission is a very strong supporter of the Global Fund to fight AIDS , Tuberculosis and Malaria . you are therefore going to give a one-off payment of EUR 1 000 to farmers who are now losing EUR 100 to 200 per day . we need to practise the right sort of forest policy , forests in mountain ranges need to be protected , and forests with the right species of tree should be planted , so that their root systems can absorb water , ensuring that it does not drain away too quickly . it is low carbon and it can provide a secure supply . ( ES ) Madam President , in order to mitigate the social and energy impact and to ensure secure energy reserves , we have tabled three amendments in plenary with the following aims : firstly , for the overall volume of aid per year to diminish , but with no percentage limit or limit per business . ladies and gentlemen , I firmly believe that if we want to act in the interests of the citizens of the EU , we should invest in research , development and education in the field of nuclear energy . I should like to congratulate him on a job well done . you , or somebody , decided that the previous debate would be allowed to trespass on Question Time . the science says that two degrees means rich countries must reduce their CO2 emissions by 40 % . however , such crises recur again and again . the solution after the fire alarm activities are passed is more trade , more harmonization , functioning internal market with goods and even more with services . I am really proud of the compromise adopted by a vast majority in the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs . we have before us a climate protection programme which suggests that the Bali conference never happened , as if Europe had never positioned itself as a key pioneer to avert the dangers of climate change at global level . instead of calling a spade a spade , the report only ' stresses the importance of ... ' , after the rejection of any concrete figures , benchmarks and deadlines . otherwise , patients ' rights , as defined by the European judges , would be undermined . ( the President cut off the speaker ) as a Swede , I would like to take the opportunity to highlight the municipality of Södertälje , south of Stockholm . we do have rural development , but often this does not benefit areas such as food production , but rather those such as the building of roads . what is certain , and is also mentioned in the Commission communication , is that Europe does not lack in potential , whether human , technical , commercial or financial . ( PT ) Madam President , on a subject which is vast by nature , I want to make just two brief points here . the development of tourism must be sustainable ; in other words , it must respect local communities and environmental protection . we were told that in the last three years , and particularly since the introduction of a port state control scheme for the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission in May 2007 , there has been a huge reduction in IUU fishing in the area . recycling is now ' the thing to do ' . I believe the EFSA should continue to guarantee scientific excellence and independence , meaning there is a need for measures relating to the declaration of interests by EFSA staff and experts working for the EFSA . it needs to be demonstrated that this is the case , because this will help to ensure the added value I spoke of . the Euratom Treaty must be revised . to avoid such exploitation at national level , we have put forward the idea of defining an adequate pension at European Union level . that is rare enough to be worthy of note . I trust all the institutions will keep up the momentum . we , Parliament , called for such coherence in the field of the environment and other policies in the recent report on biodiversity in the European Union ; similarly , we must also mainstream biodiversity at international level . the European Parliament also needs to keep this debate going with the Council and the Commission , so that they might raise the issue of this case and demand a fair trial . ( LT ) First of all , I would like to thank those fellow Members who contributed to the drafting of this resolution , and I would also like to thank the Member of the Commission who gave us much hope and joy with his announcement today of the measures that the Commission intends to take . our group collaborated closely with the rapporteur , tabling these and other amendments , and I believe that on the whole we have achieved a report of which this Parliament can feel proud . the Socialist Group is therefore asking the Commission to carry out an environmental impact assessment of the effects of scrapping the set-aside scheme . it recognised that this is not an abstract economic debate , but a crisis that affects Europeans , their livelihoods and their well-being . that is why I strongly reject the report . I shall describe this to you . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , first let me tell you how impressed I was by the clear demonstration of solidarity and by the calls for responsibility from most of the speakers . it is a strategic bridge that links Europe with the area of the Caspian Sea , Central Asia and the Middle East , as well as Southeast Asia and China . the timing is particularly appropriate with a sharp increase being noticed in the number of political and humanitarian crises in the world , which gives rise to the need for the European Union to deploy its foreign policy instruments more effectively so as to ensure better use of its leverage in international organisations and to take the lead more effectively in resolving current and future international crises . we are now at a time in the European Union when we can say ' back to work , Europe ' ; let us go back , let us work , let us operate . that is why the European Parliament has wanted to reiterate how much increased investments in education and training are needed . for this , we need comprehensive strategies , strong international organisations and the rule of law both within countries and between them . ( NL ) First of all , I should , of course , like to thank the rapporteurs , Mr Grosch and Mrs Ţicău , for the work they have done and for the fact that they eventually managed to thrash out a compromise on the package , one that should not last for more than a few years at the most , as it is merely a transitional measure , in my view . above all , you mentioned everything you are hoping to do in terms of development , humanitarian action , the fact that justice must be done and that we must not sell the International Criminal Court short . the emergence of new technology should also be used to ensure that it is easier for more people to use the internet , in more societies . if the European Union regulates the income of airports , this should not be in order to safeguard the profits of these companies or to limit airlines ' costs , and nor should it be in order to strengthen aviation by offering passengers the lowest possible fares . we offer our help in doing this . withdrawing DCM from general circulation therefore seems to be the most sensible and responsible solution . by doing that he is laying the foundations for an international mechanism to keep the peace and particularly for an international debate about the future status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia , and he is dissociating himself , and rightly so , from the recognition by Russia of the independence of these two separatist regions . I certainly agree with the rapporteur as far as that goes . I would also like to say that it is necessary for the Commission and this Parliament to consider the importance , in the last analysis , of making those countries from which these immigrants come - such as Libya in the case of Italy - pay . so let us base our criticism on facts and not take unfair records against the Chinese . that is why we must make a commitment and why I become so heated about this issue , which , I repeat , I consider to be a priority in the transport sector and a crucial aspect of my duties . however , you will not achieve credibility if you negotiate everything behind closed doors and then try to console people by saying that it will not be so bad after all . on the other hand , I am advocating a responsible approach in the area of work permits for legal migrants : we must think about it properly and we must choose qualified employees for the employment sectors most in need . such a change should involve Europe and the EU should be looking to strengthen the EU-US partnership , especially when addressing global challenges such as climate change and poverty . justice will not be done , however , and there will be no real fight against terrorism as long as innocent victims remain on that list , such as the People ' s Mujahidin of Iran , and whilst the world ' s foremost terrorist organisation - the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and all their satellite organisations in Iraq , Lebanon , the Gulf and throughout the world - continue to act with impunity , unchallenged because the European institutions are afraid to confront the terrorist beast . emigration must be a choice and not a necessity . in future , international engagements should , in fact , be assessed for how sensible they are and their benefit to the EU . agricultural producers would never have been able to comply with complex health regulations , HACCP and traceability , and would therefore have been forced to purchase from real feed factories the foodstuffs that had been made on the farm for centuries . following this piece of legislation - if it goes through tomorrow - our consumers should be assured that nothing from the commercial hunt will be sold on Europe ' s market . Commissioner , I still think you can do more for simplification . however , they receive only the leftovers of the EU ' s agricultural subsidy pot . what are the causes of the crisis ? we must all take steps to retain jobs in our home countries . my request to the Commission is therefore as follows : of course , we must continue to assist Haiti , but , in particular , we also need to invest in the political infrastructure . thank you also to the rapporteur , in your Bavarian costume . I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Thursday , 23 September 2010 . these organisations are particularly important for actively creating and developing modern technologies and ensuring economic development and modernisation , while , at the same time , creating new jobs . in this respect , I would call for a new phase of targeted political and future-oriented work , notably through the creation of a European IGF involving the national parliaments and local authorities : a European forum implemented by 2009 and perhaps a world forum in Europe thanks to Lithuania ' s application for 2010 . I support the idea that better coordination , coherence and synergy between the Seventh Framework Programme and the Structural and Cohesion Funds may also improve the participation of currently under-represented Member States . moreover , we note that the parties to the GFCM are required to ensure full implementation of agreed measures from the date set by the GFCM . EC / Ukraine agreement : short-stay visas ( vote ) the Commission accepts this amendment . my first point is the question of the European Union ' s special monitoring mechanism for textiles , which ended , as mentioned , on 31 December 2008 . following the Laval judgment , we in Denmark are now implementing a change to the law , agreed with both sides of industry . there are issues on which we have different positions , but I honestly believe that last week ' s summit in Nice confirmed that it is better to engage with Russia than try to isolate it . the usual task of the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters , as you said , is to facilitate this legal cooperation in Europe . we are talking here of a generation which has not known a world without AIDS . the report by the High Representative , Mr Solana , and the Commission on the security aspects of climate change realistically presents the situation and the risks facing the European Union . we must also bear in mind , of course , that the rules have been formulated very broadly and that a great deal is left to the Member States ' discretion . whether we want to or not , we still have to consider the real situation which brings us new challenges every day . in relation to development policy , we have repeatedly pointed out that it makes no sense at all to maintain two complete systems running in parallel - one for the European Development Fund and one for development aid . the Commission ' s recent proposals , especially the health check , also address disadvantaged areas like mountain areas . in December 2008 , it was agreed that the European Council would take the appropriate legal measures to ensure we have one Commissioner per country . on 16 December , exactly 28 years ago , strikers were killed in the Wujek coal mine by the Polish communist police because they fought for solidarity ; that is , for basic human rights , for dignity . it is only the money of people who are now struggling to pay their mortgages and educate their children . Member of the Commission . - Solar-thermal electricity was never excluded from the European Economic Recovery Plan . I therefore believe that , on the contrary , we now need a real recovery plan like the one being introduced by the United States , which has put more than USD 780 million on the table , and coordination of the efforts made to support workers coping with the crisis . I am very happy to see how far the reform has progressed . thirdly , let us remember that Moscow does not restrict itself to turning off the tap , as Georgia discovered . continuing with old programmes and designing new programmes has to be given in-depth scrutiny . in writing . - ( PT ) In 2006 I fought hard for the establishment of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund . we were perhaps hoping to have achieved a result already in an unofficial trialogue . if we are to establish a uniformly high level of protection throughout the EU , we must be able to introduce a number of elements quickly . we must accept the difficulties that we are facing ; the scientific evidence is now overwhelming . we have to force China to accept its share of the responsibility for development policy , poverty reduction and sustainable growth . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( NL ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , Commissioner Verheugen has reminded us of a number of very important elements in connection with today ' s topic : firstly , that trade between the United States and the European Union is worth USD 3 billion a day . do you agree that , in order to properly implement and make visible the adoption of corporate social responsibility , sanctions as well as incentives would be necessary ? ( PL ) Mr President , the European Union ' s approach to energy issues is full of inconsistencies . however , this should not mean that the Member States thin down their health systems - something that the text also states . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I will try to respond to some of the questions raised . when the dust settles , I hope colleagues will agree with me that a two-speed Europe is not the answer but the beginning of the end of our Union , the most successful democratic peace project of our time . what we need , therefore , is for all the European political groups that are in power to work together . the vote will take place on Wednesday , 20 October at 12 : 30 . the EU ' s position on world markets will , in future , be greatly influenced by the success of innovations and the speed of innovation cycles . there really is no excuse not to stress-test the banking book . however , like other types of insecure and atypical employment , temporary work has seen structural growth over the last few years , and this development was estimated at almost 60 % over the last five years . it is by eradicating the plague of unlawfulness that we can open up to what is acceptable and tolerable , including in numerical terms , in other words regular , clean and transparent immigration . finally , thirdly , within the EU budget , there should be a joint budget for joint action . labelling must be unambiguous and provide clear information to enable citizens to make their choice according to their own conceptions . I said clearly that we , as the Presidency , will consult the European Parliament immediately after the elections . Saturday ' s torch march against the Roma in Hungary is the latest evidence of this , and I would hereby like to call on the Hungarian Government to draw the conclusions from this . in writing . - Guidelines were adopted as part of the renewed Lisbon Strategy in 2008 and shall remain valid until 2010 . I would also like to remind you that 2010 will be the European Year of the Fight against Poverty and Social Exclusion . moreover , as Mr Titley has already said , the existence of high administrative costs is obviously something that depends mainly on the Member States , and in my view not enough attention is being paid to these factors . I hope that I will continue to have your support and understanding in the future . thank you . there is very little evidence of this in practice , however . in relation to the matter in hand , I can firmly state that my party and my government fully support the compromise proposed by our rapporteur , to which I made a substantial contribution . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( HU ) Thank you , Mr President . in the context of better implementation of environmental policy , would you be prepared to make the existing recommendation binding ? therefore , I am calling for measures such as interventions or export subsidies not to be abolished altogether but to be included in the budget with a figure of zero . this regulation on transitional technical measures resulted from the lack of agreement in 2008 on the draft regulation aimed at simplifying and clarifying Community rules on the conservation of fisheries resources . he says that , as part of this package , the Commission should be tasked with screening budgets before they are approved by national parliaments . situation in Albania ( debate ) of course the European Parliament cannot wave a magic wand and bring this conflict to an end , but I assure you that it will put human rights at the heart of the review of Israel ' s status , which will be debated throughout this year . the proposed text was positively received by the Council and the Commission . consequently , it will be quite right to focus precisely on these two countries in our common foreign policy . I would like to familiarise you with an unprecedented case in Bulgaria , which demonstrates how the authorities restrict the opportunity of thousands of children to receive education and achieve something better in their life . European agriculture is simply sacrificed , and will soon be handed over to market forces alone ; a rigged market , too , for it has been left defenceless against imports and denied access to export markets . we in Europe want to eat wholesome food , from our region : good , fresh milk , milk that I obviously drink . what does this mean in specific terms ? I am aware of and appreciate the legislative efforts made by Montenegro in this area , but it is most important that they should gradually be given greater practical force . all this undoubtedly is of concern to the international community . in the short term , we can focus on minimising food waste , decreasing dependence on imports , reducing or stabilising demand , and establishing regulatory mechanisms on the market in order to prevent speculation . firstly , in the case of Europeana , we cannot allow a reduction in quality . this is something about which we should be careful during this project . this is also a suitable instrument to bust the myths about lobbying which are circulating amongst the general public , whose common interest we , as members of the European Parliament , are promoting . this could take some time . we should of course focus our efforts on helping the most underdeveloped regions to catch up through Objective 1 . why is it that , in a Parliament committed to openness and transparency , our own authorities keep secret embarrassing reports which reveal the fraudulent practices of Members ? several have also been asking for an impact assessment on fundamental rights , an impact study on privacy and an impact study on the acquis communautaire . for me , however , the issues of transparency and measurable results remain doubtful . in writing . - ( PT ) I voted in favour of the report on discharge of the budget of the European Medicines Agency for the financial year 2009 , since it contributes to scrutiny of how funds are used by the European institutions . I can well imagine what consequences this would have for food quality as well . ( applause ) if we care about consumers ' concerns , then we should be transparent all the way and give them a real choice . I look forward to hearing your answers . today , we voted on the motion for a resolution drafted by my Slovenian colleague Mr Peterle , of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) , on the fight against cancer . we need to reduce amounts of waste in landfill and incineration . small farms in Europe need the support of the EU , so that they can continue to exist within the EU ' s wage structure . we believe that the monitoring of the agreement is inadequate and that the agreement does not take due account of the environment in relation to the overfished stocks . it can give an important fillip in terms of supporting the economic and social reforms required long term . this is Orwellian Newspeak and it is unacceptable . it has not been possible to rely on previous information concerning how much money is needed . therefore , in my capacity as Member of this Parliament , I voted in favour of this report . we must therefore start contemplating a policy of broad climate change knowledge from above , in combination with a policy operated from below , in industry , in economic sectors , in agriculture , in our various territories , to allow each country to draw up its own project in line with the general project . there is no objective analysis of what is required by the subsidiarity principle . this is the way to convince people . I think it ' s a bit upsetting to see so many countries running away from giving their people an opportunity ' . Hamas opposes a two-state solution , rejects the right of existence of the State of Israel , has taken power by means of a brutal coup against its own people , fires rockets at civilians , and uses civilians , schools and mosques as human shields . regarding the draft agreement between the European Union and the US on personal data protection in relation to the transfer and processing of data within the framework of police and judicial cooperation , we should ask one fundamental question : whether both sides have a balanced interest in the agreement . to that end , for the plenary vote we have retabled a set of amendments to facilitate the procedure for products that are similar to foods or ingredients already existing on the market and where the authorisation procedure has already started under the old Regulation . even so , we will act properly , and we will accordingly approve the resolution , with all its drawbacks , and as for everything else , we have missed an opportunity , but rest assured that we will be there at the next meeting , because the debate on the perspectives is not over . I had prepared a lot of other things to say , but I must point out that we have certainly not achieved all we can here . there is no doubt to me that we have got to do two things . this means breaking apart the private monopolies which exist in the nuclear industry , providing a massive injection of funding for renewables and localising energy production . finally , I would like to commend the willingness of our Commissioner , Mrs Reding , the technical cooperation between the Commission services , the Secretariat of the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy , and the legal and language experts from the two joint legislators who enabled us to produce a quality text . but there is a limit to the reduction of the level of irregularity that can be achieved by improving the effectiveness of supervisory and control systems . Croatia needs to focus , in particular , on the further reform of its judiciary and public administration , the fight against corruption and organised crime , respect for minority rights including refugee return , as well as war crimes trials and full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia . this is a major challenge which is connected with the increasing expectations of the public in this area , the ageing population in Europe and the constant advances in medicine and medical science generally . I do not want to irritate you just now by reviewing this great and still relevant film in even more detail , but the uncontrolled access to all passenger information of all people worldwide for the purpose of profiling and nothing else has been going on in the USA at least since 11 September 2001 . ( it ) Mr President , I would just like to say that today ' s episode clearly shows that the recasting agreement does not work and that it will affect our powers as a sovereign authority . the information is intended to provide a basis for analysing the demand for drugs and ways of reducing it , as well as phenomena associated with the drug market in general . there is a list , Commissioner , which you know of , which still needs to be answered and we need these questions to be answered , preferably in this debate . so much is still to be done because the country has lived purely off oil . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the full extent of the instability sensed on the global financial markets is not yet clear . so if the next cycle of the Lisbon Strategy is to succeed , we need to go further than merely diagnosing Europe ' s problems , we need to start treating them by applying a process of clear governance . lastly , the food crisis , which has recklessly been blamed on Spanish products , has led to unfair penalties and huge losses for those penalised by the Eurovignette : freight carriers and prime crop farmers . to this end , we must go further than current emergencies dictate . with less public money , more will have to be done ; hence , public money , both European and national , will have to be used more efficiently . what is this resolution about ? this is a bad signal for the recovery of growth and employment in Europe , in general , and for European citizens , in particular . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , representatives of the Commission , we welcome the impartial and independent investigation of , and the subsequent report on , the 2008 conflict in Georgia , conducted by the International Fact-Finding Mission headed by the Swiss diplomat , Heidi Tagliavini . we need to change our agricultural policy , which must become more environmental in nature . this refers to bakeries , butcheries , fruit and vegetables shops and , mainly , to market stands . Nord Stream , Depal - it looks like all pipelines from Russia lead over the heads of central European countries . I will give one example . written declarations included in the register ( Rule 116 ) : see Minutes moreover , exchanges of pupils and students would be facilitated by multilingual education . it offers a strange contrast to the resolution which was adopted this morning on Christian minorities . on the Senate , many of you were talking about tomorrow ' s vote . for some reason that rule seems not to apply to Turkey . I am , however , fully aware of the Presidency ' s difficult task of reaching a consensus within the Council , certainly now a number of Member States are using the financial crisis to weaken efforts in the areas of climate change and energy . this includes examples where there has been very good cooperation at the local authority level with the Roma living in these settlements , and we also saw good examples where local politicians had made a real effort to resolve the situation to the benefit of the Roma . to do this , we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus . if the relatives oppose the organ removal , then their view will be respected . as further proof of their ' brainwashing ' by pressure groups , they have also rejected Article 9 , which simply refers to one of the reforms to the common agricultural policy already decided on , namely the end by 2010 of direct production-linked subsidies for tobacco growing . my country , Lithuania , is a case in point . on a more general note , it is in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity , in that it provides support to the Member States ; it is in keeping with the principle of proportionality , because it applies to all the Member States ; it promotes the objectives of cohesion policy , as set out in Article 158 of the EC Treaty , and it does not increase the Community budget for the period 2007-2013 , but does speed up payments of advances and interim payments . it would create incentives for higher and unjustified claims to be made . the report advocates the adoption by the multinational enterprises of the best practice for editorial and journalistic freedom in each country where they operate . under this system , VAT invoicing rules will be simplified thanks to the increased harmonisation of European requirements and the widespread use of electronic invoicing . in writing . - ( SV ) Explanation of vote concerning the proposal on population and housing censuses . this makes it all the more important for us to promote innovation , which can counteract these problems by providing creative ideas and solutions . this is the system most widely used among such systems available to the developed countries . I am talking about information that all those who manage waste need to know . I am especially worried about the Ashraf opposition camp , which has been under siege and under pressure since July 2009 . what would be the right course of action at a time like this ? I welcome the Action Plan for Energy Efficiency ( and I supported it with my vote ) for many of the reasons stated here . of course it is a major criminal threat , but so are drug smuggling , people trafficking and corruption . Mr President , along with the approaching winter season , the threat of a new gas crisis is emerging from the east . what has happened to these intentions ? ultimately , the suspected oil and gas reserves to be found there could guarantee Europe ' s energy independence . in fact , a report by the United States Department of Energy found that extending daylight saving time by four weeks saved enough electricity to power some 100 000 homes per annum . similarly , a recent study by the University of Cambridge also suggests that increasing summer time would lead to a decrease in both energy consumption and carbon-dioxide emissions as , during the peak demand period from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. each day , many of the more expensive and carbon-emitting ancillary power stations are switched on . the Caucasus is known to be an energy transit region in the same way as Russia , which is an important strategic partner and of major significance to us . moreover , it is true that , thanks to the Swedish Presidency , the roadmap was adopted by the Council on 30 November 2009 . our interpretation of Article 290 is that this gives the Commission the opportunity to supplement or amend legislation . the line between foolishness and crime in human action is often a grey one , and it seems to me that the EU is today giving us another example of that . in June , Mrs Merkel demonstrated a combination of courage , responsibility and political will . this report takes no cognisance of hazard or risk ; it cannot identify between the two of them . ( the speaker agrees to answer the question of another Member , in accordance with Rule 149 ( 8 ) of the Rules of Procedure ) time does not permit me to read them all out , but the list will be forwarded to the honourable Member . we will need to examine whether the 8 % late payment interest rate is adequate ; Parliament would have liked it to be 9 % . a sine qua non for the European Union in addressing all these issues is to ensure that the same standards of regulation , the same checks and balances , and the same stringent enforcement applies to products coming in from third countries as to our own producers within the European Union . it involves other requirements , such as the labelling issue . Sea piracy ( debate ) another important part of the report is certainly the fact that it speaks of the ethnic cleansing on South Ossetian territory in the Georgian villages . I think that increasing the volume of lending by the amount which the report mentions is a very ambitious objective . this will all be passed on to the competent authorities . that is a major and most important step forward . in order for such action to succeed , it is necessary , first and foremost , to adopt an integrated approach in the most varied of areas . we talk about effectiveness in terms of the rapid alert systems , the close monitoring of the development of the pandemic and actual virus itself , as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of the preventive and curative measures adopted in the countries where the pandemic first occurred , which are all vital elements in preparing and adapting our own responses . although this report contains some good proposals , it cannot fulfil the specified aims . I voted in support of this report despite some misgivings and concern with the overall thrust of the report . the Commission has asked the parties involved to submit contributions on the topic of the Green Paper before 20 May 2011 . we must simplify and give responsibility to the Member States and then they must come here to face up to the consequences . Mr President , Commissioner , I , too , believe that last week ' s tragic accident is the worst rail disaster to have hit Belgium since 2001 , when I myself held the post of Minister for Mobility and Transport . let us help those who are looking to us today to give them a better life , a life that will restore to them their freedom , their security and , above all , their dignity . vocational education and training measures are absolutely essential for turning the European economy into a knowledge economy , in line with the Europe 2020 strategy objectives . the liberalisation of sectors of strategic importance and the commercialisation of environmental protection promote the green economy as one of the larger investment outlets for monopolistic capital . however , he takes such an interest in the problem of Lampedusa that he has already left the House - a House that ought to express its gratitude for the generous welcome accorded in recent years by the citizens of Lampedusa . well , just look at the present situation , reinforcing , as it does , this appeal from the European Parliament to the Commission and Council . that can be quickly decided on Thursday afternoon . we have twice held informal negotiations with the Council to come to an agreement . I think the results of the elections have something to do with our behaviour and let us hope that we can have a government in Serbia that will look to the European perspective of Serbia . we will be discussing the issues of combating climate change , finding ways to lead the EU out of the financial and economic crisis , promoting energy security and dealing with the problem of illegal migration . congratulations to everyone . there are highly diverse views on this point . ( FR ) Mr President , President of the Commission , the employment situation in Europe is very worrying , as my fellow Members have just pointed out . however , as I understand it , the proposed sentencing tariff for reoffenders will , unfortunately , remain low . well done , ladies and gentlemen ! it is true that the disagreement that I referred to in my question may have been partially corrected ; however , it is still the case that the Danish aviation authority does not permit SAS planes to take off before they have resolved the technical problems , while other aviation companies are actually using planes which have these technical problems . the practices in question typically entail luring businesses , as well as professionals and non-profit entities , into being listed in a business directory free of charge , although signatories later discover that they have signed up to a contract with a fee . the proposal does not specify the conditions for admitting third-country nationals . this is an opportunity for us to lessen the environmental impact of the air transport industry and at the same time to reduce the noise nuisance for the more seriously affected residents . the majority of public workers are women . as far as partnership agreements in the fisheries sector are concerned , I would remind the House that , following the Council ' s conclusions in July 2004 , the Community has introduced a new type of bilateral agreement . that is why we should not set macro-economic stability and rigour in contradiction or opposition to growth . I voted against the resolution on the Small Business Act Review , put forward by the European Commission in February 2011 . however , do you believe that equal conditions exist for wealthy international corporations , because they have to make a contribution of their own in order to obtain money from the Structural Funds or the European Social Fund , and small and medium-sized enterprises , which also want to train their people and want to have qualified employees ? poverty affects 85 million people in Europe . furthermore , I believe that a common asylum system will weaken the accountability of British ministers and parliamentarians to the citizens who elect them . hopefully , substantive steps will be agreed in Cancún which should be in line with the latest developments in science in order to safeguard the survival of all nations , peoples and ecosystems . both the Commission and the Council have now acknowledged the importance of Parliament ' s involvement in the procedure . ladies and gentlemen , allow me to tell you what happens in Italy - because loans and home purchases in my country are significant - and let me recount to you what an important Italian weekly publication , L ' Espresso , said about the ethics of some Italian politicians ( who , by the way , have also been our colleagues ) in the face of the sufferings of so many savers and those who clamber to pay loans , when in fact a simple institution such as the social loan could make owning a house a reality . we do not want to confuse items . Sixthly , if I could ask you , Commissioner and Mr Bussereau , to listen to the wishes not only of the European Parliament , but also of the citizens of the Union and look at the maritime package as a single entity . this concerns small-scale agriculture in Europe . the financial imbalances relate to budgets and the balance of payments . we have to take account of that , but in my view , I think that at the very least we have to have a college of European regulators . such a concerted effort would demonstrate our determination to deliver concrete , timely responses in the face of the crisis which has shaken us all . we wish to tell them this : come out of your bubble and try to put yourself in other people ' s position . we are , I agree . that is why I want to stress some aspects that are , in my opinion , missing from the report in question . take , for example , the age-old question of the indication of origin of products , the ' Made In ' label , particularly in the textile sector regulations which I have been following personally . ( PL ) Mr President , today we approved a report in which we carried out a review of the functioning of the European Union ' s common market . ( it ) Mr President , the official figures say it all : 1 % of the medicines sold legally in the European Union are falsified . this was politically well-attended and discussed the developments in this respect and also future prospects . we have passed too much legislation and waited too long , but the results are not very good . the fourth issue is that of the deadline : of course we will be flexible in this regard . Commission and governments have just one obsession : to reassure them . ( FR ) Mr President , I beg your pardon , but I am undoubtedly the victim of a secret lobby . it gives the new supervisory authority more powers and - something that is completely new - it gives ESMA the power to punish non-application of the regulation . this week we launched the Covenant of Mayors , in which more than a hundred cities are now participating . once we get an end to the violence , we have to work to support the emergence of a new Libya with democratically chosen leaders and where people ' s rights are respected . it is important to map these areas because it might be too late if we leave this too late . the existing procedure must be simple so that states and beneficiaries can gain easy access to it . I have not , however , received any signals concerning this problem of road safety that school buses is an issue that is badly handled . this is the challenge for us , the European Parliament , just as it is for other European institutions . the opportunity should also be taken to apply the rules on unfair terms to all negotiated contracts which contain unfair terms , even if they have been individually negotiated . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Madam President , I would like to thank my colleagues who have already contributed . the Belarus resolution passed last year emphasised the need for a firm and conditional , yet positive policy . that is why the Commission seeks to intensify its efforts so that EU citizens and their families can truly enjoy the rights guaranteed under current European law . President-in-Office of the Council . - Mr President , access to affordable pharmaceutical products in poor developing countries and LDCs is essential to attain the proposed EU development goals and would contribute to poverty reduction , increase human security and promote human rights and sustainable development . however , this report endorses the ' active promotion of the European Union ' s agricultural interests ' , free trade areas and trade agreements between the EU and Chiquita or Dole . the current negotiations relating to the post-2012 obligations of developed countries that signed the Kyoto Protocol will continue . the EU has been trying for years , with funding and know-how , to release the country from its agony , but the results are not overwhelming . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , Pakistan is a vital ally for the European Union . therefore , people must now be persuaded from an early age to live a healthier life - in which exercise is one of the main components - and obviously the proper infrastructure and sports opportunities must be ensured for them . now let us leave it to the Committee on Legal Affairs to give its verdict . the Commission also carries out public consultations on its legislative plans . with the goal of protecting children , we also obtained an interinstitutional agreement , concluded between the three institutions , to develop a common position on the adoption of the necessary rules to protect children against abduction and trafficking . all that is required - I know it is quite technical - is a will for better cooperation between Member States . the Council therefore needs to improve transparency concerning the debates currently in progress and to be answerable to the citizens of Europe . with regard to the specific issue of Anglo , is it the view of the Commission that Anglo is different to the existing clearing banks , as we call them in Ireland , like Allied Irish Banks , Bank of Ireland , Ulster Bank and so on ? I think it is particularly important for us to make progress in terms of research , education , sustainability and strengthening economic growth . , in writing . - We always pride ourselves on being the most open among the European institutions . the same rules , including the right to strike , should apply in respect of companies in the country of operation and those using posting arrangements . unemployment is increasing : when expenditure on unemployment benefits increases , the financial stimulus will increase . with regard to the possibility of overfishing around the peripheral regions , we have been looking into this and the Council has just adopted a regulation on IUU fishing , with the European Parliament ' s blessing . ladies and gentlemen , the past week has been very eventful . the Member States , as the shapers of their own specific conditions , must also have their place . during the last visit by the Chief Prosecutor , Mr Brammertz , to Zagreb , in February , where he had gone to ask for the missing documents relating to the use of artillery in ' Operation Storm ' , which , for the record , resulted in the exodus of 200 000 Serbs and the death of 350 civilians , the Prosecutor demanded Croatia ' s full cooperation and , although the European Commission has just given the green light to opening Chapter 23 on the judiciary and fundamental rights , some European governments will not hear of it , nor will the European Parliament . I think that this is reflected in the report by Ria Oomen-Ruijten , which has a large majority and is in favour of not establishing a criterion of two weights and two measures in the process of negotiation , of being firm and clear in our intentions and not giving out contradictory messages , because this could really nurture a vicious circle in which European reluctance , ambiguities , and contradictions could provide fodder for reactionaries or those who are against Turkey ' s membership of Europe , nationalist groups or suchlike who are against integration into Europe . however , as the Commission observes , the fundamental policy has not changed . on 24 April of this year , the European Parliament repeated this request . ( the oral amendment was accepted ) above all , let us not forget the considerable humanitarian effort that we must undertake . over the years , the services sector has become increasingly important for the economic and social development of the European Union and has undergone substantial change . if we do not do anything now , future generations may be able to limit the damage , but they will not be able to stop it . I now come to Mr Deprez ' s question . the world needs more and more food , and the exponential growth in consumption will not be resolved by an agricultural policy that is increasingly mean and stingy towards European producers . it is not only the differing views on property and belonging that made Abyei the bone of contention of a civil war that lasted for decades ; there are also the differing religions , namely the Muslim North versus the Christian and nature-based religions of the South Sudanese , who were forced together by the haphazard borders drawn up by the former colonial powers . ' we should end the practice of viewing words as crimes ' . as I said , I cannot tell you exactly at what stage they are because they are ongoing , but they follow the usual procedure and , to answer your question , we are also having discussions with Senegal and Cape Verde . the move to promote a European approach is evidently not aimed at weakening or competing with the central role of the United Nations . who gets the opportunity to speak during the debate is , of course , also dependent on who is actually present . that is why we voted in favour , although we believe that the most important thing would be to prevent these companies going bust and the jobs being lost . it is a question of give and take , however . the situation in the country remains very complex and chaotic , reconstruction efforts are struggling to get off the ground , millions of people are starving , and the earthquake has had a huge impact on more than 800 000 children , exposing them to the risk of violence , sexual abuse , trafficking and exploitation , The situation in the country became even worse with a political crisis following the presidential and parliamentary elections . therefore , I believe it is important to ensure that the Directive enables patients staying at home in their own Member State to have access to proper treatment too . at the end of 2007 , we adopted a communication on financial education to raise awareness of the need to increase consumers ' level of financial literacy , promote the provision of high-quality financial education in the European Union and provide some practical tools to help achieve these goals . I am therefore full of hope in this regard and I have to say that , in many commentaries that we have to sit through in this Chamber - in particular from a so-called parliamentary group from the United Kingdom - the quality in this House has really suffered terribly . recent information indicates that at least 85 underage criminals are awaiting execution in that country . I therefore call on all colleagues in my Group , as in your Group and all the other Groups , to try to calm the situation down instead of aggravating it by statements designed for media effect , which is what I think they are . Mrs Malmström , I would like to congratulate you on your election and your move from one bench to the other . indeed , Europe and Russia both face the urgent need for resolute action to tackle the crisis . the report entitled ' Progress towards the Lisbon Objectives in Education and Training ' adopted by the European Commission in 2005 clearly indicates that progress in that field had been inadequate in terms of achieving the desired outcome by 2010 . Mr President , I am happy to say that today is the 19th day of Estonia ' s membership of the eurozone , but Estonia has been preparing for this since its accession . and , rather than being a one-off event , I also hope that it will be another milestone in an ongoing process that started well before the crisis - a process of cooperation between the Commission , the Member States and the social partners - which will go on throughout the crisis and beyond . in writing . - As someone who has reservations regarding the long-term safety of nuclear power stations I am not entirely happy with this report . those who take a short-term view no doubt think that democracy is costly . therefore , it is very important for the European Union to be capable not only of responding to such challenges , but also to approach them efficiently by fast mobilization of the necessary financial instruments . of course , the efforts to improve employability begin well before higher education . sadly our fears of terrorist attack were proved correct . it made me angry . it can therefore be said that the European Central Bank has performed very well . a lot we knew , and acted too little and too late . there are no studies available on the social impact of the introduction of a Eurovignette in road transport . Mr President , what we need now is stability . however , the stability of Central Asia is in the interests of the region itself , in our interests , and in the strategic interests of the world as a whole . no amendments . certainly , making savings on cleaning and upkeep , for example , is one solution , but perhaps we also need more ambitious agendas than merely saving on soap . tabled before the Council is the issue of the strategy and , at the same time , that of the infrastructure required for its implementation . consequently , so as to be able to finance the actions linked to the EU ' s new competences under the Treaty of Lisbon , I am supporting the request for the question of own resources to be examined and for new forms of Community income , in order to ease the pressure on national budgets and to do away with the belief in a ' fair return ' which is economically inaccurate and politically unsound . children are the most precious thing that society has and it is our duty to provide them with conditions conducive to their harmonious development . I agree with the rapporteur that the Agency must improve its budgetary and recruitment planning in order to redress the lack of consistency between its budgetary and staff forecasting , and to make progress in ensuring , as far as possible , a realistic evaluation of tenders . I believe that this fact has to be recorded at this point as the truth will out and no progress will be made by only claiming to develop a new policy . one of the official objectives of the European Union is to ensure an 80 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 . the advantages of the Internet appreciated by law-abiding citizens are unfortunately exploited for criminal purposes . I agree with the goal of providing a legislative framework for identifying and ensuring the traceability of timber products , establishing independent governmental verification procedures which certify that all timber products exported by the Republic of Cameroon to European markets have been obtained , harvested , transported and exported legally , with the aim of establishing the foundations of legal management and use in Cameroon ' s timber sector , and strengthening the enforcement of forestry regulation and governance . this part remains unchanged . I trust that the Parliament will be supportive in this area within the MFF . this waste contains lead , cadmium , barium , mercury , brominated flame retardants and other chemicals and plastics that become hazardous when burned . I hope that this does not remain the case , I hope that we are successful not only in this sector , but also in the construction sector , and I sincerely hope that tomorrow , we are able to give a response that is not only coordinated and articulate , but a response to the crisis that we are experiencing . ( the House rose and observed a minute ' s silence ) it should also be noted that the record industry makes a huge contribution in terms of employment and tax revenue and is a major exporter of intellectual property . as early as paragraph 3 of the report it is established that the European Parliament sees the stability mechanism as ' part of a global package of measures which are designed to define a new framework , reinforcing budgetary discipline and coordination of economic and financial policies of the Member States ' . under discussion here is a global agreement that goes much further than figures and quantities of goods to be traded . why are we not creating the conditions for that capital to stay at home to create jobs and make wealth ? first , talking about the transposition by Member States , we can say it has been poor at best . Mr President , the eCall system in motor vehicles is a major advance in assisting emergency services to get to the scene of an accident as quickly as possible . the more facts we know about , the better . the Territorial Pact of Local and Regional Authorities on Europe 2020 can add to the strengthening of this contribution to the goals of intelligent , sustainable and inclusive growth . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes this could be an excellent start to making the necessary ambitious changes in the form of a joint effort by the Commission and the European Parliament and , at the same time , to developing a budget which looks to the future and is combined with greater political legitimacy . the European Union must work in close cooperation with the United States , Canada , Norway and Russia and constantly exchange information via SEIS , Eionet and SAON . I would just like to say to Mr Jadot : I think your pig producers in Brittany may well benefit significantly hopefully , Yannick , because pig producers across Europe are having a bad time . that is the stick we need in order to persuade Member States rapidly to create efficient , functional airspace blocks . let me just point out one thing . this must be taken into consideration , in particular , in connection with the harmonisation of spectrum use in the EU . it applies , and must of course apply , to all EU citizens . in writing . - ( PT ) For the sake of consistency , in view of what we have said in the past and what we expect from the European Solidarity Fund , I shall clearly be voting for this resolution . so the compromise proposed by the Commission was accepted by the Council , but not by Parliament . however , these countries vary in terms of their economic development . it is a welcome example of a European law which genuinely reduces red tape and embodies the principle of better law-making . we are saying we want to do our duty . the debate is closed . Madam President , I stand here as a democrat and someone who believes that greater participation in the democratic process is to be encouraged . consequently , the problem of access to water is not only a problem for developing countries , but also for developed countries . universal access to drinking water is an essential condition for the development of countries and the fight against poverty . in writing . - ( PT ) Information from the register of activities shows that the Ombudsman received 3 830 complaints in 2006 . controlling the export of dual-use goods is a key for the non-proliferation of arms , including weapons of mass destruction ( WMD ) . Doyle report in my own region of Yorkshire and the Humber , many thousands of people were affected and many are still unable to return to their properties . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , when Senator Obama became President Obama , we all heaved a sigh of relief . so all we are doing is denying ourselves access to cheaper world market feeds , making it virtually impossible for our producers to compete and therefore we are in grave danger of haemorrhaging jobs and exporting our industry outside the EU . I would like to make one last point which is off the record . as it happens , I do not think that the Goldstone report is constructive in this regard . it is of great importance that products based on new information and communication technologies are affordable to all EU citizens . this is why we have proposed - and I would like to thank all the Members who have supported me on this point - creating what we have termed an economic dialogue , which must be proportionate . with all measures against terrorism , the attention given to rights is often inadequate . I would like to ask why it is that in Europe , we collect less than 1 % of stem cells at birth , and I would like , of course , to agree with the Commissioner , who says that it is mainly up to Member States to regulate this , although the Commission , along with the Member States , could surely help to improve the provision of information to parents concerning the advantages of stem cells , in light of progress in stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine . what can we say about the issue of working time , where the Council , under its Presidency , has once again completely undermined its talk , Mr President , about the need to bring citizens closer to Europe : because the message that has been sent out loud and clear is one of ' more work for less pay ' . the February 2010 plenary session is today witnessing the very start of the institutional cooperation that will continue for the next five years . those affected by human trafficking have not taken a free , informed decision about all this . this regulation in fact allows the Community to provide information about a number of agricultural products on the internal market and on markets in third countries , while tailoring such activities to each location . therefore , external trade policy and agreements with foreign importers must not jeopardise the EU ' s ability to maintain a strong and vibrant sector . the report also reinforces Parliament ' s position in favour of new financial instruments , such as the tax on financial transactions and Eurobonds , which are an opportunity for the European economy . of course , the European Union should continue to take steps in favour of a strategy which will bring us to a progressive agreement to promote the reduction of climate change . there is nothing you can do to change this , but it gives Europe a negative image . that means we need new , additional resources to tackle climate change . Member of the Commission . - First of all , I think we can see that renewable energies and biofuels have recently been the scapegoat for increased prices within the agricultural commodities sector . Parliament will be excluded from the process . the report on the EU strategy on Roma inclusion lists the problems and difficulties facing Roma communities in the EU . the Commission considers that children become dangerous at six years old and must therefore give fingerprints which are incorporated in personal passports from that age , while the European Parliament , demonstrating its ' democratic sensibilities ' , considers that children must be put on file when they are slightly older , namely at 12 years of age . they called on the Commission to ensure that the new priorities of the European Action Plan in the area of disability contribute to the effective implementation of the UN Convention . that , for us , is the basis of the competences of a united Europe and of future governance , European governance . thirdly , I think it is erroneous that , although the basic purpose was to ensure free movement of medical services , the text of the directive itself concentrates , first and foremost , on movement of patients in need of non-urgent healthcare . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , with market globalisation and the severe crisis now affecting Europe , including in the agricultural sector , one possible response on the part of the agricultural market is to place emphasis on product quality . may I conclude by making a number of points which should make your decision easier and counter the arguments of those who oppose better European firearms legislation . to ensure that this objective is achieved , every single person needs to be actively involved and properly informed about how to protect the environment and assume their responsibility towards future generations . but the ANC committed terrorist acts in fighting the utterly repressive apartheid state . the countries in Africa need to be able to see that the first measures are already in progress . people want proper , secure pensions in their old age . it is surely important for us not to stop investing in mobility and youth programmes , such as the current Erasmus and Leonardo programmes , and the Youth in Action activities . we urgently need to take a decision to amend the credit conditions for Greece and Ireland or we will end up destroying these countries . the Pakistani Government ' s commitment to give seats to minorities in the Senate is to be commended . nonetheless , from this report , I feel that some of the provisions in this regulation will make a difference , will improve the application process for business and enhance consumer protection , especially on the labelling of animal-derived products . it would be acting in accordance with its founding texts , which state that the EU should contribute in particular to sustainable development , free and fair trade and the protection of human rights . it means that we wholeheartedly support this resolution and ask the Council and the Commission to act likewise . before the vote on paragraph 8 : in June , another ILO conference will take place in Geneva at which the problem of domestic work will be tackled . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes the Commission has said that farmers manage the landscape better and more cheaply than any other option we have , so let us make sure they are allowed to survive in these regions . ( EL ) Mr President , may I start by expressing my full solidarity with the fight by the trade unionists in the European Parliament and wishing them every success . if the AU cannot bring itself to sort out this mess , then it is reasonably fair to ask why the EU should do so . thus , on the one hand , it welcomes the unacceptable Pact on Immigration and Asylum and calls for the reinforcement of FRONTEX and stronger intelligence gathering and repressive measures against immigrants who are of no use to European capital . this gives us an important insight into the level and strength of synergies developed between countries as a result of their participation in FP7 activities . we cannot ' half-commit ' to investment in renewable energy sources and low-carbon transport . can the Commission suggest any initiative in this direction ? unfortunately , many parents and teachers are still out of touch with digital media and do not take the necessary steps to protect children on the Internet . in writing . - On February 2010 , in the presence and with the participation of the European Union , Greece , the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania signed the Agreement on the protection and sustainable development of the Prespa Park Area . I would therefore like to suggest that examination of these institutions is also becoming increasingly important . it would be unfortunate if the Commission ' s only means of querying an agreement were to be to take the matter to the European Court of Justice . since the resolution is not only a political statement by Parliament , but also offers moral support for those who are jailed , we would like to propose the inclusion in our resolution of the names of four former presidential candidates who are still in the custody of the KGB . from the perspective of the role of the European Parliament , it would be appropriate to make changes along two lines : clearer definition of the role of the European Parliament in the budgetary procedure and submission to the European Parliament of the work programme , the annual reports and the studies of the Agency with a view to providing regular and detailed information on its activities . the Stockholm Programme establishes ambitious European policies on justice and security in order to build a citizens ' Europe . I understand from the exporters ' association in Ireland that this would add EUR 150 per trip , or EUR 300 per round trip , for haulage from Ireland , which depends heavily on this type of haulage and also very heavily on exports . what are we hearing ? demand should be curbed through a value-based policy and through ongoing , widespread prevention work and information campaigns , especially among young people . the Irish example , which I had the pleasure to learn about , is a good one . it wants to remove them and plant their lands instead with colonies of retired Brits . I am not afraid of that and I believe that , if we truly want to be present in Africa - as someone said , this is very important - we must do as I suggest and add another ingredient to the mix . the recent decision of the Russian Government to establish official ties and to bolster the Russian military presence in Abkhazia goes beyond and violates existing agreements and the territorial integrity of Georgia . more than 150 amendments were tabled to the report , but I think that it nevertheless still takes a critical approach . finally , in close association with the Presidency , the Commission will be pursuing its longstanding dialogue with the United States . the missing element is effective analysis of the proposals being made on the operation of international financial markets , on the existence of international tax havens , on the fight against international financial crime , and on tax treatment at international level - on capital flows in the strictest sense . those are the words of Arrigo Cavallina , who recruited Cesare Battisti in prison when he was serving a sentence for robbery , talking about Mr Battisti , his crimes and the families of the victims . this cannot happen , it is simply impossible . it should inevitably work very closely with all the institutions , the Commission first and foremost . Madam , I also agree with the President of the European Commission . however , the European Union must punish those responsible . there is only one problem here . none of us can say for sure that it will stay there , calmly for the next millennia . in two weeks ' time , we will attempt to deal with these points with the European delegation . if we recall that the suggestion of a ' European VAT ' , put forward by the Commission as a source of income for the Union , was immediately rejected by several Member States , we will have to acknowledge that asking the Commission for ' a new VAT strategy ' seems to make little sense . I particularly welcome the progress made with the ship monitoring tools , which are essential for reducing risk situations . otherwise , we cannot expect our policy in this area to succeed . I therefore urge the Commission to modify the directive so as to avoid extensive and indecent interpretations of the statement that the European Union rightly made in the fight against terrorism . they have to accept earning less money . they have been doing so for years . I understand the rawness and the sense of grievance , but things must move on rapidly . the process of ratification of the Constitutional Treaty was wrecked due to unsuccessful referenda in France and the Netherlands . on the contrary , a lot of semi-finished products are included . if they are semi-finished , it means that they will be finished in Europe , which should , in fact , generate cheaper imports for those companies which give the final treatment to such products . these very expensive journeys are one of the factors contributing to the rise in food prices . considering the importance of the policy of cohesion as an overarching element of all European policies , I welcome its planned inclusion in the document that is key to the successful implementation of this policy . I hope it will get broad support in this Parliament . we welcome the part played by an institutionalised public-private partnership in facilitating access for the small and medium-sized enterprises that form the basis of our economy . ( PL ) Mr President , the European Commission ' s initiative to impose on Member States the duty to publish information on the beneficiaries of EU funds obtained under the umbrella of the common agricultural policy is worthy of support in every respect . that is what I believe in all honesty . the derogation from the rules of origin for fish processed in Papua New Guinea and Fiji is an example of this . Mr Schmidt also raised the issue of a cumulative effect ; however , I have answered this question in my point about the three-way balance , which is something we are going to be watching very closely . the President responds to such a request by establishing whether or not the quorum exists . in writing . - This report on rail passengers ' rights and obligations should be welcomed . I have therefore voted in favour of this report , which takes measures to tackle the massive bee mortality . international adoption is , of course , vitally important . the second point which is also important in this context is better monitoring of the impacts of EU legislation . indeed , our joint work has been complicated and slowed down by this alignment . the report voted on here deals with some important issues , mainly with regard to the defence of equal healthcare for all , a situation which , unfortunately , is not yet the case in the EU , in particular , among more disadvantaged groups , such as children , the elderly , and in some cases women . at that point , the international community really will have a role to play . I believe that Parliament and its Members should lead by example as regards the transparency of their activities and the clarity of their aims . the British Government has conceded that trade union law must now be amended so that unions can expel members whose political views they do not like . regardless of the parties ' position on the Goldstone report , I hope that it will not be used as a pretext to stonewall discussions aimed at resolving the Palestinian problem in a peaceful way for good . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , Mr Verhofstadt complained that nationalist and Marxist rhetoric are not enough to lead us out of the crisis . this is why I find it laudable and encouraging that all the groups in Parliament have been united in their condemnation of the abuses committed by the Cuban authorities against human rights , not to mention the constructive approach , receptive to dialogue , which the EU has decided to adopt towards Cuba . yet , at the same time , we must ensure that sub-committee agendas do not become disconnected from the situation , as has happened in the past , or fail to feed into other bodies , such as the Justice and Home Affairs Council ( JHA ) . whole continents are beginning to compete in the energy sector , and let us be candid about it : no one can remain isolated from electricity or motorisation . we know , for example , that up to two thirds of cancers are associated with an age of over 60 . therefore , because it is necessary for individual development in such a competitive world and because it is necessary for the development of the internal market , this is a subject that has much greater importance than it is perhaps being given by being debated so late in the day . Kosovo must not be isolated from the European processes in any way . six months ago , the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon inspired optimism and hope . however , I think this will be difficult to achieve . despite all this , the European Union congratulates Turkey because that is what is required by NATO and the European multinationals investing in the Nabucco pipeline and their economic and geostrategic ambitions for this country and the Middle East in general . they must be conducted transparently , at EU level . some priorities included by the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament which I would highlight are , for example : 1 ) investment for jobs and growth ; 2 ) the social aspect , and the workers ' rights and conditions ; 3 ) sustainability ; 4 ) European added value ; 5 ) proposed structure and duration . as such , there is a total absence of any references to and denouncements of the flagrant violations of human rights in Palestine , Iraq , Afghanistan , occupied Cyprus or the Western Sahara , as perpetrated by EU countries and / or their allies such as the US , Israel , Turkey or Morocco . it is a delusion in strategic terms , because the behaviour of immigrants will end up being modelled on that of Europeans ; I am thinking here mainly of the unfortunate tendency to have fewer children in a society which is truly disorientated on all counts . I reiterate my thanks to all those who contributed to making this such a good report . it becomes apparent that issues are often strongly interconnected and so the right solutions have to be found . it is about understanding that by investing at the same moment in time in the next couple of years you will have added value . among other things , I am fully convinced that no tax in the world could have prevented the financial crisis which we have experienced in recent years . in this regard , we particularly support the request in the report by Mr Cadec that negotiations on the fishing chapters are transferred from the remit of the Directorate-General for Trade to that of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries , as is the case with agriculture , as we are also dealing here with products that are particularly sensitive , tuna being the classic case . it will also be necessary to end the confusion over the CE marking . that is why all these critical remarks are beyond comprehension . at the same time , fear on the part of the crew that they are in danger of suffering criminal or civil consequences or the fact that the vessel has inadequate insurance may prevent refuge from being sought , with unfortunate consequences . Europe will soon , in fact , be facing real problems due to its low demographic growth , and suitable policies need to be adopted straight away so as not to jeopardise the entire European social security system . this would also contribute to an improved use of funds . from this perspective , we strongly support the approach of the whole Action Plan , which hinges on the principle of mutual recognition of decisions , to be achieved by strengthening mutual trust . Mr President , has Mr Canfin considered that the use of the EIB as a public policy instrument , which is what he and his party advocate , will be at the direct financial cost of EU taxpayers , and in particular British taxpayers ? the prices of basic commodities continue to increase . in this sense we find it particularly difficult to understand Serbia ' s opposition to the European Union , that is to say to its mission in Kosovo , because this mission is primarily in the interest of Kosovo ' s Serbian population . secondly , it also suggests the use of resources from the risk-sharing finance facility to support CCS . what was the objective of the climate change conference , now ? a European perspective and new steps are essential for responding to these needs and especially for adequately tackling the supervision of cross-border groups and moving forward with the prevention and management of international crises . we need to promote public awareness and online safety , especially among children , but also among parents so that they know exactly what is going on and what can be done on the Internet . we are creating great laws . I could say in some cases things are better and in some cases worse . otherwise , I should like to highlight three important developments in the past month . we should look to Copenhagen . yes , solidarity , an idea which is , to me , as a Pole , especially dear . it should be an answer and a challenge which can be applied immediately . during those one-minute speeches there was an incident . another point is that we also need a certain degree of reciprocity . I fully agree with you that the instrument which we have discussed today is a very important one . or do you merely intend to let things carry on as they are ? from my perspective , the presentation of the action plan should have been given more time in Parliament in order to give Members the opportunity to debate and , more importantly , to amend the proposals . that is actually a firm basis for the information society , and we must always preserve it . I therefore appeal for environmentally conscious action to resolve this problem . we shall therefore vote now on recital B , as amended by Mr Tannock . the next item is the oral question by Giuseppe Gargani on the collective management of copyrights on-line - B6-0459 / 2008 ) . I am committed to this principle and , therefore , it is essential for me that the concerns of the people are heard at a European level . as my fellow Member from Lithuania pointed out just now , barely 8 % of Lithuanians who went abroad to work used the instruments offered by EURES . what is the geographical distribution of such differences in the Member States ? the right of codecision of the European Parliament that has been directly elected by the citizens of Europe gives us the opportunity to bring democracy back into decisions on trade policy . however , we must continue to work on it . as you know , new governments in the region are trying to follow new paths to resolve this problem . we will come to that discussion and , I hope , at the end , we will come to an agreement . production methods need to be adapted to the limits that poverty imposes . indeed , this seems to me to be the best way of reducing the EU ' s energy dependency , but also , and more importantly , of combating climate change - something which has now become an urgent necessity . it is to be hoped , in this respect , that the Commission will be bolder in its approach . the situation in Europe is that we are generally in a good position with regard to net neutrality and net freedoms , because we have effective network regulation in line with EU telecom rules , and European consumers have a greater choice of broadband services providers . nothing . along with my fellow Commissioners for Development , Andris Piebalgs , and for International Cooperation , Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response , Kristalina Georgieva , I was pleased to announce at New York that the EU will contribute over EUR 1.2 billion to Haiti ' s reconstruction and development . for the moment , the Court applies a uniform 2 % materiality threshold across the board . the rapporteur , Mr Reul , refers for example to the Arctic shelves , which , according to some estimates , account for up to 25 % of new gas and oil sources . mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund : Spain ( earthquake in Lorca ) and Italy ( Veneto flooding ) ( this means Europe can continue to flout the rights of migrants either here or there , for it has actually made very few commitments in its ' Migration , Mobility and Employment ' action plan . the solution for combating illegal immigration is not to set up repression and intervention mechanisms . we do not plan any initiatives for the moment on this . the workers can and will send this message through the ballot box during the European elections in June . ( FR ) Mr President , on Friday , 11 January I was refused access to the Lille-Lesquin Detention Centre for foreigners . ( ES ) Mr Zapatero , I will now address you in your mother tongue , which is also my own . it also helps to preserve the landscape and impacts on the environment : hence the complex nature of the tasks involved and the need to introduce suitable instruments providing support , within the framework of the common agricultural policy . what could be done quickly for the banks must also be done quickly in the matter of this acquisition dossier , a dossier that is so important for many thousands of workers . it provides the Member States , for the first time , with the ability to also charge for noise and air pollution over and above the existing infrastructure charges which , in addition , are not consistently levied everywhere at the moment , and in a way that could stimulate the likes of fleet renewal . it is unique because it is the first global financial crisis we have seen and we are also in a recession in the world economy . last Saturday the self-appointed leaders of several of the European Union ' s largest countries failed to agree on any common tactic in this regard . the aim of all this is to make better use of funds so that civil-military cooperation may fully materialise . I think , in fact I am convinced , ... secondly , there is no evidence that mankind is dominantly causing climate changes . when concrete measures are decided upon , this is always on the basis of the lowest common denominator . firstly , the assassinations of the President of Guinea-Bissau , João Bernardo Vieira , and the chief of the armed forces , General Tagme Na Waie , should be thoroughly investigated and those responsible should be brought to justice . how can we have an employment policy without coordination of social law ? in writing . - ( IT ) I voted in favour . in connection with my work on this report , I have spoken to a large number of enterprises on the internal market , many of which said that they have never known there to be any controls , market checks or market surveillance in respect of the products that they are involved with on the internal market . 350 000 people are employed in forest management . we will have to introduce uniform redistributive policies with regard to both taxation and pay . therefore , I definitely consider the revision of EU energy efficiency policy , and its alignment with our current priorities , to be a necessary step . we are not asking whether Mr Sarkozy or Mrs Merkel are visiting a better or worse restaurant or purchasing a better or worse briefcase , or buying the clothes of this or that firm , but we are asking how they handle the public resources of taxpayers , and we are fully entitled to do this , and they are wholly obliged to provide this information . all Member States believe that gambling must be regulated with care , in view of the risk it poses to society , a risk that Mrs Schaldemose ' s report - which I have read with great care and interest - describes in explicit detail . the report also reaches out to young farmers who , as we know , struggle to get started in the sector . particular attention needs to be given to terrorists ' use of IT and communications technologies , particularly the Internet , which helps to disseminate propaganda broadcasts and training manuals . this agreement should also allow us to leave behind the demagoguery that is heard in this House about European vessels fishing in third countries . unfortunately , the really big issue , the one concerning the liberalisation of gambling monopolies in Europe , missed the target . composition of Parliament : see Minutes consultation is the right way to solve this problem , taking into account national particularities and for finding a solution for the consumer . Heads I win , tails you lose ... the European Union requires common environmental standards and not only when speaking about projects of the Nordstream size . on the issue of the Arctic , is this going to become a resources race with Russia , America and Canada for fishing stocks and a quarter of the world ' s oil and gas ? cooperation among Member States should focus on discovering the most efficient systems , exchanging experience and promoting well-established procedures . the Council ' s compromise , which contains less favourable rules than those currently in effect , was denied support by Belgium , Cyprus and Spain among others , including my home country Hungary , and is unacceptable to the European Socialists . demand has risen across the world , as you know , and this affects not just fertiliser but a whole range of other goods too , including cash crops and food . this is the directive on the free movement of citizens , and there have been 1500 complaints by citizens but only 19 infringement cases have been opened . it also offers detailed answers and solutions . will this argument be taken up by the Commission ? we are unfortunately faced with an extremely delicate situation . oral questions and written declarations ( submission ) : see Minutes given the particular situation of small- and medium-sized enterprises , as already mentioned , it is vital to set up a technical assistance service for these enterprises because they are less well prepared to tackle this kind of issue . we Greens cannot vote ' yes ' to the resolution as it stands . my colleague Mr Papastamkos is absolutely right when he says that we must think about preventing European companies being disadvantaged if other countries do not participate in whatever follows the Kyoto system . I am not the one who can ensure success , however ; it is the Council who must take the decision . the recent decisions by the Commission on permanent spending cuts will have painful consequences on public health and care and workers ' insurance rights and pensions which , in conjunction with the demand for higher taxes , will drastically reduce the standard of living of the grassroots classes . I am in favour of only opening up the market for agricultural imports if it can be assured that the competitiveness of European agriculture will be maintained . Mr President , we do not need to take a detour with regard to this vote . the European Parliament supports strongly all the initiatives which increase the EU presence in the region and , in particular , the most recent one , the Eastern Partnership . I strongly believe that the ESF has a valuable role to play in training and educating people . we could have avoided incentivising and encouraging over-capacity and not thrown precious public money at unwarranted huge increases of capacity way beyond what the stocks of our fish can reasonably sustain . we have not managed to do so . European policies , Commissioner ! Mr President , I hope that the British kindergarten will be kind enough to listen for a moment . if we do not eliminate the disparities in the level of direct support , this instrument - the main financial instrument of the CAP - will continue to divide the European Union into old and new Member States . it is very clear now that we need to carry forward the positive spirit and efficiency of the Belgian Presidency . I therefore commend the attention given to the EU ' s position in the United Nations system , in the international financial institutions and in other multilateral institutions , and I agree with the reform proposals which strengthen several of the positions that we have taken . work is a part of our everyday lives and is critical for the dignity , welfare and development of a person . there is no geographic differentiation in the programme , since it is targeted towards European and not national organisations . it would be very useful to understand , and I do not want us to end up effectively importing tomato pickers , instead of agricultural products and tomatoes . in short , the Committee on Constitutional Affairs thinks that in order to deliberate on the proposal to amend the treaty , Parliament must assess the economic governance context under which the proposal falls . I am sorry , however , and it is the only reservation I will mention , that the economic and social criteria are not accompanied more by ecological considerations , since ' sustainability ' must become the hallmark of our agricultural policy . firstly , none the amendments voted for by my committee unanimously - and I stress , unanimously - were taken into account , even though the common agricultural policy is one of the policies with the most acts adopted under the comitology procedure and is therefore one of the ones most affected by the adaptation of legislative acts under the Treaty of Lisbon . women earn less than men doing the same jobs and , in addition , they are more likely to be molested . this form of feminicide that we are now discussing has grown , above all in areas where we have companies investing in subcontractor plants and where women are completely dependent on men , socially , economically , in all areas . since the 1950s , Taiwan has gone through many successful reforms . their businesses need access to clear legislation and their consumers need to have access to a wider range of goods at more competitive prices . we need genuine , understandable decision-making processes in Brussels , so that citizens from Greece to Denmark , in Germany and in Spain , trust in us . press freedom in Kenya you face economic challenges . announcement by the President : see Minutes der Sommer war sehr groß ... ' . Brussels should adopt a balanced approach with regard to the Georgia question by taking equal account of the legitimate interests of both Georgia and Russia . the Commission should also take this on board so that we have a stronger link between issues of growth and the social dimension . I would like to thank Parliament for its support . Member of the Commission . - ( SK ) I think that many of the contributions made are indeed an incentive to get involved in the issue of adult education . Member of the Commission . - ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , Mr Özdemir , we too regard Central Asia as a region of growing importance and I entirely agree with you that it forms a bridge between Europe and Asia , has great strategic importance and is indeed a neighbour of neighbours , when you think of the Caucasus . at last ! then BILD-Zeitung will write : the euro must be abolished - we must bring back the Deutsche mark . at the forefront of these ambitious tasks is ratification of the Treaty . Parliament must be more involved in drafting and revising the multiannual cooperation programmes , as well as be able to lodge objections against proposals of this kind . the liberalisation of trade has been accompanied by fierce competition among countries seeking to attract foreign investors and by stiffer competition between undertakings . in order to achieve this , it is necessary to enhance coordination within the EU , and this will require strong political will and flexibility on the part of the Member States concerning their representation . this is especially true at a time when we are in an economic recession . it states above all that the EU foreign strategy as regards children ' s rights should be based on the values and principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , in particular Articles 3 , 16 , 18 , 23 , 25 , 26 and 29 . only such policies can prevent Schröder-Putin deals from ever being repeated . the first is that it has an educational objective . fishermen are losing their only source of livelihood , and this is particularly true in those EU regions where there are few social and economic alternatives . for this reason , we are watching with particular sensitivity all the events which are now unfolding to the south of us in the Arab world . that is why we have endless protests - and very valid protests - in Ireland about the closure of local hospitals and local services . peace agreements with most of the armed groups in the eastern part of the country were signed in 2008 and 2009 . Madam President , this has happened for the last five years . a human community is characterised by having advantages , strengths , disadvantages and weaknesses . at a time when , in certain Member States , we see overt and covert attacks on media freedom and infringements of fundamental democratic rights , I consider it particularly important that the European Commission , as the guardian of the treaties , should pay greater attention than ever to government decisions that threaten the independence of the news media , the system of democratic checks and balances and the rule of law , and should , if necessary , take action in defence of fundamental democratic values . it should not obscure the fact that other provisions are being drawn up , such as the European Blue Card system guaranteeing legal immigration for employment purposes , and that the stated aim of these measures is solely to encourage more immigration into Europe . ladies and gentlemen , the members of the EPP-ED Group who are concerned with budgetary matters have essentially been happy to approve the Commission ' s plans for 2008 , and Mr Barroso has formulated a clear message that reflects political commitment . firstly , there is the African Elephant . by working together we have been able to come up with what I believe is a good compromise . when the powerful countries in the world come together , including America , Japan , Europe , Brazil , India and so on , who will raise their hand and ask whether we are paying enough attention to social issues ? while I appreciate the efforts of some MEPs to blunt the worst excesses of this CO2 hysteria , the plain truth is that anyone who even gives credence to the threadbare hoax of man-made global warming is a collaborator with the deadliest scam in history . by making his signing of the Treaty dependent on the decision of the citizens of another country , President Kaczyński has placed Poland in the role of a country which is not capable of making a sovereign decision , and has offended the patriotic feelings of Poles . I do not hide the fact that the Council ' s volte-face makes me confident for the future . if we really are determined to involve the private sector , to apportion the burden , why do we doggedly refuse to go ahead and adopt a transaction tax at European level ? time , therefore , is a very valuable resource , but those enterprises find themselves spending a great deal of time simply filling out forms . we must , however , be vigilant to ensure that this improvement continues , and we certainly cannot settle for the results already obtained . the economy is not an end in itself : it is just one means of achieving political objectives , progress within societies and human development . this list of offences is an essential element of the package , and constitutes a potential restriction of the internal market . the European Union should also support those emerging democracies around the world that are truly committed to human rights . the assassinations of President João Bernardo Vieira and General Tagme Na Waie , the head of the armed forces , in March of this year , were certainly part of an attempt to destabilise the country , probably instigated by the drugs mafia . subject : progress on the Temporary Agency Workers Directive let me say that one of the great opportunities ahead for us is for Europe and every other continent to work together . ( DE ) Mr President , allow me to refer to some results of the summit which , I believe , reveal more than anything else the lack of a consistent development policy . new technologies create entirely different conditions . it is clear that every target should be related to the national context , but within the framework of a broader European strategy . I think that we need a swift but very pragmatic solution here . it is appropriate that the EU takes action in this area , given the international nature of the fisheries . it is good that Mrs Ashton has said something about this , but still. the head of the European Commission should have intervened immediately in this matter . after all , it is as clear as day that Turkey does not meet the conditions for accession to the EU , and that this will still be the case in 10 , 15 or 20 years time . the application of European law is vital so that EU citizens can fully enjoy the benefits of the internal market as even the most effective legislation becomes redundant if it is not applied . there has to be change , the situation has to change ! the debate is closed . topics for discussion will be confirmed after the spring European Council - so we are planning to have the orientation debate on this next week . Mr Niculescu , how will we succeed in ensuring a good relationship between the production of goods for the market , food products and environmental goods ? secondly - and here I am also looking at Mrs Lulling - I am actually delighted with the very plain references to sexual and reproductive health and the sexual autonomy of women ; and access to safe , legal abortion is part and parcel of this sexual reproductive health . the telecommunications sector alone provides more than 3.5 million jobs and accounts for an increasingly large share of the European economy - almost 3.5 % . after all , we need facts in order to be able to take politically sound decisions . it is important for them and for us to take advantage of this period in this regard as well . the sarcophagus is not yet safe , which is why new financial resources are required to put this in order . results of the informal summit of heads of state and government ( Lisbon , 18-19 October 2007 ) ( debate ) 8 . however , I would like to stress that it is important to maintain an obligation for Member States to evaluate the impact of recreational fisheries as set out in Amendment 93 , and not just the possibility to do so as contemplated in Amendments 48 , 49 and 50 . as with the decision on the 2012 calendar , this is a contribution to cutting Parliament ' s costs . in the case of Mauritania , it is even more distressing that development funds are being used to support the interest of fisheries . I have received a nomination for Mr Chichester to replace Mrs Koch-Mehrin , who has resigned as Vice-President . it is therefore necessary to step up monitoring , in order to prevent the destruction of aquatic ecosystems , and a subsequent ecological disaster . I would , however , like to remind the Commission that , under the Emissions Trading Directive , the EU ' s target of 20 % for cuts in emissions will only change to 30 % if other industrialised countries make ' comparable reduction efforts ' , and if the advanced developing countries have some obligations . the effort to generate consensus will have to show full awareness of the main concerns surrounding the single market today ' . three points seem to me to be important here . only preferential treatment for positive actions can contribute to the real integration of national minorities . a comprehensive assessment of internal costs and in particular the negative impact of transport on the environment is compulsory . Mr Reinfeldt , my group has three opinions to voice on this issue . Commissioner , could I first of all thank you for responding positively to the resolution agreed with this House on 27 September . I believe , as Vice-President of the Commission , that how we respond will define this Commission for years to come . it enables a State , when asked , to provide help through its special units . the supply of medication is a health service . natural disasters can and must be prevented . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , obviously it is not enough that the suppression of Tibetan culture within China has been increasing more and more since the 2008 Olympic Games . what we are discussing today are implementing acts , and this regulation does not prejudge in any way whether we should use delegated or implementing acts in the future . ( DE ) Madam President , our heartfelt thanks go to the rapporteur . why ? findings from the data available from 10 Member States will be published as soon as possible . I agree with the Commission that there needs to be an ecosystem-based approach to the management of deep-sea fish stocks . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( NL ) First of all , I should like to express my sympathy with all the victims on behalf of our Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe . we should prevent pollution , in the same way that we should also invest in clean energy and focus on energy selfsufficiency and afforestation . secondly , I believe that we need to start , especially in the new Member States , with modernising the basic physical infrastructure . for making abortion more accessible is an indicator of how our culture has fallen , and shows our departure from human values . furthermore , I strongly support the inclusion of a provision that Member States can regulate or prohibit transport of dangerous goods for reasons other than safety . the role of the rapporteur will be enhanced : the rapporteur will present the committee ' s report which is in response to the Commission ' s legislative proposal , immediately stating what the Parliament thinks of the Commission proposal , and will wrap up the debate at the end , perhaps answering the points that different Members have made in the way that I attempted to do just now in our previous debate . I should like to confirm to Mrs Segelström that I certainly have begun discussions with the Swedish authorities . voluntary registration is not enough . it should become compulsory for lobbyists to register in order to gain access to the institutions of the European Union . we need more , but we will not be getting it from the Member States . this would , of course , not have prevented the volcanic eruption , but it would perhaps have allowed us to act more effectively and more quickly . in writing . - The EU and particularly the European Parliament took too long to respond to and address the warning signs of political and social turmoil in Egypt - leading ultimately to the geopolitical debacle of the last three weeks - and this in relation to a region that is very close to it and despite the fact that stability in the Mediterranean basin is essential for political well-being , economic strength and security in Europe itself . ( PL ) Firstly , I would like to express my thanks for the recognition given to my amendment , which invites countries from outside the European Union to the forum for dialogue to which Mr Oettinger referred . that is the opinion that I put forward at the beginning : I do not consider that I can tell the Polish legislator how to proceed , but I do consider that I can spell out the objective , and that objective is to remove the disparity of treatment between the status of Polish national MPs and the status of MEPs elected in Poland . I particularly applaud the fact that the Commission is looking favourably on the proposal to release funds from the Third Community Support Framework . all the political groups therefore agree that there is a problem concerning religious freedom and that it needs to be addressed seriously and firmly within the international community . the same must also apply to President Sarkozy . we should await their return and listen to what they have to report . the EU has raised these concerns repeatedly with the Chinese authorities and reiterates its concerns in the two declarations published on 29 October and on 13 November , as it always does in such situations . this approach must now be applied . in autumn last year , under the leadership of my colleagues , Commissioner Frattini and Commissioner Figeľ , a conference took place on the high level of violence in sport , which identified concrete methods that could achieve an improvement in combating this phenomenon . Mr President , this is an interesting and important debate . some members claim that only the well-off will be able to get themselves treated abroad . our voting yesterday went very well . in recent years , we have concentrated mainly on the Treaty of Lisbon , and we have devoted less attention to economic union , and especially monetary union . thirdly , it refers to securing fair competition , which is currently the most significant thing that is lacking from the provisional common agricultural policy . I would also ask Commissioner Potočnik to arrange with Commission Vice-President Wallström for this programme to be presented to the public as exemplary : this is part of the process . secondly , in Austria and in Stuttgart a great deal is being done for the main route from Strasbourg to Vienna and Budapest . therefore , we may need a period which runs into spring of next year . however , if an animal disease does nevertheless break out , as you have already said , vaccination needs to be a central element of the fight against it . in this regard , the proposal respects the principle of proportionality . Madam President , I wish to raise the issue of Zimbabwe . I for my part sincerely hope that we continue to cooperate closely over the coming months in our assessment of the situation and in our dialogue with Belarus , its authorities and its civil society , and I hope that this first step will lead us to make an in-depth mutual commitment based on concrete progress . it is therefore vital for the livestock industry that we amend the directive to allow the use of this vaccine , and that we do this as soon as possible . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to communicate my vote in favour of the motion for a resolution concerning the attitude of the European Union in dealings with Belarus . I am convinced that those amendments are very timely and necessary as the EU has to face and manage the increased flow of legal - and also illegal - immigration . I am voting against this text . Yemen has clearly acted unlawfully here , since like nearly every country in the world Yemen is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child . Mr President , I would like to thank the Commission and the Council for this morning ' s introduction . the report supports a further simplification of both legislative and non-legislative regulations . we may nevertheless hope that the application of reason can help the various political components to look more closely at what is right and fair where progressing along the road to European unity is concerned . I am delighted with the Commission ' s announcement that by the end of 2011 a horizontal directive will be submitted to this end , because it makes no sense to simply address this in the area of electronic communications . I am fully aware that the worst of the recession is over , but not the problems . without her work and her impetus , we would not have been able to imagine firstly a Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum , or subsequently a Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly , and we would not now be in a position to demand the role that the representatives of citizens should have in what we are trying to set up . Mrs Gebhardt raised a very important issue , which concerns one of the tools of the Services Directive - the points of single contact . in recent years , China has provided support for an international project to add cultural sites on the Silk Road to the world heritage list , but Kashgar itself has not been on that list because it is the home of one of China ' s largest minorities , the Uyghurs . I believe that this is a sensible and rational course of action ; the House may have new powers but we must exercise them in a measured and responsible way . initiatives of this kind allow the coordination of EU policy instruments in order to have a coherent , stable and sustainable development of the regions involved . that is why it is so difficult to prepare reasonable legislation , which in a balanced and effective way will allow people to use all the benefits of the Internet safely , while at the same time curtailing the very real and serious threats connected with its abuse . as rapporteur , she should have represented the views of the committee , where there was a very clear majority , and not sought in a number of ways to overturn what was clearly the will of a very large majority in this House . the Union ' s Charter to be annexed to the Reform Treaty lists the fundamental rights of European citizens : dignity , freedom , equality , solidarity , citizenship , justice . I think there is a moral for us as politicians here that , when the stakeholders themselves say that this is what they want , I do think we have a responsibility to try and facilitate that , wherever possible , so I do thank him for using the argument of consensus to get that through . this agreement should contribute to the improvement of the human rights situation in Central America and it must be a constant incentive to these countries to respect human rights . we must have the ambition to take on a vanguard role in the construction of a global financial and economic order . this would be a very different position from the one that this party has taken in national politics , where it is cutting child benefit , the reimbursement of medicine costs for the chronically ill and income tax deductions for spending on education and health , and where it is drastically increasing the tax burden on the public , particularly lower income families with children . in any event , I will not vote in favour of a text that violates the most basic consumer rights . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , Mr Cercas , ladies and gentlemen , we are gathered here this evening to debate a subject that has kept us occupied for several years now , a subject that is important to all European workers , namely the review of the Working Time Directive . I am , however , of the opinion that we cannot speak of success until a legally binding international agreement has been concluded as a continuation of the Kyoto Protocol , which will expire in 2012 - an agreement on which basis sanctions can be imposed . the Eurosceptic vote in referendums in Ireland , the Netherlands and France is , as usual , simply ignored as if it did not exist . I would like to make a similar point about international coach transport too . we must also spend more on well-understood development aid - not as charity , but because it is an intelligent , strategic policy to introduce fair trade worldwide and to really develop a strategic approach to narrowing the prosperity gap on a global scale . we need new methods of retrieving the funds paid out illegally and we also need stronger cooperation between the Commission and the Member States . the Commission shares the rapporteur ' s view that it is essential to continue with our efforts . I was not silent when we were discussing energy security and I was not silent in the past when we were discussing the Khodorkovsky case and other cases . there also needs to be rejection and condemnation of any attempt to exploit the tragedy of the Haitian people by military occupation of their country , along with the unequivocal defence of Haiti ' s sovereignty and independence - something that is missing from the document in question . this is because the least that can be said is that in the UfM , there is currently a signal lack of clarity . it is important that we seek fair treatment for both partners , and I assume that the WTO body will take its decision in this spirit . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , this debate on permitted levels of radioactivity in food is timely , because this April will be the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster . protecting human rights , increased financial resources , the development of democracies , the rule of law and bilateral agreements are instruments which , if used correctly , can certainly contribute to preventing mass migration . and black clouds in the area of human rights are actually coming to Moscow once more , because - as you heard yesterday - the constitutional court has discussed the possible reinstatement of the death penalty from next year , and for liberals this is definitely a very tough subject . I would also point out that the future strategy for the Roma minority should focus on education as the core instrument for promoting social inclusion . pregnant workers and workers who are breastfeeding must not carry out activities which , based on assessments , pose a risk of exposure to certain agents or particularly harmful working conditions that jeopardise the safety or health of these workers . in writing . - It is known that the mobilisation of the adjustment fund concerns 2834 redundancies ( all targeted for assistance ) in the primary enterprise General Motors Belgium and four of its suppliers operating in the motor vehicle sector in the region of Antwerp , during the four-month reference period from 14 June to 14 October 2010 . Malaysia is thus violating its commitment to Resolution 8 / 8 of the UN Human Rights Council , which states that corporal punishment can be tantamount to torture . it is because it lacks teeth in this area and so many others that I abstained on this report . in concrete terms , it involves introducing measures which should contribute to the greater financial stability of the banking sector , and to reducing the probability of another crisis , focusing on the following five areas : the quality of capital ( increasing the quality of bank capital is undoubtedly desirable ) , stricter liquidity standards ( the liquidity risk was shown to be significant during the crisis ) , countercyclical measures ( the creation of additional banking capital in good times should limit excessive credit growth and consequent creation of price bubbles , such as , for example , in Spain ) , the introduction of a leverage ratio ( this new indicator should contribute to the greater stability of banks , but it should include not only financial items contained in the bank ' s balance sheet , but also off-balance sheet items , such as derivatives and the contingent liabilities of the bank ) and , last but not least , the creation of a central counterparty for the settlement of OTC transactions , particularly in relation to greater transparency in derivatives . ( DE ) Mr President , the current Cohesion policy started life with the title of the Lisbon Strategy . the accident in Chernobyl occurred 25 years ago , but as recently as March of this year there was an accident in Fukushima . the other important point , on which I voted differently from my group , was Amendment 37d , which originally points to the significant savings that could be made if the European Parliament were to have a single seat . that post has been abolished totally , so transparency of information about the State , for example on public procurement , is not there anymore . as I put on my hat as Vice-Chairwoman of the Committee on Fisheries , I would urge that its considered views be taken on board in this interim report today . the immigration liaison officers should not only be seen as ' facilitators of deportations ' - which I would actually not like them to be seen as - they should closely monitor the human rights situation in the host countries and especially the protection offered to asylum seekers and returnees . as a result , cooperation with the Hague Tribunal was not addressed seriously and credibly , which was why cooperation within the Stabilisation and Association Agreement was also delayed , then suspended , then resumed , and now we are waiting again . we should draw up a list of uniform minimum building insulation standards for the whole EU . we are following the situation , as I said , and we can urge Member States and we can demand that they inform us ( they have , anyway , the obligation to inform us ) and move actively . ( FR ) Madam President , Mr Carlgren , Mr President of the Commission , we are facing a challenge for humanity , a challenge for the future generations . the second is taking account of the different situations among Member States . amongst other things , that will , indeed , mean helping democratic parties and civil society to develop . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will be answered in writing ( see Annex ) . the title reads as follows : ' exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union ' s Stabilisation and Association process ' . the agreement with Vietnam also reminds us of the growing importance of the Asian market , and I think that , on this particular point , we have to point out that the Council has been dragging its heels for years over giving the Commission a mandate to negotiate with countries such as China and India . meanwhile , Member States of the EU have been the largest direct foreign investors in Ukraine since 1991 . one example of this is that only 11 of the 29 chemicals over which we wanted Parliament to have monitoring powers are now classified as hazardous substances . not only does it not respond to the major challenges for health policies in the Union , it also does not solve the issue of legal uncertainty for patients and enshrines a market approach to healthcare . moreover , I am convinced that in a post-crisis Europe , any Single Market strategy has to be formulated in such a way as to maintain and enhance social cohesion , ensure market integrity and economic sustainability and foster innovation . the European Union has constantly reinvented itself , from the initial vocation of healing a war-torn continent to the building of the internal market and then on to the reunification of Europe . at the recent meeting of local authorities from South Bohemia , Bavaria and Upper Austria , some experts mentioned that the new obstacle along the former national borders could be the so-called ' non-interference zone ' of the Šumava National Park . here it states : ' underlined the importance of enhanced energy dialogue with the US and other key energy partners that share EU values . ' the new version of Europeana , which is currently under development , will be launched this year with the aim of reaching a volume of more than 10 million digitised objects before June . in return , the Agreement - as the rapporteur herself admits - will threaten the survival of thousands of small and medium-sized producers , both in African , Caribbean and Pacific countries and in European countries . Mr Pöttering says that a million Irish voters cannot stand in the way of 450 million Europeans . the motion for a resolution on the reforms and progress in the Republic of Moldova provides a spur of encouragement at the right time to the political establishment and inhabitants on the other side of the River Prut , with the approaching ballot on 28 November . look at the broader picture of world food trade at the moment and the hardship faced in some countries that are heavily dependent on export revenues from one or few commodities . apart from anything else , they divisively create social problems for workers in the shipping industry and residents of island regions . the vote will take place tomorrow , Thursday , 11 November 2010 , at 12 : 00 . I would like to thank the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs for their excellent support and cooperation on this file . regarding the institutions , it is important to note that the President of the Council has to be selected by the Heads of State or Government . looking to the future , I agree with what the Commissioner said : in order to face the challenges of globalisation , an ageing population and climate change , internally we will need to take in the new countries , improve coordination in order to make the Lisbon Strategy a reality and make changes in order to monitor the stability of the capital markets . the debate is closed . wind generators which destroy the environment , as in the Aegean Islands , sharply increased tolls on major public roads , private and public sector collaborations and so on - all are for the sake of profit made from contracting with individuals , and , of course , they are backed by state guarantees . I am counting on the aspirations of our eastern neighbour , Ukraine , also being received with more understanding . thank you to everyone , of course , for the praise , congratulations and for the assessment of the Slovenian Presidency . progress in medicine , an improvement in living conditions and a drop in natural population growth mean a very old and very costly Europe in the future . I do not wish to see the euro zone in prolonged difficulty , but the ECR cannot support EU legislation that transfers any further powers away from national governments who are currently outside of that euro zone . Guantánamo is a zone where national and international law do not apply and , therefore , it goes against the principles of international law . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes Member States can continue to exercise and regulate their health systems , and they can decide for themselves what benefits they want to offer to their citizens , and to what extent . I think it is good that we will have the Treaty of Lisbon . for cases where prevention or early diagnosis is not possible , as you said , we need to improve therapeutic strategies and practice by being more effective and innovative . Luxembourg is so small that three different countries lie less than half an hour away from the airport by car . closer cooperation between the Baltic countries will help bring them closer together and will make our region ' s market more harmonious and accessible to the whole of the European Union . we would also like appointment of the new European Commission to be done with respect for the European Parliament and its rights , as well as implementation of the new role for national parliaments while preserving the principle of subsidiarity , and discussion of how to build Europe after Lisbon . at the end of last week we proposed to the Eurogroup a huge financial rescue package and a stabilisation programme worth EUR 110 billion in all . I am confident that the spirit of good interinstitutional cooperation that both institutions have demonstrated so far will continue throughout the whole reform process . I expect that Europe will , in this way , become more competitive in this crucial field in relation to the US and other major economic areas , as Mr Hökmark said previously . the beekeepers ' production of honey , beeswax , propolis and pollen is only the smaller part of their activity , is it not . others - and we are in this camp - want to improve our results so that they match our ambitions . ( PL ) Madam President , last night Anatoly Bitkov died in Magadan , the principal town of the Kolyma region in Russia . there are problems , however , and I wish to mention a few of them . we do not want to move transport from the sea back to the roads and we want fair competition in northern Europe , in the European Union and in the Mediterranean area . documents received : see Minutes what is more , these inadequate limits are not fully used for this purpose , or even observed , and they are certainly not fully implemented . we cannot . in view of the current economic situation , the European Parliament has a duty to set an example in terms of cutting costs . it has been revealed for what it is , which is an authoritarian conspiracy against the people . in addition , Mr Mauro has asked the Council to act immediately and include the issue on its agenda without further delay , since it is an absolute priority , given that immigrants have also started arriving from Egypt now . it is one thing to speak about Israel as the enemy ; it is quite another to refuse to cooperate with providers of basic services and international organisations . as European Parliament rapporteur for Schengen , I followed the calls for the early enlargement of the Schengen Area and the abolition of internal borders . we believe that the adopted resolution falls well short of what , in our view , origin marking should be , which is to say , among other things , an instrument to protect industrial jobs in Europe , particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises , and an instrument to tackle social and environmental dumping . what we have now , and what we have had at other times in the course of 20th century European history , is a great deal of uncertainty , a certain desperation , a certain aimlessness , and what we need to do is provide hope , a forward-looking spirit and strong leadership so that everyone feels a part of the European Union . we also spoke about the Southern Caucasus , again including Azerbaijan . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( DA ) Madam President , a picture is beginning to emerge of how a putrid compromise is to be reached with Ireland to get it to accept the Treaty of Lisbon . there is one fact that cannot be ignored , however , which is that the gas dispute is a political dispute . in writing . - ( FR ) The fact that the European Union is once again preparing to approve the Charter of Fundamental Rights shows just how the people of Europe are being deceived . therefore , I will not answer with a ' yes ' or a ' no ' , since the Member States are divided . ( HU ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , our position is that the root of the climate change that has a growing influence these days does not exclusively lie in the environmental pollution caused by humanity . Commissioner , of course you can say that you only give the money , and that the governments of the Member States are responsible for social policy , but social rights are legally binding on the institutions of the European Union . based on this premise , the rapporteur gives some examples : unfortunately , the European Union , although committed , is very much lagging behind the United States . thank you very much , colleagues , for putting forward questions for discussion . there may be more to come . we need cooperation , not confrontation . we should also be considering what we do with sectors that have been orphan sectors in terms of skill developments - not least the care sector at the moment - and really look at how we can ensure equality there . but we do need a common European agricultural policy . we have paid out billions to create a uniform system , and here billions are being paid out at national level to counteract that . in particular , we recognise that attacks on civilians either by states or by organisations are entirely unacceptable . this is not a debate on Greece so I am not going to go into the details of it , but I think , sincerely speaking , that some fault also lies with Greece itself . today such practices are neglected , and yet they are so simple . more could perhaps have been done on certain points to protect patients , for example , with regard to the prior notification system , which will allow Member States to advance medical expenses , but only on a voluntary basis . that is why I am pleased that the international community as a whole , through the UN Security Council , has made its position clear : that the violence is unacceptable ; it must stop and people should be held to account . in this Year of Intercultural Dialogue , it is important to devote special attention to promoting diversity and intercultural dialogue , as culture is a key dimension of the Lisbon Strategy and we will not achieve the fundamental Lisbon goals unless we treat it as such . we support the removal of Article 3 ( 1 ) ( h ) , especially the percentage stipulated for gradually removing the aid granted so that Member States which are going to grant State aid to uncompetitive coal mines have the maximum flexibility possible . Commissioner , I am pleased that you have started the negotiations with the Chinese Government in such an uncompromising manner . as one was not forthcoming I made my statement at nine o ' clock this morning , and I am not going to make it again . we must firmly resist all manifestations of racism and xenophobia . it seems to me that , in a democracy , every institution has to have a budget , and the institution must account for what it is spending to those who are actually making the contributions and who are providing the resources . Israel is shirking its responsibility under international law , which means that the international community and , above all , the EU have to step in . ( ES ) Mr President , I also think that there are ample reasons to support the amendments tabled for this report , and that the report is very valuable . for this very reason , there needs to be an amendment to this report so that it is harmonised not only with the fundamental objectives of the Green Paper on the CFP or on the reform of the CFP , but also with the recommendations presented by the Council on the Regulation on total allowable catches ( TACs ) for 2011 , in which Atlantic horse mackerel in International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Zone VIII C is essentially seen as geared towards artisanal fisheries , while the north , within this western zone , is mainly focused on industrial fisheries . despite the outermost regions not having been explicitly excluded from the scope of the directive ( by recognising the permanent natural and geographical disadvantages and constraints affecting these regions and by establishing adequate derogations from compliance with universal public service obligations ) , as we proposed , we welcome the fact that the directive ' s scope has been limited to airports with more than 5 million passengers per year . President of the Commission . - Mr President , some concrete questions were raised . the report even underlines the necessity of the Galileo satellite project , which is quite clearly a civilian project , for autonomous ESDP operations . it will be much better for Europe if Turkey does not become a member of the EU . ( applause ) however , the question of what remits are given in terms of the relationship between the State and the citizens is , of course , as fundamental as it is sensitive , and one which ought to be discussed here in Parliament . in writing . - British Conservatives are very much in favour of larger airports being subject to extra scrutiny where they hold a dominant market position . financial support to Member States ( motions for resolutions tabled ) : see Minutes against the background of the safe use of products and technologies , it is intended to strengthen our European economy and simplify the associated administration . however , in order to make this possible , a number of persistent problems need to be overcome . people make informed choices about their appliances in a way that corresponds to the global society ' s interest . this presupposes adequate financing , the withdrawal of all public aid which is harmful for biodiversity and a dedicated budget which we propose should be multiplied tenfold . I think this will address many of the issues of industrial development and the issue of location . the alternative , if it fails , would , of course , be a frightening prospect . I too want to call on the President of Yemen to halt the execution of Thabet Samoum , as well as to call on him and the authorities to commute the death sentence passed on him and other juveniles such as Ali Abdulla . in Romania innocent people are also thrown into jail for 30 days , after which they have to stand trial . Mr President , as many of us know , the GSP system is up for review and the current system is coming to an end . I would also like to thank the shadow rapporteurs , the Commission , the representatives of the Council and the staff for their fantastic cooperation , which was the key to achieving this political unity at first reading . the waste is even greater than that caused by the fact of there being two seats , if programmes are run that do not produce the necessary results . I agree . in addition , we read about the increasing number of death sentences . perhaps it will not be enough , but it is essential in order to provide answers to the big questions that lie ahead : these resources are needed to tackle real problems , such as greater cohesion between the regions , a greater capacity for research and innovation , and a greater capacity to generate growth and provide jobs . all this matters most to those citizens and enterprises who wish to freely exercise their rights in commerce in the internal market . however , we believe that majority decisions by Parliament are not competent to interpret historic facts . 9 . ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am going to focus my speech on Mr Goerens ' report , which deals with the ACP Banana Accompanying Measures ( BAM ) . I am sure we will vote for the resolution unanimously . the sustainable development of European aquaculture demands substantial support for scientific research and technological development in the area of farming native species , so as to enable the production and supply of foodstuffs to be diversified and quality to be improved , while also guaranteeing greater environmental security . these countries were affected by torrential rainfall , in some cases , without precedent , extensive flooding , landslips and mudslides . the Treaty of Lisbon gives the Union legal grounds to establish intellectual property law , and provides that suitable standards will be adopted under the Ordinary legislative procedure . Belarus certainly should be supported by the European Union in its reform process and also in its democratisation . I voted in favour of this report . subject : demarcation between Schengen and non-Schengen Member States in addition to the European Economic Recovery Plan , decisions adopted by the European institutions have increased lending by the European Investment Bank . today we must say ' no ' to the violation of fundamental children ' s rights , ' no ' to violence and the sexual exploitation of children , ' no ' to depravity and pornography on the Internet and ' no ' to sex tourism . these activities will still be covered at national level by national data protection legislation . in writing . - ( PL ) Sanctions imposed by the European Union are instruments that ensure the effectiveness of the CFSP . if , however , the G20 made such a statement for their own benefit , then we really do need to consider that there is a very serious issue of political conspiracy at a time in the economy when instant reaction is needed . Members who took the floor earlier persisted in quoting the figure of 40 % of GDP because that is the proportion of Afghanistan ' s GDP that is allegedly generated by the production of narcotics . I wish to stress that no satisfactory solution has been reached so far . this is the framework in which operational cooperation is now developing between the Agency and the Turkish authorities . this tragic case merely reinforces our determination never to surrender our hard-won democratic freedoms to obscurantism . I agree that we must simplify the funding of these programmes , but on one condition - after the result has been achieved , it must be available free of charge to all EU countries . regarding the call made to the Commission to eventually propose new measures , may I emphasise that this lies within the right of initiative of the Commission , which will in any case propose new measures if it is felt that it is necessary and appropriate to do so . my colleague , Mrs Ferrero-Waldner , has said publicly that the Government has missed a chance to send a signal of reconciliation at a moment of national distress when the Government again extended the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi . the weakness of the rule of law , the corruption and nepotism , and the worryingly high level of casual violence are all indicators of a society that has to undergo a significant shift before democracy can be regarded as complying with the Copenhagen criteria . I therefore support this report and the main amendments which seek to extend the offer to consumers by reinforcing competition . what we need is policy in the Member States that supports young European families in their desire to have children . I can therefore only hope that joint action by the EU and the Member States , always abiding by the vital principle of subsidiarity - as the excellent report by Mrs De Vits also stresses - is crucial . lastly , Commissioner , I would like to mention the issue of imports . given that the European Community is a member of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 , the European Commission has always undertaken to promote freedom of navigation in all its aspects and the development of appropriate instruments to prevent illegal acts against ships . the recent criminalisation of illegal immigration in Italy is translating into greater exploitation of illegal immigrants and is restricting their access to employment , housing and basic services . these plans will also have to deal with the difficult issue of borders in order to ensure that a peaceful and viable coexistence of the two states can be maintained . I thank Mrs Jeggle for what was , on the whole , a very good report . cutting off power to businesses , seizing computers , occupying party offices on the grounds of supposed risks of attacks - the whole gamut of the déjà vu is on show in Ukraine . the negotiations have been difficult . the Goerens report will blow EUR 190 million , including EUR 17.4 million for a facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries . we have needed the many years ' experience of negotiating between the Commission , the Council and the European Parliament . three major subjects will be on the table at the Seoul Summit : reform of the international monetary system of course , but also the stability of commodities - especially food and energy - and global governance . in my view , it was a mistake to package the two together , but I think we have managed it successfully . unfortunately , the terrorist attacks of 11 September caused , a decrease between 2000 and 2001 of approximately 2 % in the number of passengers using air transport . in the same way , I reject the idea that we should lower our guard when it comes to defending the interests of European farmers . the case of the Saudi citizen , Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri , must set the standard . among the many urgent problems facing children let me highlight the striking number of disappearances ; these child disappearances often have a tragic ending as a result of sexual exploitation and violence linked to child pornography . we believe that , as a very clear infringement of international law , it would also be used in other conflict situations as a method of resolving disputes . however , the truth is that this process is paralysed , to a great extent for legal reasons . 5 . while Greece shares its burden of responsibility in its crisis , our European leaders share theirs as well . Mr President , earlier Minister Jouyet made a reference to the Mumbai terrorist attack , demonstrating solidarity with India . this is how the artist who made the Czech Republic ' s gift to the European Union portrayed the nations and countries of the European Union in his work . Europe must join with its partners , in particular , the United States , in reminding the emerging countries of their responsibilities . if it does , we could save much more than the EUR 400 that someone complained about when it comes to bringing transparency to voting . they were part of 97 Squadron based at RAF Bourn in Cambridgeshire . can the Commission explain why a decision was not taken in 1998 to ban the marketing of pharmaceuticals containing benfluorex ? this does not mean that we are making compromises , but that we are listening to the voice of reason and not going to extremes . we can therefore conclude that there is still a long way to go before the standards set out in EU law are properly and promptly transposed by the Member States . looking carefully at the images available on the Internet , one can measure the level of violence used against the Moroccan law enforcement authorities . I am resolutely opposed to any measure favouring harmonisation of taxes across the EU . I would like to inform you that I have already sent Mrs Suu Kyi an invitation to visit the European Parliament and to address one of our plenary sessions . the development of the international audiovisual environment deserves our attention because this is an interesting field of activity and it opens up a large space for cooperation within the European Union and also with other countries in the world . it would be completely mistaken and incorrect to characterise this process as a bilateral affair between two Member States of the EU . it is important to ensure that the implementation of the visa liberalisation regime for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina is not delayed any longer . these really are very significant factors in relation to accidents . I would say the same about the European patent . I hope our vote tomorrow will take account of these different parameters . however , I must ask whether it is possible to refer in the external policy document under discussion today to the Lisbon Treaty , which occurs on a number of occasions , since the Treaty is not yet in force as the ratification process has not yet been completed by all the Member States . it jeopardises the objectives of the Europe 2020 agenda . how much pain are we ready to suffer , how many days in hospital , to save EUR 1 000 by buying a less technologically advanced vehicle ? ladies and gentlemen , in the 1980s we coined the phrase ' democratic deficit ' . the measures that legislators have already adopted - and that are therefore already in force - are cutting the costs of bureaucracy for European businesses by EUR 7 billion a year . finally , I think the EU will only have a proper position vis-à-vis the United States if we speak with one voice , because if we do not - if we are divided - then our rules are made in Washington and not here or in Brussels . I strongly believe that democratisation should inform all of the European Union ' s policies vis-à-vis third countries . it is now time to make it a more attractive , effective and credible policy that guarantees security and prosperity for all . what we are now doing is opening up the entire internal market according to transparent rules , with obligations with respect to Member States and businesses , and in so doing we are actually counteracting this oligopolisation , so your argument just does not hold water . to conclude , Mr President , I should like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent report , the representatives of the Court , and also all of the Commission staff who have done an excellent job on the ground . today , if we decided to raise the expenditure ceiling to the maximum threshold allowed by the treaties , this would mean an additional levy of more than 5 billion for countries like France and Germany . evaluation is nothing if the results are not presented , discussed , questioned , and indeed either accepted or sometimes rejected , by the very stakeholders that it aims to serve , and , of course , Parliament plays a vital role in this process , not only bringing to bear a broad cross-section of experience from political and public life but , just as importantly , from the many fields of deep knowledge held by Members . that is the truth . it should not be done to the detriment or at the expense of the southern neighbourhood . I will of course report this to the Commission , President Barroso and my colleague , Joaquín Almunia . micro-credit allows the unemployed to make a new start , thanks to risk-sharing and financing instruments , making entrepreneurship accessible . up to now , the Community institutions , the Commission and the Council , have said nothing . this should be based on the solidarity clause contained in Article 80 of the TFEU . opening of the sitting undoubtedly , there is quite a difference between the electricity and gas markets , and we should distinguish between them in our documents , as was rightfully done by the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy . it is therefore regrettable to note that the latest municipal elections held on 31 October were criticised by most observers . is it justified for South Sudan to argue that , no , they should not be counted , as they are not permanent residents ? in writing . - ( PT ) We voted in favour of this report which improves on the European Commission ' s proposals , although it is not yet clear what will be accepted . the last estimate was EUR 20 billion , which is quite a lot to anybody . during my visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory , I was informed of various interfaith meetings where Israeli and Palestinian residents come together and do not let recent political events hamper their dialogue . the first one is that it is not transparent , but the EU is a tricky political system even for those who understand its functioning . on the basis of the above , the rapporteur suggested that the Committee on Transport and Tourism , first , and then Parliament as a whole , should give a favourable opinion on the conclusion of this agreement . that is why the GUE / NGL Group has tabled amendments to rectify the legal situation , to the effect that space may be used only for explicitly civilian purposes and that Galileo is an explicitly civilian project . but I cannot act alone . this points to the need to improve the work of the police and the gendarmerie but , also , the working relationship between the police and the gendarmerie , on the one hand , and the judiciary , on the other ' . I look forward to the day when we no longer need to talk about this and the principle of gender equality has finally been realised in the social sphere . we cannot expect our producers to meet standards that third countries are not meeting . while the governments of the Member States and the Union are among those who participated in the update in question , we face a paradox . this work started in January , in accordance with the mandate which the European Council bestowed on the Slovenian Presidency in December last year . we find some of the trends that ' will to some extent form the EU ' s humanitarian approach in the future ' very worrying and extremely negative , taking the form of initiatives such as the ' EU response to situations of fragility in developing countries ' or the ' European Consensus on Development ' , aimed basically at African countries but also at Caribbean and Pacific countries . we must learn all the lessons from this action , which has been crowned with success . Mr President , may I at the outset thank the Commissioner very much indeed for her strong and audacious statement , which was very much appreciated . it is all the more urgent that we have equality of treatment . I am disappointed that the Commission drew back from an earlier draft of the SET Plan , where the sources of the identified necessary investment were clearly indicated . this enables them to maximise the number of working hours for transporting passengers and goods according to the varying daylight . this is a basic element that we all need to respect because , if the Cyprus issue is not resolved fairly , it will be disastrous for the European Union itself . the strength and security of Europe has depended for some time on the allies willing to play an active role in our defence . with regard to education , I believe that this is a broader part of education . well-functioning markets depend on the respect of transparency across the board , and this report is a step in the right direction . in 1997 Mr Brown established five famous so-called tests before we could adjudge sterling ' s accession to the single currency . does it come from individual states or from large lobby groups ? those who did are , I am afraid , currently trapped inside an economic prison . the vote will take place in a few minutes ' time . without going into all the details once more , I am convinced that the initial 1996 ban on the inhaler was not legitimately imposed . at this juncture , I would like to congratulate Mrs Striffler on the excellent work that she has done . skimmed milk powder also went up by 4 % in France and Germany , and 2-3 % if we look at the average all over Europe . both he and everyone else who has spoken today have pointed out the shortcomings , while also finding real potential solutions . we have no time to dither ; we cannot just wait and see . not all these aspects are duly safeguarded in the EU ' s environmental law , nor are its policies duly consistent . yes , it is indeed the anti-immigration mechanisms that encourage migrants to take increasingly risky routes to flee the desolation of their countries that are the cause . if we want to get our small businesses and employment to stabilise in the European Union and in each individual Member State , we must do everything we possibly can to try and save them . China can become truly great only by showing respect towards its minorities . therefore , there is no legal basis for Greece to obstruct the country ' s accession process . inevitably , there are a small number of technical adjustments that I hereby request be put to the vote in plenary . what in any case are supposed to be its priorities ? you could fill in forms from here to the end of Parliament but , if there is no added value , it is of no benefit . so there is no absolute need to guarantee legality placed on the companies . we read from time to time that the European Parliament is demanding something or another , or deplores something , but do we think about what happens as a result ? the package you are about to adopt certainly represents a great stride in the right direction and - I reiterate - a great political message , a great sign of will by the European institutions to provide answers to the questions asked by 500 million citizens . I welcome the fact - and little did I think I would be saying this today - that the military junta has now allowed in five United Nations helicopters to distribute food , despite the fact that a French naval vessel and American naval vessels are in the bay waiting to deliver food and medical aid to the people . as Mr Mitchell is probably aware , at its spring session in 2007 the European Council approved the objectives of the European Union regarding the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 . before intervening in this way , I suggest that you think before you act . the geographical situation of Austria , where I come from , makes it a particularly popular destination and this has had disastrous consequences . NGOs are often not aware of this nor do the Commission ' s officials bring this to their attention voluntarily . allow me to say that it is of special significance that the Treaty will be signed on 13 December in Lisbon at the Jeronimo Monastery , precisely where the Treaty of Accession of Portugal to the European Community was signed . it is time to say that we must never again see people expelled from their homes and deported on the basis of their nationality , faith or origin , as happened in my own country as well as in other countries in the region . ( EL ) Mr President , the European Social Fund is a tool , a basic tool with which to build a better Europe , so that we can forge the solidarity of peoples and states . this pattern is consistent . at international level , we must remind Cambodia to strive towards democracy and not use the selective enforcement of laws against individual rights . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to begin by stating that we have a general problem with the existing financial perspective because , from the point of view of the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance , the budget we have until 2013 is not really adequate for the major challenges that Europe and the current 27 Member States are facing . it is so important to remember that this financial crisis has a human face as well and that face is represented quite often by the already most marginalised in society . other policies may offer key elements or even better options for effective solutions . I believe , however , that the resolution should place greater emphasis on the effects of certain Community policies , particularly the common agricultural policy , which lead people to abandon the land and productive systems , and on activities which contribute to a preventive approach to the problem of fires . this matter is vital for us . certainly not by the European Union : it firmly believes in and upholds unity and diversity . the government of a sovereign state must openly accept the desire for change and drive through a political solution . ¡ Muito obrigado ! , Vital . we are unhappy that this crisis is damaging the reputation not just of the Region of Campania but of Italy as a whole , but keeping quiet again about who is responsible and turning a blind eye would do little to resolve a problem which has worsened because of silence and intrigue , and although people should not used as political pawns , nor do I think that the do-gooder attitude that is also creeping round this House this evening is acceptable either . it will be important , however , to carefully monitor the volume of goods coming from that country , so that we can make use of the safeguard clause in the event that it increases excessively and threatens European jobs . I would like to mention some of those commitments . each one of us could be fined up to EUR 2 900 for publicly promoting sexual orientation - meaning homosexuality in this case , because I guess for heterosexuality that does not apply . we would also draw attention , as we have done in the past , to the need to speed up the procedures for mobilising the Solidarity Fund , to ensure that regional disasters remain eligible and to effectively acknowledge the specific nature of natural disasters in the Mediterranean region , such as drought and fire . only states may be members of the European Union and Kosovo has become a state . this includes the European Union strategy on Roma inclusion , initiated by the European Parliament . what Google has done , taking on intellectual property and reproducing it for private usage , was clearly illegal at the outset , according to the conclusions drawn by the US Department of Justice itself . in writing . - Community media has always had an important role to play in our society . the process brought in by the treaty will strengthen the Union from within and also in a global context , and is also very closely linked to strengthening cooperation in the area of the current third pillar . I have been told that , when the original Directive was debated in the 1990s , very serious concerns were expressed , and the discussions became very emotional . given recent developments in relation to the status of Kosovo , will the Council Presidency assume an active role in attempting to integrate further the countries of the Western Balkans into EU structures ? however , I believe women should learn to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies ; in other words , when there is easy access to contraception and specialised advice , then abortion is more difficult to justify . the result has been GDP growth of a meagre 0.7 % in 2008 , followed by a 4 % contraction in 2009 . yet when those very same subjects come to this Parliament , you rarely see all the Members from one country voting one way and all the Members of another country voting another way , because we are making political choices - policy choices . Marijus has asthma attacks , but he is not allowed to receive his medicine , nor is he allowed to meet loved ones or even the Lithuanian consul . as the former commissioner emphasised on 16 November 2006 , the restitution of Famagusta to its legitimate inhabitants is an issue which will have to be dealt with under the auspices of the UN , as part of an overall settlement of the Cyprus issue . 15 . we have got used to Lakshmi Mittal ' s company being the largest steel company in the European Union . apparently , we in Europe are not yet capable of forming our own opinion on this and I think it would be a good idea if we could take this debate seriously enough to actually translate what it means in concrete terms into figures . providing better maternity leave and introducing paid paternity leave is a sensible investment . lastly , a few words on overproduction . ( DE ) Mr President , I wanted to direct a further question to Mr Verheugen . that is what is valuable about this motion for a resolution . unfortunately , our relevant policies are still often based on the idea that markets must regulate themselves . the Commission , of course , fully shares the view that the Treaty of Lisbon is a very positive step for the future of the Union . the current rules for the wine sector are unsustainable . the part managed by the European Commission is the part which is the subject of this debate on discharge , whereas the part managed by the EIB is for the time being excluded from the discharge , and I would like to come back to this matter later . it includes concepts that are innovative , such as reversed qualified majority voting and the fining of Member States , and ensures that national budgets are no longer a matter merely for national parliaments . my electorate has not been given the opportunity to familiarise itself with it , and I am here , after all , to represent its views and interests , and not just my own convictions . it is a paradox that the more our societies and economies are turning into knowledge economies , the less of an internal market we have because the internal market was legislated for industry and the old-time economy , and less for the service sector , where we need to go further regarding the service directive . this House therefore found the right line . we are trying to push things ahead , and owing to the commitments we made in Nagoya we will have to do more in Europe than at present - also owing to Natura 2000 itself and the commitments which we have made . the perversity of this measure can be easily noticed when it is realised that the vast majority of those banned are from the political Opposition , a practice that most likely will not be used only for the elections this November but may continue for the elections which will follow . this is freer agriculture , freer farmers and free trade . data sharing would allow for greater efficiency in the file evaluation system and would cut the cost of drafting these files , which would be significant both for small- and medium-sized enterprises and the national authorities responsible for examining applications . on behalf of the PSE group . - ( RO ) Thanks to a lack of policies to promote an increase in the birth rate and certain facilities for child raising and care , that part of the population aged over 65 years will increase from 20 % to 28 % by 2025 . I welcome the compromise reached between Parliament and the Council on introducing into the framework directive adequate protection for users in cases of restriction of access to services and applications through electronic communication networks . I fully agree with the idea that , out of a concern for simplification and efficiency , the feasibility be investigated of merging the various Community funds in the future cohesion policy for the period subsequent to 2013 . in writing . - MEP Mitchell presented a plan which articulates a collective Community response to the rising and volatile costs of food in developing countries by providing guidelines for rapid responses and safety net procedures for forthcoming harvests . multilingualism is essential for effective communication and represents a means of facilitating comprehension between individuals and , hence , acceptance of diversity and minorities . ( DE ) Mr President , we need improvements , not justifications ! it is our political responsibility to finish this visa liberalisation process , and we also have to find a solution for all the people in Kosovo . our willingness must be there . Gaza should be viewed as a very important component of Palestinian state-building . the movement was launched in 2000 when the European Union , for the first time , gathered together all of these countries at the Zagreb Summit and recognised their aspiration to join the Union . we would stress , however , that the compensation system proposed in this report is merely a stopgap that does nothing to change the fundamental problem . I really want to be very clear on that . a capitalist economy that bears the human factor in mind . in writing . - ( IT ) I am voting firmly in favour of this motion for a resolution on stepping up the European Union ' s disaster response capacity . at the same time , Interior Ministry officials have always argued that they lack even rudimentary equipment to successfully prosecute criminals in Bulgaria . in addition , these 12-day trips help European integration and , for many people , are a very economical way of going on holiday . I maintain my complete opposition on this issue , but this has not prevented me from voting in favour of what is a very positive report . this has made a major contribution to the present crisis . whilst I vote in favour today , I wonder whether there is an urgent need in future to examine in more detail what appears to be the inability of the EU side of these partnerships to exercise proper financial control . perhaps an ' I ' m running unladen ' flag would be of interest here . worker mobility within the EU is the key to economic recovery and the Single Market ' s development . the Commission therefore urges the Chinese Government to permit expressions of all forms of opinion . some countries are embarking on the path of reform , and are reinforcing or creating the pillar of private pension funds , while others are attempting to turn back time instead . Mr President , is there a timetable for all this , for the mechanism to combat speculation ? I would like to thank the President for his very comprehensive reply . I therefore agree with my compatriot , the rapporteur , on everything he has said on this issue , and fully endorse his report , and I congratulate him on this . so , although the recovery plan was welcome and indeed necessary , we must not now cut important lines under Heading 1 to fund the GBP 1.98 billion required . especially at a time when the economic crisis has hit small businesses hard , it is our duty to endeavour to provide them with all the facilities which might help them recover and offer support again to the European economy . furthermore , in political terms , we must urgently continue the unremitting pursuit of dialogue on security policy , in order to develop ever stronger relations between the countries in question . now more immigrants are arriving , but they are using fewer boats . I believe that the European Union is a sufficiently strong financial market for a general residual tax on all transactions to be created without capital flight . this agreement on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation is essential as a stimulus to relations between Georgia , its neighbouring countries and the European Union , as well as to the fight against illegal immigration . retaining the so-called Television Without Frontiers Directive in its current form would aggravate the unjustified differences in the regulatory treatment of different methods of distributing similar or identical media content . the current provisions regarding television should remain in force for linear services . I wish the Council had been listening , for then it would have seen that - thank God ! - all , or at least nearly all the parliamentary groups stand united here . you even covered the ILO recommendation . on this basis , I support the rapporteur ' s suggestions that the European Commission should observe closely the adoption and implementation of EU consumer rights in the Member States and help them with this in every way . I think it is very timely . these results , however , must not blind us to the increasing difficulty the European Union has in playing its role as bridge builder , in a UN environment that is more polarised , where countries act together in blocs . we agree that the Commission should carry out an updated analysis of the implementation and impact of the current ' ground handling ' Directive before we put any new liberalisation on the agenda . more importantly , it is directly accessible to the public on the Europa server . in that regard I want in particular to draw attention to the potentially enormous social pressure that could come from raising public awareness of women ' s basic rights , which could in the final analysis improve the situation of women in the regions concerned . I hope everyone will support this resolution . I welcome the progress made in last week ' s negotiations on the free trade agreement with the Republic of Korea , where I understand we are close to reaching an agreement which , again , will benefit both sides . for example , in a resolution that it adopted in November last year , Parliament urged the Commission to draw up a general directive on measures to prevent and combat all forms of gender violence . I am not fundamentally opposed to the idea , but I strongly believe some questions remain to be answered . I am positively encouraged , however , by a number of indications that , during the present year , 2007 , there is a much greater willingness to take up the opportunities offered by my inquiries to resolve complaints . therefore , it should be no surprise that the third party , in this case this House , is not prepared to go along with this . a very important thing for a patient is to be close to his relatives and not to face a language barrier . a concerted approach to the challenges posed by mental health is very important and should be tackled with the same seriousness as physical health . omitting the topic of segregation when creating the Horizontal Directive is an unforgivable crime . the highlight has been the extremely successful CIVITAS programme that started in 2000 . ( there is a need for further theoretical work in connection with this , so that the results can be assessed more accurately . ) it is , therefore , a positive thing that the European Parliament is , this evening , approving a number of reports setting out Parliament ' s position regarding the implementation of the Treaty . she is very emaciated . that is my idea of a balanced food and agriculture policy , anyway . some have said EUR 4 billion , others have said EUR 2 billion , and so on . we want you to help us , and we will work with you , to ensure that we support a dialogue between stakeholders on what measures are necessary to bring mutual practical benefits for business and consumers alike . I would also like to say to Mr Dimas that I appreciate very much what he said today . in conclusion , it is my firm belief that if the Union wishes to remain relevant , then modernisation of its laws and policies must always be voted in favour of . in writing . - ( LT ) I agreed with this document , because the agreement gives reciprocal access to short-stay , visa-free travel for all EU and Brazilian citizens holding a diplomatic , service or official passport . we need to think seriously about developing safe nuclear energy . four death sentences in particular are mentioned in the motion for a resolution before us . people are dying in droves , the death penalty is widely applied and those whose existence is viewed as awkward by certain groups are being secretly murdered . Christian settlements and schools are being set on fire . from the perspective of future developments , I personally consider it vital firstly to align the role of local authorities correctly in managing European funds and secondly , to target European funds at supporting the use of modern technologies . first of all , the status quo was able to continue for decades because the Western powers also wanted to maintain this situation after the Second World War . we in Europe are currently up to our necks in water . in writing . - ( SV ) I am voting for this report because it will make life easier for people relocating and travelling between Member States , without any powers being transferred to the EU . the report I am in charge of urges the Commission to ensure that the process is an efficient one and that we do everything in our power to ensure that , firstly , the new system will improve the internal market ' s effectiveness ; secondly , that this new system reduces the burdens on the business sector ; and thirdly , that it combats fraud as effectively as possible . it will focus on the opportunities that exist in the Barents Sea , and I will be present in order to discuss with some Swedish ministers and some experts whether those opportunities are economically viable or not , and whether they are viable from an environmental point of view - another area where we need to see whether it is right and appropriate to carry out investigations . as a result , one of the most effective measures would be to increase pay through a fair distribution of income . on legal certainty , there are so many questions that the Commission should and could be helping sporting organisations with now . I voted for the resolution on the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region because it satisfies the need to improve mobility , energy security , environmental protection , social and economic development , cultural exchanges , security and civil protection in the region . if this brings full security , it will be accepted , but citizens question how this is being handled - improvements are probably possible . by adopting this second phase of the ' asylum package ' , Brussels is facilitating and encouraging global immigration to Europe . it should , however , be admitted that the new Commission did receive the overwhelming majority of the votes . it plunged Europe into the most serious crisis of its history . moreover , answers were given in Irish to the questions addressed to the Commission by citizens or by legal entities . we do not , however , share the view on the contribution of nuclear power and believe that the report is unclear on tax matters . we need structural reforms in Europe , including in the labour sector . among the various faults in the transposition of the directive , I would emphasise the fact that the legislation of various Member States does not make specific reference to gender discrimination . I think that Member States must penalise the imposition of obstacles to trade union participation and also offer low threshold advisory services for women who cannot receive support from a works council , such as women employed in private households and in agriculture . within the framework of the current troika between France , the Czech Republic and now Sweden , we discussed at an early stage the importance of including Alzheimer ' s as a joint priority issue in the context of the work relating to public health . the proposal that the energy production industry will have to purchase all its CO2 emission allowances by auction as from 2013 will cause a massive increase in energy prices that will be particularly painfully felt by the domestic economies . secondly , the time horizon for a future work programme - here Mr Verheugen wants to set a very long-term perspective , but this has to be weighed against the mandate of this Commission and we need to have some short-term results . Docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ) is found in breast milk , where it contributes to normal visual development in children aged up to 12 months . nevertheless , I think that we must take steps now , even though it may be difficult . the text often mentions the need to move swiftly towards the building of trans-European infrastructures , which are crucial for the continent ' s development , but it says little about how to finance those networks . I regret , however , that in the final compromise , we did not manage to ensure equal status for all parties and to maintain a level playing field both for public and for private entities . moreover , this total will increase year on year , so where does the President suppose the money will come from ? initial experiences with the function of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security , and the general expectation that she should be active and present in different places , demand that we think about appointing deputies , or involving other Commissioners in areas of her work to a greater degree , since we have so many of them . I am not drawing any conclusions from this development at the moment . however , it is of the utmost importance that all citizens in the European Union be guaranteed the same level of health and protection . that is the issue in this respect . I regret the Commission ' s tacit acceptance of the collective irresponsibility of the majority of the Member States concerning financial management of the EU . the independent distribution sector will be in a position to put a larger spectrum of parts on offer , including parts from original equipment suppliers , as well as the normally cheaper parts from independent producers . I believe , in fact , that we can find a fundamental line of agreement on this . the decision to make financing in this matter dependent , not on income per resident , but on the pollution limit , is a decision which hits the economies of the new countries of the EU , including my country , Poland . our common foreign policy must be based on cultural diplomacy as Europe ' s position in the world can be strengthened through culture , as an integral part of its economic , development and security policies . in our opinion , all these conflicts must , therefore , be dealt with . you have proven already not to be capable of doing this job . so far the Troika has met separately with the parties on 10 and 11 August in Belgrade and Pristina , on 30 August in Vienna , and on 18 and 19 September in London . I expect the Member States to respect that . the current application to mobilise the Fund for the benefit of workers from Polish companies in the Podkarpackie region is the first application this year . I think that , in this situation , the European Parliament , and I speak as a member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , must insist very strongly that the European Commission adopt principles for the legal protection of passengers and clients , and that also means financial protection . therefore , I call on the Commission to develop a new strategy for world trade . we must provide legal immigrants with a clear and common status . the EU will cooperate in fulfilling the obligations entered into in Annapolis and Paris . the economic crisis has now reached Europe . written declarations included in the register ( Rule 123 ) : see Minutes the Republic of Moldova has international obligations and commitments , which mean that it has assumed the responsibility to respect democracy , the rule of law and human rights . Madam President , Mr Lewandowski , ladies and gentlemen , I have listened with great interest to your speeches , and would like , most of all , to say I am very pleased that the priority related to the main change to the budget for 2010 , the priority related to youth , which I proposed and which the Committee on Budgets adopted , has also met with your support and interest . ( ES ) Mr President , the meeting of the Council of Ministers on 18 February will not go down in the history of the EU as a particularly glorious date . the Commission has assessed that three countries - Serbia , Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - by and large already meet the conditions for visa liberalisation . yesterday the BBC announced that next week , on 12 May , the Appeal Court will hear Roxana Saberi ' s appeal , but that this would again take place in a closed-door session . although the Lisbon Agreement was signed in 1990 , it never entered into effect , due to a territorial dispute between Spain and Morocco . we know , too , that the Swedish Government has both experience and a record of success in this area . we must face the facts . does it intend to step up coordination on horizontal issues in the context of existing partnerships , this being necessary to achieve food security in Africa ? I am sure that this weekend ' s European Council , which is the same European Council that met on 11 February , will strengthen and preserve that stability . now I feel that we actually need to see some concrete action . however , the Russian report bears all the marks of a political game which aims to absolve the Russians of any blame . we do indeed - hence I know about the weekly reports . even though the text is not ideal , representing the result of complex negotiations , as far as the new position is concerned my understanding is that it is important to continue discussion of the new document and of often disputed issues such as racial discrimination , xenophobia , stigmatisation and stereotyping of people based on their religion or belief . however , I look forward to constructive cooperation on these matters and I would like to thank the Commission for the initiative . Canada is one of our oldest and closest trading partners , currently the 11th biggest , and the potential benefits from deregulating bilateral trade are obvious , including from the study carried out by the Commission and the Canadian Government in October 2008 . I would like to draw the commissioner ' s attention to the need to coordinate politics with economic issues and with Mr Almunia once again . it is time to show the Commission that food safety and health are major concerns for the European Parliament . a suspected terrorist who is known to the United States ' intelligence services is not necessarily known to their European counterparts , as the Commission ' s answer to one of my questions shows . I have the power as President under Rule 155 ( 2 ) to decide on the order of vote . President-in-Office , you said that regular talks were being held with the United States . 1 . the solutions are also well known , but I regret that the statements of good intentions are rarely translated into action . here we must and shall fulfil our obligations . the activities of both employed and self-employed drivers are equally relevant to their own and to other people ' s safety . this report denounces the misuse by the Member States of the European funds that should be devoted to Roma inclusion projects , but it is my hope that the Commission will go further by forcing the Member States to account publicly for their use of these funds . in this House , we are not quite all of one mind as to how far we should enforce international demands with sanctions . that would be a good way of solving at least one of our questions . the second aspect concerns the scope of the directive . the banks ruthlessly pocket enormous profits from high interest rates on loans and low interest rates on deposits , unlawful and irregular deductions and charges , misleading advertising , etc . , leading to workers going ever further into the red . in general , the most threatened species are those that are higher up the food chain , have a low population density , live longer , reproduce slowly and live within a limited geographical area . many of them do not end up in the final documents but people - and this is right and proper - spend time thinking about the different positions . the problem is to do with the fact that , at world level , European competition policy forces the shipbuilding industry to fight mainly against the heavily subsidised shipyards of the Middle East , and today we have , in fact , closed down the shipbuilding industry in Europe through this competition policy , because we force them to compete against subsidised industries . we are aware of the need for a balance between respect for individual privacy and the need to safeguard collective security , but the phenomenon of terrorism , with which many Europeans live every day , necessitates extraordinary measures . in major urban areas , traffic and pollution constitute a problem for 66 % of European citizens , and 70 % of the citizens expect the Union to show active involvement in dealing with these problems . 10 million people in Europe suffer from dementia ; half of them are Alzheimer ' s patients . Burma ' s military regime has no moral or legal justification for their activities of any type . we do not want to prescribe to any Member State how security charges should be financed ; we only want to ensure that whoever pays ultimately knows what he has paid . Mr Leterme , as I only have one minute , I will comment only briefly on the next Belgian Presidency , which will possibly hold office in 2025 or thereabouts . as the rapporteur mentioned , this could mean including fresh produce , in most cases produced locally . in order to ensure a more effective fight against bluetongue and reduce the burden it poses on the agricultural sector , the current rules on vaccination need to be updated . I also agree with the remark that we should do our utmost to be better prepared . ( ET ) European social models face many problems at the moment , for instance demographic changes and globalisation , which also influence the models under discussion . Ms Ernst the actions of EU leaders , albeit they have not always been sufficiently swift or convincing , have enabled the euro to be defended . here , we believe that it is important to convert the objectives stated in the strategy into laws , actions and measures which improve the position of small and medium-sized enterprises , but , of course , the Member States must also do their own homework . when people talk about deforestation in developing countries , this too is a responsibility of our countries , of the European Union . hence there must also be a strategy for childcare . in the first six years of the EUSF , the Commission received 62 requests for financial support from 21 different countries . we must act urgently with the Roma communities to make them aware of their fundamental rights and to facilitate their access to public services . despite the new legal framework , there has been little progress in creating better funding conditions for sporting ventures in Europe . I would like to welcome today the record financial support amounting to USD 2.6 billion which has been granted to Moldova for the 2011-2013 period . according to the statistics on the complaints received by SOLVIT in 2007 , 20 % of them concerned the recognition of professional qualifications required to pursue a regulated profession . the majority of my colleagues from those Member States of the European Union where the procedure for ratifying the Lisbon Reform Treaty has not been completed have told the Council in this debate that this will happen in the coming months . the hotline itself is the least part of the problem . to the Commissioner I would simply like to say that I am very pleased to see that you and I seem to agree on all of the points that are key for me in this work . or how do you want to feed this back again so that our trade policy is imbued with a uniform European policy in such a way that all partners can understand this too ? all of this is a means of saying that , when the Committee on Regional Development asks you to observe the condition not only of the integrated approach but also of the travel plans , it is establishing a general principle that we very much hope you will take into account in your action plan . re-establishing stability within the financial system should not stand in the way of the tasks of the financial system : promoting the growth of Europe ' s businesses . ( RO ) The compromise reached for the third maritime package will improve passenger safety , as well as help protect the environment and reinforce control systems . Multi-country responses can be very effective but can result in divergence rather than the cohesion which we wish for under the European idea . the knowledge base of workers must likewise be raised . I would say to you that if the Czech Presidency , or its successors , is not capable of doing the job , then it shows that we really do need Lisbon : we really do need somebody on a more permanent basis to give leadership to the European Union . it is true that accounts are very important : it is very important to know what the costs are , but we also need to know the benefits , the cost of preventing accidents at work , but also the costs of failure to prevent accidents at work . we need to know the costs of training , but also the costs of failing to train or failing to anticipate the changes that our workers and industries need to make . the vote will take place at 11 a.m . second , the announcement of a joint work programme on triangular cooperation with developing countries . in addition , this voting method will strengthen separatist movements , which is surely not what we wish for contemporary Europe . we must hope that the EU ' s new flagship project that is the Strategy for the Danube Region will subsequently be given some observable and tangible content . for this reason I expect the Czech presidency to take fresh steps towards securing financial support for the Nabucco gas pipeline and a more vigorous energy policy in Central Asia . only two are in euroland . this is why I am suggesting that we get involved in research into increasing the safety of nuclear energy , because this type of energy is clean and cheap as well . I therefore welcome the fact that Parliament takes such a great interest in this file - and has from the very beginning , by the way - which is evidenced by the resolution which Parliament has put on the table . this demonstrates the Commission ' s lack of concern about the EU ' s long-term economic interests . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . - ( EL ) Madam President , the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality regrets the fact that both in the communication on the draft strategy for legal migration and in the text which we are asked to vote on today very little reference has been made to the problem of the equality of women . although I have enjoyed myself in the IGC and previously in the Convention , I think I can speak for us all in saying that we share the opinion that we should settle some of these quarrelsome problems for a substantial time . that will help us to secure people ' s support , and the support of my Dutch citizens . having talked to Swedish consumer advisers , I understand that this is a very important tool and that it is used on a routine basis . the law in question that was adopted by the Lithuanian Parliament in July and the proposed amendment of the Criminal Code and administrative law that is being discussed are a cause of great concern for the Swedish Presidency . although VAT is sometimes complex , its effects across borders may cause specific problems which this report helps to identify and clear up . I would like to say in all sincerity that this action by the Commission is necessary and that it is an extremely valuable contribution . however , because I believe that in complicated diplomatic cases of this kind , discretion is the best way of solving the problem , I would ask my fellow Members to use the necessary discretion to ensure that this lady is saved . I want to make one point in this respect : in addition to what we have received - and it is only right and proper to be grateful - we have contributed certain elements . now , however , we are talking about people travelling . Lithuania has already experienced this . Member of the Commission . - I will perhaps start with the second point . the distinction between those countries that have capital punishment and use it , and those that retain the power but do not actually carry out the death penalty , is not as dramatic as one would first assume . it is appropriate for the Commission to provide more resources for the protection of external borders , but at the same time the European Refugee Fund and the financial assets serving integration should also be increased . in the draft resolution on the European Social Fund , much is being said about the fight against poverty , support for the social model , etc . I have timed their contributions , and Mr Dimas , together with his colleagues , has not used even half of that . I voted in favour of the resolution , which promotes the integration of Montenegro into the European system , because we have all witnessed that this country has made notable progress towards adopting proper processes and instruments . ' I don ' t take the European position all that seriously . you even write in your document , I quote : ' the signs of recovery are clear ' . this is an issue of management , due to a government that allowed revenue to drop or did nothing when revenue was dropping and allowed expenditure to increase or pushed expenditure up because the elections were approaching . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , as you know , the conciliation procedure relating to the Working Time Directive has failed . let me stress again : this is totally unacceptable . individual Member States have already announced that they intend to recognise Kosovo on a unilateral basis . the oral question to the Commission by Renate Weber , Nathalie Griesbeck , Sophia in ' t Veld , Sonia Alfano , Cecilia Wikström , Louis Michel , Sarah Ludford , Gianni Vattimo , Leonidas Donskis , Alexander Alvaro , Niccolò Rinaldi , Ramon Tremosa i Balcells , Metin Kazak and Marielle De Sarnez , on behalf of the ALDE Group , on databases relating to racial and ethnic origin in the EU - B7-0556 / 2010 ) , and I have been a Member of Parliament since 1990 . the debate is closed . it is simply due to the fact that the Member States are largely opposed to it . there is an ongoing dialogue in cooperation with the United Nations and the ILO . Mr Schnellhardt said that we should act promptly and Mr Arsenis asked particularly , with regard to the timetable : when will this end ? as you will remember , in the Resolution adopted by Parliament in April 2005 we asked the Commission to adopt an action plan containing clear recommendations for the Member States and candidate countries relating to the economic , social and political integration of the Roma . I cannot understand the concerns of the board of the European Medicines Agency that the new tasks being allocated to it are not sufficiently funded . although the reform process should be given a boost and eight negotiating chapters are still blocked , the Commission has welcomed in particular Turkey ' s recent diplomatic activity and its role in promoting stability in the region . ( the sitting was opened at 9.05 a.m. ) is the Commission already planning which countries could possibly become members in future ? - Before the vote : the actions and the activity of volunteers speak for themselves . I remember well , a year and a half ago when we talked about the Africa summit , no one really believed we could pull it off . on the contrary , one gets the feeling that bureaucratic paperwork seems to grow by the year . is it acceptable on the part of a country seeking EU membership ? the biggest obstacle to the introduction of an EU copyright , Mrs Geringer de Oedenberg , is that it would absolutely have to take precedence over national copyright in order to be effective . I also believe that research and technological development must become more accessible to ordinary Europeans . a substantial share of the Member States ' health budgets has to be allocated to combating the problems raised by overweight . an integral approach requires a change in our European heads , because until now , we have only been preoccupied with development , or primarily with the development of a low carbon society . do we take the same attitude in the European Union ? on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( EL ) Madam President , the report on the European Ombudsman ' s activities affords us an opportunity to ascertain how citizens view the workings of the institutions of the European Union and gives us practical ideas and examples as to how the institutions of the European Union can improve how they operate and how they serve the citizens . I know that one of my main tasks is to coordinate this effort in the Commission , and your vigilance will be most welcome and comforting . but we know very well that there are divergences in the approaches of the Member States . by not being open and honest , we are strengthening Kostunica who can then say : if we take a hard line we can force the European Union to make concessions . in addition , the relationship between the incomes of citizens - measured , for example , as GDP per capita - has a very loose relation to the minimum wage . at present , President Obama is allocating 10 times more venture capital to green technologies than Europe is . Parliament ' s almost unanimous opinion is that Neighbourhood Policy has not produced the expected results . I abstained because Parliament regrets the deficiencies in staff selection procedures , which put at risk the transparency of these procedures . the inclusion of the human rights clause , along with the application of social and environmental standards in trade negotiations , are complex problems that divide the international community . however , these rules are not interpreted or applied uniformly by the Member States . we all need clarity regarding who exactly will provide this funding , how much each developed country will provide , and how and when it will be provided . we need to take immediate steps to free ourselves of our raw material dependence on Russia , which may subsequently become a political dependence . regarding security issues , the internal security strategy was adopted in the March European Council . it is a great trading nation , it is an exporter of people , not least to this continent , and it is a vital ally in the fight against terrorism . I would really like to know whether the Commissioner agrees that we could go for lower targets or whether we should stick to the current ones . these have not been accepted by the Council . what the Council has done , however , in virtually reversing the ruling of the Court of Justice and even ignoring the improvements that the Commission ' s proposal had made to some aspects of the previous legal position is unacceptable . ( FR ) Mr President , one second more to thank you , Mr Coelho , and tell you that it is a great pleasure to work with you as you always show great skill , you have a true capacity for listening and analysis and it is due to you that we have achieved this result . what we need is global consensus , and for this we must have something to offer , above all to developing countries . only thus can we develop this system effectively from the standpoint of legal principles . this is precisely the role of the European Parliament . a directive intended to encourage recycling has ended up encouraging fly-tipping . since the new protocol has solved the technical problems and opened up a more secure procedure for settling technical differences between the parties , that will surely lead to a greater number of vessels wanting to access this fishing ground , which is becoming safer by the day , and therefore offering more guarantees , than in the previous protocol . Mr President , thank you for your words of condolence on behalf of our British soldiers who lost their lives on Saturday evening . I asked if he was 65 and he said ' No , if I waited till next year , I would have to go . Taiwan is a prosperous democracy with a top-quality public health system . in the report we also emphasise the fact that the recovery plan will have important consequences for the fishing industry as well as the economic and social development of local communities , and this is why the Commission should reconsider the fishing effort system once cod stocks have significantly improved . Mr President , for form ' s sake , I should like to notify my fellow Members on this occasion that I shall also be putting forward a motion - not now , but tomorrow - that the vote on the report on FYROM , or Macedonia , likewise be postponed until the Strasbourg sitting . the withdrawal period should be set at one year , which will increase consumer protection in most Member States . Mr Cornillet ' s report also raises a very relevant question regarding the institutional framework for debating humanitarian policy . that , then , is the appeal that I am making here . this remains a topical issue in our debates and we will continue to remind our partners , the Council and the Commission , of it . as far as I am concerned , it is a question of robbing Peter to pay Paul . a more effective EU policy for the South Caucasus - A Black Sea Regional Policy Approach ( debate ) despite this , I believe that the rapporteurs have succeeded in strengthening the continuity of legal protection and guaranteeing maximum protection for victims , while ensuring legal certainty . the challenges we face are very substantial . it is true that in this regard we are very much at the forefront , but we still have a lot to do . Parliament should monitor the processes of democratic transition in the Southern Mediterranean countries and , along with the other European institutions , support this transition as swiftly and peacefully as possible , providing important support through the instruments at its disposal , which are aimed at promoting political , economic and social reforms . many in Europe were attracted to this change and the spirit of change . Mr President , I would echo what has been said by a large number of colleagues here this afternoon : a democratic Mauritania represents a pole of stability in the subregion . the Roma question is an insurmountable problem , given that this ' solidarity ' is represented by camps - as shown on yesterday ' s Porta a porta [ Italian current affairs programme ] - which are theoretically legal , but where there is continuous child abuse and the sanitation conditions are absolutely appalling . if the European Commission is the custodian of the EU Treaties , then the European Parliament is the custodian of the values and I believe that together we shall be able to withstand a rising wave familiar from the recent past . and that we shall stop it , without violating fundamental rights like the right of free expression , the right of assocation , the freedom of the media . nonetheless , almost a year after the Plan was launched , we still have no tangible proposals from the Council or the Swedish Presidency concerning where the money is to come from . the funds required to perform tasks should be increased . voting time it stresses the importance of collective bargaining in the fight to abolish discrimination against women , in particular with regard to access to employment , wages , working conditions , careers and professional training . I would also like to inform you that we shall shortly - before the end of April - present a road map of this kind for visa-free travel for Serbia where , likewise , ordinary citizens value this extremely highly . that is why , Commissioner , anyone wishing to help Turkey should ultimately listen to what is being said by the Turkish Cypriots , who are currently protesting , not for direct trade or for its translation , as we heard today in the decision dated 26 April , but for Cyprus to be released from the occupation and for them personally to be released and rescued . what I hope will happen as a result of this is that we will ensure that airlines do not hold on to slots unnecessarily . do you not think that electric cars can be introduced in Europe much sooner than other forms of clean propulsion ? I am not in favour of the EU passing laws on behalf of Member States at all . as a Christian , I would like to focus once again on the situation of the Pakistani Christians , who are subjected to severe persecution . every single time , I have heard the EPP say that this should not be party politics and that we should not single out Member States . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Madam President , I also would like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Díaz de Mera García Consuegra , for his great work . we are equally responsible for both large and small farms . I do agree that the way forward is to support small business and provide long-term sustainable jobs , high-quality jobs , and I do hope that the proposal for a small business act will help to achieve this in the long term . however , my personal opinion is - and I think that this opinion should be respected , because it is respectable - that it is not by humiliating China that we will make progress on the issue of human rights , but through a frank and direct dialogue . the EU ' s cohesion policy is intended , through its four separate programmes , to help make Europe and its regions more competitive , for example through innovation , the development of the knowledge society , and strengthening economic competitiveness . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , Commissioner , on 21 April 2009 , the European Ombudsman submitted his annual report on his activities in 2008 to the outgoing President of the European Parliament , Hans-Gert Poettering . talks at the Council meeting led to an agreement to formulate strategies on the basis of the principles discussed by the finance ministers at their informal meeting in Gothenburg . this is why we allocated more money than proposed by the Commission to budget lines which promoted the social dimension by creating more and better jobs and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises . I imagine a reconnaissance mission coming from the planet Mars . secondly , early retirement and its financial incentives must be eliminated throughout Europe . the Commission adopted a two-tier approach to tackle these problems : infringement procedures to address incorrect implementation of the rules , and changes to the rules when they were not clear or precise enough . on the one hand , it is just as Udo Bullmann says . we should not wait until emerging diseases reach a crisis state ; we must amend our veterinary medicine legislation swiftly as the consequences and cost of a major outbreak of a high-impact disease in the EU would far exceed the cost of action now to develop appropriate and adequately available ... while I have heard the message , I am not sure I believe it . it must be a simpler , fairer and more sustainable model , which ensures that finance serves the real economy , which develops new forms of solidarity among Europeans , which takes account of the social and environmental challenges in international trade , and which radically reforms our relations with the world ' s poorest countries , and here I am thinking specifically of Africa . allow me now to reiterate briefly what I said in my opening statement . there must be no obligation to install solar panels when building a house , carrying out reroofing works , building an extension or replacing a heating system , such as is the case in the Marburg model . globalisation has given rise to fierce competition between countries which , in turn , has led to unacceptable practices by many multinationals in developing countries : failure to respect core labour standards , human rights violations and environmental damage . the failure in Copenhagen must not be repeated . the aim of the report is to mobilise EUR 11.8 million in commitment and payment appropriations from the EU Solidarity Fund relating to the effects of the floods which hit Romania in July 2008 . we must concentrate more on vocational training and retraining . the Mexican Government is trying to bring the situation under control by means of a massive military and police operation . ( PL ) Mr President , Commissioner , I would like to echo the previous speakers who congratulated the rapporteur on her well-prepared report . we also have commitments under the international obligation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control - all these will be brought together to decide what the next steps should be . the great unknown is always too easy a threat , and it is easy to join that particular chorus . nevertheless , you are right : this is an issue that has not been handled in a reasonable manner - I understand this - by the Parliamentary Bureau . that is why the Members representing the Portuguese Social Democratic Party ( PSD ) are supporting this report , which is , as a matter of fact , coherent with the measures proposed in Portugal by the leader of the PSD , Dr Manuela Ferreira Leite . it should not only apply to the CAP . ( applause ) yet , in this context , it is important to remember that today ' s critical situation in North Kivu , while exacerbated by the fighting taking place in the second half of 2007 , is a result of years of war in the region . my officials tell me that you have produced a highly factual and competent report . the child had been raped by three men . the strategic importance of the Black Sea region has now been recognised since 2007 : with the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU , the Black Sea began to have a direct impact on the Union ' s internal affairs , which is why there needs to be greater EU involvement in the area . I am very glad we managed to reach a consensus in committee too , thanks to the preparatory work and the very fair cooperation with the rapporteur . the re-hashed SWIFT agreement does very little to change this situation . for this reason , we must increase the mandatory joint financing by the regions and the project promoters and we must offer more loan-based programmes . I am speaking on behalf of one of the four motors of the European economy , Lombardy . Mr Klepsch spent most of his professional life working towards a united Europe . the economic crisis magnifies these disparities , placing additional pressures on the governments in these countries , which have to deal with stringent macroeconomic conditions , the social repercussions of the crisis , while also having to resolve problems arising from the vulnerability of the financial system and the sustainability of the public health care and social insurance systems . we have to help the fishing community who , at the moment , are in a severe economic crisis , particularly with the 30 % increase in marine fuel prices . in the next funding period , it is also important that the establishment and implementation of structural programmes be directed above all at people , to simplify the procedures for using the funds . there are other countries as well , as we all know . secondly , I think this will be catastrophic for over half a million families , especially in my country , where most are poor , small-scale tobacco farmers who will abandon their farms and move to the large towns , which is extremely dangerous for the environment and the countryside . I agree with you , Mr Madlener , that human traffickers should be arrested and that Turkey really should set up a decent asylum system , a system that recognises political refugees who do not come from the European Union , but from elsewhere . ladies and gentlemen , we must make use of all the means available to us to work , together with the UN , to help the victims of Cyclone Nargis . in that case , we would have a greater administrative burden . if you look at Ireland ' s history , what we have been able to do with investment in infrastructure , largely from the European Union - to which we are now about to become , thank God , a net contributor - is an indication of what can be done when you give people the tools with which to do the job . this is what many economic sectors in our countries are asking of us . in writing . - I voted for the report on the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean ( GFCM ) Agreement Area . these people are generally economically disadvantaged due to their peripheral status , but if their jobs were to disappear , this would have a negative impact on them . ( FR ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I wish to sound the alarm bell regarding the low rate of planning and payment of the ERDF , ESF and Cohesion Fund appropriations . I wish to highlight from the work programme for 2011 the importance of the legislative initiatives in the following areas : personal data protection , improvement of information and network security based on public procurement standards and recommendations , electronic signatures and reciprocal recognition of electronic identification and authentication mechanisms . it is necessary to find an additional label to the already existing one , which would introduce mandatory inspections and drastic penalties for those abusing the EC mark . we want to see a final effort being made to put the fundamental freedoms in place in the internal market . it paid scant regard to the interests of creditors , employees , consumers and small suppliers . Libyan citizens do not enjoy many political and civil rights , such as freedom of expression , assembly and association . Iceland ' s membership of the EU , however , may not be a matter of course . we have already introduced private storage earlier than we normally do . I have received five motions for resolution tabled in accordance with Rule 103 ( 2 ) of the Rules of Procedure . there are areas where bus drivers are in great demand and areas where there is a shortage of qualified doctors . access to institutions of higher education must also be made easier for adults with practical vocational experience . speaking as a pilot myself : can the Commission please explain why the pilots ' associations were not consulted in this matter , and could it also confirm that the concerns of pilots and other people working in this industry will be fully taken into account ? we have four funds . the impact study procedure , also established by the Commission , aims to improve the cohesion of Community policies and includes an assessment of all the environmental parameters of our proposals . it is very important to ensure better implementation of agreements on simpler visa procedures and an EU-Ukraine free trade area . I hope that what you have announced will be implemented . this is despite the fact that upon this chess-board our energy future and our security future is decided . internal threats , such as drugs , poverty in society , and Internet crime , must not be forgotten either . we cannot but endorse the intentions behind this report : to guarantee the quality of European food products , the competitiveness of producers , simple but comprehensive information for consumers regarding the origin of products , compliance with designations of origin and quality labels , a better definition of traditional or organic products , and so on . we are asking for the Commission to proceed with the White Paper on adapting to and protecting forests from climate change , we are asking for a new regulation to replace the old regulation on the prevention of forest fires , we are asking for a new regulation to replace the old regulation on information on the state of forests and , finally , we are asking for an increase in funding for forests under the second pillar of the common agricultural policy . two equally important issues should be stressed at this point , which are more important than the construction of new houses and new roads . I would love to see a kind of enhanced competition which does not encourage ' discounting for discounting ' s sake ' but which serves to ensure greater consumer satisfaction . I also join the rapporteur in welcoming the changes proposed by the Commission , particularly that relating to the planned reduction in fees and less frequent reporting for SMEs , for which participation in this system would be more onerous but no less important . now , I have no choice but to repeat my question , because the new document does not say a word as to why this failure happened . complementary , of course , to Doha , it will drive Europe ' s recovery and growth and the European Parliament will be instrumental in determining the future of global trade policy . I call on the European Commission to link the application for Community financing with the repeal of this scandalous decision , which reminds us that there are still nationalists in the Balkans . I am convinced that in just taking such a step , we will totally harmonise standards in the European Union ' s internal market and move toward the so far most extensive elimination of the threat from transmission of these diseases . it fills me with dismay to note that , after Tibet and Kosovo , we have now arrived on European Union soil . with regard to the revision of the technical measures covered in the legislation , it is vital to extend the use of trammel nets along the coast to depths of between 200 m and 600 m until 31 December 2012 , which will allow ships to continue to capture stocks of great economic importance to Portuguese national fisheries , such as anglerfish , in a sustainable manner . during the plenary yesterday , Ingrid Betancourt of Latin America and France said that she dreams of a Latin America that could cooperate and be as united as the European Union . suggestions for improving healthcare in Europe through health education , access to treatment , knowledge of data and the use of mechanisms to measure , monitor , evaluate and communicate information provide an important contribution to the development of policies that are effective for reducing health inequalities . the purpose behind its inclusion is starting to become clear . in the context of reduced EU structural monies and funds , regional development monies must be better targeted - as many speakers have said - at local areas and local authorities , which must be the key deliverers of those funds . if Europe is borderless , so is the internet ; if languages are difficult , technological tools now offer us the possibility of instant translation . Noam Shalit , who is with us here today , is placing his hope and confidence in you , as well as in the God of Israel , to obtain the release of his precious son . these projects must also contribute to the ecological transformation of our economies , paving the way for the zero carbon economy . ensure that the energy market is both transparent and capable of being monitored . the list of areas of cooperation is a long one . last month , on a visit to Bulgaria , I saw a truly inspiring example of this . the statements were very different . in addition to consolidating the rule of law , important measures will be taken to combat terrorism and terrorist financing and to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction . the euro cannot simply act as a safety anchor , but must also be an engine that can drive growth . toughness must be combined with efficiency and substance . Mr President , I am speaking on behalf of the European Free Alliance members in the Greens / EFA Group . I am therefore promoting the creation of a code of ethics for retailers and producers of video games . with inflation in the euro area at 4 % , the latest interest rate hike by the European Central Bank means that the real interest rate is 0.25 % . the draft report criticises the fact that the funding for these ambitious plans is inadequate . the plans should be properly financed from the Union ' s budget . being equally thirsty for anti-democratic global domination , the commercial and political elite which constitutes the European Union hastens to implement these instructions , just as they did to implement REACH . as a result , the 2011 budget year will be extremely important from the perspective of financial planning for subsequent years . human rights in Vietnam ( vote ) on this point , I fully agree with your report , as I believe that , in the Stockholm Programme , the training of judges and the exchange of judges among Member States will be the key to the future of this European area of law that we so want . it is precisely in this area that we need a well-considered and well-prepared European policy . they know what visa liberalisation means , they know that , by abolishing their visas in the European Union , we will not be giving away jobs or rights to asylum or citizenship or suchlike . amongst these areas , we could mention transport , the priority of which should be the creation of a sustainable and safe transport system and the development of trans-European networks . women have always made the choice to be full-time mothers . a good way of providing the aid that Latin America needs is by strengthening the trading relationship between the two blocs , which , upon completion , will be one of the largest in the world . there are not four alternatives , but in fact only two , namely the Lamassoure / Severin report or Nice . at a time when the Constitutional Treaty is dead and buried , following the ' no ' vote from a strange coalition of political forces not only in France but in the Netherlands too , and when the indigestible piece of legislation known as the ' mini ' Treaty of Lisbon is being blocked in Ireland and possibly in the Czech Republic as well , we should prove that Europe is still functioning by relying on the huge area of enhanced cooperation . this five-year programme will need to guarantee a coordinated , consistent approach to information sharing , and should incorporate a European Union strategy on information management . the two-year restriction period on the labour market imposed on the new Member States expires at the end of this year . furthermore , we affirm this Parliament ' s resolution in January this year on combating the phenomenon of street children by 2015 . I hope this will happen as soon as possible . as a young member of parliament , in 1957 I voted against the Treaty of Rome , the first stage of a process which , according its promoters , Monnet and Coudenhove-Kalergi among others , was to lead to the United States of Europe : this Tower of Babel that can only be built on the ruins of the nations , and first of all of my homeland , France . that needs to be changed as well , please ! despite our repeated requests , the EU refused then , and refuses still , to deal with this event . although South Sudan has reserves of natural resources such as oil , copper and iron , as well as forest and fertile land , the vast majority of its population live in poverty , with one of the highest infant mortality rates and the lowest education indicators in the world . four points must be dealt with as soon as possible ; none should present a serious political problem . for that , we have to bake our bread before we distribute it , as we say in Finland . Proportionally speaking , this has the same impact as 120 000 arriving in France in just one day . the Council has therefore asked the Commission to put forward a general guideline document in this respect . the fifth freedom , for example , Prime Minister Janša , is part of social policy . Madam President , many thanks for this truly important debate , and in particular my sincere thanks once more to the rapporteur . with regard to the fight against direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of gender , that policy has proved a complete success in the European Union . we know that it is not just a question of one million signatures on any issue . there again , I think that that was being honest . every EU state should nominate a body to cooperate with OLAF on a day-to-day basis . everywhere , there was devastation and death . I abstained in the vote on the resolution on smoking . in writing . - ( DE ) Internet advertising adapts itself to users ' behaviour . however , it is equally obvious that , the initial ambitious statements notwithstanding , instead of the probability of global agreement increasing , it is constantly shrinking . however , I will bow to the superior wisdom and experience of Doris Pack in saying that this may be the way forward . as Mr Obiols pointed out , negotiation is an unquestionable weapon for moving forward in that process and for advancing internal reforms in Turkey . Mme Sudre , I see your report as helping to build a bridge between the present and future strategies for the outermost regions and that is a very important role of this report . ( DE ) Mr President , European environmental economic accounts will provide us with important data to enable us to bring environmental aspects into all kinds of political decisions and , as a result , to have these aspects taken into consideration in a whole range of issues . the vote will take place tomorrow . I believe that the European Union must use every means to support any move indicating democratic transition . I also recall that the Treaty of Lisbon has introduced changes to trade policy which touch upon some of the proposals presented in this report . ( NL ) Madam President , Commissioner , I support the soil strategy elaborated in the Prodi report , but oppose the Directive on soil . the first signal that this report makes is that some of the Commission ' s proposals do not quite go far enough . in Lebanon , for example , the Israeli army launched more than a million cluster bombs on villages and homes in the last few hours before it withdrew . as companies frequently challenge the validity of the Commission decisions imposing fines , a large part of the amount mentioned above is not final , so to speak . this seems like a reasonable solution to me , so I voted in favour . today , the Lisbon Treaty is not really your Treaty . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Mr President , first of all , I would also like to congratulate the rapporteur for a very good job of work . we are therefore asking for a ' colegislative ' role and for Parliament to be regularly informed of any initiatives in this field . others are more political , related to the period after 2013 , but I am sure that you would find the proposals extremely interesting . as Ms Beer said , if 7 000 candidates can run for 290 seats , too many candidates have already been rejected . the question is , why not ? of course , we also need to incorporate the banking system in terms of the risks involved , which should not only be undertaken by the European people . the solution is national responsibility and the obligation of individual Member States to cut their coats according to their cloth . familiar as we are with the EU structures , we have ceased to see how anomalous , how outrageous , it is that we have supreme executive and legislative power in the hands of an unaccountable and unelected bureaucracy . in this respect , the trial with joint sittings by two committees is a new attempt to devise something better . we Europeans have a responsibility in that regard , but I nonetheless believe that the questions that have been raised here are justified . even Commissioner Verheugen believes that the current CE marking may be a little confusing . this aims to remove the current physical , administrative and regulatory obstacles and alleviate the ' border effect ' between territories and regions , permitting them to address their shared challenges together , whether these be territorial , global , economic or societal . ( FI ) Mr President , I supported the report , but I wonder if the European Union has the ability to work to promote peace and stability in our neighbouring countries , by which I now mainly mean Syria , Libya and Egypt . ( SK ) All Member States ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ; however , the Convention does not include any sanctioning mechanism . some amendments adopted in the Privacy Directive , however , are really causing problems and we shall make sure that they are deleted . we said that biofuels were the answer but no one realised at the time that the massive use of arable land for the cultivation of energy crops could lead to a shortage of farmland for the cultivation of foods . that is why we are working on joint multiannual programming based on strategies to combat poverty , which give us a better picture of how funds are targeted and according to what objectives , and which also enable us to control this allocation better . there are no adjustments for persons with movement disabilities . it is a very serious problem at a time when we are reforming agricultural policy , threatening to cut the budget for agriculture and not looking at the imperfections in this marketplace . it is particularly important for the new Member States , which really do need the financial resources of the Community . the Black Sea areas has always been linked to the Mediterranean and thus both should be comparable and put on equal footing today . we must really try to draw a distinction here from everything that instead concerns public services which , of course , must be the responsibility of the national state . on a global scale , the EU ' s competitors are investing in the research and development of new technologies for reducing carbon emissions and are launching programmes supporting the transition to green road transport . it also seeks to promote the development of filtering systems and to encourage the labelling of Internet sites deemed safe for children . this means that the actions that the Commission can take to support them in that - for example , the use of the UNHCR , and the idea of the Asylum Support Office - become very important , providing they are adequately resourced . we are , naturally , prepared also to go along this difficult route of announcing these decisions . that brings me to this question of tar sands and oil shale . this is important because what we are specifically calling for at this time is a guarantee of healthy growth , without coercion or negative stereotypes or criminalisation of childhood . however , as the rapporteur Mr Díaz de Mera García Consuegra has amply demonstrated , I do not believe that the series of countries listed should be included on the positive list since , unlike Taiwan , these do not have the same standards and requirements . that is how Europe developed its food production base - that is how we fed ourselves - and we need to acknowledge , as has been done in this House today , that we have underinvested in agricultural research , in development and in the advisory service . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of discharge for the Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in respect of the implementation of its budget for the Financial year 2006 on the basis of the report by my Austrian colleague Mr Hans-Peter Martin , which recommends to Parliament to give discharge . but we must retain a sense of collective engagement as we continue to improve ties with what was , until quite recently , a diplomatically isolated and largely overlooked region , particularly by the European Union . mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund : Qimonda / Portugal ( despite this changing context , President Barroso clings to the existing integrated guidelines as though they were engraved in Portuguese marble . I can assure you , Mr Posselt , that religious freedom forms an integral part of those criteria . I am , of course , referring to the second referendum . in other words , it must be guaranteed that letters will be delivered as efficiently as ever and at reasonable prices . the European Union , which these countries wish to join as soon as possible , is based on common values and standards , one of the most important of which is the rule of law . an effectively working internal market is essential for the creation of a stable and innovative economic environment . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Mr President , I welcome the Commissioner ' s remarks , particularly as commitment to better regulation involves clear team work of regulators and those people affected working together to develop a piece of legislation . the Commission ' s Green Paper on this issue has laid down procedures for dealing with the problem , which arises when the enforcement of court judgments is avoided because of the operation or transfer of bank accounts outside national borders . but leaving that political difference aside , I - happily - am not a Conservative , therefore I do not have to vote blindly for complete nonsense . in addition , the disparities in methods used by the Member States to record the causes of accidents makes statistical comparison and production a difficult exercise , lacking in precision . if we are talking , today , about the fact that we want to conduct a review of this policy , then it is crucial to say that we want to see that these countries , in a variety of ways and at different speeds , are going to move towards our values - towards what the European Union offers them . in my opinion , there are two things that are immensely important , both of which could be subsumed under the heading of ' fairness ' . the first stage involves collecting the fingerprints within 48 hours of submitting the application for asylum , while in the second stage , Member States send the data obtained in this way to the Eurodac central system within 24 hours . insurance and reinsurance ( Solvency II ) ( recast ) ( author . - ( IT ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , Antonio Santoro , prison officer , Lino Sabadin , butcher , Perluigi Torregiani , jeweller , and Andrea Campagna , state police officer : these are the names of four citizens who , together with many others , lost their lives between 6 June 1978 and 19 April 1979 , killed by the insane homicide of terrorist organisations that attempted to overthrow the democratic order in Italy . let me be blunt : it is mainly the major Western industrialised countries which produce and equip their armies with fragmentation bombs and deploy cluster bombs in wars . we need to carry out a long-term review of the European Parliament budget and determine the money that can be saved in the future , in order to reduce costs and find the funds to enable Parliament to operate efficiently as one of the legislative bodies . secondly , I would like to argue in favour of the newly founded Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators receiving and utilising definitive powers and applying best practice from the Member States . I am therefore very grateful to Mr von Wogau for moving matters ahead decisively on military and security policy and I am very grateful to Mr Dess for doing the same in the humanitarian sector . that is unfortunate , but surely the answer is not to break the law . also , the concept of ' sustainability ' has still not been defined . however , we must put much more emphasis on looking at transposition and evaluating how legislation has been implemented and if it has achieved what we have set out to achieve . ( CS ) Allow me to elaborate a little on the debate held here a few minutes ago . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( SL ) The word heard - and read - most frequently in this Chamber today has been ' respect ' . I also have many reservations about the possibility of using enhanced cooperation in this case . for the same reasons , I would like to say in conclusion , Mr President , that we also support the proposals tabled by our Irish and Scottish fellow Members in relation to this same report . according to our calculations , by 2020 this could mean an increase in cereal prices of between 3 and 6 % , rapeseed by about 8-10 % and sunseed 15 % as compared to the 2006 prices , assuming a share of 30 % coming from the second generation of biofuels . this report includes measures - such as super-credits for non-polluting or low emission vehicles , fines if limits are exceeded and eco-innovation incentives to help manufacturers develop new , more environmentally friendly technologies - which will benefit the competitiveness of the EU and create employment opportunities . operatives in this field are confused . in this connection , I attach special importance to the forthcoming EU-Africa summit which will take place during the Portuguese Presidency . discussions on the Black Sea Synergy began in 2007 . that would be completely unacceptable . first of all , I would like to begin by thanking Mr Rack for his hard work . when I first raised this two years ago there was no support in the Parliament - in fact the Commission was taking Denmark to court and there was nothing happening . Commissioner , one thing is clear , and you hinted at it : we appear to be unable to learn from recent past mistakes . external factors , such as the consequences of the present financial crisis , will tend to make people vulnerable to these problems . however , when I visited Zagreb some time ago at the head of the delegation from the Committee on Foreign Affairs , I took note of the determination of the Croatian authorities to do away with those problems and achieve membership of the Union . we voted against the two separate votes ( paragraphs 19 and 20 ) , and both were adopted ; we voted against at the final vote , but the text was adopted . however , the seat of Parliament - of this Chamber - is Strasbourg , and it must remain so . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( DA ) Mr President , one consequence which the Patient Directive in its current form might have for the healthcare sector is to make it very difficult to control public spending . we are not asking those who have made their profits from such speculation to dip into their pockets , and that means we are not going far enough . I would stress the need for effective monitoring both of recipients , and of altruistic and voluntary donors , to whom the public cannot fail to owe a debt of gratitude . I call on Commissioner Kallas to confirm the Commission ' s position hitherto in a statement to the press and to state loud and clear that the underground station in Stuttgart will not be cofinanced by the European Union . we need more combat forces there ; we need greater flexibility ; we need greater support for the ISAF mission in Afghanistan . lastly , the report emphasises the importance of using the resources provided by new information technologies and the Internet as channels for modern teaching geared to contemporary practice when introducing the artistic dimension into school curricula , and recommends that a European portal for artistic and cultural education be developed jointly in order to safeguard the development and promotion of the European cultural model . the report calls for the creation of an ecolabel for fisheries products . since the Regulation entered into force , complaints have been pouring in about the application of this Regulation - ' unclear ' and ' unreasonable ' are words often heard . it seems the liberals have forgotten the principle of the separation of the church from public life , of which they often used to remind us . obviously , our political group would have placed greater emphasis on certain aspects . in light of the situation , the Commission is reviewing the results of the consultation with the interested parties and with the Member States in order to determine the content of a new legislative proposal on this matter . it is therefore necessary to clarify and harmonise criteria and definitions that enable comparable data to be obtained . ( FI ) Mr President , firstly , I would like to thank Mrs Stihler for this excellent report . a highly regarded position in the international community does not come free . the progress of certain projects of vital interest to the European Union ' s development also depends on energy security . and it is a question , in particular , of children , not child soldiers - some children have thrown stones and so on , it is true , but children . the report also emphasises that women ' s involvement in industry cannot be limited to work in sectors that do not require qualifications , where women are the first to suffer when restructuring takes place . we wish to stress that the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon has radically changed the face of European Union law . it is a lethal combination leading to unrest in a number of developing countries ; it is a combination leading to starvation . we want , as far as products are concerned , regulations that are very clear for businesses , whereby their teams who work on products can get on with the job of producing brilliant designs and high-quality and safe products . I hope that we will cooperate closely and I hope to see you again in the autumn . no doubt we must also use the national systems and make the recipients of the aid more aware of their responsibilities . for these groups of refugees , resettlement can be the only solution . I also agree with the pragmatic and rational approach to immigration policy . in my opinion , however , you are here as the President-in-Office of the European Council , which is why I fail to understand your comment about obstruction by the social democrats . ( NL ) Mr President , terrorism was not invented on 11 September 2001 ; it had always been there . the future of the Balkans will not be decided in Washington or Moscow , or even in New York : it will be decided here in Europe , among the peoples who are directly affected and their European neighbours , friends and partners . the Agency Workers ' Directive is yet another ill-thought-out and inappropriate EU directive which has yet again disproportionately and adversely affected the UK , which has a third of all EU agency workers . it is just not tenable that the Commission can sit here and say that we will ban the use of substances in Europe but that those outside the European Union can continue to send us food using those substances . from an economic perspective , the country has achieved a certain level of macro-economic stability , and has also advanced successfully in the sense of fulfilling the political criteria set out at the Copenhagen Summit , or the Copenhagen sitting of the Council . the one-minute speeches come in , we get allocated time but it is pathetic . he hugged me , kissed me and said : " please , mama , go ! ” addressing the challenge of the oil price increase ( vote ) this is what is being prepared for in political terms in this report . I hope that this strategy can be revised . where do we stand in the European Union ? furthermore , the European Parliament intends to intensify efforts in research and development in the use and application of renewable energy sources ; to improve the working conditions of seafarers ( the Maritime Erasmus programme ) ; and , lastly , to ensure better links between peripheral maritime regions . supporting the victims of this reprehensible business , and of their families , is also an important matter . during the first year of my term in office , I promoted the Road to Inclusion to mobilise the Portuguese people and alert them to the urgent need to address the indicators of persistent poverty , unequal distribution of income and exclusion that still affect thousands of citizens . to conclude , I should like to thank the shadow rapporteurs for their work on this matter . this may sound paradoxical , but it is possible . the rapporteur also observes that the Posting of Workers Directive must be complied with and stresses the value of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality . for this reason , Commissioner , I would be very grateful if you could ask the CEN or the industry concerned as soon as possible to look for ways to formulate the standards relating to the various tests on children ' s books and the resistance of the cardboard in children ' s books in such a way that the existing stock of children ' s books can also be retained in the future . there is one aspect of the Electricity Directive which has caused a great deal of division within the Parliament . it is time for this guardian to do its duty and not give in to Member States , but instead to ensure compliance with the laws that we have jointly adopted . I hope that the actions identified in the Action Plan will be carried forward within the planned timeframe considering their importance for improving the lives of European citizens . I am convinced that we , as Members of this House and politicians , must lead by example when it comes to energy efficiency . compared to people ' s enthusiasm at that time , today ' s strengthening of internal borders looks like a complete negation of the Schengen ideal . this has an especially stifling effect on investments in the grid and the introduction of new capacity . we Greens , however , will continue to take a discerning look at the flexicurity sector until social protection is guaranteed . I agree with the motion for a resolution , but it says nothing about what is to follow . it is young people who , today , will create the growth and innovation of tomorrow . at First Reading we chose flexibility mechanisms based on specific circumstances ; for example , inspections missed because bad weather prevents inspections from being carried out , or where safety conditions are not met . I hope that we in this Parliament and , of course , the Commission will be increasingly vigilant so as to ensure that all safety issues , including non-proliferation , remain in the foreground , otherwise we shall be failing in our responsibility for mankind and for peace in the world . so now it is the right time ; maybe it is too limited and too late , but at least something is also now being done in the Council . we have therefore increased payments : we could not close the gap completely , but we have halved it , to leave a gaping hole of 8 % . to those sceptics who , in spite of all these accomplishments , continue to question the state of transatlantic relationships or my country ' s attitude toward a United Europe , my answer is this : even if the United States and the nations all of you represent were not united by shared values and common heritage of many millions of our citizens , myself included , our global interests alone would inexorably bind us together . there has been no further progress since that time . 5 . there are other cost groups , however , where achieving an accuracy of within 2 % can be difficult . does anyone want to speak against the proposal ? I have just received eleven requests for the floor , which therefore cannot be granted . both of the Directives on non-discrimination are fundamental European laws . I trust that when the right circumstances on the ground materialise we will be able to proceed on the basis of a common EU determination to further trade relationship objectives in relation to the Gulf Cooperation Council . because let us never forget that our Union is founded on values : respect for human dignity , freedom , democracy , equality , the rule of law and respect for human rights . we want the EU and the 27 Member States to commit themselves to closing the gaps and to concentrate on the common goals in those four areas with targeted actions and sufficient funds to deliver them . a forum of universities and businesses , whatever format it takes , will always concentrate in particular on ' practically useful ' graduates . this is very important . we have about 25 000 Tunisians coming to Europe . I very much welcome the second edition of the Consumer Markets Scoreboard . the European Parliament also argues in favour of more development support and an extension of the Commission ' s delegation in Kabul to carry out the necessary verifications , audits and inspections . it should be said that the rapporteur is herself part of this minority , which proves that it is not as oppressed as all that . Mr Cohn-Bendit has stated precisely what we are all thinking . the report also contains a number of issues which are matters of individual conscience , for example , the implicit recommendation on euthanasia and the decriminalisation of hard drugs . I am also grateful to Mrs Gill for her comments , since her contribution makes this an extremely practical report . on the country , intimidation of Chinese citizens and restrictions on representatives of the media appear to be even more prevalent in the run-up to the Olympics . Mr President , my contribution addresses the need for a unified approach to the recognition of Kosovo . the report that we have before us is , as has already been said , a set of recommendations . anyone who shuts this window of opportunity for nuclear disarmament will not be in a position to say when another one will open . in return , that would also require a commitment to respect carbon deposits such as the equatorial forests . in your answer , you told me that within reasonable time , about two months , we would have the names or the results of your research . the approach you have proposed seems interesting , but we should not leave ourselves open to the accusation that the Union is claiming competence for all global matters . however , the author of the amendment has added ' self-determination of the people who live there ' . the main points I have already mentioned in my written statement , and I do not want to repeat these things . I believe that we have found a good balance between respect for freedom of contract - which is all important - and providing small companies with the necessary tools to avoid being held hostage by bigger companies or public administration . part of the issue here is that , in many cases , we find that toy manufacturers are faced with difficulties about getting some consistent standards against which to test , and I know that is something that you will address . what was really needed , though , was a policy to support production , particularly in the textile sector , to prevent further company closures and further redundancies . secondly , we should name the amounts we are willing to contribute to financing long-term adjustment to the climate changes that we know are coming . Mr President , as my fellow Member said , the situation of the Roma population in Europe is one which does not only concern a limited number of countries . this is the message President Barroso conveyed during our recent visit to Turkey . an estimated 1.5 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance , including more than 730 000 internally displaced persons , of whom one-third are estimated to be at extreme risk . this is fortune telling and not research , and certainly not policy making . the issue of the very negative impact of export restrictions should be raised at the relevant forthcoming meetings of the WTO and in other relevant international fora . education plays a vital role in young people ' s lives . there is a real risk of a global food crisis . when I see the amendments on the table , I start to wonder about that . Mr President , may I congratulate colleagues Albertini and Danjean on their comprehensive and creative reports on foreign and security policy . in my view , we are in the position to encourage a responsible pre-accession process and a mainly balanced debate in this country about the European Union . a year ago , the Commission brought non-compliant Member States to the European Court of Justice , and the Court of Justice issued six favourable judgments condemning the lack of transposition by the Member States concerned . secondly , I am against the situation that taxpayers ' money can be given to a private pension fund where the list of participants and beneficiaries is kept secret and is not published . finally , my congratulations to the rapporteurs László Surján and Vladimír Maňka . first , it should demand an end to the violence , persevere in its condemnation and sanctions imposed on those responsible , support those who are fighting for our common values and seek to show solidarity , as well as follow more closely and better understand the aspirations , wishes and tendencies of the movements which yearn for change . apart from the multilateral talks , an important way to overcome these barriers is through the leverage available to us in free trade agreement negotiations . they do not want to buy refrigerators or milking machines now , this is not the time for further investment . I would definitely like to call on you , Mrs Fischer Boel , to reiterate what you have done . clearly , this split is due not to ideology , but to the differing internal situations and starting points of the various Member States ; it arises from corresponding splits among the Member States in the Council . what is important is that the High Representative has the instruments to execute his or her tasks in the most efficient way . how can anyone understand that ? ports do not have to be state-run , but the public sector must take responsibility for them . so let us participate and look at which of the proposals Michel Barnier put on the table could be the most important ones and which proposals should have higher priority . the creation of an Erasmus programme for local elected representatives would contribute towards the exchange of tried and tested approaches in the area of the administration of public affairs within an EU framework . in France , we were told , during the electoral campaign , that , on the banks , look to Mr Sarkozy , on climate change , look to Mr Sarkozy , on change in Europe , look to Mr Sarkozy . I would like to say that this is an initial discussion . in fact it adds another level of bureaucracy to existing supervision . however , the principle of subsidiarity and constitutional issues in each Member State cannot be called into question in the name of ' the primacy of Community law , direct effect , consistency of interpretation and state liability for breaches of Community law ' , as intended by the Commission and the majority of the European Parliament . the structural funds , for example , which require public co-finance to bring initiatives to completion . we are in favour of this text , for various reasons . the drama of Serbia and Kosovo should caution us against taking hasty decisions . we have been trying to mobilise all the EU institutions and resources for several months in order to alleviate the effects of the growing crisis . I voted in favour of this directive because increasing efforts to combat human trafficking is a fundamental element of it . we have absolutely no regard for family life or working hours . overall , this is a very good compromise and I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone involved . they become more reliable for analyses and more useful as an aid to decision-making . tragedies such as the one which has befallen Cuban dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo , ' guilty ' of a crime of conscience , must never be repeated . therefore , the issue of own resources must be reopened ; no doubt about it . however , Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , rather than resort to penalties , I would prefer to see contractors working efficiently and keeping to our timetable . the amendments adopted by the European Parliament also ensure that information on prescribed medicine is only given to the public through specific communication channels , including specialised and certified websites safeguarding patients ' interests and aiming to limit advertisement opportunities for the pharmaceutical companies . awareness of all aspects of this in society should now be increased . people expect concrete results from the EU more than ever during economically difficult times . on arrival you again passed through immigration control , waited in the queue and were then quizzed : why have you come , what are you going to do , how long are you staying ? we should bear in mind the following : the significant energy savings and reduction in heating costs paid by citizens which could be achieved by renovating the heating systems in these buildings , as well as the limited opportunities to use structural and cohesions funds to invest in this area . we are dealing with the fact that neither this House nor the other institutions are taking discharge seriously in any form . we can raise resources by using instruments such as project bonds and Eurobonds , which must , however , be managed with the utmost rigour so as not to risk the creation of further debt , which would be dangerous . Mr President , it is rare for me to agree with the President of Parliament and the President of the Commission . I am profoundly convinced that the budget of the European Parliament should be significantly increased . I also requested that the Commission should present a report to Parliament and the Council , no later than five years after this regulation enters into force , on the situation regarding re-examination of existing bilateral agreements , relating in particular to the number of bilateral agreements that the different Member States may have renegotiated . as we have heard , the European Commission is currently working on a communication on its policy regarding the Arctic area . ( ES ) Mr President , today we have heard illegal fishing being confused with mafias , and I also want to speak out in favour of a sector that has demonstrated on many occasions that it is responsible . I agree with the rapporteur that this omission may affect a large proportion of the Ombudsman ' s staff , as the majority of posts granted are temporary . however , one cannot deny the opening-up of China in a Chinese evolution convergent with some of our values . this includes , for example , the call to create a European charter of women ' s rights and the reference to the report on maternity leave , which , as we know , the Member States have not accepted . with regard to these two reports , I would firstly like to congratulate and publicly mention , as I did at the Committee on Constitutional Affairs , the remarkable work carried out by my colleagues , Mr Lehne , Mr Swoboda , Mrs Roth-Behrendt , Mrs Wallis and Mrs Harms , who made up the team of Members of this House that negotiated this framework agreement with the Commission . in fact , it should never be forgotten that a small number of complaints can mean either that people do not notice many irregularities or that they have little confidence in a possible legal solution to their problems . I hope that the Council will soon formally adopt these instruments and , just as important , that the Member States will take the necessary steps to fully implement the decisions in their national legal systems . by no means are we offering a defence speech here . ( the President cut off the speaker ) now the EU must take decisions and measures to ensure that in future there is no repeat of this crisis with its impact on the Member States . the geostrategic importance of the region , particularly with regard to the supply and transport of raw materials between the East and West , must be an important factor in establishing future agreements between the EU and these countries . thank you for your attention . in general , Norway has raised its voice against the laissez-faire policy which the EU pursues within the WTO . it is important that the European Parliament stays the course with its relations with Burma . for a number of years our respective countries have adopted a restrictive policy towards immigration , yet this policy has not stopped migrants arriving . China ' s policy and its effects on Africa ( the whole world is voicing its hope that Europe will adopt a clearer approach and take more effective action . I see in Obama ' s election an important opportunity for a new policy of global commitment , a turning point in the history of the United States and also for the whole world . the dissent that the pension reform caused in France can emotionally be understood , but when considering the demographic situation in Europe , it must be noted that the proposal of the French Government and the ultimate decision of the parliament is the only appropriate response in order to avoid destitute futures for both the working and retired people of France . the resolution which we are proposing equally emphasises the results which will be achieved through coordinating research activities and the extent to which they will help improve the current situation . in writing . - ( DE ) In today ' s vote I voted in favour of the report by my colleague Edit Bauer . unfortunately , it is based on a neo-liberal idea that plays off workers against each other . we cannot end up with a situation in which funds from the state budget are used by mines to achieve profitability . if we want to achieve a 20 % cut in emissions of these unwanted effects of our civilisation by 2020 , we shall perhaps have to take more intensive action and pay more attention to other sectors as well which , as you are aware , lead the field in CO2 emissions , rather than just focusing on transport . this directive harmonises the calendar of the application of summer time in the EU . in view of the specific nature and genuine interests of the countries of Latin America we believe that it is possible to build strategic and long-term relations only in this manner and with those countries with which we can share the same fundamental values and principles . despite the decree issued by the President in March of this year in which he officially authorised a longer stay in Guantánamo for some prisoners , the Union hopes - no , in fact , expects - the government of the United States to continue to discuss this subject in Congress and to work towards closing the detention camp as quickly as possible . I understand that the title has changed and that the Liberals have changed their position , but the substance is still very complicated and we still want this to be discussed first in the Committee on Employment , because it is a very important and complicated discussion . 2009 discharge : European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ( I also welcome the reference to the need , when negotiating and applying the new agreements , to take into due account the protection and defence of democratic bodies and human rights . Parliament should also initiate an investigation in this connection . that is why I voted as I did . in any case , I have said that , if necessary , we can look at revising the directive . on this matter , we can but learn the lessons from the past , as opening the gates to international adoptions in Romania led to the creation of unprecedented child trafficking networks and cases involving children being abducted and sold to the West , in cooperation with European and international organisations . there is concern in relation to the consequences of liberalisation for fragile sectors of ACP economies , which will have to face competition from European businesses . why did the Right wage such a lengthy struggle against social rights in the Services Directive if they are portraying themselves today as true advocates of social justice ? it is directly on the ground that the measure proposed in this report will contribute effectively to the achievement of the Europe 2020 strategy objectives . once more the majority of the European Parliament is rejecting a change of policy and expressing its full support for and involvement in the policies followed to date : deregulation of markets and labour relations , liberalisation of goods and essential services ( postal service , transport , telecommunications , energy , etc . ) and handing them over to private operators , to the detriment of taxpayers , workers and the people . the CAP post-2014 , as outlined in this report , has clear aims and priorities , on which European farmers can and will deliver - but they need the support of a credible budget behind them . we cannot , of course , compare that situation to the totalitarian dictatorship in Iran , but the memory should serve to teach us Europeans a certain degree of humility . that includes Portugal , Spain , the UK , Hungary and Latvia . good cooperation with partner countries and detailed knowledge of the situation on the ground in terms of labour needs , skilled shortages and capacity-building requirements are essential to this effort . the role of legislators in this relationship will be important . it resulted in a significant fall in the prices of calls offered by competing operators . secondly , I would like to call for support for last week ' s public address by the 18 Russian human rights activists , including Sakharov Prize winner Kovalev , who are extremely worried about a further clampdown on independent satellite information in the Russian language , which the Kremlin has achieved through applying pressure . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , one month ago the Global Peace Index rankings were published . secondly , having established the facts , we need an education programme for young people , parents and educators , and , thirdly , legislation which will apply to all countries . 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women , as instituted by the UN 11 years ago . however , adequate services should , of course , be provided in any case . if we follow this line of reasoning , then we shall finish up with a situation where ' intelligent cars ' will be driven by technically efficient drivers . this is a signal to the next generation that their active participation is very welcome . we need an estimated EUR 1 trillion worth of investment in the markets to stop the lights from going out in future . the proposal will be accompanied by a detailed report that will also include the outcome of our ex-post impact assessment relating to the IMO decision , as well as possible measures that the Commission could take to mitigate undesired impacts on the sector . in its report , the European Parliament , specifically its Committee on Fisheries , defended the extension of deadlines for state aid for the renewal and registration of vessels , both in relation to the Regulation currently in force and in relation to the proposal presented by the European Commission , according to which the deadline should be extended only by one year , in other words until 31 December 2009 . the classic European solution is institutional competition - not central control . what I have tried to do to reconcile the two is to say that yes , of course , they should work closely together and , at the end of the day , the Petitions Committee must listen to the views of the subject committee . there is also a strong competitive angle : women often must perform higher than men in order to become successful . as a matter of fact , the 1 000 metres may well have been lifted from the discussions relating to the Mediterranean , yet we are not dealing with the same area , in fact we are talking about completely different areas ! Member of the Commission . - Mr President , the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has arisen as a serious challenge in recent years , and the international community must be ready to face those challenges with conviction and to tackle them resolutely . therefore , the level of payment allocations , as proposed by the European Commission , should be maintained , whilst taking into account that all programmes should proceed quickly . I consider it essential to introduce mechanisms that promote the boosting of prices paid at the production stage , whilst keeping prices paid at the final consumption stage as low as possible . it is unfortunate that in the case of Mr Taseer ' s assassination , there has been widespread public support for the murderer . the Small Business Act is a good proposal for small and medium-sized enterprises . the content of the recommendations adopted by the GFCM and the obligations pertaining thereto are frequently entirely or partially covered by EU legislation adopted previously , with only the aspects that differ needing to be transposed . there must be a regular flow of funds that allows payments to be made to beneficiaries as programmes are implemented . on the one hand , the Croatian Government took significant steps towards judicial reform , making decisive moves against organised crime and showing results in the fight against corruption . Madam President , we have had an interesting debate on Parliament ' s own budget for this year and next year . therefore , the EU must be vigilant and ensure that standards are adhered to and , if not , then action must be taken . this Forum will focus specifically on child labour . ' the Council considers that transparency should guide relations with interest representatives and that the Register provides a useful basis on which to build and interact with them in an open , inclusive and consistent fashion . Romania is the European champion when it comes to delivered prescriptions , hospital admissions and surgical interventions but it is also the country with the shortest life expectancy in the EU . at the moment , the EU youth unemployment rate has reached 20 % , while the average EU school dropout rate is 16 % , and in some countries , like Portugal , it has reached 40 % . I would also like to know why the European Council , the Belgian Presidency , said that it is in favour of this , but why the European Council at its last three summits merely said that it recommended a feasibility study at global level but not at European level . thank you , Mr Pittella , not least for the enthusiasm with which you made your statement . second lesson : the 27 must concentrate on their budgetary policies very early on in proceedings . questions have been raised here regarding the anti-discrimination directive , the Barcelona Targets , and the low emphasis placed on social questions . I would like to remind you all of the principle of the social market economy as laid down in the Treaty of Lisbon . Ms Fouré said that these cannot be tolerated and Ms Ayala Sender spoke of people getting away with it . thank you . first of all , the euro ' s success has exceeded expectations , not only of all its opponents , of course , but even of all its supporters . that would not contravene competition law and , if it did , it would , in any case , be a much smaller contravention than the concentration of chain stores we have seen over the last few years . the report by Mrs Frassoni is aimed at strengthening what I would call the backbone of the Commission , so that the Commission is aware of the importance of this task , and so that , even if we want a prior phase of negotiation with governments on the difficulties that may arise , at the moment of truth the Commission acts as the citizens expect , with strength and vigour , and applying Community law . moreover , it will encourage Georgia to implement the reforms needed in the area of freedom , security and justice . the development of the Mediterranean countries with which we want to create a partnership depends on our ability to offer them firm commitments on policies and sectors of common interest . fourth , improving education levels , in particular by aiming to reduce school dropout rates , and by increasing the share of the population having completed tertiary or equivalent education ; thank you very much , Mrs Berès , for your initiative , and thanks to all of those who have said that they want to attempt to make progress on behalf of people who , as we all know , deserve protection . on the contrary , we must begin to redevelop our own source of plant protein in Europe . that is to no avail : workers and employees should not be made to suffer . one such common value is the freedom of religion . if we have a shortage of workers in many areas , we should investigate the causes of this and respond by adapting the training accordingly , but also by providing opportunities for reskilling . in order to be successful , we must supplement the words of the resolution with actions . is it better to maintain a fixed or flexible exchange rate during a recession ? I have a concern that this report , as in the past , will be used to beat up on the EU - to say bad things about it - rather than in the way it should be used , which is to say : look , we have made progress and we are pointing to areas where we need to make further improvements , so that we spend European money in a way which is good for the European citizen , and avoid making that overcomplicated . from now on , things will be better . it is beyond doubt that the sphere of intellectual property rights , and particularly industrial property rights , deserves special care and attention . I declare the session of the European Parliament adjourned . I am pleased that we have been speaking the same language to such a great extent and that we share the same objectives . Mr President , I would like at the outset to congratulate both rapporteurs , Ms McAvan and Mr Tatarella , on the EMAS and Ecolabel reports respectively . these arise , in particular , from debt , high food and fuel prices and climate change . this is sometimes true . for example , how is it that a medicinal product that is considered to be potentially harmful , even fatal , and that has been withdrawn from the market in some Member States , can continue to circulate freely within the European Union ? they should pay the huge costs that illegal immigration is creating at the moment . if you have enough support in the Council , you can go for it ; you can do exactly what Greece did . in analysing the European response , there is one fact which stands out . it will not be possible to finance the extension of basic welfare provision to the same level as countries such as Austria and Germany . the directive states that retained data can only be accessible to the competent national authorities . the report proposes ways of resolving this and I ask Parliament to support these in this form . the text is only supported by one political party and it is opposed by major constitutional experts . President of the Commission . - First of all , I think that the fact that this Parliament voted again for a mandate for myself is a signal that there is support for the action we have been taking . she was elected by the world ' s leading Muslim women democracy activists in May 2007 to be the first chairwoman of this new organisation . the lack of participation by the banks and investors , who made healthy profits in recent years , shows how much influence these groups actually wield over the political elite in Europe . the Treaty of Lisbon grants the EU new prerogatives , confirms the development of its international capacity and puts new tools in place . I warmly congratulate the Hungarian team , as well as silver medallists Great Britain and bronze medallists Greece . I welcome the fundamental guidelines that the communication presents on how to organise the logic of intervention between the public and private sectors and between Community , national and regional financing . people in this age group bring added value to the world of work , and therefore preparatory measures should be taken to involve them more . furthermore , owing to the European Union ' s high degree of dependency on imports from third countries ( 60 % ) , producers have very little or even no influence on the price levels of fisheries products . the European Court of Justice rules in accordance with the Treaties . I follow carefully implementation of the Services Directive in individual countries , as I do also in my own country of Poland , where work on suitable implementation of the directive ' s provisions is still under way . it is important that the consumers and producers of our main trading partners be subject to the same legislation as our consumers and producers . I believe that as MEPs we cannot accept this state of affairs , this deplorable absence of the Council , and we can only protest and in particular approve the suggestion made by the chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control , namely to postpone this discharge , because , otherwise , Parliament would make a fool of itself by validating accounts that it does not know about and has not had the opportunity to inspect . I believe that the pilot projects proposed by Mr . Paasilinna are necessary and I hope to have such a pilot project in Romania as well . the Croatian Government and Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor deserve credit for tackling corruption and crime in a determined way . I trust you , of all people , implicitly to actually get rid of this protectionism across Europe . twenty thousand jobs a year are lost in the agricultural sector , production is falling , agricultural income fell by 20 % between 2000 and 2008 and 75 % of farms have annual gross profits of between EUR 1 200 and EUR 9 600 . secondly , I would like to join those in Parliament who have expressed regret and rejection regarding the measures adopted by the United States authorities to introduce administrative fees under the Travel Promotion Act which therefore increase the costs of travel and , consequently , the movement of people , through the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation . many thanks for that . their closure would lead , however , to thousands of job losses , in particular at Greece ' s borders . a clear distinction must be made here : these were further training measures for McDonald ' s workers in order to make them better qualified on the jobs market and in the world of work . ( DE ) Mr President , I said what I had to say during the explanations of vote , in order to save time during the voting . that is very important for me . in addition , all market support aids have been massively reduced and , at the moment , there are no export refunds and no disposal aid at all - zero for both of them . we ought to support the Chinese in solving their problems . if we can trust the statistics that exist on this subject , women drive with greater foresight and care and more safely . - ( SK ) In October last year I made a written declaration warning about the emergence of an extreme right-wing organisation called the Hungarian Guard . firstly , it is not a matter of lowering our sights merely to the creation of a transatlantic free trade area , but of making sure the development of our trade serves other more laudable objectives , which promote social and environmental standards . they remind us of the value of any human life , and also the fact that we cannot control nature . this provides very gloomy evidence of yet another failure on the part of a major section of our political elite . it has decreased significantly as a result of the global economic crisis , but half of the remaining deficit , and in fact , the entire trade deficit recorded for the first half of 2009 is equivalent to our current trade deficit with China . one of the main challenges facing the EU fisheries sector remains , in many cases , the structural imbalance between fleet capacity and the resources available . with that in mind , I would like to thank you for your diverse and intelligent contributions and your report . this accident - if that is what it was - too , must be reconstructed and it must be investigated whether this type of combustion and the smoke which it passes through the meat really can cause so much dioxin to end up in the meat . 42 . that would make it possible substantially to reduce irregularities , especially on the part of small beneficiaries , many of whom lack the facilities required to carry out the necessary procedures . well , we are telling you now , we want the Guidelines to take greater account of coordinating economic policies , climate change and the supervision of the financial markets . the EU issued further declarations on Nigeria in February and March ; they conducted a diplomatic démarche with the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to convey condemnation of the most recent outbreaks of violence . this position may change as the world moves over more to IFRS . the 25 million people across the EU who will find themselves out of work by the end of the year should be the focus of our work in this House to get the economy moving again and help people back into work . for the most part , the key points of the report from two years ago have been incorporated and built upon . let us remember that , when Galileo declared in the 17th century that the earth revolved around the sun , he was threatened with torture by the Catholic Church for daring to contradict the accepted fact that the earth was at the centre of the universe . I think it is important to show that Europe can proceed at a different speed and it is also important that we start to consider this possibility for the future development of European integration . as yet , no cure has been found for Alzheimer ' s disease . human rights , the rights of minorities and international law remain concepts that are foreign to Turkey . or have our principles and values been the same as those of the Bush administration ? we do not have to fear war , but yet we see attacks such as this crisis . I believe that the EU does not have competence in this area ; nor should it have . both parties to the agreement are striving to ensure continual cooperation ( in particular implementing such activities , in which third parties must participate , pursuant to the cooperation agreement ) . in view of the Member States ' differing legal regulations and frequently limited influence in terms of enforcing the provisions of international law with regard to the fight against violence , the need for clear and binding regulations at EU level in respect of the problem is becoming ever more apparent . I believe that it is a crucial mechanism that serves a very real purpose , and we can usefully benefit from its further development and strengthening . for example , exports of road vehicles and cars have fallen by 51.3 % and 59.4 % , respectively . however , in November 2010 , Germany published its national investment assessment , which includes provision for positive development on the northern access route between Munich and the Austrian border . the work that this Parliament has done over the decades together with the ACP countries is something that we as an institution can regard with some satisfaction . if we want to do what is expected of us as the European Union , in the first instance , we must agree on a common approach to the Sahel region in particular and to the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) in general . first of all , the author of the report is right to note that the most important issue , also in terms of the future of energy generated from conventional fuels , is for the countries of the European Union to work together in this area . the mediation in the gas war between Russia and Ukraine will give the EU a good opportunity to demand that both parties follow rules that are compatible with a common energy market within the Union . I firmly believe that it is the vitality of the economy and that alone that will enable us to conduct the true social policy that we need . I therefore welcome the opportunity to present the views of the Council and the Hungarian Presidency during this debate . this response acknowledges the legitimate concerns of those who are facing change , however , since it must not be forgotten that some people may be adversely affected by it , and we must also have a response for them . you know it , and I can prove that you know it , because you used to support referendums until it became clear that you would lose them . if you fulfil the conditions , you are allowed to proceed with accession and eventually join the European Union . in its report , the Commission has demonstrated that it is aware of the problems and that it is concerned about them . I am not accusing anyone in particular , but mechanisms have been created and honed for committing this type of fraud which are absolutely outrageous . that is why I also think that we should try to move forward with the ratification process , to be critical but also to affirm that this European Union has so far brought us the happiest period of peace , freedom and prosperity in the history of this continent . they intend to retain the death penalty for the worst criminal offenders . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted for the report by Mrs Prets on media literacy in a digital world . we should support such measures and , in particular , earmark more funding for them . ( PL ) Mr President , I support the Commission ' s proposal . wage discrimination also occurs in science : the committees that make decisions about research projects comprise fewer than 20 % women . we all know that there is no such thing as an ideal model for pension systems . also , the economic crisis was a factor , but the key one was that the ' yes ' campaign got mobilised this time and it did not last time . the IASB is working on IFRS standards for small and medium enterprises . ( the sitting was suspended at 11.55 and resumed at 12.00 ) under no circumstances should food additives endanger the health of consumers or mislead them , because it is absolutely essential that we guarantee consumer protection and food safety while at the same time maintaining the innovativeness and competitiveness of the food industry . we cannot be satisfied simply by providing aid selectively , otherwise we will not be solving the problems , we will merely be forever postponing them . I had , in fact , expected the Council to react to the proposals being put forward by Parliament in the current debate . Mr President , you are staying so much in line that I think that , for these one-minute speeches , at least today on International Women ' s Day , Parliament should have made a gesture of generosity to women . after years of inaction , the Commission seems intent on acting , and that is necessary : the survival of our companies and jobs depends on it . so I believe that with the Safer Internet programme we have to empower the children themselves , beyond empowering the parents and the educators . in this context , I would also like to see the rights of Parliament respected . I am very happy that the report takes into account the fact that the Presidency-in-office , Kazakhstan , must be asked to respect the fundamental values and human rights of the OSCE in advance of the Astana summit . the conflict also had a negative impact on social relations in Lebanon . here in this Parliament we cannot so obviously turn our backs on this reality . apart from the country in a situation of fragility itself , the international community is an important protagonist in the development of nation building . and though Member States hold diffuse views about Russia , your presidency was quick to negotiate its six-point plan and for that credit is due . overall , this is a step in the right direction towards fulfilling these two requirements . unfortunately , we lost all amendments which referred sceptically to the recently concluded free trade agreements and the association agreements under negotiation , and which warn against the risks of weakening the existing fragile regional integration efforts . - Report : Elles as liberals , we proposed this , so this is music to my ears . I cannot understand what ' obligatory ' means : it cannot mean that all companies , all enterprises or all citizens must be entered in this register . the professional users of chemicals and worldwide consumers can benefit from global harmonisation . that was my first point . today ' s debate bears witness to this . yes , that is right , in Yemen , where President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been in power for no fewer than 33 years . there are other groups of scientists who offer different positions on climate change and its causes . then you look at the anti-terror legislation with profiling and you see it creates insecurity and it creates problems for people living their daily lives . firstly , I would like to thank the rapporteur Mr Paasilinna . I believe that we need to increase the percentage rate of the European Community ' s financial participation in order to provide additional support for the projects selected by Member States . however , cohesion policy is not only needed by those in our society who are supposedly weaker . I remind you that a regulation is directly applicable and will take less time than overall revision of the directive . yet there are also older Member States - Greece was mentioned in this context - which are similarly waiting for a change in US visa policy . unfortunately that was not the case , but that is not what lies at the heart of this debate . the European Commission and the Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship intend to carry on supporting industrial policy and small and medium-sized enterprises , partly so as to provide answers to our citizens on the issue of the quality of the products made by our businesses . the Commission also shares responsibility for ensuring that Opel does not now become the sacrificial pawn of a free-market clean-up of the crisis . the safety features should enable the verification of every pack of medicine that is supplied , regardless of the method of supply used , including those available via distance-selling channels . the Commission has presented draft legislation on hedge funds and private equity , on securitisation and remuneration in the banking sector . what I must tell you is that I believe that the Council and the European institutions are doing a good job . would it not have been nice if this Parliament had discussed the treaty this morning at the same time as the Czech Senate and had made it clear to the citizens of the European Union that the treaty was the work of the European Parliament , starting with the Convention and continuing right through to the present day , that this reform had not been imposed by an EU of elites , but that it was a major piece of work resulting from a collaborative effort ? ( FR ) Mr President , to a president to whom history has not been kind - I am referring to Chairman Mao , not President Sarkozy - one can offer the following maxim : ' as long as you are still falling , you have not yet reached the bottom ' . freedom of expression is the foundation of democracy . the European Union urgently needs to put an end to this madness , and finally to set up Community protection and preference . when that crisis occurred , we saw that some countries that were not affected by it could not help the countries that were affected , because the interconnections did not exist . it is vital that we open up the debate on how to achieve the goal of reducing fishing pressure on vulnerable species , and this report by Ms Fraga Estévez is an important part of that process . I think that three things are needed . the work programme involved is demanding and Parliament is ready to carry it through . on 25 May 1948 the Communists murdered Captain Witold Pilecki . the Captain was the only person to go to a concentration camp voluntarily , in order to organise resistance inside the latter and gather information on the mass murders taking place . for certain towed gear , the minimum mesh size will be set as : either a square-meshed net with a 40 mm mesh at the cod end or , at the duly justified request of the ship owner , a 50 mm diamond mesh net with acknowledged size selectivity equivalent to or higher than that of the 40 mm square-meshed nets . any person who commits a criminal act should be punished , including those who employ the third-country nationals , illegally and under poor conditions . it may well be that the Scottish Government were panicking slightly and that the huge fines and draconian penalties that have been put in place in the last three or four months are the response to worries that all might not be well when the auditors arrived in Scotland and carried out their inspection . perhaps we have not been clear enough . that is no easy task . these are acts of war , implemented by NATO , which could perhaps solve a problem in Libya only to give rise to a number of problems throughout the wider region . you cannot make responsible policy on such a basis . this policy is now being continued by Commissioner Samecki , to whom I also extend my heartfelt congratulations . Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure ( ERI ) ( complaints also targeted the administration of Parliament ( 11 % ) , the European Personnel Selection Office ( EPSO ) ( 9 % ) , the Council ( 4 % ) and the European Court of Justice ( 3 % ) . ladies and gentlemen , the freedom of the service market operates , with very few exceptions , within the provisions of legislation . our group has no problem in supporting the wish for an Arctic treaty , but more in the light of a quest for a new mode of governance . author . - ( DE ) Mr President , we have often discussed the conflict in Kashmir here , and I must add that there was a time of hope , of rapprochement between Pakistan and India . what will be left then , on average ? in this respect I do not believe we have done any great favours to the European consumers and citizens who have had to watch this backstage wrangling among the Member States , but if this final outcome provides greater transparency for consumers who wish to buy a car , for example , enabling them to make an informed choice between a hire-purchase agreement and a personal loan , I believe it will be useful . I should like to point out the support offered by Parliament to the Commission with regard to the development of a new instrument for financing cross-border infrastructure projects , stemming from , among other things , the SESAR programme . I therefore believe that it would be better if we channelled the available funds , if can find them , into the existing top scientific teams through research grants . it is precisely because the matter is so serious and urgent that we have to set matters in motion so that that final outcome can be swiftly achieved . as Amnesty suggested , however , it is vital to link these with the TDIP report and with the follow-up that the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs ( LIBE ) has agreed to take up in a new own-initiative report . that was the reason why a Services Directive was possible in the first place . consequently , it is important not to introduce any potentially confusing changes to the labelling of fruit wines . it is time to box clever , to do our part but to ensure that the rest of the world does the same . it is not the only one , as is also highlighted in the OECD-FAO report ' Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 ' . to my mind , this is indispensable since , although the whole sector is being affected , rising energy bills will have a greater impact on traditional fishing than on industrial fishing . Parliament has the power to deliver for citizens and the Internal Market Committee was determined to go for a strong ban whilst securing exemption for traditional Inuit hunting . to move on to a different subject , I cannot help noticing that there is often a big difference between the statements that are made publicly and the commitment to these in practice . author of the draft opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . - ( PL ) Mr President , raising the quality of life of the citizens of EU Member States lies at the heart of European integration . ( the President cut off the speaker ) that pesticides which are hugely harmful to health can finally be banned is progress , although there is still far too little research here . the European Union considers - as we will say once again later - that this report is a reliable analysis , and the European Union stressed the importance of conducting adequate , reliable research into the possible violations of international human rights legislation and international humanitarian law . the whole euro area and the European Union may suffer a crisis if decisions are delayed . in particular , extending this partnership agreement contributes to the sustainability of the EU ' s tuna fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean by setting down a stable legal framework . Commission Question Time in areas such as communication policy , this cost-benefit analysis is important to ensure better results and resource management . we want to control our own borders and decide who lives , works and settles in our country . this initiative and report send a very welcome signal about the commitment of the European Parliament to support the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) . South Africa and Namibia will decide on their participation in the next day . I would have been disgusted to see an increasing number of criminals threatening the peaceful life of my compatriots . for us Social Democrats , there are two issues here . here , I would like to state with clear emphasis the word ' technically ' , for the European Social Fund will not be reduced in any way at the end of the accounting period . it was necessary to link the individual sections of the directive with the IMO requirements and other documents from the third maritime package and , at the same time , to use the provisions of other binding documents that are in force in the European Union , e.g. in the area of the confidentiality of personal data . Mr President , I should like to summarise the reasons why I voted against the resolution . we must dare to ask whether the current agricultural policy is adapted to the development of the ( world ) market and to the needs of the EU27 . they say that they want to work their land and feed and care for their animals rather than spend the whole day keeping books and records about what they are doing . people live in a freer society , girls can get education , and medical services are more accessible than under the Taliban regime . to Mr Schmidt , I would like to say that I really do share your enormous concern and frustration that this situation is continuing year after year and that there is no possibility of getting through to the Eritrean authorities . firstly , an energy market is not relevant . 6 . the problem areas relating to transparency aspects may be summarised as follows : establishing unified standards for information disclosed by companies introducing their shares onto the stock market and company law and corporate governance in relation to the question of the collective responsibility of agencies for information contained in company reports , reinforcing the role of independent council members , standards in the area of setting up committees as part of councils , disclosure of information on council and board members ' reimbursements , and also increasing investor protection . in writing . - ( PT ) This resolution is opposed to adopting the draft regulation proposed by the Commission on ' on the authorisation and refusal of authorisation of certain health claims made on foods and referring to children ' s development and health ' , as it is not compatible with the objectives and content of the Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods . we should , of course , recollect that at least 200 000 people have died in Darfur during the four-year conflict , and more than two million people have been forced from their homes . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I do not think anyone in this House can have any doubt that these actions are unlawful . water supplies for irrigation purposes were suspended during the summer and farmers suffered 80 % crop losses as a result . I do have an additional question relating to the European market , the realisation of the single market . in this context , an informal meeting was held on 18 September , organised by the French Presidency , involving ministers responsible for the family . in view of its ambitious target of a 20 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 , the European Union needs to move much faster than it is at the moment . in writing . - ( PT ) The globalisation of the economy is a question for which Europe has not yet found a clear and convincing answer . Commissioner , it is not possible to have such a degree of uncertainty with a technical system that its development time doubles . occasionally , proposals to make savings such as these can end up costing more , simply because there is no flexibility with them . more efforts should also be made to improve administrative cooperation between the Member States . in writing . - I wish to support the endeavours of those in this House who have brought to our attention the crucial problems particularly facing those in the Gaza Strip and in the State of Israel and Palestinian areas . that is why we must now find solutions based on solidarity , but also act responsibly . we should therefore preserve it and reject the Americans ' many unreasonable demands regarding our winemaking processes . German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has done the same , clearly and impressively . therefore , they must objectively and rigorously account for how the public funds made available to them have been used . I think everybody would be far better off doing it like that than having pages and pages of small type that no one ever reads . I believe that , under the leadership of Jutta Haug , we have quite successfully resolved these difficulties . such a European policy , however well meaning , cannot succeed without the support of the inhabitants of Somalia . dialogue between countries of origin and transit and European states receiving immigrants must be institutionalised in order to provide a cornerstone for a genuine association based on development . I wish you success in the vote tomorrow . public procurement policy should ensure that public money is used as efficiently as possible , and should keep public procurement markets open , thereby contributing to the relaunch of the EU economy , to job creation and to welfare . as a result , following the request made by the European Council in June 2009 , the Commission drew up the strategy for the Danube region . to be open and frank with you - as I always am - I was disappointed with this decision . existing EU laws on discrimination continue to prove difficult to implement in practice . anyone who has patients treated abroad must provide good information and be sure that the quality is what it should be . I should like to congratulate you on that , because naturally it is important to protect citizens and small and medium-sized enterprises so that , when they provide services , they can also recover their income accordingly . ( PT ) Madam President , this debate on the difficulty of accessing commodities , such as rare earth elements , is intrinsically linked to the current state of development of the world economy and the systemic crisis in which we are immersed . on the other hand , in discussions about the options given the scientific facts , here we are clearly in the area of political choice . what sort of European solidarity can we tell our citizens about if their social and economic situation ends up even further behind the European average than it was before they joined the European Union ? we cannot consider any of these strategies unless , first of all , it is integrated within a broader mobility strategy that goes beyond the automotive sector and includes other modes of transport . the Swedish Presidency must continue the efforts of the French and Czech Presidencies , whose priorities were to provide all workers in the EU with complete access to the Community ' s labour market , a freedom which is most symbolic of European citizenship . could the Council please comment on a possible timetable for ratification by the Czech Republic of the Lisbon Treaty ? in addition , one of the most significant obstacles to the full harmonisation of the internal market in defence equipment is precisely the large number of export rules in the EU . it is now the time for putting offers on the table . every day , 12 of them die . we therefore consider it essential that Parliament should be able to send three specialised representatives to serve on the Board , and it goes without saying that they must have the same voting rights as all the other Board members . the issue of multilingualism is vitally important in the European context . economic governance has advanced . a great many proposals have been made , measures have been incorporated into the report , in the field of migration , and I can only reiterate that the European Pact on Asylum and Immigration indicates that the European Council solemnly states that migration policies and asylum must comply with the rules of international law and , in particular , with those relating to human rights , human dignity and refugees . their ideology is diametrically opposed to conventional democracies and their aim is to create a caliphate . our forthcoming decision will relate to each individual operator . at the same time , it is one of the world ' s most corrupt countries . practice has shown that , unfortunately , visas are not always the most effective method of stopping illegal immigration and organised crime . this may enable us to make the quantum leap to economic and social union in Europe . in economic , trade and political terms , respect for rights and freedoms should be , at the same time , conditions and objectives of our cooperation . on behalf of the UEN Group . - Mr President , with your permission , I would like to start my speech in Irish . the sickening crimes she suffered are made all the more shocking by the bizarre details of this case : the crowd of one thousand people ; the venue of a stadium , as though it was some kind of spectator sport ; the truckload of stones ordered specially for the purpose ; the gunmen who fired at people trying , to their credit , to save this poor girl ' s life . with regard to the matters that the Committee is responsible for , economic and monetary affairs , the field of enterprise , competition , taxation and customs union , the fight against tax fraud and general fraud in European statistics and , in particular , the chapter on statistics , we do of course welcome the budgetary advances , the budgetary approach , but of course we have also , found inadequacies . however , we still need to work within the framework of the Treaty . in my opinion , we need to do three things in the European Union following Copenhagen . that is why the Commission is considering raising this matter with the Member States and it is also exploring the possibility of financing the Court and its outreach activities through other financial instruments . President-in-Office of the Council . - I would like to thank Mrs Ţicău for her question , which is also timely . after accession to the European Union , the Latvian government lapsed into a sense of a ' job well done ' ; it had achieved its goal . Mr President , first of all I would like to congratulate both rapporteurs . there is even a saying in Yemen that ' if you are old enough to use a knife , you are old enough to fight for your tribe ' . it is in this context that we welcome this report on specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions . thank you , Mr Rack . has any impact analysis been done by the Commission on winners and losers , and by that , I mean winners and losers in financial terms , under whatever formula you have already come up with ? as usual , paragraphs are included where the EU seeks to act with a single voice in foreign policy . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to thank Mrs McAvan for taking the initiative in this case and Mrs Hedegaard for addressing the problem . I would particularly like to concentrate on what Mr De Gucht said , because it needs to be noted that the US has changed since 2 November . a completely untouched forest is good from the point of view of biodiversity , but a rotting forest emits large volumes of methane gas . Russia is obviously our extremely important economic and strategic partner . we are calling for more funding at a European level to allow us to combat climate change , to switch more quickly to renewable energy sources and to support education and research . this is what lies behind the decision to replace it with a newer and more effective instrument , the European Qualifications Framework , which increases transparency , supports the transfer of qualifications and makes it easier to assess the results of study . this agreement allows us to step up a gear and the Commission will work closely with Finance Ministers to iron out details of the permanent Stability Mechanism before the Spring European Council . I therefore voted in favour of this report , which approves the extension of the regulation in question and amends the elements required for respecting the new powers acquired by Parliament in the light of the Treaty of Lisbon , in particular guaranteeing new powers with regard to delegated acts . order of business ( DE ) Mr President , this report sends an important signal to a country that is playing a stabilising role , has exemplary legislation on minorities , has a broad government majority in which all nationalities are represented and has taken a clear European course under the leadership of Prime Minister Gruevski . vaccines are the cheapest and most effective public health measure for protecting Europeans from infectious diseases , but it is also important for healthcare to reach developing countries , so as to contribute to increasing life expectancy and to combating poverty . the prospect of a referendum on Scottish independence is now not a matter of ' if ' , but rather of ' when ' . while the 1 % annual increases proposed by the Commission are preferable to no increase , we still consider this to be too timid a step . the comprehensive institution-building programme envisaged by the Eastern Partnership is a case in point , as it specifically targets institutions within the Ukrainian Government which need strengthening in order to deliver on reform . both cases are interconnected , and success on either depends on success on both . two additional healthy years of life - that will be understood by everyone and it is something we should do . I am truly appalled at the behaviour of Members of the Italian left . however , although the harmonisation of national legislation with that of the Community is essential , it is not enough if we are to reach our desired objectives . the Union for the Mediterranean was launched in 2008 , but remains a façade . I believe that the package of interventions contained in the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council may be effective in preventing macroeconomic imbalances , especially in the euro area . I am well aware , in our view , that companies take these compliance programmes seriously and that can help prevention which , in fact , Mr Gauzès , is still cheaper than compensation or punishment . with independence and determination , it laid the foundations for a lasting climate of confidence . as a result of its important role in global trade matters and its commitment to protecting human rights , the European Union has a responsibility to combat human trafficking , and child labour in particular . however , security measures that diminish the guarantees of freedom are measures that remove certainty from the law , and are thus the source of insecurity and barbarities . I think this is important to say because it is the truth , at least in my experience . in turn , that regime displays an astonishing immunity to pressure from the international community , ignores the appeals , just does not do anything about them . insufficient aid is guaranteed not to produce results . I also welcome the firm stand taken by the rapporteur and the Commission to prevent discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation . Mr President , on this basis I have to say that the observation made by a number of esteemed analysts , such as Mario Vargas Llosa , is in any case highly significant : the most conspicuous defenders of the deposed President Zelaya - who , by the way , has won support from all the various political parties , including his own , and the Supreme Court of Justice against the National Congress of the Republic - have in fact been representatives of regimes characterised by a systematic violation of human rights and by a progressive decline in individual freedoms , as this Parliament recognised in the last report on the human rights situation in the world . before the outbreak of hostilities in South Ossetia on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008 , which claimed many civilian lives , we had been witnesses to months of provocation from all sides . I should like to know - and do not brand me anti-Italian - what would have happened if any of the candidate countries , from Croatia to Turkey , had announced measures along the lines of those being planned by the Italian government as regards the waste decree or the security decree , where between turning illegal immigration into an offence and soldiers in the streets , the aim is to bring about the suspension of all proceedings which have the misfortune to have timescales and features similar to those against Prime Minister Berlusconi . it is more sporadic than global . to my mind , it is not . as I said a week ago in Brussels - a new year , a new treaty , and a new era for the European Union . through this regulation , Europe ' s 70 million bus and coach passengers will also enjoy a range of rights that until now were much reduced or almost non-existent in comparison with other means of transport . this invaluable support for building enterprise , the spirit of enterprise in Europe , is sanctioned by the principle introduced by the Commission : think Small First . given the commitment of the author and the content of this report , I am sure the contribution it makes will assist the European institutions in making laws which will achieve its purpose , helping those for whom it is intended , the poor . we need a strong EU strategy to ensure that this fundamental right is upheld and that workers throughout the EU are adequately protected . we therefore call on the Commission , the Member States and the various groupings of the Council with responsibilities in this area to step up their efforts . this raw material is available to us here in the European Union , so we should include this in our discussions . but this is a Union of friends - friends , equals and partners . it has an objective interest in frozen conflicts and in criticism of the Charter of Paris through recognition of Abkhasia and South Ossetia . Brazil is the first country from Latin America to cooperate in our research programme and , via this experience and bridge , I think we can gradually do more in other countries . Hungary recently went through a very difficult financial crisis , as a result of its economic policy . the European Parliament must be given the chance to curb this data protection rights fiasco on behalf of the citizens of Europe . in writing . - I voted for the resolution on Tunisia to express my solidarity with the wish of Tunisian people to achieve freedom of expression and restore free elections . that is why we voted in favour . the European Union must help and encourage Ukraine to bind its future not to Russia but to the European Union . I agree that the EU Member States should help adult education by adopting active measures , motivating citizens to educate themselves and employers to provide suitable conditions for education . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I have listened carefully to the views expressed by Members of this House . however , this report by Mrs Keller sometimes has a tendency to be either excessive or vague in its wording . so , in contrast to my previous visit here , I have the same face but one organ is now missing ! moderate and polite pressure or maximum pressure ? in these gloomy times , let us continue in the hope of the poet ' s ray of light , which will vanquish the darkness , the darkness of that time and for always . I count on your sense of realism to get Europe at the table and not on it , and I wish you good luck in your second term . once that trend is established , the race for resources will give rise to pressure and shortages which are likely to pose a challenge to many generations of managers and will certainly have implications for the governance of the modern world . negotiations have been deadlocked for six years , and it is clear that they have been reopened within the framework of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the European Union , Latin America and the Caribbean , with the support also of Parliament . between mid-May and noon yesterday , 1 733 people were infected , while 23 patients died a torturous death . the purpose of this treaty is to widen the energy market already existing in the European Community to include the countries of that region , i.e. to the countries of the western Balkans . we cannot have a two- or three-speed cohesion policy . thus , to their shame , they have conspired to rush through ratification elsewhere and then try arrogantly to bounce the Irish into a second referendum . the instruments that currently exist , such as the JESSICA Fund , are one of the few financial engineering instruments that a region or municipality can use to finance urban development projects . I am Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control , and I was among the MEPs who attended the informal negotiations with the Council . the report by Mrs Ayala Sender also , rightly , highlights the simplification of administrative procedures , infrastructure investment needs and the problems posed by logistics in urban areas . if we do not take this pioneering step , we cannot easily expect to convince the World Bank and others that we should be focusing investment on renewable energy . moreover , they have to comply with the strictest standards in the world , increasing their production prices , with the disadvantage that this gives them in comparison with third countries . I believe that an ever stronger degree of cooperation between Member States is also of vital importance to the operation of the effective market supervision system and , as such , for the purpose of coherence , it is imperative to create a uniform interpretation and presence amongst market supervision authorities . our fellow citizens want more security , but also respect for public freedoms . the EU Emissions Trading Scheme is in a state of chaos . these questions , too , must be answered if one is to lapse into grandiloquent lyricism ; otherwise , one pulls the wool over citizens ' eyes . Austria and Italy confirmed an agreement on the total cost of the Brenner Base Tunnel project at EUR 8 billion . I too believe that body scanners cannot be commissioned without a clear scientific and medical evaluation of the possible effects of the use of the technology in question on the health of the users . there arises the question of prices , reliability and also of whether we integrate renewable energies properly into the network , and for this we unfortunately need considerable investment . the proposal includes a number of measures relating to access to repair information for new cars , so as to ensure effective competition in the repair market , so that small businesses will not suffer as a result of the report . when we give Croatia the green light for the last round of negotiations and for its last push on the way to full membership , we should point out that this report is addressed to all the countries of south-eastern Europe which have the same expectations . ( EL ) On the agenda for discussion , we have the report given by Csaba Öry on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs , concerning the application of social security schemes to wage-earners , non-earners and members of their families moving within the Community - C6-0104 / 2007 - . it is not extensive and there are probably reasons in general to improve information . there is a clear difference between EU and US policy on the extent to which cereal production is being diverted to biofuels . I think that needs a positive step forward . emphasising the significance of this event will make it easier to perceive the part played by all the outstanding European musicians - Mozart , Liszt , Handel , Haydn , Schumann , Verdi , Grieg , Berlioz , Paganini and many others - in the creation of European civilisation and in its contribution to world culture . if we do want to spend many millions , then they could be spent on the border protection agency FRONTEX , rather than the money pit that is the Schengen Information System . despite already being the object of resolutions of this Parliament , the last of which was in 2010 , the old request that the country of origin be marked and that information be made available about the origin of various goods has been postponed , which we regret . when that happens - as it has done today - we should rethink this practice . why is this important ? finally , the Green Climate Fund must ensure that USD 100 billion is made available to developing countries by 2020 . we should acknowledge that in this House and push to ensure that they are passed on to farmers . I voted in favour of this measure because I believe that setting up an ad hoc fund to reduce energy dependency and use renewable and local energy ( even if it amounts to only EUR 146 million ) represents an important indication for my Parliamentary group on the method to be followed in terms of a shrewder application of the European Union budget . in the European Union , our economy is addicted , and this addiction is fuelled by imported oil and gas . the next item is the vote . however , in this Estrela report - one need only listen to the speeches that have been made today - every possible issue has been covered . we are therefore very concerned about the amendments introduced by the rapporteur , because Amendment 3 would signify a definite dilution of this strong report by our committee . the first took place between the 10th and 13th centuries in al-Andalus , in the great cultural movement initiated by the Umayyads in Spain . the incentive effect of public investments co-financed by the Structural Funds under the cohesion policy , which attract private investment and the possibility of using Community funding to finance private investment where there is no public investment strategy . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , I would very much like to thank my fellow Member , Mr Tarabella , for his report . the human rights activists to whom we awarded the Sakharov Prize last year are a force to be reckoned with in Memorial , which has a significant role in the North Caucasus . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes the Commission recently asked each Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks to reconsider its opinion on the basis of the most recent data and reports . I have also taken note of the proposal to extend the scope of the Data Retention Directive in order to retain data about searches made by users for child pornography material and child sex abuse content uploaded on the Internet or messages used to groom children online . let us not , motivated by the need to respond to urgent challenges , now create issues which could bring up more significant problems for us in the future . displays of aggressive nationalism , racism , xenophobia , anti-Semitism or neo-fascism do not have , and must not have , a place in democratic Europe . we need to identify the cause of these uprisings ; is it poverty , religion , injustice , corruption or the lack of democracy and freedom ? I wish to draw attention to a situation I have seen for myself , namely the high numbers of children orphaned in the area as a result of the conflict . it is ' all hands on deck ' , as it were ; the input of this fund , however small , contributes to the technological revolution necessary to keep the steel sector competitive and to make coal a clean fuel , a clean raw material : ' clean coal ' . we must not , however , give up any responsibility . if populism means that we are listening closely to what people are saying , that we are representing them and offering really watertight arguments about extracting ourselves from the economic crisis , which the EU has also forced upon us , then I shall be happy to wear that title with pride . finally , Amendment 12 would significantly limit the scope of the areas to be dealt with by the Agency as laid down in Article 2 of our proposal . Fukushima has stirred up this debate and , as a result , many people have changed their views dramatically . I would like to finish by saying to Commissioner Kroes that we expect transparency from the Commission . Mr President , I would like to welcome the Transatlantic Economic Council on 15 December , and especially its discussion of innovation , the digital agenda and energy technologies . the Commission fully shares the view that climate change now needs to be addressed globally and it is important that others follow our example also . thank you once again Mr President , and thank you honourable Members for the commitment and cooperation you have shown . the correct modification to the remarks is contained in Amendment 1133 , which is annexed to the voting list . I would therefore like to thank the rapporteur sincerely for his work . naturally , we believe that crime must be prevented . what part do our genes play in the disease ? closure of sitting the larger the lorry , the more competitive it is compared with the rail and waterway transport , and the more the Commission policy on railways , waterways and motorways of the sea will be undermined . I can only support what has been said here . the mandate will continue to be the same , however . the global economic , financial and social crisis is causing women to suffer a ' double blow ' . it hands decision-making in the EU to the big Member States , notably Germany , at the expense of the small countries . I can safely say that this approach has met with the broad support of two committees , the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs , which is my parent committee . I have been known to do so myself . in particular , I agree that the future EU strategy should recognise the important role of the family as the basic institution in society for the survival , protection and development of the child . no one , for instance , disputes any more that Robert Mugabe is a criminal who has brought his country to its knees and who terrorises his own population . ( applause ) and the Commission is indeed of the opinion that the conditions for extending macro-financial assistance to these countries are fully met . therefore , the only realistic way out of this situation , the only way to prevent the collapse of the currency market is stop-gap help for Greece as well as long-term , planned action to stabilise the position of the euro . research needs funding ; innovative businesses need funding ; world class-innovation needs world-class funding . in writing . - I voted against the Gauzès report on the AIFM Directive because it disadvantages an important part of the United Kingdom ' s most important industry - financial services . this is the hypocrisy of the ' special ' class , that people say ' it is dreadful to mention a scandal explicitly in an official Parliamentary paper ' but then make critical comments publicly . however , we shall be publishing a policy document in order to structure future discussions on this question . consequently , I am asking the MEPs from the PPE and UEN to subscribe to the serious attitude we need to adopt on this matter and with regard to the Uzbek people , and support our motion for a resolution , which says nothing more than the truth about the human rights situation in Uzbekistan . we brought a report out at that stage that there should be no further building of new houses in flood plains . I am afraid that life is not like that any more , and when I hear people talk about the emancipation of women , I am sorry , but as an Englishman , that happened a very long time ago . you falsely equate violence and terrorism with the legitimate reaction of Europe ' s people against the destruction of their identity . the request made by the Commission for Member States to use the Structural Funds to invest in constructing energy-efficient public buildings certainly provides part of the solution . on the German side , works will not start before 2012 and will take an estimated three years . in this way , we pay due regard to the principle of subsidiarity . I believe that is the challenge : to have economies that are growing so that we can then spend money on enlightened social policies . I watched in close-up - that would result in a real Europe of energy based on cooperation and the general interest . the result of the Irish referendum testifies that the success of Europe is being sacrificed to an overdose of doubtful public opinion . firstly , poverty plays a big role , but we should not believe that the situation of the Roma as a category is identical with that of poor people in general , because poverty and unemployment are much higher among the Roma than in mainstream society . ( NL ) Mr President , I am speaking here on behalf of my colleague Mr Blokland . this new budget line will therefore be included using a token entry ( p.m. ) . area of Freedom , Security and Justice ( AFSJ ) 2007 ( motions for resolutions tabled ) : see Minutes when the Commission was first informed of the crisis in the refuse collection and disposal system in Campania , in the spring of 2007 , proceedings were initiated against Italy for contravention of Community legislation on refuse . the Heads of Government committed themselves at that summit to the following : ' to launch a framework that lays out the policies and the way we act together to generate strong , sustainable and balanced global growth . for the first time , Article 174 of the treaty recognises the specific role of mountain regions , which represent 40 % of our territory and over 90 million European citizens . well , neither do they lead to Paris , and this is not the start of the French Presidency . I think that the situation is evolving in the right direction , but at too slow a rate . such negative situations would certainly affect population groups less well-equipped for survival , particularly non-EU families who often have to make do with sharing small and therefore low cost accommodation with one another . my colleagues and I want a solution to be found to the problems which are at the root of the rising food prices : buyers abusing their dominant position , unfair practices in negotiating prices , lack of information on price formation , the distribution of profit along the food chain and speculation on the commodity markets . the European Council will also adopt the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region . we also worked together with the Council , which had discussed more or less the same proposals in 2003 . therefore , both of the forthcoming Competitiveness Councils under the Czech Presidency - one will take place very soon in early March , as well as the informal one which will take place in Prague - will tackle the question of reducing the administrative burden , since we believe that better regulation is an important factor for improving competitiveness , in particular for SMEs , and it plays an even more important role in times of economic crisis . sustainable forestry exploitation will make it possible to produce energy using wood residues . in my opinion , this dossier is far from ready ; the European Parliament would first like to hear why this programme is necessary . the European Union expressed concern that further detention of protesters who had peacefully expressed their will might cause renewed tension between the Tibetans and the Han , that is to say the Chinese community in Tibet . let us be under no illusion : if we make exemption rules for European industry in emissions trading the focal point of the Council at this time , then we must assume from the outset that the Council has failed . 41 . it is also necessary to produce educational tools designed to inform Internet users ( e.g. technologies for managing ' traces ' left on the web and resources for protecting privacy ) . this is particular true of rare genetic diseases that are hereditary . I consider the motto ' United in Diversity ' to be the perfect definition of the essence of the European project . ( ES ) Mr President , as indicated in the Middle East Quartet Statement made in Munich , we would all like to see the end of negotiations between Israel and Palestine in September 2011 in the form of an agreed solution for the two states that will bring peace and security . Present-day relatives of the victims are seeking closure and should , therefore , have the right to access such information in order to come to an understanding of the greatest catastrophe in Ukraine ' s modern history . we have also included a provision concerning revision , requiring the Commission to ensure that both the definition of nanomaterial and the safety procedures are satisfactory . when we talk about political parties , we must take two problems into consideration . ( ES ) Mr President , I would like to begin by expressing my solidarity with the Chilean people , and that solidarity has also been expressed to the people of Haiti , Turkey and Peru , who have also suffered recent natural disasters . secondly , the public domain , and more specifically the European Union and its Member States , as well as nuclear industry operators , must adopt a behavioural ethic of total transparency in relation to nuclear activities . Mr President , we want a Europe that is competitive , environmentally friendly and socially responsible . in view of all the above , I support the Commission ' s proposal to repeal obsolete acts in the field of the common agricultural policy . our problem is that , in my opinion , we want to bring too many matters into the discussion . one of the main challenges is education , that is to say , investment in human capital , which brings great benefits . Africa has also entered into certain commitments too , however . something else that I might add as I near the end of this long narrative that has been arranged for me is that I met the UN-Habitat Executive Director and had a lengthy conversation with her . we are in favour of this , as it should introduce more predictability into what remains a dramatic situation and do so in the interests , in particular , of the security to which children , who are too often the victims of the separation of their parents , are entitled . whether or not we are facing an immigration influx of biblical proportions , we cannot tell . the vote on these three topics will take place at the end of today ' s sitting . the dialogue between the European Commission , the Council and Parliament was still fruitless at the end of last week , as the rapporteur had prohibitive objections to a compromise proposal concerning early repayment that all the other parties were prepared to accept . a lot has also been said , and quite rightly so , about 2009 being a year of crisis in Europe , the US and , in fact , the whole world , and then we ask ourselves : what should we do ? our long fight against smoking has not been unsuccessful . the European Union should be secure in its own food security . dictatorships and dictators get very special treatment . this should be helped by the establishment of modern care and education facilities for children and by high quality training for people who are looking for work . the number of couples for whom fertilisation by this method is their only chance of having offspring is growing year on year . obviously these economic , social and cultural rights are important . our strategy towards the region is to assist in stabilising the countries of the Western Balkans and helping them realise their EU perspective . however , with their taxes , our constituents cannot afford your generosity . what funding does the Commission provide to human rights NGOs working in Iran ? what steps has the European Union taken with regard to the persecution of Christians in a State with which we have close links ? the money set aside in this fund has so far been used in 33 serious natural disasters . I would finally like to stress how important it is for us to consider the protection of those consumers who are especially vulnerable and the dangers of gambling addiction and compulsive behaviour , and to make a real effort to fight against organised crime , which tries to profit by it . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , may I join with the Commissioner in expressing my sympathy to the people of Nigeria on the death of President Umaru Yar ' Adua . ( DE ) Mr President , I would just like to interrupt the debate very briefly to inform you and my fellow Members that last night , three terrorists stormed the Chechen Parliament , killing several security officers and taking hostages . there may be problems with that , but I would suggest to you - and I would like you to look at the evidence which was placed before us in our hearing - that dealers and consumers do have serious concerns about bringing automotive distribution straight away into the general block exemption . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , poor Mr Frattini is still lost in the Hampton Court maze as we see the EU moving ever further from democracy . in my region , where more than one million people live , over 80 % are Catholics . you also highlighted the importance of the continuity of European politics , and demonstrated the importance of unity between our countries with regard to our relationships with our main partners , during the European - US Summit in Prague with Barack Obama . this House should demand that Council end the Strasbourg circus and save annual costs of over EUR 200 million . we need to improve the Union ' s credibility , which is why I am saying that we do not need any new requirements to improve energy efficiency . if this report makes even a modest contribution to progress along those lines , then I think we can be satisfied . how do we say ' abstention ' ? it is simply not right that small local companies providing very local or regional services should have these burdens put upon them . it seems to me a real possibility that it will depart from it . we shall give some more thought to this matter . - Before the vote on paragraph 19 therefore , as you can see , ladies and gentlemen , the spirit is one of agreement and proactiveness . on the other , the Presidency has signalled its intention to deepen the debate on how Europe responds to globalisation . advise Mrs Tymoshenko in the same way as we did Mr Yanukovych . the same principles should be applied to relations with Russia , where the rule of law and human rights situation is worse than in most ENP countries . of course , it is also to be expected that closer monitoring of the national political decisions of the Member States will not proceed without discussions and sources of friction . in any case , it seems that we have managed to avoid the serious temptation of protectionism which occurred during the crisis of the 1930s , and it seems that the trend for the emergence of new restrictive measures disappeared at the end of last year . I would rather concentrate on bare facts backed up by statistics where appropriate - as statistics is after all my life-long profession and possibly even my passion - or on what Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk , the first President of the Czechoslovak Republic , called the small everyday tasks . the Community ' s institutions and the Member States have taken concrete measures within their areas of competence to counteract these effects . obviously this would cause a system which relies , as the French law arguably does , on the computerisation and massification of accusations and penalties , to implode . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , the Commission welcomes the Court ' s annual report for 2008 . therefore , we must have clear conditions relating to the Council ' s assurance , in order to be able to decide tomorrow about a possible postponement . we have therefore introduced the following elements into the report , which are new features compared with the previous situation : firstly , a relatively wide-ranging definition of what lobbying means , or what it is , namely ' activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the EU institutions ' . secondly , Member States should , on a compulsory basis , present the progress made on the implementation of the ' Think Small First ' principle in the annual reports on the Lisbon process national reform programmes . is it the other commissioners ? as early as 1995 , the European Commission proposed an emissions requirement of 120 g per kilometre for European cars . this is essential to protect the privacy of our citizens , to ensure a common approach to all data-processing activities within the European Union , and Parliament will , of course , be fully involved in the reform of the current legal framework since the codecision procedure also applies to the former third-pillar areas . so that is a completely new situation . what we need is a new treaty for a new era . - ( FR ) Madam President , as Mr Parish has had to leave , he has asked me to state our position on the amendments which reached us at the last minute . I agree with the emphasis that the report places on combating counterfeiting through better identification of products in respect of consumer safety through the use of new technologies . Europe has reacted in a relatively swift and united manner , although there is an awareness , which is hopefully shared by all those who support nuclear technology , that radioactivity knows no national borders and that nature does not recognise safety standards , however high they may be set . in writing . - Chemical , biological , radiological and nuclear ( CBRN ) risks present a new dimension of possible terrorist attacks , accidents , natural disasters and / or pandemics due to their transnational character and mass-scale victimisation . it also welcomes the collective commitment made by the Commission and the Member States at the International Donors ' Conference for the reconstruction of Haiti to donate a total of EUR 1.2 billion , including EUR 460 million in non-humanitarian aid from the Commission . additional patrol aircraft have been deployed in the Seychelles , and I can announce that Swedish maritime patrol aircraft will join the force in the Seychelles as well . I know that his father has been in this House this week and I understand that he is at this very moment sitting here with us . we must also ask whether this problem should be addressed at European level or continue to be the concern of each Member State individually . social tourism statistics would enable the Commission and Member States to identify the specific needs of different social groups and devise suitable programmes . I believe that fundamental change must be about much more than simply reducing the number of targets . in what way have the Commission and OLAF intervened in this important case to demand transparency ? Madam President , ' there are no winners , ' says the worthwhile report by the commission of investigation on the armed conflict in Georgia in the summer of 2008 . by this I do not mean primarily presenting new measures for approval , but answering the questions that have now been raised so often . the blue card proposal must be developed . when the EU presidency was last held by a country bordering on that region , namely Greece , the foundations for the integration of the countries of the Western Balkans were laid down in the Thessaloniki Agenda . the starting point for any debate on this issue must now be to recognise that the situation on the ground has improved significantly , though it is still very serious . we do need , as I said here , the attitude on both sides to go forward , which is what I said in my speech if you will recall . I very much welcome the possible use of accompanying safety officials , the ' sky-marshals ' , particularly based on the current threat from international terrorism on potentially vulnerable flight paths . businesses and households need to make decisions according to market conditions . these Members will support you tomorrow . it is indeed possible that this economic sector still has growth potential for the European Union . is there not too much of it going on administration ? in my opinion , God ' s Ten Commandments , communicated to the world by Moses a long time ago , must hold good in the area of human rights . ( applause ) it also highlights the fact that new investments promoted by the EU must be viable and environmentally friendly and must encourage a high standard of working conditions . secondly , our priorities should be more focused on the fight against poverty and on sustainable growth . the difference between those who believe that disorder and imbalances in public finances are at the root of the crisis and those who think that the underlying problem has to do instead with the lack of rules and transparency in the markets , economic and trade imbalances and social inequality . finally , I support the idea of clarifying the term ' plant protection products ' by replacing it with the term ' pesticides ' in the Regulation and explaining clearly what it means . the G20 labour and social welfare ministers should ask for the support granted to companies in difficulty , as a result of the economic crisis , to be extended until when the unemployment rate starts to fall again . I must remind you that at the same time as we are importers of meat from third countries - and at this point we import from Brazil only 5 % of our requirements for beef in the European Union - we are also big exporters to third countries : to Russia and elsewhere . at that time they were in deep trouble . Britain needs even stricter controls , not more lax ones imposed by the European Union . Agrofuels may possibly reduce CO2 emissions in the EU a little , but result in deforestation and land grabbing in developing countries , thereby leading to more climate change - which is precisely what we wanted to avoid , not to mention the displacement of indigenous populations and the loss of biodiversity and farm land for growing food . secondly - but this is rich - you say : ' why postpone further ? ' first of all , as emerged from the recent review of the budget , we will use our right of initiative to present formal proposals on own resources before the end of June . this is also a fundamental element of the negotiations on an association agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan that have been taking place since July 2010 . I voted against this resolution . I think it is extremely important , with her knowledge and expertise , that she is able to participate there . in writing . - ( HU ) It is absolutely vital to take into account the facts of climate change based on the scientific evidence when making decisions in this regard . after all , the risk of taking the wrong decisions based on mistaken conclusions is at least as great as the risk of inaction . this report by Parliament is the first examination of the application of this new instrument and has a twofold objective : the Commission also supports social dialogue at a European level , as the social partners have a decisive role to play in managing the crisis . our aims and goals in this respect are clear . it represents a significant challenge to the present single currency system . we need , and we demand today , appropriate and concrete steps to make the EU ' s principles in its action within and outside the Union a real tool of human rights promotion , with a specific focus on women ' s rights . the war is costing human lives both amongst the soldiers and the population and it only serves to strengthen the Taliban . the consequences of this have become all the more apparent and serious in this time of severe economic and financial crisis , as the budgets of the Member States have been particularly weakened and strained by the need for public investment and expenditure on social policy . then we will also have a discussion on the 2050 low carbon strategy that we will present by March - including , as I said , the 2030 target because , if we know where we are going to be by 2050 , it is also very clear that there are some trade-offs involved . there is no instruction manual on how to create the perfect monetary union , and nor can any absolute value be put on the knowledge acquired until now , since the socio-economic peculiarities of the euro area are liable to make any comparisons meaningless . fourthly , I should like to underline that one of the secrets to the success of this project is being able to duly combine security and freedom , freedom of movement , much more freedom of movement , with appropriate data protection . therefore I will not expand on what other colleagues have said . I do not need to repeat everything it contains , but it is also very ambitious . it would be extremely important for this Parliament and therefore also for European citizens to be informed of the results of these tests . we need to be open to everything we have to do in face of a crisis that will have , specifically , more impact on social matters . it was also said in the debate that some of the terms were too open . the Irish said that they needed Europe in the crisis and this needs to be heavily emphasised , because they are asking Europe to protect them and that is important . the mandate of the Committee on Climate Change is extremely clear : it has to analyze the present situation , to make a list of possibilities for combating climate change and formulate concrete proposals regarding the European Union policy in this field , at all decision levels . we need the more united democratic effective Union offered by Lisbon to face the many problems , any one of which can plunge our world into conflict : energy security , climate change , the economic and financial crisis , and the many wars in many regions . the Committee on Social Affairs has adopted a set of common indicators for the process of social protection and integration , which will ensure comparability of data . an immigrant will only have the right to stay in the territory of a Member State of the EU if he works to swell the coffers of the plutocracy . we award the Sakharov Prize , we support humanitarian measures and we strive to attain rights and privileges not only for the people of Europe , but of the whole world . the Heads of State or Government of the European Union have responded to the economic crisis with austerity measures and public spending cuts . the European satellite navigation programmes , Galileo and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service ( EGNOS ) , will enable Europe to establish autonomy and strategic independence from other economic blocs , which is very important , and will contribute to improving the lives of the European public , as well as bringing direct and indirect benefits to the European economy . it has a minor border dispute with Croatia , which it will resolve peacefully before the International Court of Justice . in the only prison in Lahore , 4 651 prisoners were held in 2009 , while the prison has a capacity of only 1 050 prisoners . however , we cannot get around the fact that this type of extraction and production always carries risks . however , as a matter of principle I am against the procedure of waiving immunity . we hope for new dynamics in the negotiation process with Turkey including opening of the energy chapter . yes , we can see unity advanced by officials meeting officials across frontiers . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes we do not need free allocation up to 100 % in the industry affected by carbon leakage , we need 100 % allocation , and we need ex ante benchmarks . you referred to existing overseas départements . therefore , a common space of justice , freedom and security characterised by transparency , accountability and openness is needed . the next item is the oral questions to the Council and Commission regarding the second European Roma Summit . this should , however , relate to every form of expression of life and not just to economic problems . in addition , the free trade agreement will contribute to an increase in transparency on the question of intellectual property protection and public procurement . yes , I think that arsonists who want to seize a piece of land by destroying the natural environment are nothing but primitive criminals . or is the Commission prepared to revise the draft and to negotiate a balanced agreement ? once again , regional policy appears to be the lynchpin of the entire Hungarian strategy , capable of providing integrated responses to the economic crisis and regional imbalances . a legislative proposal where Parliament can hardly change anything is not the appropriate framework for codecision . it is particularly important for the newly formulated principle of climate justice to be taken into account at Cancún . the scope of the directive is broader than that . if we confined ourselves to the idea of making sure that a worker in one State can move to another Member State and take their pension with them , that might be a valid idea to pursue . we must not succumb to pesticide hysteria unleashed in the European Parliament . one hundred and fifty years ago , Bulgarian farmers were able to feed the most densely populated regions of the Ottoman Empire in Asia Minor using 19th century technology . it is about the world testing us . energy security is a vital element in the context of overall EU security and should therefore be treated with utmost care especially in the face of a growing dependency on energy imports , expected to reach 65 % by 2030 . on Amendment 11 , I can reconsider the base line for the calculation of kilowatt days . infrastructure projects that receive support at EU level should first and foremost contribute to the real diversification of sources and routes of supplies to the Member States and to the EU as a whole . to that end we must introduce assisted return programmes , promote circular migration , regulate recruitment practices and support capacity-building . I would like , at this point , to offer my sincere thanks to the other shadow rapporteurs , in particular , Mr Turmes , Mr Hegyi and Mr Blokland , who were reliable partners in negotiation despite differences in substance . I really do not think so because I consider both elements of representative and participatory democracy as mutually reinforcing , and both help to create real European political and public space . at the same time , proceedings are ongoing which could result in the closure of two of the remaining independent newspapers - Nasha Niva and Narodnaya Volya - and the harassment of the political opposition , civil society and the independent media continues . alarm bells are ringing and they cannot be ignored . in writing . - ( NL ) The adoption of the Medina report is a sure sign that legislation is set to improve . in my opinion , the aim of media governance is not to guarantee proper and adequate information . for instance , the International Energy Agency maintains that reducing carbon emissions by 50 % will have cost the world approximately USD 45 billion by the year 2050 , and that this amount of money will reduce temperatures , and I quote , ' by 0.02 degrees ' , that is , by less than the statistical error , which can have no effect on the progress of cyclical climate change . for this reason , I hope that tomorrow ' s vote will show that the compromise that has been sought is supported by Parliament . it does not make sense to apply Chinese law or the law of some remote Pacific state , for example , in such a delicate matter as matrimonial relations , when the pressing need is instead to unite the 27 countries of the Union . I voted in favour of the report on migration flows arising from instability : scope and role of EU foreign policy . I also expressed puzzlement about the low utilisation rate for payment appropriations for anti-polluting measures at sea , despite Parliament ' s continuing support for these measures . I would also like to hear where we stand on the human rights paragraph . on the one hand , Russia has again significantly cut the amount of gas it supplies to Ukraine , thereby seriously endangering Europe ' s energy security . last , but not least , I personally know some of the already-elected future colleagues , and the sooner they can start working the better . obviously it is very slow . why ? ( the sitting was suspended at 7 p.m. and resumed at 9 p.m. ) yesterday ' s announcement of over EUR 420 million in European Union humanitarian aid for Haiti shows leadership and commitment , but its delivery must be coordinated and effective . ( SK ) Thank you , Mr President . this is a very serious problem relating to the monopoly on the extraction of these raw materials . regarding finance , for instance , enlargement calls for sufficient financial resources to ensure that essential community policies such as the common agricultural policy or cohesion policy are not put at risk . the French Presidency has not had an easy time of it ; far from it . the agreement must not in any way be viewed as a possible stepping stone to an EU military presence in the area in question . I am also disappointed that , for reasons of time , the proper consultation process was not followed and I hope the Council will back the aforementioned proposals . it is true that one of the problems for public opinion in Europe is , on the one hand , that the volume of development aid remains high . I thank Marc Otte for his contribution . Thijs Berman ' s report goes some way towards helping achieve that goal . on the contrary , the ΕU is shifting the burden of responsibility to the workers , as it does with all consumer products . I quote from the programme which it has just agreed : ' we must step back from the edge of national insolvency ( ... ) the EU-IMF Programme of Support has - to date - failed to restore confidence in the Irish economy ( ... ) this reflects uncertainty over the affordability of the rescue package ' . let me conclude . Commissioner , I do think that the past five years have indeed been a success . in writing . - I voted , of course , in favour of such an important resolution , and I supported very much the oral amendment proposed by my colleague Kiil-Nielsen to call on the Nigerian authorities to repeal the recent move by some Nigerian state governors to execute death row inmates . the Greek Communist Party opposed the Commission proposal from the very beginning , voting against it both in the competent committee of the European Parliament and in plenary . it also means planning our investments , today , in order to safeguard jobs , tomorrow , and that is why we must secure the support of the citizens . secondly , unfortunately in quite a few Member States , including my home country , those holding extremist positions are increasingly gaining ground . in the EU 2020 strategy , we would like to introduce a three-interlocking-pillar system based on a smart , greener and inclusive economy and we would like to build upon these pillars flexible initiatives which would be aimed at the bottlenecks , at the problems which are slowing the European economy , which are blocking it from using its full potential . his seat in the Sudanese Parliament now enables him to bring their cause to the attention of the international community , though sometimes at great personal sacrifice . I would like to join the call for OLAF , in accordance with the request raised in last year ' s report on protecting the financial interests of the Community , to provide a detailed analysis in its next annual report of the strategies and measures introduced by each Member State in the fight against fraud and the prevention and detection of irregularities in the use of European funding , including cases where these resulted from corruption . this is outrageous , scandalous and shameful . tomorrow , his collaborative method will be crowned with success . my group has no hesitation in helping you . but a global statement , like the signing of the Child Soldier Accountability Act this month in America , reminds us all that help can be offered to such countries and authorities in bringing violators of human rights to justice . Mr Reul , you and others will simply have to go along with this . secondly , we also need a continued guarantee of funding for our banks until such time as they are functional again . you were right , Mrs Roithová , to draw attention to the problem of 100 % scanning , and thank you , Commissioner , for the resolve you have shown in defending us . this really is a new quality . rainfall , serious rainfall , floods , rising sea levels , etc. are going to become more and more prevalent . but before you get too excited , let me remind you that in those opening remarks you stated that there were millions of workers who were worried about the Working Time Directive . overly strict and complex customs regulations impede access to international trade for small and medium-sized enterprises in particular . second , offers in terms of financing . this means a partnership that goes beyond the Commission ' s offices with companies which have a close relationship with us , but which must demonstrate that they can do more than just manage public money . that is 18 months without having committed any crime ! there is a responsibility associated with this which we ought to fulfil , and this report points us in the right direction . it is the direction towards fair trade and , in particular , fairness towards the people and the environment . in writing . - ( IT ) Madam President , my decision to vote against the motion for a resolution was based on the fact that it reiterates the same ideas that my group opposed in the final vote of the temporary committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners ( TDIP ) . first , we must manage to formulate a uniform European interpretation of war and the reasons for war , that is to say a common European memory . a total ban on smoking in businesses is planned for 2012 and this gives very little consideration to those businesses that will suffer most , in other words , those in the catering industry . for example , the restrictive framework that the European Union ' s economic and social policies must fit into : an open market economy with free competition , the issue of credit by the European Central Bank , the orientations of the Stability Pact , strict respect for freedom of movement of capital , the gradual removal of everything investors consider a barrier to trade , and the concentration of key powers in the institutions , which are inaccessible to citizens , national parliaments and even governments themselves , particularly in smaller countries , and indeed the dimensions assumed by military aspects in the European Union ' s foreign policy . the efficient use of traditional agricultural varieties that are characteristic to certain regions also requires greater support and public interest . in order to achieve this , we should give people who have applied for asylum access to the job market , because this is the best way to enable the asylum seeker to be selfsufficient . ( FR ) Mr President , first of all , it is true that the sudden emergence and the depth of the Greek crisis have created a great deal of fear amongst our fellow citizens , fear which I think is legitimate . I should also like to remind you that , obviously , these two agreements go hand in hand , as , on the basis of the common approach , in principle , an agreement on facilitation of the issuance of visas can only be concluded if a readmission agreement exists . we very much want to eliminate bureaucracy as well as to achieve greater efficiency in the statistics . how must the application of cross-compliance be redefined so as to ensure the legitimate payment of uniform decoupled aid to farmers affected ? the Council also recognises the key role played by independent patients ' organisations in developing and implementing national policies in the area of rare diseases . Madam President , my country , Ireland , is a small open economy with a heavy concentration on foreign direct investment . at the same time , the GCC member states have become the economic powerhouse of the whole Middle East-North Africa region and are now the main investors in the EU ' s southern Mediterranean neighbourhood area . if we succeed in improving the quality of health care and people ' s access to health care close to home , that will surely be a marvellous achievement , and no one need shop around anymore . this scheme must incorporate Community preference , in other words priority for national and local production , and its financing must come from the Community to ensure greater social cohesion . taking Russia seriously means developing a sensible relationship and a pragmatic economic relationship with Russia , but it does not mean that we should not be critical of political developments within Russia , particularly with regard to human rights issues . in fact , these are proposals previously adopted by the European Parliament itself which reiterated , in 2005 , the need for future support for the renewal and modernisation of the fishing fleets , in the interests of the profitability and competitiveness of the sector in these regions . you designed five byzantine tests that prevented British entry these past 10 years . common system for taxing financial transactions ( the presidency must therefore devote itself to the realisation of the European Economic Recovery Plan , with emphasis on its incorporation into the Lisbon Strategy framework : after short-term tools for strengthening our economies , the tools for medium- and long-term structural reforms will come into play . the Ministers of the Interior wanted to ' clear the decks ' before regulating legal immigration to the European Union in a unified manner . ( it ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , as we well know in this House , compromises must be analysed by separating the pros and the cons and reaching an overall judgment that takes on board the constraints and the legislative and political context . it has solved the border dispute with Kosovo and has cooperated successfully on regional initiatives , such as CEFTA and the South-East European Cooperation Process . therefore , the first thing we must do is to differentiate . ( NL ) President Barroso has spoken about inflation . this obviously conveys the message that the first language is more important , while the second is subordinate and second-class . Tanker accidents are , unfortunately , more common than we would like , so it is important to review safety standards in this area too , so as to reduce the likelihood of such disasters . we must look forward in order to create the conditions for all women and men to become involved in inter-generational solidarity regardless of their social standing . for 15 years the EU has been tightening control of the export of dual-use goods , relying on preventive measures such as the imposition of export licensing requirements and customs registration procedures . too many uncertain factors , differing expectations and intangible attractions , such as specific weather conditions , have turned tourism forecasts into a game of chance . the European Council - as far as I can judge from my brief experience in this House - has demonstrated what Europe is making : a step-change . the debate is closed . we cannot accept this situation . ( RO ) Burma is not a democracy , even though it is going to organise elections , because , as we are aware , the authorities in this country show deep contempt for any democratic principle . this is the area that this afternoon ' s discussion concentrated on almost exclusively - the big , far-reaching issues , sometimes involving global politics , that have been mentioned here . monitoring is being carried out and information on precautionary and sanitary measures is being provided to the population . protein is one of the most important components of our daily diet , and a lack of protein can lead to serious health problems . for this reason , I thank you for supporting the amendment regarding the significant increase of the budget in this field for the next year . it is not even about the national parliaments being sidelined . for too long we have closed our eyes to what was going on in Kenya . in fact , the European Commission ' s proposal to split the European Statistical System Committee into two parts seems controversial to me and the rapporteur ' s position of not separating functions seems more acceptable and worth supporting . what happened in Cologne was not about banning speeches against fundamentalism or speeches by democrats , but the imminent threat to citizens . however , taking back illegal immigrants must become an obligation at last . I do not think there has been a chairs ' text in the history of chairs ' texts in the Doha Round that has attracted less support from right across the membership of the WTO than the current chairs ' text on rules . for the strategy to succeed , the stakeholders , namely the EU institutions , the Member States , non-governmental organisations and Roma communities , need to make long-term , determined joint efforts . the new rules will also help regulate the telecommunications market and ease the arrival of new services onto the market . furthermore , I would like to stress the need for educational programmes in schools to avoid the legacy of stereotypes associated with women . the European Union must support all those who risk their lives and freedom in this country for the values which we share . Mr President , the weakness of the Stability Pact has been one factor in this deepening economic crisis , which has grown into a credibility crisis . the problem in question should be a fundamental challenge for the Member States . however , we need to know the direction in which energy efficiency , energy saving and renewable energies are going . the measure is proportional to the additional costs borne by the sector as a result of the handicaps associated with outermost region status , particularly remoteness , the small market and the difficult topography , which explains the high price of sugar cane . a Committee on Constitutional Affairs item at ten to eleven at night ? the Council here today is a Council of silence and a Council of illusions . I welcome the introduction of a financial mechanism to help manage this waste , so as to stop it being dangerous , and the adoption of regulators that are more demanding and prevent the violation of this directive . the Commission and Parliament are , according to their resolutions , of one mind concerning the objectives of this legislative initiative . someone today uttered the fine statement : ' without freedom there is no solidarity and without solidarity there is no strong , effective European Union . ' all of us here are the representatives of people who hated one another , who sought to destroy one another , and some who waged war on one another for centuries . it is important that President Viktor Yanukovich does not forget the promises he made on the day he assumed his mandate . construction of dams and irrigation systems would allow industrial-scale growth of fruit and vegetables . in addition , I would like to know the opinion regarding the significant increase in staff in the Committee of the Regions between 2009 and 2010 . there is also the desire for freedom . the European Commission has provided a proposal . since 2006 , in the East Atlantic and the Mediterranean , fishing of bluefin tuna has been reduced by 30 000 tonnes to 13 500 tonnes . we must place more emphasis on the need to implement the European action plan to combat people-trafficking , with particular reference to children , in addition to women , for as the two weakest categories they are often the victims of international people-trafficking . the European Union and its Member States must put a stop to the poverty and social exclusion of women in Europe , in particular , by ensuring they have access to quality education and jobs , by helping them find a balance between their family life and work life , and by helping to combat the violence to which they , sadly , all too often , fall victim . this report is therefore not intended to tackle the substance of the regulation and it does not comment on whether GSP + beneficiaries do in fact continue to qualify for these trade preferences on the basis of good governance , sustainable development and ratification and implementation of UN conventions in the field of social , environmental and human rights . it is simply a matter of political will and coordination . another important element is the reform of the Security Council with a view to improving its legitimacy by reviewing regional representation . while ensuring consumer ' s protection the real challenge is to actually regain consumers ' confidence and ensure a quality food production for their benefit . is it necessary to plough money into celebrations whilst Europe is in the midst of a deep economic crisis ? I was unaware that there was a ' point of information ' procedure . I also strongly support the rapporteur ' s suggestion of using the European Fisheries Fund for the long-term funding of measures within the framework of ICZM , since it supports actions which contribute to the sustainable development of fishing regions in a transversal approach to all maritime activities taking place in those regions . - I shall take responsibility for raising this matter again in the Bureau , even though you know that some regulatory powers are taken away from the Bureau and exercised via coordination of the group chairmen , but whoever ' s job it is to decide , if it is ridiculous , it will remain ridiculous , it will certainly not change . ladies and gentlemen , I have read a considerable amount about tuna in recent days , and I would like to raise a few issues here in the short time I have left . one of the most important aspects of Mr Toubon ' s excellent work is the way that he has taken a very all-embracing and very comprehensive view of the single market , as he identified in his speech . in this spirit , the amendments have been drawn up , including the technical changes made by the Council . you are forced to say ' yes ' or ' no ' and that can stay for a long time in the hearts and minds of the Irish as well . the Commission welcomes Parliament ' s response to this report . let me turn to our common security and defence policy and say that I agree with the broad thrust of the Danjean report about how important our missions are . at some point , the European Parliament will have to choose to assert its institutional position firmly . recently , the Ombudsman has continued his efforts to improve the quality of information provided to citizens and potential complainants concerning their rights , especially through the European Network of Ombudsmen . lack of jobs could conceivably generate an exodus of young people from Europe , but the vast majority of young people who change countries to find work will probably choose to move to another Member State . how proud the Hungarian people would be if the Hungarian Presidency treated the resolution of this issue , that of food speculation , as a priority . we have once again created a reserve for this . moreover , there has already been positive feedback on what has already been achieved by way of visa facilitation . of course , there are always things that you do not get , but in truth we knew , for instance , that the second commitment period could not be for Cancún , so we just wanted to save the prospect of having it and continuing to build on what we have . it transpires from the Commission ' s analysis that : I agree very much with the questioner that one of the areas where we can do so much more in Europe would be within the field of energy efficiency and buildings . discussions concerning implementation , dates and scope are still in progress and will continue for some time yet . a woman from a small village out in the sticks , living on a family farm , is virtually deprived of any opportunity for occupational , social , political or cultural advancement . equality between men and women constitutes one of the fundamental principles of EU law . patient long-term efforts will be needed to achieve that goal . the left wing simply has to accept that this decision cannot be changed either in Brussels , or in Strasbourg . in writing . - Whilst I believe that the EU ' s Member States should retain control over their own taxation systems , it is clear that there must be cooperation across the EU and indeed with third countries in order to counter tax evasion . it is for that reason that we have had to react , obviously in a spirit of solidarity with all the Member States , including those aspiring to enter the visa waiver programme . in terms of the Roma , on 2 July , the Commission submitted a report within the context of its communication . it is more than two and a half years since the collapse of Lehmann Brothers and where are we now ? this constitutes a real test of maturity and it is fully supported by the EU . there was also further investment in the Common Foreign and Security Policy . the result that we have achieved is a great success for the environment and for European shipping . the keyword is expansion to the east , where emissions are lower in absolute figures , leaving a reduction target of 12 % compared with 1990 . we have a package of measures to tackle that , and of course we have the measures we have heard about today from the Commissioner : food aid and farming support for the poorest countries . I think he put a very good point forward there . ( RO ) I would like to begin by mentioning the implementation of the European Union general budget for the financial year 2008 , Section III - Commission and executive agencies . however , we are lacking such transparency . the debate is closed . I am therefore asking the following questions . does the Commission apply efficiency and performance criteria to these agencies ? thirdly , we should try to spark a new dialogue on strategic aspects relating to global issues , such as combating poverty , food and energy security , combating climate change , etc . the Commission supports the Community approach . ( SK ) Dear colleagues , it saddens me very much that the situation concerning democracy , human rights and the rule of law has not been improving in Belarus . in writing . - Whilst aquaculture is an important source of both jobs and food , it is important that the wider environment is protected from potential threats . nonetheless , we need clear rules in order to provide a common framework for this essential task . when it comes to development aid , the EU presses hard on a rights agenda , including promotion of abortion , even where it offends the local culture - as in Kenya , where EU-funded NGOs use the money for funding abortions in breach of local custom and law . however , this biological diversity is under threat . it is better for us to do a couple of things well than to half-do everything . that is why , Prime Minister Orbán , your law today is not a law that reflects the values of the European Union . there is talk of playgrounds , an aqua park and a conference centre but nothing about a mega-casino . the comments were clearly made in his capacity as a Member of the European Parliament , which means that under EU rules he is covered by parliamentary immunity . she suggests a moratorium , and I will pass on this suggestion . let me finish by thanking the Commission , the Commissioner , the rapporteur and my fellow shadows for their extraordinarily good cooperation ; without it , this level of ambition would not have been possible . it is too little for the Palestinians to be able to live , but it is ten times , a hundred times too much , because if all the international obligations , the fourth Geneva Convention and human rights were being respected , it would not be necessary . it is no wonder , and actually not unexpected , that this has happened . the highest possible level of transparency and maximum rights are needed in order for it to be possible to make objective purchasing decisions . it is necessary to keep pointing out , to young people in particular , that even regular consumption of beer leads to alcohol addiction that is no less serious than the alcohol addiction caused by wine or spirits . the Häusling report on the protein deficit in Europe and the search for solutions introduces some positive elements such as aid to farmers that contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions . for this reason , the European Union needs integrated action on a large number of levels . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I will simply ask the question : what is the situation with regard to anti-discrimination and the equal treatment of Roma in Europe ? the only means we have of preventing conflict is to ensure here that these countries are not only offered the European bonding agent but help to develop it too . this proposal aims to ensure a high level of protection against the risks that such priority substances ( and a few other pollutants ) pose to the aquatic environment and it therefore lays down some environmental quality standards . that should please all of us . thank you for your attention and I hope that we - including the Commission - will continue to show solidarity in our work together with this country , which is so close to us as Europeans . it was with this in mind that we successfully managed on both sides to come to some agreement on the issue of labelling hazardous substances , so that the report was in line with REACH but also helps those who work with products which , in the past , have led to chronic conditions and death - conditions such as asbestos-related mesotheliomia and , to an extent , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by working conditions and by inhaling dust . since the public authorities have an obligation to compensate for the loss of revenue involved , an increase in fraud translates into greater fiscal pressure on companies which abide by tax rules . in writing.- ( DE ) What questions do young people nowadays ask themselves when deciding on a career ? through the measures undertaken , the European Union must follow this electoral process , as you have said , but also be more ambitious in the development of relations with Iraq . in response to this situation , we can think about coordinating their work better . it is far too simplistic to argue that it is a Pakistani internal issue in itself . worldwide agricultural practice and , in particular , European agricultural policy , are of major importance for food and development policy . this is very important as we often talk about innovations , new initiatives and modernisation . voting time ( applause ) the same applies to young people and women . those other regions were developing their cap-and-trade systems and I look forward to the new US Administration ' s proposal based on President-elect Obama ' s election manifesto early in the New Year . we believe that all men and women are equal and not that some are more equal than others . for the programme to achieve its aims , Marco Polo II must be made more attractive . if he and his party were ever to be in government in the United Kingdom , the British would really come to value the freedom of establishment in the European Union , because huge numbers of them would move to France , Germany , Spain and Italy and to Portugal , Mr Barroso . pressure on global food stocks are also coming from relatively new sources such as the move towards increased use of bio-fuels . in the south , there is the South Stream project . a number of amendments to the report were also tabled , the spirit of which we support , but we do not believe that this report warrants this type of amendment . in 2007 the UN General Assembly for the first time adopted a resolution calling on states to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty ; a further resolution in 2008 reaffirmed this call . this summit , Mrs Ashton , comes at a very remarkable time in the calendar for the European Union and Latin America . we should remember everything that happened in Auschwitz and the other concentration camps , as well as the murders committed in Katyń and other places during those terrible five or six years , so that such events are never repeated . that is the difference : in our Europe , all the nations are equal , and that is what you are trying to destroy , Mr Farage , with your British imperialist notions ! after the decisive result of the Irish referendum , we all hope that the Czech ratification can finally follow very soon . chronic overfishing has resulted in smaller and smaller catches for European fisheries and lost jobs . since the changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon imply that the common policy on visas with third countries is now the exclusive remit of the EU , all the Member States will benefit from the visa waiver with Brazil . ( PL ) Mr President , the decision on the Schengen issue was mission impossible , as Mr Magalhães stated . I am the rapporteur for a report that is still to be drawn up on this subject , and I would very much like to work closely with all those involved . Jean Ziegler , the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food , said that mass production of biofuels was a crime against humanity because of its impact on global food prices . secondly , greater emphasis must be placed on geographical differences and different infrastructure when it comes to electronic services . today , we are in a position in which - whether we are for or against liberalisation in this area - we have to assess this liberalisation and we are faced with the problem that it has largely not been transposed . I therefore voted in favour of the report on consumer protection today . meanwhile , tomorrow , we will hold another debate on the freedom of Christians in Pakistan . it sends out a clear message from the European Parliament in support of the idea of establishing a European digital library . I am pleased to be able to remind the House that Poland was involved in promoting this idea . so the report should say much more about that . secondly , the fact that Europe must , as a result , keep a watchful eye on this part of the world , and encourage its integration into world trade and the international economic system by supporting the candidacy of those countries in the area that are not yet members of the WTO . 6 . public health continues to be our greatest asset and should be regarded as an absolute priority by governments . the report approved today aims to improve the level of harmonisation of the regulations in the sector in an attempt to close the gaps and eliminate the disparities that exist today with regard to safeguarding the right to health . directive 2000 / 78 / EC , which prohibits discrimination in the field of employment and occupation , covers all citizens , including those suffering from ' dys ' -related problems . on the one hand , our households , our businesses and our public services will continue to pay absurd costs and , on the other , we risk losing the lead in the green economy in Europe . that is why we voted against . let us be honest . 1 . individual European Union countries should not only understand this , they also need to respond to these changes in a practical manner . this is to give a chance to the Iranian opposition movement by ending its political suppression by EU governments . we have a duty to set a good example , but today we are setting a bad one . the import of cheap textiles from China to Europe is a problem which has grown recently as a result of the gradual liberalisation in world trade . 5 . however , it is equally important to implement a whole series of public health policies and programmes which have nutrition as one of their priorities , including campaigns on health education and information and on the promotion of healthy lifestyles and diets . in writing . - I wish to stress the importance of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip . captain Camara and the coup leaders need to understand that the EU expects certain basic standards of governance in return for a trade-and-aid relationship . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes I would like once again to thank the rapporteur Ilda Figueiredo for the work she has done and to thank all MEPs for the support they have shown for this proposal . about 15 000 are living in refugee camps under police protection . finally , I would like you to consider the fact that kidnapping and other crimes are a business in which many people are involved in a confusing array of organisations . we must conduct a single common policy of solidarity if we want our negotiations to prove successful . after all , in recent years many new Member States have seen an incredible reduction in milk production and in the number of cattle of more than 50 % . solving female poverty involves more than just forcible intervention in the family environment . the creation of a United Nations parliamentary assembly within the framework of the United Nations system is an interesting proposal that is worth studying and debating . it is the duty of the Union to investigate these activities in detail and to give strong expression to its opposition . the report acknowledges the key role of SMEs in the transition to an economy characterised by resource efficiency and it is also essential to acknowledge the role of young entrepreneurs . another important step for many countries , including Poland , was entry into the Schengen zone . you will have it unconditionally ! I feel that is the intention of the Commission ' s proposal , and that is the precise intention of the amendments unanimously adopted by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development . I believe that this new law will boost the development of these vehicles , while ensuring they are reliable and safe . this releases future military intervention from democratic control . Community law does not envisage the possibility of disregarding existing laws and judgments on the grounds that new rules are being considered and may be introduced . this means that they themselves decide where , when and how they participate and provide assistance . we have just managed to deal with the new members ' accession to the Schengen Area . the European Parliament must not be placed in a situation where we can only say ' yes ' or ' no ' to the medium-term financial perspectives . on Monday , the Employment , Social Policy , Health and Consumer Affairs Council ( EPSCO ) adopted this comprehensive , global approach in the fight against gender violence ; in other words , ' zero tolerance ' . as for the professional training of the police force , I agree with the objectives of focusing not just on increasing the number of police officers and soldiers , but mainly on training , on organisation , and on the relations of police forces with parallel judicial institutions . the money goes from consumers to often very rich recipients . when we talk about migratory flows , security , safety and justice in the world , we cannot just say that we do not care about it . with a year gone by , it was appropriate to reassess the situation on the ground , not least because Haiti no longer dominates the headlines in the mass media . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am pleased to be here with you on the occasion of the debate on the resolution concerning the European Central Bank annual report for 2008 . after relaxing visa requirements , we need to abolish them altogether so that ordinary Serbs are able to enter Europe whenever they wish . at the same time , the EU is pleased to see a few positive developments , notably the release of political prisoners . therefore , when translations are available in other languages , we will make use of them . when we are discussing the costs of regulations , we must also concern ourselves with the compliance costs , which are ignored at the moment . informing consumers about energy efficiency and resources should become a key element in manufacturers ' decisions . the yardstick by which we , as Europeans , must be gauging our own performance is our human rights dimension , including in our dealings with China . different people could speak , but they had to convey the same message . countless women die giving birth every year . on behalf of the S & D Group . - Mr President , the European Union is now negotiating a new framework agreement with China , which will set a further path for the development of economic relations with the country . in this vein , I have tried , in my role as shadow rapporteur , to support the report with my amendments . are we working together with Commissioner Kovács to develop a proposal which will allow researchers to pay no tax on their earnings and which will ensure that donations to research organisations are also tax-free or can be regarded as operating expenses ? climate change conference in Durban ( neither employers ' organisations nor the trade unions and the public sector have enough women in high-level positions . the third Meeting of the Parties to the Convention , to be held in June , in Riga , will be an opportunity for the Parties to review the progress achieved in the Convention ' s implementation and to reflect on and plan for the challenges that lie ahead . I am now afraid , after the decision at the European summit , which I welcome , that this will once again be postponed , because we are not all starting at the same time . thank you , Mrs Pagano . ( DE ) Madam President , I voted against the Davies report because , in my view , we have taken what is , in essence , an unacceptable and unrealistic decision by envisaging uniform CO2 efficiency categories for cars . Parliament notes that , in the course of preparation of the Annual Report concerning the financial year 2009 , the Court of Auditors performed an in-depth assessment of supervisory and control systems in the Court of Justice , the European Ombudsman and the European Data Protection Supervisor , which included the examination of an additional sample of transactions involving payments relating to human resources and to other administrative expenditure . as I see it , new medicinal products represent an opportunity to treat and cure health conditions , and the risk is proportionate . the EU must be better prepared to respond to new developments and to live up to international responsibilities . in our opinion , this control should fulfil the highest democratic requirements , as is the case in each Member State . we need to take a sensible approach in order to identify a common position . this topic , like that of Kenya , is one that will continue to occupy us in the months ahead . what is it that we are doing , then ? on that basis , I am far from convinced about the rush to wind energy through unachievable targets . with this commitment I think we did send a very strong message to the negotiators at their ongoing conference and strengthened our credibility . market forces are already moving in this direction . the report by Hans-Peter Martin on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union for the financial year 2006 ( C6-0389 / 2007 - , I consider that the safety valve of adopting a single fee and of maintaining the parallel facility to publish in the printed media , in conjunction with the introduction of an electronic register , as formulated in the consensus reached and voted by all - I repeat all - wings of the Committee on Legal Affairs , is the balanced and rational solution needed . a point of order was raised by a group chair and the President agreed to a vote on it . as you know , 2010 is the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion , in order to raise awareness about social problems . 2009 is also the year of European Parliament elections , and the Eurobarometer does not look promising . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I have drawn a great deal of encouragement from your speeches . one very important aspect of the strategy is the governance method . if it is not effective , we will abolish it ; if it is only partially effective and appropriate , it will have to be modified accordingly . there are clear benefits in terms of environmental protection , although we should be mindful of the fact that trade in legally harvested timber is not necessarily sensitive to the needs of indigenous people . speaking as you have done , Mr Meijer , of an ethnic cause , is extremely dangerous guesswork . not only are biofuels driving up the price of agricultural commodities ; they are also contributing to faster devastation of the rainforests . in a distinct way , despite the desperate situation , he has a unique opportunity even now to deliver power to the people of Pakistan , the true custodians of that power . ( SK ) I support the view that the introduction of the euro , the gradual enlargement of the euro area and the application of consistent economic policies combined with the cautious approach of the European Central Bank have led to the present relatively stable economic development in the European Union countries . we will of course hold further consultations and talks aimed at finalising ratification within the shortest possible period of time . the European Commission must continue to focus , in particular , on planned energy projects in this region . Mr Nassauer , thank you for your support . no European citizen will be worse off if the Economic Partnership Agreements are a failure . it is not fair - as the coastal states have been saying for a long time - that this problem should only affect the countries that have a Mediterranean sea border with North African countries . Nabucco may be a symbol not only of the common energy policy that is taking shape but also of Black Sea cooperation . NGOs have actually played a crucial role in the implementation of the programme and they will also remain a key player in the future . that is certainly what we intend to do . increasing road transport is not a valid solution . however , Parliament ' s report shows that progress on Member States submitting their national energy efficiency plans is still lamentably slow and I would ask the Commission to continue to put pressure on them . to date the Treaty has been ratified by 19 national parliaments . in this day and age , they do it in the name of the fight against terrorism . today , when we are discussing social security , the Presidency bench has remained hopelessly empty . despite lending my support to all the requests to mobilise the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund presented by the Netherlands concerning the severe wave of redundancies which has plagued two areas of the graphics sector - printing and reproduction of recorded media and publishing - I believe that the Dutch authorities could provide more details about the scope of the measures and their accuracy , so as to allow these measures to be assessed more effectively . as rapporteur on the Framework Decision on combating terrorism , I made a commitment to cooperate in a close and structured manner with the national parliaments . one argument is that you cannot have a single currency without further homogenisation to iron out differences between Member States and levels of wealth . quotas must be abolished completely , and the distortions in the market must be eliminated . for this purpose , steps need to be taken both on the economic front and in the social and political arenas . this resolution forms part of a package of five resolutions , adopted today by the majority in Parliament , which shows the clearest possible contempt for the democratically and sovereignly expressed will of the French , Dutch and Irish peoples , who rejected the European Constitution and its twin brother , the so-called Treaty of Lisbon , in referendums . but allow me conclude in a positive way . we need to find a solution which satisfies our expectations but also takes into account the specific situation of India . Hamas , we know , without any consideration for the life of the Palestinians , uses the population as human shields against the attacks by Israel and their deaths as weapons of propaganda . in some cases there will be differences at the level of the decision-making procedure , either because the scope of the ordinary legislative procedure has been significantly extended , or because a new approval procedure applies in respect of the conclusion of international agreements . as a result , I am voting against . in addition to this , and in order to prevent these kinds of incidents , we need to declare a ruthless war on the drugs trade , which is a destabilising force in many poor countries in Africa , Asia and South America , supports terrorism and , through drug addiction , destroys the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world . ( RO ) Madam President , the forthcoming EU-Africa Summit provides a good opportunity for devising a realistic cooperation strategy . unfortunately , I cannot see any willingness on the part of either Kiev or Moscow to come to an agreement . after all , the EUR 25 billion available so far could comfortably cover the cost of the urgent assistance given to Romania . consent by the European Parliament - for the first time on a trade agreement under the Lisbon Treaty - has important political significance because this is a trade agreement with a long-term development focus and because of the momentum it will provide to ongoing negotiations on the comprehensive EPA with the Pacific region . that , however , is not a solution to VW ' s problems or those of other car factories . there have been errors which are statistically normal in a vote of this length . that is that the achievement on the security front is the primary responsibility of the Iraqis , supported by the internationals of course , but it is the responsibility of the Iraqis . membership of committees and delegations : see Minutes that reduction is the equivalent of less than one year ' s growth in air travel . the Commission therefore initiated a negotiation process seeking to replace the 17 bilateral agreements on air services that are in force between Member States and Vietnam . this money needs to be found from the already cash-strapped national budgets . the drama that we are once again seeing unfold before our eyes is becoming painfully repetitive and revealing of the essence of this European Union : of who makes the rules in the end , and on behalf of which interest groups . in 2009 alone , European Union countries earned EUR 343 million from arms sales to Colonel Gaddafi , while the initial amount they made available for receiving refugees from the Arab revolutions was EUR 3 million : one hundred times less . it was easier for the countries of the euro area to overcome the difficulties , as the European Central Bank ensured the provision of liquidity to these . had I not decided to boycott the sitting after the lamentable episode of Social-Eurocratic totalitarianism that we have just experienced , I would have voted in favour of the joint motion for a resolution of the left-wing groups on the counterfeiting agreement . it is not appropriate to achieve that by overburdening household budgets and reducing the effective obligations of the State . neither do we believe that the Commission ' s plans for information and awareness campaigns regarding the benefits of language learning will have any effect on the real world . applying such principles at the level of individuals via a system of personal carbon trading could be an extremely effective way of influencing consumer behaviour . yet the subject of today ' s discussions is discrimination . some may say these ideas are elementary . they must nonetheless be repeated time and again because nobody listens to them . the Commission proposes , but what it gives us as proposals is not always the best for all Member States . the eight star cases are included in the report as models of good administrative behaviour for all institutions and bodies . this also means that we can get away from the current state of affairs with continual ad hoc efforts to revise the budget plan . now is not the time to say anything other than words of sympathy to their families . ( RO ) In the Accession Treaty to the European Union , Romania undertook to organise elections for the European Parliament by the end of this year . it will generate immediate , substantial savings in several economic sectors . as many fellow Members have pointed out , the principles of solidarity and the fair sharing of responsibilities , as laid down in the Treaties , must be applied in practice . apart from this legal approach , the Commission is promoting a set of measures for the safer use of the Internet . it is inhumane that they are left in the dark because , as things stand , the courts are having to decide time after time on the application of European law . however , I very much doubt whether the proposition to regulate scores of airports throughout the EU is going to produce the utopia in airport charges that the airlines and the Commission want . such information will also feed into the Commission assessment to be carried out in the first semester of next year on post-visa liberalisation monitoring . I therefore agree with the opinion that all materials used in cosmetic products which have a carcinogenic effect should be banned . we should honour those who fought against totalitarianism , and we should honour the memory of the victims . I welcome the fact that one of the last remaining differences of treatment between citizens of the old and the new Union will disappear on 21 December of this year . I think it even improves the text . so you have done them no favours . a result-oriented outlook would highlight all the actions taken by the EU in the area of protection of human rights and would underline the insignificance . the debate on the EU 2020 economic strategy is naturally already on the agenda . you simply have to face this fact . ( PT ) Mr President , the noticeably lower expectations that we saw before the Cancún conference should not justify excessively optimistic discussions with regard to its results , and it should be regarded as a success even less so . in future , this labelling will also be applied to energy consuming products intended for industrial and commercial use , which was not possible until now . Mr President , it is good that we have the euro . ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we can summarise in figures the situation regarding misleading business directories that are supposed to be free . the Italian government must answer before the European Union . with regard to the continuation of the policy and its achievements , we want to see adequate resources , or at least no less money made available for the cohesion policy than we have at the present time . it is obvious that people who are well informed when they arrive in another country are in a much stronger position than those who lack that information . this initiative is not workable in small Member States . however , the pay differential is still 17.5 % throughout Europe and as high as 23 % in Germany . the report drawn up by the German Member , Mr Lambsdorff , is a very comprehensive and competent presentation of the different areas of responsibility and future objectives of the United Nations from the perspective of the European Union . that is very important because , parallel with this opening of the transatlantic market , it is , of course , essential that the regulations are gradually harmonised and aligned with one another at a high level . we now continue with the vote . another instance which may be recalled is the temporary tariff on drugs that Russia has imposed on EU exporters . it disregards environmentalists ' comments on the looting that is taking place in this region , which is vital to mankind ' s survival . just as serious , ladies and gentlemen , is the proposal regarding refugee funds : while we are investing more in Frontex , these funds are being cut back . the report provides for a simplified CAP structured around two pillars : the first pillar being fully financed by the EU budget and the second pillar providing for multiannual programming and a cofinancing approach . it is particularly important for programmes promoting the consumption of fruit and milk to be implemented in educational institutions , since learning the right eating habits will have a positive impact on the health of young Europeans , thus reducing health and social spending in the future . those of us who come from the Party of European Socialists reiterated the support for establishing a European civil protection force , inviting the Commission to make a proposal for this purpose . Madam President , I am sorry , I was not listening . for this commitment I thank you . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , last year I spoke to Parliament about what the Commission saw as the motor of progress in today ' s European Union and we outlined the so-called ' twin-track ' approach - an activist policy agenda and an ambitious approach to the Treaty reform were goals that supported each other . ( PL ) Madam President , the matter of Tibet and of the Tibetans continues , unfortunately , to be an important problem . the fact is that renewable energy sources will not be able to grow as quickly as we would wish . the allocated assets were aimed for Srebrenica recovery including construction , reconstruction , infrastructure development , business promotion , improvement of public services , projects with sustainable return and education . the geopolitical significance of these countries is linked to their strategic position in relation to energy resources in Central Asia . as regards the first draft of the Council budget , I would like to mention that the Commission , when it presented its version , referred to the forecasts of the Member States using our analysis . back then , 80 years ago , Chamberlain , Daladier , Mussolini and Hitler carved up Czechoslovakia ; today it is again Britain , France , Italy and Germany who recognise the carving-up of Serbia . Slovakia ' s small and medium-sized enterprises consequently have no access to the significant financial support available for the effective development of new products , techniques and services . finally come practical steps to reform the rules of the European financial system , at last , after the banking and finance system has been allowed to plunder and squeeze public assets and private individuals . only when all those conditions are met can we be confident that our decisions are up to the challenge . the situation there regarding missing persons and the dead or wounded is very unclear . I would like to mention one other aspect from the point of view of our group which has not been a factor in this up to now , but which I think is also an important consideration . I believe that we should say emphatically that we have chosen an authoritarian distortion of the rule of law instead of choosing to safeguard the rule of law in order to combat terrorism . however , it is also clear , as stated by the Council in 2004 , that the isolation of Northern Cyprus must come to an end . we prepared ourselves to be present , to be here , to be able to answer questions , and we thank you for that very good cooperation . they still receive very little money for their products , below the viability threshold . the Danish delegation of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament has voted against the resolution concerning the situation in the beekeeping sector . this clearly gives the US access to information about data-sharing between WikiLeaks and third entities . Parliament ' s 2010 draft budget found resources of EUR 25 million , which will enable it to launch the programme at the very start of 2010 , and it was able to find these resources without touching the Progress programme in 2010 . I am glad that competition is coming to international rail transport from 2010 , according to Mr Jarzembowski ' s report , but even though a further step has been taken on internal transport , and there is at least a clear procedure under which the Commission must carry out analysis , this decision was not adopted with any deadline . in writing . - Today , Parliament voted on its calendar for 2012 and 2013 . the increase in commitment appropriations therefore amounts to 2.8 % compared to 2008 and , as a result , the EU ' s overall commitment capabilities are maintained . I therefore make no apology , from my perspective , of saying that Israel does have the right , indeed the necessity , to defend itself and to act against those who , beyond reason and argument , will not even make the most basic concession of accepting the right of Israel to exist . to answer the specific point on security , the EU Home Affairs informal meeting is taking place in Spain this weekend . you are absolutely right . more flexible regulations on advertising have been introduced , but I believe that maintaining a maximum of 12 minutes per hour is the right thing to do . how would that benefit our economy , our innovation , our growth ? I think we will have support to delete that . he also promised to come back with a regulation for resolving the problems as soon as possible . the man responsible for this is Mr Putin . first of all , I should like to say to the defenders of tolerance in Pakistan and to the defenders of religious freedom in Pakistan that they are not alone . on the basis of the above considerations , the Committee on Legal Affairs recommends that the European Parliament should not defend the parliamentary immunity of Mr Tomczak . also , as distances in Malta are small , it is feasible to use gas for the propulsion of private and commercial vehicles . similarly , measures are taken in the name of combating terrorism that are not compatible with human rights . therefore I voted against the report . I support this . let me make it clear : a right-thinking Member State such as the Netherlands will never be able to agree with this report . the only fairly specific information came from statements about the closure of more areas of air space . before the vote : we believe that this is important and useful , but that it must ensure , on the one hand , that those who actually have the right to asylum are granted it more quickly , and , on the other hand , that those who do not have the necessary rights and try to abuse this system are firmly dealt with , because it is clear that not all those who have the right to asylum are granted it . ( applause ) we are also concerned about action taken to remove national border controls in Member States in favour of pan-European EU border services . we must do everything we can to ensure that at least the remaining wilderness , this 1 % , is preserved for the sake of future generations . if the European Union means anything , it is this ; that yes , the Member States should open up their economies and markets to competition , but at the same time they are not alone , and the European Union is there to facilitate challenges , to help us exploit them and to reduce the negative impact that may result from them . may their hopes be fulfilled quickly and without bloodshed . we have deliberately done this in such a way that the costs of the system remain at a reasonable level for everyone involved and that the system is not excessive . ( SK ) The European Union has extensive legislation on migration policy . that is the extent of the clinical tests that were requested . this affects not just Croatia , ladies and gentlemen , but , more fundamentally , the credibility of the enlargement process . for example , on the border crossing of Rusovce - Kittsee , which is a highway crossing between Slovakia and Austria , the Austrians are imposing a tough speed limit of 30 km / h . if we continue to oppress the intergroups by refusing to give them meeting rooms , there will be more demonstrations . if the convictions of religious leaders or politicians mean that they are not exactly ecstatic about homosexuality - as the politically correct mainstream dictates - they should not be condemned or persecuted for these convictions . last but not least , at a global level , in October 2010 , the Financial Stability Board issued a number of principles aimed at reducing the dependency of financial institutions on credit ratings . secondly , I would like to stress the desirability of the new wording for point ' h ' of Article 3 in relation to any conduct which causes ' the significant deterioration of a habitat within a protected site ' . our comments must be businesslike . may you make the right decision , and may we all see it . the summit made a right analysis and agreed on a process . it is a very serious matter . I therefore consider that Turkey has a long way to go to accession to the European Union . we also need to make an effort to raise the level of democratic political culture , especially in post-communist countries . I think it is vital that the EU-China strategic partnership continues to be developed in a steady way , one which also takes into consideration the concerns that exist . ( it ) Mr President , colleagues , my great thanks go to the rapporteur , Mr Florenz , because he has worked hard and has assessed several months ' work by the Temporary Committee on Climate Change under the expert chairmanship of Guido Sacconi . I have always believed that the European Union must help to promote serious reforms in the Mediterranean region , with the aim of making it an area of freedom and prosperity . the aim of the package presented by the Commission is to give fresh impetus to policies to combat poverty , exclusion and discrimination affecting the most vulnerable groups , and , from this point of view , the proposals that were made by the Commission and that take stock of the existing instruments , which help ensure the greater inclusion of the Roma population , truly are a very good contribution . the introduction of biometric passports in 2008 is one of the constructive measures implemented so far . for example , Parliament ' s recent restrictions on seal hunting infuriated the indigenous population . if I can give you one example : I dealt with refugee cases for many years as an asylum lawyer , and I know that the enemy of good asylum procedure - fair , just , effective asylum procedure accepted by most Members States - is the lack of front-loading of asylum cases . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , in her speech this morning , Mrs Harms posed the question of why the spark is no longer being passed from the summits to the people and why new courage and new confidence is not emanating from the summit discussions . if States collapse as a result of neoliberal economic policy , they will constitute a security problem . my question in relation to this concerns another issue - should individual police forces not create databases of convicted paedophiles , under the aegis of the European Union , since the police forces of other Member States could make use of these databases created in each individual Member State ? I believe that was not a point of order , but a matter of courtesy . national ministers responsible to their national parliaments : that is the correct line of responsibility . for this reason , notwithstanding my unwavering desire to fight every disease , I am opposed to a text whose worthy parts stand in contrast to the seriously negative content of Article 4 , as it would be amended by Amendment 15 . rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development . - Mr President , as rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development on the Interim EPA with Côte d ' Ivoire , I would like to thank our colleague Erika Mann for having taking into consideration some of the concerns raised in that committee , such as the urgent need for a democratically-elected government in Côte d ' Ivoire and the necessity for that country to receive an appropriate share of EU trade-related assistance . some find themselves abandoned in Europe , having sacrificed their family ' s entire savings to pursue their dreams . that was not , of course , the intention of those who drew up and decided on the Regulation in 2002 but that is what experience has taught us in recent years . in addition to the generally positive assessment , the report draws the Commission ' s attention to many aspects of the programme ' s implementation and provides specific proposals as to how they might be improved . I would like to see more emphasis placed on youth unemployment . therefore I think that we are going to apply it to all of them , so all of us will feel more comfortable . this would replace the third part and clarify matters , as the third part proposed by Mr Bono is ambiguous as regards the exception . we have limited the countries to which people can be removed . finally , I am a staunch advocate of the subsidiarity principle and believe that many of the subjects analysed in this report , while important and relevant , must remain under the Member States ' jurisdiction . would it not have been possible to inform us , through better coordination of the exchange of information on and during decision-making , so that we could have spared ourselves this whole evening debate , which is a debate in name only ? it is well-known that education and training are essential priorities for the European Union , in order to achieve the Lisbon objectives . yes , farmers are entitled to maximum information on compound contents , but within the confines of preserving the viability and the future of the mills from which they buy . in fact , this difference in protection will eventually tend to encourage the recruitment of a poorly qualified and weakly protected labour force at the expense of European workers . protection of the soil is essential for the maintenance of our natural heritage and raw materials . where operations have been carried out , lives have been saved and illegal immigration substantially reduced . I would like to refute completely Mr Allister ' s claim that the company showed wanton disregard . because order reigns in Beijing . it should be noted that , while the Palestinian side , although criticised in the report , accepts international law and calls for its application , Israel , on the other hand , refuses . as Greens , we have supported budgets of this kind in Germany time and time again . dear colleagues , in today ' s multilateral , multipolar world , Europe and America can and should work together in a partnership for global stability and the enlightened values in which we believe . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Madam President , the frozen conflict over Western Sahara is destabilising the surrounding region . I am also very happy that we managed to delete the very ridiculous provision that ordered public authorities which pay one day late to pay a flat penalty of 5 % of the full amount owed in addition to the standard rate of interest for delayed payment . Turkey fails to make the progress that we want , the Cyprus problem remains intractable , France and Germany are implacably opposed to Turkish membership , and there is clearly a great prejudice against Turkey inside this Parliament . let us at least have the presence of mind to recognise that , since the bombing of Gaza and with the continuing colonisation of Palestinian territories , the Union for the Mediterranean has been painted into a corner . the proposals contained in the mini-package are sensible and deserve support . secondly , the recent criminal case of a 13-year-old girl , in which the authorities did not know where to send her ; she was sent first to prison , and then to a mental institution . those who are ready or willing to follow the same approach follow not to the detriment of the others , but for the gradual achievement which is important for all regions and for international trade as a whole . it is also a very important consideration that the directive will enable us to make better use of natural conditions . Frontex is an important element in the EU ' s integrated border management strategy . you must tell the absent President-in-Office of the Council this . the three EU institutions have made clear their collective desire to improve maternal health in the developing countries , particularly through the signature on 20 December 2005 of the European Consensus on Development , which puts maternal health among the priorities for the EU ' s development policy . we shall try to prove equal to the task with which you are entrusting us . this must , therefore , be opened up to better scrutiny . each Member State can decide when a new audiovisual service actually merits being tested . ( FR ) Mr President , I am somewhat more reserved on this issue than the Members who have just spoken . if we are not there , then we will count for nothing , and will carry no influence . riches are of value only when they enrich not just some communities , but all . Haiti will only be able to achieve the political , economic and social stability it needs if its country ' s freedom is protected from foreign interference . our intelligence service is constantly involved in preventing violent attacks against Danes and Danish social institutions , not from Danes but from foreigners . for this we - the European Parliament , the European Commission and the Council - have no other choice but to work hand in hand and to convert those lessons into the wise , smart and truly European policies that citizens need . the right of asylum is a precious right as it is a right inherent to the human being . we remember the 20th century - the First World War , the Second World War , the Iron Curtain - we were fighting side by side , achieving victory together , as democracies . ( SK ) Transfer of citizens ' personal data is always a sensitive issue , be it from the civil perspective or the human rights perspective . I am convinced that this is a key issue for the future of European cohesion , also in its territorial dimension . I voted in favour of the report on the safeguard clause that accompanies the Free Trade Agreement with Korea , even though it seems inadequate and its implementation uncertain . there are just as many of us who believe that your personal qualities naturally predispose you to play the role of a President who actively and passionately defends the interests of Europe and its citizens . in fact , the European Parliament has been calling for the adoption of a new directive in this area for some time already . however , I would like to see such cooperation and agreements speeded up and extended . sometimes we can choose the issues , others are chosen for us , and I think that , even if some people say that they had warned of the financial crisis , nobody knew exactly when it would occur or the full consequences of this financial crisis . - Report : Thierry Cornillet this did not work in the past and will not work in the future . bearing in mind that this critical state of affairs is a one-off occurrence which we could not have forecast 2 or 3 years ago , may we expect a new intervention by the Commission in this particular situation , in addition to what you have told us ? that is why the report gives attention to the importance of monitoring human resources . secondly , I would like to ask Mr President to allow me the two minutes at the end of the debate regardless of when my machine is switched off . so we had better have a plan ' B ' next time . the textile industry is especially such a sector , along with , for example , agriculture , machine production or tourism . if there is reason to believe that organised crime groups are behind more and more crimes on the Internet , the same investigative measures applied in the detection and prosecution of offline organised crime should be applied , coupled of course with an improved coordination mechanism . the Electricity Directive , for which I was rapporteur , is part of a package of five measures which seeks improvements in the way the electricity and gas markets work across the continent , to ensure that the markets are better integrated and operate in a fairer and less discriminatory way . we have sunshine ; we have the potential of biofuels ; and in some places we have wind . I am in favour of ' naming and shaming exercises ' . I will vote with complete conviction for the real right to free movement for European citizens from Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina . Bulgaria and Romania are fully prepared to join the area of free travel in 2011 . the report calls for closer and deeper cooperation between the EU and the US and ΝΑΤΟ , following the election in question . while I can understand that public spending needs to be diversified in order for Europe to fulfil its 2020 vision , I also believe that this spending needs to form part of national fiscal policy . ( for results and other details of the vote : see Minutes ) to conclude , I would like to reiterate the Commission ' s strong commitment to combating homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation , to the full extent of the powers conferred by the treaties . what kind of solutions are we looking for if it comes to the marginalised communities ? moreover , the funding mechanisms also need to be improved . secondly , we need Community-wide provisions in order to establish a smooth-functioning , non-discriminatory , transparent and comprehensive procedure for calculating these charges . there is an immense need for this support , as the market does not recognise apicultural products in a manner that ensures the survival of the apiculture sector , even though apiculturists provide a great many services to agriculture and the preservation of biodiversity through pollination . segmentation is inevitable in our diverse world . this proposal arises from the will to consolidate Community law , referred to - inappropriately , in my opinion - as codification . in other words , if the theme can be made to look attractive , the money will surely be found . expectations are very high . thank you for your speech , Mr Farage . Mr President , yesterday I asked Mrs Wallström , the Vice-President of the Commission , whether the Lisbon Treaty was essentially the same as the Constitutional Treaty that it replaced . in essence , this means that everything has become much more interactive . will the Commission investigate the failure of this scheme to deliver the promise of Minister Dodds , when he launched it , of efficiency savings and enhanced competition to help minimise the wholesale cost of electricity , with the vast bulk of the benefits , he said , going to the consumer ? if that troubles you , you should just leave ! they disappear completely , which leads us to wonder whether these children are used for certain purposes such as , for example , trade in organs , and whether mafia organisations with possible international connections are operating within the European Union . ( PT ) Mr Rübig , I must tell you - Mr President , with your permission - I must tell you that the European Institute of Technology , its effective launch and its effective entry into operation are a priority for the Portuguese Presidency . we hope that Parliament will eventually support our amendments on that today . in addition to their own food production , agricultural businesses also offer innovative products and services . we also believe that priority should be given to so-called positive incentive measures . today , there are already middle-of-the-range cars available that are below the European standard of 2012 . the adoption of common standards , through a European ITS Committee , applies to four specific areas : firstly , optimal use of road , traffic and travel data , secondly , continuity of ITS services on transport corridors and in conurbations , thirdly , road safety and security and , fourthly , integration of the vehicle into the transport infrastructure . it will take even longer to convince societies , which have been brainwashed by aggressive environmental propaganda , of this truth . personally , and I am sure the same goes for most of us , I find I have a painful sense of déjà vu when I see the pictures on the television . all of this comes in a framework where Member States and their control authorities play and should continue to play a key role in the steering and implementation of control measures within their waters . moreover , we still have not decided who will pay . with regard to raw materials - a topic that has arisen in several debates - I am absolutely convinced that we must continue along the road taken . we have also to keep in mind that , at the same time , cohesion policy will have to continue to cope with regional disparities resulting from the most recent , and forthcoming , enlargements . the EP , together with the Council , of course , will have all the authority to influence the SWIFT Agreement which we believe is very important , which deserves to be debated in this Parliament , thoroughly , seriously and without haste or pressure , to use an expression that you , yourselves , have already used . yes , there will be populist and thorny issues , but that is why it will be so important to have the registration process for an initiative before any signatures are collected . moreover , I am of the opinion that the opposition you encountered in the different Councils in fact resembles the opposition we encounter in the Belgian debate : solidarity , transfers , all these issues relating to withdrawal or contribution are things that we are very familiar with in Belgium and that you encountered in the Council . my appeal to Commissioner Rehn and Mr Trichet tonight is that they ensure that the timeframe for aid and the targets for deficits and debt are such that the social objectives of Europe are taken into account , as well as the need to ensure that Ireland ' s capacity to grow its economy and create jobs is not undermined . I find it regrettable that all too often , cohesion policy resources are used for projects with a regional or sometimes national dimension , but rarely with a European one . my heartfelt thanks go out to you for that reason too . the present report also makes it clear how quickly new products can appear on the market and force the legislative authorities to act . it makes sense , then , that all the work that has gone into establishing those systems does not go to waste and that we do not create unnecessary extra administrative burdens ; that is far from being our intention . the 2010 supplementary and amending budget cuts the payment appropriations by more than EUR 3.4 billion . the decision on the EUR 25 billion for increasing the limit in order to assist EU countries that are experiencing problems is also highly important . there will be confusion about who is responsible for what . the imperialists ' real objective is the oil , the natural gas and the wealth-producing resources of Libya , North Africa and the region in general . they give me a real sense of the direction that we need to move in . it even goes into the infrastructure for connections to airports . it seems that the depositing of industrial or mining waste in dumps is not a good solution for society or for the environment . the same applies if you want to download a film legally on the Internet . in parallel with our actions in the criminal justice area , we will work for the empowerment of women , awareness-raising and the collection and analysis of statistics on violence against women . our common goal is to ensure the quality , safety and wide accessibility of health care for all those who need it . this is not a case of completely killing off the idea . Parliament will have the right to repeal the delegation of powers to the Commission if we feel that is necessary . ( LT ) I would also like to thank my colleagues for five excellent years of cooperation , although I have to say that there are still unsolved questions for the next legislative term . our high quality and safety standards in Germany must not be compromised . at the same time , the Commission ' s proposal on cross-border health care is leading to class-based health segregation : the rich and educated are being given the option of shopping around for health care wherever it is in their best interests . obviously , this does not mean that the legislation is as good as it could possibly be . this agreement is appropriate because Switzerland is committed to complying with the conditions and provisions laid down by the European Commission . however , it is important to emphasise the need for the European Parliament and the United States Congress to maintain dialogue on issues not covered by this Agreement . the value of information collected in this way is undeniable in terms of assessing the situation in the labour market in the European Union , as well as for the functioning of the European Central Bank . the United States once again proved during the last elections that they have the capacity for renewal and rejuvenation in this process based on values and democracy . last week a Chechen woman and her three young daughters died on the border between Ukraine and Poland . they were fleeing from the tragedy that has befallen their homeland . during the current global economic crisis , with fluctuating fuel prices and a tougher competitive environment , airline operators , particularly low-cost airlines , are going through very difficult times . nearly 10 years ago we discovered that the printer manufacturers had hit upon a new means of advancing that war by using electronics to stop the printer cartridges being recycled : you fill them with ink and they stop working . I never forgot , even when I was young , the suffering that people were experiencing under Communist dictatorship . Mr President , I would like to start my speech by expressing my very sincere thanks to everyone who helped in the preparation of this report : the European Commission , all the shadow rapporteurs and the members of the Committee on Fisheries , for their support in drawing up this report . we can help , and that way we can establish together a real European democracy . I am referring in particular to those people who have abandoned their studies , immigrants and those who speak only one language or who are linguistically less competent . secondly , checks and balances are the basis of any democratic system . another example of an expense that my constituents have is that we contribute towards child benefit for people in Eastern Europe . cases such as these are a feature of everyday life in Venezuela , where persecution of the opposition with the aim of excluding them from political life and of suppressing dissidents has become part of normal life . growth and jobs that process is ongoing . the European Parliament expects to be duly consulted in the framework of the European quest for peace in the Middle East . Mr President , you can , of course , tell that I am a sceptic because I do not dress like a scarecrow . this issue of humanity cannot be and is never forgotten by the presidency . Asian countries are encouraged to do the same and to use their economic leverage in the process . normally , I do not like to make this distinction , but there are some differences , the main one , incidentally , being the fact that the debt of the euro area is much less than that of the United Kingdom . poverty line , insecurity , inadequate pay , sexual discrimination in the workplace : these are , unfortunately , recurrent expressions which , not only today but every day , we would prefer not to hear and see associated with women . the third reason is that the measures within the directive are disproportionate and inadequately balanced . it is difficult to avoid the impression that , once again , we are faced with an example of the cynical use of a terrible social problem to boost the EU ' s position at the expense of the independence of the Member States . but I would like to tell you that we are now discussing a clear example of the situation . farmers , in fact , have gradually lost interest in protein crops , resulting in the loss , at a European level , of practical experience related to these crops . President-in-Office of the Council . - I should mention from the outset that on 6 November last year , the European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy , Javier Solana , appointed a Special Envoy for Burma / Myanmar to highlight the importance which the European Union attaches to democratic change , reconciliation , improvement of human rights and development of the country . we agreed to reject the commercial campaign mounted by the pharmaceutical companies . we must not hide the fact that this phenomenon also involves individuals , be they European citizens or people from third countries , who are working and residing normally , but who fall outside the scope of this directive , as it forms part of the framework of the fight against illegal immigration . it is an appointment that I very much supported and approved during the European Council . ( FI ) Mr President , I supported the report because youth unemployment is a challenge facing the whole of Europe , and one that is troubling all of society . 1 . if the EU takes its own principles of respect for human rights and international law seriously , it must increase the pressure on both sides , including in the context of its bilateral relations , and insist that the investigation that has been called for into possible violations of international and humanitarian law is carried out according to the principles of the rule of law . in writing . - I voted for this report . national parliaments , on the other hand , must be closely involved in European legislative processes to be aware of proposed measures in time , and improve cooperation between national , regional and local authorities . up till now , Rajoelina has reneged on all earlier possible attempts at agreement . for precisely this reason , this issue must not be used to foment opposition or for party political attacks . the internal market has the potential to become the world ' s largest retail market . the proposals we put forward one year ago to strengthen Schengen , through an evaluation mechanism and intensified coordination of border surveillance , will help create a sense of Union-wide discipline and shared guidance in the system . this report , despite mentioning these facts , does not put forward proposals that would make it possible to enhance user protection and the quality of the service provided , based on the use of a service as imminently public as communications . we want the commitments in this Charter on human rights and democracy to become a reality , especially in Burma and also in other countries in the region . however , that means we have to connect with the people who elected us . ( DE ) Mr President , Commission , Madam President-in-Office of the Council , the speech by Mr Borghezio was typical - these eurosceptics cannot distinguish between the Council of Europe and the European Union - as the ruling on crucifixes was given by the European Court of Human Rights , which comes under the Council of Europe . I am sure that you will complete the negotiation process of the European Union with Croatia before the end of the year . the industry is not willing to participate and the Commission cannot think why the social partners ' mechanism functions so poorly . given this , I believe it is absolutely vital for the EU to safeguard sufficient financial and technical resources for decommissioning Units 1 to 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Plant in Bulgaria , as advocated by Parliament in this resolution . in order to be helpful , apart from the other things , we now have concrete support ongoing for 29 projects , worth over EUR 50 million , which is a huge amount of money for these people , that support governance , security and civil society , that support the reconciliation process and institution-building . they will not be approved , but the attempt is there . the European Union is at the vanguard in promoting social policies at global level and calls on developing countries to respect WTO contracts . please do not get me wrong . ' the European Parliament and the Council are mindful of the importance of providing accurate information to consumers , in particular , when products are marketed with an indication of origin so as to protect them against fraudulent , inaccurate or misleading claims . we believe that we will find this soul in our oldest units - the regions - where people communicate with one another with their particular accent , a specific dialect or even a regional language , where the local cuisine has its own specific taste , where truly local fruit and vegetables are sold at markets , where particular folk songs still reside , where particular tales and myths originate : in short , where people feel they belong , where they feel at home . in writing . - The resolution of the EP on maternal mortality carries a great significance in the light of the Millennium Development Goals and conveys our message that we are aware of the current situation and that we call for action to help millions of women in developing countries . moreover , I , like many of my colleagues , am concerned about fairness . we must therefore stick to ' treating the symptoms ' as long as some of the players on the world stage are not prepared to make the necessary efforts . secondly , we need to focus our aid instruments , support civil society , support private initiative and strengthen the role of the European Parliament and of the Pan-African Parliament . I very much commend the work of the rapporteurs , which was very much appreciated from our side . as regards research and development , you agreed that this is precisely where Europe ' s future lies . ( the speaker added in French and German : ' we share a destiny in common . ' ) obviously there are the votes , but believe me , the whole industry has understood the message . I would like to point out that the international economic and financial crisis has engendered a social crisis throughout the world , and this has merely increased the need for stringent rules to ensure that the world economy is more effectively supervised and that it does not develop to the detriment of our societies . EU producers belong to the outermost regions , which have enormous problems producing bananas - or excellent-quality ones , anyway - and whose banana production is nothing like that in third countries in any respect , including in terms of cost , workforce , the environment or of plant protection safeguards . it is important that this commitment continues , both politically and in terms of development . if he should raise the argument of national sovereignty , I can only say that there is something which is far more important than any national sovereignty and that is fundamental and universal human rights . in my view , the natural candidate for these strategic competences is the High Representative , drawing on the competences and expertise of the European External Action Service . you must adopt the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum - though we must still search for schemes to seek skilled newcomers and manage migration - and you should discuss progress in combating climate change . of course not . just look at the Council of Europe and the OSCE , which for the past two decades have had offices fully dedicated to Roma issues . however , from a more detailed perspective , all the areas designated as pistes must be included . as the rapporteur emphasises , Europe needs an extra 700 000 researchers if the Strategy ' s principles are to be put into effect . every concession is punished . in the Canary Islands Regional Parliament there are no Green members ; in the 88 councils in the Canary Islands there are no Green councillors ; of the 29 councillors on Las Palmas City Council there are no Green councillors ; the Greens are barely present on a couple of councils in the Canary Islands , where they are definitely in a coalition with the People ' s Party . the existing directive has one disadvantage : the financial guarantee provided for does not cover all the repercussions in the event of an accident , especially after the installations in question have shut down . at the most difficult times , ladies and gentlemen , the European Parliament has always proved to be a defence against pessimism and a courageous and tireless champion of European integration . most of all , however , I would like to thank Commissioner Špidla for having spoken German , and I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to Commissioner Kroes . well , discrimination of this kind is unacceptable to me and extending this programme is therefore altogether wrong . the Security Council has to have an investigation opened into the crimes of the regime . however , I do not believe that excluding specialised and recognised production sectors with a long history and tradition , such as the optical industry , is in keeping with EU policy . the energy performance of buildings is an area with strong potential for the European Union . in the very difficult times under Communism , women in Poland had access to science and political rights significantly earlier than in many countries of the old EU . we now hope that , during this plenary sitting , Parliament will follow the Committee ' s lead and vote in favour of this improvement . our group , the PPE-DE Group , has supported this idea from the very beginning . it penalises the users of tools such as botnets for committing the offences , and introduces a higher level of sanctions for committing the offences . comprehensive investment support is required here to boost health care and in particular mother and child care , but we know that child mortality too is very high . the current crisis in the automotive industry in Europe was caused by the automotive industry itself . ( applause ) if I may specifically address our fellow Members from the extreme right , I would like to say that your arguments are really far too rudimentary and simplistic - if not primitive . given that the Commission is broadly in agreement with the Parliament ' s proposals , I call on this House to make their voice heard in ensuring that the European Council also supports this report ' s environmental proposals . it is the sovereign right of Member States to decide , in accordance with their constitutional rules , how they wish to consult their people directly . these exceptions should remain exceptions , for I cannot emphasise strongly enough that reintroducing border controls is not a desirable development for Europe , neither in the current circumstances nor in relation to the future challenges that we will face sooner or later . the voluntary work done by our citizens helps solve social problems and promotes the acquisition of skills and social awareness . I hope that after the Transport Council meeting on 9 October , President-in-Office , we will find a solution that everyone supports , without letting anything fall by the wayside . Europe works . 8 . at the same time , we must be completely firm on human rights , freedom of information and political freedoms , which are certainly not the norm in Russia . I am particularly pleased that all three countries have paid particular attention to developing relations with their neighbours . indeed , it is free trade that causes these problems . therefore , European farmers must be compensated for the higher production costs inherent to higher animal welfare standards . I think that at such a time of crisis , the principle of solidarity is also gaining a new political dimension . codification is an effective means of consolidating the rules governing a certain area in a single legislative act . it should be simple , understandable and easily accessible . ( RO ) Mr President , in the period prior to Romania ' s accession to the European Union , the European Commission closely monitored the situation regarding international adoptions and recommended a halt to these activities following the disclosure of abusive adoption practices . let us hope that the G20 ministers , who will meet in Paris in June , come up with solutions to combat food price volatility . I therefore specifically want to emphasise the fact that we can be optimistic about Lisbon . ( SK ) I voted for the report on the common agricultural policy and global food security because it deals with issues that I have consistently been raising in the European Parliament as matters of priority . it is crucial that adequate bank lending is returned to normal levels as soon as possible . in this context it is natural that average public expenditure on pensions and expenditure related to ageing will increase , and it will become ever more difficult to provide adequate pensions . we need to develop a common European framework that includes targets and shared values , as well as shared entitlements and structures . if we are to resolve the major climate and energy challenges that we are facing , it would be irresponsible of us to rule out controlling fiscal instruments . let us examine the external causes , population density , natural disasters , the loss of human life through HIV and AIDS and , more importantly , the links between poor governance and the humanitarian consequences . I think we have done the best we could have done in a hundred days . I call on President Van Rompuy to heed this message . for these reasons , taking into account that there is much in the report we can support , the British Conservative delegation abstained . we all know that the Mediterranean basin is a point at which many cultures meet ; at the same time , however , it is a nerve centre and a ' boiler ' which has been bubbling for many years now . a similar situation to the one in Japan could happen anywhere in Europe . some of the work is finished . concerning legal migration , the Commission has initiated legal measures by submitting to Parliament the draft legislation on conditions for entry and residence for highly skilled workers and the single permit procedure for third-country nationals . Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , for years , the European Parliament has consistently called for the protection of pregnant employees and the updating of existing legislation relating to maternity leave . in this respect , the ECRIS system , which will allow the networking of criminal records , will be very valuable . the majority of our group , including the German and Netherlands delegations , take the view that the Piecyk report has nothing to do with those issues . the real work , then , is only just starting . the EU must listen to the children : they are the foundations of tomorrow ' s society . the Council , which has the say on this , must define a clear framework with clear timetables related to border control so that Romania and Bulgaria can see a way forward . secondly , as Commissioner Barrot has pointed out , without the European Parliament there would have been no Galileo . so in our politics , we need perhaps to rise above some of those issues because when you are at the referendum stage , as we were , it involves explaining to people on the streets and in shops and in schools about what Europe is , how it works , what I do , what the Commission does , and that is a great exercise . however , the Commission has presented here today a series of proposals and initiatives , some of which have already been implemented and others which will be implemented and which naturally will merit the Council ' s full attention and effort . we have announced the names of some of those countries and should do more at European level to make sure their exposure leads to real change . regardless of the viewpoint of each person with respect to the choices of the Cuban people , those choices and their sovereign right to decide their destiny and the form of political organisation of their state must be respected . ( FR ) Mr President , the principles , actions and tools of a European immigration policy : that is the vast subject-matter of Mr Busuttil ' s report . this is why urgent action is needed . in writing . - ( HU ) In terms of employment , a comparison of urban and rural areas reveals that a widening abyss is developing . as you said , the other presidents before Mr Pöttering have all made a major contribution to this outcome : just now I thanked Mrs Fontaine when I met her on the stairs . in this spirit , we should also look at ways to make our institutions and the way they operate more understandable to citizens . the Committee on Transport and Tourism , which appointed me as rapporteur for this matter , wished to produce an own-initiative report , which , having been debated and agreed by the various groups is now being put before the plenary sitting of the European Parliament . in general it is clear that we have completely different concepts of security here and on the other side of the Atlantic . the Commission has , for many years , including one of my predecessors , put forward the idea of Eurobonds . Mr President , this report makes good sense in saying that there should be an overall EU approach as regards the need for extra airport capacity . they deserve all the procedures and all the improvements this country needs . in writing . - ( FR ) The enlargement of the European Union calls for our solidarity with the population of the 431 000 km2 around the Black Sea . also , another issue that we had debated at length with the Commission was the ' pilot project ' : this is a project whereby , when a citizen complains to the Commission , the complaint is forwarded to the Member State so that it can give some sort of response . secondly , it is worrying that we are seeing a constant process of retraction in the Portuguese State in terms of guaranteeing equal access to basic services throughout its territory . if we want to improve cooperation we need to determine which forms of interinstitutional cooperation can enhance the effectiveness of our joint efforts . by including air transport in the EU emission allowance trading scheme , we are assuming this leading role , but we are at the same time stressing that we are open to discussion with our partners , which we hope will lead to a worldwide system . obviously the Commission has systematically supported all efforts to reach a humanitarian agreement on the release of all hostages . this report highlights some of the problems involved with nuclear power and the decommissioning of nuclear reactors , which is why I have voted in favour of it . however , the situation is still worrying . the original Montreal Protocol focused on the protection of the ozone layer , mainly by restricting CFCs , and that goal was quickly tightened up almost to zero . it would be a long road but the only sensible one for Iran . does the Commission plan to take any action to counteract this price hike ? as regards the forthcoming legislative elections , we have mobilised a EUR 2 million electoral assistance package ( which has already been quoted ) , with a view to ensuring the conditions for a fairer and more transparent electoral process . therefore the Committee on International Trade recommends that Member States not be allowed to take into consideration , when fulfilling the objectives regarding biofuels , those imported biofuels which are linked - directly or indirectly - to deforestation , or which are imported from countries that receive international food aid or which impose export duties or other export restrictions on agricultural products . Venezuela almost did not accede . it is immensely important for a woman who has had a baby to be provided with support that gives her and her child the necessary security and ensures that she is not prevented from returning to professional or social life . I will conclude : esteemed President Zapatero , my dear friend José Luis , I wish you every success for the good of this strong , federal Europe in which we both believe . I have just voted in favour of the Commission Work Programme for 2011 , but with reservations . this is in contradiction of the Indian Government ' s responsibilities under Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . the proposal also incorporates international rules for the transport of dangerous goods into Community law and extends their application to national transport . on behalf of the S & D Group . - ( DE ) Mr Barroso , you are a very clever man , however you have not answered my question . you mentioned the inclusion of certain data appearing in this decision . collaboration and coordination between Member States are crucial , as crises of this type have repercussions not only for the countries in which they are built , but also on a more widespread level . however , the statistics tell a different story . I honestly cannot understand how we can possibly have such a good instrument and yet not implement it . such help , however , should consist in providing a fishing rod and angling skills rather than putting fish on the plate . on 17 November last year , the Commission adopted the Communication entitled ' Dial 116 000 : the European hotline for missing children ' . it is now a question of transferring power over the Swedish labour market , not to those elected by the Swedish people , but to Brussels . Mr President , it is with extreme urgency that I call on Parliament to see that the EUR 14.8 million promised to the workers in the mid-west of Ireland in areas like Limerick , Kerry and Tipperary who worked for Dell Computers and its suppliers is allocated as soon as possible . it will have to include a baseline , which we currently , finally , have . in future , the opt-out would not be a temporary one-off exception but a permanent general rule and , what is more , it would be sanctioned in the name of freedom and social progress . this is exactly what we have discussed today in the meeting that I mentioned in the first speech . in addition to the call for full pay , the proposed directive is also suggesting that maternity leave should count towards service in employment when pensions are being calculated . it will listen to the proposals and will form an opinion . so save yourselves the trouble and admit that the Treaty is dead , with no prospect of resurrection . the compromise submitted does , however , somewhat simplify this bureaucratically overloaded system . it has been like this because some data 10 years ago indicated that this was the official production level . for this reason , over and above initiatives geared to improving the conduct of road users and the level of vehicle safety , infrastructure ought to be the third pillar in any road safety programme based on the principle of an integrated approach . - Mr President , I think it is appalling that a country with such massive oil reserves as Nigeria should be involved in such mass atrocities , but at the same time , taking our cue from the Vice President of the United States , the solution has to be in dialogue , dialogue , dialogue , allied with education , education , education , so that peace can be brought to the country . the timid , vague proposals in the text are neither sufficient nor wholly satisfactory , but at least they exist . it is the people ' s perception that the aid is not reaching the places where it is needed . you cannot say ' We want to finance the EU budget with 0.8 % of Gross Domestic Product ' and then demand compensation when our own farmers are hit by the EHEC crisis , as the Dutch Government has done . this has just been said : millions of people , and primarily children , die each year in these countries from a whole host of diseases , as was mentioned in particular by my fellow Member , Mr Mitchell , earlier . these efforts must be encouraged . ( PL ) At a time of economic crisis , when we are all still feeling its painful effects , many countries have decided to approach a variety of financial institutions with a request for financial assistance . do you want your comment that I am the best vice-president to be recorded in the Minutes ? the argument that the Commission has made too little progress in the last few years for the Member States concerned sounds all very well , but it is disproportionate when it comes to the behaviour that has been demonstrated . we too must act in a coherent and consistent way and should not simply sacrifice our values on the altar of good economic relations . this is reason enough for us to be able to assert ourselves , in the best sense of that word , on the global stage on this issue . I would like to cite the example of Peru , where acts of violence committed in Bagua are a terrible illustration of the way in which the government collaborates with multinationals by confiscating land from the indigenous populations for financial purposes . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Mr President , I would like to thank all those colleagues who have reminded me that thinking on human rights can only be based on a non-discriminatory treatment of all violations of human rights , wherever they happen . it also begins , with reference to Hamas - and I say this with the utmost firmness - with putting a definitive end to the firing of rockets into Israel from Gaza . Commissioner , are you aware that , in addition to strangling the EU sector , thanks to your policy , Papua New Guinea is entering a phase of very low-quality job creation and zero sustainable development ? we are resolutely hostile to this , since the enfeoffment of national rights and legal specificities will surely lead to enfeoffment of the Member States themselves in a Europeist and federalist project . ( RO ) Mr President , the Services Directive establishes a general legal framework for Member States , public administrations and local authorities aimed at simplifying procedures and harmonising provisions concerning the right to establish and provide services . that is not a recovery plan . trying to find non-chemical alternatives in sensitive areas , such as habitats of rare flora and fauna , is also an approach that should be supported unreservedly . this is what the Swedish State can look at and that is indeed what we are doing . we cannot just go ahead and put our ideas on paper . they will enable us to support research and innovation and to help our businesses and our economy get through this transition period of a sustainable industrial revolution as painlessly as possible . thanks to strong pressure from users and citizens , user safeguards have been gained , but they remain inadequate in the opinion of the left . this can be activated when there is a mass influx of people who are unable to return . thirdly , there is the concern with combating protectionist tendencies , which is amply demonstrated by the agreement relating to third countries . the European Union has taken on a long-term commitment towards the entire African region of the Great Lakes , part of which lies within the Democratic Republic of Congo . I wish to register a strong protest against this . also , the recasting procedure limits Parliament ' s role . this is something that we cannot remain silent on . in writing . - ( HU ) In central , eastern and south-eastern Europe those of us who were born in this less fortunate region of Europe have learned from experience that spoken words and paper promises have little credence . Côte d ' Ivoire must be made aware of this . the world of computers is , unfortunately , precisely the place in which parents have been unable to act as guides for their children . ( the sitting was suspended at 09.55 a.m. and resumed at 10.10 a.m. ) we must tackle the situation head on and maintain the balance of the state , of the European Union and of the world . the possibility of a yearly revision of humanitarian aid provisions is also mentioned in the text , a very important item that allows for a humanitarian response based on funding adequate to the needs . I voted in favour of the report by Mrs in ' t Veld , which welcomes the Commission ' s 2008 report on competition policy . Mr President , I would like to associate my comments with the latter part of Mr Kamall ' s statement because I truly believe that liberalisation in the postal services market is the way forward for innovation and consumer choice . this applies to you too . it concerns promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources , covering the following sectors : electricity , heating and cooling , and transport . for Europe , it is a matter of returning to the basic values of the European model , which requires combining entrepreneurial initiatives , respect for productive work and striving for solidarity . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , a year ago , the plenary agreed and mandated a special committee to draft the position of the European Parliament in relation to the next financial perspective . one way of achieving the latter is to ensure good forest management . for example , insufficient numbers of fire-fighting teams and the inability to solve and prevent crimes that might result in fires are behind the tragedies this summer . therefore , I appeal for : increased subsidies , especially for prophylactic programmes in the area of regional policy and the European Social Fund ; more effective use of resources available in the Seventh Framework Programme , for example for better coordination of scientific research ; and increased resources to be planned in the new Financial Perspective . in fact , it legalises the production of cells based on tellurides of cadmium . we put in place a framework of regulation to ensure that consumers can engage with that , to give them the right to know about those services , to empower them to take advantage of that - that is crucial . this cooperation between the Commission and civil society has grown , covering a wide variety of issues from policy dialogue to project management , both within the EU and in our partner countries . lastly , I welcome the requirements as regards the information to be supplied to monitoring authorities with the aim of guaranteeing greater transparency . but when we exert economic pressure on women who would like to stay at home with a young baby to work rather than care for the child and push them into the workforce , we register a very high rate of employment and assume that this means a healthier social reality . I would also like to thank the draftsmen of the opinions , the shadow rapporteurs , the president and the members of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection for the excellent cooperation that made it possible to approve my report unanimously on 6 November . let me say something else about financing . we have been requesting the sharing of the burden , with little or no response . the dissemination of European cultural heritage is beneficial for several sectors , particularly education , science , research and tourism , among others . in 2009 the Joint Undertaking ' s utilisation rates for commitment and payment appropriations were 81 % and 20 % respectively . in particular , I would like to reinforce what you have said , Commissioner , about General Motors . Europe has to face two problems - the high unemployment rate among the young generation and uncertainty over the capacities to finance retirement funds . when will the EU take vigorous action against the Sudanese regime which is preventing the hybrid force mandated by the UN Security Council from protecting the civilian population in Darfur ? if we can maintain this solidarity - including when it comes to the 2008 discharge - then in 2008 , we will be able to move a step further , beyond what we achieved in 2007 . the current long deadlines for the submission of tax returns also provide room for the commission of such tax frauds . these measures and small-scale production need to be supported and the creation of beekeeping cooperatives and ecological recovery zones needs to be encouraged . what we do know is that already many children , not only in Sweden , are now taken to casualty every year because they have swallowed household chemicals which are acutely toxic , despite the fact that the chemicals today bear a warning label which says that this is the case . we should not forget that Turkey is a traditionally secular country ; it is powerful and has a wealth of human resources . it is a basic requirement . thank you . the Dalai Lama is a respected religious leader and , amongst other things , a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate . national budgets cannot secure a decent old age . the trialogue phase was long and hard , and the agreement we reached - sadly not a full one - was due to the Hungarian Presidency , represented by Minister Kármán , the Commission , represented by Commissioner Rehn , and all our partners . EU Member States which are especially exposed to an influx of asylum seekers should be provided with assistance . the 27 Member States of the Union , which are collectively less indebted than the United States , should make a similar effort in order to pull Europe and the world out of a financial crisis that threatens to bring distress to everyone . the European Union ' s interests must reflect the indigenous peoples ' interests to protect and develop the Arctic region . finally , I would like to say that it is important in future for the Court of Auditors not only to check that payments are being made legally , but also to ensure that they are cost-effective and efficient . I sat here and heard him say that everyone wants a stronger European Union and a stronger CFSP . the fact that the Public Prosecutor has not even quantified the precise amount of tax owed - also by way of non-payment of interest - makes the case for fumus persecutionis even stronger . do they think for one moment that the rest of the European Union would accept that one single Member State opts out of the obligations that we have jointly developed at European level to govern our market ? today , throughout France , desperate fishermen are blockading ports because they no longer believe they have a future . I merely reminded him of one thing - and I did so without joining in the debate with Mr Tusk , the Prime Minister - that is , that it was in my office , at three o ' clock in the morning , in July 2007 , under the German Presidency , with Mr Zapatero , Tony Blair and Mr Juncker , that we obtained the signature of the Polish President on what was to become the Treaty of Lisbon , while he was in conversation with his twin brother , the Prime Minister at the time , in Warsaw . what specific measures does it intend to adopt to improve monitoring by Member States in accordance with Directive 2001 / 95 / EC on general product safety and cooperation with customs services ? ( FR ) We do not use taxpayers ' money ; we use the funds that we raise every day on the world ' s financial markets . the version currently in force was adopted just four years ago . for all the above reasons , which are clearly explained in the report , I voted in favour . it has been highly controversial here in the European Parliament , but also in Sweden , which I represent . we do not support these objectives . in writing . - The legal framework within the EU relative to equal pay for men and women is widespread . this is particularly the case as we know that the confidence that you have in the French Government has been more than shown to be , at the very least , debatable . like all colleagues , I am , of course , in favour of intergovernmental cooperation in police , intelligence and security matters , particularly when we face growing problems from international organised crime , international terrorism etc . as a consequence , security , good governance , energy , transport , environmental , socio-economic and human development should be considered as priority actions . the situation in many countries of the Middle East , from where traditional Christian minorities are forced to flee , is alarming . finally , I would like to ask , through your good self , for Commissioner Reding to explain the allegations which have appeared in the Romanian and international media concerning the European Agency for Monitoring International Adoptions , a proposal which also seems to feature in the study commissioned by the European Commission . events push us towards making some decisions in this House . this is especially important for the European Parliament , because often the issues faced by MEPs are very complex and technical and we almost always need to find a balance between businesses and countries with divergent interests . religion can never be a credible or acceptable reason to use violence or to breach human rights . Turkey has an Islamic identity that is very different from the Judaeo-Christian identity of most EU countries . control of the acquisition and possession of weapons ( debate ) firstly , there were the passengers . respect for human rights and democratic standards in Tunisia must be a condition for further cooperation with that country . we would also see an increase in trade , especially in the services sector where the future growth in trade is estimated at 70 % , and in the agricultural sector where , just at the moment , European Union exports to Korea have an annual value of EUR 1 billion . other positive points include making ecological sustainability the basic premise of the CFP and the recognition that EU fleets must no longer overfish in the waters of developing countries . I wish a very warm welcome to you all . I hope not . they therefore have no opportunity to discuss , debate or influence the decision makers . secondly , it is also vital , of course , that the European Court of Auditors analyse these exercises in detail and provide the necessary documentation . this certainly also applies to the urgent disarmament of Hezbollah ; after all , the spectre of renewed civil war is looming . I will , today , find a solution to this for the future . I would like to begin by stating my admiration for everyone who worked on the budget . Fifteen years later Milošević unilaterally removed that status and then attempted to carry out ethnic cleansing which was only stopped by the international community . I am certain that the new provisions will help to improve the application of the priorities of cohesion policy . in order to be able to ensure , in future , that we produce more targeted legislation , we also propose in the report that the mandatory production of accident statistics be introduced at EU level so that we can find out in a more targeted way where there is a need for legislation based on what kind of accidents occur with products on the internal market . I am delighted that we have a balanced report here which takes account of the demands of an information society and I would be delighted if both my and other groups gave this report the broadest possible support tomorrow , so that we can develop an Internet in the interests of society . in writing . - I voted in favour of this report in response to the many constituency concerns that have been raised with me over misleading companies . this should be prevented , so that the younger generation can deal more practically with the issue of gender equality . this Charter is proof that , when we laid the foundations of the European Union , we had learned the most important lesson from European history , and today we continue to regard respect for the dignity of each and every human being , preservation of the freedom that has been won and of peace and democracy and application of the rule of law as the driving forces of European unification . tolerance and peace are intimately linked , and I shall , as always , support the European Union ' s actions to ensure respect for and the promotion of our values , freedoms and rights throughout the world . perhaps other technologies will enable the production process to be upgraded , while rising energy prices will increase its economic effectiveness . it has instilled fear in people . at the same time , Moscow has not exactly shown itself to be an indispensable partner in the bloody fight against Islamic terrorism , for example on the Afghan front , either . some of the most serious social challenges faced by Europe , such as the ageing population , require radical innovation that cuts across several sectors . secondly , to reaffirm international maritime law , which makes it mandatory to provide assistance to anyone in distress , while the seven Tunisian fishermen are still on trial ; Member of the Commission . - Madam President , I would like to thank you for a very lively and substantive debate on EU enlargement and our strategy - now , next year and in the near future . administrative cooperation between EU Member States in tax matters , which is my remit , is an ambitious project . modification of concessions in the schedules of Bulgaria and Romania in the course of their accession to the European Union ( EU-Argentina agreement ) ( innovative rural businesses of all kinds , which focus , for example , on services and farm tourism , have significantly revived the rural economic structure . SMEs have , up to now , faced quite a lot of difficulty in accessing the European funds granted through the Marco Polo programme . a military junta placed the party ' s leader , Aung San Suu Kyi , under house arrest . the second paragraph of this amendment seeks a financial participation of 70 % from the European Community for measures to promote fruit and vegetables specifically for children in schools . some actions will build on the result of the good work done so far . greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation have doubled since 1990 and account for between 5 % and 12 % of carbon dioxide emissions in the EU as a whole . however , we need to point out that the elements of economic governance are not to be confused in any way with the Euro Plus Pact , which is an intergovernmental agreement at its current stage . the Treaty of Lisbon , which provides a legal basis in this matter , allows for negotiations to be started . I hope that Slovakia , through moderate , correct , structure-oriented policies , will make its contribution to being able to chalk this entry up as a success at the end of the day . I think that we need a common energy policy . Mr Sarkozy no more speaks for Europe on Turkey than he does on his Union for the Mediterranean . this will be harmonised , but not at a level of 100 cars per 1 000 citizens in Germany , but at 400 to 500 cars per 1 000 citizens in Europe . the debate is closed . many sectors and types of production have ceased to exist in Europe due to unfair competition from producers in South-West Asia and South America . ( SV ) What does the Commissioner think about this ? we will not suffer armed police coming in at the behest of EUROPOL . the problem of the Gaza conflict has political dimensions . you in particular , in the Swedish Presidency , could be a shining example of this and actually tell us what is going on in the horse trading for the top posts that is completely unworthy of the European Project and also - Mr Barroso could lead the way on this - with regard to the appointment of the commissioners . the fact , too , that urban and rural areas are now to benefit equally from the support is very much to be welcomed . if Mr Désir is saying that the suggestion is that we do nothing , that is not the impression I got , and I sincerely hope that you did not get that impression from my opening remarks either . if people maintain basic rules of hygiene , and if they maintain their personal hygiene as well as washing or heat-treating their food , that will be enough to protect them from this infection . I am afraid it is not yet fit for purpose . let us support it . it is practical and it is right . that is what I can tell Parliament this morning . I should also like to thank all the members of the European Parliament Delegation , of which I had the honour of chairing , for their cooperation at all stages and especially at critical moments . however , there are also provisions which put the citizens from the countries which recently joined the European Union at a disadvantage . my team has just been meeting with a group of MEPs to talk further about what more we should do on this . hard times lay ahead for the Swedish people , but , Mr Hoang Ngoc , we learnt one thing , and that was to keep our finances in order . we need promotion so that the investment will not only reduce the import of fossil fuels and reduce carbon dioxide emissions , but so that the household will realise the reduction in energy costs to them also . the formation of three civil protection units for aerial forest firefighting . I welcome and support the International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) initiative to adopt a convention supplemented by a recommendation on decent work for domestic workers . there must be accountability in international law where such warfare principles as proportionality and non-discrimination are not respected . secondly , a fellow Member recently referred to women as being weak . ( FR ) ' Persons with a directly binding contract of employment , governed by private law , with the European institutions ' . looking at a more structured intervention , we should also explore the possibilities of better targeting EU assistance by promoting projects that are able to support income- and job-generating activities in the different regions of Tunisia , and I refer particularly to the southern parts of the country . these countries now sit round the table in the G20 talks . therefore , it is logical for us to reject all attempts to renationalise the structural policy . the oral question to the Commission by Mr Markov and Mr Fjellner , on behalf of the Committee on International Trade , on the stepping-stone Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community , of the one part , and Ghana , of the other part - B6-0206 / 2009 ) , because illegal mass immigration is a vital issue in relation to the survival of Europe as an historical entity , the EU would be well advised to take a differentiated view of its relations with Tripoli and to include Libya in its strategies for controlling the flow of migration . the EHEC pathogen was on the Spanish cucumbers and it should not have been there . thus , for example , the allocation of external costs became voluntary , rather than compulsory . Russia has placed itself in the category of unstable , unpredictable states . that the European Union institutions need to work together to deliver on our citizens ' expectations . we do that best by actually knowing what were their concerns , by finding the solutions together and allowing the other Member States also to have their say . I want to condemn the attempts to misuse specific moments of difficulty and present them as a bad attitude on the part of the government in principle , and , above all , doing so in the European Parliament . I would also like to underline the new principles of employment and payment , which will be transparent and meet the needs announced earlier of assistants and the end of the pension fund in its previous form . Hella Ranner has submitted her resignation as a Member of the European Parliament with effect from 1 April 2011 . I condemn Minister Gildernew ' s indifference and call not just for short-term aid but a long-term fuel strategy for our fishing sector . they are among our biggest assets . in writing . - I welcome the progress that has been made in the talks between Parliament and Council over the last few days and late into the night last night . in the absence of progress , the Commission would consider other options in order to bring about a situation whereby CO2 emissions are effectively reduced . I voted in favour of the report on the participation of Croatia in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ( EMCDDA ) as I believe that this is a positive step , given that Croatia is expected to accede to the EU shortly , bur mainly because the consumption and trafficking of illicit drugs are global phenomena with severe socio-economic and health repercussions . the European Union ' s young citizens will be able to participate in all projects alongside Switzerland ' s young people . the Economist admits that the Baltic pipe was conceived in secret . until now , some areas of the capital were not affected by the conflict , but that has changed . the Member States should consider drafting a plan to combat gender-based violence . it is through this strengthening of civil society , too , that we will respond best to the argument that we often hear concerning China : ' why should we meet the criteria for strong cooperation with Europe - social , democratic and environmental criteria - when China makes a mockery of them in terms of corruption and pillaging ? ' I am very committed to this , and we must strive to achieve it together . a debate in this case is obligatory ! instead of imposing new burdens on our economies and our citizens , let us invest in the technologies of the future . we should set ourselves a target of at least or up to 0.5 % . at a European level , we - and this includes both the Commission and Parliament - have always regretted the fact that the rail companies do not give higher priority to safety and to interoperability between the different systems in Europe . secondly , the indexation of meat prices paid to farmers to fodder prices . the truth is that this will have two harmful consequences : one within the European Union , especially for the southern countries , and for their textile and clothing industries , which are now seriously weakened because of an economic , social and financial crisis unparalleled since they joined the Union ; and , secondly , at international level , during World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) negotiations , where this opening of the largest trade bloc in the world - the European Union - to these potential exports from Pakistan could completely unbalance the negotiations . thank you , Mrs Trüpel . that is why I also applauded the decision of the Court of Justice in relation to the Turco case , in which it concluded that there exists , in principle , an obligation to disclose the opinions of the Council ' s Legal Service relating to a legislative process ; those opinions could be crucial to understanding the direction that the decision-making process took . we have a newly elected government in the UK which has made promises in this area . in democratic countries , the citizens elect the governing authorities . finally , we agree that there is concern that efficient national debit card schemes may be replaced by more expensive alternatives . I agree with colour coding to label foods because , rather than clear and easily understandable labelling , what Europeans need are signs that they can interpret in order to make healthy choices . improving access to EIB financing for small and medium-sized enterprises ( SME ) , increasing the transparency of its operations , and introducing greater flexibility in terms of risk-capital investment are other new measures proposed by Parliament . colleagues , we now come to the catch-the-eye procedure . this will be possible , even if difficult on the basis of national criteria , provided that ICAO standards are met . that is regrettable , but hardly surprising . since January of this year , Televisión Española , TV3 and Canal Sur have not been allowed permission to broadcast due to the coverage that they have been giving to the conflict , and recently the correspondent for Cadena COPE has been threatened with expulsion , along with Cadena SER and the newspaper La Vanguardia . ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , one of the key common values of the European Union is its linguistic and cultural diversity . situation in Côte d ' Ivoire ( regardless of the fact that the solution of mental health problems falls within the competence of the Member States , it is important that the volume of financial assistance and knowledge-based assistance provided to Member States by the EU be further increased , in order to help them develop and improve the necessary health , social , care and educational services and preventive measures . that freedom is also a path to peace , as Pope Benedict XVI said in his message on 1 January . Members of the Roma community face racist attacks , unequal access to public services and social provisions and huge living and educational segregation . you only need think in this context of the latest incidents during the confiscation of a refrigerated lorry in Austria , which was found to contain 64 illegal Kurdish immigrants being smuggled from Turkey , via Hungary and Austria , to Germany . I hope that Mr Rehn , who represents him , will rectify this in his second statement . as regards sound management principles , the institutions should submit cost-reduction plans , and when presenting expenditure , it should be clearly specified and justified . this additional money will help local and regional public authorities improve financing for sustainable energy projects and implement innovative financial incentive schemes , such as guarantees and soft loans . ( BG ) Mr . President , colleagues , I think that the motion in the report of Mr . Corbett deserves attention and , in my opinion , comes just on time , since actually with its adoption we do not threaten any of the currently existing groups in the European Parliament . in writing . - ( IT ) As part of the work of the Delegation for Relations with Central Asia , of which I am a member , I have had the opportunity to visit the countries of the area covered by the report . inside Libya , our activities include the evacuation by sea of about 2000 civilians from Misrata , the provision of food , water , sanitation and medical supplies in Misrata and other areas of Libya , and provisional materials for food , as we expect the food situation to worsen in the next four to six weeks . therefore , we will vote against this report . our trade with this region has been on a constant rise and in 2009 it amounted to EUR 79.7 billion . what is positive is that the Baltic States finally got NATO contingency plans for their defence , as exposed also by WikiLeaks . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , the situation in Gaza is , first and foremost , a humanitarian disaster . taken together with the proposal for a directive providing for criminal sanctions against employers of illegal immigrants that the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs is currently working on , they represent a sound legal basis for the Union ' s immigration policy . we are definitely cooperating with all these investigations . ( FR ) Madam President , President-in-Office of the Council , let me say what a pity it is that the minister responsible for the Ecofin Council is not here . Mr President , I have seen that the entire western world , with the United States at the forefront , is demanding an earlier election in Pakistan . there are the issues of social diversity , which we have spoken about , but there is also the integration of these houses and of the people who live in them into their neighbourhood , into their town , sometimes in town centres , sometimes on the outskirts . this is a perfectly ordinary totalitarian regime which simply exploits Islam for its own ends . in writing . - I support this report because in the current global financial crisis it is more important than ever to meet our commitments with developing countries . written statements ( Rule 116 ) : see Minutes Mr President , sport should , of course , be run by the sporting authorities themselves but , to the extent that it is also an economic activity , it unavoidably falls under employment law , competition law , copyright law , media rights and so on . in contrast to the belief expressed in paragraph 2 , my view is that not only the professionals but ordinary citizens too understand and support the need for extreme measures , provided they offer demonstrable benefits for the future . we see the pressure from outside ; we see the social tensions and , indeed , the racism from inside the EU . it will build itself up , and I think that these subjects need to pervade the French Presidency . in addition to the usual legislative work , the Swedish Presidency will have other kinds of highly political challenges to deal with , and no one better to tackle these challenges than Prime Minister Reinfeldt and the Swedish Presidency team . otherwise , they could be placed in a less favourable position than their Korean counterparts . immigration has more than one name , because my esteemed fellow Members have spoken today about immigration from Africa , which mainly affects the countries of the Mediterranean Basin , and what they said is , in a certain sense , justified . in writing . - ( FR ) Today , I voted in favour of the Corbett report on the amendment of Rule 29 of the European Parliament ' s Rules of Procedure regarding the formation of political groups , namely the requirement that a political group ' s members represent at least one quarter of Member States ( instead of the current requirement of one fifth ) and that the minimum number of members is 25 ( instead of 20 ) , and I did this for several reasons . in these circumstances I would ask that when you check the results , you give us the precise results , how many were in favour , how many against , and how many abstained . in particular , I am referring to the problems associated with illegal immigration , terrorism and smuggling , which occur along the full 320 000 kilometres of European coastline . added to this there is the dumped ammunition from past wars . the mandates are hereby ratified . of course , we could have allocated more money to the dairy sector , as representatives of the Social Democrat Party proposed , but it is good that at least some of the funds in this draft have been set aside for this . after the scandalous Tillack affair , where the actions of the OLAF leadership warrant sharp criticism , this reform is absolutely necessary . hiding behind words without resolving the matter directly can no longer be an option when admission to the Schengen area has never been a political problem , but a technical one . may I remind you that Turkey is still not complying with the EU ' s request to extend the Ankara Protocol . finally , I should like to highlight the need for more intense dialogue between the European Parliament and the national parliaments , given that all the matters covered by the common commercial policy will come under the Union ' s sole jurisdiction . it is even more important because , in times of high oil prices , it becomes particularly profitable to develop poorly accessible oilfields and to extract under the most adverse conditions , such as from deeper and deeper depths . according to the data in the motion for a resolution , 1.5 billion people are currently without access to electricity , four out of five of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia , and nearly 2.4 billion people still use traditional biomass fuels for cooking and heating , which is an unsustainable use of natural resources . the adoption of this report is a significant step forward in protecting the rights of third-country workers in the EU by granting them a single permit for residence and work . I agree with the rapporteur that the role of third countries should not be overlooked in relation to these activities . I fully support authorising the Commission as appropriate , so it can provide technical aid and training to liaison officials from third countries and from European and international agencies and organisations . ( DE ) Madam President , I have the following request . Madam President , as regards the approval of the trade agreements in the banana sector , the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance will vote against . we wanted , in this way , to underline the importance we place on the fight against intolerance based on belief or religion . Europe must be bold enough to take a metahistorical perspective on these fundamental questions , and resume its role as a cradle and centre , including in spiritual terms . the ' Customs 2013 ' Programme also represents an important tool in that respect . I trust that the Commission ' s proposal will be more adventurous . this public-private partnership is essentially aimed at supporting the cofinancing of research initiatives at European level , as well as improving cooperation between the various operators in the sector . Mr Jouyet , it will not surprise you to learn that the Commission is disappointed with the rather limited scope of the framework decision . this proposal will provide consumers with standardised information on fuel efficiency . investment in youth means thinking today about the Europe of tomorrow . it is the third most lucrative illicit trade in the world , after arms and drugs trafficking . what is more , in order to modernise its mining industry , Poland needs the whole of Europe . I voted for this report because this proposal for a directive aims to give all patients the right and opportunity to obtain essential healthcare services in other Member States as quickly as possible . the Convention is entering its second decade and needs to adapt itself in order to respond to new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities . as honourable Members know , Iran ' s nuclear programme remains a serious concern for the European Union and for the international community as a whole . ( FR ) Mr President , I would also like to welcome the establishment of the European External Action Service as a step in the right direction , representing progress in making Europe more consistent and effective on the international stage . this proves how efficient this institution is . to quote Sakharov Prize winner , Sergei Kovalev , there is no doubt that in modern terminology , these acts were crimes against humanity . one of the priorities of the Swedish Presidency was , of course , the management of the economic and financial crisis . even if the European Parliament votes in favour , I shall take my fight to the Federal Government with a view to ensuring that the Federal Republic of Germany challenges this directive before the European Court of Justice . at the same time , it would be expedient to take countercyclical measures and create economic surpluses . this concerns Chinese and Korean producers in particular . financial institutions around the world bought up these products without , it seems , doing any serious risk assessment of their own . currently , only 8 % have cross-border activities , and their share of public tender participation is 42 % . that is not to say anything against the personal qualities of Mr Van Rompuy and Baroness Ashton . they are specific to the Union and often at odds with national interests . ( DA ) Mr President , I would also like to begin by thanking the Court of Auditors for an excellent report and a good presentation here today . it covers all major areas of social life that have a bearing on the dramatic increase in climate change . the importance of culture is taken into consideration in different ways at Community level . it has even been agreed that if a specific farming sector is at risk of running into difficulty , a separate plan may be drawn up to give that sector more time . we will do that . it is therefore necessary to give a clear signal that we know the solution . Europe backed stability and development aid in the Mediterranean . in addition , Copenhagen will only be a success story if it ensures sustainable development , if it also includes a social dimension and , in particular , if we , the developed part of the world , succeed in financing developing countries . but this presidency has been a success for Europe , and you , President-in-Office , deserve the credit . the vote will take place on Thursday . that is an obstacle to development and prosperity . these sometimes arise due to a need to update them , but this hinders and diminishes the quality of life of the individual . secondly , we think your words about a crisis exit strategy are premature . therefore , the barriers to green trade must be removed . in 2030 , the number of ships will have increased from 4 000 to 9 000 , and there will be a proportionate increase in the probability of environmental incidents . I want to draw attention to two passages . in any event , 14 states have received these reasoned opinions . Disgruntled people say that it is not enough and that it is too late . for many of these areas , no commercial solutions are yet available , or if they are , further research and development action is required . the misery continues . ( HU ) Madam President , Baroness Ashton , first of all , let me congratulate my colleague , Mrs Laima Andrikienė , on her excellent work . but I think that we can justify the fact that our rural development policy is financially overstretched . we will of course consult with you : it is essential to have discussions with the European Parliament . to be honest with you , this has been a somewhat uneventful debate , but also one that we can take pride in , and so I happily join my fellow Members ' chorus of praise for the Belgian Presidency . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to thank all the honourable Members for their positive and kind words concerning the Commission ' s work programme . in some countries , it is even touching 21 % . that is double the average unemployment rate for adults . however , I want to remind you that it was not so long ago , after the clear rejection of the European Constitution in the Netherlands and France at the time , that the provisions on the use of symbols were very carefully removed and they were no longer to be included in the Treaty of Lisbon because it was realised that the public did not want them . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , we have heard today a clear message that we have a very serious challenge - that of the ageing of society . this matter has not been discussed thoroughly enough and no account has been taken of the poor people whose livelihood this will take away without offering them anything else in its place . on that basis I felt it appropriate to abstain on this report . Mr President , there are many good reasons for discussing the Arctic . the Commission welcomed that ruling as a contribution to fair competition and as an important foundation for strengthening media pluralism . I would like to say that this text seems fairly balanced to me . outcome of the summit of 7 May 2010 and the ECOFIN meeting - What is the political relevance of the EU 2020 strategy in the context of the current financial and economic crisis ? - Consequences of the financial and economic crisis on the EU 2020 strategy and its governance - What is the relevance of the EU 2020 strategy in the framework of the current financial and economic crisis ? ( debate ) we must not have preconceived ideas when looking for ways to improve fish farming standards , but we must be rigorous in the control and application of regulations which are as precise as possible , in order to avoid the risk of altering the environmental balance . at the same time , I would suggest that before 2012 an analysis be made of the operation of the postal services market in those countries that have already adopted the new rules , with a view to identifying and preventing any irregularities in the remaining countries . it provides greater opportunities for citizens to scrutinise the decision-makers . the first concerns how the Charter will be incorporated into your ideas for a small business act , which I consider to be a very important and exciting new development . the compromise proposed is satisfactory . the intention and the aim , however , must be to bring about long-term changes and to put preventative measures in place . the first one is , clearly , transparency . of course , I was very pleased to see that other colleagues were also calling for binding annexes . I would like to ask all colleagues not to vote in favour . agreement between the EC and Bosnia and Herzegovina on readmission ( vote ) I call on you , Mr President , to take a major political initiative in order to put a stop to these systematic human rights violations in Tunisia . well , there was no clear line from the European Parliament . subject : fragmented digital markets and consequences for the educational system and investments in geographically isolated regions ( the oral amendment was not accepted ) I have every reason to believe that we will find the necessary compromise . the reason that matters is because , although of course I want to see a much bigger solution for Gaza , it is important that we offer our support to enable things to happen quickly that can help to alleviate that situation . to help the people of Myanmar , and specifically the most vulnerable parts of the population , the Commission is increasing its assistance programmes in quantitative and in qualitative terms . we must never lower our guard in the fight against terrorism and therefore every suspicion , even if we cannot make a priori judgments , must be carefully assessed and we must take all appropriate steps to prevent terrorism from benefiting from the assistance and organisational and economic support of criminal organisations . their policy does not reflect the essence of the EU , and our role today is to go beyond the differences that pit us against each other - Mr Daul is right on this point - and to save the European Union and the Community method . new international organisations and fora have emerged - an example is the summit diplomacy of the G20 , G8 , G7 , etc . - and there are proposals to reform the traditional international organisations . this report by Swedish MEP , Mrs Svensson , of our Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left , has enabled us to take a broadly positive stance on how marketing and advertising affect equality between women and men . a second is political utilisation of access to raw materials and the rise in their prices , including the rise in food prices . therefore , we must not only ensure that Slovakia maintains a durable inflation rate , but also see how the inflation rate can be reduced as much as possible in all the countries already in the euro area . we want to accompany Serbia on the road to joining the European Union . Madam President , no sensible person wants to make life easy for criminals , but we do have to guard against justice in Europe being reduced to the lowest common denominator . - Resolution : I would like us to guard against this kind of legal jiggery-pokery and nonsense for three reasons . discharge 2010 : European Police College ( CEPOL ) ( this states that the IGC decision of 19th October 2007 incorporating children ' s rights as one of the objectives of the EU in the Treaty of Lisbon provides a new legal basis for children ' s rights . it is almost certain that the new negotiators of the US , the Commission , India , will not be going back to the same old quick fixes of July 2008 that did not work even then . we needed to stick to an extremely ambitious timetable if we wanted to ensure that we could actually succeed in revising the UCITS Directive , which has been in place since 1985 in its initial form , by the end of this parliamentary term . what is the Commission doing to implement those reforms ? I tabled an amendment to this report demanding a gender analysis of all abortions performed in the world , and guess what happened ? but the city of Strasbourg provides a first-class tram system , with a tram stop outside this very building , so why are MEPs here in Strasbourg not leading by example ? it goes without saying that we should lay down clear environmental requirements in these free trade agreements . they informed me of the ongoing problem of defending religious freedom . ( FR ) Madam President , I wonder if the demagogues of Rome and Paris and their cohorts here in the European Parliament realise what their request to reinstate internal border controls actually implies . cancer is one of the main areas of Community action in the field of public health , since every year 3.2 million Europeans are diagnosed with cancer , which represents the second most frequent cause of death after heart disease . ( HU ) According to the official discourse generated by the global economic crisis , confidence in the international financial system needs urgently to be rebuilt . the Council has followed the approach adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee here . the Commission has made an effort in its SEPA roadmap of September 2009 . I would mention in particular two countries with which Portugal has strong ties of history and affection , namely Brazil and Angola , two important global players in South America and Africa , respectively , which the EU must increasingly regard as partners . therefore , transitional periods should be established , as well as supervisory institutions in order to safeguard against the negative impact on the Ukrainian economy and society . I therefore supported the release of funds on the basis of the option provided under Council Regulation ( EC ) No 2012 / 2002 for such exceptional situations . what was the communications strategy of the Commission and its members during the run-up to the referendum in Ireland ? it is renewable forms of energy that Africa needs at the present time . we hope that the forthcoming elections will be held freely and that the opposition parties and anyone who wishes to stand for election can exercise this fundamental right . they are also asking why it was not possible to get to Krakow by road or rail on Sunday , but it was possible to get to Strasbourg by these means on Monday . this becomes clear when one looks at the past year and a half of its activities . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I have listened to your responses and I must confess that I am perplexed , because on the one hand , the Commission says that if we want more information , we must go and knock on the door of the Member States . however , I would expect more light to be thrown on the particular questions I have asked , because the questions are specific , and the answer was given in general outline . the idea of ' going local ' , working with people in their own environment to gain their support for a European future , is crucial . according to the World Bank ' s estimates , in 2050 , the deficit produced by pensions expenditure would have reached approximately 12 % of GDP under the old system . I supported this report , just as I support the economic governance package as a whole . as the texts suggest , the negotiated conditions should help to establish some stability in this area . what I do find sensible , however , is that Member States should share information about their pension systems with each other and that they should make efforts to address specific problems by that means . it is hurting the reputation of the country , its citizens and their ambitions for a European future . that is why we want to find a solution that will enable us to guarantee the security of European visas while respecting the fundamental rights of third-country nationals who apply for them , particularly with regard to the protection of personal data . so , we have come a long way and in a positive direction . I for one will not vote to ratify any new commission that fails to have the issue within its work programme for its first 12 months . according to the Court of Auditors , there is a risk when it comes to quality and financial information . the only difference is that the European monsters do not have to worry about capital punishment . I should like to emphasise that maintaining that balance is a sine qua non for us . ( Parliament adopted the motion . ) I would like to hear you describe how you intend to ensure that human rights and aspirations for equality are mainstreamed into this forthcoming External Action Service . Mr Czarnecki , I ask you to take the floor on a point of order . the Road Map that we will present to you as a rough draft next spring will provide this . at a time of savage economic and financial crisis , in which there is little aid available to sustain companies and jobs , I welcome the proposal made in this resolution by my colleagues from the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) to support EU fishers by increasing the ceiling for de minimis aid from EUR 30 000 to EUR 60 000 per company for a three-year period . the report does not tackle the core issue regarding the causes of environmental abuse , which is the predatory nature of capitalism . the next item is the report by Mr Százjer , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission ' s exercise of implementing powers - C7-0073 / 2010- . Mr President , I voted against this report . this is also a chance to combat the relativisation of past crimes . why is Switzerland doing so well ? following the outline of her approach on EPAs to Parliament in October last year and to the Council in November , there was a strengthening of contacts with our political counterparts in the various ACP regions . the scenes of people fleeing are proof that this is just as much a South-South issue as it is a North-South one . its most severe effects are particularly evident among the population in rural areas , who are dependent on making a living from agriculture . we know about it in this House , and it is public knowledge . I voted in favour because of the main thrust of the report , specifically : strengthening the ' territorial cooperation ' objective through territorial cohesion programming at all planning stages and in coordination with the Europe 2020 strategy ; adopting a territorial approach to other EU policies ; encouraging the establishment of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation ( EGTCs ) ; simplifying the implementation of this policy ; and committing to making it visible across Europe are the reasons behind my vote in favour . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Madam President , here is a concrete example of what a one-size-fits-all integrated European judicial system leads to . there are even a large number of children who cannot be registered in such educational institutions due to an insufficient number of places . ( applause ) all arms exports are wrong . in writing . - ( FI ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to bid Kosovo a heartfelt welcome as one of the countries of Europe . I call on Member States to eliminate barriers hampering the mobility of workers from new Member States , bearing in mind the positive impact of worker mobility in the context of the financial and economic crisis . of particular importance regarding transparency in 2008 was the Commission ' s proposal to reform Regulation ( EC ) No 1049 / 2001 on public access to documents . we therefore need to be more political , and we also need to reflect the multiannual challenge of initiatives of the scale we intend . Mr President , I would like to tell the Commissioner that I too favour ' may ' and not ' shall ' . this baggage could reduce the effectiveness of the measures prepared in these documents . I voted against the resolution because it contains too much wishful thinking . the first is about the Treaty of Lisbon : following the ' yes ' vote in Ireland and the signing by the President of Poland , it is expected that the Constitutional Tribunal of the Czech Republic will deliver its opinion and President Klaus will do what he should , and sign the Treaty . if we want to further the growth of our European film industry and promote the idea of Europe , we not only need better quality , which is already very good but could be even better , but we must also give our creative artists financial assistance . in terms of funding adaptation and mitigation in developing countries , the severe constraints that weigh on these countries continue to be ignored , such as the massive , unfair foreign debt carried by the least developed countries . the debate is closed . so perhaps it is appropriate to ask for a cessation of the fighting , whilst aid agencies can get access and whilst civilians are allowed to leave the disputed areas . the human rights of women and of the girl-child are still far from being an unalienable , integral and indivisible part of universal human rights , called for in the United Nations Vienna Declaration of 1993 . ( applause ) this is a genuine and ongoing concern of EU citizens . the European Parliament henceforth has powers of codecision in relation to both trade policy and fisheries policy , and it fully intends to make its voice heard and to ensure that its point of view is respected in these matters . we are working closely with Member States , both in Zimbabwe and here in Europe , to coordinate action at the level of the European Union . I hope Parliament will not devalue the compromise put forward , which will allow Europe to become a leader in the fight against climate change . the EUR 5 billion that was initially announced is now set at EUR 7.5 billion each year for a four-year period . stepping-stone Agreement towards an Economic Partnership Agreement between the EC and Côte d ' Ivoire ( you have children and you know how it is . however , the risk that the initiative could be exploited by certain non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) or by a given sector of industry should not be ignored . if one of these preconditions is lacking , though , you will not get Europeans to give up more sovereignty to these institutions that we currently find ourselves in . I do not disagree but I do not want the European Union to be the only banker in this round . I firmly believe that if the EU wants to be the largest exporter of cars and at the same time wants to be a global leader in the fight against climate change then it must help its car industry , which is the largest private investor in research and development . I therefore voted in favour of this motion for a resolution . I would like to pick up on a couple of points that have been raised . some speakers have said ' yes , but we must have free movement ' . if you had a school report on your first 100 days , it would say ' you must do better ' , but the reality is that if you were in the office for 100 years , you would still be a failure . the overall statistics - the averages - are very bad ; they are really alarming . I think that is a reasonable agreement ; now a decision has to be made . there is also discussion about a donor conference . with regard to this course of action , the European Union should play its part by giving thought , at the appropriate time and in the appropriate form , to possible technical measures to complement the UN sanctions and , at the same time , by confirming its readiness for debate and dialogue , which should never be lost , even at difficult times . the debate is closed . I wish to stress that it is vital for the Copenhagen criteria to be implemented properly , robustly and scrupulously for the whole region , which means Serbia as well , because they alone guarantee respect for European values , the rule of law and viable democracies . if Europe wants to realise its ambition to be a true player in world politics , it should eliminate such differences between its members , thus trying to motivate them equally around true common economic interests . without Europe , there would have been massacres . after all , his EU pension might depend on him not attacking EU policies . the national contact points proposed in this document are thus one of the key innovations and will play a huge role in helping and facilitating patient mobility . we support the call for the human rights dimension to be clearly reflected in the work of FRONTEX , especially the right of a person to leave his or her country , the ban on refoulement and the right to seek asylum . why ? in writing . - One of the top security measures that have been agreed to is the issue of biometrics in passport and travel documents . that much was also clear back during the debate on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania . this is the responsibility of Vice-President Kallas who is Transport Commissioner . it is significant that the possibility is being raised of mobilising the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to alleviate the impact of this agreement . I have come across a file of a detainee who died during interrogation because of waterboarding in boiling water ' . far from being a shortcoming of the instrument , the Commission sees such variety as proof of the dynamism and potential of the dialogue instrument and an asset that should be preserved . the debate is closed . the second thing is as I said earlier . we will also monitor the use of EU funding to ensure that the projects to be financed are consistent with the objectives and requirements defined in our waste legislation . for Europe , trade policy must be consistent with all the Union ' s objectives , particularly those of its foreign policy . it is , in fact , one of the levers of foreign policy intended to help regulate globalisation . we also believe in women playing a full role in politics . you are well aware that this provision has not gone unnoticed among some of our external partners , whose names I have mentioned . traders must be open and up-front about the main characteristics of the service provided . it is also important , however , that social legislation be applied in order to protect both drivers and the public at large . I attach great importance to these comments , and I shall gladly pass them on in Luxembourg . negotiations at the NPT Review Conference in 2005 were a disaster . the reason is that , following a voluntary agreement concluded between the Commission and the car industry more than ten years ago , the latter has knowingly and wilfully failed to meet its targets . anyway , I know that the French Presidency is working on it and I hope it will succeed . finally , on a European code for the integration of legal immigrants , Europe should shoulder its responsibilities , it should be authoritative and credible , it should become a Europe of rights and rules that are complied with . improved coordination on economic policy is without doubt a good idea for Europe ' s long-term growth . Turkey is controlling the situation politically , and it is time it realised that it has to abandon this policy . the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) , the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , the European Conservatives and Reformists and the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament propose backing and even speeding up this policy and this glaring denial of democracy . I also support the involvement of the European Commission in organizing public debates together with the relevant European non-governmental organizations , in order to identify the best solutions , both as regards the communication campaign and the turning to account of the Member States ' experience and good practice . because the problem is worldwide : China , Indonesia , the Philippines and Peru fish . only a united front by other members and the observers on the Arctic Council , working through the EU ' s Northern Dimension policy , will keep the Kremlin in check . the regulations we will adopt based upon the concept of flexicurity should primarily eliminate such situations . thus , with a proper impact assessment and by spelling out the different legal alternatives , along with a clear definition of the objectives and financing for European infrastructure , the long-term strategic projects for building a stronger EU will be easier to achieve . in order to ensure equal treatment between Member States , the interest-bearing deposit and the fine should be identical for all Member States whose currency is the euro and equal to 0.1 % of the gross domestic product ( GDP ) of the Member State concerned in the preceding year . the fourth point is that we would like the Commission to provide the resources to enable us to hold an interinstitutional conference with the aim of obtaining a positive statement of assurance from the European Court of Auditors . I will remind you of some facts : Turkey has 90 million inhabitants , strong demographic growth and above all we must not forget the fact that the Turkish speaking countries of Central Asia are demanding Turkish citizenship and the Turkish State seems intent on giving it to them . use of information technology for customs purposes ( as you added today , America needs Europe . I therefore call on the Commission to promote the fundamental principles of public health protection and access to medicines when negotiating the technical particulars of the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement . secondly , monetary union . rising budget deficits in Member States combined with growing debt are the primary macro-economic consequences of the crisis . in this case we have to assist President Karzai and the Government of Afghanistan in revisiting this law and making sure that it is in line with international commitments and the constitution . starting from the Union ' s motto of ” Unity in diversity ” , I welcome the Parliament ' s decision to ask the Commission to draw up an integrated strategy for the sustainable development and use of mountain resources , thus giving equal opportunities to European citizens who choose to live in the more difficult conditions of mountain areas . the next item is one-minute speeches on matters of political importance . it is my opinion that , due to the differences in opinion we have , there is a distortion already . I am sure all of us want good relations with Turkey and many of us , probably the majority , wish to see Turkey one day as a member of the European Union , a different European Union to what is being developed today . it was with great sadness that I learnt of the deaths in Greece ; it is very sad . however , 74 directives still have not been transposed in one or more European Union Member States , and this means that barriers , very harmful barriers , continue to affect citizens and entrepreneurs in the internal market . the energy market is a global market . we are currently working on what is referred to as the Washington Statement , which will describe the situation with regard to legal and domestic policy issues and the cooperation in this area between the EU and the US . today , the authorities in Niger are not allowing serious studies to be carried out on the situation regarding radioactivity among these people , but we know that they are in an alarming situation . the FTT provides an opportunity to redress the balance and the damage caused by the austerity measures , the deficit and the measures adopted to repay it . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , speaking in this House today , President Sarkozy gave an honest account of the nature of the compromise on the climate package . the European Union has been struggling to combat illegal logging , while seeking to conserve forest resources and promote their sustainable use globally . both the UN and the Commission undertook to apply specific guidelines and to monitor their application closely . finally , it is worth emphasising that 2006 is the last year of the Berlin Agenda ( 2000-2006 financial perspective ) , so this should be a budget year that features a good take-up of EU money . a global financial system needs transparency . I say this very simply but genuinely , even before the Presidency : we really need the European Parliament in order to gain acceptance for this asylum policy . hitherto Moldova has fully exhausted the quota it was allocated , therefore an increase in duty free tariff quotas will enable Moldova to increase sales of its production in the EU , without damaging the EU ' s wine industry . for the benefit of the youngest member of the French delegation , I hope that the young people of this Parliament will support this movement . and finally the permanent crisis mechanism has been described as a tool to strengthen the eurozone . in answer to Mr Zwiefka ' s question , we will certainly talk to the banks . in writing . - The report from Ms Badia i Cutchet on improving the quality of teacher education today touches on some important issues . the guide must provide for traffic control within the blocks , coordinated with adjacent blocks so that there are no overlapping areas . we therefore need coordination at EU level and , of course , we must ensure that both recipient and donor receive the best possible treatment . the regions are equally important in promoting and ensuring more efficient ways of funding research , in accordance with the commitments made in the Operational Programmes . where are these ? ( DE ) Mr President , I have a question for you , Mr Farage . as soon as Israel withdraws from all occupied territories , 57 Arab and Muslim countries will be willing to normalise their relationships with Israel . ( DE ) Mr President , the Lisbon Strategy did not have any sustainable success . the new Member States would have been forced to adopt the policy as part of the acquis communautaire and hence would have been compelled to start as new Member States under unreasonable conditions . in fact , I do not see how agriculture could be competitive in the medium and long term without careful management of natural resources . the international community tolerated their being postponed year after year by the regime of Laurent Gbagbo . we obviously recognise the need for mechanisms allowing the reciprocal transmission of information extracted from criminal records between the Member States , but this must be assessed on a case-by-case basis and within a framework of cooperation . the use of renewable energies will then play an important role for the developing countries . we also succeeded in striking a small blow against the global Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda ( FDLR ) . the changes made to the common agricultural policy will therefore not be merely qualitative - improving the targeting of our objectives - they will also aim to distribute payments among the Member States - both within the Member States themselves and among the various categories of farms - precisely in order to make better use of the available resources in terms of the objectives that have been set . transfers of appropriations : see Minutes in other words , today we are presenting in plenary something that took two and a half years to discuss , debate and decide . and , with the ongoing review of this acquis , the Commission will elaborate if there is further need to address the obligations of service providers and the rights of consumers in these areas . the proposed EUR 309 million in funding from a reserve budgetary source blocks other parliamentary initiatives such as the strategically important Galileo project . until this happens , it will be impossible to sue for damages in cases of manufacturers and importers who misuse the European conformity mark symbolising the safety of the product to gain unfair advantage and deceive customers both in Europe and abroad . opportunities to work with the Obama Administration should not be spoilt by a transatlantic war of words . the entire package , as it now stands , is exceptionally well balanced . do we realise what we are discussing ? my kids are not going to school ; I do not have a passport ; we are stuck in a refugee camp ; why are you talking about a minor institutional problem when you could have done something to help our problem ? ' the second part of my question was in relation to humanitarian aid . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I believe it is now important to unite our voices in thanking Mr Barnier for his work and also for the outstanding work of Mr Harbour . interim economic partnership agreements are the most savage form of agreement which the EU has required of developing countries to date . the Lisbon Treaty was a very difficult compromise for all parties involved . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to once again thank the rapporteur and the plenary for their support for putting Taiwan on the positive list . this , I am sure , will give all students , whether they are poor or rich , the possibility of taking advantage of these excellent mobility grants . what is needed are clear guidelines for bilateral discussions about travel to the United States without visas , but there are issues that are in the EU ' s power . we will note that in the minutes , although I would prefer not to comment on it . food prices are increasing simultaneously in all countries without there being any increase in raw material prices . the Ecofin Council will review compliance with the programme for the first quarter at its meeting on 17 May , next Tuesday . children , women , innocent civilians . ( RO ) More than one year after Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU and almost nine years after the beginning of the Bologna process , eight European countries do not acknowledge the university degrees and other qualifications obtained in these two Member States . if you think you have a mandate for that , you are a disgrace and a scoundrel . that maxim also applies to this latest reform of the common organisation of the market in wine . when we eliminate the barriers that prevent us tapping our full economic potential , then we can do a great deal more to achieve our political , social and ecological goals . this is precisely the sense of the text being tabled , which calls , in practical terms , for the individual abuses of power to be concealed behind collective guilt . according to the priorities of the Czech Presidency , the high number of people killed on European roads requires an enhancement of Europe-wide effort to improve road safety . I believe the efforts submitted by the rapporteurs and the Council should be appreciated and the directive should be approved in the form presented at this first reading . these people are receiving non-personalised services instead of real assistance , while they could hold their own in the labour market and would be capable of working . the question is whether we can count on your cooperation . C . it is a question of the protection of our children . one of the Union ' s international commitments is indeed to promote democracy and human rights around the world . of course , the review of the Working Time Directive is a compromise and , as with all compromises , we have had to leave out some of our initial objectives . that is the EU-wide package that has now been prepared on top of all the contributions that are already being made and will be made by the Member States . we can only make social progress if growth plays a part . however , the Commission recognised in its guidelines for national regional aid that situations might arise where adjustments are necessary and , in accordance with point 104 of the guidelines , Member States were therefore offered the possibility to proceed to a mid-term review of the regional aid maps regarding regions designated under Article 107 ( 3 ) ( c ) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union . Guy Verhofstadt spoke just now about casino games . the uncertainty , impatience , helplessness and loss of confidence are palpable , as are the gaps in the regulation of financial markets . in February 2008 , the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations about Swiss participation in the two programmes . these included : the need to duly consider the accessibility handicap affecting regions with specific natural or geographical characteristics , such as the outermost regions ; the need for the renewed EU tourism policy to make European tourism sustainable in economic , social , territorial , environmental and cultural terms ; the promotion of Europe as a tourist destination or a collection of attractive tourist destinations ; the need to coordinate the policies with a direct or indirect impact on tourism ; closer cooperation among the stakeholders in the sector - the European Commission and the Member States , the regions , local authorities and tourism services - and better use of existing European financial instruments . the report calls on the Commission to set up a special system , according to which the EU , through various aspects of international trade , would , in future , be able to help countries that have suffered natural disasters . furthermore , it is very important that there should be political commitment and unambiguous support behind every undertaking . in order to obtain this ' European passport ' from the competent EU supervisory authorities , alternative fund managers will therefore have to accept clear rules , limits to speculation and greater transparency stricter sanctions should be imposed on the direct offenders , including legal persons , as well as the users of services provided by the victims . under this arrangement contracts can be awarded without respecting the appropriate European regulations , which creates a vicious circle of illegality and inefficiency . she survives , but has to live with this for the rest of her life . there is still a worrying grey area in relation to definitions , such as prior authorisation and the concept of hospital care . ( DA ) Mr President , a large majority in Parliament has once again decided that we here in this House are to support a financial transaction tax . in writing . - ( LT ) I endorsed this report , because the Committee on Legal Affairs believes that in giving the interview in question , Mr Luigi de Magistris was acting in performance of his duties as a Member of the European Parliament and carrying out political activities by expressing his opinion on a matter of public interest to his constituents . in fact , most migration happens outside Europe , within countries or regions on other continents . secondly , I regret that a slightly artificial opposition has emerged on the issue of a tax on financial transactions and that there are two very similar amendments . however , I should point out that many Member States call for European resources in order to conceal the fact that they are taking inadequate measures themselves . on the Piecyk report on an integrated maritime policy , the two speakers from our group were the Greek Member Pafilis and the Portuguese Member Guerreiro . I sense , though , that you are competent and capable and dangerous , and I have no doubt that it is your intention to be the quiet assassin of European democracy and of the European nation states . it is quite clear that this is a case in which a project was subdivided into smaller parts for the purposes of circumvention . it is not enough to offer the local language and perhaps English . that is why we cannot allow promotion and information action to be sidelined . on the contrary , we should accept them as a European Union priority . let us remember the initial positions of some Members of this Parliament in the face of increasing concern in the African , Caribbean and Pacific ( ACP ) countries , in the face of demonstrations against the Economic Partnership Agreements ( EPAs ) , in the face of warning signals from NGOs from the North as well as the South , when we were demanding that the priority in these agreements should be development , something that seems obvious today , as the Commission is constantly repeating it . environmental issues add to the complexity and scale of the problem . the people are suffering not only from the effects of the civil war , but also from the consequences of the tsunami and other natural disasters . thank you for the very good reply . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would just like to repeat that , although the results are not fully satisfactory from the Commission ' s perspective , we would not like to delay or put at risk the compromise that provides some improvements for savers . ( SV ) Mr President , Mr Rehn , the work you are doing is absolutely excellent . the Commission has in the past tolerated both significant budget deficits and , especially , a level of public debt exceeding 60 % of GDP , and it appears to be tolerating these still . my second point concerns the policies , and firstly the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) . a resolution on matters of history is always an acknowledgment of values , while the lack of position is also , in itself , a position . two years ago we in Parliament came up with the idea of strengthening the parliamentary dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy East ; our proposal intends to set up a joint parliamentary assembly comprising members of the European Parliament and deputies of the parliaments of the six countries . firstly , there is political dialogue . one thing that was missing - it is referred to in only one place - was the vision of the Council and the Commission in this respect . in writing . - I supported the De Keyser / Salafranca Sanchez-Neyra report , which deals with important issues . written statements ( Rule 149 ) in addition , the Globalisation Fund suffers from a lack of flexibility , and if you are a worker who is made redundant and is unfortunate enough to come from a company that is not on the list , you will simply not be eligible for support . however , we need to make it clear that we want to use all of the instruments to help to stem speculation and that , above all and in order to prevent a new crisis , resources are available to help those banks that , in spite of this , still get into difficulty . I trust that the Commission and the Council will support innovators ' ideas and that the use of new water paradigm will get the support it deserves in Europe too . the Montenegrin authorities are working speedily to bring themselves into line with European standards . I agree with the call for the Commission to ensure that banks reimburse the exorbitant levels of State aid they received , thereby ensuring fair competition within the internal market . however , this is our national problem and does not concern the Presidency so much ; nevertheless , I felt I owed you an explanation . President Klaus now has no excuse and has to respect democracy and the parliament which elected him , and which has already approved the Treaty of Lisbon . of course , as with many other texts , we could have gone further but can we take the risk of threatening the compromise position when this text will already allow major advances in protecting workers and their dignity ? written statements ( Rule 149 ) this response must take into account three factors . if the greater energy security of the Union is to be more than just an empty slogan , we cannot manage without stable and competitive coal mines and a coal industry . knowledge cannot , by definition , be a static concept , so it can only exist through a dynamic , structured process of research and new discoveries . the Agency will be indispensable in the immediate future in view of the appalling fact that 88 % of fish stocks in the EU are being overfished . unfortunately , we are among the last to adopt a common position . that is why we have a strategy with two aspects to it , one of which is the military aspect involving security and stability on the ground . the economic area exists , the single currency exists , the single European sky exists , but the single political area has yet to be created . it was important not to contribute to a European legal framework which would impede the development of the technology and restrict the democratic , social and professional scope and potential of the Internet . the livelihoods of many Irish farmers , and indeed the reputation of Irish food products abroad suffered because we had to have such a disproportionate response , when only six to seven per cent of our pig farms were contaminated , since the Irish system of identification and traceability failed at the point of the slaughter-house . however , I would draw attention to the important role played by health professionals , who are there to identify chronic health risks linked to obesity , including diabetes and cardiovascular disease and of course the consequences that such ailments have for overweight people . I would point out that only in China do such things happen . I would therefore like to speak not so much about mercury , as about the specific example of a region whose fundamental activity is undergoing massive change . the situation is critical in the area of pork production , where feed accounts for 60 % of production costs , but rising costs may gradually threaten all branches of livestock production in the EU . however , the balance and coordination between Member States has been thrown out of kilter by enlargement . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) up to 80 % of the toys on the EU market are imported , and it has to be said that during 2007 millions of toys produced in China were withdrawn from the market because they did not conform to European standards . as Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , I would like to highlight the significance of the tourism sector for Europe ' s economic , social and cultural development . the new proposal was necessary , because a few shortcomings emerged in the application of the 2002 regulation which led to problems in practice . I can only recommend you to follow the same principle in respect of the Hungarian media law , which has been in force for weeks now . too often we lack sufficient data , statistics , which are indispensable as a basis for our work in better monitoring , better understanding and , of course , better combating child abuse . this is why , in addition to the highest safety standards in the EU , we also need an exit scenario from a risky technology , which we cannot justify using on the densely populated continent of Europe . they simply want to be allowed to withdraw from the market with dignity , because they have done their sums and the only way to survive is to reduce the volumes produced . the increase in prices of motor and heating fuels for households between April 2007 and April 2008 exceeded by far the overall growth of consumer prices . regional airports are my particular concern . this Treaty is an attempt to pave the way for neo-liberal policies which run counter to social rights and advances gained , serving the interests of the large multinationals . in my opinion , in a true dialogue one of the options should also be that the interlocutors ultimately may agree to disagree , obviously while still respecting each other ' s views and approaches . the costs are also considerable : I hear that it will cost EUR 100 million just to build a suitable runway and headquarters . I think that one of the lessons from this crisis is that it actually shows that the European Central Bank will need to have a supervisory role . the British courts cannot now protect British citizens from unjust arrest and imprisonment by foreign courts . author . - ( IT ) Madam President , I would first of all like to thank the Commissioner because I found that the answers he gave were very persuasive . we hope very much that Singapore will go along with our strong wish to respect basic rights . the UNHRC should therefore be better equipped to address both chronic and emergency situations , through the expansion of the human rights toolbox , by using panels not just during but also in-between sessions . in writing . - ( RO ) I voted in favour of this report because , through this new legislative proposal , the Regulation on waste statistics is adapted to comitology , that is to regulation by control . the lives of United Nations staff there are not safe . I am glad that we are putting this to bed as I personally feel that I wish to resign from being ' Mrs VIS ' after this . first , legislation alone will not solve this problem . ( the House rose and observed a minute ' s silence ) Best-practice exchange , for instance , among the regulators is something that we always encourage . the question of expanding the framework of this directive should form the topic of further negotiations in the Council . we are also going to seek a compromise that allows us to retain a genuine and effective safety net . and so , as intense as today ' s debate may have been , there have been common points on which , I believe , we are all in agreement : there should be a common European framework , we should do everything at every level to ensure the highest possible level of safety , and we should do all this in a transparent manner , ensuring maximum publicity . I take it that you can hear the difference between being able to say , in Cancún , on behalf of the European Union : ' we have delivered ' , and saying : ' we have almost delivered ' . however , I note that at present the ' globally-harmonised ' system is not very global . the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety has debated this issue in detail and will table a proposal for a recommendation in plenary tomorrow , and we would be very pleased if the Council and the Commission were able to endorse these recommendations . in any case , while I support the citizens of the European Union , I do not understand why part of Europe is excluded from this directive . Madam President , ' biodiversity ' is a word I often hear bandied about by Eurocrats , MEPs and lobbyists out here in Brussels . first and foremost , the economic operators , that is to say manufacturers , importers and traders , are under obligation . the label is a powerful tool that should primarily promote European identity through cultural diversity . he is right , but in the end we had the trilogue , we had several meetings , and at the end of those meetings we signalled our agreement . in writing . - ( DE ) The report by Mrs Gomes on the European Union ' s role in Iraq unfortunately sidesteps the two main issues of relevance to the situation in Iraq . in addition , the report claims that European solidarity and economic development will be threatened by a reduction of the budget . ( the sitting was closed at 11.45 p.m. ) ( HU ) Thank you , Mr President . in writing . - Health service structures vary greatly across the EU , and I support this directive that outlines a coherent approach to funding cross-border healthcare . in the Plan for Achieving Gender Equality , the European Commission undertook to support the efforts being made by Member States in this area . unfortunately , it sees every crisis as an opportunity to extend its own powers and rarely asks whether its actions in one area are having a detrimental effect in another . therefore , in order to safeguard the future of the European car industry , it is extremely important for us to ensure that it can be based on realistic and sensible business plans and have responsible ownership . I got a pilot project on that in the budget in 2004 . I agree that the World Heath Organisation should revise the definition of a pandemic , not basing this solely on the spread of the virus , but also including the possible severity of a disease to allow for more adequate responses and protect EU citizens from real dangers . that , Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , is how the Belgian Presidency ' s intention to put social issues at the top of the European agenda has been put into practice . it should be noted , however , that the time frame and budgetary arrangements for ARTEMIS and the other joint undertakings ( 2008-2013 ) are not in line with standard financial arrangements laid down in the seven-year financial perspective 2007-2013 . this could give rise to certain problems in the future . more than 30 years after the introduction of equal pay legislation , women in the EU earn 15 % less than men and progress has been slow in closing the gender pay gap with men . and it is incumbent on us to do what we can to address the concerns that were expressed by the ' no ' vote . I also think it would be good for the Commission to report to Parliament on this subject in 2012 . this is very important and if we are talking about solidarity , honest competition and the common market , then we must behave accordingly . today in the EU , the heating of buildings accounts for the highest amount of energy used and the most CO2 emitted - about 40 % of all CO2 emitted . however , this report completely fails to mention the role of Islam . this assessment had broadly positive results , with the exception of observations concerning a contract concluded for the provision of services . this is a very retrograde step and will be used as a pretext to return to violence by extremists . such a fight would be both futile and ridiculous . blocking , reducing or watering down the European budget is paradoxically contrary to the interests of the 27 Member States and 500 million Europeans . Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway and Switzerland and the Schengen acquis ( this is the oral amendment as agreed : ' notes the announcement of new presidential elections by the junta , but deplores the failure - contrary to the position of the 2005-2007 junta - of a commitment to neutrality ; calls on the military in power to commit themselves forthwith to a timetable for the restoration of the democratic institutions , in cooperation with the political forces ' . I think that this decision should serve as a catalyst in the process of harmonisation and redrafting , in particular , when it comes to the Dublin regulation . in accordance with Article 151 of the treaty , the Community ' s actions must help encourage cooperation between Member States in order to contribute to the flourishing of Member States ' cultures , while respecting at the same time their diversity at national and regional level and focusing on our common cultural heritage . this requires harmonisation of national legislation to encourage the free movement of people , goods , services and capital . these are primarily immigrants from the east . there should be no doubt about that . we must learn from this chaotic ratification process and also , obviously , from this commitment to hold negotiations on the organisation of a second referendum in Ireland , as if it were normal to make a population that has taken a sovereign decision vote again , and as if it were normal for agreement to a treaty to be used as a bargaining chip . all measures , ranging from assistance for farmers to intervention measures , are necessary - in fact , absolutely necessary . I would also agree with Mr Caspary on time limits . the European Protection Order aims to ensure that the protection offered to an individual in one Member State will be maintained and continued in any other Member State to which the person relocates or has been relocated , regardless of the crime they have suffered . but I am confident it is working as well as we could expect at this point . written explanations of vote the report supports the main points identified by the Ministerial Declaration on the Digital Agenda approved at the Informal Meeting of Telecommunications Ministers in Granada on 18 and 19 April . however , consumers are entitled to expect those quality products and expect us to have the testing procedures to ensure that the products on the market have been through those sorts of approval procedures . Iceland is a member of EFTA , most of EU-Iceland economic relations fall under the EEA , Iceland is an associate member of the Schengen agreement and has many other trade , economic and social ties to the EU . we experienced all sorts of things that people in African countries are now experiencing . in the current climate of severe economic and social crisis , this situation requires a different approach . one third of the Czech energy mix comprises power obtained from reliable nuclear plants . indeed , this is a very good report . the third point I want to raise concerns document formats , because the PPE-DE Group has also requested a split vote on paragraph 7 , concerning this point . - ( CS ) Mr President , I would like to put a question to the Commissioner as I have rather a different opinion . for Mrs Chanhthava of Sepone District in Laos , who lost a leg and damaged her sight after she accidentally struck a cluster bomb while working to gather food for her family in the rice fields . since it sounds to me that the CAP is very unhealthy , is it not time to turn off the life-support machine and let European farmers make their own way ? I would therefore appeal for a subtle shift in the CAP to make it more relevant and able to guarantee our food self-sufficiency , the vitality of our agricultural sector and the preservation of our rural areas . another major problem relates to the collection of data and information . we are completely opposed to the EU ' s intention to facilitate the appropriation by transnational companies of the region ' s accumulated wealth , natural resources and biodiversity , which will exploit workers , promote unemployment , ruin millions of small farmers , destroy the environment , block progress and deny the rights and sovereignty of peoples . in truth , the lives of our disabled vary incredibly from country to country . however , public property in Greece is not all the same : commercial property , such as buildings which do not serve any public function , is one thing , and a radical change in the use of land at the expense of the environment is quite another , as it puts at risk free spaces , such as the old Athens airport , which are intended to compensate for the lack of green spaces in cities which have less than 3 square metres of green space per inhabitant , at a time when the European average is 10 square metres of green space per inhabitant . this is an extremely dangerous message . once the recast version of the MID has been adopted , the remaining directives will be repealed . we also have questions surrounding Article 3 ( c ) about where people should be returned to , and feel that , if the reference to ' other arrangements ' includes the metaphorical handshakes that we have seen in the past between Mr Berlusconi and Gadafi , this is unacceptable as such accords are made outside of written public agreements . we hope that Parliament and the Council will approve it in the coming fortnight . I took part in the G20 business summit as well , where I highlighted the importance of companies ' social responsibility . the second type of action is strategic in nature and amounts to making an offer to states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union . on a political and military level now , a reminder of the need for a no-fly zone is certainly necessary , if not just politically , then also militarily . I believe the plan we are discussing today has three plus points that allow us to talk of a good start . a key emphasis for Parliament and the Committee is that 20 % of the funds have to be used for basic health care and basic and further education , so as to establish a foundation for the future . this is our intention . in writing . - In keeping with past practice , the Committee on Foreign Affairs draws up Parliament recommendations to the Council for the session of the United Nations General Assembly . we would like to congratulate Parliament on the very important work done . children are most at risk from human trafficking , and there must be help and protection available for all victims of trafficking , especially children . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , many of you will have read ' The Trial ' by Kafka : it is a fictional work but it is what is happening today in my country , a country of great democratic traditions , with a government elected by the sovereign people , but in which an attempt is being made to undermine the democratic vote with an historically unprecedented attack by the media and the courts . social inclusion and social protection are basic values of the European Union and fundamental rights for all individuals . first , we must reinforce both the preventive and corrective arms of the Stability and Growth Pact . the success of our policy depends on adequate and innovative methods of funding being mobilised to limit as much as possible the impact on people , ecological balance and economic activities . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the European Union is committed to combating all forms of terrorism . in Chernobyl the cause was human error , while in Fukushima it was the natural elements . in particular : the idea of an EU Defence White Paper that would ' explicitly identify opportunities for the pooling of defence resources at EU level ' ; the demand for increases in staff to man duplicative EU military structures ; the establishment of a permanent EU ' operational HQ , responsible for the operational planning and conduct of EU military operations ' ; and the idea of a vanguard group of nations to take forward defence integration using the Treaty of Lisbon ' s mechanism of ' Permanent Structured Cooperation ' . what the rapporteur said in her foreword is perfectly true , in the sense that priorities are not defined clearly enough and good intentions are often limited by lack of financial resources . we must not make it harder for them to use wood , which is a fantastic natural material . but it goes without saying that State aid on this scale created distortions of competition . Ukraine must - and here I agree entirely with Mr Zaleski - have a European perspective , a prospect of accession to the EU . the Interim Partnership Agreement between the European Community , of the one part , and two of the ACP countries , namely Papua New Guinea and Fiji , of the other part , should be regarded as a step towards a comprehensive agreement . on the other hand , urgent measures must be taken to combat cyber crime and , on this subject , I would like to emphasise the importance of devising a global strategy . his reputation for integrity and his technical qualities , revealed throughout a demanding selection process , promise an attentive and active mandate in the supervisory authority over which he will now preside . it could be compared to establishing four common spaces between the EU and Russia , but the main element of this relationship will be reciprocity and conditionality . these various provisions are in keeping with the European Parliament ' s new responsibilities granted by the Treaty of Lisbon : henceforth , as colegislators with ministers of the Member States on almost all European competences , MEPs must be able to benefit from in-depth technical expertise on legislative matters , but also to inform citizens of their work , in particular , by receiving them in Parliament in Strasbourg or Brussels . that , I would stress , is what really scares me . ( NL ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I agree with what other speakers have already said and I would add that the Single European Sky needs to be completed as a matter of urgency . 5 . Mr President , I intend to verify carefully whether this scheme can be used in this case and you will certainly understand that I cannot take a position at this stage since the deal is not yet finalised and , by the way , a number of aspects are still being negotiated . we do not simply allow other hazardous waste to leave the EU without guarantees with regard to the way in which it is going to be processed , and so there is no reason why we should do so with ships for scrapping . the Copenhagen agreement , which provides neither ambitious objectives nor commitments , is an unsatisfactory result . written statements ( Rule 149 ) in this respect , I am of the opinion that this should not be made a political issue in this way , where the left are seemingly against the right , or whatever the situation is : the same standards must apply to everyone in this matter . Russia is very sensitive about issues of its international standing and prestige : for instance , considerations of G7 versus G8 . it is the crisis that has changed many attitudes . the new rules will make sure both that there are sufficient incentives for further innovation and that the traditional benefits from standardisations are passed on to consumers . it is in this spirit that we go to Copenhagen not only to achieve the most ambitious agreement but also to have a real global agreement . in both cases , the execution was halted - after EU intervention - to allow for presentation of evidence of age . it is an unfortunate situation and we should all do our best to unblock the situation . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( IT ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I am grateful to Mrs Martens , especially for the way in which we were able to work together in committee , for her attentiveness and also for the divergences that emerged , the differences between us ; but I think the outcome , apart from a few points , is a very significant one . Mr Klute , thank you for your comments . that is what we have all agreed , but , of course , we have reason to believe that it is feasible because our impact assessment has already demonstrated this . these are important votes and it is a very full agenda and I have every sympathy with you . I venture to believe that the world ' s finest film-makers and writers live in Europe , yet the world ' s cinemas are dominated by Hollywood and the bookshops are full of entertainment in paperback form from America . ' Member States will prepare , ahead of the publication of the results , specific and ambitious strategies for the restructuring of vulnerable institutions , including private sector solutions ... but also a solid framework in line with State aid rules for the provision of government support in case of need . ' as we all know , the global economic crisis which started in 2007 broke out when , one by one , the investment banks in the United States hit liquidity problems . they are not respected and , indeed , even within the Cotonou Agreement there is a question as to whether there should be respect for the rights of LGBT people . they made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we often take for granted today , and their lives should never be forgotten . I therefore think it is the task of this Parliament to organise hearings with the relevant committee as quickly as possible , so that we can hear all the parties concerned on this matter and find out exactly what is happening in the case of Greece . on the substance of the report , my main point is that I agree with the rapporteur that Annexes I , II and III should be binding . State of play of SIS II ( debate ) in writing . - ( DE ) In today ' s vote on the text of the directive on consumer rights , some members of the German Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) in the European Parliament abstained . the Commission has proposed some practical actions to overcome the pay gap between men and women . in order to achieve this , it must combine every possible European Union cooperation instrument in the area of social and economic development , thereby having a direct influence on the causes of instability in the countries where the migration flows originate . we are living in a period of economic uncertainty . furthermore , marginalisation must always be fought bilaterally - on the one hand , by the public authorities but , on the other , also by the groups affected , who should also play an active part in their own integration . to this end , the various proposals that we have made include the creation of a European programme for employment and sustainable development , affecting 1 % of EU gross domestic product , with additional capital from the Member States . refusing Member States this practical opportunity deprives them of the most effective means of disseminating our high European requirements . I ask again , Commissioner ; while everyone knows that most of these procurements were cofinanced works , only your services - and unfortunately your reply confirms as much - pretend that they do not know this , taking refuge in my view in arbitrary terms of Community provisions . we hope that the European Commission will soon put forward brief proposals in this respect that go beyond just repressive logic . more importantly , it is hardly the most positive signal to send to Podgorica , or indeed to countries elsewhere in the region , such as Macedonia , working hard to obtain candidate status . there can be no doubt that some of the tasks performed by the EU would not be carried out by any other body . the rule of law also requires a reform of the security sector and real progress in economic governance terms . the release of the Burmese opposition leader , Mrs San Suu Kyi , is also a great challenge for us . perhaps Parliament made somewhat of a mistake , here , in what it expected of the negotiations - we wanted to take care of too many matters at the same time . it is not our current Parliament that will carry it out . people are also asking for a social Europe . ( RO ) Mr President , before we proceed to the vote , I would like to request on behalf of my group that when we vote on the situation of Eritrean refugees , we abandon the roll call vote for a joint resolution and request a roll call vote for the resolution proposed by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) . the restructuring of the European car industry needs strong initiatives from the Commission , but also from the relevant national governments . Sweden intends to use its Presidency to draw up a coherent , comprehensive strategy for the area based on proposals from the Commission . unfortunately the French presidency is unwilling to come to these meetings . this was not demonstrated as originally designed , as facilitating compromise and decision making , but I hope that we can draw conclusions from the experience and , anticipating the vote in Parliament , we have already started the preparations for the 2012 budget . ( DE ) Mr President , I think that what the Chinese are doing here is a deliberate political provocation , or to put it another way , a political test . will you live up to your treaty , or is it just empty words ? this report clearly shows that the milk production quota , which was supposed to have been exceeded , thus forming the legal basis for the fines levied on Italian dairy farmers , was not in fact exceeded . freedom of the media is an inviolable element of democracy . as I see it , it is pure cynicism - I say this with the Council in mind - to put the retention of the opt-out across as a social achievement merely because a 60-hour ceiling is also being introduced for the average working week . it recognises the significant successes of the Afghan people and identifies the political shortcomings of the Afghan and other international governments . ( NL ) The Republic of Turkey is disqualifying itself from membership of the European Union . however , this must be a temporary solution , since in the longer term we must adopt a common consolidated basis for taxation of companies that constitutes a global solution and eliminates the tax obstacles involved in cross-border compensation of losses and profits . there are no public services in Kosovo , and the Commission only needs to go there to see as much . perhaps another wording would be possible , but the wording we are proposing is : well , not in the sense that this should become the norm , that in such major undertakings , working together should be the norm , not just a voluntary thing , but something that would really bind all Member States into working together effectively . in my opinion , if the Ombudsman ' s work is to be done effectively and if we are to ensure the best possible result in the inquest into objective truth , which is primarily in the public interest , European institutions should have the obligation to provide access to any type of information . the advances , in particular , could be paid out in full at the start of May . if , as the European Union , we want to be strong and to have new products that will hopefully also be sustainable , new production methods that are environmentally responsible , energy generation that is genuinely based on renewable energy sources , which was once again established as a goal in Cancún , then for this we also need appropriate resources and we need the European budget , which reflects our common interests . you spoke just now - and I am pleased about this - of a requirement to segregate the production of industrial oils and oils intended for food . in my view , tax competition is in no way an obstacle to the completion of the Single Market ; on the contrary , it encourages economic operators to defend their freedoms in regard to free movement within the Single Market . I am thinking , for example , of the centre for migration management and information in Mali , a pilot project we will soon be starting up . that is why a fundamental revision of the Procedures Directive is important , so as to provide an accessible , fair and effective procedure . in particular in the area of renewable energies , photovoltaic modules , which consist in part of cadmium telluride compounds , are not covered by this directive . author . - Mr President , I should like to emphasise that the Greens are very aware that the consequences of a totally liberalised textile and apparel market for EU-based producers is still a very pressing issue , particularly for certain production zones within the EU in which the industry is highly concentrated . the Catalan language was banned and persecuted during the Franco dictatorship ; now Spanish democracy is demonstrating its low quality by not permitting the official use of Catalan in this Parliament . ( LT ) In August , Marijus Ivanilovas , a 35-year-old Lithuanian national and director of the printing house of the daily newspaper ' Respublika ' , i.e. a person with a permanent job and income , was detained in Belarus , not far from Minsk , and has already been held for two months without trial or proof of his guilt in a prison in the Belarusian city of Zhodin . it will result , they tell me , in smaller crops and in higher prices , and it will open the way for importers who do not have the same criteria imposed upon them . in order to achieve these objectives , which are facilitated by the Treaty of Lisbon , which introduces this competence over energy , which did not exist before , it is fundamental and essential to establish a strategic relationship with Russia on energy and other matters . today , in a solemn sitting of the European Parliament , we are proclaiming the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and I should like to state clearly to you that this day - 12 December - will now be a fundamental date in the history of European integration . it does not seem to us that this has happened , and this is bad for international competition , which is still far from fair , and still far from having the same rules for everyone . based on the text at the beginning of the Treaty of Lisbon , freedom of expression , freedom of the press and freedom of religion are European freedoms that are to be respected everywhere in the Union without exception . Romania is contributing to these international efforts in Afghanistan with 721 soldiers as part of the ISAF mission ( under the auspices of NATO ) and 57 soldiers involved in the Enduring Freedom operation ( coalition type mission ) . author . - Madam President , the treatment and discrimination of the Rohingya people appals us all . in general , we have insisted that children receive special attention . during our Presidency of the European Council Slovenia has devoted a great deal of attention to strengthening transatlantic relations , in particular the strategic dimension to them . they are doing so legally and must be protected . Mr President , as we meet here in Strasbourg , half the population of the city of Cork , in my constituency of Munster , is without water in their homes - and this is 2009 ! Russia needs to fully experience what self-isolation is like . while I have the opportunity , I will press the point , because it does seem to me that if answers to questions that we think we are not going to reach can be provided in advance then there is no reason why the questions that we are going to reach should not have the answers in advance , so that we can have - as we just had now - a better and more helpful exchange . has the Commission any generalised , statistical information on the countries in which this has occurred , and do you not think this is a matter of criminal law ? even so , proper cooperation between the Commission and Member States must be maintained throughout this process , so that there is absolutely no loss of legal certainty for investors and contracting parties . as regards advertisements for pharmaceutical products , I would like to see the toughest possible restrictions . in addition to the China factor to be taken into account in many of these countries , consideration must be given to the effects of changes in the agricultural and food markets , climate change and the new approach of the United States towards Africa . the first point is on the role of parliaments . a strong and modern Europe needs a future- and growth-oriented budget while , at the same time , the economic situation demands reflection and restraint . it could cause enormous human unhappiness . the second generation of the SIS represents a Community approach to the need to step up security at the external borders and share important innovations such as biometric data and the interlinking of alerts . this directive really does apply to existing power plants because it increases the importance and the independence of national regulators - which is crucial - and it paves the way for us to secure higher and higher requirements in order to have , as it were , a ' race to the top ' regarding safety . in Romania only , a new Member State , there are over 60 organizations accredited for the exchange of volunteers and over 5,000 applications for this training course . the motion under discussion is the second in succession which intends to authorise the marketing of poultrymeat for human consumption where it has received anti-microbe treatment . I am voting in favour of this report as several recommendations adopted by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean ( GFCM ) , and which are already in place in the GFCM contracting states , need to be transposed into a single EU legislative instrument . they should , in my opinion , possess a great deal of expensive , cutting-edge equipment , and be staffed by a team of scientists . author . - Mr President , I welcome the opportunity that this oral question gives us to revisit the problems experienced by travellers and the wider aviation industry during last year ' s Icelandic volcano crisis . it is , therefore , vital that the EU Member States being reviewed lead the way with frank critiques of their human rights records . this year is the fifth anniversary of the historically largest EU expansion , in 2004 , which was the symbolic and practical culmination of the successful process of reunifying a previously divided continent ; and this year Europe celebrates 20 years since the fall of the Iron Curtain , which enabled the countries of the former Soviet bloc to return to freedom and democracy . Italy has seen a fall of over 18 % in October alone , which is the worst figure in over ten years in the sector . it is essential that the Commission keep in mind that at the moment , Europeans are looking to Europe and expect responses from the European authorities : they need to feel like the European authorities are close by . this year , the exact same thing is happening with the European freight corridors . I hope that we will see each other more often here in plenary . as a result , Iran has been under a constant threat of war , while criticism of the lack of human rights is not expressed . the Union for the Mediterranean must contribute to promoting democracy and resolving the conflicts that are still destabilising the Middle East and the Western Sahara , with assistance from the Euromed Parliamentary Assembly , which must be fully involved . they also prove that so far Turkey has neglected to address and implement these fundamental constitutional reforms . what people do care about here is time . the Commission trusts that Parliament will now be in a position to promptly mandate its representatives to the interinstitutional working group . they should be a commonplace reality both within the European Union and in our relations with other countries - third countries . I have met people during the six years that we have worked on this subject who have suffered needle-stick injuries , and I would really emphasise that trauma . you cannot deprive the citizens of Europe of one of their fundamental freedoms in such a way . ' you understand the importance of free peoples and free markets , and so do our voters . these clouds will overshadow our economic landscape in the coming years . the adoption of this directive , which establishes a single application procedure for third-country nationals who wish to be admitted to the territory of a Member State in order to reside and work there , and grants them a common set of rights in areas linked to the work market , will address these concerns head-on , and so it deserves my vote . this form of cynicism cannot go unchallenged here . what is the response of the leaders of the Council and the Commission ? it is clear he is trying to explore all possible avenues of how to help and improve the situation in this theatre . the work carried out by my colleague Mrs Klass and fellow Member Mrs Breyer , in conjunction with shadow rapporteurs , is a step in the right direction , and I wish to express my full appreciation for that . furthermore , even though there are a great many differences in the conditions for confiscating a driving licence among the Member States , and the systems for the scale of offences and fines in the field of road safety vary from one country to another , Europe wants to establish an electronic system for Member States to exchange information relating to offences committed on their territory , and in order to penalise motorists even more . it is unacceptable , in the 21st century , for a civilian population to be treated as the scapegoat for terrorist acts by Hamas . the problem is that you provide no alternative , and we all know that there are very limited financial resources in the Biodiversity Convention - and there are not likely to be any in the future either . but let us be absolutely clear and honest with each other : the key work still needs to be carried out over the coming weeks . we must ensure that the charges resulting from CO2 emissions are paid by the consumer and not by the producers because otherwise , international competition will be distorted . we must therefore find solutions at the European level to meet the needs of the labour market , and economic migration is one of the solutions that we must explore . yet at this level , it is not a case of simply waving a magic wand . this can help people avoid being excluded from the labour market at some time during their career . in principle , exports to third countries are not in the interests of Europe . Mr Rehn , I put the following question to you : what is your reaction to this outrageous attitude on the part of Turkey ? Bosnia and Herzegovina has made great progress recently and will soon have fulfilled most of the remaining requirements in the roadmap . the Commission is performing an assessment of regulatory aspects in relation to health , safety and environmental aspects of nanotechnology-based products . we must emphasise the significant impact of the presence and involvement of women on quality of life and the rural economy . much is also being made by the GM industry of DG Agriculture ' s report on the potential impact of the EU ' s GM regime on the availability and price of animal feed . however , these must be based on the interests of these peoples , on respect for international law , and on the independence and sovereignty of these countries . ( it ) Madam President , I voted in favour of the joint text on improving safety for those who choose to travel by sea . the news industry should be more aware of the consequences that an unbalanced use of its power and influence can have on the life and liberty of citizens . in the light of these considerations we should give the report our unqualified support . however , it is crucial for a sustainable future that we protect as many natural interests as possible . postponing a decision would be to accept that Europe is irrelevant in a more global world . I would like to thank you , Commissioner , for the detailed position that you have presented . ... under house arrest in Burma / Myanmar . another thematic area of particular interest is the right to food , which is consistent with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals , as well as the human rights of internally displaced persons who , unlike refugees , are not adequately protected by international conventions , and we will press on in connection with this point . this motion for a resolution is inappropriate in both timing and form , as everyone knows that following the initial criticism made about media law in Hungary and the recommendations made by the Commission , the Hungarian Government has revised its position and altered everything about the law that was the target of criticism by the Commission . improving a household ' s energy efficiency status can often be achieved by taking some relatively simple and inexpensive steps , such as fitting thermostatic valves onto radiators or using more energy efficient household appliances . the matter is absolutely clear . our communication of 8 March was an attempt to answer some of those questions - to be absolutely frank with you , the easy questions - because we have actually answered only those that related to the emerging democracies . finally , it bans all uses of methyl bromide except in specific instances in order to deal with emergencies . in many ways , the Capoulas Santos report improves the Commission proposal , particularly by giving greater flexibility to Member States in terms of setting minimum thresholds for payments . ( ES ) Mr President , the time has come to assess how the 2007-2013 Multiannual Financial Framework has functioned so far and what changes might need to be made in the almost four years left of its life . confusion has been caused by the statements of some politicians , who talk of a Black Sea synergy or of a democratic buffer zone . it sees falsification of medicinal products as an organised criminal activity and imposes strict penalties on the offenders . another very important question is the reduction of poverty among women . Iit is estimated that 17 % of women live in poverty , and that most of these are lone mothers and immigrants . cars 21 stands for Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st Century . that is not the relationship we should have with a very important trading partner . all the national governments in the Member States of the euro area and the EU are being called upon to step up the adoption and application of even more savage , barbaric and anti-labour and anti-grassroots measures coordinated by the EU , the ECB and the IMF . I expect that we will now see these procedures being brought to completion in many other countries . it is true that we could have submitted an amendment , you are right . therefore the Government must guarantee that the election campaign will ensure freedom of expression to all the candidates . second , in order to control the financial crisis , the European Union and its Member States have implemented a large number of exceptional measures , which is very positive . we can do a little better than we have done this time in terms of the process and the transparency that could be applied with respect to Parliament . I would like to inform you that Mr Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu joined the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament with effect from 15 November 2010 . there always will be two views and Mr Susta is absolutely right : there is always a split between the protectionist and the free marketeer . ending aid for the closure of uncompetitive coal mines in 2014 - the date proposed by the Commission - would have serious socio-economic consequences in certain regions of the EU where mining continues to be a significant source of employment . I do not believe that this is the right course . in the event of a mishap , is it the airline that is responsible ? there is , however , one domain , Mr Barroso , in which your Commission has been particularly unsuccessful in that respect , namely the authorisation procedures for genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ) . the latter has made a vital contribution to major improvements in air and water quality , as well as to the protection and maintenance of Europe ' s natural resources . this is why I have suggested its replacement with the compulsory use of biometric passports by third country citizens not requiring a visa when entering the EU . in the border area between Germany , the Czech Republic and Austria , for example , prostitution involving women and increasingly children increased enormously after the opening of the borders . we have respected that wish ; we have dealt solely with what we can deal with within the confines of Europe ' s internal market : the circulation of goods in the market that arise from the commercial hunt . the Commission will promote the development of a port network and ensure the development of good supporting investments . I see in the Treaty of Lisbon an extension of this process that is bringing Europe together . on top of federal public deficits , there are enormous private deficits . Mr President , of course I understand and support your decision , but we do not want - and I think we have perhaps seen signs of this already - an unseemly wrangle on the floor of the House on Wednesday , when we come to vote on this important step forward for Parliament ' s Rules . one such area concerns the free movement of persons , with the goal being to combat discrimination based on nationality in all sports . Mr President , the difference between the external actions of the EU and other international actors is respect for international legality and UN decisions . I support the intentions expressed in the report of safeguarding the European Parliament and Council ' s effective participation in selecting the sites and content presented , so as to ensure that the initiative is very transparent and democratic . moreover , the request to extend reversed qualified majority voting is further evidence of this Parliament ' s desire to take action and respond to the crisis . so far , approximately half of the survivors reached , that is , one million , are still in desperate need . the directive on the protection order against gender violence is also being drawn up . however , it is a problem which will export the fight against international terrorism into the neighbouring countries and regions for as long as fighting in Afghanistan continues . let us stick to this title . food additives other than colours and sweeteners ( bovine and / or porcine thrombin ) ( in writing . - ( FR ) Mass imports , the perverse role played by a strong euro against a deliberately undervalued foreign currency , social and environmental dumping , counterfeits , piracy , dangerous products , and the existence of non-tariff barriers that hit European manufacturing : in the textiles sector as in others , every report and resolution by this Parliament on trade relations with China looks the same . the most recent statistical framework shows a steady increase in requests received from Member States in favour of a fund that operates with a different degree of flexibility . the main reason for this is a huge drop in milk product sales . ( SK ) There are several areas in the action plan of the Stockholm Programme I would like to talk about , and as we have to move on , I will name these problem areas . I think this very unfortunate . I was pleased to hear the Swedish Presidency point that out . I voted for this resolution , as I advocate some flexibility for those who have already started this adaptation process but who have been unable to complete it because of the current crisis . the resolution rightly calls for greater efforts in respect of mediation , compromises and peaceful solutions . the Myanmar junta announced that a pro-military constitution has won overwhelming support in the referendum which was held despite widespread criticism and the needs of a national tragedy . ( applause ) Mr President , I would like to express my deep respect for the European Police Office , which I certainly support . effective consumer enforcement policy is central to the functioning of the single market . this explains the continuing importance of innovation and development in the shipbuilding industry in the Member States in order to improve ships and make them less environmentally damaging . it was and is always a pleasure to work with you and with your colleagues in the Commission . the inhabitants of Santorini , for example , who have protested about the wreck of the Sea Diamond cruise ship , which is still in the island ' s waters , are sick of the replies given by the EU and the New Democracy government - the same replies given by PASOK in the case of the Express Samina car ferry and others - that apparently wrecks do not cause pollution . the aim is to find a solution to the border issue and allow for the continuation of Croatia ' s EU accession negotiations . this money would be put to better , more sustainable use if it were invested in research into the more efficient use of renewable energies . I support the recommendation . we must at last admit that the problems of these communities cannot be resolved purely by means of universal human rights or anti-discrimination regulations . they did not ask for an extension of the voluntary growth levels under the Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) when it ended in 2008 , nor have they been asking for a continuation of the surveillance system into 2009 - though I appreciate that some Member States would have preferred us to do so . the Scoreboard brings together evidence to identify markets that risk not delivering well for consumers and therefore need further attention . bringing perpetrators of human rights violations to justice is crucial for a stable future in any country , and that includes Iraq . the aim of this report is that cotton should continue to be grown in Europe : the EU as a whole accounts for only 2 % of world production . that is indeed the position of this House . the priorities for the first half of 2008 are to a large extent evidence that the work of Slovenia ' s predecessors is being continued , primarily in the sphere of revival of the Lisbon Agenda , ratification of the new Treaty and action to prevent global warming . a policy to which we devote some 45 % of the EU budget . the movement of bees has the potential to import the varroa mite , as has happened in Ireland . I can also tell you that tomorrow , the Commission is appointing a new Special Envoy for SMEs , Daniel Calleja Crespo , Deputy Director General for Enterprise and Industry , who will be responsible for closely monitoring the implementation of the Small Business Act and acting as a contact point for SMEs . this involves not turning a blind eye when illegal toxic waste exports or illegal fishing damages Somalia ' s interests . the Commission will have to provide Parliament with a document outlining the negotiations and all the positions under discussion . the anchoring of social objectives and rights is pointing the way to the next task : the creation and construction of a European social union . it is possible that we will have to act in the same way in the case of other substances if the health risks are equally obvious and if we cannot wait until the very comprehensive and demanding REACH procedure has been completed . in this case , too , the answer is that we need more involvement from Europe , not less . I think investing in youth is crucial , and so I would like to express my thanks , and also the thanks of the Committee on Culture and Education , for all efforts whose objective is to support measures relating to investment in young people . the fact that joint meetings can take place only if the matter in question is one of major importance ensures that there will be no unfairly extensive application of a procedure that is , by its very nature , exceptional . we must prevent them from being subjected to these fraudulent practices , which they do not have the financial or human resources to resist . the report encourages reflection on industrial organisation to reduce the geographic scale of production chains - producing in closer proximity to the end user - and makes a number of proposals in relation to trade in environmental commodities . only a few weeks ago we had a meeting with the Interinstitutional Committee on public access to documents which was chaired by Vice-President Wallis , and I want to thank her for taking this matter about public access to documents forward in a very constructive way . the report also covers data protection in relation to those producers , something that also promotes innovation in the field of food safety . we have not compromised on achieving the targets . it must be acknowledged that it has withstood a lot of market turbulence . I would add that it is also in our security interests if these countries benefit from better social conditions , more democracy and the rule of law . I believe that Mr Cashman should also be supported in his attempt to put forward proposals that go above and beyond those made by the Commission . the Council ' s draft recommendation regarding the establishment of a protocol which stipulates fishing quotas and financial contribution as set out by the partnership with the fisheries sector of the Union of the Comoros is intended to outline the role that the European Parliament should play in the procedure of reviewing this agreement . during this meeting , which took place in Brussels , Mr Solana expressed his full support for the work of the EU Special Representative and his efforts to find a compromise on police reform with the political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina . in fact , there is a legal principle whose import is being completely destroyed , and that is the principle of citizenship . in writing . - We decided we would vote in favour or abstain depending on the result of the third part of Amendment 31 , which ensures that pharmaceutical companies can only provide information material to health professionals for their own use , not for patients via healthcare professionals . you can certainly talk to Mr Špidla once again about the other issue . if the European institutions continue in this direction , the crisis of legitimacy affecting the WTO and the IMF today will inevitably affect them tomorrow . as we know there are several players and participants in this sector . not only are we unwilling to risk upsetting a good business market for the sake of bringing injustice in Gaza to an end , but we are also unwilling so far to dissolve or even just suspend the EU-Israel agreement . for the moment , therefore , we reserve our position on all aspects . since the events of late December and the fraudulent presidential elections , Kenya and its political problems have suddenly been on everyone ' s lips . I think that freedom of the press , freedom of expression and respect for human rights and the rule of law are principles which we all abide by , promote and defend . in spite of this fact , protection for autochthonous minorities in Europe is not seen as a priority . it is in contact with the social partners , the experts in the Member States , so that the regulation can gradually be harmonised in accordance with the need for interpretation . it is the job of the Member States , with the support of the European Commission , to protect and develop our forests for future generations so that they can continue making a contribution in future to our natural habitats , our society and our economy . undertakings should only be made , announced and entered into on aspects that are achievable . it is a success because we managed to set a minimum and maximum rate of excise duty to meet anti-inflationary objectives but ignored the idea of abolishing regulation in its entirety . therefore , it is essential to increase expenditure in order to develop the democratic structures of these countries . this is why the Commission has launched a joint programming initiative on combating neurodegenerative diseases , in particular , Alzheimer ' s . I think - as Mr Lehne said - that we need this operational sign . I call upon all Members to determine that , if this House cannot provide the safeguards which should rightly accompany this measure , then it should not adopt this measure at all . if there has to be an extraordinary meeting of the committee because of this or if there are other unnecessary delays we lose time and money . thank you very much . ( EL ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I want to ask you if you consider the fact that I am talking to you sitting down back here and have not risen like all my other fellow members an insult to this House . today , I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the progress report on Turkey . the combined efforts of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have contributed extensively to keeping the financial system afloat , but they have not resolved the crisis . so we need technology to give us a broader opportunity . ( DE ) Madam President , first of all I should like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Méndez de Vigo . I would like to highlight the efficient management of tasks by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency . our activities have effects on the local population . the intention is for children to learn that the EU is good and that fruit from the EU is even better . there are still hurdles to be overcome , no doubt about that . knowledge must become the fifth freedom . although we have a single set of provisions , their practical implementation varies widely from one airport to another , and this creates problems and annoyance . what I said at the last European Council was that the Commission is now making impact assessments of different options for the financial sector and will soon come forward with proposals . ( CS ) I would like to make a few comments . ( FR ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , respecting the environment and competitiveness should not be separated . ( DE ) Mr President-in-Office , as we all know , certificates were introduced in order to achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions , and this is what my question is about . it would be surprising if I felt otherwise , because I believe I am the only Italian MEP who has tried to make public a list of attendances and the number of questions raised here in our Parliament by the Italian delegation . what is the current state of affairs ? I feel that the remarks made by fellow Members urging the European Investment Bank to pay more attention to the Member States most affected by the crisis are important . I hope that this additional time will allow the impact of the measures in force to be assessed . I am confident that in the second half of next year we shall be able to present appropriate proposals on a new and advanced form of association . ( ES ) Madam President , I have one minute to stress how important it is that we complete the makeup of the European Union with Serbia ' s membership , which I hope can be confirmed this year on the basis of the significant progress the country has made . I have just seen Simeon Sakskoburggotski , the former Prime Minister of Bulgaria , in the gallery . subject : gender equality in the fight against climate change do you happen to know any European constitution that was preceded by consultations on such a wide scale ? these measures should have the following objectives : providing non-discriminatory access to education enabling young people to acquire the skills they need to find a job which will provide them with a decent living , offering accessible child care services to facilitate the work-life balance and giving support to facilitate young people ' s entry into the labour market and to provide social housing for young people . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . - Madam President , the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality stresses in its opinion that the most significant health problems presented by women and caused by their working conditions are musculoskeletal disorders and psychological problems , on the one hand . we can note a marked improvement in the situation of SMEs , but progress still needs to be made . pesticides and other substances that are carcinogenic , mutagenic or toxic for reproduction have no business , no business at all in foodstuffs . however , these must not erode the fundamental rights of citizens laid down in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights . the impact has been truly remarkable given that , in all our Member States , our equality policies are no longer confined to targeted actions , but are , from now on , integrated into all relevant policies . we cannot accept laws to combat terrorism which are at variance with the Swedish Constitution . we are fully in line with Parliament in saying that , without a systematic improvement of the human rights situation in Iran , our relations with Iran cannot develop properly . - ( DA ) Mr President , I would like to say something regarding the large subsidies that are paid to undertakings that may not survive . in fact , in the global market within which we operate , regulations for obligatory origin marking exist in the United States , China , Australia , Mexico , Japan and many other countries . it is a compromise , but it is something that we have been able to agree upon . I believe that the Commission could present either a proposal , for example , in the framework of consumer protection - consumer in this instance meaning citizen - or an initiative , which could also come from Parliament . the 25 % reduction is absolutely achievable . I congratulate the European Commission for this timely initiative . every Member State , according to its possibilities , should get involved in the policies for cooperating with developing countries . or - a different question - how will Parliament ' s stance be taken into account in that case ? I find this completely incomprehensible , certainly from Germany . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , in recent years , we have witnessed considerable attempts by Community institutions to ensure that the production , use and disposal of electronic products better protect the environment and human health . ( ES ) I would like to tell you most sincerely , Prime Minister , that you have given a magnificent presentation of what form the Spanish Presidency will take . sometimes this is because they are of insufficient economic value . the Irish ' no ' must be respected . what we can be sure of is that over the coming months and years there will be yet more refugees and asylum-seekers . as the European Parliament , we must strengthen these reforms , because it is not only the government but , above all else , society that must make this proper European choice . the European Union regularly calls for freedom of expression to be respected in various third counties , but also needs to practise what it preaches . the introduction of these systems needs to be completed . I can only invite the Daily Telegraph to forward these documents to the Committee on Budgets and to let us see from it some of the transparency that the press demands from the Members of this House . responsibilities need to be kept clear . it is thus important to contribute to the funding of this Court . obviously , the same argument applies to businesses ; those that abide by the rules pay the price for this situation . question Time ( Council ) we consider that the common agricultural policy should be abolished . thank you . the longer this period is , the better , so that we can introduce the clean combustion and storage technologies that already exist in the European Union . the crisis we are going through is therefore definitely a systemic crisis , to which we must respond with a new development model . we have seen a decline in the bee population in many regions of Europe . we need to be fair and consistent . the reason is that experience of this type of agreement is highly dubious . however , he has no progress and no democratisation to offer . in my view , the Israelis are the more powerful because they have a state , to which they of course have an absolute right , and I support this . they therefore enjoy all the attributes of a state . I thank you for your attention . the proposal for microfinancing is an initiative that Parliament has been pushing for . in writing . - The three main objectives - security of supply and solidarity between Member States ; combating climate change : recalling the ' three times 20 ' objective for 2020 and the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by between 50 % and 80 % by 2050 ; and the economic growth of the EU : obtaining the best prices while avoiding price volatility - are of utmost importance when we discuss the European energy policy . you have a maximum of three minutes please . above all we would like to express our satisfaction that the ' For Freedom ' movement led by Aleksander Milinkievich has been legalised , and that the independent newspapers Narodnaya Volya and Nasha Niva have been legalised and allowed into the state distribution system . in writing . - UKIP condemns all forms of human trafficking as a modern-day version of slavery , and calls for the toughest penalties within the UK on such activity . debate on cases of breaches of human rights , democracy and the rule of law I do not agree that the EU does not have an impact on international negotiations . in 1962 , the United Nations International Court of Justice , acting in accordance with French historical maps , recognised Cambodia ' s rights over the temple of Preah Vihear and the land adjacent to it . and those that would point the finger and say ' Europe is wrong ' or ' Europe is bad ' , and ' look at the kind of things it is going to do ' , totally ignore the evidence on the ground : social development , economic development , cultural development . Brussels is in no position to do anything about it . the fact that progress has been made on one of the documents in the climate and energy package is a very positive sign , and evidence that there is a real desire to move forward on these texts , which I welcome . one way of reading that , Commissioner , is that it is referring to what has come to be termed the Monti II regulation . I also welcome a review of the RAPEX system . that is what I term a dysfunctional price-chain mechanism . therefore , now we really must release the economic potential of European seafaring to stimulate economic growth and social and environmental stability . we would remind you that this is an industry that has been struggling through serious difficulties in Portugal too , particularly in municipalities where it has an especially large presence , such as Paredes and Paços de Ferreira . the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) is one of the European Union ' s most important policies , and following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , the reform of the CAP , like any new legislation on agriculture , cannot be approved without Parliament ' s consent . it is in the interests of airlines and consumers , as well as governments , to maintain a high level of healthy competition in the aircraft sector . furthermore , the EU institutions should increase cooperation with international organisations in the area of the protection of human rights . I am a member of the Law and Justice Party , the largest opposition party . why is it in the interest of Europe to weaken the intellectual firepower of the Commission precisely in times of crisis ? on a personal note , may I say that whenever I have met the Dalai Lama , the impression that I have always gained is of a person with a profound commitment to peace , reconciliation and human rights . however , the report is spineless . we are agreed , too , that the internal market is Europe ' s key asset in the process of globalisation . Asia Bibi ' s life is at risk , not only through the application of Pakistani law , but also at the hands of fanatics . with regard to ongoing infringement procedure , the main problem continues to be the unduly long time taken to consider complaints . the average is 20.5 months , which is excessive . the proposed changes will cost the UK up to GBP 2 billion at a time when public and private sector workers are being made redundant in order to save far smaller sums . the new Agreement keeps the most important areas ( infrastructures , IT and telecommunications as well as translation , including the production of documents ) within the Joint Services ' remit , while a limited number of services are de-coupled ( internal services , socio-medical service , the library and prepress ) . even if there are important reasons linked to environmental and regional policy , we do not believe that some agricultural production should be sustained by subsidies ' at all costs ' . we cannot reach an agreement with the Council , however , because in our view , this is , in fact , a new task which is not included in the preliminary draft budget , and we invented an instrument called the flexibility instrument for precisely this type of situation . in order to achieve these goals I feel that the budget must be at least maintained , and I want to thank the rapporteur for a very good report and his cooperation . the Commission should make it unmistakably clear that infringing minority rights represents an infringement against the values of the EU . what démarches ? RoHS has been a successful piece of legislation since it was adopted in 2003 . Mr President , I voted against both the Matera reports on the mobilisation of the Globalisation Adjustment Fund , for the Czech Republic and for Poland , not because I feel any ill will against those countries - far from it . I have five observations to make . our voice must always express our values and we must always take action to protect these resources and achieve a low carbon economy . in light of this and in accordance with paragraph 43 and the provisions contained in Appendix 2 of the report , we should welcome the joint declaration made on the policy on buildings . I should once again like to express my gratitude to the rapporteurs , Mr Surján and Mr Gualtieri . this must stop . I therefore welcome the fact that the French Presidency has said that it is willing to try and produce a result by the end of the year . in view of the current economic crisis , the European Commission should act as quickly as possible in conjunction with the Member States to alleviate the socioeconomic effects of this restructuring . in this respect , if we accept what could be defined as cultural genocide in Tibet , we will have to be prepared to accept many more episodes of this kind in the future . the safety , including from the point of view of health , of agricultural products really must be a top priority . I voted in favour of this report because it is important that consumers be fully informed when buying textiles . we must provide rules . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioners , ladies and gentlemen , in the summer , Mattel recalled 20 million toys from China , thereby reopening the debate on the value of CE marking and sanctions against operators who do not meet European standards . for a self-employed person , for example , it is impossible without reimbursement to just drop their work in order to participate in an expert group in Brussels . the winemaking profession as practised in France has an extremely positive image , which is not necessarily the case for wines produced in other parts of the world . unfortunately , these efforts have reached a plateau and have slowed down . European Council Regulation No 3 / 2008 , which combines in a single text regulations 2702 / 1999 and 2826 / 2000 , has accommodated the European Commission ' s new political approaches on simplifying legislation , while also achieving the objective of facilitating administrative procedures within the European institutions . I do not see this as particularly strange . but the Treaty of Lisbon was drafted and agreed before the economic crisis , and is based on policies that helped to ignite the crisis . these penalties reduce direct aid and cut specific rural development measures , especially payments for the Natura 2000 regions as well as agri-environmental payments . Poland , a very European country , is on the point of deciding on two nuclear power plants . however , in the desirable process of expanding its external action capabilities , the EU must not confine itself to the military dimension alone : it must undertake to develop , in parallel , civil crisis management mechanisms involving action by the police , civil administrators , the judiciary , civil protection officers and so on . while democracy was representative when universal suffrage was brought in , making all persons equal - one person , one vote - in the communications market we are not all equal , because we do not all have equal access to radio discussion shows , television debates , columns in the press or editorial comment in the communication media . we want the mandate to continue unchanged . I should like to speak occasionally in the Piedmont language , but in our Parliament ' s library there are no cultural documents , magazines and so on relating to languages of cultural identity or local languages . these include green growth , renewable energies and combating world hunger . it is worth recalling the rapid assistance provided to Haiti by countries such as Cuba , which promptly sent 400 doctors , saving lives and preventing epidemics , building medical infrastructure and distributing basic necessities , or Venezuela , which offered debt relief and supplied fuel . it is a shame that Environment Minister Borloo did not give Mr Dimas strong support against the diehard reactionary Heads of State from Germany and especially Italy . in any case , the fact that she is Hungarian is already an undeniable asset . as Maurice Allais and clear-headed economists show , the total liberalisation of trade causes competition that pits everyone against everyone else as well as relocations , giving rise to pay restrictions , mass unemployment , and thus a crisis in our economies . in my opinion , this intensive farming with the use of antibiotics should be greatly restricted in the European Union , and perhaps even stopped , and the damage which has been done should be repaired by those who caused it . many good and very detailed suggestions were put forward by Members . I think that the report covers the main topics of interest on strengthening security and fundamental human rights on the Internet , referring to the protection of the rights stipulated by the specific regulations in force , including their digital aspects , and to the acknowledgement and development of new principles for controlling the Internet . the Commission says that a European PNR system is to be introduced , but has there yet been an evaluation of the results of the American PNR programme ? the liberalisations and deepening of the Internal Market that the EU has been carrying out demonstrate that it is big business that benefits above all . we have to take this very , very seriously , taking into account , of course this desire for positive cooperation in this new fight against terrorism , which will include compliance with the fundamental values which unite us and which have to unite the world community . as I said , I tell citizens that I believe that they are protected , but I cannot guarantee it . the Commission is concentrating mainly on reducing the size of fleets while , at the same time , failing to curb mass imports to the European market from the Far East , such as of the highly damaging panga . I also hope that the amendment regarding the establishment of an EU-wide early warning system will be adopted . we keep hearing about the 500 million citizens in this Chamber , but this Chamber separates itself from them as much as possible . tolerance , dialogue , mutual respect and understanding are , for some , parts of their faith . Mr President , Mr Griffin was wrong when he said that this has been a cold winter across the globe . ( DE ) Madam President , the EU has now adopted a post-Lisbon Strategy in which it has been careful not to commit itself to any testable goals at all . and , we need real action on the things that are going to make real differences to jobs out there now and in the future . there are other basic issues . Commissioner , these problems are of colossal dimensions and the oil in Iraq will be of little help as there are people who have no access to this oil . I await the reactions to this before my second turn . in order to ensure better financial management of Community expenditure , along with the relevant transparency with regard to the management of the funds , I believe that it is particularly important for Member States to have efficient monitoring systems . we must not ignore the fact that partners have the necessary abilities and resources which may boost the programme ' s effectiveness by making the process for selecting projects more efficient . in institutional terms , the entire concept was wrong from the start . these are fundamental rights , and a simple cost-benefit analysis is inappropriate where these are concerned . the loving care of the Church of Constantinople exceeds any linguistic , cultural , ethnic and even religious definition , as she seeks to serve all peoples . all of the data presented for this option , and on which my decision was based , indicates that the criteria laid down within Article 51 ( 2 ) of Regulation ( EU ) No 1095 / 2010 were met , and so I am happy with the appointment of Mrs Ross . I believe that we should aim to improve the situation in Eritrea itself and in other countries in the Horn of Africa , since improving the situation in African countries may reduce migratory pressure . I therefore support this approach . it is essential that we come back to this issue in September . such people include those belonging to the entirely non-violent PMOI organisation . doing both of these things at the same time will place too high a burden on our fishermen . we must clearly say that the events in Ukraine were genocide . I voted in favour of this resolution , because I feel that there is a need to enhance policy on protecting children ' s rights . I shall repeat what numerous members have said . then we would move towards a retrial , if that is necessary . it will not be a silver bullet solving all the problems caused by the recession , and we should not hold this tiny measure up as a huge achievement on our part . I can unequivocally declare here that Tomas Garrigue Masaryk has said that ' democracy is discussion ' . the process has always been complicated , but always constructive and very professional . thank you , Commissioner , and thank you for dealing with that last question . we are pleased that we are to receive a response from the European Commission in this House today . allow me , as the rapporteur for the Committee on Industry , to highlight three thoughts in this vein from the opinion prepared by our Committee . the rules governing the political and legal recognition of parties and their necessary funding must facilitate their action , so that they can freely create alternative policies , which is the very essence of democracy . as has already been mentioned , the Council has not yet had a discussion at the highest level and has not made a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the expansion of the Schengen area on individual countries . the EU must care for those who need help most : the disabled , the unemployed and people of retirement age . we need to make some changes along the lines of the Feio report to be voted on today . for these penalties , used in the case of Member States which are already in a difficult financial situation , could have the opposite effect , an adverse effect on the economies of these countries ... it is therefore important to deal not only with the past but also with the future . I fully support the proposal drafted by the European Parliament and the Council concerning the waiving of the requirement for short-term visas for citizens of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina when crossing external borders . that is a major contribution to consumer protection . it is also reminiscent of the sudden , unnatural death of entire herds after the animals had eaten genetically modified feedstuffs . the new instrument will be an international agreement . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will be answered in writing ( see Annex ) . people who sing the praises of nuclear energy have no right to go on disregarding that disgrace . Mr Papandreou , the Prime Minister , has done everything in his power to get out of this difficult situation . Mr President , I also want to say a few words about this excellent report . to have understood would have meant finally taking each large block , subjecting it to sober analysis - there are consultants and economic research institutes for this purpose - and reviewing it against the objectives set . the court procedure against the AK Party and the mysterious Ergenekon proceedings present a picture of a deeply divided society that is neither willing nor able to meet the challenges presented by the European Union . thus , we should not skimp on resources for communication and cooperation . as the extraordinary measure it is , the EGAF should be financed autonomously , and it is a very serious mistake for the EGAF , a short-term measure , to be funded at the expense of the ESF or any other structural fund . author . - ( PT ) As underlined in our Group ' s motion for a resolution , it is currently vital to express our solidarity with the East Timorese people and to condemn the attacks on the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of East Timor . what will be the basis for it ? Reformulating the recovery plan for hake and lobster is another fundamental point which should be considered . I would remind you that it has been greatly improved , that it is now fairly clear and that we can use it to create jobs and growth , which the citizens are waiting for . just imagine that a foul has been committed . but , as others have said , I do not think it is enough to try and develop people ' s confidence in the electoral system and its outcome . the previous debate was very interesting , but we have exceeded our allocated time , so I ask all those who are about to speak to stick closely to the time allocated . ( SK ) Allow me to express my grief and say a few words in remembrance of the recent tragic crash involving a Slovak bus that took place near the Croatian town of Gospič . this report deals with the Commission Green Paper on forest protection and information in the EU : preparing forests for climate change . the European Parliament , like the Commission , is trying to contain the centrifugal trends and the logic of ' every man for himself ' by calling for even greater dedication to completing the internal market , harmonising taxes and strengthening competition and the rules of the market . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( NL ) This directive is about patients . the Commission still considers this Convention to be a key part of the fight against poverty and desertification ; the Convention is still a unique forum , with the necessary competence and experience to learn lessons and design new approaches to tackling soil deterioration , and has achieved a great deal but , as we are all aware , there is still much to be done . the EGF ' s rules on the allocation of funds were simplified , taking into account the complex situation in the labour market and the growing number of unemployed . Mr President , the Lisbon Treaty provides for an intensification of the neoliberal economic agenda that has caused economic disaster throughout Europe with 21 million unemployed , an intensification of militarisation and the armaments industry , and more pressure for privatisation . we have , after all , achieved a great deal together . in order to resolve this situation , we need a three-pronged approach , involving close cooperation between the Council of Europe , together with the European Court of Human Rights , the European Parliament as the driving force behind the European Union and the human rights organisations in the region , which are attempting to protect it from the might of Russia . with regard to technical support for the least developed countries , the Council believes that the development and transfer of best practices and technologies is essential in the fight against biodiversity loss , climate change and desertification . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , please convey to President Sarkozy that Carlo Fatuzzo is 100 % in favour of what the French Presidency has done over the last six months . we are therefore able to continue this feasibility study into an alternative solution . the proposal aimed at increasing the transparency of recruitment procedures , competitions for managerial positions and the award of grants for scientific research does seem appropriate , though . what is to be done ? Europe needs to be more effective in strategic cooperation , internally and with its allies , in order to defeat terrorism but also in order to defeat it through political ideas and through law . farmers in Europe will be banned from using particular substances . in a crisis situation , Member States must focus greater attention when setting their priorities . the EU ' s future aid to Eritrea must be linked to clear demands for the release of Dawit Isaak and the other journalists . this term , which depends on the patient ' s state of health and on the anticipated length of stay , was defined by the Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers in 2004 . a common European strategy is obviously needed , but the European Union will not get anywhere if it is acting alone . it was a pleasure to work with the Commission and with the Council . a low sulphur content out at sea is not deemed to be an environmental problem , because the main aim has been to reduce urban pollution . ( SK ) In August this year an extreme right-wing group known as the ' Hungarian Guard ' was formed in the Republic of Hungary . there is an inherent risk on the market , not only on account of the economic aspect , but also due to the lack of democratic rights and human rights and the involvement of companies that lack good business concepts . I support Armenia in its efforts to gain recognition of the genocide carried out by the Ottoman Empire . it is therefore clear that this event does not make a symbolic contribution but a legal contribution . in writing . - A new Bretton Woods has to be well prepared . debts from the takeover are affecting the workforce , they are affecting the enterprise . the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea region and the role of macro-regions in the future cohesion policy ( we also have Member States , such as Sweden , that have set objectives with a timeframe . Mr President , I must take exception to the two points of order just made . I wanted to take part in the Geneva Process , but it seems that was difficult for the Government of Sri Lanka . it would be desirable for the proposal to be consistent with REACH as regards both timeframes and a tonnage-based approach , and where the annexes are concerned , not least Annex VI . ladies and gentlemen , on behalf of our President , Mr Pöttering , I must sadly inform you of the death of the former European Commissioner George Thomson , who later became Lord Thomson of Monifieth . ladies and gentlemen , as you will have understood , the changes implied by the Treaty of Lisbon are important . we will identify areas for further work , to examine , and address clearly , evidenced shortcomings in existing regulatory protections . I will now set out what we were trying to achieve . I think the one reservation which we would draw to your attention , which is contained in the resolution on which we will vote tomorrow , concerns the issues about the availability of information . it is only the ideology of a United States of Europe that emerges , which we do not support , since sovereign countries , the Member States , have already signed up to the convention . the actions undertaken by a coalition of European , Arab and North American countries implementing the UN resolution have helped protect the civilian population of Libya . we will establish cooperation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with the aim of achieving sustainable development and combating climate change and poverty . the European Union should increase its logistic action and offer proper support to make it easier for these entrepreneurs to be active on third country markets . radio frequencies serve the public interest in a wide range of areas in the Member States . directives on stable energy sources , fuel quality and the environmentally friendliness of vehicles must be implemented more strictly and with more attention to quality . this report does not form part of the legislative procedures and represents nothing more than the opinion of the European Parliament ' s federalist majority that the EU should increase its interference in the cultural sphere still further . we would also have liked to see the report cogently address the issues raised by the European Court of Auditors related to such funding , which it singularly fails to do . Mr President , first of all I have to apologise to the House ; as shadow rapporteur , I was unable to be here yesterday evening because my flight was not on time . if I have understood matters correctly , Mr McCreevy submitted initial measures concerning the banks to the Commission last week . ( the sitting was closed at 4.45 p.m. ) they wholeheartedly believe in this European project because what else can be more important than European decisions adopted by a government which has not been forced to make these decisions by legal requirements or requirements stipulated by the rules of this political game . just to conclude , I would like to say that this is one of the most difficult discussions that we have had , and it has been conducted very properly and with respect for all parties . I would like to thank everyone who has collaborated on this package . on agriculture : honouring the July 2008 commitments ; concluding the negotiations on procedures ; guaranteeing , in particular , special and differential treatment , respect for special products , and safeguard mechanisms ; developing agricultural support in accordance with sustainable agriculture and food security ; ( ES ) Madam President , Mr Saryusz-Wolski should be congratulated because his report clearly states the essential points that the Union should take into account in order to establish a genuine common foreign policy on energy : reciprocity with exporting countries , the need to better coordinate our energy diplomacy at European level , and the importance of establishing an integrated and competitive market . 1 . in view of their expertise and the important role these associations and organisations also play in guaranteeing and controlling quality , it is absolutely paramount that they are consulted . the above actions quite obviously put an end to discussions on the creation of an EU-Ukraine free trade area . I voted in favour of drawing up a development strategy for the Danube , which will allow us to ask the Commission to draft this document as soon as possible , taking into account specific consultations with experts in the field and in the relevant regions , while identifying the financial resources available and including non-EU countries . contractual relations in the milk and milk products sector ( many economists like to make economics more complicated than it is , but the explanation is quite simple : the markets have simply lost their belief that Europe ' s debt-ridden countries can compete and live up to their own responsibilities - that is the reason for all this . in the current economic crisis , the EU must commit itself politically and financially in the key areas of maintaining and developing ' clean ' technologies for combating climate change , supporting cross-border adaptation measures , boosting energy efficiency and providing assistance in the event of disasters , according to the EU ' s principle of solidarity . do not comb through the acquis until the end of 2009 , but send out a signal before the election next year . the Commission negotiates and signs the agreements . since the issue does , however - ladies and gentlemen of the left , and I am sorry to say it - touch on Italian political matters in a very provincial way , taking on an artificially European , and now domestic , dimension , it must be pointed out that , as long as the Italian left , which was once so much more powerful and substantial , allows itself to be led politically by comedians and demagogues , it will become increasingly distanced from power . promoting the free movement of people , in particular students and researchers , is a goal which is being pursued among other things by simplifying the procedure for the issue of short-stay visas in respect of which specific agreements were signed last September with the European Union ; the final goal is fully to liberalise visas in order to make freedom of movement effective , another major point of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement , and to open up channels fostering growth and education . according to the Court of Justice , the traditional designation clauses in the existing bilateral agreements infringe EU law , as they constitute discrimination against EU carriers established in a Member State but owned and controlled by nationals of other Member States . secondly , price : this in turn should mean that the price of airline tickets , kept artificially high by the present system , could go down by as much as 10 % as a result , according to the Commission ' s research . we have an EU-wide school drop-out rate of over 14 % . we must not deviate from the initial reasoning proposed by the European Commission . they did so with courage but also prudence , and without resorting to violence . consequently , that approach , which did not involve the use of violence - an instrument of terror - may serve as a guide for us in the twenty-first century . with each birth , with each period of maternity leave , women first reduce their professional responsibilities - unless the initiative comes from the company or the public sector . there is not even anything really new from the Council and the new President of the European Council . this had to be admitted , albeit reluctantly , even by the advocates of the old European Constitution . in certain cases , they need temporary working credit and temporary assistance . the extension of marketing authorisations under other names has been expressly simplified . thank you . it is no exaggeration to say that the rules of the market economy are not applied at present in the Russian energy industry . the claim that the Commission has changed its approach towards the assessment of Community interest in some recent cases is simply not true . we hope that this text , which should be adopted by the next JHA Council and then submitted to the December European Council , will be an ambitious and balanced text and obviously one that reflects the new institutional balance . in the past , vaccination against bluetongue was carried out using live attenuated vaccines , which called for a series of restrictions on vaccination so as to avoid the spread of the virus to unvaccinated animals . ( PL ) Mr President , respect for human rights is a fundamental task of the European Community . they also need a lot of storage on their farms for waste . therefore , I will briefly outline the three stages of this new dimension of European law . but whenever there has been a ' no ' result , it has been impossible to override it without coming back and addressing the concerns that were expressed and asking the country in question whether or not it wished to reconsider ; whether or not it wished to change its mind . had referenda taken place in countries other than Ireland , the Irish ' no ' would surely not have been the only one . I voted for this report as it contains specific provisions for improving consumer interests . what do we mean by this governance ? one of the things that we ask from the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection is for this Parliament to take an initiative in getting other national parliamentarians together in this House to talk in the framework of CARS 21 about how they , as national and local politicians , are going to contribute to these overall goals of achieving a competitive car industry with the highest possible technology and preserving and developing jobs and employment , while achieving the goals that we all want to meet in terms of science , safety and environmental improvements . I do this in order to protect the interests of British citizens , such as exemplified by the case of Andrew Symeou , a 19-year-old London man who faces extradition to Greece on 30 September on a manslaughter charge . in the 1950s and 1960s we had Chinese products : pens and various products for schools ; and now the Chinese have appeared as a powerful economic and political force . in this regard , I hope that the Vice-President / High Representative will raise the issue of Georgia , parts of whose territory remain annexed and occupied illegally by Russian soldiers , and help also to put pressure on Russia to solve the Transnistria question in Moldova . I have looked for a compromise that I could live with , and I did offer the idea of limiting the term extension to recordings published before 1975 , as appears in ALDE Amendments 80 and 81 , which are compatible with the main package . I say that very frankly . we therefore call for this situation to be tackled using an effective and impartial mechanism enabling emergency measures at EU level . please do not pick rows with Irish farmers or any section in Ireland this year above all years , and let them have the monies they are entitled to have , in the way they have been paid for over 14 years now . moreover , I would not have split the report into two sections , one on European neighbours and the other on Mediterranean neighbours . to conclude , I should like to thank the rapporteurs for the balanced and highly professional report assessing the ECB annual report . if we do not manage to provide consistent protection for consumers , then we will have totally failed in this respect . I can say that like everyone else , I do not agree that payment rates should depend on gender . reducing the number of inadmissible complaints has been a long-standing request of Parliament . genuine concerns need to be addressed and any loopholes for the unscrupulous to exploit must be closed off in European and legislative initiatives by European and national parliaments . I am pleased that the European Parliament has finally reached this debate on the European Union ' s strategy for children ' s rights because a policy which encourages children ' s rights will form the bedrock of tomorrow ' s society . the majority will continue to remain with the economic liberals and federalists in Parliament . one such film was shown here in Parliament and we saw the situation . the main advantage of RAPEX is that it allows information on dangerous consumer products found in one Member State to be rapidly communicated to the other Member States and the Commission to prevent other consumers from buying them . let us merge where we are strong ; let us in Europe bring together the spirit of research , Einstein and Steve Jobs . the war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia , which is soon to try Radovan Karadzić , shows that these principles are as important today as ever . we urgently need to find the resources required to avert the problems which our citizens are going to be faced with , such as unemployment . the general issue at stake here is disaster response . at the same time , it advocates the introduction of binding and minimum standards at EU level for starting a real policy of integration . Natalia Estemirova , who was a candidate for the European Parliament ' s Sakharov Prize , was kidnapped this morning in Grozny and is being held by unknown kidnappers . at this juncture , I believe that it is worth saying that certain Member States need to be firmer and , above all , more consistent in advocating human rights . can the Council state when the exact timing for the overall deployment of EU peacekeeping troops to Chad will take place and what the make-up of this troop deployment will be ? the debate is closed . I would therefore like to know : what boat was it and what information is available ? - ( PL ) Mr President , Robert Gwiazdowski , an expert at the Adam Smith Institute , is on record as having written that Monty Kaczyński ' s Flying Circus had flown back from Brussels but that it was not at all clear why it had flown there in the first place . it will be a comprehensive programme of technical assistance focused on growth and jobs , but with an emergency character because - I repeat - Greece is living in an emergency situation . I trust that you will find it a solid and balanced proposal which takes into account Parliament ' s recommendations and concerns . it is not clear yet what the specific results will be following this visit . the report also sounds an alarm bell concerning the poor application of the existing framework decision , along with the relevant international instruments , particularly the Council of Europe ' s Convention for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse , to which Romania has been a party since 2007 , while also requesting the incorporation of new sexual offences . the more that those on the right oppose what has been said , the more it becomes clear from your speech , Mr Brown , that we are on the right path . it is a regional war which does not just concern eastern Congo . we also need to minimise the costs of adaptation for European industry and to address the challenges faced by energy intensive industries . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , yes , the proposal for a directive on the internal transport of dangerous goods is an important issue , because around 110 billion tonnes / km of dangerous goods are transported in the EU every year : 58 % by road , 25 % by rail and , up to now , 17 % by inland waterway . you have an obligation to vote to choose one of the three films in the competition . if railways are included in the emissions trading and have to pay , I can no longer see why aviation and maritime transport should have such special privileges . the European Union has also said that we are willing to enter into a closer cooperation with Cuba , including trade , depending on their progress on human rights . the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( OSCE ) is a good reflection of this , as it is an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian security architecture , which is characterised by a global conception of security that includes political and military , economic and environmental , and human dimensions . we do not protect trees and we have no respect for timber . however , I do want to convey to you my answers to these questions as to why we have rejected some wording or other in the report on Parliament ' s discharge . this is an amendment that could not be foreseen at the beginning . coming again to the matter of regulation versus voluntary codes , many of the voluntary codes are only just getting under way , and for the main part these should be given time to operate . I should like to make three proposals for the package of two reports that we have discussed today . it is necessary to ensure that the substances for which a claim is made have been shown to have a beneficial nutritional or physiological effect . I would have expected us to discuss the European Union ' s cooperation with China in reforming the global financial system , bearing in mind China ' s balanced and constructive position , especially now , before the G20 summit in London . given that the Netherlands has requested assistance in respect of 821 redundancies in 70 companies operating in the NACE Revision 2 Division 18 ( printing and reproduction of recorded media ) in the two contiguous NUTS II regions of Nord Brabant and Zuid Holland , I voted in favour of the resolution because I agree with the Commission ' s proposal and with the amendments to it tabled by Parliament . that is wonderful ! thus , in fact , we might say that he hurried ahead of the decision by our fellow Member . but do they want a solution ? but we need also to agree on a second element , colleagues , which is flexibility . because of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty , I welcome the fact that the European Union now has competence in the area of sport with a support budget . we can use public procurement to drive forward areas like small and medium-sized enterprises , Commissioner , and opportunities for innovation and green products and services - and , indeed , for supporting the whole of the innovation agenda . if Member States work together , they can ensure a more secure , cheaper and more efficient supply of energy resources to citizens and companies . Mr Schulz , obviously I believe that all democratic parties have a place in democratic countries . the report published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( ECDC ) notes that , in the management of the virus , the EU has been unable to adapt quickly to the medical measures necessary to limit infection . if we remember that , we will not go far wrong . moreover , a further step will be taken towards the implementation of one of the European Union ' s objectives - territorial cohesion . we have supported this resolution with the clear aim of sending the message that the European Parliament and Labour MEPs stand side-by-side with the people of Haiti in the long-term work of rebuilding the infrastructure , communities and lives which have been torn apart . the Commission proposal introduces important innovations which I hope you can support . at the same time , this may also alleviate the imbalance within the dairy market . I support the need for a correlation between the retirement age and demographic trends . however , that demands that we use the community method and involve the European Parliament and national parliaments . we want an inclusive Europe , and I give as an example the inclusion in the budget of the pilot project designed to facilitate the integration of the Roma people . the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) was set up with the purpose of supporting the reintegration into the labour market of workers made redundant due to the current process of world market globalisation . we wonder if these cuts were really necessary and what was the rationale behind them , especially since the fishery sector is currently experiencing great difficulties due to the crisis over fuel prices and the cuts in fishing opportunities . Mr President , thank you for your understanding . you correctly point out that Community legislation is the way to achieve the goals of the EU treaties , as its byword is the interest of European citizens , who have the right to demand the implementation of this law . I also agree that the Commission ' s proposal , in its explanatory statement , should include clear and detailed information on the application , analysing the eligibility criteria and explaining the reasons that led to its approval , in accordance with the requests made by Parliament . I am also talking about developing cooperation with the Council of Europe on training mediators from the Roma community . on that basis , Baltic Gay Pride was held on 8 May 2010 : that was the event to which a previous speaker referred . for society as a whole , the costs of poor health and safety at work have been put at an astronomical 3.8 % of gross national product . the Commission can wholeheartedly support the text as it stands . for the people of Haiti it is , of course , important that the infrastructure and the institutions of the state are rebuilt in the long term . ( FR ) Madam President , I wish briefly to say three things . I am aware , for example , that one Italian MEP , a member of the EFD Group , has been prosecuted for taking part in a vigilante raid in which he set fire to the belongings of an immigrant . we believe that these will institutionalise inefficiencies in the farming sector . it is a way of combining conditionality with our various means of exerting pressure within the framework of a legally binding agreement . the only way in which we will be able to bring these figures back in line with public opinion is when we restore budgetary responsibility to national parliaments and to national parliamentarians who have to justify themselves to their constituents , who are also their taxpayers . allow me one last sentence , Mr President - Barack Obama only became President by the will of the nation , a nation which is worth working with , a nation which protects values that are also important to us . I would call for decisive measures to be taken at the level of both the EU and all the Member States to combat pay-related discrimination and to ensure access to attractive job offers . 6 . here , what is important is not to cast doubt upon the Lamassoure-Severin report ; it is probably well constructed , albeit built upon a foundation of sand . however - I am exaggerating here , but only slightly - the communication posts have largely been budgeted for , and we have been told , since the elections : ' we have to improve communication , we have to enhance it so as to increase our fellow citizens ' awareness ' . one or both parents often never return and they can be indifferent to the fate of their children , whose best hope is to be cared for by close relatives . if Europe really intends to implement the policies laid down in the European Treaties , including the most recent policies , it must have the financial resources it needs to fulfil these ambitions . indeed , will you monitor it , and what action will you take if distortion results ? 3 . welcome after all , only then can we truly make this leading role a reality . need I point this out ? please , what are you afraid of ? I voted for this resolution because I believe that any agreement between the EU and the United States in this area must also include strict safeguards on implementation and supervision , to be monitored by an appropriate EU-appointed authority . in addition , the objection about the political bias of the composition of the Media Council under this law is totally unfair . that is , in my view , the path we need to follow . the debate is closed . I think human life deserves better . there is a human rights instrument that is indeed very important , known as the European Convention on Human Rights . this afternoon I had a meeting with the officials in my Directorate-General with a view to enhancing and redoubling the Commission ' s efforts in the field of road safety . the second step is to combat child trafficking and prostitution . the third step is for us not to forget , for the children ' s sake , that priority must be given to adoptions by family members and national adoptions . in addition to those answers , I would now like to respond to some of the comments made . the campaign is being run by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( ECDC ) , the European Union institutions and the World Health Organization . I do not believe that this is in any way acceptable . genital mutilation is a social problem that concerns us all . we would rather see these sort of arrangements set within a proper framework - and within something that is not going to delay for five years much of the progress that we want to see happen . the text is , admittedly , a first step in the right direction since hedge funds were not previously obliged to be transparent . there were two glimmers of light when the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force . the European agricultural sector produces high-quality food , protects vital rural areas and many jobs , maintains and promotes our cultural landscape and biodiversity and can make a contribution to conserving fossil fuels through the production of renewable raw materials and energy . my colleague , Stephen Hughes , has already referred to the fact that the first Barroso Commission has failed to deliver much of what you had already promised . of course , what it cannot ultimately safeguard is the interest on the part of the Member States in making use of this tool to promote their culture . the Commission refers specifically and clearly to the difficulties ; it defines them and suggests what the difficulties are and where there is a margin for us to implement the targets we have set . the Union also enters 2009 secure in the strength of its international reputation . this Union is an Orwellian creation where words mean the opposite of what is said . its goal is to facilitate intra-European arms exports , which also , of course , affects arms exports outside the EU . there must be strict compliance with the port State obligations contained in the International Labour Organization ' s Maritime Labour Convention , the ' polluter pays ' principle must hold and all the rules must also apply at night . for 2009 , they were 30 % , and in 2010 , they were 40 % . much effort is dedicated to addressing safety issues . European investment in Niger ' s uranium mines or in the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline must be accompanied by transfers of technology for clean energy production based on microprojects . come here for 90 minutes , not 60 . can we have some monitoring by the Commission ? however , we are equally concerned about and sympathetic towards the unfortunate position which the Palestinians find themselves in with regard to everything referred to in this statement and , in particular , the 1967 borders , the difficult situation in Jerusalem and the settlement activities . the innocent people living in the south of Slovakia have , in this way , become hostages to these nationalists and their dreams of a politically reunited Hungarian nation . ( NL ) Mr President , the Dutch guarantee of many billions of euros prompted the former Minister of Finance , Mr Ruding , to say ' The road to budgetary hell is paved with guarantees ' . the recently adopted Lisbon Treaty gives more authority to European institutions in a political sense , and it seems to me that a particular kind of divide is opening between political integration , which is making progress , and economic integration . this framework decision must be seen as a first step in the process of getting to grips with racism and xenophobia at European level and maximum harmonisation in this field . the Commission is therefore called upon to review the Agency ' s fee structure to bring costs and revenue for certification activities into balance . however , it is lacking one critical and , above all , self-critical analysis . this country is going through a process of increasing authoritarianism in which freedoms are being restricted , the opposition is being harassed and fear is being created among the people who even suspect that their vote is no longer secret . as far as working hours are concerned , we have been successful today . I accept the work done by the rapporteur , and certainly she has taken out a great many of the concerns we would have , but it does leave me wondering why we need this at all . I agree with the statement that investment in the production of biogas from different sources should be encouraged , drawing on EU funds allocated to regional and rural development for that purpose . in addition , more must be done in future to cater to the specific needs of women in the agricultural sector in order to attract the younger generations to the industry . the European Commission , which has been criticised on several occasions with regard to agricultural policy , is condemned by the European Parliament in this report for arriving too often at conclusions that are unsustainable for European agricultural policy . if we do not succeed in avoiding this , I will then take up the fight against it . I have since then been discussing the terms of such facilitation with both foreign ministers - most recently in a trilateral meeting yesterday evening - following the decisions of both governments on our initiative . there are many people over there also in denial . finally , I would urge the Council , too , to follow Parliament ' s recommendations . this image somehow also reflects an image of China : able to show itself as sumptuous , rich , developed , and capable of presenting itself to the world , as in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games . once again , it should be stressed that as a result of the crisis and economic instability , CFP will no longer function and will leave the fishermen to their fate . today , the problem is in Lampedusa . we cannot allow ourselves to fall prey to fear and make hasty choices today : we need a general agreement on making existing nuclear plants safe and screening those that are under construction . the first concerns the impact assessment . but the reality is that others have to match our level of ambition . I feel that this report is actually - and I say this with deep conviction - one of the most controversial documents adopted by Parliament in recent times . her outrageous sentence of 11 years ' imprisonment for doing her job is an insult to humanity . today we understand each other better . firstly , energy , its supply and sufficiency , raises and lowers the position of societies in the global competitive environment . as things stand at present , only half the Member States of the Union have ratified the Partnership Agreement with the ACP ( African , Caribbean and Pacific ) countries due to enter into force on 1 January 2008 . universities must be able to count on significant and foreseeable public and private funding . finally , I want to underline the fact that the provisions of this directive , which represents a new regulatory frame , should only apply to the structured financial instruments , credit rating agencies themselves being an important part of structured finance . I appeal for sensitivity to the situation of millions of citizens of Ukraine and hundreds of young Ukrainians . next week is the European SME week . second , we need more consistent application of the VAT rules on financial services and a more level playing field in the internal market . however , as I also indicated last night during our discussions , laws and regulations are as good as we make them , and we therefore have to remain vigilant and see to it that Member States , feed dealers and , indeed , the Commission , ensure that everybody sticks to their obligations in ensuring that laws really are enforced and that they are good laws . there is no lender . biogas and other biofuels , along with solar and wind energy , can significantly reduce the reliance on conventional energy sources . it is , therefore , essential to ensure that outsourcing , which should in any case only be allowed under the most stringent conditions , is permitted only on premises that enjoy diplomatic protection . there is a long chain of terrorist acts ranging from indoctrinating and arousing fanaticism in a child to murder . ( PT ) Madam President , Mr Chastel , on 6 July this year , the European Parliament adopted , by a large majority , a specific directive on bio-waste . I voted in favour of this resolution because , while recognising the principle of subsidiarity and the competence of the Member States in this area , I think the European Union should make its own contribution by encouraging dialogue among the various actors on solidarity between generations . in my view , Mr Baco ' s vote is more of a misunderstanding . what should be pointed out , however , is that this work has not been completed , because it also involves Parliament remaining vigilant against the temptation of populism , which looks for scapegoats for the problems of social exclusion rather than solutions or responses . Parliament will investigate carefully the information you have provided and will act on it in the coming months . if we keep speaking only about symptoms and perpetrators , remaining silent or passive when it is about the causes and facilitators , we are going to jeopardise our values . ( BG ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am taking the floor so that I can draw your attention to a complex problem which unfortunately affects every single Bulgarian citizen , namely , the daily racketeering which the banks engage in against consumers . I would like to mention just two examples . only weak governments go to such lengths to preserve their artificially obtained corrupt power and wealth . it is good that the European Union has decided on a common peace mission to Chad with the aim of protecting its citizens and guaranteeing humanitarian aid . to end , I must say to you , Madam Vice-President , that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament . it is primarily Europe ' s soot emissions that are responsible for the significantly faster melting of the ice in the Arctic - they are borne there by the wind . this would give a real industrial boost to the economic recovery . within the framework of action 2 , funds will be targeted and used in accordance with the objectives of the development and external relations instruments . to conclude , Commissioner , since you have spoken of respect - yes , it is entirely appropriate that the majority society should harbour the greatest respect for its minorities , but I think the minorities in a healthily functioning society should have equal respect for that society . agriculture continues to be an important economic sector . in the case of Slovakia , the 17 % revaluation of its currency , albeit planned and in line with the Treaty criteria , gives food for thought . Madam President , I do not propose to go over all the issues raised here , especially since there is going to be a vote tomorrow , but I would nonetheless like to highlight certain points that have been made repeatedly in the speeches . unfortunately , we have been unable to obtain an assurance in this report that the European Commission will finally take note of Article 14 of the Treaty of Lisbon and present a proposal for a directive on public services . its purpose is to attract qualified foreign students to Europe . Mrs Rühle , as regards compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , these substances can be found in various consumer goods and not just in toys . in which areas does the Council feel there has been most progress ? in other words , they are not delivering a solution to the question that you have in mind . looking to changes ahead , the preparations for the reform of the common agricultural policy in 2013 will be an issue during this Presidency . we must avoid creating bureaucratic obstacles which serve to muzzle dynamism and entrepreneurship to the point of suffocating them . the European Union has to take this into account when we want to develop even stronger cooperation for the benefit of the Arctic , its inhabitants and its wildlife . all procurements in connection with the European Football Championship have been excluded from the scope of this law . it is in fact the wrong response as , if we had voted for the Membership Action Plan ( MAP ) in Bucharest , strictly speaking this would not have made any difference because I believe that no one was ready to make war on behalf of Georgia . particular attention must be focused on the objectives set in the Europe 2020 strategy . under no circumstances must occupational pensions be transferred to a compulsory European system . the second question is whether or not we should be considering developing the GSP + system further into a GSP + + . I can do without your applause . of special importance to the consumer is also the establishment of the right to withdraw from a contract within a 14-day period without giving a reason and the related right to obtain reimbursement of all payments which have been made . we have made it slightly more flexible . I think it is a positive sign that the summit is to be held in the capital of Khanty-Mansi . this will continue to be the case . needless to say , I completely disagree with extending the application of the ' blue card ' system . for this reason , I would like to repeat that I was very grateful that all of this has been made clear today . I am very much in favour of asking the Commission to take steps to facilitate an independent study of the performance of innovative communication means , including labelling , as a way of reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption . we have been able to , and should , approach Mr Soini ' s speeches with a sense of humour , but , as in recent times he has gained a certain amount of support , they obviously need to start to be taken seriously . this system threatens to permanently weaken liberal democracy in Russia itself . it is also fanning the flames of neo-imperialism in Russian foreign policy . my second question : what action can be taken quickly to make the European economy less dependent , especially on imported oil and gas and their prices ? as I have said , using a battering ram against the social security system would definitely be the worst thing that the European Union could do at this point . nobody mentions that our actions have only increased the number and the intensity of terrorist acts . but , of course , it is in Turkey ' s interest to strengthen every aspect of her democracy . this is an important area of macroregional cooperation . Mr President , on behalf of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament , I want to express our total condemnation of the murders being committed in this region of Somalia in the name of God . I believe we ought to be discussing this . simply because most of them want it that way . if we want the port to remain competitive we need to modernise its current infrastructure and remove red tape . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Mrs Harms mentioned something important yesterday . the amendments to the Structural Funds Regulation to take account of cohesion policy will enable us to provide a new impetus for investment and help restore confidence in the economies . gender-based violence covers sexual abuse , human trafficking , forced marriage and genital mutilation , and such violent crimes have an extraordinary impact on and do irreparable damage to a woman ' s physical and mental health . in writing . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted against the report by Mr Catania on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union ( 2004-2008 ) . that is the current situation of the Roma in France . Ms Gomes has visited Iraq twice since December in order to get the clearest possible picture of what is and what is not happening in the country . this is the reason why this issue should be approached realistically , with responsibility , and specialists from various fields of expertise should take part in the related debates . for countries like mine , Romania , offset is , at least for the time being , an important mechanism to ensure the survival of our national industry . indeed , it will no longer be necessary to submit 27 applications within the Member States . pursuant to Article 15 of the Treaty on European Union , I would like to know when the President of the European Council will come and give an account of the European Council of 4 February to the European Parliament , because I do not believe he is coming to this part-session . what strategy , then , will the Commission adopt in relation to the African Union , as we are talking about the African continent ? we are very satisfied by the very positive response that Parliament and the Council have given to the proposal . I am really glad to be able to speak about this topic with you this evening . let me say something else on the same subject that Mr Romeva i Rueda and Mrs Gomes : surely the weapons used in these countries , including Somalia , are produced in and exported from so-called democratic countries , countries that are economically developed . when you arrive in those countries instability starts again . they should include a monetised indicator , such as adjusted net disbursements , and a physical indicator , such as an ecological or carbon footprint , for the environmental dimension , and social indicators which incorporate the social dimension , such as an inequality evaluation ( for example , the Gini coefficient ) and a social integration and human prosperity index , such as the Human Poverty Index . it is the sector which the European Commission itself describes as the one with the greatest potential for reducing CO2 . the amendments are constructive ; I hope they will be successful and that colleagues will support them tomorrow . the announcement that the priorities established in the 2008 budget will continue in connection with interpreting and with the analytical service of the library is also pleasing . we also favour implementing all practical measures which can reinforce concrete cooperation between the EU and NATO and ensure , in particular , cooperation when both are deployed in the same theatre . with regard to the existing landfills , the Commission has started an investigation and asked the Italian authorities to report on the functioning of the Terziano and Cicciano landfills . in writing . - There is no doubt that , despite current legislation to reduce pesticides , excessive amounts of pesticides exist in our air , water and food supply , affecting our health and the environment . we need to protect our citizens from terrorist threats , and we also need to safeguard their private lives and privacy . thirdly , I would like to emphasise once again that the Council must give a clear signal after Copenhagen that a binding climate change agreement is needed . rest assured that we will hold talks on this matter and decide on the next steps to be taken in this regard . these principles are as follows : increase efficiency in production and distribution of goods and services , mainly by reducing red tape ; improve the existing rules and adapt them to the current circumstances , notably to facilitate risk-based monitoring procedures for national administrations ; simplify procedures and increase transparency for intra-Community trade , by increasing legal certainty and fair rules ; finally , the system for the collection and reimbursement of duty should not give rise to discriminatory criteria , and should avoid double taxation . there is also the amendment to deal with the odd system we have that our opening session is chaired by the oldest Member instead of , for instance , the outgoing President , which happens in some parliaments - or an outgoing Vice-President , even , if the President were not re-elected , perhaps . Commissioner , in our view , the aim is not to infringe employees ' rights in any way but to create jobs . in writing . - ( NL ) The transmissible diseases that threaten Europe , such as SARS and bird flu , show that far-reaching European measures are necessary to prevent a possible pandemic in Europe . the Council believes that we have achieved the most important goal , that is , the consolidation of the case-law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of goods and services in the area of healthcare . Mr van Rompuy makes his statement - that is also excellent . and yet , we still have no common strategy , and there is no coordination of measures taken by the various institutions and the Member States , which should not resist harmonisation of their legislation , even though this is not anchored in the treaties . given these factors , I believe that the EU must devise an effective policy so that workers can remain in the labour market and not be subjected to age discrimination . I voted against setting the legally binding target of achieving minimum energy savings of 20 % by 2020 as this element of compulsion at EU level could have an adverse impact on the single market . ( applause ) we can see that the groundwater has been contaminated by the chemicals that have permeated this hydraulic fracturing . the Joint Undertaking is in a start-up phase and had not yet fully established its internal control and financial reporting systems by the end of 2009 . a very warm welcome to you all ! the consumer must be able to identify what proportion of the price goes to the state and how much goes into the pockets of the airline and airport . in writing . - I voted for this report , which stresses that the main objective pursued by the EU and the Member States in the EU strategy for the Black Sea region should be to establish an area of peace , democracy , prosperity and stability , founded on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and providing for EU energy security , and considers that good governance , the rule of law , promotion of respect of human rights , migration management , energy , transport , the environment , and economic and social development should constitute priority actions . I would like to add , Mr Farage , that I respect the Polish , but you were not in my office negotiating the Lisbon Treaty with a number of colleagues . equally , experience shows that non-lethal methods for disturbing cormorants on rivers are inefficient . on the contrary , supporting the Treaty of Lisbon and ' free trade ' , implementing palliative controls on the environmental degradation caused by the liberalisation of trade , will only exacerbate the environmental degradation that is increasingly threatening our planet and its people . in writing . - As usually in this type of reports , the EP : we would also stress the fact that this proposal for a directive includes aspects that will end up restricting the right to asylum and applying conditions to it , above all , limiting each Member State ' s sovereign right to make its own choices and decide on its own asylum procedures . this choice must not contribute to creating extra burdens on the weakest companies , thus handicapping their activity . we should not forget that even today in the European Union there is a 28.4 % difference in employment rates between men and women , that we are a long way off the Lisbon target of achieving 60 % female employment by 2010 and that , in addition , women earn on average 15 % less than men . this is primarily through NATO and the UN . this will certainly lead to problems in the area of jurisdiction and the autonomy of the Court of Justice . my second point concerns market monitoring . we know who they are . however , it was only awarded seven licences for tuna fishing . we know that 0.3 % of the planet ' s deserts could supply the entire world with energy . who is responsible if , in a Member State of the EU , further to an agreement with an international organisation which has nothing to do with the European Union , the employment situation deteriorates drastically , including in respect of aid for the employment of people with disabilities ? Mr President , like my colleague Mrs Ask , I would like to finish by saying that you are more than welcome to send your opinions to us by e-mail if you did not have an opportunity to present them here today . although I do not endorse those who would seek to impose demands on regions from above as regards the earmarking programme , the impetus stemming from this report and from the proposals made are nevertheless heading in the right direction and will contribute to the creation of green jobs . at present , 10 Member States have lines with ERTMS and there are ongoing projects in almost all Member States . however , this must - and this is my appeal to the Commission , to Baroness Ashton - this must be the slogan , the main slogan of our diplomacy in the world . that calls to mind a quote from the classics : the message well I hear , my faith alone is weak . there was talk of welfare tourism and countless other problems . Mr President , the next European Union-Russia summit will take place between a Russian Federation on the rise - be it only provisionally - and an EU not only affected by the Irish ' no ' on the Lisbon Treaty but , moreover , by the lack of a clear vision on how to get out of this crisis . the second ' bird ' is Europe ' s heavy dependence on imported energy . this impact is very clear , particularly for corn gluten feed and the waste from using maize to produce alcohol . they will be equal in every sense . 2 . firstly , I would like to point out that more than 15 days after the first cases had been reported and more than a month after the first instances of contamination had occurred , the European early warning and response units have still been unable to identify the real cause of the contamination . the countries that are among the new EU Member States often have enormous deficits to make up , especially as regards the quality and health of the foodstuffs produced . I believe that no one should go unemployed for months without the offer of training , a job or help to obtain a job , and that no school-leaver should be out of school and out of work for long without being offered the chance to get the skills they need for the future . 2. bus and coach routes which are making marginal or no profit , having no room for increased ticket prices , will be cut entirely and there will be no service . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , like Mr Salafranca , I should like to pick up on what President Sarkozy stated this morning : we have to try to solve the problems with Russia via dialogue rather than confrontation . we need a responsible and ambitious policy at this level from all political players . for this reason , I believe that it is extremely important to guarantee a high level of protection for all consumers without , however , hampering the operation of mobile telephony networks and the development of new wireless technologies . how can we reform European agriculture fairly if we ignore 95 % of all farms ? in addition to the November summit of the EU and the US , the December meeting of the Transatlantic Economic Council also provides a platform for responsible and pragmatic policies . that is the process we would like to see taking place , so that we may look forward to all countries of the Western Balkans becoming fully-fledged members of the European Union one day , which will be the foundation of ensuring peace , security and cooperation - in that part of Europe , too . I welcome the resolve and intent of the Chinese , the Indians and so many other countries in the industrialised and less-developed parts of the world to achieve the target of a serious reduction in carbon dioxide emissions , as opposed to business as usual . women represent 42 % of agricultural workers in all countries of the European Union . if we continue now and always to extract raw materials , we will never see the end of things . crash tests have shown that these belts , which are the devices most commonly used by European airlines , may actually endanger children and cause serious injuries . they have no right to healthcare or pensions and they live in constant fear of being caught and sent back to their home country . people accept what they know , but anything that is beyond their horizon arouses concern . I am referring here , above all , to young people . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of the report . we , the European Parliament , shall pay particular attention to whether democratic rules of play are observed . their arrival is a direct consequence of the occupation of Latvia implemented by the Soviet Union . it is a fact that Europe can no longer sustain these migratory movements via Tajikistan and from Afghanistan and other countries , a fact which primarily the Mediterranean countries , such as Malta , Cyprus , Greece and Italy , are paying for now , but which it is certain , with mathematical precision , will be paid for at a later date by all the countries of northern Europe . I regret that the Swedish Minister was not here , because we had very good cooperation . in situ research into mycorhizal symbiosis should be actively encouraged . let me start with the negatives - the limitations . I once again repeat my thanks to the Commission and to Parliament , which , I am sure , will deal with this matter meticulously , thoroughly and swiftly . in view of the budgetary situation of most EU Member States , this is unacceptable . in order to prevent similar dangerous situations in the future , pre-prepared support plans must exist , and there must be an appropriate reaction both before and after the problem . I should also mention Agora , Parliament ' s forum with civil society , which is making history and is a really important instrument . we must facilitate access to funding for private individuals and for entrepreneurs who are unable to obtain loans from the traditional banking sector . the agreement reinforces bilateral cooperation between the European Union and Mauritania , and must guarantee sustainable fishing . if necessary , they should also make significant increases to public financing for the development of low-carbon technologies . therefore , there is no doubt that the constant increase in food prices as a result of increased commodity prices is an increasingly pressing concern for the EU . on the first point , I will refer to the President of the Italian Republic , who I already quoted yesterday and who voiced his opinion last week : ' the European Parliament ' - I quote - ' cannot be a sounding board for the political conflicts and controversies that are a matter of course within the Member States and their national parliaments . ' the Committee on Transport and Tourism realises that around 90 % of Union exports and imports are made by sea . such an approach might well be counterproductive and would cancel out the benefits of dealing with the Roma problem across the board in all the European Union ' s policies . one thing is clear to all of us . in the finance sector , the numbers are even less positive : women represent only 10 % of board members of the major European listed companies and 3 % of the chairpersons of those boards . it is all this that our healthcare systems must be able to respond to , with everyone having guaranteed access to healthcare services . this is our commitment and yet we win in some areas and we lose in others . - Before the vote : as food is the most important collective asset of the agricultural sector , food production must be ensured , especially with a view to food security over the coming decades . our citizens expect those rules of play to be adhered to . I therefore believe that we have to break this vicious circle through the balance which Mr Mate spoke of . for 180 pills , the price in Malta is EUR 178.97 as compared to EUR 135.13 in Brussels . sustainable , productive and competitive European agriculture enables the challenges of security of supply in the food and energy sectors , of climate change , of the environment and biodiversity , of health , and of demographic change in the EU to be met . that is also why businesses now have a big chance to make it unnecessary for me to intervene , because if they do things right , we do not need to intervene . the office of High Representative , while it still lasts , has been undermined and the authority of the international community weakened . one of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities I have proposed will concentrate on information and communications technology . I agree with Mr Kacin and Mr Pinior that we should not wait for any subsequent reports , but rather seize the first suitable opportunity to start negotiations with Macedonia . Mr President , as Mr Vondra , the deputy Prime Minister has said , the Commission must ensure that the rules are applied . the objective of the motion is not to cut Europe off from the rest of the world or to override the rules of the market . women with temporary and outsourcing contracts often fill posts in sectors where the need is great during good economic times but where the position is often very fragile during an economic downturn . what happened really could take us almost to the edge of the abyss , the precipice , and so the unanimous call that came from Parliament is the only one that can guide us at this difficult time . if the United States and South-East Asia do not participate on the same terms as the EU in the carbon dioxide emissions programme that has been developed , the huge financial and economic effort by the EU will serve no purpose . for the future , we must make efforts to ensure that our Parliament - like our counterparts in the US Congress who , one could argue , have arrogated various rights to themselves over recent centuries - has more opportunities to exert influence on the substance of this agreement . the key issue of course is prevention and I am therefore pushing for a Europe-wide ban on gambling advertisements which are targeted at young people , just as we have for alcohol and tobacco . the European authorities must be open to dialogue and cooperation with the citizens and with organisations from civil society . it remains up to the EU and Canada to decide what commitments it is willing or not to undertake in each sector , including with regard to public services or other services where future policy flexibility is important . however , IAs can in no way be a substitute for political debate and the legislator ' s democratic and legitimate decision-making process . up till now , the United States has not said anything about how prepared it is to support emission reduction targets in the developing countries . welcome to the European Parliament ! the new Commission will have the difficult task of encouraging sustainable growth through the full implementation of the European economic model ; that is , the model of the social market economy . the numerous investment agreements signed by the EU , whether bilateral or multilateral , must guarantee the protection of investors in all the appropriate sectors . ( PT ) Mr President , Mr Medina Ortega , we are obviously not waiting for Rome , Lisbon , London or Paris to suffer natural disasters before we look at this issue in more detail . we must make our position very clear to the rest of the world . for instance , the attack on human rights activist Lev Ponomarev last night is the latest reminder of how difficult the situation for human rights defenders is in Russia . the next item is the statements from the Council and the Commission concerning the situation in Kenya . if the European Union is to effectively support us through the economic crisis , lead the way as it must in fighting climate change , protect public services , defend human rights and contribute to international peace and disarmament , then it needs the input of all of us , and that includes Wales , Scotland , Catalonia , Corsica , Flanders and many others . it gives the enlarged Europe the rules it needs to function effectively and democratically . Minister Vondra , you promised that you would keep this Parliament fully briefed . whether this actually comes about largely depends on the Russian side . the integration of the west Balkans with the general European framework of stability is probably our greatest challenge since the Union began . I disagree strongly with the minister who left , who said that we can in effect do very little . I would also highlight the salutary and technologically oriented competition that this system will bring to the tyre market , meaning that technological developments in the various brands can be compared - and understood - by consumers in a clear and objective manner . I would therefore ask the European Commission to keep a close eye on the interests of inland shipping when it drafts new legislation on urban mobility . in these circumstances , the rapid provision of accurate information to passengers was an absolute must . it is time to take significant steps towards improving the lives of the majority of women , including in the area of sexual and reproductive health , and putting an end to the hypocrisy that still surrounds the issue of abortion . unscrupulous employers benefit from these illegal workers who are prepared to work for very poor rates and in dangerous conditions . on 5 September 2007 the Commission proposed amending the working methods used to date . the proposal aimed to ensure more effective management of proceedings , and received the support of the majority of Members of this House . that is how you make policy , and it is how you gain the support of our citizens . we need assurances from President Putin that he understands our guiding principles . the process for evaluating these countries and their accession must be completed according to the same criteria with which it started . 2 . two people came , having announced their visit . we must help to strengthen the cautious movement towards greater openness . furthermore , crops which grow in the vicinity of heavily used roads would be much less exposed to pollution from exhaust fumes . but , also on the European summit , I would say : renewable energy and energy saving - I think there is huge opportunity for governments to slip there , not to deliver on the goods , to find it politically difficult to bring about the institutional changes necessary , and I think the Commission needs to put as much pressure as possible to name and shame , to find new mechanisms , to ensure that Member States deliver on the goals they have now agreed . it is therefore more Europe and a better Europe that we need . unfortunately , we must acknowledge that minor positive results have been achieved and that the objective of gender equality is still far off . situations such as those faced by Iraqi society , and other parts of the world today , for example , teach us that the deeper the damage to the fabric of society the more painful , costly and difficult in human terms it is to repair it . thank you , Commissioner . in my constituency a wonderful project in relation to this subject was supported by Interreg . we really have to look into this matter . we will be voting against this text . what is happening in the euro area and in the whole of the European Union is that although it did not cause the crisis and it is not where the crisis began - we know that it began in the United States - we have suffered its effects just as much as the country where it began . free markets are not synonymous with deregulated markets . these people are fighting for their work , for their existence and for their children , and it is precisely this fear and worry which creates such fertile ground for the growth of far-right extremism in the EU and in the Member States . I would like to try again to show that there are a variety of dimensions here . I am very pleased to hear that the substance of this Regulation has met with widespread agreement . a good example is the European Ecumenical Assembly taking place these days in Sibiu , Romania . where are we now ? therefore , I welcome the outcome of this vote . it is also a great pleasure for me to welcome the winners of the first Charlemagne Youth Prize to the European Parliament today . the economic crisis must not deflect any of us from meeting the long-term challenge of climate change . in view of the present developments , how should one read the reiteration of the EU ' s readiness to recognise an independent Palestinian state when appropriate ? faced with the ever-worsening crisis , unemployment and living conditions for millions of people , all of us are thus once again aware what the much-vaunted European solidarity really means for some . I do not complain about being accused of being unduly ambitious - that is the benchmark for what I do and how I set about my job . we consider the mobilisation of this support to be important and necessary , and we therefore voted in favour of the report . law applicable to contractual obligations ( Rome I ) ( vote ) therefore , do not have any expectations that the Commission will move in that direction . we want a special session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva to be held as quickly as possible . President-in-Office of the Council . - As I said , we have asked the Commission to come up with alternative proposals on how this particular Social Fund can be used in this situation where , as you say , lots of people all around Europe are without work , and we hope that the Commission will present such a proposal without undue delay . both Syria and Lebanon have an important role to play . Parliament has also passed Resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures in the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea . Parliament voted today on a report on the impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on the development of the institutional balance of the European Union . ( RO ) Mr President , cohesion policy is , without a doubt , fundamental to the European Union ' s development . in writing . - ( PT ) I voted against this resolution . all the problems of the first period arose because we did not have those things , so they are extremely welcome now . within the framework of the 18-month programme of the German , Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies , the Council has made intensive preparations to make this important meeting successful in terms of better protection and sustainable utilisation of biodiversity at the global level . I would like to emphasise that Serbia has undertaken , in accordance with Article 5 of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement , to respect human rights and protect ethnic and religious minorities . the budget framework is inflexible - we are not simply moving unspent money from the agriculture budget framework over to other parts of the budget , and recently the Commission has almost made a habit of challenging this flexibility - challenging this rigidity . I have to say that the irony of this is not lost on me . 2008 discharge : European Medicines Agency this is because approximately one in six young people in the European Union drops out of school early and one in four does not complete secondary education . ( SV ) Mr President , the map of Europe has changed through armed attack and war . without them , our commitments are only words and the legislation is useless . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , let me thank you on behalf of the Commission for the chance to discuss the outcome of the Copenhagen conference on climate change and the follow-up to the Copenhagen Accord . this is not merely a technical procedure . we are talking of quality food ! it could also serve to legitimise the dictatorships in Tunisia , Libya and Syria , and to a lesser extent Algeria and Egypt . they give the impression of dissension and inconsistency . ( DE ) Madam President , we are going to be dealing with - though unfortunately not debating - the report by Mrs Kósáné Kovács concerning the Roma issue . a separate article was introduced , along with several recitals and provisions concerning funding-related aspects . contracts entered into between people in different places , and particularly the difficult issue of the tentative offer , or pollicitation , and acceptance , the procedures , timings and proof can all be unified without necessarily having to unify the substantive rules of our different legislations . the High Representative again met with the UN Secretary General in Lisbon last Saturday . there should be a creative tension between us and the executive - that is , the Commission . I am taking advantage of this explanation of vote to criticise the delay in the codification of European law . I have endeavoured to ensure that key MEPs were kept informed by my services about the evolution of this debate . we must find a balance between providing funding for all the requirements and maintaining budgetary discipline , even if it means restricting expenditure , in order to comply with the Multiannual Financial Framework . its implementation is well established . enforcing payment in such circumstances is virtually impossible . the Commission will also consider this in the light of the changes made in this area by the Treaty of Lisbon , which I hope will enter into force as soon as possible . the rapporteur has produced a balanced proposal . I would like all EU legislation to be on this basis . the European Union must also contribute to the observance of human rights by its major trading partners . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , let us be honest . this is a worrying fact , and it requires that we give thought to whether the causes lie deeper , and whether administrative rules and regulations - hard law - are sufficient in this instance , or whether it is necessary to alter people ' s awareness and culture in general . we are launching a clear and precise initiative so that the two Member States involved in this matter can resolve this lack of coordination as soon as possible . I would very much welcome if one of those top jobs could go to a woman . - Report : Herczog I would also like to object strongly to the use of corn , cereals and other primary agricultural food products for energy production . these programmes are creating very positive experiences and we should extend them for that reason . ( PL ) I endorsed this report . budget support must always be accompanied by actions to develop the receiving country ' s parliamentary control and audit capacities and to increase transparency and public access to information , and civil society should be involved in monitoring budget support . however , apart from this measure , all the information has disappeared . ( HU ) Mr President , beginning with January , Hungary will be the third new Member State to take over the rotating Presidency of the EU . in writing . - ( SV ) This own-initiative report focuses on potentially improving and increasing the protection provided for asylum seekers , but I distance myself from the statement in the report that a common asylum system would resolve this problem . this measure will make the market competitive and is therefore in the interests of consumers , who will benefit from the new rules of a more healthy , free and transparent energy market . forgive me for not having said it during my initial speech , but defining an energy policy - notwithstanding our differences on nuclear power , notwithstanding those differences - will be a priority for the French Presidency . 1 . they know the true value of their resource and with this agreement , so will we . what has been included , though , is a long-term goal of 95 g / km by 2020 , which I am pleased about , but it depends on the interpretation to what extent this has been included effectively in the current text . the Commission has also established an EU reference laboratory for mollusc diseases , which receives annual financial support , to ensure coordination of national laboratories in the Member States and provide scientific support to the Commission . it is right that we see EU action on this and - dare I say - this does constitute a pretty coherent plan B , where plan A , the common European agricultural policy , has failed Europe ' s bees . obviously they will be given the floor after it has been given to Members speaking for the first time . Mr President , I would like to welcome President Sarkozy again to Strasbourg and to congratulate him on engaging with Parliament , for being real with regard to ideas , even though he knew there would not be general agreement across the House with regard to those ideas . there are contradictory scientific statements , and many people are afraid of the possible dangers and risks . I can even understand , if not actually approve of , the fact that we are voting for an opt-out here . national governments cannot turn a blind eye due to the strategic importance of banks in oiling the wheels of the real economy . to meet the external challenges we must , firstly , strengthen our own single market by investing more in research and development and , secondly , ensure better coordination of research and innovation among the Member States . this was not and is still not an easy task since , and this is deplorable , the majority of European Union Member States have not been able so far to fulfil their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol . the Commission will also continue to assess how Member States have transposed Directive 2004 / 38 / EC of 29 April 2004 into their national law and how they are applying it in practice . the way forward has been mapped out . let us not lapse into an emotional debate ! I welcome the adoption of the directive aiming to introduce new rules governing cross-border healthcare . creative industries are an important part of economic policy . equally , I am pleased to see that Parliament shares the view that market-based instruments cannot be seen and used in isolation and should be combined with regulatory instruments . at least 60 million people live in France , and the French Government has 38 ministers . we must not intervene in the markets every time the prices change in an attempt to combat natural fluctuations . therefore , we absolutely cannot guarantee what you are saying , Mr Barrot , namely , that this is a joint operation for people who , following individual assessments , have been found to be irregular migrants . I think there is still a long way to go before we can ensure that a possible general agreement on agricultural products with Morocco receives consensus approval . since the health of children is at stake , we want to act fast and we are now discussing how to do that . but I have to say this : they can never succeed - they cannot win - because it is the democratic process in Northern Ireland that has spoken , and that must win . in the light of the successfully concluded negotiations with Liechtenstein and the amended legal basis , I voted for consent to be given . I think that the United States ' request is unacceptable and is a threat to the freedoms and rights of European citizens . it contains an action plan rather than a legislative proposal , an action plan that currently contains 50 proposals that we are putting forward for discussion , all of which are designed to improve the way the single market works in order to benefit small and medium-sized enterprises , growth and citizens . of course we do not know how many jobs are created : economies are simply much more complex than if there were a causal relation between how much money you put in one programme and how much you supported . no ambassador of communications can determine whether a directive or a Single Market is suited to the social and productive fabric that needs to embrace it . you should have admitted this and then I would have been able to take you more seriously . Mr Schulz may not like what I have to say . I voted for the resolution in the conviction that , during the period that immediately follows , the specific measures aimed at improving the situation of the Roma population will be put into practice rather than remain fine statements . we must take into account the fact that the Baltic Sea is among the most precious marine ecosystems in the world , and that the Baltic Sea region has been classified as a ' particularly sensitive sea area ' ( PSSA ) . but the body is beginning to stink and , the longer it is unburied , the worse the stench is going to get . I would like to thank Mrs Kallenbach as well for her report and I especially welcome the emphasis placed on strengthening the role of local urban authorities in order to make access to public services available to every citizen . it should invest in the region financially and tangibly . the reduced VAT rate for some sectors will help to boost SME activity , while encouraging the establishment of an economy that is more environmentally friendly . among the positive measures , the following stand out : the simplification of the structure of this convention , the modernisation of contributions to the budget in line with the ' user pays ' principle in relation to the contracting parties , a new definition of obligations and a review of the decision-making process and the resolution of disputes with respect to the latter . in particular for small , neutral countries like Austria , strengthening the strategic partnership between NATO and the European Union is of decisive importance . we all agree on the need to combat terrorism . but I have a problem with the frenzy against aviation permeating this debate as if it were the greatest environmental villain and the best thing would be if we stopped flying completely . there has also been an increasing number of public executions , as Mr Romeva i Rueda said , including in one case through stoning , despite assurances by the Iranian side that stoning was forbidden under existing decrees . in writing . - ( PT ) I voted in favour of the Peterle report on the health strategy for 2008-2013 because I believe that ensuring a high level of lifelong human health protection must be an EU priority . certainly , the people of Somaliland would be justified in asking why we here in the EU were so reluctant to recognise their de facto country , but were so quick to recognise the independence of Kosovo . there will always be some risk which must be taken into account , and such a risk must be part of planning our activities . the only response that we can give is that our vision is to develop a Europe which is totally based on renewable energy . the fight against corruption is fundamental . we will nevertheless vote in favour of the whole text , but I think that we will need further initiatives to give more weight to the European commitment . we could have acted differently before . the higher that is , the more grain will also be used as fuel , unless we intervene . on the one hand , there are actual figures : a maximum of 750 MEPs , a ceiling of 96 and a minimum of 6 seats per Member State . no other issue is more crucial to security in the 21st century . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , Mrs Krehl , thank you very much for your report . this is our collective responsibility . pesticides , especially pesticides used in agriculture , have an important impact on the health of humans and the environment and there should therefore be significant further reductions in their use . you need to exercise that right . ( sustained applause from the right ) then we can start demanding a budgetary contribution . the reality was that what actually happened here was a misrepresentation under the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act or the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive , as Mr Harbour was talking about . this is a historic coming to terms with the past , and the genocides of the Armenians , Pontic Greeks and Assyrians are being recognised . another explanation , however , might be that the European Commission auditors were due to come and inspect Scotland both in October and last week in November . we have a rather nice situation today , because , at USD 80 per barrel of oil , we have an exchange rate going up to EUR 1.4 . there has been a unity of purpose and conviction from the beginning of my involvement - and I know that that goes back many years before I joined this Parliament last summer . they want generous aid , and it is not always used appropriately : we have just had the example of the United Kingdom . it is therefore of particular concern that Russia seeks to close the offices of the British Council in St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg . the European Commission should prepare a pan-European awareness-raising campaign , providing information on preventive measures , early detection and diagnosis of cancer and its treatment . should we take this report on faith ? this particularly concerns matters of governance and human rights . we want 100 % of the money back . they are , from bottom up , practically all included in our activities and we are trying to find a proper way of having this coordinated . full reciprocity in market liberalisation and protection of investments must be safeguarded . the family , both her widower and her son , as well as the Pakistan People ' s Party and Mrs Bhutto herself before she died , in a communication that she had with the UK Foreign Secretary , expressed their desire for this investigation to be conducted by the United Nations . this is a positive move towards greater transparency in the aviation sector and consumer protection . on the other hand , over-caution and excessively stringent regulation do not give us a cornucopia of foods which meet exemplary hygiene standards . closure of the sitting topical as it is , this issue has taken on a particular complexion in Romania . Noura al Hashlamoun is a 36-year-old housewife and the mother of six children . we are supposed to support a Reform Treaty which is in reality the European Constitution , the renamed European Constitution , which the voters in France and the Netherlands rejected in referendums , and a number of other countries failed to ratify within the prescribed time . it is not an isolated case . foreign hauliers work in the UK on fuel brought with them in 1 000-litre tanks . a debate was held in the European Parliament today on the volcanic ash crisis . in fact quite the reverse : what Europe needs is a proper family and demographic policy , sovereign cooperation between nations and frontiers , not Frontex . on this topic , I would like to say that , even if we do not have an agreement with Syria , we should now make use of the entire arsenal of sanctions available to us , if necessary , to end this violence . finally , I should like to offer my sincere thanks to those who brought this matter to my attention and say that I stand shoulder to shoulder with them . Mr President , unfortunately my country is back in the news . firstly , no one has proved that it is CO2 emissions which are the cause of climate change . in writing . - ( EL ) Eight years after NATO ' s war in Yugoslavia , the Kosovo problem not only remains unsolved , but also has become more intractable . were the European banks more gullible ? I can see little benefit in being able to tag passengers ' movement around airport terminals and would also call into question how much it would cost for airports to implement such measures . the Treaty of Lisbon has laid the foundation for the new European citizens ' initiative , which had so far been lacking in the European Union ' s decision-making process . in writing . - ( PL ) The issue of the European Union ' s energy security has been raised many times in this Parliament , especially by representatives of the new Member States . the Fisheries Partnership Agreement amounts to 80 % of the overall revenues from the fisheries sector within the state budget . my question for the Commissioner is about the possibility of having a peacekeeping force present in the area , given the statement made by the UN yesterday , acknowledging the failure of its forces , which have been passive in response to the recent tensions . I would like to inform you that during this part-session additional camera operators with special equipment will be present in the Chamber . fingerprints can only be taken and stored in a database within a legal framework in strict observance of Community regulations and basic rights . Europe itself is to blame for the continuing and exponential problem of immigration by having signed-up to the criminal Schengen agreements . ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , firstly , many thanks to our two fellow Members from the Committee on Budgets - Mr Lewandowski and , of course , Mrs Haug - who have overseen our work passionately and effectively . Mr President , I am delighted to agree with Mr Portas and the Communist Group on this issue . 2 . the reduction of expenditure through budget allocations and the launch of education system reform as a priority are other measures which can be added to this . at the time , the European Parliament had adopted a relevant report by Mr Katiforis - I was the shadow rapporteur - on the issue of credit rating agencies . so we can draw on those experiences and explain to Member States - and even Members of this Parliament - who are reluctant what the benefits are and how effective they can be . with the Lisbon Treaty in force , the EU needs , more than ever , efficient common foreign security and energy policies which are based on solidarity . the statements by the Council and the Commission on a facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States ' balance of payments . ( the President cut off the speaker . ) ( ES ) Madam President , Mr Orbán , on behalf of the Spanish Socialists , I would like to greet the Hungarian Presidency , the third Presidency in the first trio of presidencies under the new dynamic established in the Treaty of Lisbon . Mr Lambsdorff ' s report makes an important contribution to the European Union ' s involvement in the UN ' s business and transformation . ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , I am pleased that today , after six years of discussions , we have provided Europe with in conclusion , I hope that , through this debate here in this House and around Europe , we will be able to dispel some of the myths that abound in connection with flexicurity . this Green Paper is in no way business as usual , but a call for better governance and territorial cohesion that also criticises developments where some regions fly high and there is progress in big-city areas , while other regions are left behind . this must be brought to an end , and conditions of this sort must be imposed on recipient countries . allow me also to make a couple of final remarks in that introductory statement . in this context I would like to ask the Commission and Council representatives what we are going to do , what our position will be ? Member of the Commission . - Madam President , I am very pleased to be part of this positive movement and this very interesting discussion . the problem is not the Turkish Cypriots , as some people have been saying . the objective of this assistance is to improve the living conditions of beneficiary populations by recommending and providing all those instruments that will ensure that these countries embark on a path towards growth and accountability . it is to this that I should like an answer . firstly , there is Russia ' s membership of the World Trade Organisation . we could almost have predicted its intentions : initially to extend the application of this system , although only to part of the fleet , in a large number of Member States , and then , subsequently , to create a single EU market in fishing rights , possibly with their transaction on a stock exchange . secondly , the report proposes that the improved standards should apply not only to producers within the European Union , but also to importers of meat products to Europe . the only conclusion that was made at the time was that no matter what the citizens want , they live with what is imposed on them . Mr President , I should like to say thank you and welcome to the Commissioner . in writing . - ( EL ) The MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece ( KKE ) have voted against the report . I am not in favour of protectionism by stealth , but we do need to prevent unfair competition . he is absolutely right . ( ES ) Mr President , Mrs Jedrzejewska , Mrs Trüpel , Mr Lamassoure , Mr Lewandowski and Mr Böge are the names behind a 2011 budget that I believe has ultimately proved to be moderate and realistic . I wish to state that I voted in favour of this interpretation and I want to say that Mr Hannan ' s comparison , while pretending not to make it , of our vote with Hitler ' s Ermächtigungsgesetz of 1933 was an absolutely disgraceful comparison . order of business : see Minutes security standards must be harmonised in ascending order . in total , the Union for the Mediterranean can now benefit from financial support worth EUR 60 million in the 2008-2009 budget , particularly via regional programmes . a fundamental reason for the European Union ' s existence is to give its citizens a sense of security . I voted for this report because it highlights the importance of restricting dependency on imported protein , especially as this dependency poses major risks for the European Union ' s livestock sector . national parliamentarians claim far too often that they cannot help it , that it is Brussels that is imposing them upon them . the Tunisian authorities must respect the will of the people and proceed without delay to a process of democratisation , with accountability in cases of corruption or repression by the cronies of Ben Ali . to respond to Mr Tannock , but also to some extent to Mr Cappato , we should not underestimate the value of the suspensive clause where human rights are concerned . the internal market is everywhere - it must be everywhere - but , Mr Harbour , the 2020 text is not designed to talk about everything . the atmosphere within the Coordination Body for Southern Serbia has since improved . the very thorny issue of ' Icesave remains open , and on Saturday there will be a referendum which will bring Icelanders to the polls . counterfeiting is a serious attack on European industry and on the European economy and on European innovation , because we are an innovation-based economy . let me just say this : there is talk of plants and CO2 ; there is deforestation and desertification . we must look at how other EU countries deal with these issues and learn from them . as European socialists , we shall , in any case , continue to defend workers because , now more than ever , Europe needs a social model that meets the needs of the most vulnerable citizens and especially of those most affected by the consequences of the economic and financial crisis . however , the facts that procedures are being ignored and savings are being sought at the cost of safety mean that catastrophes similar to the one in the Gulf of Mexico might happen in the future in Europe , too . finally , we have seen the value of increased European coordination when it comes to responding to the ash cloud crisis . only an hour ago , I was speaking to a representative of the chemical industry who said that there is so much potential for technical development that it could be possible to achieve much better results in this area . it is therefore vital to ensure that there is enough time for the discussions that form part of the legislative reform process of the European Network and Information Security Agency ( ENISA ) to be carried out thoroughly , so I voted in favour of the extension of the Agency ' s mandate until 13 September 2013 . however , at this stage the Commission ' s views are clear . on the one hand , we are happy and , on the other hand , not so happy , but every step forward takes us forward too and this is where we should be going . I am addressing this Parliament without being able to do so in my own language , Catalan , which is spoken by over 10 million European citizens . there is an official Turkish policy of threatening Greece with war , known as the casus belli , and it is not simply a paper threat ; Turkey is in the habit of violating the airspace of and overflying even inhabited Greek islands in the Eastern Aegean . this will also make it easier for us in Parliament to successfully complete the treatment of this topic . in addition , the current economic crisis highlights even more the need to promote the full exercising of the right to free movement . this shows that the Council has begun to accept that the European Parliament must also have more influence in this area . that situation would not , of course , be perfect and there would be obstacles to circumvent . yes , the high-profile performers came and lent their support to the cause , because the ordinary performers thought that it would be better to have some of the big names in this particular area as well , but the ordinary performers - the session musicians , who most people have never heard of - were the biggest lobbyists here . in other words , given the projections made , what we should be discussing today are the consequences for demographic development resulting from unemployment , increased job insecurity , deregulation of working time , a monetary policy focused on moderation and devaluation of wages . I am voting in favour of the rejection of this report and in favour of the report being referred back to the committee since it has further weakened the reforms put forward by the Commission , which were already too small in scale and too slow . we must ensure that we do not place them under excessive strain and , particularly in times of crisis , do not attempt to use them as a source of capital in areas where other sources of capital may already be drying up . this strong link , however , must exist . ( PL ) Madam President , the debates being held in certain EU Member States regarding pension systems , and the public emotions accompanying these debates , show how important and , at the same time , how difficult this subject is . their medium-term results will help the EU to introduce this technology in a more economically and environmentally effective manner . for these people , the implementation of the most up-to-date IT systems in the field of justice might have a decisive impact , as it could make legal proceedings more efficient , simpler and shorter . however , with this non-committal pie-in-the-sky approach , we will not make any headway in Europe . Mr President , I think we all know that this year ' s budget and trilogue are going to be difficult . furthermore , in my opinion , the instruments set out in the agreement help neither the authorities nor the local private sector to participate , meaning they will not be sufficiently involved in the process of development in their regions . this is why the Commission firmly believes that a vibrant and strong parliamentary dimension reinforces the democratic legitimacy of the partnership . the countries that have already removed protection have not observed any obvious progress . ( PL ) Mr President , may I take the liberty of thanking Mr Ortuondo Larrea for his report . this being the case , the amendment which states that the information obtained should be used solely for estimating yields and not for control purposes is fitting . that would be very welcome news , both to citizens and to the industry itself . first of all , on the issue of Kaesong , I think that Mr Ford ' s formulation - that we should not automatically exclude Kaesong - is the right approach to take . we know who the troublemakers are . ( ES ) Mr President , in the last few weeks we have been moved by the repeated demonstrations of heroism and the bravery of the people of Iran , who have confronted the machine guns and truncheons of their tyrants with their bare hands . I do not know if our initiative relating to the Danube Region , the subject of our current negotiations , will be successful or not . I have been relatively gentle with you all tonight because we have had a reasonable amount of time , but it is meant to be 30 seconds . we therefore need the Small Business Act to be implemented in the Member States . those of you who have followed this closely will also know that the Swedish Presidency has devoted a lot of time to Georgia . Commissioner , it is your first day at work . in the past , an American Marshall Plan saved the economy of Europe . in writing . - ( IT ) The terrible fires which struck Greece and southern Italy in particular this summer , leaving victims in their wake and destroying thousands of hectares of woodland and agricultural land , again highlight the urgent need for better coordination of rapid reaction measures by Member States ' civil protection forces . I would therefore like to draw particular attention to the role of the EUFOR TCHAD / RCA operation . therefore , I strongly call upon the Commission and the Council to react with determination , unity and strength . finally , it recognises that liberalisation of services connected to the Internet , such as telecoms , has led to a boom in infrastructure investment , so I believe we should be cautious about applying further regulation on such industries , as the Commission seems intent on doing at the moment . let us hope , therefore , that the question of flexibility and the financing of the ITER fusion energy project will also fall into place soon . we need to ensure that we can have more international trade and competition without distortions . each year many thousands of people try to get into the EU , which is building higher and higher walls around its territory . we need the rapid development of a specific EU position covering key aspects such as preventing religious fundamentalism , combating poverty and corruption , building civil society , the defence of human rights and democratisation . development aid must favour ... Pakistan ' s constitution , although nominally upholding religious freedom , still allows for laws such as the blasphemy laws , which are discriminatory towards non-Muslims , and the persecution of Shia and Ahmadiyya minorities is a common feature . we must , of course , condemn this violence . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Madam President , we , too , have a concern about the variable labour market that we already have across 27 Member States and within those 27 Member States , but our concern is how we move away from this towards something which is more comprehensive and stronger . we live in a democratic age and under a democratic system . please remember that this was a European Parliament initiative ; it was our idea . ( PL ) Mr President , the main aim of the Lisbon Strategy is to increase the competitiveness of national economies . Mr President , the core issue in the current crisis in Tibet is not only about oppression , it is also about secession . if this is not the case , I fear there can be no solution or positive results , especially for those whose immediate release we are calling for today , but also for groups of people who are now clearly under threat and in danger due to a large number of factors , not only the guerrilla factions , but other elements , too . in writing . - As the Lisbon Treaty is about to enter into force , the rapid progress in the transatlantic relationship between the two biggest democratic and economic entities will have an increased importance . this must be very clear - we as the European Union must help Serbia on the way to Europe , but Serbia must also play its part in creating a peaceful , good and neighbourly atmosphere . I believe that we should continue to use this method because it has become clear that the Member States and the companies involved react to it . the Internal Market Scoreboard and the Consumer Panel have a crucial role in improving the functioning of the internal market . I welcome the emphasis given to the next stage in the Lisbon Strategy . apart from that , we are about to create vast amounts of new bureaucracy and expense for administrative bodies and businesses . rapporteur . - ( HU ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we are reaching the end of a long process , a long and successful process through which we have been able to move small and medium-sized enterprises from the periphery to the centre . the arguments put forward by these people have a common denominator : concerns about the impact of a massive loss of Member State sovereignty on the everyday life of citizens of EU Member States . the policy is not working . it is the fact that in Slovakia now , in 2007 , the Italian ENEL company is planning to complete a nuclear plant that was developed in the Soviet Union before Chernobyl . these special regulations that are repeatedly approved for some countries are burdens for citizens . nonetheless , I voted against the report . the differences between the new and the old EU Member States in the survival rates for cancer patients are so large that we can speak of an " iron curtain in the health sector ” . we hope it is a proof of its political relevance . depleted uranium is a by-product of the nuclear industry , resulting from the enrichment of uranium or the production of nuclear weapons . that , too , explains the drawing up of the free trade agreement with South Korea . now , moreover , - and I take advantage of the fact that Mr Kallas is here - the Commission is placing in doubt the future central crossing of the Pyrenees in the future core network . the context is as follows : the climate constraint is going to get tougher , the European Union ' s security of supply is being threatened by ever more serious and frequent crises , and its competitiveness may be harmed . including in Appendix I , which concerns species that are genuinely endangered , a species that still numbers - thank God - millions of living specimens would set a very dangerous precedent . 35 . my first point is about the idea that people ' s attitude in the new Member States towards development cooperation and humanitarian aid is lukewarm . I therefore believe that the Commission ' s proposal is a typical case of a certain hyperactivity that is totally unnecessary and will only serve to generate confusion as to the nature of the European Union ' s real competences . we support many of the wordings in this report , but , for the reasons stated above , we have chosen to vote against the report as a whole . in writing . - ( PL ) Mr President , the justification for the Commission ' s proposal to the European Parliament is a new comitology procedure that significantly increases the powers of the European Parliament . my group tabled an amendment today for that to be withdrawn , but it just failed to go through . significant increases in some categories - such as for example dresses , trousers and pullovers - have been balanced by drops in textile imports from suppliers in other countries . the Innovation Union Scoreboard shows that the EU is losing ground to the United States and Japan , while Brazil and China are closing the gap with the EU . ( FR ) Mr President , an administrator ' s post in the European Parliament information office in Luxembourg has been vacant for more than two years . blaming Europe for everything that doesn ' t work properly is one of the methods they use . you will all have heard of the wave of attacks that took place only yesterday in Cantabria . what is stopping us calling on the European Central Bank to account transparently and in detail for its actions as was done in the United States for the Fed ? concerning the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Bernd Posselt , among others , said that we should support the effort of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , and I think he is right . interventions should target low-income households , as defined by the national legislation in force . what we will be voting on tomorrow is not a perfect agreement , but if we vote against it we will at the same time be voting in favour of doing nothing . Mr President , our policies on maternal health in the developing world are failing . finally I would add , even though we are not discussing Kosovo , that the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic , who visited the European Parliament several weeks ago , reaffirmed to us that whatever happened about Kosovo his country had no intention of resorting to arms . I do not wish to comment on that at this juncture . I would like to draw the attention of fellow Members to the fact that decisions on matters related to abortion lie within the competence of the governments of individual Member States . in particular , we scaled back the number , frequency and maturity of longer-term refinancing operations . there are indeed matters that need to remain national . just yesterday , new clashes took place among ethnic Kyrgyz , Russians and Turks . the amendment basically relates to the ban on imports of exotic birds from the wild to the Union . moreover , the Lisbon Treaty enhances Union ' s commitment to continue its external action according to its founding principles . what does that mean ? I must , however , tell you that I received the report favourably , as I understood that it was limited mainly to detection , on the one hand , and to suppression , on the other . lastly , what actions do you intend to take to improve the supervision established by the Member States ? while Eurobonds may be regarded as a clever idea which can deliver funds to governments , there seems no legal base on which this can be achieved , so it looks unlikely that this option can be exercised . written Statements ( Rule 149 ) the Commission ' s communication goes in the right direction and Parliament wishes to support the initiatives it sets out , aimed at improving access to foreign markets . like most of my colleagues , however , I voted against Amendment 29 on Article 16 , and I am pleased it was rejected . what was new was that in April , Parliament put a stop to it . the problem of violence arises not only inside but also outside of the stadium . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , first of all , I would like to apologise for not being present at the beginning of the debate , but I was only just arriving from Brussels by plane and you were - how shall I put it ? - in advance of the schedule , which is very laudable , but which resulted in my being a little bit late . the first concerns the Internet : Parliament intends to make consumers aware of the risks of buying drugs online while also pushing for the proposal of ad hoc legislation on this selling method . I welcome this report on behalf of all the Members of our group . the Commission has supported joint implementation projects under the Kyoto Protocol and is ready to do more , because we think this is a most important issue . I firmly believe that there are numerous examples showing effective management of soil and water and the use of resistant crops which can regenerate the soil . ultimately , we have to tackle the root of the problem and impose strict regulations on the financial markets , prevent speculative practices and quickly introduce a tax on financial transactions . I believe that it is pointless to keep reiterating that this is what solves or attempts to solve the problems of the most needy citizens , which makes them more confident and more hopeful with regard to entrepreneurship and with regard to the future , so I believe that here we are not thinking of the damage caused by this perfect storm of crises and we are hearing much talk of the exit strategy , of how to get out of this crisis . for this reason , I have voted in favour of the Scheele report . they had never been matters requiring a military response , but rather a civil one through the international police sphere and the judicial sphere . this also applies to the 22 285 children in foster care . the availability of credit and loan guarantee schemes are crucial to exploiting the growth and job potential offered by SMEs . we are awaiting a detailed proposal from the Commissioner which means not just going along with the various lobbies , from England , from the United Kingdom and Ireland , I think , but addressing an adverse situation . ladies and gentlemen , the judgments handed down recently by the Court of Justice in the case of Viking , Laval and Rüffert has ignited a broad debate at EU level concerning the protection of workers ' rights in relation to increased levels of globalisation and labour mobility . I am aware , however , that this question currently takes a back seat behind the major political question , namely what we can do to resolve the current situation . ( RO ) In the three reports which we have debated today , I have come across some relevant , useful points for defining the European Union ' s future policies as a global player . Ms Shirin Ebadi , who has denounced these abuses at great personal risk , and who won the Nobel Peace Prize as a result , continues to do so on behalf of all ethnic groups and all religious communities . I can see merit in the recommendation to extend the scope of UCITS to invest in open-ended real estate funds and funds of hedge funds , but this should be dealt with , in my opinion , in a separate directive or legislative instrument . the current activities will at least have served as a wake-up call for Member States . the 58 reactors in France or those in the United Kingdom or those in many other countries do not mean that the French or others may be more stupid or less intelligent , or that the future of their children does not worry them , or that they have never thought about nuclear safety . a review of the EU ' s Lisbon strategy could contribute to a necessary reform agenda . the textile industry safeguards that we have will indeed make sure that we retain European jobs . it is essential that this aid be able to move freely , without restriction , and that the checkpoints be opened . last week , I came back from Korea . explanations , suggested informally , that the principle of subsidiarity prevents measures being taken against defaulting States will not be accepted : if they were , the Member States could delay or refuse to implement any Community legislation which they viewed as inappropriate or subject to challenge . added to this , we are now hearing talk of criminals and mafia . could we have a better delivery ? unfortunately , the EU seems to be operating otherwise where it concerns the accounting rules for forest carbon sinks . I commend the work done by the rapporteur . we voted in favour of the report on a Single Market for enterprises and growth . to say that is a great opportunity for the new Commissioner , Mr Füle . ( PT ) Mr President , the attacks of financial speculators on the euro area ' s most vulnerable and dependent economies are getting worse . of course , Greece has the main responsibility . just by way of explanation , this is the third in a triad of reports on the use of pesticides . we are including this in the resolution , which is a sensible thing to do . or is it because we have a number of politicians in the individual countries , in other words , in countries such as Ireland , Portugal , Spain and Greece , who have not actually done their job ? the report states that the annual cost of this violence is EUR 33 billion . they are committing themselves to a further reduction in emissions , in line with their historical responsibilities , and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities . above all , I do not regard it as a democratic development . which Member States support the improved Treaty , and which reject it ? in that respect we have long since passed the first stage of 25 % and already reached the second stage of 49 % ownership of each other ' s air services market . ( DE ) Mr President , this particular piece of nonsense you just referred to was adopted by the majority of this House in spite of our voting against it . as Baroness Ashton said today , the EU needs a coherent strategy that makes use of all available instruments , including those aimed at reforming the security sectors of the countries in the region and at democratic and institutional capacity building . not for the European Union Member States , not for Slovakia or Romania , countries that have an emancipated and modern legislation regarding minorities , but it creates a dangerous precedent for Abkhazia , for South Ossetia and , especially , for Transnistria , where there are frozen conflicts since the time of the Kosovo conflict . on 15 July , the Commission proposed the abolition of short-term visas for citizens of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Montenegro and Serbia . voting time on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , Mr Sacconi , ladies and gentlemen , my Group supports the motion for a resolution . aid agencies report that some 30 000 people have been displaced by the fighting , so it is hardly surprising in such circumstances that innocent civilians have been killed , although both sides contest the actual numbers . it has a budget of around EUR 400 million for that period . in writing . - Solidarity is one of the most precious values for Europe today . this will take stock of all the action taken and draw lessons from it for the future . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to thank the honourable Members for their comments and the views they expressed during the debate . I may be Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs , but it was Members before me who made this rule and adopted it in plenary with an absolute majority . emergency measures are one thing , but I have also noticed that some operations amount to the common-or-garden nationalisation of banks . the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament form a regulatory nexus based on the long-term validity of individual provisions . these include training for judges and lawyers , technical support for the courts , infrastructure and improved information for citizens . the EU should also end its complicity with the continuing oppression of the Palestinian people . female circumcision , approval for public executions , torture and strict interpretation of Islamic law are widespread . do you really think you could have carried on ? I hope that it will continue to be superfluous because patients will not need to make use of it . of course , we must also spend much more on research into sustainability , new materials and new products . today being the centenary of International Women ' s Day , I voted against the nomination of Mr Harald Wögerbauer because there are not enough women at the European Court of Auditors . however , if this is not solved , it will result in unemployment and the failure of a sector , with extremely serious consequences for the Autonomous Region of the Azores . we speak a lot about lasting peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinians , but that is a bit like talking about a house and starting with the roof . I would add that this is not happening against a backdrop of European solidarity because one Member State - Germany - is promising additional aid to Opel and is allowing the Anvers plant to close . perhaps a bit more openness and a bit more reflection will give us a chance to be more effective in this matter . during the debate , Commissioner Vassiliou said that she would be prepared to review the legal base if she felt there were reasons to do so , which would depend on the amendment of the directive . so we are now working on this - my services are working with the Cabinet and the services of the Trade Commissioner , Mr de Gucht - and we are going to launch a legislative proposal for a legal weapon to use in such cases . scientific experts should declare publicly that they have no financial or other interests in the pharmaceutical industry . admittedly , some efforts have been made , but corruption is a genuine blight and the Cyprus issue remains unresolved , not to mention the fact that there is a lot of work to do in relations with the Armenians . however , these calls for more active involvement in resolving Georgia ' s problems fell on deaf ears . this gives me the opportunity to welcome to the Chamber Mr Tashi Wangdi , the representative of His Holiness , the Dalai Lama . the Commission is only one voice on the Board . the alternative is that impatient , young Tibetans will turn to violence and terrorism . besides the pressure to liberalise services in the area in question ( air transport ) the GUE / NGL group is particularly critical of the prioritisation of operating profitability over safety in the reports . on behalf of the Union for Europe of the Nations Group , I would like to express appreciation of this creative approach to provisions , enabling Union resources to be used in the most rational manner possible . it must be stated , firstly , that the duty to provide assistance is not legally binding , secondly , that the use of military means is not necessarily required and , thirdly , that the individual Member States retain the freedom to decide what the assistance they provide actually comprises . I also think that we have learned a lot from what happened last year . with regard to Commissioner Mandelson , I wish him well in the WTO Doha Agreement and I hope that we can move agriculture forward with the US and the European Union to ensure we get a settlement , building on things like Euromed , which are very important to the European Union . the fourth is from the United States . although that closure is taking longer than planned , we can still be glad that it is under way , because it could have also been stopped . ( the sitting was suspended at 11.50 and resumed at 12.05 ) in this case , the management of the enterprise would be obliged to create a uniform system of participation , as part of an agreement negotiated with employee representatives . however , the EPLP does not agree that an EU-wide transaction tax is a necessary vehicle to achieve some of the Lisbon Strategy objectives and did not support this measure . implementation of the decision should bring considerable benefits to the Member States . I would like to thank everyone one more time and I hope for a positive result tomorrow . I am , of course , grateful to the draftsmen of the opinions , both from the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , for their close collaboration . furthermore it might even produce at least a proportionate increase in those talented and creative people who are so necessary for economic and cultural development . if I were a capitalist , everybody would know it ! this budget needs to change direction . its objective must be to reduce the existing economic and social disparities , but in different regions of Europe . I believe that at times , we have to be pragmatic in order to overcome the difficulty . 821 redundancies in 70 companies in the graphics sector in the Nord Brabant and Zuid Holland regions of the Netherlands show that the global economic and financial crisis does not spare sectors which , at first glance , appear to be more sheltered from its effects . subject : safeguarding the rights of disabled people we wish to ascertain whether these sectoral problems are being resolved in order to ensure that both sides really are opening up and Korea is not the unilateral beneficiary , and that - even when we think of our pharmaceutical industry , the car industry , of the many industrial sectors - reciprocity is guaranteed . there can be no doubt that tangible results will only be achieved if integrated measures are taken at various levels - political , social , legal and educational . they exist everywhere in the European Union . Members of the European Parliament who are involved in this extra pension fund must accept a reduction in these luxury pensions , just as low-earners have been forced to accept a reduction in their pensions . what penalties or rewards await those Member States which , respectively , do or do not comply with the objectives imposed by the strategy ? a visit by EU counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove , together with the Commission , is scheduled for January next . it must carry authority as the core of EU external policy , the place where policy is developed and coordinated . finally , the interim agreement is only an interim agreement . lastly , the countries of the third bloc , although they have no major concerns or concerns of such importance within the context of this process , are paying a great deal of attention to the cost of our required solidarity and to the use of revenues arising from the various auctions and , in particular , to the choice or otherwise of post-allocation . however , we must oppose these moves towards harmonisation . by voting in favour of this text , I am joining with the majority of Parliament to urge the European Commission and the Member States to make a crucial final effort . written statements ( Article 142 ) on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Mr President , the Committee on Foreign Affairs has delivered a good and balanced report on the progress of Macedonia , and we as Greens will gladly support it . I mean , how could he talk about growth and jobs without acknowledging that this wonderful , fabled Lisbon Strategy has been a total disaster ? for instance , they will be able to change supplier if the services are of poor quality , if the electricity supply is disrupted or if prices are too high . all the omens are clear : there is a need for action and we have something to do here . that would certainly be achievable for your Presidency , unlike the major projects that will have to be passed on to someone else in any case at the end of your six-month term . the amendments on the EU strategy on Afghanistan also contributed to improving the structure of the report . we have a so-called work of art - which has given offence to everybody , but particularly the Bulgarians - and the first statement on the Gaza crisis had to be withdrawn several hours later . due to the 2005 introduction of the single tax rate by the right-wing government , an excessive polarization of society has occurred , as well as an increase in poverty . obviously , we also have to admit that the civilian population is a victim in this kind of conflict , and the UN panel has shown clearly that there are responsibilities on both sides : mainly that of the government but also that of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam , and both need to be investigated . I look forward to a continued dialogue with you on these plans . what else should it be ? that was our mission . this includes , in particular , the case where the privatisation process of a company is ongoing . it will be applied only for the transitional period up until the introduction of electronic or satellite road tolls , expected to be introduced in 2009 , firstly for goods vehicles and then for private vehicles . electronic commerce is also excluded from the scope of the revision . we are creating a stability mechanism , a permanent aid fund , which will have to be paid for by the ordinary people , by the people who will not be getting any free gifts . the EU ' s Heads of State or Government decided nearly two years ago that the EU should take the lead in order to secure a global climate agreement in Copenhagen . today , under the single electricity market in Ireland , they are paying 76 % more than the average UK price . in writing . - ( PL ) I abstained in the final vote on the report concerning EU-Turkey relations . this was because , despite negotiations lasting several months , the resolution makes no reference to the issue of Turkish responsibility for the massacre of Armenians in 1915 . ( PL ) Madam President , there is at least one country of the former Soviet Union where the results of elections are not known in advance . a responsible and flexible attitude is required of both the Council and Parliament , and I firmly believe that in today ' s situation , the agreement would send a remarkably positive message to the markets as well . good things , such as accession to the European Union , will be self-evident . we must give EU citizens the feeling that they are ' at the heart ' of the Union ' s activities . in particular , in accordance with Article 299 ( 2 ) of the EC Treaty and as stated by Commissioner Hübner , accessibility problems form one of the main obstacles to development . without these assurances , a listing in Appendix II remains the least worst solution , if not , in fact , the best solution . use of sexual violence in conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East ( what is needed is balanced , mutual , beneficial economic cooperation without political and economic blackmail . even when some ad-hoc measures that were rejected only a few months ago are accepted , such as the nationalisations of banks that have gone bankrupt due to poor management on the part of their administrators and some of their main shareholders , who have pocketed the substantial profits and gains and left the general public to deal with the damage , this is always done in defence of big business , without really taking into account the interests of workers and the least well-off . I regret that the Council , while accepting Parliament ' s positions , rejected the amendments aimed at giving Parliament the possibility of blocking Commission decisions on implementation of the programme , notably when annual priorities are chosen . rapporteur . - Mr President , this report is a response to the Global Climate Change Alliance , which was launched by the European Commission towards the end of last year . I am voting in favour of Kurt Lechner ' s report on the recommendation for second reading on the Council common position for adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87 / 102 / EEC . rapporteur . - ( DE ) Mr President , with this resolution we are paving the way for the solemn proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental rights by all three institutions in Strasbourg on 12 December . it is important that we recognise that a rapporteur when appointed is not just appointed as rapporteur for the committee but appointed for Parliament as a whole . overall , therefore , I fear that we will not succeed in eliminating the root cause of the problem . I am also very happy to note that we now have some definitions of what such breaches consist of . the idea formulated with regard to implementation , according to which the local and regional authorities must also be involved in policy making , also deserves support . I think that , with your experience in Sweden during the 1990s , you are the right man in the right place to do what we have not done so far : devise a single strategy in the European Union to combat this economic and financial crisis . I think we are entitled to an answer to this question . thank you very much , congratulations on the results but let us change in the future . all European organisations are today grappling with the recession , the financial crisis , the onset of high unemployment and the possible consequences of these . I should like to reassure Mrs Pack that the Chair ' s acknowledgements are a proper and institutional token of respect for rapporteurs and the opinions that they express , even when we are completely at odds with their content . voting time Mr President , on a point of order , can I ask for an urgent action by the President of Parliament to call for the protection of a delegation from Colombia which visited our Parliament on 27 and 28 June , and whose members this week received a public death threat because they had spoken out here in favour of the proposal for a humanitarian exchange of prisoners in the Colombian conflict ? we support the concept of a CFSP EU sanctions regime which is applied on a unanimous basis to target the most egregious abusers of human rights in the world , provided the UK can always exercise a veto in this respect . ( applause ) I welcome Mr Niels Busk ' s report and thank him and the Commissioner for the work they have done . ( PL ) Madam President , I would like to inform you that a Polish trade union delegation is seated in the gallery . I therefore support the terms of the agreement reached between the Commission and the Swiss Government , so I am voting for the report by Mrs Pack . as history tells us , people will deny the possibility of failure right up to the last moment . I think that also applies to EU-Israel relations , but how can we get their attention to express the level of revulsion felt here at the scale of what is happening ? we know that you will be present at every emergency . the discharge report contains a number of points of criticism which require a tightening up of the current procedures and practices . that , surely , is the right way to proceed . I am pleased to see that the opinions of Parliament and the Commission coincide to a great extent . maintaining competitiveness , increasing economic growth and fighting unemployment will be the greatest challenges faced by the EU . ( FI ) Mr President , I wish to thank the Commission and the Swedish Government for the very active role they have played , and I believe that the Baltic Sea Strategy is a good and important one . what is at risk is democracy , freedom and the right of individuals to live in peace and freedom . in the report we make a few suggestions . the European Union is an area of solidarity , and the EU Solidarity Fund is a part of that . we have the southern areas of Europe , of course , and also the Alpine belt , where the effects are very different and very significant . this permanent dialogue , as highlighted once again in this Chamber , between Mr Trichet , Mr Almunia , Mr Juncker and Mr Barroso , is , strictly speaking , contrary to the Maastricht Treaty itself . documents received : see Minutes we also question the claim that Israel ' s assault was initiated as a response to rocket fire from Hamas . we have drawn up the report on the basis of the current situation and together with our fellow Members from the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , we have reached an agreement with Mr Rasmussen , which encompasses the entire financial system . ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , the recast version of the directive should help improve protection for the consumer and environment alike . that is where industry comes in . I consider this to be a democratic deficit which this Parliament must address . following the enlargement of the Schengen area in the end of last year , the conditions under which Ukrainian citizens are granted visas for EU countries have become stricter ; the fees and waiting time have increased . an earthquake reaching just 5 on the Richter scale can be dangerous in that it causes loose objects to fall , roofing to cave in , buildings to be negatively affected and gas and water services to be damaged . this will be the only derogation . our energy policy for Europe highlights the urgent need to promote an improvement in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources , and we are working towards that goal . therefore , the EU should take concrete action to end impunity for perpetrators of sexual violence against women and children . · The scope of the export ban . the budget will have to be accurately balanced to ensure the successful realisation of the goals set out in the Treaty of Lisbon , like the creation of a common internal energy market for example . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) however , as you said that you would be tabling your own proposal in March , I should like to ask for this proposal to be in keeping with numerous policies of the European Union and not move in just one direction . it is the Council ' s and the Commission ' s job to build the road leading here and generate the resources for this . the new rules certainly make advertising more flexible . I hope that this message struck home with the Commission too . the existence of efficient , transparent and equitable tax systems is crucial for the advancement of developing countries , in that they contribute to the financing of their public assets , the sustainability of their institutions , their reduced dependency on external aid and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals . this is certainly not the right time for this type of reform , but no one here would have anticipated that the reform would fail so miserably . the debate is closed . they provide a guarantee for control of production and continued quality . I voted in favour of the resolution . Madam President , I would first of all like to thank the Commissioner and everyone who took part in this debate . it is , in fact , high time that this text was adopted ; it is high time that freedom of movement for third-country nationals was established within the EU , and I am glad we have reached the point at which we lay another brick in the construction of a Europe of freedoms , in an area that we want to be made increasingly secure . attempts to prevent Members of Parliament from expressing their opinions on matters of legitimate public interest and concern , and from criticising their political opponents , by bringing legal proceedings are unacceptable in a democratic society and represent a breach of Article 8 of the Protocol , which is intended to protect Members ' freedom of expression when performing their duties in the interests of Parliament as an institution of the European Union . therefore our present dominant economic model has a systemic fault . I have to be fair . therefore , it seems to me imperative that the Commission develop a set of best practices which would help Member States in further work on points of single contact . that is the road to chaos and conflict . in other words , Croatia has seen the adoption of the report on its ' progress ' towards accession to the EU - with it even being explicitly stated that the negotiations shall ( ! ) be concluded before the 2009 elections - whereas the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ( FYROM ) has seen the vote on its progress report postponed . the second point relates to the application of the principle of proportionality in regulating the sector . well , the fact that we had few or no instruments explains why we are not in the ' too little , too late ' situation , but in the ' step by step ' situation . however , I would like to emphasise a problem we addressed in July 2007 in the form of the resolution adopted on the poorest regions in the EU . we have at least made a start . I believe that the oral amendment is well worded and allows us a great deal of free scope and I therefore ask you to support it . the forthcoming visitors ' centre in Brussels is part of this , but I fear that certain amendments adopted in committee will delay its highly anticipated opening . hence , the Commission ' s proposal to fund a recall mechanism using the vegetable producers organisations ' budget is unacceptable . there is no threat to any existing group - nor is the rule change an attempt to squash Eurosceptics , who have more than the new minimum number . the actions stipulated in this plan complement the European legal framework set out in the Commission ' s proposal for a directive on organ donation and transplantation . thus we have a new Treaty . I regret , nonetheless , that the common position does not allow the directive to be implemented through voluntary agreements between the parties , even though it is true that the rules of the Member States on legal proceedings cannot always be amended by agreements between the parties . ( DE ) Madam Commissioner , as you have heard , you have rightly been praised , and citizens applaud you , for the fact that telecoms in Europe have become cheaper , with prices likely to fall even further in future . the rapporteur , Mr Mikolášik , referred to the question of transparency when allocating funds , as a basic prerequisite for achieving the overall objectives of cohesion policy . in writing . - ( PL ) Food security is a key challenge for agriculture , not only in the European Union but throughout the world , particularly in developing countries . this creates a good breeding ground not only for the development and dissemination of extremism , but also for political manifestations naming particular ethnic groups as threats to security and connecting minorities and migrants with crime . but I am very concerned by imbalances in our economic relationship . the four Nordic Member States have written to the committee about this regulation , stating that it increases citizens ' trust in the EU and that it provides the greatest possible degree of transparency . the recent difficulties in the financial markets have shown that many of the strategies deployed by managers of alternative investment funds are vulnerable to some or even many risks affecting investors , other market players and the markets themselves . thirdly , at a time when liberal is becoming social democrat and social democrat is tending to become liberal , the EU budget must be effective and even contracyclical . in my speeches I have repeatedly stressed the necessity of promoting the ' Made in Europe ' brand in third-country markets . where the report is untenable , however , is in its call to the Commission to draw up a specific road map for nuclear investments . ( EL ) Mr President , the Annapolis Conference on the Middle East ended with mixed results for the European Union . we also had the problem that many of those people were told that compensation , or even refunds , would not be possible as they had not purchased their ticket with a credit card or booked through a travel agent . I also welcome the boost given to the independence of competences and duties of the potential operators of the transmission networks . the H1N1 influenza was extremely instructive . the alarm was sounded after a patient died in hospital due to an infection and other patients are facing the same danger . let us , however , not overdramatise the situation . gays and lesbians are usually doubly persecuted , because they are activists , in many cases , but also because they are gays and lesbians . in view of the billions given to aid the banks , Ingeborg Schäuble , the outgoing chairwoman of Welthungerhilfe , has called for a rescue package against world hunger . the European Union has always produced the best results by an alliance of the Parliament and the Commission , so I count on your support in this regard . the Commission is pleased to see that the quality of this evaluation work is acknowledged by Parliament . what do you have to say , Commissioner , to the unemployed , to workers in flexible , temporary , insecure work who , for over 4-5 years , have worked in the public and private sector , on much-vaunted internships , and have already been given notice of dismissal ? as rapporteur for Parliament ' s 24th Annual Report on this subject , I can say that there has been a slight drop in the number of cases of infringement proceedings initiated by the Commission . nonetheless , the number of cases continues to exceed 2,500 . ( the sitting was closed at 12.50 p.m. ) it was not by chance that , back in 2005 and 2006 , the top priorities for European cohesion policy were : the Lisbon strategy , innovation and competitiveness , climate change , energy security and efficiency , water efficiency , investment in new skills , attractiveness of territories for young people , and quality of life . quality standards will remain a Member State competence , while safety standards a European-wide one . ( DA ) Mr President , we are discussing a 1 200 km gas pipeline beneath the Baltic from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany through an ecologically sensitive inland sea where there is a large difference in sea bed levels , through an area where undetonated explosives from two world wars , as well as poisonous chemicals from the paper industry , are constantly being found . while numerous positive steps have been made , we also note that the enforcement of readmission agreements has also raised numerous problems . I refer , of course , to the selection of the next President of the Council and the role he will take . I think that could be an excellent form of cooperation with private industry . but now we hear that some manufacturers - led , I understand , by Ford and General Motors - are trying to exploit loopholes to get out of that obligation . the Commission ' s initial proposal contained far more stringent penalties for public authorities , a position which our group felt was unacceptable as , unlike private undertakings , public sector bodies are not focused primarily on profit but rather operate in the general interest . I am sure that after President Obama ' s speech there will be nothing to change concerning the committee ' s results . when will the federalist majority in the European Parliament realise that the desire to create a United States of Europe does not have the support of the voters ? we already know that the reinforcement of workers ' rights will depend on the development of the class struggle . a large number of SMEs are leaving the market because their access to finance has been severely restricted in the times of crisis . I think that this proposal would not only reveal constitutional inconsistencies but also create delays and complexity , which is definitely not what Europe needs at the moment . instead , we are now seeing a continuation of such inappropriate behaviour . so I look to the Commission , which ought not to take sides , but to establish a political alliance with the European Parliament so that the alliance of the peoples ensures that we can dream of what we desire for this European Union , the Union of peoples . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , I rise on a point of order under Rule 166 , and with reference to Rules 45 , 77 , 89 , 113 and 155 . this is something that has to be done right away , in other words the Member States need to develop financial mechanisms whereby the factor of rising prices can be deleted from company budgets and from household budgets too . I have here the letter of 3 September from the three European Prime Ministers . ever more women are in need , and up to 17 % of women live below the poverty line , according to the latest surveys . ( CS ) Mr President , the aim of the compromise draft directive , following two years of discussion , is mainly to provide legal certainty for patients in cross-border healthcare situations . it is , however , all the more important that , if they can afford a proper holiday during the crisis , our citizens can also return from this holiday satisfied . the debate is closed . ( SK ) The changing lifestyle of the younger generation is such that after completion of studies , everyone wants to spend some years travelling and then building their career . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , during a visit of young Israeli and Palestinian leaders to the European Parliament , a thorough discussion was held which outlined a peace settlement for their future - a secure and recognised two-state solution , on the basis of the 1967 borders , with Jerusalem as the capital for both ; demilitarisation of the Palestinian state ; the reiteration of the 2007 Arab peace initiative ; NATO guarantees ; and the refugee issue to be arranged in a way that does not alter the demographic character of the Hebrew state . even the strictest internal controls cannot prevent that . the Roma , who live in very poor circumstances in certain areas ? that , in fact , is our hope : it is not enough to talk or write about equal pay , we want to make it a reality . ( PL ) Despite the several billion euros allocated to Africa , poverty is getting worse in that continent , as the sound report prepared by Mrs Martens indicates . it plays a prominent role in the fight against climate change . I think it is extremely important for us to utilise this expertise appropriately in our legislative work , for the fact is that Members cannot be specialists in every area . you find out the reasons . imperialist organisations and associations are worried by the uprising of the hungry ; they are calling for measures hardly different from those causing millions to starve to death . regarding protection of the environment and climate change , at EU level the Commission is now working with the Member States to achieve good environmental status in its marine waters by 2020 . I believe this is progress in terms of nuclear safety . in the vote in the House of Commons , two of those parties then reneged on those promises and refused people a referendum , so it is a matter of basic trust and accountability in politics . this agreement is heading in the right direction : it is still not enough but the report clearly points out these shortcomings , yet offers us some hope for the future . the EU must assume its responsibility as one of the world ' s largest timber importers . the European Union is a community based on solidarity . I welcome the resolution on innovative financial instruments which represents Parliament ' s contribution to the debate on how to generate new revenue , ensure a fair tax policy and maximise income recovery capabilities . already today , ongoing and planned technical and financial cooperation with Ukraine is in the region of EUR 435 million , without counting possible macrofinancial assistance . it is a massive problem for the ordinary taxpayers of the EU that at least 11 % of the total approved amount should not have been paid out . review of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Eastern Dimension - Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Southern Dimension author . - Madam President , after this joint motion for a resolution was agreed and submitted , the news came of yet another disgracefully brutal case of stoning to death of a citizen in Iran . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( NL ) Madam President , Mr President of the Commission , Mr President of the Council , ladies and gentlemen , today is an historic day . this is the information that is collected by carriers to operate their reservation systems . collectively , it must be possible for us to be protected against toxicity . it would indeed be tragic if , through our approach to Kosovo , we have irreparably damaged Georgia and precipitated armed conflict in a country whose territorial integrity we should be defending very strongly . the European Union ' s citizens expect high quality , healthy products manufactured using innovative technology which takes account of the environmental impact of the production process . there can never be either political or cultural reasons to compromise when it comes to fundamental rights . how are we to measure the targets that the Commissioner mentioned ? 2 ) There is practically no strategic planning or control mechanism in the sphere of development cooperation policy . this is adequately expressed by the EU-US Transatlantic Partnership Agreement , in which also includes the aspect of economic relations . it is very important to establish appropriate organisational and operational regulations . Member of the Commission . - This is certainly a difficult and complex area . therefore , my group believes that it is crucial to get the balance right : the balance between , on the one hand , resourcing Frontex - as many colleagues have mentioned - and , on the other hand , ensuring that Frontex has a stronger appreciation of the humanitarian aspects of its work . in writing . - As a result of judgments by the Court of Justice in the Open Skies cases , the Commission allowed for the replacement of bilateral agreements that had been entered into between some Member States and third countries with Community agreements . greater importance must be attached to regional provision and seasonal availability , as well as strict labelling of the origin of foods . it is 10 years since the adoption of UN Security Council ( UNSC ) resolutions 1325 ( 2000 ) and 1820 ( 2008 ) on women , peace and security , and UNSC resolution 1888 ( 2009 ) on sexual violence against women and children in situations of armed conflict . we need new instruments , and if we analyse the legislation that has been introduced , the Member States have been given a great deal of latitude here . the vote will take place on Wednesday 17 December . we also want an evaluation report , which is provided for in the Treaty of Lisbon . the Presidency has taken note to act accordingly . both the clan structure and lack of the right to intervene on the part of the authorities prevent this vicious circle from ever being broken . in writing . - ( DE ) I have voted in favour of this report . in that case , everyone will be equal before the law and we will be able to make savings . therefore , this argument also does not hold water . we are also taking firm action with a view to drawing up a code of conduct for interest groups and lobbyists , as well as for Members of the European Parliament . the ultimate goal is to ensure that States draw their laws closer to one another in accordance with the commitments made under the Treaty of Stockholm , simplifying and speeding up the procedures . intensive cooperation at parliamentary level is also necessary , for example , with organisations such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the WTO , and with the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank . at least 17 people were injured , most of them civilians . in Copenhagen , from 7 to 18 December , nearly 200 nations will negotiate a new international treaty to combat climate change , a post-Kyoto treaty that will enter into force from 2013 ... I have raised this issue on a number of occasions . it was one of the greatest speeches ever made here in this House . I should like to touch on three more issues . I would like to announce that , unfortunately , several hours ago , another breach of human rights was perpetrated in Belarus . we also need to have proper sanctions in place that really reflect the seriousness of this crime and that really hurt those who are making money out of trafficking in human beings . these Members are sitting over there . while it is important to authorise existing investment agreements , it is also important to foresee the possibility of taking action in a cooperative manner to address important issues that could arise with regard to the content of the agreements and their interaction with EU investment policy . many treasures are yet to be unearthed . I protest . under heading 4 - the Commissioner mentioned this as well - there is an increase in appropriations for Palestine and Kosovo , and half of the reduction in appropriations entered in the draft budget relates to the emergency reserve that can be financed , as has been the case so far , through the redeployment of resources . industry in the EU is challenged by excessive regulation and bureaucracy . for these reasons , we voted in favour . Mrs Senyszyn accused the Catholic Church of oppressing women . the Hungarian minister ' s body language is also saying yes . firstly , it is in many respects a very ancient tribal society , which we cannot catapult into the 21st century in one fell swoop . as I have stated before , I can understand why it is necessary for a law society to register , but I find it harder to understand why public bodies which have never been active on a party-political level , and never will be , are also required to register . another important date will be 2010 , which is when we will be in a position to judge the outcome of this strategy . the Council states consolidation should be frontloaded in Member States with large deficits . the Member States are capable themselves of dealing with matters relating to population and housing censuses and this is an area in which the EU does not need to interfere . this is the way we are moving , very cautiously , towards this direction . this is in line with the political cohesion of existing political groups and with the possibility of achieving consensus among the non-attached Members , provided there are enough to form a political group . while we agree with the main guidelines of the European Parliament resolution on the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh - and having endorsed it for that reason - the Luxembourg delegation of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) wishes to express some reservations about elements of this resolution that are unsatisfactory . we are very process-oriented . nor indeed a Burma . a more open and accessible Council , increased and more integrated inter-institutional cooperation , better use of new media as a means to connect with citizens and providing assistance to civil society institutions will help bring Europe closer together . we expect all the Member States of the European Union to sign the convention on 3 December , in particular those European states which are still in doubt , that is Greece , Latvia , Poland , Romania and the Republic of Cyprus . emphasis is also placed on more training of health workers in the area of patient safety and the creation of common definitions and terminology as well as comparable indicators which will allow easier identification of problems . it makes a positive recommendation by calling on the Member States to appoint national SME Envoys to coordinate SME policies and control the implementation of the SBA across the various administrations . it is in principle also reasonable for businesses to offset losses across frontiers within a company or between companies in a consortium . thank you . it turns out in practice that some are more equal than others , and that double standards are being employed . unlike in Hong Kong , we were involved in the negotiations , were pro-active and were prepared to make compromises . as shadow rapporteur for the Hirsch report on European cooperation in vocational education and training , I would like to explain why I voted in favour of adopting this report . this was also mentioned in the European Commission ' s latest report from July 2008 , which unfortunately led to a partial freezing of European funds for Bulgaria . only policies of this kind , and only development in these areas and institutions , can shape Haiti into a more stable country than it has been to date . in writing . - ( FR ) With our vote today , we have reminded the Council that the Erika III package forms a whole and should be examined as such . it is a very good thing that the EU now has , in the person of Mr Dacian Cioloş , an agriculture commissioner who has understood and supports the importance of local markets , since this is the only way we can preserve local flavours , regional flavours , and the diversity of food in Europe , and it is also clear that a key role is played in this regard by food quality policy , the place and designation of origin . please could you tell us which language versions have been published in the Official Journal , when this was done and why these versions have not yet been made available to Parliament . for example : how many accounts outside the budget did the Council have in 2007 ? to close , I should like to say that we hope that the Greek crisis will be the only price the European Union has to pay for the hasty establishment of the economic governance which we should have established ten years ago . our approach definitely encourages countries to change their approach to aviation safety , and that is only one example . - ( FR ) Mr President , Europe has been a pioneer before , and it wants to continue to act as a bridgehead in Copenhagen . it also annoys me when projects are funded with EU money which are not absolutely necessary . foreign investment is a major economic issue for emerging and developing countries . I am voting against this motion for a resolution and its antisocial injunctions . Mr President , honourable Members , when I travel around Sweden and talk about EU cooperation , I get few questions about the institutions of the EU . in this resolution , the European Parliament advocates the long-term management of risks and profits , as well as some rules which are adapted to the size of banks - so that the most important ones do not feel that they are let off - and argues that they should not pass on the costs of adapting to the new legislation to private individuals . today , we voted on the resettlement of asylum seekers from third countries in Europe , but the Commission programme refuses to promote a similar provision for the settlement of asylum seekers from one country of Europe to another or for money . and then , there is prevention . now that we are going to have to work together , I hope to be able to show you that the Commission often does things that are reasonable , useful and concrete , and I still hope to convince you to support the efforts of the Commission more resolutely and more often . in particular , the problem of expanding the scope of the directive has emerged . when children put them in their mouths , chips are a dangerous item . Member States , together with the European Commission , should find a solution as quickly as possible to the problem of the substantial group of women assisting with farming and in small and medium-sized enterprises who , in many Member States , suffer from a lack of legal status . it is worth remembering , as you already know , that every year , millions of small farmers are forced to move into shanty towns . I want to underline it because I sometimes hear only part of the story , but it is the whole story on investment which has to be applied in practice . I really hope that tomorrow we will all live up to the expectations of European citizens and show that we are safeguarding the protection of human rights and the values of the European Union . no doubt should be cast on the Ukrainian people ' s achievements either by external or internal factors . they went there believing they were going to serve in a good cause , and , as we are hearing here , Iraq is , today , on the way to building a democracy . the Presidency has contacted the resident Commissioner of Indian-administered Kashmir in New Delhi and has expressed the EU ' s concerns over the situation . I do not see significant progress being made by Russia , but we shall persevere . the report contains many sound proposals and guidelines for the European Commission and provides a fine summary of the various points of view . investing in prevention is important . we are not opposed to this agreement in principle provided that Morocco agrees to end all human rights abuses in the illegally occupied territory of Western Sahara , that Morocco agrees to a free and fair referendum for the people of Western Sahara and that the fisheries partnership agreement is reviewed and the Saharawi population of Western Sahara are allowed to live as equal citizens of their Moroccan counterparts . I hope that the EU will be able to convince its partner , the USA , to continue to make progress towards the common goals mentioned . at the moment , in the transport area , you must remember that transport is exempt from the Services Directive . fourthly , failure to include bitumen shales in the Research Fund for Coal and Steel programme - and the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance also put forward a proposal of this nature for these amendments - would have been injurious to Estonia , whose power generation is chiefly based on this fuel . a very clear distinction needs to be maintained between the remits of military and humanitarian bodies , and a dialogue between military and humanitarian bodies is necessary in order to encourage mutual understanding . for every car that we export to South Korea from Europe , 15 come the other way . most of the proposals in this report are of course deserving of support , but I have a couple of concerns . during the current financial crisis , it is going to be increasingly difficult for us to cover losses triggered by floods and drought using the state budget . the debate is closed . the Portuguese Government is following this maxim and is , for the record , allocating about EUR 8.2 million for the decommissioning of 27 vessels in 2008 . ( PT ) Cohesion policies are not just another instrument of European integration but can be seen as a real embodiment and dynamic proof of the European project itself , in the sense of a community of citizens sharing values of social justice and solidarity . what we also need now is a bold message from the High Representative on what is happening in these countries ; we should not wait until a number of things have happened . in fact , the funding of this type of project , which is completely in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy , makes a key contribution towards the development of a sustainable economy , combating climate change and promoting employment , while also constituting a particularly suitable method given the economic and financial crisis that we are experiencing at present . I firmly believe that Romania ' s maritime border , for instance , is incomparably better protected than similar borders for other Schengen Member States . ( DE ) Madam President , the reason I am asking for the floor again is not because I have not spoken enough today but because I believe we really are dealing with an important issue , on which Members have also asked pertinent questions . the Commission has played its role to the full . there was then official doubt on our part . President of the Commission . - First of all , to know the result of the test we must make the test before . as has already been said , the food crisis is a major problem , and so we must seek solutions via the budget , both for the short and medium term and for the long term . for the short term , there is food aid . the political and economic stabilisation of that country and the strengthening of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of energy are prerequisites for the recognition of Ukraine ' s European aspirations . maybe I could tell you why we are actually in favour and we are even co-financing some of the landfill , even if we do believe that this is on the lowest level of the preferred options in the waste hierarchy . following the Treaty of Lisbon , the Council is now one institution and the President of the Council is one institution . therefore , Member States should make every effort to combat gambling and the associated problems with maximum force . however , and it is important to underline this , we need to maintain some qualifying points in the debate and vote that will be held tomorrow . I am also glad to see that there is no longer a reference to the General Product Safety Directive ( GPSD ) . the EU and the Member States should increase their efforts to encourage youth employment and reduce their unemployment rate , in particular , through improving the match between the training systems and the needs of the labour market . through these directives we are in a way addressing subjects and establishing links with various recognised pathologies such as cancer , which has already been referred to by Mrs Belohorská . even one contamination of animal feed is unacceptable . the next item is the Commission statement on freedom of information in Italy . users and merchants will be clamouring for more choice . the rapporteur , Mr Chatzimarkakis , whom I would like to congratulate , put it very well in saying that the European Union does not have a good image in the eyes of European citizens , and they have most often made European agriculture a scapegoat . however , I do agree with you that it is important . I hope that I will soon be able to speak to you in more depth . given the present gas crisis in Europe , it must be underlined that Belarus has proved a particularly stable partner as regards the transit of gas supplies to the European Union . so I must confess that it has surprised me how difficult it is to convince elected politicians and public opinion that budget management in the European Union is much better than what is reflected in this sentence . the human family is arranged as in a staircase : we , the privileged ones , are at the top , and there are four billion people below us who , literally , want to come into the daylight , because two billion people do not even have electricity . however , under no circumstances will I approve of the use of genetically modified materials , their import to consumers and other activities , or the authorisation of production methods brought to bear in third countries , because there is no data that would lead us to reasonably believe that these do not harm people ' s health or the environment . maybe such a referendum ought to be carried out at EU level . I would like to express my respect for all their positions . if , however , democracies cannot , in fact , combat terrorism by denying their own values , then they cannot allow themselves to give the impression of being lax or weak , either . the culture of hatred , as demonstrated by that photomontage of the Prime Minister behind bars at the street demonstration on press freedom , where red flags and insults of all kinds prevailed . however , I think that we should also consider how to safeguard jobs , and prevent them from being lost . rules of war prevail , but even in wartime the Geneva Convention applies , and it does not , of course , allow banks that have been recapitalised by the state to use this aid to buy up other banks . we have , off the coast of Somalia , ships which have been extremely successful this weekend , by the way , with the French navy in capturing pirates who were determined to create havoc in that part of the sea . not having any debate at all would be doing ourselves a disservice . President-in-Office , thank you for your diplomacy . is this risky solution acceptable , today , to Israel ? overall , it is a good structure precisely because it makes it possible in certain situations to act without the consent of the government concerned . attention must also be paid to reconciling work and family life . of course we support the principle of equal treatment , but we perceived the danger that this slogan would be used to attempt to prevent the implementation of one of the fundamental freedoms of the European Union - the free movement of labour . for years , the socialists have fought and campaigned to obtain framework directives protecting services of general interest , and there is no question of us abandoning this commitment . it outlines human rights , data protection and non-discrimination standards in an attempt to uphold two basic principles for any profiling exercise to meet : that repressive consequences should be based on individual behaviour , and that the principle of equality under the law should be upheld . the importance of information and of the diversity of European culture and education was noted . Mr President , the European Union has no jurisdiction as far as the status of national minorities in the Member States is concerned . it is for the people of each country to decide upon the use of their resources and of the wealth created . the success of innovation policy depends on the existence of a simple , efficient , unbureaucratic system for science and higher education . first , because Member States do not keep their word , which means that all the work carried out by European institutions ends up being worthless . one point that I should like to raise once again , as I did in the previous debate , is the issue of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons . I am pleased to see the proposal for amendments to the Commission ' s conclusions , but at the same time I would like to appeal for efficient and harmonised actions that offer everyone protection against terrorist propaganda and agitation , especially our children and young people . for the national context , therefore , it is a good thing that there are borders to protect it , that Member States are necessary and that sovereignties allow rapid and effective action . meanwhile , the report also represents a good compromise between the need to provide information for statistical purposes and the need to ensure that enterprises , mainly small and medium-sized ones , are not overburdened with unnecessary bureaucratic procedures . I would like to inform Members that the Speroni report on the request for waiver of the immunity of MEP Tamás Deutsch will be presented during voting time . in future proceedings within REACH and as we approach the next deadline , how will the European Chemicals Agency cope when decisions are required from it ? this , in my view , shows how wide ranging Europol ' s enforcement operations are and is proof of the overall strengthening of the European Union ' s enforcement framework and mechanisms . we bleat about human rights , and then we funnel money to Hamas . we have ensured that the heavy energy consumption by buildings will be restricted and we have ensured that producers of wind turbines and solar cells will have a guarantee that Europe will invest in renewable energy . the US is acting but Europe not . we are midway through the Lisbon Strategy and are only now making progress in growth and jobs . by preventing gas from reaching the EU , Ukraine involved us in its problem . an increasing number of companies are relocating , taking advantage of reduced labour costs in a number of countries , particularly China and India , with a damaging effect on countries that respect workers ' rights . we have chosen to vote in favour of this report because the European Parliament needs to prepare itself to be able to implement the changes that will occur in connection with its work if the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force . there may come a time when Israelis and Palestinians not only remember each other ' s victims together , but join forces to build a lasting peace and future . ( applause ) the Canadian authorities have established an office in Prague - that is one condition that we imposed on them - and they are also establishing a roadmap towards restoring visa freedom again . it is a life and death issue for the peripheral areas , but I know it is not a life and death issue for those coming from the middle . ( PL ) Madam President , my nation has been hit by a great tragedy . firstly , accreditation has not hitherto been regulated on a European scale , although it is practised in most Member States and significantly affects the performance of market-surveillance authorities . emphasis must be placed on the implementation of freedom of expression and media freedom . the involvement of brokers is undoubtedly a positive step . in writing . - ( LT ) One of the things that the crisis in Greece shows us is the urgent need for fiscal responsibility . it is our duty to set an example in this area , including going as far as ensuring the systematic use of this idea of a ' legislative footprint ' , which I think would be extremely beneficial . I consider the commitment of the European Parliament to preserve the openness of the European Union very commendable . firstly , innovation . I would like to congratulate the rapporteur . I think that no one here wishes to see this budget reduced . secondly , the need to give serious treatment to the matter of copyright , because copyright represents a great hope and opportunity for the development of a creative market , and this aspect of the market should be regulated jointly . we are proud of the position that will be demonstrated tomorrow in the vote in Parliament and on a report such as this , which defends quality and which commits to the development and enhancement of rural areas , not only as mere evidence of a traditional European culture , but as true wealth- and job-creation agents . a year ago , Pakistan ' s new democratically elected government appointed the first Minister for Minorities , who himself represents the Christian minority . Mr Janez Lenarčič will speak on behalf of the Council . we need to coordinate the complex phenomena that are factors in migration , including people migrating for economic reasons only , but also those who cross the border illegally . this hurricane caused more than 200 deaths and missing persons , destroyed infrastructures and essential equipment , particularly in the areas of health , education , water and sanitation , exacerbating poverty in the country . it provides for harmonisation within the respective fields and also promotes consistency between the three areas . its aim is to put in place fair market conditions for the European livestock industry , which will help to ensure food security for more than 500 million people in future . the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) is undertaking a major study . I would like not to be disturbed by colleagues on the extreme right , please . fellow members of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats , do not muddy this debate with empty excuses , because a vote against this report is clear evidence of an ideological viewpoint . these organisations should , first and foremost , pursue the sort of measures and the sort of policies in the Balkans that will not force people to leave this sorely tested region . would it not be possible to carry out a comparative study so that we can also provide incentives in this area ? it is part of the day-to-day reality in the European Union and is gaining increasing significance in the relationships between the Member States , in the way in which our multicultural societies live together and in the common policy measures taken by the European Union . there is relatively substantial agreement that there should be health protection for mothers-to-be and new mothers . 11 . in general , we agree with the positions contained in the resolution , stressing the important role of Member States in ensuring that ships on their national registers conform to international standards and in preventing maritime accidents and combating the consequences of such accidents . he says that the path taken by the US has been historically discredited . the adoption of this regulation will formalise the current ' gentlemen ' s agreement ' and guarantee the continuity of data collection as well as the quality and comparability of data . allow me to express a few thoughts I have on this subject . Mr President , very briefly , I am trying to be helpful , but am getting hungry . Mr President , on a point of order , you very rightly say that we are here late , and I thank the interpreters for staying behind . the role of credit-rating agencies needs to be clearer : what they do and what they do not do , the extent to which they can be relied up and the extent to which they cannot . in fact , this also applies to this dossier . I will end with a warning . this resolution is , of course , an expression of that obligation . in writing . - After the defeat of the joint motion for a resolution , I voted in favour of this text which , while not perfect , struck a good balance between nuclear safety and a pragmatic approach to the issue . however , the government ' s stated intention of making democratic changes is belied by the facts . I think the MEP is not well-informed ; I would encourage her to go to the national central banks of the two countries and it will be demonstrated to her that the ECB has a very intimate cooperation with those two central banks to the benefit of all of us . written statements ( Rule 142 ) nor shall we be able to wait until the environmental pollution from bicycles has been calculated too . if they fail to produce such a certificate , their chances of obtaining work vanish . therefore your vote tomorrow will be a great opportunity to achieve a historic milestone of complementing the monetary union finally with a true and genuinely functioning economic union - which we definitely need - and thus enabling the European Union to come out of the current serious crisis with lessons learnt , hopefully also stronger for the future and , in any case , with new appropriate policy tools for sustainable growth , employment and for our citizens ' benefit . we have already encountered problems in the funding of the Galileo programme , and now the next set of problems are beginning to appear , on a much larger scale . research into biomarkers , into early diagnosis methods based on a multidisciplinary approach , the compilation of vast databases , and the search for curative medicines and appropriate treatment and service models would appear crucial . the second point regards the mediator . the EU is still a very limited global actor ; its role in the UN system and in all multilateral organisations does not match its democratic , economic and cultural weight . I fully agree with the contents of the resolution which , with the implementation of the Action Plan , will establish conditions for liberalising short-stay visas in the EU and reinforce the Union ' s position with regard to the country ' s democratic development after the recent local elections . they have condemned the deportation of as an intolerable violation of press freedom . on the basis of the previous Tampere and Hague Programmes , significant progress has been made by the EU in the area of freedom , security and justice . that is our responsibility . let yesterday ' s event set an example throughout the European Union . on behalf of the ITS Group . - ( IT ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to start by thanking Mr Frattini for being here again , for his commitment and for making himself available to us . once again , I am grateful to Mr Markov . it is important to reiterate the need to protect consumers , but also to emphasise the need to protect farmers , who should receive compensation for the losses they suffer following an accident . it takes the view in this regard that the development of IMP must harmoniously incorporate efforts to attain economic development , a high level of employment - particularly by making the sector more attractive for young people through training actions and the launch of a ' Maritime Erasmus ' - and environmental protection . a reformed CAP must be in line with global food security and development policy objectives , abolishing once and for all export refunds that undermine the ability of developing countries to build up their agricultural production . that is what Russian democrats ask of us . some have even decided to close hospitals in smaller towns or to carry out a small number of surgical operations . in addition , the Dutch People ' s Party for Freedom and Democracy delegation is of the opinion that too much emphasis is still being placed on channelling funds to UN organisations and the World Bank . in 1990 , in his book Bound to Lead , the eminent American professor , Joseph Nye , invented the concept of ' soft power ' . this is achieved through constant monitoring of the performance of operators ; hence , at this stage , a more stringent control framework is not deemed to be required by the Commission . we have to demonstrate two things : firstly , that we are going to take concerted action and that we will be able to profit from it and , secondly , that we are capable of maintaining the strategic priorities which we have set over the past few years : that is , priorities facilitating a shift towards a knowledge-based society and an innovative society with low greenhouse gas emission levels . the Energy Efficiency Action Plan therefore has far-reaching implications . these doubts cannot simply remain confined to the newspapers . some further steps to simplify the bureaucracy are also envisaged . ( DE ) Madam President , first of all , we would observe that the markets in Europe that have been less subject to collapse have a clear regulatory environment in respect of legislation on the taxation of CO2 and a clear regulatory environment in respect of what is expected of car makers . ultimately , Frontex can only be as good as Member States permit . setting up the European Institute of Innovation and Technology is an important step to keep on with this ancient tradition of our continent . ( the President cut off the speaker ) I think that as a matter of honour Russian President Dmitry Medvedev should ensure that everything is done to fully investigate the kidnapping and murder cases involving human rights defenders , and to bring those who are guilty to justice . this , in our view , is a major problem relating to soft law . having said this , I just would like also to come back to the question of the visa fees . we can do that with confidence , and we must do it with untiring commitment - and no one will stop us . I can tell you that we are launching the call for tenders for the European Immigration Portal . Mr President , this debate is about the safety of our people and the preservation of our way of life , our liberal democracy , the rule of law and the defence of freedom . the question of the extent to which we adapt the directives legislatively is certainly an important aspect . I have a supplementary question about the Seventh Framework Programme for Research , which has a package of EUR 54 million . the drafting of the report was particularly difficult in part due to the absence in the background documents analysing possible solutions , relevant case studies and vital data . South Africa and other African countries must intensify the pressure against Robert Mugabe . firstly , third-country nationals must not be sent back to their country if they are at risk of serious attacks . the lowering of the threshold for mobilising the Fund and the provision of a rapid payment based on a preliminary assessment are extremely important measures included in the revised form of the regulation . although we recognise there is a fair case for increasing the number of Members required to form a group , any increase in the requirement of the number of Member States would unfairly and unnecessarily disadvantage smaller groups and delegations . to that end it is reasonable for research to be carried out in areas where nuclear energy ' s weaknesses are more apparent such as safety or treatment of waste , but we should note that the report clearly endorses the idea that the nuclear option falls within the exclusive competence of the Member States , as Mr Reul noted at the outset . Vice-President of the Commission . - Madam President , the Commission makes the following declaration . I voted in favour of the present report since the SOLVIT network has shown itself to be of huge importance to the resolution of all sorts of problems , from the member of the public who is searching for another Member State in which to study , work or be reunited with a partner , etc . , through to firms who have encountered problems with the public authorities , problems with VAT refunds or other issues . the Greek Communist Party supports the united , anti-imperialist fight of the peoples of the Balkans and opposition to the US / NATO / EU policy . all approved plants in the Community list of establishments from which imports of heat-treated poultry meat is authorised are located in Shandong Province . my guess is , if my recollection is correct , that Amendment 1 will be rejected and then the original text will be adopted , but I will do it . texts of agreements forwarded by the Council : see Minutes secondly , strong support is needed , especially for new Member States , in order to bring about an increase in the employment rates in those countries . ( LT ) I would like to congratulate France for presiding so splendidly in the last six months . twenty years after the collapse of the Iron Curtain , after putting an end to the division of Europe , the Danube is once again a symbol of unification . Member States must harmonise their budgetary policies and share these with each other . in their desperate efforts to cut back production costs , multinationals are ignoring the cost being imposed on public health . like everyone else , I believe that we should remember the context in which this report is set , and that , of course , is the youth crisis that we are experiencing in Europe . I am very sorry for all the questioners , but the best I can do is to get through as many questions as possible and let questioners have their moment . I am glad to see that the criteria for eligibility have been widened and will not be limited to low-income housing . this new regulation will put an end to that practice . the recognition of Kosovo is a matter for the Member States , as Mr Rupel and Commissioner Rehn also emphasised . regrettably , Europeans often profit from these disasters . that is why we called for further scientific studies , within the framework of a multilateral agreement to be completed , to inform international understanding and decision making for the Arctic ecosystem before any further major development goes ahead . common threats require common responses , so common tools should be effectively used by all Member States , public authorities and private organisations . you have been informed of them . Member of the Commission . - First of all , with respect to the GSP and GSP + , we have nothing in principle against these being included in the Cotonou Agreement , but we should realise that GSP and GSP + are unilateral and Cotonou is contractual . I would like to raise the issue of what data is being collected on our citizens and how it is stored and accessed . these blasphemy laws in a society in which freedom of expression is repressed in the name of religion pose another risk ; last Wednesday , a court in Pakistan banned the social networking site Facebook in the country . the rivalry of the imperialist centres combined with the opposition of the poorer countries has resulted in the failure of the latest WTO negotiations . that is what you fought for together , whether blue or orange . fourth point : regarding the scope of the draft directive , I know from talking to MEPs on the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection when they were in Paris last May that many of you regret the decision to confine this text solely to patient mobility and not to address the question of the mobility of health professionals . unlike passenger cars , there is less scope to modify either their shape or their weight in a bid to reduce emissions . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , we voted against Mr Coelho ' s report . unfortunately , we do not have many opportunities to discuss things together and I would be delighted if you would take this opportunity to make it clear to us for once who it is in the Council that is actually fighting against the necessary transparency . we must help Nicaragua establish robust democracy , strong , honest economics and effective education and health systems , and help them to care for their families , their women and children , rather than destroy them with legalised abortion . democratic forces must give an example , especially to the right wing , and the democratic right wing has great responsibility for distancing itself from the extreme right-wing phenomena that are running riot in Europe . we believe that the consultation and the decision on the test criteria will be completed by the middle of May at the meeting of ENSREG , the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group . of course , I reaffirm my commitment to work closely with you to ensure that the mechanism underlying the CE mark operates properly and that the Member States comply with the obligations aimed at making our products more competitive . a significant step forward has therefore been taken to ensure that this functions in the future , but even so , Commissioner , I have made a public commitment here that if , in the future , it does not function adequately and we are prevented from fulfilling our obligations , Parliament will be prepared to revise the procedure . as regards openness between the Member States , I think it important to stress that those who are against openness are also against free movement for people and freedom of opportunity . approximately 25 % of unemployed people in the European Union were in some way involved in ESF projects in 2007 . approval has also been given , however , for EUR 3 306 750 to support 1 720 workers dismissed from 30 textile companies in Cataluña , Spain . at the same time , I was glad that Parliament was almost unanimously happy to keep the budget at least at the same level as it is now . thanks to this common position , existing EU legislation on air services has been brought in line with current practice . finally , Kazakhstan is a member of the European Neighbourhood Policy . I think the recent signals from the American Government show that it has become clear that the European Parliament is , today , fully responsible for legislation . 2 . we urgently need to act as pioneers and set a real example . the fact that Agustin Díaz de Mera ' s report was adopted by a large majority highlights the benefit of the decision to remove visa requirements for Taiwan . this is still far from meaning that industry , which we believe will be freed , is really going to be freed by the Commission . Commissioner , it is true that we now have to take stock of one or two things , but that does not detract from the fact that we now have to proceed fairly rapidly . however , there are some cases where the impact of the crisis has been limited on women participating in the labour market . it can make an important contribution to counteracting negative health trends like obesity . for this reason Hezbollah should be added to the European list of terrorist organisations as a matter of urgency . this proposal , in its depiction of the handling of personal data , seems to pave the way for the creation of a truly limitless database which could even be made available to third parties that have not yet been specified by Parliament . that is why it is in the interests of both the consumer and producer to continue with milk quotas . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would ask you to call for silence in the House because we have received news from Kabul of a very serious attack against the international peacekeeping force , and the sketchy information that we have so far talks of six deaths in the Italian contingent , among the Folgore paratroopers . we must examine them without fear and debate them without any taboos . I would like to take the opportunity to welcome the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic , Mr Jan Fischer . as the Commissioner said , there are four omnibus packages . or India ? Europe is facing considerable challenges . the elimination of weaker and poorer undertakings will obviously benefit large corporations , and these are mainly German . with regard to specific results , the renewal of the agreement will allow the continued exchange of information on science and technology policies between the EU and Ukraine . the power of the Internet is supremely important , but is even more important over the regular media . car dealers , in my country as in others , are worried about the glaring discrepancy between their scope for action and that of manufacturers . with these three reports , the European Parliament is sending out a clear signal that we are serious about reforming the internal market . a focus on individuals that must be guaranteed across the board , including as regards the growing phenomenon of immigration and asylum , albeit in strict compliance with the rules on civil harmony , including security . this is a disgrace ! this motion for a resolution , which was drawn up under the guidance of the Vice-President , takes - and was indeed carried by a broad majority in Parliament - a very progressive position on the role of the OSCE . ( EL ) Madam President , I thank the Commissioner for her detailed reply . in relation to freight traffic by rail , there was , indeed , an initial proposal for a regulation on compensation for failure to meet commitments on service quality in this sector . we are also in favour of greater judicial control ; and so I consider the proposal of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe to be extremely sensible , and shall give it my support . I must finish by saying that the right to education and Internet access , as well as the security and the protection of the rights of those who use Internet services must be guaranteed . another cause for concern is the continuing rise in outstanding budget commitments still to be paid , especially in respect of the old Member States . this needs to be elaborated and an appropriate proposal tabled . I would also stress that we must look at the whole spectrum of the question of space and its links to European security and defence policy , while respecting the provisions of the Treaties - the Commission would never touch them and has said quite clearly that we cannot finance any European defence measures or measures of a military nature out of the EU budget . however , it should apply to all the nations in the Western Balkans and avoid creating new dividing lines in the area . we have a responsibility with regard to technology transfer . the freedom of choice will enable consumers to become actively involved in the battle against climate change , as they will be able to choose suppliers which offer renewable energy with low carbon emissions . we also need to stop talking nonsense about the political responsibility of Europe . the upcoming elections will constitute an important test of the robustness of its institutions and its democratic culture . this does not appear to be the case to me . let us ask the Afghan women who have emerged from hell and have just rediscovered some freedom . we have to decide whether there is a need for further changes , including in the area of selective distribution . we have no remit in this area , but it is a growing concern and we need to address it in some way . in this sense , ACTA will have no impact on European citizens , since it will not create new obligations for the EU and no need for implementing legislation . but for sheep farmers , receiving such small rewards for hard work , as has been outlined by Mr Parish , makes this is a very difficult job . this therefore also includes those products that do not consume energy directly when used , but which influence energy consumption indirectly . together with the United Nations and the African Union , this situation calls for Europe ' s common foreign policy , and it is also that policy ' s chance to prove itself . of course we call that a coup d ' état . Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy have already directly mentioned the centralisation of pensions in their plans for a single , centrally-ruled Europe . this is not always provided at the moment . however , this should not cause us to forget the medium term . ( RO ) Together we decided that the European energy policy would aim at decreasing the EU ' s energy dependence , guaranteeing the security of supply and the transparency of prices . the former produces more CO2 than the biofuels save , while the latter is causing food shortages , especially in the less-developed countries . the same is true for the Christian minority in the plain of Nineveh . the country has made important progress in putting in place its legal and institutional framework . 3 . this gender-specific violence , which also has a strong negative impact on children , and tends to worsen during periods of economic and social crisis , can no longer be accepted . on the other hand , and this was also highlighted in the debate , we have not reached any perfect or definitive situation and it is necessary to continue to develop EURES further . Madagascar has been suspended from the African Union and the Southern Africa Development Community . they were very clear on the advantages of EPAs for the long-term economic future of Africa and , obviously , for the people of Africa . if and when this EID scheme is introduced it should take place on a voluntary rather than a compulsory basis . how do we protect a participant in an investment fund from the shareholder ' s decision to invest in business types the participant does not agree with ? it is not because we have been bound by industry , but it was the best way to consolidate both approaches . Conservatives and liberals in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs wanted to declare even this low-level participation in the business risk unnecessary through the submission of a guarantee by the financial institutions . in the EU , there is much talk about the environment and animal welfare and my thought was that this report should be more than just words : we should have action too . our motion for a resolution points out the efforts that must be made to detect and diagnose the disease more quickly and effectively . the Commission ' s proposal is quite simply not enough . if we get the change to the treaty , this will be rectified retrospectively . however , the decision made in Deauville was clearly a mistake . this is not directed against Elisabeth Jeggle , but against the increase in quotas . the speed of the implementation of the ICCAT recovery plan is an absolute must , both for conservation reasons and to safeguard the common fisheries policy ' s credibility and the credibility of the EU fishermen themselves . all standards and the country will benefit . this requires a shift in the approach : rather than just cofinancing projects , steering and enabling the deployment of a joint effort through joint programming is truly needed . I know that this Parliament will remain intimately involved in following the progress of the Lisbon Strategy at both EU and national level . 45 . more than EUR 20 billion will be allocated to the new Member States specifically in 2008 . this very morning we have heard another set of results from the USA . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of the report by my excellent Polish colleague Janusz Lewandowski on the 2009 budget guidelines for the ' other sections ' , namely the European Parliament , but also the Council , the Court of Justice , the Court of Auditors , the European Economic and Social Committee , the Committee of the Regions , the European Ombudsman and the European Data Protection Supervisor . ( DE ) Mr President-in-Office , I would like to pick up on this question . I hope that the Commissioner , and indeed the College , will pick up on this and that this Parliament will show it is right behind this solution . the cross-border activities of micro-entities would be hampered . that is why in June 2008 I announced that the Commission would take regulatory action in this area and on 12 November 2008 the College adopted the proposal covering regulatory activity of credit rating agencies with the agreement of this Parliament and of the Council . Mr President , Mrs Győri , Mr Barroso , ladies and gentlemen , what will the European public take away from the meeting of its leaders this Friday in Brussels ? the theatre has always faced financial difficulties because the Italian authorities do not provide regular funding . the legitimacy of both claimants to the presidency is in dispute . if that is the case , and I believe it to be the case , then why have you come forward with nothing but a blank sheet for us today ? I am therefore in favour of the finance ministers implementing the three-point plan proposed by Mr Almunia on 22 December 2004 for strengthening Eurostat as quickly as possible . this needs to change . the global trade in services reveals a growing trend and already accounts for a quarter of services . the Commission insists very much on the Member States publishing this information , as , under shared management , they are the contact for the farming community and are therefore in a much better position than the Commission to validate the information to be published . we need to be better informed about the origin marking of the products we purchase . it is fully in line with the Treaty , on the one hand , and , on the other hand , with the competences of the Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care . those are the farmers who voted to join the EU , having been promised equal treatment from 2013 . ( PL ) Madam President , one of the key conclusions drawn in the report we have voted through on evaluation of the management of H1N1 influenza is the lack of an independent evaluation carried out by national and European healthcare bodies . since it is apparent that peer pressure in the Council does not work , we need binding targets and new transparent means to scrutinise the reports about each Member State . what we need is the political will to achieve it . our colleagues have not sent any official information , but we are expecting some at any moment . I myself put a question to the Commission and the Council , basing it on Mr Van Orden ' s report on the application by the Republic of Bulgaria to become a member of the European Union , and its paragraph 33 . now is no longer the time for meaningless rhetoric . it would be wrong for us to limit action to counter climate change and reduce energy consumption to our area only . I , too , support the establishment of a common Monetary Fund for the purpose of effective control of European economic governance . this , in itself , distorts competition on the internal market . Madam President , this is very good news indeed . this prices issue underlines the fundamentals of EU energy policy and the EU energy situation - the three pillars , namely : the essential need for truly competitive markets - markets which will deliver the lowest prices and the most efficient services ; the security of supply issues in our dependence on imported fuels ; and the convergence of sustainability objectives with the other two elements of our policy . we shall continue our efforts to have those improvements approved by the Council . the basic objective is for the countries of the EU to secure a greater market share , which is of course connected - as the resolution indirectly admits - with the unimpeded and continuing overall plundering of the rich mineral wealth of the country . that is a failure of the Member States , often supported by sections of the railway industry and , frankly , Parliament ' s patience is beginning to run out . of course , we are working closely with that authority and we , like the European Central Bank , have helped prepare this new round of tests with the EBA , but it is the EBA that is mainly responsible for this . I tried , back then , to obtain more scientific opinions from Germany and I have since received these . the opponents of the Iranian Government are also against the imposition of more stringent sanctions , because their main impact would be on the people of the country . and it is why we must make it work for patients and for health services . I do hope , however , that the Council will give its assent to the European Commission proposals by the end of the year . the aim of the strategy is to improve the environment in the Baltic Sea area and to increase integration and competitiveness in the area . we succeeded in mobilising world public opinion and the Western political elite was forced to move away from its traditional pragmatism . I do not think that the food industry should be an exception . this is a sound document , and the reference to the principle that prevention is better than cure is very apt indeed . the strategy identifies a number of important issues . this is clearly another area where very close coordination with Russia is needed . in this context I propose to hold a second joint seminar on election observation in the autumn , building on our successful meeting last year which pointed to the essential issue of follow-up as well as of sustaining the quality of the observation work . after 20 years , even Mr Medvedev had to admit that one cannot ignore the terrible and criminal heritage of Russian power . thank you . at the eurozone level , we need agreements by which Member States will guarantee that the reform of their pension systems will translate into sustainable public finances . it is very important to strengthen the status of the Arctic Council , and for that reason , we must now have a greater influence on Canada and Russia in particular , so that the European Union can have a stronger role to play . author . - ( NL ) Mr President , Zimbabwe ' s President Mugabe was once the hero of the liberation struggle . of course it does . on that note , however , I am happy that Parliament chose to support my Amendment 42 which urges the Commission to make sure that money goes only to Member States who meet the criteria of the UN Convention when it comes to deinstitutionalisation . ( EL ) Europe still faces a multi-dimensional crisis today , which is hitting employment and low incomes particularly hard . the funds in the expired Community were accumulated from the coal and steel industries , and so it is only fair that any money left over should go on research in these sectors and not be used to cover research in the oil industry . he was killed most brutally but he remained immortal with his ideas of free and independent Bulgaria on the way to construction and integration into Europe . Bitterness : codecision in budgetary matters is a losing battle . this means that the sector will have a new legal framework , which will also have a big impact on economic development in the European Union . it falls again to the European Union to show leadership and to keep up the momentum . ladies and gentlemen , I would like to begin my speech my emphasising the importance of this initiative in the area of micro-financing . they should do anything that can be seen if they want people to believe in them . our first step was to note the great disparities that still exist between Member States in terms of access to healthcare . the EU must set high standards for itself and try to raise the standards in international agreements . he and his kind should be executed . the resolution is along these lines and , as such , it is worthy of our vote . in adopting a 2020 strategy , we need to create a framework favourable to stable economic growth and job creation . naturally , we can also contribute to this by facilitating the cross-border activities of SMEs . this summer , at the instigation of the French Presidency , the European social partners , employers and trade union organisations agreed on a joint position in which they accepted the Commission ' s proposal as the basis for discussions . I am therefore in favour of postponing the closure of accounts for the financial year 2009 so that further management checks can be carried out . without these common development efforts in the countries involved , working alongside their people and social structures , it will not be possible to contribute effectively to instability reduction . let me take this opportunity of wishing Piia-Noora Kauppi well for the future . the regional characteristics will require a special focus on humanitarian and military capacity in order to provide security and stability . for that to happen , all the Member States must also do their homework . people in various EU states have experienced the fall-out from the crisis in different ways . finally , I should like to reply to Mr Clark - though I think he has left - who asked whether or not there is global warming . Europe , despite the rapid changes which are taking place , remains a continent of great differences and even contrasts . we all agree that the bilateral problem of the name must be resolved . however , there is one thing we should also bear in mind : we should remember that Belarus is an important neighbour for the European Union in the East and should be treated as such . everyone has to play their part . on that occasion it related to a matter that was also of concern to him personally , namely the Treaty of Lisbon . we really must insist that a country ' s democratic development should get properly under way when we conclude more cooperation agreements on the basis of Cotonou . Srebrenica , July 1995 . ( HU ) As a lawyer working with human rights issues , I cannot understand what the added value would be for the protection of the human rights of Europe ' s citizens if the European Union joined the same human rights convention that every single European country has already joined . are you aware that the serious consequences of these decrees are still valid ? among other things , these rules provide for the use of the digital tachograph , an extremely reliable monitoring device , and a specific implementing directive . it would also be more frank in view of the fact that , as I fear , an accession agreement would not be approved in a future referendum anyhow . the Health Check will now confirm the validity of this twofold objective . I do not think that this is the case . that is my proposal , because the competence for accession does not lie with Europe . - Joint motion for a resolution so I join my colleague , Mrs Jiménez-Becerril Barrio , in saying , ' stop violence against women , stop it immediately ! ' we are , therefore , pleased that the oral amendment to this paragraph has been adopted . the sense of unity being displayed by Council and Commission , and by the diplomatic representatives in Oslo , concerning the ceremony which may take place on 10 December , is encouraging . as news of this spreads , I am receiving requests for the Treaty every day . however , it does not avoid or reduce CO2 production , as would be the case with renewable energies for example . I would like to ask whether the Hungarian Parliament translates all laws into minority languages and whether there are any translations into the Slovak language ? we all know that it is necessary to overcome the impasse in order to channel our energies towards promoting economic development , creating jobs and combating climate change . I think we should ask whether Mr Weber would like to say a few words to comment on or react to the appeal made by the rapporteur for this debate , Mrs Ayala . should we not already be putting an obligation on producers to develop systems which warn that a vehicle is approaching and to install them as standard ? we also agree that the scale and cost of data collection should not be disproportionate to the expected benefits . as far as the proposed increase of excise duty is concerned , it will not generate inflation . Mr Rasmussen got the election campaign under way here , but he has forgotten that the German Finance Minister is Mr Steinbrück , a socialist . tourism is undoubtedly one of the economic sectors with the greatest potential for development . but after the grief and destruction comes the time for practical proposals and reconstruction , the time to restore a future for the Abruzzo region . it will most definitely have been noticed in Minsk and in other countries that Russia considers as its sphere of influence . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( HU ) Thank you for giving me the floor , Mr President . we have to take it , and together I am sure we will get a solid partnership out of that . Mr President , let me first of all congratulate Mr Gauzès for a responsible and listening leadership in this difficult process . we would also like to highlight the Commission ' s proposal to evaluate the Small Business Act by the end of 2010 , so as to make life easier for these companies , especially by simplifying bureaucratic and tax matters , and placing greater emphasis on social responsibility . Commissioner , the European Union must seriously consider what measures to take in order to help the ordinary people in Belarus . it may cover about a third of total demand for electricity , but that only comes to 6 % of the total demand for energy . crime prevention cannot be reduced to the exchange of best practices . the debate is closed . if the EU had not existed , we would have had to invent it at the latest as a result of the financial crisis . Member of the Commission . - ( FR ) Mr President , I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mrs Descamps and the other members of the Committee on Culture and Education for having produced this report , because it is a very important one indeed . in addition to the identically tailored IMF-EU programmes that they want to implement in Ireland and now Portugal , they are preparing to reinforce the attack on Greece , squeezing its people even further . the current crisis must not , therefore , force us to take backward steps but , on the contrary , must make us move forward towards active policies on female employment . the responsibility of the few must now become the responsibility of all . we need to strictly observe the commitments we have undertaken . in writing . - ( LT ) I voted in favour of this report . it is also important to take action to ensure that vehicles are in a better state and of better quality . economy and society , in general , largely depend on the efficiency of road transport since 44 % of the goods are carried by trucks and 85 % of the people travel by car , bus or coach . finally , let me say that it is important to emphasise that the Ombudsman also has competence within intergovernmental areas under the third pillar . in Italy , we have seen a witch-hunt culture emerge towards Romanian and Roma citizens , with many punitive expeditions : even children in schools have been the subject of scorn and mistreatment . effective soil protection must , therefore , be carried out at the most suitable levels - at the regional or local level . Petitions : see Minutes we live today in peace , freedom and democracy . fortunately , Mr Balz ' s report is very clear on that point . in this way , we could re-establish a balance so as to make relocations to third countries less attractive for our companies . of course , we would also like to have the final legislative process concluded with the European Parliament at the beginning of next year . we have discovered fake medicines at different stages of the supply chain . Europe ' s demography requires immigration . accordingly , I await the results and final declaration of the Fifth European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Summit with great interest . during the Communist period , it was not freedom of speech that was the problem . it was initially foreseen that the Council would also make progress on this point ; it is now waiting for the White Paper due in September . I am told that the same thing happens at the WTO . this applies especially to the whole area of energy policy . we are doing our utmost to modernise our internal IT systems but , as you know , unfortunately these things do not happen overnight . in the next few months we shall be working intensively on climate change and many ambitious measures are on the agenda . therefore , I will also state , for the benefit of the speakers who have registered , that explanations of vote may refer only to the European Strategy for the Danube Region . my political group , the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats , welcomes the result of today ' s vote on the Catherine Neris report on harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products . the key question is : what are you , the European Commission , going to do to ensure that farmers who are complying properly with the rules and who have invested in alternatives are not penalised in favour of their colleagues who are lagging behind . but for the first time we are offering citizens an innovative way of expressing their wishes , interacting with the institutions and shaping the agenda of the European Union . how many times have we stood here impotently railing against the way in which Mugabe oppresses his people ? we should commit to a series of measures that give visibility to the body of economic measures , which include a system of Eurobonds , a highly liquid public bond market , lower interest rates , and the creation of a European financial transactions tax to curb speculation . but is it really ? other worrying matters , already mentioned , loom over this drama : the strength of hydroelectric facilities such as the concrete dam at Zipingpu makes us fear the worst for the 600 000 people living downstream . do you not agree that the Commission should be looking to promote social dialogue and collective bargaining rather than undermining it ? it is no longer enough to set objectives ; we need to define instruments . I wish you every success with this too . this is a step towards the gradual phasing-out of nuclear power , which we advocate . yet the only things currently served by the EU budget are vested interests : vested interests in agriculture , in fisheries , in the cohesion aspect , and also in ' old ' industry , if I may call it that . no surprise there . this industry , worth more than EUR 2 billion a year and employing 200 000 people , is a major driver of the internal market within the framework of the Lisbon Strategy , particularly as forecasts indicate rapid growth for this kind of service . we in Europe can definitely learn from Canada about carbon capture and storage projects and other developments in this sector . ( DE ) Mr President , I have a supplementary question for the Commission , that is , Mrs Malmström : am I correct in my understanding , Mrs Malmström , that , in your capacity as Commissioner , you support the postponement of the vote of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) ? I must also just comment , however , on the critical voices - and there have been some of these - that have made themselves heard . by the end of next month , all the strategic initiatives will have been adopted , with just one exception . in the light of the legal framework , it will reassess the need to bring forward proposals for additional legislation . agreement between the European Community and Brazil on certain aspects of air services ( Mr President , in a country with a high crime rate , one could put forward the theory that the deaths of human rights activists are a coincidence . if Member States cannot manage to make progress on the truly vital question of air safety , air efficiency , the impact of air transport on the climate , then we expect that in 2008 the Commission will not just present a report saying that the Member States are improving in terms of creating airspace blocks , but that it will threaten the Member States . we need dialogue in the field of environmental protection in order to conserve natural resources and nature . in spite of growing social awareness , a huge disproportion is noticeable between Member States in terms of donation and transplantology . what we wish , the aim of the Presidency is clear : there are targets and there is consistency in the package proposed by the Commission . that is what this Parliament expects . during the compilation of this report and its amendment , it was clear that the biggest deficit in MiFID implementation has been the lack of a market version of a European consolidated tape . which measures are most important to the Commission candidate ? we do not want to reduce our emissions by less than the old Member States ; we want to make the same reduction , but the particular situation in our case was different . we should not simply talk about a time limit . his final report will be submitted in the second half of this year . we cannot keep silent and we are calling for a return to constitutional order . I appeal to the European Parliament to defend Poles in Lithuania , in accordance with European standards of human rights and the rights of minorities . any such offer is made ex gratia , or in other words without admission of legal liability and without creating a legal precedent . a considerably speedier disbursement of the Structural Funds in the new Member States is essential under the new conditions , and the Commission ' s intention in this respect is more than welcome . concerning the powers of the Commission : amendment 71 imposes the presence of an official of a Member State during inspections carried out by the Commission , and in the same vein , Amendment 108 limits the possibility for the Commission to carry out inquiries and inspections only in cases where a Member State has been previously informed . ' the United Nations will do its part to support and complement your efforts , both in and beyond Europe . in so doing , we have closed numerous loopholes that unfortunately existed in the old directive . if the Danube Strategy is underpinned by strong political commitment , it could then contribute to overcoming past divisions in Europe , thus taking a further step towards the true integration of Europeans . there have been 125 such applications in total , though . this is the right initiative at the right time . we are fulfilling the mandate we received for negotiating on behalf of the Member States with Turkey and with other candidate countries . time and time again we duck the issue , and public opinion is rightly worried . deadline for tabling amendments : see Minutes in other words , the post-Soviet countries are imposing an agenda that is unrepresentative of Russian-EU relations , which is in turn hindering strategic cooperation . however , we are working on this and we hope that it will be implemented soon . at the domestic level , this role arises from the traditions and experience connected with the involvement of the social partners in defining and implementing policies for the labour market . it failed to respond to the need to protect the climate or to the demands of the energy crisis and we are again passing up an opportunity to ensure there is constructive pressure here until well into the next decade . Madam President , Mr President-in-Office of the Council , Commissioner , what should the budget for the European Union for the year 2009 look like , and what could it look like ? in conclusion , I wish to stress that , in the current economic crisis , the post-2013 financial framework must have solidarity as its main foundation and also still aim to achieve high standards of territorial and social cohesion . the use of headscarves in Turkish universities has provoked a large constitutional crisis and that crisis was completely predictable . much of what came out of these discussions has been incorporated into the report , although not everything , which is unfortunate , at least from my point of view , as the report emphasises in some places that the completion of the internal market for services in the European Union is trailing far behind the internal market for goods . it is a simple exercise . I voted in favour of the report on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2012 - Section I - Parliament . I am afraid that you have failed . the European Commission and the Member States must be ready to ensure that these guidelines are implemented together with social partners and regional and local institutions , which must participate in drawing up and implementing national reform programmes . that is why they should have the same privileges as women working outside agriculture . I therefore commend the rapporteur on the very important work carried out . the legislation to follow needs to be clearer regarding minimum age warnings and the dangers arising from inappropriate use . we have fulfilled our duty today . women ' s rights issues must be included in all areas of European Union policy and fine ideas and initiatives should not simply remain on paper , but must be implemented in all European Union Member States . we have therefore taken the firm decision to use every instrument available to us , such as legislation , structural funds and information and awareness-raising campaigns , in order to improve this situation . it is ' yes ' to debate , it is ' yes ' to cooperation , but it is ' no ' to comitology . rape is accompanied by barbaric torture such as beating with clubs and mutilation with knives . I think the first priority in terms of prevention should be to list these sites in Europe . to this end , the solidarity mechanims must be strengthened in terms of redistribution of asylum seekers , organised mobility and new partnerships with third countries . its continued existence is a problem for the EU , because six Member States have opted for military neutrality . well , I could point out that my country is not specifically covered by this recovery plan , so it is good that there were a lot of questions on this . that is why the time has come to supplement the Stability and Growth Pact with a solidarity pact , as has already been said here , in plenary . in what ways is the Commission working to prevent the growth of protectionist tendencies in its international trade negotiations ? on top of that we have had the gas crisis , which clearly showed that in some cases missing physical infrastructure has a huge impact as regards gas supply disruption . Member of the Commission . - ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , as we all know , the global economy is increasingly shaped by technological innovation . ( DE ) Mr President , as a member of the Committee on Budgetary Control , I am concerned about the way in which the Commission and the Council are excluding the European Parliament when it comes to the question of the External Action Service . with regard to the proposal from the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance to establish a Directorate-General for peace-building , I would say that , in contrast to my fellow Members who sit at the left-most edge of this Chamber , I believe the entire EU project , and specifically also our foreign policy , is a unique peace-building project . as Mr Chastel said just now , from July 2011 , this amendment to the 2009 regulation will give ESMA , the new Securities and Markets Authority , the direct power to supervise credit rating agencies at European level . this unacceptable situation is proof that the pressure applied to date has been inadequate . we cannot achieve the Europe we need if we do not believe in ourselves . an increasing number of citizens will have to cope with social exclusion , unemployment and other socially undesirable phenomena that are harmful to themselves as well as to the economy and society . during the course of the Czech Presidency we will be focusing on EPAs at the May meeting of the Council for General Affairs and External Relations within the format of ministers for development cooperation . however , these workers do deserve special protection . 8 . today we voted in plenary on the European citizens ' initiative . the basic issue - as we all know - is that the area around the Straits is one of the busiest areas in Europe for maritime traffic with more than 100 000 vessels per annum , 30 000 of which anchor in the area between the Bay of Algeciras and Gibraltar . Vítor Constâncio is taking up the post of Vice-President of the ECB at a difficult time for the euro area . currently , Member States may use labelling to inform consumers about the potential negative effects of consuming alcohol , and this is something that the Irish government should certainly consider . it is their constructive proposals and their willingness to compromise that has helped us to reach agreement and hopefully adopt this report with considerable support in plenary . ladies and gentlemen , let us remain calm . I voted in favour of this resolution not only because it asks the Commission to clarify whether the financing agreement provides for an increase in the current amount for development , but in particular because it gives special attention to European producers in this agricultural sector , which is located in the outermost regions of Europe . I would like you to understand that we have asked for a commitment from the Council . ( DE ) Mr President , not only is Croatia culturally and historically anchored in Central Europe , but also it already meets all the accession criteria . if Europe is not ambitious here , I am very much afraid that we will lose the growing markets of this century to our competitors . ( HU ) Thank you for the floor , Mr President . Lady Ashton , I regret that one of the few points in your presentation where you said ' no ' was to this idea of Mr Barnier ' s , whereas on most topics , you seem to be at the same place as everybody else . the purpose of our voting strategy was instead to send a clear signal that certain trends in the package for introducing austerity measures that are far too extensive ought to be exchanged for a more balanced approach in the final negotiating rounds . but the core question is : who is responsible ? the Commission is prepared to act along these lines . the title of the article , which I feel is sufficient to be able to understand what it is about , was : ' Mr Barroso , Take Down Small Business Walls ' . ( DE ) Mr President , one particularly positive feature of the Small Business Act is the provision which makes it easier to establish companies in terms of both time and cost . above all , this Parliament , always quick to condemn violations of human rights around the world or to demand ' human rights ' clauses in international cooperation agreements , has achieved the master stroke of voting for a report on the Balkans without once mentioning the dramatic and inadmissible situation of the Serb populations in Kosovo , who have become pariahs in the historical land of their fathers . the international financial crisis did not start on the islands . above all , we should do this by dismantling the machinery of repression -let us not forget that the dictatorship continues even though the dictator may have stepped down- , lifting the state of emergency and helping pro-democracy forces so that Europe can make a genuine contribution to this process , so that democracy can become truly consolidated and a new partnership can be established . I therefore appreciate the chance to do so today . for my part , as rapporteur in this Parliament , I would say that this has been a very difficult file , a very difficult journey . we hope and trust that the problems caused by the legal basis will be resolved . moreover , the adopted text does not help those Member States , such as Italy , that suffer geographical barriers , making it more costly for them to transport goods for import and export . you should know that on this side of the House , we cannot accept a strategy that is devoid of social content . our group fully supports this compromise , because it is very important and obvious that the economic and social development of the EU ' s outermost regions is greatly determined by their periphery , difficult climate and geography and economic dependence on a short range of goods and services . for 14 years in a row , the Court of Auditors have declared that they cannot verify the correctness of the underlying transactions , and therefore unfortunately for the 29th year in a row I must again vote against approval . a former liberator of the country , he is now its torturer . that , my friends , is a recipe for fanning an uncontrollable forest fire . we cannot , and we must not , say to the citizens that the big common policies , like the external and defence policy , will lie outside the democratic control of our Parliament . partly for this reason , I believe that equality between men and women in employment should no longer be merely a goal to pursue , but must become a reality . the old Commission very often drafted too many green papers and white papers without any decisions being taken . so we are , once again , beginning to be concerned that we will again be more dependent on Russia in the future . ( ES ) Mr President , Commissioner , we are not here tonight to talk about technical measures relating to transport nor about whether one machine is more efficient or cheaper than another in terms of security checks . ( EL ) Mr President , I thank the Commissioner for her truly detailed reply . Petitions : see Minutes in writing . - ( DE ) Despite financial crises , the EU has indulged , and continues to do so , in the creation of additional authorities - for every issue and every problem a new agency is set up . that is a sixth of the world ' s population , 20 % more than in 2005 and 105 million more than in 2008 . we must enforce the general and complete embargo on the supply of weapons to Somalia and ensure that the delivery of humanitarian aid and access to that aid and its distribution in Somalia are guaranteed . financial stability is about how well capitalised the banks are and how much resilience they have . it is a good thing that we are increasing funding to support agricultural development in developing countries which experience food shortages . however , we should remember that , in the European Union , nearly 80 million people are threatened by poverty and 43 million citizens are at risk of suffering from malnutrition . I think that Parliament and the national parliaments can carry out the task of scrutinising , but also of providing political incentives for the European and international economic agenda , making sure that we have proper implementation between one summit and the next and that the G20 increasingly becomes a process rather than merely a series of meetings . Tibet - plans to make Chinese the main language of instruction I also believe that the older Member States of the European Union - and I would like the Commission to take note of this - will do away with the nonsensical restrictions on the employment of citizens from the new Member States . so , yes , we must be more ambitious and we await the results . this plays down in an incredibly cynical manner the brutality which has taken place in Libya during the last three weeks . in view of this I would like to ask the Commission to pay special attention to the specific problems faced by island territories , for which maritime transport is of particular importance . the focus for my group is on the fact that solidarity between the regions is not negotiable . the European Commission poured in millions of pounds of taxpayers ' money - well , pounds or euros , it doesn ' t matter , though it does in our case because we have still got the pound , thank God ! - you poured in millions . I therefore decided to support this report . in Germany , as has already been said , we are unfortunately third from bottom , with a shameful pay gap of 23 % . it is also obvious that today some Member States do not want political unification for Europe , and do not want our predecessors ' vision to be realised . the European Parliament congratulates the agency on adopting a multiannual work programme for the period 2011-2015 and underlines the importance of such a document for the Agency to adopt efficient organisational arrangements with a view to implementing its strategy and achieving its goals . while the Franco-Belgian interconnection will be the seventh , joining the existing six , this kind of infrastructure is very often lacking in the new Member States . 7 . ' too-big-to-fail ' financial institutions should be able to draw upon countercyclical capital that is proportionate to the size and level of business risk ; we now urgently need to consider how we can put a new policy in place , how we can set new benchmarks and how we can bring the state , in other words , the European Union , back into the game , to give us clearer rules for the market . do you really believe the voter turnout will increase when you continue merely to state how marvellously current policy is working and that we must therefore simply continue to pursue the existing concepts ? since this is my last speech to this House , I would like to thank you , all colleagues and staff for their cooperation . an increase in VAT rates from 5-6 % to 20-25 % would certainly result in the bankruptcy of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs at a time of serious economic crisis . when will priority be given to these poor workers , to these middle classes crushed by taxes , to these unemployed , and to these families who are simply European and form the vast majority of the inhabitants of the European Union and are the citizens for whom we are responsible and who you only think about on the eve of elections ? the United Kingdom can bring much more than it believes it can to Europe . I noted your reservations , I am aware of them and I will try to respond to them , not with words but with facts . for this reason , the administration cannot achieve this on its own . now , suddenly , they would be left completely unable to resist competition at this level . drawing up a budget is politics expressed in figures . many amendments proposed by Parliament already conform to the text of the general orientation agreed in the ECOFIN meeting of 4 November 2008 , or go in the same direction . thus , changes in the management of future cases of pandemics are needed in order to avoid generalised panic among people as well as unnecessary costs . we should stand for a common framework for all workers , as it would unify the legislation in working places by avoiding fragmenting the workers ' situation with the risk of jeopardising the integration of migrants and the cohesion in the EU . ( SV ) I should like to ask the following question : this young man has , as we know , disappeared . Mr President , as I am sure everyone is aware , we now have a new government in the United Kingdom , which we can call the Lib-Dem / Con coalition . I voted in favour of this report and also the two following reports concerning the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund . the next item is the Council and Commission statements on the situation in Japan , including the nuclear power plant alerts . employers have reduced employment or have employed temporary workers , offering them inferior financial terms . I have a small problem because I have more than 25 requests and we have only five minutes for that , so obviously not everybody will get the floor . it will then pay to carry out research and development in the field . the invitation to declare dementias one of the priority areas of healthcare is right . in each case the Kremlin has innocently claimed that the incident was an isolated one . it is a truism that the most prosperous societies are the freest and the freest societies are the most prosperous , and in that we should recognise the role that free trade plays . as a result of the Japanese experience , several countries will probably re-think their nuclear energy strategies . I would recommend that colleagues read the report . in this regard , I would also like to state that we , as European governments , should also take these facts into account . it is important that we now acknowledge this fact once again . besides that , I hope that the latest technological developments will enable us to amend the total ban on liquids on board aircraft by the beginning of next year . we have made the right choice in opting for the combination of innovation and creativity as the key dimension of the European Year 2009 . the French Presidency did try to mediate , but on 9 December we had to face the fact that , despite an agreement on the overall strategy to reduce the number of deaths , many Member States were insistent on the question of the third pillar . is it not possible to move beyond this impasse by reforming the WTO ? how will you do the ' we will pay more ' : based on what criteria and verified by whom ? for this reason , we must first diversify and modernise our transport routes , so that they meet the latest technical requirements . however , in political terms , it is the job of the Commission to resolve this problem in the Member States . the livestock sector presents a number of problems for European farmers , including the rising cost of inputs , competition from third country imports , major fluctuations in feed costs and relatively low prices for meat . equality is not about laws : it is about behaviour . in writing . - ( IT ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted in favour of Mr Gyürk ' s report on follow-up of the energy efficiency national action plans . you therefore have a unique opportunity now to make progress relatively quickly in the railway sector and really take the internal market forward , and with it all European citizens , too . within the Council , we are therefore clearly expecting those Member States that have not yet done so to ratify this convention . through our action and through our debate this evening , we hope not only that the European Union ' s initiative will be acted upon at EU level , but also that , at Member State level , we are heard and that they too make a clear effort to simplify . how we deal with this waste naturally has a major impact on the environment . we can also report that tests on humans for the sole purpose of this regulation are banned , and that the UN ' s GHS is a dynamic process ; a mechanism has been found to enable changes to the UN GHS to be taken into account by the European GHS . it is incomprehensible that Prime Minister Netanyahu has refused appeals from all of Israel ' s allies to stop the settlements . it is true that Parliament , like other EU bodies , adopted the Ahtisaari plan , but not as a blank cheque , rather on the understanding that the plan would have the approval of the United Nations Security Council . women will suffer from the present crisis in the long run , and will be hit in the second wave of redundancy . my group has suggested abstaining with regard to Amendments 7 and 8 . the Greens are also really happy with the attention paid to the effects of the crisis on women : women ' s unemployment differs , and the effects on women of cuts in public spending differ . the second aspect is linked to the long-term effects that this catastrophe will trigger . second : I could mention a lot of details , but I just want to have an answer from Commission President Barroso - please commit yourself to living up to this Parliament ' s proposals on regulating the market . not all these matters were raised in the Green paper on consumer protection but they are in this report . we should call on the Afghan authorities to take a look at the law , to revise it and make sure that it is entirely in line with the international commitments of that country , as well as its constitution . now to the second part of your question : how will the Commission take into account Parliament ' s suggestions in its work on the post-2013 CAP ? instead of taking the third step before the first step , we should begin at the beginning . in the US state of Pennsylvania alone , around 200 000 people have found work extracting and processing non-conventional gas , and the local economy gains over USD 8 billion every year from taxes , orders placed by extraction companies and concession fees . if necessary there will be fact-finding visits in situ to establish facts or indeed to seek a solution . we urge you to pull out the EUFOR troops ! at the informal meeting of EU Heads of State or Government on the Europe 2020 strategy on 11 February , the very important matter of governance was raised . the aim here is not to establish whether the merits of this energy source should be called into question , and neither is it to succumb to the idealistic , obscurantist values of those who would like to ban it . the problem is that budget ceilings apply to the whole budget , but of course they also apply to each individual budget category . in Britain a campaign group has just undertaken an independently monitored postal ballot in 10 Westminster constituencies . this is not only a coincidence of time and place ; a clear link has been established in the debate between the budgetary review and the annual budget for 2011 , or even banana accompanying measures . you also asked me about the leaks that occurred from the Palestinian side . it must be obvious by now that the European Parliament is more concerned with protecting rights of every hue , and with doing what is politically correct , than it is with the security of European Union citizens . apart from European regulations on dangerous products which people are trying to bring on to the internal market , apart from joint measures taken against terrorism , apart from joint initiatives to guarantee peace in Europe , the European Union is involved in the dismantling of nuclear power plants constructed during the Soviet era which might put our health in danger at any time . North Caucasus , in particular the case of Oleg Orlov ( but does this require new European powers in respect of housing policy and spatial planning ? Mr President , the previous speaker has already mentioned some of the details of this resolution . ( EL ) Mr President , the signing of an agreement with the USA and a single country over the Visa Waver Program ( VWP ) will prove to be fraught with danger . military operations in Africa are all very well , but there is a danger of Africa becoming a testing ground for that type of mission . unfortunately , the word ' extensive ' has been used in the translations . it is obvious that fine words alone are not enough . I therefore call on the Commission to do everything in its power to solve the disputes as quickly as possible and to take into account the courses of action proposed in this report . for example , the restriction currently in force for the Structural Funds , that only 3 % of resources from the relevant operational programme may be channelled towards energy efficiency measures , prohibits new Member States from reviewing their priorities for obtaining Structural Funds in accordance with the new priorities on Europe ' s energy strategy and climate change . in a further communication due to be adopted in the next few weeks the Commission will also present new measures to support the active inclusion of people with disabilities . it is a question worth asking , hence the third reason for the unease felt after this day of jubilation in Kosovo . I am a supporter of care for the environment and of action to protect nature . however , when human life is involved , we must not squander it so heartlessly . I firmly believe that extremism can be prevented solely by citizens ' everyday acts , publicly declared opposition by the political elite , open and comprehensive interpretation in particular of 20th century history , and most of all the police and courts , which must not close their eyes to racists , xenophobes and neo-Nazis , but act without delay to punish such behaviour . this is both good and positive . I think that the Slovenian Presidency , which will be here today , will come back to this request . we must also remember that with Turkey in the European Union , we will have countries such as Iraq , Iran and Syria on our borders . the Red Cross has issued a warning call . and who knows ? the problem of the Polish shipyards poses a fundamental question - do we serve the economy or does the economy serve us ? their work was launched by three Commissioners : Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Nelly Kroes , the Commissioner for Research , Innovation and Science , Máire Geoghegan-Quinn , and by the undersigned as responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship . indeed , concluding the negotiations on the readmission agreement will result in better management of migration . in my homeland , Sweden , the last filling station on a drive to the north is in Uppsala , which is in the middle of the country . finally , I also deplore the lack of flexibility for ' journeys ' in cross-border areas , as this impedes Europeans ' mobility . of course , Lithuania , like other EU Member States , must devote somewhat more attention to the problem of under-age smoking . ladies and gentlemen of the right , what you do not like is the system . together with the consequences of the energy crisis and socio-economic consequences , there exists a great political risk that individual European countries will face gas supply problems . I welcome that the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has included in its six-monthly programme support for the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area as a real achievement of European integration for the Union ' s citizens . the ongoing violation of the International Convention on Human Rights is a topic on which Europe must be neither silent nor absent , least of all with regard to a country such as Yemen , with which we maintain economic relations . it must also be ensured that overall the development of biomass has a positive effect on the climate and energy . risk management is a modern control tool . they cannot be asked for things that would bring them to their knees , when they already have huge problems . this is far more than the annual contribution of Slovakia to the EU budget . however , the European institutions cannot ignore this decision . people need to be able to see us in the flesh and say to themselves that Europe is not just an institutional monster made up of no one knows who , but individuals with their weaknesses . if people tell us something that does not suit us , we say they are lying . our rapporteur , whom I wish to congratulate on his excellent work , has already explained how we interpret the transition to an industrial policy that is smart , resource-efficient , and sustainable from an environmental and social viewpoint . I agree that the Agency should consider making a Gantt diagram part of the programming for each of its operational activities , with a view to indicating in a concise form the amount of time spent by each staff member on a project and encouraging an approach geared towards achieving results . at any rate , that is the impression you can get when you listen to the thoughts of the Left on free trade . ' cannot stress enough the fundamental principle that all Members should be equally provided with full and quality services allowing them to work and express themselves and to receive documents in their native language ... ' ; no religion can ever , under any circumstances , be a reason , an excuse , or cover for carrying out any kind of discrimination . Mrs Ashton has given us , here , a positive assessment , but I want to say that , in my opinion , it is an assessment which is greatly exaggerated . I voted in favour of adopting strong measures from Member States to counter the grey or black economy maintained by an ' undeclared ' workforce , the victims of which are women in most cases , which is more than adversely affecting the EU labour market , rather than just promoting measures aiming to protect their own workers . this raises the question of how we expect the aspects relating to the transport policy applicable in the European Union ' s Member States to be correlated with this strategy , which naturally also takes into account non-EU states present in the Danube Region . it has already become widely accepted that climate change is taking place and is being caused by human activity . however , just a few months ago , in November last year , the Council of Ministers of Justice rejected the inclusion of a mechanism to suspend the transfer of asylum seekers to the revised Dublin II Regulation , as proposed by the Commission since 2008 , considering that Dublin II is fine and that there is no problem . the extension of the total possible credit line to EUR 50 billion will provide a large buffer to cater for further possible needs for financial support . ( CS ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the Lisbon Strategy leaves us in no doubt that the quality of education , research and innovation is a pre-condition for economic success and that support must be given to improving this quality . I am talking about cabotage , right of establishment for European airlines , rules relating to control and ownership , and all manner of other restrictions that are still in place . I am pleased that those points were also made clear in the report by Mrs Gurmai . in writing . - ( PT ) Access to quality information relating to medicinal products that are subject to medical prescription will contribute to achieving better results in terms of patient health , in that the better informed they are , the more likely they will be to better understand decisions related to their treatment . the EU is persuading nations across the world to spend billions of taxpayers ' money , at the very time when the world is facing dire financial problems , on something that might not only be totally unnecessary , but could well prove to be counter-productive if the latest evidence of global cooling proves to be correct . I also anticipate a similar commitment to finding timely common solutions on the part of the Commission . that is proof of our joint intention to work and proceed in a unified fashion , which is obviously more efficient . a debate on the effects of the weaponry containing depleted uranium has recently been held in the United Nations , where , at the end of last year , the UN First Committee adopted a resolution entitled ' Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium ' . we believe that the European Parliament must never turn into a sounding board for national diatribes , especially on such sensitive questions and dramatic issues . I believe that we can all be very proud of the quality and dedication of our staff . the common maritime policy needs to provide for measures to minimize risks and establish navigation arrangements which will reduce accidents . I understand that the figure that has been put on the amount of illicit trade coming into the European Union by way of cigarettes is EUR 9.5 billion , and 97 % of it goes undetected . finally we are looking forward to further discussions with you on the future scheme of generalised preferences further to the proposal for a new regulation which will come your way in May . the creation of the EEAS is intended to ensure coherence in European external action and the conducting of a Common Foreign and Security Policy . it is a lesson on how committees can use their power of political initiative by working together to take that movement forward , because if it were not for Parliament , we would not be here today . that is how a year of precious work has been wasted . ( NL ) Mr President , the Dutch Party for Freedom ( PVV ) is in this House to represent the Dutch people . your culture of tolerance and your global outlook represent an opportunity in today ' s world . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , the Commission urges Parliament to give its consent to the approval of amendments to the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries , known collectively as the Amendment to the NAFO Convention . let us preserve it and let us work together so that we can share it . in addition , the system of payment which takes into consideration years of service in determining pay levels is unfavourable for women , who often have to interrupt their careers for family reasons . there are countless crucial questions that must be clarified in the coming period in the course of the negotiations ; these include the relationship between the Strasbourg and the Luxembourg courts , since there will be no change in the system of jurisdiction in either of these courts . I am convinced that even the most difficult problems can be resolved through negotiation , by seeking compromise and being guided by the principles of goodwill . rapporteur . - Mr President , we have been talking about European contract law for over a decade ; now is the time for action , and if ever there was a time when the Internal Market needed a boost in terms of additional transactions , it is now . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes while there remains much to be done , particularly in sectoral areas , it is clear that Croatia has done enough to deserve a place alongside the Member States , and I hope that it can join the EU sooner rather than later . the reports do accept that this must be done on a non-discriminatory and principled basis , paying due regard to proportionality . traffic calmed zones , city centre driving bans and similar measures have not yet been sufficiently researched and therefore should not be implemented on a large scale . draft amending budget No 10 / 2008 ( it focused , in particular , on ways to combat VAT fraud in connection with goods and services that were prone to this sort of abuse . rapporteur . - ( ES ) Mr President , Commissioner , in 2005 a freelance interpreter , discovering that he was no longer hired by the European Commission when he reached the age of 65 , lodged a complaint with the European Ombudsman for alleged age discrimination in violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . the European public have also been outraged by the suffering of the people in Gaza and the Israeli blockade for far too long . the Commission is currently considering a complaint received from the Andalusian Regional Government regarding a possible failure to comply with Community legislation . welcome a few years ago , we were all very enthusiastic when we said that , in reducing CO2 emissions , we wanted to move away from oil and towards renewable resources . the method of agriculture deployed in the millennium we have just entered requires human effort which needs to satisfy major demands : ensuring food security and safety for the world ' s population ( expected to grow to 9 billion by 2050 ) , harmonising measures supporting the quantitative and qualitative rise in agricultural production aimed at producing food with the development demands imposed by the production of biofuels , along with protecting ecosystems and breaking the link between economic growth and environmental degradation . Sport-related projects have recently received support , for example , from the European Regional Development Fund , the European Social Fund , the Lifelong Learning Programme , the Public Health Programme , and the Youth in Action as well as the Europe for Citizens Programmes . we , as the European Union , have a duty to ensure the viability of the sector within our borders , and to guarantee protection for our businesses against unfair competition and illegal trade . the first is to show Europeans that Europe can protect them . social exclusion is caused by a wide range of factors , and it would be a great pity not to use this report for follow-up work . the systematic , long-standing plundering of the wealth of this specific country and of Africa in general by European colonialists in the past and imperialists today and the fomentation or exploitation of civil conflicts in order to impose their interests , have resulted in a situation where Africa is the richest continent in the world with the most hungry , poor and downtrodden inhabitants . it is regrettable that , during this vote , an amendment calling for an investigation procedure to be carried out in Colombia concerning the numerous killings of trade unionists and the mass graves containing the bodies of hundreds of people killed in the region of La Macarena was not passed because of opposition from the right . the creation of such a fund must serve two purposes : it must support the refugees who arrive in our countries , frequently on our coasts , searching for help , as well as support the states which receive the greatest numbers of these desperate individuals due to their geographic location . as we restate in this resolution , he must not be able to stand in new elections - that must be made clear . Finns can get cheap spirits in Estonia , less than 100 kilometres away , and that is stopping Finland from adopting what has been found to be the best approach , which is to impose a fairly high tax on alcohol for the sake of the health of its citizens . the Sri Lankan Government and their military stand accused of a string of human rights abuses of their own people , from bombing of hospitals , the use of illegal weapons to denying humanitarian and medical ... this proposal is the only way to restore the confidence of small savers and to stabilise the market for banking services . such measures as increasing energy efficiency , using energy from renewable sources and improving the EU ' s energy security feature among the Swedish Presidency ' s priorities . it should be recognised that there is no such thing as a perfect pension system . in writing . - ( SV ) The European Parliament has today voted in favour of including sports and recreational fisheries in the common fisheries policy . sadly , perceived equality also exists in science . Mr Hannan , you are due to speak on the Feio report , but you are also next and the only one on the list for the Goulard report , so I give you two minutes to use as you wish on both . the Commission supports and supplements Parliament ' s campaign to put in place information measures to increase public awareness of these elections and to call on citizens to exercise their electoral rights . thus , there have been no tangible results so far , which I greatly regret . at the same time - and Olli Rehn will have the opportunity to address you later this afternoon - we will make a strong appeal to you and to the Council to see if it is possible to come to a final agreement . thirdly , you referred to pharmacovigilance . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( PL ) Madam President , on behalf of my group and as a member of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , may I express my full support for the questions . I share Members ' concerns expressed in these questions . as well as the textiles industry , I am thinking here , above all , about the field of bio-ethanol . at that point , in fact , the Union will have concluded free trade agreements with all of our Mediterranean neighbours , even though Libya is not covered by the European neighbourhood policy . I believe strongly that the European Union and the other international partners should think hard about the issue and make the decision to continue with this worthwhile and effective programme . as a university professor in the USA , he spoke very favourably of European integration and promoted it on the American continent . therefore , I would now like you to tell us , following the debate and before the vote in a few hours ' time , what the procedure you are going to adopt for the next two years consists of , since a review is due to take place in 2013 , thus allowing us without delay , as our group rapporteur Mr Groote wanted , to take this fight further in order to reduce pollution by these light commercial vehicles . we shall discuss this in the future , but it is important too . regarding the points made by Mr Geier : fraud has no specific national borders . its administration , however , needs to be efficient . so we are very clear in our messages . as well as evaluating the current situation , Mrs Giannakou has decided to formulate a number of proposals for improving the current legal environment . this will boost political stability and respect for human rights and will generate sustainable growth and prosperity in the region . as a result of the economic crisis , most Mediterranean countries will be unable to use de minimis aid . of course , José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra is right to say that FARC must release the hostages . why carry out reforms when it is possible to send the bill for not doing so to the citizens of other countries ? finally , I wish to stress the importance of a credit rating agency being registered by a competent authority and its validity throughout the whole EU . as discussed in Lisbon , this is one of the European Union ' s objectives and we have often said , and many Councils have said , that there must be a significant reduction in poverty by 2010 , but there is unfortunately not much sign of that happening . when it comes to modern technology , the only working hydrogen-powered cars in the world are to be found in Europe . we have capacity overload in the inner cities , primarily associated with individual private transport resulting in very high emissions , particulates , noise and also safety problems . in the new Rule 36 , we must ' fully respect ' those rights as laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights . Mr Almunia , there is a great deal of legal uncertainty in this area which must be removed and we are expecting a proposal from the Commission . I am very sorry , but in this document , as well as in the Commission ' s proposal , the portfolios and interests of a retail investor and an institutional , professional investor appear to be slightly jumbled . ( for outcome of the vote and other information on the vote : see Minutes ) likewise , the security of women , within the meaning of UN resolution 1325 , is safeguarded by permanent jobs to prevent conflicts using civilian and peaceful means , not by military intervention . the Commission of course is very keen to ensure proper implementation of this Directive in all Member States and we believe that those two initiatives are very far-reaching because we can , from both of those initiatives , expect a real change in the consumer internal market for services once the implementation of the Services Directive is complete and the review of the consumer acquis delivers its results . my intention , by replying , is to reassure Parliament of the Commission ' s will and determination to apply the rules that we are approving with the support of the Agency . that means an end to the production of cluster bombs , and of course no use of fragmentation bombs as occurred in the Gulf War , Yugoslavia , Afghanistan , Iraq and Lebanon . I hope that this step can be initiated in Bali . according to the Commission ' s assessment , this application meets all of the legally defined eligibility criteria . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will receive written answers ( see Annex ) . this report further underlines the need to retain this flexibility and decentralised structure . as far as the differences are concerned , there will be time in conciliation , and we will make every effort to reach compromises ; I have no doubt that we will reach them . Madam President , my thanks to the Members who have taken part in the debate and to the Commissioner . last time we looked at this report we dealt with the testing on animals for scientific purposes . it is for that reason that I have abstained from voting . however , there will more on this in the near future . to make the interpreters ' lives easier - as I am speaking off text - I will , as an exception , do this in English . the voting list follows the rule introduced in formulae by Thomas von der Vring , according to which the amendments adopted by the Committee on Budgets shall be put to the vote first in plenary , and if these are adopted , all other amendments to the same budget line fall . responses need to be provided to the crisis through new instruments that can put a brake on speculation , restore the role of the financial sector , ensure an equitable distribution of the burdens , and create new , additional resources for facing global challenges , such as climate change , development goals and intelligent , sustainable , inclusive growth within the framework of the Europe 2020 strategy . finally , albeit late in the day , we have realised that we are all in the same boat and there is no point dealing with individual situations , especially in an improvised way . I commend Prime Minister Sanader for his leadership and I also thank Commission President Barroso for his personal involvement in settling the issue . Double-hull or equivalent design requirements for single-hull oil tankers ( vote ) ' welcomes as a positive step towards reform of the criminal justice system in Uzbekistan the approval by the Uzbek Parliament of the laws on the abolition of the death penalty and the authorisation of courts to issue arrest warrants . the remaining sums should not be diverted from research and used for other programmes or instruments that do not come within the research and innovation sector or the objectives and scope of FP7 . the Commission has recently closed its public consultation on funding for grassroots sports . it is not a foregone conclusion that a Community agency such as this will provide real added value compared to classic intergovernmental cooperation , judging , to look at another area , from the differences between Europol and Interpol in terms of their effectiveness and usefulness . yes ! ( PL ) Mr President , on 26 April , a quarter of a century will have passed since the Chernobyl disaster , the worst nuclear accident in history . so , when we ask the citizens of Europe to choose their new parliamentarians in just four weeks ' time , we do so on the basis of uncertainty and we run the risk of that vacuum being filled by the opportunism of Europe ' s opponents . in writing . - ( LT ) Before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , Member States mostly maintained bilateral agreements with third countries relating to investment . Mrs Malmström , you may soon no longer be involved , but we are going to continue pushing for transparency . Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy . - Mr President , this is an opportunity to debate the European Union ' s approach to Iran , which has been the subject of an own-initiative report with Mr Belder as rapporteur . SSGI is treated very seriously in the upcoming European Platform against Poverty which will be published at the end of the year . the interaction between the civilian and military aspects of the Common Foreign and Security Policy must be used to improve our Union ' s capabilities and effectiveness . - Before the vote : it is essential for us to find out what conditions make sanctions effective and the aim of this report is actually to examine them from all angles . the fact that Yevgeny Zhovtis , a well-known civil rights activist , is involved in this case has brought it to the attention of the world and has prompted the response , as a result of which we are discussing this here today . the amendments it proposes clarify and , in some cases , develop various aspects of the Commission ' s proposal , including some useful additions on force majeure subsidies and sanctions . for this reason , I believe that there needs to be a better correlation between spatial development plans , town plans and traffic management , especially in urban and peri-urban areas where congestion causes the most problems . Europe needs an open , effective financial market that also leaves scope for self-regulation and internal remedial measures . I question , however , the legal aspects of this decision . I am proud to announce to you today that Jacques de Larosière , former Managing Director of the IMF , Governor of the Banque de France and President of the EBRD , has accepted my invitation to chair this group , which will be independent and will consist of high-level experts in the subject matter . it has often been pointed out in this House that the economic crisis has highlighted the lack of regulation and supervision of the global financial system . furthermore , a lot of debris of all kinds has been deposited in rivers , streams and other watercourses . in this respect , the Eastern European states with highly developed agricultural sectors can benefit fully from the development of the biofuels industry , thereby contributing to the growth of incomes in rural areas and the creation of ' green ' jobs ( for example , it is envisaged that 750 000 jobs relating to renewable energy sources will be created in the agricultural sector by 2020 ) . if we really want to prevent future crises ; if we want to create a cohesive and responsible economic Union ; if we want to be guided by a perspective of prevention and correction ; if we want to commit to sustainable growth then , for this package to be complete , this directive was essential . this is the route to a new way forward ! the world ' s anti-narcotic agencies are growing in size , number and expertise , and they are doing their job more effectively . firstly , I think the start date needs to be looked at . we must ensure that we help those small companies , because they will help to create the jobs and reduce unemployment . 1 . Madam President , a human being takes about one third of his or her life to get ready for mature life through education . information must be made more available . we believe that the European Parliament should have full scrutiny in matters dealing with GMOs . in particular , we must protect children and educate and inform parents and teachers about the new potential dangers of the web . these considerations are illustrative of the deeper meaning and significance of EU enlargement processes which , in the specific case of Turkey , is the imposition of the wishes of the EU powers and the interest that they serve . let us help Ukraine conduct normal elections . I have a few comments about the amendments which have been tabled and which are going to be discussed . I hope that these priorities will stand up for themselves in the stern mirror of the European Commission , along with the whole of our budget strategy . the preliminary results of this study will be discussed at a workshop in the first quarter of 2009 , when all the interested parties should attend , including Member States , legal experts , intra-state bodies concerned with gender equality , social partners and civil society . the government in Beijing is , in reality , attempting to dismiss human rights as ' Western values ' rather than integrating them into its policies . it is often maintained that , as a result , we could also make energy cheaper . the official figures on violence against women are much lower compared to the sad reality in each Member State . what do I mean by that ? we should therefore not start too high . in the coming years , climate change will lead to an enormous number of refugees fleeing the poorest areas of the Earth and it is our duty to begin to take note of these potential migratory flows so that we can establish appropriate policies that will enable respect for the dignity of these people to be guaranteed . the way I see it , in a socially oriented market economy , the worker interests that can also ensure calm and stability on that labour market must be capable of functioning as well as possible . the zero-rate tax on exports of goods is being abused by fraudsters and criminal groups that , for example , create fictitious transactions and fraudulently drain billions of euros from state budgets . these amendments aim at extending the initial applicability of the regulation to the aircrafts used in the Community airspace as well , obviously within the limits imposed by the Chicago Convention . therefore we cannot leave everyday foodstuffs to self-regulation . resumption of the session in such cases , we have to do what is necessary . in the first place , it is unacceptable because it is aligned with neo-liberal policies that exacerbate the current economic and social crisis , especially in agriculture and fishing , but this fact becomes particularly serious when these policies are promoted through an agreement with a country that is violating international law and the most basic rights of the Palestinian people ; a country which does not respect its obligations as agreed in the roadmap for peace , keeping Gaza under siege , building more settlements , continuing to build the wall and expelling Palestinians from Jerusalem . for this reason , I do not think that the quota system ought to be frozen in all Member States , but each state ought to decide how to set their own quotas . it is an important development . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( NL ) Madam President , I have asked to speak because I am concerned . the taxpayer must always have accurate and proper knowledge of what their money is being spent on . I am not in the habit of interrupting my fellow Members and I do not tolerate being interrupted ! Petitions : see Minutes this caused over EUR 80 million worth of damage and affected around one thousand farmers , who lost their crops and have been left with no way of resuming production in the coming months . maladministration , corruption and failed projects have unfortunately been common . we would have questions about the implications of singling out one group for EP hearings in this way . we can now help those people and prevent them from becoming sick in future , and this is an opportunity that we must take . but it must be emphasised that the fight against TB must walk hand in hand with the fight against poverty and social exclusion . I am also of the view that given the present situation , in which democratically-minded candidates were not allowed to participate in the elections or express their views on the situation in the street with people after the elections , it is important to express my own view . the Commission should therefore evaluate the possibility of merging agencies with overlapping or complementary activities . this is also an issue of governance . everybody has a right to a dignified life . Roma children , to a predominant degree , do not have that . regarding the Marshall Plan , I think what General George Marshall did with the initial USD 13 billion that he got from Congress in 1948 is an extremely good model . in the eurozone , perhaps the ECB should have an oversight of accumulative debt issuance and advise Member States on responsible management . the regions that were at the time much less developed were far from the sea and were given very little international attention . a fully harmonised directive on unfair business-to-consumer practices was already a very ambitious proposal that would have failed had its scope been extended to unfair business-to-business competitive practices . in order to make the most of the industry ' s unique selling point - the high quality of its output - we need further promotion as pointed out in the Scottà report . I do not want Schengen to apply in my country , nor would I wish it on others . in 2006 , thanks to the rapid exchange of information between the Member States , the system received 221 warnings about toys out of a total 924 warnings . let me name but a few : trans-European transport networks , the European Institute of Technology , the fight to combat climate change . that is the purpose of the work we are doing here . we have to stop fearing nuclear power . Mr President , on a point of order , under Rules 173 , 19 ( 1 ) , 161 and 171 , the decision by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs which you cited a moment ago represents , I am sorry to say , the moment at which this Parliament departs from any pretence of legality or the rule of law . Europe must be in the lead in this process of change , creating the best opportunities for a competitive European knowledge economy characterised by vitality , change and innovations . this pro-European reference of course means being liable for and subject to the dogma that pertains in Brussels . I am convinced that a positive development in economic relations between the EU and the Western Balkans will be of benefit to all countries on the continent of Europe and I await the implementation of our proposals with anticipation . all States can cut expenditure at the same time , although separately , without needing any European coordination . this change is made as an oral amendment , so if there is someone who objects to this , I can understand that , but we have agreed between the groups that Amendment 4 should also be accepted and should be voted on . I did not receive a precise answer to my question of how many of these trade union employees presently work for the Commission in total in all the trade unions represented ? my second point is that , since the various EU financial funds are , and will be , increasingly under pressure , it is very important to compare the results of the various Member States and to opt for the best practices , thereby achieving a certain degree of harmonisation where everyone gains . I think we have with us in the Chamber a fellow Member from Liège , Mathieu Grosch . we have introduced clear and more effective warnings on toys . it is important to prevent the historic fortress being replaced by modern apartment blocks . these are fundamental pillars of the Europe 2020 strategy , which will contribute greatly to making the Single Market more competitive and stimulating its growth . I sincerely believe that it is through openness , through dialogue , through the search for a triangular partnership , in this case , that we will make a difference . rapporteur . - ( NL ) Madam President , I am pleased that today speakers have discussed not only unbundling but also consumer rights . we would also have liked an emissions performance standard . this legislation will stabilise the market , especially the business and science market , provide certainty for investors , and promote wind energy , solar energy , hydroelectric power , and biofuels . a huge amount could be achieved in this area , and I would propose that we embark on a new initiative in this connection . the over-centralised , inflexible CFP has failed miserably and we must accept that . the EU undertook to fund the closure and decommissioning , and it is delivering the financial framework . subject : environmental aspect of gas pipelines how ridiculous ! I supported this report . this blow to Lithuania , Latvia and Estonia , their political communities , and civilised life in general , isolated these nations and countries for five decades . Europe seeks to propagate the values of an open society , chiefly freedom of expression , all round the world whilst gagging advocates of the same European values in its own official capital . we need to combat its exploitation , too , including such deliberate confusion with other markings such as China Export . this situation is heavily influenced by the general agricultural situation and women are suffering the consequences of unfair measures in the CAP ( common agricultural policy ) , which have led to the increasing abandonment of small and medium-sized holdings and family-based agriculture . the Council has asked the Commission to use Community instruments to promote economic and political development and to propose measures to advance in that direction . today , we know that there are lots of differences , which is , of course , very hard to understand in the same European Union with the same international conventions and the same European values . the Agreement represents an important step forward in terms of establishing international standards for civil aviation safety and should serve as a starting point for future negotiations with other significant producers of aircraft and equipment . all of these aspirations require high-quality , constant and detailed monitoring of the progress of our energy situation , as energy consumption is responsible for more than 80 % of our greenhouse gas emissions . following the adoption of the new framework for Commission expert groups , the Commission drew up a new version of the register in December 2010 . I may sound a bit harsh , but I want to know what is going on . ( SK ) First , I would like to express my sincere sympathy to our Hungarian friends , and solidarity with the families of the survivors , as well as my concern for the 150 who suffered injuries . I firmly believe that mutual cooperation in the fight against climate change , seeking common approaches in the areas of science , research and innovation , will prove beneficial to both sides . of course , Parliament will be watching to see that these substances are monitored . we should never forget that the only weapon that innocent victims have against terrorism is their word and the recognition of society . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , caution alone is quite sufficient reason to work towards the effective elimination of weapons using depleted uranium . according to information provided by the Court of Auditors , Eurojust ' s annual accounts for the financial year 2009 are reliable and the underlying transactions are legal and regular . a further problem is the service charge involved in outsourcing . better to warn people now than face a whole lot of damage claims in ten years ' time . in my country we have had very positive experiences in this respect . naturally this possibility does not seem so coherent . uncertainty is the opposite of trust . to be precise , deforestation now affects 13 million hectares worldwide and is the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions . we want to stress how important it is that the EU find other , longer-term and more sustainable ways of supporting Guinea-Bissau , since the fisheries agreement with the EU currently accounts for 30 % of the country ' s GNP . however , given the rapid evolution of the internet , as well as the necessity of ensuring legal translations first and foremost , according to Regulation 1 , the Commission must always be on the lookout for the right balance between providing relevant and up-to-date information to the stakeholders within the EU , and ensuring the fully multilingual character of all of the Commission ' s websites . I have in mind Turkey . to my mind there are clear political reasons for this . you promised to sign the Treaty of Lisbon , which your parliament ratified , and you must keep this promise . ' ( GA ) Mr President , like other speakers I want to congratulate the rapporteur , Mrs Sârbu , for her good work on this subject . those responsible are motivated by fundamentalist and extremist Islamist ideology . Morocco , at the moment , has signed a free trade agreement with the United States . I raised this problem , along with other issues , two years ago in a question to the European Commission , but the situation has not yet been resolved satisfactorily . the European Commission should support this initiative and cooperate with this network with a view to exchanging information and good practice . clear and decisive joined-up leadership is essential and we need the European Aviation Safety Agency to ensure that EU Member States adapt their current procedures to guarantee that airline operators will take responsibility and be supported in making such decisions in future . it is crucial that we tackle this kind of crime . as a Member from Ireland , I would like to remind the House that political irony is a trait much appreciated in Ireland . I would like to thank the rapporteur very much and to express my strong support for this report once again . we need that kind of initiative in those six county areas . what concerns me is that , firstly , fishing opportunities should - and we hope will - be allocated to Community vessels on the basis of transparent scientific opinions and , secondly , that part of the financial contribution by the Community set out in the so-called sectoral support agreements should be used to develop the fisheries sector of the partner coastal state , so as to establish responsible and sustainable fisheries . the political impasse , which has already involved 27 postponements of the convening of Parliament to elect the President of the Republic , could deteriorate , making Lebanon fertile ground once again for inter-Arab conflict and a for now latent source of tension between Iran and Hezbollah and Israel . the EU population is growing old and in order to ensure the sustainability of the social welfare schemes increasing work productivity is necessary . one final comment : all this will only work if the European Union is a stronger and more creditable partner , if it has something like the Treaty of Lisbon and acquires freedom of action in foreign policy . the Commission is also in the process of considering whether an EU initiative on consumer collective redress is necessary and , if so , what type of initiative that should be . in addition we must take into account the role to be played by the many national , regional and local authorities and ensure that instructions exist for effective protection of essential infrastructure , such as access to telecommunications infrastructure , power networks , hospitals , bridges , ports , airports and so on . from what I was told I suspect they were not good . the financial and banking systems may be organised differently around the world , but we need this financial transaction tax to gain global acceptance . fourthly , how can we envisage a future Europe with a common foreign and security policy when we lack such a fundamental element in the form of a common position ? with this resolution , Parliament as a whole finally acknowledges that the right to food is a basic human right , that it is unacceptable that the hunger of some is exploited for the benefit of others , that regulation is indispensable in ensuring price stability , and that trade agreements must preserve small family farms and the right to food . for us , that was one of the most important points . it is because implementation of these new programmes in all the regions , in all the Member States , has now been under way since 2007 . apart from these specific objections , I believe that overall this is an excellent law that does justice to the political and constitutional importance of this new mechanism for participatory democracy within the EU . I very much hope that the proposals by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe to revive the economy and to improve the financial situation will receive very concrete attention and a response from the Commission . the collection of data will provide the opportunity to compare carriage by transport mode and will create the possibility to combine various modes of transport within the same transport chain and to modernise freight transport logistics . it included an action plan with a number of practical actions to gradually build up more integrated coordination between the various instruments for disaster response . Parliament , however , rejected financing by these funds for polluting lignite power plants . HIV / AIDS reduction strategies must be worked out in each Member State and these must focus on vulnerable groups and groups known to be at high risk . it is evidence also of a strategy , a useful strategy of development in a context of crisis and which prepares European society for the digital age . ( NL ) Mr President , the situation in which Greece and the euro area have deservedly found themselves is regrettable . the European Investment Bank will have to devise development and environment impact parameters and report on their completion . ( FR ) Commissioner , forgive me , but I was very deeply shocked by your introduction to this debate . it will also be able to impose fines if safety is not properly implemented . if we do , it will be ordinary people who will pay the price for our failure , just as they are paying the price today for failure on the banking crisis . we must care for the environment when producing and processing food . where are the European policies ? her participation has truly enabled us to find common ground on a communications policy and on the schedule of priorities for the European Commission and the European Parliament , within the framework of an interinstitutional agreement , which we have consolidated and shall be presenting . can ACTA be ratified by the United States ? it is hard to resist the impression that European taxpayers ' money is being given over to yet another agenda for strengthening the authorities in Brussels and the emerging Eurostate . the first is the growth in global demand , especially among the main emerging economies . ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , first the epicentre of a terrible earthquake , in precisely the poorest and worst-governed area in the American hemisphere , and now cholera in the country which receives one of the highest amounts of per capita international aid . may God , the Almighty and the merciful , bless us all . so I hope to be able to come back to you soon on developments on this . chapter 23 has throughout been the subject of the special attention of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe ( ALDE ) . we need to prioritise and we need to act which , in this case , means changing strategies , mobilising resources , increasing them and optimising the preventive policies . ( RO ) Madam President , the decision made by the Council to initiate the procedure for ratifying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement will encourage Serbia to continue its reforms in order to comply with the Copenhagen criteria . therefore , we also need clear and effective principles for the protection of intellectual property rights which will not interfere with innovation and competition , will not place an unjustified burden on legally conducted trade and will protect our privacy and fundamental rights , such as freedom of speech . question Time ( Commission ) Thirteen million hectares per year or one football pitch per second - that is the area of forest which is disappearing from the world each year . unfortunately , large amounts of EU funds are still wrongly spent and therefore the Commission must take appropriate action with a view to ensuring prompt recovery of those funds . we did not recognise that we were only at the beginning and not at the end of the process . Serbia is showing serious lapses in the field of respect for human rights . will the Member States present a united front ? we appeal to Russia and to Georgia for stability , peace and security in this region . to date , the Commission has still not given clear responses to Parliament ' s requests . on the name issue , the report does not criticise either of the two sides . I refer to the worrying McKinsey analysis of the matter . I do not believe that this is the right course . we have developed an affirmative action programme in all spheres , from higher education to law enforcement bodies . in writing . - ( FR ) I should like to begin by congratulating the European Commission on its Community strategy on health and safety at work 2007-2012 , and on the work achieved by our Parliamentary Committee . with regard to farm prices in Europe , in 1961 I received 26 cents for 1 kilo of grain . indeed , anyone who takes the time to listen to the people working in the sector will know that the general working conditions are extremely tough , both physically and often also mentally . ( PL ) I should like to congratulate the rapporteur on his report , which highlights many problems consumers encounter on the internal market . it is particularly annoying that we have not managed to ban the crafty increase of volume in advertising either , even though our electorate throughout Europe deplores this practice . we have established the internal market , which has brought us much prosperity , together . at the same time , our common agricultural policy must guarantee the sustainable development of agriculture . this does not mean that one day this will not happen , but it will take time and several generations , I believe . following the financial crisis , it has become evident that the European financial markets are currently unable to provide SMEs with adequate finance mechanisms . it was important for everyone to be able to give their opinion on what is probably one of the most difficult subjects we have had to deal with , since it involves a radical change to a number of aspects of our economic and social policies , so great a factor is energy in all of this , with its moral , ethical and nature-related dimensions , this respect for nature and , obviously , climate change . our Ombudsman has carried out his job of examining and processing the complaints in an active and balanced way . the problem for the European Union is that many European states have been committed to Mr Bush ' s former policy of repaying crime with crime and torture with torture . I would like to focus on just a couple of points . it is time now that we returned , and used every influence we have to return , to the traditional bank manager , who can make calculated risk based on character , ability and track record . there is still plenty of work to do , and many reforms need to be stepped up by Croatia . we debated that very vigorously last night in this Parliament and I was glad to hear that improvements will be made . under these circumstances , migration seems to remain the main population growth factor in the Union . we would like the Commission to issue a statement about immediate measures on the part of the European Union to support Italy and other affected States in dealing with the current influx of refugees . furthermore , the tardiness of the Member States and industry in conforming to the new legal framework represents a further barrier to interoperability . some people felt compelled to ask the eternal question about Mr Kissinger and the telephone number . if we let slip this opportunity , we could find ourselves in a fragmented market for many years ; not only would this be negative for consumers and European businesses , it would also be unwise given the numerous competing international initiatives . however , two important preconditions of a more rapid progress are freedom and independence of the media and putting an end to media manipulation . however , I will respond again in writing to the questions that I have now answered orally so that they receive the attention they deserve . I would like to take this opportunity , however , to express our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the families of all those who lost their lives . the proposal to review the multiannual financial framework is no bad thing and offers additional resources for growth allocated in 2009-2010 . the work on a new test cycle is now finalised . the fear felt by our fellow citizens is out of sync with what is being done , and done well , by the European Central Bank . volunteering is a unique activity in many ways : it is open to all and is freely given ; it contributes to social cohesion and to economic cohesion ; it puts one of the most important European values - that of solidarity - into action . for instance , when designing buildings and getting them ready for use , clearly visible signs should be used , along with tactile floor markings to help the visually impaired find their way . like everyone , the members of the PPE Group also nurture dreams , but the difference between us and others is that we are striving to turn those dreams into a reality . through this proposal for a directive , the European Union is aiming to attack the entire supply chain of an inhumane trade that tramples on its principles and founding values . however , I shall also refer at the end to the difficulties or obstacles which I believe we have to overcome . the trial took place without any right of defence . what influence do we want for our works and our creation ? in writing . - ( IT ) I am voting in favour of the report put forward by our colleague Mathieu Grosch on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to the market for coach and bus services . I appreciate that our Spanish and Portuguese colleagues may have concerns , and I have included those concerns in Amendment 7 in the draft report . science can tell us in which direction fisheries should move in order to improve yields and decrease costs . however , it would seem to be necessary to make clear that the proposed mechanism will be applicable not only to sectoral agreements determined by the limited scope of this proposal , but also to other agreements such as bilateral understandings and regional agreements between a limited number of Member States and neighbouring third countries - of course only in very limited cases , concerning specific matters , and with the intention of resolving local problems . the honourable Members have made a number of important points and I will try in the short time I have to capture and address as many of them as possible . that is having a major impact on the economy and on trade relations with this country . Member States and the enterprises concerned must be urged , therefore , on the one hand , to incorporate into their crisis-handling strategies the consideration of gender equality and , on the other , to refrain from financial restrictions detrimental to equal opportunities for men and women . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , I am pleased that the report on specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union has been so amicably discussed in the House . moreover , those Member States , having accepted the jurisdiction , may limit it to the highest national courts or tribunals . concerted action is required as the non-involvement of a single riparian state may result in the whole process being blocked . all these considerations make coordination and collaboration between Member States necessary , without the above meaning that asylum should become an alternative means of gaining entry to immigration , or , even less so , a means of getting round the illegality of certain migratory flows . the Presidency has already responded to the points made as regards the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , Mr Karras , if I have understood Morgan Stanley correctly in the last few days , they are less fearful of Mr Schulz ' s stranglehold than of hedge funds . let us not forget that , in many European countries , assisting spouses still do not have a status in their own right , that their work is not recognised , and that they are not covered by social security for self-employed workers . the Presidency needed the help of the European Parliament in tackling the challenges we were facing . we have already debated this in this House , in September last year , and , because some questions remained unanswered then , we and other members of Parliament sent a letter requesting clarification . then he refers to the very document - now known as the ' Reform Treaty ' - which has precipitated this crisis , by saying patronisingly that involving national parliaments will help them better understand the advantages of a single market . we believe that it is vital that women are not subjected to violence or the sex trade . the objective of this directive is to ensure the rapid exchange of adequate , good-quality information . actually , the Coptic Christians are still a considerable minority . a strategic partnership , however , can only be built on the basis of a symmetrical dialogue between equals . migration has a fundamental role to play in the context of globalisation by helping to increase growth potential and facilitate adjustments . in fact , these agreements are very different in terms of their signatories , content , scope and organisation . however , what can our observers do to defend civilians against the daily violence ? finally , it challenges Parliament ' s committees to increase the use of IAs so as to improve the quality of its law making . · fourthly , illegal building on burnt land should be strictly prohibited ; Member States want those powers back . under these guidelines , the European Union implements a wide range of actions , ranging from public declarations or diplomatic démarches to trial observations . great ! ( PL ) Mr President , I would like to draw attention to three issues in this debate . as you already know , the Council approved the joint text at its meeting on 31 January 2011 . it is worth noting that there will be a shift towards industrial and technological development and a corresponding shift away from low-skilled labour . we should realise how such hypocrisy and double standards are helpful for various neo-Nazis etc . I want us to progress constructively and confidently . I believe that this is good for Parliament ' s credibility , but also for the transparency of what is happening in the Western Sahara . I would have thought that this time - unlike in all the preceding years - we actually would have had a chance of reaching agreement if only the negotiations had gone on longer . on Libya , I strongly support the no-fly zone and the pressing need for regime change . their modest participation is negatively perceived , and has a negative impact on the sustainable development of the Union , as well as on its cohesion . approval of Minutes of previous sitting : see Minutes we call for specific measures to preserve the culture , language and customs of these peoples , something which requires a regular dialogue between their representatives and the EU institutions . Mr President , Mr Šemeta , Mr Caldeira , I would like to thank the Court of Auditors for this report . in her resolution , Mrs Svensson has touched many open wounds . these are significant results , and prove that a European perspective acts as a driving force for the preparations of a country . I am not very happy with the recasting system . emergency cooperation in recovering missing children ( written declaration ) : see Minutes yes , there will be European taxes , indeed there will , but the austerity measures you are currently introducing at national level will be disastrous for you anyway , because we have known for years that austerity kills economic momentum and ultimately achieves nothing . the independence of Kosovo is a concrete application in Europe of the principle of self-determination for the people sanctioned by the UN Charter . our international partners have acted in line with us . I have voted in favour of Mr Rapkay ' s report because the plan to phase out coal mining subsidies by 2018 is , fortunately , supported by a broad majority across all the groups . I would therefore like to stress that we need to ensure that there are the right resources in place so that our citizens do not have to wait years for a decision . quite apart from the discussion about all kinds of technical instruments , it is , to my mind , impossible to explain to the European citizen that we have paid EUR 340 million in superlevy , while we all remain nearly 1 % under the European quota . I consider this an important step towards a common energy policy . firstly , it is unfortunate that Europe is at a standstill and thus unable to compete globally , but that also applies to American and Asian airlines , which are unable to land in the EU . ladies and gentlemen , thank you for a very intensive debate which , although short , has helped to enrich the concept of flexicurity . do we really need a common working time directive ? efforts to combat criminal networks must necessarily be transnational . the Commission helps Member States to achieve these targets through financial support , in particular the European Social Fund , policy coordination and policy guidance at EU level under the European semester . today , with advances in technology , when residents have the opportunity to choose electrical appliances according to their energy efficiency , the labelling that we agreed on will also help consumers make a conscious choice and contribute to energy saving ( hence , citizens would choose more economical devices ) and the preservation of the environment . given its rather poor performance , Europe must contribute more to the effort to resettle refugees whose existence is threatened in the countries that have received them . as far as my side is concerned , I am disappointed that the whole of the universal service aspect is coming later . the report also calls on the European Parliament itself and its committees to carry out impact assessments of draft legislation more often and to scrutinise more closely the impact assessments carried out by the Commission , which frequently serve to justify a legislative proposal rather than to permit an objective consideration of the facts . in addition , we need to ensure that this premium is accompanied by a business plan so as not to curb the innovative spirit of young farmers . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , I would also like first to thank Parliament , and in particular the rapporteur , Mr Florenz , and his team , the shadows and the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , for their hard work . today ' s resolution is intended as a practical response to the alarming phenomenon of Community fraud . the first is that the design and manufacture of products must satisfy current requirements . I am pleased that the Treaty of Lisbon places a great deal of importance on transparency , public scrutiny and democracy . I cannot , therefore , agree with you on this point . ( DE ) Mr President , in the Committee on Regional Development , we also had great expectations of the budget review . you have a great deal of work ahead of you Prime Minister , and we , together with our President , will be monitoring you closely to guarantee that this work is carried out . today , 120 illegal immigrants are going back to Tunisia from Lampedusa , something not done by previous governments because the immigrants had to be taken back - thus drawing the teeth of the exploitative Mafia criminals who cause these journeys to be made and then exploit them for criminal trafficking . in 2010 , agricultural produce generated the biggest gains on the stock exchanges . the government and the parliament of Scotland have adopted the world ' s most ambitious climate change act , with emission reduction targets of 42 % by 2020 and 80 % by 2050 . although the text is not perfect and does not meet with all of our initial ambitions , the Commission unreservedly supports the compromise . people considering themselves Bulgarian , whom I will refer to as a ' Bulgarian ethnic group ' to make it easier , even though this is not an accurate definition , are still the only ethnic group in Macedonia without a registered political party . there is , nevertheless , room for improvement . finally , I should like to underline the importance of the new Europe 2020 Strategy for growth and employment , which plays an important role in getting us out of the crisis . the compulsory introduction of bilingual instruction is understood unequivocally by the Poles who have lived in Lithuania for over seven centuries as discrimination which should be brought to an end . it will open your eyes time and again . I think that this debate shows that we need many more discussions on culture in the EU . we need to have corrective mechanisms implemented at the right time . 6 . that is a significant change , but I believe it is a fundamental improvement of the scheme . I have respect for the Chinese people , who also fought for national freedom against the Japanese occupation , and for freedom and civil liberties inside China itself - an example of this being the Boxer Rebellion in the 19th century . for this reason , we have drawn up Amendment 47 , and I would ask for your support for this amendment in the interests of the developing countries . we have heard today the extraordinary plea made by Václav Havel . on behalf of UEN Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , the European Union is attempting to establish a facility which will enable it to offer rapid assistance to poor and non-developing countries , to ensure that their populations survive if food prices rise . my vote is also intended to support the presence of small quantities of genetically modified organisms in products entering the EU . Forty-two per cent of European citizens have confidence in EU institutions . the EU did hold the reins in the global approach to the climate crisis , but you are rapidly throwing them away . at present , enlargement is focusing on the western Balkans , Turkey and Iceland . for me , there are three . ( DE ) Mr President , Baroness Ashton , our hopes that Belarus would move closer to democracy after the presidential elections have been bitterly disappointed . cooperation to strengthen its tax system and the fight against tax havens that facilitate illegal leaks of capital must underpin these processes . thank you , Mr President . unfortunately , we have totally ignored this wish . incidentally , I deeply regret the abstention in the parliamentary committee , on such an important report , by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament . they ran riot again on 23 October . I support the improvements offered by the rapporteur , particularly the transfer of new powers to ESMA which the Commission intended to keep for itself in particular with regard to penalties . many of us collaborated on the Small Business Act . on account of the situation in Tibet , I believe that bilingualism , in other words , learning Tibetan and Chinese , is the appropriate solution . at least 40 fled into the bush . we have a precedent . conversely , mental ill-health detracts from the quality of life of people and their families and has implications for the health , economic , educational , social security , penal and legal sectors . I look forward to contributions from other colleagues , but also I enjoy working with you , not the least in relation to access to documents , but also as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Petitions . in other words , from now on , as the result of a long struggle and battle which has been fought here for many years , and which continues to be fought by the Members of the European Parliament , we are guaranteed that the decisions taken by the European Commission which do not fall within its own jurisdiction but are adopted through delegated legislative powers are overseen by Parliament . I also note the Court of Auditors ' finding that in 2008 Eurojust had a problem as regards carrying forward appropriations , although the amount was lower than in the previous year , and action is needed to prevent this situation from recurring in future . the European Union absolutely must pursue the policy begun in 2005 after the blind and totally unpunished repression at Andijan , which according to the OSCE and Human Rights Watch left between 500 and 1000 people dead . it turned out that thousands of sovietologists had dismissed in their analyses the latent powerful force which finally disabled the Soviet dictatorship - the will of the enslaved people for freedom . it is important that Member States continue to engage in bilateral communications and negotiations with third countries in order to achieve their Union frequency targets . Mr President , you have presented a work programme for the rest of the term of this Parliament and of your Commission , and I would like to say that the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats will be happy to follow the main principles of this programme . I think Parliament has constrained itself too tightly , and we should more properly reflect the interinstitutional agreement of 2001 in our procedures to permit committees to talk about substantive changes to parts of directives or regulations that the Commission is seeking to recast , but in a very restricted form . we must not be indifferent to and , more importantly , we must not underestimate the harrowing screams of our young people . so far that has proved to be - hardly surprising , one might say - a somewhat difficult enterprise . the result , therefore , is that although training and different ways of improving one ' s qualifications are important , they are not enough to reduce discrimination . we have also worked hard to clarify the fact that healthcare is the responsibility of the Member States and not something that EU bureaucrats should take decisions on . there is no other region in the world with which we are working as closely as Latin America at a multilateral level . in writing . - ( ET ) Territorial cohesion strengthens economic and social cohesion and is one of the essential components for the achievement of the objectives of the EU cohesion policy , as it helps effectively balance development differences both between and within Member States and regions . in writing . - I am glad the report was adopted by an overwhelming majority but overall , because the attempt by ALDE to weaken the paragraph on the financial transaction tax failed and the text based on our amendment , calling for the introduction of an FTT at EU level as a first step , passed . therefore , our group will be voting against a dual legal base , both for these original amendments , and indeed the recital . however , on behalf of Mr Cohn-Bendit , Mr Bisky and myself , I would like to explain that we did not vote in favour of your proposal to postpone the vote this morning in the Conference of Presidents , because we believe that we should and , in fact , can vote today . the third course of action is to reduce imports , or even stop them completely , which would be the ideal solution . as a matter of urgency , Europe should develop comprehensive solutions to improve the use of pre-commercial procurement , not only by national authorities , but also by local and regional ones . the agreement we reached in Copenhagen has produced some significant results , one of them definitely being the decision that we must take action to limit the global increase in temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius . given that this represents a simplification of procedures - putting an end to annual regulations - and that these recommendations are already in operation within countries that are members of the GFCM , I applaud this initiative , with which I am fully in agreement , and I look forward to the satisfactory implementation of this regulation . as you know , the European social partners have already demonstrated that they understand what is at stake by presenting , at the end of the summer , eight joint proposals on the basis of which they are prepared - they have said they are prepared - to accept the Commission ' s proposal , my dear Vladimir . the Council started the ratification process for the agreement on 14 June 2010 . all the best ! the solution is so easy if they would just talk to each other . the damage was estimated at almost EUR 900 million , which is nearly 0.7 % of Romania ' s GDP . it is in the joint declaration that we carry the strong political message in support of speeding up the granting of free visas to all the people of the Western Balkans . due to this process , every sixth Hungarian - about a million people - lost his or her job . I would like to thank once again Mr López Garrido , who is representing the Spanish Presidency , and the entire Spanish delegation , for being here in the Chamber during our proceedings and debate . the Commission has powers to verify the measures and the decisions taken by the Member States in relation to the application of European law . it is time to congratulate the Commission and its President , who has always been very concerned about tackling the crisis , and to highlight that Parliament itself has shown great readiness to discuss this issue by setting up a special committee . ( PL ) Mr President , the imposition of uniform emission limits after 2015 for all fossil-fuel power plants is a mistake . it expresses many laudable objectives , such as an increase in labour participation and achievement of tertiary education diplomas by 40 % of EU citizens , and also increased expenditure on innovation . but political clauses in all political agreements , and in trade and sectoral agreements of different kinds , are there and they have to be there . however , while disrespect for the rights and legitimate freedoms of minorities is the main cause of conflict , the causes are wider than that and include those of an economic nature , primarily energy and geopolitics . the European Union , therefore , needs to change its policies and resolve these contradictions . the Commission wants , together with Parliament and the Council , to examine a strategy that will enable our European industry , our European entrepreneurial system , to evolve , because , as the Treaty of Lisbon states and as we are all convinced , a strong market is the best vehicle for creating sound social policy . we have laid the basis for a solid compromise which , I hope , will receive - together with the reports by Mr Harbour and Mrs Pleguezuelos Aguilar - your full support in tomorrow ' s vote . this is completely short-sighted . moreover , appropriate legal proceedings have been initiated in order to obtain a refund for the costs incurred following the disaster . the functioning of the revised pact is well documented in the Commission reports on public finances in the EMU of 2006 , 2007 and 2008 and in the accompanying communication . it cannot mean that we say ' we are sourcing energy ; nothing else is of interest to us ' . let us hope that the Portuguese electorate appreciates your leadership as we do and , indeed , that you may be re-elected to your seat . the decision prohibits anti-competitive practices by European collecting societies which limit their ability to offer their services to authors and online operators . how will the Commission go about redressing the imbalance between security and freedom ? time is the only resource which is not renewable . therefore , it is necessary to correct its scope by making a structural change . Mr President , the crass proposal by the Commission , in its original proposition , that they should control recreational fishing and require returns and licensing and everything else that goes with such bureaucracy , was one of the those proposals which , quite rightly , stirred huge opposition , not just in that sector , but amongst those who take an interest in matters pertaining to fishing and to EU bureaucracy . I therefore voted against the motion for a resolution . ( the sitting was opened at 9 a.m. ) research is the key , and in this area the European Union deserves great credit because , while we are behind the US and Japan in terms of research in general , we are the leaders in this field , with 60 % of research taking place in the EU , and with Danish authorities and scientists in particular having developed the vaccine . in certain parts , the final text bears the mark of the text passed by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs . secondly , will you be supporting greater funding for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights in the next budget ? I could not agree more , and I deplore the use of such tactics by the European left , particularly the Socialists . however , the little that is being given may help to ease their pain . this does not make the rationale of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund any less intolerable . perhaps it will be some two years before the country that is the homeland of the yoghurt , the homeland of Lactobacillus bulgaricum , remains without a single living cow thanks to the EU . I wish to express my respect for Parliament , which a few years ago gave its clear backing to the permanent use of nuclear power in the European energy mix , but which has doubtless begun to reconsider this position . one demolishes the other . in the name of the European Union , I can say that everything that has followed the Kenyan elections has represented a great disappointment and that the situation is still worrying . Europe has no alternative to transatlantic relations . where is Javier Solana ? our point of view has not changed on this matter . I also hope that Jordan can withstand the instability affecting the region and remain the moderate and responsible partner that it has been during the reigns of King Hussein and King Abdullah II . his name is Mr Cor Disselkoen . these gangs could be combated through transnational cooperation between the EU , which is the destination , and these countries , which are the starting point for these gangs . during my speech , I said that the application of the new rules by all those concerned was a priority for the Commission . the post-dated promises and threats have done nothing to change the fundamentals of the Treaty . the rule of law needs to be adhered to . fishing bosses no longer want to invest in their boats so the fleet is ageing . will the Council support the directive and thereby help to clean up our river - our rivers ? tuberculosis is a good example of the contrast between us and our neighbours in the developing world . another timely point raised in the report is the need for the Commission Action Plan , mentioned earlier , to provide measures to fight organised crime in international freight transport and ensure the security of freight transport loadings against theft , robbery and hijacking . the management of this transition has been underpinned by public intervention designed to ensure income stability for companies and to exclude food prices from the pressures of competition . within this mandate we could negotiate . there are currently no common definitions of energy poverty , nor are there any proper political initiatives in place to reduce it . I think that the new provisions on the common security and defence policy introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon offer a strong political statement of the Union ' s intention to act as a force for stability in the world . the first is evaluating the opportunities of grouping together the administrative functions of a majority of the smaller agencies , and so releasing resources and expertise in complying with the complicated regulatory framework surrounding the agencies . our towns also play a crucial role in the context of climate change . only multidisciplinary , coordinated action between the Commission , the Council and Member States can bring positive results for the Roma population . the Czech presidency will definitely continue its efforts to provide secure , competitive and sustainable energy for Europe . sometimes we should give Russia , our important partner , credit for that and not allow ourselves to be carried away solely by the emotions aroused by our own history . it is directives such as these which prove their worth in the eyes of the public . I voted for this report because I advocate the addition of a further 718 pharmaceutical and chemical products to the list of products benefiting from bound duty-free treatment upon importation into the EU . it is our duty to remind him of his promise , and to give more support to the independent media , civil society and the victims of human rights violations . to conclude this first part of the debate , I think that , in spite of their negative effects , crises always have one virtue . at the same time , farmers must be kept well informed and be given more assistance by the authorities . Summonses to police stations are increasing , as are disappearances , incidents of intimidation and unexplained deaths . male violence against women is , in my view , a clear indication of the unequal power relationship between men and women . in line with the undertaking which the Commission accepted before the European Parliament in 2007 , a report on the implementation of the Barcelona objectives was presented in October 2008 . they must also ensure adherence at home to the principle of respect for human rights and the rule of law which President Medvedev himself proclaimed at the start of his term of office . I do not call him President because what recently went on in Zimbabwe cannot be called an election . must every Member State implement this service correctly and in its entirety ? therefore , as before , and especially today , I would like to show solidarity with all Belarusians throughout the world , and above all with the Belarusians who have gathered in one of Minsk ' s squares , those who hold dear the spirit of independence and freedom . neither do we want an additional burden for the beneficiaries . the situation in Zimbabwe is a matter for the whole of the international community and the community of African states and it is absolutely imperative that we recognise Mugabe ' s tyranny . we condemn the Iranian Revolutionary Court ' s unfounded decision on Roxana Saberi . in the current economic climate , we must give the EU the necessary tools to help us weather the storm . I therefore voted against this report . Τhe next item is voting time . so , to start with the Reform Treaty : we now have a text in front of us and this is a major achievement . the discharge procedure should be simplified and streamlined for the decentralised agencies , which are growing in number ( from 8 in 2000 , to 20 in 2006 ) and represent a total budget of around EUR 1 billion . I believe that the lack of democratic control over this fund is detrimental to the transparency of development policy . the Spanish Presidency should cope with the two main contradictions of the European Union : the contradiction between pan-European needs and European national egoists , and the contradiction between the level of development in the western territories of the Union and that in the eastern territories , with their consequences in terms of political sensitivity . once again , effective controls and sanctions to separate the wheat from the chaff will make or break this legislation . Mr President , that was not a point of order and most of it was rubbish . finally , I believe that it is crucial for the Commission and the Member States to integrate the environmental element into their relations with third countries , with the emphasis on the importance of pursuing an integrated approach and ' green diplomacy ' . this is something our group is very keen on . it is made all the worse by the fact that the European Parliament will have nothing to say on these matters and that it was possible to fall back on Article 136 of the Treaty of Lisbon . if the European Parliament ' s amendments restore the draft budget and thereby increase the appropriations , this could give rise to issues about absorption of these various appropriations . in all Member States , responsibility for financing care must be taken away from social security systems and become a community responsibility . I believe that young farmers are particularly important to the development of a dynamic agricultural sector in order to achieve the Lisbon Strategy objectives . order of business they are from another age and can be rightly termed barbaric . small and medium-sized enterprises are the vital heart of Europe ' s economy , both in terms of growth and innovation , and in terms of employment . I therefore supported the resolution on the Fourth United Nations conference on LDCs with full conviction and awareness of its importance . the only way that we can make progress in fighting climate change is responsible reports such as this one which hold those accountable who cause the most pollution and which is why I was able to support it . the vote will take place at 12 p.m . at that time , I was in the Soviet occupation zone and I saw the Hungarian refugees of 1956 , the refugees from the Prague Spring in 1968 , such as my fellow Member , Libor Rouček . but CCS cannot be used as an excuse to carry on building more dirty coal plants , which will produce more CO2 . there is a tendency at EU level to wax enthusiastic about SMEs ' potential and performance . I would also like to touch upon some of the other important proposals which Parliament has also clearly identified . this is why the Commission put forward a Communication on Alzheimer ' s and other dementias in 2009 with action to improve prevention and diagnosis , research and best practice exchange . normally the Commission is the guardian of EU law and for citizens , in many cases , it is the only guarantee that they have that the law ( because Community law is law ) will be applied correctly . it contents itself with castigating illegal advertising which supposedly obstructs our sacrosanct freedom of competition and proclaims the advantages of advertising for citizens , whom it refers to as consumers , and for the media . today , however , it is not enough to welcome President Obama ' s decision . developed countries are not going to do it and developing countries are even less likely to do so . my warmest congratulations ! let me say that the Commission is prepared to comply with the vast majority of the proposals contained in Parliament ' s report . no one believes that we have emerged from this crisis yet , with many Member States still facing the reality of recession . it is therefore no surprise to see all the SME organisations , European organisations - and Belgian ones too in my case : the Union of the Middle Classes and the Federation for Enterprises in Belgium - overwhelmingly oppose this proposal . it is therefore throttling the Greek private sector , which is the only sector that can repay the massive debts . clearly this is not enough ; I have already instructed our delegations to send country strategy papers to members of national parliaments and I am also personally committed to raising awareness in our partner countries so that they can involve their national parliaments in monitoring Community cooperation . I would like to wish both the Hungarian Presidency and the Polish Presidency , which will begin in the second half of 2011 , the same success . as there is no prospect in the near future of reaching a multilateral climate agreement , it is important to work at European level on devising a mechanism for restricting carbon dioxide emissions . finally , we should probably also carry out a political appraisal . the umbrella organisation of IHH , Union of Good , supports the activity of extremist radicals through selling weapons to them . in order to avoid undue delay in approving this measure , which the Committee on Budgets intends to adopt as soon as possible , it should be noted that the Committee on Regional Development has no objection to the mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund to provide the sum of EUR 182 388 893 to the countries concerned as proposed by the Commission , and in accordance with the rules laid down in the interinstitutional agreement of 17 May 2006 and in Council Regulation ( EC ) No 2012 / 2002 . - ( ET ) I am certain that no one in this hall - not even those who have something better to do at the moment - would condone what took place 60 years ago in the Baltic States , when nearly 100 000 people , mostly women and children , were deported to Siberia . this is made all the more regrettable by the fact that in the context of the already ongoing election struggle , some are pointing their fingers at the social democrats , claiming that we do not understand the criminality of these events . for example , trade unions have suggested that construction companies that fail to respect workers ' rights or fail to meet the requirement to provide monthly information with a full list of workers on their payroll , including those who have relocated , or that fail to fulfil their obligations , should have their licence revoked . when I stopped my taxi in the Sinai desert to have a coffee , we only saw Khaled Meshaal on the huge screens . in so doing he is also jeopardising the EU2020 goals - in other words , his own goals . in writing . - ( FR ) I want to express my support for the Rübig report , which seeks to increase the number of SMEs that are eligible for support for their R & D projects under the Eurostars research and development programme implemented by several Member States and associate countries . obviously , they are coming here because of our social services and because they will be able to get money from the government here . when I first came to this Parliament , I was a strong supporter and advocate of something called privatisation - Mr Allister mentioned this a while back - that is to say , removing ownership of these enterprises from the state and allowing private enterprise to run them more efficiently than a state monopoly does . ladies and gentlemen , it is only through joint efforts at a European level that we will manage to meet the greatest challenges of the 21st century : climate change , the risks and cost of raw materials and energy , economic globalisation and threats to our security . confronted with the crisis , an increasing number of EU citizens are thinking more about survival than about halting climate change , but if we are able to give up our wasteful way of life and become thriftier , not only will we save the environment and stop the planet from overheating , we will replenish our pockets . in writing . - ( DE ) There is a constant stream of fake banknotes of excellent quality from Eastern Europe . therefore , I believe that additional funding is needed for intercultural education , cultural and artistic activities , sports events , " second-chance ” education , healthcare education etc. leading to Roma integration in all European societies . but , thankfully , a number of Gulf Cooperation states have engaged with the Commission by applying for security recognition under Regulation ( EC ) No 915 / 2007 . I wanted to say just one thing : the number of these schools is increasing . we owe our parents and grandparents a firm parliamentary message , and that is what we have produced today . so far , impact studies have not shown any significant reduction in the consumer price of these parts in the Member States where the system has already been liberalised . any Member State leaving the euro - which is what Mrs Le Pen wants for France - would see its new currency dramatically devalued . I would like to place on record , on behalf of the three of us , our thanks to the French Presidency for bringing us a common position in November which has enabled us to bring this improved package to you today in the last session of this mandate , because it is vital for European consumers and the European economy that we give this a ringing endorsement in our vote tomorrow . there is a lot we can learn from that . this wide scope is essential , as all flag states under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea are responsible for the vessels flying their flags . indeed , it is that Convention method that was used in preparing the Charter of Fundamental Rights and , above all , the Constitutional Treaty . this strategy needs actions to be coordinated - but how could this coordination exist without the proper involvement of all countries ? in fact , I do not want to help obstruct such anti-productivist ideas as the desire to introduce ' ecological footprint ' labelling and to relocate part of agricultural production . - Report : Wallis Abu Sayyaf hit squads want to separate the southern part of the islands from the rest of the Philippines . the declared objective is to come down on ' terrorist propaganda ' on the Internet . secondly , many colleagues and fellow Members have said to me that we need to shoulder our responsibilities towards Afghanistan when it comes to dealing with terrorism , opium growing , corruption and so on . it was then that rulers and opposition sat down to talks , and to reflect together on the solution to Poland ' s problems , both problems of an economic and social nature , and also the most important problems of our political system . we therefore have to distinguish between legitimate mail order or Internet pharmacies and the illegal distribution chain , which includes uncontrolled Internet purchases . naturally , I think that rather than escaping from the crisis of capitalism we need to escape from capitalism in crisis ; in other words , we need to start to think about a new future which provides for a genuine transition to an economy which is described in social and ecological terms , an economic democracy based on equity and cooperation rather than on inequality and war . 12 . the serious railway accident in Buizingen , Belgium , on 15 February 2010 , is being blamed on the absence of an electronic safety system which automatically applies trains ' brakes if they pass a red light . Commissioner , please tell us more about the timing and implementation of these project bonds . furthermore , it can be misleading in the sense that remedial measures following certain incidents such as accidents and natural disasters are treated as a benefit instead of a cost . ( loud , sustained applause ) let us trust them with this ; this is their task . since Yugoslavia fell apart in 1992 , attempts have been made to make a united state out of Bosnia-Herzegovina , but to no avail . could I ask the Commissioner , in relation to his reply , what would constitute the medium term ? this objective was prized more highly in the eyes of the rulers of the time than preserving human life . in writing . - As a rule , once the Constitution is changed and a new form of governance has been created , the country needs democratic and fair elections . from the perspective of regional development , ports represent one of the essential elements of cohesion in Europe , both due to the development of tourism capacity and the creation of over half a million jobs , which both dynamize and develop ultraperipheral regions . I do not know whether we can achieve this at any point , but it is an obvious problem in the European Union : we have an imperfect system of ratification on which there has never been any in-depth debate . this principle has been waived in practice by some states where crimes that are particularly intolerable and deeply damaging to the dignity of humanity itself can be prosecuted even outside the territory in which they are committed . dispute settlement mechanism under the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the EC and Jordan ( today , and for 20 years now , for which I praise God , we do not have a Ministry of Internal Trade in Poland and we do have internal trade . the final matter relates to own resources . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , we have been told that only a small percentage of Union funding is being made available for the northern part of Cyprus . conditions in Russian prisons are also appalling . this is because , obviously , these things do not exist in national parliaments or at national level , so people do not understand why an agreement has to be reached between the Commission and Parliament in order to implement what the treaties say . the extremist opposition party BJP is trying to use the forthcoming elections to mobilise Hindus against the Christians and Muslims and to force the Dalits to resign themselves to always being poor and having no rights . both sides therefore seriously contravened human rights and international laws in a war situation . however , I have reservations about particular elements of this report : we will never create a new dynamism without the right climate also for our SMEs . I supported this resolution . I was particularly struck by Paragraph 15 , in which the European Parliament ' calls on the Commission to strengthen the structural funds ' potential through simplification , flexibility and improvement of procedures ... with the aims of helping Member States to optimise the output of social and employment policies and creating sustainable growth ' . Mr President , I want to get straight to the point . incidentally , this solution is not any kind of guarantee that the sustainability of fish stocks will be protected , since the reduction and concentration of rights among a handful of operators does not necessarily mean a reduction in fishing effort , but simply the concentration of the exploitation of resources . the most important point which has been made several times in this debate is something which I fully endorse : all this can only be successful if it is a community project . is it essential that these negotiations take place under the aegis of the UN ? and finally there is no clear answer to the questions on the current agenda : what will be the environmental consequences of the Nord Stream project ? on behalf of my successors to the Presidency of the Council , and in view of recent negotiations , I am furthermore confident that we will make progress on this subject , but perhaps also on others in the future . the lesson we learnt from the Second World War was that our nations should work together and stop tearing each other apart . it is bad and it is putting people out of work . ( DE ) Mr President , Angela Merkel received the Dalai Lama at the Chancellery yesterday . it also broaches the important issue of the standardisation of clauses in contracts covering transactions conducted via the internet . I am pleased to be able to highlight , in this respect , the progress which has been made in this area in Romania over recent years , as indicated by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights . the forthcoming Commission proposal will be moderate , sound and balanced , but also determined and clear wherever determination is called for . that is just as true of the first pillar of the agricultural policy as it is of the second . I support the committee ' s initiative to increase the funding for the microfinance facility by 50 % , compared with the Commission ' s proposal , to EUR 150 million . written statements ( tabling ) : see Minutes we ourselves help to create demand too , and shortly , when we are driven home by the car service , we shall be using those very cars that do not meet the targets to which the car makers committed themselves . please forward it to Mr Buzek . Romania represents the eastern outpost of the European Union and is the state in charge of the management of one of the widest external land borders of the Union . Member State subsidiarity and less bureaucracy are the slogans of the moment , which we keep repeating when we speak with members of the public . in writing . - ( SV ) This resolution contains many deserving exhortations . however , this measure does not resolve the fundamental issue of the need to increase the production and supply of each Member State and employment in rural areas . finally , implementation of the common communication priorities will provide excellent platforms for European , national and regional politicians to debate with citizens on EU issues before the European elections . in other words , the person authenticating the act must in some way be a public official , a position that does not exist in some EU countries , which therefore do not have this ability . it is a good thing that , in its resolution , Parliament has voted in favour of the solutions based on market mechanisms and supports a review of the clean development mechanism in a future agreement . I think that the obligation to label products with a freephone number placed on small and medium-sized producers of feedstuffs for domestic pets is unnecessary . yes , Europe should be synonymous with progress and practical achievements , and we see this with these proposals concerning consumers . the proposal for a directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment , in the form submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament , is unclear . we were told recently by the IPCC that 2 500 scientists were all in agreement that CO2 was responsible for global warming and that we humans were the culprits . that will be because of electricity ' s pricing mechanism , as Mr Turmes showed . I have great respect for everything that has been said . the social benefit , holiday and pension systems in small companies also need to be developed in line with other sectors . we support the objective of removing the unnecessary administrative burdens . certain administrative burdens may , however , be socially very necessary , even if they may be felt to impede companies ' growth and innovation . Madam President , Mr Barroso has left already but as he said , confidence is the basis of everything . after all , it is the free market that has caused this climate problem . the problem is that people are still waiting for this help to arrive . this is disproportionate and therefore not sensible . it means giving substance to the provisions of the Treaty that affect the democratic life of the Union . we will submit these proposals to the Council on your behalf . I think that this is extremely important for the support and development of the cultural and creative industries because , as they are not quite commercial activities , they need soft financing , which banks cannot provide nowadays in the normal way for other industries . once the epicentre of the post-Soviet mafia , Georgia made more progress against corruption than any other country in the world from 2004 to 2009 , according to the EBRD and Transparency International . I therefore believe that I can speak for the entire House in welcoming the 18 , plus the other seven Members from Bulgaria , thus completing the coverage of this Europe of ours . I do hope this proposal will be reconsidered and that the budget will instead be increased , subject to monitoring and a fully responsible attitude to expenditure . the horrendous expenditure for the different sites can hardly be justified to EU citizens and taxpayers , particularly during the economic crisis . for this reason , Malaysia would do well to remain in this body , but also to uphold the principles represented there . bilateral fisheries agreements between the European Union and third countries are of significant economic benefit to the EU . the British people have not been given a vote on this whole shebang of European Union , and neither has anybody else . the Government has made it clear that , in addition to greater trade and cooperation , it is willing to implement measures to improve social welfare , health , education , tackle corruption and improve human rights . Schengen visas have been introduced , but they cost a great deal . for these visas , people in those countries have to pay roughly as much as they earn per month . they can even pick up and deliver loads within a Member State other than their country of origin . I voted in favour as I believe it is essential to guarantee patients access to information on prescription-only medicinal products . the vote will take place today at 12 noon . thus , the banning of girls from taking part in some tuition and sports such as swimming , and all the traditional practices that are barbaric and damaging for young girls of the Muslim religion , are condemned . ladies and gentlemen , when dealing with our international partners on such important challenges , we cannot allow ourselves to get caught up in unproductive divisions any longer . we have yet to see a proposal for the other institutions , but there is cause to keep a watchful eye on the growing buildings expenditure of those , too . they can develop this further since they will benefit from the combination of elimination of tariffs - EUR 2 000 saved on a car worth EUR 25 000 - and the removal of technical obstacles . let us then begin to speak clearly about the death penalty with China , Egypt , India , Pakistan , Yemen , Bangladesh , and so on , forcing these countries to honour the undertakings they have assumed in terms of respect for human dignity . millions of people have lived for years in this dangerous situation without there being any substantial change . the Commission can partially accept Amendments 2 and 3 , relating to additional illustrations of fishing gears , if needed , and to certain specific market provisions , particularly on the minimum size of species , with the aim of harmonising measures . this political will also relates to the resolution of difficult relations with its neighbours . 3 . on the railways , there is no limit . it was intended that this would supersede the Framework Decision of 2002 . we have come up against several difficulties , which explains why it has taken some time to reach this Agreement - several years in fact . the energy systems of the EU Member States are neither sufficiently compatible nor sufficiently interlinked . this was followed up in March 2010 by a thematic forum which explored the possibility of expanding the forum ' s sphere of action to cooperation between schools and business . despite the fact that the European Court of Justice established the mutual recognition principle in the Cassis de Dijon ruling nearly 30 years ago , the reality does not always reflect this : hence the importance of this legislation and the need for it . ( RO ) The strengthening of the European Union ' s role as an actor on the international scene is impossible without continuous adjustment to the 21st century global context . cultural and creative industries are currently also important drivers of economic and social innovation in many other sectors . no . this is a commitment that has been made by the European Union and by its Member States . the second , in specific terms , reaffirms the principle that outstanding commitments - which are particularly high in the cohesion sector - ought to be carried out and not , as the Council suggests , simply cut out . in one way or another , we must keep saying to ourselves that the important issue is to replace division with participation in our country and in Europe . Mr President , may I congratulate Mr Bildt on a very balanced speech just now . we should not , however , forget that many problems are emerging because there is a lack of trust in Member States towards the education and training systems in other Member States . I am convinced that we need this common action plan . it is undoubtedly a space which reflects social trends just as much as real life does , and I do not believe that we should be focusing all our efforts on quelling it once and for all . legislative proposals as important as this must evolve in the course of a well-ordered procedure with several readings . however , the report includes a number of contradictions because it is founded on neoliberal ideas , defending the Internal Market and advocating EU patents , with which we disagree . this would help make the sector more sustainable . it can therefore be said that the portion reserved for external relations and development was cut in the preliminary draft budget . in writing . - As expected , we the Greens lost our last chance to amend the Harms report during the plenary vote on Community financial assistance with respect to the decommissioning of four units of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant in Bulgaria . the few changes made by the Committee on Transport and Tourism are consistent with this objective , and I regard them as appropriate and useful for presenting a coherent and accurate final text . that is right , but I am going to allow Mr Chountis a supplementary on this question . today , among other things , they will be able to demand compensation for delays or damage to luggage , while persons of reduced mobility will receive a special escort . the issues are similar . politicians like Mr Livingstone who endorse leaders like President Chávez undermine genuine democracy and reveal a great deal about themselves . I voted in favour of this document . my first point is that we need to demand the full cooperation of the Latin American countries , in particular , of Brazil , as rotating members of the Security Council , in all international attempts to bring the conflict with Iran over nuclear arms to a peaceful resolution . he criticised Hungary and the Commission for recommending to Hungary that it should have a fixed exchange rate , whereas the situation is exactly the opposite . but a ' one-size-fits-all ' immigration policy will not work for Britain . she is still imprisoned and , as we have seen , the economy continues to deteriorate . yesterday evening , an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development was held to discuss this , with Mrs Fischer Boel attending . these repeated tragedies will not stop until the European Union has the power and the will to negotiate real partnership agreements with the countries of origin and transit that include at least three elements : reliable border controls , but also , and above all , a significant supply of legal immigration and a substantial co-development section . after the ' velvet divorce ' from Serbia , Montenegro has been given the opportunity to demonstrate the unlimited potential of a small , proud country . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( NL ) Madam President , over the last few months the credit crisis in the USA has shown that a purely capitalist system is unsustainable . having got my concerns off my chest , I should now like to provide a brief outline of what happened at the PPE-DE Group ' s hearing last Thursday , where the Commission ' s attitude was very positive . the title of the report is too wide-ranging to focus with proper emphasis on the position of children . ( RO ) The agricultural product quality policy may provide a solution for many farmers . however , this will not create new barriers to trade since there are international standards that already fully regulate these old instruments and most of the more advanced substitute products as well . Mr President , on 15 July 2008 the European Commission adopted a communication to the Council and Parliament recommending that a strategic partnership be established between the European Union and Mexico . for the above reasons , on behalf of the PPE Group , I suggest we have the proposal for macro-financial assistance to these countries adopted now . the EU ' s position is , among other things , that an agreed two-state solution must be based on the 1967 borders and that the settlements are illegal . at its meeting on 9 March 2009 , the Council directed an invitation to those Member States that were still applying transitional rules restricting free movement . this will yield us EUR 500 million . there is pressure on us to spend money , there is too much money floating around and we are not able to spend all that money . 28 . I would even go one step further and suggest there be a new Directive dealing with the education of the children of migrants . those who did not see the crisis coming are now full of brilliant solutions . let me reiterate my thanks to everyone , but with an eye to the Rules of Procedure , I would like to draw your attention to one last point . these legal regulations will make a significant contribution towards reducing breaches of economic competition rules and improving compliance with legal regulations in the social area as well as road transport safety regulations on the part of road transport operators . amendments 12 , 16 , 19 , 24 , 32 , 39 ( on the recitals ) this is a really serious matter . we have had two of the worst summers that I have ever seen in the last two years in northern Europe . lobbyists are important actors who can provide useful expertise . the Commissioner tried to reassure us yesterday evening . the oral question on the Council ' s strategy for the Bali Conference on Climate Change ( COP 13 and COP / MOP 3 ) , by Guido Sacconi , on behalf of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change to the Council - B6-0379 / 2007 ) , and we have to agree that development of the EU has gone hand in hand with enlargement . as regards the conclusions , I should like to thank the rapporteurs from the political groups and all of the speakers , especially the Committee on Budgetary Control . let me say it clearly : the German authorities are fully engaged in dealing with this contamination and are doing their best to deal with it urgently and decisively . it is hoped that legislating against employers employing illegal migrants from third countries will be an instrument for reducing the ' pool-factor ' of illegal migration . although the Gulf Cooperation Council disputes the legitimacy of Colonel Gaddafi and supports the idea of a no-fly zone , demonstrators have been fired on in Saudi Arabia , which is also a member state , and in Bahrain demonstrators have also been subjected to violent treatment . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , on behalf of the PPE-DE Group I would like to introduce a motion . I am thinking in particular of a very difficult matter : namely the problems for our firms , on which we are rightly going to impose rules to maintain the balance of the planet . the man who claims to have saved the world is about to come here in a couple of hours ' time but , leaving that aside , it is to the national governments - in Paris or London or Washington or Rome - that the citizens of those countries ( who also happen to be told that they are citizens of Europe ) look to save them , not this larger entity called the EU . it has become apparent in recent years that significant advances for rural societies generally result from support for women and women ' s projects . why ? it is unacceptable that journalists are carrying out their work under the threat of arrests and body searches . in Europe today , we are seeking economically strategic issues that are of relevance to our fellow citizens . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Madam President , we cannot afford to let the NATO-ISAF military mission in Afghanistan fail . particular attention must also be focused on socially disadvantaged groups , who need to have fair access to vocational education and training . in this new context the link between energy prices and foreign policy , and hence the increased political clout of producer countries , is obvious . and the second part of the deal is exemptions for small-volume producers . I also believe that some of the amendments really strengthen the proposal we presented . we support the compromise that is currently on the table . the text of the amendment proposed by the rapporteur is the outcome of conciliation between the PPE-DE Group and the Socialist Group in the European Parliament . it may be unorthodox , but I should like to commend his work also . such slaughter is , rather , a custom of savage and primitive tribes , and we should not agree to it . we need to give negotiations a new chance , a new impetus , because stalemate should not be an option . some of the victims of the Soviet totalitarian regime are still alive , but the European Union ' s position does not offer them any satisfaction - in fact , worse than that , it continues to humiliate them . I do not believe that any another region in the world has the same experience as we have of establishing an internal market , common rules , common institutions , and indeed a single currency and solidarity and cohesion policies . the banks are now using the state rescue packages to speculate against the national budgets . however , we in the European Parliament , together with the High Representative , need to ask a quite different question . as a representative of Hungary - and part of the Spanish-Belgian-Hungarian Trio Presidency - I welcome the Spanish Presidency . in order to be effective , this strategy must be comprehensive and cover shipbuilding , ship repair , ports , employment and worker training , as well as safety . therefore , intention and manifest danger are essential requirements in order for something to be described as an offence . this report particularly emphasises the need to maintain the predominant status of the cross-border pillar and to develop incentives to spur on large cross-border and transnational projects , such as the trans-European transport networks ( TEN-T ) . one of these advantages , relatively cheaper labour , will only last only a few years . therefore , they must objectively and rigorously account for how the public funds made available to them have been used . therefore I welcome the Commission proposal for strengthening the ENP by offering our partners new incentives for reforms . the Blue Card : the name refers to the blue in the European flag , but it seems to be mainly concerned with the stars . there will be another test later this morning on aviation emissions and I hope that we will have a strong package . sensible compromise should allow us to finalise work on the rules relating to civil aviation in the Union and the safety of air transport . it is a tool for assisting development but , first and foremost , it provides assistance to those who cannot help themselves . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , this is only one step on the long road to the reform of the common fisheries policy . I should also like a clear answer from the Commission as to whether countries that have already opened their cabotage markets pursuant to Article 306 of the Treaty will be prevented from continuing to do so under this regulation . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , thank you very much for the discussion . Vice-President of the Commission . - Madam President , the Commission is doing its utmost to develop the digital field in our society . you rightly pointed out what the European Union has done and has done rather well in humanitarian terms and in terms of the evacuation of European citizens . while the fight against counterfeiting is indeed legitimate and necessary , the ACTA Treaty would make authors ' rights and copyright more powerful . today , I think that the African ' Spring of Nations ' puts an additional strain on the political debt of President Mugabe . there are then those that affect the internal market . at the same time , the currencies of our neighbouring countries are falling . this return will result in France taking on heavy obligations . as spokesperson for the Socialist Group in the European Parliament I wish to make two more comments on the reports . a protective law is also worthless unless it can actually be used by those it is designed to protect . at long last , the directive imposing sanctions on employers of illegal immigrants has been advanced to the stage of final approval . however , we should not be content with this . I highly value the process that has led us to the approval of the new Treaty . we even risk being outflanked by the United States . I see it , however , as an important contribution to the debate on common European aims and values in pre-school education . we in the European Parliament have been working very hard to achieve these goals over the past months . if a plant ceases to operate , the ΙPPC requires the operator to take measures to prevent any risk of pollution and to take measures to rehabilitate the area . when the European Parliament submits a proposal for a legislative initiative by Mr Rasmussen , which was voted for by the vast majority of this plenary , you work it so that the proposal in question is put on the table just when the European Parliament will no longer be able to debate it . scientists are forecasting that a similar scenario could occur in the European Union . we have to be careful that this is not a slippery slope , or perceived to be a slippery slope , to dictatorship , rather than a diversity of views . welcome to the club . in this regard , we would like to see a wording that includes all 27 Member States . after all , the Chinese could do so much for the Africans . this is a sign of concrete solidarity . for this reason , ad hoc situations , which may change at any moment and indeed may change back to the previous status quo , should not result each time in the adoption of new regulations . reciprocal access to both sides ' procurement markets would not only mean savings for public budgets but also provide huge business opportunities . with these reservations , I am pleased to support the report . in my opinion , this is the greatest problem to arise in the media in our time , and we must make changes here in the future . current wasteful ways of using energy have come to the end of the road , as fossil reserves are meagre and they are becoming scarcer , with fewer and fewer controlling them . it will take place in Bonn in Germany in May 2008 , i.e. during the Slovenian Presidency . according to its own benchmark , however , it is only permitted to have 87 . there was a lot of discussion , Mr Cohn-Bendit , about whether President Assad should be on and there were lots of different views . this is a longstanding issue and we have had many debates in this House on how to control and monitor the proper transposition of EU law into national legal systems . after all , industry needs to be encouraged to produce better , more efficient appliances . the report by Mr Szájer , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999 / 468 / EC , as amended by Decision 2006 / 512 / EC , with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny - Part Three - C6-0474 / 2007 - 2007 / 0282 ( COD ) ) . ( NL ) Mr President , I emphatically voted in favour of this report . so let us avoid being hypocritical , let us make it plain ... it is essential to shore up the future of OLAF , the European Anti-Fraud Office , to enable it to play its role within the EU even better and more efficiently . the Solidarity Fund is an instrument of paramount importance to the EU . Mr President , this is a very good report , and the first one after the Treaty of Lisbon . the result would be the submission of a more balanced , single report to plenary . the new regulation will not do away with this dependency at a stroke , but nonetheless it will create more transparent relations . this morning , at the hearing of Commissioner-designate Mrs Malmström , we also saw a positive response to our proposal for an EU anti-trafficking coordinator . any alcohol intake impairs driving capability . as my colleague , Mr Schmidt , mentioned earlier , we tried it in Sweden , where it was called the ' puppy ' tax . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , on this point , according to Mr Cohn-Bendit , the Committee decided by a very clear majority , yet the Chamber has laboured against this decision in a way that borders on obstructionism . you only have to pick up the newspapers or reports and you will always come across those words . we have a positive view of the report ' s focus on the common challenges that we are facing : climate and environmental issues , the fight for democracy , peace and freedom at a global level and the urgent need for research , innovation and infrastructure . I found this sycophancy absurd , as my values of democracy , human rights and gender equality are alien to Saudi tradition . it is apparent to those of us who are from rural constituencies , and those who sit on the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development , that the current position that many livestock farmers find themselves in is simply unsustainable . the second concerns the economic and humanitarian front , where we are working very closely indeed . finally , thirdly , the ITS has a go at Turkey in a tirade against the party of Messrs Erdogan and Gül that singularly lacks any basis . ( BG ) Allow me , first and foremost , to congratulate the rapporteur Mr Reul on his objective and balanced report . the next item is the report by Mrs Vălean , on behalf of the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation ( EC ) No 717 / 2007 on roaming on public mobile telephone networks within the Community and Directive 2002 / 21 / EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services - C6-0333 / 2008 - . ( FI ) Mr President , we should not hit out at globalisation because of the harm it does , but take practical steps . my second point is that I agree with the call for assistance for farmers to purchase new electronic ID equipment , and I look forward to that being possible under the rural development programme . Mrs Ford , we do indeed need to protect taxpayers . the EU , Council , and Commission have introduced several motions into the agreement , which are causing concern amongst some Members , who are trying primarily to guarantee that security is not at the expense of human rights and fundamental freedoms ; and rightly so . I have a different view from that of the rapporteur as to how the defined target can be achieved . ( for results and other details of the votes : see Minutes ) I , too , wish to congratulate the rapporteur . I believe that we are also agreed that we now need to put our good intentions into practice and really improve the educational opportunities of migrant children . this highly important area can be the key to a successful and sustainable Europe and , in my opinion , has been seriously neglected in recent months . the aim of this initiative is for Cyprus and the two countries that joined the EU in 2007 - Romania and Bulgaria - to be able to introduce a simplified regime for the control of persons at the external borders , based on the unilateral equivalence of visas and residence permits . instead , we must set ourselves ambitious goals on behalf of the citizens of Europe . ICCAT has now adopted a strict regulation in order to ensure the sustainable development of farming activities for bluefin tuna . 5 . respect for human rights and democratic principles must be a fundamental element of EU trade policy . however , let us not be naïve . I can inform you that yesterday the President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council , Minister Iztok Jarc , met with some fellow ministers in Venice , in order to discuss this issue . we must stop thinking that we have to defend the European social model at all costs and get ready instead to reorganise it . the remaining operators should benefit from more attractive returns . we have also launched a reflection on whether further measures may be needed to ensure the appropriate rating of sovereign debt in particular . as I have said , many of these measures are recent and they will all need to be properly assessed . this reminds me of another individual who is governing his country in a similarly totalitarian manner and takes no notice of those who call for democratic reforms to be implemented . I have considerably less understanding , though , for the delay and procrastination in establishing a no-fly zone over Libya . I also hope that Member States reach agreement on devising a coordinated strategy for withdrawing the incentive measures when the right moment arrives for this . this must not happen in future . these , amongst others , are some of the reasons behind our abstention . the Polish Government was late in submitting changes to the electoral statute for the European Parliament , however . one of these changes concerns reducing the number of Polish MEPs . for us , that means that we have to focus our subsidy options on this in a more targeted way in the area of cohesion , in the regions and also in the development of rural areas . it is the source of almost 50 % of the world ' s catches , as well as a variety of mineral deposits such as metals , oil and gas . now , despite the fact that some of our points have been included in the Moreno Sánchez report , I want to underline these criticisms because I am fairly confident of the fact that this Parliament can change its opinion quickly about Frontex . I was not isolated . I will therefore repeat in my own language what I tried to say in Polish : I congratulate Mr Buzek most sincerely on his convincing election and wish him all the best in the wonderful job that he is about to take over , and I would ask him to take his place here in the President ' s chair . I do support , like others , a strong outwards-looking EU that is capable of acting shoulder to shoulder , as an equal partner , with the US . basically , the Global Climate Change Alliance is a very good initiative . on 2 July 2007 , Mordechai Vanunu - a former nuclear technician and a pacifist for over 20 years - was sentenced by the Jerusalem Magistrates ' Court to six months in prison for ( according to the Israeli authorities ) breaching the terms of an administrative order restricting his freedom of speech and freedom of movement . in other words these measures must not lead to any dramatic long-term threat to the stability of public finances . is it an effective way of working for every country to pay into a system that then grants subsidies to the remotest elements in the individual countries , including the fact that these are paid by the very richest ? the service is independent , and is also independent of the government , and the investigation is being monitored by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights . the purpose of this regulation is to improve legal certainty for the couples concerned , and at the same time , to guarantee the predictability and flexibility of the proceedings . this makes the situation for European competitors and , in particular , for the employees in the industry , very difficult . ladies and gentlemen , a look at the situation of European Union maritime transport can lead to ambivalent conclusions . - Report : Herczog ladies and gentlemen , unfortunately I cannot give the floor to any more speakers as the Rules of Procedure do not permit this . 18 . in these regions , in these distant islands , the price of an airline ticket is the price of the distance to freedom and that is something we must understand . we do crisis management in a European way with a comprehensive approach in support of international law and agreements and in close cooperation with our key partners . in these circumstances , through adequately coordinated action we can enhance the standing of European Union institutions and calm the situation in the markets . Mr Bielan has supported the idea of indicators on the application of the rules included in Mrs Thun Und Hohenstein ' s report . the current generalised system of preferences ( GSP ) will soon be coming to an end . combating this phenomenon therefore requires political and social mobilisation . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , thank you very much , Prime Minister . we did this because we know that a humanitarian crisis can erupt at any time . things were not helped when , in spite of the ongoing negotiations to set its rules , the process continued unabated and , as a consequence , only some countries have seen their representatives getting the positions they were seeking . this is the real challenge for the Treaty of Lisbon and this is certainly one of the provisions that will make the biggest contribution to meeting that challenge . ( SK ) Madam President , the Marinescu report talks about the effectiveness and efficiency of EU funding spent on decommissioning Soviet-style nuclear reactors . no state that is in so much debt as to be on the brink of insolvency can get out of the debt trap if it has to continue to finance this debt by borrowing at high interest rates . we need new instruments and we need new financial resources . I now appeal to the Commission , to each individual Commissioner , to state clearly that they are in favour of a clear horizontal directive and putting paid to a hierarchic arrangement of human rights in the European Union . self-criticism and constructive criticism are the guarantee for the safety of the national structure . next , regarding possible future joint programming of research activities , can the Council confirm its opinion that these initiatives should , in principle , be adopted using the same legal basis ? I am very grateful for the efforts which have been made in Croatia itself , in particular , with regard to judicial reform . - ( ES ) Mr President , we ought to shout out ' good news ! for me , these are the subjects at the heart of the debate and I am satisfied with another thing which the Treaty of Lisbon gives us and that is that Parliament will have enhanced powers and , in the political debate , I think that it has an essential role to play and that is to show that there are various options and to debate those options . in writing . - ( DE ) When we here in Europe invest in the latest environmentally friendly technology and in renewable energy , at however great an expense , while a country like China has a new coal-fired power station coming on stream every week , our best efforts here can only be a drop in the ocean . we cannot allow terrorism to develop and we must find a firm and appropriate solution to it . I welcome the Commission ' s initiative concerning the creation of a publicly accessible database of national measures adopted in transposition of these directives . we are trusting partners in this dialogue . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the external strand of the common fisheries policy ( CFP ) has taken on particular importance , as it is no longer possible to guarantee that our fisheries-product needs can be met on the basis of our fish resources alone . in order to do this , we should require , or perhaps encourage Member States to support the state ' s maritime sector or guarantee that ships appearing on the register of that state observe the convention that has been ratified , as well as international requirements . see how hypocrisy has been elevated into a governing principle ! I voted for this report , but I am giving this explanation of vote to stress that , in paragraph 44 on the management of the market , I voted against the first part of the paragraph proposed by the rapporteur and for the second part of it , which finally sets Parliament ' s decision out as favourable to Portugal ' s strategic interests . that means lifting martial law and involving all democratic forces in the steps that are now being taken . it must not merely be a financial tool for investment . what possible excuses have we Europeans to continue to do business with Israel while it callously continues to slaughter innocent people ? I voted , along with my other fellow MEPs , to support such a plan which will facilitate cooperation between Member States as well as combat illegal organ trafficking . the 3 % R & D intensity target has a crucial contribution to make in meeting this challenge . the Commission has already acted to increase investment in remote areas and regions within the framework of the EU Cohesion Policy with the programming of about EUR 2.3 billion in the period 2007-2013 . however , I would like to add this : given that tobacco producers are poor , small-scale farmers , could you , in order to prevent them from vanishing , at least please carry out a study to help us see what these people could grow , now that tobacco is effectively eliminated under these measures ? they also make economic sense , create jobs and save consumers money on their energy bills . I am giving my last speech after 15 years . in addition , the Community ' s participation could reach 70 % in the case of organic farming and programmes relating to action following crisis situations such as avian influenza and BSE , for example . yes , we do , but we have different practices and this axis of values vis-à-vis interest is also present , and the best example is how to deliver it in Central Asia : it was present in the debate on the Central Asia strategy . it is important for everyone ' s future to prevent the illegal manufacture of , and the trade in , firearms . I am not sure whether the official Chinese bodies are today capable of accepting the philosophy that the current Chinese state is built not only on the traditions and history of the Chinese empire , but also on the traditions and histories of other peoples . however , we disagreed with some of its aspects , specifically , the conditions imposed by the EU and , in particular , the demand for full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia , which continues to be a prerequisite for Serbia ' s future accession to the EU . in a word , our Group is not convinced of the need to implement changes in a great hurry now , without a thorough evaluation . thirdly , the name of the enzyme and its animal origin must be mentioned in the list of ingredients . ( DE ) Mr President , I voted for this resolution but there is one point that I should like to highlight - the reference to the creation of a European protection force . it is important for the Commission and the Member States to supply this information now , because a transition period of eight years really is a very , very long time . this has , in that case , been created by the European Union itself , of course . oral explanations of vote very often their qualifications are not recognised by employers or institutions . I welcome the important work done by my French colleague Jean-Paul Gauzès , who by the wisdom and strength of his convictions has made a substantial contribution to this important compromise , which is so valuable for economic growth , consumer protection and credit institutions . we are in fact facing serious demographic challenges . together , these factors point to a need for a strategic approach based on lesser dependency and , as a result , greater diversity ( either of suppliers or of energy consumed ) ; greater efficiency ; a sustained research effort into alternative energy ; greater integration ; and , at the same time , the development of production capacities at a local level - specifically , those using alternative energy sources . what should our next step be ? I would also like to speak once again of the thousands of tonnes of outdated pesticides that are systematically poisoning our water and have already reached depths of 1 000 metres . I have discovered a tendency to escalate this situation unjustifiably , also fueled by political and xenophobic statements uttered by certain politicians . the automatic exemption clause encourages employers to abolish fixed and regulated working times , while the twelve month averaging clause adds an additional blow to the permanency of work . the retention period for data has also been mentioned . France bears particular responsibility for encouraging Morocco to continue with the occupation . with regard to the question from the honourable Member about British citizens that have moved to Spain and invested some of their savings there , I must say that I am obviously not here representing Spain as a country in its judicial relations with citizens who are there , but rather I am representing the Council of the Union . the main objective of this is to rule out any discrimination on the grounds of sex , to guarantee equal opportunities for both spouses , and to give central priority to the welfare of the children . I think we need to be very careful here not to throw the baby out with the bathwater , so that in our concern for a good future life for children , we do not cause a situation in which we take a short cut and open the door to hasty adoptions and , in fact , allow children to be taken away from their parents . rapporteur . - Mr President , I do not want to steal my colleagues ' time , but as we did not have a plenary debate and we have reached the first reading discussion , I would like to inform you about the basic elements of the new legislation on GMOs . in writing . - ( FR ) I abstained from voting on the Safety of Toys Directive to protest against this undemocratic procedure of confronting the European Parliament with reports negotiated during informal trialogues and thereby preventing it from carrying out its work in the usual fashion . as I mentioned earlier , the Commission proposals are now being studied in much more detail . so perhaps what Mr Bloom , or his speech-writer , is suggesting is that Marmite or Branston Pickle should not move freely , or Rolls Royce , or Church ' s shoes , or Burberry clothing - I do not know how much good that would do for the UK economy . codified , consolidated versions of directives and regulations should enable them to gain a good understanding of what they are expected to do with respect to animals . besides caring and providing for the injured , it is therefore essential to repair and remedy the damage as swiftly as possible . for the Socialists , there are still red lines in terms of the current state of the resolution , which is different from the assent vote . ( EL ) Mr President , the General Affairs Council is meeting today . I believe that this situation is absolutely ridiculous - we have asked them to intervene on this , but have gained no result at all . how is it therefore possible to understand the unacceptable pressure that the European Commission is putting on the Portuguese Government to change labour legislation and render it even easier to make people redundant ? there is a need for a deep , comprehensive analysis and diagnosis of the situation of LDCs and concrete proposals for solutions aimed at improving the living conditions of the citizens of these countries in the short term , and at leaving the group in the long term . conclusion of the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency ( IRENA ) ( thirdly , we propose imposing a requirement whereby the Member States that currently impose the highest excise duty rates on fuel would undertake not to raise them before 2015 , thus facilitating the process of harmonising excise duty rates . on this basis , the more promising instruments will be identified which the Commission will assess in further detail . however , we should not go round in sackcloth and ashes , either , but join with those in the world who want to make progress in protecting the climate . this comes only a few weeks after the Renewable Energy Directive , of which all of us here were very proud , entered into force . we had better unite next time , and that means one voice . an amendment to the Equality Bill to protect the religious liberty of churches was voted down in the House of Commons two weeks ago , amid accusations of interference from the EU Commission . - ( PL ) Madam President , millions of people are staying in Europe illegally , and they are tolerated because they are a source of cheap labour , they do not acquire rights to a pension or to health care , and they cannot voluntarily pursue their rights through the courts . ( the President cut off the speaker ) it is , to some extent , dubious . finally , thanks to the ' enhanced cooperation ' procedure , which allows several Member States to cooperate in a particular area when a legislative initiative is being blocked , we have been able to take a step in this direction . I am pleased that the EU is sending a clear signal through the ' Union of Innovation ' programme regarding the importance of innovation for maintaining the economic position of Europe in global competition . ( SK ) Madam President , on behalf of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament , I would like to declare unambiguously that we recognise the right of all EU Member States to make their own laws , and thus we do not want to criticise either Hungary or , in particular , the citizens of Hungary . regarding a pause in financial services liberalisation , there is a difference between the financial crisis , seen globally , and bad lending and bad debts . that is why I am convinced that the Member States have a fundamental role to play ; indeed , a toy that enters the internal market in Rotterdam or in Constanţa , Romania , today , may wind up in Bologna , Lisbon or Helsinki tomorrow , without any border controls . I voted in favour of discharge since the deficiencies listed mainly concerned procurement and staff selection procedures , while the European Court of Auditors gave a positive verdict on the annual accounts for 2009 . as far as the measures to stimulate the economy are concerned , these should form part of a coordinated approach by the Member States . ( CS ) Mr President , I am truly delighted that you , a citizen of high moral standing and a Silesian to boot , are taking the baton from the hand of Hans-Gert Pöttering and that , like him , you are emphasising the potential of a united European Union in terms of values such as human rights and solidarity between nations . for these reasons , it is a good idea to allow ERDF finances to be used for housing in all EU countries . ( it ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I think this debate we are having on one of the most critical sectors in the European economy is timely . never before has the Commission been so weak in terms of proposals on human rights and democracy throughout the world , as demonstrated , for example , by the refusal to deploy the democracy clause that Parliament voted on two years ago . we have already said , in the Lisbon Agenda , that without the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and without regional cooperation it will not be possible to develop cohesion . those limits that are in the Constitution of my country , Italy : limits of public decency , security and law and order . the future regulation should be stimulating and enhancing the industry instead of limiting it . Mr Claeys , this is not a point of order on the Fjellner report and I am not going to allow you to carry on . fourthly , we must improve productivity and increase the ability to innovate , because in Europe we are reliant on our human capital . with regard to the strong criticism that has been directed at the Commission proposal on the Soil Protection Directive , prior discussion about the topic would undoubtedly have been helpful , including to calm tempers all round . thank you very much . despite the current deadlock in the negotiations , the situation should not be overdramatized . this is reflected in a greater effort to work more constructively within the framework of the EU ' s Central Asian strategy . with this aim in mind , we must devise a strategy which sets out concrete objectives for actively promoting equal opportunities and in relation to gender mainstreaming . the next item is the report by Mr Lehtinen , on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs , on the social responsibility of subcontracting undertakings in production chains . it is for these reasons that we initially submitted a proposal to reject these texts , thereby requiring the Commission to revise its proposals . we were indeed shocked after 19 December , as many of us had already hoped that there would be a gradual opening-up of Belarus towards the European Union . however , the European Commission has consistently sidelined energy efficiency as a flagship policy in favour of hammering the motor industry . 2 . legal certainty for citizens in areas such as marriage and divorce , which often involve highly emotional issues , is increasingly important in areas of policy . it goes without saying that we expect a transparent and independent investigation of the events that took place and the partial lifting of the state of emergency which was imposed after the event . but they will at least get a decent standard and basic protection to protect themselves from hazardous chemicals . to vote in favour of a resolution which regrets that the fate of minorities practicing this or that sexual deviance is not a central preoccupation , which advocates intensive propaganda to reverse negative opinion polls , which encourages the same economic errors as those committed in our countries , was really not possible . on the other hand , we must ensure that those companies providing the energy are monitored and that true competition is created . what about protecting the climate ? for instance , I cannot understand that many people in Turkey have no problem with the fact that the governing party , which won 47 % of the votes in the last elections , is in danger of being banned by the Constitutional Court . as you wished , a portion of these directives has been transferred to the new interoperability directive . but I am also concerned about the Hague Convention . moreover , the close ties between Iran , Syria , Hamas and Hezbollah , as well as the religious tensions between the Sunnis and Alawites in Syria , should make us exercise caution because there is a huge risk that the escalation in violence will also push Syria towards civil war , with outside interference . when in February the European Council condemned the attacks by the Chad rebels on the Chad government , on the one hand it appealed for a political dialogue among the government , the opposition and the rebels , and on the other hand it emphasised the urgent need for a political dialogue between the governments of Chad and Sudan . TEC has seven priorities which should move forward and make sure that they cut through the rhetoric . for the transport sector , it calls for greenhouse gas trading , which has failed to reduce CO2 emissions but has proved to be a profitable stock-exchange mechanism for capital . Mr President , just as the right to life has a very special place among human rights , the death penalty has no place in democratic societies . it is in the regions that the presence of the EU needs to make itself felt and it is precisely at such times , when solidarity is more necessary than ever , that it is most important that it makes itself felt . can I thank everyone else for signing it . we all know that there are vulnerable people , for example children , who are a special target for advertising campaigns . this is the only way to ensure that the details of the performance characteristics are also accurate and reliable and that the safety of buildings is also ensured throughout Europe . we should not disregard this severe breach from the ideals of democratic elections . safety , security and the interests of the EU citizens in this country are still endangered . nor have the world ' s financial supervisory authorities been able to strengthen their cooperation and competence sufficiently . national energy policies have led Europe to a dead end with an extreme dependence on expensive imported fossil fuels . secondly , we have seen in recent years that viruses that occur in living animals can rapidly mutate . the fact that natural resources are continually dwindling is nothing new to scientists working in the area of energy supply . in 2001 , a train crash occurred in Pécrot that was similar to last week ' s in Buizingen . the first is to emerge from the crisis through research , innovation and competitiveness so as to ensure a true economic recovery that will enable us to achieve this social recovery . I would like to remind you that , despite generally accepted opinions , counterfeit goods do not affect just exclusive and expensive products , but also car parts and everyday products such as foodstuffs and medicines . ( SK ) The legal environment in the Member States in the area of debt recovery varies . needless to say , the recovery of so much oil will have a dramatic impact on the Arctic and may cause ecological disasters on a global scale , so I think we have to ask ourselves whether it is wise to embark on such a project at a time of determined efforts to sever our dependency on fossil fuels and to aim ultimately for a CO2-free society . Libyans enjoy free education and healthcare and subsidised housing , benefiting from some degree of social distribution of the oil income . indeed , this inclusion in the budget follows on from the specific proposals in my report on governance , which was adopted last October , and by a very large majority in this House . in my opinion , the ECI brings European institutions closer to the citizens and it thus fulfils the principle of subsidiarity as a basic principle of the decision-making mechanisms of the European Union . this regulation defines enhanced cooperation between certain Member States ( Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Latvia , Luxembourg , Malta , Portugal , Romania , Slovenia and Spain ) . we have to make sure that the new EU 2020 programme does not repeat the mistakes of the Lisbon Strategy . Mr President , can I use my speech tonight to appeal to all EU countries to follow the practice in Britain for hotlines to be given notice and take-down powers , namely that when online images of child sexual abuse are discovered and reported , the hotline can immediately order the content to be removed by the service provider or host company . we must find a way back to growth and jobs by finding resources for investments , and for that we need these joint actions . approximately 100 million Christians every day suffer violence because of their religion . however , that is not taking responsibility ; that is populism . this includes the mainstreaming on the gender dimension in all the cooperation programmes . I decided to vote for this report because we need to send out a strong signal of Europe ' s desire to work with local , and particularly regional , administrations . ( DE ) Mr President , if we want a European Union that is accepted by its citizens , then it is crucial that citizens also know what is being done with the money they pay in taxes . this means that the European Union is not authorised to set minimum wages , nor is it authorised to adjust minimum wages between the Member States . the road taken by humankind must be one of disarmament and not the relaunch of the arms race , as encouraged by this proposal for a directive . I voted for this report because the current financial crisis that has affected the economic and financial sectors has caused a general economic and social crisis in which European citizens continue to live in poverty , social inequalities are becoming even more pronounced , and the number of poor workers is also increasing . we support the proposals of the rapporteur , Mrs Jeggle , on better representation for women in all political , economic and social bodies in the agricultural sector , and on support for social protection initiatives for women working as small farmers , farm workers and seasonal animal rearers . eleven Member States , including Luxembourg , have signed a joint letter to Commissioner Cioloş expressing their opposition to the end of the system of planting rights for vineyards in 2015 . the EU is a leader in the area of climate protection and this long-term pre-eminence should not be squandered but rather transformed into another quality . as a general rule , I particularly appreciate the fact that the European Union is composed of States with diverse and varied national cultures and traditions , but when it comes to violence , I am appalled to see the differences in treatment that exist . it is only by combining solidarity , integration and respect for regulations that we can find the right strategy for resolving these problems . another fundamental challenge is improving accessibility and , for that reason , it is important that the outermost regions receive differential treatment with regard to transport . monopolies and quasi-monopolies are slowly and increasingly becoming service industries more or less subject to competition . that is extremely important . the Danube has , for a long time , served not only as a natural border between states and regions , but also as a prospective source of energy and a little used means of transport . it is very much needed , however , in times of difficulty and hardship . the EFSA report also points out an increased proportion of pregnancy failure and disorders in surrogate dams of cloned embryos . that is why a policy as fundamental and permanent as the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) must be understood by its main beneficiaries ; in this case , European farmers . it is , in fact , a cornerstone in building a common asylum system and it will be an important instrument in supporting Member States , in helping develop practices and common standards , and in supporting Member States under particular pressure . if a blue card spawns brain drain , then this is bad news for Europe and the rest of the world . I therefore propose that a large part of the EUR 1 billion should be used to assist European farmers who are facing a great many problems . the communications that the Commissioner has presented to us , the last of which was on 1 December this year , make quite a fuss about the damage that tax evasion causes . we must thus ensure that we aim to achieve energy efficiency in general and that we keep this objective in mind without pursuing ideological smear campaigns that ultimately lead to the citizens losing their positive impression of the EU . I would call on Baroness Ashton to do the same and to keep us regularly informed of the situation of these Christians . increasing numbers are throwing in the towel , however , which has already led to a dependence on imports in the field of fruit , vegetables and feeding-stuff production . this is not easy . energy efficiency has the benefit that it will also reduce the size of consumers ' bills at a time when the economic crisis is having an increasingly adverse impact on them . the next item is the Council statement on the presentation of the programme of the French Presidency . why do we need this Treaty ? I should also like to thank her in advance for all the information that she will shortly give us on an extremely important and topical issue . ( FR ) Mr President , our fellow citizens have expectations of us , they have expectations of Europe on the issue of world governance . our goal must be to increase the dialogue in Europe between the citizens and the politicians . my third belief is one that has been mentioned by several speakers , including Mr Schulz . finally , I cannot get over the fact that in 2007 Official Development Assistance from the whole of the EU fell for the first time since 2000 . tax competition forces Member States within the Union to moderate their fiscal demands and to be more efficient in the management of public spending , and this can only be of benefit to the taxpayer . in writing . - ( PL ) In the course of the roll-call vote and in connection with Amendment 48 , I voted against infringement of equal rights for competing entities by singling out three European Union countries and granting them a privileged position on the market . at the same time , the headquarters of the European Technological Institute have been decided . over the years , the only progress achieved by the Commission , Parliament and the Council is the shifting of responsibility to Member States . what we need , and what the population of Zimbabwe are waiting for , is practical aid . how , then , could the EU executive at the same time plan to ask for these oil activities to be suspended and for them to voluntarily place themselves in a position of weakness from an energy and economic point of view ? our regulations , European laws and the agreements that we have signed and initialled set that out . the Commission ' s final objectives in these negotiations are to definitively prevent activation of the ' Carousel ' sanctions and to have the retaliatory measures currently in place revoked . after the conclusion of an agreement between the Greek Government and the European Commission , affected farmers and stockbreeders ( the latter , I hasten to add , having lost more than 73 000 head of cattle in the fires ) are receiving advance payments to compensate for the loss of their crops , livestock capital and equipment . each of us will remember the heroic example of those volunteers - mostly retired firemen - who offered their lives to help put out the fires in the reactors at Fukushima . yes - we need the European Union precisely for such matters . violence , rape , torture and sexual assaults are weapons that are used against women and children in these situations . in Europe too , it is also necessary to have a specific , strong policy relating to soil , as for water and air . I have abstained today , because I was not able to support the compromise that has been negotiated . I would just like to say in advance that on almost all points - and I would like to thank my fellow Member - there is a unanimous perception that the report could bring more transparency . one of the largest groups of internet users is children and adolescents . it is a threat to the credit recession : there is a danger that the debt and bank crisis will become an all-embracing economic crisis , manifesting itself in hunger , unemployment and poor social health . we would appeal to our Lithuanian colleagues to reflect further on this matter and to make sure that whatever legislation they pass will not discriminate against LGBT people . Kosovo must not be abandoned to its own devices . they are too embarrassed or they are worried or they are shy . it is an industry driven by lobbyists and especially NGOs . both sides have deployed cluster bombs in this conflict as well , which is unacceptable . in the longer term , we should aim at the introduction of a visa-free travel regime . it was clearer for me on the first vote than it was on the subsequent ones . moreover , there is no guarantee that the EEAS will not be linked to military and intelligence structures . Mr President , taxation is absolutely vital for the running of countries - I think most citizens would agree with that . the ' made in ' labelling would enable consumers not only to obtain additional information about product characteristics , but would also help strengthen the economy by developing new products for many sectors , promoting employment and supporting the fight against counterfeiting as far as products from third countries are concerned . this surely results from the fact that the problem concerns only 2 % of Europeans , whereas it concerns 27 % of people in Africa . this has a direct impact on the quality of life of the European Union ' s inhabitants and on increasing inflation . I was originally an engineer and I find this kind of practical application of principled technology to promote our well-being very exciting . I think this is an excellent report . you pointed out that we have slightly dimmed the lighting in the Chamber . so , what did we achieve ? I also welcome the annual publication of declarations of the financial interests of the institution ' s elected members , with relevant information on remunerated tasks and activities , or professional activities that are subject to declaration . ' however , the position followed by the Commission in this file shall not be considered as a precedent . Africa , as a region with the largest number of developing countries , has little experience of protecting its own biological resources . for those of you interested in our plans , just before the summer break , we adopted policy guidelines which are the next action plan for road safety and we have the same aim - to reduce casualties by half . many of my colleagues have already dealt in detail with the action that is required . I now gather that Japanese school textbooks have been adapted ; but I then hear from the Japanese embassy that the tale has to be told very cautiously , as pupils do not yet know much about sexuality and could incur psychological damage . I cannot just move on to the agenda without mentioning the crisis . for these reasons , I abstained from voting on the resolution of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) , and voted against the joint resolution put forward by the other parties . however , there are still elements of competition in the EU that need to be strengthened and clarified . in relation to the debate itself and the human rights issues that have , in a sense , dominated our debate : I am trying to look at what more we can do . this is not just about better prices and more choice . although things started well , we soon began to see a slowdown in the progress made , which ended up stagnating last year ( when around 43 000 people were killed on all the roads in the 27 Member States ) . why is a tolerance of , for instance , 0.8 % or 0.9 % not possible ? I supported this report , since I believe that we must improve the quality of education and training in the EU . Mr Pittella is right : a dab of powder , a touch of rouge , perhaps a little wool pulled over the eyes , but nothing more than an empty shell . naturally , we need to establish our common values , namely democracy and the rule of law , along with respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms . and what are we doing today about this famous directive ? however , economic governance should above all aim for the best possible future , in other words aim for greater economic growth . the most important aspect in political terms is that of banning , dealt with in Amendments 31 and 32 . we will not waver in our support , as was said , for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia . Mercosur was almost dissolved at the 2007 Summit . however , if one looks at Greece , then I would say that we may be deluding ourselves if we believe we have the crisis under control . do you intend to take the matter to the European Court of Justice ? information and communications technology ( ICT ) is important in all innovative activity . well , that is not how to build our future . I have one final point , and it is one that is also clearly expressed in the resolution that we have produced together with the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe and the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats . we must ensure that we provide better targeted assistance , particularly aimed at civil society and local communities , in keeping with the bottom-up approach . we have worked hard and I would like to think that our work will not be in vain . just a couple of days ago , the French Prime Minister and the German Chancellor even agreed to change the treaty to bring in tougher sanctions against countries that threaten the euro ' s stability . I think that Iceland is capable of assuming the obligations which derive from being an EU Member State . the defence of freedom lies at the heart of Europe . lastly , because this topic is close to my heart , I should like to emphasise the importance of introducing a public hearing for representatives of a citizens ' initiative , which will be organised by the Commission together with the European Parliament . in this respect , it is important for us to consider the best way of ensuring that comprehensive information is made available before the act is signed . the application of parliamentary immunity to such a situation is considered to constitute an undue extension of those rules , which are intended to avoid any interference with the functioning and independence of Parliament . there is the danger that these important activities could come to a halt in Slovakia because of delayed re-financing of implemented activities . with regard more specifically to environmental protection , the EU already has quite an advanced legislatory framework . today we do not have these options available . documents received : see Minutes and those principles will be my guidance in my assessment in the Opel case . opening of the sitting given the profound injustice today existing between countries , producers and products , the advocated redistribution of CAP funds cannot be dissociated from the guarantee of minimising losses by the major beneficiaries ... the family and the protection of family life are , in fact , children ' s rights , and these are realised when a family is managing well . it is unfortunate that the Czech presidency began not as previously planned , but with the imposed resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian gas conflict , in the same way that the previous presidency had to begin by seeking an end to the Russian-Georgian War . in some Member States , particularly my own , the use of such machines is now mandatory with no alternative such as a ' pat-down ' available - the so-called ' no scan , no fly ' tactic . - Report : Galeote the Declaration will make it clear that , in view of the global challenges that confront us , the European Union has both an opportunity and a responsibility to act . ( the sitting was suspended at 12.45 p.m. and resumed at 3.00 p.m. ) however , I feel obliged to raise the cohesion policy for discussion and express my dissatisfaction that the path towards implementing the Lisbon Strategy seems to have changed tack . promoting and applying successful models in the knowledge triangle is vital , as is ensuring the sustainable development of regional strategic research frameworks for innovation , in conjunction with businesses , research centres , universities and public authorities . for instance in Germany in the year 2005 the loss was approximately EUR 17 billion and in the United Kingdom in the 2005-2006 tax year it was over EUR 18 billion . this being the case , we are in favour of a genuine European debate on the press and the problematic mergers that can exist in this area . I am of the opinion that the Commission and the European Union have failed to learn much from the outbreaks of infectious animal diseases which have occurred in the past . the Directive applies to all citizens admitted to the territory for work and those who were initially admitted for other reasons and who have subsequently obtained a work permit in accordance with the provisions of national or EU law . my public health department mobilised the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( ECDC ) and the ECDC has activated its crisis mode in order to make scientific assessments as rapidly as possible . by international law I mean , for example , the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages of the Council of Europe , which provides a global framework in this area , as well as the recommendations from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe , which the European Union has resorted to on different occasions . on the other hand , we need to ensure a high level of protection for European consumers . in addition , smaller operators or new operators who have joined the market have shown that they are often subject to discriminatory prices from large pan-European operators . we do not support this focus , and can only conclude that the neoliberal face of the EU once more has been articulated . this will ensure consistency between the methodologies applied by the banks as well as a convergence - an appropriate one , I think - of the ways in which the macroeconomic scenarios are retranscribed into parameters of respective risks . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would firstly like to thank our colleague Mr Cornillet for his work on this report and for the debates he led in our Committee on Development . I therefore believe that it is right to strive to find ways and means that allow us to act in such situations in a coordinated manner at EU level . I agree that the use of legislative delegation should make it possible to adopt simple and accessible legislation , thus contributing to legal certainty , the efficacy of the delegate and control by the delegator . however , we need common , effective and transparent action , and a common list of priorities for the benefit of our citizens . what do we plan to do if civil war breaks out ? tuna stocks are collapsing . so three areas : firstly , making sure the structures are right and the people know and understand the core work they need to do ; secondly , ensuring that we cover everyone in the work we do on human rights ; and thirdly , ways in which we can make a difference . Mr President , I did not particularly wish to revisit the past , but I am hearing some surprising speeches . the debate is closed . in writing . - ( DE ) I voted in favour of this report . in addition , granting advanced status to Morocco would be going against the United Nations mission to organise a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara . I would like to remind you , Baroness Ashton , of Joseph Daul ' s advice : do not be afraid , and you will have the support of this Parliament . Guyana , which is an outermost region of the European Union , deserves to be recognised for its past and future contribution to this strategic policy . this serves as an obstacle to a full resolution of the conflict . ( FR ) Mr President , as you are aware , an agreement between the Belgian State and GDF Suez was reached in October 2009 . children have the right to receive help and services from Member States and from the Union . the European Parliament , recognising the pressing need to meet the food requirements of the most deprived , has urged the Commission and the Council to put the European food aid programme on a permanent footing . it is obvious that the response in Europe was unsatisfactory from the point of view of the citizens . they pretend they do not understand , and demand explanations from the Commission and that Parliament adopt an official position . as a result of the lack of capital in this sector , limited bank credit and the crisis in general , it is imperative and urgent to acknowledge that the adaptation of many companies has been delayed . that should be one of the main priorities . I am sorry , it is not good enough : well , we might look at misleading advertising and we will think about it . by its legislative proposal , the Commission intends to set up a transparent and non-discriminatory framework for levying aviation security charges in Europe . Mr President , I support the environmental goals for 2020 , but I have some serious doubts about some methods . the commitment to help more than 1 500 Spanish and Danish employees via this fund is therefore very good news . it shows gross contempt for the verdict of the peoples of France , the Netherlands and Ireland , and for the obvious inclinations of all the other European peoples , who are not moved by the policies , institutions , values , visions and symbols of the European plutocracy so typical of the anti-popular character of the EU . Mr President , the ash cloud has caused stress and trauma for many thousands of travellers and financial loss to many businesses . sometimes we took up problems and sometimes we took up personal issues and so forth . the soil is a finite and non-renewable natural resource . remember though , Commissioner : Parliament beat you on SWIFT and it will beat you on ACTA if need be . I underlined that Bosnia and Herzegovina now needs to put EU-related reforms at the top of its political agenda and address the priorities of the European partnership , including state- and institution-building . to be fair , it is not alone . now that petrol prices are reaching record highs , we must waste no opportunity in setting ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the European car industry . in this connection we cannot progress unless we discuss biotechnology and confront the campaign of fear concerning genetically modified food with objective information . we were also concerned that , by dividing the responsibilities between different commissioners , consumer protection would ultimately receive insufficient attention . you should know that , without compulsory cooperation from the drug agencies in these countries , it will be impossible to check the 3 000 pharmaceutical factories in India and the 12 000 factories in China . following pressure from various countries that wanted to host the Institute , this became virtual , a type of gateway for consulting scientific communities in different areas . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I wish to thank this House for putting the issue of European agencies on the agenda . a new agreement is currently being negotiated between the EU and the Solomon Islands . all national standards bodies must therefore be able to provide a robust platform of consensus-building . 1 . it is a bitter experience , when one makes reform proposals , to find that others are constantly blocking them with reference to something else . now , above all , we need to act as 27 Member States - not separately - and act in conjunction with our allies , including the United States . the text proposed to us is not only extremely dogmatic , it also shows contempt for the peoples , in particular , for the Greek people . Portugal needs fishing and , therefore , needs the sea to remain able to provide us with fish and species to remain able to reproduce . you said that social impact assessments are important to you . Mr President , Mr Tajani , Mr Costa , this is going to be my final contribution to a debate at the European Parliament , after a fifteen-year stint . in the long run , surface democracy - democracy that floats on the top with people casting their votes freely on election day and choosing their government - will not survive if deep democracy fails to take root . after the elections there will be more persecution . of course , banks can only take netting agreements into account in risk assessment if these agreements are enforceable in law . the wine market needs a strong budget in the first pillar in order to strengthen the measures directly for the vine-growers , who will be called on to improve quality and to monitor their production , and also to strengthen the policy of promoting all wines , inside and outside Europe , thus boosting their commercial distribution on the markets . the reason is that , in a large number of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe , the economy , media and politics are still in the hands today of those who systematically ruined this region over the last 40 years . that too is immensely important . the previous debate , regarding the framework agreement on data protection , was another illustration of this . I consider the practice to be discriminatory against these women and girls . indeed , we have many aspirations for the second pillar : on territorial balance , environmental issues , young farmers , small farms , local markets and rural development . in many European countries - for example Italy , France , the Scandinavian countries and also my own country - smoking was banished from the shop floor and from restaurants long ago ; and a good thing , too . just 5 of the 22 members of this research council are women . the issue of non-discrimination ... I should like to thank , here in this House , everyone who implemented the changes and carried out the assessment programme in recent months . in writing . - First of all , I would like to congratulate our rapporteur , Mrs Patrizia Toia , for the quality of the report she presents today . the European Union ' s farmers should be able to spend more time in the field again , rather than behind a desk . we also need to put our international service into action immediately , and establish a delegation in Southern Sudan . these enquiries often relate to the recognition of professional qualifications . I shall conclude by drawing attention to Article 1 ( 2 ) of the proposal , in which the time limits of notification are discussed . the directive does not establish detention as the rule . Mr President , the European Union prefers to import yet more migrant labour rather than try to deal with the problem of those Europeans already unemployed in Member States . that is even more of an anomaly given that Brazil is the major regional power in South America . in this respect , it is important for the European Union to promote the creation of mechanisms at Human Rights Council level specifically designed to respond to crises such as those , if we take current examples , in Afghanistan , Guinea Conakry , Iran , Yemen or Iraq . I would like to draw attention to just one aspect of these negotiations , one that we were unaware of four years ago . but NATO is threatened by the savage cuts being imposed on European armed forces . this is not to mention the supply chain , where large numbers of jobs will also be lost . Commissioner , I am relying on the pragmatic man that you are to turn this Single Market Act into something more than a catalogue of good intentions . the house arrest that Mrs Liu Xia and many human rights activists in China have been under since 8 October worries us as much as it disappoints us , and we condemn it . greater energy efficiency and the widespread use of renewables are the key to leaving the economic crisis behind . this is why I hope that urgent measures will be taken on approving this package during the period ahead . that brings me to the third question : what about the price of the communications ? when the crisis erupted , and particularly when the crisis worsened in 2008 , this investment came to a halt , and left these economies in need of funding in order to finance their growth , which they were unable to substitute using their savings and internal resources . the total size of the three shipyards in Poland - Gdynia , Gdańsk and Szczecin - is comparable to the size of the German shipyards prior to their restructuring , and the aid already granted to the Polish shipyards in the period 2002-2008 is also comparable to the aid granted by Germany to its shipyards - around EUR 3 billion . we are calling on the Commission to provide factual evidence that the collection , storage and processing of PNR data is necessary for each of the stated purposes and to carry out an adequate investigation into possible alternatives . however , as much as I would like to see Turkey joining the EU in the near future , the progress report unfortunately indicates something quite the opposite . in this situation , the EU and Member States must adopt measures to ensure the sustainability of their pension systems . the decision was taken that for the first list , no , but we will look at it again this week . the government is primarily responsible for the provision of the necessary material and technical conditions at these homes amd for the support of the children . Moldova ' s development has so far been negatively influenced by its internal political instability . I also want to highlight countries such as Egypt and Libya in terms of gas supplies . if all the Member States were a little more aware of this , we would have made more progress with our existing regulations . furthermore , we would have preferred to wait for the decision of the Court of Justice , which we are expecting on 8 March . in writing . - UKIP voted in favour of this report because EUR 4.9 billion of unspent appropriations will be returned to the national governments . we would mention the problematic issue of exchanging personal passenger data between the EU and the US , and therefore the relationship between international security and the privacy of citizens . this position is based solely on the blindness and partisanship of the most prominent politicians , and it undermines and subverts what actually happened in Copenhagen . finally , the setting-up of an EU implementation task force comprising members of the European Commission , the presidency and the Council . the debate is closed . it also means taking a more hard-headed approach to modern trade barriers , and especially non-tariff barriers which operate not at the border , but behind the border . it introduces greater personal responsibility for the proper handling of animals , and also introduces a requirement to appoint a special officer responsible for animal protection in facilities which carry out slaughter . obviously , we will also have to draw on the upcoming United Nations and World Bank meetings , in order to develop and deepen activities aimed at boosting food production in the affected developing countries . it is not acceptable that the Law be used to persecute religious minorities and sentence dozens of people to death every year . but we must not lose sight of the fact either that a third , and arguably even more , of the members of today ' s European Union came into their own as independent political entities out of the ruins of the First World War . therefore , it seems important to me for the Solidarity Fund and the measures that we are taking to be targeted at these long-term consequences of natural destruction . it is the only language they understand . he will probably have to spend quite some time in negotiating with representatives of both the parties but I think it is important that he has our support as well as the support of the other American states for these particular efforts . it is a large region , with a high population , which is promising and must be helped towards economic growth . ( sustained applause ) the next item is the statements from the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and from the Commission on the role of the European Union in the Middle East . that is a brief outline of the goals of this proposal , for which Mr Stockmann is the rapporteur . if we want to change our consumption behaviour , we need to know exactly which products produce high levels of greenhouse gases and we may have to adapt our consumption patterns accordingly . again , it is necessary to consider future policy in this area . however , the Council ' s lack of availability has meant that the European Firearms Pass will not be the only document required for the carriage of firearms , and in my opinion this is a missed opportunity . we had come to the conclusion that these measures were appropriate but also sufficient to address the issues that currently are being discussed . in doing so the Commission takes into account the specificity of sport . the European Council will also review the progress on the preparation of the plans for capacity development to manage migration flows and refugee flows . this is not an isolated incident , but rather the culmination of persecutions of and attacks on Christians in majority Muslim countries . Europeana , by combining the resources of Europe ' s national digital libraries , has become a digital access point to the cultural and scientific heritage of humanity . pressure needs to be exerted to make Turkey keep its promises and honour its commitments , especially the Ankara Protocol on the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus , whose rights under international law it is challenging . in the WTO we should be endeavouring to ensure that third countries too comply with our high standards of animal health and welfare . 10 October also marks the day when the King of Portugal mandated Bartolomeu Dias to seek a trade route leading to Asia , and in the United States Columbus ' s discovery of the New World is celebrated today . we have to examine the reasons and the drive that bring these people into Europe . of course clean production can bring in a lot of profit and employment and it is also good that this way we shall end our reliance on oil and enter the world of sustainable energy . unfortunately we cannot hope that the President-in-Office of the Council will take advantage of this debate and this discussion to help advance the position of the European Union . the single market review will gear up the single market as a strong , innovative and competitive market , bringing direct benefits to consumers and entrepreneurs and positioning Europe to shape globalisation to best effect . although we integrate them and they learn our languages , they are still there with their own separate identities . the GMO issue should be the subject of a debate in its own right , which the European bodies refuse to conduct . I start from the belief that alcohol can be good for you in regular and limited quantities , particularly at the years of discretion which you and I have reached . furthermore , Zimbabwe must scrupulously adhere to the commitments it made on diamond production in the context of the Kimberley Process , so as to escape the vicious circle of financing armed conflict . the most important element of the compromise reached relates to the effective separation - and I stress the word ' effective ' - of production and supply activities , on the one hand , from network operations , on the other . the removal of the anthem and the flag from the Treaty - the background to which I of course am fully aware of - is and remains an essentially barbaric act against European unity , for which those who called for this step ultimately bear responsibility . there are many areas where the EU seeks competence but has no legal basis , and that has been the subject of much criticism and scrutiny over the years , but are you not concerned that , with the ' passerelle clause ' , the EU can gain new competences without the need to consult national parliaments ? I welcome the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure on account of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . this means that the principle of equal treatment must apply to everyone without restrictions , in the case of employees ' rights , access to education and access to social security systems . I particularly welcome the fact that you have succeeded in including information on geographical origin - such as champagne , Scotch whisky , Parma ham , etc . - I would like to congratulate you on this . I therefore hope that we will all roll up our sleeves and start to actually do something very soon . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the unprecedented humanitarian disaster in Haiti affects us deeply and the European Union has a duty to contribute as best it can to the efforts by the international community , using all the tools at its disposal . in many cases , there is a reason for separate treatment or positive discrimination if you like , in order to eliminate disadvantages . the European Union cannot continue to stand idly by in this situation . recreational walking and cycling is also growing in importance . we have done this . this is probably not the most appropriate point in history to issue regulations of this complexity . I have no doubt that we will be able to use this infinite power for the good of everyone , both Europeans and Americans , and that side by side we will follow the star of a tomorrow of greater justice and freedom . secondly , with regard to the upcoming presidential elections , the European Union needs to make all its election observation experience available to Honduras and should prepare to send an EU election observation mission . I think this language speaks for itself . the debate is closed . we will complete our first reading before the summer . rather , the principle of subsidiarity should be extended to allow minorities to make decisions with regard to their own affairs . Andrew has been in prison in Greece for six months awaiting trial on a manslaughter charge which seems to be based on mistaken identity and , I am afraid to say , police brutality to witnesses , and I believe the European Arrest Warrant has been misused . we need to help that country to remain what it has always been : one of the oldest democracies in the world . but it must also be said that we cannot ignore the fact that the budgetary deterioration in 2009 was largely due to the working of the automatic stabilisers in the face of an unprecedented decline in economic activity caused by a financial crisis not originating in Europe . a comprehensive economic crisis management package has also been prepared . fishing is the only viable economic activity in many regions and is important in terms of maintaining the number of jobs . we cannot rule out the possibility of more sexual violence being committed by all sides in the conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East . the creation of facts on the ground undermines the chances for a negotiated settlement of the conflict . the fact is , when we create policy , our duty is to be courageous and responsible , and to tell the truth . the debate is closed . dealers ' obligations should be confined to specific checks . I agree that effective enforcement of maintenance obligations will improve the living conditions and education of many children who are first-line maintenance creditors . this can only be achieved by sufficient levels of investment in each Member State . today ' s debate has shown that we have broad cross-party support for the compromise we have negotiated here . I would endorse the sentiments of Poul Rasmussen that we have not yet done enough . thank you very much to Mr Coelho , Mr Tavares and Mr Alvaro for your work on these two very important dossiers . as it has been said , we began negotiations in October 2008 , during the French Presidency . it is much warmer . small and medium-sized enterprises , together with entrepreneurs , play a significant role in all our economies and are key generators of employment and income and drivers of innovation and growth . the oral question to the Commission on implementation of the EU strategy for the Danube region by Silvia-Adriana Ţicău , Constanze Angela Krehl , Hannes Swoboda , Adrian Severin , Ivailo Kalfin , Karin Kadenbach , Olga Sehnalová , Rovana Plumb , Csaba Sándor Tabajdi , Evgeni Kirilov , Katarína Neveďalová , Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă , Daciana Octavia Sârbu , Ioan Mircea Paşcu , George Sabin Cutaş , Britta Thomsen , Corina Creţu , Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu , Ioan Enciu , Cătălin Sorin Ivan , Mario Pirillo , Kinga Göncz , Marc Tarabella , Françoise Castex , Victor Boştinaru , Inés Ayala Sender , Bogusław Liberadzki , Jo Leinen , Michael Cashman , Brian Simpson , Saïd El Khadraoui , Thijs Berman , Eider Gardiazábal Rubial , Ismail Ertug , Edit Herczog , on behalf of the S & D Group ; Michael Theurer , Vladko Todorov Panayotov , Renate Weber , Sophia in ' t Veld , Jan Mulder , Gesine Meissner , Jorgo Chatzimarkakis , Catherine Bearder , Viktor Uspaskich , Wolf Klinz , Nadja Hirsch , Cristian Silviu Buşoi , Giommaria Uggias , Ramona Nicole Mănescu , Adina-Ioana Vălean , Hannu Takkula , Jürgen Creutzmann , Alexander Alvaro , Holger Krahmer , on behalf of the ALDE Group ; Reinhard Bütikofer , Michael Cramer , Eva Lichtenberger , Barbara Lochbihler , Heide Rühle , Elisabeth Schroedter , Isabelle Durant , on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group ; Peter van Dalen , Oldřich Vlasák , on behalf of the ECR Group - B7-0013 / 2011 ) ; a couple of procedures aimed at combating distortion of competition and price fixing will not be enough to resolve this problem . the European Union Solidarity Fund is being mobilised to repair the damage caused by the floods in Ireland in 2009 ( to the agricultural sector , housing , businesses , the road network and other infrastructure ) . on the other hand , the model in the West has given rise to diseases such as obesity , various types of cancer and diabetes : diseases which we estimate will be responsible for 72 % of deaths by 2020 . some countries have closed their borders for exports of agricultural commodities and this has also contributed . people do not come to Spain , Malta or Italy : they come to Europe . in particular , it is the employer ' s duty to introduce these measures , and it is the worker ' s duty to comply with them . why a closer relationship with Brazil ? on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , the atrocious fighting in the east of the Congo is not simply a case of a civil war , it is also a regional conflict involving many neighbouring countries . most of my colleagues agreed with everything in the report , as can be seen from the fact that not too many amendments were introduced . finally , I should like to remind the House that the provisions of the Citizens ' Initiative did not fall from the sky . does he envisage any possibility that the mission might end next March ? this situation is even more severe in domestic work and work carried out by female migrant workers . Article l of the Convention states that each Party to the Convention shall guarantee the rights of access to information and public participation in decision-making . the same applies , of course , to adverts about men . this law states that not only is sign language our mother tongue , but that our cultural minority rights are protected by it . on a few of the specific concerns that have been raised , the question of Kaesong raises complex technical and political questions . that MEP happened to be me . therefore , much work needs to be done in order to further simplify the rules . I believe that a coherent response should increase the sector ' s capacity for structural adjustment and , at the same time , help its most vulnerable members , particularly small and medium-sized producers . it is absolutely crucial that a signal be sent from this debate today that we are making improvements not because we want to play off one population group against the other but because we want the relations between Slovaks and Hungarians within Slovakia , and of course , also between the two countries , to improve . ( PT ) Mr President , I have of course noted the observations and comments made by Mrs Figueiredo but I have nothing further to add to my previous answer . there are also issues that required more immediate reactions , such as reducing the risk of humanitarian crisis and the negative impact . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , we know that the Commission and the Spanish Presidency are very much stepping up the pace of negotiations with certain Central and South American countries in order to conclude association agreements before the May summit between the European Union and Latin America . the Commissioner is aware of Parliament ' s interest in national champions : the ' level playing field ' . it must also quickly find a solution in order to normalise relations between the European Union and Cuba . ( NL ) Mr President , we are having this debate today because citizens and governments are worried about the construction of this pipeline . indeed , the EU ' s involvement in this process may provide the support needed for this dialogue to be carried out in ideal conditions . the renewed proceedings were opened on 31 March 2010 and suspended the same day because of Mrs Hankiss ' s parliamentary immunity . although I am very much in favour of this partnership , which must be a strategic partnership , I am very surprised by the pressure that Russia is now exerting , in particular , in Ukraine . this would erode the fiscal sovereignty and general sovereignty of the Member States . understanding the market dynamics and equipping regulators with instruments plus information / data is vital . the presence of such important and skilled individuals in the region already provides ample illustration of the ability of Taiwanese people to integrate into our society . it provides a framework of debate , open dialogue and free exchange of views . I was very pleased to hear the Commissioner ' s comment with regard to generic drugs that there will be no danger of a negative effect on the patients . as the number of beekeepers is constantly falling , we also need to invest more in education and training . to attain these goals , we believe it is essential for education and vocational training to continue to be treated as a long-term common political priority , which can be translated into reality only with the participation and commitment of all stakeholders , the EU institutions and those involved at local and regional level . to underscore this need , the Commission published Recommendation No 207 / 425 / EC of 13 July 2007 , identifying a set of actions for the enforcement of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 338 / 97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein . we can do so in the General Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and we shall be able to do so with the specific regulation on vehicles . however , there needs to be further progress along these lines . last week , Quartet envoys met in Brussels , under the chairmanship of Helga Schmid , the Political Director and Deputy Secretary-General of the EAS , with , for the first time , the Palestinian negotiators . documents received : see Minutes this multilingual portal should be designed to help citizens and businesses seeking legal assistance and initial legal advice about cross-border legal problems . while , as the Presidency has said , the evolution of Iran ' s politics and policies are chiefly a matter for the citizens of Iran , there can be no doubt of the broader significance , and it is right that we should follow these developments closely . does this mean that the Commission is more or less giving up on precarious employment relations ? Mr President , my dear Mr Pöttering , ladies and gentlemen , this Parliament is the voice of 500 million Europeans and they are not sufficiently aware of this . however , we should bear in mind some misgivings among countries affected by the cohesion policy , which are looking for some certainty about the policy and do not yet know exactly how reducing this period will affect this predictability in obtaining Structural Funds . no indulgence can be tolerated in this area . we must learn from our experience with Bulgaria and Romania . in view of this , I believe that it is crucial to strengthen the parliamentary dimension of cooperation work , recognising that the establishment of the African Union and the growing power of the JPA are , without doubt , a challenge to ACP-EU cooperation and , consequently , to the ACP-EU JPA . Community-financed education programmes such as e-learning or life-long learning must also be designed with ' dys ' people in mind . I very much welcome this resolution , which includes , as do many of the resolutions that we pass in this House , lots of very sensible , clever and well set out words . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , Mr President-in-Office of the Council , we on the INTA Committee requested this debate because we are very concerned as we see that we are concluding more and more agreements of different kinds which affect all our work in the external economic sector and which also , of course , always have a foreign policy component . bearing in mind that the three regulations on radiation amended by the report in question were adopted in the wake of Chernobyl about 20 years ago , I consider that the Belet report , as it now stands after the vote , is a first attempt to improve the approach to and update the problem of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs and the soil . it has been noted that currently major differences exist between individual countries and different social groups regarding access to healthcare . two further draft resolutions pertain to Regulation ( EC ) No 883 / 2004 and its annexes . during the crisis of the past few months , the authorisation of the State aid justified by recent events has been fundamental for the recovery of the economy . I hope that the Commission will soon present us with a legislative text that enables the cross-border credit market to continue to function . the results of the elections in Belarus speak for themselves . in the resolution , it is taken for granted that the elections that brought victory to President Ahmadinejad were fraudulent . we are entitled to disagree , and we will defend that right , although some continually question the simple fact that voters in Europe have elected European Conservatives and Reformists , and I promise that they will elect still more of them . the next item is the debate on at Mr Sterckx ' s instigation a majority of the House has markedly shifted the emphasis elsewhere . last summer , in response to Iceland ' s intransigent stance on this matter , we were told that the Commission was considering suspending negotiations about Iceland ' s accession to the EU , yet little seems to have happened on this front . we also reviewed the status of the Structural Funds where , unfortunately , there is a low level of use of resources in some countries . now we need some kind of common approach , for which the Commission is very happy to provide proposals . in writing . - ( DE ) The planned measures do not provide for obligatory participation by the banks . the consumer needs to be sure that revenue obtained from security fees is used exclusively for covering security expenses . first and foremost , the danger - it is not the intention , but there is a danger - of agreeing such a framework is that it is seen as providing a framework for large-scale exploitation of our forests , leading to the opposite of the purpose of the agreement , namely , further degradation and further deforestation , thus contributing to the very destruction of the global environment we are trying to avoid . it is hard to believe that we have not had the same thing for medicines . we will be monitoring very closely how the new government , still to be formed , will take reforms forward . the follow-up measures must be undertaken by various entities of the public sector ( for example , municipalities ) and civil society , as well as NGOs , charities , schools and social services ; it is essential to promote cooperation between entities . let us be clear : the suggestion of a 5 % increase is completely unacceptable and the idea of so-called own resources is equally unacceptable - it is just a power-grab by the EU . some of you mentioned the situation of the Roma families in the Trebca mines . - ( DE ) Madam President , may I take this opportunity not only to explain that I voted in favour , but also to raise an issue which is of great concern to me , namely the problem of taxation of aviation fuel . the actions identified in the plan are very important for improving the guarantees of European citizens in respect of the law , but it is necessary to adopt a more strategic and less fragmentary approach based on the real needs of citizens and enterprises in the exercising of their rights . based on the considerations mentioned , I support the motion for a resolution tabled by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) as an alternative to the current option put forward in the report so that we can help create a valuable portal , which is relevant in terms of the information the public will find there . history demands it of us . Mr President , the macro-regional strategies are , first and foremost , a political instrument representing one of the possible forms of regional cooperation . this framework provides good protection for consumers , promotes their rights and also provides security for investors . however , Egypt and Tunisia need support now , this very year , and on a scale way beyond what is being discussed at the moment . Romania has made major financial and human efforts . she has repeated that today and I , for one , am delighted to hear her words . are you sure about that ? the Council and the Commission will look into these issues very carefully , and I am prepared to report any further developments to you . open trade has to be fair . raising this threshold would mean a substantial reduction in the funds . ( SK ) I would like to begin by applauding the work of the rapporteur , Mr Kirilov . it is good to see Commissioner Andor here this morning , but it is a pity , in a way , that Commissioner Špidla is not here . first , it clarifies and reaffirms the common principles of all EU health systems : universality , equity , access to good-quality health care , and solidarity . it will create new markets and enable Europe to become a global competitor in the field of technology . I also believe that it is because of the complex nature of the matter and its dynamic developments . a less restrictive exchange of experiences between oncology centres is needed so that the knowledge gained most recently on the subject can be applied extensively . farmers , both arable and livestock , are now ' anonymous ' persons for consumers . there are major challenges involved in regulating the import of fishery and aquaculture products into the EU . the second point I want to mention is the need for society in Croatia to build on tolerance . in fact , Israel has not stopped the movement of such goods as food , electricity or water into Gaza and is actually acting with restraint and moderation , even though Hamas has been attacking Israel militarily . the Second European Roma Summit represents a commitment to dialogue about cultural diversity and what that represents in terms of human wealth . this is something we all wish for , especially we Greeks , because Greek shipping is being hard hit by piracy in the area . I say ' no ' to exemptions for certain special countries , because these are European problems that we should solve together . Madam President , Minister , Commissioner , the start of negotiations for what will become the new Kyoto Agreement in Bali in December is , of course , extremely important . which Community initiatives could be used for this purpose ? 2009 discharge : Community Fisheries Control Agency ( this militant xenophilia and anti-patriotism are very wearing . at the same time , it should be stressed that effective action must rely on those instruments that are most suitable to address each issue . voting time finally , in a year in which elections for the European Parliament will be held , we are urged and called on to strengthen EU propaganda and the mystification of its policies . ( EL ) Madam President , according to recent statements by officials and articles in the press , it would appear that the most likely ' rescue ' scenario for the Greek economy will be a joint effort between the Member States of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund . a common decision on this matter is right as the Baltic gas pipeline will have a negative environmental impact on the Baltic . I would therefore like to congratulate the rapporteur on the result that has just been achieved due to an effort at finding a compromise between all the groups in an ambitious and encouraging report . the argument that only the new Member States of the European Union have been especially severely affected by the crisis is not true . the Member States have until May 2011 to transpose these provisions into national law . a majority in this House decided that the European Union must pump a substantial amount of money into its automotive industry . it would be unacceptable for the efforts of the most ambitious countries to be compromised by carbon leakage resulting quite simply from the non-existent or insufficient action of some . it views the national insurance and pension system as a system of occupational rather than social insurance . in principle , we therefore agree with reducing this inconvenience for passengers while , at the same time , maintaining a high level of checks and security . ( ES ) Madam President , President-in-Office of the Council , President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , I offer the Czech Presidency the same friendly welcome that I gave in 1991 when , as President of the European Parliament , I addressed the Senate of the then Czechoslovakia to invite them to join us . reforming the regulations must be instrumental in guaranteeing greater transparency in the eyes of European citizens and taxpayers , as well as in helping set out feasible conditions for Member States . credit is also given to Commissioner Kallas for the definite improvement which can be noted over the last few years in terms of the European Commission ' s financial management activities . it would not be appropriate if Parliament waded into the discussion like a bull in a china shop . offering airlines State aid in compensation for the losses has a precedent in the bail out offered to American Airlines after 9 / 11 . it is also not acceptable for us to tinker with the Progress programme to such an extent that could really jeopardise it . to invite Mugabe to Lisbon is an affront to our principles and is a direct contradiction of the EU ' s own stated positions . we want to see a strong Israel - economically , politically , all of those things - as we wish to see a strong Palestinian state , but we cannot make progress until we see progress in the Middle East peace process . this House is always making rhetorical declarations on human rights and emphasising that human rights are the most important objective of foreign policy - yet now it is going to sign an agreement with a country that violates these very human rights on a massive scale . however , this directive is a directive , not a symbolic resolution in which something like that can be stated . Government legislation has severely curtailed the freedoms of expression , assembly , movement and association . I would really like to endorse the MEPs and , at the same time , express my concern that particularly at the time of the crisis , various allowances to both MEPs and employees in their teams are being increased . I agree with the resolution ' s call for the Member States and the regions to use the Structural Funds intended for the period 2007 to 2013 , in order to ensure as much support as possible for the implementation of this strategy , particularly by promoting the creation of new jobs and economic growth in the areas worst affected by the economic crisis . we are talking about a sensitive area and a topic that concerns the protection of minorities , which is why I ask my fellow Members to approve this proposal . given that , under EU legislation , all animals are regarded as sentient beings , we must tighten animal welfare checks and adhere to animal protection standards . the alcohol industry must act as a matter of urgency . at the start , however there was no debate to be had . this is why we must work alongside countries of origin and transit towards true mobility for a workforce with rights and obligations , not a workforce of slaves . such a strategy will promote economic and social cohesion in those regions and promote territorial cohesion without jeopardising any of them . if we find that many municipalities are now including fair trade as an important criterion in public procurement decisions - whether when buying coffee or for other products - then I think it is important to bolster this . common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations ( recast ) ( I look forward to more work . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes it is an unfair attack on the way Parliament operates , and especially the way proceedings are conducted in Strasburg . we simply cannot accept the continuing scandal of 80 million people at risk of poverty in the European Union . such a strategy testifies to a lack of understanding of the need to have a coherent fuel and energy policy which prefers economic effectiveness and competitiveness . it also testifies to the lack of a unified energy policy guaranteeing security of energy supply and a lack of regulations based on uniform criteria for the entire common market , which would lead to fair competition while retaining minimum social costs . first of all , it was of crucial importance to the whole of your region , to the Caucasus , both the southern Caucasus and the northern Caucasus . as a result , concern was rising about the widening gap between Chinese and European public opinions and perceptions of each other . we do want to resolve this matter , but , as you know , the Non-attached Group did not propose a candidate , and this is why it is not involved in some work . Madam President , Commissioner , Mr López Garrido , I think this is an important day . the first is the high-level meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations on climate change , which actually took place in New York on 24 September . I would also like to say specifically on behalf of my Italian fellow Members that the debate taking place in Italy is an Italian and not a European debate and that , like us , my fellow Members will defend diversity and plurality . then we would be stronger and in a better position to help others . I believe , however , that he has learnt from his mistakes and that , in future , he will make great efforts both for Europe as a whole and for the small countries . even if some workers do know their rights , all too often they find it impossible to take action individually without any back-up . why ? what we have to face now is the difficulties on the financial markets . a point that has been missed in this debate , as Mr Landsbergis has just reminded us and as Mr van Dalen reminded us earlier , is that this is a proposal . in the crisis too , it was not just the Presidency alone that assumed its responsibilities , it was all those large countries that assumed theirs . here the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development has called for an increase from EUR 16.11 to EUR 18.11 per 100 kg . does that mean that we should give up on negotiating ? the rapporteurs have put forward a proposal that is very interesting and certainly must have required a great deal of work , both analytical and conceptual . written explanations of vote the truth - as many economists have stressed and continue to do so - is that it would be difficult to sustain the sort of public debt levels that we see in the United States , and that it is the countries with the most debt that are the largest consumers , whereas those with larger reserves consume the least . nevertheless , very many people around the world are still dying of tuberculosis today , particularly the young and the poor . Mr President , I have the honour to be the European Parliament ' s Vice-President responsible for democracy and human rights . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , there is an alarming trend in today ' s Latin America to consolidate populist regimes by extending the mandate of current presidents - preferably for eternity . I am also convinced that , ultimately , the Member States will benefit from this , but so will the asylum seekers , who will have the chance , in future , to receive a ruling directly at the first instance in a fair and nevertheless rapid application procedure if this is implemented in the way that we envisage it . some of the national horse trading you engaged in made it look like comedy descending into farce : deciding that Austrian universities can break the law for another five years while the policemen look the other way , or creating two classes of European citizen : those with fundamental rights and those without . since their accession to the EU , in 2007 , both Bulgaria and Romania have had a legitimate expectation that their citizens would become fully fledged EU citizens and that they would be able to enjoy the same rights as other EU citizens , including freedom of movement within the Schengen area . that is a job we need to do and he should take the first steps , together with the Slovenian Presidency , at the end of this week . with regard to access to finance , which is the subject of Mr Zwiefka ' s question , the Commission , together with the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) , has announced specific measures to improve the situation . these catastrophic floods have affected around 500 000 people in various ways and have caused hundreds of millions of euro of damage . however , this unequal and discriminatory approach is also apparent in other areas and particularly in agriculture . the instruments that have been developed , such as the partnership for mobility , should continue to be developed and consolidated in a strategic way . Mr President , it is somewhat paradoxical that nuclear weapons contributed significantly to the fact that the Cold War did not end in the Third World War . why have we begun these performance tests for each service to see the positive or negative interactions between certain European texts ? a legitimate government is required which will respect rights and fundamental freedoms , in other words , show respect for human beings . human Rights violations in China , notably the case of Liu Xiaobo for the past few weeks , he has encouraged his Ministers to talk up prospects of an election in the UK and then , when the political going got rough , he backed down . naturally , such a document cannot be credible , because it actually concerns a dispute between the two countries which will have to be resolved elsewhere . Mrs Descamps has prepared a well-balanced report . I believe it deserves our support . in the light of this , would you now agree that the economic recovery plan agreed last December was not enough in itself ? I believe that something similar happened to the Barcelona Process : it was not finished , but it was abandoned - in part at least . I should like to express my firm belief that the crisis calls for a reform of the European institutions . we now need the action . the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat is best placed to act as a catalyst and bring together states , international and financial institutions and private companies to work on such economic projects . I voted in support of his recommendations , because I have had literally hundreds of constituents from across the East Midlands , from Nottingham to Daventry , Glossop to Lincoln , who have been caught out by one of the directories that he is trying to get rid of : the European City Guide . the adoption of the climate package also marks a shift to a new economic thinking that will reduce the European Union ' s dependence on imported energy and the economic and political risks linked to uncertainty of supply . they open up a new path for the creation of a single European law without the involvement of the Member States ( through interpretation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Court of Justice ) . you have been quite clear , so there has been no doubt about what is at stake - no doubt about what every party in this House thinks on this question . I would also like to thank the Commission , the Committee on Regional Development and all the relevant employees for their cooperation . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I would first of all like to get back to the main topic of this debate , Frontex , and clarify a few points . there is a great deal more to do . there are still numerous disparities between men and women in terms of potential jobs , quality of work , income and remuneration . it enables people , as part of a non-contractual relationship , to entrust a recognised authority with the task of certifying the commitments it wishes to make and of dealing with the full consequences of this in advance by making this act enforceable . instead , it will take the money of the British taxpayer to cover the cost of making our decisions on our behalf . that is the type of society that I want to live in and work to enable us to have . in the course of several days of carnage following the fall of Srebrenica , more than 8 000 men and boys lost their lives . first , the urgent issues : we recently debated the results of the European Council . rapporteur . - Mr President , the potential for carbon capture and storage technology to achieve vast reductions and abatement in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere is something we simply must grasp . we are all aware of what the effects of the crisis are in each of our countries , ranging from a fall in economic growth and job prospects to a rise in the budget deficit and recession . I therefore invite Parliament to support the amending budget already approved by the Council . in fact , quite the opposite is the case . I have already mentioned the Eastern Partnership . gambling addiction leads to serious social problems , such as broken homes , money problems and crime . beyond the above-mentioned aims , I am convinced that we will not succeed if we try to protect children exclusively by trying to shut out pornographic or illegal content from their surroundings . MONUC plays a vital role , but its mandate and rules of engagement must be implemented with determination and on a permanent basis in order to guarantee the population ' s security more effectively . for eight years now we have known that Kosovan independence must come sooner or later . so we have suggested three approaches : restoring confidence , reducing burdens and , finally , placing our internal market policy in an international context . while ensuring stability in the region , the Communication meets the needs of applicant States which are seeking both a Euro-Atlantic anchoring and a framework of enhanced cooperation . this is a matter of our credibility , something we are going to need badly in our fight against climate change . in terms of environmental standards , the Trade Committee has highlighted in many of its recent reports - for example the Lipietz report on climate change or my own report on Korea - that international trade should facilitate the diffusion of environmentally-friendly technologies , and I again acknowledge the fact that Commissioner Mandelson has on many occasions shown his commitment to reducing tariffs on environmentally-friendly technologies , and I hope the Commissioner can therefore take on board the rapporteur ' s suggestion to agree to this being part of the ASEAN negotiations . so I support all my colleagues who have called - and I call myself - for a new impetus to a peaceful solution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict , which , of course , must be based on the two-state solution . I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the progress made by Croatia , which confirms the efforts made by the latter with regard to its forthcoming accession to the European Union . the pharmaceutical industry ' s goal will never be one of philanthropy . nevertheless , in the rural world , not only do they carry the work inside and outside the home , but at the same time they also care for dependents and , on top of this , these women do this under much worse conditions than in the urban world . through its participation in the International Contact Group on Guinea , the Commission approved the conclusions reached at the meeting on 12 October , envisaging the adoption of various measures supporting the observance of human rights . the primary objective of the Cotonou Agreement is the reduction and , eventually , the eradication of poverty in a way consistent with the objectives of sustainable development and the gradual integration of the ACP countries into the world economy . as you all know , the 19 December elections in Belarus were followed by a wave of arrests . Article 14 is a bulwark that we can rely on to prevent the transfer to third countries , without our consent , of personal data we have transmitted to another Member State . the development of information and communication technologies is currently imposing greater demands upon the teaching profession since the educational environment is becoming more and more complex and varied . indeed , we are not talking about halting oil exploration as a whole , but simply about monitoring the situation and determining what further measures should be taken to prevent an accident and disaster like that in the Gulf of Mexico from being repeated . soon , it will be the polluter who pays . we called for President Musharraf on that day to end the state of emergency , to reinstate the constitution , to reinstate the Supreme Court and move towards free and fair elections . this chiefly concerns high-risk substances . if the interim agreement is adopted before 1 December and the legal basis is changed , it will avoid a security gap and a serious blow to European Union-United States relations in this area . ( PL ) Mr President , this gas crisis shows how important it is for the European Union to speak in one voice on the matter of gas supplies , particularly gas supplies from Russia , which is not a reliable partner and supplier . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , this own-initiative report is important because the situation of women in prison needs to be put under the spotlight at last and problems identified . Mr Djinnit of the United Nations calls it ' a reversal situation ' and both are saying that today we have to be creative . would you be kind enough to explain what guarantees we have that the resources we will receive from this agreement will be used for the benefit of the people of Western Sahara , and not just for meeting the needs of European fishermen . reaching an agreement on aspects such as policies for forest protection , technology transfer to developing countries and funding is vital . an overwhelming majority of Members in this House agree with the humanitarian NGOs on the ground , with the refugees in the region who are living in miserable conditions and in a climate of permanent fear , and with the Secretary-General of the United Nations . however , the workers ' struggle that is continuing and intensifying across Europe demonstrates that this backtracking of civilisation is not inevitable , and that another way is possible and necessary . the situation is different , however , in the countries of the Western Balkans , which have had a clear prospect of accession for some time . in Alsace , and in all border regions , the question of cross-border healthcare is crucial , when , for example , healthcare provided abroad is closer to home than that provided in the Member State of residence . animal health conditions on intra-Community trade in and imports of poultry and eggs ( codified version ) ( in June 2007 we should have been hearing even more alarm bells ringing , at least when two hedge funds managed by the New York investment bank Bear Stearns went astray because they were involved on a grand scale in bonds secured by real estate . I suppose that on this issue of the discharge of the Council , the points of controversy between us and the Council are of such a sensitive nature that it makes sense to hold further talks . I am glad , ladies and gentlemen , that today I have something positive to report , a success story , a story that demonstrates how the cooperation between the European Commission , the European Parliament and the Member States can ensure the resolution of problems . let me thank all those who worked so hard to make this agreement possible , especially the rapporteur of the lead committee , Ms Matias , as well as the rapporteurs of the committees giving opinions , Ms Sartori and Ms Bastos . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , let me start by making it clear that the distribution of food to deprived people is , for me , not at issue in the forthcoming vote on the report by Mr Siekierski , particularly in these difficult economic times . I strongly believe that we , the EU , should benefit from the potential of the Black Sea region and not others . we can now to some extent take the wind out of the sails of the euro sceptics by saying that the accounts have been approved for the first time . we are supporting - and the Council ' s conclusions are very clear on that - the resolution of the Arab League of Sunday as far as the borders are concerned , and that was proved on Monday . I would advise the Commission to read the recommendations made in that report as well as the recommendations made in this report . we already have excellent police cooperation in Europe and we do not need CEPOL here . it is therefore imperative that something is done to improve our diagnosis , treatment and prevention and social research into the welfare of patients and their families , particularly families who act as carers . I understand the concerns about corruption and organised crime . there are , in fact , already some measures under way . let us give ourselves time and not do this during the crisis . our resolution rightfully raises the issue of the charges against the leaders of the political opposition , charges that look ever more selective in nature , and insists on a guarantee of the transparency of the investigations and of the judicial process . this means that , in many situations , GDP can increase while the majority of a country ' s citizens become poorer , because GDP does not take into consideration the level of inequality in a society . the next item is the Commission statement on Commission fines in antitrust cases . that cannot be right . ( FI ) I just wish to remind everyone that paragraph 48 in the motion for a resolution concerns Article 29 of the Statute for Members of the European Parliament . as I said before , however , we do not know who the Nobel prizewinners will be in five or ten years ' time . I voted against Mr Kirilov ' s report on Cohesion Policy : investing in the real economy . we hope that this will be operational by autumn 2009 . currently , it costs 10 times more to obtain a European patent that is valid in just half of the Member States than it does in the USA . I think it will be to Europe ' s shame next month if President Sarkozy and a line of EU Heads of Governments and Presidents and princes stand there and shake hands with the Chinese leaders , thereby giving them credibility when they do not deserve it and giving them the green light to carry on in the same vein as they have been doing . Parliament ' s role is quite significant , and I believe that we should have this function too . in this respect , especially in the field of science and technology , there is still a long way to go , because work has been done in other fields such as health , education , etc . , but there has not been a great deal of work done in the field of science and technology . this is a request that Parliament should be proud to support . therefore : ' delete the word " special " ' . together with the strengthening of national budgetary frameworks and rules , and the implementation of reforms curbing the rise in age-related expenditure , this will ensure that sustainable positions are restored . if a Member State ' s military force is found guilty of a war crime during an EU operation , is it possible to suspend that Member State from EU operations for a lengthy period in order to defend the good name and reputation of military forces from the EU Member States ? ( NL ) To my mind , the Oomen-Ruijten report is yet another missed opportunity to get down to business on the potential accession by Turkey to the European Union . Article 12 of Regulation ( EC ) 2004 / 2003 stipulates that the European Parliament shall publish by 15 February 2011 a report on the application of this regulation and the activities funded . work towards convergence as agreed in the IFRS can bring increasing benefits for companies working on an international basis . the EU financial support will alleviate the hardships Lithuanian workers are facing . that is where we will need an exchange of data and internal links between the police forces in the European Union . given the importance the Presidency attaches to road safety , it will examine any other proposals on these issues that the Commission may present shortly , provided the limited time available until the end of June allows it . I hope that Europe will take this problem seriously and deal forcefully with speculators . when opting for a career in science , women face a greater challenge than men do . you have to play the game of the European institutions . in this framework , I can give you some more precise answers on the Anglo Irish Bank restructuring plan presented by the Irish Government that will be considered by my services pending a decision . Mr President , I do not really share your enthusiasm about Frontex . finally , I request that the process be speeded up , because the terrorists are constantly revealing where our security is lacking - just as recently in the case of freight transport . I thank all those who have been involved in the work . Hangings in Iran ( vote ) we must also work alongside local non-governmental organisations . no . over and above the views of economists to the contrary and the numerous views of fellow Members in this Chamber , it must be made clear that Greece cannot leave the euro for legal reasons . today , Europe faces further pivotal decisions . the European Parliament has shown its commitment to this amendment by including in the compromise the key elements of Amendment 46 : defence of freedoms , right to a judgment and recourse to a court - the expression most in line with that of judicial authority - and has introduced two additional provisions for Internet users : the confirmation of the Internet ' s vital role in the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms , with specific reference made to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms . ( PT ) Madam President , four years before the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals , tuberculosis ends 2 million lives every year . EU parties already cost the taxpayers over EUR 10 million in the 2007 EU budget , and it looks as though the political foundations will get as much again in financial contributions . being rather persistent , I want to repeat that there are opportunities here for the EU to make specific investments to help people in developing countries , in Africa , Asia and Latin America . for years , there has been talk about the need to prepare the car industry for the 21st century , which ultimately did not happen . I was pleased to hear the Commissioner ' s response . we would like to see a major reduction in fishing vessels , and fishing quotas which are set on the basis of biologically safe and scientific grounds . I also hope that entrepreneurship , particularly as it concerns SMEs , will not just be the subject of our debates during the crisis . let us remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link . consequently , the Commission should allocate larger sums through the Fund for Rural Development to environmental protection projects in the European agricultural sector , with a clear aim of financing wilderness conservation activities . in writing . - In favour . I support the final compromise and congratulate Mr Lamassoure . this is a mistake and I want to be very clear on this . the current common agricultural policy ( CAP ) provides assistance to a delocalised and speculative industrial system of production , which benefits large agricultural operations and not small producers . in this regard , should such a similar incident - or just a grave deterioration - occur , the Council could take similar measures or even consider a suspension , and the Commission would certainly consider all available options , including suspension . we should do so most emphatically . we must treat them all equally . accordingly , alternative means should be introduced to enable the Central Bank to become independent . Parliament has always opposed the hierarchy of grounds for discrimination that has arisen . the Commission ' s reports on the ENP not only depict the real benefits of the policy of good neighbourliness , but also its challenges . it is now time , however , to move from declarations to actions , coinciding with the VI International Congress on Victims of Terrorism , due to be held in Salamanca on 11th , 12th and 13th of this month . Modesty in that you are absolutely not presumptuous in the role of President of the European Council , and ambition in that you say your role mainly consists in developing a long-term strategy and rolling that out over the coming years . I am talking here about greater and easier availability of information ; of course , this does not mean that groups would no longer be able to hold meetings behind closed doors . I voted in favour of the conclusion of this fisheries partnership agreement as I believe that it essentially serves the interests of both parties , on the one hand , by allowing the EU access to 4 000 tonnes of tuna per year , a fairly substantial quantity for the EU industry and market and , on the other , by providing the Solomon Islands with substantial financial resources to be partly channelled into the implementation of its own sectoral fisheries policy . I also support the ' polluter pays ' principle . in its conclusions , the Council encourages the Commission to continue its impact assessment with a view to preparing , if appropriate , an EU legislative proposal on biodegradable waste by 2010 . the next item is the vote . in writing . - ( NL ) This proposal is an attempt to take earlier decisions seriously through better controls , better information , secured parking places on motorways and the abolition from 23 March 2009 of exemptions for self-employed workers . I understand the call for an EU logo but , unless it means something to consumers and adds value for farmers , in my view , it is a pointless exercise . it will thus also help to create more and better jobs . as Members will know , falsified medicines are different from counterfeit products . nevertheless , this report emphasises that the region includes one of the Union ' s most vulnerable external borders in terms of illegal immigration . what is your proposal ? it needs our support and I believe that the information and technical facilities which it has not only help shipping and maritime transport in the Union , but can also help in the other sectors referred to a moment ago , especially as regards , for example , information which can also be evaluated and used by Frontex . I would point out that paragraph 22 relates to global governance and , in particular , to the composition of the G20 , which , unusually , does not include in its ranks any representatives from the least developed countries . I think that this is a discussion that we need to have . Madam President , this goes to the core of this whole European Union . ultimately , then , we are also dealing with the Kimberley Process itself . this report will thus allow initiatives to be proposed that will guarantee a European approach to the rules protecting minors when they cross external borders of the Member States . irrespective of how colleagues judge this issue , if we want to be good advisers , we must give FYROM friendly , flexible advice . last but not least , the European Union must invest in research and in the sustainable development of European industry . Europe ' s historical responsibility and opportunity also means assuming a pioneering role in this third industrial revolution . our package should be the proof of our leadership in the battle against global warming . if this statement is true , then it is likely that revenue and employment indicators for sport will be similar in the statistics for individual Member States . it is an EU that values democracy in its participatory aspects , not reducing it to the formal representational sphere . I call on you , in this trilogue , to finally live up to a promise you make in this debate about innovation in the motor industry . I would like to ask Commissioner Dimas : do you agree with Rajendra Pachauri that we should eat less meat ? responsibility cannot be delegated to industry ; responsibility for clear legislation lies with us ! despite this , I do think it is important for the European Union to seek the application of the International Labour Organisation ' s rules and agreements in international treaties with third countries , because it seems to me , as we learn more about the labour market and working conditions in Asia , Africa and other corners of the world , that we must strive to ensure that significant improvements are made in the status of workers in these regions and areas too . first of all , we need to cut off supply . as Mrs Pack and many others have said , however , both countries - Greece and Macedonia - have to make a move : and this within the next few days . if Mrs Lulling had done us the honour of staying with us , I could have told her that the question of civil liberties does indeed arise when we are talking about the exchange of sensitive data , but that , in my view , there is a major difference between the data that we can exchange between Member States of the European Union - in other words in the framework of the internal market , and in the service of the internal market - and the data that we exchange with other countries , even friendly countries such as the United States . but we also know that direct activities on human rights in Burma are hardly possible . however , I can nevertheless confirm publicly , here and now , that implementation of the Lisbon Treaty would not impose on any Member State any requirements with regard to issues such as abortion , euthanasia and same-sex marriages . for the sake of transparency , they should disclose certain information , but having said that we need to keep a sharp eye on costs and confidentiality . Member of the Commission . - Dear members of the Parliament , according to the Treaty the competence for addressing these issues lies with the Member States . we believe that discussions must also focus on Russia ' s obligations , and include wider international disarmament efforts , as explicitly recommended in the successful Socialist Group amendment to the European Security and Defence Policy report , also voted today . because we believe that these important Fisheries Committee proposals must be reflected in the resolution to be approved tomorrow in the plenary , we are re-tabling a set of eight amendments for which we seek your support . in writing . - A well-functioning single market would also mean safe products and consumer confidence . the main task of the EIB as a public institution in developing countries should not only be to invest in heavy infrastructure ; another and equally important task is providing capital in times of scarcity , supporting markets where private banks are reluctant . to force the EU member countries to choose the less attractive option for the sake of a false solidarity , which is not respected by many EU member countries with regard to other , much important matters - like energy for instance - is at least morally wrong , all the more so since half of European citizens are already exempted from visa requirements through earlier bilateral negotations with the US . her presence and her ambition must embody that of the Union , the world ' s biggest economy in terms of GDP , the world ' s biggest market , the biggest contributor to international aid . while it is true that the debt burden is often too high , through restrictive economic policies , we will sooner find that there is no return to growth and that the actual debt burden has increased further . the institutional decision to set up a Council group to focus on humanitarian policy is of course down to the Member States , but I agree entirely with Mr Cornillet that it is vital to establish an appropriate body to tackle systematically humanitarian issues on an equal footing with the Union ' s other external policies . as a founder member of SMUG , Sexual Minorities Uganda , he was condemned by a magazine called Rolling Stone , and won his case against them . European Code of Conduct on Arms Exports ( vote ) its position is quite the contrary , in fact . ( EL ) Madam President , Minister , I should like to reiterate once again my appreciation of your honest efforts to answer our questions , but may I say that , from what you have said , you are obviously aware of this incident . Mr Lukashenko plays in his own narrow field , ignoring the fact that moderate-sized countries cannot behave like that since supranational capital will not allow it . written statements ( Rule 142 ) for all these reasons , we have cause to be satisfied . there has been nothing of this kind available in the past . it is also pleasing that citizens of the new Member States are making use of the possibility to lodge a complaint , which is testified by the relatively high number of complaints recorded in previous years . the reason for imposing political and diplomatic sanctions against Cuba has still not gone away , since 55 of the original 75 dissidents still remain in prison . the work that was carried out in the Committee on Legal Affairs and the committees issuing opinions that collaborated with it , with the agreement of the Council , under the expert management of the rapporteur , Mrs Rühle , was highly positive . what about the use of other antimicrobials ? moreover , we call for the European Parliament to be kept duly informed and receive all available information at every stage and at the end of the process . what steps will Frontex take to facilitate the development of the agreements concluded by Member States such as Spain ? the problem is that these subsidiaries are separate legal entities . the right to report cases of maladministration to the Ombudsman , exercised by 3 406 European citizens in 2008 , demonstrates an increasing level of dissatisfaction , given that in 2007 , the figure was 3 211 . we would ask you to agree to our request to remember this very committed journalist and pioneering fighter for freedom and human rights in Chechnya by observing a minute ' s silence . an assessment of the agreement shows that it is relevant in that it helps to maintain the presence of EU fleets in the region while contributing to local job creation . now they have collapsed . however , serious problems , in the resolution of which there has been no progress , still remain . as in all other areas , when it comes to toys , we abide by the principle that the manufacturer must take full responsibility for a product being in compliance with the law in force . it is particularly important that any rejection of a visa application must be justified in future , and that all applicants will have the right to appeal against the rejection of their application . the case-law of the European Court of Justice is only a stopgap measure because we do not have a directive on the transfer of company seats ; but , in the form currently envisaged , this European private company would basically reinforce this disintegration - enshrining it in Community law once and for all . that is purely and simply what we are doing here . this is where the Commission ' s work programme for 2009 comes in . it is thanks to direct universal suffrage that we can rightfully speak on behalf of all Europeans . this abuse of the right to asylum , contrary to the Geneva Convention , is not mentioned at any point in the report , and with good reason : it is convenient to make the ' white man ' feel guilty by reminding him that he was a terrible colonialist and that he now needs to pay for that in every sense of the word . the prime reason for all this may be that , while prices of other foods have risen , meat prices have not so far followed suit , with the result that consumers are meeting their protein requirements by consuming meat rather than increasingly expensive dairy products . it would also be extremely useful if the Commission experts tasked with dealing with this issue also include experts of Roma origin . later , though , this Directive came to be regarded as very helpful , practical and effective . this is certainly not the philosophy that we supported when we supported the implementation of the Globalisation Adjustment Fund . however , bearing in mind the urgency of the situation , we must implement this strategy . Article 10 of the Treaty of Lisbon states that ' Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union . 28 % of female researchers in industry and only 34 % of women in industry have more than one child . it comes from the United Nations Human Rights Council , whose members include countries such as Iran , Nicaragua , Somalia and Libya . my last point is that I believe we have to revisit the problem issue of our identity , our cultural and geopolitical identity , in order to know exactly what the limits of our enlargement are . this reluctance certainly sets limits on our ambitions , as we need unanimity in the Council . we would stand accused of political instrumentalisation , and we would be undermining the trust of citizens in our own institution . in Paris , some young Tunisians who had an Italian residency permit heard the French police say to them : ' this is what we are going to do with your permits ' , before tearing them up in front of them . this is a direct result of our traditions and European legal order . partial decommissioning aid would be granted to operators who replace larger old vessels with smaller , more energy-efficient ones . mutual evaluation process of the Services Directive ( Russia plays a leading role on the international stage . this explains our position in favour of a consolidated tax base for taxation on companies and the automatic exchange of data between Member States , which has already been discussed . fundamental rights are the issue that has been at stake : there is no doubt about that . burning off tropical forests to produce biofuels also tilts the climate balance in the wrong direction . it will advocate economic governance as a goal for the growth of all 27 Member States of the European Union and better coordination between them , with greater economic and monetary union . a century and a half ago New Zealand had 1 million head of sheep ; today it has 40 million . therefore , I urge everyone to support this particular paragraph in the report and to support the report in general . it is time to stop arguing about recent differences and to concentrate on the EU ' s proactive engagement there . in writing . - ( IT ) The strategic attempt to revive European competitiveness , proposed in the Lisbon strategy and reiterated recently at the Competitiveness Council of November 2007 , has led the EU to intensify its efforts to enhance European potential for innovation and growth in the face of world competition . it leads to the traffic moving from the railways to the roads rather than , as your fine grandiose speeches often indicate , from the roads to the railways . this is why I have proposed that the regions located at the EU border , which have borders with at least two non-EU states , should be regarded as ' platform ' regions and supported accordingly . are we also going to agree to that ? I am optimistic , however , that this fact will not get in the way of implementing key objectives for the year . along with your fellow Members I was able to applaud your good speech , Mr Cashman , because it contains the starting point for what is required now : to open up , to create access . Madam President , as regards the world financial crisis and the Commission legislative work programme , in a sense , the latter should be our response to the former . in particular , it will not change the fact that this policy is based on national competence , which the Member States retain in the domain of national security and defence . the biggest economic benefit would be achieved by having to include external costs as award criteria in all procurement decisions . I believe that the European Union can play a catalytic role in the democratisation of Turkey by demanding full application of the European acquis without derogations , without self-seeking calculations and without applying a policy of double standards . we have also participated in the negotiations on the common European asylum system . if Member States are simply given an additional power to prosecute exporters on a cross-border basis , the Member States will have little incentive to bring an improvement to administrative cooperation . - On paragraph 4 part 2 he is also threatening moderate Islam in the West and spreading negative stereotypes about it . we should also support the German pilots ' union , Cockpit , which has behaved more responsibly than the management of the airlines by refusing to fly under visual flight rules in European airspace , because it believes that this would be irresponsible . I have the impression , even though only three Member States do not have an embassy in New Delhi and that only seven do not maintain a consulate in Mumbai , that it was still very difficult - and I will express this very carefully - for affected European citizens to obtain adequate protection . I have one more question : under what legal provision has the European Union sent the EULEX mission to Kosovo ? furthermore , the Sepa Direct Debit will only be launched later this year . I welcome the fact that we are now committed to a target of a 20 % share of renewable energy in the EU overall energy mix . I share the rapporteur ' s view that the Commission should draw up a detailed report relating to such problems as the additional costs borne by farmers in respect of observance of Community norms in the sphere of environmental protection , animal welfare and food security . it has repeatedly voted against the integration of the FYROM and other countries into the EU for the same reasons that it is opposed to the integration of Greece . ( PL ) Madam President , President-in-Office , it is paradoxical that this multiple crisis that has afflicted the world , including Europe , can also be a great ally , as those who have got used to telling everyone how to run their business bear the brunt of the responsibility for this crisis . I would , however , make the point that no policy instrument is effective simply because it carries the label ' market-based ' . it undermines borders between states . in writing . - ( LT ) I welcomed this document , because the aim of the directive is to achieve a high level of consumer protection and contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by approximating certain aspects of the laws , regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning contracts between consumers and traders . the coalition government in the United Kingdom has promised a referendum in the event of any further transfer of power to the European Union . the protocol regulating the fishing partnership between the EU and São Tomé and Príncipe expired on 31 May 2010 ; a new agreement was signed on 13 May and the request for consent was submitted to the European Parliament by the Council on the same day . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , I believe we must see this through so that consumers and banks know what will and will not apply to them in future . that will not work . we agreed that this indicator would initially measure linguistic competence in the five most widespread languages in the EU ' s educational systems : English , French , German , Italian and Spanish . all of us come into daily contact with his work , since the Committee on Petitions is the body which Parliament has made responsible for relations with the Ombudsman . the Commission is assisted by the Member States during the process of revising the lists . putting a third country on either the positive list or the negative list is their responsibility . this is a question of providing support for enterprises in the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector in the mid-level region of Nordjylland . restitution , that is , the return of confiscated property and the protection of private property , is one element of this . as the author is not present , Question No 9 lapses . given that , over time , all kinds of deposits are going to run out , I believe that we need to invest in scientific projects capable of discovering alternative sources of energy , thereby also guaranteeing the development of future generations . everything and more has been chucked into one big melting pot and our citizens are expected to digest this gunge . the current emergency requires the adoption of a common asylum system , with shared responsibilities including a temporary protection mechanism and much more resettlement on offer . in addition to the need for new funding , better coordination is also required between the European Union , Member States and regions on research , development and innovation ( RDI ) . the next item is the report by Mr Guerreiro , on behalf of the Committee on Fisheries , on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation ( EC ) No 639 / 2004 on the management of fishing fleets registered in the Community ' s outermost regions - C6-0298 / 2008 - our concern does not , of course , relate only to the European Community , but also to the whole world . ( SK ) In my speech I would like to applaud the Commission ' s initiative relating to the European Citizens Consultation 2009 project . the President of the Commission will correct me , if necessary . the fact that those very Member States want to block European agreements by referring to international IMO regulations who have not yet transposed these into national law themselves is sheer lunacy . a politically integrated Europe including Turkey as a member is not possible . this is all the more striking if we recall the results of the presidential elections which gave Yanukovych a small majority and demonstrated that he had strong support in the south and east of the country only . I think that certainly includes the issue of language tests , which are not an obstacle but must be a protective measure for patients . even with the amendments that have been included in it , its adoption and the very high costs that it could involve would have grave consequences for some countries , not least Portugal and its National Health Service . the report also proposes the development of tools to strengthen partnership and new governance . what can the international community do when the foreign minister in Sudan refuses to provide such help and also declares that the Court has no right to judge any Sudanese citizen and that the Sudanese government will not allow any Sudanese citizen to be tried and sentenced outside of its national courts ? I have duly noted the EP ' s request to the Commission and Council to adopt a framework decision on minimum standards for the protection of the rights of prisoners and to create a European prison charter . after the European Council , I am happy to say that we had a very good , substantive debate in which the European Council not only confirmed that it remained fully committed to the targets it had set for energy and climate change , but also backed them up with agreement on precise deadlines . we fund a large number of projects linked not only to official languages but to numerous regional and minority languages as well . Madam President , supporters of the common fisheries policy often point out that fish do not recognise national borders . we must take immediate , concerted action to support the victims . ( PL ) Mr President , I would like to give an explanation of vote on the question of combating tobacco smoking , if possible . a very short statement . documents received : see Minutes in the proposed resolution we are concentrating chiefly on product safety , the product being a toy . in the meantime , I have been informed that an opt-out is evidently included in the directive to simplify the transfer of defence-related products within the EU , so evidently the desire is to have loopholes in the legally binding nature of arms exports . IAs can thus make a significant contribution to better law making . trade policy cannot be immune to this goal . let me say it quite clearly : no UNHCR , no agreement . we could stay here for hours , as the subject is certainly worthy of a great deal of discussion and the thoughts they have shared have been fascinating . the Commission has actually implemented a considerable number of reforms - it has been shown that 37 very specific points will now be implemented . drawing on the experience we gained during the years of the INTERREG Programmes we can conclude that the absence of an initiative-taking structure with its own legal personality has hindered its effectiveness , and we welcome the Commission proposal to establish European groupings of territorial cooperation as instruments with their own legal personality . who are the people who are outside the box , and how can we catch them and put them out of business ? therefore , it is vital that we support farmers in the production of sufficient safe food of the very highest quality . we also call for recognition of the authorities of the Union of Poles in Belarus and its Chairwoman , Angelika Borys , who were elected on 15 March 2009 . the GDP yardstick does not work as well in this particular area because it is too narrow . as such , the stands being taken at this time in connection with the creation of European institutions and structures to address such problems , such as , for example , a European monetary fund , are very important . it is also essential to be able to continue to work effectively to support the Member States and the allies to develop critical military capabilities , building on the successful work we have launched already . they are linked to economic and social conditions and can be exacerbated because of gender or culture . the resolution is a basis to create real opportunities for individual and corporate service users from countries such as mine , the Republic of Bulgaria , which are not located centrally within the territory of the EU , to have access to pan-European mobile satellite services , including access to broadband Internet , mobile multimedia applications , services related to civil protection in the case of natural and industrial disasters and , of course , this facilitates improvement in the competitiveness of countries lying in the periphery of the European Union . they are doing that . the subject of safety tests for nuclear power stations will play a central role in our discussions with our partners in Russia over the next few weeks . however , to receive my support , Morocco must first respect human rights and stop oppressing the people of Western Sahara . I hope that we can hold that course , as these rules will harmonise the environmental requirements for industrial installations across the EU . the Copenhagen conference on climate change did not produce a solution and did not manage to agree any final resolutions or decisions concerning the scope and scale of restrictions on emissions or the financial means which will be used for this purpose . however , I do not think it was a defeat , although it certainly did not meet the EU ' s expectations . in the end , this own-initiative report will do nothing to change the real situation . Madam President , as one of the co-authors of the motion for a resolution of the European Parliament on the commemoration of the Holodor , theartificial famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine , allow me , as a member of the PPE-DE Group , to begin by expressing my thanks to all of my parliamentary colleagues who voted in favour of the motion for a resolution . Mr President , Mrs Malmström , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we are approaching the time when the Treaty of Lisbon will finally be ratified and we are now beginning to consider how the treaty should be implemented . it should be noted that when the transport sector grows , carbon dioxide emissions also rise rapidly . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the European Union must also consider in which direction it needs to move in order to meet the new challenges and enhance competitiveness , and whether it will be able to harmonise the interests of Member States more successfully and thereby strengthen internal cohesion . I therefore support the European Youth Guarantee initiative proposed by the rapporteur , according to which all young people in the EU would be offered a job , an apprenticeship or additional training following a period of six months ' unemployment . I voted in favour of this report , which represents an important contribution to the European added value of cross-financing between the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) and the European Social Fund ( ESF ) in terms of increased flexibility for social inclusion projects and integrated urban development programmes . there are still other relevant issues between the EU and Canada , such as Union aid , in particular to Haiti , questions relating to fisheries , and environmental concerns . that is why we say it is important to defend the social clause in all these processes . I would like to wish him every success in performing the duties which are entrusted to him . but any legislation is only as good as its enforcement . Mr President , Commissioner , Mr Savary , ladies and gentlemen , we are here in a parliamentary assembly that is made for voting on texts , Commissioner , and we are above all in a parliamentary assembly so that texts are implemented . with regard to MEPs ' concerns that the issue is sensitive and should be seen in the context of national needs and national legislation , the Commission would like to underline that the Romanian law on international adoptions is the sole responsibility of the Romanian Government . European consumers shun genetically modified food , and plant-derived genetically modified food that has to be labelled is hardly found in the shops at all . it is part of a long-hours culture , where you express your commitment to your work by being present , not necessarily by being productive . regarding prior authorisation for hospital care , the proposed provisions are based on two kinds of consideration . in recent times , 173 individuals have been arrested on suspicion of killing or injuring albinos . this indicates the scale of the problem . enlargement is one of the great successes of the modern European Union . moreover , I ' m afraid that the credibility of the whole euro area may suffer if the IMF is to intervene , not to mention the fact that apparently the Greek government has stepped back on IMF intervention since the IMF conditions could lead to social and political unrest in the country . in spite of already overburdening employment legislation , usually drafted by people with little or no business experience , pay differentials continue for one simple reason : employment is about demand and supply ; it is about lifestyle choices ; it is often based on priorities , early retirement goals , a desire to live in certain parts of a country or town , pressure of hobbies or sport , or one of those offspring . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , all the speakers have rightly emphasised the terrible situation in which the Congolese people , and especially Congolese women , are living in the east of that country . in some public debate , rights-based management is equated with the employment of individual transferable quotas . to conclude , it is evident that the protection of human rights and the international conventions must be respected in every phase of foreign policy security and defence operations , from planning to the implementation phase , and this must be achieved , especially , by continuous training for the teams in this sphere . I would like to congratulate you on that because it shows that you have done very important work . on this matter my group is divided and it will probably vote two ways . I should like to state that I endorse the positions taken by Mr Milana earlier and to say that we need to bear in mind that including bluefin tuna in Appendix I will have numerous social and economic consequences , such as bankruptcies and the closure of numerous undertakings , especially small and medium-sized enterprises , job losses and a loss of competitiveness for Europe . on trade more generally , the summit should send a clear signal that the EU and Canada reject protectionism , recalling our commitment to reaching an ambitious , comprehensive and balanced conclusion of the Doha Development Round . finally , during the autumn we will publish a report on the measures , especially those relating to trafficking , taken by the Union to combat child labour . furthermore , in the context of an ageing rural population , I believe it is very important to guarantee access to land and credit for young farmers and to maintain reasonable food prices and a sufficient income for farmers . decisions concerning certain documents : see Minutes that date - 35 years after the Helsinki Final Act , 20 years after the Charter of Paris , and 11 years after the Istanbul summit - and the chosen location of Kazakhstan testify to the importance of the event . in the future , the CAP should to a greater degree respond to social needs , such as job creation and the position of women and young people in agriculture . they are systemic victims of the extremists . we express our solidarity with the peaceful Muslims in the Arab world . however , austerity - especially mindless austerity - and single-minded expenditure cuts are not inevitable . ( PL ) Madam President , every debate on the discharge takes place in a certain context . to do this , we need increased monitoring of the existing law . it is a country which is a driving force of world growth . I have received support from everybody , from all the members of the group , including the European Union - there is no doubt about that - but also the other members of the Security Council who are not members of the European Union . to give a bit of background to the report , the guidelines give direction to the development of the Trans-European transport network . personally , I find that this measure is harmful to the priorities of Parliament and is against the spirit of the Treaty of Lisbon . all of these air agreements are beneficial and necessary for the European Union , our airlines and our citizens . now , the overriding issue is for the Council and the Member States to assume their responsibility to make sure that these rules are properly enforced . the Commission shares the view that these measures have to take account of the need to protect the most vulnerable members of society . I therefore welcome the forward-looking tone of the report and look forward to discussing its content tonight and in the future as well . I would like to ask you to welcome our friends from Poland . we must therefore fight to prevent such acts using all available means . we have heard a great deal here today , but I would like to draw your attention to a few aspects in particular . I am saying this because , in my view , these changes became possible precisely because the West initiated a policy of cooperation with the Soviet Union . we consider it necessary , in fact , to conduct a determined fight against tax havens in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals , but in no way limit the further measures taken , in particular , by paying attention to tax treaties . lastly , at present , we are worried about the real budgetary threats . this is a complex and extremely sensitive matter but , generally speaking , it is regulated under the European Directives and the Commission can judge whether or not individual Member States are implementing the legislation correctly or breaching the principle of non-discrimination . health claims should only be authorised for use in the Community after a scientific assessment of the highest possible standard , and nutrition and health claims must not be misleading . the Commission is aiming above all to promote job creation and development in Europe ; to make the EU come to grips with the problem of climate change ; to bring about a common policy on migration ; to give pride of place to EU citizens ; and to ensure that the EU acts as a force for good all over the world . I met the Belarusian Ambassador in London , who reassured me that this time it would all be different , that it would be up to international standards , and that the OSCE would be able to say that it was fair and free . disparities in taxation produce distortions that , without exception , run counter to the competitiveness of European companies . last week , the Fundamental Rights Agency said that many Member States were failing to properly enforce race discrimination legislation , so I hope that toughness goes on because we really need it . the rapporteur has called for a ban on trade in eggs which do not comply with the legislation . most are prevented from receiving visits from their family . it is still possible for Member States to have additional requirements , but these should be covered by the single fee proposed for the new electronic platform . Mr President , reference was made to me earlier by Mr Matsakis and I wanted to respond to it . I want to see a globalisation that is open , free-trading and flexible , but which is also reforming , inclusive and sustainable . I would emphasise the need for an EU-level approach to prevent and detect attacks and / or accidents because the threat of CBRN attacks is ' global ' , and the focus given to the need to strengthen CBRN security if we are to prevent terrorist attacks . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) please address the House and explain . we have been telling them that European space policy can be better accomplished at EU level , and we have been telling them that energy research and the fight against climate change can be better accomplished in the European Union than it could be at Member State level . non-democratic regimes remain in perpetual fear , which is why they persecute journalists , imprison and torture them , and even kill them . the decision concerning the so-called transparency register is not ambitious enough . to get to that point , we had to be persuasive , and we had to find areas for compromise . we need to prepare new instruments capable of curbing speculation and restoring the role of the financial sector . Commissioner , you said that these efforts should continue , and I believe that Parliament which , in a financial crisis , has complied with and , sometimes , anticipated what the Commission proposed , will live up to its responsibility . welcome ! ( CS ) It is true that the lack of a functioning competitive environment in the telecommunications sector makes the adoption of a new regulatory framework a desirable , even a necessary , step . ( EL ) Mr President , the EU ' s budget is the main way to achieve political priorities . this must therefore be done in dialogue with the Commission and with the Council . there are still many obstacles to public procurement and trade services , due to legitimate national regulation , and the report proposes removing such obstacles by making efforts to understand the methods of mutual adjustment systems . we do not know whether or not , under Article 287 of the treaty , we have a positive opinion on the underlying transactions . I was delighted , Commissioner , with your statement that advances will probably start to be paid at the beginning of May and I therefore assume that these amendments will be published in the Official Journal within a reasonable period of time of two , three or four weeks from tomorrow , so that they can be applied as you said . the geopolitical dimension of energy security has been so far neglected and it is high time to fill the gap . Madam Minister , you said that we want to show the world that we can tackle climate change , that we do not just talk the talk at European summits , but that we walk the walk in legislation in the European Union . because one thing is for sure - and the Chinese should take note of this - Ai Weiwei will be remembered and renowned long after those who were responsible for his arrest are forgotten . we really have to take action about that . no one is talking about a new EU competence here , only a better application of a competence . in writing . - ( NL ) Soil protection is very necessary in order to prevent the destruction of natural soil systems , erosion , contamination and desiccation . in my view , the social status of posted third-country nationals is , and was , adequately described in that directive . we have a responsibility to adopt a resolution , at least so that we may know this House ' s position on the case of Aminatou Haidar . this approach , which looks at the specific nature and purpose of each area where the western stock of Atlantic horse mackerel lives , is the only one that can truly protect all the aims of the CFP . I believe that experience shows us that open economies are the economies which grow the most and that increased competition always translates into benefits for consumers in the quality and price of goods and services competing on or appearing in the market . finally , I would like to refer to the commitment we recently assumed in relation to the Black Sea and countries in that region . I should therefore like to invite the representatives of this House to attend the commemoration , which will be held on 21 and 22 November . Europe must think strategically about this important area , in the same way as Washington , Beijing and Moscow do . recent developments have shown that , even in those cases where in the last couple of years governments started to show more openness on how public money and resources were spent , they have gone back to a less transparent administration . the Commission would have us approve a new agreement with Morocco . can we obtain an assessment of this ? in order to be competitive in world markets , we have to be innovative , but the redistribution of the main part of our budgetary resources exclusively to that end will de facto discriminate against many countries in Central and Eastern Europe , including Poland . its action programme has successfully combined political determination , pragmatism and tactful diplomacy , which are absolutely essential to be able to overcome the crises which have occurred . this report helps to draw attention to the factors which are crucial in meeting the requirements of the future of research in Europe , in particular , in the context of the objectives assigned by the Europe 2020 strategy . this Treaty improves the decision-making process , specifically by extending qualified-majority voting to the area of freedom , security and justice ; mobilisation of Globalisation Adjustment Fund : at / Steiermark and Niederösterreich from Austria ( it is clear that the General Product Safety Directive ( GPSD ) , which was approved more than 10 years ago , now needs to be reviewed . 16 . the most important issue is the reliability and completeness of statistical data at the level of the European Union , of the Member States , and also , and this I would like to emphasise , of the regions . lastly , I support the mechanism implemented , which protects the interests and health of European consumers . a further project is the planned Green Paper on Agricultural Product Quality . it had a difficult birth , but was then approved and applied and , while it has had some success in recent years , there have been practical gaps and inadequacies . it calls for a stimulating entrepreneurial climate , which the Lisbon Strategy can help provide if it is implemented very deliberately . the appropriate course of action , therefore , would be to put a complete stop to the outsourcing of risk management to private , profit-oriented actors and to create a European public rating agency to give an independent opinion on the quality of the various securities . a hand of cooperation extended by Europe to Moldova and a greater rapprochement between Chişinău and Brussels will instil greater confidence in the investors in this country . it is worth pointing out that the Commission ' s role is to ensure solidarity between Member States and to respect the various interests that exist , not to be divisive by playing consumers against workers , or importers against producers . problems and prospects concerning European citizenship ( short presentation ) this is a very serious situation for those countries in crisis , but it is just as serious for Germany , Austria and Finland , because taxpayers in these countries have suffered budget cuts and been through serious crises . that is why I and many others will welcome this vote today on patients ' rights in cross-border healthcare . Parliament has respected the authorised procedures in all their forms : respect for the Financial Perspective , the call for flexibility under the EUR 530 million ceiling and the call for an emergency aid reserve that features in the financial perspective . I would like to make two comments by way of conclusion . at the informal January session the Council debated asylum issues and practical cooperation among the Member States . Madam President , I think when we introduced decoupling , few of us realised the implications of making cross compliance part of the package which farmers now need to comply with . the EU cannot treat governments that have been part of a coup d ' état in the same way as elected governments . I would therefore like to take the opportunity of asking the Commission whether you can clarify this once and for all . the first is the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility , which still has some money in it . ( EL ) Madam President , the Black Sea is very important to the energy security of Europe . I will have the opportunity of meeting the Turkish negotiator tomorrow in Prague . it is inconceivable that the possibility of acknowledging polygamous marriage was mentioned , even only in passing , in a European Union document , particularly a document voted on by the European Parliament . Mr Saryusz-Wolski has produced a sound report , and it is one that we will support . against this background , I think that aid will need to be channelled more towards covering the social and environmental impact . I am pleased to announce that the Commission plans to launch an EU platform for action on cancer next year to help Member States exchange knowledge and good practice in the prevention and treatment of cancer . I say this even though I know that the retail market is and will remain more of a local business than a global business . these are then illegally transported across the border to China . they are exposed to all manner of hardship and acts of violence , with women and children usually suffering the most . therefore , when implementing the budget for the coming year , special attention should be paid to the simplification of those rules and regulations , the improvement of the mechanism for recovering incorrectly paid funds and the introduction of more effective systems for supervision and control . in so doing , they must strive for consistency with other Community provisions . it was very important to actually talk to people about such organisations . the package is also an example of solidarity within the European Union . it was more than simply a meeting between the Finance Ministers of interested countries . on behalf of the European Parliament , I hereby undertake that we will draw conclusions from this experience for future meetings of this nature in 2008 . it was excessively long and duplicative , but it deals with an important subject . these were girls from the so-called Polish Service organisation . we saw them shouldering pickaxes and spades and marching joyfully off to work . anyway , the last thing the EU should be doing is scoring points against other regions in trade wars at a time of global hunger and financial crisis . however , I am also certain that , without the rocket attacks on Israel , there would have been no military response . we urge European economic operators and citizens to save energy while , for the past three days , but this is also true at every plenary sitting , we can see , if the cameras show it , the waste of energy in lighting a chamber the size of a stadium where no more than 40 people are present except at voting time . ( PL ) Madam President , the activities of the European Ombudsman give EU citizens the feeling that they have some protection against inappropriate actions taken by EU institutions . well , we certainly know it : there is nothing right now . it has hitherto always been stated that the process of negotiation with Turkey would take place in parallel with the progress of Turkish reforms . the Polish contractor was prosecuted ; they responded by taking the case to court , and the ECJ recently voted in favour of the Polish subcontractor . this is not the first time that a Member State has impeded European citizens ' rights and freedoms regarding sexual orientation under the pretext of non-interference , thus , in effect , encouraging discrimination . we can see that action is being taken and that things are being done at our request - such as the intervention in the voluntary pension fund - that were absolutely necessary in order to avert the immediate insolvency of this fund in 2009 . moreover , I object to the reversal of the burden of proof , applauded in this report ( paragraph 20 ) , which does not befit any country under the rule of law , while total omnipotence is granted to organisations that are asked to carry out this directive ( paragraph 19 ) . I am not overly surprised that your Commission , Mr Barroso , which has in some ways sidelined the European social agenda during its term of office , which has created an opt-out in relation to the European Union ' s social and employment priorities and which has yielded by obeying that order given just now by a member of your majority , the conservative European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats , but I do believe that it is truly disgraceful and that , when it comes to coordinating not only recovery policies but also employment policies , it is the workers who are ultimately going to pay the price for this non-Europe . ( LT ) Mr President , since the beginning of the term of office , I have been analysing the results of the work of the EU agencies on behalf of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe . Eighty million Europeans are insufficiently qualified and have increasingly fewer opportunities in the labour market . we must demand that the events be investigated in full by a genuine international commission of inquiry , and that the crimes that have been committed do not go unpunished . Turkey ' s accession would prove that constructive , conciliatory , innovative and creative dialogue is possible between East and West . since then , the de facto government has adopted repressive measures against the grassroots movement that has been demonstrating in the streets and has introduced a regime of media blackout , restriction of freedoms , persecution , illegal detentions , disappearances and even murders of members of the organised resistance to the coup . failure in Copenhagen would be an environmental , political and moral disaster ! on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Customs Union , I am asking for your political support for the Commission ' s initiative for a strategy on the evolution of the Customs Union . the same applies to cooperation with authorities in third countries . compliance with rules for driving , working time and rest periods are basic requirements for ensuring road safety and the health and safety of drivers and passengers . at the same time , we have to respect the right of any democracy , as long as it respects human rights and the non-discrimination principle , to discuss , modify and adopt national laws , without interfering in the debates of national parliaments , without infringing the principle of subsidiarity and without acting or condemning a Member State prematurely . ( applause ) the adoption of drastic measures to stop practices that are in truth social or environmental dumping , but which would also lead to the destruction of an economic sector in a third country and would therefore cause even greater misery for an extremely vulnerable part of the population is not in line with what we defend . the implementation of the Nabucco project , the construction of liquefied gas terminals in European ports , investments in safer nuclear power stations , boosting energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy must feature among the joint priority actions aimed at increasing the EU ' s energy security . today we are dealing with two new measures : the change in the management of the quotas and the measure on Article 186 , measures which we agree to process urgently , as you have requested . on this subject , it should be said that all the European Union institutions are working towards this . in writing . - ( PL ) I am sorry it has not proved possible to find a new and permanent solution for the distribution of seats in the European Parliament between the various Member States of the Union . policy , however , is made up of decisions and choices , and these remain fully in the hands of politicians . without their assistance and contribution , I could not have achieved a satisfactory compromise with the Council . however , perhaps I will have the chance to take the floor under the catch-the-eye procedure and I would like to thank you in advance for this . my special thanks go to Mrs Creţu who drafted the opinion on behalf of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . the second objective relates to CO2 emissions . environmental protection and the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies are now global issues that affect the whole of society . I hope that my fellow Members will tomorrow lend their support in large numbers to an amendment that I have tabled along with a number of other Members . on the other hand , I see no reason to force this on all Member States . like a Tibetan prayer wheel , the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament has been trying very hard for years to make hedge funds , private equity funds and all of the other financial vehicles subject to European regulation . no less alarming is the fact that the selection and training of recruits for the Afghan police force does not even meet the minimum standards : 90 % of the police force is made up of illiterate citizens ; and one-fifth are drug users . secondly , the Council underlines the importance of moving forward in close cooperation with the Afghan Government towards a single vision within the international community of how to achieve common objectives , ensuring in particular that the actions carried out are coherent in terms of their military and civil dimensions . may I say that these are two different issues . I am convinced that when celebrating the next round anniversary of this European house of democracy , we will again be able to celebrate visible progress in Europe . at the same time , however , several Members have made the point that technological progress is needed , because the new Members States and poorer Member States in particular perceive the use of solar power , wind power or - in the case of my country , where thermal springs abound - geothermal energy , to be extremely expensive . as a result , all the items on the summit ' s agenda should be , must be and I hope will be agreed by the Heads of State or Government and implemented following the meeting next week . but I have talked with the latter , and they politely reject this . this issue must also be visible at the forthcoming summit . the cooperation between the two regions and its consolidation represents an objective both for the European Union and for the countries of Central Asia and the Black Sea region . it is a pipeline ; it is oil that passes through it . we will continue the discussion . in this context , the recent bilateral agreement between Turkey and Iraq on the fight against terrorism is a welcome step . it is a little bit too late to note it today . one thing is clear . I hope Ministers have used the waiting time constructively . the aid offered to the countries of the South , to which we owe a climate debt , is not enough . rapporteur . - ( EL ) Mr President , I am most grateful to my fellow Members for their comments , to the Council for its comments and to Commissioner Vassiliou for her speech . with today ' s vote on the joint motion for a resolution on the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 ( 2000 ) on women , peace and security , we wish to give a tangible sign of our commitment as MEPs but , above all , as European citizens . in the context of the free movement of European Union citizens , adjustment to the market requirements involves knowledge of foreign languages . the reason why it is better than minimum harmonisation , as some of you proposed to discuss even today , is that we think that it is necessary to lower market-entry barriers for financial services providers , and this is one of the main reasons why this proposal for a directive is going ahead . they are never born out of an attempt to acquire new competences . bring back President Sarkozy , or somebody like Sarkozy , and let us get the Commission properly led , to give people hope and let us start talking about that recovery . citizens spoke out against an oppressive regime which has used bullets and killed its youth . voting time the second reason is this : the fact that you pushed SWIFT through the Council just hours before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon demonstrates a clear disregard for the European Parliament and hence a lack of respect for the citizens . many say that nowadays , the most important comparative advantage of these countries is no longer cheap labour but cheap energy . ( it ) Madam President , a new season of rights is upon us , but these rights could have been more widespread . I very much trust that the Council will give it the highest priority in the coming months . I will introduce this proposal again during further discussions on this subject . it is not a matter of revenge , but justice must be done . the EIB has also played an important pivotal role in the core programme on competitiveness in Europe under which , via the JASPERS and JEREMIE initiatives , the EIB has promoted instruments to give even more essential support to innovation . as I have said previously , the European Union will benefit if it remains united even in adversity and if it is able to mobilise resources such as the Solidarity Fund as well as systems and methods to avert the causes and mitigate the consequences of these scourges and to provide a flexible , prompt and suitable response to them . if you have not seen it with your own eyes you cannot imagine how much the people of Gaza are suffering and how urgent it is to reach a peaceful , definitive solution to the conflict . it will be good for you ; it will be good for us , the national parliaments and citizens . it was a technically complex proposal , and the discussion sometimes became quite heated on the question of what exactly was best for the environment . every year since 2007 , the EU has spent over EUR 6 billion funding research and development on the continent . this is due to reduced competition . we have to recognise that ; if we do not , we fail to recognise reality . the directive will apply to all vehicles purchased by government departments , local authorities and state bodies , with of course the exception of emergency vehicles , rescue and military vehicles . thank you I would also like to highlight the contribution made by the Spanish Presidency and by Dr Matesanz , the Director of the Spanish National Transplant Organisation , because Spain is currently the world leader in terms of donations , with 34.4 for every million inhabitants . the central role given to consumer policy is reflected in a number of portfolios . the report also calls for Russia to enter into firm commitments not to use force against its neighbours . I think that we need to distinguish - as practically all the speeches have done - between coal as a primary energy source and the regulation to govern public aid for uncompetitive coal mines , which is a different thing . this is why it is justified to vary the budgetary incentives according to the level of blame of the Member States . the development of different aspects of crime prevention is extremely important at EU level , as is supporting the prevention of , and fight against , instances of national and local crime . what is more , there has been an alarming increase in frequent and systematic violence against women both during and after conflicts . Mr President , Mrs Vassiliou , Mr Andor , we had great expectations of the agenda for new skills and jobs . in the end , although this report is nominally about Russia , in reality it concerns us too . as you know , there is now a network of political foundations covering five political groupings , and it is unfortunately our experience that these groups are effectively locked out of the implementation of our policies and of support for democracy . not only is the pipeline the source of serious environmental concern , but - even more urgently - it is a project that has been overtaken by time . a set of recommendations is expected by the end of 2011 . 13 . also , there are arguments that the existence of a European fire-fighting force would give a false sense of security to many national authorities , which might neglect the necessary investment required in human resources , in fire-fighting resources and , more importantly , in the prevention of fires and other natural disasters . the only response to this problem must be economic in nature . I also insist that we need to demand the freedom of all the political prisoners and prisoners of conscience , in Cuba and the rest of the world , but I nevertheless advise against taking action that has already proved to be a failure for Cuba ' s progression towards democracy and liberalisation , such as the embargo and the blockade . the Swedish Presidency is also characterised by the creation of the Stockholm Programme and the decisions taken during the financial crisis , which are truly important , pivotal points in further developments in this endeavour . besides , women ' s salaries are of crucial importance in the family . optional and temporary application of the reverse charge mechanism in relation to supplies of certain goods and services susceptible to fraud ( amendment of Directive 2006 / 112 / EC ) ( however , the report proposes that networks of independent experts should be set up to assess these sanctions , as Mrs Flautre described in her speech . in order to combat pain , we cannot refuse science the instruments that it needs , including the use of guinea pigs . the European Union , as the only continent that has seen its CO2 emissions fall since 1990 , and as the only continent that has made precise , binding and ambitious commitments for the future , cannot assume the burden of the task on its own . it is therefore important to ensure that this pact delivers real added value and does not take us away from the essential goals of growth and employment . thousands of civilians - EU citizens - living in these areas are subjected to ... the report said that innovation is not only a product , process or service , but also a movement . documents received : see Minutes showing solidarity with Tibet and the Tibetan people is not anti-Chinese . ( GA ) Mr President , I would also like to thank the Commissioner for her comprehensive answer . the revolutions will only be able to succeed if these two problems are resolved in tandem . infrastructure such as new , secure pipelines and additional LNG terminals will remain important . this is important , because the current crisis conditions expose businesses to an increased risk of restructuring and , under these circumstances , European workers expect us to provide them with additional guarantees , guarantees that will reassure them with regard to their future . the deployment of EUFOR last year in Congo made it clear how important credible impartiality and independence can be for the success of an operation . it would show that the EU was willing to ignore major , continual and persistent violations of human rights and of international law . ladies and gentlemen , without cooperating with the countries of origin , we will not be able to manage the migratory flows effectively . this does not make him any less of a hero for many Ukrainians , who rightly feel humiliated by the majority of this House . would it not be more effective for the extra money which we want to give Frontex to be allocated to the countries which have the greatest problem with illegal immigration , and also to EU Member States whose borders are part of the EU ' s external borders ? ( SK ) If we actually want to overtake the US , Japan and other world leaders in science and technology and if we want Europe to set the tone , then the necessary preconditions must be created . tuberculosis comes from poverty and homelessness , and in Member States with lower standards of living this disease is common today . all measures which separate individual policies , split up funds and divide roles will end in the same failure as the last strategy . I would urge you all , if you have not read it yet , to read Mrs Badia i Cutchet ' s splendid report . subject : retaining the economically active population in mountain , difficult-to-access and island areas finally , I would like to remind everyone that in the Union there are Member States that are not in NATO and which have their own reasons for that . there is something that amazes me about you : today you understand everything about what happened , about what was going on in Tunisia three weeks ago . we also need to carry out sound impact assessments and - this is extremely important - establish a liability system that acts as a deterrent , so that it is in operators ' economic interests to guarantee safety . they need to provide a real insight into the actual scope of irregularities and fraud . I ask that you kindly provide a single example that shows what new contribution this accession will make to the citizens of Europe in terms of protecting their human rights . the initiatives will only be able to be implemented , however , if they meets certain procedural requirements or requirements on compliance with the European Union ' s fundamental values , in order to prevent the instrument from being used for non-democratic purposes . we must therefore strive to ensure that we create a strong and sustainable CAP that matches the changing nature of the agricultural industry in all Member States . that concern , Commissioner , has never been greater than when witnessing Commissioner Mandelson ' s reckless push for a WTO deal at any price , with scant regard for the future of our indigenous agrifood industry . what you have done is disgraceful ! Mr President , I should like to make one last quick point about the 200 000 displaced Zimbabweans . I am pleased that the car manufacturers have finally accepted the fact that you cannot re-regulate a market . in writing . - I voted in favour of this resolution because ensuring that young citizens can travel and work throughout the EU is essential in order to boost competitiveness . I worked on this resolution when it was with the working group and Parliament ' s Committee on Regional Development . is the Council aware of the financial impact on the European budget ? ( HU ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , first of all , thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Hungarian delegation of the European People ' s Party . combating deforestation is the best way of reducing CO2 . Azerbaijan also has made a commitment not to flout human rights and not to impinge on individual freedoms and to safeguard the principles of democracy in its country by participating in the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership initiative . using information provided by infrastructure managers , each Member State would define the rush hour period for the individual country , bearing in mind regional and long-distance freight traffic . usually gall bladder removal takes 15 to 20 minutes , but in my case it took three hours because of complications . in my opinion , we should not start our discussions with sanctions on the Member States , because that would be putting the cart before the horse . the draft report and the final result were OK from our point of view . positive because adopted : reduce the gender pay gap to 0.5 % by 2020 ; Member States to implement the principle of equal pay for equal work properly ( para . a lot depends on the approach and the behaviour of the operative field in our industry . although the internal market presently works relatively well , it is also true that , on occasion , errors or problems of interpretation arise with respect to the rights of members of the public and firms who attempt to make the most of the advantages that the internal market provides . if we get the new fisheries policy off the ground , for example , then we will have a great deal of catching up to do as regards species that need protecting . let us suppose that a competition for European Union staff discriminates against Hungarian lawyers , for example , for some technical reason or any reason at all . the changes to the categorisation during the next period will highlight this fact . we are today at the preliminary stage of this mechanism : we must therefore remain alert and prudent . the economic partnership agreements being negotiated at the moment could be a good instrument for this , provided - and I stress this point - they have sustainable development at their core and provided they are more than just European trade agreements . when the project is complete , we will assess the outcome . I would carry this idea further , when talking about the creation of the European Systemic Risk Board that we are all working on now . first of all , Qimonda is capable of ensuring a crucial technological advance for the European Union in terms of semiconductor technology and nanotechnology . employment and the whole of the social dimension were main topics of a number of discussions . once again , we are witnessing the sort of practical wisdom that results from experience . pursuant to Article 325 ( 5 ) , the Commission , in cooperation with Member States , each year submits to the European Parliament and to the Council a report on the measures taken for the implementation of that article . it will also promote a new sustainable city , desirable for all , a model that meets the environmental , energetic and socio-demographic challenges , but one which places the living environment and the well-being of its inhabitants at the heart of our concerns . President-in-Office of the Council . - Well , as you said , it is important to evaluate this properly and see what is being done ; what the results have been . they will , in particular , be looking to reinforce further the controls at their borders and to improve cross-border police cooperation as well as their systems for the issuing of visas . that is why it is a disappointment . they are applying for asylum and Lithuania is demanding their extradition . this , Mr President , is certain : the message of the anthem of Madeira has been mentioned here , but I have also drawn a lesson from the anthem of Portugal , which proclaims , ' heroes of the sea , noble people , brave nation ' . the figures relating to their economic growth are really very negative . a typical example is the insistence on full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia , the pseudo-court that was set up by the American and European imperialist bullies to try the victims of their wars and crimes in the area , and that was used to destroy the former President , Slobodan Milošević . I call on Cyprus , Estonia , Finland , Greece , Poland , Romania , Slovakia and Slovenia to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions without delay and help bring an end to the use of cluster bombs . furthermore , there should be no way to avoid the requirement to notify government authorities in the event of an accident . we must explain this to the countries which are obviously the subject of today ' s debate . on 26 October , the European Union took part in a debate at the Security Council to mark the 10th anniversary of resolution 1325 . ( PL ) Mr President , as a member of last year ' s parliamentary delegation to Turkey , I had the opportunity to see for myself the progress Turkey is making in the process of integration with the European Union . ( EL ) Mr President , with all due respect to you , I hereby request that you provide us tomorrow with a list of all those who asked to speak for one minute based on two criteria : firstly , that they did not speak during the previous plenary and , secondly , the time at which they filed their request . our committee was able to witness in Antwerp how only one half of one percent of containers are checked each day . do we want to go back to Nice ? tractors placed on the market under the flexibility scheme ( we are peripheral nations . this absence of information is a cause for concern . how much of that procurement is actually spent on investigating , researching and encouraging the development of new solutions to the big challenges that public authorities and indeed society face every day : a better health service , a better transport solution , dealing with climate change , more energy efficient buildings ? this will raise a question mark over food supply security in Europe . I agree with the previous speaker who said that the Commission needs to be appointed . the citizens , above all , must receive assurances that the European Union will help them , so they feel protected , both directly and indirectly . we will also continue to promote the health and safety at work of workers and the reconciliation of work and family life . we endorse this report because it clearly sets out the challenges facing the EU ' s maritime policy , namely a significant increase in maritime traffic , both inside and outside the Union , without sacrificing the environment or social issues . I voted against it because it clearly professes faith in neoliberal economic policy . I hope that it will be done during this European Parliament term , before the 2009 elections . regardless of the differences existing between individual Member States , the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy has improved the growth potential of the European Union as a whole . the EU has been dismayingly ambiguous regarding Bahrain , in particular . the common budget , which is usually important , is nowadays a crucial source of funding for stopping the accumulation of adverse effects . if we want to achieve a strong preventive effect , the Member States must make it a criminal offence for anyone to knowingly use the services of victims of trafficking . Deposit-guarantee schemes have therefore been of crucial importance in protecting investors from the worst of the financial crisis currently assailing the world economy . women in rural areas , especially young or middle-aged ones , could develop independent economic activities if they had access to bank loans and I believe we should discuss the opportunity of establishing a bank that would grant micro-loans in rural areas . can we have some people actually at airports looking at what the airlines do ? you can see the consequences in the Directorate General for Agriculture ' s recently published report - which you can find on the internet - where there are three different scenarios . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , four out of every hundred citizens in Europe go abroad for treatment ; in my view , however , health tourism is symptomatic of local shortcomings and a lack of services . above all , it tells us that we need to organise a rapid exit from nuclear power and to focus our attention on renewable , alternative power sources . but it is when it comes to Ireland that I really get interested . the recommendation calls on the Member States in particular to ' recognise the individual ' s basic right to resources and social assistance sufficient to lead a life that is compatible with human dignity as part of a comprehensive , consistent drive to combat social exclusion ' . as far as national initiatives are concerned , it is true that certain Member States have already taken some or plan to do so . I will give you 30 seconds , but I warn you that it will be 30 seconds only , as a gesture of goodwill , because these really are the last few moments of the parliamentary term . Mr President , I rise to make a statement about the plight of hundreds of thousands of airline passengers in Europe in the 10 days before Christmas and the chaos in the arrangements for transporting them and their baggage to their intended destinations . the Greens insisted on the promotion of ' cultural cooperation ' instead . it is important for the European Union to offer its full support to the panel of ' eminent African personalities ' appointed by the African Union and headed by Kofi Annan . how is the European Union involved ? one evening when I was watching television , a quarter of all the advertisements were for over-the-counter pharmaceutical products . however , in order to ensure that aircraft operators with varying initial positions and growth trends , are treated equally , we ought to reserve part of the quotas for aircraft operators with rapidly growing capacity . I have similar comments and I share the quandary of most of you who have spoken , today . I agree with the rapporteur that small enterprises are an essential source of growth , employment , entrepreneurial skills , innovation and cohesion in the EU . on the issue of developing countries , we are committed to addressing this issue effectively , as I said in my opening remarks . and I think it will be wise , since we have the European Council on 4 February , to address these issues there . I am convinced that informed , attentive consumers can influence very much the production of prepared food in the European Union . I hope this message will be passed on to Mrs Dati , who unfortunately is absent from this priority debate , which we are very disappointed about . we did not build Europe for competition alone ; we are together for values , we have a project for society , we have a model of society - economic , social , sustainable , human - and that model deserves to be taken up , carried forward and defended . one of the greatest difficulties we have is time - how much time to spend - and I want to make sure that we are using the best possible time in discussions with you . we must not forget that the most important partnership of all is the partnership between the European Union and its citizens . the existence of general legislation on motor vehicles covering general aspects would probably suffice , without the need to reproduce directives relating to each of these areas , as happens now , examples of which are : the suppression of radio interference produced by agricultural or forestry tractors ( electromagnetic compatibility ) ; driver-perceived noise level of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors ; rear registration plate lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers . we are very pleased - we have emphasised this and hope that it comes across in this report - that the Court of Justice has annulled the article of the Asylum Procedure Directive concerning the creation of the concept of ' safe third countries ' and a common list of safe third countries . obviously , both of these elements were agreed in the framework of the 2 ° C target , which was included as the starting point in the outcome of the climate conference . however , all that is due not to Rule 51 itself , but rather to the very short deadlines that we gave ourselves in order to have a document that we could submit to the Council summit taking place on 10 December . I am particularly happy to see long-awaited progress towards a free trade area . I agree with the Members who have said that we are poorly prepared for natural disasters . they lack social protection , their risk of poverty is high , and in the event of a divorce they become complete outlaws from the point of view of social protection . the Hungarian Presidency will withstand every effort to the contrary . I am asking the Commission to look into the possibility of managing the European funds committed to Iraq for as long as Iraqi Christians remain targets of violence , kidnapping , murder and bomb attacks . in the meantime , ship dismantling could reach maximum levels in the next ten years , precisely because of the new rules banning single-hull vessels . in 2005 , the Republic of Croatia asked to participate in the activities of the EMCDDA . this instrument must respond with financial aid to situations of extreme drought , fire and flooding , not forgetting under any circumstances the victims who need immediate help and assistance . after all , I am not demanding a large amount of left-wing criticism or self-criticism , but what we are demanding , time and again , as Martin Schulz recently made very clear , is the strengthening of the social dimension and scrutiny of all Commission projects in terms of their social impacts . does my friend , Nick Griffin , a true British patriot , take offence at the fact that , for us , Joan of Arc is a national heroine ? many arguments put forward by fellow Members - be it Mr Kasoulides , Mr Brok , Mr Zaleski or others - are thoroughly worthy arguments . Mr President , your recent joint statement after the EU-US summit was the first statement in a long time where the Commission exhibited gravitas , optimism , power and solidarity , and also coherence . what is to be particularly welcomed in this connection is the fact that the Member States are to be given more flexibility in transposing the proposal . I think that we must develop relevant indicators to enable us to introduce minimum income schemes in Member States , thereby ensuring an adequate standard of living fostering social integration and promoting social and economic cohesion throughout the entire European Union . violence has been used in the past to settle differences and has once again triumphed over dialogue . what we are putting to the test right now is the inefficiency of not having binding targets and , using the step-by-step method , we are putting off making a change until the future . Ireland said ' yes ' to the Treaty 16 months after its resounding ' no ' which generated equal concern among all the governments in Europe . I agree with what Mr Lamberts said : right now , the Members of the Council are not giving us a great European perspective on financial supervision . there is no room for these in the regulation . and yet we persist in putting sticking plaster on deep wounds . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , at my stage in life , I do not get very surprised too often , so I am not the least bit surprised at what goes on here in the European Parliament and the views of some people . it is necessary to check whether Union funds are being well used , whether these institutions are meeting the objectives outlined for them , and whether any resources are being wasted . finally , I recommend that everyone becomes more familiar with national legislations . finally , is the Council satisfied that existing safeguards in the financial services arena provide adequate protection to consumers , particularly those who have purchased financial products outside their ' home ' Member State ? many have criticised you for making this package too ambitious , and others for its complete lack of ambition . what measures will be taken to safeguard these sectors , doing more than mitigating the effects of getting rid of jobs ? Adjournment of the session I am convinced that cooperation on energy policy matters cannot be turned into a foreign policy weapon . I am glad that we will have the possibility to come back to this debate , because there are no simple answers . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes for this reason , I completely support the Parliament ' s demands that victim assistance should be unconditional and that more forceful methods and more severe penalties should be adopted , as Mr Barrot has just told us . the specific problem that Erika Mann asked me about on bananas is included in the interim EPA - a guarantee of duty-free , quota-free access in that case . I am much more afraid at home , in Prague , where I see tourists barely managing to dodge the cars , and I prefer not to cycle at home anymore . many people in the European Union enjoy online gambling . it also does - and I agree with the Commissioner - contain group supervision . it is the case that , in waiting for the implementation of a genuine common diplomacy and a genuine European defence policy , European soft power and its cultural diplomacy are some of the few means of influence at our disposal . our basic rule book in the European Union , the treaties signed and ratified by Member States , can only ever be modified by the unanimous agreement of each and every single one of those Member States . therefore , account needs to be taken and due consideration given to this right now . I would like to express my compliments , in particular , to the shadow rapporteurs and members of Parliament , as without their support I would not have been able to achieve this result . Parliament ' s annual report on human rights - this year in relation to 2009 - is a point of reference for all those interested in the issue . I , like a number of others , am referring to the 60-tonners or gigaliners or whatever we call them . author . - Madam President , I shall be fairly brief . secondly , I would like to draw your attention to the national parliaments . it is certainly not prudery on my part , moreover , if I say to you today that I have reservations about this aspect , as an image of a naked body is a very private matter , and I want people to have the opportunity to decide whether or not people are to see them naked . I suspected it to be the last , and the Hadley Centre , the UK ' s leading authority on this subject , confirmed that it is the last graph . the imperatives of climate change , the realities of migration , and the risk of worldwide poverty : all these are clear challenges . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , this debate confirms the broad common understanding between Parliament and the Commission on the way forward and on the need to improve our policies and programmes , bringing added value to EU citizens . we think this creates a whole host of problems . if I understand rightly , according to the Treaty , or what used to be called the Constitution , we ourselves do not have the right of initiative in the area of legislation . my specific request to the Commission today , and to the Council , is to accept that we need a dynamic process for making progress with regard to services of general interest , particularly social services of general interest . secondly , I believe that the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Albania and Kosovo also deserve visa-free travel as soon as possible . this report , like those concerning the rules applied to tractors , is aimed at undertaking the codification of Directive 80 / 720 / EEC of 24 June 1980 , which concerns the harmonisation of Member State legislation on the operating space , access to the driving position and the doors and windows of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors . to this end , the main aim of broadening the scope of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and streamlining the European Social Fund is to respond to the many situations of social and economic emergency that require support . this is merely a first step . perhaps this is also the time to ask : what are the toxic assets and what are the obstacles to our peacemaking , our raison d ' être ? I would like to ask the Council and Commission Representatives here whether they are prepared to take measures against those who violate human rights , in the manner indicated in Parliament ' s resolution of 16 December 2010 , which called for an asset freeze and visa bans on those 60 officials implicated in the case of Mr Magnitsky , who unfortunately died in prison in Russia . fortunately , the Lefrançois report is here to restore the self-evident values of a democratic society to this crazy framework decision . the first is that an overwhelming majority of this Parliament wants to bring about a quick ceasefire . firstly , measures to introduce higher standards of animal protection at the time of killing should obtain financial support from the European Union . I know that the problem of multiple discrimination is fundamental to you . an isolated debate could lead to the decline of the business location and an increase in the number of people out of work . rights are regulated by public bodies ; specifically in the European arena we have institutions , namely the Commission , the Council and Parliament : the Commission with its power of initiative , the Council and Parliament through the codecision procedure . it is exactly from the perspective of differentiation that we must view quality policy , which is capable of offering a product and of placing on the market a product that differs from that of the competition , a product that can also be sold without precise and specific reference to a price that is lower by comparison to the competition . together with other institutes like the Maritime Institute we will be able to promote the necessary research throughout Europe so that the blue revolution we speak so much about can come to fruition and support our plan . now , all that remains before us is the last home stretch , the final 10 % of the problems referred to by several honourable Members during these debates . this is good progress . we need to assist these people . to conclude , the rapporteur would like to thank her colleagues for their support and cooperation , in particular Mrs Westlund and Mrs Drčar Murko and all the shadow rapporteurs , as well as the Slovenian Presidency , for their hard work . in writing . - ( LT ) I voted in favour of this report . my view is that we would have achieved a first-reading agreement even if we had not gone through this particular process . however , I would like to expressly state that I disagree with and I am not bound by and therefore voted against Amendment 9 to paragraph 40 of the text , which was tabled initially by the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance and supplemented by the rapporteur . in light of this , I ask you : has the Commission studied the repercussions of these austerity policies , which you push for and pressure countries into following in order to get out of the crisis ? I would like to address you quite personally , Commissioner Dalli , for you will recall that we invited you along to meet with the Committee on Petitions and discuss the matter . on the contrary , optimism is based on acknowledging reality . new ambitious commitments have been undertaken to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to use renewable energy sources by 2020 . it has an economic dimension but it is also a vehicle for conveying meaning and substance . in writing . - ( FR ) For once we were tempted to vote in favour of a report on VAT by this Parliament . from a political point of view , though , this change is of the utmost significance . it was from this point of view that , in order to formalise our intentions , we tabled an amendment specifically to ensure that sustainable development criteria are taken out of the LIFE programme but included in all the other areas . I believe that the European Parliament and its President and of course the Portuguese Presidency should take a stand on this issue , bearing in mind that refusing to allow a visit by one of the Members of this House , in this case myself , is a violation of human rights and also demonstrates a lack of respect for this House . however , as the resolution points out , it is worrying that there is new legislation seeking to retain it for adultery . on 22 October , the Committee on Constitutional Affairs adopted a report expressing willingness to compromise with the Council to pave the way for the rapid adoption of the proposed regulation . Mr Lax has done a great job . European political parties , which play an important role in shaping democracy in the EU , should be given a common and uniform legal statute . I think we have to say that such a long lead time makes it unlikely that this can have had an impact on the price level that we see today . moreover , the ambition of the CFSP , in this case in Georgia , will be judged against our courage finally to send peacekeeping forces to stabilise a region that we have included in our neighbourhood policy . in countries that place economic interests first , of course it is convenient to secure essential labour by adapting the laws , and hence the regularisation measures occasionally adopted en masse by national governments , without worrying too much about the concern that this causes , while the other Member States attempt to control migratory flows . for the reasons mentioned , I support the proposed report . the Commission has been active in helping the Moldovan Government achieve as much as it can of its ambitious reform programme over the last year . ( RO ) Mr President , the international community is looking almost helplessly on as the human rights situation deteriorates in Iran . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will be answered in writing ( see Annex ) . can you guarantee that the free trade agreement will not be put into force until Parliament has approved this procedure and only after Parliament has exercised its rights and adopted the safeguard clauses ? that is not the priority for employees ; what they seek and demand is respect for their fundamental rights . the problem showed itself in fact when the new countries gained accession . the European Parliament has a duty to protect the personal rights and privacy of European citizens if these are infringed . but I can tell you that , from what I know of the discussion in the Council , the various fears about going for complete unbundling were simply motivated by strategic concerns in some countries . we will not permit this under any circumstances . in a letter dated 29 April 2009 , the two co-chairmen of the Conciliation Committee informed Parliament and the Council of Ministers that it was not possible to come to an agreement on a joint text within the deadline specified in Article 251 ( 5 ) of the EC Treaty . what is the state of play as regards the impact assessment which is to be concluded in 2008 ? when a country chairs the Council of the European Union , we believe that it should not implement its own priorities , its own goals simply as a country during that Presidency , but must go further and must be capable of representing Europe ' s goals . we deleted the name ' Macedonia ' in order to avoid trampling on some people ' s sensibilities , including those , I believe , of the President . I would firstly mention the controversy about works of art , a controversy which was favourable to artists , but not to the Presidency . however , we know we are responsible to our citizens . if you ask me about the general mood regarding any type of admission into the Schengen area , then we all know that it would be difficult to say that the European Union is currently in a particularly welcoming mood . while a vast number of people , regardless of their religion or belief , adhere to universal values , there have always been individuals who try to prove that their culture , their religion , their language or their history is superior to that of their neighbours . instead of concerning ourselves with quotas , we ought really to be focusing on women who are oppressed and discriminated against . I would even dare say that when most of these problems are resolved , it will mean that a large number of the problems we are faced with now as a European society will be resolved . I see very significant possibilities for the new technologies , in the sense that they enable the decentralised production of hydrogen to take place ; also , if solar technology is involved , it is actually possible to disperse production of , and reduce dependency on , the currently known energy sources . time is running away . in the UK , a state body has been pursuing a civil action against our own party , with the express purpose of closing us down . the debate is closed . I voted for the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) in favour of Germany because I consider that instrument to be a valuable resource for the support of workers in difficulties on account of the economic crisis . therefore we cannot vote in favour of the regulation at this time . once again we all agree : something must be done . ( ES ) Madam President , I should like firstly to congratulate Mr Siekierski on what I consider to be an excellent report , which has garnered a lot of support within the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development . allow me now to say a few words about the proposal by the USA related to the prohibition of the international trade in polar bears . firstly , a central element of the 2011 budget is the focus on young people . but , over the last two years , it has taken a number of significant steps to open up to the outside world . therefore , I would recommend that , if you want to be a credible EU opponent , at least read the papers on which you are going to make comments . there is the risk that the EU funds managed by NGOs will not produce concrete results . 2008 discharge : EU general budget , European Parliament we have tabled two or three amendments . nature ' s goods is our most precious commodity , and something that is very difficult to regain once it is lost . these issues must be taken care of by the respective Member State . hospital patients and farmers are at particular risk of exposure to resistant bacteria . can international humanitarian law be said to exist , when the Israeli army forcibly moves Palestinians to a house which it shells intensely the next day ? our grounds for this are that we strongly distance ourselves from all forms of registration and processing of data on racial and ethnic origin . Parliament has therefore spoken out in favour of greater justice and greater efficiency in the processing of asylum procedures . based on my personal experience with the totalitarian regime in Slovakia , I do not believe that a totalitarian leader is capable of transforming himself into a democrat in heart and mind . dozens of young people who were using Internet forums to express their opinions were investigated and threatened with criminal records in 2008 . the field of printing and reproduction of recorded media , which forms part of the graphics sector , has been particularly eroded in the Netherlands , as shown by the various applications to mobilise the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) . we are right to go for an ambitious trade agreement . it is no coincidence that the European Parliament has already spoken out on more than one occasion - most recently in the resolution on toy safety of September 2007 - in favour of tougher market surveillance . the report does not demonise moderate consumption of wine ( except in the specific case of pregnant women ) , which is part of our culture and traditions , but addresses alcohol abuse . during the Falklands crisis , Mrs Thatcher successfully reprieved the Ark ' s sister ship , HMS Invincible . the autonomous region in the north of Iraq - Kurdistan - should have its own development . we must call for a serious debate on the various forms of expulsions and the supposed reasons for them . Mr President , the presentation of this report on the activities carried out by the European Investment Bank is part of an annual democratic exercise which comes under the responsibility the Bank has to the European Parliament . this case was about responding to a request for assistance from Germany for redundancies in the telecommunications sector , especially among Nokia GmbH workers , which fulfilled the eligibility criteria set out in the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund regulation . I therefore call on the new High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy , Baroness Ashton , on behalf of the EU , to apply a great deal of pressure to both parties to the conflict and ask them to review the crimes . I too should like to congratulate the rapporteur on his very good and substantial report and to ask the European Commission not to waste any time or effort in preparing the action plan . in other words , by applying the reverse charge VAT system , there will not be a negative balance , as no one will apply for a VAT refund and I feel that it will be very easy to administer this scheme , as state tax inspectorates will very easily be able to reveal the difference in the prices of goods . I would like to end with the following thoughts . again it is very difficult to decide between multilateralism and bilateralism . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will receive written answers ( see Annex ) . that is why the sole and decisive criteria for Turkey ' s accession to the European Union must be its compliance with the principles of the rule of law , legislative confirmation of civil and minority rights , and respect for all the Member States of the European Union . ( DA ) Commissioner Rehn , in my headphones , you were translated as saying that the journey is just as important as the destination . we can do nothing more and nothing less than that . there is also the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights , which plays a key role in assisting the Commission to enforce its task ; and there is a Council of Europe Charter for Regional and Minority Languages and the framework convention for the protection of national minorities . however , to date we lack a precise set of criteria to which we can refer . it will provide , for the first time , a clear statement of EU policy regarding humanitarian aid . under any rules of good practice , if a toy is not demonstrably safe or is actually dangerous , such labelling is not only abusive but downright fraudulent . if EIB loans went towards new energy and environmental technology , that would meet the world ' s real needs at the present time more successfully . I would just like to say that I still have one more very important issue to cover , which is the role of civil society and national parliaments . ( ES ) Mr President , I shall begin by congratulating Mrs Járóka on defending the Roma population within European Union institutions . I voted in favour of the Parliament resolution as I agree that it is vital that the EU is able to use all of its external instruments within a coherent structure , and that the provision of budgetary resources in 2010 in order to establish this structure , in its initial phase , is the political purpose of this report . first of all , we need vigilance for the immediate resolution of the crisis in Greece and elsewhere in Europe . international criminality is growing ever stronger . ( SL ) Thank you , Mr Medina Ortega , for your supplementary question . this Agreement is therefore an important step towards opening up the market to airlines from the EU and Canada without any discrimination . controlled fishing is always better than uncontrolled fishing . in any event , ladies and gentlemen , I am convinced that there is a solid basis for a final agreement , and that together we will find a sound solution for all the people of Europe . I believe that we must ensure that we provide consumers with correct information about the origin of products in order to support European agriculture . from our point of view , an urban agenda should prioritise better distribution of the population in the territory of certain countries , particularly in Portugal , relieving the cities by valuing rural areas and properly remunerated farming ; spreading productive activity across the country ; valuing quality public services in rural and urban areas ; combating unemployment ; defending jobs with rights ; valuing salaries and pensions ; and combating poverty . ( FR ) Madam President , like many of my fellow Members , I fully support the report by Mr Coelho , who I sincerely thank for the excellent work he has accomplished . this means we need flexibility . it is my view that it is the application of the original legislation and not the legislation itself that is the problem . my colleague , Geoffrey Van Orden , has written to Mr Barroso and Mr Van Rompuy about this matter . the United States , China , India and ... the United Kingdom ? Madam President , I congratulate my colleague Ms Ana Gomes for her work and her comprehensive and realistic assessments . however , I have some comments on the amendments that have been tabled to this specific and limited proposal . I voted against granting discharge in respect of the 2009 general budget of the Council because the Council has refused to respond to questions from Parliament on this topic and has failed to provide the essential documents that Parliament has requested . the choice in itself is important since the Tunisian PM wanted to give a clear message of the path he wishes his country to take . I call on everyone in this Chamber to recognise that . in spite of that , the dismal human rights situation still persists . Eurobonds need to be issued and the euro area must be protected in a sustainable way through European , not intergovernmental , systems . I should like to register my strong protest against this state of affairs , and also mention a situation that is gaining notoriety in the United States . what is going on here is the dictatorship of the new proletariat taking shape in the new Union . I welcome your announcement of the package of documents to be launched during the mandate of this Commission but , as you have only two years left , I wonder , is this more in hope than expectation that the entire list of the concrete actions will actually be implemented by you ? for people over 50 , which also concerns me , such a policy creates a wider range of opportunities to react to changes in the labour market and adapt to the situation without major repercussions . this is why I cannot agree with Mrs Ashton that the world will hear one , clear voice from the EU . that is the thinking . also , the Black Sea Synergy carries strategic importance . I also agree with the Commission ' s proposal of an alternative to unused European Social Fund resources as a source of payment appropriations for mobilising the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) , following Parliament ' s frequent reminders that the EGF was created separately as a specific instrument , with its own objectives and deadlines , and that it is therefore necessary to identify appropriate budget headings for transfers . action taken on Parliament ' s resolutions : see Minutes others are fretting about not being able to benefit more from the protective shield provided by the euro . we are all aware of the added value of the policy which , above all , represents an opportunity to combine military and civilian capabilities , although in practice , as highlighted by the report , much remains to be done . this anti-discrimination , fundamental rights , access to justice component is not included as a specific component in its own right . we cannot allow financial speculation to continue causing uncontrolled price rises and global food market volatility . my group calls on you to ensure that Parliament is fully involved in all of this and we expect you take seriously your promise to support small and medium-sized businesses and to improve environmental protection , the sustainable use of resources and food security . no significant changes were made to these protocols against the previous period , with the concessions for Iceland remaining unchanged and those for Norway only increasing slightly . I believe that it is vital for concern about climate change not to be a one-off commitment , but for us to take into account the importance of preventive action in all the measures adopted by the EU , especially those linked to development aid . the next item is the report by Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop , on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs , on the initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision on the implementation of Decision 2007 / ... / JHA on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation , particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime ( 11563 / 2007 - C6-0409 / 2007 - . we should not now lapse once again into a debate on this very serious topic , a debate that divides us more than it unites us . the public-private partnerships proposed by the Commission are therefore an excellent solution . they represent a new option for the pharmaceutical research sector . I would like to say something more about this . in writing . ? ( PL ) Caring for the environment is a duty incumbent on us all . talking about political parties at European level without talking about funding would be pointless . that is why we transport politicians are urgently interested in a solution , because our stated target , namely that Marco Polo should help to displace 60 % of the increase in road freight traffic , is now a long way away . the right to live in peace and with a sense of security is an EU priority . this also holds up payment of contributions from the Fund , to the detriment of the workers , because some Member States are reluctant to advance payments for training , job-search assistance and other measures . my political group has been calling for months for the adoption of urgent measures to try to save thousands of farmers threatened with ruin . they can introduce solutions which will make the goals of cohesion at subnational level achievable . climate policy cannot stand alone , but needs to be incorporated into all of our legislation . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the regulation on European private companies that we are about to adopt completes the framework of the types of companies that are to be regulated at European level . thank you , Commissioner , for that comprehensive answer . ( the President cut off the speaker ) I am rather worried about one matter concerning the report , although I did vote in favour of it . the next item is voting time . one of the recitals now states that this is possible , and I hope , of course , that the Commission will bring forward a new proposal at a later date , as I believe this is necessary . I would like to try and answer some specific questions . earlier this year , the Commission presented a draft recast Financial Regulation . the ban on abortion does not reduce the number of such procedures carried out . they require the next step to be taken towards integration . Mr President , Mr Dess , honourable Members , this report has come at a pivotal time , just as the Commission is drafting detailed legislative proposals that it plans to present to Parliament and the Council in October . this outcome fills every European citizen with concern . the European Commission has stated that Spain has made good progress in implementing its national reform programme , has reached a level of employment 66 % higher than the European average three years ahead of schedule , increased investment in research and development ( R & D ) and has recorded surpluses in all budget years . fiscal sovereignty must remain the responsibility of the Member States . a European Parliament delegation was even banned from entering . unfortunately , the immunity system has turned into a party political issue . the overblown fantasies of NATO as the world ' s police force have been discarded and that certainly represents a certain amount of progress . Parliament ' s negotiations with the Council have to be realistic and pragmatic , and also ambitious , if the future law , when it comes into force , is to really fulfil and promote the values of the proposal that was voted upon in plenary this week . the European Parliament resolution calls on the UN and the International Criminal Court to investigate whether the Sudanese President ' s latest decision constitutes a war crime under international law . I am concerned , however , that conditions are presently being created for accepting a medium-sized country with a significantly industrial infrastructure and that later on , when the larger countries want to join , this will lead to rebates that we will no longer be able to justify . the European Union cannot be absent from and left out of new concepts such as macro supervision , systemic risks , global financial stability , and the need to participate in global economic governance . the Court also found some weaknesses in the Commission ' s conformity clearance in agriculture . the African Union condemned the events and decided to prepare a report on possible measures to be taken . I am also delighted that we have managed to guarantee confirmation of the Galileo budget . according to the statistics , by the year 2025 there could be nearly 4 million extra flights per year and , as a result , more than 60 European airports will be at full capacity . last week the General Affairs and External Relations Council adopted the updated Guidelines on Torture . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , my group would first of all like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Piecyk . secondly , I think the point made by Mr Salatto is valid , that we do need to have quicker and more accessible routes in and out of Strasbourg for the benefit of Members and others . it is about peak oil and what that will do to developing countries ' opportunities ; it is about meeting the Millennium Development Goals . we cannot abandon the European citizens who are in this situation ; we must help them . people in my region do not want to see that occurring . we must protect their human rights pending examination of the question of whether they are asylum seekers or not . I am pleased that operators will also have to comply with sustainability criteria and laws on indigenous peoples . social and economic concerns have a bearing on people ' s lives and in terms of the food shortages the world is facing . although the situation in Zimbabwe has prompted concern for a while now , the fallout of these elections and evidence of brutal state-sponsored violence against supporters of Tsvangirai ' s opposition MDC party have brought the crisis to another level . fortunately the report was redrafted on these points before the proposal came before the plenary . all we would be doing is telling the car designers to sit down in front of their computers and start building and designing the cars of the future . these issues are dealt with in the six negotiating chapters which are being handled under the auspices of the UN . he was a true friend to the people of Germany . I voted in favour of the report on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation ( EC ) No 1698 / 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ( EAFRD ) . current efforts are concentrated on regulatory testing , which accounts for only 10 % of animal use . I would like to see a market-driven solution supported by Member States , a solution where the industry self-regulates with a code of practice , taking the lead in environmental agendas . I would like to ask the Minister - since this is clearly of grave concern to the international community and to the European Union - the following question . today , on 17 September , I have to remind you all of a sad anniversary , namely the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland . we will continue these forms of cooperation during the Hungarian Presidency too , as I have already established with the Prime Minister , Mr Orbán . the negotiations must act as an opportunity to boost the development of new technologies , to enable significant funds to be invested in research and development . misunderstandings and disagreements could be avoided ahead of events by means of coordination , transparency and the exchange of information . in cases which concern human rights , we will always intervene , in particular with regard to a partner as important as Ukraine . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , High Representative , Commissioner , I would like to welcome first of all Commissioner Piebalgs ' detailed and positive statement on the situation and his conclusions that the financial instruments are working well . we must not forget however about another necessity : to save energy . I have no doubt that you wish to appear - to paraphrase Dominique de Villepin - in this ' temple ' of the European Parliament - as a ' guardian of an ideal and a guardian of a conscience ' . we were able to witness all that during the recent visit of a delegation from the Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left to Honduras and Nicaragua , where we met the legitimate president of the country , Manuel Zelaya . it is about whether old frontiers should be used as a barrier to people seeking healthcare or whether the openness of today ' s Europe should be used as a means for people throughout Europe to get the best healthcare they can . written explanations of vote : I voted for this resolution because great attention must be paid to women ' s security when deploying peacekeeping missions and during armed conflicts . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Madam President , these reports bring the usual wish list of incompatible objectives : security of energy supply , an efficient energy market , reduction of CO2 , harmonised rules for all countries and cheap energy for pensioners . the report by Mr Szájer , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999 / 468 / EC , as amended by Decision 2006 / 512 / EC , with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny - Part One - C6-0432 / 2007 - ; and it is time to bring an end to the Stability Pact and give the European Central Bank other functions , impose effective controls on the financial sector , and prioritise a true pact for progress and social development . established in 2000 by the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone , this was the first international court to be funded by voluntary contributions , the first to be established in a country where the alleged crimes took place , and the first to indict a sitting African head of state for war crimes and crimes against humanity . we need a financing instrument which is exclusively targeted at the objectives of poverty eradication as defined in the Lisbon Treaty and which only covers developing countries . the next most important aspect is the time it takes for it to be transmitted , the strength with which it is transmitted in order also to enable coexistence here , and , finally , the priorities that are established by means of the software . consideration will be given to this matter in the drawing-up of the strategy . I would like now to refer to the proposal by the Committee on Regional Development to insert a specific recital on comitology into the text . in Greece the risks of old-age poverty are significantly higher than the average : 26 % in 2005 for persons over 65 years of age , compared with 19 % for persons aged 64 . although repealing these regulations might appear to be a positive and welcome step from the standpoint of legislative simplification , it would , on the other hand , mean depriving our textile industry of still valid forms of defence against unfair competition from countries like China . it must , however , remove all the barriers to regional and national measures , enable effective coordination of these measures , improve cross-border payment of charges and provide professional drivers with better information on what measures to expect outside the area where they live . so could I ask if her services could support some of these community projects by giving some clear guidelines about State aid criteria to help those public / private partnerships which would , I agree , be crucial to achieving universal broadband . it was indeed a very exciting experience . however , it is one thing to give Brazil the treatment it deserves as the great country that it is , and another for the European Union not to continue with its commitment to the work that it has been doing to conclude the Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur . the question now is whether we strengthen it at this stage or send it back to the drawing board . I would also ask the Portuguese Presidency whether unanimity could be used for areas of consensus concerning the rules on which the Union is founded . let us raise the overall level of education , yes , but chiefly we must mould training to the needs of the labour market and production . ( LT ) Thank you for your answer , Commissioner . because having these tests at the national level helps to avoid Commission intervention . the cheap , fast , easily accessible and globally available internet is often misused by terrorists to disseminate terrorist information and to recruit new members and sympathisers . as a country which has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child , it is running into sharp conflict with the world . this , however , presupposes that the various groups exercise their minority rights properly and do not abuse them . you know how important symbols are in politics as well . Evacuations to the mainland region followed , but after the destination regions refused to accommodate the camps , repatriation got under way . I would just like to refer briefly to the situation in Palestine and Israel . I am voting against it . the regional fisheries organisations are extraordinarily important institutions for good management worldwide . it is precisely agriculture , of course , which can help in the fight against global warming , especially through new methods of tillage aimed at conserving soil and reducing storage of CO2 , through support for forestry and agro forestry and through support for organic farming . I find it regrettable that we are not permitting any impact assessment of the agreement now reached . the Commission is currently examining the need for additional initiatives , including improved legislative requirements , in order to further and strengthen the inspections and controls of waste shipments . finally , I would draw attention to one small , unfortunately administrative shortcoming . the situation in the Palestinian Territories is in no way simple . this is the work we have done , increasing the budget and improving local activities and EU-wide activities for the benefit of the associations . for instance , the greenhouse crops campaign has been irretrievably destroyed for 2010 , and 90 % of the infrastructure cannot be repaired . we must now answer these questions and continue on our current path , both from a domestic and an international perspective . not only on a personal note , but also on behalf of the Romanian Social Democrat MEPs , I call for László Tőkés to be dismissed from his position as Vice-President . we must stop saying the first thing that comes into our minds on this question . the Galileo project ranks among the European Union ' s biggest and most complex projects . within the Council all the Member States voted to keep a threshold of 5 % . the agency , which is based in Lisbon , fittingly , has important competences in this area and deserves to be supported in its demanding work . with the prospect of several million more jobs being lost in the EU , it is important to have incentives that people who are made redundant can access in an attempt to make a new life for themselves , thereby avoiding social crises and reducing Member States ' spending on social support measures . that stumbling block has now been overcome . we are strengthening the cooperation between Member States , including the promotion of creative industries . I believe that during the forthcoming period the Bank ' s activities must be focused on the countries hit hard by the crisis , which are failing to kick-start their economies , in order to support cohesion and prevent the continuing economic and social decline . but , be that as it may , I think the Rasmussen and the Leinen reports as they have come before us are a genuine attempt to look at all of these particular areas in a balanced way . globalisation itself is the result of our march towards the future . ( ES ) I would like to put a few very simple questions to Mr Almunia , without the difficulties of translation . 8 . this is why I am taking the opportunity in this debate to make an appeal . the third idea comes from Mr Gaubert , to whom I am particularly grateful for emphasising the humanitarian dimension of this major debate . we have looked into it . I would like to finish by saying to the Commission that we most definitely believe that there is a need for a revision of the General Product Safety Directive . of course there were points that were unsatisfactory at the start . this does indeed seem very important to me , and the Council shares Parliament ' s concern to be able to take these sanctions decisions , and to update them , on the basis of the best possible information . the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) was established to provide additional support to workers who are suffering the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns . but , if , true to form , the EU nonetheless decides to meddle in this national issue , then one initiative it could consider is to introduce a payment to farmers in return for providing carbon sequestration in soil management and farming practices . the new Member States , including Hungary , have significantly reduced their greenhouse gas emissions since the end of the 1980s . the facts are damning : EUR 1 288 million of aid to production , making a total of EUR 2.9 billion of subsidies for the coal industry between 2003 and 2008 , has done nothing to limit the loss of market share , nor has it ensured that the industry ' s 100 000 workers receive useful support to help them retrain . there was an immediate reaction from the Member States and the central banks in order to prevent the financial system from collapsing , and there was also a reaction in relation to the real economy . in this case , ladies and gentlemen , the rules are perfectly clear . gas will continue to flow out until the fault has been repaired , because if water got inside , it would cripple the pipeline completely . I hope that the Council will also do the same next week and that we can take advantage of the French Presidency , which is propelling this reform , to implement it in full . Madam President , I think there is something else further down the line and I think Mr Tannock should tell us about that as well before we vote . strict rules and sufficient enforcement mechanisms are needed for the financial sector , the public budgets and the debt , and also for the correction of macro-economic imbalances . finally , I would stress the rapporteur ' s idea that the new Multiannual Financial Framework ( MFF ) should ensure adequate levels of funding for GNSS research and development , as well as for its implementation . Europe has a strategy for its counter-terrorism policy . the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats has insisted on the usefulness of this broader approach , but has not been heeded . today , I voted for the report under discussion concerning emissions standards for new light commercial vehicles . in addition , the Commission can certainly not be alone in communicating with the citizens on the issue of Europe . this report , drafted by Mr Mitchell , concerns Regulation ( EC ) No 1905 / 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation : lessons learned and perspectives for the future . we also ought to urge Russia to take a more active part in international negotiations , as it is the eve of the Copenhagen conference . all of these facts suggest that the new criterion of permanently sustainable inflation will not be an insurmountable problem for Slovakia in the future either . Parliament and the Council must , among other things , have sufficient time available to exercise the right to object to planned regulations . SMEs are the sector which can create more jobs in the European Union and we will be doing them , and their workers , a good service if we reduce administrative burdens and apply a better and smart regulation approach . the agreement covers rules of origin in relation to fisheries , textiles and agriculture , leading to investment and employment opportunities . that democratic will was clearly shown by the Parliament of the Czech Republic , so I hope that no artificial obstacles and no artificial delays will now cause more difficulties before full ratification . we insist once again - and I think that this is important - that the ship ' s crew be treated fairly in case of an accident and not erroneously regarded as criminals . Europe should consider making a specific proposal to include Ukraine in European structures . we really crept together on this one , as it were . the agreement which you proposed , in the form of a two-step approach , must also guarantee that no one is left out , so that ultimately , we are genuinely moving in the right direction , which is still not guaranteed today . of course , no set of regulations can offer a 100 % guarantee . however , on the other hand , it is always better to develop our cooperation with Russia , in particular , when we are calling on Russia to respect human rights or to improve environmental rights , if only because of its size . this is particularly important in cases of complicated or rare health problems . we shall remain vigilant and if something goes wrong , we shall try to put it right . this report is in principle about the implementation of Regulation 1049 / 2001 and , therefore , let me start by recalling one of the positive elements in the implementation of the regulation because , as the quantitative data show and as the Parliament report acknowledges , the EU institutions have granted access to a higher number of documents while registering a decrease in the number and rate of refusals . I believe that only an optional instrument to be adopted by means of a regulation can adequately fulfil the objectives of the whole reform of European contract law . initially , I have to say I had some reservations about the impact on postal workers , but Member States still have the authority to regulate employment conditions and collective bargaining in the sector , where this does not lead to unfair competition . I live in a region where terrorism exists . however , I am not convinced that there is space for them within the framework of the Transparency Regulation . the EU strategy has formed a basis for a series of multilateral and bilateral discussions . nevertheless , our ports are facing major challenges , including the increase in international demand for transport , which is increasing even faster than the rate of global economic growth . Parliament ' s position regretting the severe shortcomings of the Commission in implementing programmes on competitiveness and innovation , particularly during an economic crisis which heightens the need for such support . such exchange will be useful both to the experts and the public in general , and I assume that it will be useful to the Greens as well . Europe must strongly reprimand the States to be responsible , stable and serve the future generations . the debate on the selection process of a new Managing Director for the International Monetary Fund and external representation of the euro area will take place directly after Mr Leinen ' s report on European environmental economic accounts . unfortunately , victims all too often fear for their family ' s reputation and , justifiably , their safety and economic dependence , and so they do not go to the law enforcement authorities . these , however , are precisely the things for which the European Union makes no provision . we also need to make progress on the necessary means to support developing countries and boost technology transfer . performing that role requires a more strategic external action and a single foreign policy uniting all the Member States . this will save valuable taxpayers ' money . ( PL ) Mr President , the energy crisis has revealed a weakness in the European Union . what we have learned is that Europe stands or falls together . in future , it will therefore be necessary for Parliament and international and European trade unions to work together and add their positive and urgent recommendations to the initiative voted on here today . what has changed in the political reality is the fact that we do not believe that we can compel people to comply with our wishes , but that we must accept the challenge of achieving all our goals at the same time : we need a high standard in environmental protection , a clamp-down on climate change , a sustainable fisheries policy , secure shipping route development and acceptable development for local communities . even before the vote in committee , when Mr Vanhecke was not allowed to learn the content of the report , it was discussed on Flemish public television . the vote will take place tomorrow at 11 a.m . we should sit down together here to put together , quickly and efficiently , a package that really reaches our small- and medium-sized enterprises . the development and implementation of a regulatory framework for the media should respect the democratic standards for the organisation and governance of communication systems . we think that existing legal restrictions on ownership of Canadian airlines should be removed and , at the same time , new traffic rights and cooperation on a range of issues - including passenger safety , respect for the environment , air traffic management and security - ought to be introduced . in fact , the national airborne resources , be they Greek , Portuguese or Italian , and those that came from other countries , were joined by the purely Community fire-fighting aircraft , which fly under the flag of the European Union , not under the flag of a Member State . they are a signal that we cannot continue as we are and that , thanks to borrowing that has been too cheap and imports that have been too cheap , we have all been living above our means and we cannot go on consuming at the same rate . the Commission and the European Parliament must stand shoulder to shoulder to bring about the Single European Sky , as five times more environmental gain is to be achieved from that . many people have mentioned the quota system . we therefore support the extension of the scope of the agreements to the extent deemed beneficial to the APC countries themselves . we have a surplus in goods trade with the rest of the world and , where we are allowed to compete freely , we are a match for anyone . the advances that have been made in the areas of energy , the environment and transport are the result of that work . ( FR ) The oral amendment would be a first point , worded as follows : however , in the end , I voted against this report , as I come from a country that has established a particular combination of maternity protection and waged / unwaged parental leave . this means that food prices and energy prices always correspond and this has something to do with the fact that we do have an Electricity Feed Act - in Germany in any case , but also in some other countries - by which better recycling of plant products can be achieved in the energy sector than in the food sector . the first part of this initiative , namely the communication of 30 September 2005 , was based on three main aspects : digitisation , online access and preservation of digital content . above all , turning now to the issue that brings us here , I would like to congratulate the Council for starting negotiations on a major trade agreement , which is also political and relates to cooperation , between the European Union and Mercosur , which was decided upon at the Madrid Summit on 18 May of this year . EU aid programmes are a classic case of giving with one hand and taking back with the other . I believe that the agreed text is a balanced compromise that incorporates many of the amendments presented by Parliament and leaves room for further developments in the near future , which - as Mrs Győri pointed out during her speech - is very important . I did so because I approve of the line it takes , but also because the rapporteur and the Committee on Civil Liberties have given us a report which aims to protect freedom of thought , research and expression . I am aware , of course , that he is about to face a number of very busy months , as the problems of the world are going to be resting , more than anywhere , on his big , broad shoulders . the EU and the US are the world ' s most integrated economies ; we are each other ' s largest trade and investment partners ; we share common values and responsibilities for tackling global challenges on a variety of issues , be it innovation or environmental challenges , energy security or access to raw materials . despite this figure , I believe it essential that the principles of economy , efficiency and effectiveness be applied . for this reason , I have always supported severe measures to combat this situation , as a way of closing down a trade that represents EUR 45 billion of profit to some criminal networks . the Reconciliation Commission established by the government does not meet basic requirements for independence . we believe that this report places too much emphasis on protecting EU agricultural markets from outside competition and not enough emphasis on exporting production standards . it is also impossible to discuss this issue looking solely at the interests of science or using a logic of obtaining results at the lowest possible cost . on Wednesday , a working lunch will be held on the subject at 1 p.m. in Room C 2.1 . if we are to achieve these objectives , however , we need adequate funding for research and development , which has been scarce until now . its main target is to contribute to the integration , a balanced and sustainable development as well as an economic and social cohesion of the EU Member States . I voted in favour of this report . the objectives set by the European Commission are not new but , to date , Europe has not managed to achieve them . illegal , unreported and unregulated fishing poses a major threat to the sustainability of fishing in Lithuania . we must analyse whether the money that was spent yielded the benefit we were expecting and whether we achieved the objective we set ourselves . we know that there is an ongoing investigation to determine whether the Sri Lankan authorities are doing their part to incorporate human rights legislation into national legislation . I believe that it concerns a Council regulation . I want to refer , however , to the proposed compulsory electronic identification of sheep , which commences in January 2010 , and which the Commission is determined to press ahead with despite the opposition of the Agricultural Committee members and the farming organisations . it is widely recognised that breast-feeding has positive effects on both the child ' s health and on that of the mother , reducing the risk of breast cancer . despite having a few doubts about the excessive reach of the text - which falls within the ambit of the Europe 2020 strategy - I think the objectives of the resolution are most welcome . the opening of new negotiating chapters will result precisely in the kind of new dynamism , as regards progress on human rights and justice , that we want to see . it remains for us to work hard to ensure that our citizens can tangibly feel that they are benefiting from the results of this solidarity . in writing . - I welcome the Commission ' s presentation of its work programme for 2008 . in my opinion , however , they are not insurmountable . since the Agreement on the European Economic Area ( EEA ) entered into force in 1994 , the EEA / European Free Trade Association states - currently Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway - have contributed towards reducing economic and social disparities in the EEA . reacting to what is happening in Iran today is one of the greatest tests of the effectiveness of our western world . nowadays , almost half of the EU ' s energy is dependent on imports , with the forecasts indicating to us that imports will account for 70 % of the natural gas supply and 100 % of the oil supply by 2030 . ( PL ) Mr President , it is worth considering where the emphasis lies in the report on illegal immigration . during the vote on trade relations between the EU and Japan , I decided to vote for the resolution tabled by the political group which I belong to . ( RO ) Madam President , I would like to begin by congratulating the rapporteur , Mr Ungureanu , for the particularly fine job he has done on this report , which is extremely important both from a geopolitical and economic perspective . I therefore reject the transfer of highly personal data on principle and thus also voted against the motion for a resolution . they were protesting against a mistaken and unsocial policy towards the crisis . in the case of the other institutions , it is worth noting that the Court of Auditors ' increased need for funding is due to the downpayments on its new headquarters ( in the final analysis , this method for funding the new headquarters will be cost-effective for European taxpayers ) and , in the case of the European Court of Justice , it will need funding for its new urgency procedure , which requires funding in order to employ additional staff . instead of questioning the European practice of export subsidies , which have a massive impact on the ability of some African states to survive , we keep coming up with more empty words . however , we must ensure that similar errors are not repeated in future , especially not in Europe . I am calling on the Council and the Commission to examine the voting result on this report closely and deliver on their promises of respecting the geographical balance principle while recruiting the future staff of the EEAS . there is , of course , no point in scaring consumers . this House has said very clearly today that it rejects any blockade due to the name issue and that bilateral issues should not be an obstacle to accession . it is no secret that in the smaller EU states the power of regulators to adopt such exceptional measures against large companies will be very limited , and so I am not convinced that in this case Parliament is making progress in terms of strengthening the single European market compared with the European Commission ' s proposal . it undermines the foundations of the EU and , moreover , it is always the smaller countries who have to suffer , as this case has proven once again . I am pleased that the European Parliament has debated and adopted a resolution condemning the recent attacks on Christians . the directive allows producers of electrical equipment to provide buyers who are purchasing equipment with information on the costs for collecting , processing and disposing of the waste in an environmentally-friendly way . these measures would also leave sufficient time to prepare the negotiations on creating an expanded , comprehensive free trade area , which is an objective shared by the EU and the Republic of Moldova . the accession of Croatia to the European Union would have enormous regional consequences and would help to test the scope of the obligations taken on by the EU for the Western Balkans . the euro is the opportunity for their economies to be permanently integrated into the good , reforming and advanced practices of the countries of Central Europe . competitiveness is gained by investing in qualifications , research , excellence and major infrastructure . the issue is not the advisability of a directive that creates a joint , shared system . we had various discussions about it . the financial ministers have shown initiative . the major share of the money is actually spent on facilitating access for small and medium-sized enterprises to funding instruments that are designed to improve their capacity to innovate . in fact , this is also the reason why many Member States insist that the market should be deregulated . let us not forget , the Roma were the first to move between different countries of Europe , well before we had set up our common area . I have voted in favour of Mr Parish ' s report on the proposal for a Council decision correcting Directive 2008 / 73 / EC simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields . this is an extremely serious and difficult subject , especially as the EU is concerned with urban policy . that is the outcome of the vote . the registration fee will be abolished by next year , but some of the other measures , such as the translation of the registrations into English and the possibility to register online , have not yet materialised . I am pleased that , after many requests from the Council and the European Parliament , the Commission has prepared an assessment of the situation of Roma and of the practices relating to them . however , we have achieved not only strict protection for workers using them professionally , but also a commitment to control and inspection by the Member States . carrying out codification in order to maintain clarity after a certain number of amendments certainly makes things easier . as Mr Liese pointed out just now , human beings clearly come before economic issues , which can be dealt with at any time . rapporteur . - ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to start by thanking all the shadow rapporteurs for the good and constructive cooperation . the Party for Freedom warns of the consequences of Islamification . this is because the current rules allow the possibility for abuse , namely , to mark as honey of European origin honey which contains only a very minimal amount of European honey , and , in fact , contains mostly honey imported from a third country , which may even be of poorer quality . I still see major obstacles ahead , to be sure , but we shall make it . waste storage such as this - lakes of waste - really must not recur . so if we say that we have 143 simplification initiatives , this means that several thousand acts are affected . the European Union is neither the first , nor the second or third , to request that its citizens be informed about the origin of a product they purchase for their needs or consumption . at the same time , I have to say that I understand the vigilance of the Members of the European Parliament and the vigilance of the agricultural sector on these very pertinent issues . it should be noted that the disasters occurred in May and June 2010 . what does it say ? at present , two thirds of energy resources are imported from countries outside the EU , mainly Russia . I , like the Presidency , am therefore paying close attention to what is being said about agriculture in order to preserve the European Union ' s agricultural and regional food model , which has supported the common agricultural policy for 50 years , but keeping a clear and empathetic perspective on what is happening in other parts of the world . I think that the EU should be prepared to face any attack or accident which jeopardises Europeans ' security and health . the situation in Libya is another example of this , to add to those of Afghanistan and Iraq . this is the point that we have reached ! I was interrupted unnecessarily , Mr President . the Council rejected all substantive amendments proposed by Parliament at first reading , as it believes that these would not be compatible with the intended simplification . although little consolation , it does confirm the need for an effective European Solidarity Fund . I should also like to extend my special thanks to Commissioner Kallas for the work he has done in recent years . I am pleased that the report by Mr Florenz recognises this problem and that we were able to introduce some pleasing improvements in the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety which had the support of all the groups . I think that the Union should do more to increase the maritime transport safety in the region . at the same time , I would like to say that Honduras is only a one-hour flight away from Cuba , from Havana . but in this context it is particularly appropriate , given that Burma is a member of ASEAN . people or entities suspected of having links with Osama bin Laden , the al-Qaeda network or the Taliban can be placed on this list , which results in a travel ban and the freezing of their financial assets . I am referring , of course , to the message she mentioned on the complete and immediate freezing of settlement , on the need for progress on the peace process with the Palestinian Authority , on lifting the restrictions on the people of Gaza and the West Bank , and on the vital need to improve the lot of the people of Gaza affected by the blockade , as the European Parliament ' s delegation saw recently . so it is a very happy day today that a proposal taken on by my predecessor as coordinator in my group , Martine Roure , is now the subject of an agreement . the changes proposed by the rapporteur are primarily the introduction of new provisions concerning fund mergers ( so that they will be treated as domestic mergers and will retain tax-neutrality ) , the introduction of a document which provides key investor information ( replacing the simplified prospectus ) and simplification of the existing notification procedure by using direct regulator-to-regulator information exchange . we call for a thorough investigation , within the constitutional and legal framework of East Timor , to identify and try the main perpetrators of these attacks . because , obviously , the world will not wait for us . the oral question that we are debating expresses grave reservations about funding petrol or coal-related projects . so there is no change in strategy vis à vis those countries , but greater attention will be paid to the way in which the accession criteria are applied and managed during the negotiation process . for this reason , I support the contents and the proposals of the report by Mr Lange . they , their families and their carers will welcome a proactive approach to tackling this disease , which can be so devastating to both sufferers and families . this suggests that the investors have what can at best be described as dubious intentions . - ( SK ) Mr President , I welcome the report of Mrs Svensson , because it advances the discussion on women ' s rights . recently the EU voted against an amendment placed before the Committee on Budgets that sought to divert EU funding that goes into institutions towards community- and family-based services . the existing directive has proven to be flexible and allows Member States to increase coverage according to their own economic situation . I do not understand what the Soviet Union has to do with it : everyone is free to say what he or she wants ; I do not feel nostalgic about the Soviet Union . towards the end of the 1980s , Slobodan Milošević deprived Kosovo of its autonomy and in 1999 occupied it by military force , thereby causing a tragedy of global proportions . it is not the business of a national or European body to monitor , in an intrusive way , the use people make of the internet . in the case of Belarus these conditions are not met . given the increasing number and severity of natural disasters caused by climate change , I agree with the position put forward that it is important , not just to provide one-off aid , but also to provide support for communities ' own disaster-preparedness capabilities : the Hyogo action plan needs to be strengthened . the Commission ' s economic forecast in autumn 2009 predicted average budget deficits across the eurozone of 6.4 % and average government debts of 78.2 % , figures which , in turn , are both expected to increase in 2010 . nevertheless , the need for a minimum margin has prevented us from exceeding EUR 300 million for the milk fund . I would draw your attention to the fact that , at the end of 2004 , the Commission - my Commission - made a recommendation on excessive remuneration , not only in banks , but also in the economic system in general . there is a common thread running through this proposal and the PNR proposal , with the indiscriminate handling of air passenger data , and the regulation on liquids , which was put in place after an alleged attack two years ago , but it was then discovered , after the regulation had come into force , that all those who had been suspected of terrorism had been acquitted . several speakers have referred today to the need to make the situation simpler , but we must do this by putting in place standardised rules for the different funds , as far as this is feasible and possible . this goal of achieving a common European asylum system is not a goal that Parliament set ; we all remember in 1999 , in Tampere , that it was the Council that set these goals ; they reset these goals at The Hague and at Stockholm , so let us revise our history and understand that we depend on the Council to unblock the system and we will work cooperatively with the Hungarian Presidency to try and maintain the momentum of the Belgian Presidency . ( EL ) Mr President , we do not agree with the political approach of this budget , because it increases military spending and because it slowly but surely merges its policy with NATO policy . I must protest . the second network is INSAFE , which coordinates awareness centres in 23 European countries and also organises the Safer Internet Day every year - this year it was on 12 February . in other areas , it would also strictly mean a monetisation of health , or a monetary evaluation of health . this is probably just as important . it is intended to bring about a significant improvement in the joint institutional framework of the EU and the Republic of Moldova , to allow closer relationships to develop in all areas and to strengthen the political association and the economic integration , while introducing mutual rights and duties . the newly admitted Member States , which are often less developed and have a specific demographic structure , with large numbers of young people , require completely different tax policies to the old EU Member States . that is why I abstained from the final vote on this report . 10 . Croatia : progress report 2008 - Turkey : progress report 2008 - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : progress report 2008 ( debate ) the procedure is always the same : the young man has to climb onto a stool , the noose is placed around his neck , and when the executioner kicks away the stool , the noose pulls tight . the EU is talking about spreading democracy across the EU , and my colleague Mr Hannan has already given many details of such hypocrisy . if , however , as in the recent notorious Polish case , an entity obtains funding from one government only to have it taken away by another , a number of concerns emerge . Sixty-seven per cent of the Irish population : what we saw on Friday is a clear message to the Eurosceptics . good neighbourly relations are essential during the process of transition to EU Member State status . we are very privileged to have very professional and committed people working for Parliament , the Council and the Commission , but the reality of it is that within this Parliament , we do not have a grasp of exactly what a lot of these staff do . they are afraid that patients will travel to countries where they will not have to wait months or years for an operation like they do at home . we regret the previous position of the Liberal Government in Bucharest and the ALDE group in the European Parliament , which refused the mandate extension for the European Commissioner appointed by Romania for minority issues in Europe , including issues related to the Roma population . for this reason I have every confidence that this agreement will lead to closer coordination of positions on crisis situations and issues of world importance , on the basis of shared interests and concerns . educating the children of migrants is not segregated from the EU ' s overall immigration policy , a policy characterised by harsh measures against those who are not required by big business and which qualifies as illegal immigration the selective legalisation and integration into work , of course on much less favourable terms , of immigrants who meet the needs of the monopolies . here we have the paradox of not finding common ground on the budget . as a member of the ACP-EU ( African , Caribbean and Pacific-European Union ) Joint Parliamentary Assembly , I voted resolutely in favour of this report on the work carried out by the assembly in 2009 . I will not be supporting most of the amendments tabled by some of my colleagues . this is a necessary and essential condition for the budget of the European Union to actually fulfil its economic recovery function . we also need to provide much more encouragement and reward for intelligent and sustainable behaviour and practices . those who rely on copyright for their income would beg to differ . a true energy efficiency policy should also mean an opportunity to sell electricity at a lower price to railways , metros and trams , as happened in France before the European directives on the single energy market prohibited it . in writing . - ( IT ) I welcome the report by Manolis Mavrommatis on the White Paper on Sport . a forward-looking drugs policy must be based on effective smashing of drug rings , instant deportation of foreign drug dealers and the adoption of targeted priority actions , along with the provision of better treatment services for drug users . to what has already been said I would like to add only that between 2001 and 2007 , 20 000 children disappeared , 500 of whom were found . I will believe that when I see it . I am very pleased that the European Parliament has today decided to support numerous people who have been adversely affected by globalisation . I think , therefore , that this debate ought to be useful in highlighting the lessons of 2010 , so that we can draw conclusions for 2011 . it is in the interests of all citizens , particularly given the difficult economic and financial situation we face at present , to be able to count on efficient EU agencies that are able to use the budgets granted to them in a transparent and responsible fashion . I find that it is not our business to foretell the possible developments in those countries . Jamie is having problems finding a donor to save him from a condition known as Fanconi anaemia because in Malta we do not currently have a register of bone marrow donors . to reinforce those fundamental rights for each single citizen can only be an advancement of what we think as being the real values of our Europe . as a bridgehead for the South American drug smugglers , Guinea-Bissau has become a country of transit for drugs which are destined for Europe , where we represent the biggest consumer . nevertheless , as we all know , immigration is a vital element for the economies of European countries and favourable for economic growth . debates on cases of breaches of human rights , democracy and the rule of law ( debate ) I voted today in favour of the proposal for a directive adopting a standard mechanism to facilitate and strengthen protection granted to victims of crimes who move between Member States in exercise of their right of freedom of movement . secondly , given the regime under which poultry producers operate , it is unreasonable to have two different standards , both from the perspective of the producers and more importantly from that of the consumers . first of all , the European parties are , as you know , recognised as important entities by the Treaty that was ratified unanimously by our Member States . in the first part of this communication , the Commission proposes a number of actions to have stronger , sustainable and equitable growth for business . this is something which I felt people had touched upon in this debate , but I would urge you , if you are interested in the issue of kinship carers , to look at the work of Mentor UK and the help that is given to kinship carers in different countries . the legislation which has applied to date is not very transparent and therefore we are now integrating the procedure for all Member States in this area , thereby simplifying the approval and placing of novel foods onto the market . we cannot have our cake and eat it : we cannot make cuts and , at the same time , invest in infrastructure . it is about the procedures of the European Arrest Warrant and whether it is being misused for political purposes . it is a shame that the President-in-Office cannot be present for the whole time . asylum seekers ' right to legal aid applies at different levels . a special focus is also needed on health prevention and information , in coordination with organisations from civil society . specifically regarding Amendment 14 , whilst I commend the efforts of Scottish fishermen , who have taken a lead in voluntarily reducing the catch of immature fish , I cannot support the implementation of a compensation scheme that is administered by the EU institutions . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , you said today that products with a designation of origin are a spearhead for our industry . the report notes the abolition of the death penalty in several countries , the progress made on violence against women , the protection of children , the fight against torture , protection for human rights activists , the promotion of democracy and religious freedom , and so on . but negotiations on our common steps at expert level are , to date , not finished . traditional jobs in these areas have declined in number . its aim is to gradually connect up the energy markets in the region , overcoming deficiencies in interconnections and creating common market mechanisms . neatly , we see how the American ' s place is always in the wrong in this House . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , with today ' s vote , we have given a further boost to the - how should I put it - definitive solution to this problem , but we have not adopted the best possible solution . 3 . yes , that policy has yet to yield all the positive results expected , but to return to the past would really be wrong . there is a need for greater flexibility when delineating the territories in which cohesion policy programmes are designed and implemented . I am offering to provide , in an organised manner , those Members of Parliament who so wish with a complete briefing on the technical measures that we can take at European level . first of all , their status should be identified , and it should be established whether they can all be released without risk . by Mr Fjellner , on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control , on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European GNSS Supervisory Authority for the financial year 2007 ( C6-0446 / 2008 - , the country was the last in Europe to grant women the right to vote in federal elections , in the 1970s , and for a long time , women have constituted a social group which finds it difficult not only to participate fully in civil society , but also to access education and professional self-fulfilment . Mr President , I would like to ask a question of Mr Posselt , for whom I have enormous respect . approval of the Minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes I am very glad to say that , this year , the mobile phone industry came up with very concrete actions to inform parents and children about the difficulties and to block programmes which are dangerous for children in the third generation of mobile phones . Mr President , I should like to say to Mr Moraes that the proposal for a directive on the conditions for entry and residence of third-country nationals for highly qualified employment - the ' Blue Card ' Directive - was presented by the Commission to the Council in October 2007 , as he is moreover aware . winners of the Nobel Peace Prize - Liu Xiaobo - and the Sakharov Prize - Guillermo Fariñas - were not able to receive their awards , because they did not receive permission from the regimes where they live to leave their country . Europe has a unique opportunity to show leadership and set an example to the world for a free and open internet . for example , Regulation ( EC ) No 998 / 2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council harmonises the rules for non-commercial movements of pet animals between Member States or after their entry or re-entry into the Community from third countries . I therefore congratulate Mr Frattini on this initiative , which shows that the required willingness exists to make this an EU priority and to create a general EU strategy to effectively promote and protect children ' s rights in internal and external policies . this debate has the purpose of confirming that there is no room for ethnic profiling in Europe : so much so that the Government seems to be doing an about-turn on this issue and we welcome that if it is the case . few citizens believe in it . finally , lifelong education and training . it is precisely this part , that is , the issue of reducing carbon dioxide emissions , that makes up the most important section of this document . it is opposed to pacifist ideals and provokes threats of war . I hope that you can confirm this again today . a genuine process of negotiation must be begun . that raises the question of how we deal with offshore installations in the Baltic Sea . ( applause ) I think the greatest fears arise from the possibility of collisions between freight trains and passenger trains . sport is a means of improving physical condition , but obviously it also influences the human psyche . I would like an answer to that . it will clearly give a boost to their citizens , giving them the same rights and privileges as their neighbours . with regard to the long term , I cannot see any progress or movement in the field of development assistance , which can be understood in the sense of security policy . considering these issues should not be , and must not be , a mere exercise or excuse for claiming legal sovereignty over matters that are currently the responsibility of individual nations . as things stand currently , the maximum compensation amounts depend on the size of the vessel and the number of victims , and this is unacceptable . there comes a time when surrealism verges on madness . that is because every day this gang remains in power is a reflection of our powerlessness and of the fact that the international community does not have the muscle to keep this oppressor in check . I would say to both of those countries that the accession procedure is an opportunity to bring your laws into line and to explain to your citizens the need to do so , and that once you join this club you , do not join a club which is based on an à la carte menu . I therefore welcome this initiative by the Commission . I call on the Commission to speed up its impact assessment and to prioritise the drafting of a regulation on these measures so that it may be adopted as soon as possible : before 2013 , if possible . but what is being done in Gaza is not justice : it is slaughter . a shared vision of the future and effective political dialogue between the political forces will be crucial to ensuring progress . one specific example of this is the non-recognition of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens ' education diplomas after both countries ' accession to the EU , while the directive on this matter was enforcing something different . could I just finally pick up one of my favourite items . I also entirely agree that everything he considers important Parliament also considers important , such as education and research . I think that creating a long-term expectation of integration is not positive either for the EU or for Turkey . if we only depend upon imported low-carbon technologies , we will fail our security of supply and competitiveness objectives . Parliament is not responsible for this matter : the salary of Members - which stands at 38.5 % of the salary of a judge in court - is set by the Council , and the value of the other grants is set by the Bureau and not by Parliament , and cannot exceed the level of inflation published by Eurostat . today , however , we are concerned with the fate of children detached from society for reasons that are not fully understood . their petition resulted in a public hearing and in a European Parliament report , which highlighted the need to include other countries , and the EU in particular , in the decision-making process . the Commission agrees with the honourable Member on the importance of reporting on the concrete benefits of the European Social Fund . this is also the reason why we will remain active . that being the case , I have no problem telling Mrs Trautmann that I do not agree with her view that we should exclude completely any reference to intellectual property rights . I would like to summarise the content of this report based on three main ideas . finally , Commissioner , I would like you to bear in mind that in the European Union no two legal systems in the different regions and countries are the same ; each one is different . what are the Council and Commission doing to resolve this unhelpful situation ? at the same time , experts ' networks and professional cooperation should be strengthened . I think that in the future it will show that protecting those who create was the right choice , and that increasing efficiency of rights management infrastructures will prove wrong those who claim that better protection will lead to a less thriving online culture . there is no excuse for this , nor is the argument that Israel has a right to its own security enough . it is such a pity that this is a summit that is not well prepared - Mr Van Rompuy is partly responsible for that , as is Mr Oettinger . ( the sitting was opened at 9 a.m. ) it is essential that the global commitment to addressing the specific needs of the LDCs , as regards the sustainability of development in all of its economic , social and environmental aspects , and to supporting them in their efforts to eradicate poverty , be reaffirmed during this conference . the next question is : should we also introduce it at a European level ? ( DE ) Many thanks , Commissioner , for your reply . ( the President interrupted the speaker to explain that the debate was on another subject , but then invited him to continue ... ) we must determine who was responsible and these people must be named and shamed . I fully agree with the report where it states that Member States must coordinate the acquisition of vaccines , exchange information and create better transparency . ( DE ) Mr President , we have talked about various different things as regards what would be the right way to go about talking to China and putting it under pressure , because clearly , very little makes much of an impression on this country . three thousand five hundred Iranian men and women , members of the democratic opposition to the fundamentalist regime in Iran , live there completely defenceless . you yourself mentioned demographic changes . Alas , subsequent developments cancel this unsteady step forward . I completely reject assertions that we are doing little in the way of more profound measures . I think that France has come up with a good solution of varying the bonus awarded to purchasers according to the emissions level of the car purchased . it is horrifying that in the 21st century there are 215 million children in the world who are being forced to work , including around 115 million who have to perform hard slave labour . this is because there must not be even a small chance that anyone is sent back and then comes across the trafficker again . in that opinion we acknowledge that we still have to increase the coverage of our public registers and we confirm our commitment to further develop our public registers in the interests of enhanced transparency . the following shall be established : a solution to this issue of children rights is needed urgently . this does not have to be the case . if the countless mistakes made by the international community are not called into question , we are in danger of completely losing the confidence and support of the Afghan population , for the benefit of the Taliban . I also believe that we must jointly come up with a widely shared political solution that will form the subject of a report acceptable to all of humanity or , if not , to a large majority of parliamentary groups . our European supervisors in the US will be able to verify what happens to any European bank details on a daily basis . subject : credit rating agencies moreover , it acknowledges that people with disabilities face even more barriers to mobility than those who are not disabled and additional mechanisms should be put in place to ensure they are provided with the same opportunities as anyone else . moreover , I note that this solution seems to have been chosen for the proposal on passports , on which the European Parliament has to make a decision . in other words , they are administrators who do not work directly in these small businesses . a similarly very , very important question is that the countries and regions of the Danube region , the people living here , were affected severely by the crisis , the economic and financial crisis , so the strategy for the Danube region must be a strategy of recovery from the crisis which must have increasing employment at its centre in any event . statements of the kind that we have heard here are often expressed by various ministers in the Italian Government . it is important that we encourage all Europeans to play their part in protecting the environment . finally , Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I think that I am going to listen to all of you and also to the Commission , and I will conclude . like Mr Muscat , I am conscious that cross-border consolidation in the finance industry increasingly results in VAT revenue accruing to the Member State where the service is created , rather than where the consumer of the service is established . the anti-Strasbourg group is becoming organised and flexing its muscles more and more , in an attempt to make people believe that Parliament is unanimously against Strasbourg . the focus is , of course , very much on the filling of the new posts . the performance and sustainability of the European aviation system ( ( EL ) Commissioner , as rapporteur on the European Indicator of Language Competence , I should like to point out that the duty of the indicator in question is to assess at regular intervals the overall competence in modern languages of all the Member States . on the other hand , Member States will be able to concentrate their limited resources on transactions that actually do pose a risk . Nelson Mandela ' s name will forever be linked to the fight for freedom , justice and democracy . with its further enlargement , EU funding now has to be divided among 27 Member States . equality between men and women is a fundamental right and a democratic necessity . it says nothing about the responsibility capitalists have assumed in over-exploiting natural resources . this measure means that the world fishing quota of blue fin tuna will reduce from 22 000 tonnes currently to 13 500 tonnes in 2010 . the signing of the Nabucco agreement , mentioned here by Mr Barroso , was also the result of work done by the Czech Presidency . it is simply to delete the word ' Communist ' before ' insurgents ' , and to replace ' 120 000 lives ' with ' 40 000 lives ' . they conducted investigations on what happened in Gaza and came up with conclusions that are disturbing to say the least . the EU framework comes at a moment when the situation of Roma has become a real focus of attention in Europe . production quotas and enormous fines for exceeding them . the false accusations caused enormous financial losses to Spanish farmers , and not only them but probably the entire agricultural sector as well . we have the European Parliament , we have the Commission , we have the European Council and , in the end , the institutions are responsible - not wise men or , as we would prefer maybe to say , ' the bright kids ' - and what they could bring as a stimulus to our debate . we are living in a world which has seen a sharp increase in the number and frequency of new crises . I am pleased that the report fleshes out the Commission ' s recommendation , and for this I reiterate my congratulations to the rapporteur . we have to consider this . the system will ensure immunity of course , in order to encourage reporting . this is good for the environment as well as for the economy . what is the definition of wine ? governments very often seek to influence the media , but when they resort to violence and the use of force they must be opposed with exceptional determination . and when there are fatal victims , the situation is exceptionally difficult . Ireland is a completely different case , because it concerns the second level of the banking crisis and not a structural problem , as in other countries . I can state that the directive does not propose any fixed or concrete matters but speaks about reasonable conformity and I can state again that that if reasonable conformity is applied from the outset there will not for the most part be any excessively high costs . my support for the European arrest warrant is qualified by my dismay and indeed anger at some miscarriages of justice and the way it currently operates such as in the cases of Gary Mann and Andrew Symeou that I am involved in . in this day and age , however , Big Brother will not appear , Mr President , because some dictatorship puts him there . the problem is that the acquis communautaire does not protect consumers who purchase services as well as consumers who purchase goods . the debate today has shown that there are also differing views within the groups . therefore , angry on behalf of those people who want rescuing , let us coordinate with the Americans . we therefore need to ask whether the internal monitoring systems in all the Member States are strong enough . another is the buildings reserve , another is the posts which have now been put into reserve and another is the second tranche of EUR 1 500 per Member per month for the assistants ' allowance . on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death , I would like briefly to honour and recognise his legacy and his life ' s work in the cause of European integration at the start of this plenary sitting of the European Parliament . this stipulation of the Rules of Procedure is certainly imperative for the European Parliament , but not for a properly appointed commissioner . with today ' s vote , we have confirmed our desire to ensure that , from farm to table , food in the European Union is as safe as possible for consumers . on behalf of the Conference of Presidents I call on the Council to overturn at ministerial level the decision of the Permanent Representatives . but we also need better regulation and principles for future EU legislation when it comes to motor vehicles . it is not possible to contribute less but receive more . therefore , bacause of the time constraint , I would like to highlight those aspects that need further development on the basis of the report by the champion and highly respected athlete and politician Pál Schmitt . we are also dealing with over-regulation , with a view to simplifying the regulatory regime that is in place . let us not forget either that not all uses are necessarily commercial in nature and therefore do not necessarily yield a profit - I am thinking of the use of the spectrum for cultural or public service purposes , for instance . fine Gael and Labour are part of the PPE and S & D groups respectively in this Parliament . when we demand that children too should have their biometric data in passports from a certain age , it is not due to mass hysteria , which I really do not share , but because we want to afford our children better protection . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I too would like to congratulate the French Presidency , or rather the few survivors from the Council after our long debate , as well as our Commissioner , who has shown greater stamina . they are slowly discovering ecosystems which are extraordinary in nature , often hosting species found nowhere else on the planet . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( EL ) Commissioner , you are absolutely right : the rule of law is the foundation of the EU . consider a girl who attends a French , Italian or Belgian school and suddenly , after having socialised with her peers , finds herself snatched from normality and forced to suffer a tragedy that will mark her for life . Alas , the domestic political crises in both nations have brought a renewed hardening and we , the European Parliament , are working very hard to get the situation moving again . as we know , some of the new EU Member States are encountering a ' brain drain ' problem , for example , teachers who , having completed higher education in one country , leave for another country , where they do not work according to their profession , but receive a larger salary . President of the Commission . - Mr President , it is indeed a very good and timely opportunity for us to meet today - one day before the important Spring European Council . in my opinion , however , the draft is simply not good enough . what can we do , then , to prevent further violence , and how can we help the people of Guinea in their legitimate desire for democracy , the rule of law , peace and development ? it is intended , among other things , to help students choose from the rich educational assortment on offer . the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has of course identified a few positive developments , but the election process did not satisfy OSCE requirements for democratic elections . it was a tragedy in which tens of thousands of people lost their lives , hundreds of thousands lost their homes , and the infrastructure in the most densely populated areas of the country was destroyed . I believe that increasing competitiveness and growth , and trying to reach the 3 % , is absolutely vital if we are to see Europe grow in the way that we want it to . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I believe it is right that our Parliament should send the family of Mrs Reggiani a message of condolence . another of the Commission ' s responsibilities is the combating of environmental contamination . the consequences of this catastrophe can still be seen in a generation that had not even been conceived at the time . all the fears that governed the transitional arrangements put in place with the 2004 enlargement are now starting to dissipate . furthermore , no policy can truly function without cross-sectoral implementation . he is right to refer to truly shared political and social values . we must find a way to make transposition of EU legislation accessible . the second point on the European Council agenda is climate change . the Spanish Government must do all it can to bring justice to those people affected . going on to my speech as I wish to give it , I would like to take the time to commend the late David Kato for his brave work in Uganda , for defending not just his rights , but also the rights of other LGBT people in Uganda , and indeed of those in Africa . before the vote I need to inform Parliament about some technical adjustments . the fact that wine producers in Lithuania and some other countries with no vineyards are not receiving any support is unacceptable . furthermore , if the European Union could arbitrate between Turkey and Cyprus , I believe we would save Greece 2 % of its GDP . this will shortly be followed up with a proposal for a regulation . these are tasks we wish to pursue and we are confident that the Conference of Donor Nations , scheduled for December in Paris , will provide an opportunity for the international community to express its support , in a practical way we hope , for the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine people in general . I will start with the euro , which we must protect and strengthen while , at the same time , asking ourselves some fundamental questions . in order to break the deadlock of the negotiations , the Hungarian Government needs to achieve compromises at the highest possible level . it takes away the compensation payments which have been promised to farmers , without providing the rural development programmes with reliable funding . in 2008 , that was not a problem . I would also like to make a request to the Council for us to be able to finalise these budgets as soon as possible , so that both institutions can carry out their responsibilities in a responsible and efficient manner in the new or expanded areas introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon . it is important to promote family farming , which creates jobs , and equal access to public services as also the provision of public services in order to respond to the needs of disadvantaged families , communities and groups . however , let us take this urgency session in which we are discussing breaches of human rights and democracy a lot more seriously , because , if we do not we are going to lose all the credibility that we currently have , and this is clearly difficult to regain at international level . moreover , human rights are universal and indivisible , or they mean nothing ; so the Union should have the confidence to defend our values within our borders and outwith them . - ( LT ) The discussion on the common energy policy and energy security started in 2006 in the wake of the Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis , the consequences of which had an unfavourable impact on Europe . so we must continue to focus on both institutional and economic reforms to be undertaken by Ukraine in parallel . - Madam President , can I remind you that this would not have happened to Mr Schulz . in Europe , airborne fine particles due to energy consumption now kill around 300 000 people each year . as a result of some of the policies in the common fisheries policy , thousands of tonnes of edible fish are dumped dead over the sides of fishing boats around our coasts . indeed , one of the key issues was to ensure the rapid entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty , which is crucial if we want to be able to confront the challenges that lie ahead together . as the Commissioner has said , China is now Africa ' s third most important trading partner . situation in Kyrgyzstan ( my very warm thanks to you . this is why the texts that we are discussing today are so important . at present , the Commission is carrying out an impact assessment on a possible legal solution for orphan works at European level and we are discussing what could be done , but if you do not mind , I will come back to that when we talk of the digital agenda , for that is one of the issues that we have to touch upon . it should also be stressed that research funding problems primarily affect small and medium-sized enterprises . what does the Commission plan to do in order to get the Member States to finance mentoring and training programmes , and also to ensure that interest payments are subsidised from European Social Fund resources , as agreed ? yet - and this is the striking feature of Ukrainian politics currently - there has been a steady movement in the direction of marginalising alternative centres of power . those regions which are totally or heavily dependent for their development on tourism are seeing their businesses threatened and are facing the future with uncertainty , particularly as tourism is not currently one of the competences of the European Union . to date , there has been a widespread feeling of impunity , as in most cases any sanctions end up not having any effect . I voted in favour of Mr Karim ' s reports . Bulgaria ' s present government is under attack from the old status quo , the remnants of the communist regime in the structures of power and those who illegally enriched themselves during the period of transition . 2 . Mrs Ţicău mentioned the Paris Memorandum of Understanding . firstly , I must express some concern about the creation of a legal framework for a cost-sharing scheme with regard to major disease . we advocate the definition of clear guidelines on the best way of collaborating to promote political stability , fight climate change , manage migratory flows and prevent natural disasters . ( DE ) My question also relates to the Strategy for the Danube Region . I would like to stress that the completion of this process will ensure a consistently high quality of universal service for all European citizens and for the business community . however , I have been watching television all day , keeping up with all the news , and it seems to me that Ouattara is still in the process of winning the war . it is an intelligent proposal . the European economy very much needs vocational qualifications in the next decade . one hundred and thirty grams will be delivered through passenger car technology and ten additional grams will be provided through complementary measures , including fuel efficiency targets for light commercial vehicles and an increased use of biofuels . the aim of a civilised society is surely such a demanding one that we simply cannot move towards one based on the sort of content we have at the moment . I will direct my question to Mr Swoboda - since Mrs Lunacek has already criticised our Chancellor , Mr Faymann , and his party colleagues . Mr President , I should also like to point out the important part you have played in promoting the EU ' s policy on climate change . within our sphere of influence are those states with which we trade . Madam President , the violence in the Republic of Moldova was not a revolution but a mutiny , which took place within a revolutionary atmosphere in a divided society . ( ES ) Mr President , the members of the Spanish delegation of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament are going to vote in favour of the mandate of the Commission that has been christened Barroso II . this amounts , on average , to about EUR 3 a week for each European citizen . because of the reasons set out and because I believe that the European Union is going through a period that requires more effort in terms of making Europe stronger and more competitive , while retaining the need to strengthen inter-institutional dialogue , I am voting in favour of this draft presented by Parliament . standards in the compromise version have been ratcheted up , and a high level set for our region . the Greek Government has repeatedly proven that it wishes to close this chapter once and for all , by increasing bilateral contacts at prime ministerial level . I can only repeat what the Commission President has already told you , that this will be handed over to the new Commission . one of the main problems which we have to tackle here is , of course , dual taxation . at the same time , we Europeans have opened all the back doors in order to avoid a reduction policy at home . at its June meeting the European Council summarised the many steps forward we have made . two major projects are currently being developed : South Stream and Nabucco . 3 . Europe , however , refuses to accept the opinion of the people and wants to ram the Constitution down the throats of Europeans through the backdoor , pretending that everything in the garden is rosy and talking of a so-called ' dialogue with the citizen in the framework of the Treaty of Lisbon ' with the greatest cynicism . we are conscious of the competition issues that have arisen but we think that a better agreement could have been reached . these are substantial targets that require substantial investment . unfortunately , Spain , Portugal and Italy also have high budget deficits . with regard to the economic recovery and reflationary plan discussed by the Ecofin Council yesterday , the Ministers agreed with the Commission ' s view that , given the economic situation and the recession affecting the United States , Japan , the euro area and some major EU economies outside the euro area , a fiscal stimulus is essential . these questions are in large measure answered by the report , which still does not resolve many fundamental problems connected , for example , with legislation , ritual slaughter and forming the conscience of society . we have already heard from Sweden about the problem of pieces of cake being served in the back of the church . I repeat : the treaty clearly states that a Member State cannot be forced to take on debts . the current policy framework also allows money to already be spent on projects in 2009 . it is increasingly recognised that drinking is extremely harmful to children and young people . in Austria , 47 % of unemployed single parents live in chronic poverty . it is dictated more by emotion than by real need , and could bring the economies of the world ' s leading industrialised nations to their knees . farmers have made investments based on those figures . in my view , this agency ' s activities will inevitably extend beyond the thematic areas for which it was established . for that reason , there can be no common consolidated corporate tax base , and the principle of fair tax competition must remain . the aim of the approved resolution is to call on the Commission , after the fruitless attempts at mediation with the Council , to reiterate the proposal in the light of the new responsibilities that Parliament has acquired with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . we have now managed to arrive at a balanced result , that is both consumer-friendly and business-friendly . secondly , I believe that the European Union needs to commit itself more wholeheartedly to this project . this can be seen from their attempts to place the opposition in exile on a list of terrorist organisations , as well as their attempts to close the Ashraf refugee camp in Iraq . ( PL ) Mr President , the Polish shipyard industry is under threat of total closure because the European Commission is demanding the return of sums provided from public aid . it is the story of the first wine drinkers . ( PL ) I would like to express my satisfaction that today ' s debate on the matters related to bloody totalitarian systems has been possible . it is regrettable that the debate is so short and perfunctory . are these reports true ? the Portuguese Presidency of the Council has stated that it will seek to promote EU cooperation with the Mediterranean countries . I shall repeat , once again this year , that the budget is inadequate and the multiannual financial framework is unsuitable . to all my fellow Members who are standing for re-election and who are re-elected , I should like to say that I hope that we , provided of course that I am re-elected , will continue our good work . follow the example of the US population , which is starting a second major revolution : the conservative people ' s revolution ! why did this happen ? we also need to consider - and that would be a task for your successor , whether that is you or someone else - how we in Europe , on the one hand , can be in favour of a number of large projects , such as Nabucco and Desertec , while at the same time advocating the decentralisation of some of our electricity and energy production . the world does not have to bow down to one language and one culture . it is on this other ground that we shall be urging it on , but we must achieve a European patent . there have been many bankruptcies and traffic has been shut down . it increases the range of relevant information for decision making and provides knowledge of legitimate interests which are worthy of consideration . it seems absurd to me that during border controls , technical equipment containing audio and video recordings for personal use may be confiscated . there is no margin for error , for reasons we know all too well . in writing . - In Kyösti Virrankoski ' s report ' Amending budget No1 / 2008 ' regarding the Solidarity Fund , we can see that the EU is prepared to put fresh money into the mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund in the UK . in recent years , Serbia has made major progress in moving towards Europe . as a result , ordinary people in Belarus regard EU policy towards them as a policy of empty words ! this cooperation is key in dealing in the best possible way with the mutual impact that the environment and health have on each other . the European Parliament must be kept informed of how the situation develops , especially regarding the implementation of a waste management plan , pursuant to the 4 March 2010 judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union and to EU legislation . the infringement of democratic principles during the election was followed by protests , brutal repression of a demonstration and the arrest of demonstrators . texts of agreements forwarded by the Council : see Minutes Spain ' s experience is like the bull in the corrida : proud and strong to start with , but bleeding to death in the sand by the end . I would like to emphasise that it is also vital to find out what conditions are like in the countries that people are fleeing from . the situation in the European Union must change , because we are living in an internal market . in the context of regulating the supervisory bodies and the discussion about hedge funds , we have proposed that we should take appropriate measures on a European level and we will make the same resolution on derivatives , if you , Mr Langen , do what you are always saying . we will not move forward through an obsession with the state and with the market . we need to intensify our work towards effective global convergence policies on crisis management and systemically important financial institutions . far from being our shield and protection , EU directives have frequently stolen a march on the WTO . ( DE ) Madam President , one of the accomplishments of the European Parliament that has attracted the most attention is the amendment of the ' Bolkestein Directive ' by replacing the country of origin principle with the principle of freedom to provide services . now more than ever , we need to build a new Europe that will at last provide economic protection for our regions and our nations through an active policy of reassuming control of our internal market . of course , we pay cereal growers to stop growing crops : we call it ' restructuring aid ' , like the set-aside payment or the grubbing-up premium . so it is reasonable to support the negotiated package so that the Foundation can function as soon as possible on solid bases . once the Directive on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles comes into force , around March , we will initiate the development of an internet site to facilitate joint clean vehicle procurement . I want to add the word ' initial ' between ' the government ' s ' and ' decision ' , so the wording will be ' Regrets the government ' s initial decision not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in Oslo on 10 December ; welcomes , on the other hand , the Ombudsman ' s initiative to attend the ceremony as a responsible and praiseworthy decision ' . I should like to thank the Commissioner . at the same time , we must give the impression this morning of a Europe that is working for everyone . urban areas have the task , today , of making transport sustainable in environmental ( CO2 , air pollution , noise ) , competition ( congestion ) and social ( demographic changes , inclusion , health ) terms . in case these two safety measures fail us , we need to do more to protect our planes and avoid in-flight incidents . in 2009 alone , the Commission provided a total of EUR 950 million to approximately 115 million people in more than 70 countries . in order to overcome the demographic challenges of the future , a consistent family friendly policy is needed . in December the European Council specifically asked you and the Commission to look deeper into this issue . this is a chance to give fresh impetus to the accession process in several key areas . in my opinion , this is the problem which does most harm to the development prospects of the African continent . the Commission must manage the interconnection of these systems and expand their functionality in order to streamline costs . most of these were technical amendments aimed at aligning the text with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union . Mr Schulz said that poverty has increased . Europe ' s largest inland sea can and must be saved . we propose to cooperate unconditionally with you if you wish to make progress on a European tax system . but when they look at how it is organised and constituted today , they are not impressed with its organisation or its disposition . ( applause ) I reaffirm the need to adopt specific measures which will facilitate economic governance , based on in-depth , transparent knowledge , and open debate about any domestic measures adopted in Member States which may produce an impact at EU level . the debate is closed . the Paris Conference has clearly shown that our focus has to be very strong on rural development . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , today we are called upon to vote on a package of aid for Holland , which has requested the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for an overall sum of EUR 10.5 million . the response of the European Central Bank to the crisis was effective , although it was guilty at times of acting late or with a lack of assertiveness , in particular , the policy of reducing interest rates , which was more radical and effective in the United Kingdom and the US Federal Reserve . Member States have a sovereign competence for establishing their own national constitutions , and in this case , we should respect the right of the Hungarian people to determine their own constitution adopted by their democratically-elected national parliament . the committee realises that since this will be the first ever evaluation table for consumer markets , some of these indicators will have to be replaced with new ones in the future . on the one hand , demographic change means that people fortunately have longer life expectancies and remain physically and mentally active for longer . as rapporteur for the Agreement between the European Community and the United Mexican States with regard to certain aspects of air services , I want to stress the importance of this agreement . it is a cornerstone of EU foreign policy , founded on the values of freedom , democracy and respect for human rights and international law , which is something that unites us . we must welcome this given the extreme situation faced by regulators . we must be realistic on this matter . trade in goods and services accounts for approximately 20 % of global greenhouse gas emissions . the Agreement between the EC and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau for the period from June 2007 to June 2011 , provides for the granting of 37 fishing licences , four of them for Portugal . this is the best way to counteract asymmetric market opening . I also believe that we need to rethink our approach and come up with a new one which goes into greater depth and is far more fundamental . the light-touch regulation of the financial markets was always a road to rip-off and corruption . this much watered-down alcohol strategy for Europe proved that the alcohol industry won and the EU citizens lost . for me , there is a whiff of superiority here , with Europe saying : ' we have got rid of child labour , but you Indians are still using it ' . this is also closely connected to the question of prosperity . each side was convinced we could do better . in writing . - ( IT ) Foreign trade is one of the most powerful political tools we have available in our dealings with third countries . in the least developed countries , only 28 in 100 women giving birth are attended by trained personnel . the objective of MDG 5 is to reduce the ratio of women dying in childbirth by three quarters between 1990 and 2015 . the bottom-up decision-making process , with the involvement of the regions concerned , ensures support for development by harnessing specific regional aspects . other considerations aside , we must promote quality and excellence , both among students and among teaching staff , and this can only be done with constant support , both in terms of politics and of investment , for mobility within the education system ; this support should be both national and European . in exercising its eventual role in the monitoring board , the Commission must also represent the other European institutions , in particular this House . the basis for doing so is guaranteed by the new Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , the Treaty of Lisbon , a recently elected Parliament and the new Commission now being formed . it is , however , entirely up to the Member States which strategy to choose , based on their specific circumstances . I ask the leaders of the European Parliament to offer assistance to the victims , should this become necessary . you know that we are currently negotiating a free trade agreement with India , where the whole matter of sustainability also has to be addressed . however , this regulation has indicated right from first reading a number of disagreements between the Council and Parliament on the following aspects : fingerprinting of children up to the age of six with the risk of ignoring details of the costs and inconvenience which parents would face every time their children ' s fingerprints change ; new challenges on how to organise the collection of biometric data ; and last but not least , the lack of experience which Member States have with regard to managing the storage of personal data and technical errors . if we want a well-balanced , informative media environment , we must support independent public broadcasters as the counterparts of private broadcasters . EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit ( vote ) falling behind schedule is one thing , not making up the lost time is another , just when we are also committed to adopting the energy and climate change package , which is one of the great challenges the European Union has to face . passenger safety must be our overriding concern . this is why I welcome the announcement by President Lee Myung-bak that the South Korean Government intends to avoid escalation of the worrying situation . finally , I would say to Mrs Bobošíková that it was the Cossacks who wrote to the Sultan , not the other way around . thank you very much and apologies again for being late . given the huge salary that Mr Barroso is on , can he not spend another 30 minutes with us on a regular basis , to make this an hour and a half ? long-term security is important , but we would ideally like a well-functioning instrument with a vision until 2020 . secondly , the importance of presenting proposals and working hypotheses in order to make it easier to implement measures in the Member States , with administrative procedures and management strategies that give priority to the quality of the projects and to their impact on the living and working conditions of European citizens . nevertheless , I cannot fail to underline that it must take into account the competences of the European institutions , so an institutional framework separate from these must not be created . terrible pressure is put on members of staff , who work for hours on end or , in any case , for longer periods of time and without rest . the barriers in question are described in the communication adopted by the Commission in September . in writing . - I and my British Conservative colleagues are supportive of factual information being available to the public on EU policies and institutions and improving transparency . if we now look at the funds transfers that are being discussed in this regard , it is a key point that they should be very well monitored and be tied to conditions , because otherwise all we are doing is opening a second route to development aid . it will then become more attractive to combine several modes , for instance with part of the journey being done by rail and the freight then continuing by boat . in the case of Vilnius , in particular , we have a very good opportunity to show how strong cooperation can actually be . in three years 48 305 immigrants arrived in the Canary Islands . for this reason , I agree with the rapporteurs ' call for the Commission to present a report on its implementation every three years and , if relevant , to propose a revision of the regulation . I congratulate you : you can improve the situation in Belgium . these are two elements which I think we need to develop in the coming months . I believe that we have reached a good compromise , especially as it represents significant progress compared with the current situation , although , as in any compromise , we have all had to make concessions and be flexible , in what has been an especially complex task , as the Commission proposal arrived before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . so I very much hope that the European Parliament will soon join the position taken by these states . he wants to see the huge numbers of foreigners already here being integrated , assimilated and absorbed into the employment process . I am glad to note that the strategy proposed by the Commission in its communication of 23 October was endorsed by the Council last week . the answer will be given by the citizens , by rewarding those who are calling for legislation and punishing those who wanted to persuade us that self-regulation is the panacea for all the evils we are experiencing today . this important milestone will serve as an encouragement for Serbia , as it has renewed its efforts to promote reconciliation in the region . attracting more people into employment and retaining more people in employment so as to increase the labour supply and to make social protection systems workable ; what we need is research and data : we need an EU-wide data bank where we can actually share best practice and make things better for somebody who is trying to lead a normal life but cannot drive a car , cannot ride a motorcycle and cannot get on with their ordinary life , and yet is perfectly intelligent . what exactly does the European Union want , though ? the second reason is interinstitutional equilibrium . Mr President , I voted against Amendments 17D and 19 , which attacked NATO and called for the removal of NATO bases here in the European Union . Claude mentioned 15 years . Europe , its institutions and its policies will one day be adopted and applied by governments on the left and the right - that is the law of alternation . particular attention must be paid to the economic , social and ecological consequences of an increase or abolition of quotas , particularly in mountainous regions . we would like to thank you for your visit to the European Parliament . on 15 December , Mr Barrot undertook to promote a European Charter on the rights of victims of terrorism . it exports the sick social model of the rich European countries to the countries of Africa and Asia . we wish you , President Abbas , every success in all your efforts to bring about peace . making the European Union the scapegoat for every problem instead of facing up to their responsibility , and then asking citizens , two weeks before a referendum , to give their endorsement is dishonest , irresponsible and disingenuous . I approve of the fact that in this period of crisis , the activities of the European Investment Bank should be focused on helping small and medium-sized enterprises , which are the backbone of our society . the common agricultural policy is and remains a key area of Community policy and of the EU budget . author . - Madam President , the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea is anything but democratic as it has one of the worst records on human rights violations in the world . however , despite also demanding more detailed information on the staff , budget and work carried out by these agencies , the Commission ' s proposal agrees to give these agencies greater room for manoeuvre in terms of transfers of appropriations which must be duly monitored . we will be vigilant regarding the deadlines for applying these conventions while , of course , respecting the principle of subsidiarity . however , child labour , which is widespread , especially in China , is covered by the standards I have already mentioned , which trading partners are required to observe . it is not just European warming , it is global warming . furthermore , when it comes to the European arrest warrant , frankly my doubts turn into outright opposition . instead of being imposed , the European Development Fund ' s priorities must be revised , taking into account the opinion , the priorities and the real needs of developing countries . the results of the vote in the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety were on the whole positive . just like the annual report , it is thorough , complete and user-friendly . the present report makes an important contribution to achieving that goal . we also commend the Southern parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement for their leadership , and the Sudanese Referendum Authorities for the remarkable job they did in organising the referendum despite the enormous challenges they faced . nor , for that matter , is there much advantage in having in Europe a bloc of similar industrialised economies , where we have cut ourselves off from the growing markets of the rest of the world . favouring some countries in Central Asia over others risks creating a discord and division in the region . in Finland peat has been defined as slowly renewing biomass fuel . naturally , there are still many more steps to be taken and in this vein , I would express my concern over the numerous arrests of journalists . now that we are halfway through the Belgian Presidency , can the Council state what action it intends to take before the end of the Presidency with a view to implementing the measure called for by Parliament ? a complete transformation of maritime policy is essential . we have more flexibility , we can provide our budgets earlier , and we can invest more in energy-efficient buildings and housing , for example . not all regions are the same ; even within an individual Member State , the regions differ . ( DE ) Madam President , I have a specific question for Commissioner Dimas . is it not understandable , Commissioner , that the European Union should have difficulty finding EUR 3.4 billion to finance as strategic a project from an industrial , scientific and military point of view as Galileo , under these circumstances ? this is why I believe that it is important for European institutions to exert tighter control , which will prevent the recurrence of such a situation at European level in the future . operation Atalanta was conceived as a political opportunity to add a maritime dimension to ESDP during the French Presidency . we still need an evaluation . ( ES ) Mr President , I congratulate and support Carlos Coelho , and I would like to point out that this report was adopted unanimously in the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs . it is the EU country with the highest number of tuberculosis patients and it is in the penultimate place when it comes to the quality of diabetes treatment although diabetes is the disease with the highest predisposition . with regard to training , we need to adjust work skills to the demands of the new economy and to do so in a way that is economically accessible for workers and businesses . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( IT ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I too , like all my colleagues , would like to congratulate the rapporteur , Mr Ferber , on his work . what should be discussed at the summit on Friday is Portugal . turning agricultural , domestic and industrial waste into energy has always seemed to me to be the most sensible of all the renewable options . Mrs De Sarnez , you are right , there is still much to be done . this priority means a lot to me and to my services ; it means a lot to our businesses in Europe and for the employment they are able to create for our workers , flowing from increased market access and from the strengthening of world trade that is at the heart of our trade policy strategy for a global Europe . in Poland ' s case , thermal modernisation , alongside cogeneration , can bring economic , social and ecological benefits . we can read about it in the Galvin report and elsewhere , but attempts are being made to sweep this under the carpet . she is also going to use the opportunity of attending the forthcoming investiture of Mr Yanukovich in Kiev , which it is presumed will be attended by Mr Lukashenko , to tackle this issue , which will continue to be discussed in future by the European Union ' s Foreign Affairs Council , because it is a very important matter . it is a perfect illustration of what we can achieve if we can establish our health priorities in good time . thanks to political correctness , the indigenous peoples of Europe are all too easily labelled right-wing extremist or even racist for insisting on their basic culture , whilst migrants seldom face this problem . the global economic crisis burdens us all , yet we must not forget or ignore the fact that the least developed countries are also the most vulnerable now . the fate of the Lithuanian textile and clothing sector is closely linked to the EU , as 84 % of Lithuanian textiles are exported to the EU . in writing . - The case is identical to the previous one ( see , but here the request for the waiver of immunity was forwarded by the French authorities . what are we doing ? it is an indictment of Europe that the foreign ministers of the Member States in the Council cannot manage to respond to this . the recast technique does not tie the hands of the legislator more than the traditional way of amending legislation . ( MT ) I believe that it is a worthwhile matter to talk about how we can create more jobs in the European Union . the report includes the importance of public services in meeting the basic needs of citizens and we feel we need to emphasise this within the new framework established by the Treaty of Lisbon . the current situation leads to negative competition between the systems . that is not a good thing for businesses or for their employees . not least because the Czech President does not share the mainstream EU view of the Russia-Georgia conflict . documents received : see Minutes on the other hand , this is such an important matter that we cannot neglect it . in writing . - I voted in favour of the Berès report because of my support for the vast majority of its contents . however , we have objections to paragraph 19 , which calls for a military ESDP mission in Georgia - although we would see nothing controversial in an EU civilian observer presence . there is no point in insisting as I will not give you the floor . however , aid is also important , for restoration , for re-establishing production potential and for compensating for the social costs and job losses . we must protect intellectual property more effectively , we must press harder for global rules and standards , we must strengthen the WTO , and we must practise transatlantic partnership . who is speaking in favour of the motion ? while I believe that Serbia ' s entry into the EU is a considerable step forward for both the EU and the Republic of Serbia , I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution because I believe that the country will very soon manage to overcome all the limitations which have created such a wide gap between the two for so long . that is exactly what I have said I will do and that is exactly what I am going to do - a stronger Europe for freedom and solidarity . what fine words can we use in our anniversary toasts ? Mr President , Azerbaijan has appeared once again on the agenda of the European Parliament . you also said that in 1998 and 1999 , the working party chose neither to authorise nor propose the withdrawal of this product . yet we know that the medicinal product was withdrawn in the United States in 1997 . the macro-financial assistance for Ukraine is the first case to be decided under the new procedure . that is good . there was one of my questions he did not answer , which related to the reasoned opinion sent to Belgium by the Commission back in 2008 . let us not think that nothing can be done about these tragedies . this will , of course , involve acting consistently with the other political objectives of the Union . I wish our Mexican colleagues and friends a successful stay in Strasbourg . therefore , we must do our utmost to increase the number of devotees of the Mediterranean diet in Europe and beyond , and its inclusion on the World Heritage List is an important step in this regard . that is why the Copenhagen meeting is important . 5 . effective climate protection regulation will continue to require flexibility mechanisms . the European Parliament expresses its satisfaction that the Court of Auditors has stated that the transactions underlying the Centre ' s annual accounts for the 2009 financial year are legal and regular . face up to your responsibility to examine critically how countries deal with this legislation and whether they apply it effectively . while there has been full cooperation between the Irish security authorities and our European counterparts in the whole area of police matters , the full benefits of the EU are not being shared by Irish citizens . I am disappointed that my proposal for regulation of postal and telecommunications pricing between the national territories and the ORs was not upheld . it is planned that approximately 70 % of EU funds for entrepreneurs will be disbursed using the loan funds . ultimately , however , Parliament gave way , with the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) regrettably also voting in favour , Mr Pieper , and laid down only five years in the Structural Funds Regulation , which is clearly nothing like adequate given the scale of the subsidies . I share this belief , but this cannot justify all the means that were used then . a third issue to be addressed is the whole system of comanagement . I hope we can come back to this subject within six to twelve months to see if the system is functioning . it was therefore up to him to come and present the conclusions of the European Council of 10 and 11 December 2009 . many people in the region I come from work in Luxembourg , Belgium or France . in terms of reaping what we sow , our capitalist intentions will lead , for the vast majority of humanity , to price increases , unemployment , poverty , hunger and so on . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , it is still not clear whether Amendment 1 is compatible with Amendment 51 . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , as Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development , I am deeply disappointed for several reasons with the contents of Mr Szájer ' s report , which is being voted on tomorrow . in this respect , I think that it is appropriate to have measures in place in the European Union ' s outermost regions which are aimed at boosting the agricultural sector ' s competitiveness and promoting diversification . even if this is proposed to accommodate the problems mentioned above , it is missing one key element , which has brought about modest success for the recommendation . so we should not include any conflicting statements in the recitals , but should remain consistent with the wording ' adequate resources for a balanced cohesion policy ' . the issue raises societal problems , which advise us strongly to ban animal cloning for food , as well as the import of cloned animals and their offspring . I think we must find ways of attracting highly skilled labour , but at the same time we must also prevent the ' brain drain ' from developing countries . in reply specifically to Mr Daerden , a round table has been organised today in Brussels . all the Member States have to submit their austerity plans up to April . as we all know , Rule 150 of the Rules of Procedure allows for one-minute speeches . in view of this , I agree with the rapporteur on the proposal for Parliament to adopt this report and the request for the Council to finalise this procedure without undue delay . how much life will actually be breathed into this project will certainly depend , amongst other things , on how the tension between the objectives of environmental protection and drawing the Danube region together are resolved and whether the Danube will suffice as the common denominator for the implementation of this mammoth project . 1 . faced with these new commercial challenges , the European farmer ' s main asset is quality . I am in favour of giving priority to creating and boosting employment at this time of crisis and also of pressing ahead with the realisation of the flexicurity principle . I abstained from voting on this particular report . against this background , a European strategy of zero tolerance that aims to protect the rights of children is of very great importance . ( applause ) it has one very serious fault , however . the people of Europe are seeing more and more every day that all of their powers are trickling through their fingers , that their freedoms are being taken away , whether it be purchasing power , an expensive euro , GMOs , tax , fisheries , a lack of trade protection , immigration , or even football , which you yourself mentioned a few moments ago . could I address specifically Kathy Sinnott who campaigned , in my view , with some rather horrendous arguments for a ' no ' vote ? in addition , as regards the unscrupulous and unethical practice of exporting substances known to be harmful to third world countries , I would quote a popular proverb from Poland : ' do as you would be done by ' . we are in regular contact with Quartet colleagues . on the contrary , in principle we are in favour . this is one factor among very many , but it is an important one . echoing the conclusions of the September 2009 G20 summit in Pittsburgh , this report aims to ensure that ' all standardised OTC derivative contracts [ are ] traded on exchanges or electronic trading platforms ' . the global market is reacting to the need to meet the demands of the model of consumption which has already been formed in highly developed and developing societies . impact assessments are a valuable legislative instrument , serving as a knowledge-based preparation for political decisions , and thus contributing to better law making . the Member States can no longer act as though these two areas are restricted and untouchable competences , beyond the scope of common action . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( FR ) Mr President , I have listened carefully to all the contributions . the situation should not be unsettled by changing the rules during the game , stepping up the Eurosceptic rhetoric and bringing up a separate issue relating to the need to control illegal immigration . thank you for your attention . however , the resolution contains several provisions which should not be included . therefore , relying on what science is telling us , we have to act . I want to see us , as Europeans , take a clear stand for compliance with the human rights enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations , irrespective of the political situation . Member of the Commission . - ( ES ) Thank you very much , Mr President . let us take research and infrastructure as an example . all EU citizens are equal and must be treated that way , only then can the European Union live up to its motto . a higher degree of consistency requires transparency in relation to data and payments . future European legislation will have to review the level of sanctions against traffickers so that they are commensurate with the severity of the offence . however , the state must not sink to the level of the terrorists . the problems are largely of internal origin because they stem from a lack of structural reforms . ( the President cut off the speaker ) not only is the unemployment rate higher among young workers than among the rest of the population , but young workers are often to be found in insecure temporary jobs with lower pay and weaker legal protection . out of the total amount of official aid for development , the funds allocated to agriculture have fallen as a proportion from 17 % in 1980 to 3.8 % in 2006 . I would remind you that non-refoulement is a principle which knows no geographical boundaries and which cannot be haggled over or negotiated under any circumstances . the number of states which have retained the death penalty and still make use of it has fallen to 58 . I am personally going to attend its inauguration ; I have been invited to it and I fully intend to be there . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , as draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy , I want to congratulate the rapporteur Mr Ford , firstly for his ... ( text inaudible ) on two aspects that I think should be emphasised . we will have also a banking sector with a lot of uncertainties when it resumes normal funding activities and , of course , we will have a European budget that will remain , as usual , too small to be efficient and to solve our problems . on the finance that has already been announced for African agriculture , I am delighted to hear Louis Michel , if I have understood him correctly , say that it will go to smaller producers and therefore to help subsistence farming , which contributes to overcoming the crisis particularly for the poorest , and not to multinationals dedicated to exporting , which would actually make countries even poorer and more dependent on imports . in the whole system , it is vital for the rules to include the principle of transparency , supervision and control . ladies and gentlemen , today and yesterday , the EuroMedScola completed its programme here in Strasbourg . we have been discussing this treaty for many years , and I am always surprised to find that I then get questions on how quickly we can stop living after that constitution , because I must base my work on the treaties . in conclusion , I would like to point out that the EU has a crucial role to play in advancing these objectives to achieve an equitable and lasting solution . lists of operations and amounts are published on the DG Environment website . further to the strategic association which the European Commission has initiated with Brazil and Mexico , this process could perhaps also form the approach to be taken in the negotiations on the Mercosur agreement , which have been stalled for too long . that was absolutely not what was intended . they are only taken into account in the minutes but not for the purposes of the vote count . the external dimension of social policy includes EU activities and initiatives aimed at promoting labour and social standards in third countries . the EPP Group is still very much open to cooperating with the Council , and most importantly with other groups here in Parliament , to try and reach a compromise that is acceptable for all . ( DE ) Mr President , Mr Rehn , ladies and gentlemen , the Europe 2020 strategy presents us with a specific challenge . in fact , Article 182 of the Treaty of Lisbon ensures a suitable legal basis for future developments in this area . in all these initiatives , small and medium-sized enterprises will play a very important role . Vice-President of the Council / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy . - Mr President , I will try to deal with as many of the issues that were raised as possible but , as always , when we debate the Middle East peace process , there is a real sense of urgency and a strong desire in this House to see us make progress . this new institution would , as I see it , cause uncertainty of roles , a divide-and-conquer situation , and it takes completely the opposite approach to our cornerstones in our energy policy . it contains some good and some bad news . even though in some areas there are more young fish in the sea than in past years , this is still an opportunity rather than a recovery . I hope that that will not actually come to pass . the fact remains , however , that more and more jobs fit the description of menial jobs , in other words unskilled , badly-paid work . paragraph 20 , line 3 should read : ' reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation ' . everyone must act against the nationalist and extremist tendencies emerging in their own country . it affects our capacity to defend a certain vision of the European commitment to our major projects and our industries . I welcome an eastern partnership as ambitious as the one proposed in this report , all the more so as it is aimed at more effective cooperation and supporting the reconstruction of Georgia , while also suggesting for the future setting up a free trade area and lifting visa requirements for the European Union . I am afraid that the European Parliament is less than happy about the course the European Council is sailing . by reducing our environmental footprint in ways such as turning the lights off , smart metering , sensor lights , and less paper use , the European Parliament works to be environmentally sound . homophobia , compulsory religious education and restrictions of freedom of the press must equally be fought in the current Member States . the background to the events of the last few days have been the aggressive actions of the Kremlin , which aims to extend its domination in the region of South-Eastern Europe . otherwise the principles of international order will de facto be dictated by Korea , Iran or the terrorists of Hamas . some of that could have been avoided , but some of it is , frankly , intrinsic in the nature of the agreements . Commission President , I would also like to extend a very warm welcome to the many members of the Commission who are present for this debate today . we fully realised that globalisation is a reality and that we need to use it to our advantage . ( EL ) Mr President , the G20 summit in November did not , in my opinion , have substantial results . I am therefore certain that this report represents Parliament ' s opinion as to how we can help forests , how we can help our communities to adapt to climate change . I took an extremely critical approach when drafting this report because it is very frequently the case that hypocritical positions are adopted during negotiations with countries which are not EU Member States . we do not have enough nurses any more in my town . finally , I would like to say that there are many of us women who have survived as a result of the efforts of society and through the work of shelters for women and women ' s organisations . some of them have been scientifically proven to be implicated in allergies and to undermine the immune system . Mr President , Secretary of State , Commissioner , we can surely agree that when drawing up the European Parliament ' s budget , we must focus on our core mission , which is legislative work . this epicentre of authoritarianism is making its presence felt ever more strongly in the world , at the expense of Europe itself and of the United States . I view this assessment as an expression of the care that the Community takes of the safety and health of European citizens . I voted in favour of this resolution as violence against women is still a problem which is all too prevalent in Romania and worldwide , making it necessary to adopt urgent measures to combat this scourge . I think I can state with some satisfaction that the Commission has so far made use of all the possibilities open to it under the treaty and has made use of them even in ways that were not entirely conventional . there is no such thing as a British citizen if you are not Irish from Northern Ireland , Scottish , Welsh or English . the government has not shown any discernible will to take decisive steps to counter this development . the debate that we are holding here concerns the last dictatorship left in Europe . this is because , ladies and gentlemen , the capacity to enter the sector swiftly with quality , standardised products will determine the future leaders in a highly competitive market . the memorandum for genuine autonomy for the Tibetan people , now rejected by China as a working document , shows that the Tibetan people have already made a genuine effort and given up an enormous amount of what , I emphasise , are their legitimate aspirations . we clearly wished to make our first approval of the budget under the terms of the Treaty of Lisbon a significant event . it would be useful if this French regulator were given a say in the activities of the regulators in the other 26 countries . in writing . - ( FI ) Mr President , constructing the gas pipeline as a project buried in the ground would be a cheaper , safer option than sinking it in the sea . this problem quite simply represents a serious distortion of the internal market . on the one hand , I feel it is important that from the standpoint of the internal market there should be no danger that a parent company and a subsidiary are at a disadvantage simply because they are operating in two different Member States , compared with companies operating in only one Member State . we must protect our citizens from these potential dangers , notably by means of a differentiated , risk-based approach . only in this way will confidence be restored , and confidence is key . the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , released in Spain in November 2007 , represents the most complete and the most credible scientific assessment of climate change so far . after Madeira , Europe has once again been affected . this represents half of Iceland ' s exports , accounting for 10 % of its GDP . the negotiations allowed us to include a reference to the horizontal social clause which was established by the Treaty of Lisbon and which now has to be transposed concretely into legislation . an EU-inspired crisis will shortly hit the UK egg industry . in second place the responsibility lies with the municipalities and in third place with the State . we need to ensure that the few do not taint the many and that our work benefits from outside inputs rather than being distorted by it . unfortunately , many international agreements are ending with the lowest common denominators . we know that migration is a fact of life , we know it is a force for development and we know that many EU nationals also follow a path where they want to earn , learn or yearn for something better , just as those coming from sub-Saharan Africa do . they agreed that the EU has sufficient oil and gas stocks . in writing . - The report advocates a ' common European foreign policy on energy ' . I am glad that the Brok report and today ' s debate essentially endorse the renewed consensus on EU enlargement , which was achieved in December 2006 - not least because of the events in 2005 . Commissioner , this is , without doubt , the top priority at the stress test stage ; however , I would also point out that , in the second stage , full and fundamental preventive supervision will need to include appropriate mechanisms to address what , to date , has been a particularly shadowy banking sector . what mark does she propose for those eggs in the EU that are not allowed to carry a legal mark after 1 January 2012 ? Member of the Commission . - ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , thank you for the discussion . therefore , I will focus my speech on the serious problems it is facing : the increase in the cost of animal feed , which represents 60 % of production costs , and is therefore crucially important in terms of profitability for producers . second : the approval by the Ethiopian Parliament of the so-called NGO Act , which , in practice , criminalises all the work of independent NGOs . we all know what that means . in cases involving several Member States they have to satisfy the eligibility criteria for authorised economic operator status . by removing some of these days off we could create around a thousand jobs . this House will never unite around a common position if we seek to apportion blame precisely , but fault can be found on both sides , violence denounced , and an immediate ceasefire sought . to those manufacturers and producers who are writing to us now asking us not to support one or other amendment that aims to close these loopholes , I would say : let them come up with their suggestions . it is for precisely this reason that it is so important that the European Parliament will shortly be giving its blessing to a legislative package that will help to ensure that the electricity market functions more effectively . similarly , urban transport initiatives and the Civitas and the Intelligent Energy-Europe programmes must be continued . the devastating earthquake has been at the forefront of our minds since 12 January , and efforts began straight away to provide all the assistance we can . what is important is actually changing social relations and inhuman traditions . the fact that we are only a few days after the elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina makes this issue particularly relevant . however , they were recorded and the list compiled included 94 overflights and 17 stopovers specifically by US civilian and military aircraft between January 2002 and the end of June 2006 . ( applause ) that was the first and last time that I embraced my beloved son . the next step will really be how the Council will deal with the rewording of Article 47 . the pricing for loans by the IMF was considered an appropriate benchmark for setting euro area Member States ' bilateral loan conditions , albeit with some adjustments which were agreed on 11 April . on behalf of the EFD Group . - ( DA ) Mr President , this is an ambitious strategy document . Buddhist monks have long been the target of a special kind of persecution . in addition , the package will contain a report on evaluation of the implementation by the Member States of the Framework Decision on terrorism . in that context I was delighted to read the recent remarks of the Commission President in the Financial Times , in which he raised the ugly spectre of growing protectionism in Europe . I refer , in particular , also to Amendment 16 . with such an example , and by setting this example for the Cypriots , we are putting them in an unclear and ambiguous situation in which they will be unable to fight for the unity of their island . we need binding energy efficiency targets as soon as possible , and this is important for a whole host of reasons : economic reasons and reasons relating to competition , jobs , the environment and the climate . he said that the Commission is influenced by it being made up of deputy leaders of European parties . no economic and regional integration will come to fruition if the Union does not have the courage to tackle existing conflicts and to do this based on international law . Africa is a continent with a wealth of talented people . the magic word in all these measures is inclusion - the inclusion of civil society , social dialogue and the active application of the horizontal social clause in accordance with the principles of the social market economy . for that reason , what we have done here with the International Criminal Court represents a major step forwards in that all such people will know , in future , that there is a judge beyond national law and that , for the rest of their lives , they will have to live with the fact that they will be held to account . I therefore voted in favour . a further reservation concerns the use of studies into the energy consumption of buildings . I therefore support this decision , which allows the mobilisation of EUR 2 405 671 under the general EU budget for 2010 in order to provide financial assistance in response to the Portuguese request . now the benchmark will qualify as a criterion once it has been through the Council . according to the FRONTEX Annual Report for 2006 , the apprehension figures at Schengen ' s current external borders ( mainly Austria and Germany ) are still far higher than those at the EU ' s external borders , so it is highly doubtful whether the expansion should be approved . I would like to draw your attention , at this point , to what strikes me as a disturbing piece of news , namely that 40 % of Germans now believe that the introduction of the euro was a mistake . furthermore , wars against Muslim countries only provoke terrorist outrages . ERI is a response to a real need on the part of European researchers and will undoubtedly help boost competitiveness in European science . clearly , the international and regional organisations , the countries themselves , the States and the decentralised authorities , the NGOs , as well as the agencies of the Member States . at the same time Europe must secure our energy supply and become self-sufficient . let us support the bees . we note that no member of the opposition will have a parliamentary seat . various amendments were proposed by myself or by other colleagues , resulting in numerous compromise amendments and a firm consensus between Members of the PSE , PPE , ALDE , Verts / ALE and UEN Groups , such that there were only two votes against this report . however , we have moved from ' 3x20 ' to the legitimacy of the ' 4x4 ' economy . there will be many challenges for Egypt in the coming months and years . politically we need to make proposals that are focused firstly on this policy and then on a progressive de-materialisation of our lifestyle , since otherwise it will not be sustainable . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the negotiation that I led by myself for the first year and then , during conciliation - the first conciliation procedure after the Treaty of Lisbon , I would note - with the guidance of Mrs Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou and the support of the Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , Mr Simpson , has been more arduous and difficult than expected . the people certainly know that the EU is not the Soviet Union . agriculture ministers are discussing this - in fact they may even still be discussing it today - at the informal meeting in Annecy and will report back to the ' Agriculture ' Council on 17 and 18 November . the first concerns the Copenhagen Summit . the rich European states must show solidarity with Eastern Europe , and the aid fund granted to countries in this area must be increased . this is the reason why men and women are being exposed to hidden forms of discrimination . ( applause ) President Ilves , it is a great joy to be able to welcome you here to the European Parliament , which is celebrating its 50th anniversary tomorrow . the initial form of the resolution on the Cancún climate change conference has been changed quite a lot and its content has been watered down considerably by incorporating the amendments tabled by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) . it is approximately half of the annual global aid outlay . any change to the academic training system which helps modernise training programmes and , above all , brings graduates and the world of employment closer together , should be welcomed and strongly encouraged . I am in favour of both the Commission proposal and the Tatarella report because it is absolutely vital to support a sector in serious difficulty . the school in Parma , which is approved by the Board of Governors of the European Schools , will be the first school of its kind to award a European baccalaureate in June 2009 . let us not forget where the present crisis has its roots : poor-quality lending , compounded by securitisation of these loans in off-balance sheet vehicles , the risks associated with which few understood . but he did come to our group meeting , the ECR Group meeting , and explain that he was in favour of smart regulation . we need innovations , an exchange of good experiences and additional funding . these two debates must be rolled into one if we want to fight climate change and mitigate its effects . under these circumstances the pressure to improve the human rights situation in China is dwindling . as other Members have already confirmed , Italy is the only country in which the Head of Government has a monopoly on public , and now also private , television channels and in which , unfortunately , a law is being passed that will , in fact , prevent journalists from publishing even judicial reports . the financial crisis has shown us that we cannot continue to accept the oligopolistic structure , nor the lack of transparency and accountability of current credit rating agencies . the exact form of this review has yet to be defined , but we are concerned about some of the objectives already indicated for the review . I think that this aspect of sport , too , deserves maximum support . our voters and we ourselves would like to live in a Europe where everyone is successful , no one is poor and there is no shortage of jobs . I should like to make one observation in this connection , however . that is not the way I look at things . ( DE ) Mr President , Mr Rehn , Mr López Garrido , we are talking today about common European economic governance . we are showing that we are a leader in this battle . it is absolutely necessary for both the common agricultural policy and the cohesion policy to support the European strategy for employment and economic growth . I too would like to welcome Mrs Cecilia Malmström and Commissioner Barrot . the US has dragged us into several wars , into several conflicts - I am thinking of Serbia , Iraq and Afghanistan - at the heart of which lay interests that were certainly not European . to Russia , power is to be concentrated in the belief that , through such concentration , power will be more effective . he has a special association treaty with us . it is not necessary to agree with every word in this report , but it is important to vote in favour of it in order to send a strong signal to the Commission that we need a directive . if those requests are not met by the Ugandan authorities , then we should call on the Council and Commission to reconsider their engagement with Uganda , should the bill pass into law and breaches of international human rights law take place . I am delighted that two pilot projects , at least , were possible : EuroGlobe , a mobile theatre like those from Shakespeare ' s era , set up to tour European capital cities so as to really involve citizens , and a culture project on the theme of artist mobility , to enable Europe ' s young artists to come together , work together and shape Europe ' s future . monitoring is certainly crucial to ensuring that the policy pursued in support of the projects is transparent , but this is on condition that the administrative burden placed on small and medium-sized enterprises - the driving force behind the EU economy - is reduced to a minimum . I entirely agree that in the longer term , the legacy of the ICTY must be preserved . concerning Mr Zver ' s Youth on the Move initiative , it is very probably true that this mobility programme has proven to be a success story , and his report , to its credit , goes a lot deeper into the matter . they have lived peacefully alongside other religions in the areas where they are settled and are the subject of indiscriminate violence simply because they believe in Christ . that would amount to considered action and leadership on our part . I believe that the new technology is wonderful for children , but it also has dangers , and we have to fight these . I would also take advantage of my presence in front of the European Parliament to lay out what I have already mentioned at the hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on Monday . in order to support the further development of the EGNOS system and to ensure that the system does not suffer from a lack of European funding , I voted in favour of this proposal . Member of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , first of all I think I can speak on behalf of Commissioner Mandelson when I say that we are grateful for your unanimous support for the vigorous and just defence of the European interests in this matter . in the face of the financial crisis , the policy of guaranteeing bank deposits , of recapitalising institutions at risk and of injecting cash to boost credit , all in a coordinated manner , has allowed us to avoid chain reactions and the loss of thousands of jobs in Europe . currently , however , there is a problem with the provisional agreement , and it must be rectified . we ask for measures to be taken immediately to protect economic migrants . 2 . the higher taxes are , the more taxpayers will look for ways to circumvent their tax obligations . that regulation was necessary because the old one was not longer adequate and there was scope for simplifying the coordination procedures . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes all of these states were affected last year by powerful floods , as a result of torrential rain which caused landslides and substantial loss of human life , as well as damage to residential buildings , businesses , farming areas , the road and rail networks and other infrastructure . ( RO ) Mister President , I would like to thank Commissioner Verheugen for having introduced on the agenda of the EU-USA summit the visa issue that my country ' s citizens are concerned with , and I represent them here in the European Parliament . well , the chickens have come home to roost . let me say this very clearly on behalf of my Group . such is our hypocritical and cynical European democracy . last , but of course not least , I would very much like to thank the Parliament delegation . the right to legal assistance , a guarantee of personal interview , limitations on the use of accelerated procedures ; all of these safeguards are essential to a fair and effective asylum system . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) the recently adopted climate and energy package demands decisive action on our part to meet its targets . this powerful European influence has not led to the development of European standards of democracy and human rights in these countries . that would be against our own interests . it is indeed 20 years ago that the Berlin Wall collapsed , putting an end to Soviet Communist dictatorship . then we will have to see where we stand . in my own country , Poland , development aid has increased significantly in recent years . more proposals are on their way this year to improve depositor and investor protection , to strengthen measures against market abuse , to further improve the quality and quantity of bank capital and discourage excessive leverage . on behalf of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , I would like to thank Mrs Jędrzejewska for her expert management of the vote on the budget . I therefore voted for this motion for a resolution . as Europeans we have a lot to learn from one another . I voted in favour of the proposal , as I believe that it covers the fundamental issues which should be considered . people ' s well-being cannot simply be expressed as an index or a curve . Mr Florenz , it is a political project you are presenting , because it is a complete reorientation of European policies , in terms of agriculture , fishing and transport . for the rest , Parliament is sovereign . it aims to simplify and improve the existing regulatory framework for the labelling of textile products , encourage innovation in the clothing and textile sector , and the development and uptake of new fibres . yes , it is true that we have an interest in a strategic partnership with China on account of climate policy and general foreign policy matters . in order to find out how to best address the challenges arising from the development of the Internet and new technologies , the Commission has consulted widely on the existing legal framework for data protection throughout 2009 and 2010 . it is fair that extra assistance is provided to those countries that have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 20 % in the period since 1990 . unfortunately , Finland has already approved the project , but on behalf of Timo Soini , as well as for myself , I would now like to establish the whereabouts of the information relating to the project which the citizens of all the countries on the Baltic need before building work takes place . Europe is becoming more democratic , Europe is becoming more transparent and the institutions are becoming more effective . the Afghan War will soon have lasted nine years and there is still no sign of any improvement in the security situation . my country , Latvia , has already done so , just as many other states have also done , through statements by their parliaments . among the product categories covered , there are products for which information about origin is particularly important : those that are destined for the final consumer . it will have a positive employment effect and is expected to offer significant new business opportunities for EU airlines as well as benefits to the travelling public . I am delighted to see that this week in the German media Mr Habermas has again stressed that increasing democratic legitimacy is a vital necessity . one scenario , in other words , one option with all the resulting consequences , will definitely involve setting the target for the proportion of renewable energy used in electricity generation as high as possible , even at 100 % , which will have an impact on power grids , storage facilities , research , efficiency and a number of other factors . it is a precondition for our ability to speak with one voice . it is very important and the content of the communication is very convincing . it is very important that we do not forget , when setting out new objectives , about our previous policy , the Cohesion policy , the common agricultural policy or , if I look at Commissioner Andor , about renewing the European social model . Portugal , Spain , Hungary , you name it . with no prior impact assessment , these will almost certainly appear and , therefore , the review requirement in Article 34 is of vital importance . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , on 11 September in Brussels many democratic movements with a Catholic and Christian basis organised a major demonstration against Islamic terrorism and in memory of the victims of 11 September , but the socialist Mayor of Brussels banned it on contemptible grounds related to internal politics . I would like to say a few words about visa liberalisation in the countries of the Western Balkans , mainly about the problems that have arisen in connection with Serbia and Macedonia . naturally , when speaking of the development of air transport , we must not forget problems related to the natural environment . I respect those conversations very much , but I tell you the European Union is respected in both countries and I intend to keep it that way because that is about a two-state solution . thus , to end my speech , I fervently express my wish for a strong , majority-endorsed message to be sent from this House to the Council . I think we should support the idea that in future , the scoreboard should incorporate information on the implementation of internal market legislation in Member States that are still found wanting . I am pleased that the Spanish Presidency intends to address this issue . I think that to put these paragraphs into this otherwise good report does a disservice to this Parliament and to our producers across the European Union , who are struggling . it is also a reflection on the fact that the United States is carrying a disproportionate share of the burden for the global war on terror . Mr President , with respect to this year ' s budget discharge procedure , we should be pleased with the progress made by the Commission towards more efficient utilisation of EU funds , especially in the area of the common agricultural policy . the simplification of procedures and the allocation of resources from the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund in a manner which is accessible to all interested parties is essential . hence , our vote against . at that time I came to ask for the strength of this continent to help in the quest for peace in Central America , where five nations were fighting for their lives in the midst of civil war . in any case , I would like to conclude by thanking you for the work you have done . we would not have lucerne , which is used in cattle feed . we have started working on the communication activities , the delegation network , the balance and the category structure of the Commission ' s establishment plan . such a solution is possible , for example , by building the Nabucco gas pipeline to connect the huge gas deposits in the region of Central Asia with customers in Europe and by developing transmission networks and building new interconnectors in Central and Eastern Europe . progress annual plan of work for 2010 and list of activities by policy section ( vote ) as has been said , it is important to remember that pirates feed not just on poverty , but also on the faults and gaps in a system that does not work . the EU should also ensure resources are put at Sri Lanka ' s disposal to support post-conflict development . however , compassion is not enough . the State is the main , decisive body involved in judging and redistributing , and in pursuing intergenerational solidarity through tax and social legislation . today we need family SMEs - small businesses - more than ever because they have the type of commitment and sticking power to get us through this crisis . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , the Council representative said that there is considerable controversy in the Council on this issue , and that exists in the European Parliament as well . once there is initialling , you have the translation , you have the check by the lawyer-linguists , and then it comes to the Council for signature and to Parliament for ratification . they are already there . the chance of a woman dying when giving birth in Sweden is 1 to 17 000 ; in Afghanistan the ratio is 1 to 8 . although the legal grounds for effective protection of minorities exist , the political will to assert these is often insufficient . the trafficking in children does exist . so , if Iraq is a sovereign country , they should respect and implement the European Parliament resolution of 24 April 2009 on Ashraf , which calls on Iraq to stop any forcible displacement of Ashraf residents within Iraq . the chairs , in producing their negotiation proposal , have done an honest job . the Commission is especially pleased that Mrs Lévai ' s report urges the Council and Parliament to undertake systematic impact assessments of proposed amendments having potential significant impacts . the reactions and the grassroots protest are blatant proof of the need for justice and for political control of the market and of the price of commodities which will allow each state to perform the social role which its citizens allocate to it without the dogmatic limitations of the Stability Pact . we must therefore make it clear that it is not a budget for bureaucracy and bureaucrats . however , I think that trend needs to be accelerated and we need to continue much more rapidly in that direction of shifting resources to where they can make a real difference . we aim to continue in this direction in the future because it is quite clear that hereditary poverty , which is passed down from parent to child , is one of the serious sociological problems linked to poverty . how much do airline mergers contribute to addressing the crisis , without creating monopolies and reducing competition ? the first bilateral fisheries agreement was signed by the European Union and Seychelles in 1987 , while the Partnership Agreement came into force in 2006 . for farmers in places like Africa there is now less land available for growing food because many people are growing fuel instead . corporate governance in financial institutions ( ( BG ) As my fellow Members have already mentioned , the European Union ' s 2011 budget is being approved using a new procedure on which the European Parliament and Council must find a common consensus . the Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) estimates that the main producer countries of wheat and maize have lost more than 80 % of their original varieties , and these figures are just the tip of the iceberg , for we know that to date , only around 1.7 million of the world ' s estimated 13 million living species have been identified and described . ( it ) Mr President , the report on the labelling of textile products which we endorsed today marks an important step towards simplifying legislation for the benefit of consumers and all the European manufacturers working in the industry . secondly , this fund should be allocated primarily to those milk producers and processors who , as a result of the increasing market liberalisation , have to carry out restructuring at their farms or companies , and also to promote the consumption of milk and milk products , and , particularly , to increase financial support for supplying milk and milk products to schools . this is why we call on the Commission and Member States to take the necessary measures by 2015 to ensure that at least 50 % of public procurement transactions are carried out electronically , in keeping with the commitment made by Member State governments in Manchester in 2005 . at the same time , the natural disaster also caused an extremely serious nuclear accident , which has affected the Fukushima nuclear plant in particular . it will be impossible to create an effective protective umbrella against this hazard unless Europe and the US cooperate to this end . according to surveys , in Belarus around 30 % of residents are in favour of better relations with the European Union . formal sitting - 2008 , European Year of Intercultural Dialogue if we do not support a democratic and stable Russia , but we do we support a secret service regime instead , then we are our own worst enemies . in view of the above , we should speed up the reform of CFP considerably and act in order to protect the environment and ensure appropriate protection for fishermen . the World Health Organisation urgently needs to reassess its definition of a pandemic , taking into account not only its geographical spread , but also its severity . if you believe that Europe operates like a football team , this means that you have your own individual view on this . in the case of children ' s passports and fingerprints , obviously children need their own passports with biometric identifiers in an effort to prevent abductions , child pornography and trafficking in children . I am sure that , if we respected them better , we would not be in this situation . it was with some determination that I voted today to condemn violence against Christian communities and religious minorities . the employment situation is such that we all need to do more at European , but also at national , level . newcomers are currently demanding ever increasing rights , and the traditional peoples of Europe have to consent to all of it along with the destruction of traditions that go back many centuries . the UK and the US readily share information because of their history of cooperation in fighting terrorism . this is being done in collaboration with the European Investment Fund . in my opinion , we must continually exert pressure on the Council to grant access to its accounts such as to allow Parliament to properly control this kind of ... ( speaker moved away from the microphone ) too . the Swedish evidence gave contradictory accounts and the French investigation came to the conclusion that no abuses had occurred , but the incident does raise a number of issues for the future . I have nothing against Nord Stream , or against South Stream , but I do not want to be dependent on anyone , not on any one country , for our gas supply . ( ES ) Madam President , I want to start by congratulating Mrs Gräßle and in particular thanking her for her openness to suggestions and proposals . as I said , this text is fully integrated into the new European supervision framework , strengthening the role that ESMA will play in regulating alternative fund managers . this displays a lack of integrated thinking , where policymaking is uncoordinated across government agencies . they will be obliged however to invest the same amount in infrastructures and in policies for supporting those experiencing social hardship and the production system . therefore , we need an international regime for the sustainability of biofuels , and this is what we are doing : promoting a new generation of biofuels . ladies and gentlemen , thank you once again ; I shall not keep you any longer . as you seem intent on using symbols from the 19th century , I would like to tell you what the German philosopher , Friedrich Nietzsche , said to the German people in the 19th century . the basic principle is to kill animals after they have been stunned and rendered unconscious , but an exception is allowed for religious reasons - killing without prior stunning , if this is required for religious reasons . Schengen was supposed to promote freedom of movement for workers and students but has in actual fact created a kind of green card for the free movement of criminals . but I was lobbied fairly intensively by ordinary performers . in writing . - ( FR ) As Jean Lambert ' s report advocated , to my mind , it is essential that non-EU nationals and their families who are legally resident within the European Union have the same rights and benefits as European citizens concerning access to social security . our businesses must be able to plan and invest in new technologies without any delay . finally the Presidency would like to recall that the initiative of the current Presidency , an Employment Summit , will be organised on 7 May in Prague . in 1995 the International Monetary Fund forced that country to reduce its rice tariffs . I would therefore argue that a general review of the operation of the system of own resources , which needs to take place , should take account of the active involvement of the European Parliament in proposing appropriate measures aimed at achieving greater transparency . ( DE ) Madam President , I would like to thank the rapporteur for the report , and I know that in Commissioner Barrot we have a champion of sustainable transport policy . the Commission is convinced that cohesion policy needs to underpin more strongly the policy priorities and reform agenda of Europe 2020 . our aim as MEPs is to help reduce these numbers as much as possible . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , Joseph Conrad referred to Congo as the heart of darkness . however , this is partly due to policies created here in the European Parliament , so I think the Commissioner should look carefully at the actions we are going to be setting out . I should like to ask you if this still applies today , or not , which would mean that the Member States are better prepared . in this context , the EU ' s remit should not go beyond questions relating to the common fisheries policy . Madam President , there are two points I would like to put to the High Representative or her substitute in relation to the current situation in Sudan . I see an opportunity in enlarging the EU embassies on the ground at this point - and it is , of course , actually settled that there are also to be responsibilities , and staff on hand , in each local EU embassy to speak up for human rights and democracy - in these civil servants - who I will now refer to as human rights agents - intensively engaging in taking on precisely this role as a mediator and this remit to provide information and communications , and also in getting through to local initiatives that perhaps do not have the ability to communicate in English , French , Spanish or another EU language . I should invite the Council to pay very serious attention to achieving this political agreement , but nevertheless also to stress the goal of economic cohesion . there may be very high costs associated with the necessary training , the replacement of standard contract forms and possible court proceedings . decoupling in many ways is like farmers ' early retirement aid . following the adoption of this agreement , all EU citizens - including citizens of Estonia , Latvia , Malta and Cyprus , for whom Brazil continued to require a visa - will be able to enter the country without a visa for tourism and business purposes , just as Brazilian citizens can already travel to all EU Member States without a visa . ( ES ) Ladies and gentlemen , I would like to thank Mr Schlyter for his work and I am particularly glad that several of the amendments I put forward have been incorporated into the text of the report we are debating today . secondly , the ratification process started in Hungary . written statements ( Rule 149 ) I urge the High Representative , as she continues to explore how to coordinate policy in this area , to be mindful of this particular issue . this package needs to be adopted pretty quickly , but it would be a bad thing if speed came first and deliberation second . for that , political will , decisiveness and courage must not fail us ; on the contrary . a business strategy highly focused on pursuing the dynamics of global markets would end up sacrificing the ability of the European agricultural sector to compete . hopefully , we will have good results . let us not forget that cotton represents only 0.15 % of the EU ' s agricultural production . Mr President , I should like to thank the Presidents of the Council and the Commission for their statements on this fundamental issue for the future of Europe . since we are discussing a field falling under Community competence , namely trade in audiovisual services , I believe fines to be enforced by the European Commission to producers promoting discriminatory imagines through publicity should be introduced . ( SV ) Madam President , when it comes to State aid for the coal industry , my view is that we should do everything we can to make the European economy as competitive as possible , and we should do this in many different areas . I think that this shows how ambitious we are . these goals coincide with the fundamental principle of the Lisbon Strategy , the concept of creating a knowledge-based society with the improvement of competitiveness , economic growth and the creation of jobs at the centre . we see this , for example , in the recognition and legitimacy granted by the governments of the Baltic countries to the local fascist groups , who were collaborators with the SS and the Nazis who were based in those countries during the Second World War . it is crucial for the future of Kosovo and the rest of us that those who fear that such a bold step will create a precedent choose the wise path of constructive abstention and do not seek to block the self-determination of Kosovans . we are also asking if the European Union can help to deliver desperately needed food and medicines . this is the only way that we will be able to maintain the competitiveness of our industry , promote economic growth and create jobs . let us hope that these pledges will be fulfilled . in the words of the previous rapporteur , this can reasonably be described as ' as good as it gets ' . in addition , why is oil being forgotten completely ? the European Union is always against the death penalty . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , this lively debate was very useful to the Presidency . I would like to thank Commissioner Verheugen and Minister Rupel for raising this issue . this week , at the initiative of the French Head of State , Nicolas Sarkozy , who showed his great sense of community , a proposal was made for an extraordinary European Council meeting to be held this Friday . these ways should never affect the population or humanitarian aid , but we must seek an intelligent way of putting pressure on the regime of President Mugabe which would mean that situations such as that of Farai Maguwu will never happen again . we , Members of the European Parliament , once again stressed our main objective of a strong and decisive Parliament in foreign policy , particularly now having in mind the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty . therefore , I say to the Commission : take a look at subsidy policy . the policy for promoting agriculture and rural areas must consistently aim at a clear decentralisation of the food production and marketing structures . terrorism has not been defeated . you have been competent , independent and consistent . such a programme requires respect between Member States . this year , it is GBP 6 billion . next year , it will be GBP 8 billion . all this is what we could call economic union , internal economic cohesion in the Union . we should not , however , forget that the European Commission plays a central role through monitoring , reporting and also supporting Member States in their efforts to achieve this objective . then you change the statute of the High Representative : he becomes Vice-President of the Commission . up until today , however - though this may change - the Council has refused to answer openly and publicly . ladies and gentlemen , fellow Members , as I understand it , the four political groups are not withdrawing their declaration . this is one of the issues that it is important for the EU to focus on if we are to balance justice with the internal market , and we must insist on market morality . this is exactly the kind of thing that we need to get off the ground and I hope that this very topic will be included on the transport ministers ' agenda when we convene for the meeting on the 29th . the Europe-wide cultural sector must be taken into consideration in the legal framework for international trade , certainly in the European dimension and in cultural diplomacy , in the internal market , in mobility ... the Commission takes note of the European Parliament ' s opposition to the introduction of direct producers ' liability . the Commission set itself three goals in this revision : firstly , to include cross-border direct debits within the regulation ' s scope ; secondly , to establish procedures for the out-of-court handling of problems that might arise from the application of the regulation ; and , thirdly , to ease the balance-of-payments statistical reporting obligations . the relevant request for the waiver of that immunity was made by the Court on 6 July 2010 . alongside the Moldovan government , we have actively engaged with the population living in the Transnistrian region via small-scale projects , mostly in the social area . finally , concerning the transparency and independence issues raised , we consider these to be very important and I really think we have to do something here . Prime Minister Orbán has just said he is a politician . furthermore , and of greatest importance to our citizens , it will ensure high safety levels for products in the European Union market . if I succeed in helping one person , I will be helping the greatest possible unit : one person ' s entire world . of course currency devaluation remains on our agenda . what are the main reasons for this phenomenon and what are its implications for the EU ? the statistics showing that female employment has increased in recent years to a level of 57.2 % sound good , but , as the report states , a whole range of problems remain . the aim of the programme is not , of course , to criminalise the Internet in a catastrophic vision of new technologies ; quite the contrary . it is alarming to learn that implementation of the Small Business Act is coming up against many obstacles in the Member States , although the examples of several countries show that following these principles yields good results . fundamentally , however , Portugal is capable of participating in the European project ; of participating and of helping to resolve whatever challenges there will be in the future . we need to evaluate existing good practices , as well as the negative effects of existing policies for the Roma population . these are the reasons why I voted in favour of this report . it happens all too often that we give aid with one hand and take back even more than we have given with the other . the report by Mrs Trüpel , on behalf of the Committee on Budgets , on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2011 . in writing . - There are many issues in this resolution which I support . where there are any differences in interpretation or implementation , the Commission should consult the Member States in question and clarify the rules . I think not . the payment appropriations should be adjusted in line with actual requirements and , in particular , we should draw lessons from the previous budget outturn so as to be able to determine our real ability to implement sectoral policies . here we have to be particularly careful and ensure that the Directive is applied in a humane way . all that in the media has led to consumers being undermined and everyone agreeing again that ' Europe is doing everything wrong ' and ' Europe is against rather than for the citizens ' . Mr Marty failed to respond to repeated invitations from the Polish authorities . I wish you every success for your term of office . unfortunately , in the past years , the Single Market has not managed to convince our citizens that it represents their interests and aspirations . ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to address myself to the Commissioner regarding the misguided use of the Structural Funds , which regrettably is a growing phenomenon in the European Union . however , I would like to know whether , in your opinion , the Member States hold sufficient data for the fight against violence towards women to really become a priority . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , as both the rapporteur and the Commissioner have observed , this proposal for a directive does indeed follow a vote in Parliament . is it worthy of this post ? ( EL ) Mr President , a French Prime Minister , Édouard Balladur , issued a statement to the effect that complete freedom in the market was tantamount to the law of the jungle . we should also recognise that soldiers from the international forces are involved in this trade , along with Americans based in the country . we are working with the securities regulator to get consensus on the technical standards for business data and as a result of this dialogue the Commission may take further measures aiming at interoperability of regulatory information systems . ( CS ) Madam President , I welcome this report with just two reservations . ( EL ) Mr President , I would like to address the President-in-Office of the Council to say : I was looking forward to your speech today with particular interest . of course , the first step required in the fight against social exclusion is integration into the labour market . rapporteur . - Madam President , you caught me slightly unawares as I had not seen the complete change of the timetable today , but I am very grateful for the chance to address the Chamber about a very important issue of the financial services industry , that is , the insurance and reinsurance industry , what we have done with the Solvency II report and how we have finally brought this now to Parliament in order to be able to establish what I think will be a very concrete basis for regulation across the European Union . however user-friendly the citizens ' initiative is , if it is overused it will become devalued . an online petition has already been launched to use the popular initiative to make it possible to change the seat of Parliament so that there is only one . I am very cautious when we talk about implementation of Natura 2000 . this is important because delivering the innovation economy is the key deep structural change . in this respect , I also welcome the second meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion devoted exclusively to the issue of Roma education in Europe . according to the case-law of the Court of Justice on this matter , the Member States should maintain their autonomy and legitimacy in regulating the activity of providers of online gambling and gambling games . following the difficult debates on the European External Action Service held in recent weeks within the competent parliamentary committees and the various political groups , I would like to thank our colleague Mr Brok for his strong involvement in this matter . I sincerely believe that this is unacceptable and that it needs to be reconsidered or qualified . subject : European Commission action concerning terrorist groups in Pakistan although the time taken to set up a company has dropped in recent months , an analysis carried out by the European Commission has showed that over half of Member States still do not meet the requirement for it to be possible to do so in three days . I would also like to thank Commissioner Mandelson and his services for the good cooperation I have had from the Commission in producing this report , and also the Korean Ambassador , whose assistance enabled me to get an insight into the Korean position on these negotiations . ( MT ) It is important that the European Parliament is aware of the situation in my country regarding water and electricity prices and the effect of today ' s decision , that is , regarding this case . this also applies to protection against counterfeit medicines . certainly in the case of Turkey , it is a disgrace that a candidate country should fail to meet its obligations in such a blatant manner . internal market in natural gas ( however , so-called reproductive rights , which is just another name for the right to abortion , are a priority component of the European human rights agenda . I believe that this directive substantially improves the rights of irregularly-staying immigrants in many European Union countries . this is why we really need to be able to express all these points of view , but while strengthening the pro-Europe camp during this particularly difficult time . while globalisation must contribute to prosperity , it must also be fair - and it must be subject to ethical rules , for example to prohibit the exploitation of children . I am deeply concerned that , in the light of the political developments underway , Mrs Saberi could be used as a bargaining chip , and I would like to condemn in the strongest possible terms a move that is so clearly politically motivated . this ought to be the first step forward . so there is hope in Washington . this agreement was awaiting validation and was put to the vote in the European legislative assembly . that mechanism is not in fact helping Greece , but punishing it at the moment . Fifthly , abolish or declare a moratorium on the death penalty . when cloning occurs over several generations , Commissioner , there is a cumulative depletion of the genetic diversity on which species depend for their survival because it enables them to adapt to changes in their natural surroundings . we will all need flexibility to be able to take this forward and to find solutions . of course , we focused a lot of our efforts initially on the evacuation of European citizens and we have to show solidarity with Tunisia , which is bearing the brunt of the evacuation of so many people , especially Egyptians who are ending up on the Tunisian border and need to be brought to Egypt . how much will each developed country give ? fortunately , my amendment on the use of regions and cities has been adopted . I would also say that you are entirely mistaken if you think that better translation rights are any sort of cure at all for this flawed piece of legislation which is ruining people ' s lives . it acknowledges the Member States ' prime responsibility for designing and implementing Roma integration strategies . if the European Union refuses to prepare the act requested , it will have to justify its decision in detail . ( DE ) I would be interested to hear how , in future , you intend regional products offered for sale on site to be labelled and placed on the market with the corresponding freshness and high quality ? the European Parliament has called in its motion for a resolution on services for the EU and the bourgeois governments in the Member States to speed up capitalist restructurings , so that the directive on the ' liberalisation ' of services can be implemented in full , based on the Commission ' s recent communication entitled ' Towards a Single Market Act ' in 2011 , the aim being to make further drastic cuts to the workforce and to enable the monopolies to penetrate new , profitable sectors for capital . one final comment : with regard to questions , I think the course we are taking is quite correct . unfortunately , the openness of research in the Arctic is being increasingly restricted by the states which have access to the Arctic Ocean . ladies and gentlemen , developing our relations with this neighbour located at the heart of Europe requires us to take the time to reflect on a response , including in the longer term , to the progress made by Belarus . I would say , however , that I can make a positive comment because the European Union has finally , after a lot of searching - which was far from easy - discovered Article 119 and the legal basis on which it can provide such assistance . the Commission is now congratulating itself on the work it has done over recent months . at the same time , we have to look to the broader issue . virtually nothing was spent on people . to be brief , what we are doing is simply responding to a report by the Commission , which is a report on the application of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1206 / 2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters . there are real concerns about the reopening of the negotiations with Mercosur . we are awaiting further offers and will be taking delivery of and distributing aid consignments in Japan in the coming days : on Thursday - in other words , tomorrow - and on Friday . the Commission is continuing to look into this matter . Europe cannot , therefore , afford to have Commissioners who are only now going to learn their portfolios . there will therefore be no political stance here on the conflict between Morocco and Sahara . please tell us . by doing this , a more protective and global approach will emerge for the Community ' s workers . the debate is closed . I must also express my gratitude to Mr Tajani for his willingness to speed up the work in the Commission aimed at finding a solution on this highly important matter . policy coherence is not just about recording any negative impact that EU policies may have on the development goals . it is also about combining our efforts with those of our partners in order to come up with winning solutions that will refocus EU policies on development goals . although I am in favour of the change to the legal basis and of strengthening the role of the European Parliament , in order to achieve greater transparency in legislation and broader protection for citizens , I consider the report to be inadequate and several steps behind what would be a substantive approach to the problem . the EGF has already been used in the past by other EU countries , particularly Portugal and Spain , so we should now grant this aid to Germany . we have worked hard , together with the former German and the future Slovenian Presidencies , to support our Portuguese colleagues , and we have succeeded . my second point is that I believe that we must also warn against disproportionate alarmism . the Greek rural areas in which people working with tobacco live are the poorest in Greece ; I fear that they are also the poorest in Europe in absolute terms . framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia ( vote ) both the standards and criteria for the stress tests must be drawn up by the specialists from the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group . we believe that childhood and youth must be protected and that children and young people must be brought up by their families and society as a whole . neither the Council nor the Commission is adopting this proposal and even the Spanish Government did not put forward such a request in the Council . the way in which 20th century European history was dealt with and retold differed greatly , especially in the individual Member States . firstly , the importance of health and safety in the workplace . moreover , I believe that in the Council , the rules of the game have been changed , but my government will deal with that . if we really want to continue the work that we began in April during the conference on the crimes committed by totalitarian regimes in Europe - a conference that I myself opened - then it goes without saying that historians absolutely must have access to the archives . furthermore , the Agreement will help to strengthen the protection of employee rights within the sector , step up cooperation on air travel safety and also , thanks to the compatibility requirement , strengthen cooperation on environmental matters . however , I personally believe that it would be even more so if it signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty . I welcome the proposed measures to promote creativity and a capacity for innovation in all stages of lifelong learning through working life to retirement . the third point is about measuring the benefits of your action . in writing . - ( HU ) The events of the past years have demonstrated that it is time to address seriously the economic , cultural and health situation of Roma living in the European Union . written statements ( Rule 149 ) the survival of milk producers is now seriously under threat . I agree with what Mr Schulz said . while there will be a review this year , is it true that the State aid map review only allows a form of ' exchange ' as opposed to redesignating regions to reflect new economic realities following the financial crisis ? although investigations into the magnitude of VAT evasion and fraud have not been carried out in all Member States , the International VAT Association estimates that VAT losses range from EUR 60 billion to EUR 100 billion per year across the European Union . making the European institutions more transparent is a first step towards a new Europe , a Europe of the peoples and a Europe of the sovereign nations . the rate of unemployment among young people in the EU has exceeded 20 % , which is twice as high as the rate for adults , and in some Member States , it has reached 40 % . Catherine Trautmann ' s report on electronic communications networks and services aims to encourage the development of the next generation of telecommunications networks in Europe . I believe this to be a positive contribution to the advancement of telecoms regulation that will promote investment in new communications infrastructure and strengthen consumer rights . despite reference being made to various countries within the report , a majority in Parliament rejected two proposed amendments which considered that : is discharge an interinstitutional game , as has been said in the past ? today when we are discussing the future of the common agricultural policy and the opportunity for adequate support , it is very important for us to say that hundreds of millions of European citizens live in the rural areas which cover a large percentage of the Community ' s territory . that fact clearly shows the discrimination of Polish Members of the European Parliament in comparison to members of national parliaments . if we should see civil wars , atrocities and the destruction of the economies of these countries , we might give good advice and our populations might send aid , but I hope that we do not regard it as our job to send our troops there to be killed . I already envisage six extra chairs in this Parliament and an extra booth for interpreters . Commissioner Barrot , I hope that once your new cabinet is formed we Roma , too , will be able to enjoy the security provided by European Union democracy , and that the definition of EU citizenship will apply to me and my children as well as to my non-Roma fellow citizens . this agreement is a stable framework that gives legal certainty to our vehicle manufacturers . therefore , it is clear that the triangle Bulgaria-Romania-Greece is one of the most sensitive regions from the point of view of illegal migration and that requires Bulgaria to prepare additional measures to resist migration pressure . of course , one can talk of respect for cultural identity , and of the fact that we Europeans should be particularly sensitive when it comes to imposing our models on other continents . to this end , in the 1970s , the European Commission put forward a proposal to create a legal framework for a European company . the answer is clear : the Bible is signalling in the most dramatic way , in a broken sentence , how the conversation broke down . do you wish to pose your supplementary question Mrs Doyle ? I would say to Mr Gklavakis that we have had lots of discussions , and I always enjoy discussing this with him . the current response to the instability of the finance system must not be allowed to restrict innovation in the financial sector . the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats wishes to make its position here today clear . now , countries with easily accessible external borders are swamped , but the majority of asylum seekers nevertheless are landing in the countries with the most generous social security systems . if we are honest , we must recognise our historical responsibility for climate change and that our emissions per capita are still many times greater than those of China or India , for example . this is being followed by strategies , plans and measures , even in countries in which environmental protection was , even recently , not a priority . I know that the Commissioner is familiar with this famous quotation . therefore , we invite others to do the same and not to support the amendments that have been tabled in order to send out a strong , clear message at first reading . education is undoubtedly a complex , long-term process , the quality and , in particular , the results of which consequently influence the future careers of young people . if we want regional economic cycles , we need to focus on quality and not on degrees of curvature . I would like to call for the measures aimed at simplifying the procedures for accessing the funds to be speeded up in order to facilitate job creation in Europe ' s regions . secondly , to avoid the mistakes of the past , such as those belatedly identified in the application of the PHARE , SAPARD and ISPA programmes in Bulgaria and Romania . I should stress the important role played by the EGF in reintegrating redundant workers into the labour market . what I can describe to you already , however , are the most important elements , the foundations . nevertheless , hope must never be given up and the Union for the Mediterranean can only be of help in keeping such hope alive . the stability of the current coalition is remarkable despite the difficulties . ( FR ) Mr President , given the exceptional constraints we face this year , the agreement that has been reached on the draft budget for 2011 is the best compromise possible . how is it possible that Parliament is not making stronger demands for the chairs of delegations only to be granted observer status when they represent it in international conferences ? these forests , which are so different for each individual in Europe , for each area , face a common threat : climate change . with regard to the external borders of the EU , I would also like to stress that the recent past in Europe has clearly shown that political and social problems cannot be solved through police or routine measures . by making the Court of Auditors one of its fundamental institutions , the Union demonstrated the importance it attached to transparency and the need to improve its work . it is a grievous and unnecessary self-inflicted wound . rapporteur . - Madam President , this has been an extremely interesting and lively debate . finally , let us not forget that it is a matter of minimum standards ( every State is free to increase sanctions against employers and protection for illegal immigrants ) and that there is a clause for revision every three years enabling us to adjust our aim based on experience . I am all the more alarmed by the attempt to establish new discriminatory conditions . victims , however , may move from one Member State to another for many reasons , not least to escape crime . should the ECB see the value of its assets fall by just 4.25 % , its entire capital base will be wiped out . the closure of two slipways would destroy that gain and that achievement . Madam President , I can ask the honourable Member if he can give way to me . nowadays , it is not only a matter of giving flowers to women we know . the European Ombudsman acts in order to tackle cases of poor administration by Community institutions and bodies , either on his own initiative , or by following up a complaint . - Motion for a resolution the debate is closed . at this moment in time , I think that time has clearly shown that it was not quite the best decision , but it is a decision which was within the discretionary options open to the Commission . questions which have not been answered for lack of time will be answered in writing ( see Annex ) . in most cases , these referendums are dominated by purely domestic issues . we are currently talking about 51 regions . nevertheless , as Mr Lamassoure has already observed , the citizens ' initiative can , according to the treaty , be a major instrument for creating a European public space that we very much need . this is a test of how we , having over the last 60 years created a Europe which has social protection as well as economic progress , can help shape a world where we have economic progress , environmental care and social justice at the same time . secondly , Gazprom must pay our countries penalties because at the moment Bulgaria , which is the most seriously affected country in Europe and is totally dependent on the gas energy supplies in Russia , must claim its rights and must claim them against the supplier , which is Russia in this case . thank you for reminding me . as Mr Davies said , we have really provided a good example of what European legislation can achieve . I would like to mention two points . we will be seeking to play a constructive and very attentive role in it . the role of the European Union as a human rights defender is a fundamental characteristic which the institutions must not relinquish and which must be maintained as a priority of diplomatic work . our agricultural and industrial activities and transport plans have drastically affected the quality of our soil . in many respects it was a humanist speech which I am willing to accept as an ideal for the Europe of the future . the Commission and the national competition authorities are vigilant to any infringement of the European Union ' s competition law . thank you very much for your point , which of course concerns us all on what is the day of European languages . ( RO ) Madam President , in a Europe without borders , and with an ongoing globalisation process , innovation can and must play an important role in enhancing social cohesion by improving the quality of services provided , no matter which sector they are from . if , in the next months , we do not create the framework for Europe being the lead market for all these technologies , we will lose out on one of the few sectors where we are still leading the world economy . in writing . - ( NL ) Health and safety at work have an extremely important part to play on the European agenda and in the Lisbon Strategy . one of them has already evoked the threat of its ' financial nuclear weapon ' . we have to stay within the limits of rationality , as befits the powers we have under the EU . the European Union already has effective regulations regarding the organisation of working time . as you know , it was during the Slovenian Presidency that we were able to reach a positive outcome . it is important that we continue to support that . written statements ( Rule 142 ) I took note of your points and I will try to respond to some of your concerns and policy positions on the basis of the briefings I have asked for during this debate . ( applause ) Mr Cohn-Bendit has doubts about this , so we shall check it out . in writing . - The tragic situation in Burma demands urgent attention . ( PL ) Madam President , a year ago , there was a terrible disaster in Haiti , a huge earthquake which caused the deaths of 200 000 people and resulted in 1 300 000 people losing their homes . Jens Rohde is right . even though both the Treaty of Lisbon and the Europe 2020 strategy attributed an unprecedented level of importance to social policy , the issues of competitiveness and economic factors continue to take priority over social issues . you let the speculators run riot , you brought the International Monetary Fund into the euro area and now you are asking for harsh austerity programmes . constructing the EU budget during a financial crisis , with a very narrow budget margin and new areas of work relating to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , is not easy . in economic terms , the postal sector is very important , and it also impacts on other sectors of the economy . I specifically call on the authorities to release unconditionally Mr Mansour Ossanlou and Mr Emadedin Baghi and to end the harassment , intimidation and political persecution of human rights defenders . let us be clear : these discussions are not about whether or not to combat discrimination but rather about how to do it in the most effective manner . we cannot disadvantage our airports , our airlines and employees in this area . it is difficult to get such a project off the ground but it is worth the attempt because it is important for our knowledge and research on animal welfare during transport to also be reflected in legislation and in practice . author . - ( FR ) Madam President , the resumption of fighting between rebel and government forces in Chad has left hundreds dead and wounded and caused renewed tensions in the border region of Sudan and the Central African Republic . in brief , there are a number of areas where the European institutions involved could be further extended in democratic terms . in writing . - ECR Group MEPs supported this report as we believed that the legal basis of this legislation should be changed from ' Article 31 EAEC ' to ' Article 168 TFEU ' . in the context of these talks , we will also offer assistance in the form of our cooperation in order , for example , to implement the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women , to strengthen the national institutions in charge of matters of gender equality or indeed to support changes in legislation that provides for discrimination against women . well , his friend , Mr Barrot , the Justice Commissioner , is proposing to extend it to all the countries of the Union that do not have it and even to triple the accompanying sanctions and prison sentences . there is only one way for Serbia to gain support for its claims in the sphere of cultural and social rights , and that is through constructive cooperation in the region . maybe what we need is just an evaluation of the whole gamut of parliamentary positions . we are stumbling around in the dark . this resolution proposes an EU-level reduction of up to 30 % in greenhouse gas emissions . however , so as to prevent this dream from becoming a nightmare , we have to play our part and ensure that these peoples not only rid themselves of their dictators , but eradicate dictatorships too . he replied , ' In England , because there everything happens 100 years later ' . reports of the House of Lords , that we all talk about , are reports of House of Lords ' committees : they are not voted on and rewritten by the chamber of the House of Lords , they stand on their own merits - often very good , deep , analytical reports . a unilateral commitment is a positive sign , however , and is therefore desirable , but it is not enough . at the same time , the EU and many nation-states have forgotten that natural disasters can also be prevented . according to the current Schengen acquis , third-country nationals who hold a residence permit can travel freely within the Schengen Area because the residence permit is equivalent to a visa . if we provide high levels of consumer protection but we discourage companies from entering those markets , then we are not doing consumers a favour . let me give you an example : it makes a difference whether I heat a house or just one room . transatlantic relations have always been a crucial part of European foreign policy . a set of proposals along these lines would be balanced . Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would also like to congratulate my friends here in the House , and whom I have met with . we are talking about a new digital agenda for the next five years , which means that Member States need to use information technology to improve administrative cooperation in fiscal matters as well . as regards this last aspect , I would remind you that geographical indications are not just a trade policy matter ; they are also part of Europe ' s identity . however , this is not to say that the improvements made have had no effect on the current directive , and , in fact , it is to be welcomed that no upfront payments have to be made until the end of the cooling-off period . Russia has joined in the election campaign that is underway there . all must tread carefully here . we hope that the upcoming elections will strengthen democracy in Venezuela and that the results will reflect the views of the whole of Venezuelan society . there are those , including LTTE apologists , who want to deliver a further blow to the Sri Lankan people by undermining the GSP + preferential trade arrangements with the EU . the Framework Directive is also an attack on freedom of expression . it is always argued that the objective is growth and employment , but , as they have forgotten policies of solidarity , and of economic and social cohesion , committing only to monetarist and neoliberal policies in the interests of guaranteeing greater profits for large companies and financial institutions , what we will have is more social inequality , more unemployment and more poverty , as the cases of Greece , Ireland and Portugal have already shown . I sincerely hope that it will . we need to build high-voltage DC electricity distribution capacity through a smart grid - some EUR 50 billion of investment , but creating many jobs - and we need oil and gas storage facilities and , even more , a storage policy to reduce our dangerous dependence on Russia . the political goal of 3x20 by 2020 does not therefore relate merely to limiting energy use by 20 % gross , for example , as a result of price increases , as this would only cause a fall in living standards , but rather by means of rationalisation , which would allow 20 % more useful work to be obtained from the same amount of primary energy . 12 . the East Timorese Government has submitted a comprehensive Governance Action Plan , which will be the subject of political dialogue between the delegation and the Government , supported by the Commission . concerning the Mediterranean , we have objected to a reductionist approximation that only talks about security . in short , Commissioner , you have been rather hasty . the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change further estimates that in 2030 the cost of adaptation in the developing countries would be in the range of EUR 23 to 54 billion a year . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Mr President , I am glad to have the opportunity to speak on this joint motion for a resolution on press freedom in Kenya . justice is now the area in which hard-hitting reform is still required . as said by Mrs Starkevičiūtė , working together produces results like these which are positive for everyone . when we talk about the social dimension of Europe , to us this means that we must adopt an integral approach . we need to change policies . Europe must not give in to pressure by India to leave non-trade issues out of the new trade agreement . the Chinese Communist Party must come to acknowledge the fact that the citizens of China are culturally diverse , and they must also have a right to cultural autonomy . we must encourage cooperation between Member States to put an end to this type of crime and actively combat child pornography and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children . we stand here to restate that there cannot and will not be impunity for those guilty of committing crimes against humanity , and we will continue to stand with the Iranian people as they exercise their right to free speech and peaceful protest for freedom and democracy . regrettably , no progress has yet been made on this issue . shortly after the first signs of a crisis , the approval of the elegant ' SISone4ALL ' solution proposed by the Portuguese offered a glimmer of hope that the long-awaited enlargement of the Schengen area might be achieved . multinational companies have turned our cities into a common marketplace so that sometimes we do not know whether we are in Paris or in Prague . it will certainly not suffice for our purposes , however . they will tell me about things they do not like . I would like to raise three issues regarding the tax on financial transactions . we also obtained the opinions of expert committees on employment and social welfare and also the Committee of the Regions . I also know the sensitivity in other Member States . you are proposing that the retirement age should be raised , that the amount paid in unemployment allowance should be reduced , that wage levels and the mechanisms for calculating these should be modified , and that shops should be allowed to open on Sundays . in writing . - The Conservative Party has recently published " Fair Play on Women ' s Pay : a six-point plan to overcome the gender pay gap " . there is no longer such a thing as a Greek currency . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , I read the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs ' report on the European Central Bank ' s annual report with great interest . this therefore gives us an opportunity . lastly , I should like to say how sorry I am that , due to extremists on all sides , Parliament has been unable to approve at this time an immediate increase in the safety of nuclear power plants , even though we in our group reached a consensus demanding the most serious , transparent and independent checks possible . we must achieve this . whilst it is useful to the big corporations , it is dislocating public transport and is responsible for the declining state of the network and of safety . how much of the funding is being allocated for the promotion of the ' Education and Training 2010 ' programme , however ? I also believe that a directive on maritime spatial planning would be an unnecessary luxury which would not , in my view , add value to the current process of cooperation between Member States . I am pleased that both texts refer to the need to implement anti-discrimination laws in the workplace so that jobs are open for all . without our technological assistance , Russia would certainly not in reality be able to benefit from its resources . as a result , they would be subject to the new rules for accessing the Google system . that is the work we do and we need to have the means to do it . I am pleased to note that the ambitious goals set by the Commission proposal have been kept . this is true despite the five EU Member States that have not yet recognised it , that do not want to see the reality . we are German , British , Swedish , Hungarian and Spanish , and we are aware of and are experiencing the effects of the extremely serious economic and financial crisis in our own countries . the report covers the period from early October 2009 to October 2010 and progress is measured on the basis of decisions taken , legislation adopted and measures implemented . violence against women knows no geographical boundaries , no age limit , no class or race or cultural distinctions , but it is still invisible and the victims are silenced . ( RO ) Mr President , the free trade agreement with India will become the most substantial agreement of this kind if the negotiations are concluded satisfactorily for both sides . the European Union is India ' s biggest trade partner and the Generalised System of Preferences is one of the instruments used by the European Union to encourage this country ' s economic development . I do not think so . using tactics like those of bully-boys and racketeers , they dangle promises in front of unsuspecting people , but I think the message has got to be that if an offer seems to be too good to be true , then most probably it is . that being so , I consider it incomprehensible - and we need to say this loud and clear - that some Member States - and they are also primarily those who do not want to punish traffic offences from other Member States - are hiding behind the legal question and the conflict of competence . we have to build this Europe on facts . harmonisation of the law in this field will allow us to ensure a high level of awareness among European patients and will help to even out differences in the health situation in all Member States . we have said that we want to work without limitation to specific technologies and we are again having an ideological debate about nuclear power , which is a discussion that can be held , but which ultimately makes no sense in the context of the SET plan . I would like to say that the amending budget that we have just approved , to the sum of EUR 13 400 000 , with effect only from 1 May , thus covering half a year , is very unwise . for example , the seven Baha ' i leaders are still imprisoned only on the basis of their religious convictions . secondly , a political point . ladies and gentlemen , I would not like to judge the positive and negative aspects of the Treaty of Lisbon here . we must finally introduce uniform criteria in this directive , because these have been lacking until now . of course , we may protest , arguing that helpless people cannot be treated like cattle , that they cannot be driven out of their homes with no rhyme or reason , and be left without any help . they are going to listen to our debate . the delegation includes representatives of the Gdańsk , Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards . it needs to be understood that under no circumstances can we paralyse initiatives because there are technical difficulties that we have not been able to resolve before . we will need to do a great deal more than these half-hearted measures taking two steps forward and one step back to stem the illegal flow . the President of the Parliament participated in this debate , as did the President of the Commission and the heads of numerous other European institutions , and hundreds of young people , as well as representatives of older generations from all over the European Union . in 2008 and 2009 , more than 70 % of all investments on the market in Europe were already in renewables : wind , solar , biomass . ( PT ) Mr President , Commissioner , it is true that cohesion policy is important as a contributor to growth and prosperity , as well as to promoting development that is balanced between regions . this is a good report , which takes most of the concerns of the industry and environmental protection concerns into account in a balanced manner . Ms Moghaddam is a leader of the One Million Signatures petition campaign , which lobbies to change Iranian laws which contradict the principles of gender equality and human rights . I am referring to Amendment 31 , which calls for a report evaluating the reform and , if necessary , proposals to extend this aid fund by one year during the 2010-2011 marketing year . promoting a strong contribution to development goals is already an important part of the EU ' s trade policy . even the European Union ' s activities involving foreign policy , policing , security outside our borders and international cooperation are subject to the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights . the vote will take place on Tuesday 16 December 2008 . particularly after a 15-year membership of this European Union , we Austrians feel reassured by the fact that it was we who introduced our European Community to a great many of these concerns , and that this has led to Europe taking on these concerns . fishing in the Mediterranean and the future of stocks depends on what all the Mediterranean countries , both inside and outside the European Union , do for this common resource and , if we do not act in common , this resource will be at immediate risk . during the Cultural Revolution in China many square kilometres of forest were cut down . if we fail - and I say we and I really mean us all - they will simply say that ' Europe ' has failed . since the start of Annapolis , the European Union has lost its touch . on the issue of safety , can I ask the Commissioner whether it is appropriate to use the words ' stress tests ' , because when it comes to banking , the words ' stress tests ' have certainly failed us . we are conscious of the scarcity of water in developing countries . the second idea is providing the European public with a new law and a new court : the right of Europeans to apply to this new court in order to guarantee fulfilment of the rights established by the convention in relation to the European Union or the Member States when they are implementing Union law . this policy aims to improve the legal framework for cross-border services whilst also simplifying procedures , which will increase competition . it will also improve access to services and raise their standard whilst reducing costs , thus benefiting European consumers . these agreements will strengthen our efforts in fighting crime in today ' s globalised world . we in Latvia have not grasped all the opportunities ; we have not always wisely implemented cohesion policy or made use of the financial opportunities we have been offered . better regulation and protection of intellectual property , the reduction of the social and environmental impact from our Asian partner ' s dramatic economic growth and the reduction in the counterfeiting and piracy of goods are areas for action where Beijing has already made notable progress . it is a familiar system , and manufacturers , importers and retailers have all welcomed it . it is positive because it is important to reiterate the need for EU banana producers to be protected , including those in the Canaries . I also appeal to the goodwill of the European Commission to negotiate the reallocation of the Structural Fund resources with the competent authorities on the basis of the Community framework , taking this disaster into account . ( ES ) According to a United Nations report , in 2009 , some 270 000 people were victims of human trafficking within the European Union . the EU ' s ' green diplomacy ' was largely instrumental in achieving this positive result . the need for clear definitions across the European Union on energy poverty is also important . meanwhile , the proposed financial support mechanism for Greece was finally put in place on 11 April . Congo is a good example . we need to know how to take preventive action . for now , it is a case of providing urgent solutions to the populations rocked by these disasters . the nature of such a tax , its rate and setting the tax base are some of the very few instruments that still remain within the remit of the Member States and can be used to accelerate the economic development of less developed countries . in its ' Pierre de Coubertin ' action plan , the White Paper therefore seeks to promote volunteering in sport and non-profit sport organisations through specific actions , including a study on volunteering and exchange of good practices within the informal EU ' non-profit sport organisation ' working group . no , Commissioner , that would really be pulling the wool over their eyes . it must never happen again that - as in the present case - the Commission does not fulfil its mandate and allows time to elapse without acting . for me , it goes without saying that the toys I buy in Sweden , Brussels or Strasbourg are safe . the Commission must commit itself fully , in accordance with the level of confidentiality . we have given the banking industry an opportunity to self-regulate in this particular area . we will study what happened , and undertake closer investigations and analyses . my final point concerns the 12-day rule . the Russian constitution provides a basis for a multi-party system , but de facto it has become a one-party system with a marginalised parliament . this is because these negotiations are not exactly characterised by ambition , but by precisely that outdated industrial policy that nobody here wants to hear anything about , or so we are told . two points that did not make it into the report were the possibility of applying attachment to joint accounts and the investigation of optional domestic use of the cross-border provision . I want to make it clear , here and now , that when coming forward with this proposal both the Council and the Commission should take heed of Parliament ' s strong and united position on the issue . I therefore agree with the Commission ' s view that the position of the ombudsman must be strengthened . well it will not be well . this sounds like an extract from a UK Independence Party report on the European Constitution - sorry , I mean the Lisbon Treaty . ( NL ) Mr President , I would like to thank the Commissioner for being here , but I would rather he was somewhere else , such as on a plane to Russia , for example , in order to make the case at the highest possible level that the ban that Russia has now introduced should be withdrawn because it is completely over-the-top . young people with amputations ; children who had terrible burns who were being treated ; teams out there to support them . I would like to urge you for us to counter those activist organisations adopting impartial measures in order to oppose this issue ; most of all because they do not offer any alternative . what can be done about this ? I would like to thank the Legal Affairs Committee secretariat and to praise the excellent support they have given me on this report . moreover , we believe that the TACs need to be adjusted to each of these different fishing areas so as to ensure that the stock is managed sensibly . should not ecological and social dumping be equated with direct dumping ? the ratification and implementation of the updated ILO conventions ( debate ) indeed , it seems that the most important and most sensitive issue concerns where we stand on Eurojust . I am thus happy to respond in any format decided by the Chair . the EU must support the democratically elected government and should condemn attempts to undermine it . why vote for an imperfect report ? the plan provides for full completion of all legal proceedings by the end of 2011 , with a possible extension into 2012 . the scope of activities covered by the term human trafficking should be revised and extended . every religion has its own form of fundamentalism and the first victims of such fundamentalism are often the religious moderates of those same religions . I myself spoke about the need for Europe to keep its commitments so that we could be credible . the negotiations were very difficult and the Member States did everything they could to try and wriggle out of their earlier promises . the European Parliament has already done a lot of work in this area . Mr President , I want to propose the following oral amendment to paragraph 10 : I wish to add the name of Mr Sergiu Mocanu . we have chosen to vote for this report . hunger in the midst of plenty is , and has always been , a scandal , and , in this report , we are trying to improve schemes to address it more effectively . I am approaching the Commission to seek its help as guardian of the Treaties and I appeal to its conscience to reject the measures and to apply the environmental impact directive scrupulously in that capacity . ( HU ) Thank you , Mr President . ( PT ) Mr President , the creation of a European patent is stimulating innovation and scientific and technological development in the EU . the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament the audiovisual cooperation programme MEDIA Mundus , as adopted today by the European Parliament , and which I support , comes under this objective . unfortunately , the huge incidence of violent acts is not only typical of countries in conflict . it is a problem with a strong multilateral component , because the sale and transit of gas can constitute a commercial activity only if the necessary conditions are met . this new instrument , in order to be a serious tool , will have to produce legal effects of a certain importance . as the Council did not do its part in what we should be calling ' a co-indecision procedure ' , those people are in the Sinai desert , who knows for how long ? ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , this week , we should have approved the European Union General Budget for 2011 . I would like to say three things . I find it impossible to disassociate developments in Pakistan and Kashmir from those in Afghanistan . I wish to make a couple more comments ; to raise a few points about social and economic governance in the short term . according to the respected NGO War on Want , that would threaten a further 7.5 million workers with losing their jobs , including in the poorest countries . it is only in Kosovo that we have seen things happening at lightning speed . this confusion could lead to problems in some national legislation . too often , we have gazed into crystal balls and seen a series of marvellous plans , but each is impenetrable to the next . we look for improvement in rules of origin ; in the harmonisation of standards , of product safety , child protection and animal welfare ; in their bureaucratic procedures ; in transparency of state aids and non-tariff barriers , and the elimination of discriminatory taxes . one of them is the dialogue between the social partners - which was unfairly relegated to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - and another important matter that we believe we are helping with through our support for resolution of confidence problems is to provide security through a declaration , like the Ioannina Compromise , which already exists , but should not go any further . the opinion that , with reduced taxes , the situation would not improve or would even decline is not a valid argument . for us , it is not about making transport more expensive , as has just been claimed . in numerous cases , including in Greece , attention on the part of the institutions and the State decreased as publicity in the issue decreased . I wholeheartedly understand Parliament saying that what we are doing for energy or innovation is not enough . Roosevelt heavily attacked the oligopolies , the big companies in the US , and reregulated the economy . on the subject of fundamental rights , I believe that we may have certain disagreements , but that there are no fundamental disagreements with some of the Members who raised this issue . therefore , Mr Graf Lambsdorff surely has nothing to answer . this disaster also underlines the challenges and the improvements that we must make to this structure , since the solidarity movement of our continent aside , the US reaction raises questions about our mobilisation capacity . we must provide for labour relations that promote employment and ensure the possibility of life-long learning . there is not , however , any South American state as such that is a member of the European Union - I am being very cautious here for perhaps I did not understand all the nuances of the question . however , I also have to admit that I am disappointed with certain proposed amendments to the Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes , especially on pay-out delays . it may not have been the best decision . would we not be sending out a very positive signal if we could make progress on these free trade agreements now ? the austerity packages proposed for exiting the crisis should not result in measures which could jeopardise economic recovery . the plan was adopted at the conference on rail safety organised - as I said earlier - by the Commission on 8 September 2009 . the European Union was created on the basis of peace and stability , and we can promote these globally , in particular , by means of humanitarian aid , development cooperation , crisis management and international trade . I believe that the key words should be ' coordination ' and ' clarity ' . that seems to me to be very important . requests for oral amendments are also governed by different rules , not rules at the disposal of the president of the sitting , but rules already formally included in our Rules of Procedure . at present , the EU livestock sector is experiencing difficulties caused by a range of factors , including rising production costs , competition from imports from third countries , and , of course , various issues which contribute to the rising cost of feed . you have tabled no less than eight sets of draft resolutions and oral questions reflecting , in my view , the strength of parliamentary involvement and opinion on EPAs . this is a real contribution to the preparations for the next financial perspective , but it is also truly European . what stage have we reached ? us anti-missile defence system ( debate ) according to French estimates , the 0.005 % tax will remove more than EUR 20 billion from the coffers of French banks . a better description of the spirit of the times , however , would be the world ' flexinsecurity ' . it is , however , time that we also change practices in this area . in view of this , the liberalisation of visas to Taiwan boosts bilateral EU-Taiwan relations , strengthens partnerships in various areas and encourages a reciprocal increase in tourism . some sectors of the population are especially vulnerable and need protection from poverty , because it is very difficult for people to escape poverty once they become poor . therefore , concluding the Doha Round with a balanced and comprehensive outcome would be a major step ahead . I remember something that one of these founding fathers , Mr Jean Monnet , said when the very first step towards the Single Market was taken and coal and steel were first brought together in 1950 . yet this does not mean that there is anything wrong with parliamentary ratification . some people may feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of bankers falling from grace and losing their jobs . in that respect , it is a natural reaction for Parliament to reject these proposals . the Americans have achieved the PTC pipeline for oil . Mr President , honourable Members , the Commission welcomes your proposal for 20 weeks of maternity leave . many countries have problems with the introduction of civil rights and democracy . this is particularly significant given that Japan is one of the main donors of aid in post-war times . we should consider the Solidarity Fund , which since its establishment has already been mobilised in at least 20 or 30 cases . the Slovenian Presidency has placed this issue among its highest priorities . there will be no geographical quotas - you could sometimes get the impression that this is the most important issue here , but it most definitely is not . I am neither against nor for . this will still make a very significant impact on the Stability and Growth Pact and a very significant impact on public debt and on how matters are settled in the ' day after ' period , in other words after the crisis has passed , to put it in simple terms . accession to the EU clearly also means an obligation under the Treaty to accept the achievements of the acquis communautaire . although some considerations may be well-intentioned , let us not forget that too much protection destroys all protection . workers are not aware of their rights , and Member States do not monitor whether the provisions of the Directive are being correctly applied . the Member States acted collectively , both in the Council and in NATO , and so we must also account for our actions collectively as the Council ; you cannot hide behind the argument of powers and subsidiarity ; it is not a matter of making two particular Member States into scapegoats . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , the 2.3 % increase in the budget requested by this Parliament calls into question its sense of responsibility . I need hardly say that neither power plant will be using CCS . this points to a spectrum of political views within the European Union . the continued existence of economic and cultural inequalities on a global level has resulted in the development of new forms of slavery , no longer necessarily linked to the realm of sexual exploitation , but also to that of economic exploitation . unfortunately , there are still many cases in Europe where women are affected by attacks by their male companions or former companions . here we should also state our opinion that civil society must be an active participant as an alternative to the Summit of Heads of State and Government in Lima . if it were the other way around , and a male walked in on females , the chances of their being killed would be far less . with full respect for subsidiarity in that matter , some Member States have it and some do not . we need to improve our approach to the implementation of innovative solutions in all areas , including technical and organisational , legal and financial . in addition , the Commission provides significant humanitarian assistance - roughly EUR 40 million per year - to the Democratic Republic of Congo , especially to Uturi and the Kivus . it does not , however , go far enough . for this reason , I voted in favour of this report . I will be making the best possible use of the transition periods and of the room for manoeuvre that the Basel Agreement gives us , plus you will be making your own contribution . I hope that you can make your voice heard there and have more ' Europe ' in that institution also . it gives us more social rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights . as you know , my pet subject is water . it must be made clear once and for all that , according to the World Health Organisation definition , this concept includes abortion as a method of family planning . to conclude , I would say that import controls absolutely must be harmonised , since we cannot demand a number of things from our farmers and then continue to bring products into the European Union that do not comply with our legislation . I think this is an agenda where we also have to do something in Europe . consequently , Parliament ' s founded concerns about this issue which were voiced in the course of the conciliation procedure for the 2002 Working Time Directive were properly allayed . but once again you could not accept a democratic result , oh no - the Irish have to vote again ! Madam President , today , we are discussing a European strategy for the Roma minority , which is an important step towards integrating the largest minority in the European Union . according to the EC Treaty , the Community and the Member States are responsible for adopting measures to combat fraud and protect the Community ' s financial interests . is there not something dubious about Europeans promoting and funding contraception and abortion outside Europe ? however , we must understand that no progress has been made in one decisive area , because the necessary cooperation , which needs to be organised much more effectively , has been vetoed by NATO ' s partner Turkey . secondly , we have seen , for several years , the redirecting by various means of money in the first pillar , from direct payment to farmers to the rural development projects in pillar 2 . such behaviour will no longer be tolerated . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , this House is preparing to vote on the first budget of the Lisbon era . ( the agenda was therefore adopted . ) it is widely recognised that small and medium-sized enterprises are the key to reducing unemployment in Europe , yet they face a disproportionate regulatory burden when compared to larger companies due to economies of scale . it all boils down to business and politics , and I think a great number of mistakes are being made in those domains . the oral question to the Commission ( B7-0238 / 2009 ) by Mario Borghezio , on behalf of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group , on defence of the principle of subsidiarity ; I would also like to extend my thanks to the Commission , which tabled a sound initial proposal that was gratifying to develop further . furthermore , publication of current data and effectively informing citizens and business people about their rights and the situation in the market will help improve the market ' s function and will improve transparency of its principles , ensuring equal conditions for competition . the OFT does not have jurisdiction to tackle any scams from elsewhere , including from other Member States , so the problem continues and I continue to receive my share of complaints . I believe that cooperation with the Inter-Institutional Working Group on multilingualism will enable us to make better use of free capacity in this area . in both cases , we hear talk of accidents that took place , but these accidents have never been proven . the aim of our proposal is to ensure that these deadlines are respected once and for all . others , however , remain imprisoned , such as Netsanet Demissie and Daniel Bekele . specific protection must be given to individuals , children and women especially . the regions or farmers which wish not to cultivate GMOs or to adopt a GM-free status , can certainly benefit from the research findings from the research framework programmes . support Southern Sudan wherever possible . and you were always gentlemanlike . whilst we have economic uncertainty , our ability to face any of our other challenges is obviously diminished . in writing . - ( PT ) The harmonisation and reliability of data and information collected on marine activities is of critical importance for the fisheries sector and all efforts undertaken to improve their quality should be supported . the terrible disaster that struck Haiti a year ago shocked us all and led to a global current of good will , making logistical , human , financial and humanitarian resources available immediately and on a large scale . I would ask you not to raise a blue card if you want to be on the catch-the-eye list , because that is a quite different thing . when there are mistakes , which sometimes happens , then we try to correct them . as the Commissioner said , I believe that we need to continue working to build the strategic association with Russia , but the climate will depend more on Russia ' s temperature than that of the European Union : to some extent in the light of what the Commissioner was saying , above all in the light of the new role that Russia wants to play on the international stage , and , in particular , as far as the security of energy supply is concerned . that is one of the comments that I would like to make . the third thing he mentioned is that financial supervision is being conducted on too national a basis . debates on cases of breaches of human rights , democracy and the rule of law for your information , Lithuania is home to around 200 000 Lithuanian citizens of Polish descent , and there are 62 schools where teaching is only carried out in Polish and 34 schools with Polish classes . I have been very actively engaged with Member States and allies and the NATO Secretary-General in order to reinforce EU-NATO relations . this draft protocol contains a Framework Agreement on the general principles for the Republic of Moldova ' s participation in a number of Community programmes and agencies in areas such as transport , food security , customs , air safety and others . at a time when debate about CO2 emissions has become unavoidable because it is central to discussion of climate change , and when the volatility of fuel prices has made the continuation of the current dependence on petroleum and its derivatives unsustainable , at least in the long term , it is important to find alternatives . there has been some discussion regarding whether it was right or wrong to prepare a first-reading agreement . the Presidency of the Council hopes , of course , that the Council and this House will be able to clarify these matters , so as to ensure that Europe has an industrial base that is its own and is competitive and that we know as soon as possible what mechanisms will be applicable , before 2011 . I would particularly like to mention table wines . those Council Members who are responsible should at least admit it ! in writing . - ( PL ) Madam President , ARTEMIS is the first of four proposed joint undertakings with a joint aim and justification . I should point out that we are going to vote first on the amendments . it was made up of finance ministers who were threatened with a downgrading of their sovereign debt . the difficult task was the Parliament budget , where it was unfortunately not possible to bring the expenses down to this year ' s level plus inflation . it has taken much longer than people expected to bring this into operation , and that of itself raises concerns about the complexity of the instrument itself . although I believe that there is still a lot to be done in terms of small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) and of consumer rights , this report is a first step in facilitating cross-border trade between SMEs . Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union provides that any European State which respects the principles of the rule of law , freedom , democracy , respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms may apply to become a member of the Union . however , you must be sure that these amendments will not create difficulties in the application of the directive by all Member States . structure and rates of excise duty applied on manufactured tobacco ( on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , in the European Union we have recently seen a significant rise in the price of basic foodstuffs , particularly in the new Member States . however , when we are preparing the implementation report in 2010 , we can propose changes to the Directive if necessary . the European Commission has disregarded these developments . in voting for Amendments 99 and 100 supported by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament , Parliament will be addressing the issues raised through possibly setting up an impact assessment and suitable mediating measures to ensure that the outermost regions are included in the emissions trading scheme in the future - a necessary step that must be done in an appropriate way and guarantee environmental and economic sustainability and mobility in those regions , which are totally dependent on air transport due to their geographical situation . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Madam President , I have a number of points to make in relation to this issue and of course I would disagree slightly with Mrs McGuinness in relation to ' this is not about Ireland ' . I would like to state very clearly my support for the delegation that would have gone to Iran from this Parliament . it was no ordinary match . Europe needs a competitive and innovative economy in order to be successful . on the other , however , there is a certain resistance amongst Member States to sacrificing their legal solutions , which is hardly surprising given that these have developed over centuries and that they are widely known by their respective populations . otherwise , our reaction will simply be unbalanced . the debate is closed . in practice , this would very often mean making the most vulnerable people pay , and that does not seem to me to be reasonable or socially just . we must also pay particular attention to the needs of mountain areas , as we plan and implement structural measures . European patents currently cost 15 times more than US patents , hence the reason why we must develop the European patent more quickly and reduce its cost . I would like to underline the meeting which will be held in Prague in the presence of the Czech Prime Minister , the President of the Commission and the social partners , as well as the two upcoming Presidencies - Sweden and Spain - to discuss measures and recommendations . ( applause ) Mr President , it is important that decisions be taken in June on an ambitious package of legislation aimed at strengthening economic governance in Europe in order to win back the confidence of the markets and also in order to ensure growth and jobs on behalf of all our citizens and to increase the cohesion of our economies . we must give not just the production sites , but also the future technologies , a chance so that Europe can remain a good place to produce cars . ' they will only become so if they lead to genuine changes within the Russian Federation . in order to achieve this objective , which is still a long way off , we have much ground to cover and many barriers to remove . let me state that the Commission reaffirms its commitment to reaching an agreement on the soil protection directive , and will do its utmost to achieve that aim . as a first point , I would like to thank the Commission , in the person of Commissioner Verheugen , for reading out the declaration on the implementing measures here in the House today . we clearly need to demonstrate our resolve . different rules will sustain a different culture . consequently , for the spoiled foreign cyclists and pedestrians ( and I consider myself to be one of them ) , the roads in the new Member States present a huge risk . finally , we must not allow the tragic Greek situation to lead to the conclusion that we should not continue to strengthen the euro area and should not continue expansion towards the Western Balkans . particular attention must be focused on the problem of migrants and refugees , both those extradited by Libya to their countries of origin where their lives are exposed to serious threats , and those returned by Italy to Libya where they are likely to face harsh reprisals . when they explode , uranium projectiles irradiate fine , contaminating dust ; they contaminate the air , land and water , penetrate the respiratory system , and increase the likelihood of tumours , leukaemias and malformations . the proposal for a directive on patients ' rights in cross-border health care , which received relatively less publicity , will have a tangible impact on the ordinary lives of many Europeans . European citizens woke up on Monday , 10 May to a new Europe . the current system of mutual recognition means we are open to chains breaking at their weakest link . Vertebrates and primates enjoy special protection . the provisions of the relevant factors to be considered indicate that determining the incidence of special circumstances should be based on an overall assessment of such factors . therefore I say : do work together to be a much stronger body in the whole food chain . nevertheless , I abstained because in my opinion , the text does not go far enough . that is why I would reply to Dagmar Roth-Behrendt that the question is not of patients ' right of movement within the European Union , which is a self-evident , fundamental right . I therefore thank the European Parliament for the work it has done and the vote it is to hold on this plan . with regard to visa facilitation , we have begun talks in the Council . so I am prepared to do this , I am prepared for a political dialogue with the Council and with Parliament to identify those things we can offer our citizens as an immediate response from among the 2008 and 2009 priorities , and those that deserve to be looked into in more detail . this sort of cooperation should strengthen and promote social and cultural exchanges and help to shape common policies and actions to protect the environment and combat climate change . what would happen if Vietnam were doing all this ? what usually happens is that a business registers with a directory to have the name of the business listed in it , believing that no fee is involved . in addition , in view of the huge influence of the People ' s Republic of China on policy in Pyongyang , the European Commission should raise these matters as part of the European Union ' s dialogue with China . I voted in favour of both of Mr De Castro ' s reports because immediate , urgent intervention is required . as a result of public pressure and the fear of a boycott of the Olympic Games , the Chinese Government began talks with the representatives of the Dalai Lama . however , these talks were held at a gallingly low level and , moreover , the dialogue was akin to communication between two televisions , set to different channels . information should be provided on the basis of accessibility , consistency and absolute transparency , because we believe that many regions expect the Commission to show greater energy in relation to the objective expressed here . women must have control over their reproductive lives : it is so preferable to the alternative of unsafe abortion . thirdly , I am against the minimum thresholds for granting direct aid proposed by the Commission , whereby the Commission says that anyone receiving less than EUR 250 a year or cultivating less than one hectare a year should not be financed . therefore I think the Lambert report is unacceptable on that basis . I also think that we need to realise that we cannot just carelessly give up on coal - an energy source that we have in our country and in many other places in Europe - and say ' coal produces CO2 , so it is not an option ' . other factors which have an equally significant impact on the health of the citizens include occupational status and the resultant material situation , access to education , advanced age or disability , belonging to a minority group and many more . an integrated strategy against trafficking for labour exploitation is needed which comprises prevention , prosecution , protection and assistance to victims . he has done a fantastic job on this regulation . it was not a collective failure , though , because there was agreement on practically everything , even though it failed miserably giving people the impression that big business and trade rules prevail over the European citizenry , whom we are here to represent and defend . although the draft report was amended during its passage through committee , it still contains much that is unnecessary and harmful . this paragraph refers to the creation of a European Consumer Ombudsman in the European Ombudsman ' s office . Gaddafi wants to launch a jihad against Switzerland . I should like to make a couple of brief remarks . what could be more social than making a profit to re-invest to create jobs for your population ? I also feel , however , that we ought to avail ourselves of the political opportunity at this time , as Mrs Trautmann said , to reflect on the new Telecommunications Package , and in that sense I think that both the Commission and Parliament must make every effort not just to offer the people of Europe access to the best digital services , but also to spearhead the extension of the information society as a social commodity to countries that are in need of European cooperation and leadership . many of these jobs are quality jobs . during such severe crises , non-governmental organisations and , in fact , major institutional networks will definitely have an important role to play . there is no cure for this condition which often holds hostage both patient and carer regardless of age . the increase in the employment rate is closely linked to the EU ' s industrial policy . ( FR ) Madam President , in Mr Lewandowski ' s very comprehensive report , I was particularly interested in the Parliament budget for this election year , which has consequences for the institution ' s communications policy . I welcome the audit strategy of the Court of Auditors for the period 2009-2012 and support its priority goals - maximising the overall impact from its audits and increasing efficiency by making best use of resources . Croatia is ready for accession to the European Union now . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I just wanted to ask how many more minutes ' silence we will have to observe before we get a common European policy on immigration . it seems , however , an interesting contribution to the current debate about the euro area . once we have done that - and it will not be easy - then the emissions trading scheme must be developed further . all of these steps are actions that we are taking now with an almost immediate impact on the markets , but we also need to do something about steps for the medium and longer term . and , in general , those who fear that the Commission will get a blank cheque and do whatever they want should keep in mind that Article 186 is normally by nature a very positive scheme where it is possible to try to help people who are in difficulties by reacting very fast . cultural diversity is not just an ideal ; it is also a significant economic factor . during the second half of 2010 , the wholesale prices of agricultural produce increased by 32 % . Commissioner , I should like to thank you once again for your understanding and would ask you to convey my thanks to your team . therefore , I think that it is high time that the European Parliament was given more powers in the field of nuclear energy and we ought to reach an inter-institutional agreement so that we can have codecision powers . I voted against . in writing . - ( DE ) By supporting the motion for a resolution on the 2010 progress report on Croatia I would like to express my support for the swift acceptance of this country into the EU . I believe that , if we truly want to abide by the goals we have set for our foreign policy in the Treaties , we still have a long way to go before we can send migrants staying illegally in the EU back to Libya . we should really decide on priorities . a certain group of Member States does have a ready source : the former socialist countries have by far exceeded their Kyoto commitments . therefore , as you know , President Barroso has set up a high-level group to address this question , and I think that you should see with the Commission what stage the work of this group has reached . on gender balance , I am committed to this and my Commission has a record number of women . at all events , I am much obliged to Mr Demetriou for his cooperation with me ; it has been very constructive . how do we ensure that people are able to work and thus play a part in society and what can we do to counter discrimination more effectively ? by way of conclusion , I should like to relay a disturbing quote from a Kosovo police officer : ' Serbs and Albanians have managed to come to terms with each other at criminal level . NATO stands for insecurity ! women , like children , are particularly fragile members of our society in some contexts . ( ES ) Madam President , the strengthening of relations between the European Union and the United States is key in the transatlantic context and in an increasingly multipolar world . it is that the latest economic forecasts offer no hope of a return , by 2020 , to the strong , sustainable and inclusive growth that the European Union set itself as an objective . we are , of course , talking here about asylum seekers . agenda for next sitting : see Minutes my personal impression was that the technical problems connected with the use of hydrogen in vehicles have basically been solved . finally , Europe cannot shirk from examining the results of full implementation of the Schengen Agreement , which are in front of our eyes . that is an agreeable situation for nearly everyone but the citizen . it must also be the case that citizens ' rights and security issues be dealt with on equal terms , as Parliament ultimately impressively demanded in relation to the SWIFT Agreement . the report by Klaus-Heiner Lehne , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , including recommendations to the Commission on transparency of institutional investors . it will include participants who have never taken part in such events before , and it is also a step on the way to the European Council . Richard Wilkinson , the British researcher who has written the book ' The Spirit Level ' and who visited the European Parliament in Brussels last week , has described it very well : we need equality and we need small gaps in order for us to have societies where security and confidence reign . all those guilty of crimes will be brought to justice . ( ES ) Mr President , last December , the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco entered into an agreement to liberalise trade in agricultural products . unfortunately , the alcohol lobby has succeeded once again . I will protect it to the very best of my ability . ladies and gentlemen , this blatant provocation is , in my view , all the more unfortunate for the fact that this celebration of a military war criminal included a speech from the Hungarian consul - a diplomat of the country now holding the Presidency and speaking in many forums on behalf of all of us , and also on behalf of the entire EU . in every case , the result was satisfactory . this unilateral decision by Croatia presented problems for fishermen , for example , because it reduced their fishing territory and the port of Koper lost its access to international waters . flexibility mechanisms , primarily the quota trading systems , are likely to remain important instruments for the European Union ' s climate protection efforts in the future . rapporteur . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I must tell you that I had an enormous amount of pleasure in applying , myself , the principles of governance during the preparation of this report with the various stakeholders . I would like it to be recorded in the Minutes at least then that I also wanted to speak about this report on air transport . to begin with , I would like to inform you briefly of four matters . ( GA ) Madam President , an overwhelming number of people voted against the Treaty of Lisbon last year , because it was believed that a better Europe could be achieved : a Europe that is democratic and responsible ; a Europe that promotes the rights of workers , that defends public services and that seeks a positive role in the world . the tough policy we are applying to budgets - starting with those of Member States - should , in the medium-term , also make us consider the desirability of retaining three seats of Parliament , an admittedly complex issue , but one which we cannot fail to address . the Commission has actually already launched the boat and expects to change the rules in the coming weeks . reopening negotiations with the Mercosur countries without consulting the Member States was very dirty play . it sells well abroad . finally , the most important thing is that the high-level talks between the Dalai Lama ' s representatives and the Chinese Government really can continue . I should really like to say that working with the rapporteur and the other shadow rapporteurs has been a truly excellent experience . ( applause ) there are six main points to my report . finally , I would like to thank the Member States for their will to put aside differences and start compromising - with the best for Europe at heart - to find solutions that are not only of benefit to them , but to Europe as a whole . finally , we must not forget that ordinary Zimbabweans are in desperate straits and need basic aid now just to keep going . will the Commission adopt new maritime policy objectives as part of the new Euro-Mediterranean strategy ? this is a precondition for restoring and reinforcing confidence in the European economy , improving banks ' robustness , and ensuring that we safeguard economic growth through credit supply . to deny such differences is not to fight for equal rights but rather to fight for the conformity and sameness of both sexes . the pillorying of the accused by the media to boost ratings , or even by governments and officials for the sake of short-lived political gains , flagrantly violates this principle . at present European Schools are perceived as elite schools that often exclude children whose parents are not EU officials . this makes it clear that the enforcement process is not working . a major problem , which required lengthy negotiations , was the situation with regard to employee participation . I think that we need continuous dialogue between the European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council in order to make progress in promoting human rights and freedoms , as well as those of minorities , and in the battle against every form of discrimination , including discrimination based on gender or religion . there are reports of ongoing investigations to find the group of refugees , and we hope that things will be clearer in the next few days . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Madam President , I am very happy to speak on this issue here tonight . we want to bring about a coming together of the experts - at hearings , in the working groups and also for the development of studies . finally , on behalf of producers , processors and all of us , I hope that this reform achieves more of the objectives set for it than the last one . that is the least we must do . this approach is particularly unacceptable and reflective of hypocrisy when we , as nationals of the new Member States are still - to this day and for who knows how much longer - discriminated against in numerous old Member States when it comes to access to the labour market . this joint motion for a resolution on the Democratic Republic of Congo reflects the complicated situation in this African country . ( SK ) I agree with the Members who spoke before me that the European Parliament must adopt an uncompromising attitude towards a country in which the totalitarian arrogance of power knows no boundaries . toy safety is of utmost importance now and at all times of the year , for our children ' s health and safety is at stake . it is more of a shot in the arm than a therapy . the suggestion of reaching an agreement on a transitional administration in the country is worth investigating as a way of getting out of the current democratic impasse Zimbabwe currently finds itself in . we also ask for new labelling technologies , such as microchips and Radio-Frequency Identification ( RFID ) , to be used in order to combat product counterfeiting . the majority of those who voted ' no ' in 2008 understandably felt that official Europe would never heed their verdict if it did not suit the EU . each country ' s position , that is , their foreign policies should be linked to a binding political platform established by the EU ; our call for a seven-year financial perspective which is expressed in a structure that reflects the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy , while , at the same time , respecting all the policies for the European Union and avoiding increasing the European budget to unrealistic levels , must be seen to be reasonable . in November , several hundred young people from all the countries that are building the Union for the Mediterranean will meet here , in the Chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg , and engage in a dialogue of civilisations - a dialogue of cultures . the Commission will look into the possibilities of extending the scope of the directive to cover a wider range of travel arrangements including the ' dynamic packages ' . I was aware of what was going on , admittedly from the better side of that border . consumers have the right to know where products come from . on 28 November 1989 , Parliament adopted a very important resolution affirming , and I quote : ' all European peoples , including the Polish people , have , in accordance with the Helsinki Final Act , the right to live within secure borders as currently defined . ' we use resources quicker than they are able to replenish themselves . the report states that ' fishing right management mechanisms should be adopted at Community level ' , when the reality shows that Community management of fisheries has been an unmitigated disaster . ( ES ) Commissioner , I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the communication that you have presented to us . that means they miss out on the possibility of utilising the Internal Market . higher food prices affect both producers and consumers . that is my criticism , and that is why I abstained . Mrs Jaakonsaari is well aware that we in Finland have a saying that translates roughly as ' Help a man when he is in trouble , not when he is not ' : this also applies just as well to women , of course . ( the sitting was suspended at 12.35 a.m. and resumed at 3.00 p.m. ) a deduction at source on all financial transactions would be a far more effective method . civil crisis management , peacekeeping and the protection of human rights are the cornerstones of the CFSP . information is the only way to lay the foundations for a healthy diet . the regulation will bring about an ever greater restriction of harmful active substances circulating in the market , particularly through comparative assessment and adherence to the principle of substitution . it may even stand the test of time and be accorded similar historical importance to the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 , which determined the shape of global economic cooperation for a quarter of a century and continues to influence it even after 60 years . then we can vote on everything else on the basis of the Treaty of Lisbon . it is fundamentally a case of ensuring that the movement of any kind of substance throughout the whole customs system should manage effectively to protect the financial interests of the European Union and of all the Member States and , from that point of view , I think there is still a lot to be done . in reality , unemployment is completely unacceptable . anybody who is in the Chamber and has a question down will receive a written reply . I think we are talking about secret prisons . it is the only soil we have and we must look after it . rule of law is at the heart of any democratic process and the functioning democratic system cannot be sustained without an independent judiciary . I draw a rough line for every Member of this House . if we are looking at growth , we are still talking as if the quantity is what matters , not the quality and not what is actually growing within our societies . I am in favour of this report as I believe that the government of Iran should respect the legitimate requests of its people for fundamental freedoms and the improvement of economic and social conditions , along with the desire for cooperation on the part of Iran with the international community . I therefore declare my vote against the abovementioned report . and , in particular , can we put as much pressure as possible on the European Investment Bank to keep within the allocation it has been given in the draft decision ? each year half a million women there pay for their desire to have offspring with their lives . in addition , irrespective of any resolution or decision , in my personal view , domestic adoptions must take precedence in any legal system , present or future . that is why a well-functioning , properly resourced Committee on Petitions , working in good cooperation with the Commission and the Council , is core to supporting and validating the rights of EU citizens . the Larosière report is , in fact , a very important guide that we must follow . in the long term , an increase in the birth rate and preventive health care will be of significance for the balance in public finances . this means that Iceland should adopt the euro only after accession to the EU , after fulfilling the conditions set out by the Treaty . just at the beginning of this month in Hungary , two Roma people were shot like animals when they were trying to escape from their burning house . fully functional regional cooperation based on common values , such as democracy , the rule of law and the defence of human rights , for example , will require targeted improvement of the current mechanisms of the bi-regional partnership . unfortunately , the sad statistics in my state show that in eight out of ten international cases currently being investigated , State institutions or courts are found to have acted improperly . Europe is financing its ambitions by indulging in words . I think that a waiver of immunity should be applied only to an MEP who has committed a homicide . this encourages illegal immigration , resulting in the tragedies that we have been experiencing . ( Interjection by Marios Matsakis ) I think it is unfortunate if you devalue that , because it robs us of an opportunity . in particular , we should draw lessons from previous budget outturns so as to be able to determine our real ability to implement sectoral policies . this implies responsibility , we ourselves have a responsibility for the stability of the small country and Euro-Atlantic integration . even though traffic management can allow premium high-quality services to develop and can help ensure secure communications , the same techniques may also be used to degrade the quality of communications or other services to unacceptably low levels . we believe that this sort of purely European solution cannot be countenanced . in writing . - ( RO ) I voted in favour of the European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation ( EC ) No 3 / 2008 on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products on the internal market and in third countries - C6-0313 / 2008 - , because I consider that the population needs to be properly informed about the agricultural products which they are consuming . ( ES ) Mr President , at a time of major social tension , we can only warmly welcome the major social dialogue agreement in Spain between the government , the unions and employers . I think more of us should speak about issues of concern in other Member States that we know of , so that there is a sense in which there is greater solidarity among Members of this House regarding the concerns of their citizens . the latest information provocation is that Georgia kidnapped a Russian soldier . we are given too little time to assess such complex issues . the marketing parameters must not be revised downward so that the only possibility left is to make fishmeal from such excellent stocks . I would like to thank Mrs Thyssen , my colleagues , the Council and the Commission for their extremely constructive cooperation . secondly , I want to loudly , clearly and firmly condemn the irresponsible and provocative manner in which the Gdaim Izyk camp was dismantled . until now , it had continually stressed that the existing legislation was sufficient to guarantee the safety of nanomaterials . the call for new laws as formulated in the Bauer report should be rejected . I could not vote in favour of the Conservative Party amendment to freeze the budget at 2011 levels because I firmly believe it is a reduction that is needed , and their stand represents a weak starting point for negotiations . in writing . - ( FR ) I would like to use this vote to underline the permanent discrepancy that exists between the words and actions of the European Union in certain areas . even though European legislation prohibits the export of hazardous waste for recycling , studies have shown that more than two thirds of European electronic waste is exported . this is a priority for the Commission in 2008 . Mr President , I would again like to draw your attention to the practice of illegal adoption . the quality of the professional services and the qualifications of those working in the sector need to be improved . we need to be very vigilant and disciplined . in too many cases , such equipment is being declared as used but functional and , on that basis , is being exported beyond the Union . finally , the internal report on the management of expenditure for assistants : I believe it was wrong to keep it confidential , because this has led to a whole series of articles in the press that are damaging transparency and the proper functioning of Parliament . this dialogue between the Commission and Parliament is important . last but not least , I suggest that you remain committed to the EU ' s common position on Cuba until real changes there can be confirmed . new negotiations on current sanitary regulations could improve this situation . I am convinced that these three areas will provide an important foundation for competitiveness and innovation for many years to come . I believe that the empowerment of the authority of Parliament will help make this instrument more flexible , comply with the new requirements stipulated in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , and better face the challenges involved in the protection of human rights and democracy worldwide . I am well aware of the effort that he put into this subject and the difficulties he underwent so that it would be possible to reach a consensus . I attach great importance to the expertise and information that we derive from our exchange of experience and dialogue about possible solutions with citizens , interest groups , lawyers and lobbyists . my question to you is , does this also mean that the text which this House approved in April enjoys the full support of the Czech Presidency , and what practical steps have you , as President-in-Office , taken in order to ensure that this directive is also adopted as soon as possible by the Member States and the Council ? we express our solidarity with the people of Burma and demand that the arrested protesters be released immediately and that http : / / / nobel _ prizes / peace / laureates / 1991 be allowed to live a rewarding life and have freedom of action . I myself was born in the Balkans and I know what protracted and unresolved conflicts can mean , not just for the security situation in a whole region but also for its economic potential and for the normalisation of life for the people who live there . many of these complaints come from passengers whose flights have been cancelled due to the airlines or tour operators going bankrupt . but we are doing that to make the lives of our citizens better . Madam President , after my speech at the start of this debate , I actually only have two more comments to make . anyone who votes in favour of Mr Gauzès ' s proposal will be ensuring that the Commission does what it wants to do anyway - namely , proposes no financial transaction tax . in view of this breaking story , which is not an isolated event but happening all over Europe , I call on you , ladies and gentlemen , to petition the Commission . I hope that this Parliament will find the right time as well as the correct formula for adopting this subject . however , it is not only the humanitarian situation that at risk , but the stability of the whole region . ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , rapporteur , ladies and gentlemen , like many other Members , I , too , recall the great effort required of all of us to overcome the numerous obstacles before we could finally approve the Services Directive . we urge the Commission to drive and coordinate the European solidarity effort . GDP is an indicator of market economic activity that has become the standard point of reference at the service of the world ' s decision makers . this money has been and is being paid mainly to the industry , in the form of a massive amount of compensation to the tune of EUR 730 per tonne , while at the same time just around 10 % , at best 20 % , of this cash goes on changing the industrial structure and tearing down factories . Europe should therefore forcefully voice its concerns because a military , nuclear power could jeopardise the continent ' s security and have significant political consequences for all the countries in the region . the first principle is that this pact must be carried out under the conditions laid down in the Treaty and within the existing system of economic governance . I have visited women ' s shelters . Mercosur ' s competitiveness in agricultural markets has been strengthened and has increased in recent years , so there needs to be an impact study on the consequences of an agreement for European agricultural activity , which is in no condition to suffer more shocks at present . they are responsible for this situation . the European Parliament was able to agree fairly quickly that it would finance the beginning of the Galileo project with European money , by using the ' Community method ' . all our agencies need to be able to fulfil the tasks that we currently pile on them . that is why the European Union is supporting the efforts of Egypt , Turkey and others to achieve this . it is a fact , nonetheless , that we have serious problems within our own borders : problems affecting individuals , in particular , and problems affecting groups . now , therefore , we await the legislative phase of the Commissioner ' s actions on research and innovation . this also proves that Europe really is about diversity , tolerance and equal opportunities . however , it is not even going to be possible to safeguard these procedural rights , which we have already debated and which we are going to discuss as part of the package of procedural rights . I also want to ask you , Commissioner , to send people from our delegation in Beijing to Tibet as quickly as possible , to submit a request to send a delegation of people there , today if possible . I share the concern expressed in this discussion by Members such as Mrs Pack , Mr Swoboda and Mr Maaten regarding the political development of Bosnia and Herzegovina . I assure you that in the months leading up summer I will be delighted , if you invite me , to come here more often , and certainly after each meeting of the European Council . coming from Ireland , I can confirm tragically that threats to children come traditionally from within institutions where they are supposed to be safe , within certain families and within certain areas of the Catholic Church . yet we must also be honest with our citizens . I see no value in re-writing or re-interpreting it in any selective way . ( PL ) Madam President , I do not have to remind the people who are gathered here , and who are participating in this debate , of the dangers of counterfeit goods . with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , increased powers have been conferred on Parliament regarding Fisheries Partnership Agreements : under Article 218 ( 6 ) ( a ) TFEU , the EP now has to give its prior consent to conclusion of an agreement , a requirement that replaces the earlier ordinary consultation procedure . Europe and the rest of the world are still wrestling with racial , sexual , cultural and national discrimination . in this resolution , the European Parliament makes clear its disgust at the most brutal forms of carrying out this type of punishment , such as stoning . the role of carers in society , as Marian Harkin rightly pointed out , is totally undervalued and that needs to change . however , we in Lega Nord shall fight until the end to preserve and develop this valuable resource for our territories . hence , on the one hand , there is a duty to provide and , on the other , a duty to assist . this will make a very important contribution to ensuring growth . we think that the regions are the effective authorising bodies of European public expenditure . women from the working and grassroots classes , young people , immigrants and refugees have nothing to gain from the show being put on for them , or from the wish lists and lies being trotted out by the plutocracy , in order keep a grip on the capitalist system of exploitation and cheap labour and increase the profit of capital . that is why , before considering a proposal to re-evaluate the current security architecture of the continent , we should try to have definite answers as to the continuation of US involvement , the future of NATO and the role expected of the EU after the Lisbon Treaty comes into force . having common standards for these cross-border payments , credit transfers and direct debits is an important part of the health and growth of the single market . these questions on cluster bombs look to the future and to what Europe must do to eliminate these weapons which make no distinction between civilians and military personnel and which destroy so many human lives . one of the things we agreed in the committee was that active inclusion should not be replacing social inclusion , that wider field of feeling that you have a role to play in society . I deeply regret this , as it means that important consumer information will be lost . however , I question the European Union ' s financial standing as regards all of your projects . I know from personal experience , having attended the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties ( COP 10 ) to the Convention on Biological Diversity ( CBD ) in Nagoya , that the European Union can indeed do this , and also that this is the only right way to achieve a good outcome . have no doubt about it : this is our sole objective and our task here today . I will relay your highly unanimous and general proposal for convening a special session of the UN Human Rights Council to the High Representative . add to this enormous devaluation of the value of a child : for example , what percentage of the cost of one or two cars can an entrepreneur write off as tax annually and how much of the cost of a child can a parent write off ? the core element of the above action plan was the conclusion of voluntary partnership agreements with third-country timber producers . the Council and the Commission must inform the European Parliament comprehensively and directly . we talked earlier about electromobility . over the past few years , there have been so many hearings and consultations about the European Private Company that I cannot understand why we need to have a third , a fourth , a fifth and perhaps even a sixth or however many more . I wish the very best of luck to the President of the European Commission and his team . since the workers ' struggles in Greece , Ireland and Portugal have been in vain , as we know , it is time to do a U-turn and to stop insisting on benefiting only economic and financial business groups , above all in the major European powers . it has to be said that this amounts to a dramatic failure for those who promoted such a policy . Madam President , farmers are not unreasonable people , nor , as a rule , are they dishonest , yet cross-compliance often treats them unfairly , with disproportionate penalties for minor offences and no-notice inspections . this is the way we can work together . increasingly , though , it is finding that its decision-making power seems to be migrating to the Commission . if it can be completed , Doha will deliver a good outcome not only for Europe , but also for the whole world economy . I welcome the dozens of measures contained in the report . you are more no-nonsense than I am , but sometimes that is necessary ! this will bring new jobs , create new services and attract new investment to Europe . everyone should therefore be delighted with this situation . the euro area has faced an economic crisis of great magnitude during the last two years . I also congratulate the European Parliament and all citizens of the European Union as well as the rapporteur for taking such decisions today that should advance more specific and targeted actions not only to cure those suffering from cancer , but also to ensure the prevention of cancer . its tasks are shared between the European , national , regional and local levels of governance , and I believe that we can re-energise Europe by taking seriously its multi-level governance system to provide EU 2020 delivery mechanisms . the major obstacle to an agreement in Copenhagen is the question of funding . Europe 2020 is a community Union , not a nationalist or obstructive Europe . we are also not convinced that the Directive would improve the existing situation under national law and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice in this area . however , what I am against is these victims being misused in the name of some ideological fight against the use of nuclear energy . growing concerns over unemployment and the rising prices of essential goods and fuel throughout the continent are a serious reason for confronting the problem of poverty and social exclusion , which affects around 16 % of the population . it is appropriate that the EU should make use of the current , albeit meagre , opportunities . - Report : Inés Ayala Sender ( NL ) My heartfelt thanks for the ambitious plans that you have laid out for the coming six months . there is no need to repeat much of what my fellow Members have said as I am in complete agreement with them . consequently , I ask the Commission to inform us on the existence of such programmes and the implementation thereof , but especially on wether it intends to consider this issue when drawing up further European policies on Roma . the turmoil has taken everyone by surprise and it does not seem that any contingency plan was made for such an eventuality , which is not localised but widespread . we need to do everything we can to help the Japanese people . important decisions were also made with respect to the external aspects of the common energy policy . I therefore find it regrettable that the report by the Committee on Budgetary Control ended up being less critical than it had been in the Chair ' s original version . I had dialogue with members of Congress last week and gave them the same answer , so am pleased that you have confirmed it . we are bringing EU legislation into international disrepute and undermining its credibility by this growing lack of scientific rigour and lack of good science . the other two agreements are related to fisheries concessions for Iceland and Norway between 2009 and 2014 , and provide for their renewal . it would be good if you could help to create a better balance . in an environment of disrespect for the French , Dutch and Irish votes - and of people not allowed to vote - this respect was very welcome . these concerns are clearly reflected in Mr Cornillet ' s report and I naturally support the key elements that the European Parliament wishes to underline and defend in the preparation of a European humanitarian consensus . this Commission has argued all along that institutional reform is important , but that we also need delivery of results , side-by-side . as the Commission said in 2005 and 2006 , that twin-track approach was the way out of the institutional stalemate . if this could be done , I believe we would finally start to see changes in the Burmese situation . the elections will be the acid test . this vast amount of literature cannot be concentrated in one place without the help of computer technology . this included the flights and overnight stays in Brussels for him and his staff , and I could not accommodate this . the number of cases of contamination with salmonella or campylobacter has not gone down . in the North Sea and Baltic Sea we have dozens of old munitions from past wars . in fact I believe that it is an honour for our country to have an illustrious representative at the head of a strategic institution such as the European Central Bank ( ECB ) . on the contrary , we recognised that in the climate of an economic recession where national budgets are under the constant pressure of restrictions , the European Union ' s budget must set an example on this . the other funds too ( European Regional Development Fund , European Fisheries Fund , Cohesion Fund ) now all contain publication rules . there is no time to lose . not one of you can do that either . when we discussed Parliament ' s resolution on 1 February 2007 in Brussels , I undertook to answer Parliament in detail and I have every intention of living up to that commitment . thank you very much . this is precisely why the authorities are losing the war . it will be yet another step towards the sovereign state being the European Union , and Member States simply being powerless appendices to it . the idea is a good one . action has been taken and clear and precise rules introduced in this field , too . in line with that rationale , and based on the view that information campaigns will continue to be of value , the amendments would seem to be appropriate . it has not yet been finalised formally - we hope to do that by the end of this year - but the messages from individual businesses or business organisations have been more and more concrete and positive , in the sense of possibly deeper involvement in the future . I very much count on Parliament ' s support to bring about a real change to create both adequate and sustainable pensions for the future . I am very pleased that the essential message of the reports is one of support for the Commission ' s initiatives . in recent months , the European Union has strengthened its external policy on women ' s rights . ( FR ) Madame President , I trust my tone will be as measured as your own was agitated . written statements ( Rule 149 ) the same applies to the listing of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption : both must be clear to the consumer . just as I agree with the Ombudsman ' s call for a service culture , I agree with Ms Sbarbati ' s call for the necessary budgetary and human resources . as we used to talk about inflation moderation in the past decade , so we should strive to achieve moderation of price and wage dynamics in the period to come . the problem can be partially solved by benchmarking . in this history , we behold the grievous consequences of the alienation of human persons from one another . ( SK ) Mr President , a number of EU Member States agreed to create and use one common currency . under Regulation ( EC ) No 546 / 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation ( EC ) No 1927 / 2006 on establishing the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund , the scope of the EGF was temporarily widened : intervention was envisaged in situations like this where , as a direct result of the global financial and economic crisis , there are ' at least 500 redundancies over a period of four months in an enterprise in a Member State , including workers made redundant within its suppliers or downstream producers ' . I also have high hopes of the European financial coalition against commercial images of child pornography . I am afraid I have a deep distrust of politicians . there is an incredible enthusiasm here that must be channelled - bundled , if you will - in order to create the corresponding added value . it will not be possible to take legal action to discover the whereabouts of the data or to claim damages for its illegal use by third countries . this is a meeting point for many cultures , including Member States and various other countries . I would then ask the plenary session to support this report . we will continue to fight for these things , and let us hope that they will be included in the next package on victims . Member States admittedly need to improve the controls which they apply to transport in transit . the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency include raising awareness of the role of families in the context of responding to social , economic and demographic problems . I would like to tell you all that I , too , have experienced that responsibility , and that I have experienced it from both sides . I was a member of a trade union and an activist , and was very active for many years . may I offer them my warmest greetings . this is nothing new , but this year the Commission gave us a new challenge : in view of the enormous global increases in food prices , in July it proposed what it called a food aid facility for the less developed countries , with a budget of EUR 1 billion for 2008 and 2009 . the first certainty , or the first common element , is that there is now a major convergence of opinion that emissions need to be reduced and that clean energy sources need to be developed . continuing to support imported poverty is not the solution . similarly , it is essential that the levels of permitted radiation are set in a way that means food is safe to be consumed by people of all ages . it is not the Lisbon plan for the next three years . the regulation covers both the supervision of credit rating agencies by the European Securities and Markets Authority and supervision of the use of credit ratings by individual entities supervised at national level . as far as the financial crisis is concerned , I am delighted that your original plan that everybody should club their money together in the middle fell to pieces . civilian democratic control over the military in line with practice in EU Member States is still to be ensured . we need strong SMEs in Europe , because they employ two thirds of the workforce , produce 50 % of the gross national product and pay 80 % of the taxes . on the subject of standardisation , we should take a break from introducing new regulations and standards and , first of all , make sure that we are applying the existing regulations in a uniform way within the European Union . the aforementioned directive also provides for membership and participation in employees ' and employers ' organisations , meaning that it is a specific measure adopted by the Council with a view to ensuring that persons with disabilities are actually able to participate in decision making . also , referring to the UK VAT rate , he said that ' all this will do is raise Britain ' s debt to a level that will take a whole generation to work off ' . it was like this in former times in my own country too . very recently , 45 % of Turks supported this objective . President of the Commission . - I am sorry , I did not follow the statements by the Chairman of Deutsche Bank , and I cannot comment on something I am not aware of . personally I am delighted with the change in the emissions trading system from a national to a sectoral approach , though it seems to me that its compatibility with European competitiveness must be enhanced before 2009 as a matter of urgency . it is a weather vane that , one minute , is saying something true and , the next minute , is saying something false , and looking back on it now , I will take everything that is true and leave everything that did not work to spin on the weather vane , because there is a difference between us . ladies and gentlemen , the Treaty of Lisbon has an impact on the work of several European institutions . Europe has been using nuclear technology for more than 60 years and still there is no policy on management and disposal of nuclear waste . while the sums pledged were not on a par with the efforts made by the Germans , the European contributions clearly indicated East Germany ' s status as a fully fledged participant in the European adventure , the increased human and technical exchanges and the regular dialogue between the European Commission and the leaders of the new Länder . rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs . - Mr President , the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs very much welcomes the increase in the area of freedom , security and justice but also believes that , before taking up new measures and programmes , the existing ones should be properly evaluated and that those evaluations should be taken as a base for drawing up the new programmes . as a result , we have a duty not to force airlines to operate flights at significant economic and environmental cost simply to retain their slots . the new system of contracting now proposed for parliamentary assistants , which involves a special arrangement whereby these assistants will in future be employed by way of direct contracts with the European Parliament , is essential to ensure respect for the principles of equality , non-discrimination and transparency in contracts , and also the legal certainty of these workers . the industry has reported that 8 % fewer cars were sold in the Union last year than in the previous year , to compare 2008 with 2007 . European legislation on this matter must be rigorously applied , as Mrs Paulsen ' s report recommends . ( PL ) Mr President , after today ' s vote I found out - perhaps it was only I who found this out - that the Identity , Tradition and Sovereignty Group ceased to exist at the time that the President of the Parliament announced this information . ( NL ) Madam President , I voted against this report , but not because I oppose the exchange of information between national authorities on criminal proceedings . secondly , Kosovo ' s energy dependence is a particular problem . Mr President , I have three quick points to make . in this European Year for Combating Poverty and at this time of economic crisis , we hope that there will be consolidated policies for the most vulnerable in society . at this point , I should like to say that it is my hope and wish that we shall continue the constructive dialogue , and that the European Parliament will achieve a consensus as soon as possible . I appreciate that a world agreement would be ideal and I appreciate that we need to involve the IMO , but the IMO has got to be one of the slowest international organisations the world has ever come across . I thank the Commission for its very open and differentiated approach . I think it is very important to add that more should be spent on the professionalism of all seamen responsible for navigation - from the captain , to the chief engineer , to the boatswain , to the master-at-arms , to the helmsman and to all seamen - because the lives and safety of men at sea depends on them . there are three issues that I should like to emphasise in the report that they have presented to us . child-labour-free does not only mean that there is no child labour being used in the parent company or even by its immediate suppliers : a company at the top of the supply chain must have the responsibility to ensure that all steps of , and conduits to , the supply chain are child-labour-free . I believe that this Presidency has not taken sufficient action against illegal immigration , and that the action it has taken has been extremely ineffective . although we acknowledge the proposal for a Nuclear Weapons Convention , Britain is concerned that we do not risk at this time diverting attention from , or undermining , the NPT and so warmly welcome the European Parliament resolution to restate our backing as a Parliament to this Treaty . hence , I am calling for the de minimis aid threshold to be increased from EUR 30 000 to EUR 60 000 per firm . precisely for this reason , I believe that what is truly at stake is , paradoxically , a strengthening of the federal dimension as well as the subsidiary dimension of the European Union . ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , those who proclaim their commitment to a fairer world have no qualms about blaming globalisation for the difficulties in their own economies . ( PL ) Madam President , I do not want to repeat the same old banal statements about the benefits of globalisation . how can we check whether the Member States are doing what they promise to do within the cycle of reforms ? I was at the Holocaust Memorial Day service in Liverpool on Sunday , and I was conscious of just how is Europe , how are our people , how are our politicians going to react as billions of people across the world find themselves in positions of acute water scarcity , with ever more movement , ever more migration across the planet ? Member States have a heritage . one thing is certain , and that is that this Treaty , which the EU establishment is now pushing through at any price , is ill-fated for the simple reason that it despises everything that it is possible to despise about democratic politics . I firmly believe that the excellent relations between the two sides at both an economic and political level will be backed up by equally good cooperation on judicial matters , so that Cesare Battisti , who was sentenced to life imprisonment for four murders and other crimes , will serve his sentence under the law which governs him . ( HU ) I was shocked when , during a food conference , I saw a sign in the hand of the African delegation saying : do not feed Africa . I believe that this too could free up considerable resources . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I fully support the motion for a resolution on the impact of advertising on consumer behaviour tabled by Mr Juvin . as you know , all Member States agree that it is necessary to exempt research infrastructures set up by several countries from taxes in the host country . other questions relate to how we can reduce unemployment among young people and how we can effectively increase the participation of women in the labour market by widening their involvement in every business sector . to my mind , it is indeed now high time in the EMU to fill the ' E ' with life , and that is what the legislative package on reinforcing economic governance in the end is about . I support without any reserve the Commission ' s proposal to launch a programme for implementing cooperative driving systems , as well as ensuring the availability of the related radio frequencies , whose benefits are visible in experimental phases in various countries and , with all costs involved , will produce long-term results . there is almost no policy in the European Union that does not have some impact on climate action : from agriculture to research , from enterprise and industry to maritime affairs . assumptions and false assertions , however , cannot serve as a basis for the development of any rational , effective , affordable and socially acceptable measures . the European economy is dealing relatively well with these difficulties . ( FI ) Mr President , Commissioner , first of all , I wish to congratulate Mr Leinen for the excellent and important work that he has done with respect to this report . for years , this approach has led to our manufacturing in all economic sectors , even where it was of a very high standard , being relocated to other countries throughout the world : to North Africa and especially to Asia . is that true or not ? we proposed to limit the number of vehicles administered by an external manager to 50 , and the number of companies to 4 . the presence of the European Union in the region strengthens trade policy , contributing to the development of targeted and effective information on the EU in the Gulf countries . we are glad to see that the Commission has , in Parliament , a valuable partner working towards the same goal , which is an integrated and efficient European fund market delivering for both industry and investors alike . businesses are no longer only geared towards profit . indeed , the EU must enhance its role as a global actor and act as a global decision maker . ( applause ) we should train public officials and make them more aware of the situation of children in families from which children may be trafficked . the report emphasises the importance of an integrated approach to tackling conflict situations . the European Union is certainly very concerned about the deterioration of the situation in Belarus , especially with regard to human rights . but I imagine that this result can also be achieved without making the action taken on interest rates follow the inflation index ; sometimes there needs to be more flexibility and anticipation of the action taken . I was , frankly , surprised that the other Member States conceded so quickly on the size of the Commission , reverting to one Commissioner per country . ( ES ) As I only have a minute to speak , I will concentrate on citizens ' rights . after August 1968 in my homeland we witnessed another 20 years of various forms of communist violence and terror from this organised machinery of evil . I would like to say to the Council and the Member States that violence that comes from other cultures also requires a legal instrument . surely , as a number of Members have already said this evening , poverty cannot be a sufficient reason for taking a child away from the family and allowing an international adoption . allow me to focus on one issue for which I feel a particular paternity , and that is the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund . rail freight is also a very important factor in the various areas of operation of transport . in writing . - ( PL ) The report that has been adopted on a European Charter on the Rights of Energy Consumers significantly increases the rights of energy consumers . the report calls for the establishment of mandatory risk committees at board level , for financial institutions to be required to disclose recovery planning and supervisory reports , for an annual report to be drafted on the adequacy and effectiveness of their internal control systems , and for a similar assessment to be included in the annual report drawn up by external auditors . it is very important to understand that all our decisions have to be taken in the framework of the current treaties . every effort must be made to ensure that commitments in this area are implemented internationally and every person has access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities . we will use this as a yardstick to gauge your performance . indeed , it is wrong that the European Union , the region in the world that is most open to foreign investment , cannot operate on the markets of its industrialised partners under fair conditions . it would also be useful to support and implement programmes to promote Ukraine in the European Union as well as the European Union in Ukraine , and also programmes to promote the development of science and education , which is an issue raised by Professor Buzek . older people should be able to make use of medications which have been tested for effectiveness and safety on people of the same age . I would also have liked to hear you say something about the crisis in the financial markets . it is assumed that someone else will pay the costs of basic research and when it is all completed , it is available to us all . it will definitely not be possible to achieve a breakthrough in this area without efforts and funding from the European Union and Member States . in fact the resistance sometimes comes from the national administrations with , for instance , gold-plating of directives and so on . in the fight against the pillaging of biodiversity , destruction of the forest is an absolutely crucial issue . furthermore , there are experts who are worried about maintaining requirements which do not completely eliminate the use of substances that are carcinogenic , mutagenic or toxic for reproduction ( known as ' CMR substances ' ) , although new restrictions are imposed . this is just the sort of work that the European Parliament needs to do to preserve the faith of the public in this system . the suggestion was made repeatedly concerning the setting-up of an interinstitutional task force to fight cancer . I voted in favour of the report on human rights and social and environmental standards in international trade agreements because it is vital that the European Union ' s trade policy be consistent with its political aims . it concerns the appointment , by the national parliaments , of MEPs who , under the 1976 Act , must be elected by direct universal suffrage . in addition , the GHS introduces standardised definitions , such as LD50 ( lethal dose 50 ) , that clearly indicate the hazard associated with the substance . recently , destructive flooding has become a yearly , seasonal phenomenon . the currency markets have an annual turnover of USD 360 trillion . enterprises need equity , venture capital , guarantees , loans and the technical assistance proposed by JEREMIE . another is that the directive recognises the special character of agricultural land use . both sides to the conflict were guilty of breaches of international humanitarian law , which has also been confirmed by the report and by various organisations , such as Human Rights Watch . those of you who had the opportunity to meet with those nurses and other healthcare workers could not have failed to have been moved by their plight , and in 2006 we passed a Parliament resolution on protecting European healthcare workers from blood-borne infections due to needle-stick injuries . what is needed , as far as vocational education and training are concerned , is to take practical steps at EU level and in the Member States . the Commission needs to ensure legal security in information and communication technologies so as to protect consumers and innovative creators . we are going to regulate this situation once and for all . unemployment is on the increase wherever we look , and we are just weeks away from a crucial global summit on climate change . rapporteur . - ( PT ) I would first like to express my thanks for the references to my work , to the report and to colleagues on the committee of which I am a member , to Mr Frattini and the other Members who expressed their support for the report and for Austria ' s initiative and the decision by the Council and the Portuguese Presidency to continue it . from my point of view , this is yet another of the Commission ' s mechanisms designed to interfere freely in the internal affairs of third countries under the pretext of seeking the political stability of those countries that are considered unstable at the Commission ' s discretion . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament supports the resolution tabled . nobody underestimates consumers ' rights to press their claims . they have been disappointed in their hope that openness would result from China ' s staging the Olympic Games , and the sense of disappointment is bitter . it is the least effective manner for finding a solution to the problems that affect an entire region because , if the element that provokes the violence between the Christian minority and the Muslims is not only religious fundamentalism , but a lack of economic development , which gives rise to resentment and tension between the various ethnic groups , then what the European Union , together with the African Union and the entire international community must make the federal government in Nigeria ( which is responsible for many facets of this situation ) understand , is that favouring the civilised and peaceful coexistence between the various ethnicities and groups in the country is an advantageous factor for everyone and for the entire population . in connection with the consultations which are currently under way on the future strategy , I would like to draw attention to two aspects : improvement of the education system in Europe and equality of the sexes in the labour market . further , any deal needs a waiver from the World Trade Organisation , which they haven ' t approved as some member countries ( notably India ) are worried about the effect that duty-free Pakistani textiles would have on their own markets . it is not what is intended by Basel III . in our view that strategy had two important shortcomings . Madam President , climate change , security of supply , price increases , incidents such as blackouts in parts of Europe , and the Ukraine Gazprom wake-up call have all increased the awareness of the European citizen and policymakers to the complexity of our energy situation , which urgently requires the availability of accurate , timely and complete statistical data . the promotion of language learning and linguistic diversity is also one of the general objectives of the lifelong learning programme . as stated in the report , we believe that implementation of this strategy must not impinge on the responsibilities of regional and local government , being based instead on cooperation between the countries and areas within this region . this is why one of the proposals suggested by this report is for the SOLVIT portal to forward such cases to the website of the European Parliament ' s Committee on Petitions , as well as to the specialist committees in the national parliaments . it will also help demonstrate to national fishing industries that the respect of the CFP rules by their national administrations is also in their interest , and they can be expected to exert a positive pressure on their national administrations to that effect . we want a Europe of values . we support the other political messages of this report . ( HU ) Peter Mandelson is leaving the sinking ship and giving up his captain ' s bridge . we must engage our citizens in Europe . with the entry into force of that language law , not only are the fundamental rights of the EU and the provisions of the European human rights conventions infringed , but one of the greatest achievements of European integration , the functioning of a unified internal market , is also in danger . in fact , only six Member States responded to last November ' s request from the Commission for a report on the recovery of irregular payments . the sore point in question consists , above all , of the differences in banking and economic structures between Europe and the United States . Madam President , Greece , a long-standing Member of the EU , and its 11 million citizens , do consider that they have a serious and legitimate problem with the name of their neighbour , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , and we have to respect that concern . however this will also allow the EU to boast of greater transparency when in fact it will in reality do little to enhance democracy , because the European Parliament cannot initiate legislation and can be ignored by the European Commission . Madam President , a vote was defeated because there was an equal number of votes just a couple of moments ago . the chairs of the political groups will outline their respective positions on this issue . we assume that the environmental , social and financial policy structure of your Commission will correspond with what the social democrats are asking from you , preferably under the leadership of social democratic commissioners , and then all will be well . however , the reset button of which Mr Biden spoke in Munich should also be pressed as an attempt , as an offer to Russia to start a new relationship . it is yet another - I would say positive - step in the further development of mutual trust between Member States during their cooperation on criminal matters . the effective application of EU law is one of the cornerstones of the EU , as a well as a key component of smart regulation . I hope that the President of the United States , Barack Obama , will show that he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize , because combating climate change will contribute to peace and happiness for all nations ! that makes no sense . to Mr Arlacchi , I would say that we agree that the efforts made to date have not been sufficiently coordinated . this really is the best of what we have . politics is about symbols and gestures , and this would be a fitting gesture for European politicians , presidents and prime ministers . finally , trafficking operators deserve exemplary punishment - organised crime in this area must be a priority target for organisations such as EUROJUST , EUROPOL and FRONTEX . we set to work , acting on this order from the Council , and I think I can say that we have in fact fulfilled our commitments , since in 2009 the volume of our loans went from 58 billion to 79 billion , that is , an increase of 37 % of the volume of our loans in the European Union . for these reasons , I believe that energy efficiency represents a priority for the future of the EU , in both economic and environmental terms , and I hope that the Commission will immediately take the necessary measures to implement the binding objectives that Parliament established today . however , no guarantee has been given to us concerning the ecological and hygienic standards that will be applied during the approval process for these patents , in particular , concerning genetically modified organisms . in addition , red-tape at national level should be reduced , thus removing impediments to the internal market . the additions to it will be demanded of us little by little over the year . the truth is that a fair amount of time has passed since then and the development of the European Strategy for the Danube Region is still a work in progress , with very little known yet about its current status . Cambodia remains a very poor country . ( NL ) Mr President , exceptional times call for exceptional measures . I want to highlight three particular issues . there are many constructive suggestions in this resolution . ( it ) Mr President , I voted in favour of this resolution because I believe that it makes useful and interesting proposals for facing future demographic challenges . the traditional patterns of conflict are no longer what they once were . this is another challenge for when the Council has a president : finding a solution . cutting funds for culture and education at times of crisis - as my country is doing , on the grounds that culture is not essential to survival - means failing to invest in the future and in smart , inclusive growth ; it means failing to understand that culture is essential for life . as you might have noticed , I personally consider this a very good idea . it will convene for the first time next week - 23 and 24 January 2007 - in Cairo , and will be a constructive way for Egypt to demonstrate commitment to shared values . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , a large potential for new exporting opportunities lies in the Asian markets that have high growth rates but also , of course , high barriers to entry . I am therefore voting for the new EU policy framework to fight violence against women , as I believe it represents progress in the fight against the violation of fundamental rights and freedoms , such as the right to security and human dignity . when the French and Dutch duly voted ' no ' , we were told that actually most countries want it to continue , so we should continue . however , using flowery language will not be enough . the White Paper on climate change is a step forward towards standardising the actions aimed at cutting carbon emissions at European level . I am sure that we will again be able to find a decent compromise on this issue . what is more , the fishermen will no longer accept being treated like delinquents of the sea by a Commission that is covering up for the real rogues that are the flags of convenience and the fishing industry cartels . a rapid adoption by Parliament and the Council would indeed send a strong signal to the SME community that a continued investment in research and innovation activities is crucial to maintain and enhance their competitiveness . however , your response gave the impression that there was no complete recognition of the fact that events are snowballing . of course , we still have our political affinities and our personal friendship . implementing this tax solely in Europe would help deflate the bubble . certainly that is regretted by others as well as myself . all of this will be in the 2012 budget and the next financial perspective . the high standards of sustainability for sourcing and manufacture , written into the European Union ' s biofuels proposals , effectively insure Europe against non-sustainable use . when I talk about exchange , I am thinking of Europol , I am thinking of Eurojust , I am thinking of COSI , which has been mentioned here by some Members , and , lastly , I am thinking of the exchange of information and how to make it more effective . Mr President , climate change is a challenge to us all . I therefore voted in favour of this resolution , and I hope that the mobilisation of the EGF will contribute to the successful integration of these workers into the labour market . this tax would have many benefits : not only would it discourage financial speculation ; it would also fund aid to developing countries and their adaptation to climate change , while contributing to the European Union ' s budget . documents received : see Minutes ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , Turkey is , of course , an emotional topic , that is quite clear . Mr Buzek started by giving an explanation of the situation in Poland , and he rightly mentioned that we should be prepared to offer a positive solution to maintain business activities . the fact that rural areas have a deficient infrastructure - a shortage of roads , post offices , medical services , fire services and emergency doctors - has been well known for a long time . the most important thing , however , is to protect the water from pollution , while the nuclear waste in the Russian Arctic is also a key issue . nevertheless , this is not enough . it is very important to examine the real background to this conflict . this , in short , is the objective of the Flautre report . in legislation , in the formulation of directives , in everything , we need to work on the assumption that we should increase transparency , and there is also room for improvement in voting procedures . firstly , we should send people who know the local language . it is also important for Germany that the European Union continues to develop in a harmonious way , because this brings benefits for Germany . this directive , which is aimed at updating the existing provisions , is all the more creditable in these difficult times because it also merges four Directives into one piece of legislation . Adjournment of the session it was in May 1999 , following the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam , that work on the creation of a common European asylum system ( CEAS ) started , on the basis of the principles approved by the Tampere European Council . my colleagues and I believe that our first priority is to evaluate what this proposal will do for consumers and business in real practical terms . I believe that this vote is extremely important and I applaud the position expressed by Parliament , which really makes use of the new prerogatives . therefore , Mr President , a decision has been made that means giving a European perspective and a coordinated European approach to what is happening , based on safety and the need to be as effective and precise as possible when making a decision on flights , while protecting citizens ' rights . despite these reservations , I welcome the micro-credit service in Poland with open arms . I know that the consequences for the sector will be hard , I fully realise that , but let us learn from this experience : when the sea is empty , things really will be over for the sector . I believe that animal welfare standards in Europe are absolutely paramount to the fact that we produce high-quality meat . xenophobic violence is not characteristic of our people , let alone the people of Campania or Naples . in writing . - ( SK ) The Council decision submitted to the European Parliament within the framework of the consent procedure represents a legal instrument for the conclusion of a Protocol between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra , extending the scope of the agreement to customs security measures . the European Energy Programme for Recovery , which is now being proposed , should be welcomed . there is much ground to be covered . local elections will be taking place in Turkey next year . the so-called ' ratchet clause ' , for example , would allow further national vetoes to be abolished . having regard to Article 286 ( 2 ) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU , pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament ( C7-0103 / 2011 ) , having regard to the fact that at its meeting of 24 May 2011 the Committee on Budgetary Control heard the Council ' s nominee for membership of the Court of Auditors , having regard to Rule 108 of its Rules of Procedure , having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgetary Control , this week , it is imperative that a European solution is found to this crisis , and it must be a Community-based solution - I repeat , a Community-based solution - which must be envisaged in accordance with European rules and within the framework of European financial aid mechanisms . I give the floor to our best speaker today , and that is Mrs McGuinness . thanks to our joint efforts , we are living in a Union of 27 countries , in which the mobility of persons and goods is no longer a pipe dream but an everyday , physical reality . - ( LT ) I would like to draw attention to an unpleasant fact which is hiding behind fine words . I have the greatest admiration for all defenders of human rights . it outlines measures for dealing with the serious deficiencies in the regulatory and supervisory framework for the world financial system revealed by the global economic and financial crisis of 2007-2009 . this calls for a much more extensive audit than in the Year of Intercultural Dialogue , when funding was clear-cut and guaranteed in the annual budget of the European Communities . 7 . it touches upon the conference itself but it is , of course , something that goes much further . ultimately , these costs must be used as a procurement criterion . as a result of this , hundreds of Scottish boats have had to be scrapped and fishing communities have suffered . our market will not be common and our competition will not be fair until uniform rules are established that apply to everybody . we want healthy food to be produced in Europe and to be available at reasonable prices . not only that , but married couples of the same sex should be able to move freely around Europe and have their partnership legally recognised wherever they are . it is also well known that he has failed in the functions of supervision of the banking system that had been assigned to him . we are now seeing the same thing happening in Egypt . we are being fair , however , which is why we jointly ensured that if a person who was trained in one railway undertaking voluntarily moves to another one , the training undertaking is entitled to compensation for the training costs . certainly , maintaining the second pillar structure is crucial and will prove to be central to the long-term success of the CAP . this is a very complex area and views are very different between Member States . disintegration for Kosovo or Bosnia would endanger our security more than any technical details . I can to some extent understand why this may seem like an attractive option , as WTO discussions do not progress with any speed , but I really do believe that this has the potential to destroy the WTO . in this debate , which was crowned by the adoption by the Economic and Social Council of a globally harmonised system of chemical classification and labelling , all Member States , and not just the UN , played a very active and significant part , particularly the European Union , and also the Commission . the rockets are not going to stop in the current situation , and if Israel is to be secure we therefore have to say to it , ' The blockade is making life impossible for the Palestinians and that is endangering the security of Israel ' . I therefore consider it our duty to adopt measures that make up for the shortcomings in the previous Directive 2000 / 35 / EC , seeking in this way to discourage the phenomenon of late payment by adopting measures that induce debtors not to pay late and other measures that allow creditors to exercise their rights fully and effectively in the event of late payment . ( NL ) Mr President , like my fellow Member , Mr Claeys , I voted against this report . I have just one supplementary question . we welcome that . 12 . we have these systems and we are going to encourage our Member States around the Mediterranean to participate in these systems , to detect possible pollution from ships . the strikes in Danzig in 1980 and the founding of the first free trade union in the Eastern bloc made it clear that a process had been started that could no longer be stopped . I would seek for us to prioritise the completion of the single market for services and goods and to take an ambitious approach in creating a single market for innovative research . the Russian Federation and the European Union have developed a close partnership , and the common fight against international terrorism stands as one of the many examples of this . there have been four committees which have made decisions , the assumptions of which have not been brought into the trialogue . my colleague , Mr Almunia , the Commissioner responsible for competition , is , for his part , working on updating the Monti-Kroes package . in its opinion , the Committee on Budgetary Control delivered a clear position , and now there is unbelievable lobbying by the Turkish side . I voted for this resolution because the European Parliament supports the aim to maintain strong and vibrant independent public service broadcasting , whilst adapting it to the requirements of the digital age and making it easier for consumers to switch from analogue to digital television . I agree with the grounds on which it is based and I share the view expressed by the rapporteur when he acknowledged that the Commission ' s latest decision , claiming to update the implementing regulation on own resources in line with the Council decision of 7 June 2007 , would , in its current wording , further complicate the procedure , providing for continual exceptions and special conditions for certain Member States . the consequences for this sector are not substantially different from those for others : it is the monopolistic concentration that always ends up being imposed in these cases . it is over EUR 2.5 billion , which you specifically state is taxpayers ' money that should not have been spent . I am pleased that today ' s compromise formulates the same sort of payment conditions that some of us were advocating for the Services Directive seven years ago . Community support for the audiovisual sector takes account of the fact that the European Union and its Member States promote cooperation with third countries and the competent international organisations in the cultural sector , because it underlines the importance of respect for different cultural dimensions , so as to promote diversity and , finally , because the distribution sector determines the diversity of audiovisual works and consumer choices . firstly , that of Mr Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra . finally , Ms Sargentini , I really wanted to find an inventive way of saying that correlation tables were extremely important . President-in-Office of the Council . - In response to Mr Medina Ortega ' s question , which relates to the WTO , I think it is an important issue . let me add right away that negotiations cannot be conducted without the involvement of the two peoples involved , the Abkhazians and South Ossetians . the Commission has already made proposals in this regard . I believe Parliament needs to take a strong stand and , by means of a majority vote , put pressure on the Commission to find solutions that echo the will of the citizens . innovative SMEs in particular need broader access to informal funding and to funding based on venture capital holdings as well , which is the main source of funding for new businesses . I am therefore voting for this report . I think this case should be seen and solved exclusively as a human tragedy . in the same spirit , the European Union has just adopted , under the French Presidency , new European Union guidelines on the fight against violence and discrimination against women . I agree with the comment by Mr Nassauer on that point . we have spoken out against protectionism and established the internal market as one of Europe ' s important achievements , and one which also needs to be preserved at a time of crisis . the European Heritage Label will also help to increase cultural tourism and will bring physical and financial benefits . I would therefore like to ask you whether you are prepared to act , regardless of whether or not this is a case of dominant position , and when you are going to take the initiative , if at all . I agree totally with Mr Wiersma and I too regret that the EU Member States have not been treated fairly and equally when it comes to the matter of visas . what is most important with regard to what we are doing now , of course , is the fact that those of us who really do believe in the European Union also want to ensure that we take responsibility towards taxpayers and carry out a proper review of the administration in the EU . I hope that the measures will be presented in a user friendly way . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , the European Union has made two cardinal errors in its relations with Turkey . the two entities have not been able to develop a shared vision , as a result of which progress has ground to a halt . many transport firms are also global players . thirdly , the programmes in both Greece and Ireland are still in the relatively early stages . thirdly , we do have to hear from you what the Commission intends to do to try and compensate farmers who , through no fault of their own , have seen their markets destroyed and are unable to sell their produce . however , simply postponing matters will not help , because the postponement process is not governed by any conditions . new eligibility criteria , penalties in the event of infringements and provisions regarding reporting are also proposed . the EU-Andorra Agreement has been in place since 1990 . I am curious to know how this gentleman would feel if an MEP called on the German people to change their Chancellor , because there are organisations legally acting to spread Nazi thinking and to undermine the borders between European states . I believe that increasing women ' s professional activity is an important issue . I therefore feel that the dismantling of milk quotas through Regulation ( EC ) No 248 / 2008 should not have been started and that this dismantling should not continue as proposed by the Commission and accepted by the rapporteur . if the next Presidency does the same , I will be happy . ladies and gentlemen , I have chosen to speak in the language of the country in which this terrible occurrence took place . this partnership is indeed the precondition , especially in the current global financial and economic crisis , for meeting global challenges . I therefore urge you , as the European Commission , to intervene in this matter where the Member States are concerned and to make it clear to the Council Presidency that these negotiations must be halted and that , above all , the legal basis that applies post Treaty of Lisbon must be clarified . before I give the floor to the speakers , I am going to allow myself a certain degree of licence that I think may be granted to someone chairing the sitting at this stage of our term of office and this stage of the night , for it is true that these late-night sittings have an advantage . what , then , could have been more reasonable than to have seized the initiative , moved forwards and said , ' OK then . this is why I believe that it is useful for us to carry out a review , especially in the light of the new Treaty of Lisbon . this is very sad because we had a chance to make a difference and we missed it . we insist in the Copenhagen Agreement that a country wishing to join the EU must have at least a minimally acceptable level of respect for everyone within its borders . I would be very grateful , Mr Dimas , if you , as a staunch conservative , could finally clear up this mess of Messrs Seeber and Florenz and others , who are once again bowing down before the old industries . in this attempt to achieve bolder and more ambitious results , I also believe that in the final phase of the COP 16 negotiations , the European Union should give its chief negotiator some flexibility to react to developments thrown up by the negotiations . I am surprised by the absence of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy from the scene of the natural disaster in Haiti . it is stated on page 2 that a reduction of current expenditure in 2011 of just over EUR 2 billion will be implemented , including social protection expenditure reductions , a reduction of public service employment numbers , a reduction of existing public service pensions on a progressive basis , other expenditure savings of over EUR 1 billion , and a reduction of close to EUR 2 billion in public capital expenditure against existing plans for 2011 . thank you , Mr President of the Commission . the fact that the EU has a Commissioner for Multilingualism makes it clear that reform of the Commission is urgently needed and that there must be fewer Commissioners than there are Member States . Mr van Nistelrooij ' s report responds to the Green Paper on territorial cohesion published by the Commission . Mr President , after having voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the EU-Russia Summit , I still regret that the amendment I proposed as a new recital was rejected by the rapporteur . this suspension will help to strengthen the competitiveness of local economic operators and will contribute to creating and maintaining jobs in the outermost regions , acting as a counterbalance to the economic disadvantages arising from their geographical location , without affecting the consolidation of the internal market or the principle of free competition within the EU . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Mr President , I would like to thank our chair , Paolo Costa , not only for producing this report but also for his work as chair of the committee over the past parliamentary period . I think , too , that the procedures concerning initiatives should be harmonised in the Member States , because too much variety will make it difficult for us to gain broad support for these initiatives . furthermore , account was taken of the brain drain from regions of the world such as Africa where there is an acute demand for human resources in the health sector . therefore , I think we should expect Turkey to make a greater effort in this area . it is still far too early for that . this could also be a good opportunity for the legal definition and enhanced protection of wilderness . that is why we have voted against . Mr President , as chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection with responsibility for customs policy , I certainly welcome the opportunity to speak in this debate to mark 40 years of the Customs Union . from my side , I would also mention something that is very important : the G20 very clearly took development policy objectives into its agenda . that is our basic view . three points concern work to be done by the national governments : first , fiscal responsibility ; second , stimulating growth ; and third , the two countries with support programmes are forcefully implementing the necessary measures and we all welcome the efforts of those two governments , of Greece and Ireland , and their populations . as some speakers have already said , an open market is a positive thing and can be a very good thing for all of us if it is well regulated . we should not be denied the possibility of criticising Islam . it is therefore on the Commission ' s conscience if smoking increases on the Åland Islands . however , it would be unfair to single out just Libya . DDT was found in their fat , and we all know very well that that is not a substance that is used on the ice floes . any surplus revenue could be used to provide grants for insulating homes . consequently , Commissioner , Mrs Mathieu , the principle of equal treatment is the cornerstone of an economic immigration policy that is both intelligent and fair . do they really think that sort of unfair competition , by lowering health and safety standards and weakening the rights of workers , would be acceptable ? I would like to mention two things ahead of the European Council summit . which programmes would have priority here , for you , High Representative ? the only thing that Romanians and Bulgarians expect is fair treatment in relation to the other countries and an objective assessment based on the same criteria . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I think this discussion on the ENPI has in fact already pre-empted the next Commission communication on the Eastern Partnership . although the conditions necessary in order to go ahead with the migration have not all been met , nor is a time foreseeable when that will be the case , the mandate that was granted to the Commission to develop the SIS II will expire again on 30 June 2010 . I welcome the fact that the MEPs have adopted the amendment by the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament on the prohibition of the mass export of waste to third countries , unless they are exported for recycling and then reimported back into the EU . this proposal is a disgrace . it is imposing the incorporation in visas of biometric data ( prints of all ten fingers ) even for children as young as 12 years old . I think this is a very positive development . it is thanks to the support of the European Parliament that EUR 154 million have been allocated to combat pollution for the period 2007-2013 . this brings me to my third point : the economic crisis . in its evaluation report for the two years after this directive entered into effect , the Commission should have been much more courageous and should have proposed a unified and binding method for calculating security charges throughout the EU . the last time I looked , the bond spread between Greece and Germany was over 150 basis points . the final drafting of the document is being completed . we were then debating an assessment of the area of freedom , security and justice . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes otherwise , as several of my colleagues have stated , capital will leave the whole of the EU . a third important point concerns the external aspects of the CFP and the partnership agreements with third countries . Mr Barroso , there are very many experienced parliamentarians here in Parliament that you could adorn yourself with . in Europe , there are trade agreements with Russia , Ukraine , Turkey and Liechtenstein . we achieved much more than last time , one month ago . - ( NL ) Mr President , the longer we go on the more the European mandarins behave like a breed of political autistics , completely closed off from the real world , from the citizens , whom they nevertheless still claim to serve . none of these arguments holds water . the current UN-authorised EU mission in Chad , in which Ireland is playing a leading role , is a prime example of the EU ' s activities in this area . I welcome this , and it means we can also be happy with the result . the Commission ' s innovation strategy is clear , but this question remains open . this is , then , a quite exemplary piece of legislation and , moreover , one that fits into the framework of the IMO at international level . but what is particularly of concern to me is the effect on natural democracy in these countries . it is important for account to be taken of the Turco judgment in the current review of the so-called public access regulation . it must ensure that the results from the progress made in the battle against cancer in the European Union ' s various countries are made available to the whole of Europe . Mr President , in the European Parliament , we have , in fact , evaluated Mr Diamandouros ' work as Ombudsman every year when we debated the annual reports he submitted , and they have always received top marks . Madam President , the EU Eastern Neighbourhood could prove to be the best test for EU foreign policy . the other aspect is energy poverty , and that is why we consider this a most excellent report by Parliament and hope that it goes through . and , as shown in other countries , for example in Norway , we can see how POs can work efficiently to assist the catching sector . cities are an important driving force behind development in Europe . it must therefore be an integral element of governments ' information and communications policy . there is the risk that if Europe advances too rapidly , if it causes a crisis in industry , if it only implements policies - I should say ' metapolicies ' - from the top down , it will not work . I regret that I am unfortunately not speaking as a finance minister , Mr Böge , but , well , in this Presidency , that is how it is , in fact , and I can simply assure this House that we wish to reach an agreement within the scope of this procedure . ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , last year Serbia went through some significant changes which I am convinced were also successfully negotiated . some of these countries ( such as Brazil , Russia , Argentina , Saudi Arabia and Qatar ) are currently the strongest economically . giving you more power will only work if you actually use the power you already have . in the Year of Intercultural Dialogue it is worth pointing out that the European Union should , in putting into practice the values of intercultural dialogue , be open to other cultures . we have made considerable progress in those 100 years , but much remains to be done . this legislation must work well for the EU , but it must also work as a strong offer on the table of the global negotiations . it certainly has not been proved to such an extent as to allow us , with a clear conscience , to draft law resulting in the imposition of specific behaviour in Member States of the European Union . I also believe that the Czech Republic must benefit again from the visa waiver . these are the main aims to which the resources which the Union is planning to devote to combating climate change in Europe should really be assigned . whilst we should certainly respect the rights of women , the recurrent practice of interrupting pregnancies should not be the main factor in the birth rate . we must strengthen our commitment to working with Russia to respond to shared challenges in key areas , such as combating terrorism , energy policy and world economic governance . there are still loopholes , still opportunities for discrimination to rear its head . I would therefore suggest that an inquiry be carried out and that you and we sit down to determine the research question , that we have an enquiry carried out and that we then discuss this at length . there is some support amongst stakeholders for a European Private Company . ( applause ) this should not , however , lead to closures of existing power plants where there are no safety concerns or prevent the opening of new nuclear installations to replace out-of-date plants . meanwhile globalisation continues apace and with it the insecurity that it generates , which we saw a lot of evidence of in the Irish referendum . we can only speculate on the goals of the whole crisis - perhaps only a short-term price increase , maybe much greater pressure to build the Nord Stream , the alternative northern route , or perhaps the aim really is to inhibit Ukraine ' s European inclinations . I am also sorry that the European Commission is ignoring the views of ACP MPs within the JPA and that it prefers a bulldozer approach by which it refuses to consider any renegotiation or reorientation of the EPAs . ( NL ) I should like to thank Mr Grosch and Mrs Ţicău for the work they have done , and I think that Mrs Ţicău is right to be strict about access to the market in her report . the choice of 3 December is not fortuitous . given that the government owned only 28 % of OTE before the agreement , does the Commission consider that OTE was a government enterprise ? this is clearly the case here too . decisions concerning certain documents : see Minutes in writing . - UKIP opposes any EU management of our industries , as it should be up to national elected governments to decide on the future and any potential subsidy of coal mines . the restrictions on Belarus imposed by the EU are therefore fully justified and should even be stepped up . there are two options open to us : we can go and divide this House into those on the Right and those on the Left . neither is it in the interests of the United States for the freely given commitment of many European countries to coalition to be usurped by a differently minded European Union . in its absence , it is in the name of the Europe of workers , of social Europe , of a humanist Europe , that all of us together in this Parliament , whatever our opinions , reject this directive . as already happens to some extent , Moscow can supply us with mineral and energy resources as well as collaborate on military security and the fight against terrorism and organised crime Europe can contribute with financial resources , scientific and technological capabilities and our long-standing experience in the field of democracy and human rights . therefore , in the report concerning the table of results for the internal market , I propose the initiative of organising a forum for the internal market , which would bring together representatives of European institutions , Member States and other interested groups with the aim of achieving a more explicit commitment to transposition , so that we will be able to apply and execute legislation on the internal market , including this extremely important directive . European farmers are obliged to comply with the highest quality standards , which is reflected in the quality of the food which Europeans eat and in our global competitiveness . lastly , we need to reshape and relaunch social dialogue as a force for cohesion and for curbing the dangers of long-term unemployment with which we have to come to terms . all stakeholders must benefit from the valuable results obtained by one of the parties , whether in the civil sector or in the military sector with an application for the civil sector , because safety and security are the prime concern of the world ' s citizens nowadays , and sharing this success is not only proof of mutual trust and partnership , but is also a guarantee that these results will not be used for anything other than the benefit of mankind . in writing . - I voted against . GDP does not reflect current environmental sustainability , resource efficiency , social inclusion or social progress in general . let us therefore be cautious and take a look at what our own tasks are . you may lament this but that is the truth of the matter . we must therefore do the hardest thing of all , which is to attain high international standards , not only tighten regulations within European borders . only a few Member States could identify the full cost of asylum procedures . it makes sense for these rules to be mandatory for maritime transport , as they are already mandatory for road transport , rail transport and inland waterway transport . we all know that the European Social Fund ' was set up to reduce differences in prosperity and living standards across EU Member States and regions , and therefore promoting economic and social cohesion ' . over and above this debate about Russian gas , Europeans collectively must answer the question as to what relationship they actually want to have with Russia in future . a few days ago General D. Leakey assured Members that , regardless of funding problems and the difficulties in anticipating all possible threats and risks that could arise during the operation , in military terms the European Union was capable of carrying out this operation no worse than in Bosnia , and from a military viewpoint the operation would be less intense . the Energy Charter may resolve this contradiction . therefore I welcome most of the compromises reached , which leave the possibility for Member States to apply stricter rules if they so wish , while guaranteeing a high minimum level for all consumers in the Union . with regard to the specific question by Mr Van Orden , I will convey his concern and question to Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner , who do doubt will provide you with an answer . it is essential for the directive to be discussed again calmly with the Council . I very much doubt that the ECHR will always pass neutral and appropriate judgments . frankly , you deserve to have been given a nobler ambition . perhaps there was a mistake in planning or not enough control ... the question is how to do it , and that is why we are in dialogue with the Council and the Commission at the moment . I would like to answer telegraphically some of those questions . the EU must make EUR 7.2 billion available and undertake to use it for countries which are the most underdeveloped and most under threat from climate change . the Union has always fought for the environment and has made great efforts to protect it through preventive measures . this sphere is , in fact , not a Community one , but an intergovernmental one , in which the Council - through the regulation - has tried to encourage cooperation between the courts . I agree fully that , for the sake of parliamentary scrutiny and financial control , the service ought to be attached to the Commission , for administrative and budgetary purposes . - Report : Jeggle it is important for the issue of visa-free travel to be the number one priority . ( ES ) Madam President , the Spanish delegation from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament voted in favour , like the rest of our group , but I would not be happy to leave here without making clear my concern regarding the issue of organ transplants being included in this directive . however , it is clearly more than Nice ! I consider the estimate we voted on today to be balanced , and I therefore supported it . what we are not agreed on is , for example , the fact that the Commission regards new economic migration on a huge scale as one of the most important means of achieving the Lisbon objectives . the European Union has the means and experience to contribute to the creation of a more tolerant atmosphere in the South Caucasus . the report by Mrs Lucas , on behalf of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market - C6-0373 / 2008 - . I just wish some of the sceptics would not take such delight in putting forward proposals to delay action , proposals which might end up costing the lives of millions . Europe needs a new approach to industrial policy and the funding of programmes related to it . in particular , the amendments that we as the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety have highlighted are those on encouraging the promotion of health literacy programmes , continuing to promote action to combat violence against women , fighting the denial of medical treatment on the grounds of old age , but above all - and I come back to this issue - promoting equal access to quality services in all Member States . in practice all border controls in the EU have been abolished . in my view , we should try to arrive at a fully operational agreement , based on real political commitments , that comes rapidly into force , and which brings all the major players on board for both emission reductions and finance . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , first of all , of course , I have listened very carefully to all the contributions . I endorse the reasoning underlying the report and believe that this competition agreement is a more vital instrument than ever in today ' s climate , where trade , in particular with Asian countries , is increasing in quantity and importance . ( DE ) Mr President , when it comes to enlargement policy , we need something along the lines of a regulatory framework . let us think about it , let us take our time , let us assess ... ' . with the phase-out period that we have now decided on , these countries will receive support to explore other production options . multilateral action , the most effective type of action owing to the number of countries involved but also the most difficult , therefore needs to be accompanied by agreements identifying and resolving the inconsistencies connected with the existence of unwarranted obstacles in third countries . yet it is clear that we did not create it ourselves . Mr President , the report by Mr Kirilov speaks about the need for an EU strategy for the South Caucasus . the population growth that is forecast , particularly in emerging economies , and the growing rise in global poverty and hunger demonstrate that at least a 70 % increase in food production is needed to satisfy the population ' s needs . because we should remember that many of these sectors , such as sheep and suckler cows , are in environmentally sensitive areas , they are in mountainous regions and areas where there is no alternative , and I think we need to have another look at how we are supporting those parts of the industry . it is now time to go a step further and equip ourselves with new instruments so that issues in the field of taxation are dealt with alongside market integration and liberalisation . the proposal for a Council directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief , disability , age or sexual orientation would extend the protection against discrimination based on religion or belief , disability , age or sexual orientation to areas beyond employment . we are also actively integrating human rights and human security into all the relevant issues and policies . we saw this in the judgments on Laval , Rüffert and others . there are , however , a series of new elements that I would like our guests to give their opinion about . this is an aspect which you , as politicians , can help to bolster more than anyone else . better coordination and a greater level of flexibility are necessary in order to make full use of this limited resource . the Council Directive aims to fundamentally revise the functioning of mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes , duties and other measures . third and finally , human rights should be visibly at the centre of EU external action . that there is the drama , the tragedy that is currently taking place in that region . future budgets must be instruments at the service of economic and social cohesion , rather than mere padding in the treaties . ( BG ) Mr President , the escalation in the use of special eavesdropping devices in Bulgaria is a fact , which is why the public is so excited and concerned . the regulations for the application of the CAP ' health check ' are a decisive step in the control of agricultural production by monopoly business groups , in the aim of increasing their profits . the recommendation by Francesca Balzani on behalf of the Committee on International Trade on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of a Geneva Agreement on Trade in Bananas between the European Union and Brazil , Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama , Peru and Venezuela and of an Agreement on Trade in Bananas between the European Union and the United States of America [ 07782 / 2010 - C7-0148 / 2010 - 2010 / 0057 ( NLE ) ] , it is of course our duty to work in the interests of the European Union and we will do this openly and transparently , by talking face to face as we must always do with partners who we regard as strategic . there is a worrying increase in the number of mentally ill persons . the European Union needs skilled human resources . it opens up our market to the poorest countries in the world for all types of goods except arms . what is Europe now ? ladies and gentlemen , I am confident that the new rules on credit rating agencies about which I have just been speaking will definitely improve the independence and integrity of the rating process , will make credit-rating activities more transparent , and will improve the quality of such ratings , including those relating to the sovereign debt of the Member States - the countries of the European Union - and of the EU ' s financial institutions . this money is not going to improve the economy of those Member States , nor is it going to provide jobs for those who are losing them , but if kept in Britain , it would avoid the need to increase the tuition fees , for example . furthermore , I support the Commission ' s request to monitor and audit the implementation of all the projects which will be run using this grant : research / innovation aimed at introducing technologies based on renewable energy sources in order to meet the requirement to realise a further reduction of 18 000 kt CO2-eq produced from decommissioning . Fifthly , the mechanisms of repression are being strengthened under the pretext of combating terrorism . the resolution that Parliament adopted in early December was a timely and strongly welcomed initiative . we have some fences we need to mend and we need to try to re-establish confidence in what it is that we want to establish in the Arctic . the vote will take place tomorrow at 11.30 a.m . ( DE ) Mr President , in itself , the Internet is a very positive invention , but it is increasingly being used by criminals , and this has led to an exponential increase in one of the most abominable crimes of all , the trade in child pornography . ( ES ) Mr President , I voted for this report because it helps to combat the invisibility which until now has characterised the work of and role played by women in rural areas . we have regular and ever closer cooperation in connection with crisis management , which found expression , for example , in the US ' s participation in a civil CSDP task , the Eulex mission in Kosovo . I endorsed adoption of the directive . consideration must be given to the sharp rise in business-to-business indebtedness , non-payment of national and local public contract organisations , etc . what this Parliament wants - and this is what distinguishes it from the Council - is to put an end to this joyous camaraderie between governments , and replace a biased referee with an impartial one . prisoners often suffer torture , corporal punishment such as flogging , beating , electric shocks and the deliberate withholding of medical assistance . one of these conditions is the freedom of expression , and this means that all media that have been forcibly closed down during the recent developments , like Imedi TV , and Kafkasya TV , should resume their normal activities . ladies and gentlemen , the recast proposal will restore the smooth operation of the internal market , improve animal welfare standards and promote research . it is founded on shared values , it is founded on tolerance , it is founded on openness , it is founded on dialogue , it is founded on feedback , it is founded on mutual respect . I think after the very comprehensive and good report by Mrs Győri , representing the Hungarian Presidency , I will not now elaborate on the issues regarding Libya and the southern Mediterranean . this important issue is the subject of our discussions today . this will be followed by a conference in September under the Swedish Presidency on ' Healthy and dignified ageing ' , including a workshop on coordination of care for persons suffering from Alzheimer ' s disease and other dementias . the debate is closed . I may seem too conservative to you , but I think that we also need to address this balance . so hopefully , an ambitious deal can be struck . moreover , this issue gives rise to huge curiosity and undoubted interest . due to economic policies , rural regions are more prone to changes today . these agencies are a clear expression of the financialisation of the economy - that do not translate or correspond to actual increases in productive activity - and they constitute a central part of neoliberalism ' s development strategy , which is always seeking levels of profit that real production cannot ensure , because of the well-known trend towards decreasing profits . there is certainly a great deal still to do , but when the naming issue continually hangs over everything like the Sword of Damocles it is difficult to move on in other areas of policy . I believe that , in a country as oil-rich as Nigeria , equal access to resources and income redistribution are necessary for the peaceful resolution of these conflicts . however , to be able to this , they need the information and knowledge which media literacy offers . it is a miracle that a mass disaster of huge proportions did not occur . all together , this could certainly give a boost to the resettlement programme , something that I think is very positive . the citizens of Lampedusa have become aware of this , Mrs Muscardini . turning to the roles I mentioned , I believe that monitoring internal markets in gas and electricity , participating in the development of network codes , contributing to the implementation of the guidelines on trans-European energy networks , monitoring progress on implementation of projects to create new interconnector capacity , having the power to decide on exemptions from requirements for investments in infrastructure , monitoring implementation of the 10-year network investment plans and having powers to issue opinions and recommendations to TSOs - along with other aspects that I do not have the time to enumerate - will all give the Agency ample opportunities to bring about change . ( HU ) Madam President , in the last few weeks the founders of Szeklerland ' s Representative Office in Brussels , and the Hungarian community in Romania in general , have had to endure a long chain of attacks and a hostile hysteria campaign from the Romanian political elite . what is your main conclusion from this event , and from the mistakes which we are all talking about here ? they must not be stigmatised or written-off , but given the opportunity to reintegrate fully into social life and to continue their professional careers . the EU would not suffer if the citizens of Belarus covered only the cost of the visa , which is not more than EUR 5 . it was with American aid that a shattered Europe was able to reconstruct and develop in the post war years . there has been some very good collaboration between the rapporteur , Mr La Russa , and the various shadow rapporteurs . I believe the current legislative proposal on ETS , on non-ETS and on renewables will definitely make the Member States put more emphasis on energy efficiency . I am thinking above all about efforts to encourage training and retraining , to invest more heavily in innovation , interconnectivity and in transforming Europe into a low carbon economy . firstly , I am keen to remind you of the professionalism and the efforts made by the other regulatory agencies to comply with standards of good administration . the objective is to ensure that in Copenhagen in 2009 , an ambitious , global and integrated climate change agreement is reached for the period following the year 2012 , which will be in line with the European Union ' s objectives , that the global temperature should not increase by more than two degrees . that is not the leadership that is needed in the run-up to Copenhagen . to ensure that the Europol decision applies from 1 January 2010 , it was necessary , in good time , to amend Council Regulation ( Euratom , ECSC , EEC ) No 549 / 69 specifying that immunity from legal proceedings does not apply to Europol staff taking part in joint investigation teams set up by at least two Member States at their own initiative . in answer to some questions that have been raised by Members , I would like to assure them that we are going to help the organisers . we are told that we need the Treaty of Lisbon because it has been long years in the making . Mr President , new incidents , apparently minor , took place on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning on the border between Thailand and Cambodia . it has a human and political urgency because , in spite of warning signals from all around the world , cluster bombs are still being actively used . at times they may have seemed slow , too slow , but steps forward have been taken , in any case , in a secure , determined manner , which will culminate on Friday in the meeting of the European Union Heads of State or Government . in this context the Commission welcomes the use of openness specifications that may prevent the unfair transmission of dominant positions between neighbouring markets . 3 . solidarity on the part of the international community is the best response to such evasiveness , which is why , in our resolution , we welcome the agreement reached in Berlin on 22 January on the drafting of a new UN Security Council resolution . the improvements noted in the Croatian economy and the reforms in the environmental protection sector are further achievements of the Croatian Government that facilitate the accession process . this is an opportunity for the Union to forge a common foreign policy and defend those values for which it stands as a matter of routine . the social aspect and work conditions enjoyed by seafarers in the European Union are closely linked to the European fleet ' s competitiveness . finally , I have heard it mentioned that some Members of the European Parliament may be going to Cancún to protest ; they are quite entitled to do so but I hope they do so in a private and personal capacity and not as accredited delegates . of course we must ensure and insist that talks take place and that peace can be allowed to flourish , but that requires us to take brave moves within Europe as well . more than ever , in this pivotal period , Parliament intends to reaffirm its complete support for the peace process and to appeal to the Sudanese and South Sudanese , as well as the international community , to remain committed to implementing the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement . I therefore call on all my fellow Members to reject Amendment 54 , so that the dialogue remains open and we can help workers who are being exploited and who claim to be ' false ' self-employed persons . our citizens are exposed to pollution in various forms , more often than not as a combination of different factors , and this applies whether you live in town or in the countryside , by the sea or in the mountains . nearly a year has passed since this Chamber gave its opinion and I therefore consider that everything must be done to reverse this situation . ( FR ) Mr President , you did indicate earlier that you were not all-powerful : nonetheless , I am sure you are powerful enough to implement decisions by the Conference of Presidents . there are too many barriers to the free flow of the four freedoms , and they limit the market ' s potential , while the protectionist policies of Member States are inconsistent with the principles of the internal market . - Report : Nikolaos Vakalis wonderful people , wonderful achievements - an important partner for the EU . some amendments also aim to provide more flexibility for the Member States by introducing certain grounds for accelerated procedures . to put it simply , the first human right is to be born . the EU has set itself the target of a 20 % reduction below 1990 levels . we cannot have a situation where Parliament actually has to beg for it . there are 4 000 companies in EMAS and 35 000 in ISO 14001 . regrettably , Zimbabwe still has a long way to go before we can say that its people live in freedom and democracy and under a respected rule of law . in the view of many Europeans , and in my opinion too , that agreement already lets the United States access too much information on European air passengers . the necessary restructuring of large-scale private industry will cause some jobs to be lost , and the only way we can bolster employment is by supporting the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises that represent the backbone of our European economy . they are the ones who most often do not obtain permanent work and are forced to accept temporary work which has an inferior level of social insurance and lacks prospects for development . I would like to say that this action is used by the authorities in Tiraspol to intimidate Chişinău at a time when the new government which took office after last year ' s elections would like to move closer to the European Union and also resolve the Transnistrian conflict . in the last local elections in 2006 Sverigedemokraterna ( the Sweden Democrats ) won seats in two thirds of municipalities . ( FR ) Commissioner , beyond its technique on envelopes , premiums or plantings , this project - the third in 15 years - boils down to three ideas focused on a single objective . why do we not get our citizens on board in tackling these tasks , which we all have to play a part in resolving ? allow me to go into some further detail about the position of the European motor industry at this time . my goodness me , you showed that this afternoon , Prime Minister . the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon increased the democratic legitimacy of the Ombudsman thanks to his election by the European Parliament and extends his remit to include the common foreign and security policy and the activities of the European Council . ( SK ) Mr President , the idea that Europeans must create more employment , or more jobs , is fundamental for us . she is cured , to the extent that you can ever say you are cured of cancer . models once held up such as the much lauded working-time accounts , which are used up in a matter of weeks , demonstrate the limits of flexible working hours . if we achieve that , we can perhaps do the same for agriculture . perhaps it will be cereals , or something else . today this means we have to deal with worldwide supply chains . does this project make sense ? I should like to stress one or two points on which I feel that the EIB could do even better , even though progress has been made in recent months . its creation accords with the budgetary procedure agreed for this year . firstly , it will aim to increase awareness of this problem , which is a big one . the new Treaty still bears a strong resemblance to the Constitution . the thing that it is worth doing at the moment is perhaps to thank yet again the Commission for its initiative and the Commissioner for the conscientious way he has followed through the actions of Parliament - and also to vindicate the part played by Parliament without allowing ourselves to become overly self-righteous . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Commissioner Dimas and the French Presidency , because this is undeniably another success for its term of office . first and foremost , they expect a clear and immediate undertaking that the Commission wants to retain the current sites of the European semiconductor technology and nanotechnology industry , that this head start for the future is not to be allowed to be thrown away and that the statements made about future research spending , in particular , in relation to the Eighth Research Framework Programme , are true . we need to have some straight talking here . finally , if an asylum seeker is apprehended , what role does Frontex play in relation to the coordination of the asylum application ? does all this mean that we are helpless , that all we can do is sit and watch ? I voted in favour of the fine own-initiative report on achieving real territorial , social and economic cohesion within the European Union by my excellent Romanian colleague , Petru Constantin Luhan . am I to understand , perhaps , that this is a vicious way of returning to Nice and restoring 99 seats to Germany ? I believe that approval of this regulation is in keeping with the environmental sustainability policies of the European Union and , at the same time , safeguards manufacturers , most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises , and users , and also promotes innovation in the sector . the Council conclusions as far back as 5 December 2006 pointed out , in response to the Message from Paris on biodiversity , that biodiversity and the sustenance of ecosystem services were to be included in policy dialogue with partner countries and regions . ( applause ) the European Parliament cannot justify using millions of euros of taxpayers ' money to fund groupings of parties , especially fascists , who come together for nothing other than financial gain . Mr Dehaene ' s report sets out a lot of important detail , and the Commission very widely shares the interpretations it makes of the Treaty . I fully support Mr Karas ' and Mr Pitella ' s reports in respect of their efforts to ensure that the operation of the banking sector is more effective and accessible to individual customers and small enterprises . I have done so with the INTA Committee and I am ready to go back to the INTA Committee . the report before us offers a balanced solution , favouring neither the airlines nor the airports . the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon has increased the number of cases in which Parliament ' s approval is needed to conclude an international agreement . the first message is to Ales Mikhalevich , but also to Anatoli Labiedzka and Mikhail Statkievich , who are in prison : we admire your courage ; we are with you and we will not desert you . in writing . - ( RO ) I voted for the Jørgensen report promoting the use of green vehicles for public transport . I give my commitment that the European Commission will work tirelessly with you to make this possible . sound agriculture can help to preserve biodiversity and halt the extinction of species . I would also emphasise that the regulation envisages expanding the list of organisations eligible for financial aid and updating the list of advisory bodies . I repeat : that is not a criticism ; that is what they are trained to do . the European Union should support such countries with even greater commitment , and so a strengthening of cooperation with the Republic of Moldova is most definitely justified . when I pointed this out at the first conciliation meeting and remarked that Member States should not be forced into a strait jacket , a fellow MEP actually queried whether I should have been invited to the meeting . in 2009 , we were supposed to be moving towards complete freedom , according to both the Commission and the Council . I call on the European Commission , in keeping with the spirit of Europe ' s environmental protection policy , to send an inspection body to Romania to ensure in the long term that appropriate EU-level regulations are applied to mining operations . considering that the territorial cooperation has proved its effectiveness in promoting the harmonious development of the Union as a whole , it ' s now fundamental to increase its budget from the actual 2.5 % to at least the 7 % of the overall cohesion policy resources for the next programming period . first of all , Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , free-flowing towns and cities . if we really want to make savings when it comes to languages , then we should demand that this system apply equally to everyone . the myth of borders still makes its presence felt at the table when we are making decisions . also seated around it are post-colonial nostalgias and current interests . it is therefore important that leaders in the G20 Seoul Summit last week very clearly and strongly committed themselves to abstain from competitive devaluations of their currencies . we respect that . Mr President , I would like to express my great thanks to the Commissioner , who is answering this question on behalf of her colleague , Mrs Malmström . for this reason , it is essential , in my opinion , to have a mechanism for monitoring macroeconomic imbalances and , if necessary , to ensure that adequate corrective measures are adopted for them . nevertheless , I think there were two proposals which cropped up repeatedly from various sides and which were discussed from a number of different perspectives . when she started out on this work , nobody was suggesting there could be such progress , and yet we have got progress . ( EL ) Mr President , Commissioner , let me touch on an issue connected with climate change . Madam President , the Chinese Government has termed the anniversary of the occupation of Tibet the ' liberation of serfs ' . we have laid the foundation of a lasting dialogue , which must also direct , inspire and commit us in the future . as you can appreciate , I have been quite flexible about the timing , partly because all the speeches have been very agreeable as well as very powerful - the IMF , casinos and cholesterol - all great fuel for this discussion . this Agreement is therefore an important step towards opening up the market to airlines from the EU and the US without any discrimination . Madam President , Mr Mavrommatis is always very active and always involved in issues regarding transport . if we ban it as a food additive , can we continue to exist or do we have to gradually dispose of ourselves as hazardous waste ? one of the greatest ironies of the climate problem is that it is those who pollute the least that are most affected . firstly , I am disturbed that Europe is increasingly taking a scatter-gun approach to development policy and that more and more resolutions and requests are encouraging this approach . the competitiveness goal has been more propaganda than concrete action . we need to see which projects have been beneficial for integration before we can set a proper strategy , thereby ensuring that the money is well spent . we know why really : one of the main reasons is that early years are so important . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , Parliament ' s working group on reform has been in Washington to study the US Congress . what is our relationship to be ? the Commission should also present an initiative , aimed at encouraging and supporting the development by Member States of integrated national or regional strategies to reduce health inequalities . in addition , Bulgaria plans , in its transport operational programme for 2007-2013 , to develop part of the Vidin-Sofia line . currently , Europe is facing increasing unemployment and almost 17 % of Europe ' s inhabitants are living below the poverty line . this was a major issue of sensitivity during the Irish referendum campaign on the Lisbon Treaty . ( ES ) Mr President , it is no coincidence that Spain , Italy , Greece , Ireland , Portugal and other countries are all reluctant to accept the so-called Eurovignette . ladies and gentlemen , I must say that , when you speak at the speed of the last speaker , there is no interpretation because , of course , the interpreters cannot keep up with the speeches . they had not succeeded in guaranteeing the quality and continuity of the service . I would stress that the use of the phrase ' sexual and reproductive health ' cannot be turned into a way of persuading parliaments to promote abortion . to this end , we have launched a series of high-level bilateral visits to Member States with significant Roma populations . - Motion for a resolution it is for these reasons that I argue passionately against the proposal made by the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , which would impose this very requirement , and I also advocate rejection of the Commission ' s proposed public information clause at this point , for if we have safe plant protection products we have no need for these bureaucratic procedures . ( PL ) Mr President , Commissioner , I would like to thank you for this information . our sympathies therefore naturally lie with Georgia , a small country being put under pressure by a very large neighbour . Parliament will therefore ensure that both the Commission and any forthcoming Presidencies adhere to these commitments . but in this week when we are talking about women ' s inequality , one statistic stands out . a minority is only in a position to highlight its problems in a credible manner if , in a particular institution , such as a parliament or a government , it makes up at least 30 % of the total numbers . it is the European Commission ' s duty to take urgent action in the wake of the resolution adopted last year by Parliament , calling for a ban on the use of cyanide-based technologies in mining as they pose huge cross-border threats to ecosystems . among others , I would like to thank Mr Cashman for having expressed this principle . the more help and political support we give to Ukraine , the more we will be entitled to expect reforms in the Ukrainian economy in favour of a free market . however , we all know that it will not be sufficient to accelerate concrete and sustainable progress on the spot . in writing . - ( PT ) Atul Khare , the UN Under-Secretary General responsible for peacekeeping operations , informed the United Nations Security Council that from 30 July to 4 August , over 500 people were victims of gang rape perpetrated in the North Kivu province by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda ( FDLR ) , a Hutu rebel group , and by the Mai Mai militia . it will be necessary to record not only all work undertaken for businesses or for international companies , but also all paid lobbying for interest groups , such as professional organisations and trade unions . however , a start has been made and we will see how the exercise works out in practice , and how Member States tackle this issue . I have to say that I simply do not understand that remark . moreover , there is no guarantee whatsoever that the projects that are invested in abroad are of high quality . we would like to thank you for your replies to the oral questions . discrimination is not just a problem in the labour market but also in housing , education , public and private services and even in religious matters . moreover , ambitious disciplines have been established on industrial technical barriers to trade , notably for cars , electronics and pharmaceuticals based on the regulatory model of Europe and they respond to longstanding demands by European business in these sectors . in both cases significant financial aid aimed at protecting jobs was granted by both the government and the EU , with the condition of creating more positions . EU energy policy is very pertinent if we are to succeed in using mostly renewable energy in the near future . the message conveyed by the European Union on all these issues was absolutely unequivocal . these countries are a significant sales market for the European Union and they export a range of important products to our market . I am quoting here from the draft discharge report by Mr Jørgensen . we want the first of these to be realised during the Spanish Presidency : the Digital Agenda , which will be covered in the Transport , Telecommunications and Energy Council in May , after a communication that the Commission has undertaken to publish on 18 May . this includes , for example : OLAF concluding independent cooperation agreements ; OLAF ' s independent appearance before the European Court of Justice ; or the European Parliament and the Council deciding on OLAF directorate-general appointments . it should be recalled that Parliament has warned the Commission that the VAT system , as currently devised and implemented by the Member States , has weak points that are exploited by fraudsters , resulting in tax losses of billions of euro . the financial resources provided by the European Union will be wasted if the European Union does not protect the local population . the best way we can do that is to allow those citizens access into Europe not at rates which will frighten or prohibit entry by most citizens . this is the reason why this allocation is not only justified and well founded but practically a duty . finally , the specific situation of small and medium-sized enterprises is also taken into consideration , with the result that the compromise before you today is a balanced yet ambitious package of measures . what role does the Commission see in preventing unsafe nuclear development at the EU ' s external borders ? I was pleased that there was movement from the Council on that . now , however , we have a second chance . we will investigate this much more closely , you can be sure of that ! the provisions relating to information on prescription-only medicinal products therefore need to be updated and new rules need to be adopted , promoting greater health literacy and involving the health industry to a greater extent in carrying out a fundamental role to improve public health . I agree that the Commission should play a more active role in the evaluation mechanism which Mr Barrot just talked about . on the other hand hundreds of thousands , even millions of people from developing countries , anxious to enter either legally or illegally , are knocking on the southern and eastern gates of the Union . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( CS ) Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , rare diseases are dangerous and very complex diseases that threaten life or cause chronic invalidity . ( PL ) Madam President , the review of the common agricultural policy clearly highlights hazards in various branches of agriculture . I know that you had concerns with the fact that the negotiations were conducted behind closed doors and that the negotiating texts were not made public . 5 . the next item is the joint debate on : I will permit myself , here , to mention several of these , in particular , those which are expensive , namely the new fields of competence in the areas of policy for combating climate change and energy policy . it also opens up new fields of competence for the European Union on the global stage , so we are talking , here , about the establishment of Union diplomacy , and there are new competences in terms of space research and in terms of sport and tourism . let me also inform the honourable Members that the Commission intends to adopt a communication early next year - probably in March - in which we will take stock of developments since Thessaloniki , and Salzburg last year , and give pointers towards the future . as you know , the CE mark was not created at the time as a source of consumer information . the internal market is one of the indispensable levers of growth , and hence the EU 2020 strategy must focus on long-term investments and employment . to this end , the presidency will organise the Southern Corridor Summit in May 2009 , expecting tangible results as regards the diversification of resources and supply routes and as regards closer cooperation with the countries of the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia . on Monday , before coming to Strasbourg , I went to sign the book of condolence at the Representation to the EU in Brussels , on behalf of the Delegation for Relations with China and I assume also on behalf of Parliament as a whole . we are also calling on the Commission to make it clear what role the European Union , the Member States and the sector itself need to play in financing the prevention of animal disease , certainly now that this subject is actually part of the debate on the common agricultural policy health check . some comments on some main amendments . for various reasons , this process has been slower for Kosovo , and its citizens are still unable to travel to EU countries without a visa . that is why we have to act on many fronts . such reforms are welcomed both by the EU and by the citizens of Turkey . I remain hopeful , however , that this does not apply to all members on the left of this House . ( DE ) Mr President , the military dictatorship in Burma features regularly on the European Parliament ' s agenda for its grave and most severe human rights violations . we must look at new and innovative solutions at the very source where migrants start their journey . ( NL ) Mr President , Mr Seeber said that the public does not understand the climate debate . the ' ever more ' refrain of a number of my fellow Members is too glib a response . as shadow rapporteur for the PSE Group , I am committed to this objective and therefore urge Members to vote in favour of this report tomorrow . the other point is that the conditions in which European industries compete will change very rapidly . the Czech media are nonetheless seething with doubts . Madam President , I am anxious to say here that I will definitely inform Parliament of any developments that may have an impact on the budget , or indeed on the launch date for these systems . indeed , this text does not promote creation . but what we really need - and I can only support the conclusions of my colleague Mr Verhofstadt - is real economic governance and real automatic sanctions - sanctions that bite . given this need for certainty , we cannot decide to liberalise planting rights as of now , before seeing whether - and above all how well - the new system functions . let us also be clear that this initiative is not about harmonising health-care systems . the fact that , following the invasion by the US Army , the Iraqi state has been totally disrupted marks , together with the partial liquidation of the infrastructure of its social , health care , and educational systems , a giant step backwards . the Committee on Budgetary Control has therefore adopted an amendment tabled by the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe . I hope that in this united role , we will be able to provoke rapid processes which will restore the normal functions of democracy . another problem is the multitude of unexploded cluster bombs that lie in the former conflict areas . Corporal Simon Hornby , Liverpool ; Warrant Officer David Markland , Lancashire ; Kingsman Sean Dawson , Stalybridge ; Corporal Harvey Holmes , Hyde ; Corporal Terry Webster , Chester ; Lance Corporal Andrew Breeze , Manchester ; Marine Steven Birdsall , Warrington ; Marine Paul Warren , Preston ; Sergeant Steven Darbyshire , Wigan ; Private Alex Isaac , Wirral ; Private Douglas Halliday , Wallasey ; Colour Sergeant Martyn Horton , Runcorn ; Private Thomas Sephton , Warrington ; Sergeant David Monkhouse , Cumbria ; Sapper Darren Foster , Carlisle ; Lance Corporal Jordan Bancroft , Burnley ; Kingsman Darren Deady , Bolton ; Guardsman Christopher Davies , St Helens . in light of the increased demand for officially supported export credits , it is of the utmost importance that the newest OECD regulation of this instrument is introduced in Member States as soon as possible . the reasons for this are that , on the one hand , they account for the majority of the agricultural workforce in many countries while , on the other , they do not enjoy access to the same opportunities as men for earning an income . people are living well below the poverty line . we do not speak about new minorities there . she has made her mark on the history of European agriculture . wherever human rights are violated , we in the European Parliament must object to such violations and bring charges in every case . our cities are already groaning under the problems of mass , uncontrolled immigration . those strategies failed to respect the basic rules of economic life . therefore , action should be taken to disseminate good practice and raise awareness among local decision makers of the benefits that ICTs have to offer . I would also emphasise the complementary nature of the five reports and remark that they do , indeed , form a unitary whole setting out Parliament ' s position . like the great majority of my fellow Members , I support the proposal to strengthen the European Court of Auditors ' audit capacity with the creation of 20 posts . soil protection is important . subsequently , under Article 174 of the Treaty , ' territorial cohesion ' has become one of the three components of cohesion policy alongside economic and social cohesion , and , in fact , constitutes one of the EU ' s main priorities . I will listen to the debate and would at the same time like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved , for example the shadow rapporteur , for the constructive cooperation we have had . if the past can teach us one thing , it is that we must not think that we - Europe - can solve Africa ' s problems . labelling will also help to improve public health in general and the environment . do not your non-EU friends include the Armenians ? my second point is that the return of the refugees , which Mr Boştinaru has just mentioned , has , in my opinion , been handled in an exemplary way . I was particularly interested to read my colleague ' s report . let us think through what the implications of that might be . ( the sitting was suspended at 12.50 p.m. and resumed at 3.05 p.m. ) obviously , I join in the feeling of pain and grief that has befallen the families of the 42 victims we now know have died , to whom I offer my condolences and respect for their loss . as I said earlier , and as I repeat once again , the High Representative , Baroness Ashton , has made this a personal priority . the Court has ruled that documents relating to an ongoing investigation are manifestly covered by an exception to the right of access and , therefore , that those files are currently not acceptable and this does not constitute additional restriction of the right of access . - Before the vote : this principle should make it possible to offer greater protection against crimes such as child trafficking and child abduction , because every child should receive his or her own passport with a chip containing his or her biometric data . the Member States must at all events reasonably ensure that their competent bodies comply with the appropriate EU regulations and national data protection regulations when supplying and processing personal data . we are now going to conciliation and , President-in-Office , both the Council and Parliament have the task of ensuring that this conciliation is successful . Member of the Commission . - Concerning Nagoya and how we are getting on , things are developing pretty well with regard to the ABS , so there is no problem . indeed only after the GM business plan is known , and our Member States might be willing to provide State aid , can the Commission assess whether competition rules are being respected . it is not the FYROM that I am opposing by voting against this progress report . I would like to thank Portugal for its support , which was also passed on to me by the President of the Republic , Professor Cavaco Silva . India has 1.1 billion inhabitants , China 1.3 billion , both these countries together representing one third of the world ' s population . one should welcome the initiatives allowing European cities to plan efficient public transportation systems , which meet the environmental protection requirements and are accessible to everyone , as well as the integration into the urban planning of alternative means of transport valid for short distances or varying according to the time of the day . in that regard , there remains a great deal of work to be done . of course there are problems to resolve and the honourable Members have been quite clear on this . in this report , I have proposed a number of solutions so that you - fellow Members - can engage your electorate effectively and well in the process of European integration and , in this case , by actually strengthening the common market , increase their share in the common market , that great success of the European Union . it is high time we called on Mr Obama to close down this disgrace and spare us the reproach of such hypocrisy . what we should do , though , is make sure that it is introduced in equal measure throughout the Member States . ( HU ) Mr President , on 13 February Australia ' s Labour Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology on behalf of the Australian government for the indignities inflicted on the indigenous Aboriginal population over two centuries . it is not a question , as Mr Wurtz was saying , of applying the country of origin rule , but rather , in accordance with the rules that we adopted in the Committee on Legal Affairs - and I would recommend that Mr Wurtz read the amendments we adopted - there is a set of restrictions preventing the country of origin rules from applying to those companies in which there is a higher level of workers ' participation than normal . these are not protectionist measures but , instead , provisions to safeguard the health and freedom of our consumers , as well as the EU ' s strategic production sectors . Bulgaria is the only country in the EU which does not have alternative sources , suppliers and reserves of gas . how does the information which you have just given us fit together with what is obviously already in preparation on this site ? is it reasonable to want to do away with the obligation for carriers to train staff who are in contact with persons with reduced mobility ? similarly , because we cannot consider on-call time as rest time , we have enabled it to be counted as working time . particular emphasis should be placed on the reversibility principle and the export requirements . you may be for Prime Minister Gyurcsány or you may be against him . inhabitants of EU States , even if they only joined recently , must be given priority over those from outside the EU . development , however , must not mean merely aiding those European regions that already perform above average . cooperation will be focused on programmes and activities that guarantee that the aid reaches the beneficiaries - the Nicaraguan people - directly , without going through the government . Parliament itself must take some of the blame . realisation of such an exceptionally ambitious plan of action as the Euro-Mediterranean partnership will require great effort and many compromises from the states which participate in the process . the weaknesses are perfectly identified , as Commissioner Reding has also said , not only in the Commission ' s report of April 2011 , but also in its reports of 2005 and 2006 . I have also tabled some amendments to water down what I think are some very prescriptive requirements on advertisers , which Mr Davies has included in his report . once again we have a situation where - and I am not alone in thinking this - anti-European sentiment is being fanned by the fact that we are again allowing the wrong policies to be pursued , in this case by imposing this massive package on Ireland . the project was coordinated by the Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment and aimed to promote public debate on the issue of biotechnology . each year always heralds enormous increases in the operating costs of this institution , this time camouflaged as it were as a necessary consequence of the Treaty of Lisbon , which to my knowledge has not even been adopted yet . Mr President , I voted in favour of Mrs Herczog ' s report on the Small Business Act . do we need to cooperate more ? I remember , too , a very famous Spanish Socialist Member of this House , elected in 1989 , who was particularly engaging and informative on the whole question of Roma culture . ( LT ) I would hope that in the 21st century , the death penalty will die out and that the instruments of the death penalty will only be found in a museum . the second point I would like to make is that , whenever we speak out against non-transparent transactions by foreign entities within the European market , we ask the Commission to take immediate action . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( IT ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I believe that today , with this motion for a resolution , we are taking an important step , because this Parliament must always condemn acts and events that endanger the lives of men and women on the grounds of their faith , religious beliefs or political opinion . last but not least , the consistent use of the three working languages - German , English and French - would make it genuinely possible to reach a majority of the population . the financial impact was serious , with tour operators and shops losing many good customers . thus , if the law is implemented , the former status quo may be restored , and Hungarians will be able to use Hungarian place names once again . ( the sitting was opened at 9.00 a.m. ) there is no justification for the didactic tone adopted by Union officials . all that achieves is an irritated sneer in Moscow . the issue of the burden on small businesses has already been addressed . if not , the vulnerable will pay the price for a mess that they are not responsible for . in our estimates this represents EUR 62.6 billion , which is equal to 43.5 % of the total draft budget . I believe that we should try a little pragmatism for the sake of the companies and the women concerned . Irish farmers do an excellent job of ensuring that their goods and the production processes used are of top quality , and equivalent standards are required to ensure a level playing field , proper competition and the sustainability of the European agricultural sector . we regret that the draft budget does not include a special fund for rehabilitation and reconstruction in countries affected by hurricanes and typhoons in the Caribbean and Asia . in particular , I would like to mention the strong spirit , indeed the will , that prevailed , including on the part of the Commission and the Council in the end , to arrive at a really constructive solution . however , European companies will only be competitive on these markets if they are motivated by the European regulatory environment to pursue continuous innovation and development . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , the conclusion of a free trade agreement between the European Community and the Gulf Cooperation Council has been the subject of negotiations since 1988 and it would seem that they will soon be concluded for once and for all . it is a critical , difficult time , a very challenging task . in writing . - ( PT ) I think that the threat to the security of air transport is a real one and that the risks involved are enormous . so I think that we can tell something in the future . however , on balance I think a lot of improvement is being made from the original proposal and I am inclined to support it . we have all achieved this by spending every last penny of the resources received through the multiannual financial framework . this is not the right kind of language to use for the situation in Ukraine . some measures have already been introduced at European level . permit me to take a look across the big pond at the US in this regard . for these reasons , we have decided to vote against this report . I would like to thank Commissioner Dalli , in particular , for his attention and for announcing more rapid action , because cancer has its own dynamic and so we , too , need to act dynamically . alongside the current forms of security , full body scanners have been brought into use . I too , like the rapporteur herself , believe that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund must support workers made redundant as a result of structural changes in global trade patterns . we need to encourage our Parliament to look at these issues in technical detail in the future so that we have equality and solidarity between the sexes . there are too few of them , they are too powerful and too lacking in transparency , and their structure and importance is an example of how badly things have gone awry with our global financial system . I visited him afterwards to say that we needed to lift the sights of this Economic Council to look at the long range strategic technological issues that we are both working on , and particularly to work around the basis of standards which my committee has been doing a lot of work on over the last few months . unfortunately , that is all I can say . I am a little surprised at the debate that we are having here . these services are appropriate and crucial for this section of the population : people with exceptionally low income , areas with very high unemployment levels and people in difficult social situations , not to mention those affected by social exclusion . I think that on no account should we do this , because if we did , then we would devalue ourselves completely , as well as the European Union as a whole . in connection with this a common political vision is necessary , which is based on past achievements and also has reference to the future . the aim , then , is not to reduce direct subsidies but to find a balance between such subsidies and rural development , so that the system is rendered simpler and fairer , without the rules of competition being called into question . it should be noted , however , that their popularity is also a function of the size of the budget available to each of these research areas of FP7 and , also , the number and type of signed grant agreements present in the databases at the time of such assessment . I should therefore like to encourage all of us to try to ensure that we are able to include the defining of roles , responsibilities and clear and quantifiable objectives in these social issues , specifically in terms of employment policy . a Europe of 6 , of 9 , of 12 , of 15 or even of 25 would have been smaller in every single respect - in ambition , in standing , in possibilities , in respect across the globe . that is a logical and conclusive procedure . that is why the European Parliament absolutely must be involved in taking , implementing and monitoring these decisions , since history shows that it was the European Parliament that made the reform of the Council regulation possible . in conclusion , is there not a danger , after all , of giving with one hand and taking away with the other ? so , for example , such people as Jacek Sobala , Anita Gargas , Jacek Karnowski and Wojciech Leszczyński have lost their jobs . I find the Commission proposal good . meanwhile , the dialogue initiated at that time by Prime Minister Olmert and myself between companies from the EU and Israel has got off to a good start and is producing results . the directory companies play on that uncertainty . it is worth remembering , though , that , just as ' no man is an island ' , no institution is an island , and the Commission is working with both Parliament and the Council on these issues . hygiene of foodstuffs ( of course cars are a significant source of greenhouse gases , but it is also true that the industry , in conjunction with its support industries , is responsible for 10 % of European GDP and provides 12 million jobs representing 6 % of employment in the Union . I fully support the efforts made to bring us to our agreed destination with the Lisbon strategy and give this report the support it deserves . our opposition to this mechanism and its implications is all the more justified because it results from the conclusion of an agreement between the EU , whose legitimacy resulting from the Treaty of Lisbon is questionable ( and in any case deplorable ) , and the regime of King Abdullah , which continues to violently repress the emerging , peaceful youth movement demanding reforms and democratic freedoms . the economic result - as with the reduction in social security contributions , which has failed to end the imbalance in production costs between Asia and Europe - will be illusory . the experience of the 2011 procedure was very instructive . ( Parliament adopted the motion . ) it is a shame that so many trees , recognised carbon reservoirs that they are , were sacrificed to print this text . social Business Initiative ( we have seen this throughout history . by the same token , they give the green light to those who are included in their tight circle of corruption . knowledge - whether protected or in the public domain - is becoming increasingly widely accessible . I want to say this to you because , in view of the obvious impetus which will be provided by the Treaty of Lisbon , we have our first opportunity to reduce this rift between the European people and the European institutions . on a visit to Slovakia last week , Viktor Orban , head of the leading Hungarian political party Fidesz , called on the Hungarian minority to undertake autonomy-related initiatives . when all is said and done , a policy of repression will not solve the problems of the Roma , nor the problems and tensions to which they sometimes give rise in our society . I believe that it is important to add that some very intense work went into this report , on the part of both the European Commission - a communication and a recommendation preceded this report - and the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy and others . since the start of the financial crisis , it has presented a large number of documents aimed at reforming the global financial architecture . I would like to thank the rapporteur for an excellent report . with conservative trends threatening the unity of the European Union , and we heard some of them this morning , the mobility of young people can be used as an important instrument for strengthening European cohesion . Parliament ' s position was clear as far back as September . this vote , having received a large majority , will allow 27 MEPs to assert their position loud and clear to the 27 Ministers in the Conciliation Committee . Mr President , Mrs Malmström , Commissioner , as you have both said , the situation in the Kivu region is extremely worrying , despite the presence of almost 20 000 MONUC troops . there is no clear political strategy , and I do not know what the death of our soldiers is supposed to achieve . that is why I will support the Commission ' s proposals . there have been some important achievements as a result of the negotiations with the Council . but if you want to develop European business , business needs consumers , and we cannot deny that consumers need the same tackling of bottlenecks , so that they can feel comfortable everywhere , as a Swede living in Brussels , for example - we need to have the same rights , we need to have the same rights when we are shopping and enjoying e-commerce and other distance selling . you said that counterfeiting continues to endanger our health , our safety and our economy . Madam President , the present time , marked by the crisis , should leave little room for tried and tested methods and for what has been heard before . I believe that , despite repeated requests , the Commission and Council have failed to provide credible substantive evidence supporting the proposals to start fingerprinting children from the age of six . to be able to use people ' s capabilities to the full and to take full advantage of ideas such as the EIT , what is needed is not just a well-developed infrastructure to encourage people ' s creativity , but also a support system that ensures there are proper working conditions , making it possible to continue personal development . at the end of this debate , I would first of all like to thank the interpreters , who chose to stay even though they were not required to . it proposes a strict division of tasks between the Commission , the supervisory authority and the European Space Agency , with the Commission being assigned the role of owner and the European Space Agency the role of manager . if we now look at this heartening agreement from a global perspective then I have one eye on the Doha negotiations . despite this , the claims persist . ( NL ) Mr President , I voted against the Starkevičiūtreport , as the passage about immigration shows the typical short-sightedness that has already cost us dearly . I think that this , among many other substances , poses a high risk . I therefore invite you , and the Council , to give it serious consideration . the answer has to be yes , in view of the dramatic increase in aircraft movements over Europe and the need to coordinate connections whilst retaining maximum safety levels . in writing . - The proposal for a directive on the European Protection Order , submitted by 12 Member States , is an initiative aimed at preventing crime . this proposal is simply about merging two regulations ; it is not about policy discussions or more money , so the right moment to have this discussion would be when we consider the future of our common agricultural policy , where our priorities should be well reflected in our budget allocation . we must also look at the good news . I voted in favour . unfortunately , there seem to be rather a lot of people here in the Chamber competing for first prize . both passengers and airline companies criticise the lack of transparency and sometimes also the excessively high airport taxes which add to the cost of travel to an unjustifiable extent . for poor African states , any aid is important , just as water is important , and also the fight against diseases , education , the construction of infrastructure and peace . the State and the citizens are to make savings , while the financial markets - the banks - are to evaluate whether enough savings have been made . the Council resolved to put an end to the isolation of that community and to facilitate the reunification of Cyprus by encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community . Zviad Gamsakhurdia , who became the first http : / / / wiki / President _ of _ Georgia " \ o " President of Georgia " of the http : / / / wiki / Georgia _ ( country ) " \ o " Georgia ( country ) " and has now become very fashionable again , described the http : / / / wiki / Ossetians " \ o " Ossetians " as ' trash that has to be swept out through the Rokihttp : / / / wiki / Roki _ tunnel " \ o " Roki tunnel " tunnel ' . I had the opportunity of seeing the astonishing diligence of cheap labour . inflation remains stable . there are municipalities with textile mills where unemployment is over 20 % ! it was allowed by the President , whereas Mr Martin was cut off . I am constantly working on this matter , and am in contact with both the President of the European Commission and the Prime Minister , who represents the Swedish Presidency . ( RO ) Madam President , Commissioner , the visa waiver for some of the countries which belong to the Western Balkans region marks an initial confirmation of the European Union ' s commitment to continuing the European process of integration . it is regrettable , therefore , that the man who devoted a large part of his career to this matter must now himself be absent for health reasons , and I wholeheartedly join in expressing good wishes for John ' s speedy recovery . of course , the European Parliament will have fewer seats and fewer powers than with the Treaty of Lisbon , but the European Commission will also have fewer Commissioners than Member States . the blame game will not do anyone any good . it is a state that will have to cope with huge geographical and infrastructural limitations , without an outlet to the sea and with a practically non-existent transport network connecting it to northern Sudan , where the oil treatment and transit plant is located . recently , an infringement case was closed for reasons of political expediency - I am referring to the MoSE project . now comes the moment of truth . in writing . - EU principles of rendering assistance to developing countries which are not covered by the Cotonou Agreement or by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument are very important . we are funding and supporting that , and will do so more in the future , because we believe that in the world of globalisation the challenges which lie ahead of us - be it food , health , drinking water , climate change , security or energy - are global and it is for us all to deal with them in the proper way . the Commission has stressed that ACTA is not a disguised means to circumvent their domestic legislative process and to devise their current laws and so has Parliament . therefore , after in-depth reflection and broad consultation , the Commission adopted , on 2 July last year , its proposal for a directive . Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the rapporteur has already pointed out both the aspects worthy of criticism and the positive aspects of the result achieved on Solvency II . in writing . - I would like to welcome this report which draws attention to the necessity of broadening the system of vocational training in the EU since equal access to quality lifelong learning means better chances in the labour market and thereby contributes to fulfilment of the goals of the EU ' s 2020 strategy . many of these are small and medium-sized enterprises , which make up the majority of Europe ' s businesses . however , this may of course mean 30 % in some countries and 10 % in others . oral explanations of vote I am not talking about quotas for researchers , but it is very clear that one of the most important barriers to employing and utilising the female talent base lies in the composition of recruitment committees . I agree with Mrs Lichtenberger that accidents on rivers are , of course , particularly dangerous . let us not forget that either . Malta would not have to undertake the capital expenditure needed to construct a power station . ( DE ) Mr President , in the old Rhodesia there used to be a tourism poster urging people to ' Come to Rhodesia and see the ruins of Zimbabwe ' . this legitimises social dumping and attacks on collective negotiation and bargaining in the EU and encourages ' competition ' between workers , in practice imposing the prevalence of the ' country of origin ' principle , that is to say , paying lower salaries and downgrading protection of workers ' rights in contractual relations with employers . precisely because we have insufficient cooperation , it was hardly possible to take appropriate compensatory measures on the ground . I would like to make an urgent request for clarification in this regard , because this is an unfair way of going about things . in the medium term , it will not be enough to have a network of regulators monitoring the financial markets . I also think that living conditions need to be improved in rural areas . they are internationalists . as a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs , I fully support the report by Mrs Sbarbati proposing acceptance of the Commission ' s proposal and the general agreement reached in the Council on the subject . this system makes provision , among other things , for measures suspected of constituting such violations to be suspended while the accelerated procedure for determining whether they are contrary to fundamental rights is carried out . the third reason is the respect and the preparation for the Lisbon Treaty . written statements ( Rule 149 ) Abominations such as child pornography and paedophilia , as well as Internet fraud , must be stopped . I did not vote for the general revision of Parliament ' s Rules of Procedure because , in seeking to avoid having an oldest Member by the name of Le Pen in the chair , an inelegant , indeed counter-productive solution has been found , despite there being a solution that would have been acceptable to all those here who are in favour of the policy of gender mainstreaming . subject : waste management in Greece the problem of illegal migration to Europe must not be disregarded either . the United States are amongst these , having recently included a number of countries into its visa waiver programme but left others out . we all know too about the increase in the cost of living that has ruined middle- and low-income groups . all sanctions against a country must be accompanied by visible , and therefore political , but also concrete support for human rights defenders in the country . there is , of course , a balance to be found , but there is also a sense that today ' s generation knows that there is a challenge which cannot be avoided . I think it fits perfectly with our long-term goal , which is to legislate and to regulate better , so I can only recommend all of you to support this repeal . I believe that you are entitled to this information halfway through my term of office . the EU forests are now facing more pressure than ever before , not necessarily because of climate change , but rather because of some of the decisions made in the EU to combat it . the rapporteur ' s oral amendment reflected these positive trends in Russia . ( FR ) Madam President , first of all I would like to say that I have enormous respect for Mrs Haug , who was passionate in her presentation of a comprehensive , demanding and , at the same time , very brave budgetary report , which was voted through unanimously in the Committee on Budgets and which aims to clarify Parliament ' s need for transparency and clarity in preparation for the 2009 budget . I believe that this report will enable the European Parliament to give the necessary guidelines and recommendations to the other institutions , but also to the civil organisations because , without their cooperation and participation , we will be unable to achieve the objective that we have set ourselves . it should transform the body from a temporary foundation into a permanent one ; above all , this must be accompanied by a simultaneous increase in staff and an updating of the extremely important Articles 2 and 3 in its Rules of Procedure . energy policy is , today , increasingly related to the foreign policy of the European Union . the Beijing platform contains a number of areas that are incredibly important if we are to make progress . as for imports , we must guarantee that the European market in fishery and aquaculture products does not suffer unfair competition as a result of less strict health and social conditions and ludicrously low tariffs . well , never two without three , Mr Poignant : Jouyet , Kouchner ... one Member State on its own does not have those resources . complex measures are required , such as legal advice , psychological support , support to the children concerned , and it is very important to listen to the victims , who are , I am sorry to say , the greatest experts in terms of what they need . please answer my question about how much local legislation affects European schools . it must therefore be respectful of the principle of subsidiarity . unfortunately , we are also seeing an increase in carelessness , according to inspectors , notably in the declaration of goods . the debate on the location of the European Parliament ' s seat resurfaces all the time , and this is a fresh attack today on the European Parliament ' s seat in Strasbourg . the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna on 18-23 July this year will stress the necessity of intensifying the information campaign addressed to women and young people . obviously in that situation people cannot understand any increase whatsoever , even if it is less than inflation . Commissioner , I think that for the benefit of all concerned , this situation should be rectified as soon as possible . if Parliament and the Commission prevail , however , the biggest innovation in the content of the text in the mid-term review will be the explicit expansion of the remit to include small arms and light weapons ( SALWs ) . because we have no luxury of time and , instead , I urge everyone to take decisions as soon as possible , so that we can make Europe 2020 a success and create real foundations for sustainable growth and job creation in Europe . I am referring specifically to the energy projects approved as part of the programme to aid economic recovery implemented during the Czech Presidency last year . from this point of view , the last G20 Summit in London , which has been mentioned , ended in what were , to say the least , partial proposals , but , above all , the words have not been turned into deeds , and the financial drift is there once again . Τhe next item is the joint debate on the following : I have taken note of the interventions about the victims . the issue of how to install this joint service is not merely a technical one . these matters are especially important to me , and I have demonstrated this many times , for example at meetings of what is known as the Rehabilitation Parliament of the Voivodeship of Sub-Carpathia - there have been 18 of them . in Washington , the G20 countries established the foundations , laid down the principles and defined the agenda for subjecting the financial markets to stricter and more effective regulation and supervision , leaving no areas , products or financial players outside the control of the regulatory and supervisory authorities . I deplore the fact that the shameful and unrestrained use of neurotoxins has been hypocritically supported in agreement with the large industrial chemical giants . this comes on the back of reports which claim that the British Airports Authority is to fingerprint and photograph all passengers checking in for domestic flights at Heathrow and several other airports . culture plays a role in bilateral agreements on development and trade , and through measures such as the European instruments for Development Cooperation , for Stability , for Democracy and Human Rights and for Pre-Accession , the European Neighbourhood Policy ( ENP ) , the Eastern Partnership , the Union for the Mediterranean and the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights ( EIDHR ) , which mostly allocate resources to various cultural programmes . it is probably no accident that some countries , such as for instance France , will sell their CO2 emission allowances to others . ( RO ) I would like to mention the fact that 2009 is the European Year of Creativity and Innovation . let me add that with your participation , Mr Figeľ , it is proving to be a great success . this has become a priority for the European Union , and hence also for the EIB . this will take place in October . the disquiet with such procedures is very much in evidence . it is therefore abundantly clear that investing in health systems is essential in the fight against poverty . protect your nationalities and minorities , for instance the Roma , with strong , collective rights , just as the new Hungarian constitution does , uniquely in Europe . this year we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948 . so when I see reports that are predicated on the fusion of practice for fusion ' s sake , I must be concerned . in order to safeguard and protect agricultural or forestry tractor operators , machinery should have EC type-approval . the internet poses numerous threats , which children need to be shielded against more effectively than is the case now . the maritime economy provides work for five million people , whilst 5 % of the EU ' s GDP comes from industries and services with a direct connection to this sector . - Before the vote on Amendment 14 however , I am not convinced that this forum , which is for discussing resolutions on violations of human rights throughout the world , is the right one . this painful observation should make the pro-Europeans think about the radical reforms needed at Member State level to limit as much as possible the disastrous consequences of the economic and financial crisis , a crisis which originated in the ultra-liberalism and globalisation that are so dear to Brussels . this opportunity , and the passage that refers to it , opens up new ways for Europe to translate the rhetoric usually associated with these issues into reality . the authorities in the Vilnius region were ordered to remove the signs in the Polish language within a month . the issue is particularly curious because ethnic Poles account for as much as 70 % of the population in the Vilnius region , and street signs in Polish are to be found almost everywhere . only six have shorter detention periods than those provided for in this Directive . the report is inspired by a keen perception of the extremely heterogeneous cultural aspects between different Roma communities in Europe . we have a new round of negotiations before us . that had to be done in a very short space of time . I get the impression that our officials at Commission level are holding the hands of and assisting the Brazilians to meet the standards . in other words , in some peripheral regions of Europe , there is talent , there is history , and there are cities that could play a major role in relaunching the European economy , but they cannot get there without aid , whether at Union level or at Member State level . disabled people , who still suffer from discrimination in their social , professional and cultural lives , are another priority . let me give you just a few examples : demographic change , climate protection , regional depopulation , and also , indeed , a modern European urban policy . customers should be able to purchase a vehicle at competitive prices and choose the supplier they want to carry out the repair and maintenance services , no matter which distribution system is chosen by the supplier . I am in favour of cooperation between independent states . the draft EU budget for 2009 had already made provision for an amount of payment appropriations 3 % lower than this year and , in addition , the European Commission has come forward with a proposal to reduce the amount of payment appropriations still further - by EUR 3.5 billion this year and by EUR 1.1 billion next year . therefore , they must objectively and rigorously account for how the public funds made available to them have been used . there are some really wonderful countries that are receiving these EIB funds , such as the Palestinian territories , Gaza , Libya , Cuba , Venezuela , Turkmenistan and the Maldives . I endorsed this document because the Commission ' s proposal to repeal Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1541 / 98 and to amend Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 3030 / 93 is driven by the European Union ' s policy commitment to simplify the legislation in force with a view to creating a better and clearer legislative environment for businesses , mainly with respect to the simplification of customs formalities carried out by importers of certain textile products released for free circulation in the Community , which fall within Section XI of the Combined Nomenclature . let us be honest , there is a disconnect between policymakers and citizens . what is important for the protection of Cameroon ' s tropical forests is , above all , that corruption is combated , both at the level of the officials and also where the private tenant farmers are concerned , that effective criminal prosecutions continue to be carried out and , of course , that sustainable forestry is practised . thank you . we therefore ask you to adopt the same measure with regard to the amendments to our resolution tabled by the PPE Group , which make explicit reference to the President of the Italian Republic , Giorgio Napolitano . the real problem of this debate is a problem we have here . a resolution is only a weak substitute for what we should do to redeem ourselves from the guilt borne by several members for the current state of affairs in this area . in writing . - ( PT ) Among other aspects , the profound changes which need to be made to the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) should include establishing the principle of the right to food and food sovereignty ; prioritising food self-sufficiency and the ability of countries and regions to develop production to meet their national or regional food needs ; and supporting activities which promote local production and respect the local environment , protect water and soil , increase the production of GMO-free food and promote the biodiversity of seeds for farmers and the diversity of species for domestic cattle . just like France , the United Kingdom cannot manage alone . very few of these ideas were realised . the Commission has many ways of ensuring that consumers and European citizens are protected against a possible food crisis . on the contrary , it is a call to act and shape our future . this is the MFF now serving as a benchmark for the debate on the financial perspectives 2013-2020 , with the proposal being , essentially , to maintain it . the energy relationship is extremely important and we also think that the starting point has to be reciprocity , but we do have to realise that we are dealing with a form of mutual independence here that we should try to manage better together . but let us be frank . the proposals to channel considerable amounts to the second pillar via modulation do not receive my support . Commissioner , a system has emerged here that continues to benefit those who already ensure that large concerns pay less and less tax and who are now apparently giving up paying tax . Commissioner , Mrs Berès , it is precisely the principle of solidarity that makes Europe more than an economic association and enables it to display the features of a strong political community . the outcome of a European initiative in the area of micro-credits should be modern , paying most attention to those purposive groups , which until now have not received sufficient attention . nevertheless , it is estimated , on the other hand , that the indirect benefits could be worth as much as EUR 60 billion per annum . all businesses engaging in economic activity contribute to GDP and their local units , as well as the corresponding legal units , will henceforth have to be registered on a compulsory basis . with this report , we are adding another element to the European strategy on youth policy . within the EU there are traditional ethnic minorities which are unable to study or use their mother tongue freely , and which lack cultural or territorial autonomy . so my question is : will this agenda for new jobs and growth not apply to Ireland or Greece or , indeed , any country that is implementing these severe austerity measures ? there are many European instruments which can be used to assist the car industry and its workers in particular . the Commission ' s priorities for the third Meeting of the Parties may be summarised as follows : we have worked together on air traffic for several years . what is stopping you from reacting , from acting , from rising to this challenge before it is too late ? in my constituency , there is a very successful business , called Austria Email AG , which manufactures electric boilers . the best thing would be for the Libyan people to be able to resolve this problem themselves and for them to then do so . the Commission , the experts , will come up with the proper scientific basis for endocrine disruptors in four years . has the Commission been able to establish whether the implementing measures of the memorandum of understanding are in line with the EU-US agreement and , if not , can we then assume that the agreement has become invalid ? that is not the spirit of the treaty . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( PL ) Madam President , the proposal for a directive on legal protection of industrial designs concerns liberalisation of the market in spare parts for the automotive industry . it is estimated that , within the Union , the value of the latter is EUR 10 billion . however , Frontex has also been able to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants in the areas it patrols . however , I would now like to draw attention to an area in which only EUR 2.7 billion was spent last year , but which causes significant problems . we have fallen quite far behind , and there could have been two or three contributions during the time that we have spent on this issue . we are creating an area of security and justice by enlarging and expanding the Schengen area . how are things at the moment ? a lot of work has been done , and the effort led to the new revision of the AGRI and NAMA texts . on behalf of the PSE group . - ( RO ) I would like to congratulate Mrs . Cizelj and thank her for the openness she has shown in the process of making this report . this will present a challenge to the European Union , bearing in mind the increased costs from the capital investment in capture and storage equipment , which will , however , fall as this equipment will be used on a large scale . I would like to call on Commissioner Füle , and on Commissioner Oettinger , to provide the European Parliament with information regarding the progress of the talks and the outcome of this group ' s negotiations . the third issue that I should like to raise is that it would be useful if we could find a vaccine for the new influenza . therefore , we have , for the first time , selected in advance the Members who will be granted speaking time using clear criteria , namely that those who requested speaking time in another debate with one-minute speeches but did not get chance to speak will now be granted speaking time where possible , whereas those who have already spoken in other debates will not be granted any speaking time . Europe should play a leading role in resolving conflicts , supporting development and promoting human rights . the Commission is aware that a significant number of public authorities and stakeholders consider the EU rules applicable to social services as an obstacle to the organisation and financing of such services . the EU has remained silent . at last , someone has given some thought to what is referred to as regional policy . we need some movement there . we cannot go naked into the conference chamber . the question is : is that what we really want ? ( FR ) Mr President , I wish to take the floor to call on our Parliament to declare itself clearly in favour of financial and technical sanctions against Iran . the Presidency does not always have the time to do this . Forsmark is a good example of this , Paks is another , as is the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant in Germany . this is to enable criminal law measures to be implemented in the event of pollution . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , these measures from the Commission appear to be sound , more or less . Galvus 50 mg ( diabetic pills ) ( GA ) Mr President , I commend the Slovenian Presidency for the emphasis it is placing on road safety . the Tanzanian Government is taking measures , including a register of all albinos , with a view to being able to protect them . without changing attitudes on the position of albinos , this register could be misused in future to track down these people and exterminate them . I think that this is how you will play your role as catalyst . I know that there has been a break as a result of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , but it is even more damaging for us if the Council and Commission do not keep us informed of these processes . it will subsequently be judged , however , on the determination , personal commitment and European-mindedness with which these are implemented , and on the success rate . the abduction and arrest of journalists must end . my question to you is : how do you feel about the expansion of that fund ? neither is it clear how entrusting control of the network to a single operator that is not the electricity supplier can guarantee an appropriate and adequate level of investment , non-abuse of a key position or better congestion management . ( SK ) First and foremost , I would like to express my support to the rapporteurs , Mr Lamassoure and Mr Severin , for their report . the other three amendments by my Group concern periods , for all of which we consider six months sufficient . they swept you from power , threw you on to the political scrapheap , and no iniquity that you may dream up will change this fact . defining a European approach to the management of legal immigration means organising it with obvious attention to the needs and hosting capacities of each Member State . the present appraisal reminds us that there is currently no forum in which this matter is being discussed and in which these common European security interests are being defined . that is the task . Madam President , following the release of Aung San Suu Kyi , Liu Xiaobo is now the only Nobel laureate who is incarcerated , in prison . if it were to be limited or censored , the very foundations of the European Union would collapse . this report confirms the importance of fisheries management based on up-to-date , accurate scientific knowledge of stock status . ( Parliament rejected the request ) I am addressing my remarks particularly to the Czech Republic , which will shortly be taking over the Presidency of the Union and should be setting an example . good examples certainly serve to encourage others to follow them . it is in our common interests to make the EEAS operational in 2011 . I would like to make one more important comment on the Irish referendum . during this period , let us support the movement of solidarity with the Kurdish cause . let us return to this issue in 10 years , when the situation in the Member States may be quite different . moreover , through the Spanish Presidency , it has raised the prospect of joint discussion and elaboration of a proper discharge procedure , thereby meeting the second main condition . when and where the rights of the minority are observed , the society will for the most part be just and tolerant . in writing . - I voted in favour of the report . follow-up of the energy efficiency national action plans : a first assessment ( short presentation ) the latter will have to be confirmed as a priority of cohesion policy after 2013 . an economy that provides rising living standards but which does not cost the earth . I would remind you that , in the context of this action plan , there are also those who say that we should call on all the resources available to maintain activity ; in this action plan you have very practical financial regulation measures that I listed just recently , which I do not intend to repeat , and whose rapid implementation we are awaiting at European Union level . we expressly call for the European Commission , too , to now carry out an evaluation , which must provide the answers to several very specific questions . this Treaty and the case for more democracy in Europe were supported not only by you , Mr Barroso , but also by those in power in the Member States . anyone who believes that the very best solutions for growth are not here must also admit that they do not know of any country that fails to grow if its public accounts are in order . in addition , a Green Paper on Agricultural Product Quality was presented last year . I hope that Mr Diamandouros continues to succeed in his good and important work and that he will manage to introduce improvements wherever possible . with reference to WTO negotiations , we are paying particular attention to the ongoing discussions on subsidies . we will continue to support such processes . in writing . - I congratulate my colleague Marianne Mikko on her report . OLAF is making something out of nothing and making an accusation against me on the basis of its own investigations . the Commission has , of course , carefully examined all reactions to the Green Paper , of which there are many hundreds . when looking at burden sharing , all the pressures and all the contributions need to be taken into account , and this is the very spirit of the European Union : the management of crisis by solidarity and responsibility . we have witnessed how many MEPs have used this report to promote their party agendas by requesting autonomy . Parliament supports the French Presidency at the summit next week in finally obtaining clarity regarding ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon . therefore , improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises is a priority for the Council as well . it must be an approach combining balance , solidarity and - as recalled by Mrs Gruber - an absence of taboos . thirdly , the social dimension of the Lisbon programme is a very skinny beast . the last aspect to be mentioned is the comitology procedure . one such piece of evidence is the fact that the European Union average in terms of women employed in industry is a mere 14 % . the report also introduces a series of proposals and suggestions for improving conditions for female prisoners , in particular single mothers and young prisoners . I have already informed Mr Bloom of my decision . that is why I have said on several occasions that I think a flat-rate system - that is to say , a uniform amount per hectare for all these categories - is not an appropriate solution . it should be based on a bottom-up approach , taking into account the diversity of the administrative systems currently operating in Member States . my conclusion in that situation is that all three countries are moving in the right direction , slowly and sometimes with setbacks , but I hold on to the fact that the situation is better than it was a couple of years ago . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Mr President , I thank the Commissioner and Mr Vondra , for the Council , for their explanation , but I am certain they felt that there is still some hesitation on our part in giving them our full support . I also wish to emphasise the importance of the ' ICT and tourism ' platform proposed by the Commission . firstly , how does the Commission intend to promote and support migration to the SEPA payment instruments ? I am alarmed to read that a woman who for many months knew the suspected terrorists currently on trial for terrorist offences in Glasgow and who apparently did not report his activities is now employed as an immigration ... either we move towards a common destiny , or we must resign ourselves to succumbing to the negative dynamic of national selfishness and destructive competition between ourselves . this will probably mean that we will find it very difficult to continue drinking our groundwater untreated as we do today . the European Parliament has not remained silent . a simplistic drawing of conclusions may cause us to abandon policies which are absolutely essential in the new situation . in line with the spirit of these preparations , the implementation of the treaty must not lead to a strengthening of the intergovernmental approach with the result that the community method , which is democratically controllable , more successful and more transparent , is suppressed . setting ambitious targets for the automotive industry is therefore essential in ensuring that the car industry holds true to its voluntary target , which it has failed to meet in the past . given the EIB ' s capital base , no more money can be forthcoming . both must , therefore , react as a legislator to reassert our intentions by legislating to close the loopholes identified by the European Court of Justice . the debate is closed . the future viability of the EU should not be measured in terms of decimal places . in our report , we call for an annual review by the Commission of public and private investment needs and for the introduction of performance indicators that will actually enable us to have a long-term investment strategy for the benefit of jobs , and hence , for the benefit of European citizens . that is precisely the attitude of those parties to the elections and to European affairs - a total lack of involvement . after all , they are the ones who have had to bail out the banks . concerning specifically the financial impacts , the Commission fully understands the importance attached to the cost-related elements of this proposal , and will continue to be attentive to the cost aspects during the next stages of the negotiations . we believe that , too often , it has deliberately chosen to give way to the Council , so as not to upset anyone . any solution sets a precedent . these measures must include the whole world , because in some countries there are organisations which question the penalising of sexual contact with children . is that not a fair question , given the time we have been negotiating ? this is a very important aspect of this issue . Madam President , only last week in my constituency of Northern Ireland , dissident Republican terrorists left two viable bombs in the Antrim Road area of North Belfast . we who affirm the need to control immigration and external borders , continue to beg Europe - as Mr Cohn-Bendit has rightly done - to spread what might become 50 000 or 100 000 refugees across its territory , because the people who flee Libya are not criminals . almost 50 % of this increased amount will be available for needs prioritised by the ACP countries themselves , including needs arising from the operation of the EPAs . what are you doing in the interim ? I am convinced that setting up the European Qualifications Framework will facilitate access to the European labour market . in view of this , ensuring that those who are vulnerable in our society receive a minimum income for living and are given immediate responses to enable them to get out of this situation is not only a necessity , but also a requirement that we should endorse , and one that must be achieved within a framework of responsibility and exigency . for almost 10 days we watched in horror as the fires destroyed life , property and the environment in Greece , and our minds returned to similar catastrophes in Portugal , Italy , Spain and elsewhere in Europe in previous years . it makes much more sense to call on the competent committee to appoint a rapporteur to deal with the process and also the technical background of the approval procedure . revising the mechanisms for applying the Schengen acquis must not be seen as an excuse to limit at will the right to free movement , but rather as a stimulus for new opportunities . European public opinion was shocked by last summer ' s disaster . one of these is , of course , the Commission , which is the main actor responsible for implementing the budget . bearing in mind the next Lima Summit , the attitude of President Chávez represents a serious challenge which must be carefully considered by the European Union and its Member States . the only thing that can prevent the influx into Europe of the least educated and most needy migrants looking for their place in the world is a well thought-out and coherent migration policy , as previous speakers have mentioned , such as those operated by Canada and New Zealand . if new regulation is justified - and it may be - it must be the right regulation and it must not turn out to be an impediment to recovery and prevent or delay that recovery . in committee , however , we maintained a balance , to which Mr Verheugen referred and to which I also attach great importance , although it has sometimes been overlooked in this debate . the text maintains a good balance between the protection of the freedom of expression and of privacy and the need to continue the fight against cybercrime , also highlighting the major problem of excessive monitoring of Internet activity , which can degenerate into a new form of censorship . the time has come for the proposal made in 2006 by Michel Barnier about creating a European civil protection force to be put into practice . however , that is a wish that will probably not be fulfilled . most Member States essentially supported the compromise decision under which three cabotage trips are permissible within seven days after unloading in the host Member State . regarding the priorities in external affairs , I would particularly like to stress a continuing , reprehensible lack of attention to the issue of human rights , starting , of course , with China . likewise , we cannot support the thinking behind , inter alia , recitals F and G. The calls for ' zero tolerance ' mentioned in the report are too vague and could lead to bad legislation if followed through . we share his criticism and that of the other groups . good use of all the opportunities must be made to ensure that attention to the issue does not wane , both at European level and , more importantly , at international level . ( SK ) I highly value the fact that all three reports require the personnel involved in all phases of pesticide handling to be highly qualified . women and science ( secondly , even though the ruling of the Court of Justice in the matter of on-call time and supplementary time for rest will remain unchanged , I am afraid that in many cases this will not lead to better protection for workers in practice . the horizontal aspect that characterises integrated maritime transport will be guaranteed - I hope with the forthcoming funding package - by the EU budget and not by the fisheries resources , which are used for specific actions . the status quo here is clearly not acceptable . more recent analysis conducted in 2010 shows that the costs of meeting the 20 % greenhouse gas reduction target have fallen by at least one third compared to the analysis made in 2008 . Mr President , first of all , I would like to thank Commissioner Hedegaard for her very good and committed work on these climate matters within the EU and at global level . problems and prospects concerning European citizenship ( but , besides the positive products of this accession , the EU must be up to the challenge of managing the possible threats that might result from such a vast administrative unit . Europe is our home . let me give you three examples of this . we are not talking about something in the past . I think we must then operate along two lines . may I thank the Commission for his thoughtful opening remarks and say how much we look forward to the Commission response in due course . in this report - and this has been accepted by the Council - we requested the Commission to further examine the impact on Member States ' levels . on behalf of the PPE-DE group . - ( RO ) The European Union enlargement strategy should be based upon the experience gathered so far and the current political and economic situation . the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs wants to expand the legal basis for the directive on disposal to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union . ( PT ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , quality assurance for vocational education and training is essential , not only for certifying the lifelong learning process of each European worker , but also for facilitating mobility throughout the Union . over many years , countries with significant national minorities have developed standards for avoiding conflicts of a nationalistic nature . ( DE ) Madam President , I would like to ask whether you realise that , in Article 6 , the word ' central ' before the word state needs to be deleted to make the wording consistent with the other texts . this package of proposals will help encourage Member States to apply a prudent budgetary policy and , if appropriate , to adopt corrective measures in good time to restrict penalties from being imposed . - Report : Pervenche Berès the debate on coordinating economic policies in the euro area is now unquestionably more relevant and more topical . let us go on . the fact that no one from the Council is present here is absurd and illustrative of how out of touch they are . the first is that we must , in my view , give thought to enlarging the euro zone and to integrating new members . it is not a simple issue but a huge challenge - a common challenge which we must cope with jointly . therefore , abandoning coal without having a viable alternative would not be appropriate . their implementation and control are of special significance , particularly for some new Member States like Bulgaria , where higher export levels determine the existence of trade deficit . however , it is necessary to recognise that the EU has still not achieved a comprehensive post-Lisbon approach , able to overcome traditional procedural and institutional obstacles . moreover , most Members set off for their constituencies on Thursday afternoons , and many have to travel for several hours before they reach home . once again , we are the guardians of the treaty and we will , of course , ensure that we follow the treaty to the letter . I agree with some , but not all , of the points highlighted in the report and for this reason I have decided not to vote for the report as it stands . there were a good 50 on that side of the Chamber who stood up . Parliament is looking at an action plan on implementing energy policy for Europe . therefore , what sort of trust can we have in action of this kind ? I believe that the vote on this report will enable Parliament to give the Council and Commission a clear , unambiguous signal regarding our position as representatives of Europe ' s citizens . only this will guarantee the efficiency and transparency and , finally , the credibility of the new diplomatic service . free nanoparticles of various materials may cause carcinogenic chemical reactions if they enter living cells , but this has not been confirmed . millions of my fellow countrymen were of a similar view , but the majority were deceived into thinking that the EU would help Poland to reach the levels of development of the ' old ' EU . however , events in the regions are also very important and I therefore have two short supplementary questions . I voted in favour of this report because I believe that , within the European Union , individual Member States still deliver early education very differently from one another . what the Afghans are waiting for is real investment in their country ' s development , in support for good governance , in the creation of a judicial system . in writing . - ( LV ) I fully supported this proposal for a resolution . however at the same time , I said , very clearly in fact , that this might not be enough . ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , of course we all know that smoking is bad for our health . after Parmalat and Enron , we asked the Commission and Council in 2003-2006 to speak out on rating agencies . in writing . - This is a period for critical decisions in the EU and Belarus relationship . the next item is the vote . the role of the EIB is becoming more and more important , not only within the framework of the cohesion objectives , but also in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy . the Commission is therefore setting an example from this perspective , but it is clear that the appointment of commissioners is in the hands of Member States and if the Member States do not put forward female candidates , then that will naturally be reflected in the make-up of the Commission . Parliament has stirred ; it has provided every kind of alternative to solve real problems , but this is an ideological problem . of course , the IMF and the Financial Stability Forum have a role to play in this . today , we have a sound EU policy on women , peace and security , covering all aspects of the Union ' s external relations , from crisis management up to and including humanitarian aid and development cooperation . an internal market should not only be about cheap goods - it is just as important to ensure high social standards for workers . the liability systems in the individual Member States - and this is my fourth point - are still highly diverse . Moscow needs to know that whatever it decides - whether to consider us partners or adversaries - the future and independence of Ukraine , Georgia and other neighbouring countries are not subject to power deals . the GALILEO programme is one of the priority projects for European research in view of its potential use for managing traffic , monitoring the effects of climate change and for intervening in situations involving emergencies and natural disasters . firstly , I am fundamentally opposed to increasing the EU ' s own resources . it will thus make it quicker and simpler to fill gaps or to regulate or update more detailed aspects in a legislative act , avoiding excessively complicated and prolonged legislative procedures , which used to have negative consequences for the public . cooperation between the European Union and the International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) has therefore become a key item on our agenda . this increase , which must be oriented towards flexibility , imagination , solidarity and good sense , must be accompanied by rigorous monitoring by the donors in terms of how the aid is used and by effective tracking of the sums made available to the beneficiary countries , from their transfer to their final destination . under the pretext of facilitating business opportunities within international air transport , this promotes the interests of multinationals within the sector at the expense of national companies and their respective strategic interests , including those that , as is the case in Portugal with TAP , are publicly owned . in addition , we should make a clear call for the Afghan Ministry of Justice to abolish all other laws which discriminate against women . with regard to the Lisbon Treaty , there is not enough diplomatic encouragement for ratification . my third point , Mr Barroso , is that the question of the Transatlantic Economic Council and the economic relationship with the USA , and not only its economic significance but also its strategic importance , seem to me not to be covered in sufficient detail in the Commission ' s paper . another key point , of course , is public health and safety , and I am pleased that the planned stress tests , both in the EU and , as has been said here , also in Belarus , and in the future Ukraine and Russia , should be such as to make people in the EU safe . then , very quickly , the European Commission - which I congratulate - adopted a proposal to establish the MEDIA Mundus programme . we need to support a balanced view of the migration issue and recognise that immigration for work is more than necessary and will become increasingly so in the future given the demographic forecasts . again it clarifies the scope and maintains the rights people already have . if the state authorities use brute force and uncontrolled repression against the citizens of their own country , this deserves condemnation . direct contact between people is worth more than any declaration . in West Africa , I see an emerging regional market access position many thought impossible , and in East Africa I see an emerging customs union that did not exist when negotiations started and is now building an EPA around their own integration plans . Mr President , I should like to make clear from the outset that we can endorse the use of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) for these three applications . simply put , this opposition is clear . the President of the European Parliament recently sent a formal request for cooperation to the presidents of the national parliaments and a hearing will be held shortly . the question of our standards has got to be acknowledged and recognised . they are now finalising a number of common proposals which they will announce in due course . I am also going to leave to one side the environmental issues relating to electric cars , in order to talk about employment problems : you , together with Mr Tajani , refer to the fact that , if Europe wants to protect itself from the emerging countries and if it wants to become the point of reference at international level , then it cannot overlook research and innovation . we also wish to emphasise the need to develop entrepreneurship , which must overcome the obstacles and dangers , address the dangers and continue , so that we have a Europe which is strong in development and in protecting its citizens . what about if the price of oil kept rising to reach the 100 dollar mark , which is where it is now ? in 2006 the European Parliament proposed to the Turkmen authorities that they take undertake a number of measures so that Parliament could finally approve the Interim Trade Agreement . we also heard very sad stories about how sizeable areas , island areas of some of these countries , are already disappearing . there is no easy finance available , especially for SMEs , given that it is only the people ' s banks which will lend to SMEs ; they should be supported rather than obstructed . I note with regret that my fellow Members failed to pick up on this aspect and have allowed themselves to be influenced by reasoning that goes against the principles of European solidarity . I do not understand the kind of people who ignore their nation ' s misfortune and keep Burma completely isolated , although it is clear that the country cannot cope on its own . ( EL ) Mr President , allow me to start by congratulating the two rapporteurs on the excellent work they have done at a particularly difficult juncture . there are , however , problems to which we must not turn a blind eye . Mr President , Commissioner , I would like to begin by thanking my colleague from the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , Mr Klinz , for his excellent work . the creation of this Office perfectly illustrates the need to put in place a common European asylum system . the first is to really tackle tax havens , so much money that is missing from the States ' coffers . finally , to Chris Davies , yes you are right . unfortunately , I have about 18 names on my list , so not everybody will get the floor because we do not have enough time . that will be okay with us . in the report we also state that the Member States themselves determine this area . this balance was not always easy to achieve on individual points , but I believe that , in the end , we did find a very sound middle ground solution that satisfies all the interests . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( HU ) Mr President , my party and I are among those who have supported the creation of a Parliament with stronger cohesion in the event that we raise the threshold that has been a condition for forming a group up to now and at present . to point out that there is some discrimination against women is to get things slightly out of proportion . it can already be concluded that synergies could have been created between the three projects to make the EU action more efficient and effective . I am also worried that secular , democratic Bangladesh , also a country prone to flooding , will suffer as a consequence in terms of unfair competition , and it , too , is heavily dependent on textiles . a new government team may have taken office in Chişinău on 25 September with a promising name and programme - the Alliance for European Integration - but the Communist Party remains strong and is already preparing its return to power by forcing new elections , as expected . precisely because of the provisions contained in the Treaty of Lisbon , the European Commission must be prepared to ensure that when the portfolios are created , appropriate emphasis is placed on the issues of human rights and freedoms inside the European Union . I would like to remind everyone that right now many governments shun their duty of solidarity by not taking part in Frontex . it is a democratic state , and a democratic country . the directive relating to human trafficking is an important step forward , because human trafficking is a reality , even in Europe . how did the subprime problem start ? on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , firstly , I agree with Mr Borg that it is a pity that we have had to work in this way , on the basis of unofficial documents which have not yet been translated into all the languages , when for some considerable time this Parliament has been requesting measures and sounding the alert about the serious crisis threatening the fishing industry . instead there will be a Troika summit , which is far less ambitious . those at the top of the EU have thus chosen not to send out clear a signal ahead of the elections to the European Parliament . again , it is people who have not been democratically elected , it is judges who sit at a nice comfortable distance from reality . ( SL ) I was delighted to see this report , because it has all the necessary elements for a speedy resolution of this issue . however , all adults should ultimately be responsible for making their own decisions about the extent to which they are prepared to accept the resulting damage to their health . I agree completely with the author of the report , and would like once again to recall that in the decided majority of Member States new Members of Parliament have already been appointed in accordance with current regulations . given that a two-fold evaluation mechanism is involved in this case , it must be implemented , as we are talking about evaluating and verifying the application of the Schengen Community acquis to ensure that it is implemented in a transparent , effective and consistent manner . however , the extent to which this is actually feasible in practice is not absolutely clear in my view . public procurement accounts for approximately 18 % of Community GDP , and therefore has a key role to play in relaunching the economy and employment . 32 . the Commission recognises this in its strategy , but the proposals for measures are vague . this is linked to my call to reinforce the supply from southern Europe . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , this is the second report today on statistics and I should like to remind the Commission that we have actually set ourselves the aim of reducing administrative expenses by 25 % , since , in connection with statistics , there continues to be an outcry from those concerned not to allow excessive expenses and costs to accrue here . Member States will align policies with the resources to back them , and I hope to merge the EU Special Representative and the Head of the EU Delegation into a single post as soon as possible . it is the duty of each state and not of anybody else to choose the most appropriate outcomes for its children . now , continuing on the broader issues , trade defence instruments are there for good reasons . I was sceptical as to the need to set the ' sunset clause ' at 31 December 2014 , if , according to the proposed regulation , the European Commission has to present a report on the application of the resolution by 1 January 2014 . as regards the current discharge procedure , with respect , in particular , to the other institutions , which is my field , I should like to express my agreement with the steps that have been taken since last year ' s Spanish Presidency decided , when applying the Treaty of Lisbon , that it was time to bring the necessary transparency and control of the Council ' s accounts up-to-date too . the regulation also provides for compensation and assistance in the event of an accident , passengers ' rights in the event of cancellation or delay , and the rights of people with disabilities and / or reduced mobility . I support energy labelling , it is a necessary standard , and I think reproaches about who belongs or does not belong to a particular industrial lobby should be set aside . without this amendment , the period would have expired on 31 December 2010 . we agree with some aspects of this report such as : the need to make greater progress on dealing with the pay gap between women and men ; the promotion of entrepreneurship among women ; the importance of policies at national level that seeks to promote an improving work-life balance . - Before the vote on Amendment 996 finally , Europe has to be a leader as regards both regulations and the construction of storage facilities . in the first place we had the experience of the previous periods and secondly there was the relatively challenging effort to simplify the system without disrupting its overall equilibrium . I think this is important in order to bring this dialogue further . the Strategic Partnership executive document currently under negotiation foresees the establishment of a formal EU-Mexico policy dialogue on security issues , as well as increased cooperation with relevant EU agencies such as CEPOL , Europol , Eurojust and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ( EMCDDA ) . I think that two funds should be set up : one for the needs of the EU and one for other countries in order to avoid a situation where there are no funds left for assistance to poor countries . there are already European Union observers there , available , so that as soon as the frontier is opened at Rafah , we will be ready to deploy . was he suggesting that we should refrain from supporting this resolution , or was he expressing the opposite , namely , wholehearted Socialist support for adopting it right now ? I am not taking the same attitude as others here who believe that countries like Greece , Ireland and Portugal did everything right : that they made no mistakes and did not go too far ; that they did everything right and it was only the international crisis that caused problems . however , we are all citizens of Europe . green energy , for example , is far more jobs-rich than investment in business as usual , yet the package agreed by the G20 will actually lock the world into a high-carbon economy at exactly the time that we should be shifting to a very different low-carbon sustainable economy . Co Ltd . in addition to its religious function , Mor Gabriel is the cultural and economic centre of the Assyrian Christian minority in the region . what a denial of national sovereignty and what contempt for the citizens and governments of our countries . it cannot be a relationship where either party feels entitled to lecture or hector the other . this is not the case at Prague Castle . the Ombudsman is a figure in the European institutional system whose purpose is to defend the rights of European citizens and to counter maladministration . however , freight transport needs a good transport infrastructure and that is why we hope that the budgets relating to the Community and national transport projects will become a priority in the future . it is important for Turkey to retain this understanding . surely not . but of course , that is the whole point , because the court is not allowed to look at the evidence ; they have no right . for this reason , I voted in favour of Mr Ferreira ' s report . it is true that the coming months will be difficult , but we do need to celebrate this turning point . given that some regions possess clear geographical and natural disadvantages such as depopulation , among other things , I believe that this measure is fundamental if we are to make cohesion policy more effective . every child has a right to education . these are some of the detailed matters : it undermines the whole strategy . this Treaty will be officially signed in Lisbon on 13 December . it is essential for European policies on development to be coherent . I congratulate them on the quality of the accounts , which were audited with a favourable opinion by an external firm and by the internal auditor . we aim to create a better , clearer legislative environment for businesses . however , although many people have Internet access these days , not everyone does . in particular , workers have the right to establish associations and to negotiate working conditions collectively . since the very raison d ' être for these machines has now been compromised by this legal advice - and I address this directly to Commissioner Barrot - is it not now time that the Commission ruled that the use of these types of scanner in the EU should not be allowed , since my constituents travelling anywhere in the Union should not be subject to this indecent and degrading treatment ? for example , a call to ban all government officials and representatives of the justice system from entering the EU will not achieve the intended objective . it reflects previously adopted objectives and assumptions and , in this respect , it fulfils the necessary criteria . ( the President cut off the speaker ) we will now achieve a real internal market , uniform competitive conditions and a great deal of progress towards health protection . therefore , women working in what is known as precarious employment deserve special protection . this is very serious . the report significantly improves safety and reliability in the internal market . I am told that the EU is importing from the rest of the world an amount of food that would take about 35 million hectares of land to grow . the challenges of the future are changing constantly , and regional policy must be able to adapt to this change , as is evident from the discussions here . in former socialist countries , the situation seems even more dramatic since the previous gender policy led to the development of a significant segment of women who were active in the field of science . Mr Marinescu , I have praised the excellent work of the Portuguese Presidency , which has allowed new Member States to join the system . how far we go at the June European Council as regards the EU ' s own internal arrangements will very much depend on how far our international partners , including the US , have gone and on the status of negotiations in the multilateral framework . I would warn Members against calling for legislative measures in this report or possibly interpreting the text as including such measures after the event . we have therefore actually asked the Commission what it intends to do first to change the rules and practices as a result of this court decision , so that openness , transparency and democracy might be implemented , and what the Council has planned to do to implement openness and democracy and also to make national opinion visible after a decision . I therefore feel that this report is very important . the Communist Party of Greece votes against both the report and the Commission ' s proposal for a directive . within the common fisheries policy too much attention has been paid to the recent report of the Court of Auditors on control and enforcement . a key item in an international agreement would be the question of what happens to energy-intensive enterprises . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I agree with the rapporteur over the need to simplify fishing rules with a regulation that can implement the recommendations adopted by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean . all the Catholics and Orthodox or Protestants and Anglicans might interpret that in very different ways , but I would caution against defining the Jewish heritage out of Europe . it is important to accelerate the development of direct contact between citizens of the South Caucasus and European Union Member States . we must name problems very clearly and seek solutions together . there is one point which we need to be clear about : thoroughness is more important than speed . there have been some encouraging developments at times , but these are also accompanied by some very repressive judgments . thank you for your speeches . passengers will be entitled to refreshments in the case of short delay , a refund for over 2 hours ' delay , and up to EUR 1 200 for lost or damaged luggage . since the report is excellent and is right to give due consideration to the principle of subsidiarity , I should like , briefly , to address the link between urban mobility and inland shipping . it falls to Sweden to include an exemption in the Treaty of Lisbon , stating that the effects of the Laval judgment have no bearing on Sweden . we must also abide by the provisions of the Stability and Growth Pact . in this way , ambiguities and contradictions will be removed from a directive which is already 33 years old and which , during that time , has been amended 55 times . such weapons and technologies have been proliferating . this means , on the one hand , that the instruments involved are extremely difficult and the procedures are very complicated , but , on the other , it produces a clear effect of cooperation between the European Union , Member States and local authorities . this amount must therefore be increased . the elections are between the democratic and Communist forces . I appeal to you to take a clear , final decision tomorrow in order to protect consumers . in addition , the report examines the steps taken by Member States to improve recovery of amounts not collected or wrongly paid , as well as the mechanisms under national law for recovery by offsetting . the key aim of these measures is to revitalise the Western Balkan economies through privileged access to the EU market . someone is accountable and must be made accountable . I wish to testify before this House , as one might testify in court , that it is not true that Jaime Mayor Oreja ' s outstretched hand was rejected . indeed , I wanted to stress the fact that , in the many negotiations on trade agreements currently under way with several of the EU ' s partners , it is essential to reach balanced agreements which are based on the principle of reciprocity . the situation is complicated by the Government ' s decision to retain payments to the second pension tier . Mr Martinez has explained his theory on inverted tariffs to us . due to its extraordinary growth rates and gradual market opening , India offers new business opportunities and a strong potential also for growth for European airlines , aircraft manufacturers and service providers . at the same time , it is demanding increases in taxes on grassroots consumer products and an increase in VAT rates . this must be a flagship initiative and not relegated in the way that it is in the EU 2020 initiative , and I hope that both of you will help us to make sure that that happens over the next few weeks . rapporteur . - ( ES ) Mr President , the decision my report proposes to this Chamber is , above all , political , in the strictest sense of the word . I welcome the focus on better research in Europe , especially as we know 85 % of research today is without EU coordination . this has to stop and this must be a strong message sent to Ankara by the European Parliament . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , during our last debate in July on access to medicines , I concluded my comments by calling on the Council and the Commission to make clear and formal commitments that would guarantee Europe ' s active involvement in finding new solutions and its desire to be a front runner in the fight for access to affordable medicines for everyone . air transport emissions are rapidly increasing ; they have almost doubled since 1990 and are expected to double once again by 2020 . in addition , we welcome what the report says on the support being given to the School Milk Scheme , and the Commission ' s proposal in relation to increasing the funding of this scheme and the funding of the School Fruit Scheme . one of these signals relates directly to the subject of our debate today . it is madness that we apply more stringent red tape and regulation to our own EU producers than we apply to our competitors outside the EU . competition with Google also spotlights numerous issues which will have to be resolved . I believe that today , when we adopt this initiative , we will have signed the death warrant of the idea of a ' democratic deficit ' . this figure is also just over a quarter of the amount granted to Italy , one of the main EIB shareholders . there is a tariff deficit , there are regulated tariffs that distort the market . the client signs a contract that he does not always read and even if he does , he would like to suggest changes , which is not possible . the European citizens ' initiative will make a significant contribution to making the European political system more democratic , as it establishes a direct link between Member States ' citizens and EU institutions . it awakens hope for the introduction of change and for democratisation . in the event of a delay in excess of 120 minutes or the cancellation of a connection , transport providers must offer passengers the option of continuing the journey , rerouting the journey at no additional cost to the passenger or refunding the ticket price . there are always new timetables , more percentages , new regulations and stipulations . I am very pleased with the result . I have spoken with Mr Markert and he told me what he actually said . it is that threat that has caused the emergence of new regional groupings , and we will possibly see bilateral agreements , for example with Côte d ' Ivoire . ( FR ) Commissioner , my first question has already been asked by Marianne Mikko : is there a problem of competition or lack of coordination among the various NGOs , and is the Commission playing its part in trying to coordinate the excellent job each of them is doing ? the text has finally been referred back to the committee . no statues of Mr Putin have been erected in the streets of Russia as yet , but there are signs of a personality cult . further reforms are also necessary in order to strengthen media freedom and pluralism . could you please look into this and find out about the specific case that I have asked about ? provided it is accompanied by a strict definition of the requirements with which closed aquaculture facilities will have to comply , as well as by adequate monitoring of compliance , it will not compromise the necessary protection of biodiversity and the environment . it is putting unbearable strains on infrastructure and public services . challenge of energy efficiency through information and communications technologies ( vote ) that is , the directive accepted by the Council incorrectly designates the base year and thus papers over the efforts hitherto made by Member States with regard to harmful emissions . first of all , with regard to the draft framework decision on combating terrorism , combating terrorism is a challenge for the European Union that requires the pooling of all our efforts . misleading practices are illegal under the Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive and the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive . to do this , however , we should not run over the agenda . the efforts of the European Union Special Representative will certainly continue and the efforts of the European Commission will continue and be stepped up , in particular as regards the implementation of a package of confidence-building measures - we very much appreciate Georgia ' s support for this package . ( RO ) I would like to draw your attention during today ' s debate to the case of Israeli soldier Ghilad Shalit , who was kidnapped in Kerem Shalom in June 2006 , aged just 19 . then , I think , we will be able to work very effectively on those action programmes which offer advice and assistance and which are backed by the European Commission . you mentioned this issue , Commissioner . the procedure will also allow us to produce a draft resolution setting out our concerns on the agreement in issue - in this case , Mauritania - with the request that they be taken on board by the negotiators and ultimately become part of the final Protocol . beyond the rationale of cohesion policy which is , and should remain , a central pillar for achieving the new sustainable development goals , and in order to help regions to face forthcoming global challenges which will impact more and more on their development , the Commission believes we should all keep on strengthening the delivery mechanisms of cohesion policy built upon the principles of an integrated approach , partnership and multilateral governance . this is a measurement of poverty that is carried out in terms that are absolute and purely financial , and does not take into account the diversity of the 27 Member States ; its line of argument can be summarised as one of simple solvency . it has gone over six million for the first time since the mid-19th century . the decommissioning of old and unsafe nuclear power plants in Europe is essential for sustaining the life and health of European citizens . this aid must be administered in a swift and responsive manner in order to have any chance of being effective . we agree that there are other reasons for failure , but our recent Eurobarometer surveys show that contract-law related obstacles rank first out of eleven obstacles to business-to-consumer transactions . we have to remind the European Union and the international organisation that sexual orientation is a matter falling within the remit of the individual right to privacy guaranteed by international human rights law , according to which equality and non-discrimination should be promoted , whilst freedom of expression should be guaranteed . with the three reports under discussion today , the European Parliament is giving a very strong indication of how it means to achieve these objectives and guarantee security . in addition , approximately 92 % of manufacturers of construction materials , amounting to 65 000 enterprises , are SMEs with fewer than 250 employees As SMEs are the backbone of our economy , this proposal calls for recognition of their role and needs , as well as for a high level of health and safety for those working in this sector . ( FR ) Mr President , I perfectly understand the argument stated by the rapporteur , leading us to vote firstly on Amendment 812 . I am very sorry about that : we would have preferred to have had a lot of you here . but you are behind the times . I very much hope , however , that we can get this support before Copenhagen ; it is a matter of urgency . I fully understand those who are fighting to retain their old privileges , but this is simply not the agenda that we politicians must pursue . as a famous philosopher once said , ' entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity ' . Madam President , Commissioners , State Secretary , based on Mrs Járóka ' s report , and in conjunction with it , we are glad to progress further towards the implementation of the Roma strategy . an EU civil protection mechanism , a team of six experts , is also now in Chile . before long , Africa will account for 20 % of the world ' s population , while Europe will account for just 5 % . I would like the Member States to have equal access to this register . naturally , we know full well that European culture consists of the sum of the cultures of all of the countries that make it up , and we all want Europe to be not just an economic area but also , and above all , a community of values . the CETA is by far the most ambitious bilateral FTA the EU has ever negotiated under the 2006 ' Global Europe ' trade strategy . the European Central Bank already has EUR 360 billion in financial instruments on its books that are not freely tradable and holds a further EUR 480 billion in poorly secured securities . this is why we are giving the following message to the Commission and the Council : for us the objective of achieving a five-year financial framework which runs in parallel with the term of office of the Commission is not negotiable . and the proposed legislation - I am glad that the Commissioner has just given it his blessing - certainly must not add to the red tape . allow me to mention two essential elements from the debate . we must avoid those errors that are currently looming in relation to petitions at all costs . the reduction in hazardous substances , upstream , will also lead to a reduction in recycling costs . the Commission has put the development of ICT and of the Information Society , which has huge potential benefits for European economy and society , at the heart of its programmes . ( FR ) Madam President , I congratulate our three rapporteurs for this quite remarkable summary that they have given of the current state of our common foreign and security policy . as always , however , it will be the taxpayer who pays for these ' efficiencies ' . it provides an important added value for both the market and consumers . the EIB ' s mandate expires in October . it will be an indication that they have arrived at statehood . asset management II ( debate ) having said that , just as with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict , the EU has chosen not to take the necessary action . furthermore , I am concerned by the fact that the agency ' s staff regulations and their implementing rules have not been followed . in June 2009 , the Commission tabled the EU CBRN Action Plan , which was amended by the Council in November . firstly , I would like to thank the speaker for his cooperation and for keeping his ears open to various proposals . are there not perhaps one or two things that can yet be done in the realm of state supervision ? before the crisis , in 2007 , Portugal had economic growth of 2.4 % of GDP and a deficit of 2.6 % . therefore , the development of EU projects in this state coincides perfectly with the Union ' s priority to eradicate poverty . the military is both a stability factor and an impediment to democracy . I think that to do this - I am coming back to the question of the network of experts - it is not a matter of using technical expertise to replace sensitive political decisions , but of ensuring that the sensitive political decisions are based as far as possible on objective information . the big Member States , such as Germany and France , are afraid of Turkey , which is a large , influential country . borrowing today means debts tomorrow , debts that the Member States will be obliged to repay at a future date . I would like to make one thing clear on behalf of my group , however , which is that we do want transparency , but the methods of achieving it must continue to be up for discussion . and I want the new green technologies of the future to be the source of British jobs in British businesses . ' ( the sitting was suspended at 19.35 and resumed at 21.00 ) the policy should be the polar opposite of this . I have made a commitment to Parliament ; I will not tell people what to eat . the demographic risks involved are a priority for EU-level social policies . what is happening today , as regards the capital transferred from the newly admitted Member States , is impossible to control and contradicts the fundamental ideological precepts of the EU . to conclude I would like to stress that urban development must follow an integrated and well-coordinated strategy , supported at all levels by both the government and the private sector . subject : creation of an Observatory on Violence Against Women as far as this issue is concerned , as you know , the Commission takes the view that the existing tools of the carbon dioxide emissions system should be extended by introducing a sectoral credit mechanism . it is not an easy task , as the expelled NGOs were among those very capable of working in such difficult and remote areas . it would seem that , globally , progress has been made in this field , but the sad fact remains that totalitarian regimes still exist today . Mr President , I believe that the Commission first published a guidance document on the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive back in 2006 , and at the time the Socialist Group - in response - led a call in Parliament for a toughening up of the Directive . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , in the current difficult economic and financial scenario , Europe must continue to support projects in the sector of energy efficiency and renewable energy for a sustainable and social competitive economy . it is an EU mission which , in addition to being illegal in itself , is making an agreement with an illegal entity , therefore rendering it doubly illegal . in common with the majority of the Member States , I believe that the solutions put forward by the Commission are unsatisfactory . I voted against this report for several reasons . its objective is to establish 22 May as the annual European Obesity Day , raise awareness of the need for action at European level and ensure that the voices of overweight and obese patients are heard . our condolences and sympathy go to the people of Greece . it targets the practices of unscrupulous employers , whilst protecting migrant workers who , most often , are the victims in such cases . we must be careful not to replace our addiction to oil with a new addiction to subsidies . in addition , in keeping with Mrs Roure ' s report on open and secure reception centres , adopted on 5 February , Parliament identified a number of problems in these centres . 8 . when they hear this , minority rights activists immediately cry segregation , even though the objective is rapid inclusion . it is one of the many results of omnipresent consumerism . I voted in favour of the report on key competences for a changing world : implementation of the Education and Training 2010 work programme . this proposal updates the EU legislation transposing the scheme of control and enforcement adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Commission . at the time of voting , I did not support the amendments submitted by the GUE Group , which aimed to make Member States ban or limit work opportunities through temporary employment agencies . very few ships have their hazardous materials removed before they reach the breaking yards . I also hope that the Commission completes , as quickly as possible , the process of the EU ' s membership of the European Convention on Human Rights ( ECHR ) , which will provide an additional mechanism for the respect of human rights . I hope that solidarity will develop among the Member States of the Union , in the interests of assuming an effective role in Kosovo . I would definitely say that it is not an option to be disregarded , even if it can sometimes cause confusion . it means that Europe will have to fight with a new vision and with sophisticated policies in order to retain its position in global economic decision-making . furthermore , I agree with a deferral on the obligation of electronic sheep tagging . I would like to stress the importance of natural relations in the development of EU-Serbian cooperation . cohesion policy from 2013 onwards must meet the needs of the European regions , to help the EU community grow and flourish . ECAs are therefore instruments that are well placed to contribute to EU foreign policy objectives , in particular the alleviation of poverty and climate change . Mr President , during President Obama ' s recent tour of the Middle East , we heard him say that they saw their most important partnership as being that between the United States and India . what also clearly emerges from the debate is that we need both continuity and reform in policy delivery . agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes we therefore voted in favour of these proposals . therefore , despite the fact that no conclusion was possible by the end of 2008 , the Council remains fully committed to the multilateral trade system , as well as to the conclusion of an ambitious , balanced and comprehensive outcome of the WTO Doha Round . I hope that you will be able to do so , but do let us know . as a supporter of a strong common market , I prefer market barriers to be removed and not created . ( ET ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen . in writing . - ( PT ) We completely agree with the report when it states that ' the current economic model , which entails constant maximisation of consumption , production and trade , is unsustainable as this results in ever-increasing demand for resources and transport and a growing quantity of waste and emissions ' and that the current trading system produces ' a global division of labour which is based on a very high input of transport of products ' , which could be produced locally in a more sustainable way . support for the idea of creating two e-justice Internet portals seems justified . I therefore suggest that we postpone the vote until 29 November , at the next plenary , in Brussels . ( PL ) Mr President , the allocation of funds from the various budget lines always awakens the strongest emotions and debate . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Madam President , our resolutions on this issue address the dual challenges of eradicating hunger - which currently affects one sixth of the world ' s population - and securing a food supply for the future . for the above reasons , I supported this report . it is very important for this proportionality and equal treatment to be implemented in the foreign service . support for the governments of Member States is now required , so as to enable them to make use of the latest technological achievements in the field of energy . several of you referred to RAPEX . well , these reasons have been enumerated here this evening , but they are worth looking at again . we therefore obviously call on the European Parliament to ratify this Agreement . the Central African Republic received EUR 8 million in aid and similar amounts have been allocated for 2008 . this debate , however , is simply another example of pandering to anti-Israeli hostility and sentiments , particularly on the other side of the House . ( PL ) Mr President , the debate on genetically modified organisms has come to the fore again in recent weeks . the EU ' s leaders were conspicuous by their absence . ( for the results and other details on the vote : see Minutes ) Greens ' recommendations were unanimously adopted in committee . Mr President , the reason we are discussing these proposals from the Commission is that the previous regulation lapsed in 2010 . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , like those who have preceded me , I clearly deplore the seriousness of the situation today , the acute political crisis and also the risk of clashes that could well break out in the hours to come . in this context , the future strategy should pay attention to improving underground sources of drinking water and eliminating the pollution of the Danube . I have a significant problem , though , with the definition of universal services and how that is applied to rural services . the preferential treatment that has been given up to now to diplomats from the Member States gives us cause for concern . the result of this was that we spent months , if not years , in reaching an agreement and were then finally able to adopt the legislative own-initiative reports on this issue in September of last year , in the form of the Rasmussen and Lehne reports . in writing . - ( FR ) The Internet is an integral part of our children ' s everyday lives . the rapporteur introduces positive amendments to the convention , which will bring the current regulations more in line with instruments at international and regional level . this is just an example of an aspect that the report could and should have taken much further . I would like to make an earnest appeal for this evidence to be given to the Polish prosecution service , because an investigation into this matter is under way in Poland . the credit crisis is also a reflection of this course . ( applause ) instead , I would call upon our Lithuanian fellow Members to ensure they abide strictly by our Community legislation , in particular , Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights , which prohibits all forms of discrimination . I also warmly welcome the decision of the Spanish Presidency to speed up the debate on the future of the common agricultural policy . for this reason , I consider it to be important to implement practices such as experience exchanges between the administrations of European cities , urban optimisation databases at European level , as well as to encourage citizens to change the way in which they approach the issue of personal transportation in the urban environment . I could not agree more . Ms Martens ' report takes into account accountability and transparency , so I support it . in that regard , however , I would quite simply like to make it very clear to the Member States once again that they were the ones that wanted this , not Parliament ! author . - Mr President , there are three points that I would like to make concerning the ALDE amendments to this resolution . the mistakes that have been made can be corrected and the Union can still work for - and with - its citizens . in particular , the Council agreed to an additional demand from Parliament of having the variable concerning the accessibility of tourist accommodation for persons with reduced mobility included in the regulation . Mrs Bhutto was , I think for all of us , a symbol of a moderate and liberal Pakistan . the implementation and interpretation issues that have created uncertainty are the problem . however , it is this sort of protection that is urgently needed . GDP growth in these countries was almost double the average in the Euro Zone , and unemployment rates were significantly lower than in the Euro Zone . I also hope that the provisional government shows itself to be as good as its word and undertakes reforms that do not fail to take these issues into account . we are faced with an ageing population , and if women do not have a pension , then we have a deeply sad situation on our hands . I am therefore more than happy to summarise what is at stake . more concerted effort needs to be made in these areas . I have written to my colleagues in Russia and Ukraine asking how we should proceed with monitoring in the future , because in my opinion , if we trust the deal and if it is stable , then no monitoring is needed now ; however , the monitors are currently there . the facility fits in perfectly with the concept of support for entrepreneurship presented in the Charter for Small Enterprises . rapporteur . - ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , first of all I should like to express particular thanks to the shadow rapporteurs and the draftsmen of opinions for their valuable assistance . we must also limit risk-taking and put a stop to excesses . taking this opportunity , I would like to give many thanks to all the coordinators of foreign affairs of the political groups , the co-rapporteurs , and also the Secretariat of the Committee on Foreign Affairs , without whose help it would not have been possible to prepare a report which today enjoys broad support , as can be seen by the very small number of amendments submitted in the plenary session . this will significantly facilitate voting tomorrow . an exaggerated threat will trigger policy measures which lead to a skewed view of political priorities . different databases must be linked . you are aware that a number of Member States remain to be convinced that setting a target against poverty is a task for our Union . the incident referred to was a protest by Mr Bloom , in which he addressed wartime allusions to Mr Schulz . I have therefore abstained from the vote . it also strengthens the Union ' s credibility in the eyes of third countries , as the European Union has always demanded the fulfilment of human rights in its bilateral relations . ( FI ) Mr President , the artist Ai Weiwei , who has achieved international recognition , is someone who has enriched Chinese culture and art . I would emphasise that we need it to be a win-win situation . strong and independent consumer organisations have an important role in this . it is a welcome development that is worthy of our support and I am very pleased that I was able to give it mine . I must say that we Socialists have been at the forefront , right from the start , in reinforcing transparency and control and , as a result , democracy with regard to lobbyists . thirdly , also within this open form of coordination , the Member States have shown strong political commitment to an exchange of information and learning from each other . Member of the Commission . - I definitely think that European farmers can be proud of their standards and the Commission favours any initiative that helps farmers , not least in the livestock sector , to communicate with consumers about the origin of products . I hope that we will all be able to hold a more detailed debate on the White Paper , which will include the practical experience of businesses . as a Hungarian , I am very happy that the Hungarian Presidency will hopefully not have to deal with the budget , but only to find a solution for ITER and for flexibility during the negotiations . against this background , I am hoping for positive developments after two tough and difficult years . a third is burned . the Republic of Moldova is on a positive trajectory . those are all questions for which we must find the answer . this is associated with the tendency of many drivers to drive more recklessly in third countries than in their home countries as they are less fearful of criminal prosecution . in any case I could not explain here the reasons for the 20-metre ride on the airport bus . therefore , the Council has not been in a position to discuss the newly adopted constitution of Hungary . the tests do not predict airplane crashes , either over fuel ponds or over reactors . the opinions and positions of Members of Parliament will be taken into account as far as possible . the employment of women strengthens women ' s dignity . I would like to thank the EIB , my colleague , Mr Ivailo Kalfin and all the rapporteurs for their excellent cooperation . on the other hand , in its report , which I voted in favour of , the European Parliament sets particular store by the gradual withdrawal of the ECB emergency measures applied in 2008 as a result of the financial crisis ( 1 % interest rate , quantitative easing and inflation below 2 % ) . I was applauding the previous speaker who made a very valuable conclusion to his speech . if not , then I would like to be told that . we need a greater focus on safety , better rules concerning information for patients and effective measures against counterfeit medicines . a significant proportion of Roma live in disadvantaged areas throughout Europe , areas that are developed with the help of considerable support . 45 % of our aid for ACP countries will be allocated out of national budgets , both as budgetary support for specific sectors and as general budgetary support . I have heard that Spain has already produced new national legislation following our methods , and I know that the same is true of other Member States . otherwise , you will simply be making it impossible for our farmers to compete . our report calls for a system of solidarity regarding the resettlement of refugees from North Africa . although the EU has no overall powers in this area , it can still take measures to promote tourism . it should be result-oriented and tied to objective and clear criteria on democratisation and the progress achieved in reforms . the Union for Europe of the Nations Group has requested that a Commission statement on the earthquake in the Italian region of Abruzzo be inserted into the agenda . we suggest the creation of a new post of High Official for Foreign Energy Policy after the new Treaty enters - hopefully - into force . I would like to conclude by expressing my confidence that the compromise amendments which have been reached following negotiations will provide a happy medium benefiting everyone . I am well aware that the increase in food prices makes things very difficult for farmers , but I would not want this measure to open the floodgates to imports of genetically modified soya and maize . I proposed that the Commission and the Council should adopt the same visa facilitation for Georgia that is currently granted in Russia . I am in agreement with the rapporteur in that a balance should be struck between implementing a high level of protection for consumers and the need to simplify the regulatory framework for textile products . this complicated beginning certainly explains part of the delay , but it is certainly also true , as you have said , that payment services establishments - that is , banks - have demonstrated a certain reluctance to implement this mechanism . in the third world , the payment of foreign debt and interest for servicing debt to rich countries represents a major drain on resources , which therefore do not go to health and education budgets , which are reduced to almost insignificance . we wanted the Committee on International Trade to be part of this debate , because there is little point in banning IUU fishing if the European Union then opens its markets to it . finally , our Committee ' s third priority concerns the European Return Fund . I , however , do not see any sign of discrimination . I would like to assure you once again , Mr Barroso , that you and the European Commission have allies , here , and I speak for the majority of the European Parliament . the average spent in Europe on such commitments is 0.4 per cent of gross domestic product . my second point is that very few people , not even Mrs Pleštinská ' s visitors ' group , know that the European Union is the friend of the consumer . well done to the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs too . you will realise that , for us as social democrats , for whom 1 May is an important day , this was something very disturbing . ( loud protests and cries of ' No ! ' from the EFD ) thus , there are clearly problems there , too , and so I should like the Commission to carry out a much clearer analysis of whether the legislation is really satisfactory . therefore , with proper use of the arrest warrant , proportionality , strict application of the instrument , better exchange of information and training on European issues for magistrates , we are sure that uniform application of this important instrument can be achieved in full . this may be particularly beneficial and useful in countries that have yet to create a sufficient infrastructure for collecting electrical waste . Portugal is an example of this : approximately 300 000 SMEs represent more than 99 % of the total number of companies , and these are directly responsible for more than 2 million jobs and have a combined turnover of some EUR 170 billion . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the explanatory statement from the rapporteur is quite correct and needs no amplification . today , we also need to cover costs arising from the new role of the European Parliament in connection with the Lisbon Treaty entering into force . the criticism directed at a number of so-called reception centres is justified . there are other measures that could perhaps be adopted without additional cost to the Community budget , such as advance authorisation of payments to certain livestock farmers of the aid they are entitled to , who are of course doubly affected not only by rising prices , but also by having to deal with livestock diseases , such as ' bluetongue ' , and so I think we could go a little further just now . this strategy ' s objective is to gain a thorough understanding of the dynamics , characteristics and volume of tourism , but it appears to me to be excessively cumbersome , bureaucratic and costly . Madam President , the tragedy of Burma has been only compounded by the refusal of the military junta to allow the delivery of aid and assistance . the Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights , Mrs Flautre , responded to this very intelligently . asking for a further high-level conference to be held will only incur expense which would be better allocated to specific measures . that was in 1986 . we must therefore be absolutely sure that timber from Cameroon , the Republic of Congo or any other third country has been obtained , transported and placed on the market legally , respecting the needs of local communities and forest management legislation . in a period of economic uncertainty , it is also essential for the Commission to reaffirm its commitment to support social rights far more strongly than before and I need not remind you that the main priority next year should also include completion of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and , of course , its implementation . repair and maintenance is very important for consumers : not only for reasons of safety and reliability , but also because repair bills account for 40 % of the total cost of owning a car . ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the Commission , in defending rampant free-marketism , in orchestrating the commercial disarmament of the Union , has played to the full its servile role as an instrument serving very specific interests , which are harmful to European employees . undoubtedly , the European Union ' s attitude towards energy in relations with Turkmenistan should not be separated from any changes in the area of human rights . I think that we really need an outside review of what has happened so far . it therefore satisfies the requests that the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs had made in this respect . ( DE ) Madam President , we have destroyed agriculture in developing countries by providing billions in export incentives and we have undermined food safety in these countries . - I gave Ms in ' t Veld a little bit of extra time because she has 400 followers on Twitter . I am thinking about the ' financial supervision ' package and the hedge funds document . in 2003 in my own country , Ireland , a Science , Engineering and Technology ( SET ) Committee was set up to make recommendations on strategies to increase the uptake among women and girls of science subjects and higher level-mathematics at second level and to increase the number of females choosing science engineering and technology courses at third level . without that progress , which has been due to well-conceived policies , the current extreme world crisis would have devastated their economies . ( DE ) Madam President , the Member States , Europol and Eurojust will now have to concern themselves on a regular basis with OLAF ' s findings . these problems must be resolved . using the skills of both immigration liaison officers and Frontex , based on an exchange of information obtained from the liaison officer networks through the Information and Coordination Network for Member States ' migration management services , will enable better risk analysis by Frontex , as well as more cooperation in relation to legal and illegal immigration . barely six months ago today I , along with Mr Le Foll and a few other colleagues , signed an amendment on this issue and on serious volatility , which aimed to reduce the 1 % increase that had been decided on , in particular , for milk production , since we are , in fact , in a period of overproduction . because the population is getting older , new occupations best suited to the elderly will have to be created . at this point I should like to single out a few points , naturally very briefly , which form the crux of my report , so as to inform the House of the actual situation on the ground as well as the overall thinking of the Committee on Legal Affairs as a whole . documents received : see Minutes another programme , financed from a different fund , cannot be used , even when it is striving for similar objectives . I have just one message for you : teach Europe some of the best lessons from your history . so where is the progression ? with this in mind , we need to offer young people new , attractive measures , consistent financial support and increased access to innovative services and infrastructures . Commissioner , I would like to inform you that we have today voted , during the resolution on the Stockholm Programme on an amendment which requests a directive , a European action plan , on violence against women ensuring the prevention of violence , the protection of victims and the prosecution of perpetrators . that is the right way to confront illegal employment and also dumping on the EU labour market , and not by undermining jurisdictions . last Friday , I presented with Commissioner Reding a Charter of Women ' s Rights which reaffirms the commitment of the Commission to gender equality and also reaffirms our willingness to work on and make progress in this area . we have seen that Mr Yanukovich has been elected in Ukraine . what is more , the right to health should above all provide for the right to receive the best treatment in one ' s own country , which would be subject to European quality standards , not hiding behind subsidiarity . at the push of a button it was possible to change from one fuel type to another - irrespective of the speed of the car . this example shows that the financing of large-scale research projects is dependent on recoveries from other areas , the amount of which is difficult to determine in advance . I just want to say to the Vice-President of the Commission that we should look at the situation in Denmark , where they are now talking about applying for membership of the euro ; in Iceland , where the country has been torn apart ; and in Sweden , where clearly they are looking again at joining the euro . otherwise , the Czech Republic might , absurdly , become an importer of the traditional product it has been making for centuries . yet again , a farce is being played out between the political representatives of capital and the bourgeois governments in order to manipulate the people . Commission fines in antitrust cases ( debate ) however , things have changed now , and the money is running out . for the Commission , the reform of the European School system is a priority issue , and this is one of the most complicated items we are dealing with . we can resolve it for ourselves and for the refugees , because anyone who has visited refugee camps knows that there are children there losing one , two , three years of study that they could be undertaking in Europe . there are many arguments in favour of saving the Polish shipbuilding sector . the European Council , when adopting the European pact on immigration and asylum , welcomed the progress made in the area of asylum to date but , equally , recognised that important disparities remained between Member States concerning the grant of protection and the form that protection takes . as publication of information and supervision are key elements in fulfilling the aims of the directive , it is important to introduce absolute transparency in respect of the supervisory bodies . let us be honest , however . in writing . - The recent recall of millions of toys by US manufacturer Mattel , over safety concerns , including lead content , has raised alarm bells world-wide . the early sessions of the UPR are likely to set the tone for the remainder . I am not sure whether the elections will now go ahead . this is a country where it is very easy to sentence someone to death , especially since one quarter of Nigeria ' s regions are governed by Sharia law , an Islamic , a Muslim law which indeed allows the amputation of hands and feet , and also uses flogging . it is all just starting . use of criminal law to protect the environment ( vote ) the Commission is not part of this process . we strongly oppose this Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Korea because it would present our Korean competitors with undue competitive advantages . many thanks . let us also keep in mind that our regulations will not provide a solution to every problem , such as the rise in oil prices , nor will they prevent a rise in energy prices linked to the introduction of CO2 emission costs , but they will significantly simplify and support our actions to the benefit of energy users . recent research shows that the main concern for EU citizens is ' the social dimension of the EU in the context of globalisation ( in particular jobs and the fear of unemployment ) . ' or else : ' the global competitiveness agenda contributes to creating lasting growth and jobs at home . ' this may be a matter of their territorial location . we must be careful because if , in the course of 21st century globalisation , in a few years ' time , we no longer have our geographic indications , it will partly be because of today ' s mistaken choices and we shall lose an enormous piece of our identity . in order to achieve this , it is important to analyse the relevant market . there must not be any differences in access to electronic services between those who live in cities and regions with a strong economy and those who live in regions with a weak economy and sparsely populated areas . ( the President cut off the speaker ) they will not agree . ladies and gentlemen , in the seventeenth century , humans exterminated the dodo . I regret , however , that the report is only being adopted in January : the majority of the opinions were voted on and submitted to the committee before the summer and the report could thus have been adopted earlier . the choice of jurisdiction should be made on the basis of access by both members of the couple to comprehensive information on the most important aspects of national and Community law . they should also be informed about the procedures relating to divorce and separation . progress is , however , a two-way street . but , Commissioner , all our trade agreements have a human rights clause in them . as if women are not capable of being judged on their own merit , just like men . in writing . - ( FR ) The compromise on which Parliament must give its opinion is certainly an improvement on the position of the Council , but it is still deficient on many key points concerning consumer credit contracts . whether in relation to cohesion , innovation or transnational funding , Europe should only be providing support where we can genuinely make a sustainable European contribution . the decision must be taken to introduce new initiatives against tax evasion and capital flight , and to do away with tax havens , as had been promised . what is certain is that the Iranian regime has been seriously damaged , both internally and in terms of its external image . has the Council taken any relevant precautions to integrate workers accordingly ? it is becoming clear here that even the nuclear powers are now prepared to reduce their arsenals , and that is what was new about President Obama ' s declaration . we have , in particular , included provisions to penalise the use of tools such as malicious code that are used to create so-called botnets , which have been used by criminals . I should stress that a decision made by the International Court of Justice in 1962 confirmed that this monument belongs to Cambodia , and the authorities must respect this decision . they need our support in this , and therefore it is wrong for your primary representative in this country to say that no change to the strategy is necessary . this is heavy stuff , which is what we need in Europe . in fact , the migration to SEPA Credit Transfer will be completed by the date when the euro is adopted , while , so far , only five banks are planning to join the SEPA Direct Debit scheme in the next three years . that is why I also voted in favour of provisions which emphasise corporate social responsibility . we need to strengthen the role and responsibility of the Serbian Parliament and all its members . can he then also tell us who - if not the producer - should pay for the disposal of those products ? however , at a time of financial crisis and difficulties in many Member States , I do not think that it is appropriate for us to be spending millions of euros in this manner . I believe that the truth lies somewhere in between and is reflected in the proposal made by Mr Verhofstadt about drafting a directive which must create a more modern and democratic system for regulating all the matters discussed today on the subject of media freedom and pluralism . on the contrary , media reports about the existence of the Mens file in France reignite the debate about respect for the principle of non-discrimination . I have been engaged for years now in normalising relations between us . as such , effective measures to combat insecure jobs , falsified invoices , undeclared work and illegal work urgently need to be taken . for example , responsibility for the success of the climate conference in Copenhagen is placed on Russia . I believe this is the way we need to continue . the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament has informed me that with effect from today Mr Severin is no longer a member of the group . the Commission Green Paper report entitled ' Forest protection and information in the EU : preparing forests for climate change ' presents European Parliament ' s concerns on the matter . we know how falsification networks have changed : a few years ago everybody would be talking about Viagra , but today it is impossible not to talk about drugs that combat , or attempt to combat , diseases such as cancer , diabetes , heart disease and cholesterol . in writing . - I voted for this report and in doing so , urge the Commission to ensure that fishing activities that fall under the Fisheries Partnership Agreement meet the same sustainability criteria as fishing activities in EU waters . I am also glad about the good cooperation between the Members of Parliament in preparing a relevant motion for a resolution . as long as the EU is the only part of the world reducing its emissions then the target of reducing global emissions will never be achieved . while the Working Time Directive adopted in 2002 originally applied only to employed drivers , the rules adopted in 2005 apply to all drivers , both employed and self-employed . in our view existing treaties should not be jeopardised . ahead of the Roma Summit , I would like to inform this House that my colleague , Commissioner Andor , and I will publish a communication on the social inclusion of the Roma people , looking at the challenges ahead and outlining the EU ' s contribution to meeting this challenge . among other aspects , the resolution hides the fact that at the root of the current international situation and the situation in the Caucasus is the new arms race and the militarisation of international relations championed by the USA and NATO ( with its offensive strategic concept and its enlargement to Russia ' s borders ) , the stationing of new US bases and missiles in Europe and the growing militarisation of this continent , the aggression against and dismembering of Yugoslavia and the recognition of the independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo outside international law , the attacks on and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq , that is to say , imperialism ( and inter-capitalist contradictions ) . I know that quotas arouse conflicting feelings , and that they do not represent proper democracy , but neither does this situation that we are in now . it is good that we are dealing with this subject , because it has been raised many times in our regions and at local authority level . the new system should also make it possible to replace obsolete fleets through the use of reduced rates for external costs when investing in environmentally friendly vehicles . it is laudable that the budget also intends to earmark additional funds for providing assistance to SMEs . military solutions alone can never lead to a sustainable solution . this is where we are today , so we still hope that Parliament will now provide , as soon as possible , a first reading . less aid , less public intervention and more restrictions on production : that is a truly explosive combination . we therefore need to have expert analyses of what happened in Fukushima if we are to find out at all the real reasons for the nuclear accident and the damage to the core . in light of the increasing frequency and impact of natural disasters which have had serious consequences in human , economic , social and environmental terms , the European Parliament recommendation to the Council on setting up an EU rapid response capability is particularly important . although President Kibaki has ordered these provisions to be amended a week later , we are not aware as to what these ' amendments ' envisage . we are looking at a violation of human rights that we must all condemn , without exception , and so I am voting in favour of this resolution and adding my voice to those of my fellow Members in urging all parties to remain calm and refrain from all acts of violence . the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) has actually supported such a strategy for a long time and I would like to welcome , in this context , the European Commission ' s announcement to the effect that a strategy which will combine security and development aspects will be presented by the end of this month . anyway , Poland abolished the death penalty in 1988 , nearly twenty years ago now . for the next six months , you will hold the Presidency of the Council , and many challenges await you . like TIM , it offers full supervision and monitoring , because we naturally want to meet all the transparency criteria , and it is designed either to provide direct budgetary aid , to channel aid through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and other organisations or to fund our projects . companies will continue to relocate for cheaper labour forces , and we need to protect women - particularly in areas like textiles - by offering the opportunity to upskill and by giving continuous education . moreover , the Union has a role to play in promoting cooperation relating to the peaceful use of nuclear energy . China ' s determination to play a more important role in the international arena must be accompanied by new responsibilities in the field of human rights , in the social sphere and in relation to environmental protection . this is partly due to the wanton pursuit of economic benefits regardless of the needs of the local population and the environment . ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I would first of all like to pay tribute to the report by my colleague Reinhard Rack . the Lifelong Learning programme and the Youth in Action programme are good examples . one of the prerequisites for the functioning of democracy is participation . this report seeks to look at the fact that we politicians should be thinking about whether and how the resources , the supply side , can be increased and what can be done in this regard . in writing . - I strongly support this Resolution which calls for an immediate ceasefire by the Sri Lankan army and the LTTE in order to allow the civilian population to leave the combat zone . it is very important that we make a distinction here . this puts motor vehicle manufacturers under enormous pressure . fundamentally , the pipeline underlines the need , if ever we needed it underlined , for a European approach to energy supply . then we come to the accession process and we find that many chapters are blocked . demanding budgetary increases in this difficult situation is scandalous . - ( PL ) Madam President , our work on a further series of tasks aimed at regulating issues important for human health within the European Union is drawing to a close . some of the special measures that have been taken by Member States - look at Kurzarbeit in Germany for instance - have been to increase spending , while reducing productivity to some extent , which I think , from a social point of view , was justified . I congratulate Mr Manka on his successful negotiations in view of the very tight framework for the 2010 budget . we can no longer ignore social and economic dumping in emerging countries , China in particular , which are winning contracts with rock-bottom prices in the countries of the Union , without regard for social rights and legislation on State aid , whereas the markets of these countries remain inaccessible to European companies . there must be , for instance , a Commission reaction to the Laval case . the Commission already reacted to a similar phenomenon in 2007 , and in the face of this new peak , we wish to know what concrete measures - you have already given details of some of them - it intends to take . however , it also gives rise to a degree of inflexibility in the budget . as I said , we need to support Mediterranean food , and it is a very good idea for culture and diversity . it is true that we need to be careful regarding certain sectors in the world ' s poorest countries , but we also need to be careful that these are not the only people who cannot develop their skills in the European Union . I believe that it was agreed that there would be a commissioner responsible for this subject . last but not least , it must be clarified that European citizens have the right to submit a complaint where their personal data is used illegally . we have a high level of responsibility for seafarers , for fishermen fishing off foreign coasts , in accordance with jointly agreed treaties , and we have to protect these fishermen and seafarers , and also tourists . all the best to the Slovenian Presidency ! the cost of treatments received in another Member State is reimbursed in the country in which the patient is registered , but it is limited to the amount that would have been paid for similar treatments ... we can ensure that they integrate all modes of transport : soft transport , public transport , water transport - Mr Blokland is right - and rail transport . clearly , however , that is not the final goal , but is no more than a starting point . he seems not to understand that this is optional on Member States . the measures which have been announced concerning the strengthening of consular protection in third countries should be implemented as soon as possible , and negotiations with third countries on the lifting of visa requirements should be continued . I would like to ask the Commission and the Council what they think about the situation of these 50 people who are not going to be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States courts . it is therefore important that we focus on the vehicle sector , which according to the Commission ' s own figures is a sector that in Europe employs 12 million people directly or indirectly and is the main private investor in research , development and innovation , investing EUR 20 billion per year . this is the result of the European Union ' s wretched trade policy . Mr President , we can be proud of the fact that the European Parliament in many ways is already at the forefront when compared to some national parliaments in terms of how we handle these issues . I voted for this report in order to approve the EU-India Free Trade Agreement , in the belief that an FTA offers future potential for an increase in investments , trade and business opportunities arising from the FTA , with an agreement being , overall , a win-win situation for both sides . however , tourism demand has changed in recent years . let us allow some time to pass , however , and just see how NATO develops . I would ask you again to raise this matter with the Bureau . I just feel honoured to have made a small contribution to that and I would just like to leave you with the pride that the Portuguese feel for that . ( FR ) Mr President , this Free Trade Agreement is the first to have been examined since the Treaty of Lisbon came into force and that is why we MEPs believe that it really cannot come into force until we have obtained robust guarantees , guarantees that must , furthermore , act as a model for future trade agreements . until now , the Swedish Government has been unable to conclude an accord de siege with the ECDC , although they desperately wanted this agency , like all Member States always badly want an agency . that is why we abstained . Madam President , may I draw your attention to an issue which is of crucial importance for the proper functioning of our Parliament as well as for our political weight , both individually and collectively . the Union must urge Brazil to use the new political weight of the bilateral partnership with the EU in order to display new political leadership within Mercosur and on the continent . I nevertheless believe that the minimum income is a responsibility of individual Member States , based on the principle of subsidiarity . finally , opting for 100 % remuneration over a long period represents a cost for social security systems ( in a context in which the European institutions are calling strongly on States to reduce their budget deficits ) . this special relationship has resulted , in particular , in the granting of tariff preferences . we have just seen the end of the Olympic Games in China , where all our European democrats joined in standing side by side with a communist regime in a repeat performance of Nazi Germany in 1936 . this time , we have the opportunity to do this six months earlier , although it should be said very clearly that Parliament finally has to convince the Council , firstly , to submit documents earlier , and secondly , to submit full documentation which really does cover the reporting period in question . I would like to thank the European Parliament and the Spanish Presidency , convinced as I am that a Europe of justice will make significant progress in 2010 . investment in education , research and innovation has the potential to create more wealth and jobs than it costs , and investment in innovation will help us tackle the great challenges that society faces . in Sweden , where I come from , the idea that we would have a disease like bluetongue in ruminants would have been completely unrealistic four or five years ago . it has to be said that this is a very positive development . I was really disappointed and saddened . in this regard , the Commission should launch , as in the case of the other European seas , calls for proposals for developing Black Sea maritime corridors . in writing . - Pakistan is a vital ally in the war on terror . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would argue that the Atlantic Alliance is an obsolete defence instrument and that in certain recent cases it has not in fact helped relations , for example , with Russia . he has correctly recognised that the presence and disdainful demeanour of the Coalition is the primary reason for its absolute rejection by the local population . generally , I think that it is good that an increasing number of my fellow Members here in the Chamber seem to see the importance of holding back EU funds , but there is still much to be done . our children are finding themselves increasingly on their own as we are increasingly busy . it is also essential to reduce inequalities in treatment . the reports by Mr Maňka and Mr Surján represent the only opportunity that Parliament will get to express its opinion on the budget . the victory of the Democrat candidate is further proof of the extraordinary capacity for renewal that has been evident so many times at difficult points in US history . Mr President , honourable Members , solemnly and seriously , I have to tell you that I was truly proud to participate in the debate that we have just had on cluster munitions and , on behalf of the Presidency , I join all those who have called for the ratification of the convention . when debating this matter we should underscore our support for women ' s dignity and their role in acting for the common good in society . much depends on the Union ' s budget , its size , and how it is allocated , especially in these times of serious economic crisis and in view of the looming food crisis . after the government elections in Kiev at the beginning of the year , most people thought that it was ' the end ' of Ukraine . this agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Mauritius envisages visa-free travel where citizens of the Contracting Parties travel to the territory of the other Contracting Party for a maximum period of three months during a six-month period . solidarity between people in society , but also solidarity between states . it is essential to achieve general coherence in development cooperation among the different institutions . that has now been achieved with ECRIS , which demonstrates that the new technologies are facilitating the day-to-day operation of justice in the Union . the proposers take over the report and insert new paragraphs over which the rapporteur has no say . it persistently infringes the principle of subsidiarity . must we become a theatre for settling national political scores ? they do not care about listening to minorities in this place who believe that the EU is heading in the wrong direction , and they certainly do not care to take on board the votes across the EU that go against them in referenda . one in ten Romanians suffers from hepatic disorders . a quarter of Romanian children have health issues . there is no hope any more that the EU budget will ever be cleared by the auditors . it exploits the cases of piracy in an area in which the imperialist aspirations of the ΕU , the USA , Russia and other forces clash to impose and safeguard the presence of EU military forces which , with a fistful of weapons , will promote its imperialist plans to gain geostrategic control . the first step in solving their problems is to leave the euro ; instead , Ireland has chosen to subject itself to financial governance from the European Union . will the Commission say whether , during this period of very great economic crisis , it is insisting on its view that all countries with deficits must reduce them within a period of two rather than three years , although the latter period would appear more reasonable according to the available data ? I would like to close by remembering the women of the world who are fighting for the most basic of rights and I would like this House to express its solidarity with the Iranian feminist associations that are today taking to the streets , inviting women to demonstrate without the hijab . we have ended up with a number of substances that are in all likelihood extremely hazardous , yet the Commission balks at finally banning them . the funds should not be misused and it takes time for budget support . thank you , Commissioner , and I am conscious that you are standing in for Commissioner Ashton . the reason for this is quite simple . I particularly want to mention , as Prime Minister Janša just did , the two key deadlines set by the European Council , on the internal market in energy and on the climate change and renewable energy package . it does not make sense that Europe ' s police officers should have more powers as Europol officers than others do . if we already have the infrastructure , all we clearly need is the intelligent vehicle . we can see now , after the financial crisis , that the free market should work and does work , but we must create systems which are capable of regulating in a modern economy the mechanisms that occasionally get stuck or go beyond the usual mechanisms of economic competition , of pure free-market competition . employers want to save on social insurance costs and gain greater flexibility , but this has led to a situation where we have to vote under pressure from this antisocial behaviour . until this policy is changed , until we free food production and our reserves , then this , too , will contribute to food shortages and higher prices . ( PL ) Mr President , the role of the Ombudsman is increasing , especially in the context of the solutions and challenges of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Charter of Fundamental Rights . I would like to mention that Russia is a cooperation partner that systematically refuses to agree to the involvement of NGOs in dialogues on human rights between it and the Union . we have to develop the railway infrastructure , the maritime corridors , the ports infrastructure and co-modality . we were also able to overcome differences of opinion in the same meeting . firstly , stable public finances . disruption of air traffic in Europe ( debate ) as the first rains will not be slow in coming , further disasters threaten in the middle of winter . amendment 7 draws attention to the fact that some Latin American countries gained additional benefits after the WTO agreement through negotiating free trade agreements and that these agreements further weaken the position of ACP countries . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am in favour of the Lehideux report , which is today going to the vote after a lengthy debate that has seen Parliament play a leading role in attempts to improve the final document . taken as a whole , the action plan is designed to ensure that the European market , too , can compete in this sector , the worldwide market value of which is forecast to further grow to EUR 230 billion by 2025 . if the use of military forces is justifiable and acceptable anywhere , then it is surely in the case of humanitarian or natural disasters . we should , therefore , thoroughly investigate the systems which have been the most successful in other parts of the world . I believe that soon we will also be discussing a possible common fiscal system . - the recommendation for second reading by Paolo Costa , on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , on amending Directive 2004 / 49 / EC on safety on the Community ' s railways ( Railway Safety Directive ) ( 16133 / 3 / 2007 - C6-0129 / 2008 - ; Mr Preda , that was a very brief question , but it was not a point of order . Madam President , on behalf of our group and in the interests of trying to seek compromise and agreement on this , we would be willing to withdraw the subsequent amendment if the rapporteur would accept a small oral amendment , as written in the list , simply to make this less specific in terms of calling for the legally binding ' directive ' and leaving it as bringing forward ' measures ' . in view of the fact that two EU Member States border the Black Sea and the region has therefore become one of the Union ' s direct neighbours , the European Union must engage more closely in regional dialogue in order to foster political stability in the region . another idea put forward by Spain was a system of financial penalties , consisting , for example , of a reduction in subsidies from the EU budget for countries which do not achieve the objectives contained in the strategy . the financial assistance provided by the European Union and by other countries and institutions will provide an opportunity for the Lebanon to get back on course towards reform . reform is bound to take time , but will result in the emergence of a country that is politically , socially and economically stable . this is why investing in people and modernising labour markets remains one of the four priority areas for the new Lisbon cycle . this situation does not allow us to have a clear picture of the impact of cohesion policy on the ground . a report such as this , which is attentive to the needs of farmers , including the need to ensure that they are not hampered by excessive bureaucratic burdens , will certainly be a useful contribution to the process of reforming the common agricultural policy which , for obvious reasons , is bound to be a complex and very sensitive process for the future of the European economy , and for the protection of the countless varieties of traditional local produce . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( ES ) Madam President , I really do not think that the document that we are considering is what it could be , and I will explain : it is a document to assess what has been done with the broad guidelines that the European Commission had proposed for the environment , and for all environmental policy . the Belgian Presidency has highlighted its firm intention to make progress in the fight against discrimination and to promote equality . to conclude , the Data Retention Directive is essential for making the work of the police more effective and for monitoring , detecting and investigating terrorists , while guaranteeing respect for the private life of individuals and the protection of personal data . this , then , is a series of measures which , in my view , fall within a broader process to cut red tape which is helpful for European enterprises , especially at such a critical economic juncture . however , the budget of EUR 950 million for this period seems modest , especially in comparison with the hundreds of billions now being spent as a result of the failures of bank managers . however , our punishment should be to learn the lessons that the crisis has given and to use all the opportunities it has generated . now the rules are being tightened up , and that is only right . the major projects must receive adequate support from European and international financial institutions and consequently , the new projects should endeavour to involve as many European partners as possible . I am confident of the Hungarian Presidency ' s support on this matter . the Commission therefore gives much consideration to these links . let us create an industrial policy framework with world-leading environmental standards so that employees and car makers in Europe can develop within them right here . EU assistance planned for 2007-2010 aimed at supporting the development of democracy and good governance in Moldova amounts to more than EUR 50 million . there has been extensive lobbying by Canada to try to prevent us doing this . that would be an excellent way to consolidate this consensus , which must also be promoted here in the European Parliament by the drafting of a joint motion for a resolution on such an important issue . it is a bit like the Northern Rock bank in the UK over the past few weeks . author . - Mr President , we would like to replace the sentence in paragraph 6 which reads : ' to release all disappeared who are still in captivity ' . the vote will take place at the end of the debates . the actions to be implemented are vague and give rise to doubts and questions rather than providing answers . I would like to highlight the late conclusion of the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework and this policy ' s legislative package , resulting in belated completion of the national strategies and operational programmes , and in the scarcity of public resources available for cofinancing in Member States . I hope you are given chance both to carry it out thoroughly and , in the short term , to ensure that we are not soon to be presented with a fait accompli . I believe that he made an absolutely key point when he said that there are some bottlenecks , in other words , some critical points , that we need to accept and that we need to deal with if we want to make progress , some of these being social and environmental in nature . though I very strongly support all protections for children I found myself unable to support this report . I expressed support for the people of these countries , and assured them that they can count on European solidarity . are there players with a simple or collective dominant position ? it is also unfortunate that two political groups , the Greens and the ALDE ( some , not all ) , managed to direct their disapproval at these Chairs for issues unrelated to the tasks they will face as Chairs . instead of permanent , structured cooperation between the EU and NATO , which is what the report advocates , I am in favour of all activities being conducted strictly within the framework of the United Nations Charter and international law , with strict separation between the two institutions . voting for Amendment 29 offers a new chance to support women and children so that they can remain in the EU or to help them return . in this case they are also unduly liberal . currently , the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice are giving priority to defending labour rights over defending the freedom of entrepreneurship . equally essential is a better climate in which to do business . there were three separate investigations into this : one by OLAF , our Anti-Fraud Office , one by the Court of Auditors , and the Committee of the Regions itself also conducted an internal investigation . of course , we also need to know how to offer leadership ability . I have already said that there is a structured dialogue and so a series of conversations take place regularly with China , on this subject . moreover , we should strongly support the actions of the International Criminal Court and its indisputable contribution to promoting justice and humanitarian law at an international level , as well as its activities aimed at weeding out lawlessness . while health services were initially included in the draft proposal of the Bolkestein cross-border services proposal , it quickly became apparent that a stand-alone directive on this most important issue of health - which has ramifications for all aspects of health care in our 27 Member States - was needed . I also notice the opposed initiative from Mrs Lulling and Mr Karas supporting , through Amendment 28 , the option for these three Member States to pursue the levying of the withholding tax and to abstain from automatic information exchange on a permanent basis . the fact there has been coordinated European action on this issue draws attention to the fact that Europe can change people ' s lives for the better even in the middle of crises such as the current financial situation . firstly , the issue of emission allowances and their subsequent trading are debatable and must be opposed because their impact on the real economy is largely unknown . in relation to climate change , the Baltic Sea is particularly at risk of the disappearance of certain species of fish , and errors in European fisheries legislation , which imposes bans on fishing , are exacerbating this situation . I do not wish to imply that this is a task for the Commission alone ; I am also referring to Parliament and the Council . an agenda for new skills and jobs ( debate ) it is one of the few reports which not only refers to the amounts but also names the Member States where these irregularities occur . it is a political and strategic absurdity to think of Europe as the inevitable destiny of the countries of the former Yugoslavia . I am pleased by Mr Nicholson ' s support on this issue . sadly , such a sentiment does not resonate in the People ' s Republic of China , whose Communist rulers are obsessed with unity , but not much thought is given to celebrating diversity . one could quibble about what particular number of refugees could be defined as an ' emergency ' . the people of China liken this disaster to earlier cataclysms accompanying major historical changes in that country . taking note of what has happened in recent weeks regarding the so-called currency war , I think the European Union has done a good job and has been able to defend a balanced position , which means that exchange rates should reflect the economic fundamentals and that we do not need to have recourse to competitive devaluation . therefore , it is very important that the EU tries harder to recover funds paid out incorrectly . secondly , on behalf of the committee , to have the chance essentially to put on record with this question our concern about the developments of online gambling , and indeed the gambling sector overall and some of the many uncertainties that are arising about the whole legislative regime for gambling within the internal market . only when we implement a uniform strategy of this kind will it be possible for the Roma and Sinti living in the EU to be treated as equal EU citizens . opening of the sitting Mr President , taxes are , at best , a necessary evil , and should always reflect spending needs . I should like to remind the Members that I have sent them an article from a German newspaper which makes clear from the examples given that the risk during driving is not from excessive work , but from poor use of the time which each person has at his disposal , regardless of whether he is employed or self-employed , which is , in fact , irrelevant . what about the future ? it makes no difference what compromises I attempt to reach , as you simply object in principle to anti-discrimination legislation . Junilistan objects to this . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of the report by my German fellow Member , Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf , which proposes to modify the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning meat and livestock statistics , but in a way that should permit agreement at the first reading under the codecision procedure . I have one final request ... to do otherwise would not be in the spirit of the agreement . we know that the votes are postponed and will be held in two weeks ' time in Brussels . I am convinced of the crucial role of the Petitions Committee as a resort for citizens faced with breaches of rules , as well as a bridge between them and all levels of administration and government within the EU via their elected MEPs . the plan is designed to work with the European Social Fund and with the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund in writing . - Against . we set out with two key objectives , the first being to check carefully to what extent the 2003 framework decision is being implemented within the 27 Member States , and the second being to propose improvements as necessary . I also hope that they are able to catch up on accrued delays and finish work by the end of the agreed time period . Mr President , the EPLP welcomes the content of this joint resolution and motion regarding the financial climate and the broader economy . membership of committees and delegations : see Minutes whether we are Muslims , Jews or Christians we believe in the one house - the house of life . other Iranian lawyers have also met with repression . education , as has already been pointed out in this debate , could make a very important , if not crucial , contribution to that end . Mr Schulz has not spoken as if he were suited to more than simply being the leader of his party , but he is right on one point and I would like to tell him so . at present , the latter poses a serious threat to our fellow citizens . the ball is now in the Council ' s court . opening the borders has been one of the European Union ' s greatest achievements . the Commission is now gathering the input of the other institutions and of stakeholders on these initial proposals and will then present its final proposals . hopefully , we will be spared the experience of discovering how travel protection would function in a case of national bankruptcy . if certain countries cannot accept reasonable compromise , our message should be this : they should start thinking about an amicable divorce from the Union and cease holding it hostage to their own vested interests , for the interests of Europe must take precedence over these . it is not a renewal of the social agenda that is needed , but a thorough change of your perverse system . one example is to form a local environmental expert committee for SMEs in response to the lack of know-how at enterprise level . this exceptional remedy would be more restricted in terms of its implementation , since it would require both the prior agreement of the Commission and a favourable opinion from the Body of European Regulators in Telecommunications ( BERT ) . the decisions are taken in Detroit , and all Opel sites are faced with overproduction . this codification would be a good opportunity to amend the EU Transport Regulation so that pups could be seized on a permanent basis in the case of shipments that are not in accordance with the rules , thereby closing this back door . Mr Barroso , you may or may not wish to comment on the recently leaked budget review paper , but you will no doubt be aware that it has caused great concern in many regions across Europe . although none of the budgets covered by this report appear to present any major problems , I remain convinced that the European Parliament is not equipped with the resources to match the political responsibilities it has acquired by virtue of the development of the Treaties and the work of its Members , and , moreover , by virtue of its role in reducing the gap that has set in between European integration and the people , a gap that has been confirmed again and again by the various recent referendums . we must build European innovation centres where cooperation will be actively fostered between knowledge and the needs of the market . there is also our common European interest , and I mean here energy security and the availability of a Caucasian corridor for alternative transit of oil and gas . in writing . - At the sitting of 8 July 2010 the President announced , under Rule 6 ( 2 ) of the Rules of Procedure , that he had received a letter sent by the Hungarian judicial authorities on 9 June 2010 requesting the waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Tamás Deutsch . first of all , in order to increase employment levels among women from rural areas , they should be encouraged to start their own businesses . nevertheless , the final Morgan report does contain much to commend it , and I welcome the addition of references to the proposed charter on energy consumers ' rights . we want to congratulate the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for its courage in making this award . it - I refer here to consultation - is an exercise in relation to which there are , of course , several possibilities . the deadlock that has been created through enhanced cooperation can , in my view , only be broken by taking the European patent forward just in English , because using three languages would create an unheard-of precedent . the recasting of the directive on the restriction on the use of certain hazardous substances is aimed at broadening the scope of the directive and strengthening its preventative part , so that environmental damage can be corrected at the source as a priority , in line with Article 174.2 of the treaty . stable public finances during the current period of economic upheaval will allow the relevant governments to deal with the structural deficits in the current period . many times , Romanian citizens are discriminated when they wish to become employed or continue their education abroad . ( EL ) Mr President , the only service the Council ' s common position and efforts by the French Presidency have rendered us is that we are again discussing the problem . I agree with your appeal for greater cohesion by the Member States , but there is an encouraging sign from the Council , which has , in fact , supported the Commission ' s position . I would like to stress that the Directive currently in force permits a 78 hour working week , a solution that benefits no one . I welcome and support the requests to simplify the procedures . it is a competence of the Member States and not of the Commission as such . the Commission ' s proposal seeks to ensure equal treatment for self-employed men and women . if France has not answered in a positive , acceptable way before 15 October , this court procedure is going to be implemented . fortunately , the euro is stable both internally and externally . we need a Marshall Plan for the Middle East . these contributions were always agreed for five-year periods , and the aim is now to renew the agreements for the 2009-2014 period . I have therefore supported the submitted resolution , and I trust that the European Commission will find effective mechanisms for putting the recommendations from the resolution into practice . we are fully aware that this is a very complex process , but we are at a difficult and demanding juncture where no lapse in attention can be tolerated and where adequate investment and shared governance mechanisms are needed both at interinstitutional level and in international cooperation for the regional basins , among which the Mediterranean stands out because of the complexity of its jurisdiction . Mr President , we suggest one important and short addition to paragraph 2 : ' is particularly concerned about the health of Mikalay Statkevich , who has been on hunger strike for the last 31 days ' . air pollution would be a further 16 euro cents in the case of the most polluting lorries . it was indeed a great pleasure to have you here with us for your maiden appearance in plenary . it is true that a major step was taken with the appointment , under the Lisbon Treaty , of an EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs . the first oversimplification consists in saying that eurobonds take responsibility away from the Member States . the Commission has set out its views and presented a study which , if its recommendations were implemented , would result in a harmonisation of funding for individual Member States . we should focus special attention on the importance of solidarity . I recognise that it is not perfect and that there are concerns . now is the time to take responsibility , and responsibility also involves Europe and the Member States . on the subjects of climate change and energy , both parties referred to the International Conference on Biofuels held on 5 and 6 July in Brussels , as a step in the right direction to allay criticisms that the use of biofuels was allegedly harmful . ladies and gentlemen , let us support the Tunisians . I have no objections at all to the compromise tabled by my own group to set a maximum of 75 % for those four weeks . any talk of deconstruction of the European project is irresponsible . I see no contradiction here . under no circumstances should individual members of the UN , still less members of the Security Council , allow EU usurpation of their right to put their own view forward . today , the Supply Agency operates on the basis of statutes adopted nearly 50 years ago . I call on the Commission and the Council to take a stand on this issue and to agree to present Parliament with some noise limits as soon as possible , because noise affects our children ' s bodies as well . this conference tackled the issues of legal migration , such as legal migration channels and the management of migration flows , integration and the Lisbon Agenda , and migration and development . ( LT ) I voted for the resolution on the situation in Moldova , because on 5 April I was one of the international observers who monitored the parliamentary elections in that country . we can talk as much as we want , but fine words are not enough . when I listen to some very critical speakers from Anglo-Saxon countries , I remember that it was precisely from such countries that , over the last few months , a particularly large number of cries for help came to overcome the financial crisis together . the initial results of these consultations were presented to interested stakeholders at a conference on sustainable funding models for grass-root sport in the internal market , organised by the study contractor on 16 February in Brussels . as consumers , we have the right to know that . for this reason we need new instruments in the area between full membership and the neighbourhood policy , so that these countries ' European perspective does not merely give them hope but is actually associated with real progress in areas such as free trade and the Schengen system . Mr President , thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to give my explanation of vote on this particularly important issue . it is only by achieving these goals together that we will build a strong Europe , a Europe which delivers growth and jobs , which preserves and reaffirms our values - namely , the sacred values of freedom and justice - and which positions our societies to thrive in a changing world . nevertheless , by going it alone , a Member State can weaken the Union as a whole and indeed seriously weaken it . this is why I would like to congratulate the rapporteurs of the three reports . patient safety ( debate ) this is why I agree with the rapporteur on the proposal for a coordinated action plan or management plan at European level , also bearing in mind the very considerable mobility of the cormorant as a migratory bird , provided that it by no means runs counter to the aims of the Wild Birds Directive of 1979 . this document is not just a set of guidelines for the European Commission , the Council and Member States , but also a very strong , clear message for the European Union ' s neighbours , partners and other countries , where human rights are not sufficiently respected and defended . Historically-oriented policy is not , however , the only reason for Europe ' s involvement in development-related problems . I believe that in this sense , the European External Action Service and the other European institutions need to impose more severe sanctions in order to ensure compliance with the international agreements to which Uganda is a signatory . the Lisbon Treaty was agreed precisely to increase the European dimension ; to reinforce the powers of the European Parliament ; to make it easier to take decisions by qualified majority voting ; and to reinforce the role of the Commission in economic surveillance and external affairs . today , thinking about neighbouring countries , it would be more appropriate to say that low fences or no fences are better . while I approve the report , however , I think the European Ombudsman himself and the work he does should be more widely publicised , especially in the Member States where he is not immediately recognisable . in addition , shipowners suffer serious economic damage that their insurance does not always cover , because the circumstances are extraordinary and tend not to be covered by insurance policies . this programme has been very successful since the start , as in its first year of operation alone , over 20 000 students carried out a work placement abroad and over 15 000 enterprises have participated in this effort . the world ' s religions do not encourage violent attacks . I think that the simplest thing is the G8 , which is indispensable - with the Russians , naturally - to which we should add the G5 , which is also indispensable and which would allow China and India , in particular , to be involved in this essential debate . this rhetorical question was put by the United States at the start of December . I totally agree with finding viable solutions for enhancing our citizens ' security . membership of political groups : see Minutes I think that developing countries must offer assistance in the battle against poverty by generating revenue through international trade . in writing . - Council Directive 80 / 720 / EEC on the approximation of the laws of the States relating to the operating space , access to the driving position and the doors and windows of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors has been substantially amended . the next item is the report by Lutz Goepel , on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development , on the CAP ' Health Check ' . finally , but without forgetting other important aspects - such as the rejection of the creation of a supranational electoral body or the fact that the fewer Members Portugal has , the less they will represent the political plurality existing in our country - we reiterate that a fair solution at institutional level must without question respect the principle of cooperation between sovereign states with equal rights . let me make it clear that I condemn terrorism in all its forms . the ever more precarious nature of working life , the increasing income inequality and also growing poverty - which many speakers have talked about today - must finally be brought to an end with the EU 2020 strategy . seven leading figures in the Bahá ' í religious community were taken into custody in May 2008 . in writing . - I voted in favour of this report relating to recovery plan changes within the framework of the North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation . at a time of great disaster , those in power should feel not only a sense of grief , but also a sense of responsibility . this will help drive down costs for consumers and boost business for small and medium enterprises . in writing . - ( PT ) I voted in favour of Anne Ferreira ' s report on the Green Paper on market-based instruments for environmental and related policy purposes because I agree that the use of these instruments is essential for the pursuit of feasible and effective environmental policies . I would like to highlight several issues . I would therefore urge you to vote against amendments that weaken the text . that is what I would suggest . I would like to join my colleagues who have welcomed the progress made by Turkey so far , but also to recognise that a number of hindrances remain on Turkey ' s road to accession : freedom of expression and the rights of the Kurdish minority , described by colleagues , are examples . ecological taxation in Member States is very varied . in practice , however , small and medium-sized enterprises find themselves unable to access capital as a result of the provisions of Basel II , and now Basel III . why is it , therefore , that we are still talking about the reversed qualified majority ? to enable this , a suitable legal solution will need to be found , as was the case in previous instances , for example , the ' mad cow ' and dioxin affairs . the European Parliament and the Council worked hard to achieve a rapid adoption of this citizen-friendly regulation at first reading . it is also pleasing that Amendment 1 was rejected and the original text retained , i.e. that we should begin internalising the external costs for road traffic . this communication was actually requested by the Environment Council in its conclusions dated 15 March this year . so , needless to say , we have had a very short time , but we think it is an important debate ; afterwards , there will , of course , be a lot of details that we have to look at more closely . as a result , I would like to take this opportunity to express my disappointment and to make my objections known . the policy of the EU , to punish Belarus and the Belarusians for the actions of their regime , did not achieve the envisaged results . to equate one with the other undermines the argument of the singularity of the national socialist crime of the annihilation of Jews in Europe , the recognition of which has , to date , been the subject of broad democratic consensus . Transitionally , on the way - yes , that is right - to a full withdrawal of involvement . we also think that the number of own-initiative inquiries should be somewhat higher . if the situation were not so dreadful , it would be amusing to wonder how such a fruit can be obtained from such origins . this is a recurring issue . topics such as the Sustainable Development Strategy , the European Immigration Pact , Europe of Defence and the reform in the Common Agricultural Policy are crucial for Europe . I hope the European Council will confirm the Commission ' s decision and the call included in this resolution , and will give the green light for negotiations with FYROM in the near future without further delay . the navigable waterway made up of the Rhine , Main Channel and the Danube shortens the distance between the Northwestern and Southeastern Europe by 4 000 km . it should enable people undergoing training to choose their own career paths . furthermore , cumbersome national procedures still in force will be abolished , in order to enable transport firms to make the best use of the possibilities of cabotage . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , the European Commission has put forward a good proposal . they have a right to organise , agitate and campaign to improve their lot at work . how can this be achieved ? we will once again remind Russia of its commitments as a member of the Council of Europe and the OSCE , particularly regarding freedom of the press and the events unfolding in Ingushetia , for instance , as well as other human rights issues . in this area above all others there is a need for every policy to be democratically debated , legitimised and checked . congratulations on your report . when I first heard of this report , I wondered how it would work logistically . today , unfair competition from Asia has turned it into a ghost town , because business in Prato has been utterly devastated . the failure of some of these murky operators would accelerate the crisis in the deregulated sector . this is the framework in which the Commission could take steps to obtain the restoration of the visa-free travel by the third country , or if that is not achievable , to propose retaliatory measures on the temporary restoration of the visa requirement for nationals of that third country . naturally , I support the Swedish position on the issue - namely that the decision on abortion is ultimately a decision for the woman concerned , not a matter for the legislators . I want to be clear that , in putting forward proposals on biofuels , we have also fully respected the other side of the mandate : the need for environmental sustainability . this issue was also discussed earlier today . the Chinese government has asked for the basic equipment they need during the rescue operations . I convened and chaired a meeting of the heads of state and government of the eurozone countries and presented to them a draft statement which , after being amended , was accepted unanimously . I believe , after this difference of opinion that we had , it is now high time to return to a joint position that signifies support for Israel , but at the same time also support for the peace process , for the Palestinians ' right to exist . the Commission will continue to have the main responsibility for matters relating to trade , aid and enlargement , even though it still remains to be established exactly where the dividing line between the Commission and the External Action Service is to go with regard to aid . thus , in view of the possibility that the Commission may submit amending budgets in the case of ' unavoidable , exceptional or unforeseen circumstances ' , which include the earthquake in Italy , I voted in favour of this report on the amendment to the European Union budget , so that the residents of the affected region will see the damage caused by the earthquake repaired more quickly , and a swift return to normal living conditions effected through the mobilisation of EUR 493.78 million from the EU Solidarity Fund . the progress is evident . the financial action on the part of the Union concerning implementation of the EU ' s common fisheries policy and the Law of the Sea gives us the economic means to implement the common fisheries policy with funding targeted at those areas in need of development and coordination regarding the Law of the Sea . however , if her accession course is to proceed unhindered , she must do as previous accession countries have done and comply with its treaty obligations to the EU as a whole . it is time the Commission woke up to this . Mr President , I would like to take the opportunity to offer some friendly advice , because many Irish voters are impatient with the Treaty debate . we must hold joint debates on this increasingly dramatic divergence . the second and more important reason why it should be revised is that such disproportionate numbers often directly threaten the humanitarian principles and the obligation to treat people arriving at our borders in search of protection with dignity . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I have heard the Minister describe CITES as an effective instrument and the Commission describe it as an appropriate instrument . however , as a group we regret that we had to carry out this work under massive time pressure . the Lisbon Treaty gives Parliament a new role , and I would like the Commission to act upon it . I am therefore now in favour of rejecting the submitted texts , as proposed by Mr Coelho , and I congratulate him on a fine report . resources for culture are often scattered across a host of projects . promoting the mobility of young people requires practical barriers to be overcome . I think it has been a good process , as you have accepted several of our positions , although I must say that obviously , if the report were written by the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance , it would be different , but that is the way things go in Parliament . this means improving the general conditions for getting our cultural heritage online as an integral part of the digital libraries initiatives , and the need for Member States to intensify their digitalisation efforts . I voted on today ' s amendment to show solidarity with the farming community at a time of crisis . I welcome the recognition by NATO Heads of State and Government of the important contribution the European Union brings to security and stability . subject : financial crisis and the Stability Pact my view is that we should leave it to the Member States to come up with more detailed definitions at national level and not spell everything out in Brussels , and this goes for personal data protection too . my own experience of witnessing contractors ' attempts to inject dirty water under the ground to satisfy EU rules tells me what problems lie ahead . these are horrific statistics and it makes the issue of how we produce sufficient food and give people access to that food a key issue . however , this does not do enough to reassure us about the worrying situation in terms of cereal stocks and the rising price of cereals on the world market . the industry is a model , I believe , of the way a sector can transform itself , as I saw for myself on my recent visit to Jaguar Land Rover in Castle Bromwich , where I was really impressed by the forward thinking of trade unions and their partnership with management to ensure continued research and development into green vehicles . Portugal does not have a problem regarding the sustainability of its public accounts or the insolvency of its national banks . secondly , we should then develop a strategy with the Roma which must , however , comprise two parts . we have to improve public demand for culturally diverse audiovisual content , which will be very important , so we have to get the youth , the young public most of all , to see European films . and yet , economic migration also concerns many EU Member States , especially those which acceded more recently . social tourism boosts the number of European tourists and helps counter the seasonal nature of tourism , reinforce the idea of European citizenship , as well as foster regional development . this will enable the EU ' s specialist service , Eurostat , to compile European statistics for every mode of transport in compliance with EU standards . the Single Market will remain competitive if all social rights are respected . the total amount of direct payments in European Union Member States reflects their agricultural production and the average level of aid over an historical period . typical examples of these include cumbersome approval processes for medical equipment and certain food products , and lack of convergence with internationally recognised standards for car parts and components . with regard to this framework programme , if we do not aim for excellence , we will lose the competitive edge that we need to have in the future . instead , we have opted for the path of complete inflexibility , with immediately claimable compensatory rest time , which puts employers of seasonal workers , for instance , in a completely untenable position . I would like us also to revise our policy , which , up until now , has consisted in not recognising the efforts of the people of the Republic of Somaliland , who have built a free and democratic Muslim state in the region , but one which we treat as if it did not exist . I would like to invite you all to cocktails on 12 January 2010 , to mark the new year and the beginning of the Treaty of Lisbon , which is so important for us . today , Kabul is a huge entrenched camp . this agreement provides for the return of the bodies of Hezbollah fighters and the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the return of the bodies of the Israeli soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev , captured in 2006 . all of this is thanks to the fact that we are approving something that could be called a charter of fundamental rights for the railway passenger , i.e. basic passenger rights . first of all , the litany of cutting off appropriations : in the draft budget , the Council of Ministers cuts off the appropriations in the preliminary draft budget . ( RO ) I wish to welcome the conclusions of the European Council meeting held on 25 and 26 March 2010 , which clearly stipulate for the first time as a European Union objective a 20 % increase in energy efficiency . we also deeply regret the fact that the important historical parity on this issue that existed between the UK , France and Italy has been abandoned . with regard to amending budget No 6 , both arms of the budgetary authority are now , I hope , in a position to approve the amending budget without amendment . we have lost , and are still losing , or at least eroding , values such as work , discipline , self-reliance , that is to say all those values which go towards creating a good citizen when these people reach adulthood . a visa-free regime brings about the realisation of one of the main fundamental rights in Europe - freedom of movement through all Member States . if we really want a democratic , stable and peaceful Turkey , we should at least not close the door to membership in its face . we have before us a week of decisions that will be crucial for Europe . , in writing . - The ' European Cities Guide ' and similar outfits are fraudulent operations which specifically target SMEs . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to reply to the fellow Member who said that there are many other urgent issues to be dealt with and so on , simply by stating the fact that , in contrast to many other issues which are quite clearly worthy of our interest , this is an urgent issue that involves not only a country outside the European Union , but one within it , and we are also referring to citizens who have been killed or disabled and who are European citizens . I believe that in the first days of the Czech Presidency , the Czech government has been confronted with a test of unprecedented magnitude and that it has passed this test with flying colours . what has been placed on the table so far cannot be taken seriously . I would be more careful when using the word ' historical ' , because I think we depreciate the concept if we use it too often . the absence of the Council is noted and is unfortunate . 2007 has , I believe , been an important year for the Community harmonisation of private international law in the field of civil and commercial obligations . the efforts of all involved in this great institution need to be duly recognised and lauded . I was also asked a question as to what will happen if the flow of refugees comes in this direction . today , it is Muslim public opinion , which extends far beyond the geography of the Arab states . Cantonese and Shanghainese are also to be replaced by Mandarin throughout the education system and even on the radio , this despite the fact that the government claims that Mandarin is only spoken by half of the Chinese population . if we are ambitious enough to say that we must accept the climate package as it is one minute and that we will bow down before the German car industry lobby the next , then we have lost , because everyone will come and say : ' do not forget about us ' . it is a long one , so I am not going to read it out . just look at what has happened with the Frontex budget : it has gone from EUR 6 million in 2005 to EUR 78 or 83 million in 2010 . I should like to express through this short point of order both my admiration for the great musician Beethoven and my disapproval of the fact that we are regularly subjected to a European anthem which has disappeared into ... even though there is a trend towards non-smoking in Europe , to exploit this trend to adopt excessive rules and to ride the wave of public approval is bad form , in my opinion . without your total dedication to this cause , it would not have come to this apparently happy ending . we really have created a masterpiece at first reading . thirdly , there is the whole question of Cuba and Zimbabwe . the lack of responsibility . communication between Member States and the Commission is a vital part of monitoring and controlling disease outbreaks . activists from the left-wing movement ' Kazakhstan 2012 ' are being harassed and jailed . in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity , it seems logical to me that , when identifying intermediate LFAs , the Member States be allowed to take into account not only biophysical criteria but also others , such as being an island or an outermost region . journalists were arrested and persecuted . then we shall need the corresponding legislative initiatives to consolidate the process . but I think that , as long as the consumer is aware of many of the pitfalls , that is what codes of conduct or any type of consumer protection should do . explanations of vote obviously , it is the patients who must come to us . generally - with only a few exceptions , to judge by the audits that we have already seen - we can say that the institutions at issue are using the funds made available to them properly and meeting the objectives proposed for them . Mr President , what Mr Rack has just proposed is an interesting idea . in your view , is it also necessary to draw up an action programme for the Member States to deal with some of the tasks identified by the European Parliament ? however , it said that it would do this to help the US Administration , and therein lies the problem . this is an unacceptable situation . ( FR ) I shall be quite brief . on behalf of the S & D Group . - ( SV ) Madam President , firstly , I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mrs Balzani . setting the conditions for the functioning of the European citizens ' initiative was a complex process of negotiation and compromise and involved many debates in the European Parliament , the Commission and the Council . ( it ) I voted in favour of the Ashworth report because I believe that simplifying and reducing bureaucratic procedures relating to the CAP , the common agricultural policy , is not only desirable , but necessary so that European farmers can take full advantage of its benefits , and not , as so often happens , encounter administrative difficulties and delays . Member States will have some flexibility in choosing what information is required in each country , but I am glad to say that many of them are going for less data than originally planned . I would also like to compliment Mr Toubon himself on the preparation of his report . this report was adopted unanimously in the Committee on Fisheries . the EU must also play a leading part in the implementation of the binding targets that it has set , with as united a front as possible . however , I do not think that this directive will result in the development of health tourism in Europe . over the past months we have insisted on the importance of these elections for the country ' s European future . the country has responded positively to our message , thus confirming its willingness to move forward in its accession process . other countries may one day be forced to apply for such loans . hence , the importance of this resolution which insists on the need for the European Union to adopt other indicators in addition to GDP in order to take better account of , among other things , climate change , biodiversity or even social integration , these being major political challenges that are close to my heart . with regard to market measures - a point mentioned by Mrs Fraga - I would like to state that there are various measures which we are proposing : increasing fishermen ' s bargaining position vis-à-vis the processing industry and distributors by joining forces with larger POs or local marketing associations ; establishing a price monitoring system to better understand the factors determining market prices ; improving predictability of sourcing for EU-origin products for the industry ; promoting quality initiatives like labelling and better handling and processing ; promoting information to consumers ; health and nutrition ; responsible fishing ; market audit assessment ; developing tools to analyse the value chain and prices ; and verifying the correct implementation of the monitoring of labelling measures and IUU . the first objective should be to equip the Union with more far-reaching and more effective economic governance , which calls for greater financial autonomy . however , as I said , as yet , no such information has been submitted to us by the German authorities . we need a toy TÜV - and that must be as self-evident as the TÜV we have for cars . this would add an important new economic dimension to the east-west water transport corridor and allow for making some of the bigger Danube tributaries navigable . the EU is expanding and is increasing in strength . it is intended to increase the competitiveness and profits of the multinationals , to increase the exploitation of rural manpower , to concentrate land ownership even further and to control production . public and legal debate on documents increases the legitimacy of the institutions and bolsters public confidence in them . because the Belfast Agreement by law stipulates that all parties must be in government if there is to be a government . remember that the European Union sold the 2004 / 2005 intervention stocks at an enormous profit . however , as part of the implementation of the 2012 budget too , we will want savings using the principles of good management , economy , efficiency and effectiveness . ( FR ) Mr President , President of the European Investment Bank , in the EIB ' s 2008 report , Parliament insisted that the bank ' s external activities comply with the general objectives of the European Union . this issue will be our first opportunity to show that the Council and Parliament are willing to take on their role as colegislators . we do not want this ! this initial phase is not about expanding the list of hazardous substances . Zimbabwe was obviously on the agenda . we shall have to see and , no doubt , list the situations in which such a fundamental rights violation specifically requires these infringement proceedings . these must be met by each individual Member to the best of his or her knowledge and belief . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to raise two points of order and I would like to be able to raise them one after another . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I can help you out here and even point out to the President what he himself decided . that is the reality for tens of millions of European citizens . I believe that we should not deal with renewable sources in isolation . nonetheless , any policy pursued in this area will simply be window-dressing unless it takes , as its starting point , the basic premise that these fundamental rights are indivisible . let us not forget that the vast majority of companies have people with that in mind and they are deeply frustrated by the fact that , in many cases , they have to redesign products or reapply for mutual recognition as it stands at the moment - that is a major step forward . in Ghana , where illegal logging has reduced the rainforest by up to 25 % of its original size in under 50 years , the agreement will help to secure the future of its timber industry - its fourth most profitable industry . it should demonstrate clear European commitment to considering a fully fledged political and operational strategy that would , in addressing Roma issues , go beyond obvious human rights perspectives , fundamental as they are , towards real economic and social inclusion . the European Union can help there . in the last few years , however , new inactivated vaccines have become available . I am glad that we heard about the continuity with 2008 since our aim is to develop , on the basis of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue , another dimension of the cultural agenda , and that is the creative industry . of course , US leadership on this issue is welcome . I would like us to take this knowledge with us to the next round of negotiations next year and I would like us to avoid changing that strategy . we must have a cease-fire immediately . I would like to ask whether the Commission intends to use the warnings under Article 121 of the Treaty of Lisbon if a Member State does not comply or even want to comply with the ideas of the 2020 Strategy . sub-Saharan Africa receives more international aid than any other region in the world yet poverty levels remain stubbornly high . a similar private storage scheme was also adopted in the Republic of Ireland . I propose in that regard that , where some increase in payments is inevitable , it is offset by significantly lower appropriations . these measures for ensuring prevention and detection of fraud have no implication in the delivery of vital treatment to the patient but , at the same time , understand that we need to have in place new , strengthened control mechanisms very fast , because as time passes , indefinitely holding on to payments is not the best option . it is also forcing us to deal with social inequalities in the European Union . I also believe that Parliament should send as many election observers as possible , despite the fact that these are local elections , because the elections could represent the beginning of a new political climate in Albania . we can therefore say in good faith that we will not succeed in achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy unless we support small and medium-sized enterprises and unless we make it easier for them to make full use of the single market . however , at the political level , we are also discussing a more ambitious target and we know that , in this regard , the sectors covered by the Emissions Trading System ( ETS ) , and energy in particular , would bear the brunt . one of the issues of importance you have raised today is how we will proceed with the Green Paper , which will be adopted by the Commission in September . however , there are still long waiting lists for transplants . enhanced cooperation with the countries of origin and transit is fundamental and the dialogue with third countries should be intensified in areas such as legal immigration , migration and development , capacity building and the repatriation of people who have no need of protection . ( RO ) I , too , wish to welcome the Commission ' s intention to support the Republic of Moldova . we are already aware of the harmful effects of certain chemical substances on groundwater and rivers . assisting developing countries in setting up fair and effective tax systems is another issue to be strengthened . pollution of the area around airports would be greatly reduced if millions of passengers used the train or metro system to reach the airport instead of cars . I believe this is unacceptable in the age of modern technology . in March , we discussed here the situation in Cuba . in this respect , I believe that there are numerous challenges to be overcome , especially with regard to law enforcement , the fight against corruption and organised crime , protection for the Serbs and other minorities , reconciliation between communities and the implementation of economic and social reforms . indeed , the country ' s development problems are far from over . this is the 21st century and women long ago stopped being satisfied with the role of housewife and child-carer . the Commission for Petitions regrets the fact that Directive 2006 / 114 / EC on misleading and comparative advertising , which is applicable to business-to-business transactions , seems either to fall short of providing effective counter-measures or to be insufficiently implemented by Member States . it is , after all , unacceptable for one country to be stricter than another . we will emphasise the need for further reforms in the Russian electricity and gas sector with a view to establishing a level playing field . however , what I do not understand is why some people have still not opened their eyes to this topic , even after Fukushima . my explanation is that the UK Independence Party supports the return of the grants system for the UK , and I would like to point out that it is our membership of the EU that caused it to be abolished in England and Wales in the first place . this makes it obvious how important the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) is . the Council took note of the information , and took on board the information we obtained from colleagues from countries where the process of ratification of the Lisbon Reform Treaty had not yet been completed , in order to continue the process . its effects can be seen more clearly in Poland than anywhere else . as a result of these studies , and bearing in mind the four-year revision clause , at some point the necessary changes should be introduced through a codecision procedure , without forgetting that it is important to consult the European Data Protection Supervisor , a rule which was unfortunately not taken into account when drafting this proposal . Madam President , in the last 12 months the majority of dairy farmers in Ireland and across the European Union have been selling their milk for less than the cost of production . I would simply like to say one thing : in our country , we are seeing a rise in extremism , and this is doubtless because one part of the political class considers mandates and posts to be at its disposal . ( DE ) Madam President , there are four issues I would like to address very briefly . 3 ) In relation to fees review we want people who want to come to use and develop their skills from a wide variety of countries - India , New Zealand , Ghana , China , wherever - and that is why we will not be supporting Amendment 84 , nor indeed Amendment 24 , which talks about granting Blue Cards only to those highly qualified migrants from countries with which we have previously concluded partnerships . it forms a solid basis for further development . I am responsible for new technology and I really believe that the majority of actions through new technology are positive ones . surely we can vote on the oral amendments ? just as elsewhere in the region , the EU and the High Representative herself have condemned the violence in Bahrain outright and called on the authorities and all forces present to respect fully human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as international humanitarian standards . in the field of energy policy , Commissioner Piebalgs will shortly present proposals to build a single European energy market . whenever we start a project , there are ex ante controls and there are ex post controls afterwards . yesterday , I spoke with the Kazakh Foreign Minister Saudabayev , who today is visiting Bishkek as Chair-in-Office of the OSCE , and who has literally just sent me a message to say that he has completed his tasks . here today , I am a bit dubious as well . my thanks go to the Committee on Transport and Tourism , and in particular to Ms Ţicău . as the rapporteur has spoken out in favour of increased supervision and assessment of internal market policies , I have not voted for the report . our priority is to set up a new global financial architecture with more stability , more supervision and , above all , more transparency . I think that the outcomes really do stand up to scrutiny . conflicts and wars to gain areas still suitable to live in as well as those providing water and food should be prevented before it is too late . he merely told us that the Commission is closely monitoring and closely following developments , and then said that hedge funds and private equity also have much positive influence , and that we should reflect on that . the Commission will support their work as required . that is absolutely essential to the opinion that we have delivered . my second point is to remind you that the European Parliament insists on the importance of the European Commission supporting development and civil society projects in favour of the Tibetan population in Tibet and of Tibetan refugees in exile - in India , Nepal , Bhutan - in economic and social fields such as health and nutrition , livelihoods and education , access to jobs , gender issues , the environment and the revitalisation of settlements . it is about benefiting citizens and businesses by simplifying and improving the regulatory environment in Europe . Parliament later rectified this in its own version , which is a good thing . the management policy based on TACs and quotas must leave room for effort-based management . the report has also been successful in reducing unnecessary burdens on business that were found within the Commission ' s proposal . but it would certainly serve as a very good instrument and good indicator that those who register are prepared to respect the rules and be transparent , that they have nothing to hide and - this should be the key indicator for all of us - that they should be real partners to work with us and exchange information with us and that they have trust in our future communication . the time has come to end the Strasbourg farce , to ensure Parliament operates only in Brussels and make a real contribution to saving public money for better reasons to spend it on . so , one of the Commission ' s priorities is to bring the benefits of the internal market closer to our European consumers and I am grateful for the support of the Parliament in this endeavour . this is an abdication of responsibility and an open invitation to unscrupulous employers to constantly search for new forms of ' false ' self-employment to avoid the law . after having partially dismantled the intervention tools , we have neither the right nor the legitimacy to dismantle today the production tools that we will need in the short term . the time has come to stop observing the poverty and the difficulties of our fellow citizens and to take concrete action instead . let us keep that . we believe that there ought to be an open debate on this issue and that this Parliament should at least be informed about what is going on . this approach is exemplary and I am pleased that we were able to agree on it . this is a first step and I would like to think that many of our proposals will be adopted by the Commission as well . they must know if the meat they eat has been fed on GMs . I mention this because drawing up framework regulations containing minimum measures which are then followed by different laws for individual areas is , together with an increasing tendency to turn to comitology , one of the options the Commission is prepared to take if faced with the prospect of a codecision procedure on fisheries , as the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries itself freely admits in the Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy . I think that a single tax should be created for micro-entities , which already exists in some states . it will need to work in close cooperation with its main partners at EU level and , in particular , with you , the European Parliament and the FEMM Committee . we will only be able to utilise the potential of new technologies in combating cross-border crime and make the judicial system more accessible to citizens on civil and commercial matters when these prerequisites are in place . I would also like to condemn the repressions and acts of violence committed by the security services and directed at the demonstrators . this is a more European solution , and one that is better for the internal market . we want to remind the Yemeni Government of its international commitments regarding the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . the compromise solution , albeit not perfect , means that EU funds for 2007 that have not been absorbed by programmes that have been slow to start up will , exceptionally , benefit from an extended deadline before being decommitted . in practice , it will be the entire judicial and penal systems of the Member States that will disappear in the face of this forced harmonisation - downwards harmonisation , that is . the law of scarce resources will eventually induce even the United States and China to save energy and avoid CO2 emissions . there are at least two reasons . it would be far more logical to adopt a directive on tractors enshrining general requirements and safeguards . but there is another aspect that concerns me as well . this report does not just encourage greater involvement of the EU in Iraq . Mr President , if the European Union were a car , this Treaty would be about tuning that vehicle . ( ES ) Madam President , competitiveness is important , but it cannot be the only criterion . following up on our commitment in the Roadmap for Gender Equality , in 2005 and 2006 we launched a consultation with social partners on reconciliation policies . with more than 13 million poor people benefiting from the programme , with 19 Member States participating and with the scheme being a stable outlet for intervention products , this programme has certainly shown its value . from an economic point of view , it is far better and three times cheaper to build an overland pipeline , rather than one on the seabed . ( PL ) Mr President , I will say it again : 100 000 cancelled flights , 10 million passengers who did not reach their destination , EUR 2 billion of losses to the airlines . well , that is right , but it is not enough . most countries have opened up their markets ; but a few continue with their decades-old protectionism policy , whilst they take over the markets of others at the same time . regarding consumers , I believe that I have argued in every speech I have made over the months , and in my report too , for transparency and help for consumers , naturally without forgetting operators , who also have their merits . innovative goods and services need to be adopted , which will target both the private and the public sector , so as to facilitate the implementation of administrative procedures , strengthen the public administration and reduce bureaucracy and the inflexibility of the public sector . I would like to point out that the tardiness of the Commission also increases the risk that the Czech Republic will delay ratification of agreements between the Union and Canada . so grave is the threat that it will cancel out all progress towards the goal of halving world poverty by 2015 . the first condition ensuring that the young people of today become Europe ' s citizens of tomorrow is for them to get to know one another . we must also put an end to sex tourism . the EU must realise that its smallest state cannot continue to absorb the vast number of immigrants seeking refuge and asylum . the European Union is aware of the seriousness of the crisis in Chad and its regional dimension , which I have mentioned before . ( LT ) Today the principal message the European Parliament sends to the Nigerian Federal and State governments is to immediately halt executions , to declare a moratorium on the death penalty and to abolish the death penalty altogether . as recent cases such as Microsoft and Intel have shown , the Commission will take enforcement action to ensure that competition on the merits allows , where necessary , consumers to choose between different alternatives and therefore benefit from technical developments and innovations . it is not just a matter of instructing Baroness Ashton to speak out against the human rights abuses in China at every opportunity . that is why the Commission decided to present an EU framework to enable the Member States to take action commensurate with the challenge they have to overcome . ( FR ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , in many respects , it is essential that we vote in favour , tomorrow , of amending the European Refugee Fund , and it is on this subject that I will focus my speech , at the same time as congratulating Mr Coelho and Mr Tavares on their deliberations and their work . thank you very much . author . - ( NL ) Mr President , this Parliament is rightly paying great attention to what is going on in the former Belgian colony of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in particular to the continued fighting , forcible displacement , rape and mass assassination in the east of that vast country . this statement bears testimony to the potential for misuse of the arrest warrant by the judiciary . as regards the Structural Funds , the situation is as follows : what is important is not only the level of resources for a particular purpose within the Structural Funds , but also the quality of application of those resources . Mr President , this is an important amendment on which I ask for the attention of the House , because our own people and the citizens of the EU are endangered by some activities . we all agree with the report and appreciate and value what Mr De Rossa , who has our full support , has done . certain smart phone and device service providers trap consumers and have organised the market in such a way that they completely control users ' experience in terms of their access to software , navigating programmes and applications . at the same time I would like to draw colleagues ' attention to some important amendments which did not feature in the previous version of the report . otherwise , if the situation persists after 2013 , it will constitute de facto tolerance of two common agricultural policies on the territory of the EU . I should like a clarification in this regard . the answer to this scourge must be twofold . unfortunately , millions of euros of aid from the EU is continuing to disappear as a result of corruption . the agreement with Guinea is a good example of where Parliament voted against the agreement , and this points towards the route we should take in the future . for all these reasons , we in the European Union must have a strong role in this region , as this was once a region where , for once , it was not us Europeans who were spearheading misguided developments , but others . do you think it is acceptable that the Union has Member States where there is no constitutional court , or where there is one , but its powers are weak ? this is the first EU budget that has been voted upon in accordance with the rules of the Treaty of Lisbon at the very first reading . for the fourth year in a row , the government in Ankara has failed to implement the additional protocol to the association agreement , but , via its ambassadors , it is calling on the major EU Member States to resolve the Cyprus question . I would first like to say to you that , in all conscience , I cannot allow it to be said that FRONTEX is the symbol of a fortress Europe which is closed to all those who need protection or who aspire to come to Europe . in order to ensure consistency and fairness in resolving differences between authorities or between the different financial sectors we need to abandon unilateralism and progress towards a genuinely operational European system . what action ? the main problem areas are the failure to comply with the scope of the directive , delays in creating points of single contact , shortcomings in administrative cooperation and differences in mutual assessment . are they afraid of shouldering the responsibility for creating equal opportunities for people with disabilities ? firstly , the European Union must support and facilitate the processes of democratic change . my group wanted to underline the importance of establishing clear conditions , achievable objectives and adequate reference parameters when the sanctions are applied . the vote will take place shortly . I would like the changes to the Schengen Code not to be used as a pretext for limiting the freedom of movement of citizens of the European Union ' s Member States . I fully applaud initiatives such as the Black Sea Synergy and Eastern Partnership which consolidate cooperation with the countries in the region , especially the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine , as well as states from the Caucasus and the Caspian Region . I have been concerned about climate change throughout my 10year career as an MEP . the decentralisation of government brings increased responsibility to regional and local authorities . thank you . the Commission is planning to create a legal framework next year for fund mergers . for example , if we look at many of the new Member States of the European Union , including my own country - the Czech Republic - we see continuous attacks on everything left of centre , on everything leftist . ( SK ) Madam President , I fully agree with the demand for the assessment of the impact of all relevant bills on small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) to be performed systematically both at a national and at a European level , because these businesses are the real backbone of the European economy and , as such , provide more than 100 million jobs . this document forms the foundation of our EU asylum regulations . some of you have again raised the issue of the possible excessive inflow of patients from other Member States , and of how the receiving health system would be protected . these will be delivered by research and innovation in energy technologies . what we are doing here is creating a first instrument that will allow the citizens to make their voices heard in Brussels . 10 . let us talk about specific progress . however , we have reservations about certain aspects of the proposal where the rapporteur seems to have lost a sense of proportion . we need to find the answers . in order to achieve this , the EU must support Egypt in tackling the economic and social difficulties that it is experiencing , with a view to a lasting democratisation process that involves all of civil society . that is clearly the case . the application meets all of the eligibility criteria set out in the EGF Regulation , which is why I voted in favour of the mobilisation of the fund . if I remember correctly , both organisations were founded in 1975 . in the Committee on Budgetary Control the annual procedure is now underway - that is , we are consulting the relevant commissioners and thoroughly reviewing the documents that are now available to us . we will only be able to find a solution through a common effort , by carrying out collective awareness raising and supporting and assisting the victims and , above all , by fighting the root causes of this phenomenon so as to help those countries involved to develop suitable legislation to combat all forms of slavery . but migration will be manageable only when we manage the despair that leads so many to risk so much to come here . although some truly positive elements can be found in this text , it would be totally unacceptable for the mechanism of old-age insurance to be considered through the prism of budgetary constraints , with capital-based pensions encouraged as a result . ( uproar ) ( DE ) Mr President , I would suggest that our fellow Members from the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe raise their legitimate objections during the negotiations intended for that purpose . in writing . - ( NL ) Europe and pensions , now that is a sensitive issue . Thursday so far so good , but the reality is often quite different . the EU Member States that would have to contribute warships to the ' EU naval force ' are already contributing to the NATO response . ( loud applause ) when does the Commission intend to organise a European Year against Violence against Women ? it is also very important to guarantee full transparency in connection with , and a strong political commitment to , the implementation of the fast-start financing . foreign companies have benefited from this . what purpose does it serve ? for my part , I do not wish to comment , as that is not my job . we are willing to work with the US Administration to find ways to deal with the practical issues which will arise when Guantánamo is closed , such as the resettlement of prisoners in third countries . through immigration policy , as these regions are particularly vulnerable to immigration and the influx of illegal immigrants is creating economic and social problems there that are far beyond the local capacity to overcome them ; no parliament in the world would accept a reduction in influence , particularly if there were no compelling practical reasons for it . with regard to the Stability and Growth Pact , which has real sanction mechanisms , Parliament can do its work , because the package is here and we are going to revert to the Commission ' s initial proposals . the text not only reflects the findings made by the rapporteur when he visited Bulgaria and Romania , but also expresses the European Parliament ' s desire to remain true to the spirit of Europe . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( GA ) Mr President , in October last year , the world was witness to thousands of Buddhist monks and members of the public marching through the streets of Rangoon demanding freedom and reform from Burma ' s unjust and violent military regime . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , I too would like to start by expressing warm thanks to Mrs Oomen-Ruijten for the good cooperation , which was just as constructive this time as it was last autumn . my proposal is to support the positions recalling both the Convention on , and the Declaration of , the Rights of the Child , and to delete paragraph 1 , which is irrelevant at the present time and therefore inappropriate for Europe ' s highest House . the vote will take place on Tuesday at 12 noon . it is also working closely with the Commission and Parliament . the Polledo report has been a failure . we should , however , require courage from Pakistani politicians and , in particular , from the opposition , for example , the Pakistan Muslim League , which is blocking government reform of the code . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , since the trans-European transport network policy was established 15 years ago , it has contributed significantly to the functioning of the internal market and to economic , social and territorial cohesion . lapsed written declarations : see Minutes the recipe of our political group is therefore to use all available international instruments rather than to create new ones . I believe that all the EU Member States should adopt action plans of this kind . but it is necessary to develop and maintain a long-term strategy and vision , accompanied by a thorough cost-benefit analysis . on the subject of subcontracting - Article 9 , which was the subject of discussion between Parliament and the Council and within the Council itself - your rapporteur would have like to extend liability to the whole contracting chain , as the Commission had originally proposed . I think that the new proposal put forward by the European Commission in May 2007 , which is intended to provide incentives for the withdrawal of almost 3.8 million tonnes of sugar from the EU market , will again fail to bring about the anticipated results . this is the case for those who worked in the 49 enterprises in the furniture manufacturing sector , where redundant workers will be paid EUR 662 088 from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund , as well as for those who worked in the 45 enterprises in the wearing apparel manufacturing sector , where the sum is EUR 523 481 . I tell you straight , Commissioner : I do not find the proposals that have been stated here adequate for resolving the problem confronting us . that is why I voted as I did . Member of the Commission . - We know the problem and have applied new regulations and implementing rules to these questions . I also think that the EU budget should fulfil a role as the main mechanism for boosting and restoring growth and employment . smart growth , sustainable growth and inclusive growth are the priorities proposed in the new strategy , and they define where the EU wants to be by 2020 . already at that time we decided that we must examine our relations with the southern neighbourhood . a similar pillar of the Community legal system will be our accession to the European Convention on Human Rights , a process that is currently under way , but the system of human rights guarantees enshrined in the Member States ' own legal systems will remain a similar pillar . when we had our discussions with him , given that I have met with him on two occasions , he said that - actually we should not go into that discussion because I would certainly be biased and I do not have enough information - but he said that he had been obliged to respond to the provocation . I am glad that the Commissioner for Agriculture is here to listen to me because maybe it is at a time of crisis that Europe can actually rise to the challenge . rules to ensure the long-term sustainability of our way of life . when food aid is offered but not properly thought out , it can violate the primo non nocere principle : ' do not harm ' . it allowed the extrapolation from a major species to a minor species of the same family , ruminant to ruminant , fish to fish , chicken to other poultry . to achieve this it is sometimes necessary to surpass oneself . we must also ensure that part of the revenue collected is actually allocated to infrastructure and trans-European transport network projects as indicated . Mr President , we also wish to expand on the arrangements for the association agreements - in which we must have faith and believe - with the Mercosur Customs Union , with the Andean Community and with Central America , so that they can b concluded as quickly as possible , and especially within this parliamentary term , to allow the House to issue its mandatory consent . Mr President , I admit that I am both confused and also quite sad and disappointed . this should be all-inclusive , in the sense that it should cover domestic violence and genital mutilation , but also some more insidious forms . a necessary component of effective enforcement is that the courts may , as an interim measure , act swiftly to order disclosure and freezing of the debtor ' s assets . these are measures that involve changes , but they are also a genuine , decisive stimulus for economic growth through job creation . ( PL ) Mr President , we have spent most of our time discussing the crisis in Greece , and quite rightly so , for it is an enormous problem . this report takes us in the right direction to confirm this conviction , while clearly expressing full respect for national competence over the quantitative aspects and flows of migrants . the proposed penalty options will initially apply only to the countries of the euro area . the number of complaints registered in 2008 , considered inadmissible , is extremely high and is on the rise compared with previous years . the recommendations contained in Mr Van Hecke ' s excellent report , which I fully endorse , certainly go in the right direction . I think that we should have a very serious debate on this at some point in the future and that we should seek a common solution in this area , because this is a question of democracy . some in our Group say no to all this . all this has sown instability and decline in Europe . the European political establishment ' s handling of the Treaty of Lisbon will go down to posterity as a disgrace in two respects : firstly , with regard to the political process for pushing it through and , secondly , with regard to the actual purpose of the treaty and its content . finally , I would like to congratulate Mrs Laperrouze for her report and I hope that it will be supported by the vast majority of our fellow Members . ( applause ) we therefore obviously need to reduce emissions from transport . secondly , in the last two years , less than 4 000 people have arrived on Italy ' s shores , thanks to bilateral agreements with Libya and Tunisia . ( DE ) Mr President , before the vote , I would like to point out a problem which affects the vote and which may need to be discussed and resolved . this proposal aims to codify Council Directive 87 / 404 / EEC of 25 June 1987 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to simple pressure vessels . moreover , 19 December saw the entry into force of the visa-free regime , in accordance with the Schengen system , for citizens of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia . you could not say it more succinctly . it also expands the application of sanctions and payment of fines to Member States that do not meet any of the requirements imposed on them . in no case has the result of a vote been affected , as the majorities have not changed . it has failed to actively engage and connect with the citizens . the honourable Members will see that strong political commitment is being shown by the EU ' s institutions , and particularly by the Commission , to fundamental rights and freedom of information , of expression and of the media . just a few weeks ago here in this House , many of us pledged our solidarity with Greece . however , I believe greater reflection would be advisable , as hasty standardisation could lead to more disruption and legal uncertainty than benefits . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner , ladies and gentlemen , I think that what the Commissioner said , namely that a military solution is not possible , needs to be reported on the front pages in Sri Lanka . if you think I am wrong , prove me wrong : hold the referendums you promised , put the Treaty of Lisbon to the people . accordingly , we in Parliament still have work to do on this dossier , and I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise that point . economic and social development is dynamic in today ' s world , therefore statistical data should be presented in a more effective manner , so that decisions can be taken more quickly . more attention must be given to initiatives such as the Bologna Process and the Comenius , Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci programmes , which make it possible to study abroad and emphasise the importance of professional mobility in the future . in writing . - We agree that children should be protected from sex predators , cyber bullying and other dangers on the internet . it is of course open to discussion as to what classes of accidents are to be compulsorily investigated in accordance with the methodology adopted and as to how precisely the organisational independence of the investigative body is to be defined . the perpetrators belong to a local militia and some local police officers were involved . how can new ministers , such as the ministers for transport and for regional development , who have no European experience , cope successfully with the European agenda and preside over the European Council ? it is true that , at the end of a long night of negotiations , which lasted from 19 : 00 to 07 : 00 , there was huge disappointment . we , who have involuntarily spent the greater part of our lives witnessing how the free exchange of ideas is a basic precondition for a healthy democracy , believe that this precondition will be honoured and respected in the future as well . it is the case that a failure of the euro could be extraordinarily costly for all of us in this globalised system , and I want to spell out that my country - which sometimes depicts itself as if it had to make major sacrifices - is the main beneficiary or joint main beneficiary of the euro . a number of potato farmers have written to me recently because they have been very badly affected by the very high levels of rainfall in recent weeks as well . victory for the democratic forces , currently united in the Alliance for European Integration , guarantees the continuation of the progress made during the last year - progress towards democratic government , rights and human wellbeing . I am advised that it has been ruled on and only certain amendments have been declared admissible , as is normal in any House . the so-called secret detention and transportation programme by the United States or the alleged CIA use of European countries to transport and illegally detain prisoners has been , without a doubt , a source of concern for many Members of this House . while principles such as free trade are sacrosanct , the economic interests of European workers , it seems , are dispensable . the next item is the vote . thirdly , ACTA provides a balanced agreement , which replies to the four main concerns expressed by Members , for the following four reasons . we certainly did not adopt our position in the face of the principle of the inviolability of human rights underlying the resolution , which we wholeheartedly subscribe to . as such , it is a fundamental step that had to be taken and must be taken as rapidly as possible . and we needed to complement it with greater inclusion of citizens in this process , through this instrument of participatory democracy . it is important for consumers to be able to make their purchases in full knowledge of the facts , and for them not to purchase leather or fur inadvertently as is the case , in particular , when fur is used as trimming on cheap clothing . ladies and gentlemen , I am , of course , going to tell Mr Nassauer that he is quite correct . I am confident that , once the new rules come into force , regulation of the feed market will be significantly improved , in the interests of both feed manufacturers and users . the climate issue is not just hype , and I also note that , fortunately , it is enshrined in the EU 2020 strategy of the new Commission . on the basis of this , the government was encouraged to explain its own reform plan or , if need be , complete it or go into more detail ; to demonstrate the relevance , ambition and credibility of these reforms on the basis of three evaluation criteria , which then allowed the level of financial incentive for each country to be determined . surveillance of budgetary positions and surveillance and coordination of economic policies ( let me start with Croatia . the powers of comprehension on the part of the Finns should not be underestimated either , not even those of the supporters of the True Finns Party . the report is also brimming with a great many other points with which I fundamentally disagree . the next item is a brief presentation of the report by Mr Medina Ortega , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , on better lawmaking 2006 pursuant to Article 9 of the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsididarity and proportionality .. however , in my opinion , ' throughout Europe ' does not necessarily mean ' from within Europe ' . lobbyists who behave unethically must be publicly exposed and it must be possible for them to be barred . Mrs Bozkurt mentioned the issue of hotlines and I think it is a good idea , though it is not so easy to achieve . this was the first time that 115 Heads of State or Government met to discuss climate change . I was intrigued just now to hear Mr Hannan from the Conservative Party suggesting this should be a matter of national discussion and democracy . the role of permanent President is to enhance a shared sense of direction : nothing more , nothing less . first of all , the Commission welcomes Parliament ' s support for a mixed approach to the review , consisting of a combination of horizontal instrument-regulating aspects which some different directives have in common , and maintaining specific aspects in sectoral directives . ( FR ) Mr President , I would like to ask my fellow Members something . however , I think that more must be invested in modernising the infrastructure for producing and transporting electrical energy . it is important to stress that the presence of a nearby desert has no bearing on desertification . I admit that the leakage is fuelling speculation and causing a deterioration in the conditions for a potential recovery in Greece . the Commission knows this . if we just take stock of the interim situation with regard to the three 20 % targets that we have been set - CO2 , renewable energies in the energy mix and greater energy efficiency : with regard to CO2 and renewable energies , we are making good progress , but where energy efficiency is concerned , we are just beginning . it should be said that the negotiations currently under way between the leaders of the two communities on the island are positive and that a better atmosphere of trust has been established . that is why the Commission can support the amendments put forward in Mrs Angelilli ' s report . the next item is the report by Pier Antonio Panzeri , on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs , on stepping up the fight against undeclared work . in writing . - We recognise the different concerns of our various allies . the earthquake region of Sichuan must be converted into an open-air laboratory where potential solutions can be tested out and the findings used for the reconstruction of that province . however , during the negotiations , the European executive must strive to encourage an ambitious trade agreement , which will support fair trade and contain legally binding social and environmental protection elements . this will create jobs and it will create consumption . ( PL ) Madam President , there is no end to the murder of Christians ; today in Iraq , Nigeria , Egypt and Afghanistan , yesterday in Sudan , India and Indonesia , and tomorrow , if they have not already been killed , if they have not already fallen victim to pogroms , violence , rape and aggression , they will have to live like pariahs , hiding their faith even in places where their cultural , political and economic roots are much older than the appearance of Islam on their homeland . will any of this be taken into consideration in your impact assessments ? we say ' yes ' to the ecological restructuring of our economy and society ; we are completely on your side here and will translate this into action . it is also clear today that the same applies to the Commission and its President , who has demonstrated that he is not beholden to the Council or Parliament , but is working for European interests , contrary to the claims of the socialists and Mrs Ferreira . several speakers have stated that skills and the quality of education and vocational training have a decisive impact on the future position of both individuals and social groups and need to be constantly improved . it does not matter whether we choose to call it intelligent , sustainable or inclusive , we are now in the grip of a crisis in Europe that will not come to an end tomorrow . the aim is to prevent duplication and to ensure that all those responsible for delivering EU external policy work effectively together , and the Commission will also continue to have services responsible for trade , development policy , aid implementation , humanitarian aid and enlargement . we hope that all this does not simply end up as another propaganda campaign and that agreement can be reached in the Council to make the necessary funds available so that it can effectively applied in all countries . it is important that all the additional Members enter Parliament at the same time , in order for our institution to avoid accusations of functioning improperly . in this connection I have a question , which the rapporteur also referred to , concerning the extent to which it is in the interests of the states involved in the programme for other Member States to be covered by the funding of the Seventh Framework Programme , when this funding remains unchanged . the vote will take place tomorrow . it is essential that the Council should accept the text that leaves the Chamber in full if it is compliant with the agreed amendments . I would like to stress that my ' yes ' vote for this report is not an expression of support for the common agricultural policy itself . therefore we need to act , and act immediately ; and I am very pleased that the Commission has acted swiftly - and well - by taking some palliative measures , reducing the set-aside for 2008 to zero . the common market should bring us greater competition and energy security , which is what our customers are eagerly awaiting in particular . this also means that it contravenes our Rules of Procedure , which cannot be accepted under any circumstances . one directive that affects that is the Electromagnetic Fields Directive and I know the Commission has been looking at this . the debate is closed . I voted in favour of this report in particular because it contributes to two essential points : improving the information available , which facilitates a more environmentally friendly choice of tyres , and the fact that , by making such a choice , we will be contributing to greater energy efficiency , given that tyres are responsible for 20 to 30 % of the total energy use of vehicles . we do not forget that in the Europe which teaches tolerance and democracy , acts of violence will never be acceptable . in general Members from the big Member States have understood this , at least those in my group . this is one of the assertions Russian diplomats love to make . the Eastern Partnership and the Euronest Assembly are a good platform for such an engagement , and I feel that there is a new wind coming from Azerbaijan , a renewed wish for political dialogue . the measures have not yet been implemented , however , and they , too , require high levels of investment and will make vehicles more expensive . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , in times like these when we may talk about shifting traffic from road to railway but have been presented with a directive on costs that will probably not entirely achieve that , it is good to find a report that actually aims to strengthen a transport mode we regard as important , the train , to ensure that in future it will have the same rights and the same opportunities in many respects as the heavy goods vehicle . combating tax evasion ( this must play a key role not only in the forthcoming programming period , but also in every phase of devising and implementing the Europe 2020 strategy . the Armenian genocide is a historical truth . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , there is no doubt that the inviolability of human rights is the real essence of all societies , which indeed gives rise to democratic values . in writing . - ( PT ) Although the European internal market is huge , the world market , opened up due to globalisation , is even larger and more dynamic . patients must have the right to obtain complete , correct information about medicines . I can see the internal consistency of what you are saying as a Euro-integrationalist , which I am not . in writing . - ( NL ) A strong common agricultural policy with appropriate resources is necessary to ensure food safety . the same applies to the judiciary and the particularly important chapter concerning the judicial system that has not yet been negotiated . I do not quite understand the premise of the question , because any examination of DG Trade ' s website will be able to yield the information that the Member wants about cases that are currently being initiated and investigated and on which proposals will be brought forward in the ordinary way . in writing . - ( LT ) I welcome the Strategy for the Danube Region adopted by the European Commission and agree with its action plan which devotes most attention to four areas ( connecting the Danube region , protecting the environment , building prosperity and strengthening the Danube region ) , and takes into account the need to improve movement in the Danube region , energy security , social and economic development , cultural exchanges , security and civil protection . there are still many species in Europe that are waiting to be discovered and described . I have read the legislation for ' Buy American ' . there is continuity , due to the election of Mr Barroso , which we opposed - although you , of course , gave him your support - and we think that this continuity is damaging to the European model . we Hungarians are all too aware of this , as the ailments of the Hungarian economy have been caused by the very fact that we have the lowest employment rate throughout Europe , in all the European Union . yes , we do also encourage industry with different types of incentives , but if the public funds and European funds will not follow in accordance with our political priorities , then the plan will not be successful . it proves too , in a way , that we are making progress on European integration . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - ( NL ) Mr President , it says a great deal that the new bilateral strategic partnership with Brazil has been brought about under the Portuguese Presidency . Mr President , would you trust an economic forecaster who had recently said this : ' the euro has done more to enforce budgetary discipline in the rest of Europe than any number of exhortations from the IMF or the OECD ' ? or this : ' the euro has already provided great internal stability for the eurozone ' ? now the third dimension . he identified several priorities , on which I would like to spend a few moments in my remarks . finally , Madam President , we cannot ignore the fact , either , that we must also be able to negotiate with the United States - particularly with regard to the price of wheat , which is fixed in Chicago - because we are dealing with a global issue and not just a European one . a High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy would be appointed , who would not just be based in the Council but would also be a Vice-President of the Commission . in some countries , a good structure has been set up across the whole chain , whereas in other countries , health care systems are experiencing enormous difficulties and transplants are more likely to come under the heading of ' exotic medicine ' . it has been argued that keeping quotas makes prices high so we can keep farmers in business . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Mr President , it is not very often that I find myself agreeing with something said by the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs . as a result , I was unable to vote in favour of the report either in committee or in plenary . finally , I support the fact that the future common immigration policy should devote special attention to the position of ORs , which are all EU external borders . my country ' s new constitution is proud to guarantee a strong constitutional protection . the debate is closed . I am therefore particularly pleased to see that the Commission is willing to examine this case . I also ask you to make your influence count to ensure that the auxiliary troops there can provide humanitarian assistance . I commend the CoR for the consistently high quality of its Annual Activity Reports , and welcome the inclusion of the follow-up to the Parliament ' s previous discharge decisions . current unemployment levels , particularly among young people , are worrying and more needs to be done to ensure that young people are able to gain vital skills and qualifications . Madam President , I would like to congratulate the rapporteur , Mr Stockmann , for his excellent work : he has described very well the content of a text , a proposal for a directive , that we are about to adopt . there may be other reasons , but not the ones being given . ( DE ) Madam President . in total , for the period 2007-2013 , EUR 9 billion from cohesion policy funds will be directly invested in sustainable energy initiatives in the EU . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , firstly I would like to thank you for your support . in this report , the rapporteur builds on the work of the previous rapporteur by adding new elements to be regulated by the regulatory procedure with scrutiny . once we have adopted the Stockholm Programme , you will be involved in the important work that needs to be done in implementing and dealing with the details of the various proposals . it reminded me that the European Union is capable of regaining the support of its citizens by leading a truly efficient campaign against global climate change . they must be adequately protected . amid countless difficulties he attempted to bring democracy to the country , dismantling the old post-Soviet diplomacy and opening up to the West , NATO and the EU . the debate is closed . such measures are necessary in Sweden and Germany , for example , but we also need measures at European level . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I will be really very brief , not least because I completely agree with what both Mr Tajani and Mr López Garrido said . the pilot project used participants who are self-employed or who want to go self-employed , and they were supported for a year along the path to self-employment . however , I am not happy that this very toxic sludge - the television reports have included images of people who have burns as a consequence of coming into contact with the sludge - is to be classified as inert waste . the revival of fair and free world trade is something that Doha can , and indeed must , achieve . nevertheless , allow me a reformulation that is not a figure of speech . the Stability and Growth Pact and the entire framework for economic governance should be compatible with the Union ' s strategy for growth and jobs , and should complete it . the Charter on the Freedom of the Press initiated by the European journalist community is an important reaffirmation of the basic values enshrined in fundamental legal texts such as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights . in writing . - I welcome this report which is the sister of the report on the issuance of visas between the EU and Georgia . though Mrs Kroes also seems satisfied with these changes , the European Parliament considers that the Commission only focused on a few technical aspects to the detriment of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . it should be adopted by the Council of Health Ministers . this ranges from the amendment of the Posting of Workers Directive to the Social Chapter , which in addition to the treaties , in addition to Lisbon , should also clearly set out the social dimension of this Europe . if , however , this is merely an argument about procedure , the vote in favour of Amendment 812 did not necessarily imply that Amendment 70 had lapsed . unfortunately , this report deals in generalities and does not contain any effective strategies for combating these dangers . in this context , the establishment of a new TRT channel broadcasting in the Kurdish language is a step forward . meanwhile , the European Union should concentrate on guaranteeing gas supplies from non-Russian sources : it should do more to promote the Nabucco pipeline from Azerbaijan , and it should invest in gas terminals and research into extracting shale gas . there is no doubt that even more must be done , especially as regards the fight against corruption , but the fact remains that the country is making significant headway in its path to membership of the European Union . I voted for the resolution on labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency . according to the Commission ' s report , the declining financial impact of irregularities in 2008 indicates that some of the legislative and institutional measures aimed at discouraging fraud were implemented successfully by Member States . apart from the many positive developments , efforts must continue to be made to eradicate ethnically incited violent crimes and the ever-increasing incidence of beatings against Hungarians from Vojvodina completely . today , our Parliament is paying special attention to the current situation by adopting a resolution only on Ashraf . we cannot demand something that involves a level of cost and bureaucracy that cannot be assumed by the food-producing sector , nor can we demand something that we are not capable of imposing upon third parties . for historical , political and cultural reasons , this relationship has always oscillated between trust and suspicion , between attraction and repulsion . in the long-term perspective , it is essential to develop a new strategy for the entire region . we can move forward , provided that the European Council later this month gives support to these proposals . EUR 26 billion has been programmed for the first three years . far more than that , in the struggle between two systems , in which freedom and democracy were pitted against dictatorship and oppression of the individual , it proved to be the stronger and the more successful vision . in writing . - ( SV ) As always when one votes on a budget the size of the EU ' s , there are details about which one has reservations . in fact , there would be no aerospace industry without massive public intervention and support . rapporteur . - ( NL ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I think that we have indeed had a good debate tonight . however , the creation of an information monitoring authority , whose council would be politically controlled exclusively by members of the ruling party , runs the risk of exercising a biased , centralised political control that would inevitably lead to censorship and , even worse , self-censorship . the debate is closed . yet the practicalities of an agreement with a state the size of Congo create all sorts of daunting problems . democratic values and principles along with human rights are fundamental principles for EU Member States . animal testing is avoided but people gain proper information about the chemicals so that they can take the correct action to protect themselves against them . this is why I have voted in favour of this resolution . naturally we condemn this fraud and endorse intergovernmental cooperation between the relevant national agencies . I attach very great importance to the word ' priority ' , as that means putting things in rank order . but the real tragedy is this : we saw not a single national leader return home flying the flag for Europe . this is also the first building block of our asylum package - the first of six pieces of legislation - and is a first step towards our joint aim of achieving a common European asylum system by 2012 . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Mr President , as the Commissioner has said , he agrees with this resolution , and it reiterates everything that the EU-India Free Trade Agreement could encourage - investment , the elimination of tariffs , non-tariff barriers , etc . the European Parliament must strongly condemn such actions , which reveal the ugly and oppressive face of the Turkish occupation of the northern part of Cyprus , in violation of European law and human rights and the Third Vienna agreement of 1975 . of course , this is only a start . one is to increase the reduction for cars , in order to compensate for the emissions from commercial vehicles . both of these fundamental elements - and , incidentally , fundamental promises - will be destroyed if the two reports are adopted . in writing . - ( PT ) The causes of rising food prices in the European Union and developing countries vary , but we cannot ignore the contribution of the CAP and of agriculture being diverted towards biofuel production . this meaning is the general interest of all Europeans . rarely had the challenges been so important and the difficulties so crucial to overcome . ( DE ) Mr President , yes , there have been a number of e-mails but there has also been lobbying by the Israeli Embassy . the second pillar relates to cooperation between the Member States , which is essential , as in many other areas . the expansion of regional economic cooperation appears to be especially significant in this context , as also is the prospect of membership for states in the region . the problem was not resolved , however , and following a conciliation procedure between Parliament and the Council , the Commission was invited to weigh up the pros and cons of extending working time rules to self-employed workers and thus present a proposal in 2008 . the argument that biofuels would bring only environmental benefits and offer major agricultural and industrial development to European countries has collapsed . it is a question of certain elementary standards - I would even say human standards - and not European ones . ( PT ) Madam President , Prime Minister Fischer declared that the Czech Presidency was very successful . across Europe , the process of modernising education and training systems is largely driven by the search for greater efficiency in terms of cost-effectiveness . a real deepening of the Single Market benefiting citizens , business and European competitiveness must be strengthened by creating infrastructure projects that have added value for the whole of Europe , and which are funded and managed at EU level in order to ensure our energy independence and security . however , for many people , the WTO is still something of a puzzle . there was a wave of arrests of Democratic Society Party ( DTP ) members , and the threat of arrest still hangs over members of the Turkish Parliament . you are right , Mr Grech , to warn against the fragility of the internal market : nothing is set in stone . to face this new threat , we need to harmonise legislation , boost law enforcement and strengthen cooperation in police work . this is really an investment , and its nature therefore probably also responds to some of the calls by those who are now demonstrating outside Parliament and the Berlaymont building . in our view , if consumers wish to be aware of their rights and thus well informed , they need to be sent a copy of a charter enumerating their existing rights clearly and comprehensibly when concluding contracts . the next item is the explanations of vote . the Union has also underlined that full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) , including access to documents , is essential . I can assure you that there will be no dissenting votes tomorrow from our group and we shall all be voting in favour of it . in the area of housing , work and industry , it is existing buildings where we have the most to do . finally , the Commission must work to relax financial regulation . this is a historic and unique opportunity for China to demonstrate its willingness to improve its human rights record to the world but in my opinion we are not seeing sufficient progress in this regard . it may be that the Commission and the Council will decide to freeze derivatives , at least to propose it at world level , and to suspend trading in these commodities . it is absolutely vital that we do not see this Eastern Partnership as a tool to use against Russia , but rather as a strengthening of the countries which , in terms of neighbours , have the European Union on one side and Russia on the other , as - all being well - Russia should become our partner , particularly with regard to this policy . as far as the Blue Card is concerned , I would like to change the outcome of the vote of the committee responsible tomorrow in order to open up the European labour market not only to migrants from countries with which we already have partnership agreements . therefore , today I would also like to put forward an amendment proposal , which I understand that the Commission is prepared to support . this will make it easier to shoulder a problem in which we would otherwise have been held to ransom by old-school politics and would have needed to raise the spectre of Mr Berlusconi to feel absolved from our mistakes . immigration naturally brings us to a universal value , which some of you have mentioned : mobility among peoples . the Belgian Presidency has been very helpful in tabling a paper to the Council , in which it promotes the use of correlation tables , emphasising that they help clarity and transparency and will make the application of EU law quicker and more effective . if we want to implement genuine democratic reforms , then economic reforms will also be necessary , and that is not going to be easy . the normal approach is to try to influence these processes , to prevent their negative impact . that is why I welcome the approach taken by the Slovenian Presidency , because I too consider that closer cooperation between customs and border control authorities is required to improve the existing method of managing the Union ' s borders . in parallel , we will pursue our holistic approach with a view to achieving a genuine internal market for rail . ( DE ) Mr President , the contrast is striking ! in particular , in consideration of the current financial and economic crisis , we want the same supervisory regulations to apply to the EIB as to all other commercial banks , because without real supervisory control , the EIB cannot be a credible player on the credit market . last but not least , we must take measures to encourage the private sector ' s involvement in European projects . I have now been overlooked for the second time , even though I asked for the floor in plenty of time . we have long complained that there are too many complaints being made to that office which do not relate to its function . if only for this reason , Mr Barroso ' s plan is no more than the sum of national efforts accompanied by promises of greater tolerance of budget deficits and state aid regulations . I think that the European Union , the European Commission , must also play its part by revisiting the agreements made at the time of accession , particularly those concerning improving the situation of the Roma . Mr President , the imminent closure of Independent Network News , a Dublin-based news agency providing a first-rate national and international news service to the majority of Ireland ' s local radio stations , raises serious and legitimate questions about the ownership , plurality and regulation of the media in Ireland . composition of committees and delegations : see Minutes indeed it will be sui generis as there is no model to follow . this judgment requires the development , definition and implementation of a unitary strategy and common commitment . Mr President , thank you for giving me the floor . 2 . these plans have naturally met with opposition from local residents in many areas ( Lefkimi , Grammatiko and especially Keratea ) , who are forced to accept this ' least and last desirable ' solution . does society not understand politicians ? the governments of the so-called new EU countries have pointed out that , thanks to quarterly statistics , they will have at their disposal a common system of indicators which is essential for monitoring the employment market . I know she is going back to a very interesting position in Finland . Mr President , we have over the holiday break seen a number of very worrying developments in Pakistan , not least , of course , the assassination of Benazir Bhutto . in writing . - ( DA ) We have voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on rising food prices . we share your view that competition is essential to ensure a level playing field in the single market and to promote a sustainable exit from the crisis . now the Commission and the European Council are coming to us with a proposal that is more of the same : a weak agreement that makes reference to Articles 121 and 136 of the Treaty . the second was that the Council refused to provide any comprehensive written answers . - ( SK ) The Commission proposals for monitoring the health of the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) were formulated under conditions quite different from those under which we find ourselves today . also , neither party has planned for a possible cooperation in this area . without doubt , it will continue in great depth within the framework of the so-called common agricultural policy health check . the European Union is still the only region in the world to have limited its emissions by law . we have made satisfactory progress in the context of the task force and achieved convergence towards the Commission ' s initiatives to reinforce economic governance , notably focusing on prevention and pre-emptive action , putting an emphasis on debt sustainability , agreeing a method to address macro-economic imbalances and establish an effective enforcement mechanism . they were badly needed . is it the wolves in the Pyrenees or the Alps that are eating up the shepherds , or lamb imported from New Zealand ? that is the key point : disaster management must be organised on a decentralised basis . I will be presenting these details - the basics of what we will be proposing in the very short term - to Council on Tuesday next week in Luxembourg . I would like to remind you that this bureau never has worked properly , particularly as the original idea for it came from the executive authorities . ( SL ) Madam President , allow me to join in the chorus of praise for rapporteur Swoboda ' s approach and work . that is why we have emphatically backed all the amendments and all the work done by everyone - including the Socialist Group , the GUE / NGL Group and the Liberal Group - on those amendments and texts aimed at improving the situation and enhancing transparency . one difference certainly exists compared to the United States . successive appeals and resolutions have not been effective . rapporteur . - Madam President , I fully appreciate your presence in the plenary this evening . in writing . - I voted to oppose the removal of the Parliamentary immunity of Bruno Gollnisch because : 1 . what we need , and the euro crisis proved this , is convergence in our social and fiscal policies . both the Iranian Government and the opposition are supporting the voices on the streets . Chad has also been included as a country to be followed up in view of a possible EU election observation mission in 2009 , if all conditions for such a deployment are met . I believe that improving Directive 92 / 85 provides a solution to a genuine , serious problem which Europe is facing . we have had a very broad foundation process and I would like to thank the Commission - first Mrs Hübner and now Commissioner Samecki - for the work they have put in . women also take more career breaks , for example , when they have children and take time off to bring them up . I have always observed the law . can they count on greater financial resources , which will allow them to catch up with the Member States of the old Union more quickly ? in writing . - ( RO ) I would like to welcome the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 15 and 16 October 2008 concerning the need to redefine the European Union ' s policy on its eastern neighbours , in particular with regard to the Republic of Moldova . research infrastructures are playing an increasingly important role in the advancement of knowledge and technology by offering unique research services to users in different countries . the universal values that the EU wants to spread throughout the world include the right of every person to a dignified life . we approve its key message : there will be no military solution . hence we believe that European funds should not be released until something is done to improve the situation . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , I think I do not need to add much to what Monica Frassoni , Graham Watson and Martin Schulz have said . we need clarity as to how this can be addressed within the WTO rules , because farmers in Europe want access to the best technologies available to them to be more productive . if we continue to look the other way - particularly now with the highly charged events happening in Tunisia and the consequences for the entire region - we shall only aggravate the security situation in the Sahel and deliver another cornered , desperate generation to criminal and terrorist organisations like al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb , which are already at large in the region . environmental economic accounts should contribute to policy evaluation , particularly by making available data concerning the environmental impact of economic activities . we are saying that it was not nuclear energy , it was Japan that was not safe . I think that it is high time to move away from these dilemmatic Manichaeisms and to make clear points concerning our wish to engage in a constructive and efficient dialogue with Russia . this is not a true European policy . the EU wants its own soldiers , guns , tanks , aeroplanes and bombs in order to ' fulfil its responsibilities in the world ' . ( FR ) Mr President , the following is an extract from a letter written by William Bourdon , Taoufik Ben Brik ' s lawyer , to Mr Sarkozy , President of the French Republic : ' I have had the opportunity to denounce , as all his Tunisian lawyers have done , the legal farce which has resulted in Taoufik Ben Brik being sentenced , without in-depth examination , to a staggering six months in prison . ( FI ) Madam President , let us get back to the point . in many policy areas , such as the environment and transport , there is no dispute as to what may be regarded as delegated acts . the EU needs to improve cooperation , independence and transparency in the management of future pandemic crises . we are faced with an example of these ' two faces ' , the true one and its mask , in this case the latter . this charitable remedy ( the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ) that is being proposed will not make people forget that the European Union is , in fact , directly responsible for the tragedy being suffered by the redundant employees , because of its choice of free and fair competition . the fact that these three major topics have been ignored or systematically rejected by our partners in Chişinău will actually indicate to us that the European Union has been turned down flat by Moldova when it came to matters of fundamental importance to the future of this country . we do not believe it is a good idea to prepare the Lisbon Strategy and to review it without careful reflection , without self-criticism and without a genuine consultation process , such as the one called for by the trade unions and the Social Platform , because the Lisbon Strategy is very important for all of us and for the perspective of the European Union . harmonisation of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation ( vote ) I will conclude by saying that the problem mainly concerns the United States of America . I did not want to abuse the catch-the-eye system on a different debate , which was an important issue on the death penalty . Nazism and communism are ideologies that were actually inspired by older ideologies . while the report is welcome , certain areas remain unclear ; for example , whether existing wilderness areas or potential future wilderness areas are being discussed . in this context , it is essential to strengthen European consumer protection policy and to render it more effective and meaningful for the public . that demonstrates a lack of responsibility with regard to European policy . we would also say that the Roma cannot be regarded as a typical national minority , such as the Hungarians in Slovakia or the Russians in the Baltic States . this is why I am asking President Klaus to clear the way for the treaty which has been ratified in all 27 countries . agreements are agreements , and cannot be impositions . secondly , what were the differences , if it is possible for us to identify them , which prompted the ECB not to endorse all the recommendations of the report compiled by the task force led by Mr Van Rompuy ? it is with these thoughts that we shall decide on our stand in the vote tomorrow . a lot of people experience this area as a prison , where they have no contact with the outside world . the Commission has closely analysed both the report and the amendments proposed for this debate with great interest , and we have taken note of the fact that the report specifically supports extending the deadline for closing uncompetitive mines to 2018 . we must condemn the detention conditions he has been subjected to , as well as the failure to respect his basic human rights during the proceedings . it has been at 30-40 % for years . the promise of involvement in international negotiations was also in the 2005 agreement , and Parliament has been treated with disdain . we must realise that nobody who treats Russia and the Russians like a normal society and a normal civilised western state can understand that country . this is the first injustice . ladies and gentlemen , I think that this is headline news . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to raise a point of order : without wishing to interfere with the procedure , I would like to know if there is a rule by which it is compulsory each time to state , as well as the result , the number of voters , the number of abstentions and so on , or whether this is your own choice . that is why it is particularly important to put forward ways to combat the exclusion of the Roma and to promote their genuine integration in the societies in which they live , and to take concrete measures to that end which are based on serious and detailed studies of the issue . the new agreement refers to the need to create a European TFTP ( Terrorist Finance Tracking Program ) . I will finish by thanking the shadow rapporteurs for the way they worked on this report . investments related to environment protection are also extremely important . the creation of an area of freedom , security and justice is inconceivable without a ban on all forms of discrimination . the opening of the European School System is in line with the European Parliament ' s wish to ensure that this would be possible both in places where an EU decentralised agency is located ( so-called ' type-II schools ' ) , and in locations without a direct EU presence ( so-called ' type-III schools ' ) . in this regard , unlike in the current regulation , it would seem important for institutional talks on these subject areas to be introduced . I hope the perpetrators of this crime will quickly be apprehended and duly punished . it is hard to understand the lack of awareness of the need to have a single anti-discrimination law which would protect the equal treatment of all people and not just of select social groups . can the Commission definitely state that cloning humans , in whatever form , is not and will not be part of this strategy ? however , in this case , the impact is small because China has only 14 % of the EU market . the French authorities are currently carrying out an assessment of the damage and of its repercussions for the economy and the living conditions of the population . does the Council share this unequivocal position adopted by the Commission ? one could suggest that we wait and see what happens and then make the necessary adjustments , and I would agree with them if this development were not reinforced by the procedures and the unanimity . the imposed restrictions on media , including the Internet , are unacceptable and I urge the Egyptian authorities to restore all communication networks without delay . well , in the experts ' opinion , the disaster at Kolontár was the result of uninhibited profit making and a serious breach of technological discipline . we need to focus on a number of areas in order to achieve a large-scale effect ; we need the courage to specialise production in a region - incidentally , the principle of specialisation is an old one in the European Union - provided that good links exist for transmitting that knowledge ( broadband or traditional infrastructure ) . however , as we are all aware , it was in the name of the Lisbon Strategy that the European Commission presented to this House some of the worst proposals against labour and social rights , through their emphasis on flexibility and labour deregulation . I support what my fellow members have said with regard to imposing a rigorous revision of the legislation relating to the CE marking , with liability regulations for importers and facilities for placing sanctions on those that infringe upon the regulations . Russia is facing a serious demographic problem - it is losing around 700 000 people a year , over a territory twice the size of the United States of America . we consider the arguments that are put forward by the companies concerned , so if a company were to put this before us then we would certainly look into the matter . but , like the Commissioner , I am disappointed that this agreement did not achieve its ultimate objective of a complete opening of the market without restrictions on either side . it is also important that this system should operate effectively , thus becoming a useful tool in preventing and fighting against crime , particularly that of a sexual nature . there is the question of the biometric passports ; I know that not many have yet been issued and I would sincerely call on the Commission and some of the Member States to help issue these biometric passports . firstly , the Commission has not only sought to simplify and ensure better implementation , it has also greatly increased the scope in certain areas . in writing . - I voted for this resolution which notes Serbia ' s progress on reform and the Council ' s recent request to the Commission to prepare the opinion on Serbia ' s application for EU membership . I welcome the fact that in addition to all the other important points she makes the rapporteur refers explicitly to the need to ensure that women have a stronger role and to promote respect for the rights of women , minorities and children if good work is to be done in Iraq . if there could be any doubts as to their justness , it would have been enough to follow the European Commission ' s speeches to dispel them . the second experience which I would like to share with you is this : it is important not to become exhausted or disenchanted , and it is important not to lose heart . I intend to answer a few questions , Mr President , and I do apologise for not answering them all . according to the Treaties , the churches are partners for our institutions , but they are not lobbyists . although the situation has now lasted several weeks , we do not know what caused the breakdown cited by the satellite operator , Eutel Communications , nor do we know when the breakdown will be put right . ( RO ) The European Council we are preparing today is decisive for the future of Europe . both are searching for possibilities to diversify and they will not stop doing this . when will the new realism of the people who really shape global politics creep in here , among the people who merely think they do ? for example , Bangladesh gets 80-90 % of its steel from dismantled ships . Mr President , I am trying out the new rule we have so that we can use our blue paper . furthermore , our institutions have cooperated with the US Federal Reserve , the Bank of England , the Japanese Central Bank and others . the threshold that has now been set is EUR 33 000 . the people who vote for us and pay our wages expect us to take concrete decisions of precisely this kind . I also welcome the appointment of a man who has all the qualities required to fill such a post . the latter , far from advancing towards a just and sustainable peace , is worsening as we watch and is poisoning international relations , when it is not threatening the cohesion of our societies . I heard one important suggestion , which was to prepare a Marshall Plan for the Middle East . ( DE ) Madam President , Mr Le Hyaric , I see things in exactly the same way as you do . similarly , while the ECB ' s massive cash injections have kept many institutions from collapse , the reality is that many banks have not passed on the liquidity to customers , particularly to the detriment of the small and medium-sized businesses on whom economic recovery rests . the unpleasant experience of the Russo-Ukrainian gas conflict in January 2009 was necessary for the question of energy security to become a matter of primary importance for the entire European Community . only negotiations with the full commitment of the parties can bring about a lasting solution . given the failings and weaknesses in the market and institutions that have been brought to light in devastating fashion over the last year , a move away from the abuses and faults of the past is only to be welcomed . the figures speak for themselves . there is no doubt that Frontex has an important role to play in this regard , and it is clear that the Member States want to see the agency strengthened . ( PT ) Mr President , Commissioner , in the analysis of the banks carried out in 2010 , it was uniformly recognised that one of the problems of these tests has been the predominant national logic , whether with regard to methodology , to diagnostics or to the choice of criteria . I am convinced that if this provision is kept , the legislative decision on which we will take a vote within hours will make it possible to circumvent the law and even to abuse it because " national security ” is an all too general notion and lends itself to various interpretations . I commend you , I commend the rapporteur and all colleagues who have contributed to the submission and adoption of the existing proposals . such coordination is , however , taking place at the moment in the reviews that we are carrying out . Mr President , I am asking you to help secure the release of 45-year-old Antonio Ramón Díaz Sánchez , who was sentenced to 27 years in jail in 2003 . Petitions : see Minutes I hope you will help me to keep my promise , and I hope we will all meet again on the Action Day in 2012 . Mr President , let me recall our significant resolution of 2005 about the end of the Second World War in Europe , which stated that ' there cannot be reconciliation without truth and remembrance ' . the second issue is that 12 % of Structural Funds , according to the Court , should not have been reimbursed . he is quite right to say so , therefore . the Commission must work actively to ensure that the rest of the world follows our example , and to make our technologies accessible to developing countries . in short , Russia is an indispensable partner for the Union , not only economically but also politically . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , I would also first like to thank the rapporteur for her excellent work which has allowed us at all times to feel comfortable with her proposals . rapporteur . - ( IT ) Mr President , Vice-President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , we are today celebrating the conclusion of a procedure that started as far back as September 2005 . on behalf of the PSE Group . - Madam President , I would like to start by thanking Mr Diamandouros and Ms Wallström for their presentations and Ms Sbarbati for her excellent report . these include family farmers , smallholders , small business owners and government employees . the Commission shares Parliament ' s view because we need to modernise vocational education and training in Europe to make it attractive , to have qualified teachers and trainers , innovative learning methods and high-quality infrastructure and facilities , and , of course , we have to have the mobility . an important instrument , but only that : an instrument . moreover , we now know that the Commission also ignored the report by the European Anti-Fraud Office ( OLAF ) , which denounced irregularities in the importing of tomatoes from Morocco , in a report acknowledging the impact of these imports on lowering tomato prices in the EU market . there are reasons for migration flows . there are also useful conclusions that can be drawn from Chernobyl . I believe that this is a time when we need to show decorum , without making a great fuss or putting on displays on the subject or without exploiting the images of this unfortunate industrial accident . the EU ' s intervention and financial assistance were therefore necessary , with the aim of increasing the level of protection of human health and the environment . ( DE ) Madam President , firstly , I would like to say on the subject of the export ban that I fully agree with Mr Oettinger . I have voted in favour of this report . this technical assistance must focus on moving Iraq towards the European economic system and , to some extent , towards European business . there is now a very heavy burden and responsibility on the shoulders of those who wish and desire an even deeper centralisation of the decision-making process here in Brussels . given the restrictions announced on the sale of grain , the size of harvests this year will be crucial . in order to do that , the diplomatic convocation and activation of the Member States of the United Nations Human Rights Council must be in full swing in order to get missions , reports and resolutions so that the politicians responsible get an assurance that these acts of violence will not remain unpunished . the application of the directive to Luxembourg Airport , with its 1.6 million passengers a year , and the fact that its provisions do not apply to either of Luxembourg ' s direct competitors , Frankfurt Hahn and Brussels Charleroi , which process more than three million passengers , is intolerable discrimination in a single market and is based solely on the fact that a national border lies between Luxembourg and these other airports . others will soon come . Mrs Isler Béguin has a great deal of relevant experience . I believe that she is right to advocate that for our part , we should increase resources so that the European Parliament can make an effective contribution to the situation , as it has already done in the case of other countries . as a specific stimulus for the European economy , I would highlight the European Economic Recovery Plan , which encourages , among other things , projects in the energy sector ( electricity grid , natural gas grid and carbon capture and storage projects ) , finances measures relating to broadband Internet , extending the so-called information highways to rural communities , creates a fund for the dairy farming sector , as a new challenge of the common agricultural policy , and other Community aid programmes , such as distribution of fruit and milk in schools . regional convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin ( no ! however , the fact that a single offender who commits a criminal act is embedded in his judgment as part of a large group of people who , so to speak , are held collectively responsible for the acts of one individual , is nothing new in the history of humanity - it has always occurred - but it is always equally condemnable . we call upon the leadership of the European Parliament to insist upon the resumption of these television broadcasts over Asia . ( RO ) Europe can be split into nine distinct biogeographical regions according to similar climatic , topographical , geological and vegetation features . there are other forms of financing , in addition to direct funding , which should be used as well , however , such as regional state subsidies or loans from the European Investment Fund . Allergy sufferers in particular stand to gain from this proposal , as fur is potentially hazardous to their health and without proper labelling , they may buy a product containing these textiles without realising it . it was high time , ladies and gentlemen , to restore the confidence of these European citizens in their European institutions . Mr President , I find myself in a difficult position in this debate as I believe that strong fiscal rules are necessary for a strong currency and a strong economy . while the situation in the financial sector seems to have stabilised and shows signs of improvement , although everything has not yet settled down , the challenge is , from now on , to limit the effects of this financial crisis on the real economy and businesses as far as possible . neither provocateurs nor the blackmailers of the Greek Government can stop this movement , and nor can the murderous acts which were committed in Athens today and which have shocked us all . it has been a huge undertaking but he has really delivered on this very complex piece of legislation . this figure on its own shows how important and urgent it is to take action in this area . the Commission should prepare a study comparing the practice to date of individual Member States regarding integrated strategic planning and , on the basis of the outcome of the study , draw up specific EU guidelines for integrated urban development planning practice that promote efficient , legally regulated partnerships , including cross-border urban partnerships . these should never be replaced by unified and homogenised outside regulation which might fundamentally damage advertising as a quite legitimate and essential sector of national economies . Madam President , the EU is not , of course , concerned with conjugal ethics , but with guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens wherever they may be and whomever they decide to marry . we have also made targeted reductions based on past implementation , rather than making across-the-board cuts , which have become almost a tradition . I am thinking of the challenges associated with climate change and energy . I should like to take this tragic opportunity , because I know that all of Europe and all the European media are watching Greece today , to ask all my fellow Members here to demonstrate responsibility , gravitas , solidarity and , most importantly , respect towards a nation going through such a difficult time . unfortunately , in most cases , the provisions of the regulation are not being respected . in the autumn of last year , at the presentation from the European Court of Auditors , we were already discussing the responsibility of Member States for monitoring the overall issuing of EU funds . I voted in favour of the resolution because the EU must not close its eyes to these atrocities either and it is only right to demand of the governments in Egypt and Libya that these cases are investigated without exception and the perpetrators held accountable , in order that the countries may continue along the path towards democracy and freedom . Mr President of the Commission , this is our message : use your power of initiative to help the Council to adopt an ambitious programme for a social Europe . and that means encouraging and supporting Kazakhstan ' s European aspirations . this hope was born of the blood and tears of millions of men , women and children . I know that the multi-speed Europe does exist . simple logic , if not the appeal to concepts such as the right of the non-smoking majority , should convince us to make this effort a priority . the new Europe with its High Representative ought to be capable of providing its own aid to the people who are suffering . targeted sanctions on the junta and businesses connected to it are now urgently required . the impact of this turbulence could go beyond what we have seen so far and it therefore demands our full attention and fully justifies today ' s debate . historically , the River Danube has connected Western and Eastern Europe and belonging to the Danube Region has evolved a sense of community among people . ( the sitting was closed at 22.50 ) then there are no material errors in the underlying transactions , although we are still finding - and therefore need to improve - a high incidence of non-quantifiable errors in both budget-support commitments and payments . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Mr President , last week in the United Kingdom , Lord Davies delivered his speech to the government on how to increase women ' s participation in the boardroom . the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has made a great deal of progress , and can act as an example for the other countries of the Balkans , whilst also offering an opportunity to increase stability in the region . I have no reason to doubt that the European Council in June will be held on time as planned and that the agenda will be professionally prepared . in writing . - The common organisation of the market in fisheries products is intended to ensure stability in the market and security of income for those involved in the sector . I am surprised that more people have not protested against this proposal and that it seems to have passed unnoticed . this can be obtained from the EURES portal . in a relatively short space of time , we have secured additional financial resources which we intend to earmark for the future development of new , cleaner technologies and for the purpose of increasing a reliable energy supply . thank you . , on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , on the eve of the Seventh Human Rights Council , Parliament wishes to send a message of support , vigilance and mobilisation . financing broadband Internet in rural areas is important for development , but of course , as I said , this budget is a compromise . requirements for prior authorisation may be imposed only in exceptional cases - if they are specified on the Commission ' s list or if there is a risk of a mass exodus of patients which would undermine the health system . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , this is the first time I have spoken before this House . a reformed CAP must be in line both with global food security and development policy objectives , abolishing once and for all export refunds , that undermine the ability of developing countries to build up their own agricultural production , limiting market intervention mechanisms , which also serve to distort the market and promoting sustainable agricultural production to help both the agricultural sector mitigate and adapt to climate change , thereby protecting the EU ' s natural resource base and food production capacity . the accession of Croatia , a European country with a European culture and a European history , should be accomplished as quickly as possible . we also need to make up for lost time , as thousands and thousands of women die in developing countries every year because of lack of information and lack of access to sexual and reproductive health . the experiments carried out so far under the auspices of COSAC show a great disparity between national parliaments in their approach to the subsidiarity question . climate change : one of the greatest threats our planet faces . the Commission has provided some very useful elements in its Second Strategic Energy Review . it should be said , however , that the change in attitude to Turkey ' s efforts is what matters most . I have noted all her suggestions and we will act on them as far as possible . please allow me to say one last sentence , Madam President . I do not see what the point would be . we have worked very hard together to reach the compromise . this illustrates that it is important for the Member States to introduce well sustained and scientifically based alerts into the RASFF and to trigger the RASFF when Member States are confident regarding the scientific evidence supporting the alert notification . I have in mind here our European potential in the following areas . unemployment is a local , national , but also European phenomenon . composition of committees and delegations : see Minutes climate change brings its own worries about adapting our lifestyles and about fuel costs in a very different world . Adjournment of the session some Member States are already much more ambitious in their national codes for energy efficiency , and I hope that this directive will encourage others to follow suit . in fact you can see the pictures on my website . I therefore feel that the country should continue towards achieving this goal . author . - Mr President , this House has taken a clear and strong stance as far as the death penalty is concerned . let me just very briefly focus on four main challenges . while there is still time , it is vital to defuse the tension between Chinese nationalism and the Tibetan independence movement . what is also important , from our perspective , is absolute coherence with the provisions of Rome I , i.e. the applicable provisions in private international law . although different , both disasters have something in common - they both could have been avoided or could at least have been smaller in scale if environmental protection had been given more consideration . my second question to the Commissioner , when she was here , and therefore to the Commission as well , was how this money can be distributed to Member States or whether it is possible to do so in such a way that small producers whose livelihoods are at risk will be the first to receive it . ( DE ) Mr President , this is certainly not a nice reason for this debate . this is about the internal market , harmonisation , adding value : all very important . my request to the rapporteur is that he include in the report a statement to the effect that the European Parliament calls on the Council to put the swiftest possible end to the continuing position of the Netherlands as the largest net contributor per citizen . in other words , I believe we should call for the protection of the interests of local communities in accordance with a general principle . the greatest civil liberty we all have is life itself . in view of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , I would like to draw attention to the obligations of Member States concerning implementation of the strategy , which includes encouraging young people to participate in democratic life , paying special attention to young sportsmen and sportswomen and the legal enforcement of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . in 2006 half of all products sold in the EU that were deemed hazardous to health were manufactured in China . I also think that one or two of Parliament ' s proposals on the amount of funding needed are too much . this is the biggest massacre since Guinea ' s independence in 1958 . the addition to the set of available procedures of a procedure with a blocking effect can serve as an effective tool in the protection of rights against Member State measures violating fundamental rights . Madam President , Articles 81 , 101 and 102 all deal with these issues , under cartels , price fixing , predatory pricing , etc . nevertheless , the solutions tabled in the report are along the lines of deepening these same market mechanisms that are responsible for the current crisis of volatile prices and unequal distribution of profits throughout the production chain . Mr President , personally I think that the time has come to make a shift in our approach to energy problems , namely by gradually shifting the emphasis from ' energy security ' - that is , trying to secure our current deliveries from volatile suppliers - to ' secure energy ' , meaning the full exploitation of the energy sources firmly under EU control . ensuring that parliamentary elections are fair and monitoring the creation of a new government might provide an opportunity to stabilise the situation . at the same time , the international community should be prepared to provide financial aid to help rebuild state structures that are based on the rule of law . the resolution on the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region and the role of macro-regions in the future cohesion policy states that given the planned development of nuclear energy in the Baltic Sea region , the EU Member States must comply with the most stringent standards of safety and environmental protection , and the European Commission must monitor and check whether neighbouring countries on the EU ' s external borders follow the same approach and international conventions . the relationship will be dealt with in the White Paper on adaptation to climate change , due to be adopted very soon . I think that the EU still needs to develop a strategy in this regard . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , the legislative proposal on the rights of passengers travelling by bus and by coach that we are discussing today is the result of a very difficult process , including conciliation . in 2010 , as a result of the AIFM Directive , one in four hedge funds left the City of London . I should like to hear from the Council how we might avoid this problem . without forgetting the importance of the European Police Office ( Europol ) and notwithstanding the general support which it should have , as the third pillar , this is an extremely pertinent matter for the security of the European area . the recent tuna issue is just the beginning . reporting and documentation requirements in the case of merger and divisions ( ( DE ) Madam President , I am delighted that , in the De Vits report , we have a very good report before us and I am delighted that all our fellow Members are of one mind regarding solidarity , transparency and consumer protection . we believe that all rights are residual in the individual . we cooperate at all times with the European Anti-Fraud Office ( OLAF ) , and I would add that we are on the verge of agreeing to supervision by the new European Banking Authority . the Summit is taking place in a very stimulating climate . if we weaken the economy , where will the funds for combating climate change come from ? I am confident that we can soon open this chapter , provided Turkey fulfils the last remaining conditions . the resolution I have drawn up - and I hope we shall have a near-unanimous vote on Thursday in plenary , as we did in the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety - calls on the Commission to stop procrastinating , talking idly and postponing . this is a moral imperative in the current crisis ; we cannot enter into international negotiations believing that it is developing countries that must make all the running . we hope that this latest position statement will yield more results . Madam President , we are indeed living in extraordinary times , but Mr Barroso ' s response to the economic crisis lacks strength and impact and his promises on social Europe have not been kept . we have an important figure , a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator , whose speeches are very interesting . also deserving attention are a series of proposals aimed at effectively combating discriminatory policies in the EU , underlining that equal opportunities are a fundamental right of every citizen , and not a privilege . it is not surprising , then , that there should be a debate on the revision of the Barcelona objectives included in the programme of the Czech Presidency . this secrecy has also possibly been exacerbated by an imbalance , if it is true that US industries , unlike the European public and institutions , have had access to a series of information resources on the basis of a confidentiality pact . all too often , the exchanges of information are not of any value and sometimes the information is lost . studies by the US space agency NASA show that the control of climate change will call for more radical action : the gas content in the atmosphere caused by climate change must be restricted more stringently to be able to avoid these radical changes . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) this lays down , among other things , that a safety authority is to be established in each Member State , which must be independent from the railway undertakings and the infrastructure manager , and whose tasks include monitoring , encouraging and enforcing railway safety and developing a regulatory framework . this is the responsibility of all three European institutions . I do not deny , however , that you may be right in saying that the higher harvest prices do not necessarily make up entirely for the rises in costs . this test was carried out again between 2 and 5 March , and the final assessment and validation of the second set of tests took place on 6 April . the phased , short-term EU target is 175 g CO2 / km , to be reached by 2017 , and the long-term target is 147 g CO2 / km , to be achieved by 2020 . bearing in mind the six-monthly reports from Member States during this last reference period and the numerous difficulties indicated by carriers , I call on the European Commission to examine the possibility of revising Regulation No 561 / 2006 . we should remind the Council to keep to this mandate in its negotiations with the US . if humanitarian law continues to be broken , specific sanctions must be imposed . the bad news was that it was not a Liberal who was in the President ' s seat , but the good news was that it was a Belgian . for this reason , I voted for the proposed amendment . the budgetary control remit of Parliament , like that of the Internal Audit Service of the Commission and of the Court of Auditors , must also be strengthened to ensure that these agencies are monitored properly . the commander confirmed that EUFOR would carry out its mandate in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolution , that is to say with impartiality and consistent respect for the Sudanese borders . we are working very hard on this and I will probably be making a statement on this specific subject - namely land use planning in the developing countries - in the near future because it is an issue of real importance . fair competition in the internal market is a key to the competitiveness of European agriculture in the global marketplace . to combat this type of fishing , which depletes marine biological resources and ecosystems , is a vital goal for the European Union . we should take a break from that , because what we must do is to bring about a cease-fire . respect for human rights is one of the foundations of democracy and is the main value on which the idea of the European Union is based . the EU ' s creative potential must be supported and boosted so as to facilitate innovation in our internal market , without , however , running the risk in the near future of facing charges related to intellectual property rights which could be claimed by non-European countries . the agreement does not replace but supplements the existing bilateral agreements , which cover travel for purposes other than tourism or business . Polish farmers could reduce production costs by introducing GMOs , but do not wish to do so . in this context , I would like to talk about the political sensitivity of the issue , as there is a great possibility of abuse in this regard , particularly now , as governments are acting unilaterally in pursuing these issues , without consulting those that are affected . the largest economies in the developing countries are also unwilling to integrate their national plans for mitigation with the global agreement and , at the moment , there is no credible financial plan . the EU has taken steps , but only at a humanitarian level . the relevant TFTP agreement was approved by Parliament in July 2010 . the answer to Question 58 by Mr Heaton-Harris will be given in writing . Romania has a long tradition of good cooperation with Latin America , as our Latin heritage is a valuable asset we have in common . I think that it is imperative that all citizens have free and equal access to treatment , in due turn and according to their need . part one in economic terms , Tunisia achieved an average growth rate of 4.6 % between the years 2002 and 2008 . as high energy prices are expected to prevail in the long term , it is essential that the policy measures aim at facilitating the structural shift to more sustainable patterns of production , transport and consumption . we need to use and develop the skills of those migrant workers coming to us , and EQUAL has given us some fantastic examples there which we must not lose . the Commission encourages the Thai Government to seek regional cooperation , involving also the UN High Commissioner for Refugees , as the Rohingya issue and the other displacement issues mentioned earlier need a comprehensive response . what I wish to say to you is that we have in fact organised , both with the Task Force and within the Commission , extremely regular meetings with the co-contractor and the two co-contractors , especially Steria . current systems for covering costs relating to aviation security , regulated at a national level , are not always clear for end users , who are often not even consulted before charges are calculated or changes are made to a charging system that affects them . what is certain is that strict application of maximum sustainable yield will , in the short term , result in a sometimes drastic reduction in fishing opportunities , and therefore in the activity , income and employment of the Community fleet . for all these reasons , we cannot agree with this draft budget , which is over EUR 11 billion smaller than was planned in the multiannual financial framework for 2010 . it is important to maintain the appropriate nutritional values of this food and for it to be produced in an environmentally friendly way . we need a better process in the European Parliament . I should also like to stress the urgent need for reform in connection with the developing countries . therefore , unless the European Union and international community take urgent action in curbing demand and tackling illegal poaching and trafficking , and changing attitudes in China on tiger-related products , the new reserves will be too little too late . that is important . my second specific question is as follows : can the Commission put in place the technical requirements to simplify management of the system , on the internet or in a portal , to allow users to access each market area separately , such as wine , milk , fruit and vegetables ? we need patient diplomatic efforts to overcome the stumbling blocks and also to make the UN negotiating process a more viable one , so that , for example , it adopts rules on voting . the issue of profiling was raised by the Belgian Presidency as well . we will get on with our work . it was already in trouble in 2002 after another disaster which was not at all natural , the sinking of the Prestige , and at present the oyster-farmers of the Arcachon Basin are losing all hope of being able to get back on their feet . the ECR Group have nevertheless voted against this resolution for two specific reasons . I would like to emphasise that I will continue to hope for cooperation with the rapporteur which ensures that the 2012 budget being drafted by the European Parliament is a budget which is characterised by financial discipline , but also one which does not only think about the following year or the two or three years which come after it , but which is able to introduce modernising instruments which facilitate the European Parliament ' s work , and investments which I hope will make savings in the future . I maintain that the migration of citizens , their successful integration , including into economic life , and their social inclusion , can provide a means of tackling demographic change . we will not know , moreover , if gas is the cause of the war or a consequence , but in any case we will have a gas war . why ? budget cuts are having a direct effect on young people ' s prospects and opportunities for development . I agree that SMEs are important but I think we are also looking at talking to large corporations and also to the public sector , to government employers at national , regional and at local level , the health sector and really all those who employ people , because it is in that way that we will make sure that we get the level of graduate unemployment down and we give our young people a chance . I would not therefore like anyone to go away with the impression that the Commission ' s opinion and that of the Commissioners is that we are very satisfied and nothing more needs to be done . ( PT ) I , too , wish to pay tribute to Jean Monnet , but I asked for the floor in order to congratulate the President on his statement on the European Day in Memory of the Victims of Terrorism . children in the EU are not eating enough healthy food and healthier options need to be made available . I believe that the revision of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement will help address the new changes that have come about in the decade since this agreement was first signed and will increase participation on the part of national parliaments , civil society and the private sector in those countries ' political and economic life . this is another example of Parliament guaranteeing the victory of the broader European cause over national self-interest and protectionism . I urge the High Representative to take all possible steps to persuade him to grant clemency in this case . I and my colleagues in the Committee on Regional Development shall not stop pointing to the responsibility of the Member States under the Structural Funds . I , too , am pleased that Mr Deva has taken a seat , for now Mrs Ferrero-Waldner will be able to hear me , which is a great relief . however , we must also take into account the current health problems which are cardiovascular diseases , diabetes , obesity and cancer . it was the case in 2000 with Prime Minister António Guterres , and it is the case today in the third Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the Union . the four winners would be , for example , British Airways , American Airlines and others that would benefit from such a shift in the competitive situation . we are , indeed , at a crucial stage in our economic relations with Japan , and there are still some issues that need to be clarified . the employment guidelines proposed by the Commission and approved by the Council present the European Union ' s current common priorities and Member States ' objectives regarding their national employment policies . we in UKIP will put a non-racist agenda to the British people at the European elections , saying that it is time to put British interests first . the subject of conditionality is also something that requires detailed consideration which we do not have sufficient time to go into here . if others think that they can do a better job of these tasks , then let them do so , but they should apply the same intensity to them in the years to come as they give the impression of wanting to do at the present time . in the coming decades Europe ' s economic and social development will depend on an influx of new economic migrants . Libya is likely to become a mass deportation destination for migrants . yesterday I had a meeting with Commissioner Fischer Boel . it would be ludicrous and perverse for us to turn our back on them , having achieved them . the region is strategic but difficult to control . here I would take up one key point : the office of the European Ombudsman must work harder and better on its external communications with citizens . Mr Lucas , Mr Holm and others have said that all this falls short of the expectations of the environmental groups . rapporteur . - Madam President , I too would like to join in thanking both Mr Beglitis , who is now a Greek MP in his national Parliament , and his successor Mr Obiols i Germà for excellent cross-party cooperation and eventual consensus as co-rapporteurs of this key report . secondly , we welcome the fact that the European Parliament is to be informed during the next term . as the saying goes , ' Nothing ventured , nothing gained ' and , while that is true and most certainly is part of the inspiration that propels us forward , it is prudent to note that , like the voyages of discovery of the past , today ' s venture will have a cost too . in addition , you call for the development of a strategy for improved communication of the social advantages of the internal market . yet liberal Europe ' s project and activities have also run out of steam , and spectacularly so . finally , I should like to speak up for a community that cannot do so here for itself . if we are talking about expense , it undoubtedly costs less to take action of this kind and to place price controls on morphine , rather than deciding to destroy crops using the existing methods which get us nowhere . but let us be frank : progress has been slow , it has been uneven and it has not always been very effective . then we will have made progress . the mechanism is , of course , a compromise mechanism , and it is one that had to be found because other mechanisms were not provided for in the Treaty of Lisbon . we also believe that fossil fuels must be actively phased out in the long term , which is not mentioned in the report . on agriculture , we have a text in which not everything is to our liking , but there is nothing that we cannot handle in that agriculture text or that will push us beyond our mandate . responsibilities and burdens should not be shifted just on to one group of European countries . there was a new correlation between prominent players on the world stage and the proper role of multilateralism in the UN system . the danger of targeting agriculture is that we will reduce cattle numbers and reduce emissions in Europe , but we will transfer production elsewhere and make absolutely no difference . I hope that the same thing will happen soon in Slovenia . as a result of the economic and financial crisis , the situation in Europe ' s labour market is still tense and therefore combating unemployment must be one of the most important policy priorities for both the European Union and Member States . the victims were primarily individual users , those decorating their own homes and house decorators , since in industrial use certain safety regulations are observed . the Commission was , from the beginning I think , a balancing factor for the medium-sized and smaller Member States of the Union towards the Council . the subject areas touched on in it are extremely important in terms of ensuring that the Cotonou Agreement remains the basis for a solid partnership with the ACP countries , as well as a relevant instrument against the backdrop of the new challenges which these countries are facing . only political cooperation and the economic integration of the region can provide peace there in the long term . I also agree that it should be ensured that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) supports the reintegration of individual redundant workers into employment , and I would like to reiterate that assistance from the EGF must not replace measures which are the responsibility of companies by virtue of national law or collective agreements , nor should it finance the restructuring companies or sectors . we are looking into the matter . the proposal for a regulation that we are dealing with today contributes to this aim by ensuring that reliable and comparable data is collected in all the Member States , in order to enable harmonised risk indicators to be calculated . however , the total lack of any strategy by the occupying forces to deal with rebuilding the country has also resulted in untold misery . the Lisbon Strategy is also urging speed . at that juncture , the European Court of Justice was to cease ruling on the basis of general legal principles derived from the constitutions of Member States . the objective advocated in this report is clear : the creation of a single strategic framework for the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) and the other Structural Funds , particularly the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ( EAFRD ) and the European Fisheries Fund ( EFF ) , for the next financing period after 2013 , along with its coordination with other instruments of the external aspects of EU policy . it really alarms me that we have arbitrarily set aside what our Rules of Procedure plainly state . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I hope that you will accept this report and will vote for it , in general terms , in this House . is this the doctors ' fault or the patients ' fault ? only it is important to say that whilst this directive may not necessarily embody the initial 1993 idea , which was to get rid of the opt-out , it now provides a framework and additional guarantees for today ' s , not yesterday ' s situation . it has to be welcomed that disarmament becomes an essential element of the agreement - to be more precise - on a par with democratic principles , human rights and the rule of law . I think they are very much in line with our group ' s position . if we do not achieve progress on these two issues , there is a risk that no progress will be made in the negotiations and they will perhaps be jeopardised . this is where we are vulnerable and endangered ; when I put it that way , you will understand how important this agency is to us . I have taken part in various seminars and conferences and listened carefully to everyone , including through the media , in my search for the best possible synthesis . for many , the issue of wine is as close to a cultural issue as language itself . some in this very House and in the Iranian opposition have called for relations with the Iranian regime to be completely broken off and for the new government not to be recognised . I want to continue with a deeper cooperation with Parliament , with yourself and with the distinguished Members of this Chamber . it is also quite apparent that the EU is not prepared for states of emergency , larger waves of refugees , or to provide a strategic solution to the refugee situation . let there be no doubt about this : the absurdity of the obligation to take in asylum seekers and strict compliance with the principle of non-refoulement are not being called into question . Europe is unfortunately no longer , as the Prime Minister claims , the leader in the climate-change negotiations . the EU has now got real leverage to put pressure on Lukashenko ' s regime to make him bring about genuine improvement as a condition for further EU economic aid and cooperation . most of it was positive , however , and I therefore did not need to think for long before voting in favour , although not everything was good . women should have control over their sexual and reproductive rights . we should we forget Ukraine , Moldova , the Southern Caucasus and North Africa . announcement by the President a chicken said to a pig , ' Let us have a joint venture . delegated acts ( Rule 87a ) : see Minutes my concern regarding the after-market is particularly related to those cases where consumers are unnecessarily tied to a specific operator for repairing their car . I regret that Parliament has not drawn any lessons from what has happened in Japan . I would like to explain that there is , of course , a grey area relating to patient information and advertising for medical products . the money from that policy will not be available until 2009 or 2010 , but when that funding does become available I look forward to the EU assisting in the social and economic reforms in Lebanon . - Before the vote on paragraph 30 : strategic cooperation with third countries will be developed within the strategy , notably in information society dialogues , as a vehicle to build global consensus in this area . on the other hand , the twice-yearly presentation by the Commission of reports relating to the development and migration of SIS I to SIS II will ensure that work on SIS II is transparent for the European Parliament . a catalogue needs to be made of all the private quality certification systems and a legislative framework of basic principles needs to be adopted at EU level in order to ensure that these systems operate transparently . under the framework of FLEGT , tropical timber exporting countries have begun drawing up Voluntary Partnership Agreements ( VPAs ) with the EU , in order to guarantee the traceability and legality of timber . this will also assist the interpreters . I therefore agree that we must ask Member States to take steps to improve the situation of the children left by their parents in the country of origin and ensure their normal development in terms of education and social life . in that , he is truly right . this would be an important step towards making the role of education and training more tangible in an increasingly open European context . in the context of the current economic crisis , this is the most important challenge for all of us . the report also calls for research studies on seeds and their contribution to disease control . those relations or any problems that there may be are settled in the independent courts of the Spanish State . ( FR ) Mr President , I would simply like to address Mr Tannock in order to denounce his attitude towards those who are demonstrating today , and also expand on what Mr Verhofstadt and Mr Cohn-Bendit have said . I honestly believe that the best solution would be to return to a more all-round situation in which the Palestinian Authority had control of borders and there was free movement of goods and people ; not only for humanitarian aid but also for economic development and trade , which are necessary in order for genuine progress to be made . the arbitrary detention of Mr Maguwu is a message of intimidation that the Government of Zimbabwe is sending to human rights defenders and free citizens in the country , to prevent them from reporting on the realities in Marange . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( PL ) Madam President , the subject of today ' s debate is liberalisation of the market in spare parts . today , one way or another , I expect democracy to win again . thus , we would contribute to the security of passengers who use airlines ' services . to maintain reasonable food prices and , above all , a decent income for farmers , and to ensure food security , the CAP should be maintained at the current level . we must be aware that the planet ' s future is closely linked to this region ' s future . in writing . - ( FR ) The economic and financial crisis has demonstrated the failure of euro-liberalism , the dogmatic framework of the Single Market . however , I believe that we have to act with an eye to the future , and this means moving from words to actions . rapid technological progress , coupled with fierce international competition , means that it must change rapidly . so you should not be surprised that the level of criticism is growing and that , in Austria in particular , the criticism of the EU as it currently stands - not of Europe - is reaching epidemic proportions . development aid must enable the populations concerned to remain in their geographical area . in this connection I would like to say to the Commission Vice-President , Mr Kallas , that during his term there have been major improvements generally to the Union ' s openness and transparency and he has been extremely active in this area . we have unfailingly demonstrated this , be it in relation to issues of the internal market , competition or non-discrimination . after all , an internal market , and this is why I believe in Europe , can only function well on the basis of trust on the part of industry , the government and the consumer . however , the split alone will not create stability in the country . in writing . - While academics will argue over the best possible way to measure progress , we as European legislatures must be confident in the method we pick and ensure that it stands up to argument both today and in the future . without an internal market , we will not have a strong European Union . in the last few days it is estimated that about one hundred people have been killed and about two hundred wounded . the raising of the Commission policy voice in this area , in the light of its considerable experience in the provision of humanitarian aid and its unique role at the heart of the European Union , is positively welcomed by the Member States , Parliament and also humanitarian partners . however , in many areas the Commission proposal was ambiguous and may have the opposite effect to that which the Commission is seeking . allowing those countries to develop their markets could make a real difference , supporting not just the opening of markets but how they gain access to them , ensuring that they can reach our standards , and ensuring that they have real opportunities . in my opinion , all EU countries should make sexual relations with minors up to 18 years , where there is use of force , rape or threats , a criminal offence . no less important is the fact that WTO membership brings in its train a series of obligations that China is inadequately honouring . I also regret that the amendment tabled by my group to create a tax of 0.01 % per annum on financial transactions in order to finance efforts to combat climate change in the poorest and most directly affected countries to the tune of EUR 20 billion per annum was not adopted . I also refer to the fact that the review of the political problems should not simply be left to the ECJ , but that here both the EU Institutions - the Council , the Commission and the European Parliament - and the nation states bear responsibility for this through their legislation . the first is the tight time scale allowed for Member States to adjust their fishing effort . they will do exactly as they have previously decided . Jenny used to drive them there but she can no longer afford to put petrol in the car for anything other than her twice-weekly trip to the cheapest supermarket in her part of Manchester . this is a vital first step towards stopping those who are getting rich on the back of the Southern countries ' misery . we wrote to various associations of historians and others , and to my surprise they replied that they , too , thought it would be much more interesting to have a more lively record than just the printed text in translation . I voted in favour of the Göncz report on the European Microfinance Facility . but , colleagues , let me remind you - and I refuse to accept this sort of crowing - I am absolutely not a lobbyist for the car industry . it pushes the Roma to the margins of society . the Commission ' s proposed negotiating mandate for such an agreement is good and points us in the right direction . I consider that Members of Parliament need further evidence before they can propose to grant or refuse discharge to this agency . the Council , however , has not made his work easy . Mr President , I should like to table an oral amendment to this amendment , deleting two parts of the amendment , namely the words ' by the Colombian army ' and ' on Colombia ' . however , we need to do more work , we need to ensure that the transparency and integrity of the work of lobbyists at the EU level is of the highest . I would also like to thank Mrs Giannakou for preparing this own-initiative report . these principles follow on logically from the work that was started when the REACH Regulation on chemicals was being discussed . we spend 50 % of our lives in our homes . we may make some small steps forward . it is a sick joke that he has been given responsibility for the lives and security of the inhabitants of Darfur , when it was the same person who had persecuted them earlier , and that decisions concerning the largest humanitarian operation run by the UNAMID international peace mission are in his hands . on the other hand , however , we must avoid the pitfall of making emotional and unfounded decisions about whether to keep or abandon nuclear energy . ( HU ) Thank you for the opportunity to speak , Mr President . last month many eminent scientists and climatologists from around the world met in New York and after two days of serious discussions issued the Manhattan Declaration , which states categorically that there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity have in the past , are now , or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change ; and that adaptation , as needed , is massively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation . the European Council had requested the opinion of the Commission acting on the proposal from the Spanish Government and , since the Spanish Government ' s proposal reflects the long-standing political agreement to bring the additional 18 MEPs into office without delay , the Commission has recommended opening an intergovernmental conference as soon as possible . I have prepared a working paper for the meeting in Lima in which I analyse the present state of this important natural source in the European Union . 1 . ( applause ) freedom of choice for women , allied with antenatal diagnostics , has become a tool for eliminating womankind . do we fund the new priorities by cutting the previous ones , as the Council and Commission want us to do , or do we do it properly ? one proposal made on these grounds is to maintain coupled aid for sheep and goats . indeed , the measure we are about to implement has always inspired broad consensus , so much so that in 2006 13 million people , and 15 countries in 2008 , actually 19 countries , I think that from this point of view ... this is also applicable to publicity , so that a production accepted by a national broadcasting board in a Member State must be accepted for broadcasting in all other Member States . the opt-out method weakens the community of values . progress has been made with the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2008 , but there still remains a high number of errors in the areas of the Structural and Cohesion Funds , rural development , scientific research , energy and transport . I welcome this . ultimately , however , I believe that the slight price increase for our farmers does not in any way bring the price adjustment that would make up for the losses of recent decades . additional criteria for evaluating projects will increase the level of discretion in their evaluation , and thereby complicate the process of using the funds . however , it is Europe that holds the key to Copenhagen . political decision makers must therefore have at their disposal data that is both reliable and as exhaustive as possible on the modern world and the environmental situation . now we have 27 Member States . the key sectors include climate change , sustainable transport , nature and biodiversity , health and the environment , the use of natural resources and waste management , as well as the international dimension of sustainable development . in other words , we absolutely must avoid the mistakes of the Lisbon Strategy . I would like to tell the honourable Member that I hope that more Member States would follow the example of those who have already signed and ratified those important conventions . in writing . - I and my ECR Group colleagues agree with much of this report , including improving budgetary efficiency , simplifying the application procedures for EU funds , as well as prioritising the completion of the 2020 strategy . I would ask the French presidency and the other Member States to support this . perhaps we have to be bold enough to recognise that it is not realistic to achieve zero tolerance in these cost groups . because we care about all the above , we strongly support the Commission and Council and its Presidency for addressing , negotiating and stressing continuously each one of the issues in regular dialogue with the Chinese side . we have to put an end to this and get out of it . Mr President , Commissioners , ladies and gentlemen , while I have the pleasure of putting this oral question to you on behalf of the Committee on Development , sadly I do not have the pleasure of presenting you with the resolution on the same subject , adopted unanimously by this committee . I know that Mr Verheugen has had intensive and fruitful discussions with the rapporteur , Mr Sacconi , whom I should like to thank for his excellent work - I say this on a personal level , too . may I thank the Commissioner once again . 80 % of farmers do not even receive a tenth of this . our committee was right , but we must go further . the reason , of course , is because of a conflict of interests since the Danes fail to process their drinking water after it comes out of the ground . stress tests of nuclear power plants in EU and nuclear safety in EU neighbourhood countries ( debate ) the fact that we do not know for sure even now whether the tests carried out have been successful or not only serves to raise serious doubts about how the project is being managed . Madam President , I echo the thanks of others to the rapporteur for her work on bringing this initiative forward to Parliament . I have in the past called for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics on the basis of human rights . I voted in favour of this resolution because the European Parliament welcomes the changes brought about by the Treaty of Lisbon , allowing more flexibility in EIB financing , including : equity participations as a complement to the ordinary activities of the Bank ; the possibility to establish subsidiaries and other entities , in order to regulate the so-called special activities and to provide wider technical assistance services ; and the strengthening of the Audit Committee . we are right next to the world ' s battlefield , from Gaza to Kabul . written statements ( Rule 142 ) it might go some way to help , for example , a person whom I came across in London : the only individual working in a hotel kitchen who was not on a permanent contract was the one whose job was to clean the ovens and to get inside them using heavy-duty chemicals , with no training or protective clothing , because that worker was only temporary and therefore health and safety did not matter so much . I should therefore like to call on the Commission to open broad consultation with interested bodies on the adoption of a voluntary product labelling system in Braille and , at the same time , to call on my fellow Members here to support it by signing written statement 14 . we now have before us the task of identifying those areas where temporary guidelines are most needed . however , the data can also be used for other purposes ' according to US law ' , as the agreement states . the first round of the human rights experts ' dialogues , including with the African Union , has opened up new possibilities for engaging with the African continent on human rights . however , once we witnessed the shocking violence being carried out , we spoke out with one voice , against the violence and against the regime that is inflicting it . ( NL ) Mr President , what is happening now in countries like Tunisia and Egypt is an immensely important development . I am also pleased that an agreement has been reached on the milk fund , including in relation to production in mountain areas and disadvantaged regions . the case was referred to the European Parliament by way of a special report from the European Ombudsman . as provided for in Rule 145 , I shall give Mr Martin the floor when the minutes of this sitting are considered for approval . environmental protection from radiation following the crash of a military aircraft in Greenland ( vote ) many of the targeting techniques - display , contextual and certain search-related adverts , etc . - do not involve any tracking and are not a subject of major concern . thanks to the EAW , the Union has managed to reduce surrender times considerably , in many cases from one or two years to only one or two months . we are arguing that we should not automatically exclude it . the invitation to Slovakia to join the euro zone is also important , both for the euro zone and for the Member States of Central and Eastern Europe . we must realise the Treaty of Lisbon ' s objectives regarding social issues through the specific proposals included in EU 2020 , for example , defining initiatives such as ' an industrial policy for the globalisation era ' or ' an agenda for new skills and jobs ' . I think the signs for change here are not very good . in writing . - ( LT ) I endorsed this document , because the Committee responsible decided to approve the closure of the accounts of the Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative on Innovative Medicines for the financial year 2009 . on the subject of cooperation programmes for democracy and human rights , the Commission would like to remind Parliament that the new instrument , the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights , foresees specific funds for projects in difficult countries such as Cuba and Burma / Myanmar , mentioned in this debate . this document is also one of the two main means used to implement the common fisheries policy . in this connection , we wish to highlight the need for democratic control of expenditure relating to the Common Foreign and Security Policy . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I would like to refer to what one of the honourable Members said - that the European Union should be the honest broker in these negotiations . I do hope that the amended Regulation will be implemented appropriately in all EU Member States . the basic condition for the Council to decide in favour of abolishing checks on internal borders with these Member States is to confirm , within the framework of the assessment procedures , whether the new Member States have fulfilled the necessary condition of applying all parts of the Schengen acquis : data protection , the Schengen Information System ( SIS ) , air borders , land borders , sea borders , police cooperation and visas . on a relatively modest Prime Minister ' s salary , he has mysteriously managed to become a multi-millionaire . the objective of these negotiations and readmission agreements is therefore clearly to strengthen borders , which of course includes Greece ' s borders . Iran is naturally an important player in the Middle East . in particular we should stress the importance of paragraph 18 of this report , which already refuses to support the criteria proposed by the European Commission : ' emphasises that a final opinion on the basic territorial unit chosen , the criteria and the threshold values proposed by the Commission can only be given when the detailed maps drawn up by the Member States are available [ ... ] ' . in writing . - ( PT ) I support Anne Ferreira ' s report because I believe that the use of market-based instruments such as taxation , subsidies and emissions trading , for environmental policy purposes are important tools , although not the only ones , for the promotion of sustainable development . however , there is another aspect of the resolution with which we agree , specifically , the criticism of the lack of transparency with regard to the composition and work of the Commission ' s internal advisory committee on public procurement ( ACPP ) and the role and competences of the Advisory Committee on the Opening-Up of Public Procurement ( CCO ) . Deposit-guarantee schemes ( vote ) the top priorities of the Stockholm Programme include stepping up the anti-communist hysteria in the EU which is already proceeding full steam ahead , culminating in the historically inaccurate and unacceptable equation of communism with national socialism . let us focus instead on the Marty report . we want to retain public services . the situation being as it is , it would be better if the EU ' s Iran delegation were prevented from going , as the trip would only be exploited by the Mullahs for the purposes of propaganda . the economy of neighbouring Armenia has also been affected by the combination of the economic recession and , in particular , the rapid deterioration of the Russian economy , due to the great dependence of the Armenian economy on trade with its large neighbour to the north . that is what I want to achieve in my time in office and I feel 100 % committed to trying to achieve that . even in the optimistic case that all the Council members are supporters of woman ' s rights , I am wondering what kind of example we set for a country to which one requests measures on representation in political structures . this should be the key focus . we regret , however , that the amendments that we put forward for this resolution have been rejected , although they focused on the causes behind trafficking in human beings and ways of combating it , particularly the following : however , the presence of third-country workers must be evaluated with at least two considerations in mind . with regard to the problems encountered by the new Member States in pursuing development aid policy , I would like to point out that : from the end of 2010 all new vehicles are to be equipped for the electronic satellite-based eCall emergency call system , so that professional help can be given within what doctors call the ' golden hour ' immediately after an accident . I am glad that the report , presented by the rapporteur in her speech , expressed support for this recommendation and also looked positively on some of the key sentiments in the recommendation . in an area that could so easily be so beneficial , we have allowed language differences to get in the way of us reaching agreement . for those companies that have chosen to maintain production safeguarding know-how and employment in Europe , this regulation will re-establish a level playing field with our third-country trading partners . as Brussels will only provide the money for the ESF when the Member States take responsibility for cofinancing , this means that there will be around EUR 150 billion on the table for creating more and better jobs . I therefore believe that it is essential for us to take action to help these two journalists : firstly , because they risk being sentenced to death , a punishment that is out of all proportion with their actions , and secondly , because Niger is considered to be a friend of ours and a country that we help a great deal . it would also seem justified to introduce an obligation for companies to publish full information about themselves on their Internet sites and to include a link to these sites on a central electronic platform , which is shortly to be given final confirmation by the Commission . it integrates previous EU regulations into a single piece of legislation and extends it to include transport by water . after all , we cannot just save our way out of the problem . in particular , regulation of sales on the Internet is notoriously difficult and can only be tackled effectively at international level . finally , I want to say that I support the amendment that there should be an obligation to supply free services for blind and partially-sighted persons . the oral question to the Council on implementation of Directive 2006 / 123 / EC , by Malcolm Harbour , Andreas Schwab , Evelyne Gebhardt , Cristian Silviu Buşoi , Heide Rühle , Adam Bielan , Kyriacos Triantaphyllides and Matteo Salvini , on behalf of the IMCO Committee - B7-0216 / 2009 ) , and Madam President , the very fact that we are discussing Tunisia - our initial topic - at a time when Egypt has reached boiling point is indicative of how far we are trailing behind reality , even if the title of our debate can be changed with ease . we did this to show where we were aiming to take Georgia with our reforms . it has been adapted to the new challenges , such as the effects of globalisation , climate change and demographic changes . cohesion policy intervention supports productive investment that is primarily targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises , as specified by the ERDF and ESF regulations . energy security is an issue not just for one Presidency , but for many years ; it is a great challenge and a great honour for the Czech Republic to be able to make progress on this issue . one of them is international trade . there is also the other matter , which Mr Sacconi mentioned and I would like to point out once more : this support is not aid , or worse , relief , that maintains the status quo , but it is an incentive for the future competitiveness of the sector , in terms of innovation , environmentally-friendly manufacturing and technologies that better respect the environment and the safety of passengers and transport . I am also pleased that existing stocks will not - as originally planned - have to be taken off the market within 12 months , but instead only 30 months after the introduction of a new standard . one of the strategy ' s key points is investment in education and research . we can no longer change that today . in writing . - ( DE ) I was happy to vote in favour of this report . this is its only chance to achieve a European perspective . Sudan and the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) ( vote ) in the realm of good governance , we issued a joint statement at our parliamentary pre-summit meeting which included an expression of our conviction that measures to strengthen the capacity of African parliaments would enable those institutions , which had previously been overlooked , to make an effective contribution to good governance and to scrutiny of policy implementation . for this reason I believe that the Parliament , which in fact is acting on behalf of all European children , has a moral obligation to be actively involved in making laws for their benefit . I consider it essential that the public service obligations and the minimum common standards resulting thereof be better consolidated in order to guarantee the fact that the gas services can be accessible to the population and small and medium-sized enterprises . I would like us to be able to eliminate these technologies altogether in the future , in order to prevent further serious natural disasters , where various toxic materials enter our water sources . it means that we cannot adopt ACTA if there remains a suspicion that this agreement could disrupt the supply of medicines or technologies in developing countries . this new common framework for systematically generating European statistics on tourism must be established by the Member States collecting , compiling , processing and transmitting harmonised statistics on supply and demand . ladies and gentlemen , I wish to inform you that , in my capacity as President of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly ( EMPA ) , I shall now attempt to bring about a similar resolution in the EMPA Bureau , as this House has just decided . there is a general principle at stake and I am therefore very content , as is the Committee , that you are undertaking an overall review to monitor compliance and to check whether laws are consistent as regards the national and the European question . as Mr Lamassoure said , we are introducing a totally new layer of participatory democracy which will complement the representative democracy in which we operate in the European Union . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I already used some of the arguments in my previous answer , but it is clear that this is a very important area and I will try to highlight some other additional information in responding to this question . of course , many of us are deeply concerned about migration problems in relation to our nations . in this context I should like to refer to the last colony in the world , the last colony in Africa , namely the Western Sahara , which has been occupied by Morocco for more than 30 years . VAT reductions will help most the people who need it most - the people who earn less than others . Mr President , we cannot wait until the agreement is on the table , because we need to hear positive noises from the Kremlin now on a number of other issues ; I am very worried about certain developments : Chechnya , the TNK versus BP case and Abkhazia . let me say the following on some of the proposals in the Committee on Agriculture report . it is in our strategic interests that Turkey should become part of the political body of Europe in the long term . however , I call on the Commission to put forward some fairer criteria so that farmers can be the real beneficiaries of the CAP . the administrators who are supposed to fill in applications and apply for money are not in the least interested in this . the trigger was certainly the incomprehensible sentence passed against a women , known as ' the Qatif woman ' , who was sentenced to 200 lashes for having been found in a car talking to a man who was not part of her family . the aim is common and the enlarged Europe can become the initiator of enhanced international cooperation on evidence-based HIV / AIDS early diagnosis and early care in the near future . implementing suitable border control systems would limit trans-border crime which would , in turn , contribute to increasing our internal security . ( DE ) In order to master the situation , it is certainly sensible to cooperate at an international level if - and I say this very clearly - this cooperation does not need to be bought with EU financial assistance . lastly , I believe that , on the basis of these preconditions , the Stockholm Action Plan should be focused on fully satisfying the demand for European justice voiced by individual citizens and individual businesses when exercising their rights and freedoms . with regard to this aspect of your work I am hopeful , and I am convinced that through you we will manage to attain that certainty that you yourself referred to . you can count on the vote of the Portuguese Socialists . the regulations it contains will definitely simplify the lives of the average EU citizen who benefits from the freedom of movement throughout the European Union . I received a petition from European textile producers expressing their opposition to this , as they were afraid that Pakistan would export more to Europe , which they did not want . I welcome the action plan on visa liberalisation which lays down practical guidelines for its swift implementation : improving the rule of law in Ukraine and implementing fundamental rights . likewise , I agree with the rapporteur , Mr Swoboda , when he says that we need to observe the principle of equity , which is part of international law . I would prefer to have the support of the main pro-European political families , but some are excluding themselves from that . let alone that EULEX ' s activities would result in that country being split into north and south . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , on behalf of my group of the European People ' s Party , I would like to add my personal endorsement of the proposal for a resolution presented today by the other groups , thus the PPE approves the wording in its entirety . the public is used to each organisation having its logo . the Irish people have said that in a very particular way and as a neutral Member State . the things that happen in connection with the Clean Development Mechanism - 60 % of the money goes to China - should not be permitted . we need to release and create space for the forces that can build our economies , we need to insist on reforms and compliance with the law , and of course we need to support the most vulnerable . a liberal law allowing children and young people to consume addictive substances , including alcohol in tubes or alcopops , at a time where there is an epidemic of psychological disorders would be both careless and reprehensible , and cannot be considered as counteracting , but rather as promoting , alcoholism and other addictions . it is already a very enhanced and good network , and most of the Centres are very active and able to solve the issues raised by consumers . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , I should like to discuss the second report first of all , namely the Framework Decision on combating terrorism . if we use that analysis as the starting point for our discussions , we should be able to establish the necessary common ground and move forward to determine what we should do . written statements ( Rule 142 ) half of its content comes from sources provided by France which , for once , is leading the way with Gallica , the portal of the National Library of France , and with the INA ( National Audiovisual Institute ) . it is important to look at it in a wider context . however , there is no doubt that the new proposals contained in the directive will create a significant impetus which will help many women in Europe to decide to have children . crucial to the EIT ' s fate now is the willingness of the Member States to finance it , Member States which are not investing enough . I believe , Mrs Ayala Sender , that your report makes progress towards creating an integrated pan-European road safety policy . it should be a day , yes , to celebrate how far women have come , but , yes , also to raise awareness about how much further we still have to travel in terms of equality . Adjournment of session could it have been avoided ? there , too , there are many people missing . European funds can and should at most provide a helping hand . the first is Kosovo . ladies and gentlemen , the European Union represents in many areas of life a model for other regions of the world . I mention this because it is also important in the context of our debate today . it is an important instrument for giving new impetus to the negotiations . what is the trade in credit default swaps and credit default insurance all about ? this is the option proposed by Mr Lamassoure and myself . some results of our Action Plan are only now starting to show their impact . the EU ' s Member States considered taking action mainly at national rather than EU level when it came to economic recovery , providing assistance to companies and preserving jobs . therefore , the reform is most welcome . it argues for non-violence not only as the absence of violence , as pacifism , but as an active campaign of disobedience and sabotage of authoritarian regimes and dictatorships . I know that you are working on your opinion on the SET Plan , and am very much looking forward to hearing your views . that is the first good answer I have received from the Council on this subject . airport capacity and ground handling ( vote ) it must facilitate exchanges of information , analyses and experiences between them , organise training activities , and develop concrete cooperation between the administrations entrusted with analysis of asylum requests . the new institutional structure created following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon offers the opportunity to improve the coherence , profile and credibility of the EU ' s actions as part of the UNHRC . thank you . if an issue has an impact that goes beyond national borders , then this involves a European dimension , which also requires a European competence . the EU was never intended to be about competition in wages and social dumping . if we do this , we are sure to succeed . however , it is curious that , free movement within the European Union notwithstanding , it is , at the same time , pushing for the establishment of a system which is far from meeting all the procedures for respecting human rights . the economic results are good , and there is success in the area of legislation . my third point is that equal treatment is a commitment to a social Europe . that is particularly gratifying after a five-year barren spell in the communication of European competition policy on the part of the European Commission . draftsman . - ( DE ) Mr President , I have an oral amendment to paragraph 22 , which I have agreed with other fellow Members . in this regard , I should like to extend my deep thanks and gratitude to you , on behalf of the people of this great poet , for hosting the activities of his commemoration . our group supported the consensus view of allowing for a voluntary increase in the milk quota of 2 % , and we urge the Council to take the lead of Parliament and give the green light for milk producers to increase production by 2 % from April . we consider it unacceptable that the present proposal treats equally those who have considerably decreased their emissions and those who have even allowed them to rise . I should also note that , of the 15 actions included in the Commission ' s action plan , nine should have an immediate application . in this case , however , entire communities are being denied the right to live in their own country . it grew rich by creating wealth . ( DE ) Mr President , Baroness Ashton , ladies and gentlemen , the Arab world is in the grip of profound change . I can assure you that we keep human rights issues at the centre of our political dialogue with the partner countries , and I can assure you that the fight against corruption is one of the issues we address when dealing with the partner countries . projects such as the Nabucco pipeline , a priority project for the European Union , along with the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline , the Pan-European Oil Pipeline , the Turkey-Greece-Italy Interconnector , or the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector , emphasise both the importance of the EU ' s commitments in the Black Sea region and the further need to step up cooperation between the countries in the region . they are responding to this call for increased activity by acting in those areas which we feel are a priority , as Mr Mitchell has said , such as small and medium-sized enterprises , the energy efficiency sector and other areas as well . in writing . - ( PL ) In today ' s vote I supported the acceptance of the report on stable and secure pension systems in Europe . they have been quite clear on the challenges we face . the intention of this legislative package is an unprecedented attack on the rights of the national parliaments and , in Portugal , on the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic itself . I hope that discussions about alternative energy sources to oil can be addressed with objectivity , ensuring European citizens adequate and accurate information in order to prevent easy manipulation , making us even more dependent on unstable oil-producing countries . we have spent the afternoon proclaiming that we are the only democratic institution protecting the interests of Europeans before the other institutions , above national egotism . so perhaps there could be a comment on that . we are particularly in favour of the possibility for the foundations to act outside EU territory also . their usefulness also depends crucially on the way in which they are designed . but if we do not take it seriously , neither will the rest of the world . therefore , the countries that emit the most CO2 into the atmosphere need to take part in all international agreements . I would therefore like to ask the Commissioner a specific question - what will the increased funds for defence be used for ? it is , moreover , likely that some of us , had we had the choice , would have taken the opportunity to table amendments , emphasising , for example , the importance of certain conditions and criteria relating to the assistance in order to improve the transparency of its content and implementation . the European Union ' s policy on human rights is the best developed of all its policies . firstly , however , I would like to make a remark about the calls from the German Chancellor , Mrs Merkel , to exclude Greece from the euro area , if necessary . neighbouring Greece , for example , had to deal with devastating forest fires in 2007 . ( FR ) Mr President , despite the obvious failure of trade liberalisation over the past 30 years , which has led to the wholesale deindustrialisation of developed countries and the impoverishment of underdeveloped countries , despite the financial and banking crisis , and now the Member States ' debt crisis , which all independent economists agree was caused by financial and commercial globalisation , the Director-General of the WTO , Mr Lamy , still wants to speed up the process of full international trade liberalisation . while the draft decision submitted by you calls our law to account for the right to information , your text is based on misrepresentation and factual errors , just like all that has been said here this afternoon . lastly , our support will also depend , as you know , on the new structure of the Commission . energy is a sphere in which EU competence is shared with the Member States . thank you for the floor , Mr President . as Mr Mate said , the directive will force all Member States to pay particular attention to the rights of children . in effect , under Regulation ( EC ) No 546 / 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 amending Regulation ( EC ) No 1927 / 2006 on establishing the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund , the scope of the EGF was temporarily widened to include its intervention in situations like this , in which , as a direct result of the global economic and financial crisis , there are ' at least 500 redundancies over a period of nine months , particularly in small or medium-sized enterprises , in a NACE 2 division in one region or two contiguous regions at NUTS II level ' . you see , as a chemistry teacher - and I bet there are few of those in this Assembly - I know what it takes to go from hypothesis to theory to chemical law . this method , which is commonly used in international trade , provides a better safeguard for certain sensitive sectors for the EU and should therefore be the sole method used by the Commission . Member States must ensure that the legislation will be amended so that websites with criminal content are blocked . after 30 years of war , with more than one and a half million people killed , the international community is duty-bound to show its full solidarity with Afghanistan . we need concerted action ; we need courage and solidarity from all twenty-seven Member States to inject confidence into our economy again . I have followed the debate by all the MEPs with considerable interest . Mr President , Commissioner , after all these speeches , I wish to thank my fellow Members , the shadow rapporteurs as well as the rapporteurs of the committees who produced opinions , who suggested to me many ideas and who have made it possible to improve the text that we are voting on today . it certainly did nothing to loosen the grip on power enjoyed by Europe ' s last self-isolating dictator , President Alexander Lukashenko . the result of the next eight months of climate diplomacy will write the text of our history books for generations and , as political leaders in our own communities and collectively , we cannot renege on our responsibility . in writing . - ( SV ) We have voted in favour of the draft amendments by the European Parliament ' s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development , as they reinforce the wordings relating to the labelling of the origin of poultrymeat . this is not just a debate about a set of accounts , but a fundamental breakdown in trust between the institutions represented here and the people we represent back at home . ( SK ) The report on the annual management of the euro area and of public finances in 2009 analyses in detail the management of the EU during the global financial and economic crisis . now we have a problem : there are 23 Members who have asked to speak during the ' catch the eye ' session . thank you very much , Mr Pannella . I agree with him . Jihadist terrorists , for example , are suddenly no longer considered dangerous . but I think it is interesting to see that the Opposition is , at least , coming together again . let us see to it , with the participation of Members of this House , that these are not just passing phenomena but days that convey positive messages to young people . in writing . - ( LT ) Modern advertising has long overtaken the legal framework of this area . this will provide effective help in modernising the area . I believe that despite all that has happened we will not turn our backs on the countries of the former Soviet bloc , including Ukraine , which want to free themselves from Russian influence . Mr President , allow me to conclude - if I can , in a few words - on the matter of transparency . I hope you will clarify this issue on behalf of Commissioner Almunia . I should point out that the debate on globalisation earlier today was replied to by Mr Barroso , so it is a mix-and-match Commission , but a very competent one . what is required now is the firm commitment by the Government of Pakistan to crack down on terrorist networks so that further attacks can be prevented . indeed , thanks to this step-by-step integration of Europe , considerable progress has been made , and no one can deny that . it is unacceptable , because it is illogical , to separate trade negotiations from monetary negotiations . the Council must discuss this as no decision has yet been made on this matter . Bosnia is not ready for EU membership , not by a long shot . to reflect the Treaty ' s strengthened recognition of the importance of sport , would the Council be supportive of any initiative to include sport explicitly in the portfolio of one of the incoming Commissioners ? to this must be added the costs , to the most vulnerable economies within the EU , of entry into the single market , of Economic and Monetary Union and of the deregulation of international trade , aspects ignored by the report . this report argues that political parties at European level must be the place for ' expressing the will of the citizens of the Union ' . this is true even if , as certain high-ranking security officials in Berlin claim , relations with the US Government are being soured by the work of the Munich public prosecutors , who are simply doing their job in the prescribed fashion : this speaks volumes about these people ' s mentality and their attitude to the rule of law . ( the oral amendment was not accepted . ) viewed in these terms , I believe that we will increase the pressure on the US and China and others precisely by saying that we must have very specific deliverables and that very specific results must be achieved in Cancún . to listen to Mr Färm , it would seem as though we would have no employment policy in Europe if we did not have micro-credits . therefore , I think it is necessary to bring in measures to harmonise the market in these products , as well as to guarantee a high level of health and safety for workers in the sector . the report states a 5 % target for renewable transport fuels by 2015 , with a sub-target of 20 % to promote the use of electric cars . the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon has institutionalised new areas in which Parliament ' s approval is necessary for the conclusion of international agreements . in the area of civil aviation , the Member States must promote the development and use of EGNOS-based landing procedures , and both these and EGNOS-based services must be certified as a matter of priority for civil aviation . do the citizens know that their governments and parliaments are ignoring the benefits of common Europe to their disadvantage ? my colleague , Éric Besson , will deal with Mrs Toia ' s report on the issue of the digital dividend . my fear is that , if we lose the opt-out , we will force more people into the grey economy and then they will not be covered by health and safety legislation , in particular the Dangerous Machinery Directive . ( applause ) this not only exposes the absurdity of Russia ' s membership of the Council of Europe , but also encapsulates why the Council of Europe is , in my view , increasingly ignored internationally . the European Union ' s relations with China are of strategic importance to all Members of the European Parliament and they do and will have major global repercussions . the problem is clear : the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force on 1 December . I therefore call upon you , ladies and gentlemen , to approve these two agreements concluded with Georgia . I myself have the flag of my rugby club at home ! many of you have stressed how important it is that the Mediterranean becomes an area of peace , stability and security , where democratic principles , human rights and fundamental freedoms - including gender equality and the role of women in society - are upheld and fully respected . taking into account the need to improve the efficiency of consumer law on the internal market , I welcome the Commission ' s intention to re-evaluate the eight sectoral Directives so that they respond to the challenges of technological progress , and in particular offer precise definitions of rights and duties in an online environment . the oral question to the Commission by Viktória Mohácsi , on behalf of the ALDE Group , on a European Roma strategy - B6-0003 / 2008 ) why have CMR chemical substances been only partially banned ? Mr President , allow me to conclude with a national reference . I therefore call strongly on the Commissioner to proceed with this request by the European Parliament , which certainly speaks on behalf of citizens and consumers in Europe . EU-Canada trade relations ( debate ) how is that ? today we must improve the contents of Europeana while ensuring respect for intellectual property . the European Council also devoted attention to climate change , endorsing the main messages set out in the Commission ' s communication . . - ( HU ) Mr President , today ' s debate is part of a process , in which important decisions remain to be taken , and hence I emphasise once again that one may safely refer to the living conditions of the largest minority in Europe as comparable to that of the developing world . in short , we urgently need a strategy that ultimately identifies the real interests that we intend to pursue , and it is important that we involve Member States in significant objectives . I hope that in future this European Union of ours , which has such an interest in peace in a part of the world so close to us , will be able to play a more effective mediating role than it has done in the past . her assessment presents a mixed picture . it gives the view that the new , more effective and better executed rules should contribute to the development of more sustainable policies that genuinely take social and environmental concerns into account , and states that globalisation has increased competitive pressure between countries to attract foreign investors and competition between businesses . the compromise reached establishes an excellent balance , fully protecting our initial objectives and at the same time providing an appropriate response to the legitimate concerns expressed during the adoption process . it was quite clear to me at the very beginning that if I had my way I would have a list that was endless , because human rights are so important : they are paramount and are the very reason that the institutions were established so that we never got back to those conditions that created the Second World War and the appalling shadow that was cast across so many different peoples and so many different minorities . I even dare believe that you will find a way to ensure that this geographical balance is adequately reflected in your service . our Parliament will be taken seriously in this debate only if it promotes a solution which is clear but realistic in all aspects . I have voted in favour of the report by Mrs Niebler on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion on behalf of the European Community of the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and the Government of New Zealand , which is the only non-European industrialised country with which the European Community has not yet drawn up an agreement on science and technology . this Regulation is applicable to all EU Member States except for the United Kingdom and Ireland and also to Iceland , Norway and Switzerland . in writing . - ( FR ) The objective of encouraging economic immigration on a huge scale , already set out on 11 January 2005 by the European Commission in its ' Green Paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration ' is more topical than ever , given this report . the initial steps which have been taken are very encouraging , but I would like to highlight three matters . until now , each of the four intergovernmental panels has had to review its predecessor ' s estimates of the speed at which climate change is taking place . ( the President cut off the speaker ) French soldiers who were part of Operation Artemis in Congo used torture . European legislation , in the form of a directive , based on education , the effective protection of victims , cooperation with non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) , and the implementation of a European Year of Combating Violence Against Women , is an example of measures for combating this social scourge , which has harmful consequences for European society . ladies and gentlemen , the mission of the European Union is surely for us to live together as nations and as states of the European Union in peace , cooperation and mutual respect . I therefore , think that all parties have learnt a useful lesson especially the FYROM . it should refinance banks at very different interest rates depending on whether the loans benefit the sound economy I have just described or , on the contrary , are to be used as the basis of unsavoury financial operations . the EU does not and never has advocated artificially putting up partitions , but has brought all Europeans to the same table by dismantling borders . I conclude , along with Nadja Hirsch , that if we want to fulfil these wishes , vocational education and training need to be clearly results-orientated . the efforts relating to the introduction of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability ( TSI ) must be continued and extended . it has also been said in the House that Members are concerned about the situation in Georgia . few new staff will be employed - indeed , that would be hard to justify with almost 6 000 employees . Europe is at a crossroads with regard to space policy . therefore , as is also mentioned in the EU 2020 strategy , we need to develop strategic areas and look outside the European Union to become more powerful . since April systematic and detailed checks on buses and private cars with Czech registration plates have been carried out in Germany and Austria . if someone makes use of this right to refuse to give evidence - for example , a man who had been with a prostitute who had been endangered through human trafficking - information will be lost that could be used further to finally uncover this network of human traffickers . variety is the spice of life . although I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution by the majority of the parliamentary groups , since I agree with the constructive approach and the essence of the recommendations , in particular with regard to the need to boost investment in research , innovation and development and policies to promote knowledge , in the opening of markets and greater flexibility , with security , in labour markets , I still cannot help thinking that some of the data presented in the alternative resolution give cause for concern . it is not just businesses that are affected . without them , all the funds that Europe can pour into the Member States will be pointless . the problem areas included in the directive are of a national character and are therefore best managed at national level . however , the real major victory of this vote is that it reaffirms the right to abortion . in Bali , the international community clearly identified the destruction of forests as one of the main causes of climate change . I considered Mr Graça Moura ' s report to be very balanced and therefore I did not vote for the alternative proposal of the PSE , ALDE and Verts / ALE group . other requirements include cooperation between the Member States and the drafting of a common position , inter alia , on the issue of savings and budgetary cuts . it is also to be welcomed that the new concept highlights the need to strengthen the strategic relationship between NATO and the European Union . we must emphasise the logical connection between animal health and the use of antimicrobials , as well as the link between animal health and human health . my country Lithuania , battling with the economic crisis , abolished VAT reductions . the high price of oil is making us all suffer , but the most vulnerable population groups on low incomes are certainly being badly hit . in writing . - This grants the Director of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training discharge in respect of the implementation of the centre ' s budget for the 2009 financial year . the longer we are without an agreement on the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme , the greater the risk of a terrorist attack that could have been prevented . as far as Commissioner Verheugen is concerned , I am sorry to say that the buck does stop somewhere , and it is all very well for the Commission to continue to pass the responsibility on to Member States , or whatever , but in actual fact you have to implement the legislation that is put in place by this Parliament . this Europe of values with effective political substance , backed by its people , is also the Europe we need . in writing . - ( HU ) Is the EU truly able to receive the intelligence data arriving from the United States ? on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FI ) Mr President , a big thank you goes to Mr Sacconi for having achieved a good result from negotiations on this subject as rapporteur appointed by the Committee on Environment , Public Health and Food Safety . thank you . the financial resources required to implement the common fisheries policy also include funding for projects in areas such as : international relations , governance , data collection , scientific advice , control systems and enforcement of this policy . it is acknowledged that the energy mix and energy supply differs among Member States according to geography and other distinct factors . in the experience of our veterinary authorities , the applicable European legislation is fairly comprehensive , but somewhat unwieldy and complicated to implement . the mission in which the Council Presidency is to take part is a good one , as the days are gone when we could sit back and wait until things were back on an even keel . the Committee on Budgets has adopted a number of amendments which mean that we will require the Commission to submit a proposal for a sound review of the content of the current long-term budget as early as possible . the Southern Corridor should obviously include the Nabucco project . I am getting the impression that the Commission has still not started to change its priorities under the Lisbon Treaty and is conducting unjustified and long-lasting rhetoric with Parliament to further its own opportunities . the fishing possibilities accruing to the European Union under the convention are of great interest to the EU . I would like to establish a link between this report and the needs of development policies . ( applause ) 3 . the main added value which consumers expect is the hope that it will be easier to avoid purchasing hazardous products , of which there are still very many , despite improved controls . I must insist first that these imported products are clearly labelled and secondly , and most importantly , that we introduce with immediate effect an additional number ' four ' , for eggs produced using colony systems . there will be drought on the one hand , and too much water on the other hand , with rising sea levels . Madam President , please can you clarify this issue , because if Mr de Magistris is seeking to avoid trial ... I do not fear that cohesion policy funding will disappear from the budget plan but I would not like to see the extent of this fund during the life of the next budget in any way reduced . the Commissioner expressed her hope that Parliament will adopt the relevant alignments in the current year . the new Director of the College may have presented an action plan , but it is not sufficient , nor is it as detailed as it should be . the report by Mr Grech , on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , on delivering a single market to consumers and citizens , the advantage of having a directive of this kind is that it opens up channels for much more effective judicial control . 1 . Mr President , I want to make a point on Ms Martens ' report . expulsions of NGOs from Darfur ( vote ) the statements in the report are presented as a clear scientific consensus . where José Manuel Barroso is concerned , it is important to state that he was unanimously supported in the European Council , that he was well known as a candidate and had already been introduced to the electorate prior to the election . indeed , Member States need to make progress in implementing this directive in order to improve and facilitate the provision of cross-border services . I find it rather nonsensical that Parliament has so long been incapable of addressing this issue and putting pressure on the Council to put an end to this flying circus . expanding the financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised and other high income countries and territories will give the EU the opportunity to establish cooperation with the crucial emerging and developing economies on an equal footing . ( the oral amendment was accepted ) it is doubtful whether , as it is so eloquently put in the report , an ' energetic , growing cultural sector ' represents an ' important driver of economic and social innovation ' . rather , a trend can be perceived whereby migration and migrants are being increasingly placed at the heart of support for culture while native culture and tradition are pushed to one side . I understand it entirely , but we have a different tradition in Denmark , so I was there with my T-shirt , calling for a referendum , and I think all of us should call for a referendum . Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić are still renegades from justice and must be handed in . the report mentions , for example , forced marriages and female genital mutilation , but these phenomena , which are growing exponentially in our cities , are tackled as if they are issues related to cultural background . the growing disease in the European Union , namely disagreement , is being treated and the Reform Treaty is a potent remedy . this is why we are working to get the budget lines for those issues , but we have to explain better to European citizens why these projects are needed . however , what I should like to emphasise is the issue of minority rights listed in the Copenhagen criteria . why are we doing this ? we will have a real effective reduction of capacity but at the same time we will also have properly addressed the fuel problems . according to some statistics , last year alone , pirates attacked more than 60 ships , capturing 14 of them and taking hundreds of sailors as hostages . just yesterday , we learned of the umpteenth killing of a transgender woman in Antalya . ( PL ) Mr President , what is it we are discussing today ? it mainly involves measures in the areas of public health , catering , transport , regional policy , sport , education and statistics , as well as agricultural policy . we will consider Parliament ' s position on the report , and we are continuing the debates in the Council , naturally in consultation with the Belgian Presidency . please allow me , therefore , also to make a few comments for the last time from the point of view of budgetary control and to offer a few additional suggestions in keeping with the tone set by Mr Nassauer . this report would meet both conditions if a proposal is accepted . yes , I am afraid you did have a slight tendency to accelerate . President of the Council , the PPE-DE Group will be alongside you , supporting the achievement of your priority objectives . lifelong learning must generally be possible for women too . it may be that I am thereby criticising the court judgments . we have thus been able to create 80 million poor people and 43 million starving Europeans , a figure that includes the elderly , who may die quicker and reduce public spending as a result , meaning that the Maastricht criteria can be met more effectively . moreover , both the Minimum Capital Requirement and the Solvency Capital Requirement are much too low , and must be increased substantially . ( applause ) our resolution on the commemoration of the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine was adopted at the 34th session of the UNESCO general conference , which was supported by Ireland among others . I firmly believe that responsible national government authorities will negotiate a level of licence fees which can revitalise and protect the Roşia Montană area with its gold deposits . the example of Ireland demonstrates the opposite , unfortunately . in the name of transparency , which the public needs , and rigour , I do not consider the Council exonerated from its responsibility of publishing accounts for the funds available to it . this is why I am pleased that the model for the proposed measures is Spain , which has achieved the best effects , both in terms of numbers of donors and numbers of transplants performed , but also in gaining huge social support for the idea of organ transplantation and donation . theme one is the gravity and permanence of the threat . I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Kohout for the unusually dynamic work of the representatives of the Czech Presidency , and to Commissioner Barrot for the truly perfect cooperation of the representatives of the Commission . European industry is facing powerful competitive pressure from developing countries . ( PL ) Madam President , in the context of our debate , I should like to draw attention to two issues . by condemning old totalitarian crimes , we not only shame the criminals of the past , but also those who might think to apply the same criminal methods in the future . that is why I voted as I did . the second event was an Expert Conference on Alcohol and Health in Stockholm on 21-22 September aimed at supporting a sustainable , long-term and comprehensive strategy within the EU with regard to alcohol . if the interpreters cannot follow what is being said , the people in the rest of Europe will not be able to understand your speech , because it was read too quickly . fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are still not respected . this interpretation that the Council adopted under the Swedish leadership therefore seems a bit odd . in brief , the Commission is hoping that the waste management plan for Campania is convincing . I am thinking in particular of Mr Busuttil , who mentioned the difficult situation Malta faces in this matter . therefore , these numerous concessions must now be matched by progress in relation to Non-Agricultural Market Access ( NAMA ) and services . international air agreements under the Treaty of Lisbon ( thank you . I have to say that without their work and their help , we would not have achieved this . horizontal cooperation agreements can bring considerable economic advantages . the key to all of this is - and I go back to exactly what I said to Mr Davies - decisions should be made at nation-state level by politicians who are accountable to the electorate . we expect these decisions to be taken before the end of April 2009 . 3 ) With its own generous sources of funding and grants to the top-class European institutes already in existence , the EIT would have a prospect of success . the resolution expresses the same concerns as those expressed by EU citizens with regard to data protection . and a day to reflect that yet another opportunity for real change has sadly been lost . Parliament must be ready to function under the Treaty of Lisbon and , then , we will be able to vote on Mr Barroso and the Treaty of Lisbon , Mr Cohn-Bendit . the crisis on the financial markets , as can be seen from this example , is also an opportunity for communication on the part of the European Union and for permanent improvement to our European financial market system . but we have also seen violence . only at the final stage did the European Commission decide to propose the unrealistic deadline of 2014 . for example , it considered the issue of reindeer husbandry , which is a very important source of livelihood in this region . it is for that reason that the European Parliament considers that all seven of the proposals must be taken forward as soon as possible , before there is another environmental disaster with human losses : to harmonise types of classification , to compel states to monitor vessels flying their flags , to ensure that vessels are inspected in ports and to monitor their movements , to decide what action should be taken in the event of accidents and to monitor and manage responsibilities as regards both third parties and passengers . I believe that for the good of its economy and of its people , Russia should pay attention to the market and to its image as a trustworthy partner . this year , only 11 % of the EUR 500 million available was requested . finding your way around human rights violations , tensions and conflicts based on religion or belief requires a lot of manpower and effort , as do sincere attempts at dialogue and tolerance . at the New York preparatory meeting in May the EU will set out concrete proposals concerning a future action plan for the review conference in 2010 within the framework of all three pillars of the Treaty . 1 . after the Sterckx report was concluded in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , in the Committee on Legal Affairs , we specifically asked what additional impact assessment should then be carried out . I would first of all like to welcome the vote passed in favour of the Treaty of Lisbon by the Czech Senate , which brings the overall ratification process a step forward . this included closing the military commissions set up there because they do not meet any of the standards for fair court proceedings . therefore we call on the Commission to come forward with a communication on the Arctic region , proposing subjects and working procedures . that said , and although it is not directly related to this measure , I would also like to highlight the importance of maintaining the status quo in terms of the current World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) rules , particularly as regards the world market for textiles and clothing , very specifically , the changes to the rules on importing textiles and clothing products into the EU at a time of severe economic downturn in various Member States . I will start with the political dimension . however , this does not imply a preliminary decision concerning the proposed part-session from 20 to 23 April . the only long-term solution , as Mr Savary said , is both diplomatic and political . moreover , the habeas corpus principle was introduced , i.e. the principle that the court ascertains whether detention is lawful . in this respect , the Union must be able to support , technically and financially , the presence of these associations and NGOs in the work of the JPA . unfortunately , more questions than answers have emerged in discussions over the future of cohesion policy after 2014 . it is obviously no mean feat : it is a practical tool and a reference document . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes lobbyists must not be able to request confidentiality . he is quite right . the arrest of political opponents in Belarus violates all these basic freedoms . recently , 90 % of immigrants and asylum seekers in Europe have arrived via Greece . the liberalisation of the gas market must be conducted gradually and symmetrically . this support is essential for helping the unemployed and victims of relocations that occur in the context of globalisation . this own-initiative report is a waste of taxpayers ' money , which the European Parliament should have nothing to do with . secondly , I would like to mention a human rights case which the Council of Europe and Mr Hammerberg have also addressed . as I said before , when scientific uncertainty persists it is up to the politicians to make a decision . in this report we describe the effects of the common agricultural policy post 2013 . I support the fact that this aid is being managed and controlled by the bodies responsible for the European Social Fund ( ESF ) in Poland , thereby limiting monitoring costs to a mere EUR 2 000 . it may even be a matter of life or death . the honourable Member will not suffer as he will of course have the opportunity to speak on his particular question . I believe that it would be a good thing for Parliament , which so clearly declared its support for the infamous Bono / Cohn-Bendit Amendment , to speak out once again in support of the highest protection of citizens ' rights . the EU stands ready to consider further targeted measures in all areas of cooperation as appropriate . rapporteur . - ( FR ) Mr President , since the situation in Ukraine is quite serious , I would like to make a comment on this report . the French Presidency was a success . I call on you to allow the nations to live in their sovereign states , which will decide for themselves how and with whom to cooperate and how and with whom to integrate . fair enough , you may say , this is the experimental phase and we have not yet got it right ; but we certainly cannot afford much more of this expensive experimentation . as 2010 is the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion , and following the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty , we voted , in the European Parliament , for a resolution that calls for a European minimum income equal to 60 % of average income in each Member State . no doubt future Parliaments - and indeed future Councils - will identify and agree further reforms . well done on what you have done so far . ( RO ) I agree with many of the ideas that have been expressed in the house , but this problem is much more complex . it called on the Commission to present a legislative proposal to allow Member States to exclude micro-entities from the scope of the accounting directives . this last point is vitally important if we want to protect against the counterfeiting of our high quality products . there are enormous differences between Member States in terms of how they deal with asylum applications and the outcome of these procedures . robust opposition by the EU against the death penalty puts us in the forefront of this struggle . nevertheless , we cannot fail to admire this age-old culture . we have not achieved that for the moment because a certain number of smaller countries consider that , if they had to do without a national regulator , it would create problems for their national sovereignty . I should like to offer my congratulations on the excellent work carried out by Mrs Van Brempt . I can understand that there is some resistance and some misgivings , but I would also like them to understand that they have everything to gain by investing in proper , effective procedures at first instance . yet the resolution of the left-wing groups , which will be put to the vote at midday , completely ignores these facts . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the effects of demographic change are very varied . it has resulted in the indiscriminate arrival of indigent people , fuelling each day the sense of despair that exists and leading people to the inevitable short cut of breaking the law . we are not seeing this at the moment . in particular , we deplore the fact that a large number of international conventions and additional protocols have still not been ratified by many of them : the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families ; the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture ; the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance ; and other instruments , such as ILO Convention 169 . biogas produced in integrated agricultural plants is one of the most important sources of bio-energy . once again , Brussels has given in to non-European interests and abandoned in the middle of nowhere the principles that it claims to defend in relation to development , social and environmental clauses , support for its overseas territories , and so on . it is therefore now up to Hamas to show that it is willing and able to join such a government . I urge Members to approach these reports pragmatically . some Member States will benefit earlier than others from the European system . although the deadline for tabling amendments has been extended , I am afraid I have to say that this report cannot be amended , because it lacks an appropriate substantive and legal structure . these are areas on which we can jointly concentrate , and thus facilitate the achievement of Millennium Goal 5 . author . - Madam President , Pakistan ' s inability to develop a strong and enduring democracy has impacted - quite severely , in my view - on religious freedom in that country . this is a road that is urgently needed and the city and population of Galway will suffer if this development cannot go ahead . I seriously hope that airlines also recognise that we will now have a transparent system with a detailed appeals procedure , with full consultation , to end the constant complaining about airport charges and work with the airports to deliver a cost-effective , value-for-money service for users and passengers alike . it therefore represents a significant step forward in European integration , which is why I voted in favour of this report . in the context of the Seventh Framework Programme , we are spending a lot of money on this , and have been for a number of years . however , due to the reasons we already know , I cannot . ( PL ) Madam President , a future with hydrogen powered cars is an exciting prospect . ( FR ) Madam President , Vice-President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , the oral question we are debating this evening reveals , as many have said , the existence of a real legal vacuum , which leaves passengers with no guarantee should an airline go bankrupt . we will continue our donor cooperation , the cooperation on aid and the operational cooperation in respect of Latin America and West Africa to help in the fight against the drugs trade and to be able to meet other challenges . the intention is to bridge the gap that has existed between the Commission ' s and the Council ' s work so that the Union ' s policies are moving in the same direction . as a result , their living standards , employment , pension and social rights have worsened . an honest transatlantic dialogue about , for example , the necessary approach to tackling terrorism is an absolute must , precisely because the allies have different perspectives about the way in which they must respond when faced with this common challenge . like other European socialists , I am convinced that reconciling work and family life is essential for the people of Europe to flourish . this text emphasises the need to draw up , at European level , clear and binding guidelines to ensure that accidents at sea are monitored properly . in accordance with Rule 16 and Rule 15 ( 2 ) of the Rules of Procedure , the order of precedence of the Quaestors shall be determined by the order in which they were elected . in fact , job mobility can serve as a tool to strengthen the economic and social scope of the Lisbon Strategy . for this reason above all , we are particularly glad to have you with us today . it has been shown that attitudes that made workers receptive to right-wing populism include prejudice against immigrants , nationalism , authoritarianism , social dominance and political weakness , with prejudice against immigrants emerging as the most important factor among these . we need to take urgent action : to maintain the quotas principle after 2015 ; to bring in an immediate reduction in these quotas in order to end the slump in the price of milk ; to set prices in line with the costs actually incurred by independent producers ; and to establish full transparency in the setting of prices by large distributors . the emails also reveal that scientists sceptical of the hypothesis have been squeezed out of peer review processes to avoid flaws in research being revealed to public scrutiny . ( PL ) Madam President , Commissioner , I would like to congratulate Zita Gurmai very warmly . this would restrict circular migration which we increasingly want to see developing . this report is of special interest because it reinforces the regulation ' s role as an early warning system for interconnection deficiencies . the procedures of the Member States for handling unsafe products are now much clearer . if not , should you not have known that ? I see the strategy ' s contribution to improving the consolidation of national and Union finances , innovation , and , consequently , competitiveness and growth as particularly important . I voted for the Resolution on Roma integration , based on the view that this European minority needs specific policies which must be implemented quickly . we know that , throughout the Union , huge discrepancies exist in Member States ' legislation to combat violence against women . approval of Minutes of previous sitting : see Minutes I would like to do that now , in order to leave time for the debate later . the Paris Summit agreed to take work forward in four key areas : de-pollution of the Mediterranean ; maritime and land highways ; civil protection ; and the development of alternative energies through , for example , the Mediterranean Solar Plan . I would also like to reassure you that I have no intention of introducing heavy measures and rules on hobby anglers . in the light of the rapid liberalisation of global trade , and seeing how hastily we Europeans are making room for goods from third countries , this is paradoxical behaviour . I have always been in favour of issuing these Eurobonds , which I believe can bring added value by being issued jointly , and of a strong euro . ( applause ) I very much regret that the PPE-DE Group has not seen fit to advocate this system with the vigour and commitment that are needed to give consumers and the public at large real confidence in the European Union and the internal market , for such confidence comes from knowing that they are properly protected when they go shopping in Europe . proper progress would be made if a situation was reached for coordinating at EU level the policies and strategies for the international adoption instrument , with the aim of improving the assistance provided in areas such as information services , preparation for inter-country adoption , processing of international adoption applications and post-adoption services , because the right of orphans or abandoned children to have a family and be protected must become a reality . I believe that farmers should be partially repaid for what they do for us : they are providing food and we are grateful for that , but we should also be grateful to them for keeping up biodiversity . as you know , we in the Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left are just as persistent , I would say , when it comes to our reservations about the issues of storage and the risks that this involves in terms of data protection . unfortunately , as is apparent in the Chief Prosecutor Brammertz ' s report , Serbia has failed to convince the international community that it is putting every effort into searching for these criminals . the first is that it has been said that this case will not set a precedent , that it is a sui generis case , as Mr Wurtz said in his speech . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the fact that the Prime Minister controls , whether directly or indirectly , a vast empire of publishing houses , daily and weekly newspapers and three television channels is clearly incompatible with the political office occupied by Mr Berlusconi and with the requirements of a democratic state and a member of the EU . it is unjust and it is undemocratic . it is important to recognise this so that we can act and react to whatever we are facing . the same argument could apply to Title 14 , ' Customs Union ' , which also refers to perfecting the Union ' s external borders , which , in turn , will enable us to ensure that our single market functions correctly . I hereby call on the institutions of the EU to ensure that provision is made in the 2009 EU budget for the resources required to cover the shortfall in posts for official translators within EU institutions ; the EP calls on EU institutions to translate all legislative , political and administrative documents for this parliamentary term without delay into all the official languages of the EU in order to allow citizens to follow the political work carried out by all of the institutions . although motherhood is a social function indispensable to society ' s development , discrimination against women for being mothers and workers continues , which , well into the 21st century , is scandalous . subject to progress made towards democracy , human rights and the rule of law , we remain ready to deepen our relations with Belarus . that is also why I appreciate this timely debate . the problems caused by financial activity in recent years were due to rule books being either torn up or ignored by those whose job it was to enforce them . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - Mr President , in the debate that we are going to have - I hope - we will be asking for an independent inquiry into the mass graves , for those sites to be protected and for an end to the harassment of the people carrying out this inquiry . I was once rapporteur for the approval of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles and I believe that we need to pay at least as much attention to cord blood stem cells . therefore , any action to be taken for the future will have to lead to an effectively implemented strategy focusing not only on establishing a sufficient network of waste-treatment facilities . it is thanks to all of you that we managed to find a joint approach and a joint solution in most cases . gender mainstreaming involves the reorganisation , improvement , development and assessment of policies to ensure that an equal-opportunity approach is incorporated into all policies at all levels and at all stages by those normally involved in policy-making . I look forward to the European Commission ' s proposals on that . now she has lost , let us acknowledge what is really happening and let us keep the Ukrainian authorities under careful observation , but let us not throw out the baby with the bathwater . I believe that we now need to take the debate a step further so that we discuss the question of whether it is efficient enough , and so that we also obtain a significantly greater degree of transparency with regard to this . we must get to grips with this . it includes standard clauses which are intended to be applied to all European Neighbourhood Policy partnership countries with which such protocols are due to be concluded . thank heavens our children no longer have these problems . the Council has informed me that in connection with the transport difficulties being experienced this week , Mr López Garrido will have to leave Strasbourg on Wednesday at 18.00 , so we will not be able to have Question Time in the evening . the Government also recognises that it needs to make substantial changes in the area of security and justice , and is implementing an ambitious reform of the justice system in order for it to be more transparent and to bring to justice those who commit crimes , while respecting human rights . for us , achieving that consensus requires a new balance between the social and economic pillars of the internal market strategy . that is why this has been a lengthy and wide-ranging debate , but it has also been a good debate . Mr President , Friday will mark one month since the devastating earthquake in Haiti . we also concur with you that smart grids and the roll-out of smart meters by Member States are key to realising this potential . Parliament will recall that profound misgivings over the list prepared for the 2007 elections were a key factor in the postponement of the polls . if one Member State is being blackmailed by a supplier , it should speak out . therefore , given the importance of artistic subjects , I am in favour of Europe-wide coordination of their teaching in educational institutions . at the same time , we saw that it is not always sensible to tackle the problems of energy crises on an ad hoc basis , since a crisis blows up every six months or so . so I welcome the Commission initiative and Mr Ehler ' s report but further work needs to be done . regrettably , Directive 2006 / 114 / EC concerning misleading and comparative advertising , which applies to business-to-business transactions , fails to provide a sufficiently effective remedy or is inadequately enforced by Member States . that is why it is our duty to voice honest criticisms . let us not be motivated by personal ambitions . we agree with most of the measures proposed to address the risks arising from excessive consumption of alcohol by young people , and with the need for measures to tackle the harmful social impact of alcohol abuse , particularly domestic violence - we know that the incidence of domestic violence resulting from alcohol abuse is very high . we are thus talking about a motion for a resolution , or a proposal for a resolution . in the future , Galileo will ensure more effective , secure and environmentally sound transport . implementation should be regulated through a Commission action plan . this is all very welcome . the Commission has already examined very seriously Parliament ' s guidelines for the 2010 budget , and agrees with most of the points . President of the Council , I wish you a successful Presidency . Chronological order - time order . at the same time , the European Commission refuses to listen to us when we say that the European Agency for Reconstruction has been an essential mechanism for ensuring the visibility of the European presence in the Western Balkans , ensuring European political leadership and ensuring sound and effective financial management . ( DE ) Mr President , human beings do not have crumple zones . I would just like to remind the House that the EU Financial Regulation has recently been modified to recognise explicitly this call for innovative instruments . we must return to the issue of an EU environmental inspection force , which I fully support . one of the disturbing features of this Parliament , which I find on so many issues , is an undercurrent and sometimes overcurrent of anti-American feeling . these changes have been particularly dramatic for the regions and families affected . ( HU ) The history of the EU up to now has been a history of continuous enlargement , and this enlargement is also one of the most obvious testaments to the success and attractiveness of the European Union . it should be pointed out that there is a link between the shortage of organs and the illegal trade in them . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to describe the grave situation in which Italian fisherfolk find themselves because they are not allowed to fish for whitebait . this is enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union . it is hard to see why a proposal on , for example , the dairy sector should somehow attract the attention of wine policymakers . last but not least , I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs , the technical staff from the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy and the CFSP staff from the latter committee with whom I have worked outstandingly well . so the answer to your question is yes . I prefer action . we naturally hope that you will extricate us from this prickly situation . - ( DE ) Madam President , I should like to say to Mr Hannan that the European Central Bank is also a good thing because we had no currency depreciation such as that regrettably experienced by the British pound over recent months . without even waiting to hear the opinion of the European Commission , you are already making statements , putting forward malicious accusations and making excessive and unfounded comments . 1 . overall , this factsheet that has been published is a precursor to this directive , which starts to discuss whether we are still allowed to use ' Miss ' and ' Mrs ' , or whether we need to get rid of all words ending in ' man ' , such as statesman or sportsman , because it could all be discriminatory . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner Barrot , the report now before us is a third-reading compromise and can broadly be described as a victory for the European Parliament over the Council , over the Member States that are often over-protective of their national rail authorities and shield them off . some think that this is not such a big advance , but how big the added value of these machines is to airport security and what the consequences are for health and privacy is not yet entirely clear today . the European Parliament has shown that it is capable of taking operational decisions and it is therefore right that the Treaty of Lisbon should give more power to the Parliament , in other words to the elected representatives of Europe ' s citizens . every non-EU worker wishing to settle in Europe will still have to get a residence permit first . 14 . of course , this is not the end of the story . for example , 1 032 petitions were submitted in 2005 and 1 016 in 2006 . as the EU is an undemocratic institution itself , and one that I strongly believe should not have a foreign policy agenda , I cannot endorse any third country activity by it . I believe the opposite to be true . we would like to have seen more emphasis on ADR forms of redress , particularly in the on-line world which is something we , as a committee , have long supported . I urge you to stop the manipulation , and to allow the people themselves to determine their future by putting them in possession of the truth . I would particularly like to draw your attention to the fact that many people like to treat Central and Eastern European countries en masse , even though these countries are very diverse , with different crisis exit strategies as well . European action can add value , and many information tools such as the EU health portal are already in place . it should be noted that when part of a widespread and systematic practice , rape and sexual slavery are recognised under the Geneva Convention as crimes against humanity and war crimes . why should our garden tables be made of wood from the rainforest and why are exotic parquet floors better than floors made of EU wood ? furthermore , these two countries , Brazil and Mexico , have a particularly important role to play in concluding the future post-Kyoto agreement , which we hope will be signed in Copenhagen in December . a dollar that is credible among the major currencies of the advanced economies is in the interests of the United States , of Europe and of the entire international community . to the Members of this House from the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) - who run after either the Commission or the Council - I would state that we are not here to let things through on the nod , but rather to think for ourselves . so the additional effort needed to realise the proposals would be less than 0.5 % of GDP by 2020 . therefore , thorough assessment is indeed important in order to examine the effectiveness of the sanctions policy . we have delivered and lived up to our formal pledges in the first period from 2008 to 2012 . the dispute over Macedonia ' s name would not be the first time a new Member State brought insoluble problems with it . thank you for your attention . this is an area which is anything but transparent . we support the Ombudsman ' s conclusions in relation to the inordinate delay , as acknowledged by the Commission this evening in this House . neither tightening up the Stability and Growth Pact nor the so-called strict conditionality of the future stability mechanism will therefore lead us to our goal . in this way , these eight Member States were able to join the Visa Waiver Programme , which is why they did it . analyses will also be necessary . the spectacle of the hanging of Saddam Hussein was not in any way a means of reducing this violence . thank you very much , the joint debate is now closed . we have put in an amendment to paragraph 39 since , as far as I can see , there simply was no G2 leaders ' agreement to work on a financial transaction or Tobin tax , so it is absurd to welcome such an agreement , even if we have already done so , erroneously , in the G20 resolution . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( FI ) Madame President , first of all my sincere thanks go to Mrs Hassi for her cooperation on this resolution . these funds should , in fact , be increased , so that everyone , regardless of their age , gender or location , has access to the same opportunities in terms of vocational education and careers . the Basel Committee is a group of more or less intelligent central bankers and overseers , but it is certainly no infallible council of wise men and it is definitely not the law . the Commission only makes reference to formal proceedings being opened against Member States that have not transposed EU law into their national legal systems . but my Group is happy with the compromises reached by the rapporteur , Mr Savary , and we shall support version three in the vote . all Zionist lies and exaggerations , was the conservative newspaper Kayhan ' s verdict on the purported nuclear threat . those costs may easily be far higher than 5 % in the case of very small enterprises , while being considerably lower for very large ones . many thanks to all those who support my report . ( DE ) Madam President , first of all I would like to congratulate the Council on its agreement on the third way for the Climate Change and Energy package . Mr President , the greatest gift that we can give to any child is that of a happy home . for this reason , the initiative of introducing a " legislative imprint ” , even if voluntary , both for the documents drafted by the Commission and for the European Parliament reports , is welcomed . I can assure Parliament that we would not hesitate for a moment to intervene in such a case if the Treaty or the Charter was violated or if Union law was not respected . it also opens up prospects for the relaunch and mining of coal and calls for international cooperation , including with countries outside the EU , such as China and India . we need a strategy for the countries of the former Soviet Union in Central Asia and Transcaucasia . this is perfectly correct , but we must also make it easier for people to live in climate-friendly ways . the Commission should be more forthright about its intentions on this subject coming up to the referendum on the Reform Treaty . economic governance and Article 9 of the Treaty of Lisbon ( debate ) even before this Greek crisis we were suggesting and proposing more coordination of economic policies . in our view , therefore , Wednesday will be an excellent moment for a statement by the Council and the Commission and for a round of speakers from the political groups , if only to show our support for these new developments in Burma . many more can be . it is particularly important , however , that we ensure that public funds are distributed in such a way that the measures we consider necessary can be financed . the following amendments have been proposed : young people are , unfortunately , one of the social groups worst hit by the global financial crisis and should be given assistance to enter the labour market and to be able to shape their own future and support the economy . as a result , there is a growing wave of indignation among millions of workers , women , young people , victims of salary cuts and precarious , poorly paid work , the unemployed , and retired people with pitiful pensions . in writing . - I have always sustained and encouraged the European goals of the Republic of Moldova . in some cases , consumers have had to accept outrageous bills that have not been backed up by any universally applicable calculation . these poor people and their families are constant targets of a brutal and vicious Iranian regime . this therefore requires political awareness and , for me , that has two goals . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we must regrettably adopt a directive tomorrow which does not meet our own criterion of better regulation . this was the message from various leaders at the recent United Nations meeting . however , I also said , and I reiterate this too , that as the honourable Members know well , the time limits were as they were , so that the Council and the Commission had to take action within a very short time frame . all this would contribute to a democratic and transparent electoral process under appropriate security conditions . Mr President , in this report we do have reference to the mobilisation of the EU solidarity fund , which we talked about slightly earlier . we shall continue to take action in this matter . I agree with that and also with the phrase that asks the Council to take action to ensure equal pay for equal work . Mr President , eight years ago Jörg Haider ' s immigrant-hating party entered into a coalition government in Austria . the creation of peace and stability in this country must , and shall , succeed where centuries of its history have combined to achieve this . I think that is extremely important . situation in Pakistan following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto ( debate ) from now on , Europe must prove its ability to react and to translate its solidarity into practical measures . ( FR ) Mr President , I should like to address the commissioner in order to voice my concern . we get the impression that this is more a case of teaching a harsh lesson , but we do not get the impression that teaching harsh lessons is what could help the European Union at the moment . I shall of course be voting against amendments which make it possible for Member States to drag their feet over liberalisation during the transitional period . ( DE ) Mr President , for the same reasons that I gave in the case of the Jeggle report , I and my CSU colleagues voted against Lutz Goepel ' s report . ( RO ) Mr President , the European Union ' s energy strategy must focus on energy efficiency , reducing the consumption of primary energy and energy poverty , as well as on promoting energy from renewable sources and the Union ' s energy security . this will facilitate education in the area of information technology , as well as making it easier to obtain information , especially for people who live in rural areas . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Budgets . - ( DE ) Madam President , the interest of the Committee on Budgets in the legislation on electronic communication , the so-called telecom package , is naturally focused on the part involving expenditure from the European budget . for many years , we have given our support to despotic regimes and dictatorships in the Arab world . I found this work interesting , useful , and full of challenges and pleasant moments . Bavaria has a particular interest in the Danube Strategy . I am therefore grateful and pleased that we are now pressing forward with this strategy . it would be positive if the European Union were to take this into account and play a more active role . combined with provisions on energy security , reduction of emissions and job creation , this report takes a holistic approach that will represent the best way for an economy to thrive in the future . what this means is that we need to work within the framework of international private law and not within the substantive framework of family law , wherein each State will continue to have its own laws . I was pleased that some parliamentary groups and Members of Parliament thought likewise . Belgrade has demonstrated its commitment to EU integration , not least by implementing the interim agreement with the EU unilaterally , and I assume that the ICTY should now be satisfied with Serbia ' s efforts . there are approximately 540 people dead , and the dead are still being exhumed from the ruins . therefore , it was also important to us Social Democrats to tie in the 2011 budget with a debate that has a more long-term perspective : about own resources , the budget ceilings for 2012 and 2013 , and the financing of the new financial support mechanism . in 2004 the Commission commissioned a study intended to shed light on whether a legal provision is reasonable for limiting particulate emissions from two-stroke engines . Montenegro should be judged solely on merit , facts and achievements . you have simply failed to include this in the strategy and I am wondering why . ( FI ) Mr President , Baroness Ashton , this report is especially welcome because the European Union must have a clear and consistent strategy for countries like Iran . according to the original proposal , many SMEs would be excluded from the process since they would have to contribute at least 50 % towards the cost of the projects . nothing has changed . ( applause ) this has been done . we had to argue and wrestle over many important issues , but at the end of the day we came up with a workable compromise containing many elements that can generally be regarded as positive . we have allocated EUR 7.2 million to Debate Europe , EUR 2 million of which to cofinance transnational projects and EUR 5.2 million to cofinance decentralised calls and actions supporting local projects administered by the representations . we and the rest of the world have signed up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child . lastly , the Commission played a large part in drafting laws laying down minimum standards for harmonising applicable criminal legislation . - ( SK ) The Catania report covers many human rights issues . we will not be able to tell citizens that it is necessary to address the challenges of globalisation , that it is necessary to be more competitive and that the operation of our markets must improve , if our policies do not respond to a greater degree of social inclusion which is also provided for by more competitive and more productive economies . it says that we need to further enhance democracy . we need to enhance access to documents . we are far from being able to do this and the intervention which took place in Congo , and we do need to be self-critical at this point , was obviously not as successful as we would have liked . the key point regarding the totality of these initiatives is that their purpose is to make EU peacekeeping and crisis management activities more effective . first of all , we should investigate how to achieve the 2o C target , which is the result of Copenhagen . the recommendations contained in the report by Mr Adamou are a step in the right direction : an exchange of best practice , increased cooperation , more organ sharing between Member States , better public awareness and the need to preserve the voluntary and non-commercial nature of organ donation . the World Food Programme is feeding 20 to 25 million people who are at risk from malnutrition and death by the end of 2009 if we do not do this . I very much welcome the report that you are considering today . the European Union ' s operation , known as the EUFOR Chad-Central African Republic operation , will be conducted for one year from the date of declaration of the initial operational capability and will be neutral and impartial . I believe we need the Commission ' s encouragement in the form of action in the region , at both country and regional levels , for this area to become truly democratic and stable . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I believe , in all seriousness , we can say that we in Europe are standing at a crossroads , and it is a crossroads where two major crises require action on our part at the same time . the figures have improved in recent years , but the problem still calls for commitment from many partners : Member States of the European Union are numbered among the latter . if we ignore the Romantic , almost monarchist ideas which pervade the spirit of the preamble , I would like to mention some areas we regard as being highly sensitive , in contrast to our fellow Members from Fidesz who are also Members of the European Parliament . congratulations to you , Mr President , and all the best to your country and your people . yet in my small country just weeks ago we had the Deputy First Minister , Martin McGuinness , who knows more than most about the hideous practice of terrorism , reverting to form and vehemently attacking the German Government ' s current application , under a European arrest warrant , for the extradition of an Irish Republican suspect for a bombing many years ago in Germany . in this case , however , the amount spent on sport - barely half of one per cent in some countries - is out of all proportion to the significance of sport as a social phenomenon . we have been talking about it for a long time - too long . it has a worse reputation than it actually deserves and its position has been guaranteed . dreams are shattered and lives are destroyed . she is facing deportation back to Italy where she first sought asylum and we are doing all that we can to raise Rima ' s case to appeal to all those that can help her . however , these last four months of misery following the elections have shown how regrettable it is that the international community , including the European Union , has not made sufficient use of diplomatic channels for a peaceful and political solution to the crisis . I am convinced that mountain regions require new means of protecting their territory against flooding , with an emphasis on flood prevention , whilst farmers and foresters can support anti-flooding preventive measures by means of the direct area-related payments which they receive under the common agricultural policy . the statement that the fundamental rights of the European Union will be written into the Hungarian Constitution is also proof of Hungary ' s fundamental desire to be part of European culture . it has enabled us to get where we are and to be a reference point for other countries . however , let me also clearly state that we both expect and require that this step expresses a change of attitude on the part of the Council with respect to Parliament . particularly in this area , it is older employees who have a wealth of experience and can make a company innovative . I would like to say that we send , and will continue to send , the minutes of the SIS II committee on a very regular basis . we need to know where the emergency food supplies , the tents and the blankets are . the Hungarian Presidency is particularly committed to the package of six economic governance laws . if the European Court of Human Rights clearly has no respect for such human rights , I cannot see that it is possible to recognise it here as an approved and appropriate decision-making body . ( PL ) Mr President , today ' s discussion is one of the most important and significant discussions to be held in the European Parliament . we remember the victims of authoritarian systems , the victims in European countries , in nationalistic and militaristic regimes , in Spain , in Portugal and in Greece . ( CS ) Madam President , in the debate on the CE marking yesterday I drew the attention of the Commission yet again to the fact that registration of the CE marking has still not been initiated , although it has been enshrined in European legislation for 16 years now and I asked for it in parliamentary interpellation three months ago . I voted in favour of the text presented by Mrs Wallis . we have experience , and I believe that Europe will be better as a result of this crisis because we will regulate better . rapporteur . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would like to thank Commissioner Barrot and Mrs Yade for their words in support of my report . there are a few reasons why I abstained in the vote , namely that in my opinion inadequate sanctions are provided for , no right of withdrawal is planned in the case of Internet auctions and , above all , the definition of doorstep selling is very vague . the humanitarian situation today remains heart-breaking . that is the right approach . I shall select one such aspect : the plea in Mr Schmitt ' s report for extra financial support for sports clubs that actively collaborate with schools . ( FR ) Mr President , Mr Van Rompuy , Mr Barroso , I should like to begin by addressing the issue of public spending at European level . the people who initiated this debate must apologise not only to the Commissioner , but also to all European citizens , because it is precisely this kind of behaviour from Parliament which leads to a lack of interest from European citizens in its activities , disappointment and low voter turnout in European Parliament elections . could I ask him whether this will have any implications for equalisation ? we need to make sure that when it comes to the discharge of the 2008 budget , significantly more progress is made . this proposal is based on the regulation in force and is intended to safeguard coastal activities by financing the sector ' s modernisation , not least , equipment and computerisation . I would like to say that the ' Kozloduy Programme ' must not only focus on financing the transfer of irradiated materials , increasing energy efficiency in Bulgaria and financing alternative energy sources . in November 2008 , the European Parliament also adopted a resolution on the situation in the beekeeping sector which called on the Commission to put in place specific actions and to make sure these actions were coordinated . obviously , we are not indifferent to the fate of Serbia ' s Hungarian ethnic minority , and indeed we have made an effort to keep the issue of Vojvodina on the European agenda . I am of the opinion that we should use the document evaluating the results and shortcomings of the 2006 Action Plan as the basis for this evaluation . that is why the Commission is concentrating its efforts on introducing a mechanism that will make it possible to develop knowledge and cooperation between Member States , consumers and businesses . on the other hand , the ICT department should propose specific measures for replacing hard copy administrative documents with environmentally-friendly , electronic versions . ( PT ) Mr President , recent Eurostat figures show that Portugal is one of the countries with the highest levels of job insecurity : 22 % of workers are in precarious jobs , while the European Union average is 13.5 % . bearing in mind that the accusations date back to 2004 , which means that they were made before Mrs Hankiss became a Member of this House , I am voting in favour of waiving her parliamentary immunity . without this , we will have a European haystack of information with bits of straw blowing around in the wind and without any hope of finding the proverbial needle , that needle which is the key piece of information that prevents a terrorist atrocity . the Agency will be responsible for renewing and issuing certificates and licences and for monitoring the application of uniform safety standards . if there is something which needs to be discussed , I invite you to do so in the relevant committees . it is possible , indeed probable , that some think that this statement is naïve ; even more so given that the main European negotiator did not even believe in it sufficiently and returned to his country , leaving all the negotiations on behalf of Europe in the hands of someone who knows nothing about what is on the table , despite the future capacities that she may have . the need for a long-term strategic vision on energy is obvious . this is not a resolution against the Egyptian Government , which has acted to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice ; rather , it is a time to reflect on a vast and concerning issue . Turkey must immediately withdraw all Turkish troops , end the occupation and stop holding the Turkish-Cypriot community hostage , because it , not the Greek Cypriots , is responsible for the so-called isolation of Turkish Cypriots . finally , I am surprised at the sum of EUR 10.3 billion of ' outstanding commitments ' which is 25 % of the total funds committed , and it is imperative that the Commission should reduce these funds still more drastically , especially old and dormant commitments . this is exactly why I would like to welcome the amendments which the EU 2020 strategy is introducing from this perspective . for these reasons , the proposal should not be thrown out but I cannot give it my full support . major damage was caused to the entire monastery complex while the police simply sat by and watched . subject : demography report one of the strongest incentives the EU has is being part of the euro area . we must be careful to avoid contradiction here . Mr Audy , the national voting system is a bit more complicated in some States . where are the answers for the nearly 100 million people in poverty in this European Union , including more than 20 million workers on low wages and with insecure jobs , which contributes to the scandalously high profits of big business and finance ? the next item is the statements by the Council and the Commission on preparation of the European Council . it is interesting to find that countries that are our ACP partners say one thing when they are talking to Brussels and the various capitals and then say something quite different in New York , when it comes to discussing the matter at global level . in addition to setting a three-year frequency for these summits , sectoral ministerial and expert meetings are planned for the various areas of the action plan , together with regular contacts between the Commissions of the European Union and the African Union . now , in the course of 20 years , the context of the negotiations has changed profoundly . in writing . - It is essential to define the role of the EU in the turmoil taking place in many Arab countries in general and Egypt in particular . do not be surprised , Commissioner , if farmers who cannot get prices for their products that will at least cover production costs simply do not sow the crop or break up their herds . we send some two million containers from the EU , and this system , if introduced , would cover more than 700 ports all over the world , so you can imagine what kind of problems it will cause . it has also become apparent that we are facing a serious shortcoming , namely , the general lack of cooperation between rail , road and air transport . I welcome your commitment to opening all the chapters by the end of the year . this is an excellent instrument which will strengthen democracy , involve people more and enable them to take the initiative . this should also be remembered when we discuss these levels : that there are differences between the countries . nonetheless , I would add that I believe those in positions of political responsibility in general - Members of this House included - must always keep their discourse truthful and respectful of other involved parties , which has not always happened . the principle of mutual recognition , the cornerstone of mutual cooperation , is very far from being satisfactorily recognised . the way that China has used its disagreements with Taiwan to play politics with matters of public health is to be deprecated . so too is the shameful silence that so many people in Europe keep in the face of China ' s pressure . it is important to pay more attention to adult learning . that is a debate for another time . why is this the case ? in writing . - The idea of a Generalised System of Preferences ( GSP ) goes back to 1968 , when tariffs were much higher in general and when they were still seen as the main barrier to trade from developing to industrialised countries . that means specific individual numbers on reduction of emissions and a detailed finance package to help developing countries both to develop mitigation programmes and to adapt to climate change . ( PT ) Once again , many thanks to Mr Coelho , our President-in-Office and Commissioner Frattini . I particularly endorse the call by Parliament for an agreement which reflects the 2 ° Celsius objective . the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety has recommended that plenary bans the sticking together of separate pieces of meat and therefore does not allow thrombin to be used as an additive . according to information provided by the Court of Auditors , SESAR ' s annual accounts for the financial year 2009 are reliable and the underlying transactions are legal and regular . there are two points to which Greece will need to pay particular attention : 1 . the cohesion policy Objective 1 regions ; this point has to do with convergence in terms of gross national product , which needs serious strengthening . we seek guarantees from the Government to convene independent election commissions , compile a proper voter registration list , lift longstanding restrictions on the media , permit freedom of association , expression and assembly in Burma , and revoke new regulations that criminalise legitimate debate about the referendum . both have shown their weaknesses , but a genuine political commitment could rectify our mistakes . I voted in favour of the resolution on EU cohesion and regional policy after 2013 . generally , in the European Union there is a broad societal consensus on organ donation for the purpose of transplantation . however , Mr President , I must point out another aspect , which is that this cooperation and its effectiveness are important not only for the two continents of Latin America and Europe but also , due to the values defended by these two groups throughout the world , for the global context . on this point , I wish to congratulate us all , including Parliament and the Commission . I voted in favour of the report establishing a common legal and fiscal status for the European political parties . it is necessary to check whether Union funds are being well used , whether these institutions are meeting the objectives outlined for them , and whether any resources are being wasted . it is a shame that the resolution does not address this specific problem , which is currently receiving a lot of attention in the media once again . for example , the Council decisions of 13 June 2002 and 8 May 2003 established the capacity for the Member States to cooperate at national , intergovernmental level to prosecute these crimes , which fortunately - and we all remember the case of General Pinochet - are even part of the legislation in some Member States . the CAP system is too complex in other areas as well , and it is often opaque and incomprehensible to farmers . all that is already in hand . we have experience . at the same time , I would remind you that there are those who believe that the protection of privacy is important and must be adequately safeguarded . equally , do we put women off staying at home with children because we as a society value this less than the workplace ? this is totally unbelievable . ( LT ) Today , it really is very important to reconcile work and family life better by striving for economic growth , welfare and competitiveness in the field of gender equality . that means that we have offered the possibility for Belarus to come closer to the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Policy . unfortunately , the responsibility for this does not lie with Parliament . moreover , Serbia ' s potential accession , just like the visa waiver , will lead to even more emigration into Western Europe , emigration that will be of no benefit to us . allow to me to give you the very latest information on how the refugee situation on the borders of Libya is developing at this moment . we wanted to provide citizens with a clear , simple and effective instrument in order to bring them closer to the institutions . I voted in favour of the recommendation to allow Ukraine to participate in current EU programmes and those established in the future , in areas such as enterprise , energy , technologies and communications . equally , there is the agreement and conclusion that ratification processes will continue . but we are also concerned that we find a status for those who currently cannot return to their countries of origin because of conflict and are therefore left destitute , often on our streets . we , or more precisely many Members on the right , are closing our eyes to what is happening . in our view , this is long overdue . but then we condemned all of Africa through a failure on our part in Europe to help them to build joint and common strategies with regard to how we process development and allow Africa not just to grow economically or in trade terms but to allow them to take leadership roles to help those countries in Africa that have been successful and to give guidance and direction to other countries that need to be brought forward . at the moment , sadly , it is not . this is why , as the situation threatens to degenerate into a surge in social inequalities , which we are at risk of no longer being able to control , I want to emphasise the need to focus greater attention on the problems of the unemployed who are the most affected and vulnerable among us in the current crisis . although we are commemorating the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women , peace and security , much remains to be done in this area , especially with regard to violence against women , EU guidelines on the use of children in armed conflicts and combating all forms of discrimination against them . our third and final observation concerning Mr Brie ' s report is that it is essential to improve cooperation and relations between Afghanistan and its neighbours in order to ensure permanent stability in the country , especially given the multi-dimensional nature of some of the problems clearly highlighted by Mr Brie , notably drug production and trafficking . I think that this report is an important one , given the influence of the tourism sector on the European Union ' s economy and the proportion of jobs it provides . the proposal for a regulation establishes a mechanism , on the basis of which Member States will be able to renegotiate , negotiate and conclude bilateral agreements with third countries in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters . what will we be doing today if we adopt this unacceptable text you are proposing ? the Commission further estimates that EUR 550 million will have to come from the programming of EFF operational programmes . ( DE ) Madam President , the Rasmussen report is entitled ' hedge funds and private equity ' . advertising can be intrusive , and increasingly it is so ; it invades private life . on behalf of the UEN Group . - ( LV ) Madam President , on behalf of the Union for Europe of the Nations Group I would like to stress that we support the ESDP military mission within the largest peace-keeping mission in the world , in Chad and the Central African Republic . next door to Europe lie Russia and Belarus , which do not currently have the same high safety standards that we have in the European Union . the US needs to change its domestic legislation to allow EU investors majority ownership of US airlines , generating reciprocal measures from the EU . some Member States are already monitoring and reporting on SBA implementation . it is important to keep them on the path towards Europe . it is widely known that the EU has developed and implemented many measures relating to the protection of human rights and the spread of democracy . the arbitrary arrest and conviction of Hu Jia has caused outrage throughout the world . their experience of the State is its role as a regulatory power or tax authority , and we are all well aware that this is only of peripheral interest to citizens . this is crucial to the WTO negotiations . it is very disappointing and incomprehensible to see the PPE shirking this responsibility . to this end , the Green Paper suggests the creation of a forum on market-based instruments , which would allow knowledge to be shared across sectoral boundaries and Member States . ( BG ) We must congratulate the Lower House of the Czech Parliament for ratifying the Lisbon Treaty . with their integrated economies , together they represent around half the global economy : this transatlantic partnership is the main engine of global economic prosperity . it is not just about actual regression in healthcare provision ; it is also about declining social standards , reduced access to education and making education more difficult . that is to say , if we place the human factor centre stage , creating jobs certainly is the most important task , because if we can guarantee that everyone who wants to work can do so , I believe that we cannot offer more than this to our citizens . in this situation , if we want to have influence in the post-Soviet space and consolidate the positions of democracy and human rights in this region , then we must work with Ukraine , and more actively than ever before . if so , then my second question is : why have these requests not yet been answered ? this often does not happen in the best possible way . we voted in favour of it because it promised a review of the discard system . lifestyle criticism , which Mr Verheugen mentioned , has long been an unpleasant aspect of the European climate debate . recently Commissioner Verheugen stated that in the past five years the Commission has taken Member States to the European Court of Justice a whole 19 times in cases where Member States have legislated to protect the environment . I feel that it should also facilitate synergies with other EU policies such as trans-European transport networks , the common fisheries policy , climate and environment actions , the research and development framework programme , energy policy , etc . one of the European Union ' s objectives , in terms of renewable energy , is the regeneration of towns in Central and Eastern Europe by increasing their energy efficiency . for this reason , I shall be voting against the report and against the proposal . we support a more robust common external energy security policy under the CFSP with regard to Russian oil and gas imports , but we do not see what difference the Lisbon Treaty would have made to managing this crisis . the progress of the vote demonstrates that this match has been fixed by the forces of the European one-way street , as an alibi for their undemocratic decision . however , this can only be achieved if we consistently and decisively condemn all human rights violations perpetrated by the Communist authorities in China . these new measures will facilitate the reconnaissance and prosecution of trafficking cases and will encourage victims to cooperate with the authorities . the European Union should mobilise pre-accession funds through aid across a wide front so as to promote the reform process in those countries . we convened a Political and Security Committee meeting immediately after the Council meeting to follow up . in the world of wine , we are a global superpower ! on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , 2010 is just round the corner . but their day will come , and it will be into the courtyard for all of us to the rattle of rifle bolts , and we will have richly deserved it . that will reinforce our unity and our solidarity and produce a positive solution to this crisis . I am sorry we are focusing here on Central America and Mexico , for there are many places all over the world where the matter of female murders has not been solved . since then , the violent acts committed by these military forces and by the police forces alike have increased with complete impunity . there needs to be equal treatment , otherwise we will open up a gap that will have incalculable consequences for the future of the Union . the EU likes to portray itself as a force for human rights and environmental protection . bigger companies would use the right of establishment and would be everywhere . millions of people of various nationalities , Ukrainians , Russians , Kazakhs , Jews , Germans , Belarussians , Tartars and many others , starved to death . it is plain to see that international trade and the Internet are mutually beneficial . the compromise reached here was to reduce the figure allocated for office holders down from EUR 1.2 million to EUR 400 000 and , of course , documented evidence of receipts must be provided when any claims are made . it is never too late to learn , it says . so this is also a democratic task and mission for all of us . one of those is also the region which I come from , Blagoevgrad . specifically , I would ask if the Battisti affair can be included as an urgent matter . faced with the continuing economic crisis , it is very important to ensure good financial management in order to implement the principles of economy , efficiency and effectiveness . in this situation it would be better to show Kiev an open door to the European Union , rather than making the possibility of membership more nebulous and thus pushing the Ukrainians into orbit round Russia . I voted to maintain this tradition and for an open market . it is vital to improve the energy performance of buildings in order to achieve the EU 2020 strategy objectives . anything else would be untenable . as regards Chinese commitments for the Olympics , it is a matter for the International Olympic Committee . that is why we want a rapid reform of OLAF . I am also proud to say that I am part of a European Union that is leading the climate change debate and influencing others to do the same . - Before the vote it is obvious that you cannot develop programmes supporting young people , innovation and research and you cannot claim to be an active player in global foreign policy without the funds designed to finance all these plans . the geopolitical situation of Central Asia is such that cooperation with these countries must be increased , both bilaterally and at EU level . however , this means that every single one of the institutions - the Council , the Commission and Parliament - must show the public that they are committed to their responsibilities . in fact , the opposite is true : ' oil shales ' is a broader term than ' bitumen shales ' . I would like to congratulate the Committee on Budgets on the speed and flexibility with which it has put these transitional rules before us . there were no more of the dramatic debates within the European Parliament , no more of the international warnings and no more of the collecting of signatures so dear to champagne socialists . it has been described wrongly as an example of direct democracy . as a result of this attack , two people have died , including one of the staff of our Parliament , who worked for one of our fellow Members . I welcome the focus on better research in Europe , especially as we know that 85 % of research today is without EU coordination . that is why we need tough , demanding legislation , and these agencies must weigh up all their responsibilities and must be supervised in order to do so . the European Union played a major part in the successful conclusion of this conference , ensuring that the latest scientific recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were given due consideration . if this project is to be truly effective , action must be taken on two fronts . we must be careful to avoid falling into that trap . - Madam President , the answer is ' yes ' . ( CS ) Madam President , I have spoken here a number of times on energy issues , and this may be my concluding comment during this term . it does take account of the EU-US relationship in this area as equal partners , which is , of course , the long-term goal in this regard . why does the Commission believe that developing countries can finance efficiency measures without upfront funding when EU Member States themselves have struggled to do so ? such an agreement is expected to be able to generate a consumer surplus ( benefits in terms of lower fares ) of up to EUR 460 million . first of all I would like to thank Mr Turmes and all the members of the trialogue for the agreement that has been reached . in addition , the legislation finally adopted is in many ways excessive , bureaucratic and counter-productive . finally , in recital P and paragraph 4 we ask the Commission , together with the Council , to endorse the proposal of a consensus on democracy promotion in the neighbourhood policy , in the Copenhagen Criteria , in our regional strategies in the world . this is not the appropriate response to the economic crisis . I support the distribution of fruit in schools . therefore we cannot compromise on an auction , and to give everything away free of charge would be absolutely crazy . the private sector , whose money the Commission and the Council are relying upon , does not see why it should finance a senseless dream of politicians and officials . finally , we must make a serious commitment to human rights . on simplification , red tape , bureaucracy - I completely agree with you that we should try to ease the situation as much as possible for our farmers , and that is the reason why , in the Council meeting on Wednesday , I will present to the Council some deregulation proposals to be discussed . they are principles on which there can be no compromise , all the more so as we are talking here about a key partner . this is an absolutely absurd idea . the objective is not to make decisions but to facilitate dialogue to ensure the SEPA project is properly implemented . it has worked splendidly in collaboration with the European Parliament and its Committee on Budgets , in particular . that balance has , I think , been found in this report . this will need further discussions with Slovenia , Italy and Croatia and , of course , the Commission . in addition , there are new challenges such as ageing population , climate change , rising food prices and globalisation . it made it possible to establish a European system for registering and supervising credit rating agencies which issue ratings used in the European Union . do you think that the implementation or the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty would in any way affect that area in relation to taxation ? thus , in many cases , this SME will not be able to set off any start-up losses against profits which it may continue to generate in its Member State of residence . Commissioner , in spite of the rain , this could be a nice day . crucial in this matter is , as before , the protection of public health against carcinogenic substances that can bring about changes in DNA , affect fertility or upset hormones . and the promotion on the distribution has been done , for instance , by the European Producers Club , which organised co-producing workshops in China and in India . the Belgian Presidency takes the view that tangible , specific measures are needed to meet the expectations of the parties and also to ensure confidence in the multilateral process within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) . it is important to apply political and economic sanctions at the same time , with the former intended to hit hardest at sectors that constitute a strategic source of income for governments . if the European Union is truly interested in resolving the Palestinian problem , then it should stop tolerating these crimes , because tolerance translates into encouragement and complicity . I believe that the European Parliament will also monitor closely in future how these resources are used . I would not wish to underestimate the campaign of former Vice President Al Gore as I believe that this has had a significant impact on public opinion worldwide . if we just continue to hold the same old debate about the technology , we will continue to avoid asking the real question , the serious question , namely does this actually help and is this the society we want to see ? the European Union should constantly demonstrate full support for Georgia , as has been the case in the House today . in addition , the Union should systematically strengthen cooperation and immediately introduce visa facilitation measures for Georgians , especially now that fully democratic elections have been held . office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market and protection of intellectual property rights ( we have , however , been dealt with without even being listened to , dismissed , given no opportunity for a meeting . in this debate , we must not forget that many of the crimes against children are committed within the family or within the family ' s circle of friends and it is therefore important for society to ensure that children have other adult contacts so that they have someone they can turn to for help . it is part of the raison d ' être of the European Union , part of its imperative , that we move forward . in political , institutional and economic terms , and in terms of the practical objectives set , we are now on the right track with the Mediterranean Union . ( SK ) I voted for the European Parliament ' s resolution on the legislative and work programme for 2009 owing to its overall competence . one of the conditions for joining the Schengen zone is , indeed , strengthening external borders . we know what we want to achieve ; we must also seek to achieve it . the 1990 directive fails to take into account new trends , such as buying package holidays and making payments via the Internet . despite all that money , the yards and the future of the workers remain vulnerable . while we can be pleased about a net increase in employment figures in the light of these facts , it is in my view a mockery for every individual among the millions of unemployed and anyone who , despite doing honest work , has to live in poverty . in the past , our trade relations with the ACP countries were based on a system of non-reciprocal trade preferences , which allowed most of the products made in the ACP States duty free access to the common market . ( applause ) the next item is the report by Mrs Weiler , on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating late payment in commercial transactions ( recast ) - C7-0044 / 2009 - . the amendment to paragraph 2 , which should have been the one we took last time , is : ' believes that a military victory over the LTTE , as envisaged by the Government of Sri Lanka , will not obviate the need to find a political solution in order to ensure a lasting peace ' . I have not much time but I will tell one short story . the argument put forward by the Greens that this process is harmful to the environment is pure invention . we should foster multidisciplinary education and allow for more exchanges between higher education institutions in this sector . if the same dictators are still in power and the same deals are still being done , bringing many benefits to very few , then it will sadly have been an opportunity lost . since violence against women is a brutal violation of human rights and one of the main obstacles standing in the way of equality between women and men , the fight against this scourge should become our main objective . we are still in favour of it . this is an important issue and should be resolved before accession negotiations commence . far be it from me to thwart an agreement . the most entrenched of these is without doubt the Irish ' no ' vote , discussed here this morning . it is , therefore , completely new , and I will show it to you right away . this is a necessary , but not sufficient measure , as we are all aware of the ways in which dominant companies can exercise pressure . I would argue that European coordination is required , and that it should be directed towards two areas : innovation , in relation to the climate change package and , if I may mention it again , to the Sacconi emissions regulation , and the social sphere . they often put off this decision because of their unfavourable financial situation , problems with finding work or the need to reconcile work with family life . Mrs Ashton , the European Union must focus particular attention on the conflict in Kyrgyzstan , provide humanitarian aid and get involved in stabilising the situation . the Euro Plus Pact adopted by the Heads of State or Government , with the involvement of the countries in the euro area and Bulgaria , Denmark , Lithuania , Latvia , Poland and Romania , provides us with a real chance of achieving the objectives set out in it , or in other words supporting competitiveness , employment , the stability of public finances and financial stability in general . the Internet cannot be a virtual space where an act that constitutes an offence in the real world is deemed permissible , and even protected simply by the effect of technology and the way in which it is used . given the crucial role played by research in economic development and job creation , it is important to avoid at all costs excessive bureaucracy and unjustified delays which prevent the scientific community from participating . for their part , companies - SMEs in particular - will find it easier and less costly to conclude contracts under the umbrella of a common body of EU contract law . we already know that agriculture is under huge pressure . we in the western world - both Europe and the USA - therefore have a duty to do our utmost to secure peace and stability , which will be difficult enough . although we are talking about 2008 , a word on the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction . what exactly do these people want , who are rebelling against regimes which they have voted for , as their guide and governor , for the past 30 or 40 years ? forty percent of the European honey market depends on imports , partly as a result of the opening up of the EU market to honey from third countries , and prices are close to the limits of profitability . we may face the same problem with Italy in the immediate or more distant future . therefore , international cooperation is of paramount importance to Europe . the Commission will have a clear right to be heard at Council level because there can be no doubt that a common market requires common rules . written statements ( Rule 142 ) we see that prices are going down on carcases ; we know that it is part of the cycle and we know as well that in autumn there is always pressure on pigmeat prices . I hope that the representatives of the European institutions will listen carefully and monitor the situation in Hungary , and that they will make an uncompromising statement very soon on the undermining of the borders and the Paris Peace Treaty , and on a Hungarian constitution which enshrines support for the collective rights of Hungarian minorities and the creation of collective self-governing areas . the reality shows us that during the 2004-2009 parliamentary term , not a single piece of legislation submitted by a committee was rejected for not including this impact study , even though its inclusion would be mandatory since the Treaty of Amsterdam . based on the founding values of the Union and the obligations undertaken under the Treaties to which our countries are a party , the new states are now redefining their policies on the development cooperation granted to the counties that need it , diversifying their cooperation instruments and the areas covered . the result of the consultation and legislative process is really an example of openness , contribution , commitment and even a creative innovative approach . the Swedish national administration has lived up to everyone ' s expectations . allow me to remind you that this agreement between Bulgaria and Russia came at a time when the European Parliament was adopting with a majority of votes the report on Black Sea cooperation . the committee will monitor progress in implementing these programmes , the international agreements associated with the two programmes , the preparation of markets , the efficiency of the management structure , and the annual programme review . professionals should be able to benefit from the free movement of persons and freedom of establishment which , I would point out , constitute the main objective of this directive . in my country , the total capacity of these resources would cover 13 % , to a maximum of 20 % , of essential needs . like the previous speaker , I want to say that it is necessary for the Commission to propose at least minimum standards for penalties , and to ensure that the rules will be followed consistently across the Union and that third-country exporters will not give preference to certain countries because of lower or no sanctions . these include : this time , we are talking about something on paper and not - as has happened on several occasions - just words that have been spoken but not yet turned into a tangible document . as we all know , in January 2009 the Iraqi Government took back control of that area . this is what we call ' skill mismatch ' . I will now raise some points which I believe we can then discuss . we need to look at the management of our external borders and Frontex ' s role in that regard . I think that that may be a point of disagreement , once again . the European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia was transformed into an Agency tasked with safeguarding and promoting human rights , the Agency being officially established on 1 March 2007 . it is for the Union to unite demand for space applications , to take stock of users ' requirements , to establish priorities and to look after the continuity of services . these countries had already been suffering in the years prior to the crisis , however : firstly , the food crisis , which endangered the survival of hundreds of millions of people ; then , the energy crisis , which used up many of the resources of those that did not produce oil or gas ; finally , the climate crisis , the effects of which on harvests and infrastructure harm the poorest countries most of all . to offer consumers better protection , Mr Lehtinen ' s report proposes improving the existing legislation in the relevant areas , making it simpler and smoothing out any regional differences . instead , I would like to thank the Swedish Presidency of the Council for having begun the process of bringing an end to this ignoble state of affairs . in my country ' s constitution , there is no mention of this issue , and so when will the European Parliament be holding a debate on the Italian constitution ? the Synergy could also be a good instrument , for example , if we are talking about supporting Georgia in the democratic and economic transformations it has been going through in recent years . ( RO ) I would like to begin by congratulating Mr Cortés Lastra for his efforts in drafting his report . and they must make all necessary efforts to ensure that energy from renewable sources is produced at accessible prices . it is our duty to focus our attention and efforts on punishing those who are guilty of violating human rights , while also making efforts to improve women ' s safety and ensure that appropriate assistance is given to victims of sexual aggression , ranging from medical aid to their reintegration into their family and society . furthermore , the Accord sets the basis for a rather substantial financial package of USD 30 billion for the coming three years and recognises the need for USD 100 billion annually by 2020 . the EU , as one of the richest and most developed regions in the world , has a moral duty to help the weak and those in need . it also means freezing the assets of those who have misused state funds . as ever , though , the committees came in at this point , and the amendments that were adopted in the Committee on Culture ruined just about any good work that was done . it is perhaps a little strange that this idea comes forward from the mouth of a British Conservative - vote Blue , go Green - but we do need this , because , otherwise , the Commission is entirely dependent on the Member States for the information that they choose to give it . with many actors in Haiti , this is no trivial challenge , but we have consistently been a very strong voice for UN-led humanitarian coordination . Liechtenstein has been part of the European Economic Area since 1995 and has been steadily integrating into the European trade area . the United Nations Security Council should review the mandate of MONUC . in this specific case , let us be absolutely clear : the Commission has given its support to this revision because we think that it aims to respond to a challenge regarding a competence which was not provided for by the Treaty . the old structures that we have had up to now remind me somewhat of Don Quixote ' s beautiful horse , Rosinante , which thought it was a racehorse . a macro-regional economic strategy could be the way forward in other ways , in other places , in Europe . I thought that this Treaty , which was signed in December last year , had to come into force in a few months ' time . Mr President , Mr Maystadt , Commissioner , as you know , the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance is traditionally very attached to the EIB . the main concern of the EPP Group , and I am happy that all factions share the same concern , is the deterioration of media freedom in that country . one European socialist speaker referred to the protection of common European values , and elaborated on his position to that end . thank you . as I cannot support the draft amending budget for the above reasons , I have decided to vote against the report in its entirety . it went on : ' many small hill and moorland farmers are crumbling under the pressures of grant changes , bureaucratic costs and low prices caused by competition from other countries . I am convinced that as part of the European finance schemes both for the area of civil justice and criminal justice there will be more funds in the future for remedying these shortcomings . now the time has arrived to rethink the future of this programme without losing sight of its broader picture . he was so right to remind us all of the fundamental principle that underlines the EU . so the European School is an admirable project , and I support it . one of the problems they deal with is the small number of European scholarships , especially as regards the Erasmus programme . these are two essential instruments for the surveillance of the EU ' s external borders , and we must increase their operational capability . we take note of the idea put to us by the ever witty Mr Evans . in addition , I ask the Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative that , when she launches or opens this investigation into the situation in Camp Ashraf , that she also investigate the human rights abuses being committed against the population by the Mujahedin , which have been witnessed and documented by organisations such as Human Rights Watch . its most pressing mission is to act to promote human rights and to make calm relations with Uzbekistan dependent on progress with fundamental freedoms . giving the market better information on the ECB ' s interest rate decisions has long been crucial to Parliament , as is also the publication of the minutes and voting outcome . my intention in voting against the resolution is not to hinder the wide-ranging efforts to combat AIDS , but to oppose the method and the content that I mentioned . Mr President , when this regulation came before Parliament at first reading , I opposed attempts to allow mercury to be stored , not only in salt mines but also in underground facilities adapted for waste disposal . in writing . - The amendment of Regulation ( EC ) No 861 / 2006 establishes the second main financial instrument of the common fisheries policy after the European Fisheries Fund . women are at greatest risk in their own homes - domestic violence is the most common cause of injury to women , more common than traffic accidents and cancer put together . the charter contains rights and principles , such as the right to access social security payments , housing benefits and social services . although I have my reservations about the idea of examining the possibility of electing some Members on transnational lists , I am happy with Annex 2 of the resolution , which requires the IGC to ask Parliament for a draft providing for the election of its Members by direct universal suffrage that provides a more accurate definition of the notion of ' citizens ' in Article 9 ( a ) ( 2 ) of the Treaty on the EU . this Court requested the extradition - that is , the waiver of immunity - of Mr Hannes Swoboda MEP . we do have to increase the necessary investments in knowledge , innovation , sustainability and energy , resulting in a larger budget ; but the Council leaves us no choice . I was there myself . this indicates the sort of methods that China uses . I therefore call on the Commission to take into account the recommendations made in the resolution signed by several political groups , including my own , because action is needed , in fact , and needed very quickly , Commissioner . as I said , this is after all about the first Copenhagen criterion , the political criterion . I would like to make another appeal to the Commission : perhaps you can avoid exhausting the funds for technical assistance - 0.35 % - which are at your disposal in accordance with the regulation . over and above that statement of principle , Europe must give practical support to this initiative with directives and policies that will , in the long run , integrate all the electronic systems , nomadic or not , and make it possible to control the processes and to drive cars that are safer and cleaner , with lower CO2 and particulate emissions . Vice-President of the Commission . - Mr President , first of all , thank you very much for this lively and interesting debate . to the EU leaders I say : make the right choice ; listen to Ireland and hear in its voice the echo of France and the Netherlands , the demand for reform , for renewal , the demand for change . in December 2006 , the European Parliament and the Council enacted Regulation ( EC ) No 1889 / 2006 on establishing a financing instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - Mr President , I speak on behalf of my friend and former colleague in this Parliament , Mr Konstantinos Hatzidakis , who , as Mr Lehtinen says , has been elevated swiftly to the position of Minister of Transport in the Greek Government . highly specialised healthcare has evolved asymmetrically , with the development of centres of excellence in certain countries for rare or chronic diseases which are not common in that specific place but require specialisation . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commission , Council , this discussion is a bit hypocritical . the Spanish Presidency is shutting its eyes to reality , in other words , to the fact that Turkey is not part of Europe , either geographically or from a spiritual and cultural point of view . the Europeanisation of our border controls has been done thoughtlessly , without preparation and under pressure from ideological extremists who consider the security of citizens to be less important than the great ideal of the new European Soviet Union . in writing . - The EPP-ED Group is generally supportive of the thrust of the original report by Jean Lambert . sanctions need to be applied on a case-by-case basis and targeted in a way that avoids affecting innocent parties . all Europeans would have shared that deep emotion . however , the question of energy security and Turkey ' s crucial geographical location mean that it is slowly becoming indispensable for securing European interests . ( PT ) Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen . the main problem arose with the European Police College CEPOL . these efforts could also be supported by creating a statistical register of enterprises in the social economy in each European Union Member State and by inputting the data into the EUROSTAT European statistics system . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( FR ) Madam President , Mr Masip , as you have underlined , the Council did indeed decide , on 23 June , to resume relations with Cuba , in light of certain recent positive human rights developments . I very much look forward to making serious and sustained progress with you over the time I am responsible for this sector . the funds go to EU parties which are pure paper interventions of Brussels , parties which the people have never asked for , either as citizens or as taxpayers . the EU must build up its capacity to intervene in crisis situations such as this . against this background , I am really rather disappointed with the responses . why do we not make use of the fact that we have these gender requirements to encourage the Member States to make efforts to resolve this shameful pay gap . I thank the rapporteur for the good cooperation , thanks to which the European Parliament ' s Groups managed largely to agree on a joint text . in writing . - ( FR ) For more than three years now the Council and the European Union have been at loggerheads over this Working Time Directive . now , imagine you have just made a multi-million pound investment in a new state-of-the-art factory which annually produces a high value product from a renewable and sustainable resource to the highest internationally recognised standards . we face unfair competition from an increasing number of foreign trucks taking up more than their fair share of cross-border haulage . we still have five months to make sure that China fulfils its commitments . the next item is six motions for a resolution on Zimbabwe . but it is a text that advances democracy in Europe . - Madam President , defined external frontiers are the essential attribute of nationhood . in rural areas in particular it may be observed that the population for this reason frequently makes recourse to traditional fuels made from biomass , such as charcoal ovens . ( NL ) Congratulations to the rapporteur , Mr Van Hecke , for a good report . I think that it is important for us to set the right priorities in the budget , but the work on monitoring the money and its use is as important as budgeting for the right purposes . complementarity also exists between actions supported by the cohesion policy and by the rural development policy as clearly set out in the Community Strategic Guidelines of both policies . what hope can we offer my generation , this European generation bearing the brunt of unemployment , insecurity and exclusion , these young people who are mistrustful of Europe , who expect a lot from Europe and therefore from you ? only this will allow us to retain territorial and social cohesion within the EU . however , emphasis must be placed immediately on modernisation , with the possibility of mixed models . there are enough cautionary examples of such desecration in western Europe . if Parliament wants to be an honest broker for peace in the Middle East it should stop producing unbalanced resolutions . some of them are more than a thousand times more intense as global warmers than carbon dioxide . to date , the results from our research projects do not indicate any reasons why a GM-free status would be beneficial for public health or for the environment . we have a Communist party which is behaving in exactly the same way as the Soviet-style Communist parties which enslaved half of Europe in the 20th century . the declaration would read : ' the Commission recognises the pressing need for the collective management of the rights of phonogram performers and phonogram producers when radio or television productions incorporating broadcasts from commercial phonograms as an integral part thereof are made available to the public in such a way that members of the public may access the radio or television productions from a place and at a time individually chosen by them . when I was in the region recently , in Tbilisi , someone from another country in the area said that regional cooperation was a concept which had been imposed on the region by Europe . that does indeed put him in a position to spur on the reforms . rapporteur . - Mr President , I am really glad we had the opportunity to debate this important matter tonight , and I am proud to present this new proposal to enhance the position of European consumers . Mr President , first of all , let me congratulate the rapporteur , Mrs Patrão Neves , for the very hard work that she has done on this report . from that perspective , it is evident that the penal codes of Texas or China , which can allow something as extraordinarily rare as life to be ended , are a real aberration . it needs to be stated publicly so that we can have a proper debate in Europe . finally , the energy chapter cannot be opened as long as Turkey prevents the Republic of Cyprus from exercising its sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone . it is a little unfortunate that the Earl of Dartmouth did not understand that you had also allowed him this opportunity to reply . given that the European Union is a legal entity based on treaties and legislative acts , it is vital that these are properly implemented in a uniform way across the 27 Member States . investment , in particular in capital goods , remains at high levels , supporting current economic activity and anticipating future improvements in productivity . in writing . - It is important that all aspects of the Cotonou Agreement are reviewed in the light of recent developments which are having a significant impact on ACP countries . VAT fraud is a criminal activity which has a huge impact on budgets , with illegal refund schemes being used in all Member States , Romania being no exception ( for example , carousel fraud ) . within months he had stood down , having performed his function of bringing ridicule upon the European Parliament . very well , I am obviously in agreement , but why not think of the euro as a currency that saves us not only from inflation but , by means of a little virtuous and guaranteed debt , also secures us greater liquidity to launch a major European investment programme by issuing Eurobonds ? is this still a rescue operation , or is it what I would almost call a nationalisation operation ? I think that the results of such a trial will be very informative for other regions . this is the dynamic that we applied so marvellously during the last major enlargement of the EU . I believe that the new Parliament will not delay its response , which we expect to receive in February . I wish to conclude on an important note : the issue of democracy and human rights . this mechanism remains a partial response which is not sufficient to encourage growth and reduce unemployment . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Budgetary Control . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , in its report on policy strategies for 2007 the European Parliament expressed scepticism regarding the European Institute of Technology , stressing the risk of duplication of structures already in existence and fearing that it might compete with already limited funding for research . I think that , on this issue , and on many other important issues raised today , this will truly be an opportunity to bring together the whole debate in the revision which the Commission is getting ready to propose to us . in particular , I support the call for closer monitoring and more coordination between the Commission and the Member States so as to ensure that imported food products meet the EU ' s quality and food safety standards , as well as its environmental and social standards . as a second point , I agree with Commissioner Kroes that there is a need to check carefully whether there are any non-commercial considerations . it is the High Representative ' s direct duty to ensure that these structures will be integrated and operate coherently . ( DE ) Mr President , the new role of Parliament after the Treaty of Lisbon will be very important , and I hope that Parliament will seize the opportunities it is given to the best of its ability . ( SV ) The oral amendment concerns the deletion of a single word , and that is the word ' and ' . the Single Market accounts for 500 million people ; it is an economic entity , but it is also a political entity which must afford us more influence in shaping globalisation . the advantage of this package is indeed that it builds several checks and balances into the system , through which crises like the one of 2008 can be avoided in the future . it is in the conclusions . in tiny print at the bottom of the letter , it said , as Mr Busuttil said earlier , that he had to pay EUR 1 000 a year . I am pleased that the Commissioner emphasised that the EU must insist as far as possible on a more coherent implementation of the energy objectives by all Member States . the fact that the EU is to have a common asylum and migration policy is reasonable , but it must not mean that those countries that want to take a harder line and hunt down people in various ways should be the ones making the decisions . in other words , the proposed elements have been introduced to improve system efficiency and to ensure the optimal protection of marine biodiversity . given his experience in this area , I believe I can safely endorse his evaluation , and his demands for external border security . originally , we entered a level of 30 000 t of butter and 109 000 t of powder , but I have indicated recently that we will be able or willing to go higher than these figures by opening a tender . I am thankful that he took on board most of my concerns and even my criticisms . is there a problem with China ? we can , of course , make fine promises in Nagoya , but what are we going to do in the near future with regard to our own fisheries and agricultural policies ? in writing . - I welcome Parliament ' s commitment to this cause . if existing nations within states feel at home in their countries , there will be less fear surrounding an influx of immigrants and the enlargement process as a whole will be seen in a positive light . it is regrettable that the Frontex agency does not monitor the numbers and countries of origin of applicants for international protection . in writing . - I voted against the resolution on energy prices . the balance of fear therefore disappears . beyond these measures , I think it is important to remember the need to carry out a clear and concise investigation into who should be held accountable in this coup d ' état . change must come slowly , so as not to arouse hostility to our own culture and expectations . Fort example , there has been a noticeable increase in obesity . that is why this House should adopt the report . - ( PL ) Madam President , we are following the situation in the Caucasus with great concern and interest . we have to understand that without international involvement , Mexico will not win the war . my colleague , Mrs Georgieva , is working with Baroness Ashton on the introduction of the European Civil Protection Force , and I hope that we will not have to wait for a new disaster before we pool our responses and our relief efforts under a single European flag in disasters such as that in Haiti or the tsunami . I believe that this is an opportunity for Portuguese traders to make closer connections in the African market as part of their business networks , but the issues of insecurity and the high levels of crime perpetrated by the Portuguese community , particularly the Madeiran Community resident in South Africa , must nevertheless be addressed . therefore , it is only guidelines that are being submitted to our Parliament . he argued his case well enough to justify his appointment to the Court of Auditors , to perform his duties capably and independently . therefore , the Member States must take action in this area . your fanaticism is out in the open . ( EL ) Madam President , I agree with numerous fellow Members , especially Mrs Herczog and Mr Repo , who referred to the environmental importance of this area and the importance of protecting the rights of nationals . I would like to ask you whether you agree with me that Opel has been in serious financial difficulty for several months , that the company could produce far more cars than it is currently doing and that Opel ' s poor economic situation cannot be caused by a free trade agreement that has not yet come into force . I would like to start by putting today ' s debate into context , because this proposal is not about paragraphs , political power or promises : it is about people . these measures seem to be giving positive results in the beekeeping sector , both for Member States and for beekeepers . we request an assessment of their gender impact and adequate correction measures , subject to the responsibilities and transparency of funds use undertaken before the European citizens . thirdly , the legal authority of producer organisations must be significantly improved . it seems that , within the EU , if the political correctness boxes can be ticked then we should be happy , never mind the lunacy which we create . we must ask the Commission to allocate development assistance funds to the Congo , fundamentally and as a priority as assistance for the victims : legal assistance , social assistance and medical assistance . the European Union cannot remain indifferent to the brutal killing of human rights activists . the activities these companies are being accused of , namely restricting competitors ' access to the network and deliberately limiting investment in infrastructure projects , have never in fact been proven . in fact , next week Vice-President Barrot is going to present a package which covers internal waters , including a ports policy and therefore going into internal ports as well . European business is the biggest exporter in the world and we have to compete constantly against protectionist measures , even in those third countries . this is what the Commission and Council are doing right now in a very commendable way so as to ensure that the gas supplies are back on track as quickly as possible ; threatening with legal action is not a very effective course of action , of course . contribution of the common fisheries policy to the production of public goods ( we must therefore understand that the return on investments into pre-school education is the guarantee of future growth . are we heading in the right direction ? Nigerian Christians and Nigerian Muslims differ not only with respect to religion . on top of this basic division lies a historical division , because in the region where the disturbances are taking place the Christians are considered to be local people and the Muslims are thought of as strangers . we cannot lose sight of our commitment to combating climate change . all of this is necessary , but what our fellow citizens expect most of all - and I hope that the Commission is listening - is for us to take action in response to the crisis . the European Week of Regions and Cities consolidated the position of the regions as a fundamental part of the solution in the European response to global challenges . ( DE ) Madam President , at present , the European Union does seem to have access to unbelievable financial resources . consequently , this urgency is also present in the initiatives that derive from it . what was the tragedy of European history , and what are the great hopes of a peaceful and better future ? I hope that our warning will be heeded . we will , at least , not be the last doomed brigade left fluttering the flag of this missile defence system . ( noise ) I would also like to say that we have achieved a result through good dialogue with the Commission . in my opinion , this simply will not work . I refer to a very specific matter : personally , I was not at all surprised that the referendum and its result were followed by an increase in hostilities - almost - caused by the Sudanese institutions and authorities , particularly in the Abyei region . it should ensure that such decisions are recognised and enforced throughout the European Union in the quickest and most effective way at the lowest possible cost . they have set an example for other states which have yet to complete the procedure . the Lisbon Treaty includes provisions on climate change and I also appreciate here the clause of solidarity in case of natural disasters . ( BG ) Mr President , the word ' blackmail ' was used here , and a short time ago , my colleague , Mrs Vălean , mentioned that Bulgaria had misused the funds and had not used them prudently from the earlier tranche , which was used for the appropriate purpose as compensation . the demographic challenges mean that in 2050 there will be 1.5 employees for every pensioner . in 2009 , the UN estimated that there were 270 000 victims and Europol recorded no decrease in the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation , noting an increase in the number trafficked for forced labour . however , you can only ever be as effective as the Member States will allow you to be and , of course , you are reluctant to use your own powers of initiative - an approach which I fully support . in terms of the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions , Europe now has to reach 30 % . naturally , however , what he wants and is able to do is ultimately determined to some extent by what the Council makes possible . the argument that their harmful effects have not been proven sounds totally absurd to anyone who has ever seen the consequences of their use . finally , how can we not celebrate the more than probable and welcome conclusion of the agreement with Central America , and the now accepted incorporation of Panama into that agreement and into those negotiations ? I was in Hungary quite often between 2002 and 2010 . we are pretty sure - I am pretty sure also , when I move among the researchers , among the SMEs , when I hear the reactions and when I hear their emotions and how well they are actually using the programme , then I am sometimes much more satisfied than when I hear that we are a bit too bureaucratic , and so on . is this not a fundamental violation of the principle of equal opportunities between economic players in the European Union ? codecision for future restrictions instead of comitology ( PT ) Mr President , Mr Barroso , also on the matter of the G8 summit , I would like to know whether the whole issue of regulating the financial markets has been postponed once again , in particular , with the implementation of a tax on movement of capital , capital gains , the abolition of tax havens , the end of derivatives and ratings agencies , given their total lack of credibility at present and their utter lack of transparency . what happens when a midwife without such authorisation arrives in France without additional training and has to write a medical prescription ? we can only do this effectively , as Europeans , if we give the euro our full political support and the necessary governance mechanisms so that our interests can be defended , as they deserve to be , through the exchange rate for our currency . for this reason , I believe that research into carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) and demonstration projects are very important en route to another objective , which involves achieving a CO2-free energy sector in the next few decades . it states that there has been an increase in speculation by purely financial institutions , that is , the commodity market speculation of money capital , which is causing an artificial inflation of commodity prices . the report voted on today includes specific responses such as the establishment of binding objectives for the Member States , and sanctions for non-compliance , and the introduction of quotas ( a necessary evil ) to increase our aspirations to equality a little . we have been working on the procedural rights for persons who are accused . this applies also to Mr Grasser , the former finance minister , who is now appearing all over the place on German television , instead of facing criminal charges in Austria . documents received : see Minutes the importance of these reports and this discussion can be seen by the number of parliamentary committees which have drafted opinions . finally - and I will close with this - Mr Sógor also asked for the Ombudsman to be able to receive complaints concerning EU law submitted at national level . it will also be crucial to ensure that the USD 100 billion announced in Copenhagen is indeed in addition to the commitments made in the area of official development assistance . the authority needs to have expertise , be competent to take independent decisions and be permanent in nature . the lower salary limit should be 1.7 times the average gross annual wage . the vote will take place on Thursday . Mr Mitchell , you will probably agree that I cannot comment on information and data appearing in the media or elsewhere . at the same time , biodiversity conservation , protection against natural disasters and CO2 capture from the atmosphere are crucial to improving our citizens ' quality of life and to preserving the environment . that is why I voted in favour of Mr Provera ' s report . we saw this yesterday , with the situation in Kosovo . an example of this is Darfur . many things that need to be done in that country have been planned , but they cannot be implemented until the refugees have returned to their homes . we felt and still do now that this budget must play an instrumental role in the management of the crisis . thankfully , this amendment was not adopted but rejected by this House , which has allowed me to vote for the entire report , and I am very happy that Parliament has not allowed two categories of Member State to be created in respect of increased milk quotas . I find the hysteria when we deal with soil protection or the wishes of the farmers ' unions incomprehensible . today , during a period of economic crisis , it is particularly important that this dimension is not overlooked . cooperation with industrialised countries is of enormous importance for the EU economy . I should really like it if Parliament and the Council could come to an agreement under the Swedish Presidency in order to make this Support Office operational in 2010 , and I am very much counting on our Commission and on the Swedish Presidency . it will also provide channels for the greater involvement of national parliaments . I hope that , during the next parliamentary term , at second reading , we shall be able to reverse this state of affairs in order to create a real European asylum law guaranteeing real protection for these particularly vulnerable men and women . the extra reduction in the threshold for inland shipping , in particular , can count on my support . ( PL ) Mr President , I welcomed with interest the Commission ' s Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis . the lack of progress in this area of cooperation is cause for concern and impacts negatively on perception of the action taken by the Serb authorities to strengthen the rule of law . ( PT ) Mr President , the European Union is an experiment made up of experiments : the euro area , this very Parliament in which we find ourselves , the Schengen area and a number of other instruments are all experiments . clearly , some people regret that these reforms have not been as rapid or as extensive as might have been hoped , but the fact is that Turkey ' s people and Government are making gradual progress along the road set out by us , towards an increasingly democratic and pluralistic society which more fully respects the rule of law . I want to thank the rapporteur for his constructive approach to this . the solution for Britain is to leave the European Union and regain control of its borders . let us not make this more of a political issue than is necessary , however . it is hitting the poorest in the world hard . I am convinced that the Bulgarian public , the European public , should not remain uninvolved in the violation of international conventions and should not allow a second Libya case , only this time in the heart of Europe . thirdly , with intervention grain stocks at an alarming low and the ratio with usage being totally out of kilter , there urgently needs to be action to address that balance . while relying on existing financial , civilian and military resources , Europe can take even more decisive actions in the event of natural and man-made disasters and be even more involved in averting and managing crises and conflicts , and in establishing a lasting peace in third countries . the amended Lisbon Strategy promotes equal opportunities for all as a vector for social and intergenerational solidarity and the creation of a poverty-free society . I think that the Czech Republic managed very well in resolving the gas crisis of January this year . basically , I have the impression that the wishes and the diplomatic activity of Mrs Ferrero-Waldner , to some extent at least , can be seen as adopting the same approach as that which the Pope sought to adopt on this issue . I remain convinced , however , that the contents of Amendment 138 are absolutely laudable and should therefore ... they have never been so clear as in the debate on whether we should exclude users from the Internet without a hearing in court . I rejoice in that , but I deplore the damage which you are inflicting on 27 former democracies , year by disastrous year . and , in a European credit market worth EUR 800 billion , direct cross-border financial services make up only a tiny fraction - 1 % - of all distance credit transactions . it is also necessary to review the international legislation in this area without delay , to fill in the gaps , to prohibit ships designed for river traffic from going to sea , and to enforce effectively the ' polluter pays ' principle . the work ahead of us remains vast , but I am more than sure that consistent work on upholding fundamental rights in the EU will help us prevail . incidentally , Moldova is seeking an in-depth , comprehensive trade agreement with the European Union . I believe that this is a good thing , because in this way , the Commissioner can listen to Parliament ' s budgetary priorities before drawing up the draft budget . in Romania , 13 people on the transplant waiting list die every day due to the lack of donors . I come from a country in which , whenever I go to the supermarket , I see a man riding a moped with a wooden box on the back . it is possible that resources from the existing Progress programme will be used , a programme that was launched in 2007 and comprises actions concerning poverty reduction , anti-discrimination , social inclusion , gender and employment . the joint debate on mechanisms for strengthening economic order , when I take into account the criticisms of the committees ( for example the LIBE Committee ) , in addition to the above-mentioned texts , I must say that a Directive that makes it possible to detain people for 18 months , as well as the conditions experienced by visiting Members in detention centres , only make the controversy more obvious . you said that the path that the US is taking is historically the wrong path . - Before the vote on Amendment 6 in writing . - ( SV ) It is important to bring the long drawn-out dispute regarding import tariffs for bananas within the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) to an end , and therefore ratification of the 2009 Geneva Agreement concerning tariffs and trade was necessary . we are talking about significant sums spent on the basis of regulations which leave a considerable margin of manoeuvre for the Commission . the applications related to two German undertakings and a Finnish one , all operating in the telecommunications sector , in the manufacture of mobile phones to be precise . 8 . it also gives all citizens of the European Union a right of recourse to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg . they are also concerned about equality of healthcare , which is considerable among the Member States , as also within the countries themselves . the Commission is also called on to ensure that support for beekeeping is maintained and strengthened in the CAP after 2013 , guaranteeing the continuation of this sector . the Commission will subsidise innovations and projects which aim to research into , develop and commercialise technologies for renewable energy , using funding from the seventh framework programme that you in this House have made available to us . to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles is very commendable ; to reduce heavy goods vehicle congestion is very commendable ; and the spending of 15 % of the tolls on infrastructure is very commendable . despite voting in line with the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) , I must express some concerns I have about the present motion for a resolution . the Interim Agreement , which was signed in 1999 , provisionally applies the trade-related parts of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement , also signed in 1999 , for which only three Member State ratifications remain outstanding . EU-US air transport agreement - EU-Canada air transport agreement - EU-Vietnam air services agreement ( debate ) - ( NL ) Mr President , once again we can congratulate ourselves that an agreement has been reached after so many attempts . there has been a great deal of cooperation between all the rapporteurs and the shadows on this package and we would like to send a message to the Council that we intend to negotiate this as a package , not as a series of individual reports . what happened then ? can the Commissioner please comment ? a fall in revenue , a fall in investments , a fall in growth : they are the ones overlooked most by the international effort , to the extent that the Director-General of the FAO , Mr Diouf , was obliged to point out that only 10 % of the emergency funds pledged by the major powers in June have so far been allocated . therefore , making all kinds of statements and spreading all kinds of rumours is very harmful to Greek taxpayers , because not only does it not help anyone , it is also to the detriment of those who have to endure a number of measures because action was not taken quickly enough in their country previously . I note with interest the report ' s proposal on a European Economic Area Plus for relations with countries that are not part of the current enlargement agenda . in the 2011 budget , considerable amounts have been allocated to the Global Fund to fight Aids , Tuberculosis and Malaria ( GFATM ) ( EUR 65 000 000 in commitment appropriations and EUR 47 608 950 in payment appropriations ) . limiting global average temperature increases is necessary not only in the developed world , but also in developing countries . the debate is closed . however , the Commission is keen to make sure that this initiative , if it were to be approved by the European Council , does not undermine our efforts to build on the success of the Lisbon Treaty and , most of all , does not undermine its certification . on the issue of Frontex , I also wanted to say that I support the additional funding for Frontex - we doubled the funding for the Agency . then you can , of course , discuss it with him directly . it could have been handled in various ways . we are especially interested in promoting and analysing its link with European associations for innovation within the EU framework for innovation . it also results in discrimination . I also consider it essential to adopt reasonable criteria for the concept of recovering economy , since the Member States ' situations are different . it is not as if the EU did not know the exact location and did not have the satellite pictures of the vineyards in Italy that were planted secretly and are over the quota , for example . in writing . - Education , research and innovation are windows to the future . a player who can defend the principles and values on which its economic and social model are founded . I am aware that all of these points have already been raised on numerous occasions in the past , but what good is that if we are still stuck at the drawing board ? Mr Fischer , I regret to say that I do not agree . but my colleague will return to this after a discussion in the college . this was only possible in fact thanks to the efforts and openness of our rapporteur , who was willing to listen to all parties . in writing . - The Fine Gael delegation in the European Parliament voted against paragraph 16 of the resolution on the Commission ' s Legislative and Work Programme 2008 as we are vehemently opposed to any EU initiative to establish a European Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base ( CCCTB ) . thank you very much ! Mr President , thank you for your forbearance . I predict that , a few years from now , we will all regret that we were not more proactive today . we therefore agree with the call made to the Member States and the competent authorities to ensure that greater stress is placed on health development in school and preschool teaching programmes by encouraging specific forms of physical activity suitable for these ages and raising awareness within clubs and associations in order to ensure that children can start physical activity at the earliest possible age , for the benefit of their development and health , and hence to guarantee physical education status in accordance with the profile of the institution and the corresponding level of study . they have raised the issue of the independence of the EFSA in the face of the interests of biotechnology companies , an issue which Commission Dalli recognised , and have requested a moratorium on crops until reliable control mechanisms can be set up to ascertain the impact of modified organisms on human health , biodiversity and food safety . ( applause ) unfortunately , this has not been a good Presidency for the workers and poor of the European Union . that is simply showing contempt for the voters , the citizens of Europe . instead we have struck a workable balance - between the need for industry to continue to profit in difficult economic times , the social needs of Europe , and the future of our environment . last time it was Mugabe ' s Government fighting its fight against the MDC . there is a clear need for improvement in the way we inform and communicate with the public . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , after a year of parliamentary work , the proposal for a directive now being discussed is a significant improvement on the document that was presented in 2007 . we await the Commission ' s response regarding the plan presented by the Campania region . also , now that we have a new treaty , we need to respect the competences of each institution . the European Commission criticises this position in an incomprehensible , short-sighted and narrow-minded manner . we are dazzled by fabulous cars , miraculous means of communication and the results of innovative , scientific research , but what would life be worth without the beautiful works of art , statues , graphics , textiles or the creative works of music and literature that surround us ? the policy camouflages inadmissible objectives and interests under a cloak of ' good intentions ' , as if the constant denunciation of the military aggression and occupation of Iraq by the United States and its allies were not enough , with the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have resulted , and the pillaging of the country ' s enormous natural resources . Contriving to exclude euro area members amounts to abandoning the ambition of a strong Europe in the world . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( FR ) Mr President , Prime Minister , you made a fine speech . allow me to mention one last thing that I feel is particularly important , namely the inclusion of the major European ports in the planning of the TEN networks . in people ' s everyday lives , there are no disputes and there is no nationality problem in mixed areas . we have remained in monetary union and have not moved on to economic union . I have no doubt that this type of major crisis situation requires a rapid response by special intervention units . my assistant Gergely Simon , who has done much work on this and other dossiers , will leave Parliament in the near future . however , I have a major and a minor ' but ' to add to those words of praise . access to health care is a right of all EU citizens and providing equal access for all to high-quality medical services is a core task of the Member States ' public authorities . at a time such as this , when the economic and financial crisis demands more cautious spending , transparency and secure and innovative finance , in the face of ever scarcer resources and ever more acute social needs , to try to make more efficient use of the Structural Funds is not only an objective but also a moral duty for all administrators and , above all , for this Europe , which is perceived by its citizens as an entity that is becoming increasingly abstract and out of touch with people ' s real needs . this is the aim of the Europe 2020 strategy . I shall conclude by saying that this really is a race against the clock , for we must forestall these diseases as much as possible . policies and strategies that enable Europeans to adapt better and quicker to the challenges of the twenty-first century - especially in a crisis situation - must also be sought . ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , first of all , I would like to thank the rapporteur for the work she has done , and our fellow Members for their hard work in creating this new microfinance instrument . I would also like to congratulate my colleagues , Mrs Kalniete and Mr Correia De Campos , for their good work . this can serve as a basis for improving understanding of each other ' s concerns and can pave the way for finding common solutions . we have had some estimates about the scale of the problem over the coming months - including from our own experts - and I agree very much with those who said we need to deploy expertise from the European Centre for Disaster Control in Haiti . ' what is the communication on the budget review ? ' its purpose is to increase the credit ratings of the bonds issued by companies , by attracting private investments , so as to supplement domestic investments and those made via the cohesion funds . to end , I would point out that support for innovative projects of small and medium-sized enterprises , easier access to European funds and improved access to credit , particularly , but not only , in the current context , are vital factors for supporting SMEs . I welcome the European Commission ' s proposal and the report presented by our fellow Member , József Szájer , as we will therefore have standard , simplified rules on the definition , description and presentation of aromatised wines , aromatised wine-based drinks and aromatised wine-product cocktails . these products are renowned worldwide and , thanks to the new provisions , we will successfully achieve a better position on the market for them , while supporting Community producers and distributors . the Commission expects the industry to produce a binding agreement in the form of a memorandum by the end of April . the connection between certain forms of trade and climate change is ever more obvious . it is well balanced and gives an objective description of developments in Macedonia ; commending what has been achieved and appealing for a little more time to be devoted to what remains to be done . we should encourage Member States to be stricter in this area . it is vital to take the regional dimension into account : if not , regions confronted with serious disasters could be excluded because the threshold set for the Member State as a whole has not been reached . let us hope that tomorrow ' s vote reflects what happened in the Committee on Petitions : a majority or unanimous vote in support of the Ombudsman , with Parliament making clear to the Commission that things are as they should be and that everyone knows their place . in addition , the result achieved in relation to the establishment of buffer zones adjacent to waterways has been moderated . in any case , I hope that the presence of a delegation from the Subcommittee on Human Rights at the next session of the Council will provide the European institutions with an opportunity to raise the urgent issue of Christianophobia . we must remember that a condition of bringing such a concept into reality has to be that we rise above the interests of particular Member States . perhaps we can begin to get it right this time . how can we achieve the same level of interest in the human rights situation in Hungary as you have in the human rights situation in Cuba ? in writing . - I voted in favour of the Varvitsiotis report , which seeks to enhance diplomatic and consular protection for EU citizens living or travelling in countries in which their home Member State does not have representation . it has already taken some initiatives that have marked a break with the past : in Iraq , on Guantánamo , on the anti-missile shield . Memoranda like the one the troika of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , the European Central Bank ( ECB ) and the Commission drew up with Portuguese officials demanded anti-social policies , including amendments to redundancy and privatisation laws , and attacks on public and universal social security which can only lead to social regression , condemning workers and the public to unemployment , poverty , underdevelopment and extreme dependency . I welcome the adoption of this report on the proposal for a directive on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding , and of measures aimed at helping workers to achieve a work-life balance . the Spanish Presidency should , incidentally , be much more active in defending fundamental rights in Cuba . today ' s vote will be particularly important for disabled passengers , who will benefit as a result of today ' s vote . it is of crucial importance that the Danube strategy be based on a bottom-up approach . Italy was mentioned , the Czech Republic and Romania are familiar with examples of real pogroms , racist attacks . Austria has been the only certificate purchaser to date , spending EUR 280 million on certificates , compared with the mere EUR 20 million it invests annually in renewables . this framework decision gives us a toolbox for future directives , which will ensure greater legal consistency on key issues , establishing a clear and coherent position on the CE mark in particular but also on the status of importers in the trade chain . terrorism is a complex phenomenon . in my capacity as rapporteur on regional cooperation in the Black Sea area , I have constantly stressed the importance and urgency of these actions . restoring dialogue between all sectors of Palestinian society and restarting the current negotiation process are essential . clearly , the measures adopted to date by the Commission have been unable to alleviate the crisis or provide a viable alternative to the quota replacement scheme planned for 2015 . lastly , I should like to say to Mr Le Hyaric , whose criticisms I listened to carefully just now , that transport is not covered by the Services Directive , and neither is healthcare . the next item is Question Time ( B6-0001 / 2008 ) . nevertheless , in our opinion , the report is not as ambitious as it should be . the Eastern Partnership is focused on the development of democracy , good governance and stability , economic integration and on achieving closer relations with EU policy . finally , let us not forget the potential of global communications and especially the internet to promote human rights . Greece is on its backside ; Spain , your country , is in dire straits as well . while any contamination of our food is always regrettable , what this incident shows is the very high level of food safety controls which the Irish authorities have in place to guarantee the integrity of the food chain . the vote will take place tomorrow ( Tuesday , 23 November 2010 ) . special Report from the European Ombudsman to the European Parliament following the draft recommendation to the European Commission in Complaint 676 / 2008 / RT ( According to Rule 205 ( 2 ) , 1st part ) ( Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I will try to be extremely brief . but on its own this is not enough . one way of dealing with this problem is through education : raising awareness of the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and not abusing freedoms . in today ' s vote , I supported the resolution concerning the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy with respect to both the Eastern and Southern Dimensions . two things are needed . Romania also feels that a review clause is absolutely essential in 2014 , without however raising a question mark over the 20 % ( or 10 % ) reduction targets , simply in order to facilitate possible adjustments to the mechanisms , based on the specific conditions during the relevant period ( which cannot be predicted just now ) . Member of the Commission . ? ( SK ) I welcome the very encouraging atmosphere during this debate , which confirms that sport and physical education certainly have an effect on health , but also on certain values held by young people and our entire society . Mr President , we disagree on many things where the EU is concerned . the EIT title must be desired . we should consider whether this kind of behaviour is right . broadcasting is a special sector . in order to reduce possible negative consequences at the ballot box , certain governments have suddenly changed position and decided to cancel their plans to build new plants or to prolong the useful life of existing ones . perhaps Mr Leinen ? as a French Member of the European Parliament and a member of the Independence and Democracy Group , I chose not to support Amendments 51 and 52 to Mr Corbett ' s report . ( DE ) Mr President , we in the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance want to see strong European economic governance . Commissioner , in the trialogue discussions , we also briefly discussed the fact that legislation on the transport of these consumer goods has still not been harmonised and that it would therefore be worth considering whether we should shift our focus to legislation on the transport of chemicals in the coming months . we share the view that the existence of statistics on all forms of transport , goods and passengers will provide a framework of information that will be useful for defining a policy of interoperability and co-modality ; that is , the possibility of an optimal combination of different modes of transport in the same transport chain , contributing to the modernisation and rationalisation of freight logistics and promoting their sustainability . how many people could be awaiting judgments having appealed against denied asylum applications ? however , this circumstance does not prevent us from developing a realistic plan of action . we must demand reciprocity and access to foreign markets for our own products . in writing . - Contrary to our position ( I voted in favour ) , the qualified majority was not reached , and so the resolution to reject the Commission proposal and follow the advice of Parliament ' s legal services has fallen . authorisation to fish will be granted to 28 tuna seiners and 12 surface long-liners . Parliament and Council have adjusted the Commission ' s proposal on mergers , master-feeder-structures , fund notification and key investor information , but the high-level ambitions set by the Commission in its original proposal was fully respected . in particular , I believe that within the social market economy , as recognised and made an objective by the treaty , the public system should make some adjustments aimed at accelerating and facilitating the reaching of an equilibrium , in order to avoid losses and difficulties , or to limit them to the minimum level . there are many cases of fraud , in particular , in the eastern and southern Member States . Europeans have a duty and a right to know the truth : that the Mediterranean strategy is not working , that the common immigration policy will continue to be a dream until European countries commit to equipping the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders ( Frontex ) with sufficient resources to be effective . in writing . - I cannot support this report or Amendment 6 as I feel that it is inappropriate to include tax- or VAT-based issues in a health-based report such as this . I will support the amended version of Rule 121 , which will ensure that in such cases the President shall submit the matter to the Conference of Presidents and then to plenary . however , I must also mention that , in spite of sustained economic growth , enormous inequalities persist . you may remember , of course , the precedent of Commissioners appointed after recent enlargements . I have consulted widely with colleagues from the various groups and they have assured me that they will not obstruct my proposal . in so saying , it is time to resolve several issues that remain outstanding in this trade relationship . the total budget required is EUR 3 934 055 and the Netherlands submitted an application on 8 April 2010 to obtain a financial contribution of EUR 2 557 135 from the EGF . it was a dual response to the aggravated crisis , which had turned into a systemic challenge to the euro . the anomaly of allowing imported food products using plant protection products generally , while we will not allow our farmers to use them , continues to be one of the mysteries and one of the major problems we have with legislation of this sort . institutional cooperation is one of the major challenges of the Treaty of Lisbon , which we always talk about rather carelessly . moreover , the EU supports programmes focusing on law enforcement and reinforcing the judiciary . first and foremost , we want to lay down a definition of pay discrimination ; it is not enough to look at gross hourly pay alone because that would indicate direct discrimination and such direct discrimination has in fact already been overcome . for our common actions to be effective , it is vital , firstly , to draw up unequivocal definitions of wildernesses and to establish the precise location of the latter on the map of the Community . the claim that nothing can be done about finance , when it brings about misery , is unconvincing . the ALDE Group is ready to give its assent because it believes that a ' no ' would send out a negative signal to the countries most in need , and would be irresponsible on the part of the European Union given that the reopening of the WTO negotiations is unrealistic . we are also planning - and conducting a feasibility study right now - to set up a European cybercentre by 2013 to coordinate this work , to work as an alert centre and to support the different national cybercentres that already exist . unanimously - and I repeat unanimously - the Heads of State or Government decided to ask for a permanent crisis mechanism with the intervention of the private sector . the diversity of political systems , cultural traditions , religions , statuses and ambitions in terms of moving closer to the European Union , the level of economic development , the availability of natural resources and , of course , the new situation which has arisen because , today , three Member States of the European Union form part of the region that we are discussing . origin marking should therefore be considered in that spirit . they warned of poisonous gases by dying . it commends Serbia on the progress achieved in the reform process , and welcomes the decision to open the ratification procedure of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia taken by the Council on 14 June 2010 , and the fact that 10 Member States have already ratified the agreement . we can contribute to that ourselves . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( PL ) Mr President , the Special Court for Sierra Leone is entitled to count on our particular attention , as it is rightly presented as a new and almost perfect model for the pursuit of justice . many , perhaps most , have very good experiences , but it is the minority - the few who have less happy experiences - that give some aspects of the tourism industry a poor name . such support , incidentally , need not necessarily take the form of handouts ; it could also be the provision of opportunities to acquire the skills required for new jobs on offer . but most important of all is for us to come together to give leadership to the rest of the world , in particular in the area of climate change , energy and food . one need only think of the role of Parliament , which has been strengthened in relation to the Council , but which is also being strengthened by the Rules of Procedure where the internal relationships with institutions within Parliament itself are concerned . interconnectivity , the issue of common gas stores - these things are important to ensure that the supply to any individual country cannot be shut off . the Court of Justice leaves no room for doubt . the IPCC reports have made it clear that even with ambitious measures to reduce emissions some serious effects of climate change are probably inevitable . the most important factor of a control system applied to 27 Member States is probably that all stakeholders should be treated equally and , in particular , that everyone along the production chain - fishermen , middlemen , buyers , people who have links to recreational fishing and others - should feel that they are not being discriminated against but also that they have their share of the responsibility on this matter . rapporteur . - ( NL ) I can be very brief . I would like to inform Parliament that the Commission recently adopted a communication on ' A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean ' , which sets out a series of proposals to address the challenges that the region currently faces following recent developments . however , the problem is in knowing whether it is possible to implement such complex rules as these within the intended period . I also welcome the compromise on cohesion policy . some prisoners are in very bad health , according to their families , and do not have access to adequate medical care . written statements ( Rule 149 ) the Google Books Project makes books available to a far wider readership than a conventional library would . the report acknowledges the problems and mistakes during the first decade of economic and monetary union , but does not draw the necessary conclusions , instead calling for a ' more robust ' framework for surveillance of national economic policies by the Commission and Council . ( LV ) Yes , I shall gladly clarify this point . because this has to be fundamentally understood , so that we can share the understanding of biodiversity . my third point relates to the financial markets . we were able to mobilise a team composed of Commission officials and industry experts in 24 hours and they were already in Russia and Ukraine last Saturday to enable the flow of gas to resume as soon as the protocol was signed . I shall conclude simply by quoting the title of a film that has just come out , which concerns the theme of this evening and which is called : ' Demain nos enfants nous accuserons ' [ Tomorrow our children will accuse us ] . however , will the newly appointed High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy do this ? Parliament is going to play a much greater qualitative role and have a much larger workload with the Lisbon Treaty when it comes . Vice-President of the Commission . - These are both quite specific questions . Madam President , there is an urgent need to protect workers from exploitation in these times of economic trauma , and the case to ensure the terms and conditions of European workers are not systematically driven down by exploitation of vulnerable migrant workers is unanswerable . I hope that this compromise which we have reached will develop the road transport market . as regards information policy , I welcome the agreement on funding for political parties at European level and for political foundations at European level , which should help improve communication with citizens and their participation in EU political life . I , too , will be there , and I would like to encourage all of you to come to Strasbourg this Sunday , in four days ' time . in that respect , too , renewal of the agreement requires very careful evaluation and the agreement also needs to be redrafted . unfortunately , and despite all the good intentions enshrined in that directive , its practical implementation has not produced the desired results . child exploitation , including the sexual exploitation of children , is among society ' s biggest ills . it is demanding a serious study from the Commission in order to see when in fact children can be protected using their fingerprints , and will only allow them to be collected at ages at which we know for certain that this is the case . request for urgent procedure : see Minutes my second point is that we must be creators of ideas . in my opinion , a single European migration and asylum policy is not the solution , as this matter is within the competence of Member States . we need controls not only on the final quality of the product , but also a clear mark of origin and checks , before the distribution of Chinese products is permitted within the internal market , on the safety standards and conditions under which the products are made in their places of origin ; otherwise , the institutions will remain complicit in environmental disasters , social exploitation and unfair competition by Chinese industry . crises , including energy crises , are overcome by innovation . - ( FI ) Mr President , as we know , the background to this resolution was a very politically sensitive set of circumstances , but that ought not to prevent us from passing a clearly humanitarian resolution that is not watered down by general political remarks on the situation as a whole . it is you we are counting on . the Commission and the Council tend , in principle , to talk up the situation - as dramatic as it might be . 9 . however , for this reason also , a proper procedure could have been carried out . these improvements include the introduction this year of more frequent decision-taking on infringement cases to avoid delays in the advancement of cases , and the introduction of the EU pilot project in April this year . in conclusion , I would like to say that the Commission ' s position regarding the various amendments to both legislative proposals has been given to Parliament in writing , and will be attached to the minutes of the plenary session . to start with , I would like to point out again that at the October European Council , we stressed the importance of fast-start financing in order to initiate immediate actions and to prepare for collective and efficient action in the medium and longer term with a special emphasis on these developed countries . I appeal to the European Parliament to support our proposals as the best way to ensure that this reform achieves real influence . perhaps this is an opportunity to get some information referring to the new opportunities in the markets of our main trading partners that a successful WTO deal would give us . ( EL ) Mr President , the question before us is : will we be able to move forward on climate change in Cancún . nearly two thirds of the Member States have adopted the Treaty , including Hungary , the first country to do so . above all , they are taking political control of the country , whilst forcing the Greeks to regress decades in social terms . lastly , I agree with the rapporteur when he welcomes what is being done in this respect in the context of the e-Justice programme . I should tell you that there is also a directive , Directive 2000 / 43 / EC , which already guarantees the application of the principle of equal treatment , with no differentiation between race or ethnic origin in the employment , social , and educational sectors and in access to and supply of goods and services , which also applies to the Roma . this is absurd . ignoring the specific reality of Member States to take greater account of the interests of the large agri-industrial enterprises , multinational food distributors and negotiations to liberalise trade within the WTO has helped to change the basis of agricultural activity , leading to a fall in output . the issue of Iran is obviously very high up on the Swedish Presidency ' s agenda . I support Mr Cashman , the authors and group spokespersons . we share your view that it is of utmost importance to ensure that the agencies can function independently , that they have capable leaders with proper authority and that the appropriate financing of the institutions is guaranteed . in that sense , Mr President-in-Office , may I say that the conclusions that you have agreed at today ' s Summit are good conclusions which offer a sound basis on which to move forward , for they are a clear expression of what is realistic and sustainable . Eurostat receives notifications from the Member States . this is a crisis of identity . I call on Member States to monitor actions to facilitate the transition from school to working life by developing integrated careers guidance and advice programmes , to create better training opportunities for trainers and lay the foundations for a facilitative learning partnership , particularly at regional and local level . I believe that we must all take action to come up with a specific legal solution , not least to prevent - as Mr Simpson said - passengers who have purchased an ordinary flight ticket from an airline that subsequently goes bankrupt being treated differently from passengers who have bought their ticket as part of a more comprehensive package holiday . in other words , I am all in favour of stamping out cyber crime , but can we make sure that internet companies are not , with police authorities and the like , too heavy-handed in dealing with the public who are using the internet for their own pleasure ? Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , if we had had to cope with the correspondence that this report has generated over recent weeks using a horseback messenger , we would have exhausted a few horses - without a doubt . the EU Communication on the European Economic Recovery Plan in December 2008 lists the areas in which the EU will be investing over the next few years in order to ensure economic growth and preserve jobs . then there is the number of staff we have working to ensure that this agreement delivers on its goals - just a handful of people ; the profits of illegal logging are absolutely vast and perhaps greater than anything we can offer by way of compensation ; and the markets for illegal wood are in countries like China , which may not be paying anything like the attention that we pay , and the respect that should be paid , to maintaining forests . rapporteur . - ( DE ) Mr President , I would like to make two comments as this debate comes to a close . it was explicitly stated that the prolongation of ENISA should not prejudice the outcome of that debate . we can turn it into an opportunity , or we can do harm to many people by handling it wrongly . I would stress their importance in combating deforestation and the degradation of forests , as well as the resulting carbon emissions and loss of biodiversity at global level . for all that , I find it particularly scandalous that legitimate concerns aroused by this period of crisis should be exploited for partisan ends . I think that what you have said is extremely important . draft amending budget No 8 / 2008 ( when Muslim nomads attacked Christian villages at the beginning of the year and at least 500 people were murdered , it is said that the army only responded hours after receiving the first report . its solution to the ' over-reliance ' of banks on these agencies is that the banks assess the risks themselves . we must give precedence to mechanisms which facilitate the access of citizens to the courts so that their rights and lawful interests can be enforced throughout the Union . this is a concept that some people will support . some opponents of Turkish integration are guided by reasons unconnected with the substance of the matter , and others by fears that Turkey is a big country which will have a big influence on EU decisions , because , in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon , the voting power of each Member State is dependent on the size of its population . we , Parliament , very much need to do something about that . how do we promote creativity and innovation ? in the interests of safety , we also need to ensure that every box of prescription medicine is traceable . the report - as the previous speakers have said - relates entirely to the scientific facts concerning climate change , which were discussed in detail with world-renowned experts during the thematic meetings . Croatia is about to complete its membership negotiations . together with the euro , free movement of persons in the EU is one of the fundamental pillars of the European project . in fact , I hope you are all very proud of yourselves because what you have done is you have taken the littlest boy in the playground , got him into the corner and given him a good kicking . let us make sure that the Member States make a solid commitment . author . - ( NL ) Mr President , Sierra Leone , like its neighbour Liberia , has been faced with full-scale atrocities , as a result of which many citizens lost their lives or became seriously injured , mentally or physically . consumers are confronted with an ever growing supply of increasingly more complex goods and services . written statements ( Rule 149 ) drugs for Parkinson ' s disease in many countries cost more than drugs for cancer . all of this protects consumers , but it also safeguards honest entrepreneurs who observe all the rules . I regret that the declarations of financial interests of the Members of the Court that the latter submit to the President of the Court in accordance with its Code of Conduct are not made public or , at the very least , communicated to members of the Committee on Budgetary Control . if you develop a reasonable system , we will encourage it and recognise it . ' in Spain , in my region of Aragon , we are pioneers of renewable energy sources , with almost 60 % energy independence . we are now well into the third year of discussion on this piece of legislation . the capital market crisis is not the only pressing problem . ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , I am delighted that - in spite of the technical problem - we all joined together to vote on the report confirming that the new Member States , including the Czech Republic , will be ready to join the Schengen area as early as 2008 . in contrast , the Commission says that it wants cost-effective control and suggests that there is a tolerable risk of error , which must be taken into account from the start . dates of forthcoming sittings : see Minutes still , however , there are no reports of prison guards or police being prosecuted for abuse . in addition , the documents necessary in order to obtain an appropriate visa will be specified . they were already in the Constitutional Treaty , as they had been developed in the Constitutional Convention , at the signing of which some Members were present , in close cooperation with NGOs . it also lays down the conditions for the use in the European Union of ratings issued by third-country agencies . I was disappointed with Mr Schmidt ' s suggestion that capital transfer tax could not be tried out and introduced across Europe . political parties are being abolished purely and simply because they express the wishes of the Kurdish population . of course you would like our vote too , that of the second-largest Dutch party in Parliament , the Party for Freedom . President-in-Office of the Council . - Madam President , before I start my concluding remarks I would like to inform the honourable Members of the outcome of the discussion in the Czech Senate on the Lisbon Treaty . ( applause ) we have 3 million unemployed in the European Union . in view of global climate changes it can be expected that catastrophes involving floods , droughts , storms and fires will become more frequent on our old continent . the time has come to reinforce international coordination and agree on reasonable common rules . given the context , it is appropriate to continue to work within this sector and examine additional and innovative sources of development finance , namely , a tax on international financial transactions . I think that the European Union also needs to have in the future adequate instruments for tackling the crises affecting the market and food supply , as well as the fluctuations in the prices and market in the agricultural sector . ( FR ) Mr President , for us , Euronews is a remarkable window on the world , and it is a channel I am very keen on , but I often wonder about the content of its advertisements . it appeared in the following six resolutions . for this to happen , a proper , quick and effective response in the event of humanitarian emergencies is essential . in your concluding speeches , I expect you to explain to us why you have been quick to reject proposals submitted by right-wing governments , such as that of Mr Sarkozy , and not by left-wing governments . I am grateful for your proposed work on a Victims ' Charter and I would urge that this starts off by making a very clear distinction between the victims of terrorism and the perpetrators of terrorism . in the autumn we will be presenting to you our thoughts on the revision of the emissions trading system ( ETS ) . for these reasons , I feel entitled to say that this report is completely inadequate if we believe that Europe must act now , in the coming months , from today - and that is something that became clear at the security conference in Munich . you can read it ; I will send it to you . I therefore hope that Parliament will adopt it , fulfilling the wishes of many students , academics and researchers in Europe and throughout the world . as it is for the United States , the Arctic should be a strategic priority for the European Union . costs , but also emissions are growing also because of the imposition of increased vehicle safety . urban areas generate around 80 % of GDP , consume up to 70 % of the energy in the EU and are the major centres of innovation , knowledge and culture . it increases the volume and duration of the tax arrangements currently applied to traditional rum because the situation has worsened over the last few years . the alert was subsequently called off , but doubts persist as to the true nature of the incident and the reasons for this highly unusual alert . the SPE statute has been significantly improved during the Council ' s ongoing negotiations , and I am still hoping that the final result will be good . there is a great deal of enthusiasm because this a good fund , because the money is available , because this is about energy efficiency and renewable energy and because this gives us , as Members of the European Parliament , the opportunity to take local action , too , through this project . the meeting of this parliamentary assembly in Strasbourg today marks the 220th anniversary of the adoption of the 3 May Constitution , the first constitution in Europe . ' ( EL ) Mr President , the text of the European Youth Pact also provides for measures for combining professional and family life . in this respect , the Council welcomed the restraint shown by the Commission with regard to commitment appropriations in its draft budget . that is inevitable . there are many ' ifs ' , ' buts ' and ' maybes ' , because there is no other way for a diverse family of nations to share power . how can we show Muslims at this time that our hierarchy of needs is better than theirs ? I also note , as Mr Lyon said , the need to continue to ensure that the CAP is focused on the market , and this must be achieved in a measured way so as to prevent farmers from being faced with very chaotic markets . in writing . - We in the Greens / EFA Group supported the report mainly because it includes some of our key issues such as civil society organisations . for this reason I applaud our colleague ' s initiative aimed at helping citizens to become more involved and more in touch with the European project , thereby contributing to its legitimacy . let me give you just a few examples . this Community assistance has brought and will continue to bring specific benefits to the population . that is why I propose - and I have consulted other political groups - to add to paragraph 4 : ' as well as a review of the " restricted freedom ” sentences imposed on 11 persons who participated in a demonstration which took place in January 2008 ; ' . State of European asylum system , after the recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights ( debate ) I should like to emphasise once again that we are acting very swiftly , given the complexity of the issue . besides , the cost of not having Europe would be unbearable for all of us . now I use the word ' ask ' with some care . asking is exactly what the British Prime Minister has had to do . this verification can be made by your optician or your dentist , but also by a professional photographer or a fire service official - no disrespect to members of these professions . the former Commission was misguided in thinking that healthcare was just another commercial service . I shall listen closely to your reply . we are improving the situation in these states . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , what has just been said demonstrates that your proposal was at the very least controversial . the European Parliament gave its opinion in good time before the Council ' s opinion , and this is due to the intensive efforts made by our rapporteur , Mr Castiglione , and all the efforts of the political groups . you can act on your own initiative . in 2006 the countries with the lowest disparities in income were Denmark , Sweden , Finland , Slovenia and the Czech Republic , and these countries have for many years enjoyed stable annual GDP growth , which is quite different from those countries that have the highest disparities in income , such as Latvia , Lithuania , Portugal and Greece as well as , unfortunately , my own country , Poland . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , whilst food prices are undoubtedly rising , the situation at the farm gate is very different . for example , by reducing the consumption of imported oil , not only do you save money , and you do not pay it to the oil-producing countries , but you also reduce CO2 emissions . this report is intended to provide the financial foundations of the EU superstate which I and my constituents ( ... ) reject . the promises which were made should not be forgotten as soon as the result requested by the Irish Government and by EU leaders was achieved . I have about 30 people on the list , in the order you took your blue cards . as regards the necessary funding available to developing countries to enable them to combat climate change and its consequences , who exactly will provide this funding to the developing countries ? firstly , the European Union already has a Joint Research Centre , it has its own Research Council , and it is currently instigating joint technology initiatives . we do not know . even though the directive can be seen as superfluous in certain Member States , we have hopes that it can bring about an improvement in the large number of Member States which currently lack functioning legislation for the protection of soil . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , first of all , we in the Commission welcome this new joint motion for a resolution by the European Parliament . in writing . - I voted for this resolution , which underlines that the Europe 2020 actions are of crucial importance to the future prospects of all European citizens , delivering sustainable jobs , long-term economic growth , and social progress ; fears that the Europe 2020 Strategy will not be able to deliver on its promises due to its weak governance structure , and strongly urges the Council , therefore , to strengthen the Community method ; reiterates the importance of integrating the EU 2020 goals into the economic governance framework and calls for the European Semester to be part of the legislative governance package , while including national parliaments and social partners at an early stage in order to foster democratic accountability , ownership and legitimacy ; stresses that the achievement of Europe 2020 is essential and not optional . among them are respect and tolerance for differences . I have been described by members of UKIP as a ' paedophile ' and a ' big fat git ' . in this conflict , we lay emphasis on the energy situation in Europe , on Russia ' s " imperialist ” position and on Georgia ' s nationalism and lack of diplomacy , but we forget that people and , especially , hopes have died in this conflict . everything can be improved upon . it is a pity that the Council of Member States did not bear that in mind in considering our report from the Temporary Committee on Extraordinary Rendition . however , most of you do not know that in Prague I ride an electric bicycle . producers ' organisations need to be promoted that are capable of positioning themselves in the market , concentrating supply . I do thank Commissioner Reding for her staunch support as we drew solidly on the Commission proposal and Commission representatives made a full contribution , so my personal thanks to her . Fifthly , we do not know the results of the tests of the second generation Schengen Information System , and Parliament must be informed . while former employees of the Dutch company NXP Semiconductors will receive EUR 3 534 per capita and the Danish former employees from Nordjylland will receive EUR 7 908 each , the Portuguese former employees of Qimonda will receive only EUR 2 867 per capita from the aid granted by the fund . the impact of a nuclear ban would be even worse because the alternative to nuclear power is not wind farms and solar panels . we would support your motion , Mr Swoboda , if it contained ' latest ' and ' should ' , but ' could ' is only a status report , and we shall therefore keep up the pressure on the Council and Commission . simply put , we must do our utmost to preserve and protect coastal regions . children need to be prepared with appropriate knowledge so that they will be able to use a variety of tools to identify potential abusers and defend themselves against them . in devising the EU 2020 strategy , policies that guarantee sustainable development must be given a major role . ladies and gentlemen , the belts being tightened throughout Europe - as a painful and severe measure - are beginning to have an impact . well , as the commissioner has already said , the Commission has not - not by a long shot - achieved what it had set out to achieve , namely a positive statement of assurance ( DAS ) . the responsibility for the failure therefore lies fairly and squarely with the Council . recent studies have shown that this type of fraud amounts to about 24 % of all types of VAT-related fraud . I voted for the Commission proposal to expand the original concept of the European Heritage Label from an intergovernmental action to a formal EU action as a contribution to a stronger European identity . we have supported the latter because , then , more criminals get caught . the increase which is now proposed will mainly benefit the large-scale producers at the expense of small producers . we know it is taxpayers ' money but I think we have to be there and work together with you for the stability of Afghanistan . with almost 14 million jobs involved , and with sustained growth even during the crisis , it remains essential to show unfailing support for these industries , so great is their economic and cultural contribution . even if there are unresolved political issues between countries , it should not reflect on people-to-people contacts . in Africa , many young women and girls are victims of war and rape . in writing . - While I welcome the bulk of Mr Lambsdorff ' s report on EU priorities for the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly , I have a problem with his call at this stage for a single European Union seat on the UN Security Council . those who do not want to work should not prevent those who want and have to work from doing so . what headlines will the major newspapers run ? we also agree with you that some kind of reporting mechanism is necessary - without , of course , posing an exaggerated burden on small and medium-sized companies in particular . I ask the Commissioner whether he or the Commission has any plan or any new ideas for improving matters ? the Commission seems ready to abolish both the safety clauses with regard to the total quantities of sugar importable into the Community by each partner country and the minimum price clause for imported sugar . insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law ( I hope that we can improve trade relations with Japan and I look forward to further progress in these relations . incidentally , while we are on the subject , and in light of the new information on the use of Spanish bases for the transport of prisoners to Guantanamo , does the government intend , though the UN Security Council , to review its relations with the US ? in my view , there is no stronger catalyst for rapid social change in candidate countries or in potential candidate countries than the prospect of being able to become a member of the European Union and thus of having to meet certain standards which we in Europe have . there is no significant scientific evidence to suggest that drastic cuts in carbon dioxide emissions will make a substantial contribution to reducing climate change . I repeat , Commissioner : there is no scientific evidence to that effect . volatility within markets has been detrimental to the industry across Europe , and we need to retain the safety nets to maintain stability and ensure profitability . I voted in favour of Mrs Angelilli ' s report on the sexual exploitation of children because this issue concerns one of the most sordid inhumane acts , which must be punished by measures adopted by all Member States . according to statistics provided by Russia , more than 1.5 million visas were issued to EU citizens in 2008 and the same year , Member State consulates issued 3.5 million visas to Russian citizens . yet only 15 years ago there seems to have been the potential for Madagascar to be so different . closure of the sitting it is crucial that there is not a repeat of situations like this . this issue has been raised ad nauseam . the fact that vans make much wider use of diesel as a fuel also plays an important role . secondly , we are withdrawing from the order of business Mrs Ţicãu ' s report on the energy performance of buildings , because it was not adopted in committee on Monday . of course , Parliament has already decided that it will ignore the decision of the Irish people if they vote ' no ' , and , in order to encourage the Irish to vote ' yes ' , the EU has promised Ireland another EUR 332 million in funding . the first is that one cannot and should not distinguish between citizens and foreigners , men and woman , whites and blacks , Christians and Jews , Muslims and non-Muslims , believers and non-believers . Fifthly , on European citizenship : how often do we invoke the value of European citizenship during our speeches ? I agree with Mr Carlgren . this is perhaps the most important aspect for the rural population as with the help of these developments , new jobs , new training courses and new markets may become accessible , resulting at the same time in a reduction in costs and the deployment of new innovative technologies . I also believe it is necessary to point out the need for freedom of expression and , above all , for freedom of association in each of these countries . the basis of the report , as it emerged from the work of the Human Rights Subcommittee , is reasonably good , and it has some elements that I believe are essential . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , since December 2009 , tourism has been recognised in the Treaty and so at last has a legal basis for development and support at European level . for instance , in 2003 we fined France Télécom and Deutsche Telekom for abusive behaviour in the broadband markets and , most recently , on 4 July 2007 the Commission fined Telefónica for having abused its dominant position by margin squeeze in the Spanish broadband market . this will be achieved not just by introducing maximum values for more types of substances , but also by establishing much stricter limit values for unavoidable traces of lead , cadmium , mercury , chromium 6 and organic tin . we must be ready to develop this cooperation into a Community policy . but I think we should only do it if it is effective , in which case I shall be happy to consider it . we expect , Commissioner , to find evidence of this intention in the programme to be unveiled to us by the Commission within the next few days . it has shown that we are only one of many players on the world stage . in writing . - ( SV ) In his report , the rapporteur writes that cohesion policy is one of the EU ' s most successful investments . - Madam President , Europe has a turbulent history with regard to totalitarianism and the restriction of basic freedoms . the first of these states that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund does function but that there are reasons for optimising its deployment . the purpose of the directive is to lay down minimum rules to ensure workers ' health and safety by means of two instruments : rest periods and a limit on the working week . this might cause a lot of problems in the future because they can be lost forever . I welcome the efforts of the Croatian Government to tackle corruption in its own country , but at the same time we must insist that this problem is also rigorously pursued . in this regard , the Member States need to make vigorous efforts and cooperate more to remove these products from the market and prevent players from placing products on the market when these contain hazardous chemicals . in 2008 , the Council of the European Union presented the Commission with its conclusions , inviting the Commission to submit a legislative proposal that would enable us , as was the case with the European Capitals of Culture initiative , to turn this intergovernmental initiative into a real European Union label . enough said ... in 2002 the Council of Europe decided that it should be changed . a debate on the Eastern Partnership is also necessary due to the fact that it is not entirely clear that we all accord the same importance to this project . I think that a more in-depth study would also be worthwhile for other issues that have been raised : the issue of tax havens , which Mr Canfin addressed . but do not expect that it will bring us a miraculous solution like in those kinds of gas games in central and eastern Europe . at the present time , Commissioner , only 2 800 kilometres of railway in the whole of Europe has been equipped with this new European safety system . I repeat : all the political groups have agreed to this solution and this solution has thus been accepted . we think it is absolutely vital that Iraq be integrated into the trade system and it goes without saying that the WTO is the right arena for that . as a result , 17 of the 27 EU Member States were dragged into the attack and occupation of Iraq . in writing . - We vote against the motion for a resolution ' The Commission ' s 2009 enlargement strategy paper concerning the Western Balkan countries , Iceland and Turkey ' by Gabriele Albertini , because we believe that neither Turkey nor the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shows any progress in meeting the Copenhagen criteria , nor do they demonstrate any political behaviour which would allow them to become EU members We hope to improve their efforts in order to meet the accession criteria , a fact that will be examined in the future . the aim of this action is to achieve at least some of these objectives , in the conviction that small and medium-sized enterprises represent the best instrument today for emerging from the crisis and - as I said at the start of my speech - for preventing the economic and financial crisis from turning into a social crisis . first : give us a pre-Christmas gift , President Barroso - concrete proposals on new and better regulations . in truth , we cannot understand what benefit the possible transfer of CAP funds to other policies could bring . substantial investments are required in order to gradually reduce dependence on fossil fuels , as well as modernise and make more efficient existing energy production facilities . however , in order to be persuasive , we have to make sure that this principle is properly applied in the EU Member States too . last but not least , we finally succeeded , with the help of the Council , and we must admit this in all honesty , in finding a compromise that allowed us to secure all the funding for the energy sector down almost to the last euro within the specified time and , as a result , to make sure that the funding was not lost . these particular characteristics ought , therefore , to be taken into account by increasing support for the region , either from this fund or through other measures . new permanent structures for the EU ' s external representation have been established under the Treaty of Lisbon , but this new dimension does not yet allow the Union to participate as a single entity in its own right in the work of many international bodies . I wish to thank Parliament again for this very good resolution . there is no reason why these surveys should not be updated again . for that purpose it is vital to ensure continuity of information as well as access to it . it makes sense that Amendment 70 should be put to the vote first . Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy . - Mr President , if I might just give some comments directly on the issues and questions that have been raised . I would like to quote just one sentence from his address . it was not in fact the time to discuss internally how we organise ourselves , which is why I want the Treaty of Lisbon to be quickly ratified so that we can face the world stage united , standing shoulder-to-shoulder as Europeans . if the EU wishes to contribute effectively to this , then the Member States , including the Netherlands , must fulfil their promises so that EUFOR can be fully deployed as quickly as possible . I believe that these proposals , as detailed as they sometimes are , are based on a flawed philosophy , that is , on the assumption that the recession is over , that a recovery is taking place and that we do not need additional Community policies in order to come out of the crisis . Madam President , I call on the Irish Government to immediately apply for natural disaster aid relief under the European Solidarity Fund . governments have to learn how to strive for a balance between governing citizens and protecting their lives . we would like to see more . governments must learn to talk together about their economic policies . furthermore , they will have a substantial price tag . recently , the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in the UK unveiled the fact that EU regional funds are being used to prop up arms dealing companies in Eastern Europe , with some projects receiving funding amounting to millions of euro , although these are some of the richest companies . when the political science students of the future or citizens who are interested in politics get wind of it , it will be a classic . it is surprising , however , that it takes a report from the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs according to Rule 39 for the Commission to start to tackle this topic seriously . that is clearly what our draft resolution is all about : we are still dealing with restrictions on human rights and personal freedoms in Belarus . I hope that , in adopting today ' s resolution , we will also contribute to the protection of fundamental human rights in these countries . secondly , we tried to tighten up all of the exceptions that existed to avoid possible loopholes for advertising - something none of us wants . in writing . - The accuracy and reliability of information on population and housing is essential for effective policies to be implemented at EU and national level . the Commission is committed to delivering proposals in the remaining areas by summer 2011 . however , the EU is currently suffering from a chronic shortage of organs : today 40 000 patients are waiting for a transplant and it is estimated that 10 of them die each day . we will do everything we can to help them and to make visa liberalisation possible , and that includes in technical terms . if there is no alternative , Council , Commission and Parliament might in the last resort look at the possibility of bilateral rather than multilateral arrangements . it is appropriate that Canada was seen as a priority for an Air Safety Agreement to complement the Air Transport Agreement as Europe and Canada each have aircraft , engine and avionics manufacturers that are world leaders . for this , the free movement of services is needed . individual groupings of territorial cooperation will be able actively to promote a rise in employment and social inclusion . on no account must the European workforce be condemned to unemployment in favour of a wave of ' blue card ' skilled labour from third countries . it is not only the institution and the treaty that are important . likewise , it was not easy to decide on a reasonable course of action . on the other hand , he was also critical of certain weaknesses found , such as those found by the European Court of Auditors relating to public procurement procedures and a wide variety of other controls . for this reason , we all need to focus on overcoming the crisis and coming up with good proposals . we can , however , talk about principles . Mrs Stihler also attached a great deal of importance to this in her remarks . it is actually rather strange that this is being said so bluntly here , because this is not how it is being done in Denmark . one needs to look at the overall risk from all technologies . the printed word is the primary source and must be kept for reasons of consistency , transparency and simplicity of research at a time when we are seeking to promote the study of the European Parliament . Mr President , as we debate better regulation , we should first recall the scale of the problem . now , with a new Administration in the White House which is redefining US priorities , and France back into the NATO military structure , the perspective is better . I am working on the basis that the relevant decisions will have been taken before December is out . I would just ask the Commission - as my colleague Kader Arif has already done - to be very careful in evaluating each individual case . only a person absolutely unacquainted with the situation could believe that it can be improved in this way . the Socialist Group in the European Parliament , as far as I know , has only 18 minutes to speak . ( PL ) Mr President , I regret that Mr Szymański ' s summary of his excellent report could not , unfortunately , be heard by Mrs Ferrero-Waldner , because she continues to be occupied with other matters . in the European Council , we have a problem in that Russia has not yet ratified Protocol 14 , which would boost the effectiveness of the European Court of Human Rights . the first is the one in which the Commission is urged to improve the working conditions of maritime workers and finally transpose into EU law the International Labour Organization ( ILO ) Maritime Labour Convention . day after day , companies are announcing restructuring measures or are relocating , often with the loss of many jobs . nothing would have been possible without Parliament ' s commitment and without the tireless work of your rapporteurs , committee chairmen and coordinators of political groups . this is why the EU ' s agricultural budget should at least be maintained at the current level . the package takes us up to 2020 , but in this report we emphasise the need to start planning now what will happen after 2020 . it certainly is strange that in Europe in 2009 a new government can be formed which does not have a single woman among the 14 ministers making up the administration . these provide information to parents about the dangers children could encounter on line - including online gambling . that is why we must identify Jihadist terror as the key challenge and state this in the report . I wish to congratulate OLAF for the Diablo II operation , aimed not only at protecting the European Union ' s financial interests but also , at the same time , at combating counterfeit products . I also voted in favour . I should appreciate your response to this . it is a situation that does not apply only to you , but it is regrettable in all cases . it is true that if Parliament had not twice voted in favour of the famous Amendment 138 , we would not be where we are today . to you , it is a budget . it is shocking that despite the prevalence of sexual violence in Africa , governments do not include fighting it among their priorities , as we can see , for example , in the case of South Africa . that is the message the EU must champion . in addition , the clauses concerning the obligation to draw up a remediation strategy that includes objectives for repair measures , a financing mechanism and identification of priority areas requiring particular protection from erosion , salinisation or acidification , over a period of seven years from the introduction of the directive , is very encouraging . employment policy must focus on labour market flexibility where employees assume responsibility for their working life through ongoing training , adapting to change and mobility . in writing . - ( PT ) The Treaty of Lisbon is the best compromise for overcoming the institutional crisis and bringing greater flexibility to the decision-making mechanisms that are essential for an enlarged European Union of 27 Members to function in today ' s globalised and constantly changing world . can the Commission make a statement confirming that the proposed CCCTB initiative will not impact upon the ability of Member States to set their individual corporation tax rate ? the EU does not have the legitimacy that they are attempting to ascribe to it : only the Member States and their peoples do . such religions are , of course , man-made and not God-made and therefore suffer from several weaknesses . this project aims to provide signals guaranteed for civilian use and to ensure that European industry at all levels has an opportunity to compete in this growing strategic market . it has been an enormous pleasure to cooperate with you and the French Presidency , because you have taken the time , to an unusual degree , to really talk through the issues in depth . these countries should undergo a number of structural reforms if they are to fit into the model that the euro requires and aspires to . we put out a very good image of ourselves as both cohesive and determined . I have received six motions for resolutions , tabled in accordance with Rule 103 ( 2 ) of the Rules of Procedure . there is no reason , except for the hunger for power and centralism of EU bureaucrats , to persist with Albania ' s accession to the EU ; in view of the current situation within the Balkan republic , I cannot see what possible contribution its accession could make to the cause of European integration . the European democracy will be built with you . rapporteur . - Mr President , the food facility began as a proposal from the Commission , in the light of the rising food prices that provoked riots in some countries , to use EUR 1 billion in leftover agricultural subsidy money to relieve the situation in developing countries through agricultural inputs and emergency safety nets . even though we must demand a greater degree of coordination and a greater , more active presence on the ground , it would be dangerous to make judgments or comments about MONUC that could be used by certain negative forces as an excuse to demonise it . I should be grateful for your response , Mrs Lulling . if the costs of the umpteenth strategy will still only finance talk , I call on the European institutions to make amends to the dozens of small entrepreneurs in my region , Veneto , who have taken their lives rather than see their small businesses fail . our establishment of greater transparency , by means of both pre-contractual information and the information sheets , the standardised information already mentioned by several of the previous speakers , is also very important . the premise is that freedom of religion must apply to all religions . Petitions : see Minutes in order that the quality of life in Europe can be maintained and improved , workers must be able continuously to update their knowledge and skills , and this is going to be all the more necessary if we take into account Europe ' s demographic development in these years ahead . as the European Commission itself points out , having affected the developing countries and emerging countries , the third wave of the financial crisis damaged the poorest countries , turning this crisis , in theory an economic one , into a development , social and humanitarian crisis . it continues to count on the Stability and Growth Pact . I just wonder what your views on that are . by doing so , it is indirectly showing that it can support animal cloning for food production . I supported the author ' s amendment which emphasizes the importance of fair competition in terms of taxation for the European Union ' s economy . labels allow consumers to make free and informed choices . in the final analysis , the adoption and implementation of such measures could also lessen the impact of the financial crisis in this country and reduce the need for financial assistance from the European Union . naturally , I also agree with the Commission that the enlargement of the European Union to 27 Member States and the financial regulation adopted for the Agency demand new , modernised and improved statutes for the Euratom Supply Agency . the foundation has been laid for creating a common European energy market , based on rules set out in detail in the binding network codes . a second important element in the proposal is the logical exemption of Inuit and other indigenous communities . I know that when it comes to statistics , and particularly when there is no roll-call vote , things are a bit loose here , but could you explain the difference between those two figures ? so we will come back to these questions . however , two conditions are absolutely essential . this results in an atmosphere of intolerance in certain countries , as we saw the other day at Notre Dame for example , when worshippers were attacked by anti-Catholic activists . ( ES ) Mr President , I would like my first words to be words of congratulation , as is only right , to Mrs Paliadeli , on the report she has presented , first of all before the Committee on Petitions and now here in plenary . when we talk about the food crisis , as we did yesterday , and about the increasing scarcity of food and farmland for food-growing as a result of the production of biomass , and how this is a consequence of environmental policy , we should talk to the Brazilians , and to Latin American politicians . we will find a clear focus on these problems . I wish to thank the Committee on Petitions , and especially the chair , Mrs Mazzoni and the rapporteur , Mrs Paliadeli , for their helpful and constructive report . on the one hand , we are offering farmers support to set up artificial nests for birds , while on the other , we decree , for purposes of supporting grazing land , that the proportion of trees and shrubs may be no more than one third , and that farmers must cut out any trees in excess of that limit . in this resolution , it called for the fate of the missing persons in Cyprus to be ascertained . regarding the Black Sea , I find myself in agreement with much of the report on a Black Sea regional policy approach as well . I think that this combination of facts , this inequality and the disparities which are appearing and operating within the European Union are the problem and one of the causes of the problem . we found it regrettable that the concept of microcredit was not mentioned in the original material . these systems are used everywhere , today , in every form of transport . in a medium-term perspective , such restrictions clearly send the wrong market signals , reducing the incentive for farmers to invest and to increase their production , and contributing to an imbalance on regional markets . for this reason , too , I advocate elevating the present Subcommittee on Human Rights to the status of full committee . as is mentioned in the relevant article , the EU will contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between Member States and , if necessary , by supporting their actions . - Report : Savary in writing . - ( FI ) The EU has many good intentions , one of the older ones being the Lisbon Strategy we are now debating and one of the more recent ones being the latest energy package . Mr President , Mrs Fischer Boel , ladies and gentlemen , firstly I would like to take the opportunity to say how pleased I am at the responsibility shown this morning by the House when it adopted the urgent procedure to include the dairy sector under Article 186 of the single CMO Regulation , along with many other agricultural products . again I would like to thank you for this debate . the increasing complexity of the services sector , in particular , presents a huge problem , making it increasingly difficult for consumers to make an informed choice when purchasing goods or services . that was the original text . at the moment , nuclear energy accounts for 30 % of Europe ' s energy mix . I would like to remind Mr Farage that western European banks , western European companies bought out the banks and businesses of the new Member States and now , shirking solidarity , they fail to do anything to make possible a secure financial basis . ( SL ) Madam President , I would like to ask the Commissioner a question on the subject of many European countries trying to offload their problems , fisheries problems , onto a country which does not , formally and legally , exist . I am referring to Western Sahara . we also need to emphasise the possibility of a fast-track procedure , which reduces the time needed for administration , and it is also important that veterinarians thus have much more rapid access to the medicinal products . I would like to applaud some of the positive steps over the previous year , for example , the ending of the visa regime for most of the inhabitants of the region , the progress of Montenegro , which has been awarded with a proposal for candidate country status , and the progress in the talks between the European Union and Serbia , which has been recommended for an avis . the report by Ms Swinburne comes at an important juncture in the process of regulatory reform . that is why calls for more troop commitments and logistical support need to be heeded by other European nations . to begin with , a very large proportion of direct subsidies in individual countries goes not to farms but to large concerns like Smithfield , or large landholdings like the Crown Estates of Elizabeth II . recent experiences have shown the value and effectiveness of a pre-emptive or preventative approach . in both cases , all the languages must be treated equally . last but not least , I know that sometimes there is an issue about carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) . Mr Lamberts , I will just mention another important point that you brought up : the payment of dividends by banks that do not put the minimum capitalisation requirements into practice . not all the countries for whom a road map was drawn up are eligible to receive the waiver on 1 January . by voting today , Parliament was simply giving permission for a group of Member States to start the enhanced cooperation procedure , which was only made possible by the Treaty of Lisbon . 17 . some Members have already mentioned the problem of how , through climate policy , we have also partly caused more problems . I would also like to ask the Member States to what extent they have involved the stakeholders and , in particular , the trade unions and the social services , in the transposition . we have celebrity TV chefs promoting their particular version of food production , with access to the airwaves and budgets of millions . we could have enhanced the economic effectiveness of this package by using innovative finance instruments , like loan guarantee funds and the public banks , or the European Investment Bank . it is supported by both government and opposition in Seoul and this House , in endorsing an earlier report by Mr Martin , signalled its agreement in principle . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes of course , we pat ourselves on the back for our considerable efforts , even though we know for a fact that we fall far short of what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists are demanding . firstly , the real lack of interoperability , particularly in signalling ; and secondly , the Railway industry itself - in particular , passenger operators and infrastructure providers who collude with each other to ensure that rail freight is placed at the bottom of the pile when it comes to pathing and timetabling . thank you , I wish you every success , and thanks to the rapporteur . on the other hand , the reaction from the Gaddafi regime clearly shows us that it is not at all indifferent to the sanctions which have been adopted so far . it deals with actual funding and at the same time introduces environmental measures , which are vital in the EU . - ( HU ) Mr President , the EU is striving for partnership and cooperation with Russia , but we cannot talk about partnership unless it is based on reciprocity , international law and compliance with agreements . Mr President , rather than trying to apportion responsibility or blame to either or both sides , the most important issue - as the Commissioner has just said - is to bring about an immediate ceasefire , as called for by UN Resolution 1860 . I therefore believe that Parliament and the European Commission need to pay particular attention to the situation in Bulgaria and seek to limit the damage that the behaviour of its government threatens to cause . more should also be done to increase birth rates : accessible high quality childcare , education and mentoring for young children is the first step in the right direction . the introduction of a European donor card as a supplement to existing national systems will contribute for the rapid identification of donors and thus increase the availability of necessary transplant material . I do not need to remind you that we have been negotiating a number of packages at the same time , including the one that we have talked about today and the one on maritime transport which has really fired up all the respective negotiators . I would like to emphasise strongly that , even in this crisis - and specifically in this crisis , in fact - European manufacturers must not slacken off when it comes to developing and bringing onto the market cars that meet the requirements of the early 21st century , and those requirements are quite clear . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I should like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work on a report aimed at giving strategic guidance on the role of sport in the European Union . given the current relevance of the Barcelona Process and the area south of the EU , we believe that an answer to these questions is extremely pertinent and timely . Ireland will continue to make its contribution in a peacekeeping role , whether this is through the UN or the European Union . firstly , that we need good relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation . then we will be able to make some progress here too . as the practical application of other worthy and ambitious goals and declarations has demonstrated , including here in the European Parliament , we achieve nothing by simply setting percentage quotas without taking into account the geographical , economic and other conditions that are typical of individual countries or regions . as I also requested in the report on the amendment of Regulation No 3 / 2008 , the European Union ' s cofinancing rate must be increased . the vote will take place on Tuesday , 22 April 2008 . I hope that the Ombudsman is prepared to take on this task and as such ... therefore , we really must defend it . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , we have been facing the problem of international adoption in Europe for many years , and today ' s resolution finally attempts to bring a ray of hope to a situation that is becoming increasingly complex and difficult . it is true that Germany needs to begin consuming again and do more as the motor for European economic growth . the fact remains that the Commission is the guardian of the Treaties . it is something that all sides obviously need to take into consideration , especially today when the Treaty of Lisbon was pulled down and its falling bricks may damage whatever stands in its way . firstly , Mr Verhofstadt , who is unfortunately no longer here , said that the Commission intervened too late . in total , some EUR 140 million will be available each year under this instrument , and the first calls for project proposals are now open . Mrs Malmström , it would generate a lot of confidence if you would refer to the High Representative in future as the High Representative or Vice-President of the Commission . we have moved from physical infrastructure to knowledge-based infrastructure , to training and innovation . stage 1 : in a market economy , the main responsibility of the owners and operators of industrial plants is undoubtedly to ensure themselves that their facilities are safe , to carry out regular safety inspections and to report the results . however , we also always made it absolutely clear that this strategic partnership which we believe the European Union should establish with Brazil in no way excluded or limited other relations which we also wished to extend on the economic and political levels with Mercosur . another concrete point regarding the European supervisory authorities was raised , namely by Mr Karas and also by Ms Dati . all citizens who commit sexual crimes against children must be punished , regardless of whether the crime is committed within or outside the EU . I am thinking , for example , of staffing and staff quality , the integration of care and education , and active engagement with parents , who are the first educators of their children . that is what our consciences say to us . we are supporting you . the vision that the Commission has just outlined , of a more socially orientated Europe in the 21st century , is conceptually flawless but bereft of any actual legislative initiative . if the Europeans had gone to London with a policy position , who would have actually been able to stand up against them ? I think that is nothing at all . all in all therefore , a good compromise , and I hope it will find broad support tomorrow ! all of this is highly innovative and no EU proposal has ever pushed the boat out so far in favour of performers . also , in the Council , the anti-discrimination directive is still blocked . feed manufacturers and large food companies are clearly not concerned about EU directives and national legislation when it comes to making large profits with cheap food . he is someone who is championing the principal that EU institutions must be transparent . it is of paramount importance , since this package really is the cornerstone of our comprehensive response to the crisis that is still ongoing . I believe that the effective selection and implementation of projects in some areas is hampered by the lack of relevant preconditions such as simpler application procedures at national level , clear national priorities for certain areas of intervention , timely transposition of EU laws and consolidated institutional and administrative capacity , as well as by excessive red tape at national level . I do not mean to point the finger , but rather to allow those Member States who might be overusing antibiotics to improve their animal husbandry practices . lastly , I applaud the fact that the scope is ' open ' to include all electrical and electronic equipment . in 2003 , 80 % of Roma in Slovakia did not have a registered place of work , 80 % of them in Romania and Bulgaria have incomes below the national poverty threshold , and I could list ... ( the President cut off the speaker ) I could list more of these cases . and certainly the evidence is there for all to see . here and now , the report may provide an opportunity for the social economy to manage the crisis efficiently , and with relatively little effort , to prevent job losses and guard against the loss of means of subsistence . this leads to a question , Mr Solano , as you said nothing on the subject of international law . finally , I have a similar question to that raised by Mrs Harkin , concerning when cases are rejected . - Report : Mayer finally , the main one , the asterisk amendment demands that Galileo and the EIT are funded beyond the ceilings of the financial perspective . Mr Antinoro then spoke about the achievements of my country . thank you for your remarks . when do you expect to conclude it ? despite my support , I do not agree with a large proportion of the resolution , as I deplore the European Union ' s interfering attitude and its desire to take charge of the transition towards democracy . and then from the floor of the House today I hear warnings of an Islamic tsunami that is waiting to come and destroy us all . I also believe that this programme can only legitimised by a paradigm shift from a purely commercial angle to the broader and more integrated one of development and the fight against poverty ( goal number one of the Millennium Development Goals ) . numerous observers have suggested that , besides the increase in the price of raw materials , there have been some excessive mark-ups by distribution channels and , moreover , possible breaches of free competition . the workforce is conscious of the particular significance of the Shipyard and is responding to threats as they did then - by means of protest . the European institutions , specifically the European Commission and Parliament , must be an integral part of this board with the Commission as a member , not an observer . hence , I voted against this report . more than that , it is vital to our liberty . it emphasises the role that the EGF can play in the reintegration of workers made redundant into the labour market . as part of this activity , however , particular attention must be focused on the care given to the animals used for scientific or other experimental purposes . ( applause from the centre and left ) some would like to ban all forms of autonomy because they claim this would fragment the EU . the ensuing reluctance of bankers to lend - even to themselves - has resulted in a credit crisis which will have a negative impact on economic growth and on the prosperity of businesses and households alike , whether they are in Paris , Texas , or Paris , France . we have to work on both crisis management and conflict resolution - there is no doubt about that . given that the lists are produced by the industry and decided on by consensus by the participants , I welcome the agreement that has been reached by all the Member States who have supported previous reviews and also supported the product coverage of this fourth review . I believe that , for the first time , we can also agree the big changes necessary for coordinated action that will signal the beginning of the end of offshore tax havens and offshore centres . Ethiopia , Eritrea , Somalia and Djibouti must co-operate if they want to overcome the current stalemate . there is no lack of projects in these sectors , but for them to see the light of day , European aid is utterly decisive . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I think the Council has really outdone itself . being intelligent sometimes means waiting . however , there is a large gap when it comes to the means to be used . however , there are other significant dates besides 2050 , which might seem far off - there are also interim targets for 2025 and 2030 , in other words for the period that requires investment in infrastructure and production capacities right now . we need national measures to address national problems defined according to national circumstances and in full respect of subsidiarity , but set within a common European framework . I must say that the political class in Albania is not able to satisfy the wishes and the ideas of the people . if not , we will at least propose binding legislation . may I thank the Commission for establishing such stringent substitution criteria , for pesticides need to be improved tenfold . my thanks also go to the French Presidency ( even though they have just left this Chamber ) , because I believe they convinced us , through their efforts and tenacity , that it was possible to make progress with this dossier . livelihoods are destroyed , as fishermen , farmers and others cannot trade . with envy I often watch advertisements in our Slovak public and private media for Internet with four times the speed and its advantages . the protection of Hungarian minorities abroad , to which Article D applies directly , also applies to people of Hungarian ethnicity living in neighbouring countries . this is entirely a question of strategy for our European Union , again at a time when currency wars seem on the verge of breaking out . Northern Ireland has been seriously affected by this and last year , the problem meant that replacements had to be found in the social housing programme for 500 out of 1 500 houses that were planned . let us be very adult in this House about what we say about other nation states , with respect . with no sense of fondness , they can always resort to chocolate without cacao . the Treaty of Lisbon created important conditions enabling the European Union to speak with one voice on the international stage . at the same time , I should like to take this opportunity to emphasise the call in this report for a more transparent staff selection process . I know this , because I was there and I was the rapporteur for Parliament in 2002 . Europe is facing neither a classic crisis of growth nor cyclical problems but profound changes ; the welfare of future generations depends on our wisdom to take good decisions today . our analysis has shown that the impact on EU production is likely to be modest . the External Action Service should coordinate the work of different Directorates-General and create a Directorate-General for cultural and digital diplomacy . European Institute of Innovation and Technology ( debate ) Romania , the country which I come from , is in the middle of the Global Gender Gap Index 2010 rankings , in 64th place to be precise , in terms of discrimination between women and men . in addition , although we are aware of the difficulties experienced in recent years , we hope that the Madrid Summit can give a definitive boost to the negotiations with Mercosur . we all know the reason for this , but it will be those countries who can afford it least that will be affected the most . - Before the vote : the significance of health will continue to increase in our aging society . 3 . this expenditure , which is absolutely justified , will have to be funded at the cost of other important activities , which the Union committed itself to funding much earlier . if there is to be genuine peace , there has to be a solution to the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states , with the state of Israel and an independent , democratic , contiguous and viable state of Palestine living side by side in peace and security . the crisis is far from over . patience in all matters is a virtue , not least in foreign policy . companies functioning in China face these pressures from the Chinese Government . we have to take action to ensure the political stabilisation of Nigeria and to create solid foundations for its economic and social development : we are fully aware of the general considerations ; there is no shortage of them , given the wealth of natural resources in Nigeria . thank you . according to Article 4 ( 2 ) of the Act of Accession , ' the verification , through evaluation procedures , that the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the Schengen acquis ( data protection , the SIS , air borders , land borders , sea borders , police cooperation and visas ) have been met by the new Member States is a precondition for the Council to decide on the abolition of checks at internal borders with those Member States ' . I therefore voted to approve this report . this also relates to production standards . the debate is closed . I wonder whether it is the EU ' s weakness or indifference that prevents it from promoting the observance of human rights in this area more consistently . on this point the Commission reminds the European Parliament that a full harmonisation directive on unfair business-to-consumer practices was already a very ambitious proposal which would have failed if its scope had been extended to business-to-business unfair competition practices . in Europe today we are sufficiently familiar with the way the US stock exchange is supervised . it is true that the United States distanced itself from the frontline of climate policy when it refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol . let me end with a simple message - Visit Britain ! as you are aware , with our new fine level , that is indeed not sweet money anymore . this is the case at the moment in Romania , even in the region I come from , with regard to the radioactive landfill from the Kozloduy power station . I am happy about this clear progress and I therefore also support you as a member of the Dutch delegation when it comes to unbundling , the separation of policy and implementation between energy networks and producers . I wish to thank and congratulate the rapporteur on his work . this was also very visible here during the debate . on the other hand , the tendency towards a mid-year increase in payments is reducing not only in relation to gross national product , but also in absolute mid-year terms . just as Germany must take on responsibility for Morocco in the Mediterranean region , so too must Spain take on responsibility for Ukraine . the European Union is armed with certain values : respect for the protection of intellectual property , fairness in terms of investments , access to markets , the fight against non-tariff trade barriers and respect for social and environmental standards . given the new market surveillance circumstances , including the new legislative framework , the proposal for a regulation on harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products could be an important landmark on the way towards the updating , simplification and replacing of the directive . however , they will cover all national or cross-border road transport services over distances in excess of 250 km . it clearly and decidedly puts the health of patients first , and it sets the scene for health systems in different Member States to compete for improvement on a healthy basis . this reports captures the status quo in the area of conventional energy sources and technologies , and at the same time draws attention , in a complex way , towards many aspects of their further use in the context of both securing energy supplies and the need to continuously increase emissions . Vice-President of the European Commission , Margot Wallström , has been proactive in matters to do with equality . I fail to understand why the Union does not enter into its accounts the EUR 37.2 billion that the Member States owe for staff pensions , since it has approximately EUR 44 billion negative own capital as a result . in Europe , women still earn on average 18 % less than men . Europe must nevertheless succeed in applying tougher regulations to a sector that otherwise risks becoming increasingly invasive , particularly as a result of the use of new technologies It is in fact increasingly common for consumers to provide sensitive data without being aware of the results that may be derived from them . the Iranian Government , having signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child , nonetheless continues to impose capital punishment on minors . I voted in favour of this report on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and Canada on civil aviation safety . that is not the case , however , in cities like Misrata and other areas controlled by Gaddafi . Mr President , European legislation was set to encourage enterprises to improve their products and obtain higher standards of energy efficiency and environmental compliance . ( SV ) Mr President , Russia ' s attack on Georgia is not an isolated incident . then there was the domestic political instability , which tarnished the image of the European Union or , in other words , of all of us . it would be in order for all of us here to recognise that we are concerned about people and that is why we take the position that we take . according to Frontex , 90 % of illegal immigrants who come to Europe enter via Greece . what do we want to commemorate , and how ? hence , thanks to taxpayers ' contributions , the budget generally provides an opportunity for our countries to help the weakest in society . simplifications in procurement , the combating of late payment or facilities for borrowing and setting up new companies are efficient instruments in this connection . what is also needed here is solidarity , however . in the Franco-German proposal , I see the real danger of ending up in a situation where the stronger countries will have greater leeway , and where Greece will be unable to go beyond certain limits . I therefore thank the rapporteur for actively seizing this opportunity . in the years to come , new landfills and new incinerators will be required , and the associated sites will need to be identified . however , in order to assert European solidarity and ensure that Member States can catch up successfully , it is essential that GDP remains the fundamental and exclusive indicator for the distribution of funds at EU level . the security and safety of such services is vital for user confidence . now , all the prime ministers applauded their Danish colleague when he told the Summit how he had cheated the Danes on a referendum . they are not even embarrassed about saying and doing the opposite of what they previously announced . let us be more serious , please ! I do not think that the question of security is very pronounced in this document and yet it is very important , because we must avoid contaminating an important principle , an important institution of such great humanitarian value , in other words , the entitlement to asylum , with the grubby interests of those who traffic in illegal immigrants and who often use asylum as a way of infiltrating people who have no rights and no relationship to those actually being persecuted . regardless of the developments which led to the outbreak of this conflict , it is already having adverse effects of significant proportions on the civilians in the area and on the United Nations ' presence in Gaza . despite that , I have to say that there is a need , here , to look very closely at the interaction between the Commission and the reporting duties of the Member States . agenda for next sitting : see Minutes ( GA ) Madam President , I would first of all like to thank both you and the rapporteurs . this is an aberration because the European Union is based on the concept of non-discrimination , on the principle of equality , which today is being negated in that country : it is failing to recognise those people ' s rights and is subjecting a group to historical discrimination purely on account of its ethnic origin . I am pleased that the European Council remains committed to action on climate change . I welcome the adoption of this report , which will allow the Agency to become fully operational , thus enabling it to accomplish its task and safeguard the rights of EU citizens . now I recently published the latest addition of my periodic study , ' How Much Does the European Union Cost Britain ? ' , which is available on my website . although it was unable to avoid monetary turbulence and the consequent crisis in economic growth that we are living through , it succeeded in mitigating many of the negative consequences of the current situation . I have got to know her as a very good colleague , and I would say that she is also a convinced European . we also have to fulfil European Union technical requirements in relation to catalytic converters through the tightened-up Euro standards Euro 4 and Euro 5 . as normal , we will maintain strong dialogue with Parliament and we will of course hope for your continued support on this issue . there is an urgent need for better access to financing for small and medium-sized enterprises . it points out that none of the dimensions may be strengthened to the detriment of another . the private data of the individual cannot be jeopardised by other measures . given all these things , Mr President , Commissioner , it is unacceptable that the Commission is now taking advantage of these regions ' successes and now also wishes to use them as a threat against Member States that do not meet macro-economic criteria . creating a single market is a shared responsibility . I feel that it is necessary to provide better information about products ' energy efficiency . a law adopted in 2007 is officially devoted to them . the amendment is as follows : in annex 1 the new figure for item B ' Neighbourhood and Partnership Countries ' should read 13 664 000 000 , with the figure for the sub-ceiling for ' Mediterranean countries ' 9 700 000 000 . I agree that we must deconstruct the unnecessary bureaucracy , mainly if the provisions make it impossible for small businesses to work . can human rights values depend on a majority reached one day , which may be a minority another day ? this is to do with the European Institute for Gender Equality and its funding . gender equality is one of the values on which we are building the European Union and in that context equality should extend to all areas . this information should be provided no later than at the time of purchasing the ticket . if these amendments are adopted , we can take pride in a job that may improve the situation of women and thus of the whole of Central American society . this poses a particular challenge of us , as politicians , as we have normal technological progress which is , of course , characterised by the fact that we have more energy efficient products and modes of economic operation . ( PL ) Madam President , the European citizens ' initiative is to be a tool which enables the citizens to participate more fully in the life of the Union , and this , in turn , is to strengthen the clearly impaired communication between the European Union and the citizens . we invite the Council and the Commission carefully to monitor the situation in the Black Sea and to take concrete measures to help to reduce the ecological impact of the disaster . the proportion of precarious employment contracts ( temporary work , involuntary part-time work , agency work ) has risen considerably . the Hungarian Presidency has my full support in accelerating work to ensure adoption by June . Commissioner , the economic crisis has shown us that countries with an industrial base not only survive ; they also prosper . from you I expect that during your Presidency , you will implement the Treaty that you concluded with Prime Minister Sanader and that a solution will then be found to the disputed borders through appraisal by a third party . the measures proposed to combat gender stereotypes and for equal representation in decision-making , elimination of every kind of gender-based violence , etc. are a move in the right direction but will remain wishful thinking as long as the root cause responsible for these conditions and maintaining them remains , namely the capitalist system , which generates and aggravates discrimination and inequality . I am therefore delighted to see the support that this proposal enjoys and I hope that we will be able to work in the same way with Parliament on other subjects in the future . this is a report crucial to our way of thinking . according to the report , he was acting in performance of his duties as Member of the European Parliament and carrying out political activities by expressing his opinion on a matter of public interest to his constituents . combating desertification entails the prevention of hunger and , through that , the prevention of conflict . inflicting inhumane and degrading treatment , such as electric shocks , ' virginity tests ' , physical and psychological violence , rape and slavery , is an unacceptable practice to which we must say ' Enough ' . ( FR ) Mr President , I shall come straight to the point . if cross-border trade increases , consumers will be offered a wider choice of products and more competitive prices . is the Commission satisfied with the performance to date of the European automobile industry in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption ? we still have a long way to go , because we need a common foreign and security policy in order to be a global player . without a swift and effective judicial investigation and with no guarantee that the safety of human rights activists will be respected , the situation may in fact become extremely worrying . even then , information needs to circulate . in fact , Amnesty International recently highlighted the fact that , following the elections , the number of people convicted and then executed has multiplied significantly . action has to be taken , Commissioner , before it is too late . I have , nevertheless , chosen to abstain , because the report was strongly protectionist in places . in the case of bluetongue , we have , of course , benefited from the fact that we supported research and now have an inactivated vaccine and are able to carry out comprehensive vaccination , which was previously very dangerous and very difficult . I hope that despite this crisis , our national governments will be able to listen to suggestions from this House and work together in a constructive manner . although the EU has not endorsed all the recommendations , it made it clear that it takes the Goldstone report very seriously . nobody ever questions the intrinsic quality of this legislation , or even the real need for or relevance of the 90 000 pages of text which represent what you call the ' acquis communautaire ' , or of the approximately 1 700 directives concerning the internal market . under the amending budget a joint executive agency , the Research Executive Agency ( REA ) , is created , for the other programmes under the Seventh Framework Programme for research too . we must resolve to go for more cooperation but also more harmonisation , wherever possible . Anti-family , socio-economic policies , the promotion of family models with few children and childless marriages by the media , as well as policies conducive to family breakdown , are significant causes of the adverse demographic changes in Europe . Mr President , I am sorry , but the motion for a resolution on Venezuela tabled mainly by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) is a practical joke cobbled together in order to exploit the urgency debate for political purposes and to try to discredit Mr Chávez . EU law stipulates that , where a case is withdrawn , the proceedings can be terminated unless such termination would not be in the Community interests . as such , the mid-term review of the current framework programme is crucial so that throughout the second half of its existence , it can contribute effectively to the European economy ' s recovery . I hope that the Commission has not forgotten about that and will soon produce a proposal for a directive dealing with unlawful removals prior to 1993 . although the agricultural budget needs to take into account unforeseen situations , even in the case of a surplus , I have some objections to it perpetually being used as a cash cow to cover any unforeseen event . I think that their idea is an innovative and good one . the role of the European Union must be strengthened in the aftermath of this crisis . written statements ( Rule 149 ) I hope that colleagues will join me in supporting the package today . Parliament ' s grievances are not ridiculous . fundamental rights and the prohibition of return must be respected . we feel that , in view of the Commission ' s responsibility , there are two questions to be asked . the text adopted today aims to establish cooperation so as to ensure the integrated protection of the ecosystem and the sustainable development of the Prespa Park Area , including the drawing up of integrated river basin management plans , in accordance with international and EU standards . we must take more effective action in all areas of science , making recruitment procedures and promotion requirements more transparent . the oral question to the Council on an international treaty to ban cluster munitions ; follow-up to the Oslo Declaration , by Josep Borrell Fontelles , on behalf of the Committee on Development - B6-0319 / 2007 ) ; a transfer of funding requires the consent of all the Commissioners . it is also naturally the role of parents to ensure that all the rights of children are observed . I would , however , remind the Commission that , as things stand , the only technology at an advanced design stage that is capable of ensuring real energy efficiency and a sustained reduction in CO2 emissions is nuclear . in this regard , we currently have on the table Rome I , which Ms Kauppi has referred to ; if we get that right , it will help . thirdly , as regards private enforcement of competition rules , the Commission takes note of Parliament ' s support for the creation of a European form of collective redress , and of its request for specific EU legislation to ensure compensation for victims of infringements of EU antitrust law . the health of the latter depends on the quality of the produce of the former . I therefore maintain the position of the Committee on Fisheries of asking for the exemption to be suspended in the review of the agreement that we are discussing . I am very glad that you referred to the fight against crime as a serious problem of our European Union . it is due to fall to 7.1 % this year , but will it ? I will now give the floor to the Commissioner responsible for that policy . my Group respects that decision just as it also respects that of the 18 Member States that have to date expressed their support for the Treaty and ratified it . this would be a clear gesture of support to those incomparably brave Chinese democracy activists . we did not want to go beyond the treaty in any way . third , I wish to congratulate Mr Solana because , without his character and creativity , the Common Foreign and Security Policy probably would not be what it is today : the legal and documentary basis , even with the advance of the 2003 strategy paper , would not have been enough to make so much progress on this Common Foreign and Security Policy in the last few years . even with the new Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance ( IPA ) , which entered into force in 2007 , the Court is not in a position to assess the effectiveness of the funds spent . South Africa , America , USA and Russia all need these technologies , and in Europe we fail to get these technologies off the ground . I believe , and it is in our communication , that without cleaning the banking system , we will not see the restoration of credit flow to the real economy . farmers require a minimum selection of plant protection products because it is a matter of protecting the indigenous cultural landscape , producing top-quality food and protecting resources . it puts defence of the dignity and the hard working life of fishermen at the centre of our concerns , given that it is the area with the highest percentage of fatal accidents . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( NL ) Madam President , Commissioner , ports in Europe are a driving force for the economy . but you know that our message is structural reforms ; structural reforms to elevate the growth potential of Europe and the job creation capacity of Europe are absolutely essential . we therefore expect , before talking about controls , before talking about a declaration , that things will indeed be simplified upstream for these beneficiaries - especially associations , individuals and so forth . can you make sure that people will actually be entitled to challenge an arrest warrant in both the Member State which has issued the warrant and the Member State which is carrying it out ? I wish to congratulate the rapporteur on his flexibility and clarity in connection with the Agency ' s budget , since , as a member of the Committee on Budgetary Control , I feel it is essential for this kind of Agency . Mr Corbett is effectively looking for the steamroller approach in politics . this is good news in the interest of a level playing field for the provision and use of telecom services across borders in Europe . our fellow citizens must be better informed about country of origin marking and must be able to make purchases in full knowledge of the facts . the second issue I wish to highlight is fair competition . I would urge Member States to expand this scheme and its associated financing , both at European and national level , so that all children , including those of pre-school age , can receive a portion of fruit every day . financial control on implementing the European Union budget takes place on three levels : internal control , within each institution ; external control , carried out by the European Court of Auditors ; and a discharge procedure carried out by Parliament . Mr President , first of all , citizens of Arab nations have the same rights to democracy and human rights as anyone else . let us hope for some willingness on the part of the Member States . the other day we were talking in the Committee on Budgets to Commissioner Kallas , who is unable at present to give us an answer as to where the appropriations will come from . unfortunately , some Member States - including my own - have not used the recent past to prepare a coherent energy strategy . affluent regions should perhaps be allowed or obliged to do more to eliminate pockets of poverty . within the field of research , in one of the research and innovation initiatives , the Commission - and a group of Commissioners in particular - is working on this topic so as to ensure that innovation can be boosted in the Member States to intensify health-related research , in parallel with issues concerning the ageing of the population . on 15 February 2011 , the Commission adopted a new draft decision on mobilising the EGF in favour of Poland , with the aim of supporting the reintegration into the labour market of workers made redundant as a result of the world economic and financial crisis . we are talking about an International Criminal Court that represents a commitment to defend human rights , and therefore to prosecute crimes against humanity at universal level . let each of us draw his own conclusion . people suffer in silence with their gifts and talents hidden even from themselves by these hidden disabilities . I would like to say that many international organisations are still there , conducting their investigations into what happened . it is well known that , being an indirect tax , VAT hits those dependent on their wages and low earners particularly hard . external climate protection of this kind may provide a response on the part of the European Union to the growth of emissions in our products from Southern countries and we can collect the income generated and then invest it in clean technologies in the South . rapporteur . - Mr President , could I start by thanking all my shadow rapporteurs , and indeed the French Presidency for facilitating an early second-reading agreement ? that is why we voted against this report : in defence of real measures in support of micro , small and medium-sized enterprises , and in defence of other policies that safeguard their role and significant contribution to production in the industrial , agricultural and fishing sectors , and to employment with rights , trade and meeting the public ' s basic needs . today , the European Union has a great responsibility to stand by the Tunisian people in their democratic transition , but without interfering in it . in writing . - ( PL ) Health is one of the greatest blessings a human being can enjoy in life . there is an armed force in each country and it is up to the country to choose whether to place its troops under the NATO banner or the European Union banner . as the Council is not here at the moment , perhaps the Presidency could find out what it intends to do on this subject ? he has stated that the cohesion policy should not change in its essentials - which is specifically reconfirmed in the new Treaty - but that the content of the regional commitments and the programmes should change . on the contrary , by issuing eurobonds the anti-crisis instrument could be financed through the market , drawing on foreign capital and people looking to invest . as has already been mentioned by Mr Virrankoski , we have previously been warned that Galileo has not been allocated sufficient money ; the situation that we are now facing therefore does not come as a surprise . therefore , Commissioner Kuneva , take a firm line in our trade relations too ; involve Commissioner Mandelson , because thus far , he has unfortunately not yet shown appreciation for this topic . I merely have to get up - to rise from this seat - and the proceedings will be suspended automatically . therefore , I am in favour . are you prepared to bring together the existing units within your service that are working on these questions to make one department which could be called the operational headquarters ? only then should Parliament become active and make a decision . however , are there also controls in place in the other direction ? ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , the debate about the euro , the debate about Greece , has defined recent days . as I said earlier , when thanking the rapporteur , Mrs Dührkop , once again , clearly , in the Commission ' s view , the provisions on data protection will be supplemented by the provisions of the Framework Decision on data protection in the third pillar . in connection with these facts the Spanish Government should be called upon to carry out a thorough review of legislation affecting the rights of individual property owners as a result of massive urbanisation , in order to bring an end to the abuse of rights and obligations enshrined in the EC Treaty . I very much expect us in this House to be able to debate the SWIFT agreement once more . that means that rules are needed . for example , which would you choose if the aim of European economic competitiveness clashes with the aim of high levels of employment ? I see this happening not in the countries of the European Union , but specifically in China , which is using the issue of raw materials , and of rare earth elements ( REEs ) in particular , to maintain its monopoly and put other countries at a disadvantage . Doha is the best trade policy instrument available on both those fronts . until now , individual Member States have had a very unequal level of involvement , and there is a significant imbalance in terms of funding , equipment and operational matters . we must understand these contradictions of history and also these contradictions of geography , but not give satisfaction to one side or the other . in the short time allotted to me , I would simply like to say that we must consider our fellow citizens . all people in the Middle East have the same worth . it is important that the Commission , the Member States and the US are aware that , in the case of PNR , Parliament has its finger on the button . Ascribing sole responsibility for this to the removal of quotas is a way of cutting the debate short . I will be supporting the amendments that have been put forward to reduce the degree . I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution - Amendment 3 - ( Article 157 ( 4 ) of the Rules of Procedure ) to replace non-legislative motion for a resolution on the role of minimum income in combating poverty and promoting an inclusive society in Europe . but also they may face violations of their fundamental rights , even from within their communities . the British people that I represent want trade and cooperation in Europe , but they are absolutely opposed to political union and a European army . however , poor social and environmental legislation in these countries means that there is a danger of unreasonable working conditions , human rights violations and environmental damage . the biggest change is in police and justice cooperation . increasing our support for reforms and helping our partners to align with the EU acquis will help stabilise our eastern neighbours . the contribution of women is crucial to meeting our ambitious targets of an overall employment rate of 75 % by 2020 , but this cannot be done without ensuring the fundamental rights of women workers . we as the European Union bear responsibility for it and owe it to the nations and cultures of this region . you look out on the world and it is already yours ' . coordination of humanitarian aid and reconstruction in Haiti ( debate ) the euro has encouraged financial integration and the development of the single market ; it has protected the members of the euro area from external disruption ; and it has been and continues to be a pole of stability , not just for the European economy , but also for the global economy . the crisis in the dairy industry has brought numerous farmers to the brink of bankruptcy . that is the basic principle of a democratic society , and a democratic Azerbaijan has to be an aim just as important as ... they will involve improving the efficiency of relatively complicated , sophisticated systems securing the regulation and exchange of energy between different media in the building itself . I voted against the report on the European External Action Service , because it is being established using obscure procedures , with confused competences and a very clearly restricted role for the European Parliament , the only elected institution of the EU , which is limited solely to budgetary aspects . finally , I should like to take advantage of my speaking time to call on you , Mr President , to exert your influence in obtaining satisfaction in the European Parliament of the just demands of the workers , who are taking to the streets . it is about responding to anti-competitive conduct , and that response must be effective and firm . the next item is the joint debate on voting ' no ' today is the easy , headline-grabbing way out , and in this case I am convinced that it will not serve those primarily concerned , namely the migrants themselves , who have to be helped and in some cases reasoned with . we also disagree with the exclusive concentration on air traffic managers , since the changes will affect everyone working in air traffic control . but in Europe , we had the tragedy of ' the commons ' , where we said it was a common resource to which all vessels had equal access . in writing . - I voted in favour of this report because it stresses the importance of agreeing on a systemic approach to setting up a coherent ' Beyond GDP system ' to contribute to improved policy analysis . transfers of appropriations : see Minutes I seem to remember that during the debate on the Regulation on measures to guarantee the security of energy supply , a European commitment on this issue was agreed . we have already discussed this issue this morning . the fact that activities of the Committee on Petitions are effective gives inhabitants a clear signal that their justified concerns are being investigated effectively , which creates a real link between citizens and the European Union . law is not soft , law is coercive . second , concerning the review pursuant to Article 19 , the Commission intends to undertake , no later than three years after the entry into force of this directive , an impact assessment focusing on the changes in scope . I support the rapporteur in his assertion that the current VAT system , partly due to an increase in its complexity , has not kept pace with growth in the internal market and actually places companies and small and medium-sized enterprises at a disadvantage by considerably affecting their competitiveness . I do not intend to focus on the details of the new legislation now ; you are familiar with them already and Mr Verheugen has already mentioned a number of them . the European Commission does more to support international corporations , including those that produce genetically modified foods , than it does for local farms . now you need to start putting it into practice . however , I would like to begin with the question : what causes more damage to our security ? where should we locate these desperate people who arrive in the Member States and , at the same time , how should we eliminate that ensuing friction which we sometimes see as resentment , anger and rage , leading to rather worrying forms of antagonism ? the responsibilities have been divided up . the best mechanism needs to be identified , and we shall , in any case , give consideration to this . as you as aware , a report was published recently by the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia . this would therefore require a large amount of labour migration . we want to tell the Commission and the Council firmly that the European Union , which has flown the flag for the fight against atmospheric emissions and climate change in front of the world , now has to be consistent if it does not want to lose credibility . I do not want to belittle anything the Commission has done ; I think it has made this a priority . we should instead increase our investment in , and research into , green technology . its current government is providing unconvincing justifications for their former alliance with Hitler . the protective equipment is very often left at home or just not available at all . let me just state some basic facts . as you will know , and as already mentioned here today , in the meantime - I believe just yesterday - the Security Council authorised the European Union to deploy this operation . on the one hand , the private entity , which has been setting worldwide voluntary standards since 1973 on a corporate and professional basis , now finds itself in a position of huge responsibility entailing a change in its nature , procedures and composition in order that it can become a transparent , controllable institution , with a legitimacy reflecting its new role . in Austria , we have a simple saying : he who provides help quickly provides twice as much help . in writing . - I support this report , which asserts that the second revision of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement must be consistent with the actual global crisis and be carried out in a way that fully respects a partnership of equals . if it had the same values as the EU , other questions would be asked about Russia . as far as our dialogues with the Turkish authorities are concerned , as part of the negotiations on what we call the revised Accession Partnership for Turkey , it is very clear that everything relating to fundamental freedoms , to religious freedom , and to the need to take the measures required to establish a climate of tolerance in which full respect for religious freedom can be guaranteed , has been raised and is at the heart of our dialogue with the Turkish authorities . in the wrong hands these goods may become torture equipment or weapons of mass destruction . the death penalty has been abolished by Rwanda and Gabon , for example . action taken on Parliament ' s positions and resolutions : see Minutes it must be avoided at all costs that an accident investigation is politicised and the authorities seek to disclaim responsibility and influence the outcome of the investigations . I should take this opportunity to remind you once again that SMEs are the most authentic representatives of the European economic fabric and provide numerous examples of excellence that should be encouraged and supported . all that this European Union has done is to increase bureaucracy , create unnecessary rules - particularly in my country , the Netherlands - and bring tax increases , mass immigration , crime and a lack of security . we have to stand up for them . this is not an easy objective for industry , but then it is not supposed to be . the outcome of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen was a disappointing agreement which will not be able to keep global warming below 2 ° C. On top of that , it is neither global nor binding . the first tragic consequences of this policy were seen in Evia on 12 September 2009 - just a few days ago - with the catastrophic floods which swept through fire-ravaged Evia . it is not in Europe ' s interest for these reforms to fail because they will enable France to put its public finances in order and to fulfil its commitments . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , just a short response to Ms Andreasen , Mr Hartong , Mr Belder , Mr Vanhecke , Mr Fajmon , Mr Vlasák and Mr Brons - the latter being in opposition to Parliament ' s position on the budget and the proposal of the Commission . this policy of non-interference , with China ' s lenient attitudes towards questionable regimes , such as those in Sudan , is a continued issue of concern to be addressed . No-one talks about the psychological damage to the ' comfort women ' themselves . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - Mr President , the Commissioner is telling us that the Memorandum of Understanding was drawn up under Article 122 , part 2 . Mr President , last Sunday , a boat carrying 260 immigrants landed on our shores . while Europe is facing budgetary constraints absorbed at national level , the rationalisation of agencies in terms of powers , effectiveness and evaluation of their remits should be broached and Parliament must bring forward proposals . Government-led campaigns should increasingly focus on the social costs of counterfeiting and piracy , such as health and safety . rapporteur . - ( HU ) Commissioner , Madam President , thank you for this debate . we should pass a resolution ahead of the summit , since otherwise it may be misinterpreted as meaning that the European Parliament does not oppose such negative positions . the Court of Auditors highlighted weaknesses in the management of fees , with significant delays in issuing recovery orders ( up to 21 months ) , as well as weaknesses in the Agency ' s treasury policy and failings in its management of procurement procedures . this did not happen . this volatility causes highly concentrated vapours to form in the ambient air which can easily be inhaled by users of paint strippers and which then have a direct toxic effect on the central nervous system . the new Treaty also improves the powers of the European Parliament in other respects . in writing - ( PL ) I voted in favour of the report by Mr Ford on trade and economic relations with ASEAN ( the Association of the South East Asian Nations ) . we fully support the compromise , which is the product of more than a year ' s work . ( PT ) Mr President , I want to congratulate Mrs Moura on the report adopted today . it is clear , though , that we do , in general , agree on the diagnosis , and as the Commission has said it is something that was started by the Council , was followed up by the Commission and is today being supported by Parliament , which of course puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders , Commissioner , because we do have a common approach . I would like to warn everyone that we are pushing ahead too quickly in this area . she carried out very important work on an extremely complex subject , as Commissioner Malmström said . as a community of values , the issue is that raised by the Commissioner - I quote , ' that interception must be used exceptionally ' . the interinstitutional cooperation worked well and produced good results . regarding the question from Chris Davies , we will provide a written answer on that particular question but , basically , the Commission is focused on implementation . the Council has failed to push through its unacceptable proposals to amend the Working Time Directive , which would have jeopardised the victories hard won during over 100 years of labour struggle . stringent criteria must apply in the areas of training and occupational safety and thorough investigations are required . to achieve this , Europe must know how to speak with one strong and determined voice . it is also encouraging that I received positive reactions from Commissioner Barnier and Commissioner Dalli regarding my proposal on the top 20 frustrations as expressed by European citizens , on the creation of a collective remedy mechanism and on a communication strategy specifically targeted at every day problems experienced by our citizens . however , to tell you the truth , Commissioner , when you compiled the list of proposals for freight services - I still remember that Neil Kinnock had already had the idea of separate rail networks for freight transport - you were once again acting on the Commission ' s proposal ' Towards a rail network giving priority to freight ' . in this connection , I should like to refer to Mr Lamberts ' support . order of business I believe that increasing European mobility implies both harmonisation of the rules of the road in the Member States and a gradual convergence of traffic offence penalties . are we , at our taxpayers ' expense , paying for poverty relief in one of the richest oil-producing nations in the world because they have chosen to spend billions on a nuclear weapons programme ? however , flexibility does not just mean change between sectors ; it means a general response . in writing . - I welcome Alessandro Foglietta ' s report on the White Paper on nutrition , overweight and obesity-related health issues . until those are investigated , until the OSCE reports , many will simply not believe the results , whatever Moldova ' s courts conclude . I welcome the equal weighting given to the three sides of this triangle . ninety per cent ! the progress of the internal market and further development of the regions complement each other and jointly create a powerful Europe characterised by cohesion and competitiveness . I also support Mr Tannock ' s idea that ' any way out is a good way out ' . since 08.00 on Saturday morning , my experts have been looking at the papers and I have come to the conclusion today that all the points on the basis of law which the Commission asked for from France have been answered - though , of course , not yet applied in national French law , because first they have to go to the Senate and then be introduced de facto into French law and applied in real terms . the market was to be God ; competition was to be king . we should realise that all EU citizens will suffer from this problem , and sooner or later , everyone will require assistance . this means that there must be recognition of the need to implement an effective Action Plan in order to ensure appropriate linkages between the approaches and initiatives of the different Member States and the EU regarding the prevention of , detection of , preparation for and response to CBRN incidents . we are of the opinion that it is not possible to regulate this sort of visa at EU level . Korean customers buy some EUR 25 billion worth of EU goods every year . while the Western European governments are already thinking about drawing up their exit strategies , some countries in Central and Eastern Europe which have been worst affected by the crisis are still facing major recession in 2010 as well . has a comprehensive , general EU policy been applied so far to tackle this problem ? should the use of natural gas become more widespread , it will no doubt change the policy on energy in both Malta and Gozo . Wales also suffers high unemployment levels and will be greatly affected by forthcoming UK Government civil service cuts . without the Montreal Protocol and without the even more ambitious Community regulation , emissions of greenhouse gases at global level would perhaps be up to 50 % higher than they are at present . I have absolutely no qualms , then , in saying that I fully endorse the rapporteur ' s efforts , that he is doing democracy a good service , and that we should move forward not only towards transparency but , above all , towards ensuring that transparency is not just a fine word but means something concrete . bearing in mind that only 20 % of medicines for human and veterinary use are authorised via Community procedures , this revision of the directive will have a considerable impact on the pharmaceuticals market in the European Union . we need to do more - and we are not the ones asking to dilute the decision we need to take in Copenhagen - but a lot of work needs to be done to get others to move . the first item is the report by Mr Garriga Polledo , on behalf of the Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013 , on Investing in the future : a new Multiannual Financial Framework ( MFF ) for a competitive , sustainable and inclusive Europe . in addition , we have carried out a revision for unused funds from 2009 so that a total of EUR 1.9 billion for energy and an additional EUR 420 million for broadband Internet in category II could be put in place . however , organising a system that is so bureaucratic as to be inefficient stems from poor legislation . I think that for the safety of the transport of dangerous goods a short a transition period as possible is needed in order to implement this Directive . the Lisbon strategy has failed in its mission to eradicate poverty . I believe a great deal more information is needed . I wish to stress the quite specific economic interdependence of the countries in the Danube region and the importance of investments not only in ITC , but also in developing small and medium-sized enterprises and their research departments in order to ensure sustainable growth and efficiency and boost the growth of the green economy . the Commission must stabilise the dairy market in Europe quickly . since states are duty bound to protect their citizens against life- or health-threatening products , some of them introduced regulations subjecting certain categories of goods to various requirements such as markings and certificates , and the relevant national authorities were made responsible for monitoring and supervision . we should move away from short-sighted economic interests and base this policy on a human rights and democracy approach , moving from status quo policy to transition policy . it is only Christianity that can integrate other religions into a shared European project , by acknowledging what secular ideologies cannot . the EU has shown its commitment to combating poverty in Europe within the framework of initiatives promoted for 2010 , the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion , and with regard to achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals . despite the objections we have put forward above , we have voted in favour of the resolution because we believe that it is important to stress that Belarus must become democratic . in the international arena , too , it is high time for Europe to commit itself and to pursue closer links with partners who share our vision of the world . that is an undeniable right , and one that should be granted to all Thai people . in the absence of an autonomous budget , the agency is de facto integrated into the Commission . these negotiations have produced results . when we face natural disasters , it is important that we have a farming economy that is selfsufficient . that is the acid test . trade and Economic Relations with the countries of South East Asia ( ASEAN ) ( on the idea of extending this one-year 0 % set-aside to two years , I must say that we will have the possibility of discussing the communication during the winter and the legal proposals next spring and summer , when we will have a clear idea of which direction we are moving in . the improvement of the human rights situation in Iran is , for the Commission , essential to enhance its political dialogue and cooperation with Iran in the near future . mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund : Germany - redundancies ( to what extent is it prepared to engage in constructive dialogue , before and after the election in Lebanon ? ( DE ) Mr President , I take it for granted that the European Parliament will speak out when it is possible to save people from execution and , therefore , I support the call for a moratorium on the death penalty . unfortunately , even in democratic societies , these traditional means of communication often fail because of commercial interests or because their management belongs to a particular political milieu and indirectly obliges employees to practice self-censorship . the proposal for the structure and focus of the work in the Systemic Risk Council was adopted by the EU ' s finance ministers at the Ecofin meeting on 20 October . these are private companies , which are very influential with respect to the financial markets , but that , of course , is not the responsibility of the European Commission . it is a pity , because respect for people who are different and the promotion of equal opportunities for men and women are a real social challenge . thank you very much . so I think it is very important to address not only issues about oil prices but all the sectors . it is vital that there should be a simple , effective , efficient and transparent evaluation mechanism that will enable the Schengen area to be preserved as an area of free movement whilst , at the same time , it is indispensable to adapt the intergovernmental framework for the Schengen evaluation to the EU framework . Mr President , I know that this report is specifically in relation to Roma families and other specific groups . the moratorium decreed by Iran ' s Chief Judiciary , Ayatollah Shahroudi , on youth executions is blatantly violated by his own judges . to prevent any unnecessary and counter-productive delay with that revision , however , Parliament has clearly proposed that no extension of eligible assets should take place until legislative reform of the UCITS Directive is complete . I would like to point out , and I do not want by any means to belittle the work of the Committee on Legal Affairs , that there are numerous unresolved points and problems when it comes to the effects of this Council regulation on our assistants . however , having heard the Council this morning , having spoken to my Portuguese colleagues , I am convinced that there is a possibility that a successful strategic partnership agreement with Brazil can make it easier in the Doha Round if we develop understanding between ourselves and a key Doha player . in writing . - One of the great mysteries to the population of the European Union is how we can devise a system that pays farmers for leaving land idle . the effects of the crisis are pushing social inequalities in many countries to breaking point . this regulation allows aircraft considered unsafe to be prevented from using Community airspace and is an effective means of improving the application of international safety standards in countries in which the Commission considers that the minimum safety rules are not being respected . law enforcement officials should fully apply the legislation against trafficking in the field of labour exploitation , including legislation complying with the framework decision on trafficking and the directive on residence permits for victims of trafficking . that can only happen if we have a common basis and that basis is knowledge . foreign affairs and diplomacy come under national sovereignty , and that is why we voted against all the reports on this matter . Member of the Commission . - The question raised by the honourable Member is very important for consumers , telecom service providers and content providers , and of course also for telecom regulators . that is why our approach is right : we are requesting the Commission to put forward a coherent proposal on how we can have a European master plan and how we can introduce best practice so that we can all learn from each other and pursue this expansion effectively . so after this report , we will come with concrete proposals and we will definitely propose a common European approach on what the standards might be and what the requirements might be if Member States opt for the introduction or use of new screening technologies . the European citizens ' legislative initiative constitutes a fundamental step in the process of building a Europe based on citizens ' rights . there were people in the old regime , in the ruling class , who took land , but when the government attempted to take back that land , millions of poor people , poor peasants and people in slums were evicted from their homes , from the last small shred of hope of survival which they had through a small piece of land . the doubts surrounding the treaty have been eliminated , but I also believe that there was an old , historical argument involved here . it is not an election like that for the President of France or the President of Portugal . colleagues , we are defenders of democracy and , therefore , should have been more active already . I confirm that the Commission does not rule out solutions other than infringement procedures . in addition , amounts for strengthening democracy and human rights under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights ( EIDHR ) must be maintained . following on from these meetings , the Presidency has drawn up conclusions on the importance of raising the level of key skills in the context of European cooperation in the area of school education . the effects of February ' s disaster made themselves felt straight away , and extensive and severe damage was caused to public and private infrastructure , businesses and crops . we are , of course , hearing that there is a new threat of trouble from the United Kingdom . she asked the Council to have the courage to be present during this debate and express their view of the Tibet question . there are certain restrictions with regard to the documents of the Court of Justice of the European Union , the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank , but it is a significantly larger area than it was previously . the flagship proposals in the Commission ' s Europe 2020 strategy are important tools to create that Europe , provided that we can make them come true . I do not think that the upcoming rotation of the presidency and the European elections should limit the scope of the EU ' s ambitions in meeting challenges which definitely require more common policies . small and medium-sized farms have been particularly hard hit and they are having to draw on their reserves in order to survive . I also voted in favour of the Ferreira , Haglund and Ford reports . I have already had occasion to deplore this and other resolutions , in February 2010 , when the previous urgent resolution on that country was adopted . we must also focus on ensuring that European fisheries are not discouraged from becoming more efficient . we in the EU do not realise what kinds of tools we have in our mosaic composition of 27 countries . ( applause ) humanitarian aid should be disbursed without political strings . I shall try to keep to my speaking time . I was very interested to read in the report that , while other committees have a heavy responsibility of legislative activity , the Committee on Petitions has shown that its role and function are also essential . your last statement troubles me a little , because the experience of Irish farmers , European farmers , when they are visited by inspectors from the Commission , is not one of great assistance but of inspection and checking . there is a range of legal instruments in place already to ensure the maximum protection possible for soil , and until these pieces of legislation are fully implemented and the effects are fully analysed , I do not believe that further legislation in this area is either necessary or desirable . Mrs Blakey told me this personally . of course it covers the healthcare sector , and we are very pleased that the agreement covers trainees and subcontractors . I do not want cohesion policy to overlook the specific needs of the social groups with the most difficulties , as that is not compatible with an integrated approach or with a more strategic concept that is investing in the sectors of the future . the more countries are developed , the more they will be able to help combat poverty . this leads us to the question I was asked by Mr Tarabella . this fact , combined with climate change , provides sufficient grounds for mobilising all EU Member States and making equal , consistent efforts to manage the Union ' s forests . I call on the EU to revise its policy to support democracy and human rights , so as to create a mechanism for implementing the human rights clause in all agreements with third countries . even the Eurosceptics or those who are critical of it are of the opinion that it is because of these youth mobility programmes that a certain added value has been achieved that benefits everyone . in the delegation ' s opinion it is necessary for environmental reasons , among others , to introduce 20 % compulsory modulation and to strengthen the cross-compliance system . but , to be honest , nobody cares about this . when we said that this was not a conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia and South Ossetia , but that it was a conflict between Russia and Georgia , no one wanted to listen . by contrast , the foreign policy of the Spanish Government has set a good example , as through constructive , exacting dialogue , a considerable number of prisoners of conscience have been released . I strongly support the need to allow Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to renovation and repair works aimed at boosting energy saving and energy efficiency . the tools that it needs include the stability instrument . first , we need to put in practice an integrated approach to the territorial development in order to avoid a piecemeal approach to our territories . development of the trans-European transport network , provision for motorways of the sea and development of the intermodality of means of transport would lead to the creation of a European maritime transport system that is competitive and receptive to innovations . they are mere wishes diverting attention away from the truth , because meeting the people ' s needs is incompatible with the supreme principle of capitalist development and the pursuit of profit . ( HU ) We often hear the complaint that the EU tries to regulate everything while at the same time failing to address important questions . wider application of a reduced VAT rate will not only foster economic recovery , but will also contribute to the creation of new jobs and reduce the black economy . Mr President , we have often deplored the supposed lack of information for the public in the run-up to the European elections . in writing . - Congratulations to the South Korean Constitutional Court for upholding the death penalty . it would be premature for me to speak today of budgetary consequences . global climate change is damaging to our environment , to our current way of life and to the opportunities of future generations . meanwhile , from the European side , we also hear serious reservations regarding the vast amount of state aid given to Boeing in the form of tax breaks provided by the states of Illinois , Kansas and Washington , as well as aid from the army and NASA within the framework of public procurement . I voted against the proposal for a directive on the annual accounts of certain types of companies adopted on Wednesday , 10 March 2010 . there have been significant improvements recently in the European Union in that regard . that , I think , is what the European Parliament has achieved . these include reversing the trend in the number of patients with tuberculosis by 2015 and eliminating the disease by 2050 . now , they wish to make recourse to the so-called ' simplified procedure ' in order to hide the fact that they are , in fact , changing an important issue which is linked to constitutionalisation , with a view to its transformation into a permanent fund , of the European Financial Stability Fund , with the inadmissible conditions contained in the so-called competitiveness pact and its severe consequences upon social policies : the devaluation of salaries and pensions , and the increase in retirement age . Europe would therefore do well not to send its own troops to that region . this House has called for an EU strategy and the Commission is responding to this request . nevertheless , we would like at the same time to warn of the gravity of what is happening and of the consequences of measures that continue to promote the liberalisation and privatisation of key public sectors and services , labour deregulation , precarious and poorly-paid work and rising prices of essential goods , which is helping economic and financial groups to boost their windfall profits at the cost of increased poverty . the aim of the Green Paper is of course said to be to strengthen the consumer ' s position on the EU market . no efficiency savings as a result of the merger are in sight . the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development expects that part of this margin could be used on a programme to distribute fruit to school pupils , thus promoting healthy eating habits . in my country , Portugal , collecting the fingerprints of children aged six years and upwards is already a long-standing practice , which is perhaps why I have no objection to it . ( ES ) Mr President , I would like to talk to you all about El Musel , the major port of my region , Asturias . agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes in the light of the financial crisis , this is said to be a way of stimulating the economy . our determination to defend them should be no less . the London Conference on 28 January is the next significant milestone and will raise issues of security , governance , and social , economic and regional development - very important issues . technological developments , in particular , so-called intelligent transport systems , will also play an important role . safe and complete decommissioning is a key element of nuclear safety , for which we aim at the highest standards . today I voted against Mr Barroso ' s candidacy for three essential reasons . ( PT ) Next year , 2009 , the new multiannual programme in the area of freedom , security and justice should be adopted . I believe that transparency should also include talking about the failures of policy that contributed to the crisis and also of course about the bankers . emergency measures therefore need to be adopted that give an immediate and suitable response to the sector ' s socio-economic needs , such as the creation of a guarantee fund , paid for at Union level , that ensures the stability of fuel prices and the use of all financial possibilities and margins of the EU budget to finance extraordinary support measures for the sector . it is an urgency because there are mass graves which have been discovered recently , and we need to sort this problem out . whilst , of course , we must find solutions to deal with the immediate consequences of these policies , and fiscal retrenchment is essential , we must equally importantly commit ourselves to economic reform : to extend labour market flexibility to create jobs , to open markets and remove barriers to trade , and to stimulate private investment so that we can fill the void left by reduced public sector spending . they are waiting to hear from you ; from the people of Europe . indeed , the European Union must avoid the isolation of Belarus and engage in dialogue with the leadership of the country . although this is work without material remuneration , a volunteer receives satisfaction of a different kind : he or she fulfils his or her motivation , realises him or herself , and shows solidarity with others . there must be consistency between our trade and our relationship with this type of regime . if , however , we are careless and this hammer drops on our foot , then we shall be able to walk no further . nevertheless , the new social agenda appears to lack ambitious goals and clarity , and has serious shortcomings . so I think it is unfair to look to the European Union to try to solve all the problems , where we do not have the means to do so . a prerequisite of a better assessment of control systems is closer collaboration with the Court of Auditors , which has to date been lacking . we have therefore asked and ask the Commission now to consider greater flexibility in funding and , specifically , greater integration between the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Cohesion Fund . so on this note of agreement across the House about the nature of this legislation and the positive direction in which Europe is going when it comes to water quality , let us also look to the Commission to say , ' You have the powers to investigate , to act and to enforce - please use them ' . therefore , our request , which the report takes up with the internal market test , is that we bring together all of the essential elements that we value in the internal market , and that consumers like and enterprises need , and undertake a clear evaluation . I voted in favour of this report because the European Union must continue to enhance its security strategy , uphold its values , pursue its interests , and protect its citizens , thereby contributing to the preservation of international peace and global security . · Mandatory implementation of an alternative option , however without negative effects on the environment ; ensuring safeguards in the use of atomic energy which also needs to be given a chance ; I state this as well , in my capacity as a representative of Bulgaria , which has its own contribution in this process ; there is still a lot to be done in the EU in the area of respect for individual and minority rights . it will disseminate information or refer the user to national sites . we will work very quickly on this SOLVIT.EU site with my departments in conjunction with another project relating to the Your Europe site . I applaud the fact that the most controversial provisions have been removed from the final form of this international agreement , such as the responsibility of third parties , mandatory checks on computer memories when crossing borders and the mandatory application of the ' digital guillotine ' . we cannot stand by and watch minor offenders being hanged , people being raped and arbitrary violence wrought upon citizens by their own regime . Europe - and I am finishing here - must not lower its guard on this front either . it should be applied no later than 2012 . how much of this change is due to natural climatic variation and how much is due to the accumulation of climatic change gases in our atmosphere is still a matter of some dispute , among scientists and politicians . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , a community such as the Latin-Caribbean community , whose entire population on the American continent resembles our own , whom we can speak to in its own languages - Portuguese , French and Spanish , among others - merits special consideration and treatment by the European institutions . today I want to thank Presidents Borrell and Pöttering and Parliament ' s Committee on Petitions for supporting Michael ' s campaign for justice . the obstacle which the petitioner faces in placing the product on the market is the decision of the German authorities ( the 2005 prohibition ) and not a decision of the Commission . I am also a supporter of what is called ' brand Europe ' , and the development and promotion of this , in such areas as support for talent , tourism and the propagation of universal values , for example , should be based on closer collaboration between the EU ' s Member States . this leads me to say that I have been surprised to hear certain comments about the European Union : firstly , that it has not reacted ; secondly , that it was powerless , and thirdly , that it adopted a position of weakness . the current regimes contain sector-specific rules that made sense at that time ( in 2002 ) when a wave of consolidation was expected in the vehicle sector . it is no doubt these beginnings that have given birth to some of the report ' s proposals , such as the suggestions that the country responsible for consideration of an asylum request should take account of the applicant ' s wishes , that this country should ultimately be determined by a European body , that applicants should have the same rights as long-term residents , that they should have freedom of movement within the territory of Europe , and so on . we are not giving proper attention to the warning signals from the financial markets , or from people such as President Trichet , who indeed called the Commission proposal a good but inadequate step towards strengthening the Stability and Growth Pact . it is not only about the future of subsequent generations being jeopardised , but also about global justice . you are already aware that there will be no ambitious deal in Copenhagen if the concerns of the developing countries are not taken into account , not only those of emerging countries , but also very much the concerns of the most vulnerable and the poorest developing countries . the so-called ' block exemption ' regulation , introduced at European level in 2002 to increase competition in the motor vehicle sector and bring tangible benefits to consumers , is reaching its expiry date . ( SV ) Mr President , the fact that fruit and vegetables are important for people is hardly news , nor is the fact that they are important foods for children . we have been very vocal , both in public and in private , about the unacceptable closure of the Gaza crossings . this exercise threw into stark relief the very different situations of each country ; the respective needs for reform as well as the different capacities for drawing up and proposing a governance plan . without doubt , the increased powers granted to the European Parliament under the Treaty of Lisbon enhance the role of the European Parliament considerably and formulate tangible and effective responses to the expectations of European citizens . you have brought the IMF back into the European fold . together , the United States and the European Union could be a guarantee for the world ' s security and stability and offer a pattern for the global order . I think that wide-ranging consultations need to be initiated with local and regional representatives in order to set out well defined guidelines on energy efficiency and support must be provided in devising projects and ensuring access to the EUR 9 billion made available by the Commission via the cohesion policy . on one hand , it can get us out of a difficult crisis situation and , on the other , it can make us even stronger and more influential regarding policies which are being implemented in the rest of the world . what do you think about amending the Maastricht Treaty criteria to perhaps include a new criterion relating to the balance of payments , a maximum limit on the current account deficit and external debt ? the next item is the comments of the Council and the Commission on the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh , to be held on 24-25 September 2009 . I would like to thank the Portuguese Presidency for its tremendous determination . thanks are also due to Mr Frattini for his favourable attitude and commitment to this splendid achievement , which is without precedent in the course of history . it takes 12 years to build a new nuclear power station . we already have problems in Europe when it comes to security of supply , consumer rights and environmental concerns , and we have to do something about the greenhouse effect . the European Parliament is fully ready for this . therefore , it is high time to rekindle the stars . of course , no new surveys are needed to fulfil the new requirements of the regulation , which can be implemented using nationally available additional administrative sources and feedback from existing surveys . who has suffered because of them ? we are currently witnessing what is happening in Ireland but , at the same time , I am also hearing all kinds of proposals being put forward to the European Council for the abolition of wage indexation and for the maximisation of wage increases , based on increases in labour productivity , etc . the Commission is strongly in favour of the sustainable management of fish stocks and Commissioner Borg has been very active in this matter . we protest against the death of two Venezuelan students who protested against this shutting-down of the free media ... in this respect , I also wish to ask if we may expect further development of the energy policy that Parliament requested earlier this year . ( PL ) Madam President , the shortage of healthcare staff is a global phenomenon . I congratulate the rapporteur on bringing such a relevant and sensitive subject to the attention of Parliament . that is a vision of the added value of Europe and that is why we need a European budget . we propose lifting this ban on poultry imports . Commissioner , the EU has done a great job in its farm-to-fork system , and consumers should have confidence in it but , as an ancillary point , what about protecting EU producers ? I think it is very important and necessary , mainly because our presence on the global web is almost universal . in a word , the Internet has become part of our daily life . today we are discussing in the European Parliament one of the most important reports being debated during this plenary session . it is an expression of political declarations , resolutions , Council declarations , Presidency conclusions , but such provisions are not binding . Occurrences like this can be prevented when the Commission and Parliament take adequate action , as Mr Jarzembowski has said . therefore we have chosen to abstain . the bonds that were managed by the Commission were issued at 2.5 % and those that were managed by the intergovernmental system were put on the market at 2.89 % . the second is that it is utterly despicable to make political capital out of something like the disaster that occurred in Hungary , and to compare it with something entirely unconnected . the debate is closed . that subcommittee aims to facilitate dialogue within a context of mutual understanding , and respect for the positions of both parties , on all aspects of human rights and democracy , international and regional issues , in a comprehensive and non-exclusive way . this is a smokescreen to make it appear that Europol officials ' immunity will be limited when in fact Europol ' s powers will be extended after 2010 and the immunity of its officials will be even more far-reaching . to give an example , that was why I declared the need to examine the social impact in all new legislation . could the Council elaborate a little on this point and give practical details as to how it will improve things for SMEs which are struggling to survive ? this is the role of this agency , and let us respect it . it is reported that there are 1 460 000 internally displaced people , most of them facing violence , and let me give a voice to those who do not have a voice , those who suffer such violence . firstly , we have the more rapid development of the countries outside the Euro Zone than those within it . we have a specific motion , that we do not discuss this matter today . regional cooperation and interaction among network operators help channel resources towards interconnectivity and diversification of supplies . no less important for the country is the funding earmarked for measures aimed at modernising the energy sector , reducing harmful emissions , and at improving energy efficiency and savings . following in the footsteps of the European Parliament ' s excellent five-committee report of July , the Commission ' s vision of an integrated maritime policy for the Union and an action plan were fully endorsed by the European Council last week . their value comes from the identity process that they trigger . Member of the Commission . - Reports by the WTO and the Commission ' s own monitoring show that there is no imminent risk of a generalised protectionist escalation . ( the sitting was closed at 11.10 p.m. ) firstly this is because scientists are already saying that the provisions in this regulation are not enough to guarantee the recovery of stocks . why are we not effective ? the Commission fully shares your concern . we knew that Europe ' s economy was in crisis . they can mainly be traced back to Belgrade ' s image problem . on one hand , this means not hiding behind regulations and ' business-as-usual ' excuses , and , on the other hand , carefully evaluating the political opportunity and the consequences of increased transparency on the effectiveness of the dialogue and the readiness of third countries to engage in the dialogue in the first place . I merely wish to point out that the Committee on Legal Affairs , on examining the legal principles , considered Article 95 to be the legal basis for the first part , and Articles 95 and 175 for the second part . as a result , a number of risks were avoided , including the greatest risk of all , namely that the suspension clause would be triggered , which would have resulted in the suspension of the agreement and the annulment of the results of both stages of negotiations . these politicians would , of course , need to be handsomely rewarded for their efforts . ( NL ) Mr President , Commissioner Wallström has just talked about reaching the citizens . Mr President , I will begin with some encouraging news . ( EL ) Commissioner , thank you once again for your commitment to the promotion of women to positions of responsibility . ( PT ) The number of workers affected by unemployment in Portugal is growing exponentially . Cameroon is the largest African exporter of hardwoods to Europe , which purchases 80 % of its production . does the Commission agree that the Council decisions in question ignore the clear position of the European Parliament and the relevant resolution ? I completely agree with Mr Engel and Mrs Rühle that we can only accept new legislation on the proviso that it offers a clear and recognisable advantage for the internal market . the rules of democracy depend upon dialogue and non-violence and it is up to us to facilitate such an approach . the Commission has established an effective mode of cooperation with all local actors working in Kosovo , including EULEX and the EU ' s Special Representative . many points were raised during the discussions and we had to base our work on everyone ' s strong sense of compromise . bearing in mind the results of dialogue over human rights between the EU and Georgia , which took place this year , the fact that Georgia has ratified a number of relevant international conventions on the protection of fundamental rights , its Membership of the Council of Europe and its participation in the Eastern Partnership , which is based on commitments to the principles of international law and to fundamental values , I voted in favour of signing this agreement . this assistance would also favour the development of promising initiatives in the energy efficiency sector at the level of local authorities which , due to the recent crisis , have suffered a drastic reduction in revenue . his compatriot Mr Mölzer alluded to Mr Hans-Peter Martin , his past and his conduct , and therefore pursuant to Rule 151 he has the right to reply . today there is something else at stake . Azerbaijan should be supported in its democratic and human rights development within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership . naturally , the Presidency is in complete agreement with what Mr Brok says in his report about the External Action Service in fact being key to our common work to make European foreign policy into an active and more cohesive instrument to enable European policy to be viewed in a better light around the world . violence against women is a violation of human rights and an obstacle to their participation in social and political life , in public life and at work , preventing them being citizens with full rights . I hope , therefore , that the President of the European Parliament will apologise to the Italian Government on behalf of us all . there is no doubt that Turkey is a large Muslim country of huge strategic importance . the damage now under discussion was the result of the large-scale flooding in the United Kingdom in June and July 2007 . we , the European Parliament , would like an agreement with the Council on the procedure for June / July . 12 . the Iraqi Government expressed its eagerness to work with the European Union . in this context I would like to support both the reports . we need a programme ... given the stakes , there were important divergences of opinion between the Member States up to the very beginning of the European Council , both on the short-term issue of the financial stability mechanism but also on the medium-term issue of the Europe 2020 strategy . the Council must unblock this situation so that we can have a credible resettlement system . at such a difficult time of crisis therefore , I believe that particular attention should also be paid to these producers . we know that in some of our key partners , the pace of change has slowed rather than accelerated . the bad news is the public threat which the Foreign Minister , Mr Mottaki , recently made to the United Nations Security Council , when he said that if it adopted a new resolution on sanctions against Iran before the next IAEA report on the country ' s nuclear programme in March , there would be an appropriate and serious response from Tehran . I wish to highlight paragraph 8 of the Rouček report , which enjoyed broad consensus within the Committee on Foreign Affairs . the need for a balanced mass media market should be recognised and supported by the Member States , which should commit themselves , both individually and collectively , to giving European citizens the opportunity of obtaining accurate and diverse information . I need only add that I believe that the principles and rules applicable to Community funds , particularly those managed directly by the European institutions , must also apply , mutatis mutandis , to the other public funds , namely Community funds managed by the Member States . ( FR ) Mr President , Commissioner , I thank you , but , in general , I hope that the Commission considers that the time is right to re-examine the guidelines on vertical restraints that you mentioned just now , since they are in fact already about 10 years old . we need to discuss the structure of this crisis policy and the alleged policy of solidarity . a draft law on a common economic allocation of costs is a bad idea since , at the end of the day , it will mean that citizens will pay for something they are not responsible for . I voted in favour of the report and regret that agreement on what one would feel are issues that normally benefit from wide consensus was not achieved . this is not fair and is , in my view , morally wrong . the only stumbling block in this matter remains the horizontal issue of delegated acts . I should like to make a brief statement concerning the proposed modifications , so that we all understand their importance with regard to achieving the objectives we have set out : as regards biofuels , the EU needs to invest in research into the second generation of biofuels ... as part of this process , we were able to resolve several contradictory positions judiciously and satisfactorily . we voted against plans for the division of Kosovo and against any reversion to rule by Belgrade . furthermore , I voted for setting up energy efficiency funds at national , regional or local level . ( FR ) Mr President , the rationale behind the European Institute of Technology is a fair one : namely that research is central to any economic progress . when you construct a circuit , you have to stick to the engineer ' s plan . women played a leading , silent , underestimated even , role in the liberation movements , and I think it was essential to pay tribute to it in this text . in our programme , in this green booklet which all Members received in the mail yesterday , you will find on page 25 that our priorities in relation to the Justice and Home Affairs Council include the common European asylum system . let us not be naïve . I welcome the adoption of the national strategy for sustainable development , but more efforts need to be made towards enforcing legislation in the environmental field , and there needs to be adequate funding set aside for this purpose . we cannot have more Europe for such limited funding in any of the areas to which the European Union allocates financial resources . today , the commander of the Turkish land forces was due to go to Cyprus and his presence is expected to create more problems for the peace negotiations . the rule of law must also be guaranteed . even the directors of major banks no longer understand these opaque instruments . in general , I welcome the proposals put forward to ensure improvements in national fiscal frameworks and to encourage Member States to make better fiscal decisions in the future . the vote will take place tomorrow at 11 : 30 . at this point , I would like to ask you not to view the strategy for the Danube Region only in the terms outlined by many of the previous speakers , but also as an opportunity for cultural integration . most of the problems , or errors , are to be found in the public procurement dossier . in writing . - ( IT ) I voted for the report by Mr Ehler on supporting early demonstration of sustainable power generation from fossil fuels . this also means improved implementation and correct spending on EU money . I would like to start by reminding the House what this common agricultural policy actually means to the vast majority of our nearly 500 million citizens . we believe that the definition of lobbyists contained in the report is correct , although we should like more differentiation . despite the initial actions of President Yanukovych and the subsequent statements by the Ukrainian authorities about Ukraine ' s willingness to join the EU , to adopt European models for good governance , and to respect the human rights and civil liberties of its people , some caution is inevitably needed . attention should be drawn to the fact that in economic terms , certain areas in Europe itself are also becoming outermost regions . the fact that these reactors are also capable of being powered by thorium , and our stocks of this material are 10 times higher than those of uranium , is another advantage . and they would have good reason to : because we are not capable of responding to this feeling of inequality , injustice and insecurity . ( applause ) thus one of my concerns is the enormous confidence we have in ourselves in Europe . I also agree with the report ' s statements in relation to legislation in this sector ; that is , that this legislation should be proportional to the objective and that no legislation should be brought in until an assessment is made of the legislation ' s impact as regards its potential financial burden . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes alongside the obvious benefits for the environment , this sector also offers opportunities for boosting economic growth and creating jobs . the involvement of enterprises is an important way of making progress in the areas of equality between men and women at work , the gender pay gap , training , work-life balance and career development . is it reasonable - and Mr Rack , who was here just now , pointed this out , and I thank him for his speech - to avoid reimbursing passengers , a practice that happens everywhere , and especially in the United States , in particular when departures have been cancelled and when no information , or alternative transport , is provided ? now we , the stronger economies , must once more offer these countries billions in aid , but this will be a mere sticking plaster for the short term . one in five people do not know that HIV can be transmitted through sex without a condom . I have abstained from voting on the report about Croatia , because the time pressure referred to in the report , in order to make Croatia ready for accession in the first half of 2010 is , in my opinion , not necessary . the massacre caused defections in the army , the government and the diplomatic service . in view of the importance to agriculture and , consequently , the economy and employment in the Portuguese Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores , of the production of rum and eaux-de-vie respectively , as well as liqueurs in both regions , it is essential that the reduced rates of excise duty on these goods should continue to apply , as this will not lead to a situation of unfair competition within the internal market . however , we must ensure that we maintain our production potential in order to supply the population with high quality foodstuffs . this is why the European executive has to guarantee both legal certainty for the investors due to be affected by the transition process and equivalent investment conditions for companies from all the European Union ' s Member States . I am pleased to note that the European Parliament , guarantor of universal freedom and rights , has at last come out in favour of a common policy to meet the needs of Member States in the fight against illegal immigration . I hope that this can be taken up again in the next review . I would also like to ask your opinion about what happens now , also from the market , in the sphere of derivatives and the over-the-counter market in order to create more central counterparties and a better system of supervision there . the directive , if adopted by the Council - where unanimity is needed - will further consolidate the rights of people with disabilities at European level , which I trust is our common goal , both in the Council and in Parliament - certainly it is in the Commission . ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I think that this measure will mean that issues related to the Mediterranean are about to embark on an even more binding phase than has been achieved through the acts implemented to date . for more than 80 years Turkey has not fulfilled the Treaty of Ankara , according to which it owes Bulgaria USD 10 billion . this future will most likely be organised around different patterns of production , consumption and behaviour . it is not by chance - and I have repeated this in the written conclusions that you have read - that we want to link the budgetary discussion , effectively in its legal framework of the Stability and Growth Pact , to economic reforms . it is very likely that ICCAT will decide to penalise the Community , and then we in turn would have to penalise those Member States that are at fault . Parliament also reaffirms its view on the need for increased levels of funding for forest protection measures through the rural development pillar of the common agricultural policy , particularly given the new challenges entailed in climate change . this report results from initiatives by Member States under Article 169 , which is co-funded by the Commission to the tune of EUR 150 million over five years . thankfully , this proposal was today rejected by the majority of the Member States . these are questions to which we still need answers , and I hope that we will get them . let me remind him that what we are talking about here is regional development . for a decade , they have been systematically discriminated against and threatened with assimilation and death , and their identity is in danger . the next day , celebrations erupted in Times Square and Piccadilly Circus ; cheering crowds danced along the Champs-Elysées and the town squares throughout the allied world . it was a plan associated with a myth . however , at this summit we will , of course , find that other things will be discussed , and I would like to pick up on what the President of the Commission said . this will not mean lower growth , but growth that is more sustainable in the long term . by and large , then , this is a good regulation . because it is not for us to be self-righteous . it is vital to adjust milk production to European domestic demand so as to guarantee producers a fair price . furthermore , it should not be forgotten that negotiations with third countries and with the World Trade Organisation pose a serious threat to the future of agricultural and livestock production in the European Union . the first concerns a reduction target : some fellow members are saying that this is simply not possible . I would like to say that , since 2007 , the market has been developing positively , and in fact this is giving producers some respite , and even enabling them to invest in their farms , which was unthinkable until now . contracts belong to the market and to the state , to economics and politics , both of which are arenas of competition . Mr President , as one of only 13 Members of this House who will have the opportunity to vote on a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon , I am satisfied to give it my support . we preach conservation , yet the common fisheries policy has created an ecological calamity , wiping out what ought to have been a great , renewable resource . this crisis will only be overcome when those who have now become unemployed get their jobs back again , and when those who , as yet , have not had any work are able to work . accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 23 July 1990 on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises ( despite already being the object of resolutions of this Parliament , the last of which was in 2010 , the old request that the country of origin be marked and that information be made available about the origin of various goods has been postponed . the term ' low-carbon economy ' is now being presented as a compromise formula for this Parliament . how would this mindset be defined ? we were the most active of all the political delegations there , and there were more European parliamentarians than any others . I think that proves the value of European cooperation . secondly , and in reply to the second question , the Council would remind the honourable Member that the ' Nord Stream ' project is a private project being carried out by ' Nord Stream AG ' as a joint venture . it will therefore be essential for us to avoid such controversial errors when formulating these agreements in the future , and I hope that the Commission will manage that , as we definitely cannot consider the current document to be satisfactory , particularly in the area of personal data protection . many viable enterprises still have difficulty accessing credit at a reasonable rate from the banks . the next item is the debate on the oral question by Klaus-Heiner Lehne , on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs , to the Commission on the report on the application of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 2157 / 2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company ( SE ) - B7-0211 / 2009 ) it is not easy to maintain the procedure we implemented last year with Mrs Haug as rapporteur and with the substantial involvement of the specialist committees . they are also asking , if at all possible , for the injustice of 2004 to be restored and for the 50 % tobacco subsidy to continue under the first pillar , but only from 2010 , in order to support their income . the Member States ' declarations are a step in that direction . evidently , following the events in Kosovo , the voice of the international community is undoubtedly weaker and far less credible , but diplomatic efforts must be stepped up to bring about a credible and concrete solution . we always work with the courts of auditors in the Member States and with the national auditors by cooperating with one another and trusting one another . ladies and gentlemen , we as politicians are increasingly called upon to address the challenge of energy problems . voting time ( continuation ) 21 . it has already been deferred once , before the elections . it must guarantee protection of the right of asylum . for those cases the Commission will not hesitate to launch infringement proceedings . what will this mean for my country , for example ? what is more , the Orthodox Church , for example , is still unable to choose its Patriarch freely and irrespective of nationality , and there are ever more attempts to place restrictions on clerics as regards wearing their priestly garb in public . as a result of the debate , the Ministers asked the Commission to push ahead with work on a report on the implementation of the Directive since it entered into force on 1 July 2005 . no , the entire European Union and this region surrounding the Black Sea and the South Caucasus must work together in terms of a partnership - as others , too , have already stated - in order to resolve the common problems that exist : the political problems , e.g. in terms of stability , migration , and of course also economic problems , and here I am simply thinking of energy transit . the first is the need to adopt a more qualitative approach in respect of the implementation of the Internal Market Scoreboard , enabling the causes of the transposition deficit to be identified . this figure has decreased from 2 034 in 2007 , but most of the releases were due to completion of sentence . the railways proved not to be a viable alternative . in view of this change , the Committee on Transport and Tourism decided to draw up an own-initiative report with the aim of setting out some general principles on how air agreements should be evaluated , covering both their substance and the procedures the Committee might adopt to ensure it is well informed throughout the course of negotiations , and has an opportunity to express its priorities well before being confronted with the yes / no choice of consent . there are still many flaws in the methods used , as the rapporteur points out . together , ladies and gentlemen , we can show the citizens of Europe that we are assuming responsibility and demonstrate the emergence of a modern , diverse society . however , it seems that , perhaps especially during the last two years , some of the funds have been used by beneficiary countries to improve the current result on the budgetary side , although not for implementation in accordance with the area envisaged for financial support . subject : sex offenders ( PT ) Mr President , Mr Jouyet , Mr Barrot , ladies and gentlemen , unlike the previous speaker , I am clearly against Fortress Europe and therefore support active policies to admit economic migrants . draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010 as modified by the Council ( vote ) removing internal borders does not guarantee freedom of movement for European citizens ; rather , it creates insecurity and produces unmanageable population and migration trends within the EU , both in the countries of origin and of destination . I believe that the problem of counterfeit medicines in Europe is a serious one and the European Parliament , by adopting the report , is sending out a clear message to the Commission that only effective cooperation and the effective enforcement of sanctions will make it possible to reduce this practice . in short , we are expecting an additional impetus to the efforts in this area . Mr President , the main responsibility for closure of Guantánamo Bay and the resettlement of detainees undoubtedly lies with the US Government . thank you very much . situation of Burmese refugees in Thailand it must also be applied correctly and across sectors in tackling the effects of the crisis through creating new ' green ' jobs in competitive enterprises . it could also represent a new source of funding for cleaner forms of transport such as rail and waterways . I would like to point out that the European Court of Human Rights has already stated that in asylum cases , no one can be sent back to Greece , for example , because the conditions in prisons there are so poor . the report asked for reform of international aid , elimination of opium poppy cultivation , better coordination of police training , and support for the peace process . in accordance with the Frontex Regulation , Frontex has set up a centralised record of available technical equipment , known as CRATE . the negotiated agreement reflects by and large the structure of a conventional aviation safety agreement ; it is based on mutual trust in each other ' s systems and on the comparison of regulatory differences . this is a good opportunity for the legislators , the interested parties and the Commission to exchange their points of view and to debate the elements to be included in the two other proposals to come . today , another Georgian President is addressing you with the same message of love for European ideas and values . the risk of state bankruptcy has not been eliminated , but despite the weekly meetings and summits of leaders and finance ministers , a clear solution has not yet been put in place . the tobacco subsidy must not be continued , as this Parliament wishes . I therefore think it is very positive that the EU is now incorporating a chapter on sustainable development , which will include CSR clauses , into future trade agreements . do you not agree that , in this case , waste should be seen , not so much as a problem , but as an opportunity ? we must absolutely stop tolerating Roma parents forcing their children to beg , taking them out of educational activities to do so . each and every country ' s situation is assessed carefully , transparently and following the provisions of the regulations . we support moves towards supporting a lasting peace , the provision of humanitarian aid to victims and reconstruction efforts . regarding patients suffering from rare diseases , I understand that you are looking for the best approach in order for them to benefit from the health care they need , but sometimes the best is the enemy of the good . the European Parliament would actually like to further reinforce that policy . no debate was allowed before these most important votes ( dealing with the fundamental rights of an MEP ) were taken . culture also has economic value . this will not be without consequences for the country ' s economic situation . I believe it would be premature , Meglena , to say that you will have the solid backing of Parliament on this matter . please eliminate these dangerous attitudes from your strategy documents . they have spoken of the millions of deaths and cases of rape and abuse against the civilian population . ( ES ) Mr President , tomorrow the European Parliament will adopt a resolution on Iran which will be supported by our political Group . today , 25 countries have all but completed the process of ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon . I am also concerned about the plans for Monsanto to take over the Dutch seed company De Ruiter , a firm that is amongst the top ten in the world . the EU also aims to plunder peoples and countries , either independently or , where that is not possible , with the assistance of the USA and ΝΑΤΟ . furthermore , do you think that ECOWAS and the African Union have sufficient capacity to deal with this problem ? ' it is no longer a question of risk groups and that the rest of us need not worry : it is an issue for the general population - young people , women . my opinion , as the rapporteur , is that this is against the general logic of the whole regulation . we have no opportunity to intervene in this agreement : we are simply assessing it and giving our opinion . special promotions for schoolchildren should include a range of healthy organic products in addition to fruit . I understood that one of the key issues is the use of ICT by the silver generation and I do agree with that . after months of waiting for better milk prices , the European Commission has finally taken emergency measures to save dairy producers . the Commission is also seeking to clarify the scope of some of the measures financed and to improve the wording of certain articles . big challenges remain in the single market . we have also increased the transparency initiatives for data and SMS on the package which is now on the table in the European Parliament . furthermore , legal certainty must be ensured for small and medium-sized enterprises , creating favourable conditions for them to invest in foreign markets . we also expect the European Commission to play a very active role in the further development of the EU 2020 strategy . I therefore want to say that it would be good to show the same effort and persistence , and also concern , with regard to other global problems that are fundamentally ignored or merely confined to a list of chronic concerns : elimination of curable diseases , protection of soil and habitats , exhaustion of finite resources , especially hydrocarbons , and so on . violence against lesbians and LGBT rights in Africa ( in this respect , I am highly appreciative of Commissioner Barnier ' s strong commitment to take into account citizens ' concerns and aspirations . in exchange for a EUR 78 billion loan , a country where the minimum wage is not even EUR 500 will face cuts in wages and pensions , and the closure of public services , as well as being forced to give up national companies and resources . the approach of the need for additional airport capacities in Europe should be part of a strategy for the development of the passenger and goods air transport , not only in a European and continental context , but also an a larger scale . but , as Ms Ferreira ' s report rightly makes clear , market instruments must not be seen as a replacement for other forms of environmental standards and regulation . to do so , it is essential to introduce national and European social protection policies . smooth cooperation between the European Union and the Council of Europe is crucial for ensuring the success of the Agency . ( RO ) I would like to add to what my fellow Member said by saying that when we talk about intelligent cities , it is important for us to invest more in energy efficiency in residential buildings . it is much cheaper to discharge something illegally into the sea . we need , at the heart of the proposals which you recently presented , Commissioner , to adopt rules to regulate transactions which are highly obscure and , as such , subject to increased systemic risk , such as the market in over-the-counter derivatives and naked options . it could be that the European Commission has allowed itself to be led astray by Mr Gaddafi ' s pretty face , but I do not trust that man one inch . the latest round of human rights consultations , as I said , takes place today and will certainly also provide an opportunity to clearly mention those concerns . who is primarily responsible for this situation ? ( FR ) Madam President , I did not really want to speak on this report , but just to add a point that is particularly close to my heart and which I have raised on several occasions at the ACP meetings . information about the condition of the soil that is accessible to the public would be one of the fruits of the new legislation , which would finally protect people and farmers instead of polluters . the resolution goes even further - it proposes subsidising the poorest countries . it is a project which offers benefits for everyone : consumers , because they will soon be able to go shopping all round Europe with the backing of European contract law , and companies , because with this greater legal certainty , they will be able to tap into new markets , and as there will be a uniform set of rules , they will be able to achieve substantial cost savings . this started with the Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid . it is therefore essential to encourage such actions , to demonstrate the benefits they will bring and to support initiatives already taken . the attempt to introduce into Polish legislation the possibility of unrestricted access to abortion is something which is not natural , and it is obvious that this will provoke opposition . there is justified concern - concern that the border control personnel will search everything from computers to MP3 players . yet again we are waving through this budget despite all the errors in it and thereby betraying those who put us here , who are our constituents and also our taxpayers , because the majority of people in this house take a ' Europe right or wrong attitude ' and would rather see things being badly done by Brussels than competently done by the Member States . if Commissioner McCreevy is not prepared to regulate all financial institutions , then he should be forced to step aside . furthermore , just to be perfectly clear : more cabotage can lead to more efficient road transport , which is good for both the economy and the environment , and must by all means be encouraged , therefore . this report is a significant contribution to a truly efficient control system . the role of the national parliaments and the European Parliament , as the only elected bodies , will be weakened and the powers of central executive bodies will be strengthened . this response should involve creating jobs with rights , promoting work and workers , and penalising employers that cut back on prevention and protection measures for workers in order to boost their profits . above all , how does the Republic of Moldova acquit itself of its responsibility for these breaches of the most basic fundamental rights ? thank you for your comments . I think , too , that enhanced cooperation can become an instrument which opens the way to further negotiations while also giving greater guarantee of success . we will see , but that is what he predicted . I would like to thank them for the work they have done , and for participating in the various alliances that have done credit to our Parliament . we will correct all the translations so that they are in harmony with the original texts . the only solution there can be is dialogue between the parties to the conflict , with the help of international mediation . subject : EU measures to combat unemployment I shall also pay special attention to the mechanisms used to establish origin , so that this does not become a competitive disadvantage for European producers against their competitors . how should we handle this situation ? if we do not do this , it will be difficult to take seriously the European Union ' s ambition to be a global player . many decades prior to the actual founding of the World Trade Organisation , Europe called for the creation of such an organisation for trade . in writing . - The report of Marianne Mikko reflects very well on the general tendencies in the media in the European Union , pointing out an extremely important aspect in paragraph 35 , regarding public broadcasting services . does the Turkish Government really want to set the Republic on a new democratic foundation ? recent political developments in Hungary ( motions for resolutions tabled ) : see Minutes I have already had the opportunity to debate with you several times on how to make the banks pay for the costs of the crisis . my Irish EPP-ED colleagues and myself appeal to all Member States to maintain readily available nationwide postal services or to set up such services in countries where they are not provided at present . I voted in favour of Mr Dess ' s report , which is a document of strategic importance for European agriculture . one of the principles that comes out of the report is recognising , as a starting point for any analysis , the multiple causes and forms of this type of crime that exist . the citizens of the contracting parties may stay in each other ' s territory for a maximum period of three months during a six-month period following the date of first entry . that is real democracy . in writing . - In 2001 , the Doha Round negotiations had an objective to lower trade barriers around the world , permitting free trade between countries of varying prosperity . I am saying what I think : this directive is also from another era , from before the crisis . that cannot be right . unfortunately , we have awoken too late . it will therefore be imperative to ensure that the proposed manual of national enforcement laws and practices is kept updated and that the information is provided in easy-to-use format and that it should be written in an accessible language . we are looking into that , and it is a little outside this debate . I voted in favour of the Hübner report on the proposal for a Council decision authorising Portugal to apply reduced rates of excise duty in the autonomous region of Madeira on locally produced and consumed rum and liqueurs and in the autonomous region of the Azores on locally produced and consumed liqueurs and eaux-de-vie . I think this is the most important thing we should think about , and it is , to a great extent , our role to do so . we also voted in favour of Article 116 , but this does not mean that mandatory legal consequences would be derived from it . that is why we are now completing the feasibility study on the basis of which we shall dare to look into the ranking of universities , the mapping of universities and the standards of universities in order to give students more informed choices . Mr President , I have to say there are people who do , and there are people who talk . it is undoubtedly one way of strengthening this democracy , and also the citizenship or European demos referred to by Mr Casini , who is , moreover , Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens ' Rights , which will , for the most part , be dealing with this initiative . Mr President , we stand at the beginning of a new era , and perhaps we should pose ourselves three questions : who , how and what ? what is happening in Libya is completely unacceptable , and the international community has to take more concrete measures that mean automatic suspensions for all types of attacks on civilians . let us therefore take action . this is why I am calling for the national equality plans to be updated and for flexible rules that meet the needs of men and women to the same degree . we hope that the Commissioner will be making some strong proposals on that point . however , the other political priorities must not , under any circumstances , be called into question . I shall try to answer a couple of questions that have been put to me . others are not . the celebrations and salutations surrounding President Obama are making people delude themselves about the policy of imperialism . jeer on if you like , but have you noticed that on the bond markets this morning Greek bonds are trading 233 basis points higher than German bonds ? in my opinion , the EU is not a state - and it should not become one either . from a moral standpoint , it is unacceptable to give an opt-out on such an issue . it is not the case , as some people claim , that this has all been agreed in haste without any discussion - like many of the other arguments , this is patently untrue . we are going to have to justify this to the taxpayers and voters in our home countries . however , with increasing commercial cultivation and genetically modified crops in the EU and imports of genetically modified food and feed , adventitious presence through gene flow and admixture becomes unavoidable . but for many years of our collaboration in the Middle East , we all know well that quick fixes do not count . these refugees cannot return to Eritrea and cannot remain in a transit country : the only solution is resettlement . it is time to move away from the use of historical payments . although Mr Horáček , who now apparently wants to solve the governmental crisis in the Czech Republic , says here that we should not prioritise the energy issue over human rights , nobody is actually doing that . that is why , as I said to Mr Belet , I have personally listened carefully to the concerns that you have unanimously expressed and I will relay them to the Commission President and to my colleagues . I should like to make a couple of comments , however . it would be interesting to do a check how many actually do . we take the warning about European talent seriously . in fact , we are ultimately in a state of permanent schizophrenia : everywhere , companies are relocating , social rights are being called into question , environmental degradation is increasing and , at the same time , we are negotiating free trade agreements , we are negotiating within the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) a whole series of measures which , unfortunately , are totally out of step with the public debate in which our citizens are trying to engage . the police were sent after him despite the fact that his parliamentary immunity had not been rescinded . ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we are all here to assess a text that certainly contains a few gaps , since I think that - as is often said in this House - we all wanted something more ambitious . with all the MEPs walking around it is , truly , very difficult ; I have a lot of respect for Parliament , but it seems to me truly impossible to be able to speak under these circumstances . we have no choice . therefore , I am calling on you once again to consider for yourself how you can draft a better media law , which is in line with the Hungarian revolution and the spirit of that revolution . in writing . - We share the concern of the resolution about the effects of climate change on the sustainability of the communities that inhabit the Arctic area as well as the effects on the natural habitat , and we recognise the significance of the Arctic for the global climate and therefore the Arctic as a common concern . Parliament ' s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2010 ( debate ) next , we will be looking to sub-Saharan Africa and , eventually , everyone will be coming here . farmers must not be punished for this by shifting the funds to other areas . to this end , it is necessary to support education so that there will not be obstacles to Roma children learning alongside other children in European schools . most of the poorest countries in the world are doing badly , just as badly as 40 years ago , if not worse . to allow the new NEAFC scheme to be implemented , the proposal envisages the subsequent repeal of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 2791 / 1999 of 16 December 1999 , which implemented the first scheme adopted by NEAFC in 1998 . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , we know that the Single Euro Payments Area represents a genuine challenge to small and medium-sized enterprises . in Ireland , for example , there are 50 000 listed carers to cater for Ireland ' s 44 000 sufferers . in other words , I would like to express my disagreement with the method used by the Commission to transpose the recommendations of regional fisheries organisations . the economic recovery is now in progress but it is still fragile and not self-sustaining . why , though , ban flights in Belgium when the cloud was in Norway ? we should indeed bear in mind that secure energy supplies are of vital interest to hundreds of millions of Europe ' s citizens . it is a European punishment mechanism , with the International Monetary Fund playing bad cop . it takes into account the rapporteur ' s call for a double-track approach that might lead to an EU TFTP , even if this is , of course , something that we have to discuss internally in the EU . apart from the impassioned debate among experts regarding variations in flavour , there is also an environmental argument . life has changed . there is a growing risk of nuclear technology falling into the hands of criminal and terrorist organisations . on account of the European Parliament elections at the beginning of June we had very little time available for preparing and discussing budget proposals , and even less time to look for compromises . these changes , in fact , strengthen the democratic legitimacy of the Union ' s institutions . the European budget has its own credibility which is all about commitments and accomplished projects paying out . now , the London Times reports that Baroness Ashton suddenly wants to drop the EU arms embargo against China , which was imposed because of the massacre in Tiananmen Square , saying it is ' a major impediment to developing stronger EU-China cooperation ' . if Parliament wants to take its call for respect for human rights seriously , it should take a clearer stand in favour of Christians persecuted in Iran . moreover , I am convinced that it is appropriate to foster a learning culture which acknowledges merit and improves the employment prospects of poorly qualified people , helps increase social inclusion and personal development . from the point of view of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , the Reform Treaty legalizes the procedure of co-decision , which is already used in the field of maritime and air navigation and provides a legal basis for the European Parliament to be able to propose support actions for consolidating the identity of the tourism sector . on the continent of Europe there are about one hundred million poor people in the Union , and in Hungary there are about three million people living below the poverty threshold whose difficult situation is exacerbated by the effect both of price increases for food containing fruit and of meat shortages . as far as on-call time is concerned , I feel that it is unfair that the ' inactive period during on-call time ' is not considered as working time and , by implication , is not paid . progress needs to be made with the process of European integration in order to overcome this event . I agree with those of you who have said that the multilateral system is important and necessary , because of the fact that it is only within the multilateral system that we can discipline , for example , trade-distorting domestic support and all other non-trade concerns . very briefly I would highlight the main recommendations of the report . I am asking whether the people and the place where the solidarity movement began - the fall of the Berlin Wall , the liberation of Europe - must fall victim to arbitrary decisions taken in Brussels in the interests of speculators who are looking to make their fortunes out of the rubble and soil of the shipyards . it will therefore be essential - including and above all in such cases - , to ensure the provision of guarantee mechanisms for setting aside adequate financial resources required to tackle both ordinary and extraordinary requirements . it is thus with pleasure and a strong spirit of supportiveness that I speak today in the Chamber in favour of the report by Mr Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra . we in our generation look back at ancient régime Europe and we wonder how such a system could have existed . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I endorse the work accomplished by Mrs Lynne . I think , sadly , the only way we will see the end to the Zanu-PF Mugabe dictatorship is when he is actually taken out in a coffin . documents received : see Minutes in addition it has to be linked with policies that help poor countries to develop , through agriculture in particular . on the security side , a rapid approach is essential . added to this , there is interference by the political powers that still exist in many countries , and which is a cause for concern . in Europe , we have first-class research . the danger is that , if it expands its activities too far into supporting commercial banks and governments - as has been suggested - then its enviable high credit rating may be downgraded , like some of our governments . we also believe that it is crucial to introduce the mandatory adoption of environmentally friendly technologies to the largest extent possible . it would perhaps also be a move towards the Council to create trust : trust not only with regard to the discharge , but in other areas , too , and therefore we are able to agree to this proposal . this is what we are doing . respect must be guaranteed for all minorities ' rights in accordance with European standards , including Russians , Poles , Tatars , Bulgarians , Greeks , Romanians , Hungarians , Jews and Roma . we have spent everything , we have exhausted our treasuries , we have exhausted our credit , and now the House comes along and says that we need to spend more . in any case , the Council will discuss this topic further , taking into account the report approved by the European Parliament . there are still many unhealed wounds in Central and Eastern Europe that can be exploited for the wrong reasons . it does not bother me personally , but what I have asked for many times in this Chamber is that there is an even application of the rules to everybody . ( EL ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , we live in a world where everyone , governments , private companies and criminals alike , seek the greatest possible access to our electronic data , in the most unrestricted way possible . land and sea enterprises must be strengthened so that we can at least withstand the massive influx of illegal immigrants . we have pointed it out on numerous occasions , but have not received any satisfactory answers . on the basis of our good experience with the SET plan , with energy research funding and with the economic recovery plan , I trust that we will produce a good proposal for infrastructure and that you will support it so that , in the next decade , sufficient European funding with added value for appropriate European measures in the areas of infrastructure and research will be provided . it must be emphasised that we cannot impose more requirements for Romania and Bulgaria than we have done in the case of the previous Schengen accession . everybody knows that , and it is time to stop this game of hide-and-seek with the Government of Khartoum . I welcome the report ' s proposals to adapt the Statute of the Ombudsman in order to eliminate any possible uncertainty concerning the capacity of the Ombudsman to conduct thorough and impartial inquiries in alleged cases of maladministration . an agreement on this strategic initiative is very welcome because it sends the right signal : a signal of our determination to respond to the financial crisis , to strengthen financial supervision and to improve the standard assessing process for financial reporting and auditing . after all , the national reform programmes are implemented at regional level , the level at which we mainly deploy our Structural and Cohesion Funds , as well as the Seventh Framework Programme . only through an ambitious budget will economic recovery be possible in Europe . I now appeal to the Commission , as well as the Presidency , to ensure that the European Union speaks with one voice , and that it be made an issue of EU-Russian , rather than bilateral relations . in the 2008 report , the focus will be on the potential of the baby boom cohorts . we have heard our fellow Member who said that we adopted similar reports on the inequalities of women 30 years ago . one of the outcomes to emerge from the working group on internal reform , of which I was a part , and that we originally considered positive , was the proposal to strengthen the powers and the role of the Committee on Petitions in a truly significant manner . the money has to come , essentially , from national budgets . Madam President , if these agreements signed between governments or parliaments do not touch the hearts and souls of the peoples and citizens of Europe , they will be exceptionally short-lived and completely unsuccessful . the European Union stated at the last Association Council with Israel very recently its desire to set up a formal subcommittee on human rights . low pay , lack of accessible services such as childcare , and social exclusion are issues which are all too common within rural communities . the political situation of that country , which is very unstable , is extremely worrying . these are good enough reasons alone for the Social Democrats to accept the result . you are placing a burden on the public coffers and budgets on the one hand and protecting private assets on the other . they demand a referendum . last - but maybe not least - what was said about out-of-court settlements . I look forward to your debate . however , a democratic transition will never succeed without real opposition leaders . eight days after the September 11 attack , I told a group of thousands of university students in my country that they cannot allow the tragedy of 9 / 11 to end our way of life , because that is exactly what the terrorists sought . taking a hard line obviously does not mean depriving the Mauritanians of food and humanitarian aid . I should like to point out that the scientific community feels that there is no threat of extinction to species in the family Coralliidae , given the abundance of this species in all waters in which they live . I am worried . it is a concrete example of mechanisms where the functioning of the European institutions becomes inscrutable for citizens . however , the most important thing in the face of the financial crisis we have lately been observing with great anxiety and unsuccessfully trying to fight is to ensure financial stability . this will result in a negative political outcome for the EU . in relation to this , does the Commission agree that , despite the common EU regulations in force today , Member States are still not able to moderate the gambling of their citizens , in spite of the use of bans , for example ? I voted in favour . it is therefore important for us to call for a definitive system of VAT rates and to clearly point out that a review of the VAT Directive should use the single market strategy as a guideline rather than the separate interests of the individual countries . with this in mind , the EU must step up its diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflicts and encourage dialogue and reconciliation in the region . for the European Parliament , and in the opinion of our fellow members Messrs Brok , Barón Crespo and Duff , whom I would like to thank most warmly , the assessment of the IGC is in line with expectations and the agenda set by the heads of state and government has , generally speaking , been respected . in addition to food production , agriculture also makes a significant contribution to preserving the cultural landscape . this is precisely the kind of Europe that we , the PPE Group , defend and promote . ( NL ) Madam President , my original speaking time was unfairly cut short as it approached the two-and-a-half-minute limit , but the conclusion of my argument was that you cannot create change through foreign interventions or other forms of military violence . the EU should support small agricultural producers in order for them to benefit from higher income from their work . several Member States were unwilling to seek a solution ; the Portuguese representatives , however , did not hesitate . taking into account these conditions , I firmly support proposals 71 and 72 which recommend a ' congestion ' factor should not be included in the directive . explanations of vote it is also true , however , that there are 800 million Chinese and 700 million Indians who are eager to get a decent minimum income and to demand greater social justice . ( LT ) I would also like to underline our rapporteur ' s excellent work and ability to find a suitable compromise . today , it has to be said that everyone recognises that Mr Mubarak was a dictator , whereas only a month ago few people , including in the European Parliament , stood up to assert that fact . I would appeal to the Commission to comply with European law and stop interfering in labour market issues in Ireland . on the other hand , it is apparent that the socio-economic profit from this increase in trade is very modest , perhaps 3-5 per mille of GNP , which is a one-off profit . my second point is this . on the external aspects of the principles of good governance in tax matters , all actions mentioned in the communication should be promoted , with special attention to those related to developing countries . that the application of the regulation has somewhat improved , has been simplified and has speeded up cooperation between the courts on the taking of evidence in civil and commercial cases . this makes a mockery of freedom of expression and the right of free assembly . the package that we are voting on today includes provisions that go absolutely in the direction one would wish for the development of the telecommunications market , in an orderly fashion and for the benefit of everybody : a European regulation entrusted to a Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications ( BEREC ) with mixed financing , without a veto ; a balance between competition and the need for new investment - functional separation is limited to exceptional cases ; a desire to focus attention on public services in spectrum management ; new services ; new freedom of access ; and , thanks to Mr Harbour in particular , a considerable increase in the rights of consumers . with regard to the stability pact , I note certain contradictions in the Commission ' s position . to vote on the amendments would have entailed endorsing existing EU legislation ( which we don ' t want either ) and a nit-picking exercise in order to decide which bits were worse than others . I congratulate Bairbre de Brún on this own-initiative report , which describes the positive results and best practice gained from this EU programme . the French company Eutelsat , which facilitates NTDTV satellite broadcasts , suddenly discontinued these television broadcasts over Asia on 16 June 2008 , clearly under pressure from the Chinese Communist Party . the construction of gas pipelines to ease greatly Europe ' s dependency on energy is inconceivable without the active cooperation of the states in the region . for example , the way in which the Commission and Parliament continue to build on the Treaty of Lisbon , which has died a political and legal death since the referendum in Ireland , makes a mockery of all legal rules . the world economy has not yet reached the bottom . following the victory of the left in 2006 , the problem miraculously disappeared . by hinting that it is not only cars , but also buses and railways , and so on that are produced , Commissioner Verheugen gave an important hint . it is also important that societal stakeholders are more strongly represented . this is 75 % more than other types of bus , and represents an average of almost five accidents per day or more than five accidents per year for each ' bendy bus ' in London ' s fleet . we have proposed a line for the next steps , because this can only be a first step . at the moment , we should focus our efforts on avoiding future conflicts and resolving ongoing tensions peacefully , as this is the only way to long-term prosperity and stability in the region . evidently , the European Union must carry out a political assessment of the sanctions . Vice-President of the Commission . - The dangers of the Internet and the development of the Internet constitute a huge issue . it would be a very good thing , Members of the Commission and of the Council , if tomorrow at the spring Council this binding principle could be agreed upon once and for all . however , there is a problem with both the energy package and the climate package as it has been presented , and that is in combination with the situation of SMEs . the reason suggested is that the Commission has already promised to start drafting proposals on it . dialogue between Russia and the EU should be extended to all sectors and we should move towards a strategic partnership for our common future . I would have liked us to have reached speedy agreement on this with the Council , but that has not been possible . I am concerned because a large number of EU leaders are already talking in favour of a return to business as usual in the EU ' s relations with Russia . there is no arithmetical link . this is very much to be welcomed , as Parliament will now be better able to do justice to its role as the representative of the EU ' s citizens . like many of my colleagues here , therefore , I am truly disappointed to see some of the amendments tabled to an otherwise good and important report . I particularly appreciate the fact that the report deals with the demands to be made with respect to buildings . on behalf of the EFD Group . - Mr President , Guantánamo is important , but let us put it in perspective . we are expecting a great deal from this project , including the development of environmentally sound mobility , away from roads and onto ships , the switching of goods transport to the railways , modernisation and clustering of industrial structures in appropriate places , cooperation in environmental matters and tourism - ecotourism in particular is desired - and , of course , the prioritising of research and development , and a lot more besides . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( NL ) On behalf of the PSE Group , a word of thanks to the rapporteurs , the Commission ' s officials and the Slovenian Presidency . - ( SK ) Madam President , I would like to stress that tuberculosis is far from being eradicated , and we see here that nearly two million people a year are succumbing to this serious disease . the Gazprom monopoly in Central Europe is being maintained at the cost of the common market , at the cost of competition and , finally , at the cost of consumers ' rights . the FAO reaches similar conclusions and the UN ' s special rapporteur , Mr Ziegler , describes the massive production of biofuels as a crime against humanity . this is why I salute the recent interventions of president Sarkozy and of the French presidency as well as of other European leaders who have referred to the need to make such a reform . I would like ask the Commission or the President-in-Office of the Council why Canada and the United States do not accept this solution ? in the long term , this situation can only upset the balance between the productive population and those who are past that stage . while volunteering takes place in many sectors , there are structural specificities regarding the field of sport . moreover , it is important to mention that the number of asylum applicants depends directly on the political , economic and social situation in the countries of origin of the asylum applicants . to my knowledge nothing like this has ever happened in the whole of the time that European Parliament has awarded the Sakharov Prize . consequently , the countries that do not wish to become the incinerators for the whole of Europe should do everything in their power to make sure that this provision is removed from the directive . my question to you is as follows : can we expect to be given a mandate to negotiate a new agreement on the transfer of data records before or during the summer ? for many methods have been used there - from submerging prisoners ' heads in water to depriving them of sleep for many nights . we should not tamper with that date or the emission limit . aid should be allocated as a priority to those ACP countries that wish to maintain their banana sector because of the latter ' s impact on their country ' s sustainable development . also the report expresses our regret that parliaments ( European Parliament , JPA and national parliaments of the ACP countries ) were not consulted by the Member States and had no input in the decision-making process leading to the identification of the areas and articles for revision and to the establishment of the negotiating mandate . in writing . - ( SV ) Past experience shows that the EU does not manage disaster assistance well . while I am in favour of increasing the efficiency with which the mutual recognition principle is implemented , it must not affect the single market ' s base of further harmonisation . Mrs Oomen-Ruijten ' s report is based on the Commission Green Paper submitted in July 2010 and on the issues that this Institution has raised for debate with regard to the adequacy and sustainability of European pension systems . Serbia must therefore be an equally serious partner for us as the other stable countries of the region , in order for us , in open dialogue and through good cooperation , to help the inhabitants of the country integrate as soon as possible and as well as possible into the community of free , democratic European countries . ( CS ) All levels of government , starting with local authorities , must save . in the end , you have to decide whether you want to have European solidarity or whether you want to give in to armchair politics . of course , I , too , accept that some national delegations are seeking to improve their position on the league table , but it transpires that all such proposals are mutually contradictory . therefore , I call upon European institutions to establish consistent priorities and to give massive support to setting up public services with strong commitment from the future Haitian Government . however , one important conclusion of the debate should be to support the responsible and safe administration of the savings of our citizens , and to eliminate all speculative and risky transactions in which the savings or future pensions of small savers disappear into the pockets of speculators . this is now coming , finally , to fruition . as already mentioned , the Convention promotes dignified living and working conditions for fishermen , health and safety in the workplace , adequate rest periods , crew list , repatriation , recruitment , pay , and social security . they were confirmed in January , when Baroness Ashton failed to visit Haiti to show European solidarity or to attend the Montreal donor conference , where her presence was required in order to coordinate EU aid and the aid of the Member States . few women are members of the decision-making bodies of European higher education institutions , and it is therefore difficult to implement policy on gender equality in these institutions . is the measure effective , though ? bearing in mind the protracted development of this issue , starting with the Commission ' s proposal for a regulation in 2000 , its subsequent approval by Parliament in 2002 , the initial results of serious difficulties with its acceptance by Member States , the conclusions of the Council in 2009 , the non-transposition of its position , the insurmountable problems in the negotiation rounds in December 2010 , and the subsequent commitment of a minimum number of Member States to institute enhanced cooperation in this field , despite it not being the exclusive competence of the EU , I approve the present recommendation . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , 2009 is the year of new things , and therefore of uncertainties and dangers . all forms of violence against women - rape , prostitution , sexual violence , and so on - must be subject to criminal proceedings in all European Union countries . the use of nanomaterials has forced us to address the issue again . 8 . the conclusions from this forum will constitute the first stage of a strategy intended to establish a plan of action to provide access to credit and capital for small and medium-sized enterprises in our Union . however , in that respect , let me tell you something that you may not be aware of . much more employment created in the euro area than in the United States . 2008 is a year of transition . it is a year of transition to the Treaty of Lisbon and its ratification , with a view to its entry into force - which we would all like - in January 2009 . last week saw our proposals on hedge funds and private equity , as well as on executive pay . the draft directive leaves something to be desired . it could be wider in scope and cover citizens legally resident on the territory of the EU , but employed in very unfavourable conditions . one positive step is to provide support for the protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement in order to allow access to medicines . if doubts exist , this is all the more reason for not applying such a punishment . under the treaties , all EU Member States are obliged to join the euro area once they fulfil the necessary conditions . the first improvement was made with the 2005 Council Decision on the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record , particularly with regard to shortening transmission times . a single application to the European Medicines Agency will suffice . budgets linked to these policies have exploded . there has been mention here of the concern over the plight of those who have been living in the camps . any non-citizen can acquire full rights , including the right to vote , by becoming a citizen . I believe it is far too expensive at a time of financial stringency . in particular , they failed to evaluate the abuses of purchasing power which may follow from such concentration . it is consequently a good thing that the Eurostars programme builds on the 7th Framework Programme for transnational enterprises and finances work in the sphere of science and technology put into effect by SMEs in cooperation with higher education institutions , research entities and other companies - large ones . he is trying to lay the blame at Ireland ' s door and is failing to recognise that the problem stems from the deep crisis of legitimacy of the neoliberal , militarist and federalist policies which are being pursued . I agree that a healthy and stable macro-economic environment requires large-scale budget consolidation and an intelligent private and public investment policy that delivers forward-looking infrastructure and open ' s up tomorrow ' s markets . this way we will get to see the success stories that result from it . we need disclosure regulations like the USA ' s privacy act . if the Commission , as in so many cases , acts as the honest middleman , we shall achieve good compromises in the end . ( DE ) Mr President , border officials of European states are forbidden to turn away potential asylum seekers who arrive by sea or to escort them away , prevent them from travelling further or return them to countries which do not form part of the EU . consequently , if anyone wants to ask for more , they can do so by asking others to follow the European example , and not by challenging an agreement that is really an example for the rest of the world . I can assure you that this year , as well as with the funding next year , we will put the emphasis on making sure that this question of protection is addressed and that the EU is there for people . what is important is that citizens have the opportunity themselves to scrutinise legislators and other holders of power . however , import control measures on textile products must be maintained . because , yesterday evening , on all the French television channels , a future presidential candidate made a spectacle of himself by tearing up a EUR 10 note that he had photocopied and enlarged , and showing that , by tearing up that note , he was tearing up the cause of all our ills . firstly , we must target the poorest countries in our cooperation programmes . I invite you to pay us a visit at 22.00 today to discuss this . the testimony of victims of torture is frequently the only evidence in a case . I hope that we will talk more about these common interests and that these aspects will also assume greater importance . that economic and social growth are still marking time , while people trafficking grows at an alarming rate , increasing the flow of illegal immigrants , above all on the coast in my local area , in southern Italy , and Sicily ? it is for this reason that I support the report ' s recommendations and voted accordingly . so why not ? even the best law will not change anything , if it is not properly interpreted and implemented . this report and its recommendations are very timely at a moment when the Commission is about to launch a joint action with the Member States on Alzheimer ' s in April , the so-called ALCOVE ( ALzheimer COoperative Valuation in Europe ) . accordingly , it makes sense to give the Member States 24 months rather than only 18 . they are on an investigative trip to learn from the European Parliament ' s experience in this area . however , the connecting thread here is the enthusiasm over what we have achieved . Mr President , I wish to congratulate Mr Markov not just for the quality of his report but also for his perseverance in concluding it , in spite of the obstacles put in his way , mainly by some members of the Transport Committee - perhaps inadvertently . the G20 was united in favour of the fiscal rescue two years ago , but its unanimity was driven by fear . this therefore means that the importance of the decision that we are going to take not only to guarantee a recovery but also for the well-being of our fellow citizens , comes down to one major condition : that the decisions taken by Parliament today , in concert with the Commission , take practical effect in the coming weeks and months . whilst generally applauding the direction of current reform , I hope that the discussion may trigger a more radical reappraisal of the tools we use , so as to achieve the best possible balance between improving the livelihood of those engaged in fisheries , having a sustainable marine ecology in which fish stocks are conserved and maintaining the viability of fisheries-dependent communities . we are seeking reassurance that we will be able to get the information we need . Malta and Gozo have one of the highest densities of private cars per capita . I really wonder why the Council almost constantly seeks to undermine the great achievement that is the codecision role of the European Parliament . this has been a point that I have made consistently in Israel and to the Palestinian Authority . to protect Cameroon ' s tropical forests , what is essential is the combating of corruption and bribery ( at the level of the officials and also of the community tenants of state-owned forests ) , effective criminal prosecutions , sustainable forestry , where the quantity felled is only as much as will regrow , and better training for loggers in order to prevent damage to the land during logging . I trust , in particular , that we shall have the frank and open collaboration with the European Parliament that we had during the previous Portuguese Presidencies . this is the key to the joint success that we owe the citizens of Europe , and I would like to pay tribute to the commitment expressed here again today by the President-in-Office so that together , the Council , Parliament and the Commission can find concrete solutions to the concrete problems that our citizens have to face each day . Madam President , I also believe that one of the greatest successes has been to achieve the ' never again ' which was at the root of the creation of European unification ; I think that we can congratulate ourselves on this . ( NL ) I should like to congratulate Commissioner Barnier on his appointment as Member of the Commission , and also to warmly welcome him here , as there is a great deal on the agenda . one of the main reasons this has not been done is that the licences are national . at the UN General Assembly , the EU has taken the approach of tabling its customary resolution on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief . one part of the solution requires international support in bringing stability to Somalia . ( CS ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I am convinced that the change in the legal standing of Europol , which we are now discussing , is not a step in the right direction . decision on urgent procedure : see Minutes these are obvious facts and they demand , they encourage the launching of a strategy on a worldwide scale . to close , we consider that the instrument for pre-accession assistance is a rational and flexible mechanism for optimising financial assistance to candidate and potential candidate countries . our industry will be more competitive at international level : this applies particularly to small and medium-sized enterprises , which will find it easier to access this market thanks to the clearer , more predictable rules . one of the best examples is the Commission initiative comprising a pan-European programme to supply fruit and vegetables to schools . to abandon nuclear energy is to ensure the promotion of highly polluting coal-fired plants ; it is to fall back into the hands of the oil companies , with uncertain oil prices and the huge risk of a weakened economy ; and hence , it is to spell the end of our energy independence . in writing . - Over the last 50 years , European women have made huge progress towards gender equality . the Commission has long recognised the importance of services of general interest and we have had years of debate on this particular issue . although the world is getting smaller and although people come together more , there are still these significant differences . both original and fake medicines are thus freely available in large quantities in Turkish bazaars . UKIP people do not write that kind of stuff , and they do not waste their pens on the kind of person that says that kind of thing . that action contributed to the fall of the Communist regime . we cannot now allow ourselves to be dazzled by China ' s economic success . with regard to my department too , namely transport , we have always made every effort in all of our initiatives in Africa to give priority to ensuring political stability and respect for human rights and the rules . it must also be said that the Member States are responsible for funding their own programmes . we did not move backwards ; we did not stand still ; we moved forward . that is why our reaction must consist not merely of cooperation among police forces and information services , but of a political response to avert and remove the causes that lead to terrorism . Madam President , the fact that we are discussing pensions today in the European Parliament plenary will confirm how important they are to Europe . a computer is as vulnerable as any other electronic device which is connected to the Internet via an electronic communications network . finally , I would like to thank very much the Commission for setting up a DG on Human Rights . this is not sustainable . we are coming to an important period with regard to climate policy since , at the end of this year , we must reach an agreement in Copenhagen on new common goals for combating global warming . could I suggest that , if the EU really wants to help , rather than indulging in predictable rhetoric , there is something meaningful and immediate which could be done . these are extremely alarming figures and we must keep a very close eye on fund recovery . we , Parliament and the European Commission , must design this policy together , with maximum transparency . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , I would simply like to say this : despite the gravity of these incidents , which I think everyone here recognises , there is a certain mindset and an ignorance of the situation in Italy and in Europe which frightens me . the European Union compromises itself if it introduces a sanctions regime and then breaches it itself , as is the case regarding Robert Mugabe . by being more targeted we could set more effective requirements . rarely has a debate been so topical , since you have only just come out of the meeting . to make it possible for the public to support firm measures , we are asking for the basic scientific points to be set out in a brochure available to the public , so that everyone can be aware of the challenges we face . however , Mr President , we also want to say ' no ' here to the bombing being carried out by the international force in Libya , just as we said ' no ' to the repression of the struggling peoples in every country in the region , including Libya , Bahrain and Yemen . one-sided speeches to Members sitting in plenary , without any possibility for dialogue and questions , are not the right medium for communication and intercultural exchanges . it would be a good idea to take a closer look at what we have done . in this consultation with the social partners , we want to look at simplification and a better system which is harmonised all over the EU . will it be possible to establish , in the European Union , minimum standards for safety and quality which guarantee the reliability and transparency of information provided to these consumers ? those of us who have watched attentively as the ideas on this have evolved will also remember that , just a few months ago , some of our national diplomatic services were absolutely unwilling to accept a kind of instant ' big bang ' , with all the current delegations brought under the authority of the future High Representative from the very first day . it is made up of parties who really want a different option to the one that has been chosen by Moldova until now . emissions of greenhouse gases from the production of tar sand are 3-5 times greater than from conventional production of oil and natural gas . by refusing to negotiate , the European trade unions have not just failed themselves ; they have failed the workers they claim to represent . in writing . ( PL ) I fully support the report on the demographic future of Europe . the remaining votes were shared between the three opposition parties . I am looking forward to the debate . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , I welcome the fact that the European Parliament is going to adopt a resolution on the upcoming session of the Human Rights Council . I will make the following comments on this issue . the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has selected the Spaniard Carlos Montalvo , who worked as Acting Secretary General at the forerunner to the new authority , to be its first Executive Director . this year we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the first elections to Parliament by direct universal suffrage , together with the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall . in writing . - Thank you Chairman ! 18th report on better legislation - Application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality ( 2010 ) ( 6 . we must restore confidence . the Court of Auditors identified severe shortcomings in the administrative and financial rules governing expenditure on the organisation of courses and seminars , which accounts for a major proportion of the College ' s operational expenditure . that is a matter for the Member States . two of these results were dealt with by Parliament and one by means of another referendum . in Slovenia , this behaviour is viewed as a flagrant violation of Italy ' s obligations towards a minority , in this case the Slovene minority . also , the cost of supporting the weaker countries is constantly rising . Madam President , I think Mr Barroso really does have , today , a most difficult role . I need the European Council to propose a High Representative because the High Representative , according to the Lisbon Treaty , has to be approved by the President of the Commission as Vice-President of the Commission . the EU will act and proceed in close coordination with all EU Member States . I therefore think it is important to ensure greater protection to women who claim they have suffered violence . they were encouraged and urged to leave the camp or go to Iran . we need to concentrate on the effective protection of minorities and on improving the economic situation and combating the widespread corruption and organised crime . thank you , Commissioner , for your report . that is also what the other institution wants , because we do not want political usage of our basic freedoms . Arthur Ashe said , ' One important key to success is self-confidence . I would like to make it clear that in two to three years , we will definitely be more knowledgeable than we are today and that we will have had some good experiences and made some mistakes . indeed , they are often used as scapegoats and are collectively blamed , as happened recently with the deportations from Italy . the pressures threatening the position of Europe ' s maritime fleet , which stem mainly from the state aid given to the sector in third countries , must be managed within a framework to be developed in the World Trade Organisation . however , we cannot proceed with adopting the proposal without mentioning that the final regulation has lost a great deal in terms of its ambition , compared to the Commission ' s original proposal . similarly , we must not lack the motivation for energy technology modernisation in Europe and we must ensure , through this package , progress towards a future where we base our energy use on forms of energy that are CO2-neutral . today the Commission presented the communication to the EU ministers of finance at the Ecofin meeting , with a view to seeking their support on the proposed approach for the last Ecofin meeting of the Czech Presidency in June 2009 . the euro was created without being imposed from outside and without any wars of conquest or political hegemonies . I decided to visit Rome and Naples last weekend as a kind of field research and spoke personally to people living there . I will , therefore , be waiting for the report in early 2009 . there has to be an end to impunity . this mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund will benefit 1 429 workers in the motor vehicles , trailers and semi-trailers manufacturing sector in the Spanish region of Catalonia . as an MEP who has always paid particular attention to issues relating to crime prevention , security and police cooperation , I acknowledge the fundamental importance of Europol in creating a secure European area and preventing crime throughout Europe , along with the need for it to be reinforced at various levels , including those under discussion here . we have many possible ways of responding to people ' s needs and concerns . in the past we have seen again and again that corrupt regimes contemptuous of human rights very often have the attendant symptoms of very large amounts of public money being converted as a rule into private capital and then put on hold somewhere in fabulous accounts until the respective member of the regime is able to retrieve and enjoy this money . thank you , Mr President , in my view , on the issue of the modernisation of social policy and assistance to the states of Central and Eastern Europe , there is a lot of rhetoric , but not much actually happening . while I support calls for the EU to coordinate its response to humanitarian catastrophes with the wider development community , I can only support such developments when they take place within already existing mechanisms , such as the Community ' s civil protection mechanism . ( RO ) We have a saying in Romania : a well-bred man is said to have had his ' first seven years at home ' . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , firstly I would like to thank Mr Peterle for his excellent report , and also the resolution , which gives a very good analysis of the situation in Tajikistan and makes recommendations which I can support . I would also like to ask the question : what have we actually achieved here in Parliament by keep going back to the people with new and higher percentages ? by Mr Fjellner , on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control , on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Railway Agency for the financial year 2007 ( C6-0443 / 2008 - , another one is the dispute over the strategic north passage between Asia and America . today , 30 % of existing homes in Europe are unhealthy and have high energy bills . faced with these many crises and threats , we cannot just hand over the keys to our US friends and allies or to NATO . a strategy for the Roma who are settled , and a strategy for the Roma who travel around . ( ES ) Mr President , an important part of the future of Europe is at stake in the reform of the common fisheries policy . ( LT ) The question I would like to ask is , obviously , based on my meetings and discussions with the industrialists of the country I represent - Lithuania . the EU can only be credible and effective in exerting pressure if it makes sure that minority rights are respected in all its Member States . how events will play out after such a turbulent start will , contrary to Mr Viktor Orbán ' s warning , not depend on the European Parliament , but instead on whether Fidesz and its leader will be willing and able to engage in politics that respect European values both at home and on the European stage . we were exiled by the geographical chance of an ocean , and the historical chance of a pendulum that brings us together and distances us according to circumstances . Wednesday : I have the feeling that many people here are looking for one person to blame for the problems which face us , instead of working on solving our common problems with new strength , new ideas , enthusiasm and vision . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , it would be very important for 2010 , the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion , to mark the birth of a new Community financial instrument , dedicated to microfinance , aimed at those who are disadvantaged in accessing the banking system but who have micro-enterprise plans . I would just like to remind all of us here that we have new rules for this new period 2007-2013 . that is why I , together with my fellow authors of this resolution and members of six political groups , Mrs Essayah , Mr CohnBendit , Mr Howitt , Mr Tannock and Mr Belder , who spoke just now , am writing today to Baroness Ashton . perhaps there is a problem within the Commission in terms of resources : if there is , we should hear that . the opt-out , originally devised for the UK , became an opt-out that 14 other countries progressively needed to use , and we heard from the Czech Presidency today that at least two others are now joining that group . the point has been made that the motor industry has access to EUR 9 billion from the European Investment Bank . the study has not yet been finalised , but is under way , and there are still a number of technical issues to be cleared up before it is totally ready for publication . finally , in paragraph 31 , the position expressed on readmission agreements with third countries does not reflect the PPE Group ' s vision on this matter . it now needs to be developed further , and I have no doubt that , if the experience you have both brought to bear here is also accepted by the Member States , we will be on the right track . that is exactly , ladies and gentlemen , what we want to support by means of this report . it is true that this is also not the way to dialogue , although they are not aimed towards Russia . as demanded in the report , I also call on Spain , France and other countries to place their cards on the table , while also calling on the Commission to further strengthen its controls . there is goodwill , as there may have been in the 19th century , as there may have been in Peking in the 1800s . on the other hand , mobile TV is now reaching more and more people . it must construct the ' EU regional political partnership for peace , security and development in the Horn of Africa ' which the Committee on Development launched when it adopted its report in April 2007 . the result will be a more rational and risk-based approach to control actions at sea and on land , the latter being inherently more cost-effective . however , I find it unacceptable that , for years now , 1.5 million Palestinians have been placed in the largest open-air prison in the world as hostages of a misconceived policy . furthermore , I support the narrowing of the gap between developed countries and undeveloped regions by granting financial and technical assistance . if the Libyans woke up tomorrow , what conclusion would we draw from that ? this support is essential to guarantee ' the green revolution ' that Africa needs for its stability and prosperity , which , as you all know , is also in Europe ' s direct interests . today I stand here to ask further details following the October Council conclusions , in which the Commission was asked to work towards a limited treaty change required to establish a permanent crisis resolution mechanism . we will also discuss the global financial crisis and ways in which the world food situation can be addressed . the military regime in power has not kept any of the promises it made to the international community following the uprising last year . registered entities will also have to declare their sources of income and interests , as well as legislative proposals submitted . now , at a time when the demand for milk and drinking milk products is increasing throughout the world , milk quotas are clearly proving to be an obstacle to the development of the milk industry throughout the EU . I am talking , for example , about maximum overdraft fees and compound interest , which is interest on interest . as the previous speaker pointed out , this body also equates the application of corporal punishment with torture . half the proposed aid will be supplied in the form of subsidies and the other half in the form of loans . we can clearly see that there is at least one very important reason : to prepare for the advent of world government ; and the second reason is once again to instil a sense of guilt in Europeans and in Westerners , who are considered , wrongly , as being responsible for all the world ' s ills . that then extends to the right to contraception , abortion and good sexual health . there is a high-level Chinese parliamentary delegation in Parliament today , led by Mr Wang Yingfan , an influential member of the National People ' s Congress . if we fail to ensure human rights and democracy , then we risk losing far more . therefore I am especially glad at the idea of convening a Euronest - an assembly - which , if taken up by the Commission , will provide an instrument for democratic and parliamentary scrutiny of eastern partnership projects . and let them not forget that it is their responsibility , first and foremost , to provide for the wellbeing of citizens and not to deny them a European future , because it is crystal clear that the political crisis hampers any and all progress . I fully endorse the suggestions in this report to establish a child-friendly society , in which children can feel protected and actively involved . specifically , we cannot support the idea of setting up a European police force for sport . I have received three draft resolutions submitted in accordance with Rule 108 ( 5 ) of the Rules of Procedure . we should also consider what we can do to prevent the transmission of diseases from people working for the UN from happening again . therefore , bringing together the policies on climate change , energy , transport and environment will be a priority . stating that the renovation costs of the Strasbourg seat following the disaster that took place in August 2008 should not be borne by European taxpayers is not enough . Mr Balczó asks if a unified Europe really does exist to the extent that I said in my speech . on behalf of the ALDE Group . - ( ET ) Ladies and gentlemen , it is a very positive thing that the Commission has raised awareness of problems concerning the European Works Council , concerning the need to consult and inform workers in a situation where global conditions make a degree of genuine economic restructuring inevitable . we saw the beginning of a rather worrying streak of intolerance in that committee when Mr Buttiglione was opposed as a Commission nominee . in writing . - Next month , the eyes of the world will be on Denmark . documents received : see Minutes let us be very open and call this by its name : it was a ping-pong game by two governments , and by Berlusconi and Sarkozy , on the back of refugees who are , in fact , in trouble . ( it ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , amongst friends one can speak frankly and tell things as they are . classification , labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures ( amendment of Regulation ( EC ) No 648 / 2004 ) ( Mr President , today is an important day for all victims , because today we shall adopt the European Protection Order , which is a significant step forward in terms of their rights . ( SK ) Mr President , it is quite clear from the context of what Mr Verhofstadt has been saying here that the Egyptian democratic opposition forces have failed to organise a unified body representing the revolutionary forces from the streets . there was no need to admonish us to tell the truth . I believe these to be a priority yet , I am sorry to say , they are non-existent in Turkey . may we thank them all . it is true that the centre of much of the textile industry is elsewhere than the flooded area but a lot of the support packages for the textile industry were in flooded areas , as was a lot of the textile industry . ( RO ) The assessments made by experts about possible problems in the global food market and about providing the necessary amount for the entire global population is one reason for rethinking the way in which agricultural land is used in Europe , especially in the new Member States , which also includes Romania . we are talking now about health claims . nonetheless , when discussing the climate plan and the aim of reducing greenhouse gases , the issue of rail transport and transport other than road transport arises . this is the added value this card offers . the figure is EUR 5 300 million under the financial framework , and so the Committee on Budgets has shown great discipline in drawing up this proposal for deliberation by the European Parliament . in order to understand the challenges involved in revising this directive , I myself have met with many stakeholders representing the various opinions on this issue . the Council appealed to the Chinese Government to lift the restrictions on access to the region , which would help in an independent evaluation of the situation . it is clear that we have a Stability Pact , but there is also a Growth Pact , and the key word for our economies in the near future is growth . there is a drop in State revenues , there are inflationary pressures and the country is , of course , confronted with a whole raft of consequences of past actions , for example , a major problem with environmental damage caused at the time of the NATO air attacks . you may well ask why I hold the accession prospects of those countries so dear . I would once again like to thank Commissioner Figel , and , in particular , that great man of sport , Mr Mavrommatis , who has done pioneering work to promote sport ' s new march forward in the context of European culture and society . as Members of the European Parliament , we absolutely must not allow the entry into force of this agreement and the associated data transfer to the US , and certainly not without the approval of the European Parliament . I think the European Council paid full attention to the concerns and positions expressed by the European Parliament in the matter of the Mediterranean Union . the solutions deployed so far for exiting the crisis have not been targeting the causes which have put us in this situation . a direct way of showing support for the Burmese people would be for democratic countries to stop them coming until human rights and democracy are practised in Burma . if you have followed the course of the inquiry into this disaster in the United States , the chain of contractual relations established between several firms allows companies to pass the buck to each other , while oil continues to pour into the sea . on the contrary : what we need is the consistent further development of cooperation between our Member States and cross-border cooperation by the police and justice authorities . a reduction in the VAT rates for locally supplied and labour-intensive services should have a positive impact , since it will reduce the level of undeclared labour , whilst also reducing its appeal and increasing demand within the formal economy . President Saakashvili received his initial education in Kiev . he then studied at European and American universities , and has always been associated with Strasbourg - he studied here , has received honours here and it was also here , as far as I know , that he met his future wife . the way the situation is now , they are the ones who belong behind bars , not the dissidents in Burma ! finally , I should like to thank the Commissioner and congratulate her on the commitment of the extra EUR 12 million . in reality , the leading G20 powers have spared their own offshore centres , the Channel Islands , the Virgin Islands , Hong Kong and Macao , not to mention onshore centres such as Delaware . everybody complains about it . if a country carries out the tasks that have been asked of it , then we must also keep the promises that were made with regard to membership . no , sorry . reducing very large imbalances is , fundamentally , sound . in 1957 , Chancellor Konrad Adenauer ensured that the treaties enshrined the full membership of the East Germans in the case of reunification . so there is no clarity on this issue but , once again , the problem for the European Parliament , for the EU in general , is that there is no consistency across Member States , and yet our citizens are accessing services outside their own country , and they want to do that . however , we are also living on credit as far as the environment and climate are concerned . what we need today is a more efficient eastern partnership and a strong and democratic Georgia . you will be aware , Commissioner , that the three directives that make up the first railway package were adopted in 2001 , with a deadline of March 2006 for their transposition into national law . we have had many setbacks and some disappointments , but every time the overriding case for the Treaty has won through - the compelling case for a democratic and effective Europe . the Commissioner said that last year there was a demand for dairy products , this year not so much - but next year there could be a greater demand again and we need the flexibility to meet it . as a former Member of Parliament , I know that Parliament is , and always will be , the home of democracy . in closing , I would like to say that I find it very regrettable that the Czech Presidency has not deemed it worth the effort to send a representative to Parliament for this important legislative proposal . we need to be in the here and now , constructing a budget that will give the European economy a real boost . we know that the Commission has no powers to impose sanctions , but it can galvanise and stimulate matters and I fully support my colleague ' s words , yet there is one further aspect of great importance , Commissioner , which is probably in your hands , which is to foster cooperation between police and judicial bodies . the European Banking Authority is of course caught between a rock and a hard place : publicly admitting that the risk of a write-down exists may perpetuate the risk of it occurring , but denying that it exists at all would be downright irresponsible for a regulator . whatever disaster may befall Bulgaria in the future , it can never compare to the disaster called Movement for Rights and Liberties . as for education on credit or any other type of consumption , the most important element is education in general which equips people with the tools to make daily decisions . if targets have this effect , they also have the effect of providing the motivation for policies and projects . the next item is the Statements by the Commission and the Council on the Social Package ( First part ) . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , there you have an overview of the EIB ' s three-pronged approach for the years to come . this is not just about balancing Centre-Left and Centre-Right ; this is about balancing the Centre , the Left and the Right . the diagnosis has been made and the prescription is well known : the European Union must improve economic coordination , and make the European financial stabilisation fund stronger and more flexible , so that it can buy the public debt of the countries under the greatest pressure from the markets . it must promote and increase its research and development investments so as to try to maintain its lead in the area of high technology . it is true that he is entitled to speak on behalf of all of Africa , but he is not affected because he is an LDC and he has the ' Everything But Arms ' system . the soil situation in the Member States varies . this package could result in a win-win situation , which would enable everyone to benefit . it is clear to me that this agreement overall brings other benefits to the EU and to some of the EU ' s different industries . needless to say , access to third-level education in those same communities in the 21st century is still at an all-time low . keep in mind that EU Member States and citizens have to cut their budgets . not all the events of 1989 have deserved the same attention , however . the security of the people of Afghanistan from terrorists and criminal attacks is a prerequisite for development , and this Parliament believes that the combination of peace-keeping interventions , multilateral diplomacy , domestic peace negotiations , effective poverty reduction measures , the establishment of democratic institutions and the protection of women ' s rights are the pillars of a new , winning strategy in Afghanistan as elsewhere . in writing . - ( DE ) We need fair treatment of investors and borrowers with long periods of limitation and a shifting of the burden of proof . I consider this document to be well-balanced and to contribute to our common goal , which is to give the citizens ' initiative an important role in the practice of European democracy and enhance the capacity of European citizens to make an impact on European policies . I therefore support the adoption of new safety principles , the application of strict and rigorous common standards and the establishment of solidarity funds to compensate victims for any damage caused . this contradiction reveals some people ' s genuine need for help and the inability of others to offer the help requested . unfortunately , not all consumers are aware of this . these include the amendment tabled by my group on Sodium Pentothal calling for assurances that the production and sale of this substance , which can be used to carry out death sentences , is only permitted for medical purposes . subject : eurozone budget deficit limits it is also important to progressively correct market failures and remove administrative barriers . that means that we will face a major pressure on public budgets in future , because our pension systems are at risk of being underfunded . in its progress report , the Commission showed how slowly the Member States are moving , even if there are some initiatives , and proposed a few ways of exerting pressure . discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia and almost throughout the Islamic world has its basis and justification in the Koran . Europe needs one face , both for our fellow citizens and for our international partners . on the other hand , we know that nurturing the particular assets of the outermost regions is the only suitable way to ensure that these regions generate their own sustainable development . we would also like to finalise the accession treaty as far as possible , thereby paving the way to Croatia ' s accession to the EU which we look forward to . this economic adjustment programme was agreed with the Commission , the IMF and the ECB . that concludes Question Time . let me assure you that the Commission is committed to doing its share to address dementia . can I remind you that at the G20 Summit , with some resistance from some European leaders , you accepted that if there is a reason we are willing to do more to engage in having high economic growth ? on the one hand low quotas limit the development of the EU milk industry by lowering its competitiveness and export potential . the dual system of broadcasting is an answer to Europe ' s media landscape which must be safeguarded on all platforms . although she may not have the necessary knowledge in trade matters , she has a well-informed team , and perhaps she will use the opportunity within the framework of the mandate rather differently to the way the previous Commissioner did - and we do have an opportunity ! there is a very big question mark here , to my mind . I would like to touch upon two concrete areas covered in the report : revitalising vulnerable communities , consisting mainly of people in rural and peripheral areas , and developing the micro-regions that are lagging behind , have an irregular situation in relations to the individual countries ' specific characteristics and are almost absent from the current statistics . it was the European Union that set things in motion . this company has , in recent years , made particular efforts to meet the requirements of the future , with high levels of investment in modern technology . I am therefore pleased at the strong political message that Parliament has sent in this , the International Year of Forests . for which aspects is it competent ? for example , the EU ' s fundamental values ask us to attach particular importance to the Responsibility to Protect principle . Mr President , Commissioner , it is not right that the implementing agreements negotiated between certain Member States and the United States should at the moment be completely non-transparent . - ( SV ) Mr President , the Berlin Wall fell almost 20 years ago . within the framework of Eurostat ' s revised European Social Survey Programme , the Commission plans to run a module on consumer empowerment through which it wants to measure consumer skills , consumer information and awareness of rights and assertiveness . it is up to the relevant authorities of the Member States to take initiatives to concretise this opening of the European School System in their national schools . the European summit claimed to be determined to learn lessons from the crisis and to make all those involved in the financial system act more responsibly , including with regard to pay and other inducements . finally , Madam President , I share the views of Commissioner Kallas and the rapporteur , Mr Alvaro , regretting the hasty manner in which the Council has tried to close this dossier before the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force . currently , there are military operations being conducted by NATO in Libya . I am also pleased to see that proposals by my political family have been taken up - in particular , the creation of a European innovation fund , which will simplify access to European credits for our small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) . it is essential that the public is kept informed of the potential risks in all areas related to nuclear energy and the new technologies . the economic and financial crisis which has overrun Europe has led to a very serious human and social crisis , and this will have consequences that are impossible to assess at the moment . ( the President cut off the speaker ) I think the Commission is doing a fine job there and it makes me proud to be European . meanwhile , one person in six - a total of 74 million Europeans - lives below the poverty line as defined in the individual Member States . the Internet is , of course , a cheap and simple tool to achieve this . I am pleased that Mr Ferrari has succeeded in reaching an agreement with the Council at first reading . but now reality has hit . the European Union is beginning to work on , but intends to consolidate , a clear position , a clear strategy for the Union so that we can maintain an active role and a commitment to the protection of and respect for human rights . this balancing demands the active cooperation of the major economies in America , Asia and Europe . this article is nothing other than an appeal to the future European Commission to focus , at the heart of its actions , on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises , which are very vulnerable during a crisis , and not to compromise in any way on implementing the 2008 Small Business Act . in writing . - ( SV ) I think it is a good thing that the EU is taking responsibility for consumers and I therefore voted for the report . thirdly , there is persistent talk of a democratic deficit , although there is no popular convergence on key EU questions even when an opportunity for consultation is created . the Commission therefore confirms that in future Community legislation progress on the common definition should be taken into account and notes that the comitology procedures contained within this proposal also allow for the updating of the definition within this proposal . the oral question by Jean-Marie Cavada , on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs , to the Council on the 2007 annual debate on the progress made in the Area of Freedom , Security and Justice ( Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty ) - B6-0006 / 2008 ) , and is it reasonable , for example , that the EU ' s livestock farmers should import millions of tonnes of soya from Brazil for the European meat industry , or that fish should be caught in Norway , shipped out to China for filleting and cleaning and then back to Europe for preservation ? the EU must not allow itself to be dragged into the internal affairs of states in the Middle East and that is what is threatening to happen , because the balance in Bahrain could change very rapidly . it is there that jobs will be created and it is there that the future lies for Europe and Europe ' s competitiveness - not in cuts in this area . I think and am convinced that what has become possible today owing to this unbelievably far-reaching empowerment of the President is opening the floodgates to despotism . for the financial crisis we proposed a toolkit , a road map , harmonisation and coordination . at the same time as giving this method a positive assessment , I would also like to state that I share the view of the rapporteur that work in this area should be financed from a special budget line , and not from the Agricultural Guarantee Fund . this can be achieved through the implementation of corporate social and environmental responsibility in trade , so that they stop breaching the principles of social responsibility . if , during such a process , an application is made for mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund , this represents a negative example of how a socially meaningful and very responsible EU measure is exploited by international companies to wheedle out of their social responsibility . we reject the Commission ' s proposal , and also the report by the Committee on Agriculture , because it introduces measures which are even worse : it allows the addition of sugars with a view to increasing the alcoholic strength with foreign matter , when we could achieve the same result with must . our Legal Service has stated that this is not permitted , but the socialists insisted on introducing it . however , this is still a positive resolution which we voted for . unfortunately , we were unable to conclude the negotiations with the Council overnight , even if , from Parliament ' s side , we were aiming for an agreement and we were ready to make concessions . this has generated competitiveness losses , reflected in persistent current account deficits and a fall in export market shares . in fact , we have not been forced to do anything since we gained our independence from Britain in 1922 . our presence only prolongs the war and the resulting suffering , rather than eliminating them . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the spirit of this debate enables me , Baroness Ashton , to remind you that the Union for the Mediterranean ' s Parliamentary Assembly concluded its meeting last week in Rome . today , Commissioner Kroes presented her vision for Europe ' s digital agenda , one of the EU 2020 flagship programmes . we must take this diversity into account so that , in the regions where it expresses itself , these different types of agriculture can help achieve objectives not just regarding market supply , production and security of market supply , but also a move towards better recognition of the environment , the management of natural resources , and economic development capacities in rural areas . it is a step in the right direction - not a big step , but a step nonetheless . the Council therefore has three options to choose from : it can accept Parliament ' s priorities , or it can agree to a revision of the margins , or it can accept greater flexibility of the budget and in the budget , in the knowledge that Parliament will stand united in defence of its prerogatives and priorities . the Commission accepts , in the light of the different opinions expressed , that the specific case of the Cosmetics Regulation will not be used as a precedent for the interpretation of the Interinstitutional Agreement on this point . the directives relating to the interoperability of railway systems must also be consolidated and merged . we therefore need to build together , within European and globally - since the response can only be global - convergence and integration strategies that explicitly recognise the fact that dynamic social and cohesion policies are the foundations for the development of our society . this is a clear duty that we should carry out . I am speaking under Rule 150 of the Rules of Procedure . this is another thing which renders the simplification of the CAP particularly necessary . this means that various items can be confiscated . the Union should look to these examples , and increase its support in the areas of research , innovation and project development . last March , Baroness Ashton made a commitment , on behalf of the European Union , to provide aid worth EUR 1.235 billion to help the people of Haiti to build a better future . at least eight rounds of informal trialogues have been held to date , as well as three rounds of the negotiating process proper . in some Member States , differently tiered and income-related social services as well as universal services funded through taxation are also part of the social security system . the Prüm Convention will strengthen security within Europe . the issue of tackling child poverty also remains a very important priority . a crucial aspect of this initiative concerns a fundamental value : respect for cultural and linguistic diversity . in writing . - ( IT ) Mr President , I have voted against the 2008 progress report on Turkey . it is also worth considering how we could integrate sustainability criteria into the scheme of tariff preferences . these principles have been clearly stated in the report in question , and I therefore voted in favour . with our decision we want to send a clear signal that we are opposed to measures of this kind , which are also extremely controversial on medical grounds . I hope that a Joint Parliamentary Committee will be established soon and the Icelandic Government is taking part in close talks with the Commission following the decision of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Union last July . I would like to assure the honourable Member that the issue of good neighbourly relations is brought up by the EU on a systematic basis , most recently at the Association Council meeting on 19 May and at the meeting between the EU troika and Turkey ' s political leaders in Stockholm in July this year . this is a result of the fact that , unlike extradition , the European Arrest Warrant is a fully judicial system . I suspect that both the Chinese and others may come to regret the decision to host the Olympic Games in Beijing . they are used today in the treatment of more than 80 diseases , and especially of cancers - brain cancer , blood cancer , leukaemia , lymphoma - anaemia , autoimmune diseases , certain rare diseases , and the list keeps on growing . firstly , there is the creation and preservation of jobs , with the emphasis not so much on social assistance issues , but chiefly on investment in infrastructure and business recovery , so that these jobs may be created . the Irish Government that has just been elected in Ireland has a strong mandate . ( HU ) As was the case in the previous major debate of this week here in the European Parliament , namely , the debate on poverty , the politicians of the European Union are once again surprised and sad to see that the situation of Europe ' s citizens is not improving , but rather constantly deteriorating . nor are we talking about criminal law here . therefore , in addition to the existing acoustic surveys which are carried out to determine the adult herring surplus indices , I support the pilot ( MIP ) network investigation in 2008 and 2009 , allowing us to determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of this method , and to provide a second , independent herring surplus index in the area west of Scotland ; I welcome this initiative . Mr President , we are going through a period of global crisis , of preparation for major diplomatic events and of institutional uncertainty within the Union itself . I would remind the House that Mr Lukashenko infringed democratic procedures in order to gain a further term of office . journalists and leaders of independent youth organisations and independent trade unions are being intimidated . we wish to emphasise , however , that a number of the measures proposed in the report would be better initiated and paid for by the Member States themselves . clearly , the primary responsibility for comprehensive cancer services lies with the Member States , but European action can make a difference . how has it been able to continue for so long ? with the new CAP we must give - and this is what we are in fact doing - strong support to farm incomes under the first pillar and support measures for rural development , increasing investment in agriculture and food security . I have to say that we had a number of proposals and thoughts but , bearing in mind the urgency of the matter , most of us in committee and in Parliament felt that it would not be a good idea to proceed with such amendments . so I suggest that we take a lesson from the US and the Dodd Frank Act which requires disclosure , with a two-year time lag , of the US Fed ' s liquidity provision . this is the conclusion which we must draw from recent years . Mr President , we have a problem , because the whole House is asking the Commission to revise the legislative package on these matters , and Mr Barrot has , very charmingly as always , told us that this goes back a long way , that it has been debated a great deal and that on 1 January , it will begin to operate . this is a challenge that the Commission has already emphasised and addressed on many occasions , in particular , with the communication ' An industrial policy for the globalisation era ' . we also maintain that Member States implementing structural reforms which contribute to job preservation or creation and to reduction of poverty should be given the opportunity to deviate from their respective medium-term budgetary objectives . I propose a study on the consolidated accounts . there will be some painstaking and important work to be done in order to ensure that this becomes a reality and not just words . naturally , this is a sensitive issue . moreover , in order to concentrate on the problems of the EU , it is necessary to read this carefully and discuss whether it agrees with the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency or not , instead of discussing points or issues pertaining to life within Hungary , which can be regulated as part of a normal , healthy relationship between the Commission and the Hungarian Government and Parliament , if at all . we call in our report for a better balance between projects earmarked for meeting political criteria and projects earmarked for bringing the country into line with the Community acquis and we call for horizontal and regional programmes to be strengthened . in this final sprint , things are more exciting but also more difficult . this is a first step , true , but it falls far short of the requirements , all the more so since part of it comes from a restructuring exercise . there are two basic strategies that should be taken into account in ensuring the protection of data and security systems : " whatever is not expressly forbidden , is allowed ” , and " Whatever is not expressly allowed , is forbidden ” . we have just heard the Council making a real plea about the way the Member States have to go ahead by putting this in the mainstream of their policies . obviously , combating corruption and organised crime remains key . - Before the vote it excludes military aid but it does not exclude peacekeeping . I do not know whether that is realistic , but it makes the point that the energy and climate policy calls for a substantial amount of new funding . these increases in prices will be reflected on consumer prices but to a lower extent . I fully agree , and very much hope that this ambition will be confirmed . the European Union also failed to criticise Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili for appearing in front of the EU flag in several television interviews , as if his country were a member of the European Union . to this end , I agree with the need to encourage e-commerce able to promote cross-border trade , the coordination of fiscal policies and greater streamlining of cross-border public contract procurement , points on which the European SMEs lag behind . the condition we stated , that all 27 Member States of the European Union should enjoy visa exemption , will become a reality this year when visa requirements are lifted for Cyprus , Bulgaria and Romania , and I believe this is of great importance . just the day before yesterday , the European Parliament , with an outstanding majority , almost unanimously , voted in favour of the Florenz report , requesting ambitious goals , adequate funds and direct measures , but the corrupt alliance in the Council and the Commission is trying to slice through and undermine this effort . its role needs to be strengthened further in the light of the changing conditions on the world energy markets . two years ago , a Commission study recommended that a special agency should be set up for the implementation of legislation on waste . this revised agreement introduces a number of amendments , especially regarding the development of democratic principles and cooperation on the aspects relating to disarmament and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction . I can tell you that , after verification , there has been no abuse of voting rights . there is one point , Mr Watson , on which I clearly made an error . the stakes could not be higher . you must be unaware of this . however , we did not want to back this political signal in favour of nuclear power , so we abstained . it brings the spirit of the Balkan wars to Central Europe . moreover , culturally , this has nothing to do with creating a potential European identity and an illusory European identity , and subsequently exporting it or selling it overseas . the significance of this directive will be felt particularly in those countries where the scope of protection is very weak , and where support for families is very low or even non-existent , including when it comes to looking after older children . this course of action runs counter to EU regulations on the free movement of goods and services . countries in the EU - and that includes us - are intervening on an unprecedented scale , with their smoking bans , in citizens ' private habits . the ' Red Card to Forced Prostitution ' campaign worked excellently during the 2006 World Cup in Germany . I call for all aid to be democratically controlled by the small farmers , workers and poor of Afghanistan . I am convinced that such a sensitive sector as food production is in particular need of market instruments . there are fears that he will be tortured ; his family has just been allowed entry to the United States and there are fears for his life . we must prevent the continued influx of such toys and support the widespread use of toys made from natural materials . first of all , the point relating to conflicting interests and values , which is very important to me as well . I am pleased that the Commission has said that it is going to work on this . this is a modern and , at the same time , flexible framework for the application of the ' polluter pays ' principle and a tool to moderate the congestion problems on major national motorways . through new financial mechanisms such as project bonds , as we have often repeated . at this time when we are facing this severe crisis , one of the principal consequences of which is an increase in unemployment , the EU should use all the means at its disposal to react , particularly as regards support to be provided for those who are facing the day-to-day reality of unemployment . this report acknowledges the existing problems with cohesion policy , beginning with the delayed conclusion of negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework ( MFF ) and the legislative package , resulting in the belated implementation of the national strategies and operational programmes . nor would it have been possible without the excellent and constructive atmosphere that , in our opinion , characterised the whole process . I also appeal to Member States not to add further and often unnecessary regulations to EU guidelines . our discussion has a very important environmental dimension , which is particularly emphasised in this report , and I would like to thank the rapporteur for that too . the effects of inequality can be seen all too easily when you compare countries where there are major differences , such as those in Eastern and Western Europe . the agreements were initialled on 15 March 2007 but , unfortunately , some technical problems then arose which slowed down further progress , although the end is now in sight . I ask myself when the Commission , faced with the drastic situation with respect to unemployment , poverty and inequality , will finally understand that we cannot keep going on as before , as suggested in the work programme . I want to say that , in relation to the future , your comments are particularly welcome . do not make the Greek people pay the price for the unattainable ambition of an EU superstate ! I would like to limit myself to these general statements . we know from experience that hybrid financing creates problems , so we have to avoid creating such problems . if the Commission were to endeavour to facilitate the cross-border transfer of company registered offices , reducing red tape , the whole proposal for the European private company would be redundant . they are willing to take us out to show us how it works , and until such time as the technologies have been developed , we should keep a more open mind regarding these oil sands and shales . I find it unbelievable that the European Union is still giving aid to Uganda . I would also like to thank you for the debate and to emphasise three points . at no time did any of the members of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs seek to hold hostage or to threaten not to help the Irish workers who are today in a critical situation due to the industrial strategy and the relocation of Dell . we have achieved a strong text on biofuels and , crucially , indirect land-use change will now be factored in at the insistence of the Parliament . we wish to speak the language of truth with Turkey . they are the same people who say that our citizens cannot have their say on whether or not Turkey should join the EU . issues such as the ageing population , rapidly changing technologies , climate change and other environmental challenges all need to be addressed with urgency . given the new role of Parliament within the context of the Treaty of Lisbon and its new functions , and in view of the commitment made when the 2010 budget was approved , this increase in funds available for the running of Parliament makes sense , as it ensures that this body has all the material and human resources it needs to fulfil its new tasks in the new institutional framework with accuracy and excellence . this is important , and naturally , the Treaty of Lisbon includes these three words and adds to them the ambition of very strong competitiveness . it is also important to me that you have directly addressed the cowardice or , it could be said , the double standards , of many governments and members of governments in relation to their shared European responsibilities , as these double standards are one of the main causes of the lack of trust and mutual finger-pointing to which we must put a stop . let me stress that the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon depends on ratification by all 27 Member States . they have lent weight to the decision that I hope will be taken by this House tomorrow , as well as to the Commission ' s work in the Council . time limits and distance when crossing the waters that separate us from the continent and from our markets cannot be the absolute . we cannot put off this decision any longer . if they have it , we will certainly forward it to the Member . in writing . - ( PL ) I voted against Giusto Catania ' s report on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union ( 2004-2008 ) . 1 . ( applause ) could the Commission answer how many free trade agreements we are negotiating or have negotiated up to now ? I would like to emphasise that the provision of better coordination between individual levels of control , greater flexibility , and transparent and clear procedures , not only represent features of good administration of public affairs but , above all , should facilitate the drawing down of funds and increase the participation of potential partners in projects . sometimes what we do in the European Parliament is quite technical , but I am absolutely sure that this directive , this legislation , will also help Europe to go forward . consumers are generally unaware of what is happening and are being deceived . we also regret that the Commission document does not contain any specific proposals for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals prior to 2015 . on the other hand , the OSCE has informed us that they have been permitted to send observers to oversee the elections . all too often , endangered species are portrayed as nuisances which halt or obstruct building projects . the Commission has worked in close cooperation with the two teams in order to ensure a coherent overall EU presence in a post-status Kosovo . I myself investigated the reception of Chechen refugees in Poland , because a number of Chechen refugees were sent back to Poland from Belgium on the basis of Dublin . in some cases , attachment without just cause can destroy a person ' s livelihood . cooperation between all European countries and the exchange of experiences are of particular importance in this regard . I recently read a book by an American author which describes the following scenario . I would like to thank you and , again , Mr Castiglione for this very difficult task of bringing together all the different opinions within the European Parliament . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , terrorism is continually evolving and we must stay on top of the changing scenario . in writing . - I and my British Conservative colleagues support the work of the UN and the UN Human Rights Council . we owe it to our consumers and businesses to make the right decision for them and ensure that any change of law affecting their rights is properly thought through . we cannot , however , support inter alia the references to a Common Immigration Policy or a Common Asylum Policy , any moves to reduce the freedom of the Member States to act in the area of justice and home affairs , the creation of a ' European External Action Service ' or any moves towards a defence capability for the EU . the pipeline you mentioned is an important project in these efforts , and to feed this pipeline , we need to work first and foremost on the trans-Caspian pipeline , to get the Central Asian resources to the Black Sea . it will be even more detrimental to banana producers on the Canary Islands , Spain . all this is due to a series of problems that have arisen over the years , which are a result of the change of economic regime and the international situation , as I pointed out when I took the floor yesterday . this information will help make the move towards goods that reduce emissions as well as noise pollution . there are countries where the foundations of a modern economy are , as a matter of fact , only just appearing . therefore , we should have the possibility of a split vote . we need to amend the directive . the recent gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine by no means left the European Union unscathed . he talks about morality and lack of dignity . you cannot impose additional monetary penalties on a country that is already heavily in debt . it is very likely that the European Council will discuss follow-ups to these events which are crucial for the Union ' s interests in the long-term perspective . ( DE ) Mr President , thank you Commissioner for speaking so plainly . the situation for fruit and vegetables is likely to get even worse when the market is opened wider still to Moroccan products under the new agreement that is currently being adopted . ( DE ) Madam President , allow me to extend a warm welcome to Stavros Dimas . author . - Mr President , the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) is profoundly traumatising for Congolese society . in today ' s Guardian it was reported that the billionaire John Paulson was revealed yesterday as one of the hedge fund bosses who has been short-selling UK bank shares , placing a nearly GBP 1 billion bet that their shares would fall dramatically . as you know , since our last debate on 8 October , the Council Presidency has pursued only one objective and held only one conviction : the essential unity of Europeans in the face of the global financial crisis . today we want to know how and when we are going to integrate the classification of the upper airspace and how are we going to jointly operate the lower airspace in the future . everything has a positive side too , however . the horizontal approach is not only an important aspect on the basis of the arguments which I expounded earlier ; the Commissioner personally also addressed the question of the legal basis . I am glad to conclude that the European Parliament expressed cross-party unanimity at every stage of the examination of the issue in this House , thus shaping a single position on the need to conclude this Protocol as soon as possible and hence offer the Republic of Moldova all possible opportunities to benefit from the advantages of its relations with the EU . there is a real danger that Madagascar , in its strategically important location , will become a failed state , like others we know of in Africa , first and foremost of which is Somalia . the reasons for these differences are , in many cases , avoidable and unjust , because they are due to discriminatory factors such as the reduced economic capacity of individuals . I congratulate the rapporteur , Mr Rapkay , for his report and the work he has done . Mr President , President-in-Office , ladies and gentlemen , this I say on behalf of the PPE-DE Group , I look forward to an effective Europe in 2008 , a successful Europe . this is a serious threat to agricultural production , so it must be fought using Union instruments for this reason too . we have no way of guaranteeing the principle of non-refoulement , even if it is writ large in your text . in fact the Czech Presidency evidently considers a common European policy to be a barrier to the great national foreign policies of our national states . this is the only way to create new jobs . it therefore insists on price stability and the Stability and Growth Pact , albeit with a degree of flexibility , and on the Lisbon Strategy , which , as we know , has been used as a pretext in order to pursue privatisation and remove responsibility for social functions from the state . trade determines a large portion of the economic growth of some countries . I also strongly welcome the fact that the report , in a similar way to the report produced by Mr Mavrommatis a few years ago , highlights the success of the informal procedures which you want to concentrate on more closely . I also agree that : however , directives also need to be based on good sense , so today in this House , I should like to make a few good-sense observations . the growing need for available transplant organs in a context of cross-border exchange and of significant differences among the transplant systems adopted by the various Member States requires cooperation and common regulations regarding the quality and safety of the organs to be strengthened . illegal logging also has extremely negative consequences for indigenous peoples , for biodiversity and in terms of climate change . the whole idea of this legislation is to bring safety to the food we eat , and , of course , what our animals eat is essential because we eat those animals . it has delivered so far . ( the President cut off Mrs Lulling ) this is the case in Italy , where today there are around half a million Romanian citizens . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Mr President , what I have to say on this issue is as follows . faced with a choice between democracy and supra-nationalism , the European Union almost always opts for supra-nationalism and nowhere is this clearer than in its policy in the Western Balkans . the Court found that the Commission had used criteria not provided for in the rules ( i.e. vessels have to be at least 5 years old before being eligible to apply for safety tonnage ) and that it had exceeded its power . these are very sensitive topics and , according to the subsidiarity principle , they are a matter for the individual Member States alone . let us stop investing in new facilities to produce more energy , and let us plough our money and our efforts into the cleanest energy in the world , energy that we can avoid using . framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of Council Regulation ( EC , Euratom ) No 1605 / 2002 ( the Commission and Parliament have worked together to ensure that this will change . if we were to succeed in this and if we are able to maintain this momentum beyond this year ' s elections in the United States and next year ' s elections in the European Union , we will perhaps have created the basis for understanding that climate change , organised crime , migration and much else can only be tackled together in the interests of a better world . it is a political tool in the advancement of an integrated Europe . it should be seen for what it is . the position achieved by the euro in the international markets brings undoubted benefits , such as better protection from external shocks . we will present a draft to the country shortly and , as the country is quite advanced in many respects , for instance on biometric passports , I hope that it will be able to meet the conditions of the road map rather swiftly and thus achieve the goal of visa-free travel for citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia § . promoting innovation-led growth is not about increasing excellence in R & D infrastructure . important as they are , it is , first and foremost , about mobilising talents and mobilising new ideas . we must not introduce policies that violate human rights and criminalise men and women who only aspire to a job and , in many cases , to the basic right to life . these global dialogues allow us to learn more about our partners , to advocate our values and standards and to resolve issues of bilateral interest and create new commercial opportunities for Europe ' s firms . finally , especially today , my sympathy goes to the Nigerian people on the death of their President . the lesson we can learn from the past is that we have experienced considerable economic growth , but on the basis of speculation , which has not taken into account justice , fairness , the environment , the future or future generations . I would like to make three points . the figures and the documentation referred to in the French report clearly indicate that by far the highest use of this medicinal product was in France . I believe that there is a broad consensus in this House - not a full but a broad consensus - on the selection process of the next Managing Director of the IMF . the following questions are addressed to the Commission . that is why I would like to underline what the Commissioner stated earlier - that , regarding the EIT , the key issue now is the financing and funding . I understand that she will shortly be presenting herself to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and answering questions . it is the Commission that must propose how we can achieve a sensible stabilisation within the euro area . without such types of programmes , adapted to the nomadic nature of the Roma lifestyle , the European Union will never be able to make a full contribution to increasing the value added at EU level . the country remains a conflict zone with flexible borders , where , just as in the 1960s , it is about the demarcation of ethnic territories and control of mining areas . I was pleased to co-sign Amendment 3 , calling for a feasibility study . I am convinced that during the parliamentary elections taking place this May the relevant Georgian authorities will take all the requisite steps to increase public confidence in the election process . the fact that the new High Representative will also be a Vice-President of the Commission , responsible for coordinating all of the EU ' s external action , will help . the service will also be responsible for the administration of delegations , though the people inside delegations will come , as now , from different services - not just the EEAS , but also the Commission services and maybe other institutions and bodies of the European Union . , in writing . - We welcome the ongoing efforts to further incorporate the level of consumers ' awareness as the necessary basis for the effective implementation of the existing consumer protection legal framework , especially with regard to the most vulnerable groups of the population . he could not even tell me that he was living and dying with an AIDS-related illness . what we need is major restructuring . I hope it does not go that far and that we can have a strong and widely-supported report to offer to the Commission and to the Member States as our contribution . as a first step on the way to resolving this problem , the report is very useful . innovation should also extend to all organisations and institutions , whether public or private , profit-making or non-profit-making , and to all aspects of life ; in particular it should promote social innovation and innovation in support of environmental sustainability . carbon storage , biomass , as well as investments in reducing the quantities of fertilisers used are just some examples of the way in which agriculture is affected by this problem . the big question is how we want to achieve that , and that is where we come to a parting of the ways . our industry is the world ' s largest producer of cars and second largest producer of lorries , and it has good after-sales services . in my opinion , the hypothesis that none of the fixed-term and part-time jobs is a high-quality job does not hold water . ( PL ) Madam President , in the Commission communication on the future of the common agricultural policy , administrative simplifications are one of the proposals for reforming European agriculture . in this case , the report deals with the rights of migrant and refugee women , who are treated as a select category of women compared to other female European citizens . as Finns and Nordic people , we are worried that consumer protection might be impaired . it is up to Ireland to choose whether or not to implement these measures . our climate footprint is largely the same in both cases . at the end of last year , there were two important developments in Croatia ' s accession process . such a European strategy would be based on prevention , and would aim to raise public awareness and to persuade the public of the need for soil protection . in addition , the strategy would identify risk areas with a view to resolving this problem at European level . the transfer of responsibility following the closure of storage sites has now been set at 20 years , which is also very positive . it also urges the Commission and national , regional and local authorities to promote twinning programmes between towns and regions and , in addition , calls for the annual action programmes in the fields of democracy , the rule of law and human rights to be pursued more ambitiously , in line with the objectives set up in the ENP action plans , asking for more to be done to persuade the partner governments to commit themselves to action in those fields . in any case , I am , and will continue to remain , of the opinion that it should also be possible to submit a dossier in Dutch . apart from this , the EU is once again applying double standards . we consider possible accusations levelled against them to be baseless , and I can assure you that we will continue to engage with the Iranian authorities in all the ways we can until these issues are resolved in a satisfactory manner - that is , that the persons in question are released . countless people have used the more liberal visa conditions to travel into the European Union . how is it possible to prove that nothing has happened to him ? any revenue collected in this manner should be reinvested in the related infrastructures . Brazil is now self-sufficient in food . the Council , for all its faults , at least contains representatives of Member States . we must learn from our mistakes , but we must keep it tight . so , in many ways , it is a great improvement on the Nice Treaty . please say something about this ! third , the European Union directives on waste , hazardous waste and landfills , which must apply throughout Europe , no matter which Member State we are talking about . there must be effective checks when public funds are paid to individuals . by participating in the EMCDDA and exchanging information , Croatia will be able to understand the problem and better respond to it . highly sensitive goods , such as agricultural and food products , require an exceptionally sound approach . for this reason this resolution is a sensible one and has the backing of the Union for Europe of the Nations Group . they are still waiting for Europe to offer proper support to our SMEs , to genuinely plan investments for the future and , above all , to support all those in Europe who are affected by the crisis . I believe that preparing for the soft landing following 2015 is an important issue . secondly , territorial cohesion policy must , in our view , form part of the long-term future . the US , the world ' s biggest economy , has failed to agree to specific greenhouse gas emission reductions for 2020 , and many other developed industrialised nations are uncertain as to whether the ambitious actions required are possible . however , current tendencies are not encouraging . I wish you all the best ! we feel that it is right . I am voting in favour of this recommendation . in fact , there is not a single female EU special representative at the moment . Mr President , it is very nice to have my name on the wall together with a Secretary of State and a Commissioner - it is a big moment ! in summary , the report lacks proposals and measures to change the CAP model in force , to begin with ( but not only ) as far as the distribution of aid is concerned . it should also be said , however , that the exceptional criminal criteria applied in Spain against ETA have , on occasions , resulted in serious violations of fundamental rights . let me just respond here to the question of accountability . the next item is one-minute speeches on matters of political importance . this was , incidentally , a move in response to a specific vote taken by this Parliament during its January session , when we voted for this , that is , for this information to be made public . the report by Maria Grazia Pagano , on behalf of Committee on Civil Liberties , Justice and Home Affairs , on development of an EU criminal justice area , with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on development of an EU criminal justice area . now more than ever , Vietnam must , on the contrary , establish mechanisms intended to allow peaceful expression of the tensions and social frustrations being felt in that country . policy on alternative energy is non-existent , despite the fact that in my country we have a lot of sun and wind , even with regard to cleaner energy such as gas , to the extent that the Government has still not begun to give it any consideration . the award of the Sakharov Prize to Alexander Milinkievich , along with the strong and unequivocal condemnation of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya showed that Europe will not stand idly by , ignoring infringements of human rights beyond our Eastern border . in other parts of the EU , the handling of the substance is not as strictly controlled . this is primarily because all the areas in which the states can and must perform their social duties through public services have not been clearly excluded from the scope of the directive . I also believe that , as mentioned in the common PPE-DE and UEN resolution , the efficient enforcement of the legal provisions by the Italian authorities would have prevented this situation . incredibly , not a single official has been held responsible for these acts . ( DE ) Mr President , I would like to propose an oral amendment to the effect that , in points 5 , 8 and 16 , the word ' legal ' should be deleted , as it gives the impression that children who are not registered , in other words involved in a current asylum procedure , could be excluded from the education programmes . the subject of subsidiarity must also be given adequate consideration in this regard . that is to say , if governments spend their accumulated financial reserves primarily on bank rescue packages , then crucial energy investments may suffer delays . ( applause ) I have heard reports - which prompted me to ask my question today - that they are being put back onto the market , for sale to other children . can the Council set out the principal objectives regarding the development of future agreements between the EU and the Western Balkans ? ( ES ) Commissioner , I assume that you know that in some States there is a method for paying authors ' rights that involves establishing a charge that must be paid by all those who buy equipment to record or reproduce material , or buy CDs or DVDs . but in the whole area of financial education , the place where I have been trying to up the agenda is for Member States to include , from an early stage , some basic financial education as part of the core curriculum programme . for decades we have been thinking about the challenge of the emergence of new economies and about Africa ' s new role in the world . what we need is to be convincing about the effectiveness of European expenditure compared with national expenditure . programmes that work well must be publicised widely . under this proposal , short-term exemptions that extend working hours due to peaks in production or the height of the tourist season can be utilised the whole year round . therefore , what we really need is more openness and more transparency in order for us to really get to the heart of the issue . they have a duty to act and protect the people , namely via the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( MONUSCO ) which is present on the ground . European migration policy is necessary , to my mind , not least because , by 2050 , the European working population will have dwindled by 20 million people . I would like to believe that this report gives a comprehensive overview of all the issues that are related to all the agencies and joint undertakings . in writing . - There are many ways in which fiscal attitudes across the EU could be helpful in generating a series of better conclusions for the Lisbon Strategy . ( PL ) The Gdansk Shipyard , the cradle of solidarity , the chief actor in the struggle against communism , a shipyard which suffered discrimination and which by the political decisions of the communists was brought to a poor financial condition , today awaits a positive decision from the European Commission . it may be that this is also about Africa as one of the areas in which Europe is interested . indeed , making provision to evaluate the ad hoc tools adopted at national level to end the crisis is evidence of an approach that is not only highly professional , but also sensitive . the next item is the report by Jean-Paul Gauzès , on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative investment fund managers and amending Directives 2004 / 39 / EC and 2009 / ... / EC - C7-0040 / 2009 - . this is wrong . the past is not dead . the Chinese Government quite properly deployed police and military personnel to quell the violence and stop the retaliatory attacks by the Han population on the Uighurs . this is why I voted in favour of this resolution ; in considering the negative impact of the liberalisation of markets on local economies , it underlines the strategic importance of reasonable tariff protection . the Member States , and Germany in particular , were part of the decision-making process and supported everything that was decided . I am bound to say - and I think I also speak for the other members of the Convention - that we always felt supported by the approval of the European Parliament . with the impetus provided by the Cohesion policy , whose aim is to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and develop a knowledge-based economy , research and development must be approached from two directions . I believe that the involvement and potential of women themselves will mean that they make up a high percentage of this group . in spite of this , the ' made in ' origin mark has still not been approved by some EU Member States . any rejection decision must be duly substantiated , transparent and objective . there is no doubt that this development has had an impact on birth rates , which have been depressed artificially at the behest of economic forces . I may have to go and sit over there or you may have to build me a seat equidistant , because I assure you I will be in trouble somewhere for wherever I sit . this involves significant costs . as regards the European Economic Recovery Plan , the EU ' s budget is not of such magnitude as to be able to be used for Keynesian stimulus policy , but it can be used for certain small but strategic matters , such as the Recovery Plan . it is a necessary challenge for Europe ; it is an aspect of integration and social development that we have to confront . turning this practice into a habit is a crime in itself . but if this does not happen , the European Union cannot fulfil its own pledges , and this undermines its credibility . and this is a good time to do so in view of the Roma Summit which will be held in Córdoba in the coming month . why are we having these draconian measures placed upon our farmers when they do not need it or want it , and when all they want to do is produce good food ? this relationship is , however , of fundamental importance and we ought to put it right by pointing out inadequacies and inefficiencies , identifying the main problems and possible approaches for solving them . I like the name ' intelligent car ' , I do not have any issues with it , as I understand that it is being used figuratively . I should like to ask the Commission , therefore , if it does not think there is a case for triggering the European emergency clause and bringing forward the discussion on financial compensation . as far as the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) is concerned , the final declaration of the summit next week must be more than just fine words . the European Union has followed others in succumbing to this temptation . already the financial institutions are resisting the regulations we need to prevent a future meltdown . indeed , the proposal contains a number of derogations , particularly as concerns photovoltaic panels . the report I am presenting seeks to tackle this contradiction and suggests possible answers for the other institutions . with this proposal , the fifth JTI will be set up in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen . in addition , that same Union now requires the Czech Republic to contribute financially to the advertising of European surplus wine in third countries . that is one of the risk elements . no European country is immune from its impact . formal sitting - 20th anniversary of the democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe the indicator referring to pricing levels is particularly doubtful . ( PL ) Mr President , the EU economy continues to be the strongest , but this eldorado will not necessarily last forever . surely theirs must be the most expensive faces since that of Helen of Troy which launched a thousand ships . for example , they can help through useful training in the best use of protein crops and in optimal feeding practices . the opt-outs are sad . the regulations which we draw up are so accurate and so precise that there is no question of blurring the lines between information and advertising . this means that there should be no unnecessary obstacles , no incentives to compromise our security for the sake of procedural rules . the new needs cannot be funded by cutting back on the current priorities . so far , I have no doubt that this also remains the case in Hungary today under a conservative government . we need to think about this approach in a very comprehensive way . this will have great benefits for European consumers . finally , I should like to say that the package of measures on climate and energy is evidence of our determination to progress from words to deeds ; it also demonstrates that this can be done in a fair and economically effective manner , allowing everyone to be a winner . I said to him earlier that we would try to make progress with regard to rating agencies also , and I can tell him that both the Belgian Presidency and the Commission are willing to try to speed up the discussions on derivatives . we have also had the opportunity to discuss in detail how we can better protect these people and support their work . with this in mind , I think that lifelong learning programmes , such as Erasmus or Leonardo da Vinci , must receive more substantial financial support from the authorities in the coming years . I agree with the rapporteur that the democratic accountability of all EU development policy and the active role which Parliament must have in the procedure for approving funds for development aid , based on Article 290 of the Treaty of Lisbon , need to be enhanced . we are also prepared to support an Afghan-led rehabilitation process for former militants . we are in the middle of an election campaign but things are a bit calmer for you now . we must recognise that the new government was elected in free and democratic elections and it helped pull Ukraine out of the economic and political chaos that dominated six months ago . secondly , we are not discussing the GSP either . European unification is , essentially , undisputed . I would like to draw your attention to four key developments which have particularly marked the European Union ' s activities over the past year . before Pirbright causes another dangerous blunder , could you please ask the Commission to take this laboratory off the list of animal testing reference laboratories and replace it with a more trustworthy facility , for agriculture ' s sake ? firstly , there is everything to do with the requests for aid . the Committee on Culture and Education called for amendments and additions in three areas . if the situation had remained unchanged , we would have been facing unequal and utterly discriminatory treatment between Croatian and EU Member State fishermen . this is common sense , but sometimes I have the impression that too much discretion is exercised in the decisions that are taken . bearing in mind the importance of the trust that European citizens and consumers put in financial institutions and transactions for the stability of our financial system and , consequently , for the smooth functioning of the Internal Market , I welcome the Commission ' s Green Paper and the opportunity to improve corporate governance structures throughout the EU . the third issue that I wanted to address , which was likewise mentioned by several speakers , is , of course , the issue of the protection of personal data and , more generally , issues related to content , rather than the channel used to convey content . its competences are now being extended for a second time . we are not going to have broadcasts of political groups . I myself would happily do it and would be happy to use the products myself . the development of new types of production or services and the innovative use of resources will contribute to the rational and effective development of local , regional and national markets . however , as all our citizens who travel are well aware , increased security leads to increased inconvenience and waiting times at borders for bona fide travellers . I am quite concerned for the future of a large number of European manufacturers . the crisis - like all crises - needs to be addressed with structural changes , a different modus operandi and barriers to prevent toxic products from being channelled into the economy . that is the reason why the financing for it was sporadic and its mission statement was vague . it is an undeniable fact that , until now , even with the Stability and Growth Pact , even with a European Central Bank , the external representation of the EU in international financial bodies has fallen far short of the actual importance of Economic and Monetary Union and what the European Union project represents . it is also vital for states to send specialists to international forums , with real expertise in the relevant area , a fact which Mrs Andrikienė ' s report recommends insistently and with full justification . I believe that , although undoubtedly acting in good faith , the international community has to some extent colluded in this withdrawal . there is no doubt that we must all speak up for a no-fly zone . these amendments are based on recent developments in the fisheries sector and future prospects , namely , the possibility of increasing Union cofinancing from 50 % to 60 % , which represents an asset for the development of the fisheries sector in Portugal , and greater importance given to aquaculture , which justifies introducing the possibility of the collection , management and use of environmental data in this area , in addition to socio-economic data . many efforts are ongoing in this field . the next item is the Council and Commission statements on rising food prices . - Before the vote : I and a number of other colleagues recently had an opportunity to visit EMSA , which carries out important work crucial to the development of the European Union ' s maritime transport strategy . in my view , this system discriminates against EU citizens from outside Slovenia . to sum up , when reading this draft regulation it appears that the emphasis placed on ' small enterprises ' is above all political window-dressing aimed at making acceptable a rehash of the sadly famous ' country of origin ' principle . the debate is closed . this system does not need to be changed to improve the way in which we reuse raw materials . Announcements by the President that was the situation , for instance , in the recent Fiat case . ( FI ) Mr President , the former Ukrainian Prime Minister , Yulia Tymoshenko , has had to answer several corruption charges this spring , and a ban on travel in February prevented her from coming to meet us in Brussels . however , the Community Tobacco Fund , which presently takes up 5 % of tobacco aid , serves to finance research on countering the effects of smoking , propaganda campaigns and the training of tobacco producers with a view to conversion to other production . we might live to experience a situation whereby the people in these regions are divided not by an iron but by a green curtain . on the other hand , the number of errors in the transactions underlying the payments is high . the alternatives to a solution would be that highly advanced research technology moves to Asia or is sold for peanuts . here , too , we call on the Commission to make sure that we have the same conditions for both , not different treatment . as it happens , the coastal communities in my constituency are finding it very difficult to survive . ( applause ) the late payment problem is particularly keenly felt in Italy , where public authorities take 128 days on average to make payments as opposed to a European average of 67 days . it is not satisfactory because legal uncertainty results from all these points . the building of a competitive and innovative Europe is linked to changes in the labour market . independence from political power , the financial independence of the media , transparent funding of the media , safeguards for journalists ' working conditions , and the quality and variety of news reporting - all must be guaranteed . it is time to move from words to action where democracy and human rights are concerned . in the case of public provocation , this line is more blurred . it is true : I entirely agree with what he said in his speech , that sometimes we in Europe arrive at the paradox of defending and attacking the human rights situation anywhere in the world while overlooking unacceptable discrimination in our own countries , because sometimes we do not have the right tools to fight in such a situation . you should make clear to citizens that you already feel that , in the matters of the gas dispute , Gaza , Slovakia ' s actions with regard to Bohunice and the financial crisis , the Treaty of Lisbon would strengthen your role and enable you to carry it out in better harmony with the other European institutions . if we do not look after our water , we will never succeed in combating hunger . colleagues , ladies and gentlemen , dear guests , tomorrow , on 11 March , we will be marking the European Day for the Victims of Terrorism for the seventh time . many Member States do not comply with it either , as is the case with Portugal . when we talk about the common agricultural policy - which will soon be on your table , you will soon be discussing it - I think we should develop more the concept of the public good . for all the rest , there was no regulation ; we would have been accepting deregulation , and we cannot do that . economic and social cohesion must genuinely remain a separate policy area and the benefits must be available to all the regions and people in Europe . Mr Zemke , if that is what your question is about , then you have 30 seconds . I doubt that the five Central Asian republics are models of democracy and the rule of law , but at least when the politicians of Kyrgyzstan wanted to change the constitution , they had the decency to ask the people for their approval in a referendum . ( HU ) The new Member States are rightly worried that national egoism and renationalisation is gaining strength within the European Union . I agree with what Ewa Klamt has said : it is useful to create a common system for the admission of highly qualified workers , instead of having 27 different systems . mobilisation of Globalisation Adjustment Fund : technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission ( as the rapporteur makes very explicit in his explanatory statement , this change constitutes an opportunity , but it is also a larger challenge to the proper utilisation of this instrument , which could lose in consistency that which it gains in scope . I am firmly convinced , as are many others , that it is both possible and essential for people from different cultures and religions to live together in peace , both within the European Union and in the world at large . we must do what we think is right , and the Americans can then follow us . while we can control emissions , we have no control over such positive feedback on the planetary system . that is a problem . similarly , there is better quality information now available on financing under external actions , thanks to the rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs . it would be good for all of us to have procedures in place in future so that we would be ready if faced with similar exceptional situations . of those , 58 % are transported by rail , 25 % by air and 17 % by inland waterways . these are climate change , the concern that we will be threatened with mass unemployment and recession , unless we take countermeasures , and the call , in particular from small and medium-sized enterprises , for public infrastructure , so that we can make progress , create some breathing space and give ourselves a perspective on the situation . in writing . - ( HU ) It is no accident that the Latin American rain forests are called the lungs of the world . this situation suits the Lukashenka regime , since the more contacts with Western Europe are restricted , the easier it will be to control Belarusian society . another difficulty , which is no less important , was the lack of a legal structure . what that summit in Lisbon represented was a giant deceit and an attempt to impose upon the peoples of Europe a constitution just by dropping that word and repackaging it , when it actually has all the same proposals . the report offers no meaningful attempts to solve this problem . the People ' s Party wants value to be generated from budgetary expenditure , so it is prepared to act in the interests of greater efficiency , in other words against poorly performing programmes , corruption or expenditure led by internal politics . last week I visited the Michelin tyre plant in Stoke , and again I was impressed by the research and development fund and efforts to improve the efficiencies of tyres , with a view to providing environmental and social sustainability . as the European Parliament , we have an obligation to call for full light to be shed on this issue , to closely monitor research and to push for responsibility to be apportioned for any infringements of international humanitarian law . the situation is critical . given the tragedy that has struck the region of Murcia and specifically , the town of Lorca , I should like to express , on behalf of the Presidency , our solidarity with that community and with all the victims , several of whom have been killed . Madam President , thanks and congratulations to Mrs Doyle , but I think that tomorrow will be a sad day for democracy in the European Parliament . the main effect of this Directive will be to provide comparable and standard information to consumers across the EU who take out loans . others , on the other hand , see it as the mere chairmanship of the meeting of the Heads of Government . more specifically , one of the short-term priorities in relations between the European Union and Turkey is the adoption of legislation that is in accordance with the relevant European standards and provides a response to all the difficulties encountered by minorities and non-Muslim religious communities . soon we will have trials in absentia and the common recognition of fines and confiscation orders . in 2009 , the European Investment Bank granted a total amount of EUR 13 billion to financial institutions ; the equivalent of a 55 % increase over the previous year . with its motion for a resolution on the 2010 progress report on Croatia , Parliament ' s aim was to applaud the improvements made by Croatia in several respects , which are bringing the country ever closer to the European Union . firstly because this arrangement , aimed at fighting terrorism , is not binding because it does not force Member States either to ask for assistance or to grant it . the Brazilian authorities now also require that bovine animals whose meat is destined for the EU market are individually identified and registered in a database . as a Member from one of the outermost regions , I would stress the importance of taking into account the specific characteristics of these regions , and of attempting to avoid compromising their development during future negotiations . I think your parents would be ashamed to see you like this . I also believe that observance of the country of origin principle for VAT on distance selling and e-commerce is the only viable basis for a coherent and transparent tax framework to allow the free movement of goods . will it demand the acknowledgement of Nazi crimes in the denial of events or their gross trivialisation in the Member States ? thank you very much , Minister . I am pleased to see that the European Parliament has decided to address the fairly wide range of social issues covered by this report , issues that need to be solved urgently . these steps provide an incentive for moves towards democracy in Belarus , which I am confident will be well understood , on the one hand , by the government , but , on the other hand , particularly by the people . I therefore request that we vote to postpone this vote until Strasbourg : not beyond that , only until Strasbourg . in writing . - I voted in favour of the Lipietz report on trade and climate change . of these problems , we would stress the high rate of youth unemployment ; the difficulty of getting into the labour market ; low pay ; the inadequacy of formal training from schools and universities for the demands of working life ; and the difficulty of reconciling starting work , which is always difficult , with family life . it seemed to us that the political indications were instead directed at choosing an aid policy that did not damage structural sectors for the European economy . I am very pleased indeed that we have voted to put this emergency facility in place . in 2007 the European Parliament voted money for advertising in the milk sector in order to protect it from increased market liberalisation . decisions concerning certain documents : see Minutes in the name of transparency - which the citizens require - and thoroughness , I do not believe that the Council is free of its obligation to be publicly accountable for the funds made available to them . I fear that this may even be a new source of serious conflicts . we do not want to restrict the right of European citizens to individual mobility . the compromise amendments that you suggested have certainly helped to strengthen the European dimension of the initiative by clarifying the scope as well as the roles and commitments of the Member States . it is excellent that this Council will also be discussing these questions globally , but I think that Parliament can make a substantial contribution to this discussion . as members of the leading party in the Irish Government , we have consistently opposed proposals put forward in the European Parliament which condemn the internal activities of individual governments and individual countries within the European Union . so , I would just like to inform you that , as is clearly stated in the letter , there is a consultation . ( the President cut off the speaker ) when in God ' s name is Parliament going to understand that Islamist terror has nothing to do with discrimination or social exclusion , but flows directly from the world vision of Islam itself ? in writing . - ( IT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I voted in favour of the excellent report by my fellow Member Mr Albertini on sustainable European transport policy , taking into account European energy and environment policies . my ' chef de cabinet ' informed him that we were prepared to have a meeting to explain it . freedom , the free movement of people and goods , and solidarity with everyone who is in need of solidarity , must remain priorities of the EU . instead of complaining about this situation , we corrected our fundamental indicators , we repaired and collected our public finances . the South Caucasus occupies an increasingly strategic position from both a political and an economic point of view . during interviews with Lithuanian emigrants working abroad , complaints about employers who take advantage of their lack of knowledge of local legislation and lack of language skills and fail to pay them for their work are very often heard . the EP has voted in favour of calling on the institutions involved to make the necessary efforts to accelerate the mobilisation of the EGF . I wanted another principals meeting in April , and we have prepared a substantial statement based on our position . people have been handed over to torture regimes because others obviously don ' t want to get their hands dirty . ( DE ) Mr President , I would like to thank Mr Matsakis for his fairness . we should therefore strengthen all agri-environmental measures along these lines . I would ask them also to reflect on the political context of energy pricing , and in particular on the career of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder , currently employed by Gazprom , who quite clearly is pursuing an interest which is nuclear-free , but as Ari Vatanen has reminded us , is not free of Russian politics . having more Europe means , first and foremost , fully implementing the laws that already exist in relation to the internal energy market . let me say that I was very happy also with the nomination of Herman Van Rompuy . I think that a credible and serious prospect of accession for these countries is the strongest possible stimulus to prompt them to really do what is necessary . therefore , the Council held discussions immediately , on 7 October , regarding these drafts - the method and timing of the three mandates - and decided that all three mandates should indeed have identical content , that the Council would adopt them at the same time , that they would start at the same time , and that the negotiations with the United States , Canada and Australia should start by December of this year at the latest . huge infrastructure projects are currently being implemented in the European Union whose safety has perhaps not been assessed comprehensively and properly . in this respect - and let me point out that I am not known as a left-wing fanatic - I have to say that I am surprised and dismayed by the amendment tabled by our fellow Member , Mr Weber , whom I respect , and several others . development policy must also be coordinated with climate policy from now on . if we look at the European Union as a living organism , the European car industry is its backbone . the watering down of the long-term target in particular demonstrates to me that the automotive industry has not learnt from the legislation on CO2 limits for cars introduced two years ago that it will only be able to sell clean cars in the future . in my recent statement on the operation to return Afghans to Kabul , conducted jointly by the United Kingdom and France , I indicated that the Member States had to take three precautions before returning an individual to a third country such as Afghanistan . I would draw your attention to the misgivings of certain groups of European public opinion and suggest that you undertake a widespread publicity campaign capable of proving to European citizens that Croatia meets all the criteria for membership , because we no longer follow the course of block membership as we did after the fall of the Berlin Wall . Mr President , I congratulate my colleague Ms Uca on this excellent report and I welcome the two-track approach , endorsed by the Commission in its communication , focusing on both gender mainstreaming and specific actions to empower women . I firmly believe that the sanctions policy will not be more effective until it is incorporated in an integrated EU human rights strategy . if Parliament means what it says on the CFSP , we have to send a clear message that we will support a strong , comprehensive and inclusive External Action Service and , in observing our own prerogatives , we will not be part of any vested interests seeking to limit the capacity , and therefore the effectiveness , of that service . strengthening the EU ' s economic governance has become a priority , especially in the current international economic situation . opening of the sitting this has been achieved by the suppression of their Islamist extremists and Communists , which is a price well worth paying . I , for one , would be delighted if we were to devote an equal amount of attention to the monitoring of the implementation of this agreement , and we will soon have the opportunity to do just that . thanks to the exchange of such information as DNA profiles , dactyloscopic data and national vehicle registration data , and thanks to broader police and court cooperation , we can ensure that criminals and terrorists do not feel safe in any of the EU Member States , or indeed outside them . Parliament ' s amendments will see to that . do elections need to be organised straight away ? but I would like to remind you that there are additional aspects to these relations , especially the political aspects , which are being examined by the Council in this development in relations between the European Union and Israel . my personal view here is that it is absolutely fatal that that there is still no legally binding regulation banning exports of arms from the European Union to these countries . I think we need , as we have already declared with the Lisbon Strategy , a genuine high-tech offensive for Europe , if we really want to build the path towards the knowledge-based society . in this field , the Commission is also bound by the strategy endorsed by the 1994 international conference on population and development , further reviewed in 1999 . I am not opposed to pitching in and helping each other in crisis situations , but it must happen as and when required and in a natural way . more commitment really is needed here . they are agreements that lack democratic legitimacy , and increasingly so as they are almost always negotiated in the greatest secrecy , behind the public ' s backs , seeking to cover up their economic , social and environmental impact , avoiding informed debate and clearing things up . in my opinion , securing sufficient earmarked funds to cover the inevitable costs for decommissioning nuclear reactors and managing the resulting radioactive waste remains an important open question . I would also like to respond to the notion often voiced in the debate that the question of posted workers is a matter which divides the old Member States from the new ones . I fully support the rapporteur ' s proposals that maladministration should henceforth be interpreted more widely , so that in addition to illegal administrative acts and breaches of binding norms and principles , it would include incidents where administrative institutions have been negligent , acted non-transparently or broken other principles of good administration . as far as biofuels are concerned , I hope that the Commission will be able to enforce the sustainability criteria in Europe and in the rest of the world , while encouraging international trade in the cleanest and most competitive biofuels . subject : EU priorities for Intergovernmental Conference on Climate Change we also had the elections to the European Parliament . we are talking about the same directive that gives the Member States a period of some 25 years just to identify all areas in the national territory that might be considered seriously polluted , and thus compromised for various uses , both public and private , and all areas at serious risk in fact of desertification , erosion , salinisation and loss of compaction . secondly , we are circulating this technology even though we know that it can always be abused from a military aspect . we all share the same idea : we have freedom of movement of judgments . ( ES ) Today , at the start of 2010 , we are not where we would have hoped to be in the fight against climate change . it should be noted that this proposal does not affect the Community budget . this super team , led by Monika Strasser , was not just competent and professional , but was also more than usually interested in its work . Madam President , as Mr Peterle says in his excellent report , the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement is part of a greater strategy for increased regional stability in Central Asia . I agree that the mobilisation of this fund is necessary in this case and have therefore voted in favour of this report . specifically , we want it to be possible for small appliances , which can easily be thrown into the dustbin , to be handed in free of charge . we need to reduce our own emissions by 70 % to 80 % if we are to achieve the climate targets . the region needs democratic measures to be put in place , intended chiefly to ensure security , stability and peace , as well as to increase prosperity . Mr President , I share in the delight of my friend and colleague , Ms Gill , that we are closing loopholes in this directive . it has ceased to be intergovernmental and is now a Community body , with a Community budget and under the control of the European Parliament . the top priorities of the Swedish Presidency have been to respond to the demands of climate change and to ensure that the EU retains its leading position ahead of the negotiations in Copenhagen while , at the same time , we are responsible for continuing to address the economic and financial crisis . many hospitals are refusing to admit and treat them due to the risk of contamination . however , this flexibility does have its limits when it results in exceptions and regulations being interpreted differently according to the whims of the supervisory authorities . moreover , if this system of mutual recognition worked perfectly , in other words if it were fully applied everywhere , the result would be a 1.8 % increase in Europe ' s GDP , which certainly represents a significant macroeconomic impact . I was at Roissy Airport when the plane from Mumbai landed , and I could see that all the same eleven European nationalities were represented on the chartered plane . in writing . - ( DE ) Biometric data can make passports and travel documents more difficult to forge and thereby help to combat organised crime and illegal immigration . a study commissioned by MEP Caroline Lucas shows that Parliament ' s monthly relocations to France have dramatic environmental consequences . one solution is to regulate access to genetic resources in a way which , in particular , respects fully the rights of indigenous and local communities . so this is purely a matter for clarification . China does , of course , have the right to develop economically , but the rights of minority groups , fragile as they are , must be protected . the EU will work towards achieving a successful result and prior to the preparatory committee meeting it will work together with key partners in order to secure a broad support for our objectives . we need to send out clear signals in this regard . every region should choose three to five of the 10 sectors offered by the Commission in which to concentrate 100 % of the available support . as regards Greece , a multi-annual programme of fiscal consolidation and structural reform has been agreed by the Greek authorities . that would surely be absurd . in writing . - The reason we finally voted against the text was that the more specific proposals to shelter Latin America from speculative attacks and climate change phenomena , discourage aggressive export orientation , avoid environmental dumping and hedge the liberalisation of financial services , got diluted in the process of building compromises , as counterweights to stop even more grotesque Spanish wordings . are the Copenhagen criteria sacred obligations for all of us , or just for new members ? I am concerned about the ineptitude of our government , but the silence of the European institutions is also striking , as if they did not want to see this violation of European law by the country holding the Presidency . the whole issue which you have raised in your own memorandum about quantity , quality and supply is a very important one and is about making sure that the people who produce and supply the fish get an adequate reward for the work that they do . with that I wish you all a Happy Christmas ! ( PT ) Madam President , those who are pushing Portugal into this supposed aid do not really want to help , rather they want to make money by sinking us and sinking the euro . registration and disclosure of the financial interests of registered lobbyists are all very well , but what about the numerous letter-writers , experts , and our other contacts ? Europe has suffered from a lack of debate . it is up to the Member States to provide these , because only then can the rules genuinely have the desired effect . we tackled this issue without friction in a spirit of mutual trust and in particularly close cooperation . Parliament can be proud of the 2010 budget . there are numerous studies of ' Taleb distributions ' , as we often call them , where , if you increase the risk substantially , you can count on profits rising dramatically and everyone can be given these bonuses and other benefits , in other words these ' perks ' . it is a useful expression of solidarity that genuinely helps EU countries and citizens in moments of great need . therefore , this harmonisation is ongoing and under way . furthermore , the Council of 11 June 2010 took note of the Commission communication on future steps in bio-waste management in the European Union . the whole scheme would fall apart if we were to go with it . the third point is that , in the phasing-out programme for HCFCs , the percentage with respect to 1997 has been cut back to 7 % for the final years . the fact that I am yet another speaker making this point indicates the seriousness of the problem and the Commission ' s continued disregard of it . on the internal market , it is not permitted , for example , in Sweden to demand that articles imported from Germany be labelled with where they come from . however , since Article 5 provides that the choice of law is subject to the mandatory rules of the consumer ' s country of residence , it offers a solution that is very much in consumers ' favour . please , Israel , my cry to you is : set the children free ! by accepting that workers and employers have an interest in flexibility , the text approves the essence of the European Commission Communication , which seeks deregulation of the labour market , liberalises the right to dismiss workers without just cause , devalues collective agreements and weakens the trade unions and workers ' struggles , although the text is critical of the Communication in some respects . we can support a number of important points that are contained in the Cappato report . this October the measures to increase breast cancer awareness , early detection and prevention must come from all levels of decision-making . it is important to understand that the proposals are the ones adopted today by the College . I think that we need to address these two issues through legislation . the European Union can and must help lay the foundation for a post-Gaddafi Libya and for better prospects for the future for this tribal State . better access to non-promotional information may therefore help the public to gain a better understanding of the treatments prescribed to them and help their recovery , all naturally in the interests of their health . the Common Fisheries Policy , while focusing on both of these ends , has led to the opposite : destruction of the marine environment , decrease of fish and impoverishment of the marine environment . - Madam President , before we bid goodbye to Guantánamo by a combination of a resolution of this Parliament and the executive decision of the President of the United States - a wicked combination of naked power - let me just put on record two facts . 2 . last but not least , I think it is a good thing that Pakistan ' s role is mentioned , because this is also vital . ( PL ) Mr President , I should like to draw attention to three issues . I am convinced that this agreement is a step forward in the relations between the European Union and Georgia , it shows the European aspirations of Georgia , and will thus represent a strong signal on the part of the European Union . the EU-Georgia agreements on the simplification of the visa regime and readmission entered into force on 1 March 2011 and represent a welcome first step . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the association agreement is important for Central America . the adoption of a European charter of the rights of victims of terrorism would be a big step forward that would help those fighting terrorism and would be a strong blow for those that defend it . I ask both the European Commission and the Italian authorities to take into consideration the provisions of the common resolution of the PPE-DE and UEN Groups as well , which are not included in the text adopted today . I believe that small businesses should be assisted to increase their ability to compete in international markets by enhancing their ability to export , disseminating information concerning programmes and initiatives facilitating international market access and penetration of SME goods and services , and ensuring that the interests of small businesses are adequately represented . furthermore , it institutionalises the European Semester through the need for the involvement of all the European institutions , where national reform programmes should incorporate EU objectives . this is a challenge . furthermore , this false optimism is also leading to the wrong solutions . but we seem to share the same objectives of having openness and transparency and access to documents . this is the result of a collective effort . even Serbia has realised that Europe wants it to come onboard , but it needs to be reconciled with its recent past to do this . the same applies to the appointment of the staff and the filling of important positions within the service . these amendments , which seek to impose origin marking for textile products imported from third countries ( with the exception of Turkey and the EEA Member States ) or to regulate precisely the conditions of voluntary origin marking of textile products manufactured in Europe by means of this regulation , would amount to endangering the adoption , within a reasonable timescale , of this important legislation . the proposal for a regulation on origin marking put forward by the European Commission is still under discussion in the Council and is the subject of a report by the Committee on International Trade . I am very grateful to Mrs Griesbeck for having also noted the important step forward in relations between Georgia and the EU that these two agreements represent . we want fair trade , provided that it is not just about the law of the jungle . you only have to listen to what the indefectible supporters of this tax have been telling us . secondly , it was not surprising last year that England got so little support for the awarding of the World Cup venue , despite its great infrastructure . but , through the consumer market scoreboard , one of the main topics of our investigations will be prices and part of this basket will be about food prices . regarding the report ' s fundamental issue , as we stated during the debate - the relaxation in the introduction procedure for alien species in aquaculture , in ' closed facilities ' - must go hand in hand with the most precise possible definition of the requirements with which such facilities will have to comply , in keeping with up-to-date technical and scientific information . this is not the subject of this evening ' s debate . the late President Conté himself seized power in a military coup , and now there is a sense of déjà vu . throughout the whole process , it is a priority for us to keep Parliament informed , as we have done over the last months . it is inappropriate because , after the Erika , there was the Prestige ; after the Prestige , there was the Tricolor ; and , after the Tricolor , there were unfortunately plenty of other maritime disasters both in European waters and beyond . so within 12 months , we could see another 20.7 million people given free access to the EU . we cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated by these responses . I know that Parliament has already signalled its openness to fast-tracking proposals , and I hope that we can work together on this very important and sensitive issue , because financial stability is a public good . the fact is that Mr Rack has succeeded in clearly emphasising in the report that a safe , sustainable and effective urban mobility structure is a matter for the cities and local authorities of Europe and I think that this is where the great merit of this report lies . the greatest support is needed by young people living in rural areas , who often do not have the financial means to begin a course of higher education and also do not have the opportunity to find work outside of agriculture in the area where they live . the anticipated reduction in costs associated with the patent protection process is also not inconsiderable . the ratification by Moldova in October of this year of the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court is a very positive step in this direction . my constituent , Andrew Symeou , is just one of a growing number of people extradited without an English court having the power to consider the prima facie evidence against them and to prevent unjust extradition . only a referendum can cancel what another referendum has decided . incentives to enable low skilled workers to participate in learning programmes are recommendable . we are able to say today that it was the right decision . that is not up to me to say , but let us say in a very neutral way that what has been said tonight is not necessarily consistent with what has been said in the past . many women in rural areas have an urban lifestyle ; others have a lot of poverty and hardship in their life . the next item is the one-minute speeches on matters of political importance . this text clarifies the relationship between health rules and environmental rules and thus contributes to the objectives of ' better regulation ' . just a few days ago , we had the first ever regional conference of the Black Sea Synergy , which was a very first step in working on these issues in a regional dimension . children and young people at European schools come from different cultures and different nations . the Commission adopted on 30 April a legally binding case definition on the basis of the EU communicable disease legislation , and this decision was published in the Official Journal on 1 May . moreover , it should be the EU ' s objective to diversify the national economies of the countries of the Western Balkans . that is the one thing the Commission should do , but of course they will not . those states kept them in misery , when not in slavery , or sent them to concentration camps . for example , as you well know , I have long been an advocate of Ukraine ' s EU membership , and I remain convinced that absorbing Ukraine is definitely in the EU ' s strategic interest . I believe this report ' s conclusions are extremely clear and justify only too well action on the part of the European Commission - which should have addressed this matter a long time ago - to clarify the operation of the entry price regime , at least in relation to the tomato sector . it is good for the industry that approvals can be dealt with more quickly , but Parliament is rightly asking that Member States should have the right to refuse products in their territory . nor does it make sense that there are no parliamentary controls over police cooperation . just over 10 years ago , the European Union passed a directive intended to protect laying hens from the appalling rearing conditions in which too many farms were keeping them . for example , there is a lack of 1 200 classrooms for Palestinian children in the city , so we are helping to reinforce education facilities . the aim of this proposal should be to protect those who need protection , but also to strengthen the rights of citizens to access information within the law when and where they see fit . this means a Commission proposal for sanctions stands unless a qualified majority vote against , whereas until now a majority had to approve the sanctions . there is nothing even-handed in equivocating over Hamas ' s refusal to recognise Israel and then demanding that no walls , no defensive action should be taken by the state that is not even recognised . we know that there is a very profitable industry behind all this discussion . as far as I am concerned , those who use them are well-trained , in my experience , and we need perhaps to step up the training in other Member States . I welcome the decision of the European Parliament to release funds from the EU Solidarity Fund for the Central European states affected by last year ' s floods . in writing . - ( LT ) I voted in favour of this resolution . the empty bowl in the kitchen and the satellite dish laden with expectations constitute the best possible breeding ground for illegal immigration , which we can only control by contributing to the development of the countries of origin and preventing the real ' call effect ' : illegal employment . where can I turn to as a citizen ? the proposals in the report also enter the area of the curricula in Member States ' education systems . that is its failure . it is one thing to have a watch or designer clothing counterfeited , but it is far more serious if it is a medicine . this proves that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies . let me say once again that the political commitment of the Euro Plus Pact comes on top of all the other measures in the package to improve Member States ' economic performance : the stronger Stability and Growth Pact on fiscal surveillance , the new macroeconomic surveillance and implementation of the crucial EU 2020 Strategy on structural reforms to achieve economic growth . Mrs Patrão Neves , can I just say that when you take the floor , you seem to speak for longer than your time and you speak very fast , which has been slightly difficult for the interpreters . that is certainly not what the Lega Nord want , nor do we intend to accept it . if there is anything we need , it is action . closure of the sitting the parliament has hardly any say in this and , what is more , there are special funds over which the parliament has no control whatsoever . however , we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement . it must impose the introduction of a transparent , binding international mechanism that will place a duty on all multinational companies , especially those in the extractive industries , to automatically declare the profits they make and the taxes they pay in each of the countries in which they operate . the next item is the Commission statement on cord blood stem cells . ( DE ) Mr President , as everyone in this House knows , we have had an EC Regulation on the coordination of the European social security systems since 2004 but , unfortunately , no implementing regulation . in this case , the Greens are adopting positions which are diametrically opposed to their views . in fact , immediately after the approval of the Hungarian media law , a campaign was waged by the left , which used the phrase ' gagging law ' . the joint motion for a resolution , on which Parliament voted today , calls for that principle to apply also in relation to the Danube region . the rights of family members have also been taken into account in accordance with the practice in connection with previous accessions . however , I have the following question . our goal remains the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in time for the elections to the European Parliament in June 2009 . it is clear that the totally unsupervised and unrestrained production of biofuels must have possible negative consequences for the environment , biodiversity , food prices , and so on . this situation in Chad requires urgent attention , not only from the European Union , but also from the international community . mobilising Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient , low-carbon economy ( hence our final vote to abstain . now , people could rightly say that the Brandenburg Gate had become the gate of freedom . if Mr Mugabe were to lose power , the country would be re-colonised , and the majority of the people would be discriminated against . the defences are down , the press do not care and the UK is asleep , so get those unfortunate truckers taxed . the second principle of the Constitutional Convention was transparency and the third was democracy . furthermore , we cannot simply focus on nuclear safety in the EU . however , the reality is that corruption does exist in many developing countries and , while we must continue to promote good governance in these countries , we have a more pressing responsibility to help the many millions of people dying of starvation and disease in the world . thousands of students are demonstrating , they are taking to the streets and occupying lecture theatres . 14 . the report by Mr Caspary , on behalf of the Committee on International Trade , on the proposal for a Council and Commission decision on the conclusion of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community , of the one part , and Turkmenistan , of the other part ( 05144 / 1999 - C5-0338 / 1999 - . it is a disgrace that the European Parliament and the other institutions still have no idea of exactly how this service is supposed to work . in writing . - The proposed simplifications of the regulations dealing with pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin are to be welcomed and , accordingly , I supported Mrs Doyle ' s report . our concept is the future recognition of security standards , of security controls , the result of security controls and also the mutual recognition of the customs trade partnership : the CT Pact on the US side and the authorised economic operator on the EU side . a solution may , however , be on the point of being found ; in any case the future ought to be guaranteed , in view of the dependence of many states , including my own , on such supplies . regulations and agreements to provide cross-border healthcare already exist , and these can be improved without calling into question the responsibilities and rights of Member States over the ownership and management of their national health services , which we feel must be public , universal and accessible to all . it does a real job in connecting with our citizens in this area . proposals on energy and climate change ( debate ) as a result , we voted against the report overall . I can support the idea set out in Amendment 27 , and therefore , when introducing new technical measures , the Commission agrees to delay their entry into force so as to allow fishermen enough time to make the necessary adaptations . allow me to focus on three points that are important to me . they enjoy working extra hours . my third and last remark is on rural development . now that Italy has put the issue back on the UN agenda I hope that the EU as a whole will back the proposal and we shall get a UN General Assembly resolution on this . the European Union can do a great deal here . clearly there is pressure in that regard at the moment , but the fact is that Greece enjoyed major rate advantages thanks to being in the euro area . I hope days , not weeks . in writing . - This regulation comes before the Parliament for second reading in view of its final adoption . I would ask that it be revisited and that the role of Members in plenary - who stand in place of the public - be defended and not sacrificed to every whim of anybody else who wants to come into this Chamber . and the proof of this is that the respective report was approved by all the members of the Development Committee , while an overwhelming majority of the Fisheries Committee approved my report . I therefore think that the reference to Romania and Bulgaria was used without taking into consideration the entire context . teacher training must develop in tandem with the demands of the modern classroom and I believe that this report recognises this fact . I , too , would like to congratulate Mr Balz for all his efforts in compiling this report . however , the proposed change is still not sufficient . even though we have seen progress in many areas , there has been far too little time to assess the full scale of the impact on health of alcohol policy and drinking habits . at the multilateral level , we strongly endorse the commitments made in the G20 context for national export credit agencies to make available sufficient government export credit insurance capacity where this is needed , and we also support the efforts by multilateral financing organisations to make available new trade financing facilities or increase the envelopes of existing ones . mobility should also be a key component of teacher training and professional development . in writing . - I believe that much can still be done in order to enhance the effectiveness of aid from the EU and its member states , and the report by Johan van Hecke encompasses important insights . medicinal products for paediatric use ( vote ) this was during Mr Barroso ' s Commission . according to official statistics , the Russian economy is growing at a rate of 4 % , despite the economic climate , and this is forecast to continue for a long time . it will have a crucially important role to play in charting our course over the next 20 or 30 years . I also asked that the causes of the contamination should be swiftly dealt with . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am absolutely delighted to be here today before this House , on behalf of the Presidency and the Portuguese Republic , to discuss the imminent enlargement of the Schengen area . I will make just one comment : I have indeed taken into account all that has been said because I think that this work should continue . ( it ) Mr President , I will try to stay within my speaking time . of all the taxes that we could possibly adopt , the so-called Tobin tax is the most stupid of all . we are therefore living - or at least we should be living - in a period of transition and of change , which you referred to . today , the European Commission has a different and more powerful role ; it has a Minister for Foreign Affairs and a more powerful Parliament . in Europe , we had the uprisings in East Germany in 1953 , in Hungary in 1956 , in Czechoslovakia in 1968 , and then came Solidarność . I am normally very punctual , but there are always two sides to punctuality and this question time has been delayed . expert opinion states that cloning does not alter genetic material and clones are merely genetic copies of animals . I just do not understand some of this complaining . since it considers the current WTO system to be insufficiently regulatory and binding , it advocates the ' European governance model ' for trade , whether by concluding free trade agreements or by stressing conclusion of the current round of WTO negotiations - for which it calls for synergies to be created with the EU ' s major trading partners ( such as the USA , Canada and Japan ) . I am sorry , Mr Salatto . they have to accept cutting their economy to a level that will put them in total economic depression . I must point out that each of the players has their line in the sand , despite which the rapporteurs have managed to draw up a compromise that is acceptable to all , and I trust the European Parliament will support it tomorrow . more political leadership on the single market from the Presidents of the Commission and Council would go a long way towards achieving a viable single market to serve as a catalyst for economic recovery . Mr President , the Commission communication states and I quote , ' The concept of animal health covers not only the absence of disease in animals , but also the critical relationship between the health of animals and their welfare . ' ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , VAT fraud is not a mere peccadillo . that is why we are particularly pleased to have been involved in completing this great task which is so important for all the Member States of the European Union . the amendment reads as follows in English : what we most want for the EU is a return to a path of rapid growth , and this is primarily what the strategy should help accomplish . obviously we fear that stagnation may go hand in hand with inflation here , and this is a warning bell . we have reached the limit of trying to move markets with public money . as Jacques Delors says : ' in every child there is a treasure , and we have to give them the chance to explore and develop this treasure ' . making criminality ethnic is extremely dangerous , as well as the fact that politicians and the mass-media , by the media overlapping of crimes committed by Roma people , promote the idea that all criminals come from the Roma population . ( Parliament approved the request . ) as you know , at the last European Foreign Affairs Council we agreed to double the number of people deployed . in fact , migrant workers accepting low-skilled temporary jobs on the edges of the labour market or jobs as domestic workers are exposed to multiple forms of discrimination . ( the President cut off the speaker ) secondly , this somehow forges a link between the European Union and what is happening in Europe as a whole , and hence with the countries of the Council of Europe . but we have every confidence that the Member States are competent to formulate adequate national strategies on health and safety at work . I would like to congratulate the European Parliament rapporteur for Youth on the Move , Mr Zver . it is due to this spirit of cooperation that we are able to modify the financial perspective four times in the course of a procedure , i.e. four annual procedures . unless we are to end up with a European space that applies non-uniform standards , however , we must obtain the results of the studies under way as soon as possible . 3 . it is not about respecting the environment and accepting relocations ; it is about respecting the environment and rejecting relocations . illegal material involving child abuse should be removed from the Internet at source and websites should be blocked by providers . there are a million starving people in the world , and aid will of course flow as needed , but the arguments behind the Commission ' s proposal have become obsolete in six months . I can but reiterate my hope that all this will prove revitalising . this is an excellent example of the benefits of the European Union . 5 . I request the competent Commissioners to propose a work plan in this respect urgently . as a Greek Macedonian , I call for greater composure ; what we need in the dispute over the name is for the two different self-determinations which both use the name Macedonia to coexist . we must end this inequality once and for all . the challenges we face with regard to the climate will require new resources and the redistribution of existing resources . that is why I should like firstly to thank Mr Savary . nomination of a member of the Court of Auditors - Mr Eoin O ' Shea ( IE ) ( some of the cost of buying new cars , as we know , is covered by insurance policies . ( DE ) Can you give an estimate as to when the service provision and the broadcasting capacity will be restored ? I congratulate the rapporteurs , I thank Commissioner Barnier for his work , and I congratulate the Hungarian Presidency . I hope that both governments will reply , and I shall of course inform you of their replies , especially because I believe that transparency and truth demand that when one is accused of something one must have every legal means of explaining and demonstrating that the accusation is untrue , or else of entrusting the inquiry to an independent court . the principle of freedom of movement in the Schengen area is in danger of being compromised by the North African crisis , as reflected in talks between Italy and France concerning the relocation of migrants coming chiefly from Tunisia and the reintroduction of border controls . this is also confirmed by statements issued by French officials on the need to re-examine certain provisions of the Schengen Agreement . streets , hospitals and a university have been named after this famous scientist . it is evident that Parliament ' s increased rights and competences under the new Treaty have an impact in many ways on working relations between our institutions . sometimes , work is done swiftly in Parliament . their commitment and interest in this matter is reflected in the amendments that were adopted in committee and tabled in recent weeks . the fight against the death penalty is the fight of civilisation against barbarity . this report is about affirming clearly that these are our rights and we insist on them . it was for me the greatest honour of my political life . the land , we all agree , is the environment , and we want to protect it , but I am seriously afraid we are destroying it . with this proposal , the European Commission is presenting a fait accompli , but they cannot say that we did not warm them that this would be a mistake and that it would not , in any way , avoid paperwork or red tape , but that it will actually create more paperwork and red tape and also more legal uncertainty , which is what is worrying producers most . we therefore have to create a reasonable relationship between these points . furthermore , droughts are increasingly affected by climate change causing forest fires which are environmentally destructive . ( NL ) Mr President , I abstained from the vote on the Provera report , primarily because I think that it is greatly lacking in clarity . in view of the dramatic flooding in Poland , where a significant amount of the country is flooded and people have lost all their possessions , I would like , on behalf of the European Parliament and all of us , to convey expressions of support and solidarity with the Poles and most sincere expressions of sympathy with those who are suffering , today . the system we are now investigating would mean that each of you , in your seat , would have a light to warn you when the interpreters cannot follow the speech , so that the President does not need to interrupt you and you would be informed of it directly instead . the directive was an ambitious European project and , at the time , the Commission was concerned that the whole proposal would be sabotaged and that there would be no directive at all if it had insisted on extending the directive beyond the relationship between fraudsters and citizens . in this connection , the Council is delighted with the joint statements which we approved at the conciliation meeting and which raise questions such as decentralised agencies , executive agencies , assigned revenues and recruitment in connection with the latest enlargements . Mr President , this is a further stage in an exceptional piece of work that we have been doing in the European Parliament . globalisation can be presented as part of European history if it can be imbued with the ethos of European culture . however , we obviously did want to ensure full respect for the competence of Parliament as an arm of the budgetary authority , maximum clarity and transparency as the rapporteur was proposing , and therefore correct and effective use of the funding , thus avoiding any kind of corruption , as indicated by Commissioner Verheugen in his speech . secondly , Mr Cercas is proposing that we amend - I would like to be able to speak , otherwise there is no point - the Socialist Group , and Mr Cercas in particular , are proposing that the Commission amend its proposal . what I can tell you is that there is concern within the Commission on the current state of the stock and that we are working hard to find an appropriate proposal that will help properly address this problem at the international level . you will not focus the debate on Egypt by discussing six points with Baroness Ashton . I therefore support this proposal for a framework decision on the European supervision order in pre-trial procedures , which should allow the mutual recognition of pre-trial supervision measures , enabling suspects to return to their Member State of residence during the investigation stage . we must be reasonable . ' yes ' to special needs in certain sectors , but ' no ' to these surrogate battles that some Members of this House want to fight on the back of the developing countries . perhaps the rapporteur will comment in his response as to why they are sufficient . ( SV ) Mr President , there has been a lot of talk about equal rights in this debate . we therefore voted against this report in the vote . I agree with the proposal that candidate status should only be granted to Serbia once it has begun to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) . on behalf of the ITS Group . - ( IT ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , when our resolutions and statements do not remain a dead letter or a feeble voice in the great ear of the Council , they are caught up in the flurry of events which certainly do not coincide with or await our plenary schedule . Wednesday : coaches are used by those on a low income and the young , including students and schoolchildren . he failed to make this statement on Monday . we would deem it unacceptable if the Chinese Government were to use these talks to tide itself over the period of the Olympic Games , only to have them break down afterwards . this problem is not just about Mr Berlusconi : it is about a system of the Right , Centre and Left that is infringing the civil and political rights of Italian citizens . it is a balanced result that safeguards the interests of farmers as users of feed , feed manufacturers , and all other links in the food chain . amendments have been drafted . to avoid being left behind , we need the European Council ' s endorsement of our strategic and integrated approach to innovation . I hope you will take this point on board , and I believe that you need to do more , proactively , to encourage awareness . sport is the perfect tool for education : it teaches us about social coexistence and that if an individual is integrated into any group , he can become a useful member . on behalf of the S & D Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , following on from the discussions about Tunisia , Egypt and other countries that are currently calling for freedom , I would like to say that our observation mission to Southern Sudan for the referendum was a wonderful and exemplary experience . I believe that this directive constitutes a positive step towards bringing clarity and legal certainty both for taxable persons and for the administrations , whilst providing additional means to fight against value added tax fraud . we proposed right from the start that work on these issues should not take place in the context of the technical report . why is this measure important ? Mr President , justifying the prolongation of the re-exporting of sugar using the models that are currently being proposed , with the gradual abolition of the system of milk quotas , is dangerous and unacceptable . Mr President , Europe ' s future depends on securing energy . what is needed for these smaller farms is not a reduction but rather an increase in direct support . today he sent out an email saying that only 184 of the 736 colleagues have signed this . the international community and , first and foremost , we , as the European Union , have supported these negotiations through our strong commitment and we have given financial aid to create the basic conditions for establishing a Palestinian state . we demand just one thing : that the parties in the crisis allow us to help and that they should help themselves in particular , because this is a human crisis on a huge scale . it has done this with an accurate and precise text that incorporates into our Rules of Procedure the important changes introduced by a new treaty concerning the increased role of the European Parliament in terms of legislative procedure , of budgetary procedure and of the European Union ' s overall institutional balance . the EU is now the largest donor of aid to these countries , and the EU is the second largest trading partner of Latin America and the Caribbean region . what is the Council doing to protect this minority , whose existence is under threat ? it is to make this instrument more effective and more predictable and so the Commission has , in consultation with the Member States and other stakeholders , devised a longer-term form of budget support , which we have called the MDG contract , for countries that meet certain criteria : good past performance , reliable public finance management , appropriate sectional policy , and so on . the final result , encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements , will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States , prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers . problems in the international financial market remain acute - you have already discussed these issues today - driven partly by developments in the financial sector itself and partly by the implications of the deteriorating economic environment . some of our neighbours , such as Switzerland , have postponed the planning process for new nuclear power plants . I am glad to see that Mr Deprez is also here . the present quota system has been agreed up to 2015 . I think the proposal the Commission has put forward is sound and should be adopted and that it is in the interests of business . ( ES ) Madam President , violent Islamic fundamentalism that targets the West but also harms Islam is on the increase in the Middle East and the Maghreb . thus , the European Parliament calls on the Hungarian authorities to restore the independence of media governance and halt state interference with freedom of expression and balanced coverage . they respect the law protecting the most endangered species listed in CITES . I consider the role of local governments , entrepreneurial partnerships and educational institutions important in the development of the labour market demands of vocational education and training . both husband and wife have been nominated by this House for the Sakharov Prize in recognition of their activities , whilst they are repressed in their own country because of those same activities . which steps will they take next ? this systematic dismantling of the fundamental principles which define the specific nature of European wine-growing responds to a peculiar logic . on 6 April , the European Commission will present its Communication on Roma inclusion . the Energy Council , the TTE , will revisit the issue at its scheduled 19 February meeting through the conclusions it will adopt on the Commission ' s Communication on the Second Strategic Energy Review . he fought for the Constitution and also for the referendum in Spain . in writing . - While we are critical of the violations of civil liberties in third countries , we must exercise similar scrutiny in the Member States . I would like to emphasise in this Chamber that if we do not reach a global agreement , then all of our efforts will simply amount to a burden on the European economy and a masochistic annihilation of European competitiveness . a figure of 30 % has been mentioned . question Time ( Commission ) for example , in the Czech Republic , it is well known among professionals , but only 7 % of registered entrepreneurs know anything about the service . the key to the situation in Russia , Georgia , South Ossetia and Abkhazia lies in the EU . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , a very strong feeling has emerged from this joint debate : great satisfaction at having created , in the shape of this third package from the Committee on Industry , Research and Energy , a package that is important for European citizens . it will be a way for us to be able genuinely to exchange best practices . we have discussed at length the practical efficacy of the state machinery of these two countries , as well as their levels of corruption ; nevertheless , I believe that the application of Schengen should leave this out of consideration , given that - just as happened with the other Member States - it is sufficient to base a decision only on the efficiency of border controls and the preparation of police forces . the European Commission , together with the IMF and in liaison with the ECB , will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the policy conditionality required by a macroeconomic adjustment programme . the Commission acknowledges that there are certain differences in the transposition of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive between the Member States . I would not contradict President Obama ' s financial adviser , Mr Volcker , who said that the euro is liable to collapse if we do not change our culture and behaviour . in fact , some of the innovations were as a result of some debates with your group and other groups . in writing . - According to the report voted today , the EP : it is true that there is a limit . the limit is that already established by public policy and the non-applicability in a given state of any law providing for a type of marriage not considered to exist in that state . it can be greatly criticised for dealing with the old type of energy and , in particular , in terms of the time factor . I think that even the Commissioners should start protesting . individuals of immigrant origin who have managed to succeed must be given the opportunity to appear on television and in other media and must be held up as examples of success . the data collected may explain the potential distortions and contribute to finding adequate measures for correcting negative situations . the TVBI Foundation helps tuberculosis sufferers the world over , and particularly in less developed countries . we say yes to integrated European rather than simply coordinated financial market supervision on the basis of the model of the European Central Bank . it is necessary , also on behalf of Dutch fishing , for us at European level to maintain the recovery of cod stocks . we must work on this and we wish to pursue this matter further in the coming months . countries such as Greece , Romania , Bulgaria , Spain and Portugal have dealt with periods of drought , as well as with floods . a recent summit of Latin American and Caribbean leaders saw unanimous support from all 32 countries for Argentine claims to the Falkland Islands . in essence , it confirms many of the warnings and alerts that we made as the Treaty of Lisbon was being debated and then brought into force : an irrefutable course of EU militarisation is under way , and it is now being accelerated and intensified . it is not greed , individual greed , which was the decisive factor . set up your service . this quantum leap , this change , this new chapter must be noticeable at the first summit . this rule was applied to AICs by the Commission , as well as Parliament , between 2000 and 2004 . a code of conduct for lobbying activities is necessary . however , influential voices among the political groups in this Parliament are arguing for the Commission to play a much more decisive part in the service . however , my delegation is not in agreement with the reference to the promotion of abortion in paragraph 6 of the report . it is therefore pleasing today to see that these so-called ' honour crimes ' , which are simply barbaric crimes , are no longer being tolerated in Turkish society . despite the fact that the mass immigration over the past 20 years has had disastrous socio-economic , social and political consequences , Mr Mann wants to allow even more immigration from outside the European Union . until now , they had been completely left out of the process , so we have agreed , under the new agreements , to set up multi-stakeholder committees to monitor , or guide , the implementation process where indigenous people are involved . let me be very clear on this : infringement of Schengen rules cannot be tolerated , but one element does not exclude the other . have this House , my group and I , myself , not already asked many questions about the systematic suppression of Christians in these Islamic countries ? unfortunately , this stance towards Russia was only adopted after more than a year of restrictions by Russia on Polish exports , and after Poland used its veto to hold up preparations for the EU-Russia agreement . international demand for rosé wine is not falling but rising , and in this case the right approach is not to produce more using winemaking practices that owe more to a chemistry set than anything else , but to invest in quality , in specialisation and in the characterisation of European wines , in the marketing and promotion of real wine in general in order to extend the market and finally make it easier for young people to enter the winemaking business . we cannot only draw attention , rightly , to Guantánamo , Abu Ghraib , the infringements in Colombia and in China , and then ignore the infringements that are occurring in our own countries . none of the Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left can vote for a resolution formulated in this way . ( the explanation of vote was cut short pursuant to Rule 170 of the Rules of Procedure ) ( it ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I believe that we must help the Dalai Lama not only to say ' no ' , where he has clearly done so , but also to say ' yes ' where he has done so . thank you . that is undoubtedly one of the premises behind promoting free movement in this area . I have just learned that it is Mr Böge ' s birthday today , and wish to offer him my sincere congratulations . 54 . it should guide the work of the European Council on 15 and 16 October more than ever . the agricultural sector needs to improve its energy efficiency . let me tell you very frankly and very openly that I saw among Heads of State or Government much more awareness of the need to act together and also of the external constraints on the European economy . with this resolution , the EP , among other things : welcomes the prospect of having as a new EU member a country with a strong democratic tradition and civic culture ; underlines that Iceland ' s accession to the EU will further enhance the Union ' s role as a world-wide promoter and defender of human rights and fundamental freedoms ; commends Iceland for its good record in safeguarding human rights and ensuring a high level of cooperation with international mechanisms for the protection of human rights ; supports the ongoing work to strengthen the legislative environment with regard to freedom of expression and access to information ; welcomes , in this respect , the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative , enabling both Iceland and the EU to position themselves strongly as regards legal protection of the freedoms of expression and information . each country must agree to make an appropriate financial effort . Madam President , my constituency of south-east England is the fastest-growing wine-producing region in Europe . we seem to place too much emphasis on stopping people coming into the institutions . we cannot fail to react to the brutal action which has been seen in Guinea . another issue raised by the report is cooperation with the UN . it highlights the UN ' s unwillingness or negligence in forwarding the relevant payment documents . fellow Members , it is now up to us alone to decide whether to exercise these rights in the future . we in the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance are very proud of our achievement in having this fixed in the resolution , even if only cautiously . however , we were all aware that it would be impossible to secure a global deal in Mexico and that had also been determined in advance . there are more than 80 million adults in Europe hampered by severe deficiencies in basic skills . whereas in most instances a visa is required to enter a country , in Belarus one needs a visa in order to leave the country . the controls built into the directive should also guarantee bidders adequate legal protection , promote transparency and non-discrimination in the award of contracts . it is therefore anything but a coincidence that , according to the latest statistics put out by Eurostat , six out of every ten Europeans believe it highly or relatively likely that environmental pollution is affecting their health and also , and this is important , that the European Union is not sufficiently active in this area , which is the whole object of our debate this morning . I am also very happy to note that Parliament will be strongly represented in the delegation that will be attending this conference . we will not have personal comments of that nature . surely the application of law to such groups is both unnecessary and unhelpful . in relation to the last three questions , the Commission does not currently intend to make any financial commitments in these areas . in all cases , the intention is the same : to prevent countries from protecting their own companies in public procurement , so as to make things easier for the big companies of the powers that also want to use competition , which is seen as the be all and end all , to dominate the awarding of public contracts . in the end , I emphasize the need to promote the young generation in this republic . in the future , our researchers and businesses will finally be able to start competing effectively on innovation with the United States and Asia . we call on Kenya ' s political leaders to do everything in their power to prevent further violence in the country and to ensure respect for human rights . for the post-2013 period , the Commission will study and assess the various options for reforming the direct payment system . ( DE ) I will now continue in German . the new VAT strategy should aim to reduce administrative burdens , removing tax obstacles and improving the business environment , particularly for SMEs and labour-intensive enterprises , whilst ensuring the robustness of the system against fraud . could we be here if we had ? the summit will also give us the chance to assess the progress made in our work relating to the four common spaces . there can be no doubt that mobilising information and communication technologies ( ICT ) can facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient economy , since this is also a way of reducing energy consumption , increasing energy security and helping to curb environmental damage , particularly greenhouse-gas emissions . what about meeting the needs of tomorrow ' s increasing energy consumption ? the policy objectives are well known . it is also worth noting that the soil ' s ability to absorb carbon and convert it into useful humus has not yet been fully exploited . since the empty seats on the right of this House also tell their own story , let me say that when Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt visits us , who belongs to their political family , the Socialist Group will be in attendance in the same kind of numbers as today , because I believe courtesy is a quality that you either have or you do not , and those on the right do not have it ! there is no doubt about that . ' fish stocks in Europe have declined dramatically in recent years , and very little is being done to change this situation . further points are addressed : agents and brokers are important for greater competition in the financial services sector . I know they are not covered by the scope of this proposal , but many of Northern Ireland ' s farmers feel let down when they work hard to meet the requirements laid down by Europe , and then have to compete with those who do not have to meet the same standards . in writing . - ( FR ) Like the previous reports on Turkey , the one by Mrs Oomen-Ruijten does not question the Euro-Brussels dogma that ' Turkey must accede to the European Union ' . clearly , though , this overarching strategy is underpinned by individual and differentiated bilateral relations that reflect the varying aspirations and orientations of the countries concerned . please take these two examples as proof of the fact that Parliament is much more in favour of reform than the report might suggest . Mr Mandelson , however , at the time , scarcely dared to answer us because , for him , it was primarily a matter of stimulating trade , as if simply removing customs barriers would somehow miraculously bring about development . at the same time , the Treaty on European Union clearly establishes an active role for EU citizens , for example , with the European Citizens ' Initiative ( ECI ) . the vote will take place on Tuesday , 11 March 2008 . the Commission can , however , support this compromise without hesitation . the successful execution of this important task would not be possible without the help and cooperation of my fellow shadow rapporteurs or the members of the committee , my office and the secretariat . this report commits the European Union to close cooperation revolving around a shared vision on humanitarian aid . it is mainly a small group of criminal networks that encourage people in remote areas to travel to the European Union under false premises in the hope that they will receive asylum . I am quite confident that the Irish Government will come forward with a plan of how things should happen . why are we considering closer relations with Israel when agents of that government perform such acts of violence against the very people whose advocacy of peace and reconciliation will command the support of the vast majority of Members here ? the current crisis and the rise in unemployment it has caused are affecting weaker groups in particular . Ireland decided the ratification by referendum , and the Irish citizens rejected the Treaty . although the use of human organs for transplantation has steadily increased in EU countries in recent decades , the number of people requiring a transplant is greater than the number of organs available for transplant . the report marks an important step in the fight against this disease in the European Union and is essential for introducing a new form of cooperation between Member States , enabling coordinated measures to be taken to combat certain problems affecting the whole of Europe . unfortunately , the pay differential is still 17 % and women are still not always represented in management and supervisory boards . body scanners are not infallible but they are the best technology available at present and so we need to use what tools we have to hand in order to reduce the terrorist threat . the next item is the debate on the oral question to the Council ( B6-0481 / 2008 ) on the need for the Convention on Cluster Munitions to enter into force before the end of 2008 , by Mrs Beer , on behalf of the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance , Mrs Gomes , on behalf of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament , Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck and Mrs Lynne , on behalf of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe , Mr Kristovskis , on behalf of the Union for Europe of the Nations Group , Mr Pflüger and Mrs Zimmer , on behalf of the Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left , and Mr Zappalà on behalf of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) and European Democrats ( O-0110 / 2008 / rev . 1 ) . I would also like to take this opportunity to make an appeal on behalf of patients , who become the focus of our treatment and should become the focus of our care : they should have better access to new scientific knowledge and new information . simplifying and standardising the legislative framework of European research programmes is a choice we have to make . for example , it makes it more difficult to send important telecommunications equipment to countries that need it . it has not been easy . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , Mr Farage is now leaving . the position was subsequently consolidated in the so-called Eurogroup , and only then taken to the European Council . in addition , we should not only look at 2007 , but also at 2010 . in our view you must also trust the candidate and give them the authority to move the social strength to the fore . it will continue to take place in the coming years , despite measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions , which I hope we will take and will be able to agree on in Copenhagen in 2009 . President of the European Commission . - Mr President , over the past few years , we have had many opportunities to discuss together the importance of partnership . it is about ensuring Europe ' s place in the world as a leading knowledge-based economy . in 2008 , the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative ( TBVI ) was established in the form of a public-private partnership with the support of the Health Cooperation Programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for research in order to mobilise additional resources for this important area . I agree with President Barroso ' s words today when he referred to the proposals that the Commission will draw up for the use of its own resources and the adaptation of the EU budget to the Treaty of Lisbon , and I hope for greater cooperation by the Council in building the Europe of the future . so what are the prospects for Copenhagen ? if you build your house there , Martin Schulz , it will be a house built of straw . in this connection , we are concerned that the very open wording may give rise to serious problems in interpretation . after all , it is taxpayers ' money which has to finance the system . this was used in the UK and it is estimated that , in the UK alone - and a Dutch colleague said one per cent of their population is affected - it is something along the lines of 236 000 to 284 000 adults who have a gambling problem . we are also saying ' no ' to the criminalisation of dissent in local communities , and therefore ' yes ' to legality . however , we have invited Turkey to work constructively with us in the context of the Berlin Plus agreement and in other areas in order to forge closer links . does the Commission agree that payments should be reviewed if a region has been receiving structural funding for years without this resulting in it meeting the targets set ? indeed , in the light of the Treaty of Lisbon , I agree that such monitoring should be conducted on an equal footing with the Council , which would contribute to increased sharing of responsibilities between the European institutions and to mitigating any lack of democracy in the EU ' s decision-making process . at European level , we will also need to stop considering separately and systematically the immigration and labour policies . interest in its mineral wealth is increasing . ( applause ) the debate is closed . unfortunately the EU subsidises the meat industry by huge amounts . publishing the names of those receiving agricultural subsidies is absolutely necessary in the interests of a transparent European policy , particularly given the enormous proportion of the EU budget represented by these subsidies . Petitions : see Minutes I ask the Commission to examine the necessity of certain Community regulations on the security of electronic communication services and computerised systems . what I have to deal with is the reality of what we actually are . this is why I wholeheartedly support this resolution that has today been voted through by this House . in my opinion , this would offer a much greater scope for action , responsiveness , legitimacy and credibility . however , ladies and gentlemen , we voted against the law - the decision to hold the August and October plenary sessions in one week each is illegal , as the Treaty states that there must be monthly plenary sessions . what is more , the procedure within Parliament that led to this resolution was largely opaque and , at times , chaotic . the rapporteur therefore proposes that some general principles should be drawn up in order to make such evaluations easier , and also better . this mentality is clearly one of the reasons why we are debating tonight . one food scandal follows another . Mrs Joly has very interestingly identified that there is a flight of capital . ( it ) Mr President , making it easy for citizens to scrutinise how decisions are made , together with the processes , elements and resources that influenced them , helps both to ensure greater transparency and to close the gap between the European institutions and citizens , which is often discussed in relation to legitimacy and to the so-called democratic deficit in the European Union . this is why creating a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training ( ECVET ) could boost the mobility of students and workers . ( applause ) it is short-sighted , but also unwise from the point of view of fair competition , if we use the CDM to support those industrial sectors in China which complain here about the risk of carbon leakage , for example . all this helps strengthen the Union ' s cohesion . it is also a fact that all too often , the contracts are very precarious , resulting in many people leaving the sector prematurely . a regression towards authoritarian practices is sweeping the country . therefore , it is not only about money , but also about the European Union providing better and more specific support to this sector . Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , Vice-President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , the catastrophes associated with the names Estonia , Erika and Prestige have shocked Europe . it goes without saying that a re-elected President of the Commission will have increased authority . on behalf of the GUE / NGL Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , the first time I dealt personally with this issue was during NATO ' s war of aggression against Yugoslavia , one of the wars which I opposed and which like many other wars was waged by Western countries . the rest of Europe may look on critically when we demand vetoes on immigration policy . the measures proposed in the report are not sufficient and are too declarative . it seems that the EU is now faced with a dilemma . we are bound to have the largest role to play , notwithstanding our willingness or reluctance to take it on . a voluntary agreement recently submitted by the solar panel industry clearly fails to meet the criteria for such agreements . it has been working on this for quite some time now , and we still have nothing concrete to show for it . thank you . does the Commission consider that these provisions are satisfactory and adequate , or does it believe that a more stringent control framework should be established for airlines ? in writing . - I supported today ' s report calling for a joint register of lobbyists and interest groups to be set up . I think that it is too soon , even from my own group , to come up with very concrete proposals about how this should go . Mr President , under the Lisbon Treaty , the rights of the child are guaranteed by Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights . the Schengen enlargement process also constitutes a challenge and hard work for us in Parliament . if we look at all developing countries , basically all trade is based on monoculture - one particular export item with a high fluctuation rate . request for waiver of parliamentary immunity : see Minutes there is a saying in Irish that " its lack of use is to its detriment ” . we cannot talk about specifically combating the trafficking of women without considering strong measures for tackling criminal activities and the networks controlling this traffic , which is extremely busy in the Balkan and Mediterranean regions . first , we did not want to push ourselves forward . concluding an informal trialogue and then voting on it is fine . however , what we are doing here is to rescind normal parliamentary procedure in the case of six different legislative procedures . we also need a long-term vision to solve the problems related to migration flows and to help create jobs in the countries of origin of these people . some interesting points are on IPA ( paragraph 5 ) , corruption ( paragraph 8 ) , freedom of information ( paragraph 10 ) , organised crime ( paragraph 14 ) and anti-discrimination ( paragraphs 17-22 ) . if the Member State feels that its companies really need to have this publication in the national gazette - and this is really something that Member States wants - they can do that , but we have not put any call to this effect into the articles . in writing . - ( NL ) Mr President , Belgium has been a forerunner on waste policy for years and so , personally , I would have preferred a rather more ambitious text . as is mentioned in this report ' s explanatory statement , to date , disputes arising from the Euro-Mediterranean agreements relied solely on diplomatic approaches for a resolution . the joint debate is closed . we must finally tackle the causes of this problem . among the various amendments that I support , I would highlight those directly affecting children ' s goods . agenda for next part session : see Minutes in December 2008 , an Economic Recovery Plan was agreed for Europe , providing uniform frameworks for the measures to be taken . the share of this fund remaining at year end is repatriated to Member States as part of their ' rebate ' . it supports scientific research activity , thereby boosting employment in a sector with high added value . it was thanks to their patriotism that Europe was not united in tyranny , that sovereignty and independence were restored and , indeed , that the European Union became possible . common rules for access to the international market for coach and bus services ( recast ) ( however , thank you once again for this excellent work . he is the example you should follow . I would refer to the Dutch model of dispute resolution in healthcare that was launched recently . 2009 discharge : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( I commend the report and the ideas in it . this has as much to do with the size of the disaster as with the bureaucracy . lastly , there is the promotion of a close partnership between the countries of origin , transit and destination of immigrants , for the benefit of our partners ' development ; this is the concept of co-development . in any event , please be aware that , if you speak very quickly , only you and your compatriots will be able to understand as no interpreter can keep up at that speed . Mr President , Mr President of the Eurogroup , Mr Juncker , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I shall begin by congratulating my fellow Members , Mrs Berès and Mr Langen , on the quality of their report , and by thanking them for having incorporated the amendments tabled by the Committee on International Trade . now I hear you trying to sound as if you have complied with this request . otherwise , it will continually be under the threat of collapse , and separatist movements , movements in individual island groups , religious and cultural movements that oppose each other will threaten the unity of the country . now , measures that would have been unthinkable a few months ago are being taken practically every day : the G7 on Saturday , the 27 Member States on Monday , the Ministers of Finance on Tuesday , the measures by the British Government today , and at the same time , a coordinated initiative by the central banks and a reduction in interest rates ! I want to raise with you a matter of very deep concern in Ireland . compliance with flag State requirements ( it is happening in a Slovakia where , moreover , Ján Slota says the trouble is that they have not been able to rid the country of Hungarians , and that this is the source of all their problems . we must also remember that , as recently as 2007 , the European Commission itself proposed that this agreement should be discontinued because it did not provide the desired added value for Europe that an agreement ought to provide . I would like to ask you the following question , bearing in mind the need to invest and safeguard the European Union ' s economic competitiveness in the future as well : what measures do you envisage taking to facilitate the use of European Social Fund and European Globalisation Adjustment Fund resources to support the industrial sectors experiencing economic hardship ? nowhere has this tendency been more apparent than in the preposterous discussions we have been forced to endure over whether and when to appoint the President of the Commission . the next item is the debate on six motions for resolutions on Zimbabwe . - ( SK ) Electric vehicles are considered to be one way to fulfil strict environmental protection standards , since they do not produce any emissions . we do not have a proper view of the real problems at issue here . however , some of Mugabe ' s cronies , particularly the military chiefs , have become exceedingly rich through control of expropriated farmland and mineral resources . but where is Mr Cameron in all this ? the presence of a cross in a classroom does not , on its own , exert pressure on a person ' s worldview and does not violate the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their own convictions , just as that right is not violated by wearing clothes which testify to the profession of a particular faith . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the report stresses that it is essential for the financing of the CAP to reflect its ambitious vision and policy objectives . there have also been discussions on ways of developing the European market for mezzanine financing and I am pleased to let you know that we are making progress from this point of view . human lives are also being put at risk . however , through the forum , we can develop a code of conduct to be complied with by all stakeholders . we really would like to achieve a result where women would represent 25 % of senior management positions , 30 % of middle management and 43 % of AD non-management posts . we will therefore have to uphold our legitimate demands on China . I would like to say to Commissioner Dimas and to the Commission as a whole that I find it incomprehensible that neither the EU nor you yourself , Commissioner , or the rest of the Commission , have reacted to this huge project - in terms of security policy , energy policy or environmental policy . how do you stand on the fact that a Member State would also be liable to pay a penalty if the obligatory primary school attendance requirement is not met ? well , I can understand his disappointment , but I am really not sure that even this Parliament would have shown any greater ability to arrive at a simple consensual view about what reform should take place than the Member States have been able to achieve . nevertheless , the existing inequalities and the new challenges facing the world create the risk of permanent social divisions in our societies at many levels : between children from rich and poor families , between the well and less well educated , between men and women , between immigrants and those who have been Europeans for generations , between persons of different sexual orientations , different ages or in different states of health . it should provoke a reaction in those of us who , as is the case in the European Union and Parliament , believe in the existence of human rights and in defending them . thank you . however , it is extremely frustrating that nearly 200 men remain there . the demonstrators who wanted to celebrate the nineteenth anniversary of Belarus ' s brief independence and were arrested on 25 March 2008 , are still under arrest . that is a question for Hungary as a country , as a member of the European Union of some years standing , and also for the institutions of the European Union in the sense that , manifestly , at this stage , we have been unable sufficiently to develop this climate of confidence , this climate of solidarity , this climate of cooperation to allow a country like Hungary , in its current difficult situation , to consider that its first circle of solidarity , its first circle of cooperation , should be the European Union . ( HU ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , Hungary is certainly in a special position when it comes to the creation and support of regions constituting transboundary economic units . we hope Europe will be ready for that challenge . we pay due attention to the recommendations of this House and let me just give you two examples of what we have done in this annual report for 2009 to address the request from this institution for more information . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , on our agenda today we have the Commission statement on the partnership agreements with the ACP countries and a resolution is planned for this debate . we presented a plan of action in February 2009 and have since taken a number of measures . he was shot twice and wounded . ( applause ) this would provide a model of efficiency for using European public money . the ESF is one of the key tools at our disposal in reaching the Europe 2020 headline targets , particularly those on employment , education and poverty reduction . on 7 August 2007 , a crisis began that was serious and worrying but , dare I say it , normal . we are critical of the system ' s current structure and scope , but how the funds are used is nevertheless important . the concept of human security is certainly an interesting one - including for development aid . how should we react to this ? claims for such payments should be enforceable in a court of law by both farmers and clients . let us not become confused over terminology - the report we have adopted is more about finding new labour resources than about solidarity . we have enough exchange with Russia in the specialist areas . and Kaliningrad is , of course , a very special case , due to its unique geographic location . the Commission must establish an effective system in this area , which would facilitate the collection of credible data on the end use of the dual-use items exported from the Union . in writing . - Huge consensus , today , on the vote on the situation in Côte d ' Ivoire . the transatlantic market has a trade volume of around EUR 2 billion per day . I would like to make two further comments : it is important that shipping , in particular , also becomes more environmentally friendly . companies must provide evidence of their ability to carry out demolition or asbestos removal work . prior to the demolition or asbestos removal work , they must draw up a plan specifying the measures needed to ensure that workers are not exposed to an asbestos-in-air concentration of more than 0.1 asbestos fibres per cm3 during an average eight-hour shift . Iran is currently a regional and global threat and a challenge to the EU Member States ' ability to stand firm together on the international scene . in the 1960s and 70s , we fought for equal rights for women - not for them to be dictated to - and we seem to be going backwards instead of forwards . ensuring that the price is appropriate for producers and consumers alike is indispensible for internal market mechanisms . however , I voted against this report in the final vote , in order to show my total disagreement with the rejection of Amendment 10 . I think we will all support such a report . women , as well as children , are the ones suffering most from the devastating consequences of conflict situations . assistance must , of course , be subject to an anti-fraud mechanism for greater transparency in the administration and disbursement of funds . legislation is no longer the problem , but its application in the situation where many women are reluctant to report to the authorities the acts of violence they are subjected to , preferring to endure the suffering in silence . relations between the European Union and the United States in that area require a confident and essential partnership . therefore , the main task of the CAP is to preserve the agricultural production capacity of the European Union . if we want people ' s trust , more - and full - transparency is the only way to go . however , for some time I have been calling for a business-based review of the EU agencies . this title is very apt . this issue has remained unresolved for too long . firstly , investing in greener , low carbon technologies is an important instrument . I am especially proud , and we in the European Parliament can all be proud , of the fact that the Council , in its common position , embraced the outcome of our inter-group deliberations and incorporated more than 95 % of it into the foundations of the common position . thanks to its role in the collection , analysis and exchange of information , Europol facilitates investigations in Member States and has thus become an important tool in the fight against crime . we have received from the Commission and from the Commissioners with specific responsibility in these areas , namely trade , external action and humanitarian aid , very committed and high-quality support and we are sure that we are all working towards a common goal of making the difference in Africa and for Africa . the EUR 280 million works out at not quite EUR 2 per tonne of milk produced in the European Union . my region , Stará Ľubovňa in Slovakia , has similar geothermal sources but developing them requires large financial resources . a conspicuous example is the question of ritual slaughter . thank you . in writing . - ( SK ) The motion for a resolution on organ donation and transplantation is a part of a world-wide debate on child safety . of particular importance is the EUR 300 million which will be allocated to the dairy sector following the recent crisis . selecting sites to be awarded the label will also help to increase the younger generation ' s interest in , and knowledge of , the ideas and peoples of Europe , and , in so doing , will bring Europe ' s inhabitants closer together . they also run the risk of coming into serious conflict with their countries of origin , which may refuse to pay up , under the excuse that the disease which they suffer from is not rare enough . we do not claim that by means of cooperation agreements we can , with a click of the fingers , miraculously achieve respect for democracy and human rights in Vietnam or elsewhere . in relation to this , I would like to recall the European Court of Human Rights ' finding in the case of Bosphorus Airlines vs . Ireland in 2005 . I fully agree with what you say , by the way , on the carbon market and its contribution . however , our job today is to address the new text , which is a vast improvement on the original proposal . I think it would be very good for us to be able to agree on the amendments before the vote on Wednesday , so that there can be full agreement across the entire House . we must urgently set up a consistent European system for statistical recording - it has been said more than once - with particular reference to minors , trafficking , physical and sexual violence , and women in vulnerable categories , such as immigrants . Israel stands to gain , not lose , from a strong Palestinian partner . although GNSS will only have a military application , it will be the taxpayers who foot the bill - twice over now as a result of the follow-up costs . several of you referred to the problem of correlation tables . the elected representatives of the region , and in particular in the small municipalities , are quite rightly held in high regard by their fellow citizens . our stability is determined by their stability as we unfortunately found out in the 1990s . it will also stop consumers from having to pay higher tariffs and will make it possible for consumers to make informed decisions . what does all this mean in actual figures ? ( RO ) Mr President , sentencing a child to death is unacceptable in the world we live in . it has been produced by experts and I believe that it will be approved , perhaps implemented , but mainly approved and adopted at a Member State level by Health Ministers at the Health Council . however , we must admit that its implementation has proved much more difficult than we had thought . however , this is no ordinary food crisis . we share one planet and we have no future unless we work together . we also cannot ignore the fact that ever more people of active age are looking after children and close elderly relatives at the same time , leaving them in a precarious position . it is important to remember this , and sometimes I think the consumer side is not getting as much attention as is necessary . now I should like to ask the Commission and the Council what action they will take to make that moratorium more general and support a general ban . I am in no doubt that the Ombudsman will enhance his contribution to strengthening democracy in Europe . if the trend continues in the same way , then it is possible that the EU will call on the public to stop swearing , smoking , drinking , sunbathing , eating unhealthy food and sleeping for a long time . it is precisely for this reason that we condemn and will condemn every form of violence , discrimination and intolerance towards the leaders or adherents of any religion . in other cases , there is just a change in legal basis . Mr President , Lady Ashton , you began work with the world in disarray ; a world in the midst of financial , food and energy crises triggered by attempts to regulate the markets . the summits do not solve the problems , they delineate them . however , I think that a strong signal tomorrow from the European Parliament on the question of the scope , on the question of banking secrecy , and on the question of the list of tax havens will be a valuable help to the Council , especially if , in future , we need to negotiate new agreements with third countries . together with the Commission , and with Mr Barroso , whose series of measures inspired by the de Larosière report I welcome , Europe is fighting to save the banking system . you talk about the needs of an ageing population . secondly , I believe that migrants ' rights need to be protected . this an important step along the way , but more work needs to be done . we must intensify negotiations with Turkey all the more . our enquiries , however , have revealed that some countries , particularly in northern Europe , cannot do much with this satellite data because everything is still covered in snow there when the images are captured . Mr President , in the Commission work programme for 2010 , it was said that the European Union must face up to long-term challenges such as globalisation and must regain competitiveness . in writing . - I support this report on the EU ' s accession to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( ECHR ) , as provided by the Lisbon Treaty . furthermore , a knowledge-based economy will help to protect European cultural diversity and to carry us towards social cohesion and employment . I welcome the idea of drafting a green paper on the recognition of professional qualifications and of creating a ' mobility scoreboard ' for measuring this indicator within the EU . it is to be welcomed that strong safeguard measures will allow the acceptance of the findings of the other competent authority to be suspended or the Agreement to be terminated should this become necessary . Mr President , healthcare should be the primary concern of every Member State , but , of course , this Chamber purports to make laws for the whole of the European Union . these plants are very similar , despite their geographical diversity . I voted against the report by Mr van Nistelrooij on the Green Paper on territorial cohesion and the state of the debate on the future reform of cohesion policy . we need to have all the information on the table before we can grant discharge . - ( EL ) The debate is closed . I am voting for this report , since it is in the interests of the affected regions to establish a legal basis for trade between the EU and Greenland , in this case , coming under the umbrella of the rules of the EU ' s internal market . I also welcome the fact that the franchise for the modulation has been raised from EUR 5 000 to EUR 10 000 per year . this secrecy , this lack of transparency , caused serious prejudice to our citizens who did not know what to expect . by providing itself with a regulatory framework for rating agencies , Europe is in the forefront and showing the way , whilst the United States has still not reacted practically in this area . I now turn to Mayotte . the programme initiatives proposed by Ukraine will be taken into account like those proposed by EU Member States . to speak about children is to speak about our future , the future of European citizens and of the Union itself . I am sure that a broader survey in Europe would generate the same results . Switzerland has expressed solidarity with , and commitment to , the enlargement of the European Union , and aims to establish firm economic and political relations with the new Member States . that very day I also visited Unicor , which is one of the hi-tech companies that recycle electrical and electronic waste . the resolutions are proof of the commitment of the European Parliament to the accession prospects of Croatia , the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey . however , the resolution also notes that the cholera epidemic has highlighted the near-total helplessness of the Haitian State in the face of an easily preventable and treatable disease , along with the limitations of the international aid system in a country benefiting from massive humanitarian deployment ( 12 000 NGOs ) ; stresses that humanitarian agencies cannot and must not continue to make up for the weaknesses of the Haitian State or to take its place , and that urgent action must finally be taken to ensure long-term development , in particular , as regards access to healthcare and drinking water and urban renewal . the European Union ' s appeals have so far been met with no response . ( for the results and other details on the vote : see Minutes ) in comparison with other candidate countries , this puts Iceland ahead of the competition . it is one thing to go for a drive for pleasure and quite another to use your car because yon have to and in situations where it is not possible to use public transport . you are very dangerous people indeed . we must not allow a strategy of fear to be created to make them go home . without solid state finances in the individual Member States it will not be possible to set new investment priorities . ( FR ) Mr President , six months after the shameful vote on the ' Return ' directive that received so many jeers and criticisms internationally , I very much doubt that the Union will be able , by adopting these two texts on the Blue Card and the single permit , to redeem itself on the international stage . these include , for example , the prohibition of all kinds of violence against children , fighting poverty and discrimination , and the right to education . personally , though , I think it is a good idea . there are no structures for the specific implementation of targets . that is no good to consumers . the few jobs which may be on offer depend on the goodwill of the parties . well , thanks ! the commitments regarding a considerable reduction of greenhouse emissions do not only apply to energy and traffic . another reason for our unease : the thresholds required to qualify for these funds , especially in terms of the numbers of redundancies . I believe that I am drawing the right conclusions . nevertheless , not all on-call time is the same . there has been a great deal of progress on passengers ' rights , and that must continue . the first is cabotage and the date that the European Parliament deemed right to set , in other words automatic liberalisation in 2014 . the vote will take place on Wednesday . you can take this as an expression of our determination to fight this modern form of slavery , as the previous speakers aptly described it . why is there a resistance to providing these clinical tests ? trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products ( we often say that there has been good cooperation between the Commission and Parliament . without taxation , this is impossible . what Council unanimity means in practice is that essential legislation is either shelved or lowered to the level of the common denominator . just how delicate a matter this is can be seen by the fact that Rome III is the first example in the EU ' s history of enhanced cooperation conducted in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Treaties . I voted against the motion , because overall , it promotes the liberalisation of markets and a trade system which is solely to the detriment of poor and developing countries and shows no real concern for the environmental needs of the planet . that is a crucial element of fairness for our producers and for consumer confidence in our markets , so it is very much to be welcomed . Mr President , we have asked for the postponement of the vote on this motion , in the interests of the House . Mr President , we had agreed with the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs from the other groups to submit an oral question about the status of the procedure and the next steps . technical and organisational issues are very important in relation to airport capacity . when I was the lawyer in a case trying to prevent the construction of a power station in the bay I was able to prove that discharges were not all being absorbed by the atmosphere . he also agrees that the focus for OLAF should be on the more important cases and that small-scale fraud should be handled by other bodies . the report also brings up issues that are less frequently discussed , such as the insufficient attention given to specific requirements for the protection of women in the work place or the social problems that arise as a result of transfers of production to areas with lower production costs . I also support the requirements for shipbuilding and steel quality . Madam President , I was due to talk about the pressures unlimited EU migration is putting on the UK . we listen every day to the messages , such as the need to boost and renew confidence in the functioning of the global economy . in the longer term , the whole financial sector should be moved to the public sector in any case , as only nationalisation can ensure that this sector fulfils its public duty instead of gambling itself away in search of ever higher returns on the global financial markets . we do not think that the European Parliament has a role to play as regards the political situation in countries which are not in the immediate vicinity of the EU , such as Iran , Kosovo or Iraq . the Commission liaises closely with European and international travel agent associations each time the list is updated . 2 . EC / Mongolia Agreement on certain aspects of air services ( in view of this , I emphasise the need : firstly , to promote policies to inform and educate consumers ( on the part of the EU and the Member States ) through campaigns , information points and increasing the resources of the European Consumer Centres ; secondly , to apply the rules that already exist effectively , strengthening monitoring of the market and regulatory mechanisms and applying pressure on the Member States for the correct collection of Community resources . complaints have come from the Netherlands about the rules that theatres and cinemas have to follow . on the other hand , the Internet can also be a convenient communication tool for criminals and terrorists . it demands full traceability of medicinal products and , at the same time , establishes an early warning system in all the Member States , so that medicinal products which are suspected of being dangerous can be withdrawn . I gave an estimate for the recoveries made in 2006 and announced improvements to our own systems , so that , this year , the ABAC accounting system will include more detailed and complete data on recoveries . this is unacceptable , Mr President , it cannot be tolerated , and it is why I , against my will , supported deferring this vote . the negotiations are continuing , but after President Mugabe ' s plan to reserve the important portfolios for his party ( I remind you that it lost the election , the second round of which was fraudulent ) , these efforts at mediation have failed . that is why the neoliberal Zeitgeist in Europe must be driven further back . the European Union should not give advice to third countries while in its own territory , namely in Latvia , the government treats Parliament ' s resolution of 11 March 2004 with scorn and derision . this will also further the discrimination of women by making them even more costly to hire than they already are , especially for small businesses which are the backbone of the UK economy . the national reference centres you are proposing and to which you have just referred in your speech , were they to be implemented as the Commission suggests in its proposal , would entail the creation of 17 national reference centres in Spain , and not just one national reference centre . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , honourable Members , I have listened carefully to the discussion on the future of the single market and I would like to thank all participants for their comments . unfortunately today it is not possible for all children to grow up in the bosom of the family , and they live in children ' s homes . I entirely back Mrs Roure ' s proposal to drop Article 1 , paragraph 1 of the Council Proposal , which practically exempts cases of national security from the effect of the present Framework Decision . there is not , however , only a problem with the private financial system , with the productive structure , and essentially with the private sector : there is a problem with public accounts , which is also the focus of another aspect of the EU ' s medium and long-term measures . the Hague Programme subsequently set new targets , particularly in connection with the ' fight against terrorism ' , to make progress in the communitisation of this area , which lies at the heart of the Member States ' sovereignty . one more thing - Mr López Garrido , when speaking about China , you said that there are different human rights and we should uphold them all . what we are going to propose is somewhat unprecedented . why did we establish the Mediterranean Union during the French Presidency ? there is no doubt that the measures aimed at improving knowledge of the true migration ( and asylum ) situation in the various EU countries will be positive . the Commission is proposing a set-aside of 0 % for 2008 and at the beginning of the marketing year 2008 , like I said , the market is characteristically high in price . on behalf of the IND / DEM Group . - Mr President , the rapporteur claims that this initiative will encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to expand their cross-border business . however , when one co-legislates , one must be responsible . none of these textile cases have yet been approved by the budgetary authority . Madam President , first of all , I would like to thank both rapporteurs , who have worked very hard on these reports and have produced between them an excellent body of work and , within , a real plan for organ donation and transplantation throughout Europe . the principle says that if the product is accepted somewhere in Europe , it cannot be denied access to another Member State unless the authorities can provide evidence that the application of a national technical rule is justified . I would like to point out that it is now extremely important for the recovery plan to succeed . although it is , in principle , to be welcomed that the European Union is considering how it can support the efforts of Member States to provide adequate pensions , pensions policy is , and remains , the task of the relevant Member States , in respect of which the EU should only take action with the utmost sensitivity and with consideration for national circumstances . through this vote , we are calling on the Lithuanian parliamentary representatives to pull themselves together and reject this text , which signals a return to a past that , personally speaking , I condemn . it is contrary to human nature , which logically should shine forth in a democracy , however inconvenient . I think now we have an opportunity to do it . that is obviously also true for the High Representative . we regard as negative the link with the Bologna Process and the trend towards the commercialisation of education , with emphasis being placed on ' employability ' and on the prospects of the labour market being linked to the Lisbon Agenda . we need to increase the transparency of vocational qualifications and lifelong learning . ( LT ) Mr President , Japan has experienced the unimaginable impact of a natural disaster and a nuclear accident . we are obviously going to work on this in close cooperation with Parliament . hopefully , future Ecofin meetings would enhance better approaches regarding financial assistance . it is intellectually and politically dishonest to suggest that the problem is with the euro . do not misunderstand : I know that humanitarian aid is apolitical and that humanitarian workers must not be put at risk but , in the primary objective of saving lives , sometimes it is only the military who have the equipment or people to achieve that - delivering aid at speed , putting in place the infrastructure - and that is why , should a UN request arrive , we will be ready to help . in writing . - ( LT ) I voted in favour of this report and endorsed the European Parliament ' s decision to grant discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Food Safety Authority for the financial year 2009 . so the statistics are worrying , but we have to emphasise from the outset that we are not dealing with alcohol as a product on its own : it is the excessive consumption and the abuse of alcohol that are creating these problems . for us , this is the culmination of a great deal of work . this too is a question that must be considered with some care , should it arise . transport is a fundamental problem in urban areas . following successful compromise negotiations between Council and the European Parliament we have adapted ICI Plus to the challenges of the future . in 600 cases - as Mr Maroni rightly stated - Malta , despite being funded by the European Union , has failed in its duty to take in those who travelled from the coast of North Africa and landed on their shores . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( IT ) Madam President , honourable Members , I believe that first of all we need to emphasise that it is not the Commission ' s job to interpret Court of Justice rulings . however , the main subject of today ' s debate is that we want a consolidated report on the trialogue . I wish there was the time . do you hear the cries of anger rising up from our societies ? we now have two months in which to do so . we have made something clear today : credibility engenders trust . according to my estimates , the EU has already provided more than EUR 10 million in aid . we are very clear in doing this that Iraq is a unitary state and that all our cooperation is with the government of all of Iraq . the other points will now be closely monitored by us , by the 27 countries making up the European Union and by this Parliament in particular , as the document has just been accepted . my only conclusion is that we should support those democratic , civilised Iranians and work with them to secure a decent , humanitarian , civilised government for the good people of Iran and let the murderers be condemned . the ongoing EU study on internal market barriers to sports funding , which was announced in the White Paper and which focuses on grass-root sports funding , addresses such challenges . enabling a wide range of students to be covered by the programme is the best investment we could make . it will result in latent intellectual capital that Europe will always be able to rely on . I am a great believer in dialogue , in tripartite partnership , in feedback and in a mutual understanding of problems , as well as in the search for real cooperation . it is now up to the government to push the car manufacturers further in the right direction and to do so quickly . I should like to take this opportunity to welcome the decision made today by the Czech Senate , which gives us high hopes of the future ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon . I would compare this council to an elephants ' graveyard from which a few ' zombies ' emerge , under the remote political control of a declining dictatorship which imposes crippling financial penalties on those programmes that allow opposition parties to voice certain truths . for all that , it seems clear that measures related to derogations on normal VAT rates may in some cases , taking into account the particular economic and social circumstances of each Member State , be able to act as a lever on locally-supplied services , including labour-intensive services . unfortunately , the European Union has not done much to encourage market-based incentives , though the emissions trading scheme could be given as an exception . the EU ' s task is to obtain cooperation and commitments , the costs of which must be borne in the Member States after being anchored there in a democratic process . it just disappeared from the agenda . ( applause ) the report before us is excellent . in the same way we will ensure that the surveillance of products entering the European Union from third countries is good and that , in future , we will avoid the presence on the European market of products that are harmful to the health of its citizens and , even worse , its children . is it not the case that Canada has perhaps learned a lesson from the purpose-built justification for military action in Iraq ? the political persecution of Mr Rosales and many others is regrettable and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms . on the other hand , including milk and milk derivatives in Article 186 grants certain powers to the Committee set up by the European Parliament and to the Council , although no specific indication has been given of what practical action is to be taken . more effective cooperation between the Member States and the OSCE on combating the threats and problems caused by economic and environmental factors could make a crucial contribution to security , stability , democracy and prosperity in the region , since there are economic and environmental factors underlying the conflicts themselves . he was absolutely right . this voluminous bureaucratic correspondence must stop . secondly , we must deepen our relations with other countries , primarily with countries which produce energy , but also with countries via which energy routes run , in other words transit countries . I would like to conclude by thanking the rapporteur once again , and especially Commissioner Vassiliou , because she has accepted all the proposals we have made within the report . since the current Cosmetics Directive does not contain clear requirements for a safety assessment , the Commission is now introducing ' minimum standards ' for this . we have already wasted two years improving maternity protection . ( DE ) Mr President , we are currently facing an explosive mix of social decline , cultural conflicts , increasing democratic deficits , the threat of supply bottlenecks , inflation , imported security risks and a speculation bubble which could burst at any moment . to be honest , it is clear that EU foreign policy has failed in some areas , including in the Arab world , in Afghanistan , in finding a resolution to the Palestinian problem and in the conflicts among our eastern neighbours . I have agreed on the oral amendment with the others , including the Members submitting the proposed amendment . this is not stifling debate . as a result , the Council is supporting : progress programme funds must not , under any circumstances , be reduced during this crisis period as they are targeted at the most vulnerable groups . the reason he had been absent , however , was that he had been arrested . expulsion from university means that a person ' s education comes to an abrupt end . at this point , I should also mention the impact of the WTO Doha Development Round on an EU-India FTA . I think they are linked in the eyes of the voters , and they are linked in my eyes . here we are in the front line , heading towards a new protectorate , even though no satisfactory analysis has been produced of the reasons for the failure of the previous protectorate : Kosovo ' s gross domestic product is equivalent to that of Rwanda , half of its active population is unemployed , there are more than 200 000 refugees and displaced people , and violence against minorities is on the increase , despite EUR 2 billion of international aid and the presence of 17 000 NATO troops . risk , as we all know and accept , is part of running a business . I think this is quintessential , and everyone agrees to this . the idea is to make it optional for Member States whether they make it compulsory within their territory for producers to put on the label whether it is a coupage or a traditional product . as the Commissioner said , it is very important to guarantee a level playing field . if we continue along the lines you have proposed , we will not resolve the problem in the European Union . finally , in conformity with the spirit of the national debate in France on the environment , I voted in favour of a tax on pesticides to encourage our farmers to reduce their use of treatment products . even the proposals you make in connection with the ' use-it-or-lose-it ' clause are still theoretical law . the Council also understands that Parliament should have easier access to the classified parts of international agreements so that it can carry out its assessment in cases where it has a right of approval . this restriction of freedom of speech , as proposed , is unbecoming for a country led by a man who came to power promising a new era of openness and transparency . strict measures on squatting , the expulsion of migrants without visas and higher penalties for those who commit anti-social crimes are consistent with European law . ( LV ) Mr President , I would like to emphasise the fact that the European Parliament is an institution that promotes democracy both throughout Europe and also internally , within Parliament . as you might know - and as it has been said - the strategy in question was initiated by Parliament three years ago , more precisely by the Baltic Europe Intergroup under the excellent leadership of Christopher Beazley . I would also like to express my special gratitude to Commission President Barroso . I am pleased that the international community sent a strong and united political signal regarding the ongoing human rights violations in Libya . the euro should be accompanied by a minimum social security indicator for social cohesion . I am thinking of the green health apostles in my country , for example , who inveigh against tobacco , but who legalised soft drugs a few years ago . our governments are slaves to the market , devotees of free trade and communism , and will always be opposed by free-thinking citizens like myself who will continue to protest against injustice . this law would also be a major obstacle to the fight against AIDS . Mr President , my group fully supports the aim of this directive , which is to establish a Community framework to ensure and maintain the continuous improvement of safety in nuclear installations within the European Union . ( PL ) Mr President , the brutal murder of David Kato , one of Uganda ' s best-known human rights defenders , is the result of hatred towards homosexual people . it has also acknowledged that the ratification process is ongoing and has issued an explicit reminder that the aim of the Lisbon Treaty is to help the enlarged Union act more efficiently and more democratically . I am confident it will include plenty of ideas to ensure that Kosovo remains firmly anchored in the European outlook it shares with the Western Balkans as a whole . it is also important to ensure financial support to institutions which are involved in the development of technology for extracting and transporting shale gas - including the use of CO2 in the process of fracturing shales . this should be simplified and more integrated . we are really very committed to transparency , but we must always look for a very fine line among the different commitments that we have to respect in these very complex cases . the citizens are asking us another question as well : ' are you taking our concerns about this issue seriously ? ' Mr President , as an MEP elected in Latvia , I welcome the fact that the first example of a strategy for a macroregion concerns the Baltic Sea area . we want to be sure that the EU market will be supplied only with animal products which come from animals killed in the way required by EU law . this occasion must be followed by specific measures at both EU and Member State level . I am keen to restate here what I recently told Parliament ' s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development : as Commissioner , I hope to learn lessons from the specific situation that we experienced last year . instead of taking account of the views of the electorate , the EU is attempting to change these views via propaganda . that is why I am pleased with the direction the Commission is indicating : regionalisation , more involvement by the sector and , in particular , compliance with the rules . this kind of organised crime has grown with the Union ' s enlargement to the east . I voted in favour of this report as it significantly improves cooperation between committees , as part of the necessary parliamentary reform . in fact , what we are doing today is to finish a cycle which has been remarkably fast , that is to say a few months , which includes both the directive on the internal market in defence products , adopted in December , the Code of Conduct for exports , which became law at the same time and , finally , this directive reconciling Article 296 of the Treaty with the common rules on public contracts . projects have only had to be discontinued in a few individual cases . those who oppose the junta are tortured , killed or put in detention . I have tried to do my best for the citizens of my country and all Europeans , and there have been periods during this work that have been truly special , such as the Convention . the report focuses its recommendations on the balance between the role of Member States and the Commission ; the necessity to make early school a broader service inspired by good practices in Member States where ' maternelles ' and kindergartens are a right of parents ; inclusion of all children , whatever their social background ( ' notion of public service ' ) ; caring for migrant children and their integration in early schools ; the inclusion of arts and all tools to enhance the children ' s creativity ; training of educators for better intercultural skills ; gender parity while working in structures for early learning ; and creation of new and well qualified jobs . Fifthly , the measures should continue to include a mandatory fund within the framework of producer responsibility - as the European Parliament stated last year . I also welcome the retention of the systems of registering geographical indications and traditional specialities , as these indications are significant for European agriculture not only from an economic perspective , but also from an environmental and social perspective . Mr Solana , a few months ago , you attended Mr Polin ' s funeral in Bayonne . it is therefore appropriate that the proposed wording relating to the rapid notification of technical shortcomings identified should remain part of the directive , as should specification of the ships to which the directive relates . the procedure is important , as is the work of the Committee on Budgetary Control . Mr Oettinger , a well-schooled disciple of Mrs Merkel , is now also opposed to nuclear power . it should surprise no one that the Chinese Communist Party prevents him or his family representative from collecting the award . we should also not forget that it is in the fundamental interest of aging Europe to make sure it is populated not by unfortunate people who depend on social assistance , but by well educated , working citizens , capable of paying tax , social contributions and insurance . we are talking here about 80 % of the European budget . the Commission will therefore continue to work for a comprehensive and balanced Doha deal . despite propaganda that these were terrorists , in the main , they were , in fact , impoverished farmers from the north and around Bangkok , sections of the urban working class , and their families , who saw their protest as a struggle against the enormous poverty and hardship that they suffer . although we agree with the Communication from the Commission on an EU strategy for youth , I am concerned that , like many of the other strategies we have adopted , it may never be anything more than a set of fine declarations on paper . our fellow citizens are still waiting for a true European recovery plan and , for example , a substantial loan . our citizens can see that our economies are in crisis , that unemployment is rising , that businesses are finding it harder to generate growth , that climate change is getting worse and that other parts of the world are becoming increasingly and dramatically more competitive . until 2007 , the rest of Europe was amazed at the economic development of Ireland , the ' Celtic Tiger ' , which achieved dream economic data with low corporation taxes and little regulation . the decision to create this means was not taken lightly ; it was the response to technical and legal problems faced in cooperation programmes . may I inform you that , before Greece acceded to the European Union , the Greek Communist Party voiced its opposition and informed the Greek people of the consequences . ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , it is one of the signs of the absolute poverty of our society that we still need to discuss the issue of equality between men and women . I really appeal to you , Madam Commissioner , to take the political leadership and make this proposal . subject : reallocation of financial resources in the regional and cohesion funds that is indeed the nature of the problem and its very root . even worse , it argues that any type of nationalisation or renationalisation should be abandoned . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , I am proud that in Parliament we have been able to draw up a resolution to be submitted to the next convention , which is already being held in Madrid , organised by the UN . we must protect the different kinds of production in Europe : sheep , cattle , goat and small-scale vegetable production . we also need to understand that culture makes a contribution ; culture creates ; culture is something positive , not consuming our budgets or conflicting with our needs but bringing a lot of enrichment , including jobs and growth . that requires commitment on the part of the EU . we need to introduce a fixed requirement for every vessel , whether new or rebuilt , to undergo a seaworthiness test . secondly , let us consider home-grown players . it is a creation of the industrialised nations and not least of the European Union . this also means bringing our energy research programmes into closer cooperation and reinforcing our dialogue on energy security - as our President has also said . the basic purpose of these is to ensure diversification of fuel supply . the Commission ' s task is to ensure that EU law is correctly implemented and enforced by the Member States by constantly monitoring their activity . I believe that an eco-efficient economy and construction of energy-efficient buildings can help bring about economic recovery in the EU . ( applause ) a mobility centre , along with the preservation of expertise and also of jobs where possible , is a good choice of instrument for Heijmans , therefore . nevertheless , some provisions proposed by the Council give reason for concern . a 50 metre boat on the Atlantic is very different to a 50 metre boat in the Mediterranean . we are therefore in no hurry and will take the time that is needed to reach the most consensual result possible on a subject that has in the past shown itself to be extremely complex . public development aid must be increased as a matter of urgency . I would like to speak to the rapporteur , who denies that he is presenting a political project . I voted in favour of retaining this opt-out because I am in favour of leaving the decision in the hands of the workers . ( SL ) Madam President , when the revolution that is currently taking place in the streets of Cairo ends , the Egyptian people will choose a political system and their leaders . every Member State must now respect and apply the directive that aims to harmonise the protection of people who are fleeing and , before 2012 , develop a sustainable European asylum system . this issue will be a topic of discussion in the European Union from now on . last but not least , priority must be given to devising alternative methods for settling disputes . for that reason , the emphasis must be laid more upon the quality of jobs , on opportunities to progress into permanent jobs with a reliable income . efficient energy legislation . it is an enormous asset in terms of our image and , at the same time , it entails major economic and social benefits . just let me clarify a couple of points that have given rise to controversy . finally , young animals , particularly puppies , for example , are now being ferried across the whole of Europe without there being any legislation in place . all the Member States are talking about these . you cannot make these trite demands and then do nothing ! I therefore strongly endorse the resolution of this House that expressly calls on the Commission and the Member States to tackle the growing problem of antibiotic resistance amongst animals in a responsible way . I am , moreover , astonished to see that , at one point , in the pharmaceutical sector , the precautionary principle was used to put pressure on the Member States and on Europe to incur expenditure which , in my view , was somewhat ill-considered . this Parliament ' s mission next week must seek evidence regarding reports of 200 000 additional ballots printed , allegations that 400 000 voters registered on election day with inadequate ID , and claims that voters in Transnistria were disenfranchised en masse . the overall outcome of the decision means a breach of the Prague Declaration and a slowdown in potentially positive developments concerning mutual cooperation . the financial and economic crisis has seen the worst global economic decline since the 1930s . now that both Member States have achieved positive evaluation results in all areas of the Schengen review , there should be no more obstacles to delay inclusion further . for a start , the debate will not just be a short presentation by the rapporteur , a reply from the Commission and that is it . it is advisable for certain aspects of the legal and fiscal system of the Member States to be improved in this respect , as the current model in most Member States can discourage the transfer of businesses , particularly family businesses , thus increasing the risk of liquidation or closure of the company . then the EU brought in this legislation , following very similar principles , about five years ago , and it has proved a great success . this is why we need to deal with this problem now . the directive is based on patients ' needs , and not on financial resources . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( FR ) Madam President , on 5 November , in his first annual speech to the Federation Council , President Medvedev made explicit reference to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms . many of my fellow Members have said - and I absolutely agree with them - that we need to focus on the areas of research and development , renewable energies , energy security and educational mobility . that begins with suppliers of production inputs , then it relates to manufacturers and , in the case of imported goods , importers too . it is no use just saying that we took the right decisions . in the UK , the Labour Government has broken its solemn promise of a referendum , yet in postal polls conducted by campaign groups , more than 80 % of voters vote ' yes ' to a referendum . these are the amounts assumed to be for personal consumption . and imagine my surprise , a few days later , when I saw - obviously there is a link - the European summit make provision not only for the organisation of common charter flights but also for their financing - which is a new development - out of the European budget ! Parliament ' s resolution stresses that the negotiations should continue , but also lays down requirements for the future . we cannot just stand by and watch as variations - of any kind - are made to a medicinal product after its authorisation . I am in favour of investment in quality sports facilities and appropriate measures to allow access to sports premises and sports curricula at school to all students including those with disabilities . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Seeber , for his excellent work on this report , as well as Mrs Herranz García and Mrs García Pérez from the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Regional Development for their positive and constructive contributions . Mrs Kroes , you did not go far enough in my view . I was pleased to learn that on 7 March , the Hungarian Parliament adopted the amendments that had been agreed between its government and the Commission , although I cannot understand why the socialists and Hungarian green party voted against it . if we do not , at this point , ensure parliamentary control , if we accept this breach of national data protection laws and contravene the Charter of Fundamental Rights , which was so often cited in the debate about the Treaty of Lisbon , it will , I believe , be a kind of kamikaze action and completely unjustifiable . we cannot even actually agree on what Article 20 means . it seemed for a while that it might not happen . it seems to me that we should aim to create a favourable environment for those who want to invest in new technologies and innovations , rather than discussing eligible costs and accounting procedures . however , it needs to be made clear who is to issue a warning and when , who is subsequently to take over responsibility for the warnings , and when the European Commission is to get involved . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , my contribution concerns the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the prohibition of highgrading and restrictions on fishing for flounder and turbot in the Baltic Sea , the Belts and the Sound . lawful interception occurs in the context of a criminal investigation which supposes the existence of a suspect . transparency and reliability for consumers ; I hope that consumers can take a punt on medicines without gambling with their health . it is a process that is made easier not by strict constraints that create unaffordable costs for citizens and businesses , but by real incentives ; a process that is realised by means of energy infrastructure , changing urban development , products , packaging and transport . I applauded the fact that the Commission , in October 2009 , adopted a report in which it called on Canada to open a visa office in Prague and to establish a timetable for lifting the visa requirement . what we have now is more transparency and stricter inspections . I think the point of this report is to encourage Member States to recognise the value of volunteering in promoting social and economic cohesion . ( BG ) Mr . President , Mr . Commissioner , colleagues , I welcome the efforts of European institutions to reduce road accidents and casualties . certainly it reflects an old Irish saying , ' well begun is half done ' , and it can be done at early childhood level . we need to mobilise actors to act . however , when a protest camp was cleared in the occupied Western Sahara , with people being killed in the process , and the town in question was declared a no-go zone , even for journalists , there was a lack of combined dynamic action from the international community . however , Ukraine must show that it is a trustworthy partner for us . we need to act jointly and more firmly to combat illegal economic migration , while providing more dignified conditions to asylum seekers . I must say that I sometimes find it disturbing that there is an alliance between the Greens , who want a strong Europe and enlargement as soon as possible , and Members such as Mr van Orden , who want to bring in new countries as quickly as possible in order to weaken the European Union . does the second budget in the current budget perspective differ significantly from its predecessors , apart from in the size of the sums concerned ? the strengthening of nuclear safety and security regulations was essential for several reasons . like you , we are keen for everything to fall into place as quickly as possible , with regard to both the posts that are to be filled and the list of commissioners that is to be presented to the European Parliament for the hearing that you are to hold . appropriate changes must be made to trade and labelling in supermarkets , especially in the new Member States . the oral question to the Commission by Jo Leinen , on behalf of the Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Food Safety , on key objectives for the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya , 18-29 October 2010 - B7-0468 / 2010 ) ; I think we are benefiting simply from the fact that this debate is very timely , immediately before the meeting which will take place on Thursday in Prague . in addition , we must not only help these people , but also ensure that they understand the values which have made us strong . it is crucial to give a clear indication of our support for these countries at this point in time . we have committed ourselves to this , and so has Turkey . this report will ensure wide use of structural funds to secure jobs , and to create more jobs . I think this is something that we really should be looking at at European level because , increasingly , it is being seen as a weak link in many of the issues that we are facing . in the European Union , sexual relations are the main channel of transmission . to be more specific : the single legal personality of the Union will make it possible for the European Union to conclude international agreements and join international organisations . here too the situation calls for swift action from Brussels toward Ankara . the underlying social tensions in the EU are best illustrated by the excessive reactions provoked by the ECJ judgments in connection with the posted workers directive . this means that first of all , we must help with the unification of Mercosur and the Andean Community , and then the unification of the entire South American Community of Nations . however , from the outset , this report was couched in a federalist language that sought to promote a fake or forced European demos , and the attempt to rename the scheme the European Union Heritage Label was politically based and would exclude thousands of potential locations whose history and heritage predates , and indeed overshadows , many contemporary sites . that is the reality . what is also worrying is the Commission ' s brief and pithy statement that the protection of domestic animals still falls within the jurisdiction of the Member States . more substantial efforts are needed to consolidate democracy and the rule of law and to ensure the country ' s sustainable development . it should not be inconceivable . in writing . - ( FR ) I welcome the adoption today of Mr Cappato ' s motion for a resolution on the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World 2007 and the EU ' s policy on the matter . the destruction of the world ' s cultural heritage must not go unpunished . the Commission would also ask the Council and Parliament to endorse the proposal made by Mr Doorn and further adapt their working methods so that certain tasks relating to the simplification of legislation can be carried out swiftly . we know that it is the priority of the Czech Presidency - although we do not have the pleasure of seeing the Czech Minister in the Chamber . recently there was a proposal to prohibit smoking in public places , when at the same time , in the centre of the capital city , you can buy thousands of packets of contraband cigarettes . in that regard Montenegro clearly has a long way to go on the road to the European Union . trade unions should play an important role in this field . I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mrs Ferreira , for a relevant and timely report . bearing in mind that compensatory measures have been carried out in this project , that an attempt has been made to put right any wrongdoing that may have taken place , then surely the project can be rubber-stamped . this applies in particular to texts . we call on the workers to reject this policy . it is timely and welcome in particular for three reasons . the system needs further perfection , but it needs strong engagement by all nations around the globe for this to happen . just as a postscript - but a very important postscript - we also have to turn our attention to the education of our judiciary in our national courts to make sure that they , too , know how to implement Community law . the subject of a new basic treaty was first discussed in 2002 . we must prevent job losses rather than simply using these European funds where jobs are lost . ( PT ) Mr President , the tornado that hit Portugal last Tuesday caused enormous damage in the region of Tomar . I would also like to express the Council ' s satisfaction at the agreement we reached with regard to the common foreign and security policy . the Council is proposing the ITO model , which is in fact very similar to the third way . in writing . - ( LT ) Right up until the breakthrough of the wave of democracy in the Arab countries , the European Parliament has constantly been calling on the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council to improve the situation as regards democracy , the rule of law , and human rights and freedoms . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted in favour of the report proposing European Union participation in the Ambient Assisted Living ( AAL ) research and development programme that has been undertaken jointly by a number of Member States and third countries . President of the Commission . - The deadline is the deadline for the consultation based on this document , but there will also be other opportunities to consult . in particular , what we need is a redefinition of the major threats to our security after the collapse of the so-called Islamic terrorist threat and the emergence of new dangers like the financial crisis . I have spoken in this Chamber repeatedly of the need to reinvigorate the Lisbon strategy ; the European Union has , for far too long , pursued political and institutional reform with a degree of energy and determination which it has simply been unable to muster for economic reform . perhaps you could also tell him that , under these conditions , the European Parliament will not be an easy partner and that the economic governance package needs the Commission to pay greater attention to what emerges from this Parliament . a review of the legislation is therefore necessary to take account of the reality and benefits of biogas . in order to achieve these objectives , the EU should cooperate actively with international partners in the area of trade - the World Trade Organisation , the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Organisation . however , I , personally , will be voting in favour of it . some thought should be given to establishing a dedicated European Danube bank involving the countries concerned . hence , I would repeat a call I have made before that during the currency of this economic downturn , there should be a regulation holiday for SMEs . what we have to bear in mind is that we are in a transitional phase with these interim agreements . it is a fact that a year of talks within the Annapolis process has failed . in writing . - ( BG ) I defend the privileges and immunity of Bruno Gollnisch and I think that the persecution he is being subjected to is of a purely political nature . this and other environment-related questions underscore the importance of public responsibility . the authorities in the Member States are being given far too few opportunities to prevent abuse . among these were 4 500 children , 12-13 year-old kids , living under the same conditions , conditions of discomfort shared also by the inhabitants of Lampedusa . green shipping and offshore energy are areas where Europe has extensive expertise which can be developed further . we know by now the financial institutions that were hit . on the request that emergency temporary cessation should not be linked to restructuring ( which was also raised by Mrs Doyle ) , restructuring is relatively loosely defined in our package so there should be ample opportunity for vessels in trouble to adapt to new realities . however , as I listen to this debate , two rather important questions arise . ( the sitting was closed at 16 : 40 ) ( the President cut off the speaker ) women continue to be under-represented in most areas of science and technology and in positions of responsibility . if this European arrest warrant is executed , its use proves that , if someone expresses themselves on the Internet in terms legal in their own country , they can be extradited to another EU country where those views are illegal . ( RO ) The debate about the gas crisis has been passionate , including this evening ' s session . that might be the reason why it was fairly long . nothing is going well ! Madam President , I would like to thank Mr Degutis for his excellent report and the work he has done over recent weeks . it is high time that the leaders of the European Union recognised the part that they , too , played in the serious social crisis that is happening all over Europe and the world . now let us look to the next one . it is even more important to develop the southern part of the corridor via the Austrian Southern Railway to Italy . laws must be straightforward . we still have work to do . ( EL ) Mr President , Commissioner , I have listened to your reply to my honourable friend ' s question , but I should like to bring your attention to the following , to what is happening on the ground . this brutal crime prompted a closer look at what is happening at the border between Egypt and Israel , an area in which an increasing number of refugees are stranded as they try to enter Europe or Israel , but lack the necessary papers . ( PL ) Mr President , Commissioner , our debate really has taken place in the shadow of dramatic events related to farmers spilling milk in protest . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am also disappointed that the French minister has left , because he could have learned , for instance , that the information that he supplied to us is incorrect . Parliament is still waiting for explanations from those governments . the latter represents a solid foundation for our future efforts by ensuring a good balance between traditional development priorities - infrastructure , the Millennium Development Goals ; political themes - peace and security , democratic governance and human rights , migration , mobility , jobs ; and new promising spheres of cooperation , such as renewable energy , climate change , information technology and space , to mention only a few . I had to return it full again . if they enact different regulations for these reasons , we do not force them to revoke their environmental and health regulations . for years we have complained that food prices are too low . the legal basis of the economic policy conditions is Article 3 ( 5 ) of Council Regulation ( EU ) No 407 / 2010 establishing a European financial stabilisation mechanism and Article 2 ( 2 ) of the Council Implementing Decision 2011 / 77 / EU on granting Union financial assistance to Ireland . Parliament has , quite rightly , seized this opportunity , unlike the High Representative , who I will again remind , as I did this morning , that Cuba libre is not the name of a cocktail : it is a rallying cry that we carry in our hearts , because we want democracy , and we want Cuba to be free . there are many aspects of this report which produced something of a stalemate between many of us , such as the nature of EU legislation . this is a huge drawback because in this case what is best may not be what is right . but there we are . solidarity among the Member States of the EU in connection with Kosovo must manifest itself in the Member States recognising the independence of Kosovo as soon as possible . the real challenge we face is that of employment , whether our own employment or that of the countries around us . Ms Kauppi , once again we thank you for your work and we wish you all the best for your future . there , too , we saw fairly wide differences of opinion . the volume of funds is not huge , but I believe they are going in the right direction and the public should be involved to strengthen security of supply in the European Union . it was , of course , pleasing to hear him speak about commitment to the future of the European farming environment . European fishermen accept having environmental , social and health restrictions imposed on them , but bitterly resent the fact that they are not applied in the same way to products imported in huge numbers from third countries . I would like to end by thanking and congratulating you , Commissioner Reding and Commissioner Andor , once again , and now it is up to the Member States to proceed effectively with Roma inclusion on the basis of this at the national level . finally , I should like to stress that small and medium-sized enterprises must be at the heart of the new market access strategy . I am thinking of the supervision agreement and the Green Paper on the governance of financial institutions . in this regard , we ask that the international OSCE / ODIHR observers be granted unhampered access . I congratulate Mr Schwab on bringing the implementation of these forward by a year , because they will be of major advantage in terms of safety . written declarations ( Rule 142 ) I believe that here we also showed ourselves to be quite capable of satisfying the expectations of both sides . the Council also shares Parliament ' s view on the need for a swift and effective implementation of the new Eurojust and Europol decisions . for example , in the case of Greece , or my country Spain , we have experienced great solidarity on the part of the European Union , through European funds and through the Structural Funds , which are essential elements of European solidarity policy which will continue . of this , around 20 % has already been allocated to specific projects . from a careful reading of the treaty it seems that the Council can , this time , set the prices and quotas unilaterally . author . - ( PL ) Mr President , the Afghan journalist Perwiz Kambakhsh has been sentenced to death . ( PT ) Madam President , I would like to begin by congratulating Mr Audy on his excellent report . an American patent currently costs around EUR 1 800 , whereas a European patent costs more than EUR 20 000 - 11 times as much , which is clearly unreasonable . to others in this House , constructive criticism of Turkey is needed ; we ourselves are critical friends . finally , in order to boost energy security the EU should strengthen the transparency mechanism and so on . in order to achieve this , we need to increase plant cover . Mr President , I would like to thank Mr Papastamkos for this question on a subject which , in my current capacity , I consider absolutely essential to the proper functioning of the economy and the financial markets . in writing . - ( RO ) I believe the debate on the 2007 Report on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia should point out two key conclusions : the need for this country ' s continuous and firm progress toward integration into the European and transatlantic structures , as well as the importance of promoting the young generation in this republic . first of all , I would like to point out that it is not only the Member States that protect human rights . there is before this House a written declaration on this matter , including the pooling of patents . it is necessary to use European funds and European directives to promote the integration of the Roma and to eliminate their disadvantaged position . likewise , we ask the Court to put Parliament and the Committee on Budgetary Control in a position to carry out their own work as productively as possible . many of the local Han Chinese are also envious of them . as a matter of principle , invoices must be paid within 30 days with few exceptions , and these must be justified . the second paragraph is as follows : Compostable crops could be planted and , for example , the fertiliser burden could thus be reduced . strengthening election observation missions through greater cooperation between the EU and the OSCE , and by sending us MEPs to the areas in question , will lead to a strengthening of the Union ' s foreign policy . however , I think that what is most important , Mr President , is to point out that this report on election observation , like the report that Mr Cappato has drawn up on human rights in the world , do not fulfil an abstract purpose , but rather they have a cause , and that cause is the commitment that we have in the European Union , and in Parliament in particular , to a whole set of values : democracy , freedom , the rule of law and , above all , respect for human rights . we wish the new Members every success . in Egypt , Iraq , Iran , Pakistan , Somalia and other such countries , more and more Christians and other religious minorities are becoming the subjects of oppression . the next item is the oral question ( http : / / / sides / ? type = OQ & reference = O-2007-0038 & language = PL " - B6-0136 / 2007 ) to the Commission by Mr Andersson , on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs , on the EURES activity report 2005-2005 : towards a single European labour market . the coordinated EU-UN-OSCE effort that started last week in Bishkek continues at the moment and will continue until the crisis and its consequences are overcome . in writing . - I voted in favour of this joint resolution , which notes that the right of free movement is a fundamental one accorded to all EU citizens . the report sets out principles which , if implemented , would be a step towards improving the agreement , as illustrated by the defence of food sovereignty and security for ACP countries , along with the fight against tax havens . for the first time , a chapter will be included on energy , giving EU policy the objectives of achieving energy security , promoting energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources . it is a central , global body for the protection of human rights . it is , in fact , the first legal act since the Treaty of Lisbon and we wanted a level playing field with the Council of Ministers in the empowerment of the Commission for delegated acts . this was a continuous problem , raised time and again with me by my constituents . I believe that we shall achieve a rapid resolution . the issues relating to the current turmoil are different . the vote will take place today . it is not about freedom of choice , because those who become sick have not chosen it at all . we failed on that occasion . I agree with this resolution and I urge the Commission to declare the Year for the Elimination of Violence against Women . the European Investment Bank will match the European Union ' s contribution of EUR 100 million , and further contributors are expected . firstly , it is not a particularly quick solution : almost a year after the disaster , we have no positive sign of the waiver that the Union must obtain from the WTO before its proposal can enter into force , we have not finished our work as legislators , and we have still to hold negotiations in the Council . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I think that I can join all those who have said that this is a nice piece of collaboration in order to get a nice piece of legislation . the legal protection offered by the bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) is important in ensuring that businesses are encouraged to take the step of investing abroad , which can cost many millions . safety , health , public health and housing conditions are also lamentable , and it is vital to rebuild the capacity of the Haitian State in terms of democracy and good governance , which are essential for national reconstruction , and to ensure that Haitian civil society and the Haitian people are involved . however , regardless of our position on this issue , the radioactive waste problem is a reality and we must deal with waste in the best and safest way possible . national diplomats will be able to apply for published vacant posts . I am delighted that MEPs are satisfied with it . some other issues mentioned in the consultation deserve our serious attention . nor is it our job , however , to be carrying on traditions . they try to prevent a comprehensive political dialogue with the Cuban Government on the basis of the same criteria that the EU applies to all countries with which it has relations . it is therefore right to approve the draft of the new Protocol to the Partnership Agreement in the fisheries sector between the EU and Seychelles . I suspect , however , that we might have to go to conciliation but I also suspect that the Council will not move . ( FR ) Madam President , cohesion policy must ensure harmonious and above all fair development between all territories . the debate is closed . this was not easy to achieve . the fact that there are currently 15 countries using the opt-out is because the proportion of on-call time is not sufficient to meet actual needs . the same goes for the benchmarking system . this serves to protect workers and prevents competition being distorted in a way which benefits those enterprises that wish to grow rich on the backs of illegal workers . in the Austrian education system , you would be given a straight fail for this report . we are looking for speedy negotiations with the Council , so that this issue is not put on the long finger , but that a solution is found soon . we did not need to introduce that into the second reading . there is no duty to provide information and no data protection , as should really be the case with public bodies . therefore , it is important to provide opportunities , not just for universities , but for non-profit research institutes and other scientific organisations , to submit applications and participate in research programmes . the South Stream project would only increase the EU ' s dependence on a single source . ( SK ) The report begins with a paragraph stating that equality between women and men is a fundamental principle of the European Union , a principle which has been in place for more than 50 years . I would nevertheless like to talk about my own region , a region of 5 million inhabitants where 500 000 people were struck by the flood , with 131 municipalities involved , 7 000 inhabitants displaced , 140 km2 flooded , three hospitals and medical facilities evacuated and two deaths . 2006 discharge ( debate ) for this reason , all of us must give both sides friendly encouragement to find a long-term solution with a broad scope and a broad application . I also believe that by setting in motion the actions detailed in the package adopted today we will be firmly setting Europe on the path to explore these opportunities in a novel way . the resolutions by the political forces of capital conceal the causes and character of the capitalist crisis . I am familiar with many of your speeches . - ( PL ) Mr President , the European Union ' s intention should be to build stronger and increasingly close relations with Ukraine . I personally was against the boycott of the conference , but I think what was even worse is that there was no European strategy . one of the major areas supporting the EU ' s development and stability is completely missing , namely , the infrastructure for both transport and energy . an attempt is now being made to limit damage by making savings . the family knew well in advance that eviction proceedings would be taken . however , we will support those amendments which seek to increase the number of supply routes and improve energy safety in the Union . we need to look again very carefully . indeed , it would be important to review the current European legislation on this subject . so let us be transparent , let us be clear and let us have respect for those who hold a different view to those who sit in this Parliament . even here in this Chamber . in writing . - Today we are fortunate that law enforcement agencies have tools at their disposal such as DNA data , automated fingerprint identification and vehicle registration data . they can also lead to problems and distortions . as a result , we no longer have a problem with it . now is the time for political leadership and drive . I would like to emphasise the importance of cooperation in all significant areas within this programme . at the same time , it is essential to ensure appropriate control over the use of regulatory powers conferred on the Commission . therefore , it is difficult not to agree with the rapporteur that it is the Member States which are responsible for correctly implementing the directive and establishing effective control procedures for the storage and processing of waste equipment . I should like to ask the Commission where the optimism that disarming consumer power will guarantee Greece a way out of the recession comes from . it is we who are supposed to be putting their will into action , not the other way around . last week I called for a European Parliament presence on Libya ' s borders and I repeat that call now . freedom of the press is one of the most important problems that the Serbian Government needs to resolve ; there should be no political pressure or other influences that obstruct the independence of Serbian journalists . I proceeded in exactly the same way with the other count a moment ago , for the other side of the Chamber . someone in this House said that we have adopted a positive approach and I think that this is a trait which characterises all our work , in the agreements that we have reached and in those still to come . I am deeply convinced that most of the farmers are conscientious and honest . the reason why they did so was that , by the time of the vote in that Committee , the text was by far more ambitious that the final agreement reached with the Council . there has not even been a study on the effects of equivalent bilateral agreements that are in place , and have been in place for several years in some cases , such as , for instance , that between France and Germany or France and Luxembourg . EC-Russia Readmission Agreement ( vote ) ( PL ) Mr President , over the many years of its activity , the International Labour Organisation has adopted and presented for ratification by EU Member States a series of international conventions and directives on matters of employment , trade union freedoms , social policy and social insurance , and also collective employment relations and conditions of work . granting visa-free travel also conveys to the countries concerned the message that they can overcome obstacles successfully if their preparations are supported by political agreement . there is a major project that could be developed in Europe . why do we never say anything to encourage them ? we have also long cooperated on energy matters . the capital punishment of juvenile offenders has always taken place in Yemen . ( applause ) the vote will take place tomorrow - Thursday . in light of this , addressing the question of a new strategy on Russia and Central Asia is unavoidable , and it must also include a political risk assessment specific to each country . I think we have found a good compromise , at least in terms of the link to the emission trading scheme . temporary judges of the European Union civil service tribunal ( I voted in favour of this document because a Community action entitled European Capital of Culture has been established in order to highlight the richness and diversity of European cultures and the features they share , as well as to promote greater mutual understanding between Europeans . all the indications are that as regards , inter alia , employment , health , education and social support , women will feel the consequences more and for longer than men will . it is also the branch of industry that has made it possible for generation after generation to live on the island . we therefore need to look at the issue as Europe and not leave the Member States to address it on their own . the report outlines , of course , the achievements , but it does not shy away from the challenges being faced the Federal Republic of Iraq and the Commissioner very aptly outlined them . when it comes to direct democracy , the European Union could learn much from Switzerland , which stands up for democratic decisions even when the rest of the politically correct mainstream world criticises it to the hilt . as a Finn , I regret that . I would like to point out that we also need a system capable of intercepting goods which do not conform to the European safety standard and preventing such goods from entering the EU . it is in this context that we must view the pressure put on Russia ( which also occurs with several other countries ) to join the World Trade Organisation , in order to promote ' a level playing field for business communities on both sides ' and ' liberalise trade in the global economy ' , while facilitating foreign investment and renouncing any ' protectionist measures ' . furthermore , according to a study carried out by Confindustria , the General Confederation of Italian Industry , in Italy alone , energy efficiency could have a socio-economic impact on the entire national economy worth some EUR 238 billion and could increase the value of total production , with an associated rise in employment of around 1.6 million standard work units , in the period 2010-2020 . I especially look to Commissioner Verheugen on this . these young men did what many young men would do : they ordered a pizza from the local pizzeria , for three hours after that they were to board an aeroplane and fly to Afghanistan . it was established to ensure that torturers , rapists and murderers would be deterred from committing further offences by the knowledge that the appropriate sentences would be handed down to them . this afternoon , I have the impression that we are moving away somewhat from political hypocrisy because it is not a question of criticising the constitution of a Member State of the European Union such as Hungary which , of course , is in sole charge , with its people , of its sovereignty . there are bound to be abuses of the system , for example by providing a fictional domicile simply in order to reduce the voice of a particular country , and to engineer an impact on the outcome of the elections . some Member States are already leading the way on this issue . making up part of the EU ' s 2020 strategy , this report outlines 15 ' cornerstones ' of a strong policy which will ensure that the EU can keep up with competitors from the US , China and Japan , who invest heavily in research and development into cutting-edge technology , and countries that are able to cut costs through cheap labour and have less stringent intellectual property rules . apart from us , only Latvia and Malta have such outstanding indicators . non-proliferation and the future of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT ) ( debate ) ( the House rose and observed a moment ' s silence ) the second area , completely unexplored , is the migration of women within the European Union . I believe it is wrong to invite the Council to set negative priorities , in other words , cuts . the Iranian Government is being called on to give political answers to these unsolved questions , yet instead , we see an increase in the worst violations of human rights , such as torture and the assault of detainees , and we hear of the deaths of demonstrators , while unfair trials take place . I do not believe that by taking such a step , we will be helping to ensure that people are not prevented from using their own language . Parliament will have to support you , Commissioner , but how will we do this ? work is needed within and between governments to accept this minimum . Madam President , there is a mistake in the EPP voting list . well , back to the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection in the Parliament . we insist on this , despite your disagreement , Commissioner , because we believe that it is a significant incentive for producers to move to the concept of a 10 % voluntary renunciation ; report : Guntars Krasts it combines experience and new ideas ; it reflects the broad range of approaches and sensibilities that make Europe this wonderful land of ideas . this is what is needed because we are talking about the dignity and rights of human beings . these aims can only be achieved if we all act together in areas such as combating structural unemployment , developing a skilled workforce , promoting job quality and improving the performance of education systems . indeed , the Cohesion policy is actually the best instrument for mobilising investment in growth and employment . on the one hand , his visit was a clear signal to Minsk that the European Union is ready to begin a new stage of pragmatic relations . the difference is in the method . there is no room for further delay . next , will you condemn forthrightly and totally the passage of the Bahati bill in Uganda , which allows the execution of homosexuals ? Europe and the Member States should make these objectives their political priority and the focus of their efforts to build a future energy policy . in that respect , I welcome the statement by US President-Elect Barack Obama on closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and to never again practice Rendition . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , he was the right man at the right time . there is sometimes a concertina effect , for a particular worker or a particular engineer or architect , in the use of the Services Directive , the Professional Qualifications Directive and the E-commerce Directive . if we take these two reports together they clearly represent a flaw in the thinking of European politicians , namely that whatever the problem appears to be , Europe is the solution . it is very important that this programme will help highly qualified students and academics to obtain qualifications and experience inside the European Union in order to be able to satisfy the requirements of the labour market , and within the specific framework of partnership , encourage them to share their experience or qualifications upon their return to their country of origin . we , as a Union , need to send a strong signal to the other side of the Atlantic . the ageing of the population is another challenge facing nearly every country in the EU . this report rightly draws attention to the lack of legal clarity and certainty regarding safety and the quality of services . it also refers to the general lack of confidence in cross-border consumption felt by European consumers . this phenomenon brings with it deliberately misleading and confusing information , and the risk of abuse of trust , and the state must find an adequate response to this . as you know , due to the partial collapse of the false ceiling in the plenary chamber in Strasbourg on 7 August , this first part-session of the European Parliament in September has had , exceptionally , to be held here in Brussels . my third point is financial regulation . we know that there is a common European driving licence coming in 2013 , so I would like to ask the Commissioner whether there is any prospect that this common European driving licence could in fact be front-loaded and be brought on more quickly . as the report says , we expect that , before the measures enter into force , Taiwan will lift the visa requirement for all 27 Member States as well . not isolated projects , but rather cooperation within the region with a supra-regional perspective can ensure the sustainable development of the Danube Region in the future . both inside and outside the European Union , children ' s positive rights are often violated , and there is still discriminatory treatment due to sexual inequality . on the EU-Russia human rights consultations , Parliament ' s conclusion is devastating . the Commission has tabled a proposal for four agreements to Parliament . if I understand it correctly , the Commission is hanging onto a European solution for the time being . the aim of this provision is to simplify regulatory restrictions in order to make it possible for euro notes and coins to circulate more easily between Member States and to ensure a high level of professionalism and security within the euro area . to avoid the worst , Europe must urgently introduce a form of common governance of its economic and budgetary policies . this fisheries protocol ensures fishing opportunities off São Tomé and Príncipe for various fleets from Member States until 12 May 2014 . that means the 27 countries of the European Council and also Parliament which we have got into the habit of consulting in the meantime . a useful idea in terms of raising patient awareness is the establishment of information and guidance centres to help patients , the healthcare personnel and the entire health sector . this critical situation calls for a concerted European response . I feel that to say the problem is that the word ' Jihad ' must disappear in one section , when it subsequently appears in three sections , and again in recital H that Jihadism is doubtless the main focus of the type of terrorism we are dealing with , is looking for excuses that do not hold water . this directive could be a cornerstone of a modern labour market policy for the ageing society . this may perhaps make sense in their eyes , but as members of the European Parliament , we have to serve the interests of Europeans . the first necessity here , as we have already heard so many times , is to reinforce intergenerational solidarity through multi-faceted material and moral support of the family . we expect all concerned parties in Moldova , the official authorities as well as the political opposition and civil society , to agree on and progress towards a solution to the current crisis that will bring about more , not less , democracy and freedom for the Moldovan people . however , as regards rights to use spectrum , it should be noted that investment and depreciation cycles differ from one sector to the next . in all good conscience , I have decided that we should wait for the various responses expected from the Italian Government before taking political initiatives such as the resolution adopted , which could be open to misinterpretation by European citizens . however , that would mean that up to the age limit for which that exemption was granted only temporary passports could be issued . experience up to now has shown that the HACCP provisions currently in force are unjustifiably too stringent in many cases . at this point , the often excessive bureaucratic accountability takes more time and energy than goes to the real working out of the projects . I congratulate Mr Swoboda on all his work reflected in this report . however , we have chosen to alter the definition of ' public provocation ' so that it is legally more comprehensible in all countries . in reality , a survey has shown that 64 % of Icelanders want to remain independent , only 24 % want to carry on applying for EU membership and , indeed , 60 % of Icelandic businesses are against it . I think you should take that into consideration . one question which remains totally unanswered is how , legally , the Pakistani Government , in spite of a Supreme Court judgment permitting former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to return from exile to Pakistan , deported him immediately to Saudi Arabia . there is the European Maritime Safety Agency , we have rescue boats , we have civil protection mechanisms , we have good coordination of assistance measures , and Commissioner Georgieva was thus able to offer European assistance for ongoing measures in the Gulf of Mexico from an early stage . a total of 93.4 % of the electorate turned out to vote in the elections . I would say that the opposite is true , that the Czech Presidency should help to ensure that we have a socially and ecologically driven economy , that is , an economy powered by social and environmental factors . ( the sitting was suspended at 1.10 p.m. and resumed at 3 p.m. ) the two entirely reviewed methodological guidelines which have just been released , as well as the continuous support to training programmes for observers , will help us to sustain the thorough high-quality work by the chief observers and their teams on the ground . with regard to the Olympic Games , we all hope that there will be a chance for China and the world to come closer together . today everyone says that Mr Mubarak was a dictator . the response of the French Presidency was : ' that is not our top priority ' . in the report , much attention is paid to human rights and freedoms in Russia . one of the main aims of this report is to support the role of cities in the cohesion process . young people are currently becoming unemployed straight from education . ( ES ) Madam President , defending human rights means condemning the avoidable , cruel and unjust death of Orlando Zapata and calling for those who are still in prison to be released . talents and skills must be nurtured from an early age - a profitable investment in every case . I think we have to have a solution for that , Mr Kirkhope , quite frankly because , as you know , there are cases before the Court of Justice that oblige us to find a solution . the multiannual Hague Programme , covering the various actions that will be carried out to develop the area of justice , freedom and security , comes to an end in 2010 . having noted , and I quote and now utter the following euphemism - ' a lack of values and ethics in the behaviour of certain actors in the financial markets and institutions ' - this Parliament has set off on a pathetic crusade to inject some ethics into the sector . there is therefore a general need for individual Member States to prioritise sport as a part of education much more than is the case today , and as part of this to ensure that the correct facilities are available and also qualified teachers , for example . our position is that we need to modernise our agricultural policy , and not return to a production-based policy that encouraged massive over-production and a distortion of markets , undermining the ability of other countries to produce and trade agricultural goods . ( SL ) Thank you for your answer , Commissioner . this is why we believe that the mandate of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency should also cover countries which have concluded stabilisation or association agreements , or even to countries which have concluded readmission agreements with the EU . it is when identities are under threat , when they feel under attack that hackles rise and they become dangerous and aggressive . documents received : see Minutes in writing . - ( PT ) I voted in favour of the joint resolution on the results of the Copenhagen conference as I broadly agree with the content of the proposed measures , and two in particular . I wish to thank the chairman , Mr Böge , the main rapporteur , Mr Virrankoski , as well as the coordinators of all the political groups for their most successful , coordinated and positive work to achieve consensus in the Committee on Budgets at first reading . signing and implementing an agreement for social progress and employment would be proof of this political will . this is indeed a good compromise . Protocol No 6 , and also Articles 3 and 4 of the EC Treaty , reinforce their dogmatic conception of unfettered competition , heedless of national interests , unbridled by borders and careless of democracy . I am going to begin by talking about Tunisia . ( Parliament adopted the motion . as well as that , we already have a system in place within the existing national blood banks that can regulate and control the quality of that supply . management of H1N1 influenza ( I consider it vital that the European Investment Bank continues to support the elimination of infrastructural inequalities within the European Union . today , nearly half of the people working in the world earn less than USD 2 a day . these industries are , as we all know , global industries . Mr Schmidt is afraid that the governments will in practice exert pressure on the president of their central bank , in other words he is afraid that politics will gain the upper hand over finance . there are similarities with the European Galileo programme . according to media reports , humanitarian organisations ' food supplies have almost been exhausted . the alternative proposal submitted by the Commission certainly represents a step forward , which we welcome , because at least five Member States with a GDP that has fallen by 10 % since 2008 will receive a relatively large subsidy . I therefore ask that we support the specific EU logo . the situation in Armenia is very difficult indeed , and our representatives must pay great attention to it . European and international systems for monitoring production and the market as an early warning system for identifying production trends ; it is necessary to begin in the family in order to protect our children from the negative effects of smoking . thank you for the broad support that the Commission proposal has found in this Chamber . many amendments aim to raise the profile of these priorities in the budget , which I welcome . please take heed : if you continue in this way , you will be playing into the hands of the nationalists and , indeed , the opponents of the EU . we are ineffectual . 4 political groups ( Greens , S & D , ALDE and GUE ) formulated joint amendments to the draft which were , to a large degree adopted , albeit by a slight majority . Copenhagen has made us realise that good intentions are not enough . ( LT ) The crisis must force each one of us to change our behaviour and thinking . my third question is : what are the consequences ? it is about patients ' rights and how to exercise those rights . aside from that , I would like to emphasise the difficult issue of the directive ' s scope , which excludes a number of areas , such as non-economic services of general interest and some services ( social services , childcare , assistance to people , and so on ) carried out by providers mandated by the State . regardless of the validity of the arguments on either side , it is true that the realignment of market shares in favour of Airbus and the consequent loss of Boeing ' s competitive advantage were highly politicised . what we call the mini milk package , made up of three documents , is only one , albeit very important , building block in the further simplification of EU legislation in agriculture , and in principle the Commission ' s reform and simplification measures in this connection are most welcome . this requires national public health services that are free or mainly free , and quality , free , public education for all . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the European Union is founded on a relationship of solidarity between its Member States . ( EL ) Mr President , the package of seven proposals on shipping is an important development in preventing accidents and in safeguarding an effective response in the event of an accident . therefore , in fact , half the work has already been done : the foundation has been developed , but the rest of the work , the second half , namely putting it into practice , still remains for us to do . the same applies to the financial commitments pledged to the countries of the South to help them combat climate change . even if both the EU and the US have similar aims , namely creating the conditions for the Afghan state to take responsibility for its own affairs , the timeframe for achieving those aims is inevitably different . on behalf of the Verts / ALE Group . - ( ES ) Mr President , just yesterday we were talking about the inconsistency and ineffectiveness that sometimes characterises the European Union ' s sanctions policy . hence the need to strike the right balance . Europe does not need to seek highly intensive technologies for food production . you are also correct when you say that how this international convention is implemented is a question of subsidiarity . the Korean market obviously offers significant opportunities for EU goods and services , but has remained until now relatively closed off due to high tariffs and costly non-tariff barriers . the ever-increasing need for public goods , the growth in population numbers and the simultaneous shortage of natural resources make this more difficult to achieve . ( NL ) The President-in-Office of the Council bears the important responsibility of launching a new cycle of the Lisbon process at the forthcoming Spring Summit . we cannot allow ourselves to repeat it , and we cannot allow anyone else to force us to repeat it . EU cofinancing of the Eurostars programme in favour of SMEs therefore constitutes an essential step towards ensuring that the EU Member States remain competitive in the medium and long term . some governments have legitimately started to test body scanners on more sensitive routes . for example , we have already commenced a dialogue on peace , stability and sustainable development in Africa . it is logical that the developed and developing countries ' targets will differ . in this respect I would like to highlight one of the issues that has been mentioned , which is also in the resolution , which is the issue of research . President-in-Office of the Council . - Mr President , let me remind you that the Council has always examined the opinions and resolutions of Parliament with great interest and attention . I am thinking , in particular , about women who have fallen victim to the sex slave trade . biomass is another source of renewable energy , which must be further developed because of its versatility and base load capacity . Cherishing hopes for confidence building is not a realistic option any more , especially since Tehran has completely eroded its credibility regarding its nuclear programme . paradoxically , the new rules are also destabilising for employers . this is why we are urging that Europe have not only a commissioner for minorities , but also a minority framework law which is binding on every European country . on the other hand , however , we must also prevent the system from being abused , because that , of course , is always a problem that is discussed in great depth by people in the Member States . the joint debate is closed . at the preparatory talks held in Copenhagen last week , we had a crucial exchange of views with many of our international partners . we know that there are dead bodies and 150 people are missing . why not use part of the privatisation programme not for fiscal consolidation but to create new investment and growth in Greece . however , my message is also for europhiles . despite all the technical differences on individual issues , which are given expression in the various compromises , there is general cross-group agreement on today ' s signal from the European Parliament that we wish to develop the internal market in the interests of consumers and businesses . on the other hand , I voted for the final report because we have been able to make some progress towards a solution . for once , I am more disappointed by Parliament than by the Commission or the Council , since in this sphere , the Council and the Commission have done their work . this motion will be presented by a representative of the Group of the Greens . that is what we cannot accept , Commissioner . firstly , the inclusion of gender . if common sense prevails , this Parliament will vote for a reduction of the EU budget for 2012 . how many members vote ? by way of conclusion , Mr President , I should like to say that we must not lose sight of the fact that the railways are still among the safest means of transport around . in that case , the rest of the proposal and the consultations would not be bad at all . do you honestly believe that a reference to earthquakes at three points in a communication suffices to counterbalance the huge need which we have in Europe for a communication specifically on earthquakes ? you might have one online booking , but you are charged four times for using your credit card because you have four passengers involved . I also deeply regret that this report fails to retain a legal basis that puts the health of patients first . this , in fact , opens the way for a network where it is not a foregone conclusion that all users will have access to the whole network and where not all sites have the same possibility of being viewed . - ( PL ) Mr President , we can talk selectively about the summit from the point of view of two time scales . we support the activities of the Tanzania Albino Society and trust that the Commission will offer it genuine support . the critical and aware consumer must be at the heart of a new economic model that the EU should spearhead . it is right to think about an exit strategy , but it is even more important at the moment that we work out how we can give more solid support to the economy and improve the coordination of our economic policy . some of them , I think , could be examined in more depth in committee . however , given the social impact of mine closures and the difficulties involved in redeploying miners , support must be provided during the closure process . mainstreaming sustainability in development cooperation policies ( vote ) ( PL ) Madam President , we are all aware that European society is ageing , but are we all aware what consequences this will have for our economy and for our labour market ? that is why our statement calls on the Chinese government to respond to the concerns of the Tibetans in respect of the human rights . this is a reason for accepting them , under the dictates of humanity . subsequently , the disruption of the parliamentary elections became an argument to wait for the presidential and local council elections that are to be held soon . ( the speaker agreed to take three blue card questions under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) on behalf of the EFD Group . - Madam President , it is a shame that Mr Barroso has fled the Chamber . I strongly oppose the extension of the mandatory levy of a minimum standard VAT rate of 15 % for a further five years . not for road traffic , however : in stark contrast , this sector saw a rise of 26 % . it is true that , as has rightly been said , we need a very coherent approach at European level . at the same time we must give the Eastern European Member States a feeling of security and solidarity within the European Union and NATO . the initiative is being taken - we have now heard this more clearly in the spoken contributions than could be read in the report itself - on account of Russia ' s energy policy . in writing . - ( PL ) Industrial policy is of considerable importance for the realisation of the objectives of the Lisbon strategy . in the Forum for Life young people learn responsibility and generosity and gain experience in building interpersonal relationships . it is a joint endeavour between Member States and the EU institutions and it is the first of its kind , which , if successful , can help shape the international civilian response to crises that have so far largely been defined in military terms . this package contains very up-to-date and progressive proposals . international advances are being made in this area , as in nearly all others , as countries find their way along different paths . in terms of market access , transport by bus is somewhat easier . I believe that the free movement of goods , people , capital and services needs to be defended , especially now against the backdrop of the financial crisis and economic recession . ( Parliament approved the rapporteur ' s proposal ) in my view , what would that common position be ? statistics give an idea of the scale of this issue . SMEs are a vital part of the European economy and here , as I have already said , in the Eurostars programme we are talking about SMEs which will be the ' stars ' of the future . I benefited personally from the support of Commission President José Manuel Barroso and I also received strong support at the time - if you will allow me to add a personal note here - from various Member State representatives . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , thank you to all of you that have contributed to this debate and thank you once again for supporting the prolongation of the transfer into the Tobacco Fund . I have given some examples , and there are more in Judge Bruguière ' s report , which has been given to the Members . these blocked funds are a serious signal from the European Commission , which the Bulgarian Government must understand correctly and it must put in place the urgent measures it has promised . Mr President , this is a purely technical amendment , to take into account the date that the regulation establishing the European Securities and Markets Authority will come into effect and the fact that this regulation can only come into effect at a later date . we , the European Parliament , have only one option : we must reject these proposals , as we want a broad public debate and we want to use our strengthened rights to support the citizens now , rather than in the near or more distant future . I was always in favour of dialogue with Minsk , but under current conditions , it is becoming very difficult , if not impossible . Mr President , I too welcome this proposal because it is a direct and tangible response from the EU to the current economic crisis . in terms of positive influence , there is a stronger effect than there would be without the mechanism of budget support . Basques and Catalans are entitled to autonomy while the Székely are not . Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I thank Mrs Hieronymi for her excellent work and wish her many more years of success . our farmers would also be able to concentrate on their real job again , namely producing food . mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund : application EGF / 2011 / 001 AT / Lower and Upper Austria / Austria ( the reason is that , to our regret , some countries with problematic human rights records have so far been elected . I would like to stress that those who have worked so hard deserve our thanks and ask you to repay them by unanimously adopting this report . what if we started with a financial transaction tax in the euro area first , for example , and said that we would collect dues from the private financial sector within the euro area in this way . Member of the Commission . - ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , clearly I need to begin by thanking all the speakers for the very high quality of their contributions and the relevance of the points made , which closely mirror my own concerns . the safety of our fellow citizens must surpass every other consideration and , in these circumstances , the attitude of certain airlines in demanding the complete and immediate opening of the airspace on the strength of one or two test flights seems obscene , to say the least . Eighty-eight per cent of fish stocks are being fished beyond the maximum sustainable yield . protection of minorities in Europe ( debate ) - ( PL ) Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , I congratulate Slovenia on its Presidency of the Union and I wish Slovenia success , especially in ratifying the new treaty . the opposition is being partially excluded from the elections , while puppet parties are being spontaneously formed and authorised to take part in the elections by compliant local authorities . of course , now we are discussing fuel prices . in the hearings , we found that one of the candidates disputed the fact that this was a European institution , but talked instead about a network of supervisory authorities , and even when asked about it he was not prepared to correct this . it may look quite technical for many other Members of Parliament but I can assure you that these have been well thought through and well prepared by us in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs . many people are trapped in poverty by inflexible welfare rules . this country should have a special status within the group of countries included in the ENP and should be given priority treatment , first and foremost because of its role in Europe ' s cultural heritage and its historical ties with neighbouring countries . we will also need the full and active cooperation of all actors , including this Parliament , to be able to deliver on time . I would like to point out to him that women in my country in the 19th century were demanding the right to vote : they could not even vote . secondly , it will benefit EU industry , which has a tremendous potential in this area . as a result of this approach , the Commission started negotiating framework agreements with neighbouring countries , including Ukraine , whose documentation is complete and ready to be submitted for the European Parliament ' s approval , under the terms of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union . one is that a good trade agreement actually benefits our citizens . given the aggressive investment into these countries , they have been forced desperately to adhere to their national currencies ' tight and investor-friendly peg to the euro . nevertheless , in December 2006 , the Commission - myself , actually - for the first time obtained an interim order from the European Court of Justice in the environment domain , suspending illegal hunting rules in Italy before the main legal action was heard . it also includes precise deadlines for the implementation of individual projects , together with measurable and achievable targets . last month ' s elections indicate the possible end of tyranny . the agreements must comply with the European Union ' s international environmental and sustainable development commitments . another aspect is liquidity support of the European Central Bank to certain banks in order to keep them alive . however , I wish to emphasise that the future action plan should include more measures aimed at supporting EU farmers and at improving the enforcement of current regulations on animal transport in Member States . I also conclude that it is being handled with too much restraint . we must also make people aware that the capacity of current alternative energy sources is finite . so the whole parameters concerning waterways and ports - even inland ports - are part of this package that will be presented next week . so we are at this critical stage and , as the Minister said , energy is this century ' s main issue . let us not stray into glorification and apologia . I would also like the Belgian Presidency to tell me why it has requested the withdrawal of the initiative . however , I think that European tax money is being used and that the European Parliament should be involved in a transparent process . Inter-state financial and economic groups , which have created added value and jobs , formed the basis of this approach . I also congratulate the Commission and , more unusually , the Council Presidency , which dared to take up its responsibilities . the Irish are not just 10 % of the EU , they are 100 % of those allowed to vote and they all know , we all know , that others would have voted ' no ' given the chance . ( PT ) Mr President , I believe that this Parliament would welcome a concrete and concise Stockholm Programme which is capable of really promoting a Europe of citizens . moreover , a competent , legitimate UN body is already working on these issues now . as the shadow rapporteur for my group , I was given the role of arbiter . Korea is progressing , and on ASEAN I am looking for the flexibility which Mr Ford and I have discussed before , in order to try and move forward on that , but I agree too that there is no substitute in terms of value and importance for the multilateral arrangements . it has been negotiating since 2004 . in general , taxes should be lowered on work and raised on harmful consumption . however , obtaining a legal judgment is only part of the process . the aim of this report is for members of the public and businesses to have the right to ensure these judgments are effectively enforced . the administrative requirements for admitting third-country citizens to work in the EU are excessively complicated and vague . the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions alone have already swallowed up hundreds of millions of euros and , yet , they have had no effect on policy . agenda for next sitting : see Minutes I would just like to say that , in the Barroso Commission , in which I myself serve , a third are women . it should be possible for the Member States to apply a reduced VAT rate to locally-supplied services , for example . I believe that the European Parliament must speak out on this . however , this proposal also has flaws , and I am certain that the European Parliament will address these tomorrow with numerous amendments . those affected will therefore turn to the European Court of Justice , since two of the Union ' s fundamental principles are being violated : the ban on racial discrimination , and equality and freedom of competition . this package of modifications has been conceived as a temporary response to a critical situation , although in fact it does also answer the European Parliament ' s call for greater simplicity and flexibility , reiterated on many different occasions . if Denmark and the United Kingdom decide to apply for membership of the euro area , they will be subject to the same convergence assessment as any other candidate , as happened with other Member States that have already joined the euro area . my group is fully behind it and would like to see it working well . in my country , a church advert reciting scripture has been banned . ( DE ) As we know , the European Parliament has set a reduction target of 30 % by 2012 on the basis of EMAS , and we are keen to see what specific measures are adopted by the European Parliament and its decision-makers . what we need in the area of online gambling is , of course , to find out how we can protect our citizens , investigate the social costs of gambling , and so on . ( ES ) Madam President , the Lisbon Summit certainly served to modernise the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) and adapt it to the new security challenges . I realise it is part of the negotiated compromise , which we accept , but it may well put a brake on the proposed changes . but today I will refer to the ethics of this House . they offer the following important benefits to the economy and population : a cash flow injection into the economy , along with job creation , a reduction in heating costs , protection of the environment through cutting greenhouse gas emissions , the provision of social cohesion and support for low-income families . this should depend on the dossier . in this context we want to stress the importance of ensuring that research is free and that criticism and questioning are a key prerequisite for the progress and development of all research . moreover , consumers will receive a guarantee that named fibres meet specific characteristics , and will also benefit from the fact that new fibres will reach the market earlier . MEPs have also shown that the Parliament will not accept to be treated like a doormat . of course , there is plenty that we could negotiate on , such as what form the discharge procedure should take in the future . it can only be internationally legitimate if negotiated via the United Nations . I am also aware that the Swedish Presidency has said that it wants to bring up the issue of the exploitation of children in connection with travel and tourism . the need for this budget has come about as a result of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . as regards monitoring the supply of aid , the Council , like the European Parliament , gets the chance to evaluate how the EU ' s external aid has been used each year . reforms that will ensure that our Member States stop taking decisions on their own , without consulting their partners - with whom they do , after all , share a currency , values and , hence , a common destiny - about their budgetary priorities , their fiscal priorities and their social priorities . in this respect , anything that helps correct the current imbalances is of benefit to everyone and certainly contributes to creating a multilateral system based on fairer and more equitable rules . I have grounds for concern that a similar development could also occur in future in the case of travel agencies . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , fortunately there are still patriots in Europe and obviously we shall call for a national referendum . however , without prejudice to the overall support of the European Police Office , with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon and its effects on police cooperation , the rapporteur , and his fellow rapporteurs in the LIBE Committee , feel that there should be no amendments to the measures implementing the Europol decision until such measures can be adopted under the new legal framework provided by the Treaty of Lisbon . the most serious financial and economic crisis since the 1930s has hit Europe hard . ( HU ) On 13 July in Ankara , at the time of signing the Nabucco agreement , Mr Barroso said that the gas pipelines were made from steel . evidence of this can be seen , inter alia , in the steady rise in the number of people using its publications and the Europass portal . ladies and gentlemen , there is clearly a need to redouble our efforts but , despite the fact that we are still far from achieving our goal , it is clear that things are beginning to move , since the first European forum on the Roma in itself marks a change . since Ahmadinejad stole the presidential election last year , we have seen many dissidents and brave young protestors take to the streets . yes indeed , I remember your speeches , I remember what you said . I will not repeat what is written in the report . I also wish to point out that all major European projects are designed in such a way that small and medium-sized enterprises have privileged access to them . it seems to me that they are aiming to buy time in these negotiations and I believe that only political measures will help solve the political problem until the technical questions surrounding transit are resolved . human rights come first and then social rights , which are quite simply part and parcel of human rights and cannot be separated from them . I wish to make it a priority , even though it is not entirely within the Commission ' s competence , as I believe that our consciences as fathers compel us to engage in a major initiative to drastically reduce the number of deaths on the roads . ( it ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , the increase in food prices requires two types of response . but that leaves us with a fundamental question : is the European Union and are Europe and European values better off with a Turkey that is fulfilling all the requirements and has made all the reforms that are underlined in the report , or are we better off with a Turkey that will maybe lean in the future more to other parts of the world , to other values ? visa-free travel is an important step in this . I would consider it beneficial for consumers to be informed of these costs , as this will encourage them to behave in an environmentally responsible way . it is therefore rank hypocrisy for the EU to continue to fund tobacco growers within Europe . ( DE ) Madam President , firstly , the reason why I reacted so strongly is that I am still annoyed that we have not managed to adopt a joint resolution on safety , because it was more important for some people to take up an absolutist position rather than to find common ground . in an atmosphere of growing conflict and war , many unscrupulous local and foreign traders exploit this situation , enriching themselves at the cost of chaos , refugees and the suffering of millions of innocent people , and even genocide , rape and the exploitation of women and children . I must say that , if you look at the supermarket situation all over Europe , there are huge differences . - Before the vote : together with other statements from foreign ministers and international organisations , it has helped to improve the situation . ( DE ) Mr President , I must admit that I like this ' catch the eye ' arrangement , particularly the part before the countdown starts . in any case , now is not the time to say that the optional instrument is the last word on the matter , but instead we should look more closely at the other options , too - the toolbox that was mentioned and the contract models . we will therefore also cooperate on how to prevent radicalism , including misuse of the Internet . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would also like to take advantage of the excellent reports by my fellow Members , Messrs Danjean and Albertini , to speak up again in support of the key role of the High Representative . ( MT ) I would like to congratulate my colleague Mr Casa , who I know put a lot of work into preparing this report , and I wish him success . the international consequences that we , as an international community , must suffer are by no means limited to the territory of the former Soviet Union , Belarus , Ukraine and Russia , because more than half of the fallout following the fire and explosion fell on the territory of the European continent . in its negotiations with the Council , Parliament has shown its teeth . I hope you will today . the telecommunications satellite sector should undergo more effective standardisation . it is the typical way in which Europe works . I perfectly appreciate Slovenia ' s interest in having access to the sea . Mr Holm referred to the possibility of being fined , for example , for singing Happy Birthday but I think he has his ideas confused here . Mr President , I raise an issue on behalf of Mrs Marina Litvinenko , whose husband , Alexander Litvinenko , was murdered in London in December 2006 . European economic assistance , provided within the context of the neighbourhood policy , has helped to improve the average standard of living , to create employment , to train young people and to provide access for women to positions of responsibility . this will be done during an ex post evaluation exercise foreseen by the directive . are you aware that the country has introduced massive reforms and made huge progress ? that was really when we began working on ESDP . as I said , we should enter into debate and consider if we could make agreements within the European Union about how we deal with human rights violations within the EU and put a stop to the policy of not daring to call each other to account . ( SV ) Mr President , critics of the euro in my country say that the situation with Greece and Ireland demonstrates that the euro does not work . we want to encourage Member States to set targets for increasing the skill levels of adults and to speed up the process of assessing and recognising non-formal and informal learning for groups at risk . Mr President , Commissioner , I would like to congratulate our rapporteur , Mrs Merkies , on her excellent work , because she has unpicked the content of the report and concentrated on the more relevant aspects for our group , such as social innovation - understood as innovation by workers and the public - the incentive provided by the public procurement of innovative and green products and services , and the need to improve the access to finance on the part of SMEs . I hope that the Commission can come up with a good Roma strategy . this underestimates the way in which it is spreading , especially in Central and Eastern Europe . in this connection , I would ask the Commission and the Member States to step up activities to verify compliance with the democracy and human rights clauses of existing and pending agreements . however , it is vital that Serbia ' s progress is reciprocated and rewarded by the EU and its Member States , for example , now by ratifying the SSA , not least because some of Serbia ' s neighbours , such as Croatia , are far more advanced on the road to EU accession . we have been witnessing the latest developments in this dispute since the beginning of February this year . however , the People ' s Republic of China needs to understand that it is only with the guarantee of minority rights that there will be any real chance of internal peace . however , it contains sufficient incentives to encourage reform . I personally would say that communism brings with it oppression as surely as clouds bring the rain . importantly , the revised directive also requires the EU to conduct a scientific examination . it is primarily the result of the production-driven rationale of modern-day globalisation and is therefore still perfectly legal . the solution - as proposed by the great majority - is more Europe , a stronger Europe ; the Hungarian Presidency has been working for the last six months with this in mind . in spite of his feudal rule , Hosni Mubarak acted as a guarantor of stability in Egypt . ( FR ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , EU fishermen are , as we know , confronted with three major problems : firstly , the very complex , unpopular quota system has forced them to adopt very restrictive practices . the Haglund report is part of the legislative package for reforming economic governance , which consists of six reports resulting from months of negotiations . in more general terms , beyond financial systems , using short-term action to target our long-term goals will pay double dividends . colleagues , please note that we are starting 40 minutes late . in writing . - ( FI ) This report was a victory for the advocates of Finnish and European agriculture . that is why we have gone to the Council and said : please be sure that , if this is agreed and if we can protect the data in our track - the track between the EU and the United States - then you have to do the same . if we are to discuss Nicaragua , we should firstly talk about the fact that this is a country with the highest debt in the world and that it is one of the poorest countries in Latin America . this does not mean that I take back what I have said on the subject in past years . I have just one proposal as a result : peacekeepers , Russia ' s peacekeepers must be replaced with genuine , effective peacekeepers . leave it , as the Treaties demand , to the competence of elected governments like mine at Westminster and like that in Ireland . when there were collapses in their GDP , the public sector investment in R & D went up . I ' m delighted that Mr . Borloo made mention of the meeting to be held next week which could give progress to this issue . it is important to emphasise that the national experts in the Commission must be treated in a different way than was previously the case ; in other words , they must be given equal rights . our role is to support and supplement the action of Member States . I also deplore the fact that the number of political prisoners in Burma has increased from 1 300 to over 2 100 since the Saffron Revolution of September 2007 . specific attention should be paid to women ' s health care and hygiene needs . will it undertake to study these proposals without delay and send a representative to the areas concerned to hold discussions with all the bodies affected ? with tomorrow ' s vote on the energy efficiency plan , the European Parliament will send a strong signal to the Commission and the Council on the need for urgent and targeted measures in this area . with their successful experience and their technical skills behind them , the cities of the North are keen to help their counterparts in the developing world . there we are putting a very strong emphasis indeed on trade , trade with Europe , but also trade among the countries of the Mediterranean . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , let me first of all say that we appreciate this report very much . no progress has been made with regard to religious freedom , despite the new Law on Foundations . we want all of the European Union ' s citizens , not only young people , to be able to have the means and opportunity to learn at least two foreign languages . we have taken that time . subject : Frontex but of course probably the best messages I can transfer today to you are the revised treaty proposals . these eight guidelines give us the roadmap for the reforms that need to be tackled by 2010 , and are more than sufficient for launching national reform programmes . a minimal contamination of soil also occurred due to radioactive fallout , which contributed to a small growth in the radioactivity of forest and agricultural foodstuffs obtained from the affected areas . by extending the benefits of EU membership to those countries that are eligible under Article 49 , we hope to see develop the looser , more flexible Europe in which we believe as a group . the VAT system created in 1993 is only transitional . for us , technical harmonisation is also an important point . Madam President , first of all , I would like to thank and congratulate the rapporteur , Mr Tannock , for the excellent report and very good preparation of the relevant resolution . this is important . the mutual proximity of the Mediterranean peoples is also seen in the economic and social cooperation within the European Economic Area and between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries . we believe that at the very least the following must be guaranteed for Greece : no change in land use ; immediate general compensation for agricultural produce and damaged agricultural capital ; the rehousing of all rural residents at the State ' s expense , through government agencies . having led my group since 2002 , I have a touch of what we call in English the seven-year itch . we have expanded the list of persons and units that are to be covered by restrictive measures so as to also include the freezing of assets held by companies owned and controlled by members of the regime in Burma or by persons associated with them . in terms of agricultural trade , attention should focus on relaxing the pressure on producers caused by the imbalance between farmgate purchase prices of agricultural produce and their retail price levels . it should be recalled that the objective of the Fund is to repair infrastructure and act as a refinancing tool , and not to compensate private damages . I voted in favour of the report by my German colleague , Mr Böge , on the proposal for a decision on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to the tune of EUR 13 million in order to help Ireland , which was hit by serious floods in November 2009 . without them this framework agreement would certainly not exist and neither would there be any kind of prevention . I would like to highlight the JPA ' s concern at the repercussions of the current financial crisis , the adoption in Luanda of a resolution on the impact of the financial crisis on the ACP states , and the resolutions on its impact and on addressing the crisis in the ACP states . therefore , our policy must be geared towards saying : Colonel Gaddafi must lose , and the Libyans must emerge victorious against Colonel Gaddafi . ( DE ) Mr President , the ending of set-aside is absolutely the right course of action for us to pursue . that is unacceptable and Parliament actually has to be opposed to this proposal . the review is intended not to amend some general provisions but to strengthen incentives ; it cannot be right and justified to continue making payments based on how you farmed some 10 years ago . the current regulation is necessary , for instance , for small businessmen on a business trip who need to speak to colleagues at home to resolve a problem . that means that while we may not agree on every single point , we are broadly in agreement and want to play our part in making headway in this matter . this is not low carbon and this is not sustainable . the WTO agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary measures acknowledges that , while countries may use different standards and different methods of inspecting products , this does not necessarily increase the animal and public health risks . I wonder if you can comment , Commissioner , on that very short timetable which we are leaving ourselves to introduce legislation . in the framework of the Single Market Review , the Commission will analyse the possible reasons for the malfunctioning of retail services , seen both from consumers ' and suppliers ' perspectives . regardless of what might be called the ideological stance - whether we are for or against nuclear technology - safety must be absolutely paramount . I am opposed to regular preventative health check-ups for girls and women who have been granted asylum because of the threat of female genital mutilation , as I believe that it is discriminatory and represents an invasion of privacy . the link between the ports of Rotterdam and Constanţa through the Rhine corridor , the Main Canal and River Danube cuts the distance between the North Sea and Black Sea by 4 000 kilometres . the Union for the Mediterranean ( UfM ) is a formidable project which requires strong political involvement on the part of the European Parliament . Greece , a Member State , must do more . the service life of such constructions is several decades . Henry Kissinger is said to have once asked for the telephone number to call to find out what the position of the European Union was in important matters of international policy . in addition , we must negotiate effective agreements on deportation with the countries of origin . as Mr Medina indicated , the main thing is to focus on the legal and legislative value of acts . last weekend I was in Turkey , more specifically in eastern Anatolia , and I saw the problems in Diyarbakir in the Kurdish area . for example , albeit slowly , as we have been told , a free trade agreement and bilateral association and cooperation agreements are being negotiated . of course , I did not want one immediately as regards Pakistan . if we do not finally and regularly name and shame the Member States where the majority of fraud is taking place , we will lose our credibility . why not apply Treaty-based enhanced cooperation within the Treaties , with a central role for the European Commission ? the European Union urgently needs coordinated , fair and efficient asylum procedures . with the final of this year ' s football championships approaching , there has been enormous pressure over the past few weeks on teams and players who might be able to influence the final outcome of the championship . I now turn to the climate crisis and I hardly need to ask green politicians to evaluate the policy in this area . use of this template will improve the transparency and coherence of the presentation of stakeholder consultations . ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the rapporteur and , of course , to our shadow rapporteur , both of whom have done valuable work on a highly technical dossier . therefore , this debate is a golden opportunity to give an account of what it has achieved on a number of dossiers , in close cooperation with this House . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - Mr President , my thanks to Mr Lehtinen and to the shadow rapporteurs for the good cooperation over the last few months . the EU and Russia must first of all find a way of consolidating their partnership and of cooperating in the area of security policies , primarily the energy security policy . the results of this study are expected to provide valuable input for its analysis . with this in mind , Romania has embarked on developing a port terminal in Constanţa , capable of receiving liquefied natural gas which it will then distribute to other consumers in Europe . today , with a population of 10 million , they are our largest minority . voluntary system of labelling in Braille format on the packaging of industrial products ( written declaration ) very often , settlement deadlines are put off to very distant dates , and this is one reason why the economic situation of many farms is worsening . the package must pave the way for sustainable public finances and economic growth . ( CS ) Ladies and gentlemen , the European Union has made huge progress in the last few years . this resolution calls for coordinated action between the EU , the UN and the African Union to isolate pirates in the region and ensure aid reaches this troubled region . finally , I think that the proposal should not refer to Article 100 of the Treaty . rapporteur . - ( NL ) I should like first of all to thank all the speakers for their appreciative words , especially Commissioner Dimas . it is only a year and a half since we had a thorough discussion in Parliament of the Posting of Workers Directive and carried out a consultation process with social partners . for the most part , domestic workers work under precarious conditions , frequently find themselves in legally dubious administrative situations which make their situation even less stable , and are often victims of discrimination , inequality and unfair or abusive treatment . an EU internal market that complies with the system of global competition is ultimately the incarnation of this kind of opposition . I would also like to thank the Commissioner for the tenaciousness he has shown over many months and the loyalty he has shown to the project . we must promote safety at the workplace in the EU and in that respect the Willmott report is more satisfactory than the Commission proposal . we have received strong assurances from the United States that they share our determination on this . what is in the package ? Europe claims to be at the forefront of this battle , and in fact the targets set by the 27 Member States for reducing emissions are on the right lines . the report ' sets the principle of legislative excellence as a priority ' . I agree with Commissioner Damanaki that we should not ask too much of our fishermen by on the one hand demanding that they make radical reforms while on the other liberalising trade . consumers ' choice of agricultural products must also be guaranteed by preventing the contamination of traditional and organic crops by GMOs . moreover , we have seen an unusually high number of deaths of migrant workers , including many compatriots of mine , many Portuguese citizens , even when legally employed . but safety of road infrastructure is not limited to the major TEN roads ; 56 % of road deaths occur on rural roads . we must implement a political system in line with a viable environment-friendly economy , and this means meeting the target of a 20 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions . we are striving to overturn the EU ' s research policy . I share your view that this is an important dossier , and I am here for the third time in less than a year to discuss it with you . it is politically unacceptable and economically dangerous for these agencies , which have played such a negative role in the present crisis , to continue to have the right , granted by the EU itself , to rate not only companies , but also the economies of the Member States . we are going to work on it , and on support measures in particular , since everyone agrees on support for sensitive regions . I would very much like to know how you see all of this : nurseries , schools , universities , libraries , care for the elderly , hospitals , museums and theatres . I now look forward to working together with the Member States to see this directive properly implemented and enforced throughout the EU . we have already had an exchange of opinions in ECON consultations , among the Three and in interparliamentary meetings . we have the political capacity for that and we have need of cooperation . ( the sitting was suspended at 7.10 p.m. and resumed at 9 p.m. ) it focused especially on hospital antibiotic programmes , the influence of health care system parameters on the occurrence of antibiotic resistance and hospital-acquired infections and also management and responsibilities in this area . we will also continue to monitor the general situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country , with a special emphasis on the regulatory environment of NGOs and the media . I am delighted that the Commissioner is with us because I would really like us to reject this new kind of blackmail using carbon emissions . in the case of the EPAs , a liberalisation process of 15 years was considered acceptable by the EU and the ACP countries . the EU-Canada Air Transport Agreement , signed on 17-18 December 2009 and which will finally establish a full Open Aviation Area between the EU and Canada , will be the subject of a separate recommendation . one good argument against the introduction of emissions performance standards at this time is that CCS technology first needs to be tested and proven . while we need some time to collectively reflect on the right strategic orientations for the future of the international process , we should not lower our ambition regarding commitments already made by the European Union . what our fellow citizens want is specific actions , and pragmatic and rational solutions taken by leaders who know how to stay calm . one of the teachers was killed whilst trying to shield a pupil with her own body . they are about justice , and damages actions are complementary to this law enforcement . this is a real technological achievement , illustrating what Europe can do when it decides to use new technology . firstly , for the third year in a row , the annual accounts have received an unqualified positive opinion . this is an important element in our history . the European Union has so far held strictly to these , and EADS Airbus , too , has paid back most of the subsidies or even paid back more than it received from public funds . it is the same in all the countries , but it is difficult to monitor and I should like to see if the police authorities are up to this . at the same time , it simplifies operations and reduces costs for medium-sized pharmaceutical firms . we are disappointed that many other good points included by the committee have been lost during negotiations , including stronger liability and monitoring , transport and the exclusion of enhanced oil recovery . such a policy is fair and just and is , of course , unenforceable while Britain remains a member of the European Union . expenditure on food is one of the main components of family budgets , accounting for 60 to 80 % in developing countries and 20 to 30 % in the less developed Member States . all this after a big gas crisis ! - Before the vote on Amendment 2 : our obligation is to correct the deficiencies that we find - whether this is in Member States or in third countries - because our obligation is to our consumers . I think that coherence is required among policies aimed at growth and creating sustainable jobs , with a particular focus on the development and strengthening of the internal market , fostering international trade and competitiveness and providing an effective framework for preventing and correcting excessive budgetary positions . the responsibility for this lies with animist witch doctors and the gangs they employ . it should be noted that the police also bear a share of the blame as they tend to turn a blind eye . the problem exists in many South Asian countries , but I mention India because it is democratic , a fact that was underlined as the most important factor in connection with human rights . instead , the errors should be eliminated from the system by means of far-reaching renationalisation measures , for example , in the agricultural sector . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes the social integration of Roma lags behind , being considered Utopian by many , both in the administration and in the community . this would inevitably create instabilities in all sectors of the economy . how would you explain this ? in the interests of protecting human health and the environment , and in view of the fact that cyanide extraction techniques can affect a number of states when accidents occur , I firmly believe that it is necessary and , indeed , essential to establish unified legislation at the European level . I am sure that virtually everyone can see the usefulness and necessity of such a policy . the Charter of Fundamental Rights is an important addition . Mr President , during the summer break in Northern Ireland , the region I come from , we suffered very heavy falls of rain during the month of August . I welcome the Republic of Moldova ' s involvement in certain Community programmes , helping to promote cooperation in the fields of culture , education , media , science and technology , as well as consolidate political relations through the Eastern Partnership and speed up negotiations on the new Association Agreement . it is clear that the amounts entered in the Financial Perspective for 2007-2013 are already insufficient in themselves , in our opinion , to promote real economic and social cohesion in an enlarged European Union of 27 countries . it was no easy task that you had and you have included something of what Professor Monti set out in his report and what Mr Grech drew up for the European Parliament . at the end of the day , this is about the safety of our children . the next item is the debate on six motions for resolutions on Tibet - plans to make Chinese the main language of instruction . in writing . - ( LV ) At a time of economic crisis , we must carry out reforms to improve the environment for business , because that is our best opportunity to stimulate the economy by the most direct means , thereby creating new jobs . thank you for letting me finish this speech . we will put questions to the Council tomorrow . - Before the vote on Amendment 1 : when concluding BITs , the aim is to ensure that investors from developed countries have legal and financial protection . I was also very clear that we have asked the United States - and we have sent letters and are still negotiating on this - to agree that the bilateral agreements cannot refer to PNR data . in writing . - ( PT ) This regulation replaces Regulation ( EEC ) No 2913 / 92 , which established the Community Customs Code . we believe that the European Union should take on the role of director in the fields of harmonisation , standardisation , interoperability , and research and development to give new projects , including public transport projects , a better chance of success and to facilitate the dissemination of sustainable solutions throughout Europe . this is what the treaty requires from us . it is important for all of us to obtain goods that fulfil set criteria , especially as regards not being dangerous to our health or life . the original Tobin Tax idea of using a financial transaction tax for development aid has also strongly resurfaced . in the same way , this text is part of a revival of the European Security and Defence Policy , which the European Council just decided on on Friday , and , for example , we shall succeed in achieving this famous objective , 60 000 men in 60 days . in 2009 , I had the privilege in becoming the first ambassador of Rape Crisis North East based in Dundalk . now , whilst debt and its proper management is one issue that appears everywhere at the moment , another is that of compensation packages and conflict of interest . it illustrates the Commission ' s interest and the European Parliament would be well advised to use this document . immediate action must be taken by all EU Member States to close down illegal sites , by means of better coordination among the police forces responsible . we have worked hard and we have also shown ourselves to be flexible . in this connection we must be honest and say that the developments that we are witnessing in some countries , where there is competition for lower and lower taxes , will make it very difficult to finance the security aspect of flexicurity . many of them have turned to me with requests regarding the need for mutual recognition of ID cards for severely disabled people . Mr President , I wish to support this resolution on human rights violations and war crimes committed in Sri Lanka . they do not , and the pretence that they do is a huge breach of faith with the people . I would like to address all those fellow Members from the Committee on Budgets who have complained that this debate has become politicised . their work is hard , and they do not always have the opportunity to take a holiday , for example . the family had not paid their rent for 40 years , in spite of a court order ordering them to do so . however , freedom must always go hand in hand with responsibility . two important instruments have been created in this area , namely the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the JEREMIE programme . I think it is a very important innovation and of course , based on the proposal that will be made by Vice-President Ashton , as High Representative , we will work on this matter together with Parliament . it is an EU of free , sovereign states with equal rights , which supports and promotes the protection of nature , peace and cooperation among peoples . we should therefore see his intervention in the light of his implacable hostility towards the Jewish state , which is , quite rightly in my view , the EU ' s ally and strong partner . I think it strange that it should take the Council so long to come up with a common position on the seven directives that are intended to prevent maritime pollution disasters and also to reinforce preparedness for when things go wrong . this is why I consider it important that when this House debates the quality , efficiency and equity of education and training , reference should also be made to the importance of physical education and its quality , efficiency and equity . solving these matters requires determination , foresight and patience . I am saying this in front of the Development Commissioner and we know that the Development DG is helping to raise the institutional capacities of these countries . in this respect , many can be held responsible . around EUR 100 million have been expended on an environmental analysis performed by the company that is to lay the pipeline , namely Nord Stream - a gas supply agreement between Gerhard Schröder and Vladimir Putin . nothing has changed : a common currency without common fiscal and economic policy is and remains a risky undertaking . many of the people who are now protesting did not bother to come to the debate last night when Commissioner Mandelson , at my request , clarified to Parliament the assurances that a formal notice will be published in the Official Journal before the entry into force of this regulation , giving a clear interpretation of the regulation from the Commission ' s point of view and very concrete and strict criteria ( which happens on competition issues ) to enforce these measures , in the interests of the consumers of Europe . what rights did Ophir Rakhum , aged 16 , have ? all asylum seekers , by contrast , were transferred from the island to the centres in Trapani , Bari and Crotone . therefore , we have been unable to support this proposal . ( LT ) The White Paper suggests considering three factors when determining a strategy for Europe on nutrition- , overweight- and obesity-related health issues . thank you for the extremely relevant comments and views you have expressed about this report . the application of criminal sanctions will have to be negotiated by the European Union ' s Presidency on behalf of the Member States . credit rating agencies from countries outside the European Union will have the opportunity to approach the European market and operate here by means of an equivalence regime involving certification - which is important for small agencies - or by means of the endorsement system - which can be used by large agencies . because of the financial crisis , Europeans are not sure whether their money is safe with the banks , and they do not know whether they will still have a job tomorrow . written statements ( Rule 142 ) Prince Pöttering , Emperor Barroso and the rulers of their vassal states have decided that Europe ' s citizens do not matter . 8 . the Malaysian Government must stop these practices . an attempt is now being made , through the European External Action Service ( EEAS ) , to bring the Union ' s external policy instruments into a coherent framework - the existing resources are being brought together and complemented by new resources . while it is extremely important that the EU responds effectively to humanitarian catastrophes , it is equally important that we are not the only ones responding . one final point : like others before me , I would like to thank the rapporteur , Mr Ferrari , for his excellent work . I agree with calls for the EU to provide more funding through the ESF in order to help combat poverty and social exclusion - it is vital that women are fully integrated into the labour market . ( GA ) Madam President , thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on this topic . the European Union faces these major challenges of direct relevance to its future . in a situation like the present , in which Member States are asked , on the one hand , to implement severe budget policies to reduce deficits and debts and , on the other , to pay contributions to participate in the stabilisation fund , there is a real risk of collapse and a risk of States no longer being able to finance themselves . trade policy cannot therefore be reduced just to the immediate interests of a few economic operators . of course we need to do more . rapporteur . - ( NL ) Three years ago , over a hundred donors and partner countries entered into a commitment in Paris to make aid to developing countries more effective , amongst other things to aim for more harmonisation , democratic control , mutual accountability and greater transparency . Mr President , is Europe going to have to face a new gas crisis this winter ? we are applying general rules and principles and instruments to 27 very different situations , in terms not only of economic development but also of energy mix , the history of those countries and the culture of awareness of some of these problems . one honourable Member made a reference to subsidiarity . another very significant matter which I would like to stress is that the judgments handed down so far by the court in Luxembourg are responses to an earlier issue . ( FR ) Mr President , I am somewhat anxious because I see that in Amendment 231 we have voted for a European foundation for the improvement ' of loving and working conditions ' . in my own country , Scotland , the creative industries generate over £ 5 billion annually thereby contributing both to the economy and our society as a whole . please continue to work on this agenda and introduce the necessary improvements . for we are now better equipped to take up three major challenges in the face of which , ladies and gentlemen , we will together be playing not only for the credibility of the European Union , but also , to repeat the word used by Mr Havel just now , for its sovereignty . the EU is an area of solidarity , and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) is a part of that . the last point I would like to mention quickly is of course the use of immigration . in writing . - I am against the concept of 20 weeks at full pay and voted against that particular amendment . in my view , food safety should not fall by the wayside because of budgetary constraints . experts claim that the European institutions simply disregard this serious problem . not only for me personally but for many Europeans this will be a test showing whether the European Union treats human rights as a transnational issue and a matter that touches us all , or whether it is going to take selective approach in the case of China . in fact it would be enough to grub up all the illegally planted vineyards in those traditional southern countries , and one of them in particular , and the whole reform would be accomplished . I also plead for implementing programmes similar to PEACE in Southeast Europe as well , especially in the Balkans , mainly since the events in recent years have been an alarm signal . for my part , I applaud your personal commitment as a member of the European Parliament . secondly , we expect Belarus to take further irreversible steps towards democratic standards , without which our relationship cannot develop to its full potential . Mr President , the work programme presented here shows exactly how easily official Europe bandies about the crucial term ' subsidiarity ' . let us look at the property rights-based systems in Iceland and in New Zealand where , as the previous speaker has said , the coastal communities are looked after because they are given their rights in perpetuity which they can sell on , they can trade , or they can leave to future generations . how will it be possible to create balance and harmony between the different priorities ? secondly , FYROM was the first country in the region to comply with all the visa liberalisation requirements . for European standardisation , the challenge is to achieve close cooperation between the creators of standards , innovators , academics and researchers . just as questionable is the issue of whether the FBI needs to know the name , address , e-mail address , credit card number and number of suitcases of people travelling to the USA and whether it should be permitted to store this data for up to 15 years . we would then have objective information about the possible threat and might hope to avoid it . the EU must also ensure that it obtains a restriction on the planned exemptions from visa bans and the establishment of new sanctions , economic sanctions in particular , and , of course , this whole range of retaliatory measures will be dependent on the progress made in the negotiations . it is a substance that is particularly harmful to human health , as it is classified as a carcinogen . as regards the instrument to which you referred , as well as the other concrete initiatives , the Commission undoubtedly cannot , ladies and gentlemen , do everything alone . therefore , given the decision made by the only legitimate President , I hope that Parliament , the Institutions , the Council and the Commission will support his decision as the Organization of American States is doing , as the United Nations is doing and , by the way , as the United States is doing . ( CS ) Mr President , Commissioner , I too am not happy about the curious changes to the agreement , such as refunds of customs charges on imported components in the case of products for export to the Union and a reduction in the 60 % threshold for determining the country of origin . mostly importantly , the 20 % set aside is not revenue that accrues to a few superstars . we should pass it on and , at the same time , be aware that we cannot lock up this value within our European Union . the whole of this discussion has taken place as if the euro were of no global importance . an important element of the strategy should be a strengthening of the free movement of people , and that of all groups : workers , business people , scientists , students and even pensioners , and that is contained in our resolution . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) As you know , during its term of office the Portuguese Presidency is to organise a summit with Russia to be held in Mafra , a town not far from our capital , Lisbon . in this discharge procedure we have to say what is going wrong , and sometimes we forget how many things are going well , how many extremely competent staff we have in the Commission and in this House , in Parliament , including the ushers , so many services , the translators , the interpreters , who provide an excellent service . in writing . - The ECR has always worked constructively to ensure that the eurozone can formulate a lasting solution to its sovereign debt crisis . in writing . - Our group voted in favour , given that 16 out of the 17 amendments tabled were adopted or included in the compromise amendments drafted by the rapporteur , including the one asking that the candidacy be linked to closer cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) . the relevant law has already been drafted and approved , and we expect that on 6 May the Senate will vote on this law and that , once it is passed , the Treaty of Lisbon will receive parliamentary ratification . you say that you want to understand and that you respect the concerns that Europeans have about the Union , but you put pressure on the Irish people to go back on their decision , when they were only voicing , like the French and the Dutch , what millions of other Europeans are thinking . tolerance is a fundamental element of respect for human rights . it is mentioned in all EU documents . in writing . - We need to do more to help those workers who are affected by the exploitation of ' undeclared work ' . the European Union ' s value base is structured around a respect for the principles of human rights and equality . for example , it would make it easier for us to cooperate effectively in general terms if Russia implemented higher data protection standards ; research , education and culture also provide numerous opportunities for cooperation in the interests of our citizens , and should be taken into consideration in the new agreement . fish , man , cormorants and seals are competing systems in the same ecological environment . I voted against the report not because I am against fundamental rights . now you do not want people to be able to seek healthcare wherever they want to in Europe . for that to be achieved , it is essential to mainstream health in all policy areas and promote the development of new technologies and innovations . precisely the same thing happened when we negotiated the climate targets . agreement on one of the five proposals , the regulation on the CO2 emissions of cars , was reached this week . ( BG ) Mr President , it is a pleasure for me to be participating in the discussion of this document , which highlights that the best basis for the future of all the countries in the region is their full integration as Member States of the European Union . however , I reject the direct implication within this report that the European Union should replace the key Member States as the major actor in this particular process . equal treatment between men and women engaged in a self-employed capacity ( in short , the point that escapes you is the fact that companies are merely playing by the rules that you set . a statement on Nasrin Sotoudeh ' s case was made by High Representative and Vice-President Ashton on 14 January 2011 , which mentioned both Ms Sotoudeh and Ms Shiva Nazar Ahari , a lawyer and a journalist , sentenced respectively to eleven and four years in prison . - ( NL ) Mr President , let us take a moment to look at the figures . it is now an international crisis . do data protection authorities have adequate resources to enforce data protection rules in respect of SIS II ? we also spoke about the fact that solidarity should always be accompanied by responsibility . expenditure for 2009 represents 0.89 % of GDP . this discrepancy is the result of a shortage of organs for transplantation in comparison to need . the parliamentary term is coming to an end , and ' take it or leave it ' approaches would be wrong , because , President-in-Office of the Council , Parliament reacts very badly when it is not respected or feels that it is being put under too much pressure . I believe that we have made quite a considerable effort , and I think that this is a significant step forward as a starting point . the introduction of a ban on the trade in certain seal products in the European Union undoubtedly strengthens that protection . changes to data must take place individually , and I want to stress again that we cannot trample on human rights in the name of the fight with terrorism . what can be said in any event is that both Russia and Georgia have failed . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , it has become very clear from our debate today that we have made an extremely important step forward for the transport sector with the Eurovignette Directive . Parliament ' s role is to serve the European mandarins and no longer to represent the political diversity among our peoples . only this type of government will be in a position to ensure the required unity of the Palestinian people . ( DA ) Mr President , one of the most elementary tasks of a parliament is to scrutinise the finances . firstly , as others before me have said , when it comes to parliamentary control and the Assembly , we should continue to hold two annual meetings and not reduce these to one . finally , I wish to express my gratitude for having the opportunity to take part in this very important debate . as a doctor and frequent air traveller , I totally reject this draconian measure for health reasons , not to mention privacy and ineffectiveness reasons , and I hope that the EU refuses such mandatory measures Europe-wide . there are many points of contact in this context . 5 . the debate is closed . although the 2012 budget for Parliament and the other institutions should be about consolidation , this should not create obstacles preventing investments , since investment projects ensure the smooth operation of Europe ' s economies . very good - we support you in this , too ! I know how difficult it was to extract the compromise from the Council which exempts children under the age of 12 from the obligation to provide fingerprints . - Madam President , Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf ' s allegation of deliberate mixing of this contaminate into feed is contemptible and unworthy of any professional politician . I would ask you to support the motion for a resolution by the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) . extended maternity leave , improved working conditions ... women have been at the heart of the debate today in the European Parliament . I am thinking here mainly about the Eastern Partnership and also the Balkans , or , in other words , countries that are not yet formally European Union Member States . voting for the Fajon report means indirectly recognising the independence of Kosovo , and that is not acceptable . the African Union , the European Union , the UN , neighbouring countries , the Contact Group and , last but not least , France , have all been called upon to play their part in ensuring that the four ( at a minimum ) different political movements that there are in Madagascar can find common ground , that Madagascar does not become a failing state , that it does not drift further towards catastrophe and that , instead , it finds a peaceful and negotiated solution . this year , only 11 % of the 500 million euros available has been requested . too often this does happen , not only through violence , but also in limiting freedom of expression such as through the abuse of blasphemy laws . the results have started to appear but the programmes in operation require more time in order to be able to assess their efficiency . I have voted in favour of the Berlato report , as has the Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left . Nelson Mandela was right when he said that there was a tragic failure of leadership in Zimbabwe . within these national plans , major importance should be attached to crossborder transport to and from third countries , as well as to the security of cargoes . in writing . - I fully support the report on increasing consumer protection in this area . we would not have been able to say this in a similar debate in October 2008 . the challenge for us all is to try and bring a message of prevention into the public domain while not bringing back the stigma that sometimes comes with it . the recent results published by the Fundamental Rights Agency on minorities and discrimination in the EU , which the Commission welcomed yesterday , show that racism and xenophobia are persistent phenomena in the European Union and that they affect the lives of our minorities . I have voted in favour of it because it is the first directly democratic instrument in the EU . this , I need hardly say , is clearly asking too much of consumers . ( PL ) Madam President , the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna is yet another costly institution that , in addition , arrogates to itself the right to monitor and lecture the Member States on compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights and other matters . I must particularly highlight the proposal by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament on using the subsidiarity principle when applying the European variation system to medicinal products sold exclusively on the national market , thereby protecting small and medium-sized enterprises producing herbal medicines and homeopathic products . I agree too , however , that there should be harder-hitting measures , such as those proposed by Mr Protasiewicz or Mrs Ojuland . firstly , they have taught us that this crisis has affected the whole sector , not only airlines but also airports , and we congratulate the Commission on its comprehensive vision when considering the consequences and assistance . it is thus clear that one of the priorities for agriculture must be to draw up a common plan of action , mainly through programmes aimed at preventing the deterioration of and protecting agricultural land . what emerges as a top priority for the realisation of this project is the adoption of urgent measures to facilitate the mobility of citizens which would make the market more open to European workers and promote full employment . the EU charter represents the opposite of the ' leaner but keener ' EU which is often mentioned in solemn speeches about subsidiarity . there will be no discrimination . it is unethical to use environmental concerns in order to achieve political objectives and , for that reason , I will vote against it . on the border between India and Pakistan conflicts arise that are often provoked by the Pakistani state , as we very well know . the President of the Commission , Mr Barroso , and the Commissioner for Industry , Mr Verheugen , are , in my opinion , responsible for this . we must never allow such a situation to be repeated ; I wish to spare the European Union such a catastrophe , which is why I am against capping and also why I ultimately abstained from voting on this report . I must underline the excellent work that we have done and that this House has done in this area . Madam President , certain Member States have jumped the gun on stress tests . the books must be opened up so that the workers and those affected by them can see for the first time where the money has gone and workers ' control must be exercised on the operation of these agencies so that their massive resources are used for the benefit of working people , small farmers and the environment . ( ES ) Mr President , we are debating a success story : the fact that , following years of conflict , Sudan has peacefully and democratically made it through to a complex secession process , in accordance with the criteria laid down in international law : the right to self-determination of any population subjected to foreign , colonial or racist domination , and that of any population that agrees secession through a resolution of the United Nations Security Council or an agreement between the parties . this would have transformed the EUR 5 billion into EUR 50-80 billion in investment , which we need at this moment for the European economy . it is essential that action is taken by governments across Europe to ensure that road safety is taken seriously . the violent radicalisation of individuals and groups in recent years has shown up one of the greatest weaknesses in our legal system and represented one of the greatest onslaughts on our democratic institutions . very simple initiatives such as a sentence stating that women in particular are encouraged to apply have also produced good results . Madam President , I very much welcome the fact that we are dealing with the situation in the livestock sector , because it is a serious one . now that advertising has assumed an even greater role , it is essential that we determine the criteria that enable consumers and patients to be fully aware of , and certain about , what sort of effects these medicines have . the vote will take place on Tuesday . the European Investment Bank is very active in this process . I welcome this important discussion with the European Commission . ( SV ) I have a short question to ask the Commissioner . the future of Europe will be played out with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . the assumption here is that the European citizen is some sort of backward child , and we are the well-meaning but authoritative parents : we know all and we control all . I notice that this is very different from the current possibility that the Member States will subsidise insurance internally , with the CAP Health Check . we should call a spade a spade . governments of EU countries should co-ordinate their response - but this must not be an excuse to extend the competence of the Commission into new areas . subject : immigration in the wake of the EU-Africa summit the issue of protection of children ' s rights has benefited from the increasing attention paid to it by European Union legislators . that is not actually an impossible task . these measures involve salary cuts and cuts in public health services , education and other areas , reductions in social support and tax increases on essential goods , including foodstuffs , as is now also happening in Portugal , following Greece , Ireland and other countries . these elements are essential to ensure the specificity and quality of the label itself . we therefore certainly need better coordination and what we are trying to do , through this report and the consultation we held , was to give incentives , to explain to the Member States , that we have every reason to proceed with the application and implementation of this programme . moreover , as the Commissioner said , some of us have had cause to experience this state of affairs at first hand . so , whilst I welcome this possible compromise , I welcome a sensible and pragmatic approach to this matter . as the resolution says , not even the renewed targeted sanctions have had the desired impact . it is not the Council arguing with Parliament . fourthly , non-technological innovations , including in terms of design , services and cultural creativity , are also important factors . in the country I know best , where we have waltzed into a 2.5 % reduction in VAT across the board - with , as Mr Allister says , little or no obvious response or result economically - I would suggest that it would have been much more effective to have concentrated action in the particular areas of labour-intensive , localised industries and to have reduced the rate substantially from 17.5 % down to the lower rate of 5 % , or below . instead , I think that we who live in high-taxation countries should look at other models , such as a flatter tax . therefore , I voted in favour . the release of the entire quantity of milk would force dairy farms in Austria to close down and it would have serious and unpredictable consequences , including for the cultivated landscape . I have recently visited Roma settlements in Serbia and it is inconceivable that places like this still exist in Europe . indeed , in order to protect industry in the sector , Italy had asked for the level not to fall below 160g CO2 / km and , in the Council , many Member States seemed to be moving towards an agreement for a minimum threshold of 155g CO2 / km . I am very supportive of Serbia making progress towards EU accession , as I am all of the Western Balkans , as a former member of the relevant European Parliament delegation . cooperation of this kind can bring measurable benefits in the face of human tragedy , particularly when it is necessary to react quickly and not to first have to start by collecting money . hence it is quite wrong now to boost the subsidies to EU parties through appropriations to create political foundations at European level . marketing is an extremely important factor , but this must be ensured within the Union too . I completely agree with the repeal of distillation , and this is the most positive element of the reform , but I reiterate that this money will be received by those who have produced for distillation up to now . others have an international dimension , such as the conflict in the Middle East , which you mentioned . we must vote against the interim agreement and we must not postpone our vote . it is this particular feature that justifies this specific request . ( applause ) the support measures should be part of a more global plan , making it possible , in particular , to support the sectors most at threat , as the entire EU car industry is today . at the same time , the OSCE and the Council of Europe have such great experience in many fields that if we were to add , for example , the weight of the European Union to the OSCE ' s experience in handling interethnic conflicts , humanitarian security could be strengthened powerfully in the European Union . if as a result of these arrangements , products bearing the flower label fall within a higher price category , as is the case with organic products , then attempts to foster consumption of these products will fail . Mr President , I will not comment on this new cosying up between the British Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives , as has been displayed by Mr Callanan and Mr Davies here tonight . therefore , Parliament is , by all means , prepared to free up funds for job creation or preservation , funds for providing economic momentum - in addition to the range of instruments already at the disposal of the European Union . having been encouraged to take out loans which they perhaps could not afford to repay , they then found themselves bearing the brunt of being unable to pay those loans . concentration and pluralism in the media in the European Union ( hence the European Commission ' s entirely legitimate wish to adapt Community legislation to try to prevent not only actual terrorist attacks , but also the preparations for these attacks . I would reply to them in advance that , thanks to this market economy , the average income of our fellow citizens has risen by 40 % over the last 40 years . having said that , we must take one thing at a time . in writing . - I voted in favour of labelling country of origin and fur and welcome this piece of legislation . special quality which exceeds minimum standards must be detailed on the product to improve its competitiveness by drawing attention to its additional qualities , for which the consumer must pay . ( HU ) We have seen explosive growth in many areas in recent decades , but nothing compares with the growth that has taken place in global trade and , in connection with this , the transportation of goods . indeed , in all Member States , it should be possible for any citizen or person living in the European Union who committed a crime outside the European Union to be brought before the courts . the aim is to achieve complete worldwide abolition , which is one of the priorities of the Union ' s human rights policy . so we have actually opened up our markets in the agricultural sector to these countries . more than that , though , we will need , in future , to think , to define , to support and to inspire a model of European development that is ethical , humane , socially responsible , and sustainable in all senses of the word . thus attempts to vilify the Holy Orthodox Church in Bulgaria and to undermine its right to self-determination are promoted by the incorrect judgment on the petition submitted by the ' Alternative Synod ' , thereby creating conditions to mislead the members of the Commission . Accomplishment of the internal market in Community postal services ( debate ) there is consensus about the necessity of further action to achieve effective redress for consumers and thereby restore their confidence in the market . of course not , the aim above all is to learn from them . ( the sitting was opened at 9 a.m. ) thank you very much for your cooperation . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs . - ( DE ) Mr President , we all know that our capacity to build on the growth and innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises is decisive for the prosperity of the European Union . if we do not , we will continue to jeopardise the agricultural world , which is a victim of its continuing isolation . this is certainly one of the focuses of the new political phase beginning in Europe with the Treaty of Lisbon , and it has , of course , been one of the focuses for the Spanish Presidency . a moment ago , I was talking about these matters with the President of Georgia , and we agreed that it is not an easy process , but that it is essential if we are to be similar to each other and if we are to work more easily with each other . from a geographical perspective , it is sub-Saharan Africa , as we just recalled as a matter of fact , which continues to experience the most catastrophic situation and , with things going as they are , the risk is that this will continue for many more years . I am thinking of financial institutions , like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank , which should be more flexible when determining aid levels and granting aid during the crisis . no worker must be employed as legal ' cheap ' labour under this measure , as this is damaging to our labour market and it is socially unjust . secondly , Russia will not be at the donors ' conference , to give you a clear answer , but I think the time will come when the question of damages might have to be brought to the fore , and an international investigation then held . in parallel , the peace process itself must be driven forward rapidly . these include identifying how the annual maintenance cost of Galileo , which is estimated at EUR 800 million , will be financed once it has become operational ; the possible data protection risks associated with using global navigation satellite system applications and services ; and the pressing need to find additional funding to ensure that operations involving the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service ( EGNOS ) and Galileo are soon successful . in order to achieve fair and uniform conditions for all farmers in the European Union , which should , unquestionably , be the main objective of reform of the common agricultural policy , care should also be taken over areas with natural handicaps . ( DE ) Mr President , Mrs Győri , Commissioner , we are all aware that both of these countries - Romania and Bulgaria - have invested a great deal in securing the external borders of the European Union . we must keep in mind that in the area of the European Union many Member States are facing issues such as availability of funds , indebtedness and the sustainability of social security systems . the challenges facing Europeans offer the EU an opportunity to demonstrate to citizens that they are more united , more responsive and more anxious to protect them . Poland , which has historical experience in transformation of its political-economic system , may serve as a good guide and model for both eastern and southern EU neighbours in the current policy . air transport is in fact waiting for practical and tangible measures that will enable the requirements not only of carriers , but above all of passengers , to be met . it is time to stop this imperialism . situations of fragility the Albanian socialists , led by Edi Rama , accuse Prime Minister Sali Berisha not only of electoral fraud , but also of being responsible for extensive corruption and the deteriorating living conditions of the people . they then incur considerable running costs , such as for labour , repairs and , of course , fuel . Member of the Commission . - Madam President , first of all I fully share the views expressed by the EU presidency about the seriousness of the latest development in Georgia . secondly , we want detailed information on Frontex ' s work programme for the coming year , and because Commissioner Frattini , Vice-President of the European Commission , himself announced that from next year Frontex ' s mission in the Mediterranean would become permanent , we now expect the Agency to be allocated far more than the EUR 10 million that it originally projected up to now for missions on the maritime borders . serious consequences also result from the pay gap between men and women , or the so-called glass ceiling , which prevents women from securing managerial or leading roles . but while these wilderness areas are small in area , they are of high value in both scientific and cultural terms . I feel it is vital that the rules we make do not hinder use of the available credits for which we fight so fiercely at each round of negotiations with the Member States in the Council . I feel sure that Slovenia will carry out the task ahead with great competence . Mrs Striffler , you had a further 12 seconds . I support the request submitted to the Commission for creating a public ecodesign database available online . the European Social Fund is not a tool for implementing such ideas . against piracy we need conclusive action on two levels : in the area of diplomacy , supporting African countries , which suffer from the presence of genuine mafias on their territory , who use extortion and kidnapping in order to blackmail fishermen and merchants from one part of the world ; in the area of legitimate use of force , using it as a dissuasive tool , which is perhaps the only language that pirates understand . albeit , I think the whole first-reading process is severely flawed , and I hope we do not adopt this for future legislative acts . in writing . - It is important for the EU to maintain its focus on disadvantaged areas to ensure they do not suffer further in the current economic crisis . most Member States have introduced targeted measures in an effort to support employment and limit the effects of the crisis on ordinary citizens . Commissioner , we understand that the images will not be stored . I should therefore like , once again , to say thank you for the work which has been done and to express my satisfaction at the fact that , for the first time , we are seeing an association of employers and an association of workers joining forces and agreeing , thereby enabling us to arrive at this motion for a resolution . hidden in a catalogue of worthy principles and pseudo-good intentions lurks the judicialisation of political correctness . it is about taking the very basic blue-sky research that we do so well in the European Union , and translating it all the way to the marketplace so that we provide the jobs here , and they are not provided abroad . trade policy , especially commercial conditionality , can , without doubt , contribute to more effective global governance through the exercising of mild power . this is why I support the forthcoming Multiannual Financial Framework , which will help convince European citizens that the Union has the ability to think and act to protect their long-term interests and achieve effective results in ensuring stable growth and internal cohesion . Mr President , it is a good thing that Europe is making its voice heard in this part of Africa which is once again at risk of becoming a theatre for virulent conflict , after the farce of a presidential campaign we witnessed a few days ago . let me repeat : this debate has encouraged me to keep going along the well-worn path and to make sure that this time we will be successful . the global financial and economic crisis has aggravated the situation , and the populations of the countries of the South are the main victims . for this reason I welcome the Commission ' s recommendation to direct the Member States to make use of the EU ' s existing funds . however , I also note that India is still off track on most of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) such as infant mortality , maternal health , child malnutrition and the battle against malaria , tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS . Sixthly and finally , Community fishing vessels for which a fishing authorisation has been issued shall transmit to their competent national authority the data concerning their catches and fishing effort with a frequency appropriate to the agreement and fishery concerned . no , it does not work like that . in particular , as regards its vehicle fleet , the Commission has already set a target of reducing CO2 emissions by an average of 26 % between 2006 and 2012 . in my opinion , this part of the proposal is superfluous . such a risky technology for generating energy with all its hazardous by-products and fatal consequences for both man and nature in the event of nuclear meltdown should not be glossed over under the pretext of climate protection . the procedure established in the two proposals is based on a high degree of trust and cooperation between the Member States and the Commission . this is why I am happy that we have discussed this important problem today . it is necessary to check whether Union funds are being well used , whether these institutions are meeting the objectives outlined for them , and whether any resources are being wasted . amid all the problems that the crisis is forcing us to deal with , we must not overlook the longer-term prospects , the structural prospects for growth and employment . yesterday Mr Wiersma mentioned that failure to acknowledge the 1915-1916 Armenian genocide is a problem . these institutions are a precondition for creating a natural gas integrated market . I voted in favour of the report on European cooperation in vocational education and training because this issue occupies an important place in the Europe 2020 strategy with the aim of ensuring economic development . thus , it does not strike me as impossible to support that . I shall take it , therefore , that there are no comments , as Madame President is not seeking the floor again . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Mr President , according to the aid agencies , the situation in North Kivu is in some respects even worse than in Darfur . in the aftermath of the economic downturn , as Mr Callanan mentioned , these discussions were indeed difficult . to sum up , let me emphasise that all the non-standard measures we have adopted during the period of acute financial stress are temporary in nature and were designed with exit considerations in mind . Article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Community has formed the legal basis for two directives : the Directive of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin , and the Directive of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation . we really must ensure that we bang the drum in respect of the press and the rest of the public and ensure that much more focus is put on areas such as SOLVIT and the scoreboards . I welcome this proposal , and I consider it particularly significant that the new regulation contains a specific reference to ' Made in ' labelling . this means we must give the industry the chance to make preparations over a long period of time in order to take account of the compensating extra income from property rights on ready-made parts , a concept which makes no sense at the present time since we operate on the basis that property refers to the design as a whole . Parliament demands that living things should not be subject to patents and that the plundering of genetic resources by business and industry , particularly in developing countries , should cease . the report is certainly significant because it very clearly states the fact that the Russian Federation - right from the start of the conflict - organised training on South Ossetian territory , and provided the South Ossetians with military technology and also other military equipment . look at the other continents and the public funds invested there . I agree with Mr Barroso that energy policy may be the European Union ' s next big integration project . more than ever we need to address today ' s concerns : what we can do to boost growth , jobs and social stability in a period of growing inflation ; what we can do to improve financial stability , building on and reinforcing the instruments available to the Union - and available to the Commission as well , which is an important discussion . the Iraqi Human Rights Minister is currently holding individual meetings with the residents in order to establish their rights and determine whether they wish to return to Iraq or leave for a third country . the internal market and foreign and security policy will not endure if there is no strong cultural base to support them . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I am of course very honoured to participate in these debates , which particularly interest me since I have to make proposals on the reform of the common agricultural policy . it would be inappropriate for pharmaceutical manufacturers who are not targets for falsification to bear the high cost of the security devices . if anyone was asked whether they thought it possible for a European country to consign someone into the hands of an executioner and a dictatorship such as Iran , the answer would undoubtedly be that it was unimaginable . there are many positive examples of how the European Union , under the direction of Mr Solana , has dealt with this in the past few years . the EU has responded quickly , not seeking headlines but with a total focus on getting help to the people in need . in this respect , too , we demand the equal treatment of the two institutions , as we have equal status as legislators . claims to sovereignty over the area by the five border countries - Canada , Denmark , Russia , the United States and Norway - leads to obvious tensions . it is appropriate that Ireland should be concerned about these issues because it saw discrimination and loss of life in Northern Ireland for many years . if the proposed amendment is not approved , we would paradoxically end up with the precise opposite , since many farmers might decide to stick with their old , polluting tractors , thus causing environmental deterioration in Europe . I would now like to give the floor to my colleague , Mrs Ferrero-Waldner . a single labour market for researchers , which means establishing a single European career path in the field of research and an integrated information system for jobs and training contracts ; I am glad to support this report and hope that it will be the start of more measures in this direction . ( PL ) Mr President , I did not think the last week would end so successfully . verification of credentials : see Minutes assuming that a pesticide sprayer has an average service life of 12 to 15 years , it is estimated that approximately 125 000 to 250 000 new sprayers are purchased in the Community every year . this minority of 10-12 million lives in segregation and experience their educational disadvantages and hopeless employment situation as a devaluation of their citizenship . collection and management of data on the Common Fisheries Policy ( vote ) the proportion of allowances that may be auctioned is moderate , very moderate , and the limit used to calculate the allowances allocated to the various operators is realistic . how we design the system is therefore crucial . overall , however , the Member States need to coordinate their tax policies , otherwise things will not continue to go well in the European Union . if you do something about that , then you will be helping the rest of the world . for example , in November 2009 , the special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council argued that the proposed special law against media crimes in Venezuela - I quote - ' would involve serious violations of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and would curtail press freedom in the country if it is adopted in its current form ' . my question relates to Euratom . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , Minister , Commissioner , I am delighted that we today have the opportunity to debate such an important package together , and I fully anticipate that tomorrow we will be adopting decisions on the basis of a very large majority . we need to make it more efficient and make it more cost-effective , but we also need to make sure that people are able to make a living from it : not only the people involved in the industry , but also people living in coastal communities . written statements ( Rule 149 ) what is clear is that the PKK continues not only as a terrorist organisation but also with its criminal networks , which extend beyond Turkey throughout Europe . I remain convinced that in the fight against organised crime it can be very useful . employee participation in companies with a European Statute ( vote ) 4 . this cooperation must be improved . I want to make it clear that I believe that the vast majority of the people of Northern Ireland do not wish to return now , or any time in the future , to what we went through in the past . although Europol has a reliable data protection system , it needs to be brought into line with the Treaty of Lisbon so that it can perform its duties under full democratic scrutiny . Mr President , the most significant document on the EU security strategy was delivered by Xavier Solana . last but not least , I would like to point out that the EU should strive for the widest ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute in relations with those countries that have not yet done so . finally , there were no major changes to the original draft and no surprises on the amendments adopted . as Chair of the European Parliament delegation for relations with Switzerland , Iceland and Norway and the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the European Economic Area , I welcome this report . today , however , you are aware of the sense of disappointment felt in these countries . at the same time , for this year inflation forecasts have been revised up to 3.8 % in the EU and 3.6 % in the euro area . I do not like the word . Benazir Bhutto fought for a democratic Pakistan and a peaceful transition to civilian rule . we have already debated the Europe 2020 strategy together in this Parliament . work needs to be done at the start of the product chain where this happens . I voted in favour of this report on the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste to send a clear message to the Member States : polluters must be held responsible for their waste . amendment of Regulation ( EC ) No 663 / 2009 establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy ( debate ) the so-called guarantees given to the Irish people change nothing , mean nothing and are irrelevant . yet the Union cannot act in the interests of its citizens if it lacks the resources to do so . in this way , the objectives of the new directive have been attained : reformed spectrum management , improved consistency of the regulations governing the internal e-communications market , and increased level of security and integrity , to the benefit of service users . there can be no policy of secrecy in applying and interpreting the law . Madam President , what we are facing is not a crisis of the eurozone , but a crisis of public finance in some Member States who happen to be in the eurozone - it could equally well be Hungary . indeed , the objective of the programme of social measures approved by us last year will not be realised unless we pass a significant part of it , i.e. patients ' rights in trans-border health care . we note what Mrs Lulling has said , and I am sure that the statements made in this House will be clarified . the importance must be emphasised of gender budgeting as a good governance tool to improve efficiency and fairness , proper monitoring of how budgetary allocations affect the economic and social opportunities of men and women , and flexibility to restructure the ones that negatively affect the achievement of gender equality . I welcome , in particular , that which Commissioner Dimas had to say . has it occurred to you that , in the 10 years of debates , you and your colleagues have simply failed to convince enough people , and that is why you and your colleagues have had to resort to the blatant manipulation to which I referred earlier to get the Treaty through ? a special place in this policy cycle for social integration is given to the World Program for Action Concerning Disabled Persons . however , there are aspects about improving the opportunities for SMEs to receive financial support which primarily derive from access to technical assistance aimed at accessing financial instruments , especially those devoted to increasing research and development capacity . considering the risks and disadvantages of nuclear power , this is a short-sighted and harmful policy . I think this and other measures will ensure that genuine citizens ' concerns can be brought forward while hopefully stopping those of vested interests . the whole process was also accompanied by a constant dialogue with civil society and a comprehensive trade sustainable impact assessment . the Baloch minority continues to be persecuted and , according to Amnesty International , at least 90 Baloch activists - teachers , journalists and lawyers - have disappeared or have been murdered . this 2.3 % increase is certainly a lot easier to accept and justify than the 5.2 % proposed by the Bureau . ( SV ) Thank you very much , Mr President , Commissioner and Mr President-in-Office . the Council and the Commission must draw their conclusions from the fact that , in this Parliament ' s view , the governments of the countries of the Horn of Africa are not acting in accordance with their obligations under the terms of Article 9 of the Cotonou Agreement . in Sweden we have to some extent chosen a different path from many other European countries , which have placed greater emphasis on legislation , whilst we have placed greater emphasis on the social partners taking responsibility . to make this cooperation as effective as possible so that it achieves the expected results , it should be regulated and transparent . let me address the market situation . the European Parliament should ask the Ukrainian Prosecutor General to lift this ban . I am pleased that Commissioner Rehn has been reappointed , and we want this strategy to be approved , along with a specific action plan , by early 2011 at the latest . this will no doubt answer the concerns voiced by Mrs McGuinness . it is not just a matter of structures and rules , then , but of mentality . what is needed most of all here is to give small- and medium-sized enterprises in this sector access to finance . we have a rapidly growing population in Ireland - it is the fastest-growing population in Europe , both in terms of natural increase in population as well as overall growth . I believe that the very transparency we are calling for here is also justified by the Treaty of Lisbon and that , therefore , we must press hard for this Treaty to be brought to a favourable conclusion as quickly as possible . I really feel that the European security strategy is proving more successful in missions outside the European continent than in meeting challenges arising within the EU . which measure does the Commission envisage , should it appear that the competitive conditions , in particular in the primary market , have significantly worsened ? last July , we had a debate between the justice ministers on the possibility of enhanced cooperation on Rome III and , at the end of July , nine Member States presented the Commission with a request for enhanced cooperation : that is more than a third of the Member States involved in the adoption of Rome III . furthermore , I proposed , together with other Members , that with respect to the compulsory six weeks ' leave following childbirth , a safeguard clause be provided for those countries where legislation provides this compulsory period prior to childbirth too . this report deals with the certification at Community level of lifelong learning qualifications . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( DE ) Madam President , ladies and gentlemen . ( PL ) The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is one of the foundations of the European theory of values , which defends the rights of the individual and human rights . as Mr Daul said , we need more , not less , trade . ( the President cut off the speaker ) we see quality logos in a number of areas of our life . would he then be reminded how the EU subsidised jobs out of the Ryton Plant in Coventry ? there are still too few women in politics , and here in the European Parliament , our female Members account for only 35 % of all Members . the June List can never give its backing to a report which frustrates the purposes of reforms to the sugar market in the EU and which would inevitably dilute those reforms as well as jeopardise their completion . however , Chinese authorities have not heeded international calls to stop pursuing their follow-up to the riots of 14 March 2008 in Tibet . Tangle nets are not used to catch cod , they are not used to catch whiting or haddock and will have zero impact on these stocks , so these amendments , if passed , will allow these small vessels to survive in these areas . it is , today , a challenge for the Council and the Commission . Spain has already submitted an application for financial assistance from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund ( EGF ) on 5 February 2010 as a result of redundancies in 82 companies in NACE Revision 2 Division 14 ( manufacture of wearing apparel ) in a single NUTS II region , Galicia ( ES11 ) in Spain , and has supplemented this application with additional information by 11 May 2010 . Mr President , there has been no advancement on Millennium Development Goal ( MDG ) 5 on improving maternal health since 2000 , particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia , and before 2000 progress was practically non-existent . we owe this to our citizens and our taxpayers . in this regard , poverty still has a feminine face in Europe . however , if the Commission ' s proposals are implemented every country will therefore approve pesticides that could contain up to 57 active substances . on 21 October of last year , the Council and Parliament concluded an agreement that is reflected in the present common position . the social side of this report , shown in its concern for young people coming from disadvantaged environments , is commendable . perhaps the package is aiming to restore citizens ' trust before the Euro elections . my applause for the previous speaker was , of course , as a result of the impression created by the question as to what extent the Council can withdraw the European Union from the control of the European Parliament . it was in your country that we had the highest ever case of State aid in the history of the European Union , precisely because of problems in the financial markets . we have to humanize the economic and social relations if we want to solve this problem . for my part , I should like to say how pleased I am that all of the political groups within Parliament can today jointly respond to the appeal launched by Guinean civil society , by condemning the repression carried out by the military junta that has been in power since December , a repression of the peaceful demonstration staged to mark Guinea ' s independence . the European Union should not be the last to discover and make use of new energy sources , as is usually the case . bearing in mind the objective to eradicate absolute poverty and poverty among children by 2015 as well as the target to reduce relative poverty significantly , I , too , wish to highlight the need for national minimum income thresholds to be introduced as a matter of urgency at European Union level . more generally , I am pleased that both the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Development came to a compromise on the scrutiny body that would enable the Joint Parliamentary Assembly ( JPA ) to play the role it deserves to play in the first place . rapporteur . - ( BG ) I would just like to take this opportunity to once again thank all speakers for their kind words about my report , my work and for the work of Mr Diamandouros . I realise that there are difficulties , but last night , Council Question Time was cancelled . we need to replace these historic references with much clearer objectives , which will create a certain amount of fairness and enable the agricultural diversity that exists in the European Union to be better taken into account . Parliament insisted then , and still insists , that the Turkish Government establish legal frameworks , in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights , which will allow non-Muslim religious groups and Alevis to function without unnecessary restrictions . that is not happening . Europe therefore needs to equip itself with a solid , competitive and diversified industrial base . for the last week , Christians in the state of Orissa in East India have been subjected to a campaign of persecution , humiliation , abuse and murder . President-in-Office of the Council . - ( PT ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , Serbia naturally lies within the European space and we all recognise that , in recent years , it has been faced with major challenges ; in fact more than this , with extremely difficult challenges due to its importance to the stability and development of the Western Balkan region . well , yes it does , because we will now have in place a similar set of rights for buses and coaches to those that we currently have for other modes of transport . we need to have more tools at our disposal to assist Member States . ( DE ) Mr President , the climate negotiations in Copenhagen were disappointing for the European Union , as has already been mentioned . if you want to stick to a shorter communiqué , it is better not to follow the usual practice of summarising the conclusions of previous Councils in order to disguise the lack of new decisions by the current Council . when I consider - and I have mentioned this on a few previous occasions as well , Commissioner - how quickly the United States constructed the PTCP oil pipeline and how long we are taking over the Nabucco gas pipeline , I really do think it is scandalous how little Europe has achieved : it is a sign of our weakness . France had a vast colonial empire and Great Britain its own Empire . I therefore support the creation of a European Border Surveillance System , Eurosur , streamlining and interlinking the border control systems of the Member States in order to increase the EU ' s internal security , fight illegal immigration , prevent cross-border crime and terrorism , and strengthen the Member States ' capacity for rescue operations . you will also be going to Abkhazia and on that point , you explained that the weekend might not be enough time to resolve the issue . in particular , it will verify progress made by the Council with regard to the closing of all its extra-budgetary accounts , the publication of all administrative decisions ( when they are used as the legal basis for budget items ) and the transmission to Parliament of its annual activity report . in writing . - ( FR ) According to the EPAs , sugar and bananas sourced from ACP countries will not be able to enter the markets of the French outermost regions ( ORs ) for 10 years , on a renewable basis , thus preserving the production of these two pillars of overseas agriculture . now I read that they would need European research facilities to enable them to make technological progress . our starting point must always be to create the highest security standards for people and for the environment , so as to prevent such disasters from the outset . it permitted money to be used to save the banks , a little money to be left over for the next potential bank rescue , but did not permit ... I believe that one key element in this is to review the provisions on offences committed against religions , known as the Blasphemy Law . a better approach seems to me to be to confront those who hold political power with our arguments and demands in the context of a political dialogue , not to give them the opportunity to discredit the criticisms made by those in civil society by referring to external criticism , to establish a transparent political system and to coordinate our efforts with those of all our foreign policy partners in Belarus . Mr Barroso , we need a study of the effects of all of the Commission ' s measures on the real economy , not just on the banking sector . the inclusion of statements on this subject amounts to a violation of the principle of subsidiarity . in other words , given the circumstances , I find it difficult to believe that the current plan should be called a recovery plan rather than something else . in writing . - On the budget vote for 2012 ( General Guidelines ) I voted to freeze the budget and against any indication of additional spending because of the coming into force of the Treaty of Lisbon . in this respect , we warmly welcome the own-initiative report drawn up by Ms Wagenknecht , which aims at setting up the necessary fiscal framework to encourage risk and innovative investments in order to achieve the objectives of growth and employment . ( PL ) Mr President , this situation showed that Europe was not , in fact , prepared for this crisis . ( NL ) Mr President , the forthcoming UN summit on the least developed countries is a good opportunity for a debate on whether development aid makes sense or if it is , in fact , nonsensical . so we have achieved a good deal , but there is more to do , and we believe that our relations should be guided by the promotion of peace , human rights and comprehensive security , sustainable development with environmental considerations , social equity and economic prosperity , and the strengthening of cultural and educational exchanges . the Free Democratic Party in the European Parliament voted against discharge in respect of the implementation of the European Parliament ' s budget . apart from the important , concrete economic terms of the response , it is also a test for Europe to see whether Europe does indeed wish to translate this level of concern into real coordination for the future . there needs to be a permanent , fair and mutually acceptable solution , within the framework of the United Nations , to a conflict that has now gone on for more than 30 years and is condemning thousands of Saharan refugees to despair and condemning a neighbouring area that is of fundamental importance to the European Union to instability . on behalf of the PPE Group . - ( DE ) Madam President , rapporteur , ladies and gentlemen , as we all know , the House ' s budget for 2012 is set against the background of a difficult economic and financial situation . in fact , this should be the first condition for any kind of dialogue with Cuba . finally , we are counting , Commissioner , on your resolve - which we know is considerable - to put a swift end to illegal fishing , which affects bluefin tuna and cod most of all , highly prized species which are heavily overfished at present . the vote will take place at midday . I can reassure you , however , that we are following this matter very attentively . moreover , it is important to remember that within the EU there are many different soil types , which are used in a variety of ways . the European institutions and Member States are all striving to recover from the crisis . the name issue has consumed much political energy lately . the allegations made according to which the Caribbean countries were put under pressure and forced to sign the Agreement are false . this is why my group is unanimously in favour of maintaining the current rules on the formation of political groups , even though our opinions differ when it comes to the refusal of the two main groups to accommodate our request concerning the procedures to follow : acknowledge the disagreement or accept a compromise . Bulgaria ' s Prime Minister and Slovakia ' s Prime Minister are going to Moscow and Kiev to negotiate . EU 2020 - Follow-up of the informal European Council of 11 February 2010 ( debate ) 8 . the values of democracy and human rights form an integral part of the values of the European Union , in theory . but , to close , I would say that cost-effectiveness is achieved through innovation , and it does not appear in the budgets of the Member States or of the Commission . in Russia the work of religious communities that do not belong to the Russian Orthodox Church is becoming increasingly difficult . obviously , we need certain EU-wide standards , but the remedies applied in Finland cannot be the same as those in Luxembourg , say . and let me say this loud and clear : it is in Europe ' s own interest . on behalf of the PPE-DE Group . - ( EL ) Madam President , today we are deciding Parliament ' s budget for 2010 at a particularly crucial period in time which is defined , firstly , by what we all hope will be the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon ; secondly , by the major economic crisis which has hit the European economy and , thirdly , by the new regulations for parliamentarians and parliamentary assistants . the new Constitution , which is broadly in line with European standards , helps strengthen democratic institutions in the country . I would like to thank you for your invitation to participate in this important and timely debate on transatlantic relations and to thank in particular the rapporteur , Mr Millán Mon , for the valuable and wide-ranging report that I read during my trip with great interest . as I have said , the manufacturers of two-wheelers cannot adhere to the tight limits already in existence for hydrocarbon emissions with conventional two-stroke engines . I think this , too , is of great importance . but , seven years later , we go a crucial step further . ( the President cut off the speaker ) if not , the EU ' s good practices will distort competition and disappoint its citizens . in writing . - ( EL ) I voted in favour of Mrs Oomen-Ruijten ' s report as a whole . I know for a fact that some German and Hungarian Members of the European Parliament are planning further action this year in opposition to these Presidential Decrees . and how can a ceasefire be achieved when neither party recognises the other ' s legitimacy ? however , I am unhappy about one fact , namely , that Kosovo is the only country which , because of private differences , the Member States have excluded from the abolition of visa requirements on citizens of Western Balkan countries . for these reasons , we voted for most of the positions adopted here . - Before the vote on Amendment 9 : I am aware that the agreement negotiated will not resolve the complex and multidimensional problem of counterfeiting , but I believe it constitutes a step in the right direction . that is one of the lessons which we are going to have to take away from this situation . the full realisation of the internal energy market is an objective that can only be achieved if the current legislation relating to the energy package is applied by all Member States . - Papadimoulis report however , it is still important to guide our efforts in order to proceed with liberalising the visa system in Kosovo , which constitutes the only area in the Western Balkans where the opening of negotiations is not yet planned . Vice-President of the Commission . - ( DE ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , as was only to be expected , this debate has focussed very clearly on the really crucial issues . the responsibility of the European Parliament has also risen markedly with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon , and we are pleased about this . finding new ways of involving society in development processes in many areas of life is an essential condition for success . this sort of thing simply should not be allowed ! this Parliament , the European Parliament , united in its recommendation to both the Council and the Commission on the European Union ' s role in Iraq . in paragraph 3 , we want to insert the word ' real ' after ' recognises Russia ' s right to fight ' and before ' terrorism ' in order to make that clearer , because terrorism is often used as a pretext . you cannot bring in regulations that are destructive and make pig and poultry farmers go out of business . I should mention two things concerning the proposal . very often when people have a problem , whether they are farmers or fishermen , they say that Europe reacts too slowly . these were Article 43 , in the first case , and Article 49 , in the two others , both being reproduced word for word in the draft Treaty of Lisbon currently in the process of ratification . there is inconsistency here . we must accordingly call on the European Commission to make every effort to carry out all the duties imposed on it more rapidly . if the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force - and that is something that I certainly hope will happen - the European Parliament ' s role will be extended and you will have a greater influence on the European agenda . minimum rules on the individual ' s access to legal assistance and data protection are laid down in each Member State . ( GA ) Mr President , I would like to lend my support to those condemning the attacks and to show my solidarity with the people of Gaza . voluntary ' Made in the European Union ' labelling and mandatory regional labelling , as well as mandatory proof of origin , are not mutually exclusive . Mr President , I have some questions . we must reduce our CO2 emissions dramatically . we must become a low-carbon economy . to what extent is the common agricultural policy already implementing the requirements of climate protection , and what instruments can be applied in the CAP in this area in the future ? Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , over the years , many of my fellow Members and I have become aware of the problem of abandoned children , orphans and street children . in all the time I have known you , first as leader of the Christian Democrats and then as President of this Parliament , you have been a model of dignity , restraint and courtesy . we must wean ourselves off fiscal stimuli and quantitative easing , and these should not be the accepted norm . the main purpose of a master plan is to promote international cooperation between all parties concerned , so that integrated solutions can be found for specific problem areas through good consultations and with respect for existing authorities . thank you for giving me this opportunity and for achieving a memorable moment in my political career when I can truthfully say that I have spoken , apart from to you , Madam President , to a completely and utterly empty Chamber . the proposed measures will make the everyday lives of citizens and businesses in border regions easier . I voted ' in favour ' . so I would say to my colleague , Ivo Belet , and others that it would perhaps be interesting for us to get together , exchange experiences and keep working as this process progresses . if we really think that , frankly , we need our bumps felt ! against this backdrop , greater political and social integration is required , with a stronger and more unified Europe . given the importance for all small-scale distilleries of their participation in the German Alcohol Monopoly and the need for further transition towards the market , as well as the fact that the reports presented do not demonstrate an infringement of the competition rules in the single market , I think that the monopoly extension period should have ended by 2013 at the latest , the date when the new CAP comes into force . if the funds are transparent and comply with clear rules of accountability then the fact that they are State-owned investment vehicles should not give cause for concern . that is what the victims of poverty need : they need people to be aware of them , to take them seriously , to show them how to break out of the poverty trap . the principle of mutual recognition must continue to be a fundamental principle in our legal cooperation . I think the situation is quite clear , that if you have something direct to say to citizens they will listen and hear . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , it is often the case that good intentions cause problems . - Recommendation : Giuseppe Gargani ( A6-0369-2007 ) no , emphatically not . I also hope we will add transparency in government procurement as well as provision for issuing working visas of up to 24 months . I welcome the fact that the Hungarian Presidency considers the social and economic integration of Roma as one of its priorities . I would only like to remind the honourable Members that the Hungarian Presidency is thinking in terms of a strong European Union , a European Union which provides additional rights to its citizens and always puts citizens at the centre of these strong policies . we felt that the role of traineeships was important . if we take , for example , Heading 1A we see that we can under no circumstances finance any new agencies with available funds . we have tried to ensure that the spending programmes are organised in such a way that the short-term necessities do not put the long-term objectives at risk . therefore , the discussion is not about ' whether ' , but ' how ' it can be effected . I would like to thank all the groups who took part in this work , and I wish to say that I have tabled a few amendments solely with the purpose of clarifying the text and make its tone more balanced . we must immediately set up massive , coordinated medium- and long-term common EU response plans for the crisis . in my opinion , the work of the Special Committee on the Financial , Economic and Social Crisis is still necessary , since the crisis is not yet over and the financial markets have not yet stabilised . in this way the external funds are completely integrated into the national budgetary procedure where national parliaments play a key role . it is not only green industry that we have , of course . the tragic accident in Japan has led to a nuclear disaster that is now familiar to us all . just as we introduced the euro as an internal fitness programme for the single market , we now have the Lisbon Strategy , for all the reservations and problems that may accompany it , as a fitness programme to get us into shape for global competition . every country has developed its own solutions and has plans for future reforms which are adapted accordingly . it should be noted that authorised GMOs can be freely traded and used within the EU under the conditions of the authorisation consent provided . the text still needs to be confirmed by a qualified majority of Member States in the Council , and they will have three years to transpose it into national law . you knew that all of us who were involved were doing this for the first time , and in that respect your attitude has been one of solidarity and constructiveness . we do not certify ourselves that our car is roadworthy . the Opinion of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the 2011 budget already expressed the concern that , in the planning and utilisation of unused resources , the Commission ' s assumptions are too optimistic . we recently discussed this issue several times with our Chinese counterparts , we have met with the competent authorities in Beijing and , with the purpose of the dialogue in mind , those responsible for religious matters have visited Europe in order to increase their awareness of practices in a number of Member States . as my colleague has already pointed out , the private sector came and looked at it and decided they wanted no part of it , because it did not make sense . I also wish to emphasise that I introduced five amendments on behalf of the Group of the European People ' s Party ( Christian Democrats ) . Mr Verheugen , you have rightly addressed the fact that we have to make clear to consumers that quality is also important and that prices and quality have to reflect this . my office launched an entirely new website , including an interactive guide in all 23 languages , to help citizens address directly the body best equipped to deal with their complaint . one-minute speeches on matters of political importance your report , Mr Medina Ortega , will serve as a crucial foundation for future work , since the Presidency will take due note of today ' s debate . the current situation provides additional proof of the euro ' s usefulness in terms of protecting Member States which belong to the euro zone and invites Member States which do not belong to the euro zone to join it immediately , thereby meeting the Maastricht criteria . relevant criteria for air agreements with third countries include balanced access to markets and investment opportunities , as well as fair competition in terms of state subsidies , environmental and social standards . I can sum it up in one sentence : the majority of you no longer accept the 90 % quota of men running our companies and think that this should change . even though five EU countries do not recognise it , this alone should not be a reason not to grant Kosovo as a territory the right to freedom of travel to the European Union . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , the statements by the Council and the Commission on the EU ' s response to the serious crisis in the Congo are , as usual , hypocritical and ineffectual . since many have already been mentioned here , I will mention factors that are often forgotten . Mr President , the use of human organs for transplantation has increased steadily over the past decades . an important role has been set aside in sport for employment , for social affairs . Prague Castle was also the seat of Charles IV , as the Prime Minister mentioned . ( for details of the outcome of the vote : see Minutes ) that is not the Europe that this Parliament expects . this is blatant populism ! the document urges the authorities responsible to strengthen the independence and freedom of the media , applying equal standards to all of them and improving the transparency of their ownership . this is because adopting an integrated approach to cohesion policy is the only way in which we will help today ' s cities develop in an organic , sustainable and environmentally responsible manner . the most important lesson of the well-known H1N1 scandal is that people ' s faith has been shaken . I fully support strengthening nuclear safety standards , but are you ready to invite the employee representatives , namely the trade unions , to the multi-stakeholder dialogue in order to strengthen and achieve standards and are you ready globally to promote the nuclear safety standards achieved ? I want to ask the Commission if it has carried out an analysis of the economic consequences of the Blair House Agreement , for which the European Union gave up its own production of animal feed . this cooperation , this Partnership - which is the new word and concept - must be based on concrete projects in order to ensure success . thirdly , many consulates require additional documents , not mentioned in the agreement . if we move in this direction , the visa-free regime is an essential element in deepening relations between the EU and Taiwan . Mr President , as in the previous vote , the shadow rapporteurs and myself have decided not to put the legislative resolution to the vote in Parliament so as to continue negotiations with the Council , in the hope that it will heed Parliament ' s vote today . I agree with this and respect the fact that the Conference of Presidents has taken certain decisions , but I note with some regret that the religious representatives that are to speak here , with the exception of the Pope , all come from outside Europe . I also want to congratulate the institutions of East Timor for their calm response to the tragedy and I must underline , like Mrs Gomes and Mr Ribeiro e Castro , that East Timor is not a failed state . these regulations lie at the heart of the common fisheries policy . the costs , which were quite significant , could also have been reduced through greater cooperation between the Member States , and between these and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control . let me be clear , any provisional mixed intermediary status does not accelerate the process and does not put pressure on the Commission or the Council . ( ES ) Mr President , I would like to focus on something that may seem minor , but which has become seriously worse during 2007 and affects millions of people : security in European airports . finally , the last point I wish to raise - and this surprises me , Mr Barroso - is the fact that your programme does not include anything on the international financial markets . I particularly welcome the fact that this report requests the Commission to study the impact of the aggressive advertising on vulnerable consumers and to correctly apply the relevant laws on child protection . on this issue , the ball is in the Council ' s court , and it is clear that Belarus still has further progress to make . you may be sure that your proposals will be taken into account as we develop this action plan , and I count on your support for all our future actions . in this respect , it is obvious that we ought to increase the scope and the budget for the promotion of our agricultural production to ensure viable competitiveness for our products on both internal and external markets . we believe that an agreement can ease negotiations on specific future agreements involving the sharing of personal data . I voted in favour of this report , from which I would stress the Commission ' s recommendation for harmonising the rules on funding the decommissioning of nuclear reactors . employers need security just as much as employees , particularly legal security in their contractual relations with personnel . it also advocates an EU-level instrument , albeit optional , that is the same for all contracts in the European Union , which is also set out in very general terms . if the Czechs state their position before the end , things will be done within the framework of the Treaty of Lisbon and they will have a commissioner . the question of whether Member States want to spend EUR 1.5 billion is not in my hands , but in those of the Heads of State and Finance Ministers , and I hope it will also be possible , via a sort of lobbying by Members of the European Parliament on their national governments , to push for a solution . practice has shown that the fines for speeding and illegal parking are rarely collected , much to the irritation of the residents of , and drivers in , large cities , in particular . secondly , as you know , the Union has agreed on a comprehensive strategy for developing the European economic and social model in a balanced way . I wish the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria the rapture that I personally experienced in chopping down the border gate on 22 December 2007 , when Slovakia became part of the Schengen area . in particular against the backdrop of the current financial crisis , measures at European level must be coordinated . my problem with the transnational list with which Mr Duff commenced his report - a report that we are to debate soon - is not so much the fact that a transnational list is to be made . what worries us is that , as a result of the different treatment of the states in this area , there will be separatist movements and different classes of citizens in the area of the Western Balkans will be created , which could certainly lead to problems . the directive concentrates on codifying laws without amending their actual content . it is a genuine opportunity to respond to energy challenges . they must absolutely not be allowed to slip into a longer period of unemployment , because at the present time it is easy to fall from there into a precarious situation or into poverty . the strength of Christine Lagarde ' s candidacy is not that she is a European , but that she is a hugely competent individual who has shown remarkable leadership qualities throughout the financial crisis . climate protection and economic development are actually two sides of the same coin . this financial reform package will hit the poorest in Europe the hardest , while leaving the cause of the crisis - the financial sector - untouched . it is also to be achieved by introducing an environmental footprint for products and by finding financing instruments that can help to enable these green investments to be made , including Eurobonds , which are intended to cover our large requirement for investment in connection with the conversion to a green economy . the technology will choose itself . however , we point out the need to launch an assessment of this fund straight away , with a view to carrying out an additional review as soon as possible . in that regard , I urge the EU to take the lead . the lack of funding for decommissioning measures will delay this process , which would pose a threat to the environment and human health . we are , however , concerned not to prejudge decisions about the future EU budget ; ESDP activities are funded from the community budgets , which are currently inter-governmental . - ( EL ) Mr President , President-in-Office of the Council , please add my own wishes for a successful programming period for the Slovenian Presidency to the many that have already been expressed . this does not mean that large aircraft manufacturers should no longer receive any financial support at all . a strategic partnership in many areas , which is highlighted at many points in the report , should make it possible to avoid crises in relations between the EU and the region , and to increase Europe ' s energy security . however , we have decided to view the report as part of a continuing process that will gradually enable these standards to be met and have therefore voted in favour of the report . in my opinion , it must be ensured that the national safety authorities issue their safety certificates and authorisations in accordance with what is laid down by the European Railway Agency ( ERA ) . the fight against terrorism as part of international crime must not be neglected . as a staunch European , I must therefore vote against this report . the Commission has taken its position . it has few , if any , internal ethnic or religious problems , unlike some of its larger neighbours . I would therefore argue here that we should stick with voluntary labelling , because in the end , where consumers put enough added value on such labelling , the majority of EU producers already use this labelling on a voluntary basis . this has been clearly mentioned . it is undignified to sling mud at the degree of civilisation and integration that our country has achieved over the years . their second concern , comprehensibility , is something we have not yet fully succeeded in . two , because they moved as whole neighbourhoods and they are scared of losing the social fabric that keeps them together , so it is not just bad policy or lack of desire ; it is also the social phenomenon that follows a disaster of this nature that makes it not so easy to get people to move from flood-prone areas to safer ground . it is still left up to national rules to limit how far the funds can go into debt , and that also means that we are not learning the lessons from the crisis . in writing . - I voted against this Report which wanted to give Parliament ' s approval ( assent ) to an Interim Trade Agreement between the EU and Turkmenistan . the message from the Ecofin Council is that everyone needs to shoulder their responsibilities . secondly , I would like to add that the additional aid should be directed at decommissioning and that the amount required , which at present is EUR 180 million , is reasonable . we want to go there to show the US authorities that we mean business . Europe needs to be more active and more united . I believe that more financial resources need to be allocated to research and development , and to that end we need to increase investment to evaluate and anticipate the impact of an influenza virus . our priority is to ensure the safety of children travelling alone to avoid kidnapping and trafficking of children . here I might mention a comment heard in Moscow : earlier we mistakenly thought that we were on the right path in Russia ; now we mistakenly think that we are on a special path . in this regard I believe that Europe should look at more targeted programmes , such as the Global Fund , which combats AIDS , TB and malaria , the world ' s most devastating diseases , which kill over six million people per year . to discuss the future membership of an external organisation such as NATO would only distract from this important focus . in the mean time , the Commission will be taking the matter up with the Canadian authorities at the highest level . in Amendment 2 , the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament suggested that this share of selffunding should be just 5 % . we therefore used this criterion to distribute the speeches equally . they include fines , compensation for delays , improved access for persons with reduced mobility , wheelchairs , accompanying persons , and better information on all those aspects . promoting low-carbon energy sources is a well-known argument used by the nuclear lobby . it also had a beneficial effect . lack of moral principles and of their use in legislation leads to loss of our societies ' moral health and to various abuses in all areas of social life , including science and medicine . the EU and Russia are mutually interdependent , both economically and politically , and therefore , the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Russian Federation is particularly important for the further development and intensification of cooperation between the two partners . this external mandate allows us , through the actions of the EIB and in coordination with European policies , to take very firm and effective action on policies and areas of special interest to the European Union and to all the European institutions , including this Parliament . as a representative from London - and , indeed , a woman representative from London - I have had a particular interest in this subject , because London is one of the places very much affected by trafficking in women . they told me clearly that they will be able to deliver non-GM products , soybean and maize mainly , and the types of GM products that have been authorised in Europe . I reiterated our support for the democratic revolution and our readiness to help the Tunisian people in their quest for freedom , justice and social progress . it is ironic that this session will address seven individual country situations . you want it to join . further mass migration can then be prevented . the citizens , who were very unfairly relegated to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , have returned to the Treaty on European Union with the wording that it had had since the Maastricht Treaty . depriving citizens of their freedom is a crime . the situation is this : Mr Berlusconi controls the Italian media . I am sure we will be supported by third countries , perhaps South Korea or countries of South America , which we in fact want to help by making their small-scale productions become more visible on the European market . ( HU ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , during the last two and a half hours of this debate , quite a great deal has been said about Copenhagen and the Copenhagen negotiations . the last two rounds of enlargement of the European Union have brought numerous benefits to old and new Member States alike , while also posing a number of challenges . I would remind you of the recent debate that we had here on the problem of dioxins . the founding father of European integration did not regard this task as a single act , but as continuous work . in this way , all members of the European public will become involved in combating climate change . the question is , therefore , whether the EU should continue with these multilateral negotiations or would be better switching to bilateral negotiations . for this reason we have to show our firm support for the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on freedom of religion . the next item is Written Declaration No 61 / 2010 . we have proposed to define the concept of hospital care through a Community list based on the shared understanding of experts , who would take account of the development of technologies . have I understood what you said correctly ? there certainly was a failure , but it was in an area for which the governments were clearly responsible . naturally , this restricts how the information can be used . even without this escalation of the conflict , in South Sudan , over 40 % of the population are already dependent on food aid . given this , I see no reason to vote against the mobilisation of the fund in this case . welcome frankly , intellectual property and its sanctity are not an issue here . incidentally , the Court explained that , and I quote , the ' directive seeks in particular to bring about the freedom to provide services ' . human beings , disproportionately women , are treated as though they were commodities , even livestock , to be transported , used and often abused . similarly , on maternity benefits , the Commission ' s proposal introduces the principle of paying salaries in full . just because the Arctic is sparsely populated does not mean that anyone can go there and help themselves . we will see you again for Question Hour next month . this is a forward-looking draft report , and while it is not the finished article , it is undoubtedly a way of safeguarding the legitimacy of the activities and decisions of the European institutions . I believe , however , that our own responsibility in this is also quite considerable . ( applause ) the second question is what changes to the EFSF do you consider indispensable to prevent the repetition of the shameful situation that occurred in Ireland ? the European Union , which has common external borders , should take particular care not to become a market where protected species of animals or plants are smuggled or brought in with impunity . however , the report as a whole is a means of promoting the EU ' s positions on foreign policy . it will be very difficult to stop . nor does it follow the line of the question raised by the Commission itself in its communication of last September on a ' Strategy for the Outermost Regions ' . I hope that the absent President of the Council , Mirek Topolánek , will not give way under pressure from the Obama administration to the temptation for new regulations and for more taxpayer ' s money to be poured into the economy . we need inflation-free growth , so that things will be better for people tomorrow . the next item is the debate on six motions for a resolution on the case of Khadijeh Moghaddam . the texts put forward for approval obtained ninety percent support in the Committee on Petitions and in both the other committees . last year , ladies and gentlemen , both you and the whole of Europe were reminded of the inhumanity of totalitarian ideology by Edvīns Šnore ' s film ' A Soviet Story ' . what did Mr Prodi say about the Stability Pact in 2002 ? technology will be the key and now is the right time to do this . yesterday , it was 28 years since the imposition of martial law in Poland by the then Communist authorities . I believe that this matter will have to give us some food for thought because we should not allow a new design for the European social model to fail like the Lisbon Agenda has done . I have a specific question on the 2009 discharge . it is great that it puts European agriculture in a very strong position to face up to the brave new world , because we will need food production , we will need farmers and we need the countryside , and all these things work very well . improving the energy efficiency of buildings - with the goal of achieving near-zero energy houses - will not only reduce energy consumption . they are democracy , human rights and freedom of opinion . on another matter , Welsh cattle under 24 months of age cannot be labelled as Welsh under PGI legislation . our duty , in future , is to force the Council to put an end to this undemocratic , archaic method of appointment that fosters the idea that Europe , in building itself , is sheltered from the peoples . there cannot be any impunity for such crimes . for these and many other reasons , I voted against the report . the fight against counterfeiting must be one of our priorities and an objective of all national and international policies . - Report : Vălean I also consider important the correlation of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion with the Millennium Development Goals and , in particular , the International Day for the Eradication Poverty . as is mentioned in the resolution , the European Parliament has received more than 400 petitions on the subject of widespread misleading trading practices by publishers of business directories which affect thousands of businesses , mostly small ones . however , we note that , in spite of its initiatives , Europe is not making an effective contribution in this major conflict , even though it is taking place in its immediate area of influence . as long as the Treaties allow for restrictions on workers ' rights and the lowering of pay and conditions , the Court of Justice cannot rule otherwise . however , the Commission can use its discretion to assess whether the deadline should be extended so that it is realistically in line with the progress of the works . they each represented different ideologies and interests but , more importantly , they were popular with limited sections of the Congolese population . the European Union has a major role to play . in one respect , I would like to make a request for more flexibility . on the one hand , we need to address the environmental and health consequences if this equipment is not properly treated and disposed of and , on the other , there is a serious problem of loss of raw materials . consistent standards of passenger rights , including those for people of reduced mobility , are of particular importance so as to avoid travellers facing inconsistent treatment while travelling . in the meantime Joseph Stalin had been committing his atrocious crimes , Auschwitz had happened and 50 years ago the Soviet Union , led by Nikita Khrushchev and the United States , governed by Eisenhower , sealed the post-war order of Yalta . why is it in a state of dissolution ? two billion people live in extreme poverty . how many times would fines have been given to businesses which failed to apply the competition rules ? ( DE ) Mr President , I announced yesterday , and notified the parliamentary services accordingly , that I wished to table a motion requesting a postponement of the vote on FYROM , in other words , on the Macedonia report . corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes our evaluation of the situation , which has not changed , shows the need for comprehensive reform of the justice system and for measures to combat corruption . written statements ( Rule 142 ) it is useful to note that many of these issues are being considered in the update of the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises due for adoption in 2011 . sometimes this is a result of family duties being placed above the call of science , but not always . thinking in terms of bachelors and masters degrees and recognising educational achievements by means of the European Credit Transfer System ( ECTS ) creates an awareness of the need for common action . therefore , in drawing up this proposal , we have tried to take into account industrial sensitivities in the EU , especially as regards textiles . at the same time , I believe that European industry should use its pioneering role in the sustainable economy and green mobility technologies by exploiting its export potential . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . - ( DE ) Madam President , Commissioner , in sport - and we are talking about fairness here - no distinctions can be made between the sexes ; women must be treated equally . the vote will take place tomorrow . it is therefore important for the Commission to consider the situations in the various Member States , as well as what constitutes an offence in the different national legal systems and the respective penalties and fines . nine months on from the ceremonious handover of the Fundamental Rights Agency , it is no joy for me to speak about the fact that the institution has not been able to start work , and still has no management . they are now giving rise to appalling security problems , and the European Union must think not only about European citizens ' rights , but also about their security . even though the administrative obstacles have been largely removed , we are still left with some very real technical obstacles . what we seek to end is fragmentation ! historical research , however difficult , should be carried out in a delicate way , with due respect for the victims , but in complete freedom . that was probably what Lady Ashton was referring to . ( HU ) Mr Alvaro , I would like to ask you whether you are aware that the Hungarian constitution previously in force specified 27 laws that could only be modified by a two-thirds majority , while the new constitution specifies only 26 . I was targeted a moment ago . that concludes the one-minute speeches . these two areas clearly demonstrate that the EU already has a well-established and comprehensive strategy for the South Caucasus , whose potential we are seeking to exploit to the fullest extent , a strategy to bring this region closer to the European Union . the European Union in effect decided to renew negotiations with Russia on the partnership system , and in doing so went against its own decision , made on 1 September this year , that there would be no negotiations with Russia if Russian troops do not withdraw from the occupied territories of Georgia . all our actions have this strategic objective in mind . it is not bankers and right-wing politicians who are losing . this would have a highly counterproductive impact on the future of the EU and would make it difficult to agree on a common European approach or attitude to important issues , as the crisis in Libya has demonstrated . Europe 2020 must not repeat the failures of its predecessor , the Lisbon Strategy . in particular , national media regulation must be transparent and efficient . in Poland , we come across many instances of fraud , or simply of consumers making poor financial decisions , unaware of their implications . as we all know , the majority of these women live in sub-Saharan Africa , where there is one death every minute . the major difficulty that we are encountering comes from what Mrs Mathieu called mixed flows , where we have immigrants who come for economic or environmental reasons and , at the same time , people who are persecuted and who are entitled to international protection or subsidiary protection . I voted in favour , although I believe that the Commission is showing too little initiative on this matter . will you make sure they grant , lend and plan not just for market success , but to achieve social progress and green goals too ? as my time is short I would like to address just one point , specifically the so-called Russian peacekeepers which have so far spent 14 years on Georgian territory , Abkhazia and South Ossetia . we must confront these realities head on and apply ourselves to them with realism and determination . this is not new . thank you . these examples are at odds with the degraded and consumerist image that the media often attaches to female identity , helping to create a culture where women are oppressed and humiliated . at the same , this is the fourth annual budget of this parliamentary term , and we have therefore accumulated sufficient experience of the budgetary procedure and the specific rules of the game between Parliament , the Commission and the Council . an example case in Finland concerned a woman who was not eligible to receive unemployment security after she had finished caring for her disabled son . within that agreement , the value is of the following order : the gains in the developing countries would be of the order of EUR 12-14 billion annually ; there would be new access to emerging markets in emerging countries , such as China ; we would have the opportunity in the European Union for new exports , diversified in new ways - for example , in chemicals and textiles - and in services there is a potential for EUR 14 billion of trade . furthermore , there needs to be compliance with the rules on safety belts and drivers should be made sufficiently aware of these . climate change means that every type of forest and the forestry sector as a whole are exposed to specific and unforeseeable threats such as storms , drought and forest fires . within the framework of EU accession talks , Lithuania , Slovakia and Bulgaria undertook to close and decommission these nuclear plants which , under the G7 negotiations , could not be modernised at a financially acceptable cost , and in which it was impossible to secure the minimum safety standards . this company ' s profits , in the last two years combined , were in excess of EUR 30 million , with more than EUR 6 million being recorded in 2008 . where are we today ? Madam President , the rapporteur on the Black Sea regional policy reminds us that the European Union supports new energy infrastructure and viable transport corridors , diversifying both suppliers and routes . I think that there is a basic error in this reasoning : the issue of defending borders and the issue of asylum are two wholly separate matters . we need to move towards European supervision . in 2007-2010 , Poland issued almost 60 licences for shale gas prospecting and extraction . the holders of these licences include major global energy concerns . Spaska Mitrova , a 23-year-old Macedonian citizen and mother of a small child still being breast-fed , was forcibly taken to a police station and then transferred to the infamous Idrizovo prison , while her child was taken away from her . that proposal has up to now been supported by less than one third of the Member States of the United Nations General Assembly . the numbers are shocking . the European Union needs to act specifically against this worrying development . there is therefore an obvious need to regulate domestic work , so that they do not remain exposed to scarcely decent conditions , and are entitled to rights such as the right to social security , to health and safety protection , to maternity protection , to working time limits , to rest , and to freedom of association and representation . the eighth framework programme should also make research and the development of innovative technologies its priority in the field of energy . for them , this slogan is just a charade - in fact they want neither enlargement nor greater depth . above all , however , I think this example should raise the question of responsibility . it must be seen , and I want it acknowledged , as a departure from European law and practice . yes , we need to return to a situation where finance is there to serve the economy and the economy is there to serve citizens ; and no , we can no longer build our economies on debt , be it public or private , on deficit and on speculation . medium-term financial planning is a procedure established in the treaty , for which a regulation must be enacted . very soon passenger locomotives and rolling stock will also be able to cross borders . ( PL ) Mr President , for some time now I have listened with alarm to pseudo-scientific arguments put forward in the very heart of Europe . I refer to presentations made in this House , from which wisdom based on sound scientific evidence is supposed be disseminated to the entire world . ( the President cut off the speaker ) the situation is very similar with Snaig- the support of EUR 258 000 from the EGF would target 650 redundancies in a city that has one of the highest unemployment rates - nearing 20 % now . yes , progress has of course been made : unemployment is falling and productivity rising , yet job insecurity in Europe is rising too . after all , we have specific , joint objectives : to create free-trade areas , promote the mobility of citizens of partner countries , improve administrative abilities , and cooperate on energy security and especially on the long term supply and transit of energy . we want a judicial reservation , a judicial decision on fundamental rights . however , I believe that these people will hear the 321 voices of those Members who voted for this amended Directive with their hearts . it is a huge source of relief that MEPs rejected a proposal to export nuclear waste to third countries however . there are indeed one or two aspects , and therefore I , too , am in favour of postponement . every election is a demonstration of popular will . on the basis of the compromise draft text , this would apply to a mere 29 substances out of more than 600 . it also wants SMEs to benefit from the growth in markets . third priority : we want to further a concept often talked about in Europe , but which is making slow progress , and that is European defence . this is why we need strategic decisions today , taken with due consideration , not under pressure from lobbyists representing intermediaries and traders functioning in an international system . thank you for your support . however , access to funding in the research sector requires a significant technical capacity and in-depth knowledge of administrative and financial procedures . we shall await the court ruling with respect , but please do be patient and sensible in your dealings with Mr Klaus . the report presented by the Commission on 8 September highlights the numerous obstacles that the Member States encounter when seeking to achieve the objectives of Directive 2005 / 85 / EC . Mrs Pack and I visited Kosovo not so long ago . we therefore want a secretariat with integrity , one that will not get involved in political disputes or decide the petitions procedure on the basis of political developments in the country . we need to commit ourselves to maintaining the Stability Pact and fulfil the Commission ' s indications for 2013 . the project has been put back five years , with the operating phase planned to begin in 2013 . that is the reality : we have a problem . the EU has been incredibly successful in peacemaking . it is therefore vital for the European Commission and the Council to call into question the realpolitik they have been practising for years in these parts of the world , both in Egypt and in Tunisia , just as it is crucial to question the ambivalence of the relations that the EU maintained with the dictators who have been ruling these countries for decades . ( FR ) Madam President , Mr Vondra , Mr Barroso , ladies and gentlemen , the world economy is plunging further and further into a serious recession . thankfully , however , the EU has made good progress and nowhere probably more than in this Parliament where , numerically and attitudinally , there is real equality . in addition , bestowing the status of an EU agency on Europol , with all the consequences that involves , including financial , will enable the European Union as a whole to combat organised crime more effectively . EU institutions have a duty to meet the expectations of European citizens who are deeply affected by the crisis . it is true the Union for the Mediterranean ' s role is to develop the joint nature , at an institutional and political level , of a regional partnership in need of a relaunch . at this time when we are facing this severe economic and financial crisis , one of the principal consequences is an increase in unemployment . this is why the ALDE Group and I have voted in favour . the Union will thus be ensuring that steps are taken towards direct democracy . the members of this ethnic minority continue to suffer discrimination and social exclusion , despite efforts to integrate them . improvement could be achieved by bringing together the responsible areas within the Commission under the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and by establishing an appropriate body in the EEAS . for these reasons , the European Conservatives and Reformists will today abstain on this vote . however , something has been done and I believe that we will be able to vote in favour of this legislation tomorrow with a clear conscience . Thursday : that would bring stability to the region and improve its chances of developing independently . in this respect , the European Parliament had a duty to reaffirm its support for this policy . for these reasons I voted against this proposal . much as I regret that the first decision was not respected , we will have to wait and see what outgoings there will be from this decision . debating the suspension of the 80 / 20 rule is very important , but it can only be a short-term measure and it must not be allowed to become part of the aviation policy in the longer term . a well-conceived European Public Company Statute , intended to supplement the legal forms which already exist , would benefit the competitiveness of European SMEs in many respects : it would consolidate the European internal market , simplify the legal framework for enterprises , thereby reducing consultancy costs and facilitating access to cross-border markets , and it would improve economic integration and growth . we have been talking about falling prices , lowest possible prices and all-time lows for years . I call on the EU and its Member States to honour the political decision made and to provide this mission with more troops and appropriate financial , logistic and air support , including the necessary number of helicopters , as soon as possible . we must apply the principle of proportionality between what is proposed and the benefit that this will bring . that is surely what the entire integration process is about : the economy and a viable internal market are made to serve more general goals . now to the last item : the international arms trade agreement . the Union has taken as its objective the creation of an area based on freedom , security and the rule of law , and this requires the compromise solutions we see here , and it signifies serious progress for consumers . it was very important to agree on what we called the European Semester , because Member States have now agreed unanimously that matters of economic policy of one may also have an effect on the others , and that those of the others have an effect on their own policies . yet there also needs to be another kind of redistribution of wealth and income , and in this context , the minimum income system is a vital tool to help in this fight , maintaining minimum incomes that may differ from country to country , but which share a common objective ... I ask the Vice-President / High Representative and the EU Member States to back the Polish proposals for a visa ban and , as our resolution makes clear , support the principle for further targeted economic sanctions . the response , contrary to what has been said here , has not been a united European response . former President Ben Ali paid the supreme price for failing to meet the expectations and aspirations of his people , but I do not agree with some assessments , particularly in the Green Group , that his government was one of the most repressive in the Arab world . the general objective that we must set ourselves is for automatic information exchange on a global and multilateral scale , but this must , obviously , start within the European Union . human rights , labour and environmental standards and tax governance must guide EU negotiations with developing countries . one reason for doing so is because the Commission does not have general authority in the field of fundamental rights including the rights of the child under international agreements or through the jurisdiction of the ECJ ( COM ( 2006 ) 367 , Paragraph 1.3. page 3 ) . this is because recognising the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could give ideas in the future to North Ossetia , Chechnya , Ingushetia , Dagestan and others which currently form part of the Russian Federation . this resolution is a master class in bad faith . these proposals , which strengthen each other , as many of my fellow members have said , will enable us to make a decisive move in favour of the quality of the European maritime sector , and also , ladies and gentlemen , its transparency . we have seen extraordinary decisions at the same time : the communication from the Commission , the extraordinary decisions of the Council of Ministers last week and , of course , the 2020 strategy . I have heard from school secretaries who signed this in error and are terrified and who have paid over money . please take away as many as you like . that was the case with the group today . these are the important answers . the second observation relates to the issue of retention . for the first time , in fact , we have regulated CO2 emissions from passenger vehicles by imposing an ambitious and binding long-term target of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre by 2020 , at a time when the serious financial crisis and the subsidies given to the motor industry in non-EU countries are , together , severely testing our own industry . I would like to see the establishment of the secretariat in Barcelona followed by rapid progress in the implementation of the priority projects . we do not believe that ACTA is the full solution to this problem and we certainly believe that , if ACTA is going to come into effect , we need it to be more transparent , democratic and generally multilateral . under EU legislation , passengers have a right to information and assistance from their airline . I would also urge - as Parliament did some time ago - that national practice come into line with the spirit of the regulation so that we do not find , as is happening in France at the moment , that certain individuals are now no longer able to access systems to which they have been paying because of changes in national regulations . the parliamentary group of the Greek Communist Party voted against the motion for a resolution , because it seeks to consolidate the illegal secession of Kosovo imposed by the force and weapons of NATO and the coercion of the EU and other imperialist forces . that brings the debate to a close . Romania ' s Parliament Palace consumes as much power as a town with 20 000 inhabitants . among these specific points I would recall our commitment to firm , decisive measures to combat illegal immigration , support for a stronger link between legal and illegal immigration , and the search for more mechanisms for dialogue and integration for immigrants . it stops here . stability plus poverty does not offer any prospects . Eighteen years after the first directive on pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth and / or are breastfeeding , the economic and demographic situation in Europe has certainly changed . this also shows the importance of a fundamental reform in the derivatives market and the relevance of the action already undertaken by the Commission . thus biofuel , the production of biomass , can under no circumstances be at the expense of food production . we all know that patient mobility will remain a very limited phenomenon . general Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Agreement Area ( the report recommends going to the International Criminal Court and that the Quartet should insist on the rule of law . we have therefore chosen to vote against the report . this decision ' rewards ' the ability of these countries to ' deliver the necessary reforms ' . trade policies must play their part in this context . the report by Mr Surján , on behalf of the Committee on Budgets , on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010 , Section III - Commission ( C7-0127 / 2009 - and on the letter of amendment No 1 / 2010 ( SEC ( 2009 ) 1133 ) to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010 and secondly , the European Central Bank ' s objective is not only to maintain a rate close to 2 % but also to apply Europe ' s policy , by that I mean the Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies . the committee , which I have the honour of chairing , accepted my report unanimously . since I firmly believe that education and consequent career progression can break the vicious circle of discrimination against the Roma , I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution . all of this should be taken into account during the implementation of these strategies and during the shaping of the future course of the Cohesion policy . ( it ) Madam President , I should like to congratulate Mr Cancian on his excellent work in bringing this measure to its conclusion . a number of Member States hoped that all rail services within their territory , whether national or international and irrespective of their providers , would contribute collectively to the financing of public passenger transport services , via the levying of a charge . surveillance must build on the existing instruments . they deserve a better government , but this cannot be imposed from outside by anyone . in countries undergoing severe austerity measures - like my own country , Ireland - this issue is particularly severe and I believe it needs to be dealt with immediately . it means that the law of the place where the seat of authority for cross-border cooperation is registered will be applicable , if such an authority has been established . Mr President , the peace in Northern Ireland is still fragile . in my view the choice is simple . need we remind you , since no one has mentioned it yet , of the bird flu outbreak in Europe - this was only three years ago - when poultry meat consumption fell by more than 20 % ? the report on the Green Paper on the reform of the common fisheries policy , which we adopted today , revises the economic , social and environmental aspects of this policy , with the aim of redefining the approach to resolving the remaining problems within the sector . however , I would like to use this opportunity to call once again on the European Commission and the Council to do everything possible to lift the visa requirement for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania as soon as possible . we must avoid making such demands , as we risk losing credibility among our partners throughout the world , particularly those who are still unsure about joining with us . if order reigns in Beijing , if everyone stays silent , if the whole world acts like the International Olympic Committees , that will be a victory for the dictatorship in Beijing and in Tibet . on the contrary , the Union can help Russia to maintain its status of a key player that the country would otherwise gradually lose due to elements relating to its one-sided economy and democracy . only when the flames and embers are extinguished can we turn to post-mortems as to how this happened and what is needed to avoid it happening again . it has therefore been necessary to harmonise Member States ' national laws relating to the admission and residence of those third-country nationals . will she now add this to her list and give us an undertaking that she will fight to try and ensure that this partnership agreement is suspended ? a European electoral observation mission was sent to the country headed by Mr Cristian Preda , MEP . I should like to emphasise , in addition to what has already been said and further to what has been written in the report , that if there are 100 million Europeans who dedicate themselves to helping some 500 million Europeans every day , it must not be forgotten that these 100 million Europeans who volunteer receive personal gain from so doing , not in the financial sense but in the sense of personal fulfilment . otherwise , Mr Verheugen ' s ominous forecast that we will only be exporting pollution and importing unemployment might come true . consumers are increasingly sensitive about suffering and injuries to farm animals and therefore they have the right to be informed about the potential of cloning to cause pain and to waste natural resources . I would like to ask the Minister if his attention has been drawn to the protectionist elements in the plan for recovery in the United States , particularly as put forward by members of the House of Representatives and the Senate , and if he has , on behalf of the Council , communicated the concern of the European Union to the American Administration about this . we must try however we can to encourage this national dialogue , which needs to be conducted with due regard to the general interests of the citizens of Lebanon and their desire for prosperity , security and national independence . however , the facts presented here show a different aspect : in addition to the advantages derived from lower labour costs , the developed countries externalise some of the associated costs . we have in front of us what I believe is the most thorough , most critical and most forward-looking European Parliament discharge report ever . it is important for us not to rush through legislative proposals within such an important area as this . moreover , this is another stain on our current model of European integration . it calls on the Council to produce a report on the way in which Article 9 is implemented in work and in European policies through the open coordination method . the Union is being very careful in the way it comments on events in Ukraine . in addition , the Commission would refer to the reply already given to the honourable Member ' s written question , which stipulated that , according to Article 3 of Regulation ( Euratom , EC ) No 2185 / 96 , economic operators are not being controlled by both the Commission and Member States ' authorities at the same time and on the basis of the same facts , according to Community sector regulations or national legislation . my view is that this review is needed for all of them . 17 . in Romania , only 30 % of the citizens know that this number can be called in case of emergency from any EU country and national authorities need to continue their efforts to promote this number in order to respond rapidly to problems related to climate change and other problems . you also mention the mobility of artists and cultural workers , which is very high on our agenda , especially this year . in writing . - On the discharge Report of the European Parliament for 2009 , I voted in line with my political Group against paragraph 143 on airmiles . I think we can agree on this . to be fully effective , these systems would , of course , have to be interconnected . we are making it clear that all the efforts of fiscal consolidation , all the efforts of structural reform , are in fact for growth - for sustainable growth , for inclusive growth - which is the goal of the European Union . these two issues are crucial . the most important acquis of the EU is that by its values , it has been able to channel conflicts which , in the past , could only be solved at the cost of considerable human suffering into a democratic framework based on the rule of law . the European Union has already adopted the set-aside requirement for 2008 and thereby increased the volume of arable land given over to food production in the European Union . I can assure you that , every day , I have proof of the usefulness of these new authorities , since we currently consult them on an almost daily basis . a dialogue must be opened , which must include the prime minister , who is currently in prison and who must be released immediately . the intention of Parliament ' s proposal is to exclude this opt-out option . we should be looking at existing successful projects and using EU links to find best practice . after all , Eastern Europe is hardly a spawning ground for fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups . Mr President , the European External Action Service will be responsible to the High Representative . this financing , for energy and broadband Internet projects , requires a review of the multiannual financial framework for 2007-2013 . Mr President , over the past 26 years we , like Parliament , have asked for their release 15 times . as you know , our two institutions have been working on this topic for several years and in many different contexts . therefore , ladies and gentlemen , thanks to your determination and , I repeat , of your rapporteur in particular , we can move European skies closer to maximum safety . the proposed directive is very important for eliminating discrimination against women who help out in their husbands ' businesses and who receive no maternity or old age support , which makes them dependent or highly vulnerable people . however , I feel obliged to urge a note of caution . in our transatlantic relations , for example , we should insist on drawing up a common strategy to fight terrorism , which respects fundamental rights and privacy . they must go only to sensible , sustainable business activities through the use of objectively measurable criteria and transparent procedures . by approximating the two sets of requirements and regulatory processes , the importing authority will be able to issue its own certificate on the aeronautical product , part or appliance without duplicating all the assessments done by the exporting authority . it used to come in the 70s . then I shall be right behind you . this is particularly so , and more important than ever , in the current financial and economic crisis . the point with which I as rapporteur am less satisfied is the section on renewable energy in the transport sector . most of all , however , some of those responsible for this freedom-killing legislation sit in this Parliament . ... nor are responses from the authorities . it prevents unfair , monopolistic practices and eases travel for ordinary citizens . ladies and gentlemen , before proceeding to the vote , I would like to make a brief announcement , because today we commemorate the sixth European Day for the Victims of Terrorism . we need EU-level powers of decision and action on major issues , but we also need the honesty without which mutual trust is impossible . they form the foundation on which we seek to build a common future and there can be no compromise in their regard . the proposal is for a 5 % retention . there was broad consensus on this subject during the discussions in the Committee on Transport . we are happy that , after a period of bloody conflicts , peace and cooperation between nations are now the norm in the daily life of the region . however , this process has obviously come to a standstill because of the conflict between the Arab states and Israel . moreover , when a person has cancer , it affects them most , but it also affects their family , their employer and society as a whole . this month we lost the carrier HMS Ark Royal prematurely with the loss of 6 000 dedicated personnel . this very place would not exist if , in the middle of ruins , surrounded by death and legitimate claims for revenge , brave leaders did not choose to end centuries of wars by launching the most ambitious and fascinating political experiment of our time : European unification . shareholders ' voting rights ( vote ) we want to see the EU agree on targets for the minimum wage set at a level of at least 60 % of the national average wage in order to prevent people falling into poverty despite having gainful employment . transmission of draft measures to the European Parliament often , when we talk about alternative energy sources , we talk ostentatiously about wind energy and solar energy , and of course we should do that . earlier this year I took the initiative of sending NATO a set of concrete measures to reinforce EU-NATO cooperation . it was intended to apply for the period from 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011 . the situation clearly changed after the Treaty of Lisbon , because Parliament now makes the decisions . the EU accounts up to 2004 were audited and 60 % of suspected cases of fraud were attributed to Italy . it is a dynamic country with considerable potential . at the same time , it faces a number of significant challenges . from the customs and excise that you would collect from trade and perhaps from an extra 0.5 % VAT contribution from the Member States who would draw down this facility . we recognise that the international NGOs are in a more difficult situation , as regards access to the stricken areas . I must have misunderstood and I should therefore like some clarification on this matter . there were misunderstandings . the ratification by Bangladesh brought the number of State Parties to the Rome Statute to 111 . ( PL ) Mr President , much has been said and there have been many discussions in recent years about the role of women , their rights , their position in society and their occupational situation . I do not like Hamas , firstly because it is a terrorist organisation and secondly because of its fundamentalist views , but this is not a matter of liking or disliking ; it is a matter of solutions . we have completed the hearings , and I have received 26 letters of recommendation . the situation is a complex one . it also means that we must respect regional , cultural and linguistic diversity . today , nearly half of all reservations no longer go through a CRS but are made on internet sites or through airline call centres . ( ES ) Mr President , I , too , would like to take this opportunity to emphasise the points that some of us believe should be fundamental in the final report on which we are going to vote . there is no doubt that in the current economic crisis our economies will not react well to this destabilisation . as part of Community energy policy , the Commission and the Member States should identify investments which are necessary to meet the EU ' s strategic needs in terms of the supply and demand of natural gas and electricity . nevertheless , despite the progress made , it would be illusory to believe that these differences will disappear in 2013 , or even in 2020 . ( DE ) Madam President , I am assuming that you will not know the answer , Mr Farage , but I have question for you . anyway , these two cases demonstrate how essential it is to be mindful of all the factors relating to the finances and solidity of a country , and not only structured public debt . I would like to thank you all for your patience . the evaluation mechanism obviously needs to be revamped . there are a lot of known cases where people are given the death penalty but avoid execution owing to the discovery of new evidence that proves they are not guilty of the crime . thirdly , pressure must be exerted on the UN Security Council to proceed urgently with the implementation of its unanimous decision of 15 May 2008 to deploy a sufficiently strong UN peacekeeping force in the region - making sure , of course , that such peace-keepers are not of the same quality as those who recently were accused of committing crimes against the local population they were supposed to protect . better links must be established with sea ports and airports , and proper implementation of trans-European network projects will certainly contribute to this objective . ( CS ) I , too , welcome the adoption of the directive . it will be easy to find suitable candidates among the 250 million dynamic , bold and strong female citizens of the European Union , and this includes female candidates for the positions of President of the European Council and High Representative for Common Foreign Policy . the first thing is that the whole concept of creating an opportunity to allow for a split within the TACs in one fishery is irresponsible to the extreme . I am particularly pleased to be able to tell you that we have also introduced rules on labelling , because food products that are not compliant with Directive 2006 / 215 must carry an indication to that effect . it is not the case for two reasons : firstly , because the European Commission has requested information from the United Kingdom Government and the French Government , which is a good thing , and , secondly , because we are having a debate on this subject today . the question is , in what way ? we are dealing here with so many different types of terrain and so many different approaches that any attempt to standardise seems unrealistic . if you say that you want to release regional funds and resources from the Structural Funds then we need to move away from the obligation for cofinancing , because otherwise Greece will not be able to use them . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , President-in-Office of the Council , ladies and gentlemen , first of all I should like to congratulate Mr Goepel most sincerely on his balanced report . yet what we are proposing is also realistic . in the Maltese Islands , medicines are much more expensive than in another EU country , namely Belgium . we need an ambitious mandate with our demands . the structural funds must be used swiftly and efficiently . this is , however , only the beginning , as Naša Vjasna , which has a human rights agenda , and several other organisations devoted to the development of democracy also await registration . the Member States are doing things here that they would not dare do at home . faster border checks for bona fide travellers can offset the impact on border crossing times resulting from an entry-exit system . I also wanted to mention another brief point concerning the report on forensic laboratories - for this is the issue I have been following - and to say as clearly as possible that , when discussing the need for coordination , we must also examine the matter of decentralisation very carefully . leaving that aside , let us look at the picture in Croatia at the moment . I should like to begin by underlining two fundamental principles which lie at the heart of today ' s debate . Orlando Zapata , aged 42 , was declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International . the Services Directive is a good example . a period of three years has been allowed for its implementation . secondly , issues related to sustainability . another problem is that these platforms have been heavily exploited . I would have liked the Commission to have had a firmer and more visionary approach , especially since we have all the instruments on the table today and this was the best option identified by the impact assessment . we noted then that there had been a drastic reduction in the number of units sold in the commercial vehicles sector , and I am therefore pleased that we have managed , with the legislation now before us , to create an instrument that will allow the Member States to grant tax incentives for the early introduction of the Euro 6 emissions standard . why should we import a method which has not already been tried and tested ? it is not up to us at this moment to ascertain whether the responsibility might also be of a different kind , and severe penalties should be imposed if that is the case , but we would not be honest if we blamed politics alone . it is not by chance that Mr . Barroso , the President of the European Commission himself said so directly during his recent visit to Bulgaria . however , although I realise that integration is important , I believe it must occur with the consent of our citizens . plus we need a parallel political cooperation agreement with binding social and environmental clauses committing both sides to the ratification of core ILO conventions , as well as the normal PCA clauses on human rights and democracy . in the context of our development cooperation , we should rather emphasise the fact that a real attempt is being made here to bring about change and in particular , to carry out a practical campaign against poverty in Kenya . future Members must not be dispossessed of their powers in future budgetary procedures and future negotiations on the multiannual financial framework . the 20th century saw a devastating multitude of horrendous crimes which are not comparable but which nonetheless caused the death of millions of innocent people : the First World War , the fascist invasion , the aggression of Japan towards China and Korea , the atomic bombs dropped by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Stalin ' s policy against his own people , the ravages of various colonial powers in their spheres of influence , the terror of the Khmer Rouge , the slaughter of Tutsi and Hutus . despite these criticisms , I will vote for the report . Madam Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , I realise that there is a bit of a hubbub because a lot of colleagues are entering the chamber , but I would ask those entering not to stand chatting because many colleagues are keen to hear the Commissioner ' s conclusions . in particular , I should like to mention the Commission communication on data protection , which you should present as a real opportunity to bring into alignment the revolution in technology and knowledge tools , on the one hand , and , on the other , advances in European constitutional law like the Treaty of Lisbon and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights , fundamental rights to privacy , and all rights linked to accessing , rectifying and cancelling any personal data , in line with the European public ' s freedom to give their consent , but also in line with international law . I would ask , therefore , that future selection processes aim to recruit candidates from the broadest possible pool of talent in order to ensure independent thought and a new diversity in the senior management of such authorities . in other words , you - the Commission , the IMF and the European Central Bank - have imposed a miserable memorandum on Greece , which cuts public spending , cuts wages , cuts incomes ; at the same time , however , in response to my questions to the Commission about why there is a delay in the take-up of Community funds by Greece , the reply was : the inadequate liquidity of public finances ; in other words , the essence of its political memorandum . as to the economic reforms , we see progress , for example , on the drafting of a cotton debt resolution mechanism , which hopefully will pave the way for wider agricultural reforms and the implementation of ' Freedom to Farm ' , crucial to tackling poverty in the country . those of us who were brought up in the Catholic religion know the prayer of Saint Augustine which says more or less , ' Make me pure , but not just yet ' . there are new regulatory initiatives , such as the fight against tax havens , the removal of legal loopholes from management accounts , the requirements applicable to stock market transactions and the use of transaction repositories for the register of derived instruments . in terms of the enlargement process , the situation in the Western Balkans merits special attention . first of all , there is the technological development that we have supported for many years . disarmament and the creation of a nuclear-free zone should , in my opinion , be an important goal of the EU ' s Middle East policy , in order to guarantee peace and security in this region . Turkey , in turn , must comply with the Copenhagen criteria and the obligations it has undertaken . ( FI ) Mr President , Mr Caldeira , Commissioner , I wish to thank the European Court of Auditors for its admirable work for the benefit of the European taxpayer . first of all , I find it remarkable that the European Union is maintaining its fisheries agreement with Guinea , as the agreement was entered into with the previous regime two weeks before the coup . the question of what to do next has arisen . I should like first of all to say to you that , in my view , the adoption of this text on temporary workers will send out a very strong signal to all Europeans : that 2008 can be the year of the revival of social Europe . we thus wasted a year seeking not the truth , but proof of that guilt , omitting and even concealing any facts that would run counter to this view . time is short . the scoreboard also serves to monitor progress in integrating the retail side of the internal market for consumers , SMEs and other retailers . I had the opportunity to question the Commissioner-designate for Regional Policy , Johannes Hahn , with regard to his interest in the creation of a specific programme of permanent financial support for the outermost regions . the humanitarian aid provided by the European Union must be unconditional . Mr President , I talked about foetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol abuse in juveniles . I believe that the new order has brought with it a new global economic disorder . we are at the half-way point and of course I am not pretending that when this Parliament breaks up shortly we can achieve the impossible , but I do think that the idea of creating certain Europe-wide institutions , whether museums , research institutes or foundations , is what we need . inaction is a crime against humanity . there has been a flood of proceedings and actions in the European Union . being Hungarian , we will lose the Hungarian language , but that is a small price to pay compared to the advantages we will all benefit from . this is why I would like to say to the Council that I am in favour of eurobonds . although the attack can be seen as a criminal act of individuals , various other troubling incidents require our ongoing focus on respect for all minorities in Egypt . extremely high stocking densities in intensive farming systems may increase the risk of disease spread and hamper disease control . I should like to mention one thing in conclusion . what good are strict emission limits if people can no longer afford new cars and drive about in their ageing vehicles ? for paragraph 2 , we want to add the words at the end of the paragraph , ' as well as deliberate impoverishment , arbitrary taxation and land confiscation ' . Adjournment of the session however , if we hold a serious discussion with a friend , it is foolish and shameful not to mention the problems that we have . it is time to realise , therefore , that the party is over . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development . - ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , first let me thank Mrs Thomsen for her balanced report . Europe should not show disregard or protectionism in relation to the United States , nor the United States in relation to Europe . like most , if not all , of the Members of this Parliament , I deplore the fact that in a number of societies in the world , female foetuses are aborted , whether with the consent of the mother or under coercion . we must help the local people to help themselves in order to reduce the flow of migrants to the EU from developing countries . Parliament ' s objective is to lay down flexible rules for promoting transatlantic cooperation which will help to combat terrorism and create a transmission system in which Union citizens can trust . firstly , it is important to emphasise that restaurants are not food factories , so they must not be required to follow the same provisions , since this erodes quality and traditions . global warming can also affect the number of species . will it become a means which brings the European Union closer to its citizens by producing a perceptible improvement in their everyday lives ? or will it be merely an arena which serves to protect both the bottlenecks inhibiting the functioning of the Single Market and the sectors maintained ? toughness is the only language these Mullahs understand . employment , innovation , research and development , climate change and energy , training , and social inclusion are the five objectives which should form the focus for the drafting of the EU 2012 budget . I mean no offence to the other Members , but the debate ran on a lot , we had a very lengthy introductory report from Baroness Ashton and we cannot influence the next debate . on behalf of the ECR Group . - Madam President , NATO remains a fundamental element of Europe ' s collective security and so does the bridge it builds with America . I support the proposals leading to greater awareness and training for people who may come into contact with this form of violence in the course of their work . for example , I think that opening Negotiation Chapter 15 , which is on energy , is important , including for EU Member States . we have to keep track of every meeting on the road to Copenhagen . therefore , let us deal more carefully with our environment , for economic reasons as well as ecological ones . there are also autologous therapy techniques , however , where the child from whom the cord blood is obtained can already benefit from this today in a small number of narrowly restricted areas . where OLAF needs to investigate the allocation of EU funds , whether intended for Member States or for external assistance , the involvement of interested third countries and international organisations must be ensured . ( PL ) Madam President , cohesion policy has often been regarded as the best example of solidarity within the European Union . this is why I do not want to confine my contribution to the topic of health workers alone , because I think that we will discover the same fear of the unknown in the European dimension in healthcare in other areas too . therefore , while only one person in six is suffering from hunger at the moment , we must face a situation where in a few decades ' time , as many as one person in four or five will be suffering from hunger . I trust that Parliament will also continue to support this very valuable common goal . yet that is what we have seen in Northern Ireland this week . we are asking for your respect and your solidarity . or when : ( PL ) Madam President , Commissioner , the fact that the obligations of airlines to their passengers do not terminate even if the airline goes bankrupt is obvious , and should be taken as a starting point in this much needed discussion which Mr Simpson has initiated . the accompanying current or forthcoming devaluation of the dollar by the United States as part of its currency reform programme would have a severe negative impact on the European market . it is clear , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , that this Parliament urges the Commission finally to translate its policy priorities into reality with more conviction and with better instruments . in the first half of the year , it was Mr Böge , and in the second , Mr Lamassoure . green public procurement and sustainability criteria are required for timber and other forms of biomass used for renewable energy production . I would also like to thank the French Presidency for the fact that we have now been able to conclude this legislative process with a compromise , to which this Presidency made a major contribution . this is the image that gypsies have in Italy , this is the image that the Roma have created , despite our best efforts . Mr President , I would like to ask my colleague how many nuclear plants have to go down before she says that it is enough . in 2009 , only EUR 37 million were mobilised , out of a possible EUR 500 million . it can be said that this is one of the most citizen-friendly accords . nevertheless , that is no reason for the Commission to scale down its ambitions in relation to the content of this employment summit , and its monitoring during the Swedish and Spanish Presidencies to come . we have heard a lot about Romania and Bulgaria . it is vital to establish who is to issue a warning , and when and how they should issue it , in order to prevent the information chaos we have been witnessing . that is why we are asking for more loans to be earmarked for research into new technologies at the budget review . my fear is that by eroding artistic freedoms , even slightly , we are also eroding the values of free speech and expression . the introduction of aviation into the emission certificates trading scheme is a first step forward . the scope of the transparency rules must also be extended to include the internal trading systems of banks and the exceptions must be more narrowly worded so that financial institutes and financial products cannot escape effective supervision . if we do not make stringent demands and insist on them being met in full we will not actually achieve any real results . I am wholeheartedly in favour of the European Union . but I believe that there is sense prevailing in Ireland and that people are now reflecting on the situation we find ourselves in and now know that we need to be at the heart of Europe , given the crisis that we are in . thank you . the same studies show how it makes it difficult for women to get jobs and have a career and how it makes it difficult to reconcile work and family life . Members of the committee were horrified . here , Islam effectively becomes totalitarian law , so that the rights of other religions or of women or of all are in fact suppressed . that would be to their discredit . when we discussed the murder of Governor Salman Taseer , I warned about the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan . so the political conclusion I draw is that we need ways of strengthening our Euro-Atlantic links in order to provide more security along with more rights . first of all , we keep calling on Russia to ensure a proper investigation . I would like to take advantage of the presence of the Commission to ask what it is doing or plans to do in this regard . what this means is that certain European governments are playing with fire . the programme of the Czech Presidency signals continued intensification of the anti-grassroots attacks by the ΕU in order to shift the impact of the crisis in the capitalist system on to the working class and poor grassroots classes , an increase in EU aggression against the people and imperialist intervention and improvements to its capability for military intervention around the world . Adjournment of the session energy use is responsible for 80 % of the total EU emissions of greenhouse gases . nevertheless , we are now - after Tampere , after the Hague - in charge of drawing up this multiannual Stockholm programme , and today it is too early for me to formulate precise ideas about the content of the next multiannual programme . it could be caused by an increase in the quantity of counterfeit goods coming into the EU , but it could also be a result of improved detection by the customs authorities . transfers of appropriations : see Minutes we will now suspend the sitting . my group is particularly concerned with this question . rapporteur . - Mr President , I should like to thank everyone who has stayed back tonight and participated in this debate , and also the Commissioner for his response to the debate . the matter of species preservation - and this is my point - is not some kind of charitable institution for a few poor little bugs that we should simply manage to do without . it would also be good if Prime Minister Erdogan put his own house in order in the areas of the situation of the Kurds , acknowledging the genocide of Armenians and equality of rights for women . I strongly ask the Commission what it intends to do to ensure that the Italian Government falls in line with standards of the European Union directives , particularly with regard to the recent ruling by the Court of Justice , which strongly condemned Italy for not being able to dispose of waste in Campania . the amendment proposed in the report removes the obligation on a Member State to pursue new offences when they are committed outside the territory of this Member State but on behalf of a legal person established on its territory , or against its institutions or population , or against a European institution with its headquarters in the Member State concerned . - ( FR ) Madam President , as for what Mrs McGuinness said , I share your opinion entirely . that cannot be the European Union ' s intention . as I do not have time , I will only draw one conclusion . we do not need mechanisms to tackle debt that are excessively automatic and pro-cyclical , which risk failing to meet the objective and , if anything , risk hindering actions to boost economic growth . furthermore , from today , all citizens of EU Member States , including Cyprus , Bulgaria and Romania , will also be able to travel to Taiwan without a visa . when judging figure skating , we discard the highest and lowest marks and then award the score . so what can we do ? Mr President , we have just had a debate in this Chamber on the common agricultural policy , where we reiterated the importance of supporting a European model , unique in the world . such action has clear public support , as shown by opinion polls carried out thus far . the producer price for milk fell , and at present many milk producers are having to sell dairy products at a price that does not reflect production costs . I would consider it a great pity if this were voted through together because , in the final event , we are not giving up on harmonisation at European level , but rather want to increase it in order to bring about an improvement for all men and women . moreover , this fund can be targeted not only at issues of social inclusion , but also at greater vocational mobility of European citizens . the regulations and the directive on social rules in road transport currently in force afford the Member States a great deal of scope for interpretation and this results in a failure to achieve uniform transposition into national law in the Member States . the fact is , that this country is vital for European and global security , and it is for this reason , as Pino Arlacchi ' s report details very well , that we need to correct the huge errors committed in the move to investing in ' Afghanisation ' and putting the human safety of the Afghan people first , which involves a responsibility to protect on the part of the foreign forces present . both meetings revealed a flagrant lack of transparency as regards contracts between Gazprom and Naftogaz and especially a lack of confidence which prevents progress in reaching an agreement . last week I published my second annual report on that very subject . it maintains the focus on the better regulation agenda in line with previous similar initiatives taken last year by the European Parliament . then we can have a more reasonable interpretation of the requirement of the legality and regularity of transactions . the Commission will respect this commitment and propose this general alignment of all non-priority acts . the Court also maintains the view that well-designed rules and regulations which are clear to interpret and simple to apply not only decrease the risk of error but can also reduce the costs of controls . furthermore , SMEs naturally also have other financial instruments at their disposal within the European Union , in particular in connection with the Structural Fund . no - it means , in fact , that MEPs do not really believe the European Central Bank can be a solution , a remedy , to the crisis , or that it can be a lifebelt . we are putting more emphasis on the exchange of good practices and we hope that in this way we will acquire the experience necessary to suggest , as soon as possible , a pilot project of interest to as many Member States as possible . order of business we should not make it a scapegoat for our own domestic economic and social problems . fourthly , what does the Commission intend to do about the Court of First Instance ' s judgment in the Danish TV2 case ? the compromise reached on the main sensitive points of the Commission ' s proposal , the open declaration of raw materials and the creation of a Community list of raw materials , is a good reflection , in my opinion , of this balance . a lot is going to be said at the biodiversity conference about the need to put in place the correct measures , but if all we end up with is a pious declaration , we will achieve very little . it is also essential to create a pan-European crisis map , on the basis of which those areas of the European Union can be assessed where abject poverty and social exclusion most seriously afflict the Roma and non-Roma communities , and through which the European Commission , supporting the Member States , can start the work of desegregation , which the governments have been putting off for decades as a result of different political commitments . it is a single culture in the universe , and it is not multiple . the Commission is of the view that the proposed criteria ought to ensure a high level of protection without making plant protection unworkable or dysfunctional . however , Member States will continue to apply policies promoting investments which will supplement and be compatible with the common international investment policy . the competition and innovation programme , the CIP , is struggling for support and the financing for SET , the strategic energy technology programme , is at less than half . firstly , the Commission ' s report said that the proposal was largely uncontested in the Council as elsewhere . the EU-Africa Summit was a success . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Petitions . - ( ES ) Thank you , Mr President , and friend , for those kind words that , obviously , are emotionally affecting at a time when I am in the House for the last time in this term of office , to thank for their collaboration all those with whom I have had the honour of working and , also , to ask forgiveness for any mistakes I may have made . they seek to replace the reforms which are finally taking place with increased sales promotion measures and information campaigns . I am in favour of introducing an appropriate transition period because the production cycle in the automotive industry is complex and needs a long time to adapt . in writing . - ( SV ) We have no objections to informing and educating citizens in the Member States objectively and factually about EU cooperation . judging by the progress made by Montenegro in various areas , it is clear that the country is taking preparations for European integration seriously . thirdly , the European Council is due to endorse the treaty change needed to allow for the establishment of the European Stability Mechanism in 2013 , with its capacity to assist - on the basis of strict conditionality - euro area Member States in financial difficulties . the NGOs can submit projects to it without the support of their government , and that is important . I strongly believe that it is in both our interests to cooperate in this area , and no less important to show Europe ' s citizens that we are cooperating . 8 . I am glad the problems for disabled and older tourists have been taken into account , though perhaps more attention could have been devoted to them . it changes the European Union ' s self-image regarding the importance of culture and its strategic importance to policy as a whole . on behalf of the PPE Group . - Mr President , I would like to thank the Commissioner for his response . ( the speaker agreed to take a blue card question by Marije Cornelissen and Anneli Jäätteenmäki under Rule 149 ( 8 ) ) risks to price stability over the medium term remain clearly on the upside in 2007 and have intensified over recent months . it involves a lot of work and costs a lot of money . the Commission would thus be able to carry out an analysis and determine whether a company controls the CRS and whether a company which has rights and participates in the management of the CRS influences the latter in a decisive manner . in this case , Mr Barroso is the wrong man for the job of president . not that long ago , in the course of this legislative period , we also voted in Euro 5 and Euro 6 for passenger cars , thereby continuing the success story of exhaust gas standards for vehicles - in today ' s case heavy-duty vehicles - in Europe . it is commendable that the rapporteur is seeking to establish a link between public procurement and fostering and promoting clean efficient vehicles , and I hope that this will lead to growth in investment and research of vehicles with low CO2 emissions . moreover , before reaching adulthood , women are young girls , and violence against a young girl will prevent her from enjoying life forever . why would doctors send a teacher to work so hard with a boy whom they did not believe would survive ? in the research sector , there are subsidies for space research , the objective of which is global monitoring while , on the other hand , the overwhelming majority of actions concerning social integration , social exclusion and young people have had their subsidies cut . I likewise think that the United Nations resolution on the universal moratorium on the use of the death penalty must be put into practice . we have to create a training network . we face a great challenge in these final weeks leading up to Copenhagen . all the Member States have social services and social benefits , yet even after receiving them one sixth of people live in poverty . I would also like to thank Mrs Patrão Neves , who has done an excellent job of conducting the negotiations . there are plenty of ideas for the countries along the Danube , but what is important are the priorities used to launch the strategy . Madam President , ladies and gentlemen , before I come to the report , I would like to respond to Mr Meyer and Mr Tavares . the principle of subsidiarity means that urban policy falls within the competence of the Member States . in many of these matters we already have certain quantifications , certain calculations since , in parallel with the principles , we are getting to know the forecasts , the first budget preliminaries for 2009 . we are losing hundreds of thousands of enterprises every year in Europe which could easily continue to exist if the transfer from one generation to the next could be organised in a better way . this is why I am asking you to reject the proposed amendment to paragraph 16 , but to preserve the initial wording , which calls on us to put our own house in order . instead , it will mean analysing and peer-reviewing the broad budgetary guidelines and fiscal balance before the submission of the draft national budgets by governments to Parliament with the legal right , based on the treaty and pact , for the EU to make recommendations and ask for corrective action from the Member States concerned . let us hope that I am wrong . but perhaps you can resolve another little problem for me . the undifferentiated labelling of trans fats will only confuse consumers , create a negative image of healthy dairy products and have undesirable effects on consumption , undermining public health ( reduced intake of important nutrients such as calcium and proteins , for example ) . it was particularly shocking that the Commissioner should totally disregard the social drama and strong impact of the soaring food prices recorded in recent months - exacerbated by abandonment of the land and the disappearance of many thousands of farms - and push for a cut in the meagre support received by around 70 000 Portuguese smallholders by proposing a minimum threshold while forgetting to indicate a maximum one . ( FR ) Madam President , Mr President-in-Office of the Council , President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , with the Copenhagen Summit less than two weeks away , concerns are growing as to the success of the negotiations on climate change . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , I thank the honourable Member for his positive comments about the internal market scoreboard . and the companies affected are essentially taking on the role of private consumers . - ( NL ) Mr President , in the Gruber report , Parliament is following the particularly one-sided quantitative economic approach to the immigration problem . written explanations of vote supplementary regulations are needed in this respect to protect the financial interests of the EU and to give auditing powers to the Court of Auditors . I deplore , I condemn , I urge , I demand , but we also need to act and that action has to come in different forms . we agreed on guarantees and rules of the road for supporting the banks . the move towards the liberalisation of building products in the construction sector represents one of the requests for greater sensitivity received from small and medium-sized enterprises . for his commitment to the all-too-long-forgotten victims in Darfur , the Conference decided that the prize would be awarded to Salih Mahmoud Osman . Madam President , the subject of today ' s debate is a violation of human rights that took place during the 1930s , during the Japanese occupation , when young women in the Imperial Armed Forces were sexually exploited and forced into prostitution , despite the fact that the Japanese Government had signed international conventions on combating traffic in women and children and supported the UN Resolution on Women , Peace and Security . our new and former colleague Martin Kastler has now arrived too . as the rapporteur and the other speakers said , this is a necessary exercise , but obviously we should try to clarify it . this requires a joint effort . in turn , these influenced the deficits that the Member States have as a result of our political and social system , which protects those in the most vulnerable situations , such as those who lose their jobs . in Europe , one mammal in six is at risk of extinction , and when one species disappears , it can create a domino effect with regard to all the others . as regards the application of the principle of mutual recognition , which is also one of the pivotal aspects in the construction of an area of justice , freedom and security , the framework decision on the enforcement of decisions rendered in absentia will allow existing instruments , such as the European arrest warrant , to be reinforced . as point eight of the discharge report concerning the European Council says , this progress is due to the positive attitude and efforts of the Hungarian Presidency . the opposite action should , in fact , be taken : this fund should be closely linked to the others , particularly regional policy instruments , so as to increase its effectiveness . the report calls for a move away from the historical payment system by 2020 , calling for an area basis plus objective criteria to replace the current regime . I do not know what secret relations you have with the author of the question , but unfortunately we cannot continue . others , like Hannes Swoboda and Jan Marinus Wiersma , stress that we should not take a black-and-white approach to this and that Ukraine deserves some attention - you are also right : of course Ukraine is not making this easier . to this end the Council intends to call on the Commission to study all the appropriate means of achieving this . we did this through the European Network for Diagnostics of ' Imported ' Viral Diseases , which is funded under the public health programme . the issue of the two ' missing ' dossiers , on Civil Liability and Flag States , needs to be resolved by the Council one way or another , so it is important that Parliament keeps the pressure on by including them collectively in the Sterckx report on Vessel Traffic Monitoring , the Vlasto report on Port State Control and this report . I would also like to thank Mrs Kuneva for her work on the Green Paper . then when we review the Scheme in 2012 we would really focus on the end-value to be gained from parental contributions . we should also be aware that , with the current pre-electoral atmosphere in the US , it may not be easy at the present time to find a balanced settlement . in my opinion , it was a significant achievement that we managed to place in an institutional framework a debate which had hitherto been informal and closed , or limited to closed circles and informal channels . I am in favour of greater parliamentary involvement in the Union ' s economic governance and of the centralisation at European level of the exclusive supervision powers of the major cross-border financial institutions . the objective of this report is the need to promote greater synergies between tax policy and development policy , making both more efficient ; to that end , it identifies the difficulties that exist in developing countries with regard to the mobilisation of tax revenues . I therefore support this resolution , which calls for the Ombudsman ' s activities to be given a higher profile . finally , of course , the salient point that led us to conciliation : amendment 138 . appropriate abilities must be preserved even at an older age , and this is possible only with a more modern , more accessible health service . ( DE ) Mr President , Commissioner , I very much welcome your motion . we will , at all times , promote the defence of human rights . a further challenge that we face is how to work together to strengthen the practical applications of rules-based multilateralism based on our shared values . ( PL ) Mr President , halfway through it has transpired that among the millennium goals , we have done worst in combating TB , HIV and malaria . the 2012 and 2013 budgets will be consolidation budgets aimed at reflecting the Member States ' spending cutbacks and setting a benchmark for the levels that will be established in the next financial framework . the Middle East , Pakistan , Afghanistan , Russia , defence , security and economic and commercial matters are discussed in detail . I want to tell Rebecca Harms that it is unusual for us in Sweden to be criticised for our aid commitments . fourthly - finally - the procedure for resorting to the provisional twelfths system , in the unlikely yet possible event that we fail to reach an agreement on the 2010 budget : on this point , we feel that the Treaty of Lisbon ' s provisions are precise enough to rule out the need for a supplement . top of the political agenda today is the great economic crisis that the country is experiencing , the problem of returning migrants and , of course , violence and organised crime . the subject of the draft recommendation is the participation of the Republic of Moldova in Union programmes . President-in-Office . - ( SL ) I am honoured to be with you again today and , as President of the Council , to present to you the evaluation of the results of the Bali Climate Change Conference . however , we also need a review of whether our measures are effective , which measures are effective and which new ones are needed . Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , we are disappointed that it has not been possible to reach agreement on the Novel Foods Regulation and that therefore , it is not possible to guarantee adequate information for consumers on the foods that we eat or to ensure that Europe has clear , strict rules on foods from cloned animals . this is why we have created the European Platform of Women Scientists , which serves as a catalyst and creates role models in scientific research . we must ensure that they reach it , or else we shall have to raise the standards they have to meet to do so . in a Slovak school in the Hungarian village , Slovak is taught as a foreign language for 3 hours a week and a priest says mass in Hungarian . an active presidency , a mobilised Council , a European Parliament on the offensive and tenacious civil organisations are helping fashion Europe as an effective world player : this is very good and encouraging news . they need to be able to take informed decisions . ( PT ) Madam President , President-in-Office of the Council , Mr Vice-President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , we are facing a crisis of mass illegal immigration which has consequences for the security and cohesion of the whole European Union . they withdrew from this scheme many years ago . to conclude , Mrs Reding , with reference to Europol , I would like to know why a Council decision is going to be replaced by a Europol regulation by 2013 . pending this , the EU Member States should implement unilateral actions to prohibit the use and transfer of these bombs , as many states have already done and others are preparing to do . we , Europeans in the rich , democratic countries , must do everything we can today so that the EU is open for the civil societies of Belarus and Ukraine . an ongoing change is taking place in the distribution of roles between Parliament and the Council within the budgetary procedure . we have big military potential , largely untapped , so decisions to use military assets and to support each other in pooling and sharing are something that we need to take forward . while the average price for butter today is EUR 4.10 , it was EUR 4.50 in 1982 . this agreement provides for specific instruments to combat illegal , unreported and unregulated ( IUU ) fishing in EU territorial waters more effectively . taking a relativistic attitude to the violation of humanitarian and international law and granting the perpetrators exemption from punishment will only lead to new suicide attacks and wars , and the spiral of violence will continue . the European Union is the joint home of national , ethnic and religious minorities as well , and precisely for this reason , the EU can no longer put off providing them with institutional , legally regulated protection . a large number of Roma drifted to the periphery of society in this very period of the past 20 years . some of you have said , ' It is too little , too late ' . that is why we must promote lifelong learning for adults . why is it so important now ? at the recent NATO summit , Albania and Croatia were allowed to join , but FYROM was not invited to do so . right now , however , we are talking about China and there we are more or less powerless , as has already been said . it saddens me that we have not achieved more . secondly , it is a bit rich to reproach a parliamentary report when Member States refused to instigate police or judicial inquiries . I completely disagree with the current state of affairs regarding ' Ley de Costas ' , but I also think that , especially in this moment of economic crisis , it is not responsible to take such a strong stand , as hundreds of thousands of citizens would be affected if funds were withheld . with this directive , we want to change that . with this directive , we have strengthened the Member States ' responsibilities . finally , we cannot overlook support for development , as it is important to maintain the commitment to set aside 0.7 % of the gross national income of each Member State for developing countries . we know that the legitimate authorities in Brazil have this case in hand and that the Italian citizen is being held in Brazil . the strategy of the Council and the Presidency of the Council regarding energy and energy security is the need to move towards a greater differentiation in terms of suppliers and sources of energy and its distribution . Mr President , it is clear that , since the 1995 directive , which is the predecessor of this directive , remarkable growth has been recorded in tourism and we must acknowledge , in particular , the great prospects that the economic system of tourism will contribute to the European economy as a whole in the near future . how can these objectives be achieved with the budget being reduced ? ( HU ) Mr President , we would like to assess the results of the Swedish Presidency retrospectively from a 10-20 year perspective . considering that more than half of the utilised agricultural area in the EU ( 54 % ) is classed as less-favoured areas - whether because of orography , climatic conditions or less fertile land - and that such a measure is essential to rural development , we conclude that aid for less-favoured areas must constitute a priority for the Member States . Mr Erdoğan ' s agenda is that of an Islamic party and , on that point too , the balance would shift if Turkey joined the EU . for the same reasons adaptations to economic changes also require public measures aimed not only at creating an overall framework to promote economic competitiveness , but also at targeted support to anticipate preparations for restructuring and socially responsible management of restructuring . together with the Court , we looked at what could be a more realistic task for the Court , perhaps covering the budget over a three-year cycle , rather than annually , and asking the Court to take into account that most Commission control systems are multi-annual , ensuring that errors are corrected over time . furthermore , the European Union needs an eco-efficient industrial policy which will guarantee the link between innovative capacity and the EU ' s production units , thereby helping create jobs across the whole EU and maintain its global competitiveness . the new directive also makes it possible , to a limited extent , to take specific national conditions into consideration , where this is dictated by economic requirements and the state of the roads . we believe that Parliament and the Council have indeed improved the text . it has lost sight of the one thing it needs most - democracy - and forgotten the only people that matter - its citizens . it can be of a global and general nature . Davide is aimed at everyone who wishes to protect their computer against unsafe websites . it is yet another own goal . honourable ladies and gentlemen ! I think it is very important for farmers right now that a clear signal be sent to them as to what is likely to happen , so that they will not be left to wild speculation , not knowing whether to buy or sell stock based on the historic model . I can only hope so , and wish for the French Presidency to make the adoption of the common position in the next two weeks another of the great achievements of its term of office . and we may soon face transition in the occupied Palestinian territory . it is also advocating a possible reduction in CO2 emissions of 50 million tonnes . we discussed fairly extensively just yesterday and the day before yesterday the issue of solidarity between new and old Member States . approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes it could help make the staple diet in the European Union healthier . the commission should complete its work within three months . speculative activities , which represent a significant risk , should be discouraged by increasing the capital requirements and applying the Basel rules internationally . territorial cohesion is essentially about achieving balanced development across the EU and in this context it should constitute a central objective of all community policies . with a broad majority , you have a new Commission for your second period of office - I hope that you will improve everything , that you will re-inject dynamism into Europe , that you will promote technology and that we will not only talk about redistribution but that we will compete with the other economic regions of the world . it is an area and a power , and it will be increasingly recognised in the fields of defence and foreign policy . at the moment there is particular concern about the fact that thousands or hundreds of thousands of families are facing serious problems regarding loan flexibility . anything else will not be in the interests of the European Union or Croatia and its people . this attitude has not been abandoned in any way in the light of the financial crisis ; instead industry has begun to use the financial crisis to exert even more pressure against a systematic climate and energy policy . that is why I was delighted to welcome the report by Mrs Klaß on the situation of women in rural areas . ( the President cut off the speaker ) it is this worrying fact that makes it essential to adopt resolute initiatives at all levels to curtail this phenomenon . out of the total retained ships , 8.7 % were cargo ships , 2.9 % passenger ships , 2.7 % ships carrying chemical substance and 0.5 % oil tankers . the solution found in the end - the appointment of two members of the National Assembly - is unacceptable . these troops cannot possibly be neutral . Mrs Harms , no one in this House wishes to curtail the right to free Internet access . it does not mention that the food crisis is the result of current agricultural and trade policies such as the CAP and free trade , and it does not make the fair and necessary criticism of these policies or call for the change that is needed . moreover , in view of this , it has also become a debate about whether we , the European institutions , are able to ensure that both these principles and provisions are respected , whether we are able to speak clearly , and whether we can be uncompromising in their defence if necessary . on the other hand , there is a great humanitarian problem , and I think that the European Union must get involved in this on a major scale . there is no other body in the world with executive and legislative initiative powers that is subject to such requirements : its President has to present a programme to Parliament ; it has to attend hearings with all parliamentary groups ; it is subject to an absolute majority vote ; and it must bring all the commissioners here to be heard one by one on their own programmes , followed by three or four hours of direct questions - questions that must be answered . it is true that establishing the rules for the refusal of prior authorisation is sensible and makes the situation clearer . they contributed to political cohesion , to economic growth , to employment , to territorial cohesion , to equal opportunities and to strengthening Europe ' s standing in the world . although I am in favour of cooperation that is more intergovernmental in nature , I realise that there are cases in which we need our laws to be as uniform as possible in the Union . the EU and Member States have made a concerted effort to resolve the problem . faced with the progressive loss of species and , therefore , of biological richness on earth , it is important for us to set ambitious objectives on the protection of fauna and flora while ensuring that humankind can continue to exploit their riches . in addition , the current situation in Georgia makes it imperative that the Member States really do press on seriously with a common foreign energy policy , with energy diversification . as has already been stated , the Irish Government , of which my party is a member , has already declared that it will reverse the minimum wage cut as agreed in that programme . there is an outreach - a greater offer . we will have to help these countries to adapt their economies and to combat climate change , but we will also have to think up a radically different development policy . we need such new technologies for energy efficiency , renewables , zero emission , coal use and nuclear energy . the financial mechanism for Greece serves the immediate need for the current purposes . we must also put pressure on the Sri Lankan Government to sign up to the Ottawa Convention and to remove land mines . in writing . - I supported this report , as it is in line with the amendment I tabled on the financing of large scale CCS ( Carbon Capture and Storage ) demonstration plants , in my report on the review of the EU ' s Emissions Trading System . therefore , once they have evaluated the rapid ageing of Europe ' s population , I call on the Commission and the Council to find other means of ensuring normal living conditions for current and future pensioners . however , we chose to vote against the report by Mr Gauzès today . on behalf of the EPP , I have added several suggestions to the Domenici report which had the support of other political groups as well . in my opinion , the budget of the Fund should be significantly increased in the future , so that it will be able to meet social needs . for example , it is astonishing to think that the European Union launched an appropriate system for monitoring rail traffic - the ERTMS - back in 2000 , and that , in spite of this , 10 years later , the system has been adopted by only a very few Member States . the European Union in particular cannot , in my opinion , continue to do nothing . on behalf of the PSE Group . - ( FR ) Madam President , Commissioner , ladies and gentlemen , as its title suggests , this question deals with the economic consequences of the GMO authorisation procedure . I should like to add something else . - ( SV ) Aviation must pay for its environmental costs , and therefore this proposal is good . those of us who have met US Members of Congress know that there is a serious move afoot and thus a very serious prospect of legislation in the United States , so I think there is still real hope for a deal in Copenhagen . I believe that to be a reasonable reaction on the Commission ' s part , given the special economic situation in which many companies find themselves . at the same time , it moves Europe away from the independent and pacific role which it should play in settling international problems . the criticisms that have been levelled at these texts - some of which I have heard repeated even here in this Chamber - have , for example , raised the spectre of the Olivennes Agreement . Europe has always taken an interest in the fisheries sector . the Commission should take permanent corrective measures , one of which is traceability and should be a priority objective . this is an instrument to be adopted using the codecision procedure , but the Council is not here . the things that deter people from exploiting this opportunity are language barriers and a lack of information . for that reason I cannot support your resolution and I shall vote against it . last but not least , it must contribute to maintaining viable rural communities , for which agriculture is an important economic activity , creating local jobs . the freedom of movement which lies at the heart of the single market means that this is an issue of importance to a great many citizens across Europe . the Lisbon Treaty actually offers an excellent opportunity to take our collaboration with Parliament a step further , and this will be a key priority for the Commission ' s trade policy in the years ahead . just as your resolution adopted on Belarus after the 28 September elections helped us to move forward , we hope that we can continue to receive your support during our term . these deaths are a reminder of the gravity of the security situation in this region . in this case , we need the hands of the World Trade Organization . of course some countries are further ahead in this struggle than others . however , I have my doubts and I fear that we will continue to experience what has been going on for the past year . it has acted not as a judge but as a doctor ; not a surgeon , though , but more like a psychiatrist . because if there is not , what objection can you have to putting this into the directive ? as far as a free-trade area between the United States , Europe and others is concerned , right now I believe that the main job to be done is the one that Mr Lamy and others are embarking on , that of making the Doha Round a success . Fascism , racism and xenophobia are faces of the same coin . born and bred of the capitalist system , which creates , maintains and nurtures these fascist groups . the euro is a stable currency . these best practices can mean a lot to us . as a liberal MP from Slovenia and a former journalist , I am of the opinion that freedom of expression and freedom of the press are the two most important human rights . we cannot have a dynamic economy unless we have motivated workers . I welcome the European Commission ' s initiative to direct EUR 1 billion into solving the foodstuff crisis . this is draining for the workers and also the people in the supply sector , and clarity is needed without delay - clarity , but , above all , a serious , honest approach . it is necessary to develop joint initiatives with the Russian Government aimed at enhancing world security and stability and , in particular , on common neighbours , in order to achieve a peaceful resolution of the conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh , in Transnistria and in Georgia , in line with international law . we cannot go on as a European Union buying our own debt . Madam President , in the first weeks of March we were witnesses of a dramatic coup d ' état in Madagascar . it respects these and recognises their value , but it also tries to lay down general and basic principles . on the one hand , the European Parliament has itself considerably amended the Council ' s draft on commitment appropriations . moreover , to guarantee effective enforcement the courts must be able to order the disclosure and freezing of the debtor ' s assets within the context of measures to provide interim legal protection . in writing . - Much has been said in this plenary session on the effect of the bailout package on the Republic of Ireland . we are now witnessing the fatal consequences of that decision . I should like to make an observation with regard to inspection . no , you want further integration and you want the small states to suffer more . therefore , as has just been touched on , I am not of the opinion that Damüls-Mellau is a case where this blocking procedure should have been applied . please God . increasing the proportion of older employees and women in active employment is only a short-term solution . it is clear that in order to achieve these objectives , it is necessary to adopt reforms without delay , so that people seeking asylum in EU Member States are provided with effective protection . if I could welcome the answer given so far by the Commissioner but also ask him to make sure that human rights in this field are kept in mind at all times . the price and reliability of energy supply are critical factors in EU competitiveness . we are worried , extremely worried , because the worst thing that could happen is that we carry out stress tests in the near future and get the kinds of results which will provide the perfect excuse for many of the operators of very old power plants , including those in the area where I live , to keep them in operation even longer , instead of closing them . this will not work , because science does not allow itself to be manipulated . construction is already complete . Madam President , since the Iraq War , this country , instead of being liberated from a military dictator , is sinking into violence . those people are quite legitimately more sensitive and more aware of manifestations or tendencies pointing to ends other than freedom and prosperity . much is said about the rights of consumers to know about the food , domestic equipment or home fittings which they buy . the priority objective , while complying with current laws , should be to stamp out this disease that in its varied and terrible forms continues to claim too many victims throughout Europe . < 0 The task and duty of setting out on this path falls to us . in order to prevent crimes , one must increase awareness . Parliament is prepared to cooperate in monitoring whether the programmes launched are truly successful , and whether they fulfil the objective for which they were established . in the meantime , the advantages and disadvantages of such a body need to be studied with care . may I also acknowledge the effort everyone has made on this . I think that if you do that you will restore some credibility here , because I think that we remain unconvinced on that side about what you are planning to do . I would first like to defend the balance of the report proposed today by Mr Capoulas Santos . however , in another very important respect , it is also a problem that has to do with overcapacity . given that I myself was an MEP at the time of the vote on the report by Evelyne Gebhardt and left Parliament just a few days before the debate on Bernadette Vergnaud ' s report , I well understand the reasons for that regret . we cannot accept that , since European integration means open dialogue . draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Women ' s Rights and Gender Equality . - ( EL ) Mr President , Commissioner , I think that the multiannual programme on protecting children using the Internet and other communication technologies is the European Union ' s head start in the global field of child protection . MEPs have today called for a revision of the EU ' s health response mechanisms . you are already aware of them but I would like to highlight a number of points . Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , I trust that the forthcoming session of the Justice and Home Affairs Council to be held in two days ' time will make important decisions concerning both the expansion and the verification aspects of the Schengen issue , but in a way that guarantees the freedom of movement of our citizens . tenth anniversary of the mine ban treaty ( Ottawa Convention ) ( motions for resolutions tabled ) : see Minutes I want to make a few comments about the efforts we are making to be able to offer support to all languages spoken in the European Union . in writing . - ( FR ) I voted for the report by my esteemed colleague , Mathieu Grosch , on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to the international road haulage market which aims to merge the texts regulating access to the international road and cabotage transport market , currently governed by previous regulations and directives . it is likely that Raúl Castro incited his followers to use violence against the opposition during the recently finished Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba , and Cuban dissidents point to him as bearing responsibility for this latest murder . the clashes in May and June 2009 gave rise to war crimes and crimes against humanity , and thousands of civilians lost their lives . like my fellow Members , I had hoped to finally hear today that yes , we have reached that point . gambling is often correctly associated with crime at international level , and cross-border gambling rings which are much easier to run via the Internet jeopardise the laws of various nations and harbour risks to national sovereignty . it appears that the work on the justice portal may do that : it may give information about who , what , where , which lawyers , which interpreters , where to get legal aid - all sorts of information . therefore , the best social policy is one which helps create jobs . ( loud applause ) but of course many of you raised the issue of workable search engines , and this is really not an easy task . it is challenged on the grounds that freedom of movement takes precedence over the right to strike . almost one in 20 people over the age of 65 and one in five over 80 suffer from dementia . in conclusion , all the indications are that the civil defence sector is one where the EU needs a capacity to act , because some disasters are on a scale too big for individual Member States to tackle . ( CS ) Mr President , if we want to revitalise the European economy and boost competitiveness in the global environment , our core objective must be , finally , after 20 years , to remove all barriers preventing small and medium-sized enterprises in particular from developing their business activities . - Madam President , I supported this report mainly because the paragraphs I had some concern about were either deleted or modified in a way which I felt was appropriate . however , one part of the text is misleading and prejudicial to the discussions under way in New York on the reform of the Security Council . verification of credentials : see Minutes as to the social measures which the Commissioner has proposed : all I can say is that it has been apparent for some time that social measures are required . the European Union must send a clear message to the rest of the world : the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement must be a bulwark against all counterfeiting . Commissioner , you have to assure a level playing field for entrepreneurial activity in Europe to make our continent fit for global competition . this agreement has a much greater environmental and social bias than its 1994 predecessor . the fact that in many EU Member States , you need , for example , to register for a place in a crèche even before your child is born or that there are waiting lists of several months to register for a place at nursery highlights that there are not enough childcare facilities in Europe . however , it is clearly better to have voluntary agreements than no agreements at all and therefore I support them . that is 7 % of the UK population - at least five times higher , as a proportion , than in any other country . once again we see the European Union not taking into account the wishes of the people of Europe . I think that there is just one point that has not yet been made here today and that is the need to acknowledge that Europe is now some way behind in terms of research and innovation . what is even worse is that it is promoting the old idea of European economic governance . the arrest of Farai Maguwu , the Director of the Centre for Research and Development , following an interview with Mr Chikane , a monitor for the Kimberley Process , is therefore , unfortunately , just one more episode to add to the long list of human rights abuses in that country . I would like to look more closely at General Motors . this would only make sense if , in the election of the Commission , it was possible to vote for the individual candidates , which it currently is not . I think we have to take this matter very seriously and I would urge the Commissioner to look at this again . here we have an example of the consequences of a market-orientated common agricultural policy , which promotes models of intensive production for export , which in turn favours large-scale agro-industry at the cost of small and medium-sized agriculture and family farming . this way , the EU is frankly making itself completely ridiculous . we try to insert a human rights clause in every framework agreement which we conclude with a third country . the Euromed space must be an area of prosperity , freedom and development . secondly , awareness can lead to a greater understanding of the symptoms and , consequently , early diagnosis . even if we still have discussions within the Group ahead of us , I would like to state here and now that I am not at all satisfied with the compromise with regard to the restriction of the rights of Internet users in cases where infringements are believed to have been committed . but what I am also very mindful of is something that the Secretary-General of the Arab League said to my delegation visiting him yesterday : we have to define what we need , because a no-fly zone by definition means different things to different people . this is because the report is insufficient and does not put enough emphasis on the right issues . he was seized by state security forces on 3 February in Chad , but managed to escape to Cameroon before being offered asylum in France . someone should stand up for common sense and healthy scepticism , and it seems to me that the European Parliament has a not insignificant role to play in this regard . ladies and gentlemen , that will be a moment of truth , illustrating whether our true approach to women ' s rights is actually what we say it is . there is an urgent need for action here . ( it ) Mr President , ladies and gentlemen , while I accept that those who so strongly criticised the Hungarian law want only freedom for the media and nothing else , I think we also need to show respect for the work of the Commission and the content of the debate in Parliament . the EU , however , must have the ability to react to policy changes caused by major challenges . for this reason , we need a more precise definition of the scope of this form of employment . in the 1970s and 1980s we accepted public deficits , whilst playing down their effects . the result was mass unemployment in Europe , which we have now brought down to 7.2 % with - and thanks to - the euro . 10 . a European Agency on linguistic diversity would quickly become a means for the French-speaking minority to circumvent the compulsory use of Dutch in Flanders . the quality of the democratic debate will not be improved by swelling the ranks of non-attached members . Member of the Commission . - Mr President , thank you for giving me this opportunity to make a few comments about the reform of our wine sector . only the President of the Commission has full legitimacy . the fertility index in European countries varies between 1.1 and 1.3 . I voted for the directive on the indication by labelling of energy consumption . in any event , cooperation between the two organisations needs to be based on transparency , complementarity and respect for each other ' s independence . the next item is the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the 16th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council ( Geneva , 28 February - 25 March 2011 ) . ( SV ) - There is good reason to work together to create a smoothly functioning transport system between Member States with a view to promoting the internal market . we have perfectly good facilities in Brussels . energy is a major factor , but there is also impressive growth in services . furthermore , I note with interest that not one European leader on the left or on the right backed socialist measures in Brussels last week . are they written down anywhere ? when considering this tragedy , however , we should also remember the reason for this state of affairs . it should also be remembered , right here and now , that those who condemned the European Union ' s relations with the ACP States were precisely those other developing countries that had perfectly legitimate claims for access to our markets but had been left out , for the simple reason that they were not former colonies of current EU Member States . resources needed for social provisions are increasingly difficult to obtain from dwindling public sources ( taxes ) . 1 . 12 . that is why it is so important that Parliament should again send Canada a strong signal at this point . subject : ethical review of funding for research under FP7 solidarity , also , because the trade concessions generously granted by the Commission to the WTO are in danger of dealing a fatal blow to this agricultural sector in our ACP partner countries . Spanish is spoken by 850 million people . not all EU citizens have access to quality health services . as well as the deficit , the level of public debt must be analysed and best practices regarding this issue adopted , in such a way as to make a more stable situation possible and to prevent the recurrence of the same errors in the future . as usual I would like to congratulate the rapporteur on an excellent report , and I fully agree with him that we must make sure that the system becomes more consolidated and , above all , more productive and more useful . its main power will be to supervise agencies of this kind . we should have either one or the other , but not both . this is a new undemocratic and authoritarian decision that further hinders the establishment of political groups . 10 . it was created under the MEDIA International action which , since 2007 , has focused on the development of the European Union ' s relations with the audiovisual markets of third countries . the vast majority of us - that is , the majority of this Parliament - have spoken up for human rights and for the cultural autonomy of Tibet . I am in favour of a European patent system , but , on reflection , and for reasons of language , I abstained from voting on the present report . in writing . - ( PL ) I fully support the resolution in question . this would , of course , be good ; there are just a few conditions there that would need to be met , such as the approval of the Duma and properly functioning borders . I come from a country that has experienced the trauma of a negative referendum with no Plan B. You were there already , Mr Barroso . that is an abuse and misuse of language . we want to support the Commission on this , in the hope that its work will proceed faster and be more effective , and we should wish the Commission success in this regard . within the OSCE framework , Member States coordinate their work so as to ensure that the commitments made by the 56 OSCE participating states in this area are respected and implemented . we have to deal with companies operating under pressure of costs , meaning that they are constantly putting their suppliers under pressure of costs , thereby contributing to prices constantly being reduced . I think it is important not to invest exclusively in the area of technology , either , which is an important area . we should also invest in a system for arts and humanities , which should also have an area of cooperation with public bodies and with business . last year the European Union placed environmental issues and particularly the issue of global warming at the centre of its policy-making . their emancipation and protection are the sine qua non in putting a stop to the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war . in the preparation of the initial proposal , the Commission held extensive consultations of stakeholders from all sectors concerned and it carried out a comprehensive impact assessment . as Parliament , we have repeatedly made clear over many years that we consider it important in all these measures - whether it is the forwarding of PNR data or access to SWIFT banking data - that there are generally applicable data protection principles that can also be implemented at an individual level . moreover , the percentage of farms currently managed by young people is extremely low . rapporteur . - ( ES ) Madam President , I would like to begin by emphasising what Mr Chatel said : the electronic communications sector is responsible for 25 % of European growth and 40 % of productivity . in particular , the requirements concerning animal welfare should be imposed on all imports without exception . economic and humanitarian interests require this to be the case . the contents of the Treaty of Lisbon , the provisions of the 2020 EU strategy and the principles included in the Millennium Development Goals do not seem to be reflected , even in terms of future prospects , in the disconcerting reality , which is that great numbers of people live in misery even today . I voted in favour of the Oomen-Ruijten report , because I think it is a good compromise that can support the dialogue between Member States and European Institutions on the modernisation of pension systems . the cultural foundation of Europe is Christianity , so Christian values should be promoted and strengthened , and not undermined . is this not more trouble than it is worth ? if we allow our position to be weakened because of the weakness of the Council , we have not learned any lessons from the crisis . this report deserves credit for demanding accountability from Member States . in writing . - ( DE ) I voted in favour of this addendum to the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union because it has logical consequences for economic governance and promotes further coherence in the euro area with a view to common financial policy . their involvement may guarantee that the strategy will meet the relevant demands , resolve problems and contribute to the development of towns and villages as well as the macro-region as a whole . yes , Mr Weber , some areas are very sensitive , particularly the grounds of sexual orientation and religion . however , let me also say that Elmar Brok ' s comments describe a little of my own view , namely that we need to define our interests clearly . however , as far as I can tell , there is little to be seen of this in the Commission ' s specific proposal . I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome my fellow Member , Mr Schulz , to the Committee on Budgets and remind him that the Committee meets in January . concerning cooperation within developing countries , I came across one case where the EU was giving EUR 1.2 million to a project in Ethiopia , and found that 17 % VAT was being applied by the Ethiopian Government . we get the impression with the proposals you are making now that you are actually encouraging over-regulation . what kind of experiences have there been with it ? the Commission welcomes that resolution and very much appreciates the high quality of its content . I am particularly pleased that the concept of mixed zones is retained . I applaud in particular the introduction of an obligation to equip vehicles with a Brake Assist System ( BAS ) , which will help to reduce the number of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians . I welcome the interim report by the Temporary Committee on Climate Change and its recommendations on the EU ' s future integrated policy on climate change , and I strongly support the notion that the global average temperature increase should be limited to not more than 2 ° C. In addition to that , the European Union should make the effort to reduce emissions in a way that would keep the temperatures well below this two-degree cut-off point . as far as the French Presidency is concerned , it announced in May , following the Dublin Conference , that it will sign the convention in early December . it is quite unacceptable that an accession candidate should still be occupying parts of an EU Member State , namely Northern Cyprus , to say nothing of planning a military attack on another country , as is currently the case against Iraq . in particular , it has a duty and a responsibility to stop the misleading commercial practices used by ' directory companies ' . today , more than ever before , there is a need for the Union for the Mediterranean , for support for major projects and for institutional development . in today ' s world , protecting a border does not only involve physically guarding it , but activities requiring additional knowledge and skills in a range of areas . it had a slow start , but by the end of this year , they reckon about 10 % of the world ' s fisheries will be MSE-certified . if we can concentrate the treatment of these rare diseases into a few places in the EU , the patients ' chance of recovery are much greater , as doctors who use their specialist skills frequently are better at achieving good results . in writing . - ( FR ) The European Parliament has approved the Community Strategy for reducing CO2 emissions from passenger cars and I welcome this very much . the European Union and its Member States reacted at once , and the Commission too took decisive action , sending EUR 2 million in emergency aid to China and assisting relief efforts by dispatching mobile hospital units , drugs , rescue equipment , and rubble-clearing gear . they have anyway covered almost all aspects of the problem , which all think is complex , difficult and very acute . the European Union must collaborate . we have analysed , and we will continue to analyse , in 2010 , all the gaps that exist today with regard to the protection of victims of terrorism in the various Member States . last but not least , it will be essential for the Commission to specify a precise time limit within which these signatures will be collected , or , as the case may be , collected in a valid manner , not forgetting , in particular , the need to retain the openness and transparency of the whole mechanism in such a way as to prevent it being abused by the interest groups that operate throughout the EU . as you are probably well aware , it has issued , through the local authorities in Constantinople , a decision on so-called ' illegal fundraising ' and subsequently frozen Amnesty International ' s bank accounts in Turkey . as the coordinator of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament for the Committee on Petitions , I must express concern about the large number of cases where alleged maladministration was caused by a lack of transparency on the part of the European institutions . I would like to express my most definite and unambiguous support for the strong views of Mr Olbrycht and Mrs Mazzoni , namely , the strong views I mentioned in earlier debates in the European Parliament , also shared by Commissioner Hahn , that although GDP does not reflect all dimensions of the stage of development , it is still the most reliable indicator available . composition of committees and delegations : see Minutes I spoke about transfers under 18 years of age . we consider that both the Council regulation and Parliament ' s report make excessively detailed and intrusive proposals . how can it be that Sweden is heading in precisely the opposite direction ? in our opinion , in a case like this we should instead be working towards a proactive approach and establishing coordination at Community level : on the one hand to prevent unfair competition among Member States - for it is clear that there is to some extent a race between the Member States to see who can benefit most from the sure , long-term investment capacities of these sovereign wealth funds - and , on the other hand , to define and work together on strategic or sensitive sectors that need to be preserved . the Commission is making significant efforts to help reform the education system in Kosovo . we also need to do more to ensure that the Lisbon Strategy progresses at an even pace in all Member States : a slower pace of reform in one Member State has obvious knock-ons in the others . Mr President , I believe that today ' s debate has shown and proved that Parliament can and should make a significant contribution to the development of the strategy . there are many excellent candidates , and I hope the selection is based on merit , not politics . I therefore appeal to the Commission and the Council to put forward this proposal as quickly as possible . my compliments to Mrs Morgan ; she has shown a great deal of energy and commitment . that is the oral amendment : sympathy for the people . I stand here before you as one who believes in a Europe of cooperating nations , not a Europe tied to the federalist approach of the Lisbon Treaty . we submit the ' six-pack ' to the Council in the knowledge that the Hungarian Presidency has done everything it could to come to an agreement , as praised by President Barroso and by your colleagues in this House in committee meetings . a Communist country riding roughshod over human rights . more than 70 000 men and women have been deployed in that period in more than 20 missions . I voted for the renewal of the EU-South Africa cooperation agreement , as amended in 2009 , because it introduces a new dimension to cooperation between the European Union and South Africa . measurements and studies carried out in the context of reduction of administrative burdens show that company law is one of the most burdensome areas of the EU acquis . blue card questions on a personal comment under Rule 151 are not permitted . we do not have significant reservations here . however , we are glad that this debate is taking place and about the way it is being conducted . the early years were dominated by the conflict between Kasavubu from the west , Lumumba from the north-east and Tshombe in the south-east . trade and Climate Change ( vote ) Commissioner Kroes , you have a reputation as a woman of steel . however , I must express my dissatisfaction at the final stage of this process , namely the informal meetings that were held with the Council with a view to reaching the second-reading agreement . so we must put in place the institutional package agreed last December and supported by this Parliament : to settle the legal guarantees needed to take forward the referendum process in Ireland , and to take forward the steps to ensure a smooth transition and institutional stability . if we concentrate all our services in the European Quarter , it gives real estate developers enormous opportunities to ask very high prices , which we have already seen in many cases . the European Parliament is completely left out , and yet its agreement is an essential precondition for the agreement to come into effect . the Communist Party of Greece is voting against the report because it endorses and follows the rationale of the Commission Communication on Ports , which promotes the EU ' s fixed objective of privatising the ports . however , there was always a struggle for the idea of a united Europe there too , and we must appreciate ... Mr President , so we should have had a vote on whether we wanted it or not . however , this trust is based on reciprocal obligations . allow me to quote from one of these reports . on the one hand , we have those who focus on robust regulation at international level , and on the other , those who lay stress on a strong stimulus package . we need to clarify the position with Strasbourg city council first , because they must pay for it . it also despairs of seeing these agreements signed rapidly . ( PT ) Mr President , there is no point in repeating that the current situation is the most serious test of the survival of the euro and , therefore , of Europe . whilst EU funding in this area is to be welcomed , it is not fighting poverty . ( EL ) Mr President , Commissioner , I am particularly pleased with your answer . it is extremely important , too , to protect the aquatic environment and we must be rigorous here by establishing buffer zones fixed in accordance with local conditions . indeed , there needs to be as much participation as possible by women from every age group in lifelong learning programmes . ( applause ) the fifth point I will borrow from Mr Deprez , who mentioned that the Commission would be responsible for writing a report within three years . closure of the sitting in the future , the structuring of Europe , the Europe of the 21st century , will not be completed if it is not done through the infrastructures of communication , in this case , essentially through the railways . Madam President , in all the discussions on the energy crisis , there is one aspect which my colleague , Anne Laperrouze , does mention , but which generally receives insufficient attention . regional policy , which has materialised in the form of Structural and Cohesion Funds , is rightly regarded as the most visible and tangible Community policy for the citizens of Europe . Madam President , in reply to Ms Jäätteenmäki , I would say that I believe that children are the responsibility of their parents and nobody else . it is also inseparable from the unresolved issue of reforming the monetary system and , with it , the currency war over the dollar ' s hegemony at global level . the next item is therefore Voting time . I have received six motions for resolutions tabled pursuant to Rule 103 ( 2 ) of the Rules of Procedure . however , this will only be possible as long as nobody tries to establish a dictatorship there , nobody withdraws from the peace process and all the parties return to the negotiating table , or otherwise this wonderful , but ravaged , country will have no future . I must emphasise that these finances are intended for redundant employees and not companies . we have an interest in seeking common solutions to common problems , to continue partnership negotiations as quickly as possible and to enter into dialogue in a spirit of mutual understanding and mutual respect . this prevents the EU contributing to a brain drain of highly qualified workers from , in particular , the developing countries . honourable Members were quite right to raise this question and it will be part of the discussions . this report is harmful , and its effects are perverse . such mechanisms have been envisaged for Europe ; now they also need to be envisaged for the WTO ! significant improvement , I would say . I was a shadow rapporteur then , too . on that occasion , we managed to get the Commission to sign a declaration in which it undertook to put forward measures that combat fine particulate matter at the very point at which it occurs . it was said many times that we , meaning the European Union , must pursue a single and common approach when dealing with the United States . Madam President , my congratulations to the rapporteur and to other colleagues . although I am pleased to note that we are calling for values which we Europeans consider to be fundamental , I also admit that it was with a certain sadness that I endorsed this report . according to Commissioner Barnier , only Spain and Italy have shown no interest in this enhanced cooperation . I congratulate Mr Siekierski on an excellent report . therefore Member states are encouraged to reprogramme their Structural Funds Operational Programmes in order to devote a better balance to energy efficiency investments , including where they fund social housing . as we British Conservatives have consistently said , there was no substantive requirement for this far-reaching Treaty and , just this week , one of Europe ' s leading academic experts published a report on the effects of enlargement of the EU . it goes against all economic sense and is nothing more than a further measure to make the EU into a transfer union . as the title of your report indicates , what happens to the world ' s climate in 2015 and beyond will depend on what action the international community decides now . only 38 % of current rail capacity is used . I also believe that we must support the work that Europe is doing . the business world has made it very clear that what small businesses need is not another political declaration but some real action . to sum up , there are risks on all waters , and we need to take action on all waters . to an unacceptable degree , they make the exercising of social rights subject to a ' proportionality principle ' which far exceeds lawful restrictions ( public order and health , for example ) recognised in national laws and ILO conventions . the next will be in one month ' s time at the next part-session in Strasbourg . when the fences are high , the horses may well shy . ladies and gentlemen , I do not think that the loss of valuable time will benefit Israel , nor will it contribute to finding a successful solution . in Honduras , with whom we are negotiating an agreement , a government remains in place that is simply the product of a military coup d ' état which took place last year . as a result , our most immediate tasks will be to complete the process of formally announcing our commitment ; to consolidate an action framework comparable to that of other industrialised and emerging nations ; and to make use of all the tools we have available , both within the European Union and in our relationships with third countries . I think it is an unfair system when someone who is here on time does not get their question dealt with and I am extremely disappointed . particularly with regard to Kosovo ' s declaration of independence , it remains to be seen whether the ethnic peace with the Albanian minority can continue in the long term . I therefore believe that , at this moment in time , some of our efforts must be devoted to providing these creators with an institutional system that allows them to take action . once again , on behalf of the House , may I express my sincere thanks to you personally and to the Slovenian Presidency . this is , after all , the government of the country on whose territory Mrs Haidar is currently to be found . ultimately , we will have to take the path that leads away from oil , but we will need decades to go down that path . it is an open secret that the data presented at the time by the European Commission regarding the effects of such a change came from the advertising materials of the producers of these new-technology light bulbs , and there is a great deal of evidence to indicate that this was the case . however , because the process is not yet concluded , I have one question . it is incumbent upon all of us to learn them . at the same time , it is clear that any deepening of our bilateral relations will depend on Belarus proving its willingness to respect the principles of democracy , the rule of law and human rights . lastly , migration . all of a sudden , at the last minute , you are going to propose someone and , within a week , the decision will have been taken . we are discussing food safety in Europe . it is time for us to ensure that direct payments are distributed fairly among Member States , regions and sectors . there is therefore no longer any need to implement the IMF austerity plan . we need an alternative policy that guarantees a fair distribution of income , stimulates economic activity , creates jobs , reinforces the state ' s role in the economy , boosts demand , encourages the growth of micro , small and medium-sized enterprises and revives investment , bearing in mind the needs and specific aspects of each Member State . this added to the belief that the vote was one of ' Yes ' or ' No ' to Europe rather than ' Yes ' or ' No ' to the Lisbon Treaty . Mr Jouyet , I should like to ask you what the good reasons were on the part of the EU ministers for rejecting European intervention of this kind ? at the same time I believe we have to focus on communication , which should or must clearly show Europeans , why Europe needs a new treaty . this practical example once again shows how inadequate the current measures have been . I have to say that , when the Reul report was adopted at the last Plenary part-session , I was horrified to hear that we were back to talking about nothing but coal and nuclear-power options , and it fills me with utter shame that Europeans should now be offering African countries nuclear power as a solution to climate problems . this is essential , because the EU can deal with Bosnia Herzegovina only as a whole , and not with its individual parts . a report that equates democratic Israel with a group officially listed by the EU as a terrorist organisation and a report that fails to give reasonable consideration to the deeper causes of the conflict is not one that we can vote in favour of . the demand for a stronger financial footing must therefore be rejected , given this context . the reason for this is because most of the countries to which we give our aid are governed by non-democratic regimes . during the pre-accession period , the Bulgarian people were told that the Union would be a safeguard to ensure success against banditism and killings , a guardian of stability and security , for a life free of crime . ( ES ) Madam President , Mrs Oomen-Ruijten ' s report which we will be adopting today is a serious report , generally balanced , and also a demanding document . it is important that the evaluation committee , members of which have visited both states in person , has stated that both Romania and Bulgaria meet the Schengen requirements . macro-financial assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina ( it is commonly accepted that Guantánamo was a mistake on the part of the United States of America in their endeavour to fight terrorism . this type of discrimination violates basic provisions of the Treaty and employers who do not take responsibility for this should even now be prosecuted in court . next week , the General Affairs and External Relations Council will decide on the EC regulation to implement the market access which has been offered to the ACP . in Germany alone , 200 000 people have been officially categorised as addicted to gambling , and young people are increasingly falling prey to this addiction . the main thing is that enforcement of the judgments of the European Court should remove the causes leading to violation of human rights . the Committee on Legal Affairs recently adopted a report in this Parliament on the transparency of institutional investors , and there we asked the Commission to come up with a directive guaranteeing common standards of transparency . the citizens ' interest is in secure and affordable energy . the Commission is now drafting a legal framework and legislation , and should be aware that there are many countries in this kind of situation . at the same time , I think we all accept that a lengthy legislative procedure involving a long iterative process between the various institutions is not adapted to the macro-financial assistance instrument or , indeed , to situations of crisis . as you rightly pointed out in your question , the penalties imposed by Member States are an insufficient deterrent , providing no real incentive for compliance . Mr President , we were shocked at last week ' s violent clashes between protestors and police in Tbilisi , Georgia . having said that , let me also say that it is highly important to help Pakistan in its fight against terrorism , and all the other requests mentioned in the debate , such as the release of all detainees , will be crucial . I think it is a big gap in the market . compensation with regard to states underfishing will take place with effect from 2008 . many people are afraid that asylum seekers are arriving in greater numbers , straining our buckling welfare systems . are the state of public finances of our Member States , our growth prospects and the position of Europe in the world comparable ? what else will make us react as one if not the difficulties that we have just experienced ? it is important that , while there is free movement of people and labour and a common economic space is being built - something which should in fact be in operation at Union level - a coherent system for mobile charges should also be established . I have a recent letter from the Commission which actually indicates that an additional mark would have little or no benefit because the Commission did not believe that consumers would actually differentiate . this is a bridge which , I urge you , we must not burn . the Chinese Government has the opportunity to change the situation in Tibet radically . perhaps not 100 % of them are in favour of it , but probably the majority are . ( ES ) Mr President , Mr Leterme , on behalf of those in the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament responsible for employment and social affairs , I would like to join my fellow Members in congratulating the Belgian Presidency on the last six months . among the criteria for recognising a European political party ' s basis in a Member State , the regulation will now require the party to have elected representatives sitting in a regional assembly that has legislative powers . what is even more noteworthy is the fact that the rapporteur has undertaken to meet with numerous international and Community stakeholders in several capitals . it also organised a range of technical meetings with the European Parliament rapporteur , in the desire to reach an agreement with the European Parliament at first reading next month . ( HU ) Madam President , Prime Minister , the Czech presidency has chosen the tagline ' ' Europe Without Borders ' ' as its motto , setting as its foremost priorities the issues of energy policy and economic stability . the European Central Bank , as a pure instrument of European capital , is required to play a more active and effective role in that direction through anti-popular measures , such as interest rate increases and so on . the development of rural areas is a worthy objective in its own right and must not be constrained by relying on modulated funds . in concrete terms , as Mrs Grossetête just said , it is up to us , as industrialised countries , to ensure that our partners , the developing countries , have the means to follow us as we take the ambitious step of combating climate change . this is a very important industry and I agree completely with David Martin who has studied the detail of the deal with South Korea . we would like a mechanism regulating the opening of a dialogue to be implemented and to appear systematically in all European Union agreements . the proposal contains two great challenges relating to governance . the most important issue is drones . I wish Mr Bowis a speedy recovery . apart from that , approval of the code of conduct for the division of labour is problematic .