2017-06-09 14:13:44 +02:00
< ? php
/* @ param string $meta Meta name .
* @ param array $details Contains the details for the field .
* @ param string $value Contains input value ;
* @ param string $context Context where the function is used . Depending on it some actions are preformed . ;
* @ return string $element input element html string . */
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'options' ] ) ){
$element .= '<div class="wck-checkboxes">' ;
foreach ( $details [ 'options' ] as $option ){
$found = false ;
if ( ! is_array ( $value ) )
$values = explode ( ', ' , $value );
$values = $value ;
if ( strpos ( $option , '%' ) === false ){
$label = $option ;
$value_attr = $option ;
if ( in_array ( $option , $values ) )
$found = true ;
else {
$option_parts = explode ( '%' , $option );
if ( ! empty ( $option_parts ) ){
if ( empty ( $option_parts [ 0 ] ) && count ( $option_parts ) == 3 ){
$label = $option_parts [ 1 ];
$value_attr = $option_parts [ 2 ];
if ( in_array ( $option_parts [ 2 ], $values ) )
$found = true ;
$element .= '<div><label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr ( Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $details [ 'title' ], $details ) );
if ( $this -> args [ 'single' ] && $this -> args [ 'context' ] != 'option' ) {
$element .= '[]' ;
$element .= '" id="' ;
if ( ! empty ( $frontend_prefix ) )
$element .= $frontend_prefix ;
/* since the slug below is generated from the value as well we need to determine here if we have a slug or not and not let the wck_generate_slug() function do that */
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'slug' ] ) )
$slug_from = $details [ 'slug' ];
$slug_from = $details [ 'title' ];
$element .= esc_attr ( Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $slug_from . '_' . $value_attr ) ) . '" value="' . esc_attr ( $value_attr ) . '" ' . checked ( $found , true , false ) . 'class="mb-checkbox mb-field" />' . esc_html ( $label ) . '</label></div>' ;
$element .= '</div>' ;
2017-06-04 18:01:39 +02:00