2017-06-09 14:13:44 +02:00
< ? php
/* @ param string $meta Meta name .
* @ param array $details Contains the details for the field .
* @ param string $value Contains input value ;
* @ param string $context Context where the function is used . Depending on it some actions are preformed . ;
* @ return string $element input element html string . */
/* since the slug below is generated dinamically from other elements we need to determine here if we have a slug or not and not let the wck_generate_slug() function do that */
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'slug' ] ) )
$slug_from = $details [ 'slug' ];
$slug_from = $details [ 'title' ];
/* define id's for input and info div */
$upload_input_id = str_replace ( '-' , '_' , Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $meta . $slug_from ) );
$upload_info_div_id = str_replace ( '-' , '_' , Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $meta . '_info_container_' . $slug_from ) );
/* hidden input that will hold the attachment id */
$element .= '<input id="' . esc_attr ( $upload_input_id ) . '" type="hidden" size="36" name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr ( Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $details [ 'title' ], $details ) ) . '" value="' . $value . '" class="mb-text-input mb-field"/>' ;
/* container for the image preview (or file ico) and name and file type */
if ( ! empty ( $value ) ){
/* it can hold multiple attachments separated by comma */
$values = explode ( ',' , $value );
foreach ( $values as $value ){
$file_src = wp_get_attachment_url ( $value );
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image ( $value , array ( 80 , 80 ), true );
$file_name = get_the_title ( $value );
$file_type = get_post_mime_type ( $value );
$attachment_url = admin_url ( " post.php?post= { $value } &action=edit " );
$element .= '<div id="' . esc_attr ( $upload_info_div_id ) . '_info_container" class="upload-field-details" data-attachment_id="' . $value . '">' ;
$element .= '<div class="file-thumb">' ;
$element .= " <a href=' { $attachment_url } ' target='_blank' class='wck-attachment-link'> " . $thumbnail . " </a> " ;
$element .= '</div>' ;
$element .= '<p><span class="file-name">' ;
$element .= $file_name ;
$element .= '</span><span class="file-type">' ;
$element .= $file_type ;
$element .= '</span>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $value ) )
$element .= '<span class="wck-remove-upload">' . __ ( 'Remove' , 'core' ) . '</span>' ;
$element .= '</p></div>' ;
$element .= '<a href="#" class="button wck_upload_button" id="upload_' . esc_attr ( Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB :: wck_generate_slug ( $details [ 'title' ], $details ) ) . '_button" data-uploader_title="' . $details [ 'title' ] . '" data-uploader_button_text="Select Files" data-upload_input="' . esc_attr ( $upload_input_id ) . '" ' ;
if ( is_user_logged_in () )
$element .= 'data-uploader_logged_in="true"' ;
if ( ! empty ( $post_id ) )
$element .= ' data-post_id="' . $post_id . '"' ;
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'multiple_upload' ] ) ){
if ( $details [ 'multiple_upload' ] == 'true' )
$element .= ' data-multiple_upload="true"' ;
$element .= ' data-multiple_upload="false"' ;
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'attach_to_post' ] ) ){
if ( $details [ 'attach_to_post' ] == true )
$element .= ' data-attach_to_post="true"' ;
if ( $context != 'fep' )
$element .= ' data-upload_in_backend="true"' ;
$element .= ' data-upload_in_backend="false"' ;
if ( ! empty ( $details [ 'allowed_types' ] ) )
$element .= ' data-allowed_types="' . $details [ 'allowed_types' ] . '"' ;
$element .= '>' . __ ( 'Upload ' , 'wck' ) . $details [ 'title' ] . '</a>' ;
2017-06-04 18:01:39 +02:00