WARNING: This utility will OVERWRITE mpdf.php file in the current directory.

Select the functions you wish to INCLUDE in your mpdf.php program. When you click generate, a new mpdf.php file will be written to the current directory.

Select/Unselect All

'; foreach($excl AS $k=>$ex) { echo ' 1 && $k < 5)) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' /> '.$ex.'
'; } echo '
'; exit; } $inc = $_POST['inc']; if (is_array($inc) && count($inc)>0 ) { foreach($inc AS $i=>$v) { $key = array_search($i, $excl); unset($excl[$key]); } } if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) { $version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION); define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2])); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) { $mqr = @get_magic_quotes_runtime(); } else { $mqr=0; } if ($mqr) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } $l = file('mpdf_source.php'); if (!count($l)) { die("ERROR - Could not find mpdf_source.php file in current directory"); } $exclflags = array(); $x = ''; // Excluding 'HTML-CSS' will also exclude: 'TABLES', 'LISTS', 'TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS', 'HTMLHEADERS-FOOTERS', 'FORMS', 'BACKGROUNDS', 'CSS-FLOAT', 'CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT', 'CSS-POSITION', 'CSS-PAGE', 'BORDER-RADIUS' if (isset($excl[0]) && $excl[0]=='HTML-CSS') { $excl[] = 'TABLES'; $excl[] = 'TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS'; $excl[] = 'FORMS'; $excl[] = 'BACKGROUNDS'; $excl[] = 'CSS-FLOAT'; $excl[] = 'CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT'; $excl[] = 'CSS-POSITION'; $excl[] = 'CSS-PAGE'; $excl[] = 'BORDER-RADIUS'; } $excl = array_unique($excl); foreach($l AS $k=>$ln) { $exclude = false; // *XXXXX* preg_match_all("/\/\/ \*([A-Za-z\-]+)\*/", $ln, $m); foreach($m[1] AS $mm) { if (in_array($mm, $excl)) { $exclude = true; } } /*-- XXXXX --*/ preg_match_all("/\/\*-- ([A-Za-z\-]+) --\*\//", $ln, $m); foreach($m[1] AS $mm) { if (in_array($mm, $excl)) { $exclflags[$mm] = true; } $exclude = true; } $exclflags = array_unique($exclflags); /*-- END XXXX --*/ preg_match_all("/\/\*-- END ([A-Za-z\-]+) --\*\//", $ln, $m); foreach($m[1] AS $mm) { if (in_array($mm, $excl)) { unset($exclflags[$mm]); } $exclude = true; } if (count($exclflags)==0 && !$exclude) { $x .= $ln; } } // mPDF 5.0 if (function_exists('file_put_contents')) { $check = file_put_contents('mpdf.php', $x); } else { $f=fopen('mpdf.php', 'w'); $check = fwrite($f, $x); fclose($f); } if (!$check) { die("ERROR - Could not write to mpdf.php file. Are permissions correctly set?"); } echo '

mPDF file generated successfully!

'; echo '
mPDF file size '.number_format((strlen($x)/1024)).' kB
'; unset($l); unset($x); include('mpdf.php'); $mpdf = new mPDF(); echo '
Memory usage on loading mPDF class '.number_format((memory_get_usage(true)/(1024*1024)),2).' MB
'; exit; ?>