' ) ) { if ( ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Pro' ) || ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Hobbyist' ) ){ /* stopped creating them on 01.02.2016 */ /*$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir['basedir'].'/profile_builder' ); wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir['basedir'].'/profile_builder/attachments/' ); wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir['basedir'].'/profile_builder/avatars/' );*/ // Flush the rewrite rules and add them, if need be, the proper way. if ( function_exists( 'wppb_flush_rewrite_rules' ) ) wppb_flush_rewrite_rules(); wppb_pro_hobbyist_v1_3_13(); } if ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Pro' ){ wppb_pro_v1_3_15(); } update_option( 'wppb_version', PROFILE_BUILDER_VERSION ); } //this should run only once, mainly if the old version is < 2.0 (can be anything) if ( version_compare( $wppb_version, 2.0, '<' ) ) { if ( ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Pro' ) || ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Hobbyist' ) || ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Free' ) ){ wppb_pro_hobbyist_free_v2_0(); } if ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Pro' ){ wppb_pro_userlisting_compatibility_upgrade(); wppb_pro_email_customizer_compatibility_upgrade(); } } // this should run only once, mainly if the old version is < 2.2.5 (can be anything) if ( version_compare( $wppb_version, '2.2.5', '<' ) ) { if ( PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Pro' ) { wppb_new_custom_redirects_compatibility(); } } if ( version_compare( $wppb_version, '2.2.5', '<=' ) ) { if( is_multisite() ){ $wppb_general_settings = get_option( 'wppb_general_settings', 'not_set' ); if ( $wppb_general_settings != 'not_set' ) { $wppb_general_settings['emailConfirmation'] = 'yes'; update_option('wppb_general_settings', $wppb_general_settings); } } } do_action ( 'wppb_after_default_changes', PROFILE_BUILDER_VERSION, $wppb_version ); } add_action ( 'init', 'wppb_update_patch' );