$value) { $req .= $key . '=' . urlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '&'; } // Cut the last '&' $req=substr($req, 0, strlen($req)-1); return $req; } /** * Submits an HTTP GET to a reCAPTCHA server * @param string $path * @param array $data */ function _wppb_submitHTTPGet($path, $data) { $req = _wppb_encodeQS($data); $response = wp_remote_get($path . $req); if ( ! is_wp_error( $response )) return $response["body"]; } /** * Gets the challenge HTML (javascript and non-javascript version). * This is called from the browser, and the resulting reCAPTCHA HTML widget * is embedded within the HTML form it was called from. * @param string $pubkey A public key for reCAPTCHA * @param string $error The error given by reCAPTCHA (optional, default is null) * @param boolean $use_ssl Should the request be made over ssl? (optional, default is false) * @return string - The HTML to be embedded in the user's form. */ function wppb_recaptcha_get_html ( $pubkey, $form_name='' ){ global $wppb_recaptcha_forms; // will contain the name of all PB forms containing reCAPTCHA which are loaded on a certain page if ( empty($pubkey) ) echo $errorMessage = ''. __("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from", "profile-builder"). " https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create

"; // we add this number to the form name to differentiate between 2 different forms of the same type (e.g. PB Login widget + PB Login page form) which both have reCAPTCHA $length = strval(strlen($wppb_recaptcha_forms)); if ($form_name != '') { if ($wppb_recaptcha_forms != '') $wppb_recaptcha_forms .= ','.trim($form_name).$length; else $wppb_recaptcha_forms = trim($form_name).$length; // reCAPTCHA html for PB forms return '
'; } else { //reCAPTCHA html and scripts for default WP forms (backend) return '
'; } } // For PB forms (not default WP ones) containing reCAPTCHA we'll make sure to add the script in the page's header and footer, in order to allow multiple reCAPTCHAs on the same page. function wppb_recaptcha_script_header() { global $wppb_recaptcha_forms; //initialize the $wppb_recaptcha_forms global var $wppb_recaptcha_forms = ''; } add_action('wp_head', 'wppb_recaptcha_script_header'); function wppb_recaptcha_script_footer(){ global $wppb_recaptcha_forms; if( !empty( $wppb_recaptcha_forms ) ) { echo ''; $forms = explode(',',$wppb_recaptcha_forms); $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); $pubkey = ''; if( isset( $field['public-key'] ) ) { $pubkey = trim( $field['public-key'] ); } echo ''; } } add_action('wp_footer','wppb_recaptcha_script_footer'); /** * A wppb_ReCaptchaResponse is returned from wppb_recaptcha_check_answer() */ class wppb_ReCaptchaResponse { var $is_valid; } /** * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user's answer was correct * @param string $privkey * @param string $remoteip * @param string $response * @return wppb_ReCaptchaResponse */ function wppb_recaptcha_check_answer ( $privkey, $remoteip, $response ){ if ( $remoteip == null || $remoteip == '' ) echo ''. __("For security reasons, you must pass the remote ip to reCAPTCHA!", "profile-builder") .'

'; // Discard empty solution submissions if ($response == null || strlen($response) == 0) { $recaptchaResponse = new wppb_ReCaptchaResponse(); $recaptchaResponse->is_valid = false; return $recaptchaResponse; } $getResponse = _wppb_submitHTTPGet( "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?", array ( 'secret' => $privkey, 'remoteip' => $remoteip, 'response' => $response ) ); $answers = json_decode($getResponse, true); $recaptchaResponse = new wppb_ReCaptchaResponse(); if (trim($answers ['success']) == true) { $recaptchaResponse->is_valid = true; } else { $recaptchaResponse->is_valid = false; } return $recaptchaResponse; } /* the function to display error message on the registration page */ function wppb_validate_captcha_response( $publickey, $privatekey ){ if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])){ $recaptcha_response_field = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']; } else { $recaptcha_response_field = ''; } $resp = wppb_recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha_response_field ); if ( !empty( $_POST ) ) return ( ( !$resp->is_valid ) ? false : true ); } /* the function to add reCAPTCHA to the registration form of PB */ function wppb_recaptcha_handler ( $output, $form_location, $field, $user_id, $field_check_errors, $request_data ){ if ( $field['field'] == 'reCAPTCHA' ){ $item_title = apply_filters( 'wppb_'.$form_location.'_recaptcha_custom_field_'.$field['id'].'_item_title', wppb_icl_t( 'plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_'.$field['id'].'_title_translation', $field['field-title'] ) ); $item_description = wppb_icl_t( 'plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_'.$field['id'].'_description_translation', $field['description'] ); wppb_recaptcha_set_default_values(); if ( ($form_location == 'register') && ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) ) && (strpos($field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_register') !== false) ) { $error_mark = ( ( $field['required'] == 'Yes' ) ? '*' : '' ); if ( array_key_exists( $field['id'], $field_check_errors ) ) $error_mark = ''; $publickey = trim( $field['public-key'] ); $privatekey = trim( $field['private-key'] ); if ( empty( $publickey ) || empty( $privatekey ) ) return ''.apply_filters( 'wppb_'.$form_location.'_recaptcha_custom_field_'.$field['id'].'_error_message', __("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API public key from:", "profile-builder"). 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create' ).''; $output = ''.wppb_recaptcha_get_html( $publickey , 'pb_register'); if( !empty( $item_description ) ) $output .= '' . $item_description . ''; return $output; } } } add_filter( 'wppb_output_form_field_recaptcha', 'wppb_recaptcha_handler', 10, 6 ); /* handle reCAPTCHA field validation on PB Register form */ function wppb_check_recaptcha_value( $message, $field, $request_data, $form_location ){ if( $field['field'] == 'reCAPTCHA' ){ if ( ( $form_location == 'register' ) && ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) ) && (strpos($field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_register') !== false) ) { if ( ( wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ) == false ) && ( $field['required'] == 'Yes' ) ){ return wppb_required_field_error($field["field-title"]); } } } return $message; } add_filter( 'wppb_check_form_field_recaptcha', 'wppb_check_recaptcha_value', 10, 4 ); // Get the reCAPTCHA field information function wppb_get_recaptcha_field(){ $wppb_manage_fields = get_option( 'wppb_manage_fields', 'not_found' ); $field = ''; if ( $wppb_manage_fields != 'not_found' ) { foreach ($wppb_manage_fields as $value) { if ($value['field'] == 'reCAPTCHA') $field = $value; } } return $field; } /* Display reCAPTCHA on PB Recover Password form */ function wppb_display_recaptcha_recover_password( $output ){ $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ) { $publickey = trim($field['public-key']); $item_title = apply_filters('wppb_recover_password_recaptcha_custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_item_title', wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title'])); $item_description = wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']); // check where reCAPCHA should display and add reCAPTCHA html if ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) && ( strpos( $field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_recover_password' ) !== false ) ) { $recaptcha_output = '' . wppb_recaptcha_get_html($publickey, 'pb_recover_password'); if (!empty($item_description)) $recaptcha_output .= '' . $item_description . ''; $output = str_replace('', '
  • ' . $recaptcha_output . '
  • ' . '', $output); } } return $output; } add_filter('wppb_recover_password_generate_password_input','wppb_display_recaptcha_recover_password'); /* Function that changes the messageNo from the Recover Password form */ function wppb_recaptcha_change_recover_password_message_no($messageNo) { if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'recover_password') { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if (!empty($field)) { global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); if ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) && (strpos($field['captcha-pb-forms'], 'pb_recover_password') !== false) ) { if ( ($wppb_recaptcha_response == false ) && ( $field['required'] == 'Yes' ) ) $messageNo = ''; } } } return $messageNo; } add_filter('wppb_recover_password_message_no', 'wppb_recaptcha_change_recover_password_message_no'); /* Function that adds the reCAPTCHA error message on the Recover Password form */ function wppb_recaptcha_recover_password_displayed_message1( $message ) { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ){ global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); if ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) && ( strpos( $field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_recover_password' ) !== false ) && ( $wppb_recaptcha_response == false )) { // This message is also altered by the plugin-compatibilities.php file, in regards to Captcha plugin ( function wppb_captcha_recover_password_displayed_message1 ) if (($message == '


    ') || ($message == '


    ')) $message = '

    ' . wppb_recaptcha_field_error($field["field-title"]) . '

    '; else $message = $message . '

    ' . wppb_recaptcha_field_error($field["field-title"]) . '

    '; } } return $message; } add_filter('wppb_recover_password_displayed_message1', 'wppb_recaptcha_recover_password_displayed_message1'); /* Function that changes the default success message to wppb_recaptcha_error if the reCAPTCHA doesn't validate so that we can change the message displayed with the wppb_recover_password_displayed_message1 filter */ function wppb_recaptcha_recover_password_sent_message_1($message) { if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'recover_password') { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if (!empty($field)) { global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); if ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) && ( strpos($field['captcha-pb-forms'], 'pb_recover_password') !== false ) && ( $wppb_recaptcha_response == false ) ){ $message = 'wppb_recaptcha_error'; } } } return $message; } add_filter('wppb_recover_password_sent_message1', 'wppb_recaptcha_recover_password_sent_message_1'); /* Display reCAPTCHA html on PB Login form */ function wppb_display_recaptcha_login_form($form_part, $args) { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ) { $item_title = apply_filters('wppb_login_recaptcha_custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_item_title', wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title'])); $item_description = wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']); if ( isset($field['captcha-pb-forms']) && ( strpos( $field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_login' ) !== false ) ) { // check where reCAPTCHA should display and add reCAPTCHA html $recaptcha_output = '' . wppb_recaptcha_get_html( trim($field['public-key']), 'pb_login' ); if (!empty($item_description)) $recaptcha_output .= '' . $item_description . ''; $form_part .= '
    '. $recaptcha_output .'
    '; } } return $form_part; } add_filter('login_form_middle', 'wppb_display_recaptcha_login_form', 10, 2); /* Display reCAPTCHA html on default WP Login form */ function wppb_display_recaptcha_wp_login_form(){ $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ) { $item_title = apply_filters('wppb_login_recaptcha_custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_item_title', wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title'])); $item_description = wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']); if ( isset($field['captcha-wp-forms']) && (strpos( $field['captcha-wp-forms'],'default_wp_login' ) !== false) ) { // check where reCAPTCHA should display and add reCAPTCHA html $recaptcha_output = '' . wppb_recaptcha_get_html( trim($field['public-key']) ); if (!empty($item_description)) $recaptcha_output .= '' . $item_description . ''; echo '
    '. $recaptcha_output .'
    '; } } } add_action( 'login_form', 'wppb_display_recaptcha_wp_login_form' ); //Show reCAPTCHA error on Login form (both default and PB one) function wppb_recaptcha_login_wp_error_message($user){ //make sure you're on a Login form (WP or PB) if ( (isset($_POST['wp-submit'])) && (!is_wp_error($user)) ) { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ){ global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); //reCAPTCHA error for displaying on the PB login form if ( isset($_POST['wppb_login']) && ($_POST['wppb_login'] == true) && (isset($field['captcha-pb-forms'])) && ( strpos( $field['captcha-pb-forms'],'pb_login' ) !== false ) && ( $wppb_recaptcha_response == false ) ) { $user = new WP_Error('wppb_recaptcha_error', __('Please enter a (valid) reCAPTCHA value','profile-builder')); } //reCAPTCHA error for displaying on the default WP login form if ( isset($field['captcha-wp-forms']) && (strpos( $field['captcha-wp-forms'],'default_wp_login' ) !== false) && ($wppb_recaptcha_response == false) ) { $user = new WP_Error('wppb_recaptcha_error', __('Please enter a (valid) reCAPTCHA value','profile-builder')); } } } return $user; } add_filter('authenticate','wppb_recaptcha_login_wp_error_message', 22); // Display reCAPTCHA html on default WP Recover Password form function wppb_display_recaptcha_default_wp_recover_password() { $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if (!empty($field)) { $publickey = trim($field['public-key']); $item_title = apply_filters('wppb_recover_password_recaptcha_custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_item_title', wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title'])); $item_description = wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']); if ( isset($field['captcha-wp-forms']) && (strpos( $field['captcha-wp-forms'], 'default_wp_recover_password') !== false) ) { // check where reCAPTCHA should display and add reCAPTCHA html $recaptcha_output = '' . wppb_recaptcha_get_html($publickey); if (!empty($item_description)) $recaptcha_output .= '' . $item_description . ''; echo '
    '. $recaptcha_output .'
    '; } } } add_action('lostpassword_form','wppb_display_recaptcha_default_wp_recover_password'); // Verify and show reCAPTCHA errors for default WP Recover Password function wppb_verify_recaptcha_default_wp_recover_password(){ // If field 'username or email' is empty - return if( isset( $_REQUEST['user_login'] ) && "" == $_REQUEST['user_login'] ) return; $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ){ global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); // If reCAPTCHA not entered or incorrect reCAPTCHA answer if ( isset( $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'] ) && ( ( "" == $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'] ) || ( $wppb_recaptcha_response == false ) ) ) { wp_die( __('Please enter a (valid) reCAPTCHA value','profile-builder') . '
    ' . __( "Click the BACK button on your browser, and try again.", 'profile-builder' ) ) ; } } } add_action('lostpassword_post','wppb_verify_recaptcha_default_wp_recover_password'); /* Display reCAPTCHA html on default WP Register form */ function wppb_display_recaptcha_default_wp_register(){ $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if (!empty($field)) { $publickey = trim($field['public-key']); $item_title = apply_filters('wppb_register_recaptcha_custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_item_title', wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title'])); $item_description = wppb_icl_t('plugin profile-builder-pro', 'custom_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']); wppb_recaptcha_set_default_values(); if ( isset($field['captcha-wp-forms']) && (strpos( $field['captcha-wp-forms'], 'default_wp_register') !== false) ) { // check where reCAPTCHA should display and add reCAPTCHA html $recaptcha_output = '' . wppb_recaptcha_get_html($publickey); if (!empty($item_description)) $recaptcha_output .= '' . $item_description . ''; echo '
    ' . $recaptcha_output . '
    '; } } } add_action( 'register_form', 'wppb_display_recaptcha_default_wp_register' ); // Verify and show reCAPTCHA errors for default WP Register form function wppb_verify_recaptcha_default_wp_register( $errors ){ $field = wppb_get_recaptcha_field(); if ( !empty($field) ){ global $wppb_recaptcha_response; if (!isset($wppb_recaptcha_response)) $wppb_recaptcha_response = wppb_validate_captcha_response( trim( $field['public-key'] ), trim( $field['private-key'] ) ); // If reCAPTCHA not entered or incorrect reCAPTCHA answer if ( isset( $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'] ) && ( ( "" == $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'] ) || ( $wppb_recaptcha_response == false ) ) ) { $errors->add( 'wppb_recaptcha_error', __('Please enter a (valid) reCAPTCHA value','profile-builder') ); } } return $errors; } add_filter('registration_errors','wppb_verify_recaptcha_default_wp_register'); // set default "Display on which forms?" values in case there's already an existing reCAPTCHA field in Manage fields (when upgrading) function wppb_recaptcha_set_default_values() { $manage_fields = get_option('wppb_manage_fields', 'not_set'); if ($manage_fields != 'not_set') { foreach ($manage_fields as $key => $value) { if ($value['field'] == 'reCAPTCHA') { if ( !isset($value['captcha-pb-forms']) ) $manage_fields[$key]['captcha-pb-forms'] = 'pb_register'; if ( !isset($value['captcha-wp-forms']) ) $manage_fields[$key]['captcha-wp-forms'] = 'default_wp_register'; } } update_option('wppb_manage_fields', $manage_fields); } }