format 223 classcanvas 128123 class_ref 128123 // adres classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 22.24 708.57 2000 125 81 end classcanvas 128136 class_ref 128136 // Klient classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 55.02 509.04 2000 end classcanvas 128251 class_ref 128251 // data classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 172.51 716.87 2000 90 97 end classcanvas 128264 class_ref 128264 // Karta classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 201.23 503.52 2000 end classcanvas 128392 class_ref 128392 // Bankomat classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 334.12 587.69 2000 end classcanvas 128520 class_ref 128520 // KartaPaid classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 36.29 0.31 2000 end classcanvas 128648 class_ref 128648 // Bank classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 222.16 318.93 2000 end classcanvas 128776 class_ref 128776 // Transakcja classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 206.87 226.01 2000 end classcanvas 128904 class_ref 128904 // DrukPotwierdzenia classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 510.66 212.07 2000 end classcanvas 129032 class_ref 129032 // RachunekBankowy classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 179.19 406.15 2000 end classcanvas 129160 class_ref 129160 // Konwojent classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 713.29 480.91 2000 end classcanvas 129288 class_ref 129288 // Serwisant classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 381.06 438.77 2000 end classcanvas 129416 class_ref 129416 // SystemAutoryzacji classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 538.29 313.41 2000 end classcanvas 129544 class_ref 129544 // Odbiorca classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 43.21 404.43 2000 end classcanvas 129672 class_ref 129672 // Przelew classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 394.6 19.59 2000 end classcanvas 129800 class_ref 129800 // Wyplata classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 153.71 19.15 2000 end classcanvas 129928 class_ref 129928 // Wplata classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 266.99 17.65 2000 end classcanvas 130056 class_ref 130056 // KluczAutroyzacji classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 550.32 401.74 2000 end classcanvas 130184 class_ref 130184 // Pin classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 187.93 596.89 2000 end classcanvas 130312 class_ref 130312 // MiejsceLokacjiBankomatu classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 132.8 669.56 2005 end classcanvas 130440 class_ref 130440 // ZakupKartyPrepaid classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 15.03 80.43 2000 end classcanvas 130568 class_ref 130568 // StatusTransakcji classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 23.16 243.57 2000 end classcanvas 130696 class_ref 130696 // Banknoty classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 502.53 680.32 2000 end classcanvas 130824 class_ref 130824 // SkrytkaDepozytowa classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 307.29 685.31 2000 end classcanvas 130952 class_ref 130952 // SystemTransakcji classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 497.16 70.81 2000 end classcanvas 131080 class_ref 131080 // CentralaBanku classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 39.88 323.98 2000 end classcanvas 131208 class_ref 131208 // DzialSerwisu classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 390.91 348.51 2000 end classcanvas 131336 class_ref 131336 // DzialKonwojencki classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 393.36 272.74 2000 end classcanvas 131464 class_ref 131464 // Platnosc classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 43.74 176.57 2000 end classcanvas 136712 class_ref 138376 // Logi classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 527.01 499.04 2000 127 65 end classcanvas 136968 class_ref 138504 // StanGotowki classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 607.2 634.25 2000 end relationcanvas 132104 relation_ref 134664 // Znajduje sie>> decenter_begin 657 from ref 130696 z 2001 label "Znajduje sie>>" italic max_width 255 xyz 426.5 690.5 2001 to ref 130824 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 439 711 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 483 711 3000 end relationcanvas 132488 relation_ref 134792 // Posiada from ref 128136 z 2001 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 127 468 2001 to ref 129032 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 195 440 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 146 509 3000 end relationcanvas 133000 relation_ref 135048 // przypisana from ref 128136 z 2001 label "przypisana" italic max_width 255 xyz 148 540.5 2001 to ref 128264 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 179 537 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 163 542 3000 end relationcanvas 133128 relation_ref 135176 // Przypisana from ref 129032 z 2001 label "Przypisana" italic max_width 255 xyz 238 457 2001 to ref 128264 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 227 485 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 220 450 3000 end relationcanvas 133384 relation_ref 135304 // Posiada from ref 129544 z 2001 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 119 406.5 2001 to ref 129032 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 149 432 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 118 431 3000 end relationcanvas 133512 relation_ref 135432 // znajduje sie decenter_begin 430 from ref 130312 z 2006 label "znajduje sie" italic max_width 255 xyz 234 636 2006 to ref 128392 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 312 634 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 212 674 3000 end relationcanvas 133640 relation_ref 135560 // Posiada from ref 130184 z 2001 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 207 561 2001 to ref 128264 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 203 556 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 198 578 3000 end relationcanvas 133768 relation_ref 135688 // Prowadzi decenter_begin 587 from ref 128648 z 2001 label "Prowadzi" italic max_width 255 xyz 187 375 2001 to ref 129032 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 231 389 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 249 371 3000 end relationcanvas 133896 relation_ref 135816 // Posiada from ref 128648 z 2001 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 328 304 2001 to ref 131336 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 361 310 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 316 334 3000 end relationcanvas 134024 relation_ref 135944 // Posiada from ref 128648 z 2001 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 358 341 2001 to ref 131208 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 358 368 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 316 356 3000 end relationcanvas 134280 relation_ref 136072 // Zawiera from ref 131080 z 2001 label "Zawiera" italic max_width 255 xyz 153.5 331.5 2001 to ref 128648 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 203 350 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 144 352 3000 end relationcanvas 134408 relation_ref 136200 // w ramach from ref 128776 z 2001 label "w ramach" italic max_width 255 xyz 373 152 2001 to ref 130952 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 500 106 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 291 238 3000 end relationcanvas 134792 relation_ref 136328 // <> from ref 130696 z 2001 label "Stanowia>>" italic max_width 255 xyz 522 666 2001 to ref 136968 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 588 674 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 578 689 3000 end relationcanvas 137864 relation_ref 138632 // <