542 lines
15 KiB
542 lines
15 KiB
var SelectSingleNode = parent.SelectSingleNode;
var SelectNodes = parent.SelectNodes;
var MSIE = parent.MSIE
var strShapeName = "Shape Name";
var strShapeText = "Shape Text";
var strProps = "Shape Data";
var strResults = "Search results for:";
var strShape = "Shape Name:";
var strNoCustomPropertiesToDisplayText = "CTRL+click a shape in the drawing to view details.";
var FindShapeXML = parent.FindShapeXML;
var Unquote = parent.Unquote;
var put_Location = parent.put_Location;
var strChkBox = "Chkbox";
var strPropChkBox = "PropChkbox";
function doExpando(xxx,yyy){
if (xxx.style.display=="none"){
xxx.style.display = ""
yyy.src = up.src;
xxx.style.display = "none"
yyy.src = down.src;
function doExp(xxx,yyy){
if (xxx.style.display=="none"){
xxx.style.display = ""
yyy.src = "minus.gif";
xxx.style.display = "none"
yyy.src = "plus.gif";
function FindOnClick()
var count, indexOfString;
var fieldsToSearchArray = new Array();
if (parent.xmlData != null && document.theForm[strProps + strChkBox].checked)
for( count=0; count < document.theForm.length; count++ )
indexOfString = document.theForm[count].name.indexOf(strPropChkBox);
if( -1 != indexOfString && document.theForm[count].checked )
fieldsToSearchArray[ fieldsToSearchArray.length ] = document.theForm[count].name.slice(0, indexOfString);
var searchTokensArray = CreateSearchTokens (document.theForm.findString.value);
if (searchTokensArray.length > 0)
var findArray = Find(searchTokensArray, fieldsToSearchArray);
var ArrayLength = findArray.length;
var strResultsHTML = "No matches found.";
var lastPageID = null;
var shapeID;
if(ArrayLength > 0)
strResultsHTML = strResults + ' <b>'+ parent.HTMLEscape(document.theForm.findString.value) +'</b>';
for ( count = 0; count < ArrayLength; count++)
if( lastPageID != findArray[count].PageID )
lastPageID = findArray[count].PageID;
shapeID = findArray[count].ShapeID;
strResultsHTML += '<p class="results"><a href="javascript:populateSearchResultDetails(\'results_'+ lastPageID +'_'+ shapeID +'\', '+ lastPageID +','+ shapeID +'); TogglePlus(\'results_' + lastPageID + '_' + shapeID + '\',\'img_' + lastPageID + '_' + shapeID + '\', hideResults)"><img src="plus.gif" style="padding-left:13px" alt="Shows/hides shape details" width="13" height="9" border="0" id="img_'+ lastPageID +'_'+ shapeID +'"></a>\n'
strResultsHTML += '<a class="blu1" href="JavaScript:FindQuerySelect(';
strResultsHTML += findArray[count].PageID + ",";
strResultsHTML += findArray[count].ShapeID + ",";
strResultsHTML += findArray[count].PinX + ",";
strResultsHTML += findArray[count].PinY;
strResultsHTML += ')">'+ findArray[count].Title +'</a></p>\n'
strResultsHTML += '</div>\n';
strResultsHTML += '<div class="indent" id="results_'+ lastPageID +'_'+ shapeID +'" style="display:none;width:90%;"></div>\n'
var divAdvSrch = document.getElementById("hideAdvSrch");
var imgAS0 = document.getElementById("as0");
var tmpObj = document.getElementById("hideResults");
if( tmpObj != null )
tmpObj.innerHTML = strResultsHTML;
tmpObj.open = "true";
tmpObj.style.display = "block";
function CreateSearchTokens (strUserString)
var searchTokensArray = new Array();
var strToken = "";
var chCurChar;
for (var count = 0; count < strUserString.length; count++)
chCurChar = strUserString.charAt(count);
if (chCurChar == '"')
var nNextQuote = strUserString.indexOf('"', count + 1);
if (nNextQuote >= 0)
strToken = strUserString.slice(count + 1, nNextQuote);
searchTokensArray[searchTokensArray.length] = strToken;
strToken = "";
count = nNextQuote;
else if (chCurChar == ' ')
if (strToken.length > 0)
searchTokensArray[searchTokensArray.length] = strToken;
strToken = "";
strToken += chCurChar;
if (strToken.length > 0)
searchTokensArray[searchTokensArray.length] = strToken;
return searchTokensArray;
function populateSearchResultDetails( divID, pageID, shapeID )
var tmpShape = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID);
var strOutput = CreatePropTable( tmpShape );
var tmpObj = document.getElementById(divID);
if( tmpObj != null )
tmpObj.innerHTML = strOutput;
function makeAdvancedFindCheckboxes(div)
if (parent.xmlData)
var strOutput = "";
strOutput += "<INPUT type='checkbox' name='" + strShapeName + strChkBox + "' id='" + strShapeName + strChkBox + "' checked><label for='" + strShapeName + strChkBox + "'>" + strShapeName + "</label><br>\n";
strOutput += "<INPUT type='checkbox' name='" + strShapeText + strChkBox + "' id='" + strShapeText + strChkBox + "' checked><label for='" + strShapeText + strChkBox + "'>" + strShapeText + "</label><br>\n";
strOutput += "<INPUT type='checkbox' name='" + strProps + strChkBox + "' id='" + strProps + strChkBox + "' onclick='AdvSearchCustomPropCheck ()'checked ><label for='" + strProps + strChkBox + "'>" + strProps +"</label><br>\n";
strOutput += "<div id='divCPBoxes' style='margin-left:1em;'>";
var objNodes = SelectNodes(parent.xmlData, ".//Shape/Prop/Label");
var filter = "";
var boolFirstPass = true;
var tmpPropName;
while( objNodes.length > 0)
if (objNodes[0].text)
tmpPropName = objNodes[0].text;
tmpPropName = objNodes[0].textContent;
if(null == tmpPropName)
tmpPropName = "";
var escapedPropName = parent.EscapeString(tmpPropName);
if( true == boolFirstPass )
filter = ". != '" + escapedPropName + "'";
boolFirstPass = false;
filter += " and . != '" + escapedPropName + "'";
tmpPropName = parent.HTMLEscape (tmpPropName);
strOutput += "<INPUT type='checkbox' name='" + tmpPropName + strPropChkBox + "' id='"+ tmpPropName + strPropChkBox + "' checked><label for='"+ tmpPropName + strPropChkBox + "'>" + tmpPropName +"</label><br>\n";
objNodes = SelectNodes(parent.xmlData, ".//Shape/Prop/Label/text()[" + filter + "]");
strOutput += "</div>"
div.innerHTML = strOutput;
function AdvSearchCustomPropCheck ()
for( count=0; count < document.theForm.length; count++ )
indexOfString = document.theForm[count].name.indexOf(strPropChkBox);
if( -1 != indexOfString )
document.theForm[count].disabled = !document.theForm[strProps + strChkBox].checked;
function CResultItem(title, pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
this["Title"] = title;
this["PageID"] = pageID;
this["ShapeID"] = shapeID;
this["PinX"] = pinX;
this["PinY"] = pinY;
function FindParentPage(nodeObject)
if(nodeObject == null)
return null;
if(nodeObject.nodeName == "Page")
return nodeObject;
return FindParentPage(nodeObject.parentNode);
function QueryStringForMatch(shapeNode, regTextForFind, filterString)
if (filterString.length > 0)
var nodesToCheck = SelectNodes(shapeNode, filterString);
var nodeCount = nodesToCheck.length;
var stringToParse;
for(var ncount = 0; ncount < nodeCount; ncount++)
stringToParse = nodesToCheck[ncount].nodeValue;
stringToParse = stringToParse.toLowerCase ();
if(stringToParse.indexOf(regTextForFind) > -1)
return true;
return false;
function GetShapeTitle(shapeNode)
var objTempTextElement = SelectSingleNode(shapeNode, "./Text/text()");
if(objTempTextElement != null)
var objText = objTempTextElement.nodeValue;
if (objText)
return parent.HTMLEscape(objText);
var objTempName = SelectSingleNode(shapeNode, "./@Name");
if(objTempName && objTempName.nodeValue)
return parent.HTMLEscape(objTempName.nodeValue);
return "";
function GetPageTitle(pageID)
var pagesObj = SelectSingleNode(parent.xmlData, "VisioDocument/Pages");
return "";
var pageQuerryString = './/Page[@ID = "' + pageID + '"]';
var pageObj = SelectSingleNode(pagesObj, pageQuerryString);
return "";
var pageNameNode = SelectSingleNode(pageObj, "@Name");
return "";
return pageNameNode.text;
function Find(searchTokensArray, propsToSearchArray)
var bXMLNotValid = false;
var findArray = new Array();
var findIndex = 0;
if (parent.xmlData != null && searchTokensArray.length > 0)
var fieldsToSearchArray = new Array();
var filterString = "";
if( null != propsToSearchArray &&
propsToSearchArray.length > 0 )
var propFilterString = "";
for( var count=0; count< propsToSearchArray.length; count++ )
if( count == 0 )
propFilterString = "[. = '" + parent.EscapeString (propsToSearchArray[count]) + "'";
propFilterString += " or . = '"+ parent.EscapeString (propsToSearchArray[count]) + "'";
propFilterString += "]";
fieldsToSearchArray[fieldsToSearchArray.length] = "Prop[Label"+ propFilterString +"]/Value";
if (document.theForm[strShapeText + strChkBox].checked)
fieldsToSearchArray[fieldsToSearchArray.length] = "Text";
if (fieldsToSearchArray.length > 0)
filterString = ".//";
for (var fieldCount = 0; fieldCount < fieldsToSearchArray.length; fieldCount++)
if (fieldCount != 0)
filterString += "/text() | .//";
filterString += fieldsToSearchArray[fieldCount];
filterString += "/text()";
var objShapeNodes;
if (document.theForm[strShapeName + strChkBox].checked)
if (filterString.length > 0)
filterString += " | ";
filterString += "@Name";
objShapeNodes = SelectNodes(parent.xmlData, ".//Shape");
objShapeNodes = SelectNodes(parent.xmlData, ".//Shape[(Prop/Value | Prop/Label | Text)]");
var shapeCount = objShapeNodes.length;
var objTempData = new CResultItem("A Label","PageID","ShapeID","PinX","PinY");
var objTempShape = null;
for (count = 0; count < shapeCount; count++)
objTempShape = objShapeNodes[count];
var objParentPageNode = FindParentPage(objTempShape);
if (objParentPageNode == null)
//Find out the drawing scale of the page in which the shape belongs
var pageDrawScale = FindPageDrawingScale(objParentPageNode);
var pageID = SelectSingleNode(objParentPageNode, "@ID").nodeValue;
var pageIndex = parent.PageIndexFromID (pageID);
if (pageIndex < 0)
// Verifies that the shape is inside at least one visible layer, otherwise skip it
var objLayerMember = SelectSingleNode(objTempShape, "LayerMem/LayerMember");
if (objLayerMember != null)
if (objLayerMember.text)
var layerText = objLayerMember.text;
var layerText = objLayerMember.textContent;
if (layerText && layerText.length > 0)
var layerArray = layerText.split (';');
var visibleLayer = false;
for (var layerCount = 0; (layerCount < layerArray.length) && !visibleLayer; layerCount++)
var objLayerVisible = SelectSingleNode(objParentPageNode, "Layer[@IX=" + layerArray[layerCount] + "]/Visible");
if (objLayerVisible != null)
if (objLayerVisible.text)
visibleLayer = (objLayerVisible.text != 0);
visibleLayer = (objLayerVisible.textContent != 0);
if (visibleLayer)
if (!visibleLayer)
for (var tokenCount = 0; tokenCount < searchTokensArray.length; tokenCount++)
var textToFind = searchTokensArray[tokenCount].toLowerCase ();
if (QueryStringForMatch(objTempShape, textToFind, filterString))
objTempData.Title = GetShapeTitle(objTempShape);
objTempData.PageID = pageID;
objTempData.ShapeID = SelectSingleNode(objTempShape, "@ID").nodeValue;
objPinXNode = SelectSingleNode(objTempShape, "XForm/PinX/text()");
if(objPinXNode == null)
bXMLNotValid = true;
objTempData.PinX = objPinXNode.nodeValue;
objPinYNode = SelectSingleNode(objTempShape, "XForm/PinY/text()");
if(objPinYNode == null)
bXMLNotValid = true;
objTempData.PinY = objPinYNode.nodeValue;
// the pinX and pinY values that we are passing here are transofrmed according to the drawing scale
findArray[findIndex] = new CResultItem(objTempData.Title, objTempData.PageID, objTempData.ShapeID, objTempData.PinX * pageDrawScale, objTempData.PinY * pageDrawScale);
findArray.length = 0;
return findArray;
function FindQuerySelect(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
if ((!widgets.GoTo && parent.g_FileList.length > 1) || (widgets.GoTo && parent.g_FileList[document.getElementById("Select1").value].PageID != pageID))
parent.g_callBackFunctionArray[parent.g_callBackFunctionArray.length] = function () { parent.viewMgr.put_Location (pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY); };
if (parent.viewMgr != null)
parent.viewMgr.put_Location (pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY);
function TreeSelect(pageID, shapeID)
var shapeNode = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID);
if (shapeNode != null)
var pinXNode = SelectSingleNode(shapeNode, "XForm/PinX/text()");
var pinYNode = SelectSingleNode(shapeNode, "XForm/PinY/text()");
if (pinXNode != null && pinYNode != null)
var parentPageNode = FindParentPage(shapeNode);
var pageDrawScale = FindPageDrawingScale(parentPageNode);
var pinX = pinXNode.nodeValue * pageDrawScale;//Scale both pinX and pinY values as per the drawing scale used for the page
var pinY = pinYNode.nodeValue * pageDrawScale;
FindQuerySelect (pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY);
// Takes page node and returns drawing scale of the page
function FindPageDrawingScale(pageNode)
var pageDrawScale = 1;
if(pageNode != null)
var drawingScaleNode = SelectSingleNode(pageNode,"PageProps/DrawingScale/text()");
var pageScaleNode = SelectSingleNode(pageNode,"PageProps/PageScale/text()");
if(drawingScaleNode != null && pageScaleNode != null)
var drawingScale = drawingScaleNode.nodeValue;
var pageScale = pageScaleNode.nodeValue;
if(drawingScale != null && pageScale != null && pageScale != 0 && drawingScale != 0)
pageDrawScale = pageScale/drawingScale;
return pageDrawScale;
var g_RowStyleList = parent.g_RowStyleList;
var FillPropPane = parent.FillPropPane;
var CreatePropTable = parent.CreatePropTable;