from wtforms.utils import WebobInputWrapper from wtforms import i18n class DefaultMeta(object): """ This is the default Meta class which defines all the default values and therefore also the 'API' of the class Meta interface. """ # -- Basic form primitives def bind_field(self, form, unbound_field, options): """ bind_field allows potential customization of how fields are bound. The default implementation simply passes the options to :meth:`UnboundField.bind`. :param form: The form. :param unbound_field: The unbound field. :param options: A dictionary of options which are typically passed to the field. :return: A bound field """ return unbound_field.bind(form=form, **options) def wrap_formdata(self, form, formdata): """ wrap_formdata allows doing custom wrappers of WTForms formdata. The default implementation detects webob-style multidicts and wraps them, otherwise passes formdata back un-changed. :param form: The form. :param formdata: Form data. :return: A form-input wrapper compatible with WTForms. """ if formdata is not None and not hasattr(formdata, 'getlist'): if hasattr(formdata, 'getall'): return WebobInputWrapper(formdata) else: raise TypeError("formdata should be a multidict-type wrapper that supports the 'getlist' method") return formdata def render_field(self, field, render_kw): """ render_field allows customization of how widget rendering is done. The default implementation calls ``field.widget(field, **render_kw)`` """ other_kw = getattr(field, 'render_kw', None) if other_kw is not None: render_kw = dict(other_kw, **render_kw) return field.widget(field, **render_kw) # -- CSRF csrf = False csrf_field_name = 'csrf_token' csrf_secret = None csrf_context = None csrf_class = None def build_csrf(self, form): """ Build a CSRF implementation. This is called once per form instance. The default implementation builds the class referenced to by :attr:`csrf_class` with zero arguments. If `csrf_class` is ``None``, will instead use the default implementation :class:`wtforms.csrf.session.SessionCSRF`. :param form: The form. :return: A CSRF implementation. """ if self.csrf_class is not None: return self.csrf_class() from wtforms.csrf.session import SessionCSRF return SessionCSRF() # -- i18n locales = False cache_translations = True translations_cache = {} def get_translations(self, form): """ Override in subclasses to provide alternate translations factory. See the i18n documentation for more. :param form: The form. :return: An object that provides gettext() and ngettext() methods. """ locales = self.locales if locales is False: return None if self.cache_translations: # Make locales be a hashable value locales = tuple(locales) if locales else None translations = self.translations_cache.get(locales) if translations is None: translations = self.translations_cache[locales] = i18n.get_translations(locales) return translations return i18n.get_translations(locales) # -- General def update_values(self, values): """ Given a dictionary of values, update values on this `Meta` instance. """ for key, value in values.items(): setattr(self, key, value)