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name = 'fibhaha'
# Module comes from This version adjusted a little bit to suit this project.
def makefheap():
"""make-heap in Cormen et al."""
heap = Fheap()
return heap
def fheappush(heap, item, node):
"""insert in Corment et al."""
temp = Node(item, node)
return temp
def getfheapmin(heap):
"""minimum in Corment et al."""
return heap.min
def fheappop(heap):
"""extract-min in Corment et al."""
temp = heap.extract_min()
return (temp.key, temp.node)
def fheapunion(heap, other):
"""union in Corment et al."""
class Node:
- add_child: add a child to the node
- remove_child: remove a child to the node
def __init__(self, key, node, p=None, left=None, right=None,
child=None, mark=None):
"""Create a new node in a heap. Attributes:
- key: the node's key, a number
- left, right: the node's adjacent siblings. The node and its siblings
are doubly linked, so they form a circular loop. If x is an only child,
it is its own left and right sibling.
- child: the representative child of the node. To access all the
children of the node, first access the representative child through
self.child, then access all the child's siblings through self.left or
- p: the node's parent
- degree: the number of the node's children whether the node has lost a
child since the last time it was made the child of another node. Newly
created nodes are unmarked. A node becomes unmarked whenever it is made
the child of another node.
self.node = node
self.key = key
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.p = p # parent
self.child = child # to any one of its children = 0
self.mark = False if not mark else mark
def add_child(self, x):
"""Add a child to the node. If the node currently has no children, the
child is made the representative child, otherwise, it is added to the
right of the representative child.
This procedure updates the child's parent and mark,
and the node's degree.
if not self.child:
self.child = x
x.left, x.right = x, x
right_to_child = self.child.right
self.child.right = x
x.left = self.child
x.right = right_to_child
right_to_child.left = x
x.p = self += 1
x.mark = False
def remove_child(self, x):
""" remove a child from the node's child list. This procedure does not
update the child's parent and does not allow removing a child that does
not exist. Updating the child's parent is the reponsibility of routines
that call this function.
if not self.child:
raise ValueError('Child list is currently empty')
if == 1: # has 1 child
self.child = None
else: # >= 2 children
if self.child is x:
self.child = x.right
left_to_x, right_to_x = x.left, x.right
left_to_x.right = right_to_x
right_to_x.left = left_to_x -= 1
class Fheap:
""" Methods: insert, minimum, extract_min, union, decrease_key, delete"""
def __init__(self, minimum=None):
"""Create a new, empty heap. Attributes:
- min: points to the node that contains the minimum key
- num_nodes: number of nodes currently in the heap
- num_trees: number of roots in the tree A Fibonacci heap can contain
many trees of min-ordered heap. The roots of these trees are doubly
linked and form a circular loop as in the case with siblings. The number
of trees of a Fibonacci heap is always the number of roots.
- num_marks: number of marked nodes in the heap
self.min = minimum
self.num_nodes = 0
self.num_trees = 0
self.num_marks = 0
def remove_root(self, x):
""" Remove a root from the list of roots of the heap.
This only updates the pointers of the remaining roots and the number of
trees of the heap, but does not update the pointers of the removed root
or those of its children. Those are the responsibility of the routines
that call this function
right_to_x, left_to_x = x.right, x.left
right_to_x.left = left_to_x
left_to_x.right = right_to_x
self.num_trees -= 1
def add_root(self, x):
"""Add a root to the list of roots of the heap.
If the heap is currently empty, the added root is the min of the heap
and is its own left and right roots.
if self.min == None:
x.left, x.right = x, x
right_to_min = self.min.right
self.min.right = x
x.left = self.min
x.right = right_to_min
right_to_min.left = x
self.num_trees += 1
def insert(self, x):
"""Add a node.
This simply adds the node as a root of the heap, updates the minimum
node of the heap if necessary, and updates the number of nodes. For example,
- Before insertion, one root ((2)), minimum = (2):
/ \
(3) (4)
- After inserting (1), two roots ((1) and (2)), minimum = (1):
/ \
(3) (4)
if self.min == None:
self.min = x
if x.key < self.min.key:
self.min = x
self.num_nodes += 1
def minimum(self):
"""Return the node with the minimum key"""
return self.min
def extract_min(self):
"""Remove and return the minimum nodeself.
This procecures moves each of the minimum node's children to the root
list, removes the minimum node itself from the root list, and
"consolidate" (see consolidate) the resulted tree.
z = self.min
if z != None:
x = z.child
for i in range(
y = x.right
x.p = None
x = y
if z.mark:
self.num_marks -= 1
if z == z.right:
self.min = None
self.min = z.right
self.num_nodes -= 1
return z
def consolidate(self):
""" The goal is to reduce the number of trees in the current heap.
The procedure is as follows (description by Corment et al.):
1. Find two roots that have the same degree (the same number of
2. Merge the two trees rooted at those two roots by making the root with
larger key one child of the one with smaller key. This procedure is
called link (see the documentation for link)
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until no two roots in the tree have the same degree
For example,
- Before consolidating: 3 roots ((1),(4), and (5)), root (1) and (4)
have the same degree of 1
| |
(3) (6)
- After consolidating: 2 roots ((1) and (5)), root (1) has degree 2
while root (5) has degree 0.
/ \
(3) (4)
A = [None] * self.num_nodes
root = self.min
counter = self.num_trees
while counter:
x = root
root = root.right
d =
while A[d]:
y = A[d]
if x.key > y.key:
x, y = y, x, x)
A[d] = None
d += 1
A[d] = x
counter -= 1
self.min = None
for i in range(len(A)):
if A[i]:
if self.min == None:
self.min = A[i]
if A[i].key < self.min.key:
self.min = A[i]
def link(self, y, x): # y>x
"""Link y to x.
This procesure makes y a child of x. Because when a node becomes a child
of another, it has no mark, so the number of marks of the heap is
updated if necessary.
if y.mark == True:
self.num_marks -= 1
def union(self, other):
"""Make a union of two heaps. This procedure simply concatenates the two
root lists and updates the minimum node, the number of nodes, the number
trees, and the number of marks of the heap.
if not self.min:
self.min = other.min
elif other.min:
self_first_root, other_last_root = self.min.right, other.min.left
self_first_root.left = other_last_root
self.min.right = other.min
other.min.left = self.min
other_last_root.right = self_first_root
if (self.min == None) or (other.min != None and other.min.key < self.min.key):
self.min = other.min
self.num_nodes += other.num_nodes
self.num_trees += other.num_trees
self.num_marks += other.num_marks
def decrease_key(self, x, k):
"""Decrease node x's key to k.
k must be larger than the current key of x. If by decreasing x's key to
k, the heap invariant is violated, x (and therefore along with its
children) will be cut from its current tree and added to the root list
(see the function cut). The parent y of x may have had lost one of its
child before. If this is the case and if y is not a root, then y is, in
turn, cut from its parent. The nodes are continually cut using
cascading_cut until it "finds either a root or an unmark node" (Cormen
et al.).
if k > x.key:
raise ValueError('new key is greater than current key')
x.key = k
y = x.p
if y and x.key < y.key:
self.cut(x, y)
if x.key < self.min.key:
self.min = x
def cut(self, x, y):
""" Cut x from y and make it a root.
x's parent is set to None and x's mark and the heap's number of marks
are updated if necessary.
if x.mark:
self.num_marks -= 1
x.mark = False
x.p = None
def cascading_cut(self, y):
"""Cut continually until it finds either a root or an unmarked node."""
z = y.p
if z:
if not y.mark:
y.mark == True
self.num_marks += 1
self.cut(y, z)
def delete(self, x):
"""Remove x from the heap by first setting its key to minus infinity and
extracting the heap's min.
class MaskClass:
def __lt__(self, other):
return True
def __gt__(self, other):
return False
mask_key = MaskClass() # the key is smaller than any other keys
self.decrease_key(x, mask_key)