define([ 'lodash', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/editor/infoControlRegistry', 'sampleToolCmRuler/creator/widget/Widget', 'tpl!sampleToolCmRuler/creator/tpl/cm-ruler' ], function(_, registry, Widget, markupTpl){ /** * Retrieve data from manifest */ var manifest = registry.get('sampleToolCmRuler').manifest; /** * Configuration of the container * * t/r/b/l is meant to be an alternative to the tl/tr/br/bl syntax. * Using them together might look rather weird. */ var is = { transparent: true, movable: true, rotatable: { tl: false, tr: false, bl: false, br: false, t: false, r: true, b: false, l: false }, adjustable: { x: false, y: false, xy: false } }; is.transmutable = _.some(is.rotatable, Boolean) || _.some(is.adjustable, Boolean); // the position in which the checkbox should appear var position = 4; return { /** * (required) Get the typeIdentifier of the custom interaction * * @returns {String} */ getTypeIdentifier : function(){ return manifest.typeIdentifier; }, /** * (required) Get the widget prototype * Used in the renderer * * @returns {Object} Widget */ getWidget : function(){ return Widget; }, /** * (optional) Get the default properties values of the PIC. * Used on new PIC instance creation * * @returns {Object} */ getDefaultProperties : function(pic){ return { is: is, position: position }; }, /** * (optional) Callback to execute on the * Used on new pic instance creation * * @returns {Object} */ afterCreate : function(pic){ //do some stuff }, /** * (required) Returns the QTI PIC XML template * * @returns {function} handlebar template */ getMarkupTemplate : function(){ return markupTpl; }, /** * (optional) Allows passing additional data to xml template * * @returns {function} handlebar template */ getMarkupData : function(pic, defaultData){ defaultData = _.defaults(defaultData, { typeIdentifier : manifest.typeIdentifier, title : manifest.label, is: is, position: position, //referenced as a required file in[] icon : manifest.typeIdentifier + '/runtime/media/cm-ruler-icon.svg', alt : manifest.short || manifest.label }); return defaultData; } }; });