/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2016 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA; * */ define([ 'jquery', 'lodash', 'core/promise', 'core/logger', 'ui/tooltipster', 'taoQtiItem/portableElementRegistry/icRegistry', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/helper/creatorRenderer', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/model/helper/container', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/editor/gridEditor/content', 'tpl!qtiItemPic/picManager/tpl/manager', 'css!qtiItemPicCss/pic-manager' ], function ( $, _, Promise, loggerFactory, tooltip, icRegistry, creatorRenderer, containerHelper, contentHelper, managerTpl ) { 'use strict'; var _studentToolTag = 'student-tool'; var _studentToolbarId = 'studentToolbar'; var logger = loggerFactory('picManager'); /** * Toggle the disabled state of checkboxes * * @param $checkBoxes * @param state */ function toggleCheckboxState($checkBoxes, state) { $checkBoxes.each(function () { // @todo this is tmp code that needs to go as soon all tools are available // see also further down above check event for another portion of the code if (this.className.indexOf('not-available') > -1) { return true; } // end tmp code this.disabled = state; }); } /** * Create a dummy place holder * * @param typeIdentifier * @returns {*|HTMLElement} */ function getNewInfoControlNode(typeIdentifier) { return $('<span/>') .addClass('widget-box sts-tmp-element sts-placeholder-' + typeIdentifier) .attr('data-new', true) .attr('data-qti-class', 'infoControl.' + typeIdentifier); } /** * * @param $container * @param $itemPanel * @param itemUri */ function initStudentToolManager($container, $itemPanel, item) { var $placeholder; //get list of all info controls available icRegistry.loadCreators().then(function(allInfoControls) { //get item body container //editor panel.. var $itemBody = $itemPanel.find('.qti-itemBody'); //prepare data for the tpl: var tools = {}, toolArray, alreadySet = _.pluck(item.getElements('infoControl'), 'typeIdentifier'), allInfoControlsSize, $managerPanel, i = 0; _.each(allInfoControls, function(creator) { var name = creator.getTypeIdentifier(), manifest = icRegistry.get(name), controlExists = _.indexOf(alreadySet, name) > -1, defaultProperties = creator.getDefaultProperties(), position = defaultProperties.position || 100 + i; if (manifest.disabled) { return; } if (manifest.tags && manifest.tags[0] === _studentToolTag) { tools[name] = { label: manifest.label, description: manifest.description, checked: controlExists, position: position, name: name }; } // store the name also in the value for convenience allInfoControls[name].name = name; // determine where to position a tool on the toolbar allInfoControls[name].position = position; // on load we assume that everything that already exists is also checked // this counts also for the toolbar which has no actual checkbox allInfoControls[name].checked = controlExists; // have the resources already been copied, // i.e. is the tool currently installed allInfoControls[name].installed = controlExists; // must be false, even if tool has been installed // before, resources might have changed allInfoControls[name].copied = false; i++; }); toolArray = _.sortBy(tools, 'position'); allInfoControlsSize = _.size(allInfoControls); $managerPanel = managerTpl({ tools: toolArray }); $container.append($managerPanel); //init tooltips tooltip.lookup($container); //init event listeners: var $checkBoxes = $('[data-role="pic-manager"]').find('input:checkbox'); $checkBoxes.on('change.picmanager', function onChangePicManager(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // install toolbar if required if (this.checked && !allInfoControls[_studentToolbarId].installed) { allInfoControls[_studentToolbarId].checked = true; } allInfoControls[this.name].checked = this.checked; toggleCheckboxState($checkBoxes, true); processAllControls(); }); /** * Creates array of PIC controllers names in order which the controller will be processed * * @returns {String[]} */ function getOrderedPICNames() { return _.keys(allInfoControls).reduce(function(ordered, infoContorolName) { if (infoContorolName === _studentToolbarId) { ordered.unshift(infoContorolName); } else { ordered.push(infoContorolName); } return ordered; }, []); } /** * Iterate over all controls and launch the actual installer/un-installer */ function processAllControls() { var cnt = 0; _.forEach(getOrderedPICNames(), function(controlName) { const control = allInfoControls[controlName]; // is there any action required at all? // if not and if there are still items // left proceed to the next one if (control.checked === control.installed) { cnt++; return true; } processControl(control); // break here and wait for the next call // to be executed from processControl() return false; }); if (cnt === allInfoControlsSize) { toggleCheckboxState($checkBoxes, false); } } /** * Render tool|toolbar * * @param elt */ function renderControl(elt) { var stsClassName = elt.typeIdentifier === _studentToolbarId ? 'sts-scope' : 'sts-scope sts-tmp-element'; //add the student tool css scope elt.attr('class', stsClassName); elt.prop('position', allInfoControls[elt.typeIdentifier].position); elt.prop('toolbarId', 'sts-' + _studentToolbarId); //render it elt.setRenderer(creatorRenderer.get()); elt.render($placeholder); $placeholder = null; Promise.all(elt.postRender({})) .then(function () { var widget = elt.data('widget'); allInfoControls[elt.typeIdentifier].installed = true; //inform height modification widget.$container.trigger('contentChange.gridEdit'); widget.$container.trigger('resize.gridEdit'); if (elt.typeIdentifier !== _studentToolbarId) { toggleCheckboxState($checkBoxes, false); } // continue with the next element of allInfoControls processAllControls(); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error(err); }); } /** * Remove a student tool * * @param control */ function removeControl(control) { var infoControls = item.getElements('infoControl'), remove = function (_control) { var studentTool = _.find(infoControls, { typeIdentifier: _control.name }); //call ic hook destroy() method studentTool.data('pic').destroy(); //remove the widget from dom $('#sts-' + _control.name).remove(); $itemBody.find('.widget-box[data-serial=' + studentTool.serial + ']').remove(); //remove form model item.removeElement(studentTool.serial); allInfoControls[_control.name].checked = false; allInfoControls[_control.name].installed = false; }; //remove it remove(control); // in case there only two elements left, one of them // must be the toolbar and needs to be removed too if (_.size(infoControls) > 2) { processAllControls(); return; } // reset to checked:true on click of any tool remove(allInfoControls[_studentToolbarId]); toggleCheckboxState($checkBoxes, false); processAllControls(); } /** * install|un-install a single control * * @param control * @returns {boolean} */ function processControl(control) { // what needs to be done to the control? install|uninstall if (!control.checked) { removeControl(control); return true; } //create an info control (student tool|toolbar) and add it to the them $placeholder = getNewInfoControlNode(control.name); $itemBody.prepend($placeholder); // install procedure containerHelper.createElements(item.getBody(), contentHelper.getContent($itemBody), function (newElts) { // although newElts appears to be a collection it holds // only _one_ element due to the callback mechanism // between processControl() and processAllControls() _.each(newElts, function (elt) { // update look-up list allInfoControls[control.name].copied = true; renderControl(elt); }); }); } }, true); } return function picManager($container, $itemPanel, itemUri) { //load infoControl model first into the creator renderer creatorRenderer.get().load( function () { initStudentToolManager($container, $itemPanel, itemUri); }, ['infoControl'] ); }; });