<?php /** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA; * * */ use oat\generis\persistence\PersistenceManager; use oat\oatbox\action\Action; use oat\oatbox\log\logger\TaoLog; use oat\oatbox\log\LoggerService; use oat\oatbox\service\ConfigurableService; use oat\oatbox\service\ServiceManager; use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface; class tao_install_Setup implements Action { // Adding container and logger. use \oat\oatbox\log\ContainerLoggerTrait; /** * Setup related dependencies will be reached under this offset. */ const CONTAINER_INDEX = 'taoInstallSetup'; /** * The setup json content offset in the container. */ const SETUP_JSON_CONTENT_OFFSET = 'setupJsonContentOffset'; /** * @param mixed $params The setup params. * * @throws ErrorException When a module is missing or other kind of general error. * @throws common_Exception When the presented config file does not exist * @throws common_exception_Error * @throws common_ext_ExtensionException When a presented parameter is invalid or malformed. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws tao_install_utils_Exception */ public function __invoke($params) { // Using the container if it's necessary with automatic dependency returning. $params = $this->initContainer($params, static::CONTAINER_INDEX); $this->logNotice('Installing TAO...'); if ($this->getContainer() !== null && $this->getContainer()->offsetExists(static::SETUP_JSON_CONTENT_OFFSET)) { $parameters = json_decode($this->getContainer()->offsetGet(static::SETUP_JSON_CONTENT_OFFSET), true); if (is_null($parameters)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your Setup JSON seed is malformed'); } } else { if (!isset($params[0])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('You should provide a file path'); } $filePath = $params[0]; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { throw new \ErrorException('Unable to find ' . $filePath); } $info = pathinfo($filePath); switch ($info['extension']) { case 'json': $parameters = json_decode(file_get_contents($filePath), true); if (is_null($parameters)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your JSON file is malformed'); } break; case 'yml': if (extension_loaded('yaml')) { $parameters = \yaml_parse_file($filePath); if ($parameters === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your YAML file is malformed'); } } else { throw new ErrorException('Extension yaml should be installed'); } break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Please provide a JSON or YAML file'); } } /** @var LoggerService $loggerService */ $loggerService = $this->getContainer()->offsetGet(LoggerService::SERVICE_ID); $loggerService->addLogger( new TaoLog([ 'appenders' => [ [ 'class' => 'SingleFileAppender', 'threshold' => common_Logger::TRACE_LEVEL, 'file' => TAO_INSTALL_PATH . 'tao/install/log/install.log' ] ] ]) ); $options = [ "install_sent" => "1" , "module_host" => "tao.local" , "module_lang" => "en-US" , "module_mode" => "debug" , "module_name" => "mytao" , "module_namespace" => "" , "module_url" => "" , "submit" => "Install" , "user_email" => "" , "user_firstname" => "" , "user_lastname" => "" , "user_login" => "" , "user_pass" => "" , "instance_name" => null , "extensions" => null , 'timezone' => date_default_timezone_get() , 'extra_persistences' => [] ]; if (!isset($parameters['configuration'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'configuration\' key'); } if (!isset($parameters['configuration']['generis'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'generis\' key under \'configuration\''); } if (!isset($parameters['configuration']['global'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'global\' key under \'configuration\''); } $global = $parameters['configuration']['global']; $options['module_namespace'] = $global['namespace']; $options['instance_name'] = $global['instance_name']; $options['module_url'] = $global['url']; $options['module_lang'] = $global['lang']; $options['module_mode'] = $global['mode']; $options['timezone'] = $global['timezone']; $options['import_local'] = (isset($global['import_data']) && $global['import_data'] === true); $rootDir = dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'); $options['root_path'] = isset($global['root_path']) ? $global['root_path'] : realpath($rootDir->path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $options['file_path'] = isset($global['file_path']) ? $global['file_path'] : $options['root_path'] . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (isset($global['session_name'])) { $options['session_name'] = $global['session_name']; } if (isset($global['anonymous_lang'])) { $options['anonymous_lang'] = $global['anonymous_lang']; } //get extensions to install if (isset($parameters['extensions'])) { $options['extensions'] = $parameters['extensions']; } if (!isset($parameters['super-user'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'global\' key under \'generis\''); } $superUser = $parameters['super-user']; $options['user_login'] = $superUser['login']; $options['user_pass1'] = $superUser['password']; if (isset($parameters['lastname'])) { $options['user_lastname'] = $parameters['lastname']; } if (isset($parameters['firstname'])) { $options['user_firstname'] = $parameters['firstname']; } if (isset($parameters['email'])) { $options['user_email'] = $parameters['email']; } $installOptions = [ 'root_path' => $options['root_path'], 'install_path' => $options['root_path'] . 'tao/install/', ]; if (isset($global['installation_config_path'])) { $installOptions['installation_config_path'] = $global['installation_config_path']; } // run the actual install if ($this->getContainer() instanceof \Pimple\Container) { $this->getContainer()->offsetSet(\tao_install_Installator::CONTAINER_INDEX, $installOptions); $installator = new \tao_install_Installator($this->getContainer()); } else { $installator = new \tao_install_Installator($installOptions); } $serviceManager = $installator->getServiceManager(); if (!isset($parameters['configuration']['generis']['persistences'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'persistence\' key under \'generis\''); } $persistences = $parameters['configuration']['generis']['persistences']; if (isset($persistences['default'])) { $parameters['configuration']['generis']['persistences'] = $this->wrapPersistenceConfig($persistences); } elseif (!isset($persistences['type'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Your config should have a \'default\' key under \'persistences\''); } foreach ($parameters['configuration'] as $extension => $configs) { foreach ($configs as $key => $config) { if (isset($config['type']) && $config['type'] === 'configurableService') { $className = $config['class']; $params = $config['options']; if (is_a($className, \oat\oatbox\service\ConfigurableService::class, true)) { if (is_a($className, \oat\tao\model\service\InjectionAwareService::class, true)) { $service = new $className(...$this->prepareParameters($className, $params, $serviceManager)); } else { $service = new $className($params); } $serviceManager->register($extension . '/' . $key, $service); } else { $this->logWarning('The class : ' . $className . ' can not be set as a Configurable Service'); $this->logWarning('Make sure your configuration is correct and all required libraries are installed'); } } } } // mod rewrite cannot be detected in CLI Mode. $installator->escapeCheck('custom_tao_ModRewrite'); $logger = $this->getLogger(); $installator->install($options, function () use ($serviceManager, $parameters, $logger) { /** @var common_ext_ExtensionsManager $extensionManager */ $extensionManager = $serviceManager->get(common_ext_ExtensionsManager::SERVICE_ID); foreach ($parameters['configuration'] as $ext => $configs) { foreach ($configs as $key => $config) { if (! (isset($config['type']) && $config['type'] === 'configurableService')) { if (! is_null($extensionManager->getInstalledVersion($ext))) { $extension = $extensionManager->getExtensionById($ext); if (! $extension->hasConfig($key) || ! $extension->getConfig($key) instanceof ConfigurableService) { if (! $extension->setConfig($key, $config)) { throw new ErrorException('Your config ' . $ext . '/' . $key . ' cannot be set'); } } } } } } // execute post install scripts if (isset($parameters['postInstall'])) { foreach ($parameters['postInstall'] as $script) { if (isset($script['class']) && is_a($script['class'], Action::class, true)) { $object = new $script['class'](); if (is_a($object, ServiceLocatorAwareInterface::class)) { $object->setServiceLocator($serviceManager); } $params = (isset($script['params']) && is_array($script['params'])) ? $script['params'] : []; $report = call_user_func($object, $params); if ($report instanceof common_report_Report) { $logger->info(helpers_Report::renderToCommandline($report)); } } } } $logger->notice('Installation completed!'); }); } /** * @param string $class * @param array $parametersToSort * @param ServiceManager $serviceManager * * @return array * @throws ReflectionException */ private function prepareParameters(string $class, array $parametersToSort, ServiceManager $serviceManager): array { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class); $constructParameters = $reflectionClass->getMethod('__construct')->getParameters(); $sortedParameters = []; while($constructParameters && $parametersToSort) { $parameter = array_shift($constructParameters); $parameterName = $parameter->getName(); try { $paramValue = $parametersToSort[$parameterName] ?? $parameter->getDefaultValue(); $sortedParameters[] = $this->resolveParameter($parameter, $paramValue, $serviceManager); unset($parametersToSort[$parameterName]); } catch (ReflectionException $exception) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('No default value for `$%s` argument in %s::__construct', $parameterName, $class) ); } } if ($parametersToSort) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Invalid arguments `%s` specified for %s', implode(', ', array_keys($parametersToSort)), $class) ); } return $sortedParameters; } private function resolveParameter(ReflectionParameter $parameter, $paramValue, ServiceManager $serviceManager) { if ( is_string($paramValue) && $parameter->getClass() !== null && $serviceManager->has($paramValue) ) { $paramValue = $serviceManager->get($paramValue); } return $paramValue; } /** * Transforms the seed persistence configuration into command line parameters * and then back into a persistence configuration to ensure backwards compatibility * with the previous process * @param array $persistences * @return array */ private function wrapPersistenceConfig($persistences) { $installParams = $this->getCommandLineParameters($persistences['default']); $dbalConfigCreator = new tao_install_utils_DbalConfigCreator(); $persistences['default'] = $dbalConfigCreator->createDbalConfig($installParams); return [ 'type' => 'configurableService', 'class' => PersistenceManager::class, 'options' => [ 'persistences' => $persistences, ], ]; } private function getCommandLineParameters(array $defaultPersistenceConfig): array { if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection'])) { if ($this->isMasterSlaveConnection($defaultPersistenceConfig)) { $options['db_driver'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driver']; $options['db_host'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['host']; $options['db_name'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['dbname']; if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['user'])) { $options['db_user'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['user']; } if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['password'])) { $options['db_pass'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['master']['password']; } } else { $options['db_driver'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driver']; if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driverClass'])) { $options['db_driverClass'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driverClass']; } if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driverOptions'])) { $options['db_driverOptions'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['driverOptions']; } if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['instance'])) { $options['db_instance'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['instance']; } $options['db_host'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['host']; $options['db_name'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['dbname']; if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['user'])) { $options['db_user'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['user']; } if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['password'])) { $options['db_pass'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['password']; } } } else { $options['db_driver'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['driver']; $options['db_host'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['host']; $options['db_name'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['dbname']; if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['user'])) { $options['db_user'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['user']; } if (isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['password'])) { $options['db_pass'] = $defaultPersistenceConfig['password']; } } return $options; } private function isMasterSlaveConnection(array $defaultPersistenceConfig): bool { return isset($defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['wrapperClass']) && $defaultPersistenceConfig['connection']['wrapperClass'] === '\\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connections\\MasterSlaveConnection'; } }