extensions = $extensions;
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
$file = ROOT_PATH . $extension . '/.htaccess';
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (!is_readable($file)) {
throw new tao_install_utils_Exception("Unable to read .htaccess file of extension '" . $extension . " while Production Mode activation'.");
$this->accessFiles[] = $file;
public function disableRewritePattern(array $patterns)
$globalPattern = '';
$size = count($patterns) - 1;
foreach ($patterns as $i => $pattern) {
$globalPattern .= preg_quote($pattern, '/');
if ($i < $size) {
$globalPattern .= '|';
if (!empty($globalPattern)) {
foreach ($this->accessFiles as $file) {
$lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file));
$updated = 0;
foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
if (preg_match("/" . $globalPattern . "/", $line)) {
$lines[$i] = '#' . $line;
if ($updated > 0) {
if (!is_writable($file)) {
throw new tao_install_utils_Exception("Unable to write .htaccess file : ${file}.");
file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines));
public function protectInstall()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
$installDir = ROOT_PATH . $extension . '/install/';
if (file_exists($installDir) && is_dir($installDir)) {
if (!is_writable($installDir) || (file_exists($installDir . '.htaccess' && !is_writable($installDir . '.htaccess')))) {
throw new tao_install_utils_Exception("Unable to write .htaccess file into : ${installDir}.");
file_put_contents($installDir . '.htaccess', "Options +FollowSymLinks\n"
. "\n"
. "RewriteEngine On\n"
. "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/css/ [NC]\n"
. "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/js/ [NC]\n"
. "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/images/ [NC]\n"
. "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/production.html [NC]\n"
. "RewriteRule ^.*$ " . ROOT_URL . "tao/install/production.html\n"
. "");
public function denyAccessTo($paths)
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (!preg_match("/^\\" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "/", $path)) {
$path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
$denied = ROOT_PATH . $extension . $path;
if (file_exists($denied) && is_dir($denied)) {
$accessFile = $denied . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess';
if (!is_writable($denied) || (file_exists($accessFile && !is_writable($accessFile)))) {
throw new tao_install_utils_Exception("Unable to write .htaccess file into : ${denied}.");
file_put_contents($accessFile, "\n"
. "RewriteEngine On\n"
. "RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F]\n"
. "");