msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: TAO 3.4.0-sprint120\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-31T09:41:41\n" "Last-Translator: TAO Translation Team \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Language: ja-JP\n" "sourceLanguage: en-US\n" "targetLanguage: ja-JP\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" msgid "Add to group" msgstr "グループに追加" #, tao-public msgid "Copy To" msgstr "指定コピー" #, tao-public msgid "Delete" msgstr "削除" #, tao-public msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "コピー" msgid "Edit group" msgstr "グループの編集" #, tao-public msgid "Export" msgstr "エクスポート" msgid "Group saved" msgstr "グループ保存" #, tao-public msgid "Group test takers according to global features and classifications." msgstr "グローバルな特徴や分類に応じて、受検者をグループ化する。" msgid "Group uri is not valid" msgstr "グループURIは無効です" #, tao-public msgid "Groups" msgstr "グループ" #, tao-public msgid "Groups library" msgstr "グループライブラリ" #, tao-public msgid "Import" msgstr "インポート" msgid "Last updated on %2s" msgstr "最終更新日:%2s" #, tao-public msgid "Manage groups" msgstr "グループの管理" #, tao-public msgid "Manage Schema" msgstr "スキーマ管理" #, tao-public msgid "Move" msgstr "移動" #, tao-public msgid "Move To" msgstr "指定移動" #, tao-public msgid "New class" msgstr "新規クラス" #, tao-public msgid "New Group" msgstr "新規グループ" #, tao-public msgid "Properties" msgstr "プロパティ" msgid "Select group test takers" msgstr "グループ対象受検者" msgid "The Groups module allows to group Test takers according to global features and classifications." msgstr "グループは、グローバルな特徴や分類に従って受検者をグループ化することができます。" msgid "Unable to create new group" msgstr "新規グループを作成できません" msgid "Unable to delete group" msgstr "グループを削除できません"