define([ 'taoQtiItem/portableLib/jquery_2_1_1', 'taoQtiItem/portableLib/interact', 'taoQtiItem/portableLib/OAT/sts/transform-helper' ], function( $, interact, transformHelper ){ 'use strict'; /** * Start rotation, this will work on on mobile and desktop * Note: this will work on ONE rotatable only! * * @param rotatable single DOM element * @param handleSelector */ function init (rotatable, handleSelector) { var handles, angle = 0, origin, fn = (!!interact.supportsTouch() ? 'gesturable' : 'draggable'), i; handles = handleSelector ? rotatable.querySelectorAll(handleSelector) : [rotatable]; origin = transformHelper.getRotationCenter(rotatable); i = handles.length; while(i--) { interact(handles[i])[fn]({ onmove: function (event) { var handleAngle, offset, hypotenuse, transformObject, currentAngle, R, S, RS, sides, absPosition, vectors, vector, length; handleAngle ='sts-handle-rotate-l') > -1 ? -90 : 90; offset = $(rotatable).offset(); // This section calculates the absolute position of the centre of the shape. // TODO: take account of the larger square // origin x and y are here the sides of the triangle hypotenuse = Math.sqrt((origin.x * origin.x) + (origin.y * origin.y)); // get currently applied angle transformObject = transformHelper.cssTransformObj(rotatable); currentAngle = parseInt(transformObject.rotate, 10); // angles // R requires us to get the real rotation, not the applied rotation that is based // on the rotation helpers R = (currentAngle - handleAngle) * (Math.PI / 180); S = Math.atan2(origin.x, origin.y) - (Math.PI / 2.0); RS = R + S; // new sides sides = { b: Math.abs(Math.sin(RS) * hypotenuse), c: Math.abs(Math.cos(RS) * hypotenuse) }; absPosition = { x: sides.b + offset.left, y: sides.c + }; // Using the absolute position, turn towards the mouse position vectors = { x: absPosition.x - event.clientX, y: -(absPosition.y - event.clientY) }; length = Math.sqrt((vectors.x * vectors.x) + (vectors.y * vectors.y)); for(vector in vectors) { vectors[vector] /= length; } angle = Math.atan2(vectors.x, vectors.y) * (180 / Math.PI); // The rotation helper's angle to the real rotation needs to be taken into account angle += handleAngle; = = 'rotate(' + (angle).toString() + 'deg)'; } }); } } return { init: init } });