 * ScaleRaphael 0.8 by Zevan Rosser 2010 
 * For use with Raphael library : www.raphaeljs.com
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
 * www.shapevent.com/scaleraphael/
 * @author Bertrand Chevrier <bertrand@taotesting.com> for OAT SA
 * - Code refactoring to fit AMD modules
define(['taoQtiItem/portableLib/jquery_2_1_1', 'taoQtiItem/portableLib/raphael'], function($, Raphael){
  var scaleRaphael = function(container, width, height){
    var wrapper = container.style ? container : document.getElementById(container);
   if (!wrapper.style.position){
         wrapper.style.position = "relative";

    wrapper.style.width = width + "px";
    wrapper.style.height = height + "px";
    //wrapper.style.overflow = "hidden";
    var nestedWrapper;
    if (Raphael.type === "VML"){
      wrapper.innerHTML = "<rvml:group style='position : absolute; width: 1000px; height: 1000px; top: 0px; left: 0px' coordsize='1000,1000' class='rvml'><\/rvml:group>";
      nestedWrapper = $(".rvml", $(wrapper))[0];
      wrapper.innerHTML = "<div class='svggroup'><\/div>";
      nestedWrapper = $(".svggroup", $(wrapper))[0];

    var paper = new Raphael(nestedWrapper, width, height);
    var vmlDiv;
    if (Raphael.type === "SVG"){
      paper.canvas.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 "+width+" "+height);
      vmlDiv = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
    paper.changeSize = function(w, h, center, clipping){
      clipping = !clipping;
      var ratioW = w / width;
      var ratioH = h / height;
      var scale = ratioW < ratioH ? ratioW : ratioH;
      var newHeight = parseInt(height * scale);
      var newWidth = parseInt(width * scale);
      if (Raphael.type === "VML"){
         // scale the textpaths
       var txt = document.getElementsByTagName("textpath");
        for (var i in txt){
          var curr = txt[i];
          if (curr.style){
              var mod = curr.style.font.split("px");
              curr._fontSize = parseInt(mod[0]);
              curr._font = mod[1];
            curr.style.font = curr._fontSize * scale + "px" + curr._font;
        var newSize; 
        if (newWidth < newHeight){
         newSize = newWidth * 1000 / width;
         newSize = newHeight * 1000 / height;
        newSize = parseInt(newSize);
        nestedWrapper.style.width = newSize + "px";
        nestedWrapper.style.height = newSize + "px";
        if (clipping){
          nestedWrapper.style.left = parseInt((w - newWidth) / 2) + "px";
          nestedWrapper.style.top = parseInt((h - newHeight) / 2) + "px";
        vmlDiv.style.overflow = "visible";
      if (clipping){
        newWidth = w;
        newHeight = h;
      wrapper.style.width = newWidth + "px";
      wrapper.style.height = newHeight + "px";
      paper.setSize(newWidth, newHeight);
      if (center){
        wrapper.style.position = "absolute";
        wrapper.style.left = parseInt((w - newWidth) / 2) + "px";
        wrapper.style.top = parseInt((h - newHeight) / 2) + "px";
    paper.scaleAll = function(amount){
      paper.changeSize(width * amount, height * amount);
    paper.changeSize(width, height);
    paper.w = width;
    paper.h = height;
    return paper;

    return scaleRaphael;