define([ 'jquery', 'lodash', 'ui/hider', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/core/Element', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/core/variables/ResponseDeclaration', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/model/mixin/editable', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/core/response/SimpleFeedbackRule', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/helper/response' ], function($, _, hider, Element, ResponseDeclaration, editable, SimpleFeedbackRule, responseHelper){ "use strict"; var methods = {}; _.extend(methods, editable); _.extend(methods, { setTemplate : function(template){ var templateUri = responseHelper.getTemplateUriFromName(template) || null; if(this.template !== templateUri){ this.template = templateUri; $(document).trigger('responseTemplateChange.qti-widget', {'element' : this, 'value' : template}); } return this; }, getTemplate : function(){ return this.template; }, resetCorrect : function(){ this.correctResponse = null; $(document).trigger('correctResponseChange.qti-widget', {'element' : this, 'value' : null}); return this; }, setCorrect : function(value){ if(_.isString(value)){ value = [value]; } this.correctResponse = value; $(document).trigger('correctResponseChange.qti-widget', {'element' : this, 'value' : value}); return this; }, getCorrect : function(){ return _.clone(this.correctResponse); }, setMappingAttribute : function(name, value){ this.mappingAttributes[name] = value; $(document).trigger('mappingAttributeChange.qti-widget', {'element' : this, 'key' : name, 'value' : value}); }, removeMappingAttribute : function(name){ delete this.mappingAttributes[name]; $(document).trigger('mappingAttributeChange.qti-widget', {'element' : this, 'key' : name, 'value' : null}); }, getMappingAttribute : function(name){ return this.mappingAttributes[name]; }, toggleMappingForm: function toggleMappingForm() { var mappingDisabled = _.isEmpty(this.mapEntries); var $panel = this.renderer.getAreaBroker().getPropertyPanelArea(); $('.response-mapping-attributes input', $panel).each(function () { $(this).attr("disabled", mappingDisabled); }); hider.toggle($('.response-mapping-attributes', $panel), !mappingDisabled); hider.toggle($('.response-mapping-info', $panel), mappingDisabled); }, setMapEntry : function(mapKey, mappedValue, caseSensitive){ mappedValue = parseFloat(mappedValue); caseSensitive = caseSensitive ? true : false; if (!isNaN(mappedValue)) { if (this.attr('cardinality') === 'multiple' && this.attr('baseType') === 'pair') { //in this case, A-B is equivalent to B-A so need to check if any of those conbination already exists: const mapKeys = mapKey.split(' '); const mapKeysReverse = mapKeys[1] + ' ' + mapKeys[0]; if (this.mapEntries[mapKeysReverse]) { this.mapEntries[mapKeysReverse] = mappedValue; } else { this.mapEntries[mapKey] = mappedValue; } } else { this.mapEntries[mapKey] = mappedValue; } } else { this.mapEntries[mapKey] = 0; } this.toggleMappingForm(); /** * @todo caseSensitive is always set to "false" currently, need to add an option for this * this.mapEntries[mapKey] = { 'mappedValue' : mappedValue, 'caseSensitive' : caseSensitive }; */ $(document).trigger('mapEntryChange.qti-widget', { element : this, mapKey : mapKey, mappedValue : mappedValue, caseSensitive : caseSensitive }); return this; }, removeMapEntry : function(mapKey, canBeEmpty){ //is there a opportunity mapKey to be empty string if(typeof canBeEmpty == 'undefined'){ canBeEmpty = false; } if(mapKey || canBeEmpty){ if(this.attr('cardinality') === 'multiple' && this.attr('baseType') === 'pair'){ //in this case, A-B is equivalent to B-A so need to check if any of those conbination already exists: var mapKeys = mapKey.split(' '), mapKeysReverse = mapKeys[1] + ' ' + mapKeys[0]; delete this.mapEntries[mapKeysReverse]; } delete this.mapEntries[mapKey]; this.toggleMappingForm(); $(document).trigger('mapEntryRemove.qti-widget', {element : this, mapKey : mapKey}); } return this; }, getMapEntries : function(){ return _.clone(this.mapEntries); }, removeMapEntries : function(){ _(this.mapEntries).keys().forEach(this.removeMapEntry, this); }, createFeedbackRule : function(){ var item = this.getRootElement(); var outcome = item.createOutcomeDeclaration({ identifier : 'FEEDBACK', cardinality : 'single', baseType : 'identifier' }); var modalFeedback = item.createModalFeedback({ identifier : 'feedbackModal', outcomeIdentifier : }, this); var rule = new SimpleFeedbackRule('', outcome, modalFeedback); rule.setCondition(this, 'correct'); this.feedbackRules[rule.getSerial()] = rule; //set renderer var renderer = this.getRenderer(); if(renderer){ rule.setRenderer(renderer); modalFeedback.setRenderer(renderer); } //trigger creation event $(document).trigger('feedbackRuleCreated.qti-widget', {element : this, rule : rule}); return rule; }, getFeedbackRule : function(serial){ return this.feedbackRules[serial]; }, getFeedbackRules : function(){ return _.clone(this.feedbackRules); }, setCondition : function(rule, condition, value){ rule.setCondition(this, condition, value); $(document).trigger('feedbackRuleConditionChange.qti-widget', {element : this, rule : rule, condition : condition, value : value}); }, deleteFeedbackRule : function(rule){ var item = this.getRootElement(), ret; item.remove('outcomes', rule.feedbackOutcome); item.remove('modalFeedbacks', rule.feedbackThen); item.remove('modalFeedbacks', rule.feedbackElse || '');//feedback "else" is optional ret = this.remove('feedbackRules', rule); $(document).trigger('feedbackRuleRemoved.qti-widget', {element : this, rule : rule}); return ret; }, createFeedbackElse : function(rule){ var modalFeedback; if(Element.isA(rule, '_simpleFeedbackRule')){ modalFeedback = this.getRootElement().createModalFeedback({ identifier : 'feedbackModal', outcomeIdentifier : }, this); rule.setFeedbackElse(modalFeedback); //set renderer var renderer = this.getRenderer(); if(renderer){ modalFeedback.setRenderer(renderer); } $(document).trigger('feedbackRuleElseCreated.qti-widget', {element : this, rule : rule, modalFeedback : modalFeedback}); } return modalFeedback; }, deleteFeedbackElse : function(rule){ this.getRootElement().remove('modalFeedbacks', rule.feedbackElse); rule.feedbackElse = null; $(document).trigger('feedbackRuleElseRemoved.qti-widget', {element : this, rule : rule}); }, getDefaultAttributes : function(){ return {}; } }); return ResponseDeclaration.extend(methods); });