/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2016 Open Assessment Technologies SA; * */ define([ 'lodash', 'i18n', 'jquery', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/widgets/interactions/helpers/formElement', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/editor/response/choiceSelector' ], function(_, __, $, formElement, choiceSelector){ 'use strict'; var _ns = '.modal-feedback-condition'; var _availableConditions = [ { name : 'correct', label : __('correct'), init : hideScore, onSet : onSetScore, onUnset : onUnsetCorrect }, { name : 'incorrect', label : __('incorrect'), init : hideScore, onSet : onSetScore, onUnset : onUnsetCorrect }, { name : 'choices', label : __('choices'), init : function initChoice(fbRule, $select){ hideScore(fbRule, $select); var condition = this.name; var response = fbRule.comparedOutcome; var interaction = response.getInteraction(); var $choiceSelectorContainer = $('<div>', {'class' : 'choiceSelectorContainer'}).insertAfter($select); var cSelector = choiceSelector({ renderTo : $choiceSelectorContainer, interaction : interaction, choices : fbRule.comparedValue || [], titleLength : 30 }); $choiceSelectorContainer.data('choice-selector', cSelector); cSelector.on('change', function(selectedChoices){ response.setCondition(fbRule, condition, selectedChoices || []); }); }, onSet : function onSetChoices(fbRule, $select){ var response = fbRule.comparedOutcome; var interaction = response.getInteraction(); var choice; var intialValue = []; if(!response.isCardinality(['multiple', 'ordered'])){ choice = _.head(_.values(interaction.getChoices())); if(choice){ intialValue = [choice];//a single cardinality response comparison requires a choice selected } } fbRule.comparedOutcome.setCondition(fbRule, this.name, intialValue); }, onUnset : function onUnsetChoices(fbRule, $select){ //this needs to be executed to restore the feedback rule value _resetScore(fbRule, $select); this.destroy($select); }, destroy : function($select){ var $cContainer = $select.next('.choiceSelectorContainer'); var choiceSelector = $cContainer.data('choice-selector'); if(choiceSelector){ choiceSelector.destroy(); $cContainer.remove(); } }, filter : function filterChoices(response){ var interaction = response.getInteraction(); return (interaction.is('choiceInteraction') || interaction.is('inlineChoiceInteraction')); } }, { name : 'lt', label : '<', init : initCompare, onSet : onSetScore }, { name : 'lte', label : '<=', init : initCompare, onSet : onSetScore }, { name : 'equal', label : '=', init : initCompare, onSet : onSetScore }, { name : 'gte', label : '>=', init : initCompare, onSet : onSetScore }, { name : 'gt', label : '>', init : initCompare, onSet : onSetScore } ]; function _resetScore(fbRule, $select){ $select.siblings('.feedbackRule-compared-value').val('0'); } function onSetScore(fbRule, $select){ var response = fbRule.comparedOutcome; var condition = this.name; var $comparedValue = $select.siblings('.feedbackRule-compared-value'); formElement.setScore($comparedValue, { required : true, set : function(key, value){ response.setCondition(fbRule, condition, value); } }); } function onUnsetCorrect(fbRule, $select){ _resetScore(fbRule, $select); } function initCompare(fbRule, $select){ var response = fbRule.comparedOutcome; $select.siblings('.feedbackRule-compared-value') .show() .off('keyup' + _ns) .on('keyup' + _ns, function(){ var fbRule = response.getFeedbackRule($(this).parents('.feedbackRule-container').data('serial')); formElement.setScore($(this), { required : true, set : function(key, value){ response.setCondition(fbRule, fbRule.condition, value); } }); }); } function hideScore(fbRule, $select){ $select.siblings('.feedbackRule-compared-value').hide(); } function getAvailableConditions(response){ return _.filter(_availableConditions, function(condition){ if(_.isFunction(condition.filter)){ return condition.filter(response); } return true;//accept by default }); } return { get : getAvailableConditions }; });