
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
 * of the License (non-upgradable).
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA (under the project TAO-PRODUCT);

use oat\taoQtiTest\models\runner\RunnerService;
use qtism\runtime\rendering\markup\xhtml\XhtmlRenderingEngine;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlStorageException;
use qtism\runtime\rendering\markup\MarkupPostRenderer;
use qtism\runtime\rendering\css\CssScoper;
use qtism\data\QtiComponentIterator;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlDocument;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlCompactDocument;
use qtism\data\AssessmentTest;
use qtism\data\ExtendedAssessmentSection;
use qtism\data\ExtendedAssessmentItemRef;
use qtism\data\AssessmentItemRef;
use qtism\data\content\RubricBlock;
use qtism\data\content\StylesheetCollection;
use qtism\common\utils\Url;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\Service;
use League\Flysystem\FileExistsException;
use oat\oatbox\filesystem\Directory;
use oat\taoQtiTest\models\TestCategoryRulesService;
use oat\taoQtiTest\models\QtiTestCompilerIndex;
use oat\taoQtiTest\models\cat\CatService;
use oat\taoQtiTest\models\CompilationDataService;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\QtiJsonItemCompiler;
use oat\taoDelivery\model\container\delivery\DeliveryContainerRegistry;
use oat\taoDelivery\model\container\delivery\ContainerProvider;
use oat\tao\model\metadata\compiler\ResourceJsonMetadataCompiler;

 * A Test Compiler implementation that compiles a QTI Test and related QTI Items.
 * @author Jérôme Bogaerts <jerome@taotesting.com>
 * @package taoQtiTest

class taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompiler extends taoTests_models_classes_TestCompiler implements ContainerProvider
    const ADAPTIVE_SECTION_MAP_FILENAME = 'adaptive-section-map.json';

    const ADAPTIVE_PLACEHOLDER_CATEGORY = 'x-tao-qti-adaptive-placeholder';

    const COMPILATION_INFO_FILENAME = 'compilation-info.json';
     * The list of mime types of files that are accepted to be put
     * into the public compilation directory.
     * @var array
    private static $publicMimeTypes = ['text/css',

     * The public compilation directory.
     * @var tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory
    private $publicDirectory = null;

     * The private compilation directory.
     * @var tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory
    private $privateDirectory = null;

     * The rendering engine that will be used to create rubric block templates.
     * @var XhtmlRenderingEngine
    private $renderingEngine = null;

     * The Post renderer to be used in template oriented rendering.
     * @var MarkupPostRenderer
    private $markupPostRenderer = null;

     * The CSS Scoper will scope CSS files to their related rubric block.
     * @var CssScoper
    private $cssScoper = null;

     * An additional path to be used when test definitions are located in sub-directories.
     * @var string
    private $extraPath;

    private $compilationInfo = [];

     * Whenever or not rubric block css should be scoped
     * @var boolean
    private $settingCssScope = true;

     * Whenever or not the new client test runner should be used
     * @var boolean
    private $settingClientContainer = true;

     * Get the public compilation directory.
     * @return tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory
    protected function getPublicDirectory()
        return $this->publicDirectory;

     * Set the public compilation directory.
     * @param tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory $directory
    protected function setPublicDirectory(tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory $directory)
        $this->publicDirectory = $directory;

     * Get the private compilation directory.
     * @return tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory
    protected function getPrivateDirectory()
        return $this->privateDirectory;

     * Set the private compilation directory.
     * @param tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory $directory
    protected function setPrivateDirectory(tao_models_classes_service_StorageDirectory $directory)
        $this->privateDirectory = $directory;

     * Get the rendering engine that will be used to render rubric block templates.
     * @return XhtmlRenderingEngine
    protected function getRenderingEngine()
        return $this->renderingEngine;

     * Set the rendering engine that will be used to render rubric block templates.
     * @param XhtmlRenderingEngine $renderingEngine
    protected function setRenderingEngine(XhtmlRenderingEngine $renderingEngine)
        $this->renderingEngine = $renderingEngine;

     * Get the markup post renderer to be used after template oriented rendering.
     * @return MarkupPostRenderer
    protected function getMarkupPostRenderer()
        return $this->markupPostRenderer;

     * Set the markup post renderer to be used after template oriented rendering.
     * @param MarkupPostRenderer $markupPostRenderer
    protected function setMarkupPostRenderer(MarkupPostRenderer $markupPostRenderer)
        $this->markupPostRenderer = $markupPostRenderer;

     * Get the CSS Scoper tool that will scope CSS files to their related rubric block.
     * @return CssScoper
    protected function getCssScoper()
        return $this->cssScoper;

     * Set the CSS Scoper tool that will scope CSS files to their related rubric block.
     * @param CssScoper $cssScoper
    protected function setCssScoper(CssScoper $cssScoper)
        $this->cssScoper = $cssScoper;

     * Get the extra path to be used when test definition is located
     * in sub-directories.
     * @return string
    protected function getExtraPath()
        return $this->extraPath;

     * Set the extra path to be used when test definition is lovated in sub-directories.
     * @param string $extraPath
    protected function setExtraPath($extraPath)
        $this->extraPath = $extraPath;

     * Initialize the compilation by:
     * * 1. Spawning public and private compilation directoryies.
     * * 2. Instantiating appropriate rendering engine and CSS utilities.
     * for the next compilation process.
    protected function initCompilation()

        // Initialize public and private compilation directories.

        // Extra path.
        $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
        $testDefinitionDir = dirname($testService->getRelTestPath($this->getResource()));

        // Initialize rendering engine.
        $renderingEngine = new XhtmlRenderingEngine();
        $renderingEngine->setRootBase(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_PLACEHOLDER_BASE_URI . rtrim($this->getExtraPath(), $ds));

        // Initialize CSS Scoper.
        $this->setCssScoper(new CssScoper());

        // Initialize Post Markup Renderer.
        $this->setMarkupPostRenderer(new MarkupPostRenderer(true, true, true));

        // Initialize the index that will contains info about items
        $this->setContext(new QtiTestCompilerIndex());

     * Compile a QTI Test and the related QTI Items.
     * The compilation process occurs as follows:
     * * 1. The resources composing the test are copied into the private compilation directory.
     * * 2. The test definition is packed (test and items put together in a single definition).
     * * 3. The items composing the test are compiled.
     * * 4. The rubric blocks are rendered into PHP templates.
     * * 5. The test definition is compiled into PHP source code for maximum performance.
     * * 6. The resources composing the test that have to be accessed at delivery time are compied into the public compilation directory.
     * * 7. The Service Call definition enabling TAO to run the compiled test is built.
     * @return tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCall A ServiceCall object that represent the way to call the newly compiled test.
     * @throws taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException If an error occurs during the compilation.
    public function compile()

        $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_INFO);

        try {
            // 0. Initialize compilation (compilation directories, renderers, ...).

            // 1. Copy the resources composing the test into the private complilation directory.

            // 2. Compact the test definition itself.
            $compiledDoc = $this->compactTest();

            // 3. Compile the items of the test.
            $itemReport = $this->compileItems($compiledDoc);
            if ($itemReport->getType() != common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
                common_Logger::e($report->getMessage(), $report->getErrors());
                $msg = 'Failed item compilation.';
                $code = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException::ITEM_COMPILATION;
                throw new taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException($msg, $this->getResource(), $code);

            // 4. Explode the rubric blocks in the test into rubric block refs.

            // 5. Update test definition with additional runtime info.
            $assessmentTest = $compiledDoc->getDocumentComponent();

            // 6. Compile rubricBlocks and serialize on disk.

            // 7. Copy the needed files into the public directory.

            // 8. Compile adaptive components of the test.

            // 9. Compile the test definition into PHP source code and put it
            // into the private directory.

            // 9.1. Compile test meta data into JSON file.

            // 10. Compile the test meta data into PHP array source code and put it
            // into the private directory.

            // 11. Compile the test index in JSON content and put it into the private directory.

            // 12. Build the service call.
            $serviceCall = $this->buildServiceCall();

            // 13. Record some compilation info.

            common_Logger::t("QTI Test successfully compiled.");

            $report->setMessage(__('QTI Test "%s" successfully published.', $this->getResource()->getLabel()));
        } catch (XmlStorageException $e) {
            $report = $this->prepareXmlStorageExceptionReport($e, $report);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // All exception that were not catched in the compilation steps
            // above have a last chance here.
            $report->setMessage(__('QTI Test "%s" publishing failed.', $this->getResource()->getLabel()));

        // Reset time outs to initial value.

        return $report;

     * @param XmlStorageException $e
     * @param common_report_Report $report
     * @return common_report_Report
     * @throws common_exception_Error
    private function prepareXmlStorageExceptionReport(XmlStorageException $e, common_report_Report $report)
        $details[] = $e->getMessage();
        $subReport = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('The QTI Test XML or one of its dependencies is malformed or empty.'));
        $itemReport = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, $e->getMessage());
        while (($previous = $e->getPrevious()) != null) {
            $details[] = $previous->getMessage();
            $e = $e->getPrevious();
        if (method_exists($e, 'getErrors')) {
            /** @var LibXMLError $error */
            foreach ($e->getErrors() as $error) {
                $itemReport->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, $error->message));
        } else {
            $itemReport->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, $e->getMessage()));


        common_Logger::e(implode("\n", $details));

        $report->setMessage(__('QTI Test "%s" publishing failed.', $this->getResource()->getLabel()));
        return $report;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \oat\taoDelivery\model\container\delivery\ContainerProvider::getContainer()
    public function getContainer()
        $registry = DeliveryContainerRegistry::getRegistry();
        if ($this->useClientTestRunner()) {
            // client container
            $container = $registry->getDeliveryContainer('qtiTest', [
                'source' => $this->getResource()->getUri(),
                'private' => $this->getPrivateDirectory()->getId(),
                'public' => $this->getPublicDirectory()->getId()
        } else {
            $serviceCall = $this->buildServiceCall();
            $container = $registry->getDeliveryContainer('service', $serviceCall);
        return $container;

     * Compact the test and items in a single QTI-XML Compact Document.
     * @return XmlCompactDocument.
    protected function compactTest()
        $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
        $test = $this->getResource();

        common_Logger::t('Compacting QTI test ' . $test->getLabel() . '...');

        $resolver = new taoQtiTest_helpers_ItemResolver(Service::singleton());
        $originalDoc = $testService->getDoc($test);

        $compiledDoc = XmlCompactDocument::createFromXmlAssessmentTestDocument($originalDoc, $resolver, $resolver);
        common_Logger::t("QTI Test XML transformed in a compact version.");

        return $compiledDoc;

     * Compile the items referended by $compactDoc.
     * @param XmlCompactDocument $compactDoc An XmlCompactDocument object referencing the items of the test.
     * @throws taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException If the test does not refer to at least one item.
     * @return common_report_Report
    protected function compileItems(XmlCompactDocument $compactDoc)
        $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Items Compilation'));
        $iterator = new QtiComponentIterator($compactDoc->getDocumentComponent(), ['assessmentItemRef']);
        $itemCount = 0;
        foreach ($iterator as $assessmentItemRef) {
            // Each item could take some time to be compiled, making the request to timeout.
            $subReport = $this->useClientTestRunner()
                ? $this->compileJsonItem($assessmentItemRef)
                : $this->legacyCompileItem($assessmentItemRef);
            if ($subReport->getType() != common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
            // Count the item even if it fails to avoid false "no item" error.
            common_Logger::t("QTI Item successfully compiled and registered as a service call in the QTI Test Definition.");

        if ($itemCount === 0) {
            $report->setMessage(__("A QTI Test must contain at least one QTI Item to be compiled. None found."));
        return $report;

     * @param AssessmentItemRef $assessmentItemRef
     * @return common_report_Report
    protected function legacyCompileItem(AssessmentItemRef &$assessmentItemRef)
        $item = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($assessmentItemRef->getHref());
        $report = $this->subCompile($item);
        if ($report->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
            $itemService = $report->getdata();
            $inputValues = tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCallHelper::getInputValues($itemService, []);
            $assessmentItemRef->setHref($inputValues['itemUri'] . '|' . $inputValues['itemPath'] . '|' . $inputValues['itemDataPath']);

            // Ask for item ref information compilation for fast later usage.
        return $report;

     * @param AssessmentItemRef $item
     * @return common_report_Report
    protected function compileJsonItem(AssessmentItemRef &$assessmentItemRef)
        $jsonCompiler = new QtiJsonItemCompiler(
            new core_kernel_classes_Resource($assessmentItemRef->getHref()),
        $report = $jsonCompiler->compileJson();
        if ($report->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
            // store $itemUri, $publicDirId, $privateDirId in a string
            $assessmentItemRef->setHref(implode('|', $report->getdata()));
        return $report;

     * Explode the rubric blocks of the test definition into separate QTI-XML files and
     * remove the compact XML document from the file system (useless for
     * the rest of the compilation process).
     * @param XmlCompactDocument $compiledDoc
    protected function explodeRubricBlocks(XmlCompactDocument $compiledDoc)
        common_Logger::t("Exploding QTI rubricBlocks...");

        $privateDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();
        $explodedRubricBlocks = $compiledDoc->explodeRubricBlocks();

        foreach ($explodedRubricBlocks as $href => $rubricBlock) {
            $doc = new XmlDocument();

            $data = $doc->saveToString();
            $privateDir->write($href, $data);

     * Update the test definition with additional data, such as TAO specific
     * rules and variables.
     * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest
    protected function updateTestDefinition(AssessmentTest $assessmentTest)
        // Call TestCategoryRulesService to generate additional rules if enabled.
        $config = $this->getTaoQtiTestExtension()->getConfig('TestCompiler');
        if (isset($config['enable-category-rules-generation']) && $config['enable-category-rules-generation'] === true) {
            common_Logger::t('Automatic Category Rules Generation will occur...');
            $testCategoryRulesService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(TestCategoryRulesService::SERVICE_ID);

     * Copy the resources (e.g. images) of the test to the private compilation directory.
    protected function copyPrivateResources()
        $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
        $testDefinitionDir = $testService->getQtiTestDir($this->getResource());

        $privateDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();
        $iterator = $testDefinitionDir->getFlyIterator(Directory::ITERATOR_RECURSIVE | Directory::ITERATOR_FILE);
        foreach ($iterator as $object) {
            $relPath = $testDefinitionDir->getRelPath($object);

     * Build the Service Call definition that makes TAO able to run the compiled test
     * later on at delivery time.
     * @return tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCall
    protected function buildServiceCall()
        $service = new tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCall(new core_kernel_classes_Resource(RunnerService::INSTANCE_TEST_RUNNER_SERVICE));
        $param = new tao_models_classes_service_ConstantParameter(
                        // Test Definition URI passed to the QtiTestRunner service.
            new core_kernel_classes_Resource(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::INSTANCE_FORMAL_PARAM_TEST_DEFINITION),

        $param = new tao_models_classes_service_ConstantParameter(
                        // Test Compilation URI passed to the QtiTestRunner service.
            new core_kernel_classes_Resource(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::INSTANCE_FORMAL_PARAM_TEST_COMPILATION),
            $this->getPrivateDirectory()->getId() . '|' . $this->getPublicDirectory()->getId()

        return $service;

     * Compile the RubricBlocRefs' contents into a separate rubric block PHP template.
     * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest The AssessmentTest object you want to compile the rubrickBlocks.
    protected function compileRubricBlocks(AssessmentTest $assessmentTest)
        common_Logger::t("Compiling QTI rubricBlocks...");

        $rubricBlockRefs = $assessmentTest->getComponentsByClassName('rubricBlockRef');
        $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
        $sourceDir = $testService->getQtiTestDir($this->getResource());

        foreach ($rubricBlockRefs as $rubricRef) {
            $rubricRefHref = $rubricRef->getHref();
            $cssScoper = $this->getCssScoper();
            $renderingEngine = $this->getRenderingEngine();
            $markupPostRenderer = $this->getMarkupPostRenderer();
            $publicCompiledDocDir = $this->getPublicDirectory();
            $privateCompiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();

            // -- loading...
            common_Logger::t("Loading rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");

            $rubricDoc = new XmlDocument();

            common_Logger::t("rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully loaded.");

            // -- rendering...
            common_Logger::t("Rendering rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");

            $pathinfo = pathinfo($rubricRefHref);
            $renderingFile = $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php';

            $rubric = $rubricDoc->getDocumentComponent();
            $rubricStylesheets = $rubric->getStylesheets();
            $stylesheets = new StylesheetCollection();
            // In any case, include the base QTI Stylesheet.

            // -- If the rubricBlock has no id, give it a auto-generated one in order
            // to be sure that CSS rescoping procedure works fine (it needs at least an id
            // to target its scoping).
            if ($rubric->hasId() === false) {
                // Prepend 'tao' to the generated id because the CSS
                // ident token must begin by -|[a-zA-Z]
                $rubric->setId('tao' . uniqid());

            // -- Copy eventual remote resources of the rubricBlock.

            $domRendering = $renderingEngine->render($rubric);
            $mainStringRendering = $markupPostRenderer->render($domRendering);

            // Prepend stylesheets rendering to the main rendering.
            $styleRendering = $renderingEngine->getStylesheets();
            $mainStringRendering = $styleRendering->ownerDocument->saveXML($styleRendering) . $mainStringRendering;

            if ($this->useCssScoping()) {
                foreach ($stylesheets as $rubricStylesheet) {
                    $relPath = trim($this->getExtraPath(), '/');
                    $relPath = (empty($relPath) ? '' : $relPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
                        . $rubricStylesheet->getHref();
                    $sourceFile = $sourceDir->getFile($relPath);

                    if (!$publicCompiledDocDir->has($relPath)) {
                        try {
                            $data = $sourceFile->read();
                            $tmpDir = \tao_helpers_File::createTempDir();
                            $tmpFile = $tmpDir . 'tmp.css';
                            file_put_contents($tmpFile, $data);
                            $scopedCss = $cssScoper->render($tmpFile, $rubric->getId());
                            $publicCompiledDocDir->write($relPath, $scopedCss);
                        } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                            common_Logger::e('Unable to copy file into public directory: ' . $relPath);

            // -- Replace the artificial 'tao://qti-directory' base path with a runtime call to the delivery time base path.
            $mainStringRendering = str_replace(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_PLACEHOLDER_BASE_URI, '<?php echo $' . taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_BASE_PATH_NAME . '; ?>', $mainStringRendering);
            if (!$privateCompiledDocDir->has($renderingFile)) {
                try {
                    $privateCompiledDocDir->write($renderingFile, $mainStringRendering);
                    common_Logger::t("rubricBlockRef '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully rendered.");
                } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                    common_Logger::e('Unable to copy file into public directory: ' . $renderingFile);

            // -- Clean up old rubric block and reference the new rubric block template.

            $rubricRef->setHref('./' . $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php');

     * Copy the test resources (e.g. images) that will be availabe at delivery time
     * in the public compilation directory.
    protected function copyPublicResources()
        $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
        $testDefinitionDir = $testService->getQtiTestDir($this->getResource());

        $publicCompiledDocDir = $this->getPublicDirectory();
        $iterator = $testDefinitionDir->getFlyIterator(Directory::ITERATOR_RECURSIVE | Directory::ITERATOR_FILE);
        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            /** @var \oat\oatbox\filesystem\File $file */
            $mime = $file->getMimeType();
            $pathinfo = pathinfo($file->getBasename());

            if (in_array($mime, self::getPublicMimeTypes()) === true && $pathinfo['extension'] !== 'php') {
                $publicPathFile = $testDefinitionDir->getRelPath($file);
                try {
                    common_Logger::d('Public ' . $file->getPrefix() . '(' . $mime . ') to ' . $publicPathFile);
                } catch (FileExistsException $e) {
                    common_Logger::w('File ' . $publicPathFile . ' copied twice to public test folder during compilation');

     * Copy all remote resource (absolute URLs to another host) contained in a rubricBlock into a dedicated directory. Remote resources
     * can be refereced by the following QTI classes/attributes:
     * * a:href
     * * object:data
     * * img:src
     * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest An AssessmentTest object.
     * @throws taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException If a remote resource cannot be retrieved.
    protected function copyRemoteResources(RubricBlock $rubricBlock)
        $tmpDir = tao_helpers_File::createTempDir();
        $destPath = trim($this->getExtraPath(), $ds) . $ds . taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_REMOTE_FOLDER . $ds;

        // Search for all class-attributes in QTI-XML that might reference a remote file.
        $search = $rubricBlock->getComponentsByClassName(['a', 'object', 'img']);
        foreach ($search as $component) {
            switch ($component->getQtiClassName()) {
                case 'object':
                    $url = $component->getData();

                case 'img':
                    $url = $component->getSrc();

            if (isset($url) && !preg_match('@^' . ROOT_URL . '@', $url) && !Url::isRelative($url)) {
                $tmpFile = taoItems_helpers_Deployment::retrieveFile($url, $tmpDir);
                if ($tmpFile !== false) {
                    $pathinfo = pathinfo($tmpFile);
                    $handle = fopen($tmpFile, 'r');
                    $this->getPublicDirectory()->writeStream($destPath . $pathinfo['basename'], $handle);
                    $newUrl =  taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_REMOTE_FOLDER . '/' . $pathinfo['basename'];

                    switch ($component->getQtiClassName()) {
                        case 'object':

                        case 'img':
                } else {
                    $msg = "The remote resource referenced by '${url}' could not be retrieved.";
                    throw new taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException($msg, $this->getResource(), taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException::REMOTE_RESOURCE);

     * Compile the given $test into PHP source code for maximum performance. The file will be stored
     * into PRIVATE_DIRECTORY/compact-test.php.
     * @param AssessmentTest $test
    protected function compileTest(AssessmentTest $test)
        common_Logger::t("Compiling QTI test definition...");


        common_Logger::d("QTI-PHP Test Compilation file saved to stream.");

     * @param core_kernel_classes_Resource $resource
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws common_Exception
    protected function compileTestMetadata(core_kernel_classes_Resource $resource)
        /** @var ResourceJsonMetadataCompiler $jsonMetadataCompiler */
        $jsonMetadataCompiler = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(ResourceJsonMetadataCompiler::SERVICE_ID);
        $metadataJson = $jsonMetadataCompiler->compile($resource);

        $this->getPrivateDirectory()->write(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_COMPILED_METADATA_FILENAME, json_encode($metadataJson));

     * Compile Adaptive Test Information.
     * This method compiles all information required at runtime in terms of Adaptive Testing.
     * @param \qtism\data\AssessmentTest $test
    protected function compileAdaptive(AssessmentTest $test)
        $catService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(CatService::SERVICE_ID);
        $compilationDataService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(CompilationDataService::SERVICE_ID);
        $catSectionMap = [];

        $trail = [];
        foreach ($test->getTestParts() as $testPart) {
            foreach ($testPart->getAssessmentSections() as $assessmentSection) {
                array_push($trail, $assessmentSection);

        $traversed = [];

        while (count($trail) > 0) {
            $current = array_pop($trail);

            if (in_array($current, $traversed, true) === false) {
                // 1st pass.
                array_push($trail, $current);

                foreach ($current->getSectionParts() as $sectionPart) {
                    if ($sectionPart instanceof ExtendedAssessmentSection) {
                        array_push($trail, $sectionPart);

                array_push($traversed, $current);
            } else {
                // 2nd pass.
                $sectionParts = $current->getSectionParts();
                $sectionIdentifier = $current->getIdentifier();

                $catInfo = $catService->getAdaptiveAssessmentSectionInfo(

                if ($catInfo !== false) {
                    // QTI Adaptive Section detected.
                    \common_Logger::d("QTI Adaptive Section with identifier '" . $current->getIdentifier() . "' found.");

                    // Deal with AssessmentSection Compiling.

                    foreach ($sectionParts->getKeys() as $sectionPartIdentifier) {
                        $sectionPart =  $sectionParts[$sectionPartIdentifier];

                        if ($sectionPart instanceof ExtendedAssessmentItemRef) {
                            $sectionPartHref = $sectionPart->getHref();

                            // Deal with AssessmentItemRef Compiling.


                    if (count($sectionParts) === 0) {
                        $placeholderIdentifier = "adaptive-placeholder-${sectionIdentifier}";
                        // Make the placeholder's href something predictable for later use...
                        $placeholderHref = "x-tao-qti-adaptive://section/${sectionIdentifier}";

                        $placeholder = new ExtendedAssessmentItemRef($placeholderIdentifier, $placeholderHref);

                        // Tag the item ref in order to make it recognizable as an adaptive placeholder.
                        $placeholder->getCategories()[] = self::ADAPTIVE_PLACEHOLDER_CATEGORY;
                        $sectionParts[] = $placeholder;

                        \common_Logger::d("Adaptive AssessmentItemRef Placeholder '${placeholderIdentifier}' injected in AssessmentSection '${sectionIdentifier}'.");

                        // Ask for section setup to the CAT Engine.
                        $section = $catService->getEngine($catInfo['adaptiveEngineRef'])->setupSection($catInfo['adaptiveSectionIdentifier']);
                        $catSectionMap[$catInfo['qtiSectionIdentifier']] = ['section' => $section, 'endpoint' => $catInfo['adaptiveEngineRef']];

        // Write Adaptive Section Map for runtime usage.
        $this->getPrivateDirectory()->write(self::ADAPTIVE_SECTION_MAP_FILENAME, json_encode($catSectionMap));

     * Compile the $test meta-data into PHP source code for maximum performance. The file is
     * stored into PRIVATE_DIRECTORY/test-meta.php.
     * @param AssessmentTest $test
    protected function compileMeta(AssessmentTest $test)
        common_Logger::t("Compiling test metadata...");
        $compiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();

        /** @var CompilationDataService $compilationDataService */
        $compilationDataService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(CompilationDataService::SERVICE_ID);
        $compilationDataService->writeCompilationMetadata($compiledDocDir, $test);

     * Compile the test index into JSON file to improve performance of the map build.
     * The file is stored into PRIVATE_DIRECTORY/test-index.json.
    protected function compileIndex()
        $compiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();

        /** @var $index QtiTestCompilerIndex */
        $index = $this->getContext();
        if ($index) {
            $compiledDocDir->write(taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_COMPILED_INDEX, $index->serialize());

     * Compile AssessmentItemRef Href Indexes
     * This method indexes the value of $assessmentItemRef->href by $assessmentItemRef->identifier for later
     * usage at delivery time (for fast access).
     * @param \qtism\data\AssessmentItemRef $assessmentItemRef
    protected function compileAssessmentItemRefHrefIndex(AssessmentItemRef $assessmentItemRef)
        $compiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();

     * Get the list of mime types of files that are accepted to be put
     * into the public compilation directory.
     * @return array
    protected static function getPublicMimeTypes()
        return self::$publicMimeTypes;

     * Build Href Index Path
     * Builds the Href Index Path from given $identifier.
     * @param string $identifier
     * @return string
    public static function buildHrefIndexPath($identifier)
        return taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_COMPILED_HREF_INDEX_FILE_PREFIX . md5($identifier) . taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::TEST_COMPILED_HREF_INDEX_FILE_EXTENSION;

    protected function addCompilationInfo($key, $info)
        if (is_scalar($info)) {
            $this->compilationInfo[$key] = $info;

    public function getCompilatonInfo()
        return $this->compilationInfo;

    protected function getTaoQtiTestExtension()
        return $this->getServiceLocator()->get(\common_ext_ExtensionsManager::SERVICE_ID)->getExtensionById('taoQtiTest');

    protected function buildCompilationInfo()
        $this->addCompilationInfo('tao-version', TAO_VERSION);
        $this->addCompilationInfo('testqti-version', $this->getTaoQtiTestExtension()->getVersion());
        $this->addCompilationInfo('compilation-data-service-implementation', get_class($this->getServiceLocator()->get(CompilationDataService::SERVICE_ID)));


     * Set whenever or not the compiler should use client test container
     * @param boolean $boolean
    public function setClientContainer($boolean)
        $this->settingClientContainer = !!$boolean;

     * Whenever or not we use the Client Test runner
     * @return boolean
    protected function useClientTestRunner()
        return $this->settingClientContainer;

     * Set whenever or not the compiler should scope rubric block css
     * @param boolean $boolean
    public function setCssScoping($boolean)
        $this->settingCssScope = !!$boolean;

     * Whenever or not we scope rubric block css
     * @return boolean
    protected function useCssScoping()
        return $this->settingCssScope;