<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * * @internal */ class ProxyHelper { /** * @return string|null The FQCN or builtin name of the type hint, or null when the type hint references an invalid self|parent context */ public static function getTypeHint(\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $r, \ReflectionParameter $p = null, bool $noBuiltin = false): ?string { if ($p instanceof \ReflectionParameter) { $type = $p->getType(); } else { $type = $r->getReturnType(); } if (!$type) { return null; } $types = []; $glue = '|'; if ($type instanceof \ReflectionUnionType) { $reflectionTypes = $type->getTypes(); } elseif ($type instanceof \ReflectionIntersectionType) { $reflectionTypes = $type->getTypes(); $glue = '&'; } elseif ($type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) { $reflectionTypes = [$type]; } else { return null; } foreach ($reflectionTypes as $type) { if ($type->isBuiltin()) { if (!$noBuiltin) { $types[] = $type->getName(); } continue; } $lcName = strtolower($type->getName()); $prefix = $noBuiltin ? '' : '\\'; if ('self' !== $lcName && 'parent' !== $lcName) { $types[] = $prefix.$type->getName(); continue; } if (!$r instanceof \ReflectionMethod) { continue; } if ('self' === $lcName) { $types[] = $prefix.$r->getDeclaringClass()->name; } else { $types[] = ($parent = $r->getDeclaringClass()->getParentClass()) ? $prefix.$parent->name : null; } } return $types ? implode($glue, $types) : null; } }