module.exports = function(grunt) { 'use strict'; var livereloadPort = grunt.option('livereloadPort'); //instantiate sass module const sass = require('node-sass'); grunt.config.merge({ sass : { options: { includePaths : [ '../scss/', '../js/lib/', '../node_modules/@oat-sa/tao-core-ui/scss' ], outputStyle : 'compressed', sourceMap : true, //set implementation for sass to make 3.x.x branches of grunt-sass work, see, implementation: sass }, tao: { files : { '../css/tao-main-style.css' : '../scss/tao-main-style.scss', '../css/tao-3.css' : '../scss/tao-3.scss', '../css/layout.css' : '../scss/layout.scss', '../css/error-page.css': '../scss/error-page.scss', '../js/lib/jsTree/themes/css/style.css' : '../js/lib/jsTree/themes/scss/style.scss' } }, component : { files : [{ expand: true, src: '../js/ui/**/scss/*.scss', rename : function rename(dest, src){ return src.replace(/scss/g, 'css'); } }, { //TODO move them to the correct folder (css,scss) '../js/ui/generis/form/form.css' : '../js/ui/generis/form/form.scss', '../js/ui/generis/widget/widget.css' : '../js/ui/generis/widget/widget.scss', '../js/ui/generis/validator/validator.css' : '../js/ui/generis/validator/validator.scss', }] } }, watch: { options: { livereload: livereloadPort }, taosass : { files : ['../scss/*.scss', '../scss/**/*.scss', '../js/lib/jsTree/**/*.scss'], tasks : ['sass:tao', 'notify:taosass'], options : { debounceDelay : 1000 } }, componentsass : { files : ['../js/ui/**/*.scss'], tasks : ['sass:component', 'notify:taosass' ], options : { debounceDelay : 1000 } } }, notify : { taosass : { options: { title: 'Grunt SASS', message: 'SASS files compiled to CSS' } } } }); //register an alias for main build grunt.registerTask('taosass', ['sass:tao', 'sass:component']); };