module.exports = function sourcefinder(grunt) { 'use strict'; //add the task to Grunt grunt.registerMultiTask('sourcefinder', 'Find sources and generate a config file', function(){ var path = require('path'); var extHepler = require('./helpers/extensions'); var _ = require('lodash'); var options = grunt.task.current.options(); var done = grunt.task.current.async(); var sources =; var currentExt = grunt.option('extension') || 'tao'; // --extension=taoQTI //run the task for Each src/dest fileSet grunt.task.current.files.forEach(function(fileSet){ var root = path.resolve(fileSet.src + ''); var dest = path.resolve(fileSet.dest); var ext = extHepler(grunt, root); var config = {}; //expand the sources by key _.forEach(sources, function(values, key){ var expanded = []; //it could be an array of conf, so force it if(!_.isArray(values)){ values = [values]; } values.forEach(function(value){ //expand the pattern for the selected extension(s) var currentFiles = []; if(value.extension === 'all'){ currentFiles = ext.getExtensionsSources(value.pattern, value.amdify); } else { var extension = (value.extension === 'current' ? currentExt : value.extension); currentFiles = ext.getExtensionSources(extension, value.pattern, value.amdify); } //apply the replacement on if(_.isFunction(value.replacements)){ currentFiles =; } expanded = expanded.concat(currentFiles); }); config[key] = expanded; }); grunt.file.write(dest, JSON.stringify(config, null, ' ')); grunt.log.ok('Sources written to ' + dest); if(options.inConfig){ grunt.config.set(options.inConfig, config); grunt.log.ok('Sources avilable in Grunt config under ' + options.inConfig + ' (ie. <%= sources.jshint %>)'); } done(); }); }); };