<?php /** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2016 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA; * * */ namespace oat\taoDeliveryRdf\scripts; use common_report_Report as Report; use oat\generis\model\OntologyRdf; use oat\oatbox\extension\AbstractAction; use oat\taoDeliveryRdf\model\DeliveryContainerService; use oat\taoDeliveryRdf\model\DeliveryFactory; use oat\oatbox\action\ResolutionException; //Load extension to define necessary constants. \common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton()->getExtensionById('taoTests'); \common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton()->getExtensionById('taoDeliveryRdf'); /** * Class RecompileDelivery * @package oat\taoDeliveryRdf\scripts * @author Aleh Hutnikau, <hutnikau@1pt.com> * * Run examples: * * - Show list of deliveries: * ``` * sudo -u www-data php index.php 'oat\taoDeliveryRdf\scripts\RecompileDelivery' list * ``` * * - Recompile delivery by identifier * ``` * sudo -u www-data php index.php 'oat\taoDeliveryRdf\scripts\RecompileDelivery' compile 'http://sample/first.rdf#i1464967192451980' * ``` */ class RecompileDelivery extends AbstractAction { /** * @var array Available script modes */ public static $modes = ['list', 'compile']; /** * List of properties to be copied from parent delivery * @var array */ public static $propertiesToCopy = [ DeliveryContainerService::PROPERTY_END, DeliveryContainerService::PROPERTY_START, DeliveryContainerService::PROPERTY_MAX_EXEC, ]; /** * @var Report */ protected $report; /** * @var array list of given params */ protected $params; /** * @var */ protected $mode; /** * @param $params * @return Report */ public function __invoke($params) { $this->params = $params; try { $this->process(); } catch (ResolutionException $e) { $this->helpAction($e->getMessage()); } return $this->report; } /** * Process action call * * @throws ResolutionException */ private function process() { if (empty($this->params)) { throw new ResolutionException('Parameters were not given'); } $mode = $this->getMode(); switch ($mode) { case 'list': $this->listAction(); break; case 'compile': $this->compileAction(); break; } } /** * Recompile deliveries */ private function compileAction() { $deliveryIds = array_slice($this->params, 1); $deliveryClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class('http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/TAODelivery.rdf#AssembledDelivery'); $this->report = new Report( Report::TYPE_INFO, 'Recompile deliveries:' ); foreach ($deliveryIds as $deliveryId) { $delivery = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($deliveryId); if (!$delivery->exists()) { $this->report->add(new Report( Report::TYPE_ERROR, "Delivery $deliveryId does not exists" )); continue; } elseif (!$delivery->isInstanceOf($deliveryClass)) { $this->report->add(new Report( Report::TYPE_ERROR, "$deliveryId is not delivery resource" )); continue; } try { $newDelivery = $this->compileDelivery($delivery); } catch (\common_Exception $e) { $this->report->add(new Report( Report::TYPE_ERROR, $e->getMessage() )); } $this->report->add(new Report( Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, "$deliveryId successfully compiled. New Id: {$newDelivery->getUri()}" )); } } /** * Show list of all existing deliveries */ private function listAction() { $deliveryClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class('http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/TAODelivery.rdf#AssembledDelivery'); $deliveries = $deliveryClass->getInstances(true); $result = []; foreach ($deliveries as $delivery) { /** @var \core_kernel_classes_Resource $delivery*/ $result[] = $delivery->getUri() . ' - ' . $delivery->getLabel(); } $this->report = new Report( Report::TYPE_INFO, implode(PHP_EOL, $result) ); } /** * Set help report * @param string $message error message to be shown before help information */ private function helpAction($message = null) { if ($message !== null) { $this->report = new Report( Report::TYPE_ERROR, $message . PHP_EOL ); } $helpReport = new Report( Report::TYPE_INFO, "Usage: " . __CLASS__ . " <mode> [<args>]" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "Available modes:" . PHP_EOL . " list get list of all deliveries" . PHP_EOL . " compile recompile deliveries" . PHP_EOL ); if ($this->report) { $this->report->add($helpReport); } else { $this->report = $helpReport; } } /** * @param \core_kernel_classes_Resource $delivery * @throws \common_Exception * @return \core_kernel_classes_Resource new delivery resource */ private function compileDelivery(\core_kernel_classes_Resource $delivery) { $testProperty = new \core_kernel_classes_Property('http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/TAODelivery.rdf#AssembledDeliveryOrigin'); $classProperty = new \core_kernel_classes_Property(OntologyRdf::RDF_TYPE); $test = $delivery->getOnePropertyValue($testProperty); $destinationClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class($delivery->getOnePropertyValue($classProperty)->getUri()); $deliveryFactory = $this->getServiceManager()->get(DeliveryFactory::SERVICE_ID); $deliveryCreationReport = $deliveryFactory->create($destinationClass, $test, $delivery->getLabel()); if ($deliveryCreationReport->getType() == \common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR) { \common_Logger::i('Unable to recompile delivery execution' . $delivery->getUri()); throw new \common_Exception($deliveryCreationReport->getMessage()); } /** @var \core_kernel_classes_Resource $newDelivery */ $newDelivery = $deliveryCreationReport->getData(); foreach (self::$propertiesToCopy as $propertyToCopy) { $propertyToCopy = new \core_kernel_classes_Property($propertyToCopy); $val = $delivery->getOnePropertyValue($propertyToCopy); if ($val) { $newDelivery->setPropertyValue($propertyToCopy, $val); } } $this->addPrefixToLabel($delivery); return $newDelivery; } /** * @param \core_kernel_classes_Resource $delivery */ private function addPrefixToLabel(\core_kernel_classes_Resource $delivery) { $label = $delivery->getLabel(); $label .= " - old"; //todo: use an option instead of hardcoded value $delivery->setLabel($label); } /** * @throws ResolutionException * @return string */ private function getMode() { $mode = $this->params[0]; if (!in_array($mode, self::$modes)) { throw new ResolutionException('Wrong mode was specified'); } return $mode; } }