define(['lodash'], function(_){ var _updateChoiceIdentifierInResponse = function(response, oldId, newId){ var escapedOldId = oldId.replace(/([.-])/g, '\\$1'),//escape spec characters allowed in the standard and that is meaningful in regex regex = new RegExp('([^\\s]*\\s+|^)(' + escapedOldId + ')(\\s+[^\\s]*|$)');//prepare the regex to watch the oldId to be replaced for(var i in response.correctResponse){ response.correctResponse[i] = response.correctResponse[i].replace(regex, '$1'+newId+'$3'); } var mapEntries = {}; _.forIn(response.mapEntries, function(value, mapKey){ mapKey = mapKey.replace(regex, '$1'+newId+'$3'); mapEntries[mapKey] = value; }); response.mapEntries = mapEntries; }; var _updateChoiceIdentifier = _.throttle(function(choice, newId, response){ var oldId =; if(oldId !== newId){ //need to update correct response and mapping values too ! _updateChoiceIdentifierInResponse(response, oldId, newId); //finally, set the new identifier to the choice; //update domi var interaction = _get('interactionFromChoice', choice, function(){ return choice.getInteraction(); }); //FIXME some choices may not have a renderer, so we catch the thrown exception silently try{ var $choiceContainer = choice.getContainer(null, choice.qtiClass+'.'+interaction.qtiClass); $choiceContainer.attr('data-identifier',; $choiceContainer.find('input').val(; } catch(ex){} } }, 500); var _cache = []; var _setCache = function(cache, element, value){ if(!_cache[cache]){ _cache[cache] = {}; } _cache[cache][element.getSerial()] = value; }; var _getCache = function(cache, element){ var serial = element.getSerial(); if(serial && _cache[cache] && _cache[cache][serial]){ return _cache[cache][serial]; } return null; }; var _get = function(cache, element, callback){ var ret = _getCache(cache, element); if(!ret){ ret =; _setCache(cache, element, ret); } return ret; }; return { updateChoiceIdentifier : function(choice, value){ value = value.trim(); if(value){ var response = _get('responseFromChoice', choice, function(){ var interaction = _get('interactionFromChoice', choice, function(){ return choice.getInteraction(); }); return interaction.getResponseDeclaration(); }); _updateChoiceIdentifier(choice, value, response); } }, updateResponseIdentifier : function(response, value){ throw 'to be implemented'; } }; });