/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2015-2021 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA ; * */ define([ 'lodash', 'i18n', 'jquery', 'core/promise', 'util/url', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/widgets/Widget', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/widgets/item/states/states', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/core/Element', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/helper/creatorRenderer', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/model/helper/container', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/editor/gridEditor/content', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/helper/xmlRenderer', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/helper/devTools', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/widgets/static/text/Widget', 'taoQtiItem/qtiItem/helper/xmlNsHandler', 'taoQtiItem/qtiCreator/editor/jquery.gridEditor' ], function ( _, __, $, Promise, urlUtil, Widget, states, Element, creatorRenderer, containerHelper, contentHelper, xmlRenderer, devTools, TextWidget, xmlNsHandler ) { 'use strict'; const ItemWidget = Widget.clone(); const _detachElements = function (container, elements) { const containerElements = {}; _.each(elements, function (elementSerial) { containerElements[elementSerial] = container.elements[elementSerial]; delete container.elements[elementSerial]; }); return containerElements; }; ItemWidget.initCreator = function (config) { this.registerStates(states); Widget.initCreator.call(this); if (!config || !config.uri) { throw new Error('missing required config parameter uri in item widget initialization'); } this.saveItemUrl = config.saveItemUrl; this.renderer = config.renderer; this.itemUri = config.uri; if (config.perInteractionRp) { xmlRenderer.setProvider('perInteractionRP'); } //this.initUiComponents(); return new Promise(resolve => { this.initTextWidgets(() => { //when the text widgets are ready: this.initGridEditor(); //active debugger this.debug({ state: false, xml: false }); resolve(); }); }); }; ItemWidget.buildContainer = function () { this.$container = this.$original; }; /** * Save the item by sending the XML in a POST request to the server * @TODO saving mechanism should be independent, ie. moved into the itemCreator, in order to configure endpoint, etc. * * @returns {Promise} that wraps the request */ ItemWidget.save = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // transform application errors into object Error in order to make them displayable function rejectError(err) { if (err.type === 'Error') { err = new Error(__('The item has not been saved!') + (err.message ? `\n${err.message}` : '')); } reject(err); } const xml = xmlNsHandler.restoreNs(xmlRenderer.render(this.element), this.element.getNamespaces()); //@todo : remove this hotfix : prevent unsupported custom interaction to be saved if (hasUnsupportedInteraction(xml)) { return reject( new Error(__('The item cannot be saved because it contains an unsupported custom interaction.')) ); } $.ajax({ url: urlUtil.build(this.saveItemUrl, { uri: this.itemUri }), type: 'POST', contentType: 'text/xml', dataType: 'json', data: xml }) .done(function (data) { if (!data || data.success) { resolve(data); } else { rejectError(data); } }) .fail(rejectError); }); }; ItemWidget.initUiComponents = function () { const element = this.element, $saveBtn = $('#save-trigger'); //listen to invalid states: this.on( 'metaChange', function (data) { if (data.element.getSerial() === element.getSerial() && data.key === 'invalid') { const invalid = element.data('invalid'); if (_.size(invalid)) { $saveBtn.addClass('disabled'); } else { $saveBtn.removeClass('disabled'); } } }, true ); }; ItemWidget.initGridEditor = function () { const _this = this, item = this.element, $itemBody = this.$container.find('.qti-itemBody'), $itemEditorPanel = $('#item-editor-panel'); $itemBody.gridEditor(); $itemBody.gridEditor('resizable'); $itemBody.gridEditor('addInsertables', $('.tool-list > [data-qti-class]:not(.disabled)'), { helper: function () { return $(this).find('.icon').clone().addClass('dragging'); } }); $itemBody .on('beforedragoverstart.gridEdit', function () { $itemEditorPanel.addClass('dragging'); $itemBody.removeClass('hoverable').addClass('inserting'); }) .on('dragoverstop.gridEdit', function () { $itemEditorPanel.removeClass('dragging'); $itemBody.addClass('hoverable').removeClass('inserting'); }) .on('dropped.gridEdit.insertable', function (e, qtiClass, $placeholder) { //a new qti element has been added: update the model + render $placeholder.removeAttr('id'); //prevent it from being deleted if (qtiClass === 'rubricBlock') { //qti strange exception: a rubricBlock must be the first child of itemBody, nothing else... //so in this specific case, consider the whole row as the rubricBlock //by the way, in our grid system, rubricBlock can only have a width of col-12 $placeholder = $placeholder.parent('.col-12').parent('.grid-row'); } $placeholder.addClass('widget-box'); //required for it to be considered as a widget during container serialization $placeholder.attr({ 'data-new': true, 'data-qti-class': qtiClass }); //add data attribute to get the dom ready to be replaced by rendering const $widget = $placeholder.parent().closest('.widget-box, .qti-item'); const $editable = $placeholder.closest('[data-html-editable], .qti-itemBody'); const itemWidget = $widget.data('widget'); const element = itemWidget.element; const container = Element.isA(element, '_container') ? element : element.getBody(); if (element.attr('dir') === 'rtl') { // add dir='rtl' to new div.grid-row $placeholder.parent('.col-12').parent('.grid-row').attr('dir', 'rtl'); } if (!element || !$editable.length) { throw new Error('cannot create new element'); } containerHelper.createElements(container, contentHelper.getContent($editable), function (newElts) { creatorRenderer.get().load(function () { _.forEach(newElts, elt => { let $widgetNewElem, widget; const $colParent = $placeholder.parent(); elt.setRenderer(this); if (Element.isA(elt, '_container')) { $colParent.empty(); //clear the col content, and leave an empty text field $colParent.html(elt.render()); widget = _this.initTextWidget(elt, $colParent); $widgetNewElem = widget.$container; } else { elt.render($placeholder); //TODO resolve the promise it returns elt.postRender(itemWidget.options); widget = elt.data('widget'); if (Element.isA(elt, 'blockInteraction')) { $widgetNewElem = widget.$container; } else { //leave the container in place $widgetNewElem = widget.$original; } } //inform height modification $widgetNewElem.trigger('contentChange.gridEdit'); $widgetNewElem.trigger('resize.gridEdit'); //active it right away: if (Element.isA(elt, 'interaction')) { widget.changeState('question'); } else { widget.changeState('active'); } }); }, this.getUsedClasses()); }); }) .on('resizestop.gridEdit', function () { item.body($itemBody.gridEditor('getContent')); }); }; ItemWidget.initTextWidgets = function (callback) { const item = this.element, $originalContainer = this.$container, subContainers = []; let i = 1; callback = callback || _.noop; //temporarily tag col that need to be transformed into $originalContainer.find('.qti-itemBody > .grid-row').each(function () { const $row = $(this); if (!$row.hasClass('widget-box')) { //not a rubricBlock $row.children().each(function () { const $col = $(this); let isTextBlock = false; $col.contents().each(function () { if (this.nodeType === 3 && this.nodeValue && this.nodeValue.trim()) { isTextBlock = true; return false; } }); const $widget = $col.children(); if ($widget.length > 1 || !$widget.hasClass('widget-blockInteraction')) { //not an immediate qti element if ($widget.hasClass('colrow')) { $widget.each(function () { const $subElement = $(this); const $subWidget = $subElement.children(); if ($subWidget.length > 1 || !$subWidget.hasClass('widget-blockInteraction')) { $subElement.attr('data-text-block-id', `text-block-${i}`); i++; } }); } else if ($widget.find('.widget-blockInteraction').length === 0) { isTextBlock = true; } } if (isTextBlock) { $col.attr('data-text-block-id', `text-block-${i}`); i++; } }); } }); //clone the container to create the new container model: const $clonedContainer = $originalContainer.clone(); $clonedContainer.find('.qti-itemBody > .grid-row [data-text-block-id]').each(function () { const $originalTextBlock = $(this), textBlockId = $originalTextBlock.data('text-block-id'), $subContainer = $originalTextBlock.clone(), subContainerElements = contentHelper.serializeElements($subContainer), subContainerBody = $subContainer.html(); //get serialized body $originalTextBlock.removeAttr('data-text-block-id').html('{{_container:new}}'); subContainers.push({ body: subContainerBody, elements: subContainerElements, $original: $originalContainer .find(`[data-text-block-id="${textBlockId}"]`) .removeAttr('data-text-block-id') }); }); //create new container model with the created sub containers contentHelper.serializeElements($clonedContainer); const serializedItemBody = $clonedContainer.find('.qti-itemBody').html(), itemBody = item.getBody(); if (subContainers.length) { containerHelper.createElements(itemBody, serializedItemBody, newElts => { if (_.size(newElts) !== subContainers.length) { throw new Error('number of sub-containers mismatch'); } else { _.each(newElts, container => { const containerData = subContainers.shift(); //get data in order const containerElements = _detachElements(itemBody, containerData.elements); container.setElements(containerElements, containerData.body); this.initTextWidget(container, containerData.$original); }); _.defer(function () { callback.call(this); }); } }); } else { callback.call(this); } }; ItemWidget.initTextWidget = function (container, $col) { return TextWidget.build(container, $col, this.renderer.getOption('textOptionForm'), {}); }; /** * Enable debugging * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.state = false] - log state change in console * @param {Boolean} [options.xml = false] - real-time qti xml display under the creator */ ItemWidget.debug = function (options) { options = options || {}; if (options.state) { devTools.listenStateChange(); } if (options.xml) { const $code = $('', { class: 'language-markup' }), $pre = $('
', { class: 'line-numbers' }).append($code);

            devTools.liveXmlPreview(this.element, $code);

    function hasUnsupportedInteraction(xml) {
        const $qti = $(xml);
        return $qti.find('div.qti-interaction.qti-customInteraction[data-serial]').length > 0;

    return ItemWidget;