define([ 'jquery', 'lodash', 'taoQtiItem/portableLib/OAT/util/tpl' ], function($, _, tplMgr) { 'use strict'; var containerId = 'interaction-container'; QUnit.test('api', function(assert) { var tpl, $container = $('#' + containerId); assert.ok(typeof tplMgr === 'function', 'tpl manager is a function'); tpl = tplMgr($container); assert.ok(typeof tpl.render === 'function', 'tpl.render() is a function'); }); QUnit.test('exists', function(assert) { var $container = $('#' + containerId); var tpl = tplMgr($container); assert.ok(tpl.exists('list'), 'list tpl found'); assert.ok(tpl.exists('page'), 'list tpl found'); }); QUnit.test('render', function(assert) { var $li; var $container = $('#' + containerId); var tpl = tplMgr($container); $container.append(tpl.render("page", {content: '

paragraph content

'})); assert.equal($container.children(".page").children(".paragraph").length, 1, 'rendered "page" element found'); $container.append(tpl.render('list', {items: [ { id: 'element1', title: 'title of item 1' }, { id: 'element2', title: 'title of item 2' }, { id: 'element3', title: 'title of item 3' } ] })); $li = $container.children('.nav-list').children('.nav-item'); assert.equal($li.length, 3, 'rendered "list" element found'); assert.equal($($li[0]).children('a').data('nav-id'), 'element1', 'template data properly rendered'); assert.equal($($li[0]).children('a').text(), 'title of item 1', 'template data properly rendered'); assert.equal($($li[1]).children('a').data('nav-id'), 'element2', 'template data properly rendered'); assert.equal($($li[1]).children('a').text(), 'title of item 2', 'template data properly rendered'); assert.equal($($li[2]).children('a').data('nav-id'), 'element3', 'template data properly rendered'); assert.equal($($li[2]).children('a').text(), 'title of item 3', 'template data properly rendered'); }); });