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", "elements": { "interaction_gapmatchinteraction_547dd4d24d2d0146858817": { "serial": "interaction_gapmatchinteraction_547dd4d24d2d0146858817", "qtiClass": "gapMatchInteraction", "attributes": { "responseIdentifier": "RESPONSE", "shuffle": false }, "body": { "serial": "container_containergap_547dd4d24d7f9926277347", "body": "

Log into TAO. Go to the {{choice_gap_547dd4d24e894241731542}}. Create an item and select QTI item type. Go into the {{choice_gap_547dd4d24eb11566679391}} to start editing your item.
Write some text in your item body editor. You can insert images, media and even {{choice_gap_547dd4d24eb9e015921385}} elements in your item body. Insert an interaction at some point and customise it. Let's start with the simplest one, the Choice Interaction, which is basically a {{choice_gap_547dd4d24ec1f329908418}}. Save it and preview it either in the {{choice_gap_547dd4d24ecb4936665567}}, or the {{choice_gap_547dd4d24ed33748444834}}. The result is the same, but going to the first one will have you leave the authoring tool, so you are going to need to reload the authoring tool to resume working on it. For a quick review when authoring your item, prefer the second one.

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