
{{__ 'The identifier of the section.'}}
{{__ 'The section title.'}}
{{!-- Property not yet available in delivery
{{__ 'If required, it must appears at least once in the selection.'}}
--}} {{!-- Property not yet available in delivery
{{__ 'Fixed position in a shuffled the selection.'}}
{{__ 'A visible section is one that is identifiable by the candidate.'}}
{{__ 'An invisible section with a parent that is subject to shuffling can specify whether or not its children, which will appear to the candidate as if they were part of the parent, are shuffled as a block or mixed up with the other children of the parent section.'}}
{{#if hasBlueprint}}
{{__ 'Associate a blueprint to a section allow you to validate this section against the specified blueprint.'}}
{{__ 'Section level category enables configuring the categories of its composing items all at once. A category in gray means that all items have that category. A category in white means that only a few items have that category.'}}

{{__ 'Selection'}}

{{__ 'The number of child elements to be selected.'}}
{{__ 'When selecting child elements each element is normally eligible for selection once only.'}}

{{__ 'Ordering'}}

{{__ 'If set, it causes the order of the child elements to be randomized, otherwise it uses the order in which the child elements are defined.'}}

{{__ 'Item Session Control'}}

{{__ 'Controls the maximum number of attempts allowed. 0 means unlimited.'}}
{{__ 'This constraint affects the visibility of feedback after the end of the last attempt.'}}
{{!-- Property not yet available in delivery
{{__ 'Allow the candidate to review his answers.'}}
--}} {{!-- Property not yet available in delivery
{{__ 'Show the solution once the answer is submitted.'}}
{{__ 'This constraint controls whether or not the candidate is allowed to provide a comment on the item during the session. Comments are not part of the assessed responses.'}}
{{__ 'If the candidate can skip the item, without submitting a response (default is true).'}}
{{__ "The candidate is not allowed to submit invalid responses."}}

{{__ 'Time Limits'}}

{{!-- Property not yet available in delivery
{{__ 'Minimum duration for this section.'}}
{{__ 'Maximum duration for this section.'}}
{{__ "Whether a candidate's response that is beyond the maximum duration of the section should still be accepted."}}