define([ 'jquery', 'lodash', 'taoQtiTest/testRunner/actionBarTools' ], function($, _, actionBarTools) { 'use strict'; var containerSelector = '#tools-container'; var qtiTools = { tool1: { 'label': 'tool 1', 'hook': 'taoQtiTest/test/samples/hooks/validHook' }, tool2: { 'label': 'tool 2', 'hook': 'taoQtiTest/test/samples/hooks/validHookHidden' }, tool3: { 'label': 'tool 3', 'hook': 'taoQtiTest/test/samples/hooks/validHook' }, tool4: { 'label': 'tool 4', 'hook': 'taoQtiTest/test/samples/hooks/invalidHookMissingMethod' } }; QUnit.module('actionBarTools'); QUnit.test('module', function(assert) { assert.equal(typeof actionBarTools, 'object', 'The actionBarTools module exposes an object'); }); var actionBarToolsApi = [ {name: 'register', title: 'register'}, {name: 'getRegisteredTools', title: 'getRegisteredTools'}, {name: 'getRegistered', title: 'getRegistered'}, {name: 'isRegistered', title: 'isRegistered'}, {name: 'get', title: 'get'}, {name: 'list', title: 'list'}, {name: 'render', title: 'render'} ]; QUnit .cases.init(actionBarToolsApi) .test('module API ', function(data, assert) { assert.equal(typeof actionBarTools[], 'function', 'The actionBarTools module exposes a "' + data.title + '" function'); }); QUnit.test('register', function(assert) { actionBarTools.register(null); assert.equal(typeof actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools(), 'object', 'The actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools() method must provide a list, even if no list is provided'); assert.equal(_.values(actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools()).length, 0, 'The actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools() method must provide an empty list of registered configs when not list is provided'); actionBarTools.register(qtiTools); assert.strictEqual(actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools(), qtiTools, 'The actionBarTools.getRegisteredTools() method must provide the registered list'); assert.strictEqual(actionBarTools.getRegistered('tool1'), qtiTools.tool1, 'The actionBarTools.getRegistered() method must return the right tool config'); assert.ok(!actionBarTools.getRegistered('notExist'), 'The actionBarTools.getRegistered() method cannot return an unknown tool'); assert.ok(_.isArray(actionBarTools.list()), 'The actionBarTools.list() method must return a list, even if no tool is rendered'); assert.equal(actionBarTools.list().length, 0, 'The actionBarTools.list() method must return an empty list when no tool is rendered'); assert.ok(!actionBarTools.get('tool1'), 'No tool is rendered before the actionBarTools.render() method is called'); }); QUnit.test('render', function(assert) { var ready = assert.async(); var $container = $(containerSelector); var mockTestContext = {}; var mockTestRunner = {}; actionBarTools.register(qtiTools); actionBarTools.render($container, mockTestContext, mockTestRunner, function(tools, $ctnr, testContext, testRunner, obj) { assert.ok(_.isArray(tools), 'The render method must provide the list of tools'); assert.equal(tools.length, 3, 'The render method must only provide the valid tools'); assert.ok(_.find(tools, function(tool) { return tool.getId() === 'tool2'; }), 'The render method must provide the tool2 instance'); assert.ok(_.find(tools, function(tool) { return tool.getId() === 'tool3'; }), 'The render method must provide the tool3 instance'); assert.strictEqual(this, actionBarTools, 'The render method fires the callback inside the actionBarTools context'); assert.equal($ctnr && $ctnr.length, 1, 'The render method must provide a jQuery element'); assert.ok($, 'The render method must provide the container element'); assert.strictEqual(testContext, mockTestContext, 'The render method must provide the testContext object'); assert.strictEqual(testRunner, mockTestRunner, 'The render method must provide the testRunner instance'); assert.strictEqual(obj, actionBarTools, 'The render method must provide the actionBarTools instance'); assert.equal($container.find('.action').length, 2, 'The render method must renders the buttons'); assert.equal($container.find('[data-control="tool1"]').length, 1, 'The render method must renders the tool1 button'); assert.equal($container.find('[data-control="tool3"]').length, 1, 'The render method must renders the tool3 button'); assert.ok(_.isArray(actionBarTools.list()), 'The actionBarTools.list() method must return a list'); assert.equal(actionBarTools.list().length, 2, 'The actionBarTools.list() method must return a filled list when tools are rendered'); assert.ok(actionBarTools.get('tool2'), 'The tool tool2 must exist'); assert.ok(actionBarTools.get('tool3'), 'The tool tool3 must exist'); ready(); }); }); QUnit.test('events', function(assert) { var ready = assert.async(4); var $container = $(containerSelector); var mockTestContext = {}; var mockTestRunner = {}; actionBarTools.on('beforeregister', function(tools, obj) { assert.strictEqual(tools, qtiTools, 'The beforeregister event must provide the list of tools to register'); assert.strictEqual(obj, actionBarTools, 'The beforeregister event must provide the actionBarTools instance'); ready(); }); actionBarTools.on('afterregister', function(tools, obj) { assert.strictEqual(tools, qtiTools, 'The afterregister event must provide the list of registered tools'); assert.strictEqual(obj, actionBarTools, 'The afterregister event must provide the actionBarTools instance'); ready(); }); actionBarTools.on('beforerender', function($ctnr, testContext, testRunner, obj) { assert.equal($ctnr && $ctnr.length, 1, 'The beforerender event must provide a jQuery element'); assert.ok($, 'The beforerender event must provide the container element'); assert.strictEqual(testContext, mockTestContext, 'The beforerender event must provide the testContext object'); assert.strictEqual(testRunner, mockTestRunner, 'The beforerender event must provide the testRunner instance'); assert.strictEqual(obj, actionBarTools, 'The beforerender event must provide the actionBarTools instance'); ready(); }); actionBarTools.on('afterrender', function(tools, $ctnr, testContext, testRunner, obj) { assert.ok(_.isArray(tools), 'The afterrender event must provide the list of tools'); assert.equal(tools.length, 3, 'The afterrender event must only provide the valid tools'); assert.ok(_.find(tools, function(tool) { return tool.getId() === 'tool2'; }), 'The afterrender event must provide the tool2 instance'); assert.ok(_.find(tools, function(tool) { return tool.getId() === 'tool3'; }), 'The afterrender event must provide the tool3 instance'); assert.equal($ctnr && $ctnr.length, 1, 'The afterrender event must provide a jQuery element'); assert.ok($, 'The afterrender event must provide the container element'); assert.strictEqual(testContext, mockTestContext, 'The afterrender event must provide the testContext object'); assert.strictEqual(testRunner, mockTestRunner, 'The afterrender event must provide the testRunner instance'); assert.strictEqual(obj, actionBarTools, 'The afterrender event must provide the actionBarTools instance'); assert.equal($container.find('.action').length, 2, 'The render method must renders the buttons'); assert.equal($container.find('[data-control="tool1"]').length, 1, 'The render method must renders the tool1 button'); assert.equal($container.find('[data-control="tool3"]').length, 1, 'The render method must renders the tool3 button'); ready(); }); actionBarTools.register(qtiTools); actionBarTools.render($container, mockTestContext, mockTestRunner); }); });