{ "type": "qti", "data": { "identifier": "upload", "serial": "item_554c80ff722c9555843363", "qtiClass": "assessmentItem", "attributes": { "identifier": "upload", "title": "Chocolate Factory", "label": "", "xml:lang": "en-US", "adaptive": false, "timeDependent": false, "toolName": "TAO", "toolVersion": "3.0.0" }, "body": { "serial": "container_containeritembody_554c80ff7229d308984799", "body": "

A chocolate factory produces several types of chocolate, some of which have nut centres.\n The chocolates are mixed together and are randomly packed into cartons of ten.<\/p>\n {{interaction_uploadinteraction_554c80ff73293917811830}}", "elements": { "interaction_uploadinteraction_554c80ff73293917811830": { "serial": "interaction_uploadinteraction_554c80ff73293917811830", "qtiClass": "uploadInteraction", "attributes": { "responseIdentifier": "RESPONSE" }, "choices": [], "prompt": { "serial": "container_containerstatic_554c80ff735d8090019250", "body": "Build a spreadsheet to simulate 50 cartons of chocolates when each carton\n contains 10 chocolates, and when one-seventh of the chocolates have nut centres.\n Your spreadsheet should include 50 rows representing the 50 cartons, each row\n containing 10 columns to represent the chocolates.", "elements": [], "debug": { "relatedItem": "item_554c80ff722c9555843363" } } } }, "debug": { "relatedItem": "item_554c80ff722c9555843363" } }, "namespaces": { "xml": "http:\/\/www.w3.org\/XML\/1998\/namespace", "xsi": "http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/XMLSchema-instance", "": "http:\/\/www.imsglobal.org\/xsd\/imsqti_v2p1" }, "stylesheets": [], "outcomes": [], "responses": { "responsedeclaration_554c80ff72cb9252503458": { "identifier": "RESPONSE", "serial": "responsedeclaration_554c80ff72cb9252503458", "qtiClass": "responseDeclaration", "attributes": { "identifier": "RESPONSE", "cardinality": "single", "baseType": "file" }, "correctResponses": [], "mapping": [], "areaMapping": [], "howMatch": null, "mappingAttributes": { "defaultValue": 0 }, "feedbackRules": [] } }, "feedbacks": [], "responseProcessing": { "serial": "response_custom_554c80ff73bc3725102491", "qtiClass": "responseProcessing", "attributes": [], "processingType": "custom", "data": "", "responseRules": [] } }, "assets": [] }