<?php /* * This file is part of Respect/Validation. * * (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <alexandre@gaigalas.net> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the "LICENSE.md" * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Respect\Validation; /** * @covers Respect\Validation\Factory */ class FactoryTest extends TestCase { public function testShouldHaveRulePrefixesByDefault() { $factory = new Factory(); $this->assertEquals(['Respect\\Validation\\Rules\\'], $factory->getRulePrefixes()); } /** * @dataProvider provideRulePrefixes */ public function testShouldBeAbleToAppendANewPrefix($namespace, $expectedNamespace) { $factory = new Factory(); $factory->appendRulePrefix($namespace); $currentRulePrefixes = $factory->getRulePrefixes(); $this->assertSame( $expectedNamespace, array_pop($currentRulePrefixes), 'Appended namespace rule was not found as expected into the prefix list.' . PHP_EOL . sprintf( 'Appended "%s", current list is ' . PHP_EOL . '%s', $namespace, implode(PHP_EOL, $factory->getRulePrefixes()) ) ); } /** * @dataProvider provideRulePrefixes */ public function testShouldBeAbleToPrependANewRulePrefix($namespace, $expectedNamespace) { $factory = new Factory(); $factory->prependRulePrefix($namespace); $currentRulePrefixes = $factory->getRulePrefixes(); $this->assertContains( $expectedNamespace, array_shift($currentRulePrefixes), 'Prepended namespace rule was not found as expected into the prefix list.' . PHP_EOL . sprintf( 'Prepended "%s", current list is ' . PHP_EOL . '%s', $namespace, implode(PHP_EOL, $factory->getRulePrefixes()) ) ); } public function provideRulePrefixes() { return [ 'Namespace with trailing separator' => [ 'namespace' => 'My\\Validation\\Rules\\', 'expected' => 'My\\Validation\\Rules\\' ], 'Namespace without trailing separator' => [ 'namespace' => 'My\\Validation\\Rules', 'expected' => 'My\\Validation\\Rules\\' ] ]; } public function testShouldCreateARuleByName() { $factory = new Factory(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Respect\\Validation\\Rules\\Uppercase', $factory->rule('uppercase')); } public function testShouldDefineConstructorArgumentsWhenCreatingARule() { $factory = new Factory(); $rule = $factory->rule('date', ['Y-m-d']); $this->assertEquals('Y-m-d', $rule->format); } /** * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ComponentException * @expectedExceptionMessage "uterere" is not a valid rule name */ public function testShouldThrowsAnExceptionWhenRuleNameIsNotValid() { $factory = new Factory(); $factory->rule('uterere'); } /** * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ComponentException * @expectedExceptionMessage "Respect\Validation\Exceptions\AgeException" is not a valid respect rule */ public function testShouldThrowsAnExceptionWhenRuleIsNotInstanceOfRuleInterface() { $factory = new Factory(); $factory->appendRulePrefix('Respect\\Validation\\Exceptions\\'); $factory->rule('AgeException'); } }