* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the "LICENSE.md" * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; use Respect\Validation\TestCase; /** * @group rule * @covers Respect\Validation\Rules\Digit * @covers Respect\Validation\Exceptions\DigitException */ class DigitTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider providerForValidDigits */ public function testValidDataWithDigitsShouldReturnTrue($validDigits, $additional = '') { $validator = new Digit($additional); $this->assertTrue($validator->validate($validDigits)); } /** * @dataProvider providerForInvalidDigits * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\DigitException */ public function testInvalidDigitsShouldFailAndThrowDigitException($invalidDigits, $additional = '') { $validator = new Digit($additional); $this->assertFalse($validator->validate($invalidDigits)); $this->assertFalse($validator->assert($invalidDigits)); } /** * @dataProvider providerForInvalidParams * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ComponentException */ public function testInvalidConstructorParamsShouldThrowComponentExceptionUponInstantiation($additional) { $validator = new Digit($additional); } /** * @dataProvider providerAdditionalChars */ public function testAdditionalCharsShouldBeRespected($additional, $query) { $validator = new Digit($additional); $this->assertTrue($validator->validate($query)); } public function providerAdditionalChars() { return [ ['!@#$%^&*(){}', '!@#$%^&*(){} 123'], ['[]?+=/\\-_|"\',<>.', "[]?+=/\\-_|\"',<>. \t \n 123"], ]; } public function providerForInvalidParams() { return [ [new \stdClass()], [[]], [0x2], ]; } public function providerForValidDigits() { return [ ["\n\t"], [' '], [165], [1650], ['01650'], ['165'], ['1650'], ['16 50'], ["\n5\t"], ['16-50', '-'], ]; } public function providerForInvalidDigits() { return [ [''], [null], ['16-50'], ['a'], ['Foo'], ['12.1'], ['-12'], [-12], ]; } }