* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the "LICENSE.md" * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; use Respect\Validation\TestCase; /** * @group rule * @covers Respect\Validation\Rules\Phone * @covers Respect\Validation\Exceptions\PhoneException */ class PhoneTest extends TestCase { protected $phoneValidator; protected function setUp() { $this->phoneValidator = new Phone(); } /** * @dataProvider providerForPhone */ public function testValidPhoneShouldReturnTrue($input) { $this->assertTrue($this->phoneValidator->__invoke($input)); $this->assertTrue($this->phoneValidator->assert($input)); $this->assertTrue($this->phoneValidator->check($input)); } /** * @dataProvider providerForNotPhone * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\PhoneException */ public function testInvalidPhoneShouldThrowPhoneException($input) { $this->assertFalse($this->phoneValidator->__invoke($input)); $this->assertFalse($this->phoneValidator->assert($input)); } public function providerForPhone() { return [ ['+5-555-555-5555'], ['+5 555 555 5555'], ['+5.555.555.5555'], ['5-555-555-5555'], ['5.555.555.5555'], ['5 555 555 5555'], ['555.555.5555'], ['555 555 5555'], ['555-555-5555'], ['555-5555555'], ['5(555)555.5555'], ['+5(555)555.5555'], ['+5(555)555 5555'], ['+5(555)555-5555'], ['+5(555)5555555'], ['(555)5555555'], ['(555)555.5555'], ['(555)555-5555'], ['(555) 555 5555'], ['55555555555'], ['5555555555'], ['+33(1)2222222'], ['+33(1)222 2222'], ['+33(1)222.2222'], ['+33(1)22 22 22 22'], ['33(1)2222222'], ['33(1)22222222'], ['33(1)22 22 22 22'], ['(020) 7476 4026'], ['33(020) 7777 7777'], ['33(020)7777 7777'], ['+33(020) 7777 7777'], ['+33(020)7777 7777'], ['03-6106666'], ['036106666'], ['+33(11) 97777 7777'], ['+3311977777777'], ['11977777777'], ['11 97777 7777'], ['(11) 97777 7777'], ['(11) 97777-7777'], ['555-5555'], ['5555555'], ['555.5555'], ['555 5555'], ['+1 (555) 555 5555'], ]; } public function providerForNotPhone() { return [ [''], ['123'], ['(11- 97777-7777'], ['-11) 97777-7777'], ['s555-5555'], ['555-555'], ['555555'], ['555+5555'], ['(555)555555'], ['(555)55555'], ['+(555)555 555'], ['+5(555)555 555'], ['+5(555)555 555 555'], ['555)555 555'], ['+5(555)5555 555'], ['(555)55 555'], ['(555)5555 555'], ['+5(555)555555'], ['5(555)55 55555'], ['(5)555555'], ['+55(5)55 5 55 55'], ['+55(5)55 55 55 5'], ['+55(5)55 55 55'], ['+55(5)5555 555'], ['+55()555 5555'], ['03610666-5'], ['text'], ["555\n5555"], ]; } }