<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 * of the License (non-upgradable). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright (c) (original work) 2020 Open Assessment Technologies SA * */ namespace oat\generis\test\unit\model\persistence\newsql; use Doctrine\DBAL\ParameterType; use oat\generis\model\kernel\persistence\newsql\NewSqlOntology; use oat\generis\model\kernel\persistence\newsql\NewSqlRdf; use Prophecy\Argument; use oat\generis\test\TestCase; class NewSqlRdfTest extends TestCase { public function testAdd() { $query = 'INSERT INTO statements ( id, modelId, subject, predicate, object, l_language, epoch, author) VALUES ( ?, ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?, ?);'; $triple = new \core_kernel_classes_Triple(); $triple->modelid = 22; $triple->subject = 'subjectUri'; $triple->predicate = 'predicateUri'; $triple->object = 'objectUri'; $expected = [ 22, 'subjectUri', 'predicateUri', 'objectUri', '', 'now', '' ]; $persistence = $this->getPersistenceProphecy(); $persistence->exec( $query, Argument::that(function($value) use ($expected) { return array_slice($value, 1) == $expected && is_string($value[0]); }), $this->getExpectedTripleParameterTypes() )->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn(true); $this->assertTrue($this->createRdfSubject($persistence->reveal())->add($triple)); } public function testAddTripleCollection() { $table = 'statements'; $triple1 = new \core_kernel_classes_Triple(); $triple1->modelid = 11; $triple1->subject = 'subjectUri1'; $triple1->predicate = 'predicateUri1'; $triple1->object = 'objectUri1'; $triple1->author = ''; $triple2 = new \core_kernel_classes_Triple(); $triple2->modelid = 22; $triple2->subject = 'subjectUri2'; $triple2->predicate = 'predicateUri2'; $triple2->object = 'objectUri2'; $triple2->author = 'JohnDoe2'; $triples = [$triple1, $triple2]; $types = $this->getExpectedTripleParameterTypes(); array_push($types, ...$types); $expectedValue = [ [ 'modelid' => 11, 'subject' => 'subjectUri1', 'predicate' => 'predicateUri1', 'object' => 'objectUri1', 'l_language' => '', 'author' => '', 'epoch' => 'now', ], [ 'modelid' => 22, 'subject' => 'subjectUri2', 'predicate' => 'predicateUri2', 'object' => 'objectUri2', 'l_language' => '', 'author' => 'JohnDoe2', 'epoch' => 'now', ] ]; $persistence = $this->getPersistenceProphecy(); $persistence->insertMultiple( Argument::exact($table), Argument::that(function($value) use ($expectedValue) { return array_slice($value[0], 1) == $expectedValue[0] && is_string($value[0]['id']) && array_slice($value[1], 1) == $expectedValue[1] && is_string($value[1]['id']); }), Argument::exact($types) )->shouldBeCalled(); $this->createRdfSubject($persistence->reveal())->addTripleCollection($triples); } protected function getPersistenceProphecy() { $platform = $this->prophesize(\common_persistence_sql_Platform::class); $platform->getNowExpression()->willReturn('now'); $persistence = $this->prophesize(\common_persistence_SqlPersistence::class); $persistence->getPlatForm()->willReturn($platform->reveal()); return $persistence; } protected function createRdfSubject($persistence) { $model = $this->prophesize(NewSqlOntology::class); $model->getPersistence()->willReturn($persistence); return new NewSqlRdf($model->reveal());; } protected function getExpectedTripleParameterTypes() { return [ ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::INTEGER, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING, ]; } }